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Indicate the cranial nerve that exits the brain on the medial surface of the leg of the brain:
-a - the nerve of the sixth pair
-b- nerve of the fourth pair
-C- nerve of the fifth pair
+g- nerve of the third pair

726. Indicate the cranial nerves extending on the - dorsal surface of its trunk:
- a third pair of cranial nerves
+b- the fourth pair of cranial nerves
-C- fifth pair of cranial nerves
-g - the sixth pair of cranial nerves
727. Indicate the hole through which the second branch of the trigeminal nerve comes out of
the skull:
-a- ragged hole
+b-round hole
-C- oval hole
-9 upper orbital fissure

728. Indicate the cranial nerves emerging from the brain at the border between the bridge and
the middle cerebellar pedicle:
- the nerve of the ninth pair
+b- nerve of the fifth pair
-C- the nerve of the eighth pair
-9 - nerve of the sixth pair

729. Indicate the cranial nerves emerging from the brain at the border of the bridge and the
medulla oblongata:
-a fourth pair of cranial nerves
-b - the third pair of cranial nerves
+ in - the sixth pair of cranial nerves
-g - fifth pair of cranial nerves
730. Indicate the cranial nerve that leaves the brain between the pyramid and the olive:
- the nerve of the ninth pair
-b - nerve of the eleventh pair
+ in - the nerve of the twelfth pair
-g - tenth pair nerve

731. Indicate the cranial nerves emerging from the brain in the area of the cerebellopontine
-a - the nerve of the fifth pair
-b- nerve of the fourth pair
-C- nerve of the sixth pair
+9- nerve of the seventh pair
-b- theprocesses of the membrane are poorly
+ in -
sines are relatively wide developed
+9- sinuses are projected in the
same way as in adults
733. Indicate how the nerves are formed:
+a- processes of neurons of the
-b- processes of neurons of the nuclei of the anterior homs - spinal cord
+ in - processes of cells of cerebral cortex
nerve nodes
-g- processes of neurons of the nucdei of
the spinal cord
734. Specify the nerve fibers that
are part of the spinal nerves:
-a - parasympathetic
+b- sensitive
+ in - sympathetic
+g- motor

785. Specify the branches of the spinal nerves

+a - front branches of the invoved in the formation of plexuses:
cervical nerves
+b- front branches of the pectoral nerves
+ in - front branches of the lumbar nerves
-9- posterior branches of the lumbar nerves

736. Indicate the spinal nerves to

which the white connective branches fit:
+a - all pectoral spinal nerves
+b- all cervical spinal nerves
-C- two lumbar spinal nerves
+9- sacral spinal nerves

737. Specify the nerve fibers that are pat of the oculomotor nerve:
+a - motor fibers
-b - sensitive fibers
-C- sympathetic fibers
+9- parasympathetic fibers
738. Indicate the muscles that the upper branch of the oculomotor nerve
+a -muscle that raises the upper eyelid
-b - lower rectus muscle of the eye
-C- medial rectus muscle of the eye
+9- upper rectus muscle of the eye
739. Specify the muscles that the block nerve innevates:
+a - upper oblique muscle of the eye
-b- lower oblique muscle of the eye
-C- lateral rectus muscle of the eye
-g- upper rectus muscle of the eye
740. Indicate the muscles that the abduction nerve innervates:
-a - medial rectus muscle of the eye
-b- lower oblique muscle of the eye
+C - lateral rectus muscle of the eye
-9- upper oblique muscle of the eye
741. Indicate the nerves that innervate the skin of the face:
-afacial nerve
-b - optic nerve
+ in - mnaxillary nerve
+9- mandibular nerve
742. Indicate the nerve, sensitive fibers which are directed to the ciliary node:
+a - nasociliary nerve
-b- frontal nerve
-C- lacrimal nerve
-g - oculomotor nerve
743. Indicate the composition - the nerve fibers of the lingual nerve - before the entry of the
drum string into it:
+a - fibers of general sensitivity
-b - flavor fibers
-C- motor fibers
-9- parasympathetic fibers
744. Indicate the branches that extend from the optic nerve:
+a- lacrimal nerve
-b - infraorbital nerve
+ in - frontal nerve
+9- nasociliary nerve
745. Indicate the branches that extend from the mandibular nerve:
+a - buccal nerve
+b- ear-temporal nerve
+ in - lingual nerve
+g- lower alveolar nerve
746. Indicate the hole through which the large stony nerve leaves the facial canal:
-a - cleft channel of a small stony nerve
-b- styloid opening
-C- internal opening of the carotid canal
+9- cleft channel of alarge stony neve
747. Indicate the anatomical formations innervated by the buccal nerve:
-a buccal muscle
+b- the mucous membrane of the cheek
-g - skin of the angle of the mouth
748. Specify the nerves involved in - the formation of the pterygoid nerve:
-a small stony nerve
-b- drum string
+ in - large stony nerve
+g- deep stony nerve
749. Indicate the branches extending from the pterygopalatine node:
+a - large and small palatine branches
+b- lower posterior nasal branches
-C- short ciliary branches
+9- medial and lateral superior posterior nasal branches
750. Indicate the branches of the facial nerve extending from it in the facial canal:
zygomatic branches
b-a large stony nerve
-C- drum string
+9- Strep nerve
751. Indicate the hole through which the drum string leaves the skull:
-a - styloid opening
+b-stony-drum gap
-C- spinous hole
-9- rocky-scaly gap
752. Specify the branches departing from the glossopharyngeal nerve:
+a - pharyngeal branches
+b- tonsil branches
+ in a drum nerve
-9 temporal branches
753. Indicate the nerves that are involved in the fomation of the pharyngeal plexus with their
+a - vagus nerve
+b-glossopharyngeal nerve
-C- trigenminal nerve
+9- sympathetic trunk
754. Indicate which nerve fibers form the tympanic nerve:
+a - preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
-b - postganglionic sympathetic fibers
+in - sensitive fibers
-g- somatic motor fibers
755. Specify the branches that extend from the vagus nerve:
+a - recurrent laryngeal nerve
-b- tympanic nerve
+ in - bronchial branches
+9- pharyngeal branches
756. Indicate the organs that innervate the branches of the anterior trunk of the vagus nerve:
+a- kidney
-b - appendix
+ in - liver
+9- stomach
757. Specify the organs that innervate the branches of the posterior trunk of the vagus nerve:
-a - the rectum
b- liver
+ in - jejunum
+9- stomach
758. Indicate the anatomical structures that the lower laryngeal nerve innervates:
+a - the mucous membrane of the larynx
-b - cricoid muscle
+C- SCoop
+9- posterior cricoid muscle
759. Indicate the anatomical structures that the recurrent laryngeal nerve innervates:
+a- trachea
+b- esophagus
+in - heart
-9- language
760. Indicate the anatomical structures that the ear branch of the vagus nerve innervates:
-a - posterior ear muscle
b- skin of the outer surface of the auricle
+C- skin of the back wall of the external auditory meatus
-9 upper auricular muscle
761. Indicate the anatomical structures that the hyoid nerve innervates:
-a - the mucous root of the tongue
+b- skeletal muscles of the tongue
-c- taste buds of thetongue
+g- own muscles of the tongue
762. Indicate the muscles that the accessory nerve innervates:
a rhomboid muscde
+b- sternocleidomastoid muscle
-C- biceps muscle
+g- trapezius muscle
763. Specify the branches of the nerve cervical plexus:
+a - large ear nerve
-b- transverse nerve of the neck
+ in -a small occipital nerve
+9-supraclavicular nerves
764. Indicate the muscles that are innervated by the branches of the cervical plexus:
+a - scalene muscles
+b- long muscles of the head and neck
+C- anterior rectus muscle of the head
+9- muscle raising the scapula
765. Indicate the nerves whose branches are involved in the formation of the superficial
cervical loop:
+a - facial nerve
-b-additional nerve
+C- cervical plexus

1.Pharyngeal plexus is formed by branches of the

+ Sympathic trunk
+glossopharyngeal nerve
+Vagus Nerve
Trigeminal nerve

2. select the cranial nerves that pass between pyramid and olive of medulla oblongata
+XIl cranial nerve
X cranial nenve
XI cranial nene
IX cranial nerve

3. trochlear nerve innervates muscles


4. which structure are involved by the hypoglossal nerve

+intrinsic tongue muscle
+extrinsic tongue muscle

5. select the cranial nerve that pass between pons and medulla oblongata
+ VI cranial nerve

6. which muscles are innervated by the accesory nenve ?

+Sternoceidomastold muscle
+ trapezius muscle

7.superior branch of the oculomotor nerve innervates muscles

superior ectus
+ levator palpebrae superioris

8.the branches of ophthaimic nerve are

+lacrimal nerve
+ nasocliary nerve
+ frontal nerve

9.the branches of mandibular nerve are

+Inferior alveolar nerve
+ auricurotemporal nerve
buccal nerve

10.Branches of the glossopharingeal nerve are

* pharyngeal branches
tympanic nerve
+ tonsillar branches skull foramen where passes 2nd branch of trigeminal nerve

+ foramen rotundum

12.abducens nerve innervates muscles

+lateral rectus
13.the buccal nerves innervates
+ buccal mucosa

14.chorda tympani leaves the skull through the

t petrotympanic fissure the cranial nerve that pass from dorsal surface to brainstem
+ IV cranial nerve
14.chorda tympani leaves the skull through the
+ petrotympanic fissure the cranial nerve that pass from dorsal surface to brainstem
+ IV cranial nerve

16.which structure are innervated by the auricular branch of the vagus nerve
+ skin of the posterior wall of the external acoustic meatus
+ skin of the posterior surface of the auricie

17.which structure are innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve

+ esophagus
+ heart

18.which structure are innervated by the inferior laryngeal nerve

+ posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
+ arytenoepiglotic muscle
+ laryngeal mucosa

19.the branches of facial nerve in the facial canal are

+ chorda tympani
+ nerve to stapedius muscle
+greater petrosal

20.whlch types of fibers are forming the tympanic neve

+ sensory fibers
+preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
21.0cculomotor neve consists of
+ parasympathetic fibers
+ motor fibers

22.the branches of pterygopalatine ganglion are

+ medial and lateral superior posterior nasal branches
+ inferior posterior nasal branches
+ greater and lesser palatine branches

25.which organs are innervaled by the anterior vagal trunk

+ liver

26.which organ are innervated by the posterior vagal trunk

+ jejunum
+ liver
+stomach of head is innervated by

+ mandibular nerve
+ maxillary nerve the cranial nerve that pass bt pons and middle cerebellar peduncle
+V cranial nerve the cranial nerve that pass from cerebellopontine angle

+ VIl cranial nerve

30. nerve of pterygoid canal is formed by

+ deep petrosal nerve
+ greater petrosal nerve

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