Anatomy «Respiratory System»-1 Test

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Prajwal k

Group 4

Ответы на тест: «RESPIRATORY SYSTEM»

331. Specify which parts of the respiratory system are part of the upper respiratory tract:
+A — oral part of pharynx
-B — larynx
+C — nasal part of pharynx
-D — trachea

333. Indicate which anatomical structures (listed) are part of the lower respiratory tract:
-A — oral pharynx chsast
+B — larynx
+C — trachea
+D — bronchi

334. Enter gland mucosa of the respiratory region nasal cavity:
-A — sweat glands
-B — serous gland
-C — sebaceous glands
+D- mucous glands

335. Which of the cavities communicate with the with the inferior nasal miatus
-A — average cell of the ethmoid bone
+B — nasolacrimal duct
-C — maxillary sinus
-D — rear cell of the ethmoid bone

336. Which of the cavities are reported with a mean nasal miatus:
+A — frontal sinus
+B — maxillary sinus
-C — sphenoidal sinus
+D — average cell of the ethmoid bone

337. Which of the cavities in communication with the upper nasal miatus:
+A — the posterior cell of the ethmoid bone
+B — sphenoidal sinus
-C — maxillary sinus
-D — frontal sinus
338. What are the divisions of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity are the olfactory region
-A — mucous membrane of the lower nasal turbinate
+B — mucosa supraturbinal
+C — mucous membrane middle nasal concha
+D — mucosa of the upper division of the nasal septum

339. Specify bone formation, limiting hoany:
+A — medial pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
+B — vomer
+C- body of the sphenoid bone
-D — horizontal plate of palatine bone

340. What does the larynx
+A — vocal organ
+B — respiration
-C — protective
-D — secretory

341. Which of the following formations conceal the larynx from the front
-A — digastric
+B — pretraeheal lamina cervical fascia
+C — sternohyoid muscle
-D — mylohyoid muscle

342. What anatomical structures limit the entrance to the larynx
+A — epiglottis
+B — aryoepiglottis folds
-C — cricoid
+D — arytenoid cartilage

343. What are the anatomical structures in contact behind the larynx?
-A — sublingual muscles
-B — thyroid gland
+C — pharynx
-D — prevertebral lamina cervical fascia

344. What kind of facial bone are involved in the formation of pear-shaped aperture
+A — maxilla
-B — zygomatic bone
-C- frontal bone
-D — lacrimal bone
345. Enter the anatomical structures that limit the laryngeal ventricle:
+A — vestibular folds
+B — vocal folds
-C — aryoepiglottis folds
-D — arytenoid cartilage

346. Enter the anatomical structures between which stretched the vocal cords:
+A — voice processes arytenoid cartilage
-B — muscular processes of arytenoid cartilage
-C — the upper edge of the arc of cricoid cartilage
+D — inner surface of the thyroid cartilage

347. Enter the unpaired cartilage of larynx:
-A — arytenoid cartilage
+B — cricoid
-C — cuneiform cartilage
-D — corniculate cartilage

348. Specify upper and lower bound elastic cone larynx:
-A — notch of the thyroid cartilage
+B — vocal cords
-C — the lower edge of the arc of cricoid cartilage
+D — top edge of the arc of cricoid cartilage

349. Specify the structure, between which there is interchondral part of the glottis:
-A — between the folds of the laryngeal vestibule
+B — between the arytenoid cartilage
-C — between the vestibular and vocal folds
-D — between the arytenoid cartilage

350. Which side is facing the arc of cricoid cartilage
+A — anterior
-B — backward
-C — up
-D — down

351. Enter the epithelium lining the mucosa of the trachea:
-A — stratified
-B — simple squamous (flat)
+C — ciliated
-D — transition
352. Enter the muscles that attach to the oblique line of thyroid cartilage:
+A — belly-thyroid muscle
+B — thyrohyoid muscle
-C — thyroarytenoid muscle
-D — cricoarytenoid muscle

353. Enter the muscles that extend the glottis:
-A — thyroarytenoid muscle
-B — transverse arytenoid muscle
-C — lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
+D — posterior cricoarytenoid muscle

354. Enter sphincter glottis:
+A — lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
-B — sternothyroid muscle
+C — transverse arytenoid muscle
+D — oblique arytenoid muscle

355. Enter the muscles that bend the vocal cords:
-A — vocal muscle
-B — thyroarytenoid muscle
-C — thyrohyoid muscle
+D — cricoarytenoid muscle

356. Enter the sinuses, are available at the newborn baby:
-A — frontal sinus
-B — sphenoidal sinus
+C — sinus
-D — rear cell of the ethmoid bone

357. Indicate which of the laryngeal muscles at the same time narrow the glottis and straining their vocal
-A — vocal muscles
+B — thyroarytenoid muscle
+C — oblique arytenoid muscle
+D — cricoarytenoid lateral muscle

358. Indicate the location of the carina:
-A — VII cervical vertebra
+B — V thoracic vertebra
-C — VIII thoracic vertebrae
-D — the lower half of body of sternum
359. Enter the anatomical structures at the level of which is a bifurcation of the trachea in an adult:
-A — the angle of the sternum
+B — V thoracic vertebra
-C — jugular notch of sternum
-D — the upper edge of the aortic arch

360. Enter the anatomical structures that are in front of the trachea:
-A — larynx
+B — pretraeheal lamina cervical fascia
+C — sternohyoid muscle
-D — thoracic lymphatic duct

361. Enter the anatomical structures located behind the trachea:
+A — esophagus
-B — larynx
-C — arch of aorta
-D — thymus

362. Specify anatomical education available in the mucosa of the trachea:
+A — tracheal cancer
+B — lymphoid nodules
-C — cardiac gland
-D — lymphoid plaques

363. Enter the part of the trachea:
+A — Neck
-B — head
+C — part of the breast
-D — abdominal

364. What positions are characteristic of the right main bronchus as compared with the left?
+A — a more upright position
+B — a wider
+C — shorter
-D — longer

365. Enter the anatomical structures that are located above the left main bronchus at the gate of light:
+A — arch of aorta
-B — azygos vein
-A — hemyazygos Vien
-R — thymus
366. Enter the anatomical structures that are located on the right main bronchus at the gate of light:
-A — semiunpaired Vienna
-B — arch of thoracic duct lymph
+C — azygos vein
-D — bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk

367. What positions are characteristic of the right lung compared with the left?
+A — wider
-B — longer
-C — narrow
+D — shorter

368. Indicate the place of localization of cardiac notch on the light:
-A — back edge of the right lung
+B — the forefront of the left lung
-C — the lower edge of the left lung
-D — the lower edge of the right lung

368. Indicate the place of localization of an oblique slit on the light:
+A — posterior edge of the right lung
+B — anterior edge of the left lung
+C — the lower edge of the left lung
+D — the lower edge of the right lung

369. Indicate the place of localization of the horizontal slit on the light:
-A — costal surface of left lung
+B — costal surface of the right lung
-C — mediastinal surface of left lung
-D — diaphragmatic surface of right lung

370. Enter the anatomical structures that limit the cardiac notch of left lung below:
+A — lingula
-B — oblique fissure
-C- the gates of light
-D — horizontal fissure

371. Enter the anatomical structures that are at the gate of lung:
+A — pulmonary artery
-B — pulmonary Vien
+C — main bronchus
-D — lymphatic vessels
372. Enter the anatomical structures that occupy the highest position in the gate of the right lung:
-A — pulmonary artery
-B — pulmonary Vienna
-C — nerves
+D — main bronchus

373. Specify the lobe of lung that are divided into 5 segments:
+A — the lower lobe of right lung
-B — the upper lobe of left lung
+C — bottom of the left lung
-D — upper lobe of right lung

374. Which of the segmental bronchi are formed at the bifurcation of the right upper lobe bronchus
-A — anterior basal
+B — apical
+C — rear
+D — front

375. Which of the segmental bronchi are formed at the bifurcation of the right middle lobe bronchus
-A — medial basal
-B — anterior basal
+C — lateral
+D — medial

376. Which of the segmental bronchi are formed at the bifurcation of the right lower lobe bronchus
+A — medial basal
+B — anterior basal
+C — upper
+D — rear basal

377. Which of the segmental bronchi are formed at the bifurcation of the left upper lobe bronchus?
+A — lower lingula
+B — posterioapicalis
+C — front
+D — upper lingula
378. Which of the segmental bronchi are formed at the bifurcation of the left lower lobe bronchus?
+A — posterior basal
+B — lateral basal
-C — lower lingula
+D — medial basal

379. Enter the anatomical structures located in the center of the pulmonary segments:
+A — segmental Vien
+B — segmental artery
+C — segmental bronchus
-D — lobe Vien

380. Specify the structure of the bronchial tree, has no cartilage in their walls:
-A — respiratory bronchioles
-B — lobular bronchi
+C — terminal bronchioles
-D — alveolar passages

381. Specify the structure involved in education alveolar tree (acini):
-A — terminal bronchioles
+B — respiratory bronchioles
+C — alveolar passages
+D — alveolar sacs

382. Specify the projection of the top of the right lung on the surface of the body:
-A — above the clavicle for 3 — 4 cm
+B — at the level of spinous process VII cervical vertebra
+C — above I rib on 3 — 4 cm
+D — above the clavicle — 2 cm

383. Indicate if any branching structures formed respiratory bronchioles:
-A — segmental bronchi
-B — lobular bronchi
+C — terminal bronchioles
-D — lobar bronchi

384. Specify the structural elements of the lung, where gas exchange occurs between air and blood:
+A — alveolar passages
+B — alveoli
+C — respiratory bronchioles
+D — alveolar sacs

385. Enter the anatomical structures that make up the root of the lung:
-A — lobar bronchi
+B — main bronchus
+C — pulmonary artery and the Vien
+D — nerves

386. Specify which parts are distinguished from the parietal pleura:
+A — costal
-B — heart
+C — mediastinal
+D — diaphragmatic

387. Enter the anatomical structures that are behind the dome of the pleura:
+A — longus colli
-B — short neck muscles
-A — head of the I-st rib
-D — subclavian artery

388. Enter the anatomical structures that are in front of the dome of the pleura:
-A — head of the I-st rib
-B — longus colli
+C — subclavian artery
+D — subclavian Vien

389. At the level of the edge is projected to midclavicular line the lower limit of the right lung:
-A — IX rib
-B — VII rib
-C — VIII rib
+D — VI rib
390. Specify the structure through which the horizontal plane, which separates the upper mediastinum
from the inferior mediastinum:
-A — jugular notch of sternum
+B — angle of the sternum
-C — intervertebral disk between the bodies III and IV of the thoracic vertebrae
+D- intervertebral disk between the bodies IV and V of the thoracic vertebrae

391. Indicate in which the mediastinum is the pericardium:
-A — the upper mediastinum
+B — middle mediastinum
-C — anterior mediastinum
-D — postmediastinum

392. Specify the department mediastinum, which is the phrenic nerve:
-A — superior
-B — anterior
-C — posterior
+D — medium

393. Which structures is limited costophrenic sinus?
+A — costal and diaphragmatic pleura
-B — visceral and costal pleura
-D — costal and mediastinal pleura
-D — diaphragm and mediastinal pleura

394. Specify the location of the upper interpleural fields:
-A — behind the body of sternum
-B — above the sternum
+C — behind the arm of sternum
-D — front spine

395. Specify the structure involved in the formation of pulmonary ligament:
+A — visceral pleura
-B — diaphragmatic parietal pleura
-C — parietal costal pleura
-D — parietal mediastinal pleura

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