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Khi động từ tường thuật ở thì quá khứ, để đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp, ta đổi BA yếu tố là ngôi, thì
của động từ và trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn.
a. Ngôi:
- Đổi ngôi thứ NHẤT (I, me, my, mine ) phù hợp với CHỦ NGỮ trong mệnh đề chính
- Đổi ngôi thứ HAI (you , your(s)) phù hợp với TÂN NGỮ trong mệnh đề chính ( nếu mệnh đề chính
không có TÂN NGỮ thì you → I/ me , your → my, yours → mine)
- We → They , us → them, our → their , ours → theirs
- Ngôi thứ BA( he, him, his, she, her(s), it(s), they, them, their(s) ) không đổi
b. Thì và các trạng ngữ:


(S + had + been + V-ing)
Will / shall + bare inf Would / should + bare inf
Must + bare inf Must / Had to + bare inf
Is / am/ are going to Was / were going to
Can / May Could / Might
This / these That / those
Now Then
Here There
Ago Before
The day after tomorrow In 2 days' time
The day before yesterday 2 days before
Today / tonight That day / that night
Tomorrow The day after / the following day / the next day
Next month / week / year The following / the next month / week / year
The month / week / year after
Yesterday The day before / the previous day
Last night / month / week / year The night / month / week / year before.
The previous night / month / week / year

Những trường hợp không thay đổi thì của động từ:
a. Khi động từ tường thuật ở thì hiện tại hoặc tương lai
Ex: She says to me: "I like classical music".
→ She tells me she likes classical music.
b. Nếu câu trực tiếp là câu điều kiện loại 2 và loại 3
Ex: "If the weather were fine, we could go camping", Peter said.
→ Peter said if the weather were fine, they could go camping.
c. Nếu trong câu trực tiếp có các trợ động từ: should, would, could, ought to, might, used to, had
Ex: "You should practice speaking English every day" the teacher said to Mai.
→ The teacher said that Mai should practice speaking English every day.
d. Thì quá khứ giả định (past subjunctive) vẫn giữ nguyên sau: (I) wish ..., would rather ..., It’s
Ex: She said “I wish I had a lot of books.”
→ She told me she wished she had a lot of books.
e. Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả 1 sự thật hiển nhiên, 1 chân lí
Ex: She said " Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius."
→ She said that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
f. Thì quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn trong mệnh đề chỉ thời gian thường không đổi, mệnh đề
chính có thể đổi hoặc không
Ex: She said “ I met a lot of people when I studied abroad”
→ She said she (had) met a lot of people when she studied abroad.

Tóm tắt Câu gián tiếp (reported speech)

A/ Statements 1 * S + V1( said) + (that) + S2+ V2+( ADV of time/ place)
(Câu phát biểu) 2 * S + V1( told )+ O + (that) + S2+ V2+( ADV of time/ place)

B/ Commands 1* S+ V+ (not) + to infinitive

(Câu mệnh lệnh) (promise, (dis)agree, refuse, threaten, hope, expect, want, ask, wish,
need, dare, offer, plan, fail, swear, try, pretend, manage, intend,
choose, fear, demand, seem, tend…)
2* S + V + O + (not) + to infinitive
(ask, tell, order, beg, allow, remind, encourage, advise, invite, warn,
wish, want, command, force, suspect, forbid, need, permit,urge,
3* S + V +(prep) + Ving
(suggest, deny, detest, delay, postpone, fancy, imagine, keep, risk,
avoid, appreciate, admit, miss, practise, dislike, enjoy, save, hate, love,
mind, mention, prefer, object to, look forward to, apologize for, feel
like, insist on, think of, dream of, worry about, confess to, approve
4* S + V + O + prep + Ving
(warn…against, blame…for, thank…for, accuse…of, congratulate …
on, discourage…from, forgive…for, prevent…from, stop… from,
C1/ Wh- 1 * S + asked + (O) + wh-… + clause (S+V)
questions 2 * S + wondered + wh-… + clause (S+V)
3 * S + wanted to know + wh-… + clause (S+V)

C2/ Yes-no 1 * S + asked + (O) + if / whether + clause (S+V)

questions 2 * S + wondered + if /whether + clause (S+V)
3 * S + wanted to know + if / whether + clause (S+V)

Choose the best option that best completes each sentence:

1. Ba told me that he was leaving for the capital _____________.
A. tomorrow B. the following week C. tonight D. next Sunday
2. They asked me how many children_______________ .
A. I had B. had I C. I have D. have I
3. Thu said she had been_____________ the day before.
A. here B. there C. in this place D. where
4. They told their parents that they______________ their best to do the test.
A. try B. will try C. are trying D. would try
5. She______________ me whether I liked classical music or not.
A. ask B. asks C. asked D. asking
6. He asked me who the editor of that book____________ .
A. was B. were C. is D. has been
7. He wants to know whether I_____________ back tomorrow.
A. come B. came C. will come D. would come
8. I wonder why he______________ love his family.
A. doesn’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. hasn’t
9. “Go ahead. Jump again,” the instructor ____.
A. urged B. promised C. demanded D. required
10. “____” Jim offered.
A. Can I get you a drink? B. May I drink? C. Do you want to drink? D. Could I drink?
11. "I'm a big fan of U23.” Derek said. - Derek said he ____ a big fan of U23.
A. was B. has been C. were D. had been
12. "We're watching TV," said the twins. - The twins said they ____ TV.
A. watched B. were watching C. have been watching D. had watched
13. “You've been annoying me all day!" my mum said. - My mum said I ____ her all day.
A. annoyed B. was annoying C. have been annoying D. had been annoying
14. "The dog ate my homework!” said Ivan. - Ivan said the dog his homework.
A. was eating B. has eaten C.ate D. had eaten
15. "At one o'clock, I was having lunch," said Molly. - Molly said she ____ lunch at one o'clock.
A. had been having B. has had C. is having D. has been having
16. "You'll get wet without an umbrella," Dad said. - Dad said I ____ wet without an umbrella.
A. will be getting B. got C. would be getting D. would get
17. "He can juggle five balls!" said Angie. - Angie said he ____ five balls.
A. juggled B. had juggled C. would juggle D. could juggle
18. “You must give me your essays," Mrs Vine said. - Mrs Vine said we ____give her our essays.
A. were having to B. would have to C. had to D. must
19. “Could you pass me the salt, please?" I asked the man next to me.
Tasked the man next to me ____ me the salt.
A. pass B. if he passes C. to pass D. if he would pass
20. "Would you mind waiting for a moment?" the shop assistant asked the woman.
The shop assistant asked the woman ____ for a moment.
A. to wait B. waiting C. if she waits D. if she minds waiting
21. Ellie asked Stan ____ to look at the new catalogue.
A. did he want B. do you want C. whether he wants D. if he wanted
22. Stephen ____ me he'd bought that suit in a sale.
A. said B. spoke C. told D. claimed
23. The woman said she ____ in this company for over 20 years.
A. has been working B. was working C. had been working D. works
24. When I last saw Carrie, she told me she ____ of applying for another job, but now she's changed her mind.
A. thought B. is thinking C. was thinking D. has been thinking
25. “What did they say when they realized you weren't a shoplifter?”- “They apologized __ me.”
A. to doubt B. they had doubted C. for doubting D. the doubt of
26. “What did Maria ask you?” - “She asked me ____ I had ever been abroad.”
A. that B. whether C. for D. About
27. It's about time Mrs Richards apologized to me ____ me a gossip in front of everybody.
A. to have called B. from calling C. that she called D. for having called
28. She may claim ____ a PhD but nobody's ever actually seen the certificate.
A. having B. to have C. for having D. if she has
29. Tammy responded ____ that at least she'd never lied to her parents.
A. to say B. that she said C. by saying D. with having said
30. The woman asked ____ get lunch at school.
A. can the children B. if the children can C. whether the children could D. could the children
31. They said they had got back ____.
A. the following day B. the day after tomorrow C. the next day D. the previous day
32. The accused denied ____ in the vicinity of the murder scene.
A. to have ever been B. have ever been C. having been ever D. ever having been
33. We complained ____ the manager ____ the poor service we received at the restaurant.
A. on - about B. at - for C. with - of D. to - about
34. Police are advising ____ away from the building.
A. people to stay B. people staying C. people stay D. people will stay
35. The old man warned the young boys ____ in the deep river.
A. to swim B. not to swim C. don't swim D. against not swimming
36. “You must give me your essays,” Mrs. Vine said.
Mrs. Vine said we ____ give her our essays.
A. were having to B. will have to C. had to D. would have to
37. “Please don't leave your dirty football boots in the hall," Mum said to Doug.
Mum told Doug ____ dirty football boots in the hall.
A. that he doesn't leave his B. not to leave his C. not to leave your D. don't leave his
38. "Could you tell us where you were at six o'clock?" the police officer asked Barry.
The police officer asked Barry ____ had been at six o'clock.
A. telling him where you B. where he tells him he
C. to tell him where you D. to tell him where he
39.. "Could I have your e-mail address?" I asked Mariella. - I asked Mariella ____ e -mail address.
A. to give me her B. give me your C. give me her D. gave me your
40. "Can I have a new Xbox for my birthday?" I asked my mum.
I asked my mum ____ a new Xbox for my birthday.
A. that she gets me B. get me C. to get me D. if she could have me
41. "What's your name?" she asked me. - She asked me ____.
A. what your name is B. what your name was C. what my name is D. what my name was
42. "Are you a student?" the man asked the boy. - The man wanted to know ____.
A. if I was a student B. if the boy was a student C. if I am a student D. if the boy is a student
43. "What school are you going to?" he asked me. - He wanted to know ____.
A. what school am I going to B. what school you are going to
C. what was the school I go to D. what school I was going to
44. US scientists claim that they ____ a new vaccine against malaria.
A. were developed B. have developed C. had developed D. was developing
45. If you saw a layer, he'd advise you ____ legal action.
A. take B. taking C. to take D. for taking
46. The lecturer recommended ____ a number of books before the exam.
A. reading B. to read C. we reading D. to have read
47. The boss ____ because he was always behind the deadlines.
A. threatened to dismiss him B. suggested him to dismiss
C. threatened him to dismiss D. promised him to dismiss
48. “____,” the doctor advised his patient.
A. You had better stop drinking B. You had better to drink
C. I would like you to drink D. Please drink some more
49. “____,” the workers refused.
A. We would like to work overtime B. We had better work overtime
C. We're afraid that we really don't want to work overtime D. We're willing to work overtime
50. “____,” Paul reminded me.
A. Don't forget to tailor your CV to match the job descriptions
B. I would tailor your CV if you do not mind
C. I remember to tailor the CV
D. I remember tailoring your CV
51. The shop assistant finally agreed ____ a full refund.
A. giving me B. to give me C. give to me D. to me to give
52. Bill asked me why ____ to go shopping with me.
A. I hadn't invited him B. hadn't I invited him C. I hadn't him invited D. hadn't I him invited
D. he wouldn't be home that evening because he had to work late
53. "You can sit here," the stewardess said. - The stewardess said ____.
A. you can sit here B. I could sit here C. I could sit there D. you could sit there
54. “Anna left here an hour ago," she said. - She told me that ____.
A. Anna had left here an hour ago B. Anna had left there an hour ago
C. Anna had left here an hour before D. Anna had left there an hour before
55. "I don't want anything to eat now," he said. - He said ____.
A. he doesn't want anything to eat now B. he didn't want anything to eat then
C. I didn't want anything to eat then D. I didn't want anything to eat now

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