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Effect of Home Environment on the Learning Outcomes of the

Selected Senior High School Students of Jovellar National High School

A Research Paper Presented for the Final Defense to the

Faculty of Jovellar National High School

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements in Practical Research 2

Augusto Esguerra

Angelica Consulta

Jenalyn Losito

Marian Nunñez

S.Y. 2023- 2024

Chapter I

Background of the Study


Home environment plays a crucial role in the learning outcomes of the senior high school
students. This serves as primary social setting where students develop essential skills,
attitudes, and knowledge that greatly influence their academic achievements. This paper aims
to examine the impact of the home environment on the learning outcomes of the selected
senior high school students from Jovellar National High School. The study explores various
factors within the home environment, such as parenting style, educational resources and
family support, to determine their influence on the performances of students’ objectives. As
children mature, schools and peers also begin to play a role in their intellectual socialization.

The home environment has a significant impact on the learning outcomes of senior high
school students. The values and attitudes that students observes and experience at home
greatly influence academic achievements. Parents and caregivers play central role in shaping
the home environment and should actively focus on the child’s education to create a
supportive learning. This study investigates the influence of the learning outcomes of selected
senior high school students from Jovellar National High School. By analyzibg various factors,
including parenting styles, educational resources and family support. This research explores
the extent to which the home environment contributes to students academic achievements.

In this study we will examine the impact of home environment on the learning outcomes
of selected Senior High School Students of Jovellar National High School, the importance of
our study is to discuss the effects of the status of their home environment on their learning
outcomes. In terms of food, clothing and shelter. This study will help the students to improve
their learning strategies by giving some recommendations. Studying the impact of home
environment on the learning outcomes is essential for ensuring educational equity, identifying
barriers to learning, enhancing parental involvement and guiding policy decision.

General Problem: The objective of the study is to identify the Impact of Home Environment
on the Learning Outcomes of selected Senior High School students of JNHS.

Specific Problem:

1.What is the status of home environment of the selected SHS students of JNHS in terms of:

1.1 Physical

1.2 Parents and Siblings

1.3 Social Life

2. What is the impact of home environment to the learning outcomes of the respondents in
terms of:

A. Academic Motivation

B. Learning Environment

C. First Quarter Grade

3. Is there a significant relationship between the status of home environment and the impact to
the learning outcomes of the respondents?

4. What recommendations of may be propose to enhance learning outcomes of selected SHS

students of JNHS?


This study would be focusing on the Impact of home environment on the learning
outcomes of the selected SHS students of JNHS. This study had mainly focused on the factors
affecting their learning outcomes involving their academic motivation, learning environment
and their first quarte grade of the selected SHS students of JNHS. This study was conducted
on the school year 2023-2024.

This study had only focused on the Impact of Home Environment to the Learning
Outcomes of the selected SHS students of JNHS. This study would be focusing on the results
on the test questionnaires that had been distributed on the SHS students of JNHS on the year

The result of this study will benefit the following:

Student: This study will help them to know the impact of Home Learning Outcomes.

Parents: This study will help the parents to improve their parental guidance improving
learning piles of their children.

Teacher: This will supplement to the knowledge of the teachers and can be used in their

School: This will help the school to have a good example of research study and can help the
students to create good research.

Community: Community can use the study to raise awareness of the importance of supportive
and home environment to improved student learning outcomes.

Future Researcher: Improved understanding: Conducting research in this area can be better-
understanding of the specific factors within the home environment that influence outcomes.
This knowledge can be used to develop targeted interventions and supports enhance students

Walberg’s theory of academic achievement posits that psychological characteristics of

individual students and their immediate psychological environments influence educational
outcomes (cognitive, behavioral and attitudinal) (Reynolds & Walberg, 1992).


Ecological Systems Theory: This theory is developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner, emphasizes

the influence of the overall environment on an individual’s development suggests that
learning outcomes are influenced by the interaction between the student’s various
environment system, including the home environment can directly impact a student learning
through factors such as parental involvement and support, availability of learning resources,
and the overall socio-economic status of the household. Bronfenbrenner (1977) suggested that
the child’s environment is a nested arrangement at structures each contained within the next.

This theory will discuss the status of home environment that affects learning
outcomes in terms of shelter, clothing and food also these three factors will be affected by
home environment in the terms of academic motivation, learning environment and their first
quarter grade.

Ecological Systems Theory is concerned with the interaction and interdependence of

individuals with their surrounding systems and encourages social workers to take a holistic
view by how individuals affect and are affected by such physical, social, political and cultural

System Theory

( changes over time)
Walberg’s (1981)
( social and cultural
( indirect environments)
( connections between
( immediate environment) Environment

Effect of Home
Environment on the
Learning Outcomes
of the Selected
Senior High School
Students of Jovellar
National High
Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm


This study aimed to assess the impact of home environment on the learning outcomes of
selected high school students of Jovellar National High School. This consists of questions that
sought to answer the following statements. (1) What is the status of home environment of the
selected senior high school students of Jovellar National High School in terms of shelter,
clothing and food. (2) What is the impact of home environment to the learning outcomes of
the respondents in terms of academic validation, learning environment, and first quarter
grade. (3) Is there a significant relationship between the status of home environment and the
learning outcomes of the respondents. (4) What recommendations to enhance learning
outcomes to selected senior high school of Jovellar National High School?

In this study, the researchers will distribute survey questionnaires guide questions to
determine the impacts through data gathering procedure. This will determine the impact of
home environment on the learning outcomes of the students.

Lastly, this output will provide conclusions and recommendations on the impact of home
environment on the learning outcomes of the selected senior high school of Jovellar National
High School.
Input Process Output

1.What is the status of

home environment of the
selected SHS Students
of JNHS in term of:
A. Shelter
B. Clothing
C. Food
2. What is the impact of
home environment to
learning outcomes of the
respondents in terms of: A. Data Gathering A. Impact of Home
- Survey Environment of the
A. Academic Validation
Questionnaires Learning Outcomes
B. Learning Environment - Present Studies B. Recommendation
C. First Quarter Grade
3. Is there a significant
between the status of
home environment and
the learning outcomes of
the respondents?
recommendations may
be proposed to enhance
the learning outcomes of
selected SHS Students of

Figure 2: Conceptual Paradigm


For better understanding of the study, the terms used are conceptually and operationally

Effect. A change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause, In this paper

Home Environment. The family background of the child, which includes all the human and
material resources present in the home. For the present study this stands as the one affecting
the learning outcomes of the senior high school students,

Learning Outcomes. Measurable statements that articulate at the beginning what students
should know. By the view this refers as the aspect that will be affected by their home
environment in terms of shelter, clothing and food.

Students. A person who is studying at a school. For the present study this refers to

Academic Motivation. The cause of behaviors that are in someway related to academic
functioning and success. According to study this refers as the factor that will be affected by
their home environment.

Learning Environment. It’s a space which student feel safe and supported in their pursuit of
knowledge. As part of this study, this refers as the factor that will be affected by their home

First Quarter Grade. Other most common type of academic term. In this paper this refers as
the factor that will be affected by their home environment.


Faaz, M. (2017) exemplifies the present scenario of socio-economics position has a

powerful impact on students education achievement. A clear difference can realize between
the students who belong to a good financial position and the level of parent’s education. The
home environment means the child’s family background, including all human and substantial
resources present in the home which affect the living status of child’s such as parents
education, profession, financial status and the socializing about the facilities presented in
house. Capravo, M.M., et al. (2020) highlighted demographic factors and the effects of
financial status are still dominant at individual level so, home is base to improve the child’s
primary characteristics Eamon, M.K. (2005) deliberated in several different methods; it is
often intended by observing in parental education, employment, income and abilities used by
people individually or collectively. Duke, N.K (2000) explain student’s achievement is
undesirably correlated with parents low financial level because it is hindrance in individual’s
to gain access and resource of learning. Fan, x. & Chen, M. (2001) suggest that parental
involvement positively influences student’s academic attainment is naturally appearing the
society in particular, for learning a sustainable education, the parent’s role is very important to
solve many education problems. Gottfriend.

When parents are involved in school work, their kids can go faster in school. Noor et al
(2020) discusses the environment has an incredible effect on nurturing human nature, loving
and caring behavior, and sharing habits that affect most rather than the tangible environment.
Ferguson, T.J., et al. (1991) said economic condition and family size are directly related to
achievement. Yamamoto, Y. & Holloway, S.D. (2010) discusses about academic achievement,
home setting and learning activities explains the major variance. Machebe, C.H., et al. (2017)
study assessed the socio-economic status, especially the impact of parents income and the
relationship between parents and children on student’s home situations will not help to
provide teachers and schools with the capability to reduce attainment gaps? Maigida, J.F, &
Ogwo, B.A (2013) elaborates teens home can also speed up or hinder academic attainment.
Genuinely, the home environment impacts children variably by several means, such as the
first-hand experience of seeing parents, older siblings, etc. in this way parents can play a
substantial role in bringing up their children most profoundly and positively.
The effective provision of pre-school education (EPPE) study found that what parents and
careers do with their young children makes a real difference to the children development and
is more important than who parents are (i.e than their socio-economic status or educational

There are a range of activities that parents undertake with pre-school which have a positive
effect on their development in that they engage and stretch the child’s mind taking children on
visits and creating regular opportunities for them to play with their friends at home, were all
associated with higher intellectual and social/ behavioral scores. These activities could also be
viewed as protective factors in reducing because children whose parents engaged regularly in
home learning activities were less likely to be at risk for special educational needs (Syla et al.,

Who they are, where they come from, and what is important to them. The home
environment functions as the center of family identify, while the school environment
introduces adolescents to the wider social world. This sense of attachment and closeness to
the environment can shape aspects of self-identity, such as values, beliefs, goals in
adolescents when dealing with stress and challenges. An environment that provides emotional
and physical support can help adolescents deal with the stresses and strains of everyday life. A
comfortable and warm home can be a place for teenagers to rest from the and escape from the
pressure outside. Likewise, a strong attachment to the school environment can help
adolescents cope with academic stress and deal with social demands in an educational
environment. Positive place attachment can also influence how adolescents interacts other in
their environment.

This study looks into the influence of the home environment on the educational motivation
and achievement of black high school children in two townships. Education does not occur in
a vacuum. Responsibility for the education of young people in modern industrial society has
shifted from the family to the school. During the process of displacement, educationists
thought that the school environment would overrule the influence of the home environment.

The idea was that schools could compensate for shortcomings of the home environment.
However current educationists agree that the two primary influences in a young person’s life,
the institutions of the family and school, must work in tandem if education is to succeed.
There needs to be harmony in the relationship between teachers, parents and school children.
A spirit of cooperation is needed between the home and the school child need to feel at home
in school. Children who feel alienated from the older generation, either teachers or parents
will have greater difficulties adjusting to the requirements of a modern education system and
to achieving within the system.
In her doctoral dissertation Parveen (2007) studied student’s home environment and was of
the view that it significantly influences student’s childhood which has further influences on
adult life of the child Parveen (2004) along with Muola (2010) believe that the environment
hinders or support children overall development.

Parents attitudes play a dominant role and where it is supportive enhances children’s
performances and has positive impact on child’s development interactions of family members
are contributive for students as in enables them to improve their linguistic, social and
intellectual skills. There are evidences that supportive home environment enhances child’s
confidence in his/herself, enable them to be sociable. This confidence helps student in
developing their adjustment capabilities in different environments which student’s educational
performances. Students living in non-supportive home environment struggle in every walk of
life including educational life (Parveen, 2009; Badhana & Sharma 2012).

Children's educational activities at home are band on the physical environment of their
home. Home facilities of children enable and restrain them in practicing Educational activities
at home. Class preparation and practice at home are fundamental for child, as a child spends
only five and six hours at school and the remaining time is spent at home which needs to be
utilized properly (Roemmich, Epstein, Raja, Yin, Robinson, & winie wicz, 2006). The proper
utilization home time of child means provision of educational environment at home, which
plays a dominant role in improving the educational performances of children. The
establishment of parents' teacher counals / Associations at school is an important step towards
increased parent's involvement in the educational activities of children Hussain & Naz, 2010,
Cooper, Robinson, & Patall, 2006; DavisKean, 2005). Machet 2002) further presented more
detailed description of home environment and its influences on the educational performance
of students the power of imitation enables the children to learn from their parents and elders
Parents watching TV, having lunch, dinner and other activities at home provide numerous
learning opportunities for children from parents and other family members.

Baraka and Adam (2019) Investigated the effect of home environmental factors on
students' academic achievement among secondary schools in Monduli District, Tanzania
using a descriptive design. A sample of 318 students from seven schools participated by
filling out the questionnaire. Validity of the instrument was ensured through expert judgement
and Cronbach's Alpha in all three variables was above 0.6. Analysis of the data employed
descriptive and inferential statistics. The study established the existence of parental
involvement in pupil's academic affairs. This was indicated by the fact that parents were
committed to monitoring student's learning activities and giving all kinds of support needed.
Parent's social-economic status afforded to facilitates the school needs of their children.
Lastly, the study established a direct correlation between parental involvement and academic
achievement, between social-economic status and academic achievement, and between social-
economic status and parental involvement.

Based on these conclusions the researchers recommend that there is a need to encourage
parents to continue their parental involvement in their children's academic affairs as this is a
way of improving academic achievement. Furthermore, parents should be encouraged to
come up with strategies that will help to improve their income, as this will enable the
sustainable provision of basic and school needs.

Doley (2018) Conducted a study on the impact of Home environment factors on the
academic achievement of adolescents The main objective of the study is to analyze how come
environment, parental expectation, parental involvement, academic stimulation, and parental
encouragement significantly affects secondary school students on their academic achievement
A descriptive survey method was used in which data from 210 respondents Collecting using
the Home environment scale, developed by A. Akhtar and 5.B. Sexena (2011). Students from
the higher secondary level are chosen. from the Arts stream. Entire camples are divided based
on sex, Joza- tion, and management of the schools for futher study. The total no obtained by
students in the Higher secondary Examination (HSE) con- ducted by Assam Higher secondary
lamational council (AAXEC) in the year 2013-4614 were taken as the score of academic
achievement the data collected is subjected to statistical analysic hamely, mean, median,
standard deviations. test, and Karl Pearson's correlation of Coefficient "I". Results show a
positive significant correlation between home environment and academic achievement of the

Okreglicka, M. (2018). explain that higher education has shaped many future
administrators, policymakers, organizers, and is possible to get ready students and
increase evidence and knowledge to move for sustainable future parents are the most liable
and accountable personalities for training the learners on numerous moral, ethical, behavioral,
and adaptability levels. They are providing necessities and luxuries of life to develop
cognitive abilities for educational velocity numerous studies have investigated the parental
economic background as a factor, eg, Mully (2001). Jeyne (2005). such studies have observed
different variables such as parents' education profession and personal income and discovered
the children whose parents have good financial background can perform well in school.
Therefore, a student's academic performance cannot seperated from home atmosphere in
which children lives in well home environment Vama devappa, H, V.(2005) said it is positive
and substantial relationship among parents involvement and educational achievements.
Education has one of the vital task to guide young people to become a valuable members
society and the training informally starts at home. The home is the first school for children
they enter to learn after he born. contributing the most crucial part in developing a child's

Machdna, kevogo Ang Mwebi (2017), study on the influence of selected home
environment factors on pupils' academic performance in public primary school, Kenya and
established the most of the parents had a great influence on children's study habits at home
and could also discuss with their children on their academic progress. The author
recommends that parents should engage educated caregivers at home to help them participate
effectively on the academic activities of their children. Therefore,it can be said that parents
who are well educated can provide a conducive environment that fits the students' academic
affairs of the children hence high educational performance.

According to Ekeke & Theresa (2018), the home is an essential place in the upbringing of
a child as the first environment within a family. The home, which is the traditional nuclear
family, is the smallest unit and microcosm of the large society. Therefore, the family is a
universal organization and it is hard to imagine how society can function without the family.
Family members are related by blood, law and marriage. However, the family is responsible
for supporting, caring and preparing children for adulthood, which in turn, will determine
his/her personal development. They furthered, that the family is the child's place of contact
with the world, the child as a result, acquires initial education and socialization from parents
and other significant persons in the family. The family lays the foundation for the child before
the child goes to school, and the personality that the child takes to school is determined by the


This study anchored by ecological theory by Urie bronfenbienner this theory highlights the
nested arrangement of environmental structures and emphasize the influence of the home
environment, including factors like parental involvement, learning resources, and
socioeconomic status, on a student's educational development. This theoretical perspective
helps us better understand the interconnectedness between the student's environment and their
academic motivation and success.

The focus of this study is to understand and analyze how the home environment influences
the academic performance and learning outcomes of senior high school students at Jovellar
National High School. This aims to provide insight into the relationship between the home
environment and educational outcomes, shedding light on the factors that positively or
negatively affect students' learning experiences and achievements. The literature reviewed in
this collection of studies consistently emphasizes the critical role of the home environment in
shaping students' academic achievements and overall development.

It is significance of parental involvement, socio-economics factors, and emotional support

within the family. These findings underscore the need to understand and address these factors
for improving educational outcomes. The hypothesis the home environment significantly
impacts the academic performance of senior high school students. factors such as parental
supervision, resources available, and the learning environment at home environment elements
such as safety, support, and family relationship could also influence students' motivation and
engagement in their studies.


Theory, develop by Urie Bronfenbrenner, emphasizes the influence of the overall
environment on an individual's development it suggests that learning outcomes are influenced
by the home environment can directly impact of students learning through factors such as
parental involvement and support, availability of learning resources, and the overall
socioeconomic status of the household Bronfenbrenner (1977) suggested that the child's
environment is a hested arrangement at structures each contained within the next.

This literature is important to understand how the different and similar aspect of the home
environment relate to the learning outcomes to gain in childhood in order to inform effective
targeted child obesity prevention and intervention strategies. Therefore the purpose of this
study is to examine the home environment. Education can access to resources the home
environment also intellectually rich, and access to technology, can encourage curiosity,
learning, involvement in their children's education and providing opportunities for
exploration can shape their academic achievements and future success.

This study is a quantitative Research method.
The method that will use on the study is descriptive survey method descriptive research
design is a type of research methodology that aims to identify characteristics, frequencies,
trends, and categories, (Shona mcCombes, 2023). The survey method will be use on this
The survey approach is one method for conducting descriptive research. The survey method is
the practice of gathering data for a study by asking people questions related to the specific
study. This is beneficial to the study as this did not require a lot of time to conduct compared
to observation methods. Thus, that data is is reliable and simple to analyze. The descriptive
method will be use by the Researcher since the study is about the impact of home
environment on the learning outcomes of selected senior high school. This Research Design
will allow us to obtain a comprehensive view of how this home environment on the learning
outcomes will impact senior high school students.
The method use in the study is a survey through questionnaires. The data will be gathered
from the 208 Senior High School Students of Jovellar National High School. Survey
questionnaires will distribute personally to the respondents. Prior to this, the researcher will
seek permission from the School Principal and as well as the Grade 10 coordinator before
they gather and retrieve the necessary data needed to complete the study.
In administering the questionnaires, the research will use the time allotted for Independent
cooperative Learning (ICL) to avoid distractions of classes. The researchers will explain the
purpose of the study and will give enough time to accomplish the survey questionnaires. After
gathering data, the researchers will collect the survey questionnaires.
The data will be tailed, analyzed, and tabulated to facilitate the competition. The
researchers will consulted a statistician regarding this matter. Afterward, the researchers will
proceed with the interpretation of the data. Conclusions & recommendations will be drawn
based on the findings of the data gathered.

The participants of the study are senior high school Students in Jovellar National High
School in the academic Year 2023-2024. A total of (204) students are chosen using the fish
bowl method through listing the names and picking it from the bowl.
Grade 11 consists of 5 sections namely, Apolaki, Lalahon, Mayari, Mapulon and
Dumangan. While grade 12 consist of 6 sections namely Euclid A & B, Mendel, Pythagoras,
Pascal and Descartes.
Grade Level Total of Students Sample Size
Grade 11
Apolaki 42
Lalahon 36
Mayari 36
Mapulon 42
Dumangan 39
Grade 12
Euclid A&B 58
Mendel 39
Pythagoras 36
Pascal 40
Descartes 45
Total : 413
Results and Discussion

This chapter included the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data gathered from
the questionnaires distributed to the respondents to know their perception of the effect of
home environment on the learning outcomes. This also contained the presentation of data in
tabular form, along with their corresponding interpretation.

Determinants: Physical
Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. I am often interrupted by household chores or
family activities while studying. 3.90 Agree
2. I have a dedicated space for studying at home. 3.75
3. I have a dedicated space for studying at home. 3.73
4. The physical environment at home effects my 3.53
learning outcomes. Agree
5. The lighting in my study area affects my learning 3.23
outcomes. Moderately Agree
TOTAL 3.63 Agree
Legend: 5.00 – 4.30 Strongly Agree
4.20 - 3.50 Agree
3.40 – 2.70 Moderately Agree
2.60 – 1.90 Disagree
1.80 – 1.00 Strongly Disagree

Determinants: Parents and Siblings

Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. I have a good relationship with my parents and 4.58 Strongly agree
2. I often communicate with my parents. 4.09 Agree
3. Me and my siblings often have time together. 3.97 Agree
4. I often communicate with my siblings. 3.75 Agree
5. My parents influence me when it comes on 3.41 Agree
decision making.
TOTAL 3.96 Agree
Legend: 5.00 – 4.30 Strongly Agree
4.20 - 3.50 Agree
3.40 – 2.70 Moderately Agree
2.60 – 1.90 Disagree
1.80 – 1.00 Strongly Disagree

Determinants: Academic Motivation

Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. I accomplish my tasks easily at home. 3.83 Agree
2. I can concentrate on studying while I'm at home. 3.65 Agree
3. I can focus on doing my tasks at home. 3.64 Agree
4. I can manage my time when it comes on doing 3.61 Agree
household chores.
5. I can memories things despite of the noises 3.48 Moderately Agree
around me.
TOTAL 3.48 Agree

Legend: 5.00 – 4.30 Strongly Agree

4.20 - 3.50 Agree
3.40 – 2.70 Moderately Agree
2.60 – 1.90 Disagree
1.80 – 1.00 Strongly Disagree

Determinants: Learning environment

Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. I can understand the lesson while making 3.29 Moderately Agree
insufficient learning materials.
2. I can study hard outside the school. 3.18 Moderately Agree
3. I can focus on studying with distraction. 3.14 Moderately Agree
4. I can finish tasks on time while watching tv. 2.97 Moderately Agree
5. I can focus on reading while im at a crowed 2.92 Moderately Agree
TOTAL 3.10 Moderately Agree

Legend: 5.00 – 4.30 Strongly Agree

4.20 - 3.50 Agree
3.40 – 2.70 Moderately Agree
2.60 – 1.90 Disagree
1.80 – 1.00 Strongly Disagree

This chapter presented the summary, findings, conclusions and recommendation of the
study based from the collected and analyzed t data.

This research study is Battlect The Effect of Home Environment on " the Learning
outcomes of the selected senior high school students of JNHS.
This study attempted to determine the perception of senior high school students of JNHS
on The Effect of Home Environment on the Learning outcomes of the selected Senior High
School Students of Jovellar National High School. The results of this study will support the
thet students to motivating there academic performance.
Specifically, the study answered the following: What is the status of home environment of
the selected sis students of JNHS in terms of:

1.1 Physical
1.2 Parents and Siblings
1.3 Social life

2. What is the effect of home environment to the Learning outcomes of the respondents in
terms of:
A. Academic Motivation
B. Learning Environment
C. First quarter grade

3. Is there a significant relationship between the status of home environment and the effect to
the learning outcomes of the respondents.

4. What recommendations of may be propose to enhance learning outcome of selected SHS

students of JNHS?
It was proven that there are effect brought to Home Environment these perceived effect
came from what the respondents experienced throughout their life as a students in JNHS ,In
the past years, the are using modular learning when motivating their students while learning.

The result of this study may be helpful for students, Parents, teachers comminity,future
researches of related topics

The responstents of this study were randomly selected Senior high School Students S of
Jovellar National High School.A questionaire checklist was used to collect the necessary data
from the respondents

The research used descriptive methods frequency countes,and weighted mean as the
statistical tools used in interpreting the data.


Based on the various data collected and analyzed, the following are the findings:

1. Most of the students agree that they are interrupted by household

chores or family activities while studying also dedicated for studying at home.

2. Many students agreed their parents and siblings. that they a Berth have a good relationship
with their parents and siblings

3. Most of the students agree that they are accomplish their task easily of home also
concentrate on studying while at home.

4. far bependent's proven moderately cre under Learning Environment Consideration in in the
levels of respondents Home Environment on the learning outcomes are all proven moderately

1. Based from the findings, there are four level of respondents agreement in the effects of
home environment on the learning outcomes of the selected SHS students of JNHS in terms
of Physical, Parents and Siblings, Academic Motivation, and Learning Environment.
2. Under the Physical the level of agreement got a verbal interpretation of agree.
3. The data showed in Parents and Siblings in level of agreement got all agree.
4. The indicators under Academic Motivation are all proven agree.
5. Regarding on the Learning Environment it gained a verbal interpretation of moderately


Based from the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are
1. Since the students agreed on the statement "I have a good relationship with my parents and
siblings" the school should also have a safe place for the students in order for them to have a
good relationship with the teachers and to other students.
2. The students agreed on the statement "I often communicate with my parents", so the
teachers at school shall teach the students on how to communicate appropriately with their

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