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Create table Depts (Dname varchar(20),Dno int Primary Key,Mgrstrdate date);

Create table Emp(SSN int Primary Key, FName varchar(20),LName varchar(20), Address varchar(20),
Sex char(1), Salary int,superssn references emp(ssn) on delete cascade,Dno references Depts(Dno)
on delete cascade);

Alter table Depts add Mgrssn references Emp(SSN) on delete set NULL;

Create table Deptloc ( Dno references Depts(dno) , Dloc varchar(20));

Create table Project (Pno int Primary Key , Pname varchar(20), Ploc varchar(20), Dno references

Create table Work(SSN references Emp(SSN), Pno references Project(pno), hours number(2,2));

Insert into Depts(Dname,Dno,Mgrstrdate)values('accounts',1,'12-AUG-98');

Insert into Depts(Dname,Dno,Mgrstrdate)values('research',2,'24-JAN-00');

Insert into Depts(Dname,Dno,Mgrstrdate)values('production',3,'14-FEB-09');

Insert into Depts(Dname,Dno,Mgrstrdate)values('sales',4,'15-MAR-00');

Insert into Depts(Dname,Dno,Mgrstrdate)values('testing',5,'23-APR-02');

Insert into Emp values('111','james','scott','mysore','m','123456','111',1);

Insert into Emp values('222','ramesh','Aravind','banglore','m','345672','111',1);

Insert into Emp values('333','David','hush','honlulu','m','70000','222',1);

Insert into Emp values('444','kavya','bind','guwahati','f','750000','444',1);

Insert into Emp values('555','hashmi','khan','mumbai','f','450000','333',1);

Insert into Emp values('666','pinky','khanna','punjab','f','560000','666',1);

Insert into Emp values('777','kushal','kundan','assam','m','35000','555',4);

Insert into Emp values('888','arijith','gundal','assam','m','660000','444',5);

Insert into Deptloc values('1','banglore');

Insert into Deptloc values('2','mysore');

Insert into Deptloc values('3','hubli');

Insert into Deptloc values('4','punjab');

Insert into Deptloc values('5','guwahati');

Insert into Project values('10','P1','bangalore',1);

insert into Project values('20','P2','mysore',3);

insert into Project values('30','P3','mumbai',4);

insert into Project values('40','P4','assam',4);

insert into Project values('50','IOT','punjab',5);

insert into Project values('60','P6','Honululu',1);

UPDATE Depts set Mgrssn=333 where Dno=1;

UPDATE Depts set Mgrssn=111 where Dno=2;

UPDATE Depts set Mgrssn=444 where Dno=3;

UPDATE Depts set Mgrssn=555 where Dno=4;

UPDATE Depts set Mgrssn=777 where Dno=5;

alter table Work

drop column hours;

alter table Work add hours int;

insert into Work values(111,50,5);

insert into Work values(222,50,10);

insert into Work values(333,50,7);

insert into Work values(444,20,8);

insert into Work values(555,10,3);

insert into Work values(666,30,1);

insert into Work values(777,40,12);


Select distinct p.pno from Project p,Depts d,Emp e where e.dno=d.dno and d.dno=p.dno and
(e.lname='scott' or d.mgrssn in (select ssn from Emp where lname='scott'));

select e.ssn,e.fname,e.lname,e.salary*1.10 as new_salary

from emp e,work w,project p

where p.pname='IOT' and e.ssn = w.ssn and w.pno=p.pno;

select sum(salary),max(salary),min(salary),avg(salary)

from Emp E,Depts D

where dname='accounts' AND


Select e.fname,e.lname

from Emp e

where Not Exists ((select pno from Project where dno='5')minus(select pno from Work where

select d.dno,d.dname,e.fname,e.lname, count(*) as noofemp

from Emp e ,Depts d

where e.dno=d.dno and e.salary>600000 and d.dno in(select e1.dno from Emp e1 group by e1.dno
having count(*)>5) group by d.dno,d.dname,e.fname,e.lname;

create table flights(flno int primary key, source varchar(20), destination varchar(20), distance int,
departs int, arrives int, price int);

create table aircraft(aid int primary key, aname varchar(20), cruisingrange int);

create table employees(eid int primary key, ename varchar(20), salary int);

create table certified(eid references employees(eid) on delete cascade, aid references aircraft(aid) on
delete cascade);

insert into flights values(101,'mysuru','banglore',140,9,10,5000);

insert into flights values(102,'mysuru','hassan',120,13,14,4500);

insert into flights values(103,'mysuru','manglore',600,6,9,15000);

insert into flights values(104,'mysuru','ballary',750,7,12,19500);

insert into flights values(105,'banglore','hyderabad',850,12,16,20000);

insert into aircraft values(1001,'kingfisher',2500);

insert into aircraft values(2002,'deccan',2800);

insert into aircraft values(3003,'dishan',3000);

insert into aircraft values(4004,'goibibo',750);

insert into aircraft values(5005,'local',900);

insert into employees values(11,'shivakumar',150000);

insert into employees values(12,'bhaskar',75000);

insert into employees values(13,'dishankrishna',200000);

insert into employees values(15,'vishnu',80000);

insert into employees values(20,'dhanu',90000);

insert into certified values(11,3003);

insert into certified values(11,1001);

insert into certified values(11,2002);

insert into certified values(13,4004);

insert into certified values(12,2002);

select * from flights;

select * from aircraft;

select * from employees;

select * from certified;


select a.aname

from aircraft a,certified c, employees e

where a.aid=c.aid and c.eid=e.eid and


select c.eid,max(cruisingrange)

as max_cruisingrange

from aircraft a,employees e,certified c

where a.aid=c.aid and e.eid=c.eid

group by c.eid

having max(cruisingrange)>3;

select a.aname,avg(salary)

from employees e,certified c,aircraft a

where c.eid=e.eid and a.aid=c.aid and a.cruisingrange>1000

group by a.aname;
(select ename from employees e,certified c where c.aid in

(select a.aid from aircraft a,certified c where a.aid not in

(select aid from aircraft where aname='boeing' or cruisingrange=3000)

group by a.aid)

and e.eid=c.eid)


(select ename from employees e,certified c where c.aid in

(select a.aid from aircraft a,certified c where a.aid in

(select aid from aircraft where aname='boeing')

group by a.aid)

and e.eid=c.eid);

select eid, ename, salary

from employees

where salary>(select avg(salary)

from employees) and eid

not in(select eid from certified);


create table student(snum int primary key, sname varchar(20), major varchar(20), levels varchar(20),
age int);

create table faculty(fid int primary key, fname varchar(20), deptid int);

create table class(cname varchar(20) primary key, meets_at varchar(20), room varchar(20), fid
references faculty(fid) on delete cascade);

create table enrolled(snum references student(snum) on delete cascade, cname references

class(cname) on delete cascade);

insert into student values(1, 'Andy','CSE','JR',21);

insert into student values(2, 'Helen','Arts','JR',19);

insert into student values(3, 'Bob','Psychology','GR',23);

insert into student values(4, 'Pham','History','SR',20);

insert into student values(5, 'Zola','CSE','SR',23);

insert into student values(6, 'Abhi','CSE','JR',21);

insert into student values(7, 'Tara','Arts','JR',18);

insert into class values('HIS38','12:00','R123',34);

insert into class values('CS293','12:00','R124',23);

insert into class values('CS262','2:00','R125',24);

insert into class values('PY331','9:00','R126',27);

insert into class values('AR32','9:00','R127',36);

insert into class values('AR36','10:00','R128',31);

insert into class values('PY332','8:00','R128',22);

insert into class values('HIS37','5:00','R128',34);

insert into class values('HIS34','4:00','R128',31);

insert into class values('CS289','2:00','R128',22);

insert into faculty values(22,'Kera',88);

insert into faculty values(23,'Nivali',77);

insert into faculty values(24,'Ravi',33);

insert into faculty values(27,'Lou',66);

insert into faculty values(31,'Jane',44);

insert into faculty values(34,'Payne',55);

insert into faculty values(36,'Rakesh',22);

insert into enrolled values(1,'CS262');

insert into enrolled values(1,'AR32');

insert into enrolled values(2,'AR32');

insert into enrolled values(2,'PY331');

insert into enrolled values(3,'PY331');

insert into enrolled values(3,'HIS34');

insert into enrolled values(4,'HIS38');

insert into enrolled values(5,'CS293');

insert into enrolled values(5,'HIS38');

insert into enrolled values(6,'CS262');


select distinct s.snum,s.sname

from student s, class c, enrolled e,faculty f

where s.snum=e.snum and e.cname=c.cname and c.fid=f.fid and f.fname='Rakesh' and s.levels='JR'

order by snum;

select max(s.age) as age

from student s

where(s.major='History') or s.snum in(select e.snum

from class c, enrolled e,faculty f

where e.cname=c.cname and c.fid=f.fid and f.fname='Ravi');

select distinct s.sname

from student s

where s.snum in(select e1.snum from enrolled e1,enrolled e2,class c1, class c2

where e1.snum=e2.snum and e1.cname<>e2.cname and e1.cname=c1.cname

and e2.cname=c2.cname and c1.meets_at=c2.meets_at);

select DISTINCT f.fname,count(*) as coursecount

from class c,faculty f

where c.fid NOT IN(select fid

from class

where room IN(select room

from class

where room!='R128')) and


group by f.fname;

create view StudentCourseDetails as

select s.snum, s.sname, s.major, s.levels, s.age, e.cname

from student s,enrolled e

where s.snum=e.snum;

select * from StudentCourseDetails;

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