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A single nervous system on the functional basis is divided:

- central and peripheral;
+ somatic and vegetative;
- on cranial and spinal nerves;
- on the brain and spinal cord;

2. The central nervous system includes:
- brain and cranial nerves;
+ spinal cord and brain;
- spinal cord and spinal nerves;
- roots, spinal and cranial nerves, plexuses and nodes;

3. The peripheral nervous system includes:
- brain and cranial nerves;
- spinal and brain;
- spinal cord and spinal nerves;
+ roots, spinal and cranial nerves, plexuses and nodes;

4. A single nervous system on the topographic basis conditionally divided:
- somatic and vegetative;
+ central and peripheral;
- the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions;

5. The sequence of the stage of development of the nervous system in
+ reticular, nodular, tubular;
- node, tubular, reticular;
- node, reticular, tubular;

6. The nervous system is laid on:
+ 3 weeks of intrauterine development;
- 4 weeks of intrauterine development;
- 5 week of intrauterine development;
- 6 weeks of intrauterine development;
- 8 weeks of intrauterine development;

7. The human nervous system develops from:
- entoderm;
- mesoderm;
+ ectoderm;
- entoderm and mesoderm;
- entoderm and ectoderm;

8. The outer layer of the neural tube is called:
- ependymal;
+ marginal;
- mantle;;

9. The middle layer of the neural tube is called:
- ependymal;
- marginal;
+ mantle;

10. The inner layer of the neural tube is called:
+ ependymal;
- marginal;
- mantle;

11. Neuroblasts develop from:
- ependymal layer of the neural tube;
- marginal layer of the neural tube;
+ mantle layer of the neural tube;

12. The lining of the central canal of the spinal cord develops from:
+ ependymal layer of the neural tube;
- marginal layer of the neural tube;
- mantle layer of the neural tube;
13. From the wing plates of the neural tube develop:
- somatic efferent nuclei;
+ somatic afferent nuclei;
- vegetative efferent nuclei;
- vegetative afferent nuclei;

14. From the intermediate zone of the neural tube develop:
- somatic efferent nuclei;
- somatic afferent nuclei;
+ vegetative efferent nuclei;
- vegetative afferent nuclei;

15. From the basal plates of the neural tube develop:
+ somatic efferent nuclei;
- somatic afferent nuclei;
- vegetative efferent nuclei;
- vegetative afferent nuclei;

16. The shells of the spinal cord are derived from:
- ectoderm;
- entoderm;
+ mesoderm;

17. Spinal nodes develop from:
- nerve plate;
- nerve groove;
+ ganglion plate;
- the main (ventral) plate;
- wing (dorsal) plate;

18. The upper limit of the spinal cord is located at:
- I cervical vertebra;
+ lower edge of the large occipital foramen;
- jugular foramen;
- II cervical vertebra;

19. The lower limit of the spinal cord is located at:
- XII thoracic vertebra;
- XII thoracic - I lumbar vertebrae;
+ I-II lumbar vertebrae;
- II-III lumbar vertebrae;
- III-IV lumbar vertebrae;?
20. Fillum terminale ends at:
- body I coccygeal vertebra;
- superior sacrum;
- V sacral vertebra;
- V lumbar vertebra;
+ II coccygeal vertebra;

21. The cavity of the spinal cord is:
- IV ventricle;
- III ventricle;
- lateral ventricles;
- brain water line;
+ central channel;

22. Spinal cord enlagment:
- neck and chest;
- lumbar and sacral;
- chest and lumbar;
+ cervical and lumbosacral;
- chest and sacral;

23. The cervical spinal cord includes:
- 5 segments;
- 12 segments;
- 7 segments;
+ 8 segments;
- 31 segments;

24. The thoracic spinal cord includes:
- 5 segments;
+ 12 segments;
- 7 segments;
- 8 segments;
- 31 segments;

25. The lumbar spinal cord includes:
+ 5 segments;
- 12 segments;
- 7 segments;
- 8 segments;
- 31 segments;

26. The sacral spinal cord includes:
+ 5 segments;
- 12 segments;
- 7 segments;
- 8 segments;
- 31 segments;

27. The upper cervical segments spinal cord segments are located:
- on 1 vertebra above the corresponding vertebrae;
+ at the level of the corresponding vertebrae;
- on 2 vertebra above the corresponding vertebrae;
- on 3 vertebra above the corresponding vertebrae;?

28. The lower cervical segments of the spinal cord are located:
+ 1 vertebra higher than the corresponding vertebrae;
- at the level of the corresponding vertebrae;
- 2 vertebra higher than the corresponding vertebrae;
- 3 vertebra higher than the corresponding vertebrae;

29. The upper thoracic segments of the spinal cord are located:
+ 1 vertebra higher than the corresponding vertebrae;
- at the level of the corresponding vertebrae;
- 2 vertebra higher than the corresponding vertebrae;
- 3 vertebra higher than the corresponding vertebrae;

30. The middle thoracic segments of the spinal cord are located:
- 1 vertebra higher than the corresponding vertebrae;
- at the level of the corresponding vertebrae;
+ 2 vertebra higher than the corresponding vertebrae;
- 3 vertebra higher than the corresponding vertebrae;

31. The lower thoracic segments of the spinal cord are located:
- 1 vertebra higher than the corresponding vertebrae;
- at the level of the corresponding vertebrae;
- 2 vertebra higher than the corresponding vertebrae;
+ 3 vertebra higher than the corresponding vertebrae;

32. The lumbar segments of the spinal cord are located:
- on 2 vertebra above the corresponding vertebrae;
- at the level of the bodies IX, X thoracic vertebrae;
+ at the level of the bodies X, XI of the thoracic vertebrae;
- at the level of the XII thoracic and I lumbar vertebrae;

33. The sacral and coccygeal segments of the spinal cord are located:
- 2 vertebra higher than the corresponding vertebrae;
- at the level of bodies IX, X thoracic vertebrae;
- at the level of the bodies X, XI of the thoracic vertebrae;
+ at the level of the XII thoracic and I lumbar vertebrae;

34. The anterior funiculus of the spinal cord is located between:
+ anterior median fissure and anterior lateral sulcus;
- the anterior and posterior lateral sulci;
- the lateral and posterior median sulci;
- the lateral and posterior intermediate sulci;
- the back of the intermediate and posterior median sulci;

35. The lateral funiculus of the spinal cord is located between:
- anterior median fissure and anterior lateral sulcus;
+ front and rear lateral grooves;
- posterior lateral and posterior median sulci;
- posterior lateral and posterior intermediate sulcus;
- posterior intermediate and posterior median sulci;

36. The posterior funiculus of the spinal cord is located between:
- anterior median fissure and anterior lateral sulcus;
- front and rear lateral grooves;
+ posterior lateral and posterior median sulci;
- posterior lateral and posterior intermediate furrows;
- posterior intermediate and posterior median sulci;
37. The epidural space is located:
- between the pia matter and the spinal cord;
- between pia and arachnoid matter;
- between dura and arachnoid matter;
+ between the spinal canal and the dura matter;
- between the spinal canal and the spinal cord;

38. Internal vertebral venous plexuses are located in:
+ epidural space;
- subdural space;
- subarachnoid space;

39. Subarachnoid space is located:
- between the pia matter and the spinal cord;
+ between pia matter and arachnoid matter;
- between dura and arachnoid matter;
- between the spinal canal and the dura matter;
- between the spinal canal and the spinal cord;

40. Cerebrospinal fluid is located in:
- epidural space;
- subdural space;
+ subarachnoid space;

41. The lateral column of the gray matter of the spinal cord are expressed at
the level of:
- VIII cervical - XII thoracic segments;
- I thoracic - III lumbar segments;
+ VIII cervical - I-II lumbar segments;
- I thoracic - V lumbar segments;
- II thoracic - V lumbar segments;

42. In the lateral horns of the thoraco-lumbar spinal cord are located:
- sensitive nuclei;
- motor nuclei;
+ vegetative (sympathetic) nuclei;
- vegetative (parasympathetic) nuclei;

43. In the lateral horns of the sacral spinal cord are located:
- sensitive nuclei;
- motor nuclei;
- vegetative (sympathetic) nuclei;
+ vegetative (parasympathetic) nuclei;

44. In the anterior horns of the spinal cord are located:
- sensitive (afferent) neurons;
+ motor (efferent) neurons;
- autonomic (sympathetic) neurons;
- vegetative (parasympathetic) neurons;
- intercalary (associative) neurons;

45. In the posterior horns of the spinal cord are located:
- sensitive (afferent) neurons;
- motor (efferent) neurons;
- autonomic (sympathetic) neurons;
- vegetative (parasympathetic) neurons;
+ associative neurons;

46. The spongy zone is located:
- in the anterior gray spike of the spinal cord;
- in the back gray spike of the spinal cord;
- in the anterior column of the spinal cord;
- in the lateral column of the spinal cord;
+ in the posterior column of the spinal cord;

47. The gelatinous substance is located:
- in the anterior gray spike of the spinal cord;
- in the back gray spike of the spinal cord;
- in the anterior column of the spinal cord;
- in the lateral column of the spinal cord;
+ in the posterior column of the spinal cord;

48. Own bundles of the spinal cord are formed by processes of neurons:
- thoracic nucleus;
- own nucleus of the horn;
+ gelatinous substance and spongy zone;
- lateral intermediate nucleus;
- medial intermediate nucleus;

49. The anterior roots of the spinal nerves exit the spinal cord:
- through the anteriomedial sulcus;
+ through the anteriolateral sulcus;
- through the posteriolateral sulcus;
- through the posteriomedian sulcus;
- through the posteriointermediate fussura;

50. The front roots of the spinal cord are formed:
- axons of neurons of the spinal nodes;
+ axons of motor neurons of the anterior horns;
- axons of neurons of the own nuclei of the posterior horns;
- dendrites of neurons of the spinal nodes;
- dendrites of motor neurons of the anterior horns;

51. The posterior roots of the spinal nerves enter the spinal cord:
- through the anteriomedial sulcus;
- through the anteriolateral sulcus;
+ through the posteriolateral sulcus;
- through the posteriomedian sulcus;
- through the posteriointermediate sulcus;

52. The posterior roots of the spinal cord are formed:
+ axons of neurons of the spinal nodes;
- axons of motor neurons of the anterior horns;
- axons of neurons of the own nuclei of the posterior horns;
- dendrites of neurons of the spinal nodes;
- dendrites of motor neurons of the anterior horns;

53. Spinal nodes contain:
- dendrites of afferent neurons;
- axons of afferent neurons;
+ bodies of afferent neurons;
- dendrites of efferent neurons;
- axons of efferent neurons;

54. On the nuclei of the anterior horn of the spinal cord switches:
+ lateral cortical-spinal (pyramidal) path;
- gracile fasciculus;
- anterior spinothalamic pathway;
- lateral spinothalamic pathway;
- wedge-shaped bundle;

55. On the breast core switches:
- gracile fasciculus;
- lateral spinothalamic pathway;
- anterior spinothalamic pathway;
+ posterior spincerebellar pathway;
- anterior cortical-spinal way;

56. On the intermediate medial nucleus switches:
- lateral spinothalamic pathway;
+ anterior spinothalamic pathway;
- posterior spincerebellar pathway;
- gracile fasciculus;
- spinal cord;

57. WHich tract does switch on the proper nucleus:
+ spinothalamic pathway;
- gracile fasciculus;
- the rubro-spinal path;
- anterior spinothalamic pathway;
- posterior spincerebellar pathway;

58. On the intermediate lateral nucleus switch:
- motor conductive paths;
- sensitive pathways;
+ vegetative pathways;

59. Spinothalamic paths switch:
- on the nuclei of the anterior horn;
+ on the proper nucleus;
- on the intermediate medial nucleus;
- on the mid-lateral nucleus;
- on thoracic nucleus;

60. The first neuron of any sensory pathway of the spinal cord is located:
+ in the spinal ganglion;
- in the proper nucleus;
- in the thoracic nucleus;
- in the nuclei of the anterior horn;
- in olives of the medulla oblongata;

61. The last neuron of any motor pathway is located:
- in the spinal ganglion;
- in the proper nucleus of the posterior horn;
- in the thoracic nucleus;
+ in the nuclei of the anterior horn;
- in olives of the medulla oblongata;
62. In the posterior funiculus of the spinal cord is located:
- anterior cortico-spinal (pyramidal) path;
- anterior spinocerebellar path;
+ gracilis fasciculus;
- rubrospinal path;
- tectospinal path;

63. In the posterior funiculus of the spinal cord is located:
- posterior spinocerebellar pathway;
+ cuneate bundle;
- anterior cortico-spinal (pyramidal) path;
- rubrospinal path;
- tectospinal path;

64. In the anterior funiculus of the spinal cord is located:
+ anterior cortico-spinal (pyramidal) path;
- posterior spinocerebellar pathway;
- gracilis fasciculus;
- rubrospinal path;
- tectospinal path;

65. In the anterior funiculus of the spinal cord is located:
+ tectospinal path;
- posterior spinocerebellar pathway;
- gracilis fasciculus;
- rubrospinal path;
- cuneate bundle;;

66. In the anterior funiculus of the spinal cord is located:
+ reticulo-spinal way;
- posterior spinocerebellar pathway;
- gracilis fasciculus;
- rubrospinal path;
- cuneate bundle;;

67. In the anterior funiculus of the spinal cord is located:
+ medial longitudinal bundle;
- posterior spinocerebellar pathway;
- gracilis fasciculus;
- rubrospinal path;
- cuneate bundle;;

68. In the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord is located:
+ lateral cortical-spinal (pyramidal) path;
- the anterior cortico-spinal (pyramidal) path;
- gracilis fasciculus;
- cuneate bundle;
- tectospinal path;

69. In the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord is located:
+ posterior spinocerebellar pathway;
- the anterior cortico-spinal (pyramidal) path;
- gracilis fasciculus;
- cuneate bundle;
- tectospinal path;
? 70. In the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord is located:
+ anterior spinocerebellar pathway;
- the anterior cortico-spinal (pyramidal) path;
- gracilis fasciculus;
- cuneate bundle;
- tectospinal path;

71. In the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord is located:
+ rubrospinal path and spinal cord;
- the anterior cortico-spinal (pyramidal) path;
- gracilis fasciculus;
- cuneate bundle;
- tectospinal path

72. In the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord is located:
+ lateral spinothalamic pathway;
- the anterior cortical-spinal (pyramidal) path;
- gracilis fasciculus;
- cuneate bundle;
- tectospinal path

73. The reticulo-spinal path is located:
- in the anterior white spike of the spinal cord;
- in the back white spike of the spinal cord;
+ in the anterior funiculus of the spinal cord;
- in the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord;
- in the posterior funiculus of the spinal cord;

74. The reticulo-spinal path is:
- associative way;
- afferent way;
- afferent reflex way;
- effectively conscious way;
+ efferent reflex;

75. The precordial-spinal path is located:
- in the anterior white spike of the spinal cord;
- in the back white spike of the spinal cord;
+ in the anterior funiculus of the spinal cord;
- in the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord;
- in the posterior funiculus of the spinal cord;

76. The cerebrospinal tract is:
- associative way;
- afferent way;
- afferent reflex way;
- effectively conscious way;
+ efferent reflex;

77. Arbitrary motor innervation of the muscles of the neck and torso provides:
+ front cortical-spinal way;
- lateral cortical-spinal way;
- red-spinal cord path;
- reticular-spinal way;
- medial longitudinal bundle;
78. Arbitrary motor innervation of the muscles of the upper and lower
extremities provides:
-the front cortical-spinal path;
+ lateral cortical-spinal way;
- red-spinal cord path;
-reticular-spinal way;
- medial longitudinal bundle;

79. The spinal cord path is located:
-in the anterior white spike of the spinal cord;
-in the back white spike of the spinal cord;
+ in the anterior cord of the spinal cord;
-in the lateral cord of the spinal cord;
- in the posterior cord of the spinal cord;

80. The spinal cord path is:
-associative way;
-afferent way;
-afferent reflex way;
-effectively conscious way;
+ efferent reflex;

81. Protective reactions to sudden visual and auditory stimuli provide:
- vestibular-spinal way;
+ spinal cover;
- red-spinal cord path;
-reticular-spinal way;
- medial longitudinal bundle;

82. The medial longitudinal bundle is located:
+ in the anterior cord of the spinal cord;
-in the lateral cord of the spinal cord;
- in the posterior cord of the spinal cord;

83. The combined rotation of the head and eyes provides:
- vestibular-spinal way;
- the covering and spinal route;
- red-spinal cord path;
-reticular-spinal way;
+ medial longitudinal bundle;

84. The function of the spinal-talamic path:
-afferent, reflex;
-afferent, conscious, proprioceptive sensitivity;
+ afferent, conscious, pain, temperature and tactile sensitivity;
-effective, reflex;
- efficient, conscious;

85. Cortical-spinal cord function:
+ efferent, conscious;
-effective, reflex;
-afferent, conscious;
-afferent, reflex;
- vegetative;
86. The function of thin and wedge-shaped beams:
-afferent, reflex;
+ afferent, conscious, proprioceptive sensitivity;
-afferent, conscious, pain, temperature and tactile sensitivity;
-effective, reflex;
- efficient, conscious;

87. Function of the anterior and posterior spinal cerebral pathways:
-effective, conscious;
-effective, reflex;
-effective, conscious;
+ afferent reflex;
- vegetative;

88. The thin beam switches:
-on the nuclei of the front horn;
-at the core of the olive;
-on the nucleus cushion of the visual mound;
+ on the nuclei of a thin bundle of the medulla;
- on the nuclei of the superior tubercle of the midbrain;

89. On the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata are located:
gray hillock;
- pineal body;
+ pyramids and olives;
-optical bump;
-thin and wedge-shaped beams;

90. In the pyramids of the medulla oblongata pass:
-thin and wedge-shaped beams;
+ cortical-spinal and cortical-nuclear pathways;
- Anterior and posterior spinal-cerebellar pathways;
-the anterior and posterior dorsal-talamic pathways;
- red-spinal cord path;

100. The brachial plexus is formed:
-the anterior branches of the upper 4 cervical spinal nerves;
-the posterior branches of the upper 4 cervical spinal nerves;
+ front branches of the lower 4 cervical and 1 thoracic spinal nerves;
-the posterior branches of the lower 4 cervical and 1 thoracic spinal nerves;

101. The brachial plexus trunks are located:
- in an axillary cavity;
- in the pre-stair space;
+ in the interlabel space;
-in the shoulder-muscle canal;

102. The short branches of the brachial plexus include:
-dorsal scapular, long thoracic, supraclavicular, supraspinous and sub-axial,
thoracodorsal, large and small thoracic;
-dorsal scapular, subclavian, long thoracic, supraspinous and sub-axial, lateral
and medial thoracic;
+ dorsal scapular, long thoracic, axillary, lateral and medial thoracic,
thoracodorsal, supra-subscapularis, subclavian;
- axillary, supra- and subclavian, lateral and medial thoracic, supraspinous;
- long thoracic, dorsal scapular, axillary, supraclavicular;
103. Deltoid muscle innervates:
- subscapular nerve;
+ axillary nerve;
-adopastric nerve;
-dorsal nerve scapula;
- the pectoral nerve;

104. Small round muscle innervates:
- subscapular nerve;
+ axillary nerve;
-adopastric nerve;
-dorsal nerve scapula;
- the pectoral nerve;

105. The muscle lifting the shoulder blade innervates:
- lateral and medial pectoral nerves;
-adopastric nerve;
- subscapular nerve;
+ dorsal scapular nerve;
- axillary nerve;

106. Diamond-shaped muscles innervates:
- subscapular nerve;
- axillary nerve;
-adopastric nerve;
+ dorsal scapular nerve;
- the pectoral nerve;

107. Anterior gear muscle innervates:
+ long pectoral nerve;
- axillary nerve;
-adopastric nerve;
-dorsal nerve scapula;
- the pectoral nerve;

108. Supraspinal and supraspous muscle innervates:
- subscapular nerve;
- axillary nerve;
+ suprascapular nerve;
-dorsal nerve scapula;
- the pectoral nerve;

109. The subscapularis and the large round muscle innervates:
+ subscapular nerve;
- axillary nerve;
-adopastric nerve;
-dorsal nerve scapula;
- the pectoral nerve;

110. The broadest muscle of the back innervates:
- subscapular nerve;
- axillary nerve;
-adopastric nerve;
-dorsal nerve scapula;
+ sternum nerve;
111. The pectoralis major muscle innervates:
- lateral pectoral nerve;
+ medial pectoral nerve;
-adopastric nerve;
-dorsal nerve scapula;
- the pectoral nerve;

112. Small pectoral muscle innervates:
+ lateral pectoral nerve;
- medial thoracic nerve;
-adopastric nerve;
-dorsal nerve scapula;
- the pectoral nerve;

113. The subclavian muscle innervates:
- lateral and medial pectoral nerves;
- long thoracic nerve;
+ subclavian nerve;
- the pectoral nerve;
- axillary nerve;

114. The axillary nerve is:
- motor;
+ mixed;

115. Lateral and medial pectoral nerves depart from:
-the lateral bundle of the brachial plexus;
-medial bundle of the brachial plexus;
- the back beam of the brachial plexus;
+ lateral and medial bundles of the brachial plexus;
- lateral and posterior bundles of the brachial plexus;

116. The axillary nerve departs from:
-the lateral bundle of the brachial plexus;
-medial bundle of the brachial plexus;
+ posterior bundle of the brachial plexus;
α-lateral and medial bundles of the brachial plexus;
- lateral and posterior bundles of the brachial plexus;

117. The musculo-cutaneous nerve departs from:
+ lateral brachial plexus bundle;
-medial bundle of the brachial plexus;
- the back beam of the brachial plexus;
α-lateral and medial bundles of the brachial plexus;
- lateral and posterior bundles of the brachial plexus;

118. The median nerve departs from:
-the lateral bundle of the brachial plexus;
-medial bundle of the brachial plexus;
- the back beam of the brachial plexus;
+ lateral and medial bundles of the brachial plexus;
- lateral and posterior bundles of the brachial plexus;

119. The ulnar nerve departs from:
-the lateral bundle of the brachial plexus;
+ the medial bundle of the brachial plexus;
- the back beam of the brachial plexus;
α-lateral and medial bundles of the brachial plexus;
- lateral and posterior bundles of the brachial plexus;

120. The medial cutaneous nerve of the shoulder departs from:
- the back beam of the brachial plexus;
+ the medial bundle of the brachial plexus;
- muscle and skin nerve;
-radiation nerve;
- the axillary nerve;

121. Upper lateral cutaneous nerve of the shoulder departs from:
- the back beam of the brachial plexus;
-medial bundle of the brachial plexus;
- muscle and skin nerve;
-radiation nerve;
+ axillary nerve;

122. The lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm moves away from:
- the back beam of the brachial plexus;
-medial bundle of the brachial plexus;
+ musculocutaneous nerve;
-radiation nerve;
- the axillary nerve;

123. The medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm moves away from:
- the back beam of the brachial plexus;
+ the medial bundle of the brachial plexus;
- muscle and skin nerve;
-radiation nerve;
- the axillary nerve;

124. The posterior cutaneous nerve of the shoulder departs from:
- the back beam of the brachial plexus;
-medial bundle of the brachial plexus;
- muscle and skin nerve;
+ radial nerve;
- the axillary nerve;

125. The anterior interosseous nerve departs from:
-Local nerve;
median nerve;
- muscle and skin nerve;
-surface branch of the radial nerve;
- deep branch of the radial nerve;

126. The posterior interosseous nerve departs from:
-Local nerve;
- median nerve;
- muscle and skin nerve;
-surface branch of the radial nerve;
+ deep branch of the radial nerve;

127. The skin of the medial surface of the shoulder innervates:
+ medial cutaneous nerve of the shoulder;
-medial dermal nerve of the forearm;
- musculo-cutaneous nerve;
-radiation nerve;
-beam and axillary nerves;

128. The skin of the lateral surface of the shoulder innervates:
-medial cutaneous nerve of the shoulder;
-medial dermal nerve of the forearm;
- musculo-cutaneous nerve;
-radiation nerve;
+ ray and axillary nerves;

129. The skin of the back surface of the shoulder innervates:
-medial cutaneous nerve of the shoulder;
-medial dermal nerve of the forearm;
- musculo-cutaneous nerve;
+ radial nerve;
-beam and axillary nerves;

130. Anterior shoulder muscle group innervates:
- median nerve;
+ musculocutaneous nerve;
- ulnar nerve;
- axillary nerve;
-radiation nerve;

131. The back muscle group of the shoulder innervates:
- median nerve;
- musculo-cutaneous nerve;
- ulnar nerve;
- axillary nerve;
+ radial nerve;

132. Round and square pronators of the forearm innervates:
- ulnar nerve;
+ median nerve;
-radiation nerve;
- musculo-cutaneous nerve;

133. The median nerve innervates the muscles of the anterior group of the
forearm, except for:
-surface and deep finger flexor;
-Radicular flexor and superficial flexor;
-alpal flexor and superficial flexor;
+ ulnar flexor and deep flexor;
-Lock finger flexor;

134. The interosseous muscles of the hand (back and palmar) innervates:
-radiation nerve;
- median nerve;
+ ulnar nerve;
- musculo-cutaneous nerve;

135. The adductor muscle of the thumb innervates:
-radiation nerve;
- median nerve;
+ ulnar nerve;
- musculo-cutaneous nerve;

136. The skin of the back surface of the forearm innervates:
+ radial nerve;
- musculo-cutaneous nerve;
- median nerve;
- ulnar nerve;

137. The muscles of the back group of the forearm innervates:
- median nerve;
- ulnar nerve;
- musculo-cutaneous nerve;
+ radial nerve;

138. The skin of the back of the brush innervates:
- ulnar nerve;
- median nerve;
-radiation nerve;
+ ulnar and radial nerves;
-locate and median nerves;

139. Palm skin innervates:
- ulnar nerve;
- median nerve;
-radiation nerve;
-local and radial nerves;
+ ulnar and median nerves;

140. The lumbar plexus is formed:
+ front branches 12 thoracic and 1 - 4 lumbar spinal nerves;
-the posterior branches of the 12th thoracic and 1–4 lumbar spinal nerves;
-the anterior branches of the sacral spinal nerves;
-the posterior branches of the sacral spinal nerves;
-the anterior branches of the 5 sacral and coccygeal spinal nerves;

141. The lumbar plexus branches include:
-bibular, peroneal, sexual, obturator nerves;
+ femoral, obturator, femoral-sexual, ileo-hypogastric, ileo-inguinal, lateral
nerve of the thigh;
- ileal-temporal, ileo-inguinal, obturator, femoral, sexual;
- superior and inferior gluteal nerves, genital nerve, posterior cutaneous,
sciatic nerves;

142. Iliac nerve is:
+ lumbar plexus branch;
branch of the sacral plexus;
- branch of the sexual plexus;
branch of the coccygeal plexus;

143. The ileal-inguinal nerve is:
+ lumbar plexus branch;
branch of the sacral plexus;
- branch of the sexual plexus;
branch of the coccygeal plexus;

144. Iliac-inguinal nerve passes through:
+ inguinal canal;
-vascular lacuna;
- muscular lacuna;
- locking channel;
-true-shaped hole;

145. In the inguinal canal passes:
- ileal-hypogastric nerve;
+ ilio-inguinal nerve;
- Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh;
- femoral nerve;
- locking nerve;

146. The femoral-genital nerve is:
+ lumbar plexus branch;
branch of the sacral plexus;
- branch of the sexual plexus;
branch of the coccygeal plexus;

147. The femoral branch of the femoral-genital nerve passes through:
- inguinal canal;
+ vascular lacuna;
- muscular lacuna;
- locking channel;
-true-shaped hole;

148. The genital branch of the femoral-genital nerve passes through:
+ inguinal canal;
-vascular lacuna;
- muscular lacuna;
- locking channel;
-true-shaped hole;

149. In the inguinal canal passes:
- ileal-hypogastric nerve;
- femur-femoral nerve hip;
+ genital branch of the femoral-genital nerve;
- femoral nerve;
- locking nerve;

150. Through the vascular lacuna passes:
- ileal-hypogastric nerve;
+ femoral branch of the femoral-genital nerve;
-fallow branch of the femoral-genital nerve;
- femoral nerve;
- locking nerve;

151. Lateral femoral nerve is:
+ lumbar plexus branch;
branch of the sacral plexus;
- branch of the sexual plexus;
branch of the coccygeal plexus;
152. Lateral femoral nerve passes through:
- inguinal canal;
-vascular lacuna;
+ muscle lacuna;
- locking channel;
-true-shaped hole;

153. The femoral nerve is:
+ lumbar plexus branch;
branch of the sacral plexus;
- branch of the sexual plexus;
branch of the coccygeal plexus;

154. The femoral nerve passes through:
- inguinal canal;
-vascular lacuna;
+ muscle lacuna;
- sub-aperture;
- nodular hole

161. The superior gluteal nerve passes through:
- inguinal canal;
-vascular lacuna;
- muscular lacuna;
- sub-aperture;
+ pear-shaped hole;

162. The lower gluteal nerve is:
- lumbar plexus branch;
+ branch of the sacral plexus;
- branch of the sexual plexus;
branch of the coccygeal plexus;

163. The lower gluteal nerve passes through:
- inguinal canal;
-vascular lacuna;
- muscular lacuna;
+ sub-aperture;
-true-shaped hole;

164. The posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh is:
- lumbar plexus branch;
+ branch of the sacral plexus;
- branch of the sexual plexus;
branch of the coccygeal plexus;

165. The posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh is:
- lumbar plexus branch;
+ branch of the sacral plexus;
the branch of the femoral nerve;
- the branch of the sciatic nerve;

166. The posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh passes through:
- inguinal canal;
-vascular lacuna;
- muscular lacuna;
+ sub-aperture;
-true-shaped hole;

167. The sciatic nerve is:
- lumbar plexus branch;
+ branch of the sacral plexus;
- branch of the sexual plexus;
branch of the coccygeal plexus;

168. The sciatic nerve passes through:
- inguinal canal;
-vascular lacuna;
- muscular lacuna;
+ sub-aperture;
- overgrow
-true-shaped hole;

169. Nerves come out through the subglossal opening:
- upper and lower buttock, locking, hip;
+ lower buttock, genital, posterior skin and sciatic;
-low buttock, femoral-sexual, posterior cutaneous, sciatic;
-big and fibula, posterior cutaneous and obturator;
- upper and lower gluteus, sexual, sciatic, femoral;

170. The tibial nerve is:
- lumbar plexus branch;
branch of the sacral plexus;
the branch of the femoral nerve;
+ branch of the sciatic nerve;

171. Tibial nerve passes through:
+ ankle channel;
- superior muscular-fibular canal;
- lower muscular-fibular canal;
- sub-aperture;
-true-shaped hole;

172. In the knee-popliteal canal passes:
- sciatic nerve;
+ tibial nerve;
- common fibular nerve;
- deep peroneal nerve;
- superficial fibular nerve;

173. The medial plantar nerve is:
the branch of the femoral nerve;
- the branch of the sciatic nerve;
+ branch of the tibial nerve;
the branch of the common peroneal nerve;
- branch of the subcutaneous nerve;

174. The lateral plantar nerve is:
the branch of the femoral nerve;
- the branch of the sciatic nerve;
+ branch of the tibial nerve;
the branch of the common peroneal nerve;
- branch of the subcutaneous nerve;

175. The medial cutaneous nerve of the calf is:
the branch of the femoral nerve;
- the branch of the sciatic nerve;
+ branch of the tibial nerve;
the branch of the common peroneal nerve;
- branch of the subcutaneous nerve;

176. The common peroneal nerve is:
- lumbar plexus branch;
branch of the sacral plexus;
the branch of the femoral nerve;
+ branch of the sciatic nerve;

177. The superficial peroneal nerve is:
the branch of the femoral nerve;
- the branch of the sciatic nerve;
the branch of the tibial nerve;
+ branch of the common peroneal nerve;
- branch of the subcutaneous nerve;

178. The deep fibula nerve is:
the branch of the femoral nerve;
- the branch of the sciatic nerve;
the branch of the tibial nerve;
+ branch of the common peroneal nerve;
- branch of the subcutaneous nerve;

179. The superficial peroneal nerve passes through:
- knee canal;
+ upper muscular-fibular canal;
- lower muscular-fibular canal;
- sub-aperture;
-true-shaped hole;

180. In the upper muscular-fibular canal passes:
- sciatic nerve;
- tibial nerve;
- common fibular nerve;
- deep fibula;
+ superficial peroneal nerve;

181. The lateral dermal nerve of the calf is:
the branch of the femoral nerve;
- the branch of the sciatic nerve;
the branch of the tibial nerve;
+ branch of the common peroneal nerve;
- branch of the subcutaneous nerve;

182. The sural nerve is formed by:
- subcutaneous nerve;
- sciatic nerve;
-bibial nerve;
- general fibular nerve;
+ lateral and medial skin nerves of the calf;

183. Medial thigh muscle group innervates:
- femoral nerve;
+ obturator nerve;
- sciatic nerve;
- femoral-genital nerve;
- ileal-epigastric nerve;

184. Anterior thigh muscle group innervates:
+ femoral nerve;
- locking nerve;
- sciatic nerve;
- femoral-genital nerve;
- ileal-epigastric nerve;

185. The posterior thigh muscle group innervates:
- femoral nerve;
- locking nerve;
+ sciatic nerve;
- femoral-genital nerve;
- ileal-epigastric nerve;

186. The back group of the calf muscles innervates:
- common fibular nerve;
- superficial fibular nerve;
- deep peroneal nerve;
+ tibial nerve;
- sciatic nerve;

187. The lateral group of the leg muscles innervates:
- common fibular nerve;
+ superficial peroneal nerve;
- deep peroneal nerve;
- tibial nerve;
- sciatic nerve;
188. Переднюю группу мышц голени иннервирует:
-общий малоберцовый нерв;
-поверхностный малоберцовый нерв;
+глубокий малоберцовый нерв;
-большеберцовый нерв;
-седалищный нерв;

189. The skin of the back of the thigh innervates:
- subcutaneous nerve;
- locking nerve;
- femoral and femoral-genital nerves;
- Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh;
+ posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh;

190. The skin of the front of the thigh innervates:
- subcutaneous nerve;
- locking nerve;
+ femoral and femoral-genital nerves;
- Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh;
- posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh;
191. The skin of the medial surface of the thigh innervates:
- subcutaneous nerve;
+ obturator nerve;
- femoral and femoral-genital nerves;
- Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh;
- posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh;

192. The skin of the lateral surface of the thigh innervates:
- subcutaneous nerve;
- locking nerve;
- femoral and femoral-genital nerves;
+ lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh;
- posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh;

193. The skin of the back surface of the lower leg innervates:
- subcutaneous nerve (safenus);
+ sural nerve, medial and lateral dermal nerves of the calf;
- tibial nerve;
- superficial fibular nerve;
- deep peroneal nerve;

194. The skin of the anterior medial surface of the calf innervates:
+ subcutaneous nerve (safenus);
-capital nerve;
- tibial nerve;
- superficial fibular;
- deep peroneal nerve;

195. The intercostal muscles of the foot (back and plantar) innervates:
+ lateral plantar nerve;
- medial plantar nerve;
- deep peroneal nerve;
- superficial fibular nerve;
-capital nerve;

196. The skin of the medial edge of the foot innervates:
+ subcutaneous nerve;
-capital nerve;
-surface and deep fibular nerves;
- lateral and medial plantar nerves;
- Lateral and medial dermal nerves of the calf, sural nerve;

197. The skin of the lateral edge of the foot innervates:
- subcutaneous nerve;
+ sural nerve;
-surface and deep fibular nerves;
- lateral and medial plantar nerves;
- Lateral and medial dermal nerves of the calf, sural nerve;

198. The skin of the rear foot, except for the I interdigital gap, innervates:
- deep peroneal nerve;
-capital nerve;
- tibial nerve;
+ superficial peroneal nerve;
- femoral nerve;
199. The skin of the I interdigital space of the rear foot innervates:
+ deep fibular nerve;
-capital nerve;
- tibial nerve;
- superficial fibular nerve;
- subcutaneous nerve;

200. The muscles of the perineum innervates:
- femoral-genital nerve;
- superior gluteal nerve;
-low buttock nerve;
+ genital nerve;
- sciatic nerve;

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