Optimization Scheduling Project Rehabilitation Bui

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Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 24, No.

2, May 2024, 989-1002

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tanjungpura.
ISSN: 1412-3576 (Print), 2621-8429 (Online), Indonesia

Constructions of UNTAN
Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Journal homepage: https://jurnal.untan.ac.id/index.php/jtsuntan

Optimization Scheduling Project Rehabilitation Building and Hall

DEKRANASDA and Kalimantan Barat Museum Fence Using
Critical Path Method (CPM)
*Layla Mutiara Halim1, Lusiana1, Safaruddin M. Nuh1
1Department of Civil Engineering, Tanjungpura University


This study investigates the optimization of project * Corresponding Author
scheduling using the Critical Path Method (CPM) in
construction projects. Focusing on the Building
Rehabilitation Project, Dekranasda Hall, and Kalimantan Citation:
Barat Museum Fence, the research aims to reduce Halim, L.M.; Lusiana; Nuh, S.M. (2024).
project duration without altering costs. CPM is employed Optimization Scheduling Project
to map out activities in a network, identifying the critical Rehabilitation Building and Hall
path to enhance time management. The initial project DEKRANASDA and Kalimantan Barat
duration was 249 days. By breaking down work items and Museum Fence Using Critical Path
increasing the number of workers in critical activities, the Method (CPM). Jurnal Teknik Sipil
duration was reduced to 125 days. Optimization involved (JTS) Vol. 24, 1. p.989-1002.
dividing tasks into manageable segments and
determining the appropriate workforce through trial and https://doi.org/10.26418/jts.v24i2.75578
error. The study demonstrates that effective project Submitted: 17 January 2024
scheduling and resource allocation can significantly Accepted: 05 June 2024
reduce completion time, highlighting CPM's value in Revised: 03 June 2024
project management for achieving efficiency and meeting Published: 05 June 2024
deadlines. The findings emphasize the importance of
detailed planning, dependency logic, and continuous
monitoring to optimize construction project timelines. Publisher’s Note: JTS stays neutral
about jurisdictional claims in published
Keywords: Project scheduling optimization, Critical path maps and institutional affiliations
method, Network planning, Enhanced time management,
Effective project scheduling,

1. Introduction
A construction project is a temporary facility or infrastructure development project carried out within
a limited period with specific financial resources to achieve clear goals (Setiawati et al., 2017).
Projects usually have a deadline, meaning they must be completed before or precisely at the
specified time (Taurusyanti & Lesmana, 2015).
The planning stage measures project success and determines the allocation of resources, time, and
quality to be achieved. Proper project management is needed to achieve work efficiency and
effectiveness (S. et al. Dewi, 2017). Project management is when individuals maintain, develop,
control, and implement programs as part of an organization, all consistent with predetermined goals
and sustainable over time (Oka & Kartikasari, 2019).

Layla Mutiara Halim, 2024. Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 24, No. 1, February 2024

Planning and scheduling influence project implementation to achieve efficiency and effectiveness.
Scheduling is part of the planning results and can provide information about the planned schedule
and project progress (Hidayah et al., 2018). Optimization analysis can be interpreted as
decomposing the project duration and using various alternatives to achieve the best (optimal)
acceleration of implementation time. Reducing activity time in the work network by shortening the
time on the critical path to shorten the overall completion time is called project crashing (Muhammad,
2015). The Critical Path Method (CPM) is frequently used for project scheduling and time
management because it can characterize project activities in a work network and may be applied to
project planning and control.
Scheduling optimization will be done for the Building Rehabilitation Project, Dekranasda Hall, and
Kalimantan Barat Museum Fence. Scheduling will be done using the critical path method (CPM) to
optimize the project duration. Critical Path Method (CPM) as a scheduling method, the results will
be obtained as a critical path, making it easier to analyze the activities to be optimized. Although in
this method, overlapping activities cannot be carried out, another reason for continuing to use the
Critical Path Method (CPM) in this research is that researchers want to know that by modifying this
method, it can optimize in terms of time without changing the basic rules of the Critical Path Method

2. Materials and Methods

A deductive quantitative research strategy was chosen for this research.
Project Schedule
To plan a project, it is necessary to schedule it. According to (Warsika, 2016), project scheduling is
a means of planning and controlling projects. Planning is done by monitoring project implementation
progress because one project differs from another. This is done to obtain a realistic schedule based
on existing project conditions so that resource allocation and duration are consistent with project
goals and objectives. In preparing the schedule, the organization of activities and relationships
between activities must be carried out in detail to assist in project evaluation. (Saputra, 2021)
Critical Path Method (CPM)
The Critical Path Method (CPM) speeds up work and analyzes project time and cost. To discover a
more efficient optimal solution, an innovative algorithm based on a multivariate discrete solution
strategy is proposed to combine improved differential evaluation and the critical path method (CPM)
(Chen et al., 2015).
While the schedule generation process uses the critical path method (CPM), the critical Path Method
is used to estimate the minimum project duration and determine the amount of flexible scheduling
on the logical network path in the schedule model. This schedule network analysis technique
calculates the beginning and end of all activities without regard to resource limitations by analyzing
forward and backward through the schedule network (Soleman et al., D., and Bay, F.A (2018).
Work Duration
Job scheduling has two differences: time (Time) and duration (duration), with time expressed as
day/night and duration expressed as the time required to complete an activity. The duration of work
is the time units are required to carry out an activity to obtain optimal results in utilizing existing
resources (Zaedar Gazalba, I Gede Putu Warka, Lalu Wirahman W, 2022). The project's duration
can be controlled according to the plan by utilizing resources optimally. Therefore, a project needs
to find the duration of work for each implementation of its activities to remain by the predetermined
To calculate the duration of work for a project, the following formula is used:
Coefficient x Work Vol.
Duration =
Total Workers

Layla Mutiara Halim, 2024. Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 24, No. 1, February 2024

Dependency Logic
A working network is a dependency relationship between parts of the work described or visualized
in a network diagram. With the work network, it can find out the area that is the critical path so that
it can find out the work that is prioritized and the work that can be postponed. (Sugiyarto, S.,
Qomariyah, S., & Hamzah, F., 2013).
Dependency logic plays a vital role in creating a work network by determining the order of work and
the dependency of each item. The activity that is the point in time that is the predecessor is called
the predecessor, and the activity after it is the successor. Activities that can be performed
simultaneously with ongoing activities are called parallel or concurrent relationships. The first event
in the project schedule is the starting point where the project will begin, and the end event is the
point at which the project has been completed.
Forward and Backward Count
Using the Critical Path Method (CPM) for scheduling, two computations—the forward count and the
backward—are made to determine the overall project length. The critical path can be found using a
forward count method. Through the use of the maximum value, this forward count helps determine
the earliest start time (EETi = Earliest Even Time node i) on the i-node and the earliest start time
(EETj = Earliest Even Time node j) on the j-node of all functions. The forward count formula functions
as listed below:
ESij = EETi ..............................................................................................................................(2.1)
EFij = ESij + dA..........................................................................................................................2.2)
ESij = Earliest Start, earliest activity start time
EFij = Earliest Finish, the earliest activity time completed
The countdown aims to determine the latest time to start and end each activity without delaying the
overall project timeframe generated by the forward count. This calculation also aims to obtain the
latest finish time (LETi = Latest Even Time node i) at i-node and the latest finish time (LETj = Latest
Even Time node j) at j-node of all activities by taking the minimum value. The following is the formula
for the countdown.
LFij = LETj................................................................................................................................(2.3)
LSij = LFij – dA...........................................................................................................................2.4)
LFij = Latest Finish, the latest time activities must be completed
LSij = Latest Start, the latest time the activity must start
Activity time or Activity Time can be seen in Figure 1

Figure 1 Activity Time

i = Number of Activity
A = Name of Activity
dA = Activity Duration A
ESij = Earliest Start, earliest activity start time = EETi
EFij = Earliest Finish, the earliest activity time completed
LSij = Latest Start, the latest time the activity must start
LFij = Latest Finish, the latest time activities must be completed = LETj

Layla Mutiara Halim, 2024. Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 24, No. 1, February 2024

Critical Path
The critical path is a series of activities with zero float, with the definition of float being the delay time
allowed for an activity without causing delays to the project as a whole. In the critical path method,
the total project duration is determined by calculating the longest path in the project work network
diagram (Hamzah et al., 2020).
Total Float
According to Husen (2011), Float is the final tolerance limit for delays in an activity that can be used
for time optimization. Meanwhile, according to (Muhammad Khalil et al., 2018), the total completion
time of activities can be postponed without affecting the fastest time to complete a project. This stage
is critical or the longest implementation path determining the project completion time. Total Float
(TF) can state how long an activity can be late but does not affect the completion time of a project.
All activities on the path in question own this float. It can be formulated using the following equation:
TF = LETj - EETi - Dij.................................................................................................................2.5)

LETj = The latest time activities must be completed
EETi = Earliest activity start time
Dij = Duration from activity I to J

2.1. Research Location

This research was conducted on the Building Rehabilitation project, Dekranasda Hall, and
Kalimantan Barat Museum Fence, which is located at Jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani, Parit Tokaya,
Pontianak Selatan District, Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat Province.
2.2. Data
Secondary data is obtained or recorded by other parties, generally in historical reports or records.
In this study, secondary data was used in the form of:
1. Bill of Quantity (BoQ)
2. Working Drawing
3. Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Number 1 of 2022 concerning
Guidelines for Preparing Construction Cost Estimates in the Field of Public Works and Public
2.3. CPM Scheduling Steps
After all the necessary data was collected, the data was analyzed using the following steps:
1. Create a sequence of project activity items using the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
2. Determine the duration of work for each stage of the activity.
3. Establishment of dependency logic.
4. Create a work network.
5. Calculate forward and backward calculations to determine the activity time, and the result of the
activity time can be used to calculate the Time Float (TF) value.
6. From the TF results that have been calculated, activities that are critical paths can be identified.
7. After obtaining the total duration for regular scheduling, optimization will be done using the
Critical Path Method (CPM).
3. Result and Discussion
Development of Work Breakdown Structure

WBS organizes projects structurally through hierarchical reporting to solve the project work process
in stages in each detail (Varsani et al., 2020). The following is the composition of the WBS in the
Kalimantan Barat Museum Building and Hall Rehabilitation project.

Layla Mutiara Halim, 2024. Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 24, No. 1, February 2024



(A) (C) (D) WORK (F) (G) (H) (I) WORK WORK (M)
(E) (J) (L)

- A.1 - B.1 - S.4 - C.22 - D.1 - E.1 - E.14 - F.1 - G.1 - H.1 - I.1 - J.1 - S.13 - S.14.1 - S.16
- A.2 - B.2 - C.1 - C.23 - D.2 - E.2 - E.15 - F.2 - G.2 - H.2 - I.2 - S.10 - S.14.2
- A.3 - B.3 - C.2 - C.24 - D.3 - E.3 - E.16 - F.3 - G.3 - H.3 - I.3 - S.11 - S.15
- A.4 - S.2 - C.3 - C.25 - D.4 - E.4 - E.17 - S.7 - H.4 - I.4 - S.12
- A.5 - S.3 - C.4 - C.26 - S.6 - E.5 - E.18 - S.8 - H.5 - I.5
- S.1 - C.5 - C.27 - D.5 - E.6 - E.19 - H.6 - I.6
- C.6 - C.28 - E.7 - E.20 - H.7 - I.7
- C.7 - C.29 - E.8 - E.21 - H.8 - I.8
- C.8 - C.30 - E.9 - E.22 - H.9 - I.9
- C.9 - C.31 - E.10 - E.23 - H.10
- S.5 - C.32 - E.11 - E.24
- C.10 - C.33 - E.12 - E.25
- C.11 - C.34 - E.13 - E.26
- C.12 - C.35
- C.13 - C.36
- C.14 - C.37
- C.15 - C.38
- C.16 - C.39
- C.17 - C.40
- C.18 - C.41
- C.19 - C.42
- C.20 - C.43
- C.21 - C.44

Figure 2. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Calculating Labor and Work Duration Normal Scheduling
To create a work network using the critical path method (CPM), it is necessary to know the duration
of each job. The factors required to calculate the work duration are the work volume, the amount of
labor, and the determining coefficient. In this study, the duration of each job is determined by the
duration that the researcher wants to achieve. Thus, the calculation analysis is intended to find labor
requirements. The following is an example of labor requirements for the Demolition of the Door and
Frame Work.
Volume = 23,00 unit
Coef Worker = 0,50 OH (Source AHSP 2022)
Coef Craftsman = 0,50 OH (Source AHSP 2022)
Coef Foreman = 0,025 OH (Source AHSP 2022)
Work Duration = 2 Days (target)
Coefficient x Work Volume
Duration =
Total Workers
Volume x Coefficient 23,00 x 0,50
Total Workers = Work Duration
= 2
= 6,00 ≈ 6 person
Volume x Coefficient 23,00 x 0,50
Total Craftsman = = = 6,00 ≈ 6 person
Work Duration 2
Volume x Coefficient 23,00 x 0,025
Total Foreman = Work Duration
= 2
= 0,29 ≈ 1 person

Table 1. Average Scheduling Job Duration Calculation Results

Volume Coefficient Workforce Duration
No Item Unit Round-up
(A) (B) (C) (A x B)/C
B.1 Demolition of Walls m3 16,75 0,67 6 1,86 2
Demolition of Door and
B.2 unit 23,00 0,50 2
Frame Work 6 1,92
Demolition of Window
B.3 unit 20,00 0,50 2
and Frame Work 5 2,00
Demolition (Roof,
S.2 ls 1,00 3
Ceiling, Floor, Deck)
S.3 Scaffolding Procurement set 500,00 1
Scheduling with Critical Path Method (CPM)
A network diagram is a network that contains an activity path and a series of non-critical activities
carried out during the project. The network diagram aims to display the activity path, which is the
critical path. The following is a picture of the work network:

Layla Mutiara Halim, 2024. Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 24, No. 1, February 2024

Figure 3. Work Network with Critical Path Method (CPM)

The work diagram above shows that the most extended activity is on the activity path:
S.2 → (B.3/B.2) → B1 → A.2 → A.3 → C.1 → C.3 → C.2 → C.8 → C.7 → C.5 → C.21 → C.22 →
C.13 → C.11 → C.23 → C.38 → (C.16/C.20) → C.36 → C.32 → C.37 → C.39 → C.33 → C.34 →
C.35 → (I.3/I.4) → I.1 → F.1 → (E.1/E.6/S.11) → (E.11/E.15/E.21) → F.2 → F.3 → G.3 → D.3→ D.2
→ S.7
3 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 19 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 4 + 10 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 31 + 5 + 2 + 33 + 3 + 15
+ 1 + 20 + 12 + 1 + 1 + 17 + 10 + 5 + 16 + 3 + 2 = 249 days.
In the diagram above, the nodes depicted with thick red arrows are critical path activities. The
following describes the activity code, which is the critical path.

Table 2. Description Activity Sequence Code Scheduling with Critical Path Method CPM

Code Type of goods/services

A.2 Field Cleaning
A.3 Measurement and Installation of Bowplank
B.1 Demolition of Walls
B.2 Demolition of Door and Frame Work
B.3 Demolition of Window and Frame Work
S.2 Demolition (Roof, Ceiling, Floor, Deck)
C.1 Minipile Piling size 20 x 20 x 600cm, 8 D 13, 6 K 350 - 6m
C.2 Minipile Demolition uk.20 x 20 x 600cm, 8 D 13, 6 K 350 - 6m
C.3 Excavation of foundation P1
C.5 Foundation rebar (U39)
C.7 Working floor under foundation t=5 cm
C.8 Sand base under the foundation t=10 cm
C.11 P2 Foundation Poer (Concrete K-300)
C.13 Foundation Formwork
C.16 Column K1 (Concrete K-300)
C.20 Column K2 (Concrete K-300)
C.21 Primary column reinforcement (U39)
C.22 Column Beugel Reinforcement (U24)
C.23 Formwork of Foundation Columns
C.32 HBM steel 175 x 175 x 7.5 x 11mm
C.33 WF steel 200x100x5.5x8mm
C.34 Steel Pipe 8 STD (Thick 8mm)
C.35 CNP truss 150 x 50 x 20 x 2.3
C.36 Baseplat (t16mm)
C.37 Steelplat (t12mm, 9mm, 8mm, 6mm)
C.38 M12- 420 anchor
C.39 HSB D-12mm
D.2 Finishing List Floor Granite tile 20 x 120 cm wood style (unpolished)
D.3 Floor Finishing Homogenous tile 60 x 60 cm Travertine pattern (polished)

Layla Mutiara Halim, 2024. Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 24, No. 1, February 2024

Table 2. (Continued) Description Activity Sequence Code Scheduling with Critical Path Method CPM

Code Type of goods/services

E.1 Manufacture and Installation of 1m3 Door Frame and window Frame, grade 1 wood
(Bengkirai Wood)
E.6 Manufacture and Installation of 1m3 Door Frame & Window Frame, 1st grade wood
(Bengkirai Wood)
E.11 Manufacture and Installation of 1m3 Door Frame and window Frame, grade 1 wood
(Bengkirai Wood)
E.15 Manufacture and Installation of 1m3 Frame, grade 1 wood (Bengkirai Wood)
E.21 Manufacture and Installation of 1m3 Frame, grade 1 wood (Bengkirai Wood)
F.1 Brick Wall Installation
F.2 Plastering
F.3 Cement Slush Grout
S.7 Interior Finishing
G.3 Mowilex-equivalent Ceiling Painting
I.1 Roof covering Bituminous shingle + multiplex 12mm.
I.3 Outer Gutter
I.4 Inside Gutter
S.11 Lighting and Power Supply Installation Work
Normal Scheduling Forward, Backward, and Float Counts
The following is an example of forward, backward, and float calculations for normal scheduling
1. ES Calculation
a. ES Activity S.2 = EET5 =0
b. ES Activity B.3 = EET8 =0+3=3
c. ES Activity B.1 = EET11 = 3 + 2 = 5, etc.
2. EF Calculation
a. EF Activity S.2 = ES5-8 + dS.2 =0+3=3
b. EF Activity B.3 = ES8-11 + dB.3 =3+2=5
c. EF Activity B.1 = ES11-14 + dB.1 = 5 + 2 = 7, etc.
3. LF Calculation
a. LF Activity S.9 = LET82 = 228
b. LF Activity I.8 = LET78 = 228 – 5 = 223
c. LF Activity I.9 = LET75 = 223 – 6 = 217, etc.
4. LS Calculation
a. LS Activity S.9 = LF82-78 – dS.9 = 228 – 5 = 223
b. LS Activity I.8 = LF78-75 – dI.8 = 223 – 6 = 217
c. LS Activity I.9 = LF75-72 – dI.9 = 217 – 4 = 213, etc.
5. TF Calculation
a. EF Activity S.2 = LF8 – ES5 – dS.2 =3–0–3=0
b. EF Activity B.3 = LF11 – ES8 – dB.3 = 5 – 3 – 2 = 0
c. EF Activity B.1 = LF14 – ES11 – dB.1 = 7 – 5 – 2 = 0, etc.
The following is an example of a calculation table for Demolition & Clearance Work.

Layla Mutiara Halim, 2024. Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 24, No. 1, February 2024

Table 3. Backward and Forward Calculation and Total Float Normal Scheduling

No Item Duration Predecessor Dec
Eli LFij – dA ESij + dA LFj LFj - ESi - Dij

B Demolition & Clearance Work

B.1 Demolition of Walls 2 B.2, B.3 5 5 7 7 0 critical

B.2 Demolition of Door and 2 S.2 3 3 5 5 0 critical
Frame Work
B.3 Demolition of Window and 2 S.2 3 3 5 5 0 critical
Frame Work
S.2 Demolition (Roof, Ceiling, 3 - 0 0 3 3 0 critical
Floor, Deck)
S.3 Scaffolding Procurement 1 S.1 1 14 14 13 11 -

Optimization Steps with Critical Path Method (CPM)

Optimizing scheduling using the Critical Path Method can be done by two methods, namely by
dividing work items and increasing the number of workers on the critical path. The following is an
optimization method with the Critical Path Method (CPM)
Divide Work Items
Scheduling using the Critical Path Method cannot overlap its dependencies. Then, it is necessary to
divide the volume of certain work items into several new items. It is intended that items with a
relatively long duration can be allocated dependency logic according to optimization needs. Work
volume is divided into percentages based on the need for acceleration and numbered at the end of
the coding. For example, volume division is done on (C.6) P1 Foundation Formwork. The volume
will be divided into two by adding a number to the back of the naming code. The division of each
volume percentage is 70% for fabrication and 30% for formwork installation. This percentage
distribution is based on the researcher's observations in the field.
C.6 Foundation Formwork
Initial Volume = 76,05 m2
Volume C.6.1 = 76,05 x 70%
= 53,24 m2
Volume C.6.2 = 76,05 x 30%
= 22,82 m2
The overall division of items will be attached to the table below
Table 4. Division of Work Items
No Item Initial Percentage Volume Unit
Volume Distribution
Foundation P1
C.6.1 Foundation Formwork 70% 53,24 m2
C.6.2 Foundation Formwork 30% 22,82 m2
Foundation P2
C.13.1 Foundation Formwork 108,48 70% 75,94 m2
C.13.2 Foundation Formwork 30% 32,54 m3
Foundation Column K1

Layla Mutiara Halim, 2024. Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 24, No. 1, February 2024

Table 4. (Continued) Division of Work Items

No Item Initial Percentage Volume Unit
Volume Distribution
C.19.1 Foundation Column Formwork 41,10 70% 28,77 m2
C.19.2 Foundation Column Formwork 30% 12,33 m3
Foundation Column K1
C.23.1 Foundation Column Formwork 113,00 80% 90,40 m2
C.23.2 Foundation Column Formwork 20% 22,60 m3
Sloof S1
C.27.1 Sloof Formwork 97,04 70% 67,93 m2
C.27.2 Sloof Formwork 30% 29,11 m3
Sloof S2
C.31.1 Sloof Formwork 412,45 80% 329,96 m2
C.31.2 Sloof Formwork 20% 82,49 m3
C.32.1 HBM Steel 175 x 175 x 7.5 x 11mm 9755,68 50% 4877,84 kg
C.32.2 HBM Steel 175 x 175 x 7.5 x 11mm 40% 3902,27 kg
C.32.3 HBM Steel 175 x 175 x 7.5 x 11mm 10% 975,57 kg
C.33.1 WF steel 200x100x5.5x8mm 15049,17 87% 13092,78 kg
C.33.2 WF steel 200x100x5.5x8mm 10% 1504,92 kg
C.33.3 WF steel 200x100x5.5x8mm 3% 451,48 kg
C.35.1 CNP truss 150 x 50 x 20 x 2.3 3605,92 85% 3065,03 kg
C.35.2 CNP truss 150 x 50 x 20 x 2.3 15% 540,89 kg
C.37.1 Steelplat (t12mm, 9mm, 8mm, 6mm) 1279,38 65% 831,60 kg
C.37.2 Steelplat (t12mm, 9mm, 8mm, 6mm) 35% 447,78 kg
Floor Plate
C.44.1 Repeated Floor Formwork 533,48 45% 240,07 m2
C.44.2 Repeated Floor Formwork 55% 293,41 m3
Finishing List Floor Granite tile 20 x
D.2.1 23,48 70% 16,44 m2
120 cm wood style (unpolished)
Finishing List Floor Granite tile 20 x
D.2.2 30% 7,04 m3
120 cm wood style (unpolished)
F.1.1 Brick Wall Installation 441,20 85% 375,02 m2
F.1.2 Brick Wall Installation 15% 66,18 m3
F.2.1 Plastering 882,40 60% 529,44 m2
F.2.2 Plastering 40% 352,96 m3
F.3.1 Cement Slush Grout 882,40 60% 529,44 m2
F.3.2 Cement Slush Grout 40% 352,96 m3
I.1.1 Roof covering Bituminous shingle + 1104,88 30% 331,46 m2
multiplex 12mm
I.1.2 Roof covering Bituminous shingle + 70% 773,42 m3
multiplex 12mm.
Increase in the Number of Workers
Another stage in duration optimization is increasing the number of workers. The step taken is
determining the duration for an item's acceleration target. Then, it is determined by taking an
adequate amount of labor. Trial-and-error is done to find practical additions. The following is an
example of calculating the trial-and-error effectiveness of labor on Field Cleaning.
Volume = 212,37 m2
Initial Duration = 4 days
Coefficient = 0,10 OH
Target Duration = 2 days

Layla Mutiara Halim, 2024. Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 24, No. 1, February 2024

Coefficient x Work Volume

Duration =
Total Workers
• Attempted 10 Workers
0,10 x 212,337
Durasi = 10
= 2,12
Did not reach the target duration
• Attempted 11 Workers
0,10 x 212,337
Durasi = 11
= 1,93
Fulfill duration target with additional effective labor
• Attempted 12 Workers
0,10 x 212,337
Durasi = = 1,77
Fulfill duration targets with ineffective labor additions
The overall increase in the number of workers will be attached to the table below.

Table 5. Trial and Error Effectiveness of Increasing Labor

No Item Unit Volume Initial Coefficient Workforce Duration Target Duration
(A) Duration (B) (C) (AxB)/C) Round-up
A.2 Field Cleaning m2 212,37 4 0,1 10 2,12 3
11 1,93 2
12 1,77 2
A.3 Measurement and Installation of m1 164,3 3 0,1 8 2,05 3
Bowplank 9 1,83 2
10 1,64 2
C.2 Minipile Demolition uk.20 x 20 x 600cm, m3 2,54 3 6,67 8 2,12 3
8 D 13, 6 K 350 - 6m 9 1,88 2
10 1,69 2
C.11 P2 Foundation Poer (Concrete K-300) 3 32,54 4 0,4 6 2,17 3
7 1,86 2
8 1,63 2
C.34 Steel Pipe 8 STD (Thick 8mm) kg 309,18 3 0,06 9 2,06 3
10 1,86 2
11 1,69 2
C.36 Baseplat (t16mm) kg 250,37 3 0,06 7 2,15 3
8 1,88 2
9 1,67 2
C.38 M12- 420 anchor bh 184 2 0,03 5 1,1 2
6 0,92 1
7 0,79 1
G.3 Mowilex-equivalent Ceiling Painting m2 595,54 5 0,06 9 4,17 5
10 3,75 4
11 3,41 4

Calculating Labor and Work Duration Scheduling Optimization

At this stage, the duration of each job is determined based on the duration to be achieved for
acceleration planning. The following is an example of labor requirements for the Demolition of the
Door and Frame Work.
Volume = 23,00 m
Coef Workers = 0,50 OH
Coef Craftsman = 0,50 OH
Coef Foreman = 0,025 OH
Work Duration = 2 Days (target)

Layla Mutiara Halim, 2024. Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 24, No. 1, February 2024

Coefficient x Work Volume

Duration =
Total Workers
Volume x Coefficient 23,00 x 0,50
Total Workers = Work Duration
= 2
= 6,00 ≈ 6 person
Volume x Coefficient 23,00 x 0,50
Total Craftsman = = = 6,00 ≈ 6 person
Work Duration 2
Volume x Coefficient 23,00 x 0,025
Total Foreman = Work Duration
= 2
= 0,29 ≈ 1 person
Table 6. Calculation Results of Scheduling Optimization Work Duration

No Item Unit Volume Coefficient Workforce Duration Round-

(A) (B) (C) (A x B)/C up
B.1 Demolition of Walls m3 16,75 0,67 6 1,86 2
B.2 Demolition of Door and Frame Work unit 23 0,5 6 1,92 2
B.3 Demolition of Window and Frame Work unit 20 0,5 5 2 2
S.2 Demolition (Roof, Ceiling, Floor, Deck) ls 1 3
S.3 Scaffolding Procurement set 500 1

Scheduling Optimization with Critical Path Method (CPM)

A network diagram contains an activity path and a series of critical and non-critical activities
performed during the project. The network diagram aims to display the activity path, which is the
critical path. The following is a picture of the scheduling optimization work network:

Figure 4. Work Network with Critical Path Method (CPM) Scheduling Optimization
The work diagram above shows that the most extended activity is on the activity path:
S.2 → (B.3/B.2) → B1 → A.2 → A.3 → C.1 → C.3 → C.2 → C.8 → C.7 → C.5 → C.21 → C.22 →
C.13.2 → C.11 → (C.19.2/C.23.2) → C.38 → (C.16/C.20) → C.36 → C.32.3 → C.37.1 →
(C.37.2/C.39) → C.33.2 → (C.33.3/C.34) → C.35.2 → (I.3/I.4) → I.1.1 → F.1.1 → (E.1/E.6/S.11) →
(E.11/E.15/E.21) → F.2.1 → F.3.1 → G.3 → (D.1/D.3) → (D.2.1/S.7) → D.2.2
3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 19 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 1
+ 6 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 10 + 6 + 4 + 13 + 2 + 1 = 125 days.
The above activities are critical paths because they have a grace period (float) or TF = 0. The TF
value is obtained from forward calculations and backward calculations. The activities on the critical
path above are the results obtained from the optimization carried out in the previous stage. After the
steps are taken to optimize scheduling, there is a change in the total duration. Regular scheduling
has a total duration of 249 working days. After scheduling optimization using the Critical Path
Method, the total duration becomes 125 working days. The total duration is obtained from the
summation of the duration of activities through the critical path.
Forward, Backward, and Float Counts of Scheduling with the Critical Path Method (CPM)
1. ES Calculation
a. ES Activity S.2 = EET5 = 0
b. ES Activity B.3 = EET8 = 0 + 3 = 3
c. ES Activity B.1 = EET11 = 3 + 2 = 5, etc.
Layla Mutiara Halim, 2024. Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 24, No. 1, February 2024

2. EF Calculation
a. EF Activity S.2 = ES5-8 + dS.2 = 0 + 3 = 3
b. EF Activity B.3 = ES8-11 + dB.3 = 3 + 2 = 5
c. EF Activity B.1 = ES11-14 + dB.1 = 5 + 2 = 7, etc.
3. LF Calculation
a. LF Activity S.9 = LET120 = 125
b. LF Activity I.8 = LET95 = 125 – 5 = 120
c. LF Activity I.9 = LET89 = 120 – 6 = 114, etc.
4. LS Calculation
a. LS Activity S.9 = LF120-95 – dS.9 = 125 – 5 = 120
b. LS Activity I.8 = LF95-89 – dI.8 = 120 – 6 = 114
c. LS Activity I.9 = LF89-84 – dI.9 = 114 – 4 = 110, etc.
5. TF Calculation
a. EF Activity S.2 = LF8 – ES5 – dS.2 = 3 – 0 – 3 = 0
b. EF Activity B.3 = LF11 – ES8 – dB.3 = 5 – 3 – 2 = 0
c. EF Activity B.1 = LF14 – ES11 – dB.1 = 7 – 5 – 2 = 0, etc.
The following is an example of a calculation table for Demolition & Clearance Work.
Table 7. Backward and Total Float Calculation of Scheduling Optimization

No Item Duration Predecessor ES LS EF LF TF Dec

Eli LFij – dA ESij + dA LFj LFj - ESi - Dij
B.1 Demolition of Walls 2 B.2, B.3 5 5 7 7 0 critical
B.2 Demolition of Door and Frame Work 2 S.2 3 3 5 5 0 critical
B.3 Demolition of Window and Frame Work 2 S.2 3 3 5 5 0 critical
S.2 Demolition (Roof, Ceiling, Floor, Deck) 3 - 0 0 3 3 0 critical
S.3 Scaffolding Procurement 1 S.1 1 24 19 25 23 -

4. Conclusion
Based on the results of this study, the project completion duration can be optimized from the standard
249 working days to 125 working days. Two methods to optimize the scheduling are: First, divide
the work item volumes into several parts so that some tasks can commence without waiting entirely
for the preceding tasks to be finished. The work items that can be divided can be prefabricated either
on-site or off-site. Second, scheduling optimization is achieved by setting a target duration to
optimize task completion and calculating the adequate number of workers needed through trial-and-
error calculations.
5. Acknowledgement
The authors would like to thank those who have contributed to this research. The authors also thank
the Civil Engineering Journal (JTS) of Tanjungpura University for uploading this research journal.
6. Author’s Note
This article, published in the Jurnal Teknik Sipil UNTAN (JTS), is the result of original research
conducted by the author(s). The work presented herein is free from any form of plagiarism. Any
similarities to other works are purely coincidental. All reference sources utilized during the
preparation of this journal article have been appropriately cited following applicable guidelines and
are included in the article's references section.
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