Ascidian embryogenesis

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Patterning the marginal zone of

early ascidian embryos: localized
maternal mRNA and inductive
Hiroki Nishida
Summary following characteristics (Fig. 1).(1–6) (1) Eggs develop into
Early animal embryos are patterned by localized egg tadpole larvae that have the basic body plan of chordates,
cytoplasmic factors and cell interactions. In invertebrate
chordate ascidians, larval tail muscle originates from the characterized by a dorsal neural tube and tail containing a
posterior marginal zone of the early embryo. It has notochord flanked by bilateral muscle tissue.(7) (2) Their
recently been demonstrated that maternal macho-1 organization is much simpler than that of a vertebrate. They
mRNA encoding transcription factor acts as a localized consist of a small number of cells and cell types, and cell
muscle determinant. Other mesodermal tissues such as lineages are invariant among individuals. (3) Fate restriction of
notochord and mesenchyme are also derived from the
vegetal marginal zone. In contrast, formation of these blastomeres to a single cell type is almost completed as early
tissues requires induction from endoderm precursors at as the 110-cell stage.(8) (4) Precursor blastomeres of several
the 32-cell stage. FGF–Ras–MAPK signaling is involved cell types show cell-autonomous development which led to the
in the induction of both tissues. The responsiveness for term ‘mosaic’ development more than a century ago.(9) Thus,
induction to notochord or mesenchyme depends on the ascidian embryogenesis is characterized by simplicity, a
inheritance of localized egg cytoplasmic factors. Pre-
vious studies also point to critical roles of directed feature that may enable the mechanisms of cell fate specifi-
signaling in polarization of induced cells and in subse- cation for the entire embryo and for every cell type at both the
quent asymmetric divisions resulting in the formation cellular and molecular level to be understood.
of two daughter cells with distinct fates. One cell ado- Recent molecular analysis together with significant accu-
pts an induced fate, while the other assumes a default mulation of knowledge revealed by classic experimental
fate. A simple model of mesoderm patterning in asci-
dian embryos is proposed in comparison with that of embryology have advanced our understanding of how devel-
vertebrates. BioEssays 24:613–624, 2002. opmental fates of blastomeres are specified in early ascidian
ß 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. embryos. Large-scale EST analysis accompanied by descrip-
tions of the expression patterns of each gene has been carried
Introduction out,(10,11) and, currently, genome sequencing projects are
Recent research using ascidian embryos has yielded insight underway. Thus the ascidian is being recognized as a model
into the mechanisms that mediate fate specification during organism in developmental biology. This article reviews the
early embryogenesis. Ascidians are simple chordates (Uro- mechanisms of fate specification of mesodermal tissues in the
chordata, Ascidiacea) and their embryogenesis shows the marginal zone, emphasizing the involvement of localized
maternal mRNA and inductive cell interactions.
Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8501, Japan.
Mesodermal tissues originate from the
E-mail: marginal zone of the vegetal hemisphere
Funding agencies: JSPS, HFSP, The Ministry of Education, Sports As in frog embryos, ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
and Culture of Japan. territories are present in this order along the animal–vegetal
DOI 10.1002/bies.10099
axis of the fate map (see Fig. 4). Most animal blastomeres give
Published online in Wiley InterScience (
rise to epidermis whose fate is specified by an unknown
localized ooplasmic factor.(12) The anteriormost region of the
animal hemisphere develops into brain through formation of
Abbreviations: macho-1, maboya no cho omoshiroi idenshi-1 in the neural tube, and inductive interactions are required for
Japanese; EST, expression sequence tag; MAPK, mitogen-activated
brain formation.(13) Endoderm is derived from the vegetal pole
protein kinase; ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinase; MEK,
mitogen-activated protein kinase/ extracellular signal-regulated
region, whose fate is also specified by an unknown localized
kinase kinase: FGF, fibroblast growth factor; PVC, posterior-vegetal ooplasmic factor.(14) A recent study has indicated that b-
cytoplasm catenin plays an important role in endoderm fate specification
in ascidians.(15) b-catenin signaling pathway plays crucial

BioEssays 24:613–624, ß 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. BioEssays 24.7 613

Review articles

Figure 1. Embryogenesis of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi. A: Adult animal. The size is approximately 15 cm. (courtesy of Dr.
T. Numakunai) B: Fertilized egg. The diameter is 280 mm. C: 64-cell-stage embryo just before start of gastrulation. Vegetal view;
anterior is up. D: Neurula. Anterior is to the right. Neural tube is closing from the posterior side. E: Initial tailbud. Each constituent cell is
still visible. F: Tadpole larva just before hatching, 35 h after fertilization. It consists of approximately 3000 cells.

roles in maternal mechanisms that specify the dorsal–ventral specify epidermis, muscle and endoderm fates, have provided
axis in amphibian and fish,(16–18) and animal–vegetal axis an understanding of the mosaic manner of development.
in sea urchin.(19–21) In this regard, ascidian embryos show A great deal of interest has been concentrated on
similarity to echinoderm embryos. mechanisms underlying the formation of muscle cells in the
The marginal zone of the vegetal hemisphere, which larval tail, since Conklin reported in 1905 that yellow-colored
surrounds the central endodermal area, is mesodermal myoplasm in the eggs of some species is preferentially
territory. The major mesodermal tissues are muscle, noto- segregated into muscle-lineage blastomeres.(9) Ooplasmic
chord and mesenchyme. Mesenchyme cells are preserved in transplantation experiments have indicated that muscle deter-
the larvae, and give rise to tunic cells after metamorphosis.(22) minants are present as a gradient in unfertilized eggs with
The minor mesodermal tissues consist of trunk lateral cells the highest activity at the vegetal pole (Fig. 2A). Just after
and trunk ventral cells. They are precursor cells of the body fertilization, these determinants are concentrated at the
wall muscle, heart and blood cells of the metamorphosed vegetal pole, and then move to the future posterior pole during
juvenile.(22) ooplasmic segregation. Thus, they settle at sites that corres-
pond to the appropriate region in the future fate map before
cleavage starts. Muscle determinants are partitioned into
Localization of muscle determinants in the
muscle progenitor blastomeres during subsequent clea-
egg cytoplasm
vages.(25,26) The distribution of cytoplasm that promotes
Maternal information stored in particular regions of the egg
muscle formation coincides with that of Conklin’s myoplasm,
cytoplasm plays an important role in the determination of
which is a cytoplasmic domain enriched in mitochondria, endo-
developmental fates during early animal development. The
plasmic reticulum , cytoskeleton, and pigment granules.(27,28)
partitioning of colored egg cytoplasm into specific lineage
blastomeres,(9) the autonomous differentiation of isolated and
dissociated blastomeres,(23,24) and the results of transplanta- macho-1 maternal mRNA as a
tion of ooplasm from specific regions(3) have revealed the muscle determinant
presence and localization of maternal determinants in the A recent molecular study has identified a strong candidate for
ascidian. These localized maternal determinants, which the localized maternal determinants of muscle formation in the

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Figure 2. Distribution of cytoplasmic determinants and macho-1 maternal mRNA in eggs. A: Distribution of muscle determinant during
ooplasmic segregation revealed by cytoplasmic transplantation experiments. Animal pole is up and vegetal pole is down. Anterior is to
the left and posterior is to the right. B: Distribution of maternal macho-1 mRNA shown by in situ hybridization at stages corresponding to
A. Ani, animal pole. Veg, vegetal pole. A, anterior. P, posterior. (From Nishida H, and Sawada K. Nature 2001;409:724–729, with
permission of Macmillan Magazines Ltd.)(29)

ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi.(29) In that study, a macho-1 shows cell autonomy, and its fate is specified by localized
cDNA clone was isolated by subtraction hybridization screen- muscle determinants. In contrast, the secondary muscle cells
ing between the animal and vegetal hemispheres of the 8-cell located at the tip of the tail are specified through cell inter-
embryo, and the distribution of maternal macho-1 mRNA in actions during gastrulation.(30,31) Experiments involving isola-
eggs (Fig. 2B) was found to correspond closely to the tion of the primary muscle precursor blastomeres in macho-1-
distribution of muscle determinants (Fig. 2A). Maternal depleted embryos indicated that only primary muscle cells
macho-1 mRNA was then depleted by injection of antisense were lost (Fig. 3E,F). Injection of synthetic macho-1 mRNA
phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides. The macho-1-de- into macho-1 deficient embryos restored muscle formation.
pleted eggs showed normal ooplasmic segregation and In a further experiment, injection of synthetic macho-1
cleavages. The eggs underwent gastrulation, and embryo- mRNA caused ectopic muscle formation in non-muscle-
genesis appeared normal up to the neurula stage. However, in lineage cells (Fig. 3G,J). These results indicate that macho-1
tailbud embryos, tail formation was severely affected. At is both required and sufficient for specification of muscle fate.
hatching, the trunk region appeared normal but the tail was However, these criteria are not enough to confirm conclusively
shortened (Fig. 3A,B). The formation of most tissues in that macho-1 is the localized muscle determinant. For
macho-1-depleted larvae, epidermis, sensory pigment cells, example, in the frog egg, b-catenin is required and sufficient
notochord and endoderm, was normal. However, the tail for promoting the development of dorsal structures. But when
muscle cells were greatly reduced as shown by monitoring the the dorsal cytoplasm of b-catenin-depleted eggs is transferred
expression of the muscle markers myosin, acetylcholinester- to the ventral side of the intact egg, a secondary dorsal axis is
ase, and actin (Fig. 3C,D,H,I). Although muscle was reduced, still induced.(32) This observation indicates that b-catenin
some muscle cells were always present at the tip of the tail. functions as a component of the machinery transducing the
There are two types of muscle cell in the larval tail: primary and dorsal determinant, but is not the dorsal determinant itself.
secondary muscle cells. Formation of the primary muscle A similar experiment was carried out to test macho-1. The

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Figure 3. Depletion and overexpression of maternal macho-1 mRNA. A: Larvae injected with control oligo. In lower photo, tail muscle
cells are stained with myosin antibody. B–D: Larvae injected with antisense oligo of macho-1 mRNA. B: Morphology. Tail is shrunken.
C: Tail muscle cells that express myosin are reduced. D: Tail muscle cells detected by acetylcholinesterase histochemistry. E: Precursor
blastomere of primary muscle cells (B4.1 cells) was isolated from control embryo and cultured as a partial embryo. Myosin is expressed.
F: Injection of antisense oligo results in complete loss of myosin expression. G: After injection of synthetic macho-1 mRNA into eggs,
the embryos develop into aberrant larvae and excess muscle forms within whole embryos. H: Muscle actin gene expression in primary
muscle lineage cells of the 110-cell embryo. I: Expression of muscle actin is reduced in macho-1-deficient embryos. J: Injection of
synthetic mRNA causes ectopic expression of actin genes. K: After injection of FLAG-tagged macho-1 mRNA, the protein is present in
nuclei at the 110-cell stage. From Nishida H, and Sawada K. Nature 2001;409:724–729, with permission from Macmillan Magazines

posterior-vegetal cytoplasm of the fertilized egg has the ability activated as early as the 32-cell stage.(36) macho-1 may also
to promote muscle formation when transferred into epidermis promote the expression of regulatory genes such as ascidian
blastomeres. By contrast, the cytoplasm of macho-1-depleted Tbx6(37,38) and myogenic factor.(39,40) In ascidians, the expres-
eggs did not promote ectopic muscle formation in epidermis sion of these regulatory factors occurs a little later, after the
blastomeres. Thus maternal macho-1 mRNA satisfies the key initiation of expression of the muscle structural genes. There-
criteria for the localized muscle-forming factor in ascidian fore, it is suggested that these regulatory factors cooperate
eggs, whose existence was first proposed by Conklin one together to maintain muscle differentiation processes utilizing
century ago. T-box-protein-binding sites and E-boxes in controlling ele-
The macho-1 gene shows no zygotic expression. The ments of the muscle structural genes,(41) after the initial
macho-1 protein has five CCHH-type zinc-finger repeats in the process has been triggered by macho-1.
central part that have similarity with Zic, GLI, and odd-paired
proteins. All of these proteins are transcription factors.(33–35) Cell interactions in ascidian embryos
As macho-1 protein synthesized from FLAG-tagged mRNAs Cell interactions, especially inductive interactions, play crucial
accumulates in the nuclei during the cleavage stage (Fig. 3K), roles in animal embryogenesis.(42,43) During the last decade,
macho-1 is most likely a transcription factor. there have been tremendous advances in understanding
macho-1 may directly control the expression of muscle the various signaling molecules and pathways that mediate
structural genes such as the actin and myosin genes during cell interactions during development. Previous experiments
the initial process of muscle formation because these are involving the isolation, dissociation and recombination of

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blastomeres have shown that ascidian embryos also utilize meres, competence is lost at the 44-cell stage (just after the
complex, yet conserved, cell–cell communications to specify cleavage of notochord blastomeres in the 32-cell embryo).
early embryonic cell fates that are similar to those in other Fibroblast growth factor (FGF), unlike activin, is a signaling
organisms.(3) Developmental fates are specified by cell inter- molecule that mediates notochord induction.(49) Overexpres-
actions in mesodermal tissues such as notochord, mesench- sion of the dominant negative form of the FGF receptor, or
yme, secondary muscle and trunk lateral cells, in ectodermal treatment of embryos with a specific inhibitor of FGF receptor,
tissues such as the central and peripheral nervous systems, indicate that the inductive signal is received by the FGF
and also in posterior endoderm. Thus, it is now realized that the receptor.(44,50) FGF signaling is known in many animals to be
development of ascidian embryos is not entirely mosaic. transduced within the cell by Ras–Raf–MEK–MAPK signal-
The importance of cell signaling in ascidian embryos is ing cascade. During ascidian notochord induction, Ras and
supported by the results of treatment with an inhibitor of MEK/ MEK are also required, and eventually MAPK is phosphory-
MAPKK, which suppresses the formation of all of the tissues lated and activated.(44,51) Consequently, transcription of a
listed above.(44) By contrast, the treatment does not affect the Brachyury homolog (HrBra, formerly As-T) becomes activated
formation of tissues whose fates are specified by maternal in notochord cells at the 64-cell stage by an as-yet-unknown
determinants. MEK/MAPKK is a protein kinase involved in mechanism.(49,52,53) In vertebrates, Bra is known to be a
various kinds of signal transduction by activating a mitogen- transcription factor involved in mesoderm formation.(54) In
activated protein kinase (MAPK, also known as extracellular ascidians, Bra is expressed exclusively in notochord pre-
signal-regulated kinase, ERK).(45,46) Similarly, treatment with cursors. It plays a central role as a transcription factor in
an inhibitor of fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) results the notochord formation process because injection of HrBra
in loss of most of the above tissues, except for trunk lateral mRNA into eggs promotes ectopic notochord cell forma-
cells and posterior endoderm. Therefore, an FGF and MEK- tion,(55) and, in this case, isolated blastomeres are able to
MAPK signaling cascade is widely involved in embryonic differentiate autonomously into notochord without induction.
inductions in ascidians. Recent study has shown that another transcription factor,
HNF-3, acts synergistically with HrBra during notochord
Notochord induction differentiation, similar to what has been observed in frog
Mesodermal tissues are derived from the marginal zone of embryos, although HNF-3 is expressed in most blastomeres of
the vegetal hemisphere. Fig. 4A–C shows a fate map of the the vegetal hemisphere before notochord induction starts.(56)
vegetal hemisphere at the blastula stage (32- to 64-cell stage). To identify the genes downstream from Brachyury,
Cell lineages that give rise to notochord and mesenchyme subtractive hybridization screening was carried out using
are shown in Fig. 4D,E. The notochord is one of the most Brachyury-overexpressing Ciona embryos. A total of 19 genes
intensively analyzed tissues in ascidian embryos because it were found to be notochord-specific and another 20 were
is one of the hallmark morphological characteristics of any expressed predominantly in the notochord.(57–59) Expression
chordate. In ascidians, 40 notochord cells are located in the of these genes starts at various stages ranging from gastrula
larval tail. 32 of them are called primary notochord cells and to tailbud. At least one of them, a tropomyosin-like (Ci-trop)
the 8 cells situated in the caudal tip region are designated gene, is reported to be a direct target of Brachyury.(60) This
secondary notochord cells. The primary notochord cells origi- gene has indispensable Ci-Bra-binding sites in its controlling
nate from four notochord precursor blastomeres (colored pink) cis-element. Along with fossil and other information, these new
in the anterior marginal zone of the vegetal hemisphere of the molecular findings will hopefully facilitate our continued quest
64-cell embryo. The most-remarkable feature of studies of to better understand how developmental processes evolved
inductive cell interactions in ascidian embryos is that induc- to generate the basic chordate body plan that is characterized
tion can be analyzed at the single cell level. Isolation and by formation of the notochord.
recombination of presumptive notochord blastomeres have
revealed that inductive interactions mediate the determina- Mesenchyme induction
tion of notochord fate.(47,48) As summarized in Table 1, this Two bilateral mesenchyme cell clusters are located between
induction occurs at the 32-cell stage and notochord pre- the ventromedial endoderm and ventrolateral epidermis in the
cursors acquire developmental autonomy at the 64-cell stage. trunk region of the larva (Fig. 4C). Mesenchyme cells exclusiv-
Inducers of the primary notochord are the endoderm blas- ely originate from four precursor blastomeres (colored green)
tomeres (colored yellow in Fig. 4). Notochord blastomeres of in the posterior-lateral marginal zone of the vegetal hemi-
32-cell embryos can also induce notochord fates in neighbor- sphere of the 64-cell embryo (Fig. 4B). Isolation and recombi-
ing notochord blastomeres. Only presumptive notochord nation of presumptive mesenchyme blastomeres was carried
blastomeres are competent and can respond to the specific out.(61) Striking similarities were found between the notochord
kinds of endodermal signals that induce them to differentiate and mesenchyme inductive mechanisms, as summarized in
into notochord cells. Even in presumptive notochord blasto- Table 1. The similarity is noticeable just by looking at the cell

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Figure 4. Diagrams showing fates of cells in the vegetal hemisphere of ascidian embryos. A–C: The name of each blastomere is
indicated. Endoderm (En)-lineage cells are colored yellow. Mesenchyme (Mes)-lineage cells are shown in green and muscle (Mus)-
lineage cells in red. Notochord (Not)- and nerve cord (NC)-lineage cells are colored pink and purple, respectively. A: 32-cell embryo.
Vegetal view. Anterior is up. B: 64-cell embryo. Blastomeres connected with a bar are sister blastomeres. C: Tailbud embryos. Lateral
views. Upper and lower diagrams illustrate midsagittal and parasaggital sections, respectively. D,E: Lineage trees in the vegetal
hemisphere. As development is bilaterally symmetrical, one side of the embryo is shown. D: Lineage tree relevant to the primary
notochord lineage and starting from the anterior-vegetal (A4.1) blastomere of the 8-cell embryo. E: Lineage tree starting from the
posterior-vegetal (B4.1) blastomere, from which mesenchyme and primary muscle cells originate. TVC, trunk ventral cells. (From Kim
GJ, Yamada A, Nishida H. Development 2000;127:2853–2862, with permission of The Company of Biologists Limited.(62))

lineage trees that generate notochord and mesenchyme Downstream transcription factors involved in this signaling
(Fig. 4D,E). Inductive interactions mediate the determination pathway, such as Bra in notochord induction, have not yet
of mesenchyme fate. This induction occurs at the 32-cell stage been identified in mesenchyme induction. However, with
and mesenchyme precursors acquire developmental autono- regard to gene expression, it is intriguing that the muscle
my at the 64-cell stage. The inducer cells are endoderm actin gene (HrMA4) is immediately downregulated after
blastomeres. Only the presumptive mesenchyme blasto- induction. The expression of HrMA4 is precociously initiated
meres are competent and can respond to the endodermal at the 32-cell stage in the muscle/mesenchyme (B6.2)
signal by differentiating into mesenchyme cells. Furthermore, blastomeres (Fig. 4A) before fate restriction.(36) The B6.2
FGF, but not activin, is an important signaling molecule in this blastomere (mesenchyme/muscle precursor) divides into the
process.(62) The signal is received by an FGF receptor(44,50) B7.3 (mesenchyme precursor) and B7.4 (muscle precursor)
and Ras and MEK appear to be required for intracellular blastomeres of the 64-cell embryo (Fig. 4B,E). The expression
signaling.(44) Thus, the same signaling cascade down to MAPK continues only in the muscle blastomere, and is down-
is utilized in both notochord and mesenchyme inductions. regulated in the mesenchyme blastomere. The myosin heavy

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between notochord and mesenchyme inductions (Table 1).

Table 1. Common features shared by notochord This implies that a similar mechanism symmetrically functions
and mesenchyme inductions in both the anterior and posterior marginal zones. What, then,
Cellular level
are the important mechanistic differences in the specifica-
1. Their origins in the cell lineage tree show similar topology. tion processes that underlie notochord and mesenchyme
2. Inductive interactions are required. formation?
3. The inductions start at the 32-cell stage before fate restriction.
4. The precursors acquire developmental autonomy at the 64-cell
In normal embryos, the notochord is induced by anterior
stage. (A-line) endoderm blastomeres, while mesenchyme is induced
5. Competence to the inductive signal is lost at least at the 64-cell by posterior (B-line) endoderm. First, we examined whether
6. Endoderm blastomeres are the inducer.
the type of tissue induced depends on the inducing anterior
7. Only the precursors have competence. and posterior endoderm or on the responding blastomeres
8. Only one daughter cell of the induced blastomeres assumes a by carrying out blastomere recombinations at the 32-cell
notochord or mesenchyme fate.
Molecular level
stage.(62) When an anterior endoderm blastomere was recom-
1. FGF is a potent inducer, but activin is not. bined with a posterior mesenchyme precursor, mesenchyme
2. FGF receptor is required for induction. was formed, and when a posterior endoderm blastomere was
3. Ras and MEK transduce the signal intracellularly.
recombined with an anterior notochord precursor, notochord
was formed. These results supported the latter possibility, i.e.
that the type of tissue induced depends on the responding
chain gene is expressed in the same way. When the B6.2 cells blastomeres. There is no difference between the inducing
are isolated or whole embryos are treated with MEK inhibitor to abilities of the anterior and posterior endoderm.
inhibit induction, actin expression continues in both daughter The results of FGF treatment also support this idea.(62)
cells, and eventually both of them develop into muscle cells.(61) Presumptive notochord blastomeres respond to this molecule
Therefore, inductive interactions cause the immediate down- by forming notochord; mesenchyme is never formed. Simi-
regulation of muscle-specific genes and suppress the muscle larly, mesenchyme precursors are induced by FGF to form
fate of presumptive-mesenchyme blastomeres. mesenchyme, and not to form notochord. Thus, a single
Suppression of the muscle fate of mesenchyme precursors signaling molecule promotes two types of response: the
by cell interactions implies that the muscle determinant, formation of the notochord and that of the mesenchyme.
macho-1 protein, is also distributed in mesenchyme precur- Therefore, presumptive mesenchyme and notochord blasto-
sors. When a moderate amount of macho-1 mRNA is injected meres differ in their responsiveness.
into eggs, ectopic formation of muscle occurs in non-muscle What, then, brings about this difference in responsiveness?
blastomeres. Under these conditions, mesenchyme and noto- Logically the difference must lie within the responding cells
chord precursors rarely transfate into muscle even if epidermis themselves. One possibility is that egg cytoplasmic factors
and endoderm precursors develop into muscle (K. Sawada differentially partitioned into each blastomere, determine the
and H. Nishida, unpublished data), although injection of a difference. To examine this possibility, removal and trans-
high dose of the macho-1 mRNA can confer a muscle fate on plantation of egg cytoplasm was carried out by microsurgery.
most embryonic cells, including mesenchyme and notochord Egg fragments containing posterior-vegetal cytoplasm (PVC)
blastomeres. This observation suggests that an endodermal were removed or transplanted to the anterior region of another
signal may repress muscle fate by suppressing or modi- intact egg after completion of ooplasmic segregation. PVC is
fying macho-1 function, and that emission of the signal from the region corresponding to Conklin’s myoplasm at completion
the vegetal blastomeres is executed independently of the of ooplasmic segregation, and macho-1 mRNA is localized
endoderm fate of vegetal pole blastomeres. there (Fig. 2B, right panel). The experimental results are
shown schematically in Fig. 5. Removal of the PVC resulted in
Responsiveness of signal-receiving anteriorization of the embryo. The blastomeres positioned
blastomeres where mesenchyme blastomeres are normally located were
In the anterior marginal zone of the vegetal hemisphere, converted to notochord, so that central endoderm blastomeres
primary notochord is induced in the area flanked by endoderm were encircled by notochord blastomeres.(62,63) Thus, removal
and nerve cord blastomeres (Fig. 4). The ‘nerve cord’ desig- of the PVC causes ectopic formation of notochord and loss of
nates the posterior neural tube located in the trunk and tail mesenchyme in the posterior region (Fig. 5B). By contrast,
region of the larva with the ‘brain’ vesicle anteriorly derived removal of the anterior cytoplasm had no effect on embryo-
from the animal hemisphere. In the posterior-lateral marginal genesis, including notochord formation.
zone, mesenchyme is induced in the area flanked by endo- Transplantation of the PVC to the anterior region sup-
derm and muscle blastomeres. As mentioned before, there pressed notochord formation and promoted ectopic formation
are striking similarities at the cellular and molecular levels of mesenchyme in the anterior blastomeres that is never

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Figure 5. The posterior-vegetal cytoplasm (PVC) factor modifies the responsiveness of the signal-receiving blastomeres. Blastomeres
are represented schematically by rectangles. For precise arrangement of blastomeres, see Fig. 4A,B. A: Normal embryos. In the
anterior region, notochord (Not) is induced, while in the posterior region, mesenchyme (Mes) is induced next to endoderm (En). NC,
nerve cord; Mus, Muscle. B: PVC-removed embryo. In the posterior region, notochord is induced in place of mesenchyme. C: PVC-
transplanted embryo. In the anterior region, mesenchyme is induced instead of notochord.

observed in normal embryos (Fig. 5C).(62,63) By contrast, situation in vertebrates,(66) ascidian mesodermal patterning
development was normal when the anterior cytoplasm was does not seem to involve a graded signal.
transplanted to the posterior region. In conclusion, the factors Directed signaling and asymmetric
that are localized in the PVC seem to be involved in generating cell divisions
differences in cell responsiveness. In the presence of PVC Another conspicuous feature of notochord and mesenchyme
factors, blastomeres respond to the endoderm signal by inductions is the asymmetric cell divisions of their progenitor
forming mesenchyme and, in their absence, blastomeres cells. Recent evidence suggests that these inductions occur
respond by developing into notochord. The results of removal at the 32-cell stage. Experiments involving recombination of
and transplantation of the anterior cytoplasm suggest that no isolated blastomeres at various stages, and experiments
important factors are localized in the anterior region. determining the periods of sensitivity to FGF treatment and
The molecular identity of the PVC factor is still unknown. sensitivity to both the FGF receptor inhibitor and the MEK
One obvious candidate is macho-1, because PVC is the region inhibitor, all support the idea that the inductive interactions
where macho-1 mRNAs is localized and macho-1 protein for notochord and mesenchyme formation are initiated at the
would also be present in mesenchyme blastomeres, as 32-cell stage.
discussed above. Alternatively, the function of the PVC factor It is important to recall that, in the ascidian cell lineage tree,
may be attributable to some of the type I postplasmic RNAs the fates of responding blastomeres are not yet restricted
that were found in the maternal cDNA project and show a to formation of a single kind of tissue at the 32-cell stage
localization pattern similar to that of macho-1.(10,64) Down- (Figs. 4, 6). Endoderm precursors lie in the center. In the
stream to the PVC factor, zygotic genes may work to suppress anterior region, notochord/nerve cord precursor blastomeres
the notochord fate. Snail is a possible candidate because it of the 32-cell-stage embryo divide into notochord (pink) and
is expressed in muscle and mesenchyme precursors at the nerve cord (purple) precursors of the 64-cell-stage embryo.
32-cell stage. Furthermore, Snail is a zinc-finger protein known Similarly in the posterior region, mesenchyme/muscle pre-
to be a transcription repressor. Misexpression of Snail in cursor blastomeres of the 32-cell-stage embryo divide into
notochord-lineage cells suppresses at least the expression of mesenchyme (green) and muscle precursors (red) of the
reporter genes driven by the Brachyury minimal promoter.(65) 64-cell-stage embryo. Therefore, the separation of each cell
Therefore, even if MAPK is activated by the endodermal signal fate occurs at the 64-cell stage after induction has taken place,
in mesenchyme blastomeres, Snail might suppress expres- and only one daughter blastomere assumes the induced fate.
sion of the Brachyury gene. The global picture of mesoderm Induced notochord and mesenchyme blastomeres always
patterning in the marginal zone is now known. In contrast to the face the inducing endoderm at the 64-cell stage. Thus,

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Figure 6. A directed signal and asymmetric division model of the tissue specification mechanism in the vegetal hemisphere of the
ascidian embryo. The model is applicable to both the anterior and posterior margins of the vegetal hemisphere. A: Vegetal view of
the 32-cell embryo showing endodermal FGF signal (arrows) and presence of the PVC factor (red oblique lines) in the posterior
blastomeres. B: Vegetal view of the 64-cell embryo after completion of inductions and asymmetric divisions in both the anterior and
posterior regions. C: (1) Schematic drawing representing embryo at the 32-cell stage. Endoderm precursors (En) emanate an inductive
FGF signal (arrows) to neighboring anterior and posterior blastomeres and polarize them. The PVC causes different response in the
posterior marginal cells. (2) Asymmetric divisions occur at the 64-cell stage. In the anterior region, one daughter cell that faces the
inducer and does not have the PVC assumes a notochord fate (Not). In the posterior region, one daughter cell that faces the inducer and
contains the PVC adopts a mesenchyme fate (Mes). (3) Without an inductive signal, both daughter blastomeres in the anterior region
assume the default nerve cord fate (NC), and those in the posterior region assume the default muscle fate (Mus). (4) When isolated
blastomeres receive the FGF signal over their entire surface, both daughter cells develop into notochord or mesenchyme, depending on
the absence or presence of PVC. From Minokawa T, Yagi K, Makabe KW, Nishida H. Development 2001;128:2007–2017, with
permission of The Company of Biologists Limited.(67))

notochord and mesenchyme induction occurs such that only fate of notochord/nerve cord precursors (Fig. 6C).(67) When
one of the daughters of the induced blastomere in the 32-cell notochord and nerve cord precursors are isolated at the 64-cell
embryo adopts a notochord or mesenchyme fate. stage after completion of induction, and further cell division is
As described previously, mesenchyme blastomeres devel- inhibited by cytochalasin B, the notochord blastomere even-
op into muscle when they do not receive an inductive signal. tually expresses a notochord differentiation marker, Not-1
Therefore, muscle is a default fate of muscle/mesenchyme antigen, while the nerve cord blastomere expresses the neural
precursors. It has been reported that nerve cord is a default plate marker genes HrETR-1 and HrTBB2 that encode RNA-

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binding protein(68) and b-tubulin,(69) respectively. By contrast, diversity in early embryos as well as later development in
when notochord/nerve cord precursors are isolated at the various kinds of animal.
32-cell stage and allowed to divide once, then further cleav-
ages are arrested, both blastomeres express neural plate Future directions
markers, and not notochord marker. Treatment with inhibitors We can now begin to understand how developmental fates are
of FGFR and MEK also causes both daughter cells to assume determined at the cellular and molecular levels in most cell
the nerve cord fate. The autonomy of nerve cord fate speci- types in ascidian embryos. While our molecular knowledge is
fication was also confirmed by isolation of precursor blasto- still incomplete, we have now characterized many of the likely
meres at various stages and by dissociation of embryonic key molecules involved in autonomous fate specification
cells. This was a surprise because the nerve cord of ascidian (localized RNAs) and cell interactions (signaling molecules).
larvae is formed by neural tube closure, as in vertebrates. Chasing the localized maternal factor has revealed macho-
These findings, using HrETR-1 and HrTBB2 as molecular 1 as a muscle determinant whose presence had been
markers, do not tell us whether the morphogenetic processes predicted a century ago. Similar to Drosophila and Xenopus
of neural tube formation in ascidian larvae require cell inter- embryos,(77–79) the localized determinant in ascidian eggs is
actions. However, they do indicate that the initial step of nerve maternal mRNA that encodes a transcription factor. So far, it
cord specification during cleavage is autonomous. seems common that localized egg mRNA plays critical roles
Treatment with FGF gives opposite results. FGF treatment in the initial steps of early embryogenesis. However, any
of mesenchyme/muscle precursors at the 32-cell stage conclusion should be made with care, because the isolation of
causes both of the daughter blastomeres to develop into many important localized RNAs may be technically simpler
mesenchyme.(62) Similar treatment of notochord/nerve cord than finding localized proteins. Ascidian would provide a good
precursors confers a notochord fate on both daughter cells.(67) system to analyze the mechanisms how specific mRNAs
Therefore, in the asymmetric divisions that occur in the anterior are localized and relocated in eggs and embryonic cells.(80)
region, nerve cord appears to be a default cell fate and In order to understand the muscle-forming cascade, it will be
notochord is an induced fate; in the posterior region, muscle is important to analyze epistatic relationships between muscle-
the default fate and mesenchyme is the induced fate. specific genes such as Tbx6(37,38) and the myogenic
Figure 6 summarizes our model. In normal embryos, the factor(39,40) genes that are known to be expressed zygotically
precursor cells receive an endoderm signal from the vegetal in ascidians. A search for macho-1 homologs in other orga-
pole, and only one of the daughter cells facing the endoderm nisms should also be made.
assumes an induced cell fate. Directed signals that emanate We have learned much from analyses of notochord and
from endoderm blastomeres may polarize the responding mesenchyme inductions, and a simple model of binary speci-
blastomeres at the 32-cell stage and promote asymmetric fication of cell fates operating in the marginal zone of the
divisions that operate in both the anterior and posterior regions. vegetal hemisphere in ascidian embryos has been proposed.
Presumably, FGF signaling causes localized changes in the The first step depends on the presence or absence of PVC
mother cell. Then one of the daughter cells that faces the factors, and the second step is regulated by the presence or
endoderm is fated to notochord or mesenchyme depending on absence of inductive interactions. From a comparative view-
the presence or absence of the PVC factors. This directed point, it is remarkable that ascidians utilize cellular and
signaling and asymmetric division model is supported by the molecular mechanisms to pattern mesodermal tissues that
fact that treatment of isolated blastomeres with FGF in are significantly different from those in vertebrates. Ascidians
seawater causes both daughters to assume a mesenchyme seem to have adopted a ‘‘digital’’ approach, rather than the
or a notochord fate, because isolated mother blastomeres ‘‘analog’’ one in vertebrates where there is graded activity of
receive the signal over the entire cell surface. BMP signaling.(66) This difference is probably related to the
Similar examples can be found in the C. elegans embryo. At fact that ascidian embryos consist of relatively few cells, and
the 4-cell stage, the EMS blastomere receives inductive that restriction of developmental fates occurs at a very early
signals from the posterior P2 blastomere. Then it divides stage. Another reason may be egg sizes. There may not be
asymmetrically into the anterior MS cell (muscle, neuron, enough distance between cells to generate graded activity of
somatic gonad precursor; default fate) and posterior E cell signaling. Nevertheless, it is amazing that both phylogeneti-
(gut precursor; induced fate).(70–72) In this case, the signaling cally related animals can show a similar fate map and generate
molecule is Wnt.(73) Moreover, it has been suggested that Wnt a similar basic body plan using substantially different mecha-
signaling may be globally involved in binary fate specifications nisms. One explanation is that the pressure of natural selection
that are accompanied by asymmetric cell divisions along the to conserve a body plan is high, but may not be so severe as to
entire anterior-posterior axis in later embryogenesis.(74–76) restrict the way in which the ideal body plan is attained.
Thus, directed-signal-mediated asymmetric divisions appear In induced asymmetric divisions, extracellular signaling
to be widely utilized as a mechanism to generate cell fate molecules and intrinsic factors are thought to combine in a

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