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Digestive system

250. Indicate which anatomical structures limit the vestibule of the mouth:
+ a - gums
+ b - lips
+ in - cheeks
+ g - teeth
251. Specify the walls of your own oral cavity:
+ a - teeth and gums
b - cheeks
+ c - the muscles of the diaphragm of the mouth
+ g - sky
252. What structures form a soft palate
+ a - mucous membrane
+ b - palatine aponeurosis
+ in - muscles
-g - palatine tonsil
253. Specify the muscles that make up the soft palate:
-a - palatine tonsil
+ b - muscle lifting the palatine curtain
+ in - tongue muscle
-g - tube - pharyngeal tonsil
253. What are the anatomical formations limiting the pharynx:
+ a - soft sky
-b - tube roller
+ in - epiglottis
+ g - sky-lingual arches
254. What parts does a tooth consist of?
-a - head
+ b - root
+ in - neck
+ g - crown
298. At what age does a person have permanent teeth erupting?
- 6 - 7 months
-b - 2 - 3 years
+ in - 6 - 7 years
-g - 9 - 10 years
255. In what place of the oral cavity opens the duct of the parotid salivary gland
-a - hyoid papilla
-b - mucous membrane along the hyoid fold
-in - soft palate
+ g - vestibule
266. In what place of the oral cavity opens the duct of the submandibular salivary gland?
-a - vestibule of the mouth
-b - bridle of the lower lip
+ in - hyoid papilla
-g - supramondial fossa
267. What parts emit from the language
+ a - body
+ b - tip (tip)
-c - base
+ g - root
268. Indicate the taste buds located on the - lateral surfaces of the tongue:
-a - mushroom papillae
-b - grooved papillae
+ in - leaf papillae
-g - filiform papillae
269. Indicate the location of the lingual tonsil:
-a - the edge of the tongue
-b - body of the tongue
-c - the lower surface of the tongue
+ g - root of the tongue
270. Indicate the characteristic features of the structure of the pharynx in a newborn:
+ a - the nose is short, the arch is flattened
+ b - the opening of the auditory tube is located at the level of the hard palate
-c - the lower border of the pharynx at the level of 6 - 7 cervical vertebrae
+ g - the lower border of the pharynx at the level of 3 - 4 cervical vertebrae
271. Specify the longitudinal muscles of the pharynx:
- stylo-lingual muscle
+ b - stylo-pharyngeal muscle
-c - Palatine muscle
+ g - palatopharyngeal muscle
272. Indicate the place of origin - the muscles of the upper pharyngeal constrictor:
a - thyroid cartilage
+ b - pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone
+ in –maxillohyoid line of the lower jaw
-g - hyoid bone
273. Indicate the origin of the muscle of the lower constrictor of the pharynx
-a - hyoid bone
+ b - cricoid cartilage
-in the lower jaw
+ g - oblique line of the thyroid cartilage
274. Indicate the holes opening into the nasopharynx:
+ a - hoans
b - pharynx
-c - sphenoid sinus
+ - auditory tubes
275. What parts are secreted by the esophagus:
-a - the head part
+ b - neck
+ in - chest
+ g - the abdominal part
276. Indicate the anatomical narrowing of the esophagus:
+ a - diaphragmatic
-b - gastric
-c - aortic
+ g - pharyngeal
277. Specify the parts of the stomach:
+ a - body
+ b - cardiac part
+ in - bottom
+ g - the pyloric part
278. Indicate the membrane of the stomach:
+ a - subserotic base
+ b - muscle sheath
+ in - submucosal basis
+ g - mucous membrane
279. Indicate what are the largest folds in the region of lesser curvature of the stomach:
-a - oblique folds
-b - transverse folds
+ in - longitudinal folds
-g - annular folds
280. Indicate what folds are located in the bottom and body of the stomach:
+ a - transverse folds
-b - annular folds
+ in - oblique folds
+ g - longitudinal folds
281. Indicate the location of the annular fold in the stomach:
-a - the place of transition of the esophagus into the stomach
-b - the bottom of the stomach
-c - the body of the stomach
+ g - the place of transition of the stomach to the duodenum
282. Indicate the anatomical formations with which the front surface of the stomach is in
+ a - aperture
-b - transverse colon
+ in - liver
+ g - anterior abdominal wall
283. Indicate the anatomical formations with which the posterior surface of the stomach is in
+ a - stuffing bag
+ b - transverse colon
-c - left kidney
+ g - pancreas
284. Indicate the ligaments originating from the greater curvature of the stomach:
-a - gastro-diaphragmatic
-b - hepatic-gastric
+ c - gastrointestinal
+ g - gastro-splenic
285. Specify the layers of the muscle membrane of the stomach:
-a - outer circular layer
+ b - internal oblique fibers
+ c - middle circular layer
+ g - outer longitudinal layer
286. Indicate the anatomical formations located at the place of transition of the stomach into
the duodenum:
-a - gatekeeper flap
+ b - angle cut
+ c - pyloric sphincter
-g - sphincter of the wall of the stomach
287. Indicate the main forms of the stomach that are secreted by an adult:
+ a - hook shape
+ b - horn shape
-c - spindle shape
+ g - stocking shape
289. Indicate the shape of the stomach characteristic of people of the mesomorphic type of
-a - the shape of the horn
+ b - hook shape
-in - stocking shape
-g - spindle shape
290. Indicate the shape of the stomach characteristic of people with a brachymorphic body
-a - hook shape
-b - spindle shape
-in - stocking shape
+ g - horn shape
291. Indicate the departments secreted by the small intestine:
+ a - ileum
+ b - jejunum
-c - cecum
+ g - duodenum
292. Specify the mesenteric parts of the small intestine:
-a - the ascending part of the duodenum
+ b - ileum
+ in - jejunum
-g - the descending part of the duodenum
293. Indicate the parts of the intestine that have lymphoid plaques (Peyer's):
- cecum
+ b - ileum
-in - jejunum
-g - sigmoid colon
294. Indicate the anatomical structures located in the mucous membrane of the small
+ a - single lymphoid nodules
+ b - central lymphatic vessels (lymphatic sinuses)
+ in - intestinal glands
+ g - group lymphoid nodules
295. Indicate the parts secreted by the duodenum:
+ a - ascending part
+ b - horizontal part
+ in - the descending part
+ g - upper part
295. Indicate the part of the duodenum where the large papilla is located:
-a - upper part
-b - horizontal part
+ in - the descending part
-g - ascending part
296. Indicate the duct opening on the large papilla of the duodenum:
+ a - duct of the pancreas
-b - additional duct of the pancreas
+ c - common bile duct
-g - common hepatic duct
297. Which of the components of the duodenum is located intraperitoneally?
-a - the descending part
+ b - ampoule (bulb) of the duodenum
-c - ascending part
-g - horizontal part
298. Indicate the structures characteristic of the transverse colon:
-a - lymphoid plaques
+ b - muscle tapes
+ in - haustra
+ g - omental processes
299. Indicate the parts of the colon that have a mesentery:
+ a - sigmoid colon
+ b - transverse colon
-c - ascending colon
-g - cecum
300. Indicate the parts secreted by the rectum:
-a - the descending part
+ b - ampoule
-in the isthmus
+ g - anal canal
301. Indicate which organs (of the listed) occupy an extraperitoneal position:
+ a - lower rectum
+ b - adrenal gland
+ in - kidneys
-g - gall bladder
302. Indicate the departments of the intestine that occupy the intraperitoneal position:
+ a - cecum
+ b - jejunum
-c - ascending colon
+ g - transverse colon
303. Indicate the sections of the intestine that occupy the mesoperitoneal position:
-a - transverse colon
-b - sigmoid colon
+ c - descending colon
+ g - ascending colon
304. What are the parts of the gallbladder:
-a - base
+ b - bottom
+ in - body
+ g - neck
305. Indicate the volume of the gallbladder:
-a - 80 - 100 ml
-b - 60 - 80 ml
+ in - 30 - 50 ml
-g - 20 - 25 ml
306. Indicate the membranes that participate in the formation of the gallbladder wall:
+ a - serous
+ b - muscle
-c - fibrous
+ g - mucous
307. Indicate the ducts that flow into the common hepatic duct:
-a - cystic duct
+ b - right hepatic duct
+ in - the left hepatic duct
-g - common bile duct
308. Indicate the parts that are secreted by the pancreas:
+ a - tail
+ b - hook-shaped process
+ in - head
+ g - body
309. Indicate the mass of the pancreas in an adult:
- about 50 g
+ b - about 80 g
-c - about 100 g
-g - about 120 g
310. Indicate the level of which vertebrae the pancreas is located:
- XIIth thoracic vertebra
-b - XIth thoracic vertebra
+ c - II lumbar vertebra
+ g - I-th lumbar vertebra
311. Indicate the surface that the pancreas has:
+ a - front surface
+ b - back surface
+ c - bottom surface
-g - upper surface
312. Indicate the position of the pancreas in relation to the peritoneum:
-a - intraperitoneal position
-b - mesoperitoneal position
+ in - extraperitoneal position
-g - intraperitoneal position of the tail only
313. Indicate the place where the accessory duct of the pancreas opens:
- a large papilla of the duodenum
+ b - small papilla of the duodenum
-c - hepatic-pancreatic ampoule
-g - longitudinal fold of the duodenum
314. Indicate in which part of the duodenum the pancreatic duct opens:
-a - the upper part of the duodenum
+ b - the descending part of the duodenum
-c - the ascending part of the duodenum
-g - horizontal part of the duodenum
315. Indicate which surfaces secrete in the liver:
-a - front surface
+ b - visceral surface
-c - back surface
+ g - diaphragmatic surface
316. Specify the ligaments of the liver:
+ a - crescent ligament
+ b - venous ligament
+ in - coronary ligament
+ g - left triangular ligament
317. Indicate the grooves on the visceral surface of the liver:
+ a - liver gate
+ b - venous ligament slit
+ in - a gap of a round ligament
+ g - groove of the inferior vena cava
318. Specify the furrows that limit the caudate lobe of the liver:
- a gap of the round ligament
-b - fossa of the gallbladder
+ in - liver gate
+ g - venous ligament fissure
319. Indicate the impressions present on the visceral surface of the liver:
+ a - gastric
+ b - esophageal
+ in - renal
-g - heart
320. Specify the furrows limiting the square fraction of the liver:
-a - groove of the inferior vena cava
+ b - gate of the liver
+ in - fossa of the gallbladder
+ g - gap of the round ligament
321. What are the anatomical formations that enter the liver gate:
+ a - the hepatic artery proper
+ b - portal vein
-c - common hepatic artery
+ g - nerves
322. Indicate what impressions are on the left lobe of the liver:
-a - duodenal indentation
+ b - gastric impression
+ c - esophageal depression
-g - renal impression
323. Indicate the anatomical formations corresponding to the lower border of the liver:
+ a - tenth intercostal space on the right middle axillary line
+ b - lower edge of the right costal arch
-c - the fourth intercostal space on the right midclavicular line
-g - the base of the xiphoid process of the sternum
324. Indicate what impressions are on the right lobe of the liver:
+ a - colon intestinal impression
+ b - duodenal indentation
+ in - renal indentation
-g - gastric indentation
325. Indicate the structures involved in - the formation of the lesser omentum:
-a - hepatic-renal ligament
+ b - hepatic-gastric ligament
-c - gastrointestinal ligament
+ g - hepatoduodenal ligament
326. Indicate which organs (of the listed) occupy an extraperitoneal position:
- a stomach
+ b - pancreas
-in - the liver
+ g - adrenal gland
327. Indicate the anatomical structures involved in the formation of the front wall of the
stuffing bag:
+ a - small oil seal
-b - mesentery of the stomach
+ in - stomach
-g - mesentery of the transverse colon
328. Indicate the anatomical formations involved in the formation of the lower wall of the
stuffing bag:
-a - hepatic-gastric ligament
-b - parietal peritoneum
+ c - mesentery of the transverse colon
-g - mesentery of the stomach
329. Indicate the anatomical structures involved in the formation of the walls of the gland
+ a - caudate lobe of the liver
+ b - hepatic-renal ligament
-c - duodenum
+ g - hepatoduodenal ligament
330. Indicate which organs (of the listed) occupy the intraperitoneal position:
+ a - appendix
+ b - cecum
+ in - spleen
+ g - sigmoid colon

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