Oikopleura development

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Develop. Growth Differ. (2008) 50, S239–S256 doi: 10.1111/j.1440-169X.2008.01035.

Development of the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica:
Culture, genome, and cell lineages
Hiroki Nishida*
Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, 1-1 Machikaneyama-cho,
Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan

Appendicularians are planktonic tunicates (urochordates), and retain a swimming tadpole shape throughout
their life. Together with ascidians, they are the closest relatives of the vertebrates. Oikopleura dioica is
characterized by its simplified life habit and anatomical organization. It has a tiny genome, the smallest ever
found in a chordate. Its life cycle is extremely short – about 5 days – and it can be maintained in the laboratory
over many generations. Embryos and adults are transparent and consist of a small number of cells. The
anatomy of juveniles and adults has been described in detail. Cleavage pattern, cell lineages, and morpho-
genetic movements during embryogenesis have also been comprehensively documented. A draft genome
sequence is now available. These features make this organism a suitable experimental model animal in which
genetic manipulations would be feasible, as in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans. In this review,
I summarize a hundred years’ knowledge on the development throughout the life cycle of this organism.
Oikopleura is an attractive organism for developmental and evolutionary studies of chordates. It offers
considerable promise for future genetic approaches.
Key words: appendicularian, cell lineage, fate map, life cycle, Oikopleura.

Reviews by Galt and Fenaux (1990) and Alldredge

(1976) give a general introduction to appendicular-
Recent advances in our understanding of the molecu- ians. The Oikopleura tadpole builds and lives inside a
lar and cellular mechanisms that govern development so-called house (oikos in Greek), which is made from
owe much to model organisms with short life cycles acelluar materials secreted from the oikoplastic
in which genetic approaches are feasible, such as epithelium (trunk epidermis) (Fig. 1A,B; Fenaux 1986;
Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans. Oikopleura Flood & Deibel 1998; Thompson et al. 2001). The
dioica Fol 1872, an appendicularian (or larvacean), is house is a complex filtration apparatus by which the
a candidate model organism for several reasons: (i) it animal can feed on a highly concentrated suspension
has a life cycle of only 5 days at 20°C (Fenaux 1998a); of particles filtered from seawater. The tail generates a
(ii) inland and multigeneration culture methods have water current through the house when the tadpole is
been established; (iii) a draft genome sequence is within the house. The tadpole leaves and discards the
now available; (iv) the animal is transparent during house five to 10 times per day, forming a new one
development; (v) morphogenesis and cell lineages in just 10 min. Appendicularians are second or third
during embryogenesis are well described; and (vi) the most abundant among the zooplankton community
juvenile and adult anatomies have been comprehen- and serve as food for other zooplankton and fishes
sively described. (Alldredge 1976). Their discarded houses are the main
component of marine snow. Thus, appendicularians
have ecological importance in marine food web.
*Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. Appendicularians are planktonic tunicates (urochor-
Email: hnishida@bio.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp dates), and retain a swimming tadpole shape
Received 31 January 2008; revised 29 February 2008; throughout their life (Fig. 1A,B, see also Fig. 3),
accepted 29 February 2008.
© 2008 The Author
whereas other tunicates resorb the tail during meta-
Journal compilation © 2008 Japanese Society of morphosis. Only three families and 69 species of
Developmental Biologists appendicularians have been described so far (Fenaux
S240 H. Nishida

Fig. 1. The appendicularian Oiko-

pleura dioica and its phylogenetic
position. Dorsal (A) and lateral (B)
views of the animal in its “house”.
Carbon particles from India ink were
added to seawater and were con-
centrated by the house. Seawater
comes into the house from the bilat-
eral inlet filters and goes out from
the ventral outlet pore. The particles
in seawater are highly concentrated
by the nets of the food-trap filter and
introduced into the trunk via the
mouth. Digestive organs within
the trunk are made visible by the
black particles. Bar, 2 mm. (C)
Phylogenetic tree within the phylum

1993). Together with ascidians and thaliaceans, they (France), Bergen (Norway), and Eugene, Oregon
are the closest relatives of the vertebrates (Fig. 1C; (USA), and in our lab.
Garstang 1928; Bourlat et al. 2006; Delsuc et al. The current culture methods were developed in
2006). 18S rDNA sequences suggest that appendicu- Bergen as described in Chioda et al. (2002). In our
larians are the most basal among these tunicates lab, the animals are cultured in artificial seawater
(Wada 1998; Swalla et al. 2000), although their phylo- (RohtoMarine, Rei-Sea Co., Tokyo, Japan) in 5 L
genetic position among the tunicates is still con- plastic beakers under constant stirring with an acrylic
troversial (Stach & Turbeville 2005). O. dioica is the paddle (15 r.p.m.) at 20°C (Fig. 2A; Fujii et al. 2008).
sole dioecious (or dioicous) species so far reported Ten grams of activated charcoal is added to each
among the Tunicata. They represent a simplified body beaker in order to keep the seawater in good condi-
plan of chordates, characterized by a tail with a noto- tion. The life cycle is 5 days. Cultures are diluted five
chord and dorsal neural tube, an endostyle, and a gill fold on day 1, and then approximately 100 animals are
aperture. The structure of the adult body is relatively transferred to clean artificial seawater on day 3 by
simple and consists of a small number of cells; for pipetting, and allowed to naturally spawn on day 5
example, there are only 20 notochord cells at hatching (Fig. 2C). The animals are fed with a cocktail of live
and 20 non-fused muscle cells even in the tail of a algae and cyanobacterium of various sizes (Fig. 2B),
mature adult (Bassham & Postlethwait 2000; Nishino & namely Isochrysis galbana (approximately 4 mm, 3000
Satoh 2000, 2001; reviewed in Fenaux 1998b; Nishino cells/mL), Chaetoceros calcitrans (3–6 mm, 3000 cells/
& Satoh 2001). mL), Rhinomonas reticulata (12 mm, 1000 cells/mL),
and Synecococcus sp. (1.5 mm, 4.0 mL of culture/5 L)
on days 1 and 2, and then at double those concen-
Laboratory culture
trations from days 3 to 5. The animals grow very fast
O. dioica is abundant worldwide in coastal regions. It each day, and grow well under these culture condi-
tolerates extremes of temperature and salinity, and tions (see Fig. 11). Growing animals can trap only
so far is the only species that has been cultured in foods that are intermediate in size between the mesh
laboratories. Paffenhöfer (1973) first reported suc- size of the inlet filter and the food-trap filter of the
cessful culture in the laboratory. Now it is routinely house (Fig. 1A,B). This is why they are fed foods of
cultured in laboratories in Villefranche-sur-Mer various sizes. We have cultured the animals for 2

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Development of Oikopleura S241

Fig. 2. Laboratory culture. (A) The

animals are cultured in artificial sea-
water in 5 L plastic beakers with an
acrylic paddle at 20°C. Activated
charcoal (10 g) is added to each
beaker. (B) Culture of algal strains in
plastic bags. Oikopleura dioica is
fed with a mixture of Isochrysis
galbana, Chaetoceros calcitrans,
Synecococcus sp., and Rhinomo-
nas reticulata. (C) The animal’s life
cycle is 5 days (D1–D5). Cultures
are diluted on day 1, and then
approximately 100 animals are
transferred to clean artificial seawa-
ter on day 3. They naturally spawn
on day 5.

years over a hundred generations without introducing (Edverdsen et al. 2004). Comparison of lengths of
new animals from the ocean. some genes between O. dioica and human revealed
The life cycle is shown in Figure 3. At 20°C, they that genes measuring 0.8, 1.6, and 2.2 kb in O. dioica
hatch 3 h after fertilization. Tail shift (see below) of correspond to genes measuring 15, 30, and 35 kb in
the larva takes place at 10 h, and then the juvenile human, respectively. The small size of the genome
becomes fully functional, making its first house and and high density of genes will facilitate chemical and
starting to take food. They mature to males or females insertional mutagenesis in this organism. It is still pre-
with full-grown gonads in 5 days, then spawn and die mature to conclude a link between the small genome
soon after. Developmental time roughly doubles at and the short life cycle or rapid embryogenesis only
13°C (Fig. 3B). Each female spawns 40 to 400 eggs from the data so far available.
depending on the amount of food available. Several groups have used molecular and compara-
tive approaches for studying the development of this
animal by cloning several developmentally regulated
genes (Bassham & Postlethwait 2000, 2005;
O. dioica has a tiny genome of only 72 Mb, the Thompson et al. 2001; Cañestro et al. 2005; Cañestro
smallest ever found in a chordate (ascidian Ciona, & Postlethwait 2007; see also Nishino et al. 2001 for
160 Mb; amphioxus Branchiostoma, 550 Mb; fugu, Oikopleura longicauda). A conspicuous character of
400 Mb; human 3000 Mb) (Seo et al. 2001). Shotgun O. dioica is the partial loss of Hox genes (Seo et al.
sequences obtained at a high coverage (14¥) are 2004; Edverdsen et al. 2005), specifically the central
estimated to represent 99.7% of all coding nucle- genes Hox3, 5, 6, 7, and 8, and the Hox cluster is
otides. The first assembly of the draft genome is totally fragmented and dispersed within the genome.
available at Genoscope (http://www.genoscope.cns. However, the anterior–posterior order of Hox gene
fr/externe/GenomeBrowser/Oikopleura/). In spite of expression seems to keep spatial colinearity. A similar
the small genome, the number of genes is estimated situation is seen in ascidians (Ikuta et al. 2004; Ikuta &
as 15, 000 (comparable to Ciona, and approximately Saiga 2005), although ascidians lost different Hox
half of human). This indicates a high gene density cluster genes (Hox7, 8, 9, and 11). The body plan of
within the genome (one gene every 5 kb). Indeed, chordate ancestors (probably similar to that of cepha-
intergenic sequences are very short, and 62% of lochordates; Fig. 1C) may have been simplified in the
introns are smaller than 50 bp. The positions of introns tunicate lineage, resulting in relaxed pressure to con-
in each gene diverge from those in other animals serve a full set of the Hox gene cluster. Alternatively,

© 2008 The Author

Journal compilation © 2008 Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists
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Fig. 3. Life cycle of Oikopleura

dioica at (A) 20°C and (B) 13°C,
showing durations of embryogen-
esis and of larval and juvenile

embryogenesis with determinate and invariant cell unpubl. data, 2008). The fine structure of sperm has
lineages may reduce the requirement for several been described in Flood and Afzelius (1978). Each
Hox genes (Edverdsen et al. 2005; Seo et al. 2004). sperm is 30 mm long and has a typical shape with
Another unique character of O. dioica is the presence head and tail. The fine structure of eggs and events
of spliced-leader RNA trans-splicing (Ganot et al. at fertilization have been described in Holland et al.
2004), which is known in a limited and sporadic dis- (1988). Unfertilized eggs are approximately 80 mm in
tribution among eukaryotes, and only in C. elegans diameter, and are arrested at meiotic metaphase I.
and ascidians among metazoans so far (Vanden- There are no accessory cells inside or outside the
berghe et al. 2001; Satou et al. 2006). At least 25% of vitelline membrane.
O. dioica mRNA has spliced-leader RNA in the 5′ By 30 s after fertilization, the surface of the egg
ends, although the biological significance of trans- becomes rough. This is the first sign of fertilization.
splicing is still unclear. These unique characters that The narrow perivitelline space does not expand after
are commonly found in appendicularians and ascid- fertilization. In ascidians, movements of the egg cyto-
ians support their close relationship. plasm, called ooplasmic segregation, take place
after fertilization (Conklin 1905; Nishida 1994). These
movements transform the symmetry of eggs from
radial to bilateral. During the movements, several
Artificial fertilization can be done by mixing fully localized maternal mRNAs that play crucial roles in
matured eggs and sperm dissected from gonads, or cell fate specification and embryonic axis determina-
naturally spawned eggs and sperm. Sperm can be tion are brought to the future posterior pole and
kept frozen in liquid nitrogen (K. Ouchi and H. Nishida, establish the secondary embryonic axis perpendicu-

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Journal compilation © 2008 Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists
Development of Oikopleura S243

Fig. 4. Embryogenesis of Oiko-

pleura dioica. Developmental times
and stages are indicated below
each photo. (A) Unfertilized egg,
80 mm in diameter. (B) Fertilized
egg after emission of the second
polar body. (C) 2-cell stage. (D)
4-cell stage. (E–G) 8-, 16-, and
32-cell embryos, respectively. The
name of each blastomere is indi-
cated in (E and F). The embryo in
(G) is gastrulating from the left side
of the photo. (H–L) Late gastrula to
tailbud stages. Photos were taken
every 30 min. (M, N) Right and
ventral views during tail elongation.
In the optical section of the tail,
muscle (Mu), notochord (Not),
nerve cord (NC), and endodermal
strand (ES) are visible. The tail has
rotated counterclockwise by 90°
when viewed from the posterior
direction with the nerve cord on the
left side. (O) A tadpole larva is
hatching from the vitelline mem-
brane (VM). Bar, 50 mm. ant,
anterior; pos, posterior; ani, animal
pole; veg, vegetal pole. (Modified
from Fujii et al. 2008 with

lar to the primary animal–vegetal axis (Nishida & genesis have appeared so far (Delsman 1910;
Sawada 2001; Negishi et al. 2007; reviewed in Nishida Fenaux 1998a; Nishino & Satoh 2001). Among these,
2002, 2005; Prodon et al. 2007). In O. dioica eggs, that of Delsman (1910) is remarkably detailed and
however, ooplasmic movement is not obvious (Holland comparable to that of Conklin’s (1905) monumental
et al. 1988), and there is no mitochondrion-rich myo- paper on ascidian embryogenesis. Delsman investi-
plasm comparable to that in ascidian eggs (H. gated the cleavage pattern in amazing detail using
Nishida, unpubl. data, 2007). So how unfertilized eggs embryos at various stages collected directly from the
of O. dioica with radial symmetry turn into bilaterally ocean with a plankton net. He managed to identify
symmetrical embryos remains elusive. The embryo- each blastomere during the cleavage and gastrula-
genesis of O. dioica is a kind of simplified form of that tion stages.
of ascidians: the fate maps of both organisms are Eggs and embryos are highly transparent and thus
similar, as mentioned below, but O. dioica does not suitable for observation with differential interference
share the ooplasmic movements just after fertilization. contrast (DIC) optics (Fig. 4; Fujii et al. 2008). The
Identification of Oikopleura homologues of localized emission of two polar bodies at 15 min is followed by
mRNAs in ascidians and examination of their localiza- the first cleavage at 35 min at 13°C. Early cleavages
tion will shed light on this issue. take place every 15 min. After the cleavage stage, the
Even though Oikopleura has a small number of first extensive morphogenetic movement, gastrulation,
embryonic cells and can be cultured readily in the starts at 2 h at the 32-cell stage (Fig. 4G). Every
laboratory, only few reports describing its embryo- vegetal blastomere is internalized during gastrulation.

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The tailbud stage is attained at 4 h (Fig. 4K), then the tions of the anterior–posterior and dorsal–ventral axes
tail elongates and the embryo becomes bent ventrally. in tunicate and amphibian embryos). The anterior-left
Notochord cells aligned in a single row become and posterior-right blastomeres of the 4-cell embryo
evident at 4.5 h (Fig. 4L–N). Tailed larvae hatch from are invariably formed slightly closer to the vegetal pole,
the vitelline membrane at 6 h (Figure 4O; see also where they are in contact with each other (Fig. 4D,
supplemental movies of the embryogenesis in Fujii arrow). On the other hand, the anterior-right and
et al. [2008]). There is no obvious structure in the head posterior-left blastomeres are in contact at the animal
and trunk regions, but the larvae occasionally beat pole. This is the first sign of invariant left–right asym-
their tail. Fine structures of hatching larvae are metry in the O. dioica embryo. The third cleavage
described in Stach (2007). The tail shows a remark- occurs horizontally, generating four smaller vegetal
able 90° counterclockwise rotation relative to the trunk blastomeres and four larger animal blastomeres
when viewed from the posterior, with the neural tube (Fig. 4E). As described later, all the vegetal blastomere
on the left side (Fig. 4N). The rotation of the tail reflects descendants are internalized during gastrulation.
the direction of the tail beat. In ascidians, lancelets At the 8-cell stage, each blastomere is named as in
(Amphioxus), and lower vertebrates, the tail beats in a the ascidian system (Delsman 1910). Animal cells are
left–right direction, whereas in appendicularians it indicated by a lower-case letter, and vegetal cells by a
beats in a dorsal–ventral direction. capital. Anterior cells are named “a” and “A” and
posterior cells are named “b” and “B”. The cells of the
right half when viewed from the vegetal pole (future
Cleavages, gastrulation, and neurulation
dorsal side) with the anterior pole upward are labeled
Fujii et al. (2008) recently reassessed Delsman’s by underlining (Fig. 4E). From the 16-cell stage,
(1910) descriptions of cleavage pattern and morpho- Delsman (1910) applied the nomenclature system
genetic movements in detail using updated used in annelid and mollusc embryos. All the descen-
techniques such as DIC observation, time-lapse video dant cells of a given blastomere in the 8-cell embryo
recording, and 3-D reconstruction with confocal are indicated with the character of the blastomere.
microscopy. Movies of full embryogenesis, gastrula- After each division, a numeral (1 or 2) is added, 1 for
tion, and neurulation are available as supplementary the daughter cell closer to the animal pole. For
materials with the paper. We confirmed that the instance, blastomere “A” divides into A1 and A2. Then
descriptions by Delsman were both precise and accu- the A1 blastomere divides into A11 and A12, and A2
rate, except for one new finding of unequal division divides into A21 and A22. Details of the cleavage
of B1 blastomeres, as described below. Cleavage pattern up to the 32-cell stage are reported in Fujii
showed an invariant pattern among individuals. The et al. (2008) (see also Fig. 8).
cleavage pattern is somewhat complicated, as the Two rounds of unequal cell division occur in the
pattern is roughly, but not precisely, bilateral. This posterior-vegetal B-line blastomeres. The B blas-
makes it difficult to recognize the orientation of tomere pair of the 8-cell embryo divides into the larger
embryos, as they lack a straight midline, unlike B2 and the smaller B1 pair. In the second round, B1
ascidian embryos. The detection of genes that blastomeres at the posterior pole of the 16-cell embryo
are expressed in specific subsets of blastomeres has divide unequally into the larger B12 and the smaller
significantly advanced our understanding of early B11 again (see Fig. 8, posterior views) (Fujii et al.
cell-fate-specification processes in ascidian embryos 2008; see also supplemental movies in Fujii et al.
(Nishida 2005). Similarly, the precise identification of 2008). Thus, the cleavage pattern of the O. dioica
blastomeres would be essential for clarifying patterns embryo shows striking similarity to that of ascidians, in
of gene expression in O. dioica. For example, expres- which three rounds of unequal division take place at
sion of brachyury and muscle actin is initiated in the posterior pole of the vegetal hemisphere from
notochord and muscle precursor blastomeres at the 8- to 64-cell stages (Conklin 1905). Eventually, the
the 32- and 64-cell stages, respectively (Bassham & smallest blastomeres at the posterior pole of the
Postlethwait 2000; Nishino & Satoh 2000, 2001). 64-cell ascidian embryo are fated to become primor-
The first two cleavage planes are meridional dial germ cells (Tomioka et al. 2002; Shirae-
(Fig. 4C,D). The first cleavage generates the left and Kurabayashi et al. 2006). It is uncertain whether the
right blastomeres, and the second divides the anterior resulting tiny B11 cell (see Fig. 8, brown cell pair) of
and posterior blastomeres, as in ascidian embryos, O. dioica is a primordial germ cell, but comparison
which are equivalent to the dorsal and ventral blas- with ascidian embryos suggests that this is plausible.
tomeres, respectively, in amphibian embryos. (Refer to The posterior blastomeres in ascidians have a special
Nishida [2005] for differences in conventional defini- subcellular structure, the centrosome-attracting body

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Development of Oikopleura S245

Fig. 5. Gastrulation. Ingressing

cells during the first phase (A–D)
and the second phase (E–G) are
indicated by pseudo-yellow color.
(A–D) First phase. Sequential
images of time-lapse video taken
from 105 to 122 min after fertiliza-
tion at 13°C. The name of each
blastomere is indicated. Eight
yellow-colored blastomeres at the
vegetal pole are ingressing. The
embryonic surface becomes
covered by six green-colored blas-
tomeres by epiboly. These six green
cells are arranged like an asterisk at
the completion of ingression of the
yellow cells (D). B11 cells, sister
cells of B12, generated by unequal
division are shown in blue. Anterior
is up. (E–G) Second phase, from
122 to 145 min. The B12 cells have
divided into B122 and B121 and
are now colored yellow. Six yellow-
colored cells are internalized
sequentially in the order B121,
B122, and B11 and covered by the
b-line cells. (Reprinted from Fujii
et al. 2008 with permission.)

(CAB; Hibino et al. 1998;Iseto & Nishida 1999; Nish- are internalized. The gastrulation process can be sub-
ikata et al. 1999; Negishi et al. 2007). During unequal divided into three phases. First, eight cells at the
cleavages, the microtubule bundle extending from the vegetal pole ingress (Fig. 5A–D), then descendants
posterior-most centrosome of the pair is connected to of B1 blastomeres in the posterior region follow
the CAB in the posterior cortex. Then, as the microtu- (Fig. 5E–G; Fujii et al. 2008; see also supplemental
bule bundle shortens, the interphase nucleus shifts movies in Fujii et al. 2008). Finally, b22 descendants
posteriorly and approaches the CAB. Consequently, in the animal hemisphere (muscle precursors) are
an asymmetrically located mitotic apparatus is internalized later (Stach et al. 2008).
formed, and unequal division occurs. The CAB is After the first phase of gastrulation, neurulation
a multifunctional structure in ascidian embryos starts at the 64-cell stage, again earlier than in other
(reviewed in Nishida et al. 1999; Nishida 2002; Prodon chordates. It is difficult to precisely define the neurula
et al. 2007), and it also serves as an mRNA localiza- stage in O. dioica, as the second phase of gastrulation
tion scaffold, where some maternal mRNA are takes place simultaneously with neurulation. In the
specifically localized. The CAB also contains an anterior region, two rows of four cells that originate
electron-dense matrix similar to germplasm. It is likely from the A1 blastomere pair are internalized (Fig. 6),
that appendicularians also posses the CAB structure, as previously observed in O. longicauda (Nishino &
as two rounds of unequal division take place at the Satoh 2001). There is no neural fold, and folding of the
posterior pole. neural plate is not observed (Fujii et al. 2008, see also
In O. dioica, gastrulation is initiated as early as the supplemental movies in Fujii et al. 2008). However, at
32-cell stage, 1 h 50 min after fertilization at 13°C, the tailbud stage, four cells constitute a neural tube in
much earlier than in ascidians (at the 110-cell stage in optical transverse sections of the nerve cord in the tail
Halocynthia roretzi, 9 h after fertilization at 13°C) and (Fig. 4N), as observed in ascidian tadpole larvae.
vertebrates. Internalization of the vegetal cells Therefore, tube formation would take place at a later
proceeds by ingression and/or epiboly, keeping the stage after neural precursor cells have completely
embryonic outline almost spherical. There is no arch- ingressed. In addition to the A1 descendants, a recent
enteron. All vegetal cells, namely A- and B-line cells, cell lineage analysis showed that descendants of the

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Fig. 6. Neurulation. Ingressing

neural precursor cells are indicated
by pseudo-yellow color. Sequential
images of time-lapse video taken
from 120 to 130 min after fertiliza-
tion at 13°C. Anterior is at the
bottom left, and the vegetal pole is
at the upper right. Four yellow cells
of A1 descendants in the anterior
region divide once along the
anterior–posterior axis and are then
internalized. The surface is covered
by green a-line cells. (Reprinted
from Fujii et al. 2008 with

a222 cell (Fig. 6B,C) join the central nervous system The topography in presumptive tissue territories
(CNS) at a later stage (Stach et al. 2008). looks quite similar to that in the ascidian fate map
Thus, the initial morphogenetic movements – (Fig. 8, bottom left; Nishida 2005), which in turn shows
gastrulation and neurulation – take place quite early similarity to the amphibian fate map although each
when the embryo still consists of only a small number territory differs in relative proportion (Fig. 8, bottom
of cells. The cells are internalized by ingression, not by right; Kourakis & Smith 2005). Therefore, the fate map
folding of an epithelial sheet. of O. dioica can be regarded as a typical one shared
by basal chordates. In ascidians, fate restriction in
Cell lineages and fate map up to most blastomeres is completed by the 110-cell stage,
hatching larvae in contrast to the 32-cell stage in O. dioica. However,
it is notable that in all these animals fate restriction is
Detailed descriptions of cell lineages are especially almost completed just before gastrulation starts. The
important for animal embryos that show invariant and Oikopleura fate map at the 32-cell stage represents
determinative cleavage patterns, as is the case for the simplest one in chordates and probably among all
C. elegans and ascidians (Sulston et al. 1983; Nishida animals so far observed.
1987). Recently, Stach and his colleagues have traced
complete cell lineages of O. dioica up to the hatching
Larval development
stage by using time-lapse recording with 4-D micros-
copy (Stach et al. 2008). The cell lineages and cell Larval development is subdivided into five stages,
fate were essentially invariant among three specimens finishing with the young juvenile at stage 6 (Figs 3B,9;
examined. A fertilized egg divides nine or 10 times on Fenaux 1976, 1977, 1998a; Galt & Fenaux 1990). Just
average and generates approximately 550 cells at after hatching (stage 1), there is no obvious structure
hatching. The most striking feature of O. dioica in the trunk, but larvae develop into fully functional
embryogenesis is that the fates of most blastomeres juveniles (stage 6) in 13 h after hatching at 13°C, or in
are restricted to give rise to a single tissue type by the about half the time at 20°C. During these stages the
32-cell stage (Fig. 7). The fate map shows bilateral tail continuously elongates and becomes flattened
symmetry (Fig. 8) with the exception that the right A22 laterally.
blastomere gives rise to notochord (pink) in addition 1. Stage 1: larvae occasionally move by tail beat,
to endoderm (yellow). Every cell in the animal view although the nervous system is not evident yet.
develops into larval epidermis (green). In the vegetal They are surrounded by an acellular larval tunic,
view, cells at the vegetal pole form endoderm (yellow). which is discarded at stage 3.
The posterior and lateral marginal cells give rise to tail 2. Stage 2: the statocyte is forming in the brain. The
muscle (red). Notochord (pink) and CNS (light blue) boundaries of organs begin to appear. Notochord
are derived from the anterior marginal blastomeres. vacuolation starts.

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Development of Oikopleura S247

Fig. 7. Cell lineage tree of Oikopleura dioica

from fertilized egg to hatching larva. Each
lineage is color-coded after the developmental
fate of the cell is tissue-restricted. An arrow at
the bottom marks the left–right asymmetry in
the formation of notochord in the A22 lineage.
(Modified from Stach et al. 2008 with

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Fig. 8. Fate map and cell fate restriction during cleavage stages. Embryos are viewed from various directions indicated at the top.
Orientations of embryos are indicated at the bottom. Note that the vegetal pole (future dorsal side) is down in the anterior, posterior,
right, and left views. Arrowed bars connect sister blastomeres. At the 16-cell stages, blastomeres are colored when the fate of the
blastomere is restricted to give rise to a single tissue type. At the 32-cell stage, every tissue-forming territory is colored regardless of
fate restriction of blastomeres. Color codes are shown at the bottom. Note that most cells at the 32-cell stage are fated to give rise to
a single cell type. The fates of heart (purple) and germ cells (brown) are just speculation based on comparison with ascidian embryos,
and are not experimentally confirmed. At the bottom left, the fate map of the animal and vegetal halves of the 110-cell ascidian embryo
are shown with the same color codes for comparison (Nishida 2005). White blastomeres are precursors of mesenchyme and trunk
lateral cells, which are not present in Oikopleura dioica embryos. At the bottom right, the fate map of the left half of the Xenopus blastula
is shown with the same color codes (Kourakis & Smith 2005). Animal pole is up. HM, head mesoderm. Note the similarity of topography
in the presumptive tissue territories between appendicularian, ascidian, and amphibian fate maps, although each territory differs in
relative proportion. The fate map of O. dioica was drawn using the cleavage pattern data in Fujii et al. (2008) and lineage data in Stach
et al. (2008) with permission.

3. Stage 3: mouth and visceral formation is evident. the digestive duct are now continuous. The proxi-
Larvae swim vigorously. mal region of the tail narrows, and the tail bends
4. Stage 4: tube formation is initiated in the digestive slightly in the ventral direction. The trunk epider-
duct with cilia moving inside. Cilia of spiracles mis (oikoplastic epithelium) secretes house
(gill apertures) also start to move. The endostyle materials (pre-house).
evaginates from the floor of the pharynx. Heart 6. Stage 6: this stage is attained after the tail shift.
beat starts. Mouth opens, and notochord vacu- After a few seconds of intense movement, the tail
oles are fusing with each other. Tail becomes orientation suddenly changes 120°. Distal end of
flattened to form lateral fins. tail is now in the same direction as the mouth. The
5. Stage 5: mouth and spiracle formation completes. first house swells and forms in 10 min, and the
Water current starts inside the larva. Lumens of animal can start feeding. The tail shift is com-

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Thompson 2002), a result of successive rounds of

DNA replication in the absence of karyokinesis and
cytokinesis. Organ formation is completed after tail
shift (stage 6) while the animal is still small and com-
pletely transparent. Every structure in the adult form
can be easily observed in anesthetized whole animals
at this stage by changing the focal plane (Fig. 10). The
tail shift makes the definition of body axes difficult. In
this report, body axes that are defined for the trunk
region before the tail shift are used for the axes of the
whole body after the tail shift, so the mouth is still
anterior, although the tadpole swims backwards.
Here the characters of each tissue and organ are
briefly summarized. The anatomy of appendicularians
is reviewed in detail in Fenaux (1998b). Transverse
sections at various levels and an interactive computer
3D reconstruction are available at the EURAPP site

The entire epidermis consists of a single layer of epi-
thelium, with no mesodermal lining below it. The only
coelomic space is the pericardium. Most regions of
the trunk epidermis are highly patterned to secrete the
intricate house, and constitute the oikoplastic epithe-
lium; the posterior part of the trunk region, covering
the gonad and tail epidermis, does not secrete the
house. The oikoplastic epithelium consists of approxi-
mately 2000 cells, and is subdivided into bilateral
territories according to nuclear sizes and shapes, spe-
Fig. 9. Larval development is subdivided into five stages (1–5).
After the tail shift, stage 6 is the young juvenile stage. Develop- cific gene expression, and extent of polyploidization
mental times after fertilization at 13°C and the corresponding (30–1300-fold) (Thompson et al. 2001; Ganot &
stages are indicated above each photo. Larvae develop into fully Thompson 2002). Each territory is related to certain
functional juveniles (stage 6) in 13 h after hatching at 13°C. house structures; for example, the Eisen and Fol fields
(B–E) Left-side views. (F) Right-side view after the tail shift. Bar,
are thought to secret the inlet and food-trap filter,
50 mm. See details in text.
respectively. The tail epidermis is a single layer
of squamous epithelium. Left and right protrusions
pleted in a few seconds; however, the event is make fins (Fig. 10W). This contrasts to the ascidian
thought to be comparable to metamorphosis in larva, whose dorso-ventral fins are made of acellular
other invertebrates (Galt & Fenaux 1990). materials.

Anatomy Nervous system

The general organization of organs that are present The nervous system of O. dioica shows significant
in the adult form is already achieved by stage 6 complexity, and has been intensively described
(Fig. 10). The only exception is the gonad, which is a (Olsson et al. 1990). The brain (or sensory vesicle)
small rudiment in the posterior-ventral position is present in the antero-dorsal region (Fig. 10I,J). A
(Fig. 10I). Cell divisions in the epidermis and probably cavity on the left side of the brain (Fig. 9F,10A) con-
in most of the other somatic tissues cease before tail tains a statocyte that senses gravity. The statocyte
shift (Galt & Fenaux 1990). Therefore, growth of the contains a presumed calcareous statolith, and is con-
juvenile results solely from an increase of cell volume nected to the brain wall via a stalk and via some
(Fig. 11). The somatic cells increase their content of sensory cilia emanating from the brain wall (Holmberg
DNA to become polyploid (Fenaux 1971; Ganot & 1984). The whole brain consists of approximately 70

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Fig. 10. Anatomy of stage 6 juveniles. (A–O) Serial optical sections. (A–E) Dorsal views of a juvenile from shallow to deep focal plane.
Bar, 50 mm. (F–I) Right views. (J, K) Left views. (L–O) Ventral views. Blue arrows indicate seawater current. Red arrows represent flow
of food. Seawater exits from the spiracles (blue circles). Fecal pellets are discarded from the anus (red circles). (P–V) Serial resin
(Technovit) sections from anterior to posterior levels viewed from the posterior side. Dorsal is up. Approximate level of each section is
indicated at the bottom of (E). (W) A section of the tail. Notochord is a tube with a lumen. Nerve cord is on the left of the notochord.
Each of the dorsal and ventral epidermises is lined by a single flattened muscle cell. See details in text.

cells (Olsson et al. 1990; Søviknes et al. 2005). Axons

from the brain are connected to sensory cells present
in mouth and pharynx regions, namely, upper lip cells, The notochord is a synapomorphy characteristic of
lower lip cells, pharynx cells, and ventral sense organ chordates. It is present in the center of the tail through-
cells. The ventral sense organ contains 30 cells and out its length. The notochord is a tube with a
is suggested to be an olfactory organ (Bollner et al. continuous lumen surrounded by flattened notochord
1986). In addition, a pair of bilateral epidermal cells, and serves as an axial endoskeleton
sensory bristles, the Langerhans receptors, project (Fig. 10E,W). It is surrounded by basement membrane
out of the trunk (Fig. 10E) and probably sense and outer fibrous extracellular matrix (Olsson 1965).
mechanical stimuli. These cells receive neurite projec- The notochord consists of 19 disc-shaped cells plus
tion from a single cell in the tail ganglion (Holmberg one spherical terminal cell (t cell) at hatching, and
1986). The descending axons from the brain are con- they further divide to form flattened epithelial sheet
nected to the spiracle to control its ciliar movement, surrounding the central lumen during larval develop-
and to some epidermis cells in the Eisen and Fol ment (Fig. 10W; Nishino et al. 2001); in contrast, an
regions, plausibly to control house production. ordinary ascidian larva has 40 notochord cells that do
The tail shows a remarkable 90° counterclockwise not divide further after hatching. The t cell is present
rotation relative to the trunk when viewed from the at the posterior tip of the notochord throughout life
posterior, with neural tube on the left side as men- (Fig. 10E) and is never integrated into a notochord
tioned in the section on embryogenesis. A thick rod. Its function is as yet unknown.
caudal nerve runs posteriorly beyond the stomach
(Fig. 10A), turns in the ventral direction, and inner-
vates the tail ganglion (approximately 30 cells Muscle
including glial cells; Søviknes et al. 2005) on the left The dorsal and ventral epidermis of the tail is lined
side of the proximal region of the tail (Fig. 10J,L). A with a single flattened layer of non-fused muscle cells
nerve cord runs along the left side of the tail with (Fig. 10E,W; Nishino et al. 2000). At hatching, a single
sporadic distributions of neuronal cell bodies row of eight muscle cells is aligned along the anterior–
(Fig. 10E, approximately 30 cells; Søviknes et al. posterior axis on each side of the tail. During larval
2007). On the left side of the tail nerve cord, a small development, two additional small muscle cells of
hollow is surrounded by four (lateral and medial) unknown origin appear at the tip of the tail (Nishino
ependymal cells in transverse section (Holmberg & et al. 2001). Thus, 10 muscle cells line each side. This
Olsson 1984). The nerve cord innervates each dorsal contrasts to ordinary ascidian larvae, which have 18 to
or ventral muscle cell by a single axon of a cholinergic 21 muscle cells arranged in three rows on each side.
motor neuron (Flood 1973, 1975; Nishino et al. 2000; Muscle fibers are present only on the inner side of
Søviknes et al. 2007). Recently, the spatiotemporal each muscle cell, and the epidermal side of the cells
pattern of neurogenesis in O. dioica was described in is filled with mitochondria. Each muscle cell is inner-
detail (Søviknes & Glover 2007). vated by a single axon of a different cholinergic motor
neuron (Flood 1973, 1975; Nishino et al. 2000;
Heart Søviknes et al. 2007). Cell bodies of ten pairs of the
Hemolymph circulates within the body through blood bilateral motor neurons are present along most of
vessels without endothelial cells, constituting an open the length of the tail nerve cord.
blood system. There are no blood cells in the
hemolymph. The heart is present ventrally between
Digestive tract
the left and right stomachs (Fig. 10M). It beats very
fast, so it is easily recognizable in a living animal. The Concentrated food particles with some seawater is
anatomical description of the Oikopleura heart is introduced into the mouth from the food-trap filter of
poor so far, and further investigations are definitely the house (Figs 1A,B,10B,K,P). Within the pharynx,
required. the food is trapped by mucus secreted from the endo-

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style (Fig. 10I,Q) and brought into the esophagus

(Fig. 10B,J,K, red arrows). The seawater goes
ventrally to a pair of spiracles (Fig. 10B,D,K,S,T), gill
apertures that open ventrally and directly to the
outside of the body. A ciliary band just inside the
opening drives the water current within the body to
draw food particles into the pharynx, and is readily
visible in living animals.
The digestive tract shows remarkable left–right
asymmetry. Food particles progress into the esopha-
gus, left stomach, and right stomach via a connection
by means of the inside cilia (Fig. 10K,H,U, red arrows).
Then processed food is delivered into intestine
(Fig. 10F,G), rectum, and anus (Fig. 10E,H,M,N,T).
Fecal pellets are discarded ventrally from the anus.
Each region of the digestive tract has a distinct thick-
ness of epithelium and shows specific fine-structure
characters reflecting different physiological roles
(Burighel et al. 2001).
In the tail of newly hatched larvae, an endodermal
strand is present on the right of the notochord
(Fig. 4N). According to Delsman (1912), most cells of
the endodermal strand are absorbed into the trunk
and give rise to a pair of oral (or buccal) glands
(Fig. 10C), although this fact needs verification. Only
two cells of the endodermal strand remain in the tail
and give rise to two subchordal cells in the adult
(Fig. 10E). The functions of oral gland and subchordal
cells remain elusive. The presence, number, and dis-
tribution of subchordal cells provide good criteria for
identifying species among the Oikopleurinae. Interest- Fig. 11. Juvenile development from the end of day 1 (after tail
ingly, only members of the genera Oikopleura, Folia, shift) to day 5 (sexual maturation) at 20°C. Bar, 1 mm. Photos are
and Stegosoma with oral gland and subchordal cells shown at the same scale. On day 5, the animals mature sexually,
show bioluminescence of the house (Galt & Fenaux and male and female become distinguishable by the gonad
filled with sperm or eggs. They spawn on day 5. See details
in text.

Juvenile development and gametogenesis

five phases. After the proliferation of germ nuclei in
After the tail shift and initiation of feeding on the first a common cytoplasm connected via cytoplasmic
day, juveniles grow rapidly (Fig. 11). A gonadal rudi- bridges, the fate of each nucleus is determined to be
ment is present in the posterior-ventral position and meiotic nucleus or nurse nucleus at phase 1 on day 2,
grows continuously to extend along the posterior epi- but all nuclei remain within the common cytoplasm.
dermis and eventually occupies the posterior half of Only meiotic nuclei are destined to be oocytes.
the body. Initially on day 5, males and females cannot Meiotic nuclei enter into the zygotene stage, while
be distinguished. Sperm and oocyte formation is nurse nuclei start DNA synthesis to become polyploid,
remarkably rapid, taking a few hours (Nishino & gradually increasing nuclear size in phase 2. In phase
Morisawa 1998). Fine structure during spermatogen- 3 on day 4, meiotic nuclei are arrested at prophase I.
esis is described in detail in Martinucci et al. (2005). The coenocyst cytoplasm increases rapidly by active
Spermatogenesis proceeds in a highly synchronized transcription of nurse nuclei. In phase 4, some meiotic
way in the whole testis (syncytium), and then a number nuclei are eventually selected to be oocytes, and grow
of sperm are produced. so that the cytoplasm of the coenocyst is transferred
Oogenesis proceeds in a rather unusual way. The through a ring canal. The ring canal marks the future
whole ovary is a single syncytium, called a coenocyst vegetal pole of the egg. Meiosis is resumed. In final
(Ganot et al. 2007a,b) Oogenesis is divided into phase 5, full-grown oocytes are arrested at metaphase

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I (Fig. 11, day 5 female). Other nuclei undergo apop- be a good start with this kind of approach in future
tosis. The size of full-grown oocytes is constant, and studies.
the number of oocytes produced by a single female Several particularly interesting issues will make
depends on the available amount of food and thus on good targets for studies on O. dioica:
the final volume of the coenocyst. Efficient numerical
adjustment of oocyte production to environmental
resources is important to the fitness of this species. Establishment of chordate body plan and cell fate
How animals select an adequate number of meiotic specification during embryogenesis
nuclei to become oocyte nuclei during phase 4 is of These have been extensively investigated in ascidians
interest, but unknown. (Satoh 1994; Nishida 2005). Comparison of these pro-
Under natural conditions, oogenesis proceeds as cesses in O. dioica would be interesting because its
described above, and the animals spawn on day 5 eggs do not show directed movement of egg cyto-
without a specific spawning cue in lab culture. plasm just after fertilization, which is required to
However, when animals are stressed, for example by establish the secondary embryonic axis in ascidians.
high population density, they produce eggs earlier In addition, cell fate restriction is completed much
than normal. In this case, the coenocyst is smaller and earlier: at the 32-cell stage rather than at the 110-cell
the number of eggs becomes less. At spawning, the stage in ascidians.
gonad of the female bursts via rupture of the gonadal
wall at the specialized spawning anlagen on the
dorsal side of the gonad (Ganot et al. 2006). In con- Left–right asymmetries
trast, sperm come out of a small hole in the sperm
The cleavage pattern shows left–right asymmetry as
duct on the dorsal side, and spawning lasts several
early as the 4-cell stage. Juveniles and adults also
minutes. Animals of both sexes die a few hours after
show remarkable left–right asymmetries in the tail and
spawning; thus the animal is semelparous.
digestive tract. What factors are involved in the gen-
eration of these asymmetries and how are early and
Perspective late asymmetries causally related?

O. dioica is characterized by its simplified life habit

and organization, and shows the following features, Pattern formation of oikoplastic epithelium
some of which are eminently advantageous for devel-
The epidermis is spatially patterned for the secretion
opmental and genetic studies: (i) it is a swimming
of the intricate house. Such an elaborate pattern
tadpole up to the adult stage; (ii) it is abundant in the
would involve various processes of pattern formation.
ocean; (iii) it is dioecious and semelparous; (iv) it has
Analysis of these processes will contribute to our
quick development and a short life cycle; (v) closed
understanding of how organisms create precise pat-
and inland culture over generations is feasible; (vi) it is
terns to generate highly complex but well organized
transparent; (vii) it has a small cell number in embryos
and adults; and (viii) it has a small genome and high
density of genes (one gene per 5 kb).
Taking advantage of the extremely short life cycle of Polyploidy of somatic cells
O. dioica, genetic approaches involving transgenesis
and mutagenesis would be fruitful. The syncytial How do cells transit from ordinary cell division to DNA
coenocyst of the female gonad is a good candidate for synthesis without cell division after the tail shift? What
a DNA injection site to yield a large number of off- is the cue, and how are the specific numbers of
spring with introduced DNA. Maintenance of frozen endocycles of different cell types controlled?
sperm will also facilitate studies using transgenesis.
The high density of genes and assembled genome
Sex determination
sequences will greatly help mutagenesis studies.
Enhancer trap and insertional mutagenesis with the O. dioica is the sole dioecious species so far reported
transposon Minos have recently succeeded in in the subphylum Tunicata. Therefore, this character is
ascidians (Sasakura et al. 2005; Awazu et al. 2007; apparently derived. Nothing is known about sex deter-
reviewed in Sasakura 2007). Minos should also work in mination. Is sex genetically controlled? How did the
appendicularians. Mutagenesis using transposons sexes diverge during evolution? Was the evolutional
could facilitate the identification of mutated genes in transition from hermaphroditic to dioecious state pros-
the assembled genome sequences. Therefore, it will ecuted by a few trivial steps? These questions are

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