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1. Performance Testing: Evaluates how well the system performs

under normal conditions.
o Measures response times and speed of tasks.
o Monitors memory usage to ensure efficient performance.
o Checks network and disk usage patterns.
2. Load Testing: Tests system behavior under expected loads.
o Simulates multiple users accessing the system concurrently.
o Ensures the system can handle typical usage volumes without
o Verifies that resources like CPU and memory are effectively
3. Stress Testing: Assesses system robustness under extreme
o Pushes the system beyond its designed limits to identify
breaking points.
o Tests resilience against failures such as low memory or disk
o Evaluates how the system recovers from unexpected
situations like high traffic spikes.
4. Security Testing: Checks system vulnerabilities and defense
o Identifies potential entry points for unauthorized access.
o Tests against common attack techniques like SQL injection or
cross-site scripting.
o Ensures sensitive data is protected and encryption
mechanisms work correctly.
5. Usability Testing: Evaluates the ease of use and user interface
o Observes how easily users can navigate through the system.
o Identifies any confusing or frustrating aspects of the interface.
o Collects feedback to improve user experience and task
6. Recovery Testing: Verifies system stability after crashes or
o Simulates unexpected shutdowns to test recovery procedures.
o Checks if data integrity is maintained during system restarts.


o Ensures that critical operations can resume without

significant data loss.
7. Configuration Testing: Tests system performance on different
hardware and software configurations.
o Validates compatibility with various operating systems and
o Ensures functionality across different hardware setups like
CPUs and graphics cards.
o Tests installation and setup procedures to ensure smooth
deployment on diverse environments.
8. Compatibility Testing: Ensures seamless integration with other
software and platforms.
o Verifies interoperability with specific browsers, applications,
or file formats.
o Tests compatibility across different versions and updates of
related software.
o Ensures that interactions with external systems or APIs work
as expected.
9. Documentation Testing: Reviews accuracy and completeness of
user guides and manuals.
o Checks if instructions are clear and easy to follow.
o Verifies that documentation matches the actual system
o Collects feedback from users to improve clarity and
usefulness of documentation.
10.Experience-Based Techniques: Utilizes testers' expertise and
intuition to uncover potential issues.

 Applies knowledge of similar applications to identify critical test

 Conducts exploratory testing to discover unexpected defects or
usability issues.
 Employs error guessing techniques based on past experiences to
predict likely problem areas.

Special Value Testing: Focuses on testing areas likely to contain errors based on
domain knowledge or intuition.


 Tests critical parts of the system where errors are most likely to occur.
 Uses domain expertise to identify potential problem areas.
 Includes scenarios that are not typically covered by standard test cases, aiming
to find unique and significant defects.

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