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Laboratory Manual
Application of Information and Communication
Technology Lab
CS-1102 L


This is to certify that Mr. / Ms…………………………………. of First

Semester, First Year, School of Computing and Information
Sciences bearing Roll No. ………….……. has completed the necessary
lab work for the course of Application of Information and
Communication Technology prescribed by the Sohail University,
Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, under my
supervision for the academic session ………………

_______________________ _______________________
Course Teacher Lab Teacher

Name: Kashan M.Ashraf Name: Sir Iqbal-ud-Din Khan

Roll No: ADSD-01002 Designation: __________________

Department: Software Engineering Department: ___________________

(16) (2-8)
-Student was familiar with the -Student was familiar with -Student demonstrated an -S
software and was able to use the software and required ability to use the software no
Ability to use
additional features of the minimal help from the but required assistance from an
software that were not available instructor to perform the the instructor. am
in instruction set. experiment. in
-Student followed the -Student followed the -Student had difficulty with -S
instructions with no assistance. instructions in the some of the procedure and th
procedure with little or no needed clarification from di
-Student performed additional assistance. the instructor.
experiments or tests beyond -I
Ability to follow
those required in instructions.
-If procedure was not provided, the -If, procedure was not st
procedure and/or
student was able to provided, the student de
design a procedure
-If procedure to accomplish an determine an appropriate needed some direction in to
for experiment
objective is not provided, the set of experiments to run to deciding what set of
student developed a systematic produce stable data and experiments to perform to -T
set of tests to accomplish satisfy the lab objectives. satisfy the lab objectives. us

-Student developed a good -Student demonstrated the -Student was able to identify -S
systematic procedure for testing ability to test software the problems in software no
software code that allowed for code in order to identify code but required some so
quick identification of problems. technical problems, and assistance in fixing some of
Ability to was able to solve any the problems.
troubleshoot -Student is good at analyzing and problems with little or no
software quickly solving all technical assistance.

-Able to explain program design -Able to explain most of -Able to explain some -U
and fundamental concepts the program design and program design and relevant de
Q&A correctly and provide alternative relevant fundamental fundamental concepts. fu
solutions. concepts.


(6-9) (2-8)
-Student demonstrates
-Experimental data is presented in -Experimental data is -E
diligence in creating a set of appropriate format with only a presented in appropriate pr
visually appealing tables few minor errors or omissions. format but some significant
and/or graphs that errors are still evident. -G
Data Presentation effectively present the co
experimental data. -Tables could be better fo
organized or some titles, in
labels, or units of measure ax
are missing.
-Student provides a-Student
very has analyzed the data, observed -Student has analyzed the -S
focused and accurate trends, and compared data, observed trends, and ty
analysis of the data. All experimental results with compared experimental at
observations are stated well theoretical results. results with theoretical di
and clearly supported by the results. va
data. -Any discrepancies are adequately re
Data Analysis addressed. - Any discrepancies are not
adequately addressed. -S
-All expected observations are made. im
-Some observations that
should have been made are
missing or poorly supported.
-Lab report has no -Lab report has very few -Lab report has some -L
grammatical and/or spelling grammatical and/or spelling grammatical and/or spelling gr
errors. errors. errors and is fairly readable. an

Writing Style -All sections of the report -The sentence flow is smooth. - Student make effective use -S
are very well-written and of technical terms and rarely te
technically accurate. -Student uses technical terms resorts to jargon or cliches. to
effectively and accurately. cl



L1-Object: Recognize and observe familiarity with folders and windows utility and performing the related tasks. 6
L2-Object: Recognize and observe computer Hardware, and Peripherals..................................................12
L3-Object: Show your understanding of MS-DOS by Practicing given tasks............................................16
L4-Object: To identify the software of MS Word and get familiar with it..................................................20
L5-Object: Practice to develop the familiarity with more advanced features of MS Word........................27
Object: Building the understanding of MS PowerPoint and exploring its functionalities...........................32
L7-Object: Demonstrating the familiarity with Insert option in PowerPoint..............................................37
L8-Object: Practice identifying the software, MS Excel and exploring its functionalities.........................47
L9-Object: Practice to build the understanding of Formulas in MS Excel..................................................53
L10-Object: To evaluate Grade/Marks in MS Excel...................................................................................56
L11-Object: Recognize To build the familiarity with the MS Visio 2010..................................................59
L12-Object: Recognize Performing tasks on MS Visio-2010.....................................................................64
L13-Object: To construct database in MS Access.......................................................................................70
L14-Object: Practice of insertion and deletion of records in database........................................................81
L15-Object: Build your understanding of HTML and rendering of a simple web page.............................88
Lab: 01

L1-Object: Recognize and observe familiarity with folders and windows utility and
performing the related tasks.

Create and manage files and folder tree
� `File is Each document, whether it is a plain text file or a letter in Word or music or the code to run a
program, is called a file.

� Folder is Files are grouped together in folders , also called directories by folks who are used to certain
other operating systems.

� Disk or drive is technically, a disk is an object on which you store your files and a drive is the device that
reads from and writes to the storage media. Often these words are used as though they were the same thing.
Some 'drives' are not discs at all, like flash drives.

� Your files and folders are stored on your computer's hard disk ,or an external drive
connected to your computer, or on a network drive , or on some kind of removable media like a
floppy disk , a CD or DVD, a USB drive, or another kind of removable disk.

� A large hard disk can be divided into several logical drives to make the space easier to work with and
maintain. Older operating systems cannot handle drives larger than 2 GB unless they are divided up this way.
These logical drives display as additional hard drives.

� Drive Names: Drives are named with a letter plus a colon.

� A: The floppy drive is A: and a second floppy drive is B:. Yes, computers are still reserving letters
for these ancient drive types. In the olden days, about 1982, our first computer was tops with dual 5¼" floppy

� C: The hard drive or solid state drive that contains the operating system is C:. Logical drives and external

drives get letters that follow C:

� D: Your CD or DVD drive uses the first letter after all of your hard drives, so it D: only if
you have only one hard disk and it has no logical partitions.

� Network drives are usually further down the alphabet. Many networks start the network drives at
and go up the alphabet.

� Removable drives like flash drives are assigned a letter when they are connected. Those letters can be
reused by different devices as you plug in and remove various storage devices. You can assign a drive letter to
your device so that it will always use that letter when it is attached to a computer. You must consider whether
you will run into a computer that already has a drive with that letter name! More than just confusion can
occur. Duplicate drive names are just not allowed, so you will not be able to view or use your files.
� Computers with built-in slots for removable media (USB, Smart Media, SD, Memory Stick, etc.) often show
those drives even if they are empty. A printer that is connected to your computer may show as a drive if it has
slots for media, even when those are empty. There is a setting in the Folder Options dialog on the View tab
that lets you 'Hide empty drives in the Computer folder'. But it may not hide those media slots that are built in.

� Path is the drive and folders you must go through to get to the folder or file that you want form the path to the
file. A path always starts with a drive letter.

� Examples:

� The path C:\Windows\notepad.exe leads to the file that starts Notepad. The path C:\Program Files\Internet
Explorer leads to the folder that holds Internet Explorer's program files. Note that a path uses a back slash \
while a web address (a URL) uses a forward slash /.

⮊ WinXP: An old-style menu and toolbar run across the top of the My Computer window. The Folders button
on the toolbar toggles the left pane between Common Tasks and the folder tree.

⮊ Vista, Win7: A new toolbar has different buttons depending on what is in the Contents pane. But it always
includes the buttons Organize and Views

⮊ Win8, Win8.1: Uses a ribbon with tabs to hold all the commands. The Home tab contains the
commands for managing files and folders. The View tab has the buttons for what will show in the window and
in what order. The Details pane is off by default. It shows on the right.
1. A folder is
a location
where you
can store
your files. You can create any number of folders and even store folders inside other folders (subfolders).
Here’s how to create a new folder:
2. Go to the location (such as a folder or the desktop) where you want to create a new folder.

1. Right-click a blank area on the desktop or in the folder window, point to New, and then click Folder.
2. Type a name for the new folder, and then press Enter.


There are many ways to move files and folders in a computer. However, the built in Windows Explorer (not to be
confused with Internet Explorer) is the preferred way. Windows Explorer can organize and control files and folders
stored on the different systems available, such as external hard drives, CD drives, the hard drive, photo memory sticks,
etc. Using Explorer we can delete, view, copy, and move files and folders, however this tutorial will focus on using
Explorer to move files and folders

To open Windows Explorer, click on the Start Orb , and in the Start Menu search box that opens, type in
"Explorer" (without the quotation marks). From the menu that will open automatically, click on Windows Explorer.
Alternatively, there may be a Windows Explorer icon in the taskbar on the desktop.


With Explorer we can organize and control the files and folders of the different storage systems on the computer such
as the hard drive (both internal and external), the DVD drive, USB flash drives, memory card readers, etc. Using
Explorer, you can delete, see, rename, copy or move files and folders. We will focus on moving files and folders. As
previously indicated, the Explorer view is actually two windows incorporate into the same screen with each window
having its own scroll bars. In moving information from one place to the other it is always moved from the right
window (information source) to the left window (information destination) and since we can see both the source and

destination in the same window, information is moved using drop and drag.
Lab: 02

L2-Object: Recognize and observe computer Hardware, and Peripherals

A computer is made up of integrated elements like CPU, input & output devices and storage devices. Each of this unit
performs a specific task. Computer is a device takes input (Data) process it and generates output (information).

Input Memory Output

Storage Devices

Computer Hardware:
The physical attributes of the computer system. The hardware designs specify the commands it can follow, and the
instructions tell it what to do. The hardware components included in the computer system are: Motherboard,
Processor, and Memory.

It is the main circuit board. It contains the connectors for attaching additional boards/ cards. Typically, the
motherboard contains the CPU, BIOS, memory, mass storage interfaces, serial and parallel ports, expansion slots, and
all the controllers required to control standard peripheral devices, such as the display screen, keyboard, and disk drive.
Collectively, all these chips that reside on the motherboard are known as the motherboard's chipset. To upgrade the PC
for additional core feature and faster speed, memory chip or CPU chip or entire motherboard can be replaced.

Processor Socket:
Sockets are the home for your Central Processor Unit (CPU). Several types of sockets exist, but only 2 of them are
really used, and both are used by Intel and AMD. The Pin Grid Array (PGA) and the Land Grid Array (LGA).
With the type PGA, the CPU will have pins to fit in the socket holes, but with the type LGA, the CPU will not have
such pins and will just sit on the socket.

Central Processing Unit, CPU, is the component installed in your motherboard socket. The CPU executes and
interprets programs, and processes data.

Like a calculator it reads the information you give, interprets it, executes the equation, then writes back the result. This
gives you the big picture.
CPU comes in 2 brands, AMD and Intel. Both build equally good CPUs, with their own features.

Memory Slots:
Memory slots also known as memory banks are for Random Access Memory modules (RAM). There are two to four
Memory banks; each memory bank can receive a RAM module designed for a specific Mother Board.

Random Access Memory (RAM)

It is the computer main memory in which specific contents can be accessed (read or written) directly by the CPU in a
very short time regardless of the sequence (and hence location) in which they were recorded. Two types of memory
are possible with random-access circuits, static RAM (SRA) and dynamic RAM (DRAM).

Main Power Connector

The main power connector is uses to get the electric energy from the power supply which the motherboard requires to
function properly.

There are 2 main power connector types for those motherboard parts. The 20 pins + 4 pins (2 separate connectors on
the same motherboard), and the 24 pins.

IDE, ATA and S-ATA Interface Connectors

Many interface standards have been created throughout the years, maybe too, few of them are ATA and the S-ATA
only as the IDE is the same thing as the ATA, only the name has changed.

The Advance Technology Attachment (ATA) interface is used to connect hard drives and optic drives. 2 drives can be
attached on the same ribbon, 1 master and the other slave, and it supports almost all modern hard drives storage
Modern computer mother boards have the new interface called Serial Advance Technology Attachment (S-ATA). It is
faster than the ATA and only 1 device can be attached to it. The wire is thinner than his predecessor and surely help
at the cooling process inside the computer case.

Power Supply Connectors:

Main power connectors are plugged to the motherboard. The connector with 20 pins may be used on motherboards
and the connector with 4 pins is used for extra power for CPUs and graphic cards. It is not necessary that 4 pins
connector is used, it is use as requirement.

The fan connector is used for plugging the back/front wall or side panel case fans. As fans do not require a lot of
energy, the connector is small and very fragile.
The Serial ATA connector is used for hard disk drives. SATA technology speed up drives data transfer.
The peripheral connector with 4 pins is used for optic drives as hard drives. It was the only connector for mass storage
devices before the SATA.
The small connector with 4 pins is used for floppy drives. Here too, I recommend caution when working with small
connectors like this.

PCI Slots, AGP and PCIe:

Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) are used to install sound cards, graphic cards, Ethernet cards and modems.
The motherboard parts Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) and PCI Express (PCIe/PCI-e) focus on graphic cards only.

Back Panel Connectors

When the computer is mounted, those motherboard parts show up at the computer case back panel. They are used to
plug the mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer, sound system and any other peripherals you may have.
Lab: 03

L3-Object: Show your understanding of MS-DOS by Practicing given tasks.

• MS-DOS short for Microsoft Disk Operating System is an operating system for x86-based personal
• In the personal computer some commands are built-in to the command interpreter and some are transient
commands that are loaded into memory when required.
• In the current Microsoft Windows operating system, a text-mode command prompt window can still be used.

Windows Command Prompt:

⮚ Microsoft Windows supports several commands which may be invoked by typing them in a command
window; they are usually like their MS-DOS equivalents.

⮚ Press alt key + shift key and click mouse right button while pressing the buttons to open command prompt
window in any drive or folder.

Command List:
CD (Current Directory)
Current working directory, displays the current working directory when used without a path parameter.

Change Directory:
To change a directory use Directory Letter with the: sign.
Changes the working directory to the parent directory (up one directory level).

Changes the working directory to the root (top level) directory of the current drive.

CLS (Clean Screen):

Clean the command prompt window from the previous command lines.

DIR: Lists the contents of a directory.

The Dir command, displays the disk's volume label and serial number; one directory or filename per line, including
the filename extension, the file size in bytes, and the date and time the file was last modified; and the total number of
files listed, their cumulative size, and the free space (in bytes) remaining on the disk.

Copies file contents from one location to another or from one file to another. The destination defaults to the current
directory. If multiple source files are indicated, the destination must be a directory, or an error will result.

Copy SourceName DestinationName


Before copying.

After Copying:
The contents of Source File are copied to Destination File.
It is not necessary that file Destination file must exist before applying the copy command, It can be created at the run

� To copy a file from c:\data\file1.doc to D:\backup\file2.doc

copy c:\data\file1.doc D:\backup\file2.doc

� To copy the file 1.doc located at c:\data\documents to the directory c:\data\newdocs

copy c:\data\documents\1.doc c:\data\newdocs\
To copy files with white space in name:
copy "my resume.doc" D:\data\

� To copy all files to a folder:

copy * Folder name

copy * Folder Destination

Del Deletes one or more files.

Del filename or Del File Destination

� Del tree Deletes a directory along with all of the files and subdirectories that it contains. Normally, it will ask
for confirmation of such a drastic action.

� Move Moves files or rename directories.

move filename newname

� Tree: Shows the directory tree of the current directory.

Or simple write tree to see the tree of current directory.

� Exit Exits the current batch script or the Cmd.exe program.

� Ctrl+C Used to interrupt any running command and terminate it.

Lab: 04

L4-Object: To identify the software of MS Word and get familiar with it.
Microsoft Word is a word processing software package, designed to help you create professional-quality documents.
With the finest document-formatting tools, Word helps you organize and write your documents more efficiently.
Word also includes powerful editing and revising tools so that you can collaborate with others easily. It can be used to
create documents such as letters, memos and faxes. The area where the text is written known as Editor.

This lesson will introduce you to the Word window. You use this window to interact with Word. To begin this lesson,
open Microsoft Word 2007. The Microsoft Word window appears and your screen looks similar to the one shown

The Microsoft Office Button

In the upper-left corner of the Word 2007 window is the Microsoft Office button. When you click the button, a menu
appears. You can use the menu to create a new file, open an existing file, save a file, and perform many other tasks.

Getting Started
Now that you understand where things are located, let’s look at the steps needed to create a document.

Opening Outlook
You may have a shortcut to Word on your desktop, if so double click the icon and Word will open. If not follow the
steps below:

1. Click on the Start button

2. Highlight Programs
3. Highlight Microsoft Office
4. Click on Microsoft Word 2010
The Quick Access Toolbar
Next to the Microsoft Office button is the Quick Access toolbar. The Quick Access toolbar provides you with access
to commands you frequently use. By default, Save, Undo, and Redo appear on the Quick Access toolbar. You can use
Save to save your file, Undo to rollback an action you have taken, and Redo to reapply an action you have rolled back.

The Title Bar

Next to the Quick Access toolbar is the Title bar. The Title bar displays the title of the document on which you are
currently working. Word names the first new document you open Document1. As you open additional new
documents, Word names them sequentially. When you save your document, you assign the document a new name.

The Ribbon
You use commands to tell Microsoft Word what to do. In Microsoft Word 2007, you use the Ribbon to issue
commands. The Ribbon is located near the top of the screen, below the Quick Access toolbar. At the top of the Ribbon
are several tabs; clicking a tab displays several related command groups. Within each group are related command
buttons. You click buttons to issue commands or to access menus and dialog boxes. You may also find a dialog box
launcher in the bottom-right corner of a group. Clicking the dialog box launcher gives you access to additional
commands via a dialog box.

⮊ Home Tab
This is the most used tab; it incorporates all text formatting features such as font and paragraph changes.

⮊ Insert Tab
This tab allows you to insert a variety of items into a document from pictures, clip art, tables and headers and
⮊ Page Layout Tab
This tab has commands to adjust page elements such as margins, orientation, inserting columns, page
backgrounds and themes.

⮊ Reference Tab
This tab has commands to use when creating a Table of Contents and citation page for a paper. It
provides you with many simple solutions to create these typically difficult to produce documents.

⮊ Mailing Tab
This tab allows you to create documents to help when sending out mailings such as printing
envelopes, labels and processing mail merges.

⮊ Review Tab
This tab allows you to make any changes to your document due to spelling and grammar
issues. It also holds the track changes feature which provides people with the ability to make notes
and changes to a document of another person.

⮊ View Tab
This tab allows you to change the view of your document to a different two-page document or


⮊ Format tab

⮊ Design tab

⮊ Layout tab

⮊ The Ruler
The ruler is found below the Ribbon. You can use the ruler to change the format of your document quickly. If
your ruler is not visible, follow the steps listed here:

1. Click the View tab to choose it.

2. Click the check box next to Ruler in the Show/Hide group. The ruler appears below the Ribbon.
The Text Area
Just below the ruler is a large area called the text area. You type your document in the text area. The blinking vertical
line in the upper-left corner of the text area is the cursor. It marks the insertion point. As you type, your text displays
at the cursor location. The horizontal line next to the cursor marks the end of the document.

The Vertical and Horizontal Scroll Bars

The vertical and horizontal scroll bars enable you to move up, down, and across your window simply by dragging the
icon located on the scroll bar. The vertical scroll bar is located along the right side of the screen. The horizontal scroll
bar is located just above the status bar. To move up and down your document, click and drag the vertical scroll bar up
and down. To move back and forth across your document, click and drag the horizontal scroll bar back and forth. You
won't see a horizontal scroll bar if the width of your document fits on your screen.

The Status Bar

The Status bar appears at the very bottom of your window and provides such information as the current page and the
number of words in your document. You can change what displays on the Status bar by right-clicking on the Status
bar and selecting the options you want from the Customize Status Bar menu. You click a menu item to select it. You
click it again to deselect it. A check mark next to an item means it is selected.
Understanding Document Views

In Word 2010, you can display your document in one of five views: Draft, Web Layout, Print Layout, Full Screen
Reading, or Online Layout.

⮊ Draft View
Draft view is the most frequently used view. You use Draft view to quickly edit your document.

⮊ Web Layout
Web Layout view enables you to see your document as it would appear in a browser such as Internet Explorer.

⮊ Print Layout
The Print Layout view shows the document as it will look when it is printed.

⮊ Reading Layout
Reading Layout view formats your screen to make reading your document more comfortable.

⮊ Outline View
Outline view displays the document in outline form. You can display headings without the text. If you move a
heading, the accompanying text moves with it.

You should use Draft view for these lessons. Before moving ahead, make sure you are in Draft view:

1. Click the View tab.

2. Click Draft in the Document Views group. When the Draft option is selected it appears in a contrasting color.
Lab: 05

L5-Object: Practice to develop the familiarity with more advanced features of MS


Whenever you open Microsoft Word, by default, a new also opens. If you do not see new documents follow the steps
given below to open a new document

Creating New Blank Word Document

1. At the top-left of your screen, you will see a colorful Office Button. Click on the Office Button and select new
2. Select ‘blank document’ from the window that appears, and click create
3. A new word document opens

Using Templates
Word 2010 allows you to apply built-in templates from a wide selection of popular Word templates, including
resumes, agendas, business cards, and faxes.

To find and apply a template in Word, do the following:

1. On the File tab, click New.

2. Under Available Templates, do one of the following:
▪ To use one of the built-in templates, click Sample Templates, click the template that you want, and then click
▪ To reuse a template that you’ve recently used, click Recent Templates, click the template that you want, and
then click Create.
▪ To find a template on, under Templates, click the template category that you want,
click the template that you want, and click download to download the template from to your
3. Once you have selected your template you can modify it in any way to create the document you want.

Opening an Existing Word Document

1. Go to the Office Button menu and click on ‘Open’
2. A window appears with some path set (typically ‘My Documents’). The left-hand side of the window shows
some links that allow you to browse through different folders and change the path
3. Go to the folder where the document you want to open is located, select the document and click open.

Editing a Document
Let’s start with a new blank word document.

1. Type 10 lines of text in the blank word document using the keyboard.
2. On the top, you would see a blue bar with the tabs ‘Home’ ‘Insert’ ‘Page Layout’ ‘References’ etc. When
a new document opens, Word by default displays the ‘Home’ tab in front of you. If you do not see the
Home tab selected, select it yourself.

⮊ Inside Home Tab

1. In the Home tab you will see different sections ‘Clipboard’, ‘Font’, ‘Paragraph’, ‘Styles’, ‘Editing’.
2. Each section has different buttons. When you place mouse pointer over a button for two seconds, a description
of the button appears. Try placing the pointer over different buttons and read the description of each button.

i). Exploring the Fonts Section

1. Make the text bold by selecting some text and clicking on ‘B’
2. Italicize the text by selecting some text and clicking on ‘I’
3. Similarly, you can underline by clicking ‘U’, strike-through text, make some text or symbols to be
or a superscript, Change Case to Different Styles, change the font –type or the font-size. You
a subscript
can change the color of the text or highlight the text.
4. Similarly, you can grow/shrink font, or change case to Sentence case, UPPERCASE, lowercase,
Capitalize Each Word or tOGGLE cASE.
5. Inside the Font section, click on the little arrow in the bottom right to explore more options.

ii). Exploring the Paragraph section

1. Text Alignment
a. You can left align text
b. You can right align text
c. You can center align you text
2. Or you can justify your text. Select a number of lines of written text and explore what justify
3. Again, select a number of lines of text and explore what ‘line spacing’ button does.
4. Learn about ‘Numbering’ and ‘Bullets’ buttons in the paragraph section.
a. Explore the use of
i. ‘Increase indent’ button
ii. ‘Decrease indent’ button
5. Learn how you can use the ‘sort’ button
6. Learn about shading and borders
A professional-looking document never ends a page with just one line of a new paragraph or begins a
page with only the last line of a paragraph from the previous page. The last line of a paragraph by itself
at the top of a page is known as a widow. The first line of a paragraph by itself at the bottom of a page is
known as an orphan.
1. Select the paragraphs in which you want to prevent widows and orphans. (To select entire
document press Ctrl+A. The ‘+’ means that you should press Ctrl key and ‘A’ key
2. Inside the paragraph section click on the little arrow at the bottom right to view more options.
3. Click the Line and Page Breaks tab.
4. Select the Widow/Orphan control check box
5. Explore more options in the paragraph section

iii). Exploring the Styles Section

Whenever you place some heading in your text you should also inform Word that this is a
heading. This will allow you to create a table of contents automatically using Word. Word also
offers some built-in styles and levels for headings that it will automatically apply to selected
text/heading. A text that you type has its style set to ‘Normal’ by default. ‘Heading 1’ defines a
1st level heading, e.g


are 1st level headings. Subheadings to the ‘EDITING A DOCUMENT’ heading i.e.
● Exploring the fonts section
Exploring the paragraph section
● Exporing the styles section
are 2nd level headings. Any sub-heading to a 2 nd level heading would be a third level heading and
so on.
1. To make any heading a level 1 heading, select the heading text and click on ‘Heading 1’
box in the ‘Styles’ section. Similarly, you can create level 2 heading, level 3 headings
and so on

⮊ Inside ‘Insert’ Tab

Select the Insert tab on the blue ribbon at the top.

i. Exploring the Pages Section

1. You can insert a cover page to your document using built-in Word styles
2. Click on cover page and select the style that you want to use.
3. You can insert a blank page between any two consecutive lines/pages by clicking on ‘Blank
Page’ inside the ‘Pages’ section.
4. You can force the next line to go on the next page by clicking on ‘Page Break’.

ii. Exploring the Tables Section

1. Inside the ‘Tables’ Section click on the ‘Table’ box to be able to insert a table
2. Select the number of rows and columns in the table that you want to insert.
3. To give a caption to the table select the entire table and right click
a. In the pop-up menu that appears upon right-clicking, select insert caption
b. Select the label to ‘Table’ and type a table caption
c. You can also go to the ‘insert caption’ window using the following path
References (tab) 🡪 Captions (section) 🡪 Insert Caption (box)

iii. Exploring the Illustration Section

1. By clicking on ‘Picture’ inside the illustration section you can insert a picture.
a. You would need to browse to find the location of the picture on your computer
b.Or you can bypass this process by simply opening the picture in a separate window and doing
2. Right Click on Picture and explore text-wrapping options
3. Using Clip Art, you can insert Multimedia inside your document e.g images, sounds, movies
4. By selecting the ‘Shapes’ box you can insert different shapes inside Word document, e.g. arrows,
rectangles, braces etc.
5. Explore the use of ‘Smart Art’ and ‘Chart’
iv. Exploring the Links Section
A hyperlink is a link that exists inside a document but point to another document. By Clicking on that
hyperlink you would be able to open another document to which the hyperlink points e.g. SE-ZUFEST
Web Page is a hyperlink that points to the address
introduction . In Word when you are going to press ‘Ctrl’ key and then click on the hyperlink while
pressing ‘Ctrl’ key, word will open the web-page for you in Internet Explorer.
1. To insert a Hyperlink, select the text that you want to use as a hyperlink and then click ‘ Hyperlink’
Button inside the Links Section.
a. If you want to point the link towards some webpage, type the address of the webpage inside the
address bar and click OK
b. If you want to point the link towards a file that exists on your computer, browse to find and select
the file and click OK
c. You can also point your link to some place in the same document that you are working on. For
example, Using Insert points to the heading ‘Inside Insert Tab’. You can do this by using the
bookmark button that appears on the hyperlink window.

v. Exploring the ‘Header and Footer’ Section

Header is what you see at the very top of documents, used for document labeling purposes. For example,
‘Word 2007 tutorial’ that appears on the top left of every page is a header.
1. To insert a header, click ‘Header’ box inside the ‘Header and Footer’ section, and select the type of
header that you want to insert.
a. Type in text that you wish to see as header.
b. Double click in the main text section of your word document to return to normal mode.
2. In the same manner you can insert footer, text that appears on the bottom of the pages, by clicking on
3. You can also insert page numbers at different positions in the documents by clicking on ‘Page

vi. Exploring the Symbols Section

1. You can insert symbols like ±, α, £ inside your document by clicking on Symbol inside the Symbols

vii. Do it yourself: Exploring the Text Section

⮊ Inside Page Layout Tab

i. Exploring the Page Setup Section
You can make your text to appear in a number of columns by following the steps given below
1. In the Page Setup section, click Columns
2. From the dropdown menu, select the number of columns you’d like to insert
3. Word will automatically insert the columns in your document.
4. Additionally, you may decide that you’d like to make one column shorter than the other. This can be done
easily by inserting a column break.

ii. Explore other options given in the page-setup section

iii. Exploring the Page Background Section
You can add some text/image as a page background. This text/image is called watermark. To add a text/image
watermark to your Word 2007 document, follow these steps:
1. Click the Watermark button in the page-background section
2. Click on custom watermark and select picture watermark option
3. Click on ‘Select picture’ to browse for different pictures.
4. Select the watermark you would like to add to your document

Note: The watermarks are arranged by type. Use the scroll bar to view all of the available watermarks.

⮊ Inside the References Tab

1. Exploring the table of contents section
2. Click on table of contents and select a style
3. Word will collect all the headings from the entire document and display them in the form of table of contents.

i. Exploring the Footnotes Section

A footnote is an explanation to some phrase in text that you do not want to place directly in text 1. See the
bottom of this page for an example of footnote. To insert footnote
1. Position your cursor to the point where you want to place footnote
2. Click ‘Insert Footnote’ in the Footnotes section.
3. An Endnote is similar to a footnote except that it is placed at the end of the document rather than at the end of
the page
This is an example of footnote
ii. Exploring the Captions sections
1. You can also insert captions to tables and figures using ‘Insert Caption’ box in the Captions section.
2. When you have given captions to all your figures in the documents using ‘Insert Caption’ option, you can
insert table of figures automatically using word.

Saving Your Word Document

By default, Word 2007 stores your documents in the My Documents folder in Windows XP. If you're using Vista,
your documents will be stored in the Documents folder. This means you always know where to look for your files.
But, you may wish to store your documents in a different location, such as an external hard drive. In that case, using
the Save dialog box's navigation controls to navigate to a different folder can be a hassle. It also wastes a lot of time.

Lab: 06

L6-Object: Building the understanding of MS PowerPoint and exploring its



Microsoft Power Point:

PowerPoint is a system in the Microsoft Office Suite that enables you to present information in office
meetings, lectures and seminars to create maximum impact in a minimal amount of time. PowerPoint presentations
can amplify your message, accelerate the information being absorbed and assist with comprehension enabling faster
decision making.

The Ribbon
The Tabs represent different categories of functions on the ribbon.

When you first start Microsoft PowerPoint, you normally see the Home tab.

� Home Tab:
This tab contains icons and other controls that are most commonly used within Microsoft PowerPoint, such as
making text display as bold or underlined. You can also find more advanced options such as paragraph
alignment, numbering and bulleting.

� Insert Tab:
� Design Tab:

� Transition Tab:

� Groups:
There are groups of tools on each ribbon. Commands are grouped by category on each ribbon.

� File menu:
The File menu contains commands such as Save, Open and Print.

Quick Access Toolbar:

The Quick Access Toolbar contains commonly used tools and is located at the top or bottom of the ribbon.
You can easily add more tools from the Quick Access menu or by right-clicking on a tool and selecting Add to Quick
Access toolbar.

Working With Presentation:

New Power Point Document:
When you first open PowerPoint you will see what's called the Normal view. The slide pane is the big area in
the middle. This is the area you will work in to create your slides. On each slide, you will see various boxes with the
dotted borders which are called placeholders. This is where you type your text. Placeholders can be customized to
different sizes and can contain pictures, charts, and other non-text items. On the left of the screen are thumbnail
versions of the slides in your presentation; the slide you're working will be highlighted. The bottom area is the notes
pane, this is where you type speaker notes that you can refer to when you present. You can also print speaker notes to
use when presenting a slide show.

Saving a Presentation:
You have created your first presentation. You now need to save this presentation to your hard disk. To do this,
click on the Save icon towards the top-left of your screen. You will see the Save As dialog box displayed. Write the
filename in the text box & click on save button.

Opening a Presentation:
you can open a presentation by pressing (ctrl+o), or to open a file, click on the File Tab, you will see the
Open dialog box displayed. Normally it will display the contents of a folder called Documents or My Documents.
Now select those files which you want to open, to open the file either click on the Open button at the bottom-right of
the Open dialog box or double-click on the filename.

Closing a Presentation:
To close the presentation, click on the File Tab (top-left of your screen) and then click on the Close command. The
PowerPoint window will still open, but no presentations are open within the program.

Creating A Presentation:
Adding Inserting New or Slide:
You can add new slide to the presentation by pressing (ctrl + M) and to do this, if necessary, click on the
Home tab, and you will see the New Slide button displayed in the Ribbon.

⮊ Within the Home tab, click on the Layout button.

⮊ From the drop-down options select Two Content.

Undo and Redo:

When creating or editing a PowerPoint presentation always remember that if you make a mistake, in most cases you
can click on the Undo icon and undo the mistake. The Undo icon is displayed at the top-left of your screen. Try
selecting a word within a slide and then pressing the Del key to delete it. Then click on the Undo icon to undo the

Formatting Text

⮊ Many of your slides will require you to enter text in the placeholder boxes.

⮊ To change the text font, color and size use commands in the Font group.

⮊ To change paragraph formatting such as bullet type, text indentation, and line spacing use the commands in

the Paragraph group.

Adding a Design Theme

A theme includes a background design, color scheme, font types, font sizes, and placeholder positions in one package.
Every new presentation starts out with the default theme, called Office theme, which is a white background and black
text. However, you can change the theme to a wide variety of options. To find and apply a theme, click the Design tab
on the Ribbon.
● When you point and hover on any theme thumbnail, a preview of the theme will appear on the slide. To apply the
theme to your slides, click on the thumbnail design you like.

A theme can be selected at any time during the creation of your slides however; themes can alter the position of
placeholders, so your text maybe automatically adjusted to properly fit the placeholder of the theme causing
unexpected formatting changes to your slides.
Lab: 07

L7-Object: Demonstrating the familiarity with Insert option in PowerPoint.


Inserting Clip Art

If you would like to add an additional dimension to a PowerPoint slide you can add Clip Art to your slides. Clip
Art includes pictures, sounds and videos. There are two ways to initiate inserting Clip Art depending on where you
would like the graphic to be located.
1. The first method is to go to the Insert Ribbon and click on the Clip Art command. You can also click on the
Audio or Video commands and opt to pick from the Clip Art gallery. The second method is to click on the
Clip Art icon in a placeholder.
2. The Clip Art task pane will then open on the right. Type a keyword in the Search for box that suggests the
type of clips you may want. Use the Results should be drop down to select the media type to search in then
click Go.
3. Clips that fit the keyword will appear in the box below. Click on the clip that you would like on your slide and
it will be automatically appeared.

Inserting Shapes

● Display the slide relating to the mouse.

● Click on the Shapes icon (contained within the Illustrations section of the Insert tab).

● This will display a drop down from which you can select the required shape.

Inserting text into a shape

Select the shape and click on the shape using the right mouse button. From the popup menu displayed select
the Edit Text command.

NOTE: You can also just select the shape and start typing.
● If you look closely you will notice that the text insertion point is now within the shape.

⮊ Inserting a text box

Insert a new Blank slide, by clicking in the lower part of the New Slide icon (within the Slide section of the
Home tab).
● Click on the Text Box icon within the Text section of the Insert tab.

● The mouse pointer changes shape. Move the mouse pointer to the position within the slide that you want to start the
text box. Press the mouse button and keep it pressed. Move the mouse pointer diagonally over the screen and then

release the mouse button. The text box will look like this.

● Type your name into the text box.

● Save your changes.

⮊ Inserting SmartArt
Insert a new Blank slide, by clicking in the lower part of the New Slide icon (within the Slide section of the
Home tab).
● Click on the SmartArt icon (contained within the Illustrations section of the Insert tab). This will display the
Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box.
● Scroll down through the List section and you will see a fantastic range of SmartArt graphics that you can insert into
your presentation.
⮊ Charts

Inserting Charts
• Open a presentation called Charts.

● Click on the Chart icon (contained within the Illustrations group under the Insert tab).

● This will display the Insert Chart dialog box.

● You can select a chart type such as Column, Line or Pie. You can then select a specific formatting option for the
selected chart type. In this case select a Column chart and from the right side of the dialog box, and then select a
Clustered Column.
● Click on the OK button. Your screen will now change.

Changing the background color in the chart

● Click on the chart to select it.
● Right click over an empty part of the chart background and you will see a popup menu displayed.

● Click on the Format Plot Area command. You will see the Format Plot Area dialog box displayed.

● To set a solid color background for your chart click on the Solid Fill button. Then click on the down arrow next to
the Color section and select a color from the drop down that is displayed.

● Click on the Close button within the dialog box and you will see the color applied to your chart background, as

Changing the column, bar, line or pie slice colors in the chart
● You can apply colors to the elements within your chart. Click on one of the columns within the chart and you
will notice that the other similar columns are also selected.
● Right click over one of the selected columns and you will see a popup menu displayed. Select the Format
Data Series command.
● You will see the Format Data Series dialog box displayed.

● To use a solid color to fill the column, click the Fill side tab and then also click on the Solid Fill button.

● Click on the down arrow next in the Color section and from the drop down displayed, select a color.

● Click on the Close button and the color will be applied to the selected columns. In the example shown we
have applied the color Black. Try this now.
⮊ Table:

Creating a table
Click on the Insert Table icon displayed in the center of the slide.
Alternatively, to insert a table click on the Insert tab and click on the Table icon displayed within the Ribbon.

 You will see the Insert Table dialog box as illustrated.

 Use the dialog box to create 3 columns and 5 rows, as illustrated.

 Click on the OK button and the table will be inserted into the slide.

Applying a style to a table

 If necessary, double click within the table and you should see the Table Ribbon displayed.

 Click on the down arrow (called the More arrow) at the right of the Table Styles section.

 You will see a drop down displaying a range of different styles. Click on one and see the effect on your table.

Deleting rows or columns

 Click within a cell, within the column that you wish to delete.

 Right click within the cell and from the popup menu displayed.

 Select the Delete Columns command.

To delete a row:
● Click within a cell, within the row that you wish to delete.

● Right click within the cell and from the popup menu displayed, select the Delete Rows command.

● Use the Undo icon to bring back the column and row you just deleted.
Inserting rows or columns

● Right click over the selected cell and from the popup menu displayed select the Insert command. From the
submenu displayed select Insert Columns to the Right. You will see the new column displayed to the right
of the selected cell.

● To insert a row right click over the selected cell and from the popup menu displayed select the Insert
command. From the submenu displayed select Insert Rows Above. You will see the row inserted as
illustrated. Save your changes

⮊ Slide Shows

Adding slide show animation effects

Open a presentation
● You can add animation effects to the text and graphics within your slides.

● Select the title area on the first slide.

● Click on the Animations tab and within the Animation group click on the down arrow to the right of the

group (i.e. on the More button).

● Select an animation effect, such as Fly In. You will notice that the title area is marked with an animation
number 1.
● Select the sub-title area; Select an animation effect, such as Bounce.

You will notice that the slide is marked with two animation numbers, as illustrated, one for the title, which is
marked with a 1, indicating that this is the first animation, while the sub-title is marked with a 2, indicating that this
is the second animation.

● Click on the Slide Show button, at the bottom-right of the screen.

● Click the mouse button once, and you will see an animated title appear.

● Click the mouse button again and an animated sub-title will be displayed.
● Click the mouse button again to see the animated graphic appear.

● Click one more time and the second slide, which does not contain any animations, will be displayed. Press Esc to
escape from the slide show.

Slide show transitions and timings

● Click on the Transitions tab. You will see a selection of transitions displayed within the ribbon.

● Click on the down arrow to the right of the Transitions group and you will see more transitions displayed in a drop-
down menu. Select the Cube transition.

● You can add sound to the slide animation. To do this click on the down arrow to the right of the transitions Sound
button. You will see a drop-down list displayed. Click on the Bomb sound.
● You can control the duration of the slide animation. To do this click on the up arrow to the right of the transitions
Duration button and change the value to 2.00.

● You can set how the slide will advance. Click on the check box next to the After option and enter a value of 5.00

● You can apply the slide animation to all the slides by clicking on the Apply to All buttons.

● Run the slide show and the transition effects will display as you configured them to run. Save your changes.

⮊ Using Find

Click the Find button, located in the Editing group under the Home tab.

Use the Ctrl+F keyboard shortcut to start the Find function.
● The Find dialog box will be displayed. Type the word into the Find what box.
● Click on the Find Next button. PowerPoint will locate and select the first instance of the word computer in the
presentation. Click on the Find Next button repeatedly to find all occurrences of the word.
● When you reach the end of the search PowerPoint will display the following dialog box.

● Click on the OK button.

⮊ Using Replace

Click the Replace button, located under the Editing group of the Home tab.

Use the Ctrl+H keyboard shortcut to start the Replace function.
● The Replace dialog box will be displayed. Type the word into the Find what box.

● Type the word PC into the Replace with box.

● Click on the Find Next button. PowerPoint will locate and select the first instance of the word computer in the
presentation. To replace that instance of the word computer with PC click on the Replace button. Repeat this
process to replace all occurrences of the word computer with PC.
● When you reach the end of the search PowerPoint will display the following dialog box.
Click on the OK button.

Strikethrough effects
Select a word and experiment with applying strikethrough formatting using the Strikethrough icon.

Shadow effects
Select a word within the last paragraph and experiment with applying Shadow formatting. You may find this effect is
easier to see when combined with Bold formatting.
Character spacing
● Display the slide relating to the CPU.

● Select the first paragraph.

● Click on the Character Spacing icon. This will display a drop down from which you select the required type of
character spacing. Experiment with applying different types of character spacing and observe the effects. Reset the
character spacing back to 'Normal' before continuing.

Clearing all text formatting

Select a paragraph of text that you have previously formatted. Click on the Clear All Formatting icon and the

Single or double sided (duplex) printing

Click on the down arrow to the right of the Print One-Sided item. If required click on the Print on Both Sides

To print a presentation
Click on the Print button.
Lab: 08

L8-Object: Practice identifying the software, MS Excel and exploring its



Excel is a spreadsheet program in the Microsoft Office system. You can use Excel to create and format
workbooks (a collection of spreadsheets) in order to analyze data and make more informed business decisions.
Specifically, you can use Excel to track data, build models for analyzing data, write formulas to perform calculations
on that data, pivot the data in numerous ways, and present data in a variety of professional looking charts.

The Ribbon

⮊ Home Tab:
This is the most used tab; it incorporates all text and cell formatting features such as font and
paragraph changes. The Home Tab also includes basic spreadsheet formatting elements such as text wrap,

merging cells and cell style.

⮊ Insert Tab :
This tab allows you to insert a variety of items into a document from pictures, clip art, and
headers and footers.
⮊ Page Layout Tab :
This tab has commands to adjust page such as margins, orientation and themes.

⮊ Formulas Tab
This tab has commands to use when creating Formulas. This tab holds an immense function
library which can assist when creating any formula or function in your spreadsheet.

⮊ Data Tab
This tab allows you to modifying worksheets with large amounts of data by sorting and filtering as
well as analyzing and grouping data.

⮊ Review Tab
This tab allows you to correct spelling and grammar issues as well as set up security protections. It
also provides the track changes and a note feature providing the ability to make notes and changes someone’s


⮊ View Tab
This tab allows you to change the view of your document including freezing or splitting panes,
viewing gridlines and hide cells.
Getting Started
Now that you have an understanding of where things are located, let’s look at the steps needed to
create an Excel document.

Opening Outlook
You may have a shortcut on your desktop, if so, double click the icon and excel will open. If
not follow the steps below:

1. Click on the Start button

2. Highlight Programs
3. Highlight Microsoft Office
4. Click on Microsoft Excel 2010

Create a New Workbook

1. Click the File tab and then click New.
2. Under Available Templates, double click Blank Workbook or Click Create.

Enter Data in a Worksheet

1. Click the cell where you want to enter data.
2. Type the data in the cell.
3. Press enter or tab to move to the next cell.

Modifying Spreadsheets
In order to create an understandable and professional document you will need to make
adjustments to the cells, rows, columns and text. Use the following processes to assist when creating a spreadsheet.

Cut, Copy, and Paste Data

You can use the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands in Microsoft Office Excel to move
or copy entire cells or their contents.
NOTE: Excel displays an animated moving border around cells that have been cut or copied. To cancel a moving
border, press ESC.

Move/Copy Cells
When you move or copy a cell, Excel moves or copies the entire cell, including formulas and their
resulting values, cell formats, and comments.

1. Select the cells that you want to move or copy.

2. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, do one of the following:
a. To move cells, click Cut .
b. To copy cells, click Copy.
3. Click in the center of the cell you would like to Paste the information too.
4. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Paste.

Column Width and Row Height

On a worksheet, you can specify a column width of 0 to 255 and a row height of 0 to 409.
This value represents the number of characters that can be displayed in a cell that is formatted with the standard font.
The default column width is 8.43 characters and the default row height is 12.75 points. If a column/row has a width of
0, it is hidden.

Set Column/Row Width/Height

1. Select the column(s) or row(s) that you want to change.
2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format.
3. Under Cell Size, click Column Width or Row Height.
4. A Column Width or Row Height box will appear.
5. In the Column Width or Row Height box, type the value that you want your column or row to be.

Merge or Split Cells

When you merge two or more adjacent horizontal or vertical cells the cells become one larger cell that is
displayed across multiple columns or rows. When you merge multiple cells, the contents of only one cell appear in the
merged cell.

Merge and Center Cells

1. Select two or more adjacent cells that you want to merge.
2. On the Home tab, in the Alignment group, click Merge and Center.
3. The cells will be merged in a row or column, and the cell contents will be centered in the merged cell.

Merge Cells
To merge cells only, click the arrow next to Merge and Center, and then click Merge Across or Merge

Split Cells
1. Select the merged cell you want to split
2. To split the merged cell, click Merge and Center. The cells will split and the contents of the merged cell will
appear in the upper-left cell of the range of split cells.

Automatically Fill Data

To quickly fill in several types of data series, you can select cells and drag the fill handle. To use the fill
handle, you select the cells that you want to use as a basis for filling additional cells, and then drag the fill handle
across or down the cells that you want to fill.
1. Select the cell that contains the formula that you want to be brought to other cells.
2. Move your curser to the small black square in the lower-right corner of a selected cell also known as the fill
handle. Your pointer will change to a small black cross.
3. Click and hold your mouse then drag the fill handle across the cells, horizontally to the right or vertically
down, that you want to fill.
4. The cells you want filled will have a gray looking border around them. Once you fill all of the cells let go of
your mouse and your cells will be populated.
Formatting Spreadsheets
To further enhance your spreadsheet, you can format a number of elements such as text, numbers, coloring,
and table styles. Spreadsheets can become professional documents used for company meetings or can even be
Wrap Text
You can display multiple lines of text inside a cell by wrapping the text. Wrapping text in a cell does not affect
other cells.

1. Click the cell in which you want to wrap the text.

2. On the Home tab, in the Alignment group, click Wrap Text.
3. The text in your cell will be wrapped.

NOTE: If the text is a long word, the characters won't wrap (the word won't be split); instead, you can widen the
column or decrease the font size to see all the text. If all the text is not visible after you wrap the text, you might have
to adjust the height of the row. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format, and then under Cell Size click
AutoFit Row

Format Numbers
In Excel, the format of a cell is separate from the data that is stored in the cell. This display
difference can have a significant effect when the data is numeric. For example, numbers in cells will default as
rounded numbers, date and time may not appear as anticipated. After you type numbers in a cell, you can change the
format in which they are displayed to ensure the numbers in your spreadsheet are displayed as you intended.
1. Click the cell(s) that contains the numbers that you want to format.
2. On the Home tab, in the Number group, click the arrow next to the Number Format

Box, and then click the format that you want.

If you are unable to format numbers in the detail you would like that you can click on the More Number Formats at
the bottom of the Number Format drop down list.
In the Category list, click the format that you want to use, and then adjust settings to the right of the Format Cells
dialog box. For example, if you’re using the Currency format, you can select a different currency symbol, show more
or fewer decimal places, or change the way negative numbers are displayed.

Cell Borders
By using predefined border styles, you can quickly add a border around cells or ranges of cells. If
predefined cell borders do not meet your needs, you can create a custom border.

Apply Cell Borders

1. On a worksheet, select the cell or range of cells that you want to add a border to, change the border style on,
or remove a border from.
2. Go to the Home tab, in the Font group
3. Click the arrow next to Borders
4. Click on the border style you would like
5. The border will be applied to the cell or cell range

Remove Cell Borders

1. Go to the Home tab, in the Font group
2. Click the arrow next to Borders
3. Click No Border.

Cell Styles
You can create a cell style that includes a custom border, colors and accounting formatting.

1. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Cell Styles.

2. Select the different cell style option you would like applied to your spreadsheet.

Cell and Text Coloring

You can also modify a variety of cell and text colors manually.

Cell Fill
1. Select the cells that you want to apply or remove a fill color from.
2. Go to the Home tab, in the Font group and select one of the following options:
a. To fill cells with a solid color, click the arrow next to Fill Color, and then under
Theme Colors or Standard Colors, click the color that you want.
b. To fill cells with a custom color, click the arrow next to Fill Color, click More Colors, and
then in the Colors dialog box select the color that you want.
c. To apply the most recently selected color, click Fill Color.

Remove Cell Fill

1.Select the cells that contain a fill color or fill pattern.
2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the arrow next to Fill Color, and then click No Fill.

Text Color
1.Select the cell, range of cells, text, or characters that you want to format with a different text color.
2. On the Home tab, in the Font group and select one of the following options:
a. To apply the most recently selected text color, click Font Color.
b. To change the text color, click the arrow next to Font Color, and then under Theme Colors or
Standard Colors, click the color that you want to use.

Bold, Underline and Italics Text

1.Select the cell, range of cells, or text.
2. Go to the Home tab, in the Font group
3. Click on the Bold (B) Italics (I) or Underline (U) commands.
4. The selected command will be applied.

Customize Worksheet Tab

1.On the Sheet tab bar, right-click the sheet tab that you want to customize
2.Click Rename to rename the sheet or Tab Color to select a tab color.
3.Type in the name or select a color you would like for your spreadsheet.
4.The information will be added to the tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
Lab: 9

L9-Object: Practice to build the understanding of Formulas in MS Excel.

Formulas in Excel
Formulas are equations that perform calculations on values in your worksheet. A formula always starts with
an equal sign (=). An example of a simple is =5+2*3 that multiplies two numbers and then adds a number to the result.
Microsoft Office Excel follows the standard order of mathematical operations. In the preceding example, the
multiplication operation (2*3) is performed first, and then 5 is added to its result.

You can also create a formula by using a function which is a prewritten formula that takes a value, performs an
operation and returns a value. For example, the formulas =SUM (A1:A2) and SUM (A1, A2) both use the SUM
function to add the values in cells A1 and A2.
Depending on the type of formula that you create, a formula can contain any or all of the following parts.

Functions A function, such as PI () or SUM (), starts with an equal sign (=).
Cell references
You can refer to data in worksheet cells by including cell references in the formula.
For example, the cell reference A2 returns the value of that cell or uses that value in the calculation.

You can also enter constants, such as numbers (such as 2) or text values, directly into a formula.
Operators are the symbols that are used to specify the type of calculation that you want the formula to

Create a Simple Formulas

1.Click the cell in which you want to enter the formula.
2.Type = (equal sign).
3. Enter the formula by typing the constants and operators that you want to use in the calculation.
4.Press ENTER.
=5+2 Adds 5 and 2
=5-2 Subtracts 2 from 5
=5/2 Divides 5 by 2
=5*2 Multiplies 5 times
=5^2 Raises 5 to the
2nd power

Create a Formula with Cell References

1. The first cell reference is B3, the color is blue, and the cell range has a blue border with square corners.
2. The second cell reference is C3, the color is green, and the cell range has a green border with square corners.

To create your formula:

1. Click the cell in which you want to enter the formula.
2. In the formula bar, at the top of the Excel window that you use, type = (equal sign).
3. Click on the 1st cell you want in the formula.
4. Enter an Operator such as +, or *.
5. Click on the next cell you want in the formula. Continue steps 3 – 5 until the formula is complete

=A1+A2 Adds the values in cells

A1 and A2
=A1-A2 Subtracts the value in cell
A2 from the value in A1
=A1/A2 Divides the value in cell
A1 by the value in A2
=A1*A2 Multiplies the value in cell
A1 times the value in A2
=A1^A2 Raises the value in cell A1
to the exponential value
specified in A2
6. Hit the ENTER key on your keyboard.
Create a Formula with Function
1. Click the cell in which you want to enter the formula.
2. Click Insert Function on the formula bar. Excel inserts the equal sign (=) for you.
3. Select the function that you want to use.
4. Enter the arguments.
5. After you complete the formula, press ENTER

Use Auto Sum

To summarize values quickly, you can also use AutoSum.

1.Select the cell where you would like your formulas solution to appear.
2. Go to the Home tab, in the Editing group,
3. Click AutoSum, to sum your numbers or click the arrow next to AutoSum to select a function that you
want to apply.

Delete a Formula
When you delete a formula, the resulting values of the formula are also deleted. However, you can instead
remove the formula only and leave the resulting value of the formula displayed in the cell.

� To delete formulas along with their resulting values, do the following:

1. Select the cell or range of cells that contains the formula.
2. Press DELETE.

� To delete formulas without removing their resulting values, do the following:

1. Select the cell or range of cells that contains the formula.

2. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy.
3. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow below Paste, and then click Paste Values.
Lab: 10

L10-Object: To evaluate Grade/Marks in MS Excel.

To assign letter grade for each student based on their scores may be a common task for a teacher, for example, I have
a grading scale defined where the score below 60 is an F, 60 to 70 is a D, 70 to 80 is a C, 80 to 90 is a B, and 90 to
100 is an A. In Excel, calculate letter grade based on the numeric score quickly and easily using two methods.

1. Using IF function
2. Using VLOOKUP function

1. Calculate Letter Grade Based on Numeric Score with IF Function

The following formula can help you to quickly calculate the letter grade as you need, please do as this:
Enter this formula: =IF(E2>=90,"A",IF(E2>=80,"B",IF(E2>=70,"C",IF(E2>=60,"D","F")))) into a blank cell
next to your score data where you want to locate the letter grade, F2, for instance, and then drag the fill handle down
to the cells that you want to contain this formula, and the letter grade has been displayed in each cell as follows:
Note: In the above formula, E2 is the cell which you want to convert the number to letter grade, and the
numbers 90, 80, 70, and 60 are the numbers you need to assign the grading scale. You can modify them as you

2. Calculate Letter Grade Based on Numeric Score with VLOOKUP Function

If there are more grading scales, such as following screenshot, I have defined a grade scale table, and now, I want
to apply this grade scale to the score list table. In this case, the VLOOKUP function can help you.
Please enter this formula: =VLOOKUP(B2,$F$1:$G$10,2,TRUE) into a blank cell beside your data, C2, for example,
and then drag the fill handle down to the cells that you want to apply this formula, and now, you can see all the
letter grades based on the corresponding grade scale table are calculated at once, see screenshot:
Note: In the above formula, B2 is the cell which you want to calculate the letter grade, F1:G10 is the table range
you want to look for, the number 2 indicates the lookup table column number which contains the values you want
to return.
Lab: 11

L11-Object: Recognize To build the familiarity with the MS Visio 2010.

MS-Visio is a Vector based Two- Dimensional Drawing Tool. The main Purpose of MS-Visio is to give Graphical
Representation or to give Flow of the Application.
Microsoft Office Visio 2010 is drawing and diagramming software that helps make it easy for IT and business
professionals to visualize, explore, and communicate complex information. Go from complicated text and tables that
are hard to understand to Visio diagrams that communicate information at a glance. Instead of static pictures, create
data-connected Visio diagrams that display data, are easy to refresh, and can dramatically increase your productivity.
Microsoft Visio 2010 is a tool to create a great variety of drawings ranging from network diagrams to calendars and
from office layouts to flowcharts. Visio 2010 creates professional visual documents to help analyses and communicate
complex information, systems, and processes. With Visio 2010 you can improve your understanding of systems and
processes, gaining insight into complex information.

● An image or picture is an artifact, usually two-dimensional, that has a similar appearance to some subject-
physical object or a person
● Image is made of Pixels. In other words, Group of Pixels is called as Image.

Pixel In digital imaging Pixel is the smallest piece of information in an image. Pixels are normally arranged in 2-D
and are often represented as dots or squares or rectangles. Each pixel is a sample of an original image, where more
samples typically provide a more accurate representation of the original.

Types of Images:

1. Scalar Graphic Image An image which has only Magnitude (Length) is known as Scalar Graphic Image. Scalar
Images get pixilated (distorted) when resized. Ex: All images found in computer or webs are scalar images.

2. Vector Graphic Image An Image which has both magnitude and direction is known as Vector Graphic Image.
Vector Images doesn’t get pixilated when resized.
Getting Started
When you open Visio 2010 the first window that is displayed, by default, is the Choose a Template window, showing
you recently used Templates. The screen is laid out in to three parts, on the left side a simple navigation system that
replaces the file menu, the template section that has browser type controls at the top of the screen, and to the right-
hand side of the screen a template preview window.

Selecting your template

1. 1Recently Used Templates area shows templates that you have recently used.
2. Template Categories area displays the template categories, clicking on a category displays all the templates
associated with that category. Double Click on the template to open it or select the template and click the create
3. If you have selected the wrong group click on the Home icon to take you back to the Template category section
and the reselect the correct template.

Open a Sample File

Before we explore creating Visio diagrams, we first explore the Visio sample files. From the home page Navigate to
other ways of getting started, and click on Sample Diagrams.
● Your screen will now look like this

● Select Process Improvement then choose either metric or us units then

Click the open Button

Visio Screen Layout

⮊ The File Menu whilst part of the ribbon bar this is the only tab that still resembles a menu, the remainder
follows the ribbon layout introduced in office 2007.

⮊ Visio Ribbons
Ribbons are tabs that show different commands with respect to what you wish to do. Those are divided to sections in
order to group the similar tools together. The HOME ribbon shows basic commands

⮊ The Home Tab

Most Common features are found on the home Tab.

⮊ The Insert Tab

The way to think of this tab is if you are going to insert an object look here first
⮊ Contextual Tabs

These tabs only become available when you perform certain tasks

⮊ Review Tab
The Reviewing Pane displays all of the changes that currently appear in your drawing, and allows other users to
comment on your drawing. Also all your spelling and thesaurus options are found under this tab you also
generate shape reports from here as well.

⮊ Design Tab
Page set up Themes and backgrounds and connector layout

⮊ Data Tab
This tab allows quick connection to external data sources some new graphics to show shape data also found here

⮊ Process Tab
Some nice features here check diagram and access to SharePoint
⮊ View Tab
Grid options, zoom options and windows options are found here you may wish to turn off auto connect from

⮊ Developer Tab
The developer tab by default is hidden but it is well worth turning on to access shape operations and the shape
sheet window.
Lab: 12

L12-Object: Recognize Performing tasks on MS Visio-2010.

Working with Drawings
Using Templates
We will open a basic flowchart and then learn how to add shapes. Launch Visio 2010

From the template categories select Flowchart

● Select Basic Flow Chart

● Select the correct unit of measurement and click create.

The screen opens showing the appropriate stencils for the chosen template, in this case all the stencils related to flow

Using Shapes
About Stencils
Stencils are a collection of shapes either predetermined by the template that you choose, or
from a custom stencil you create, many stencils are available from the web some are free but
others you will pay for a good place to start looking on the web is the Visio Café

Visio File Extensions

Microsoft Visio Stencil (.VSS) .VSS is the file extension given to Visio stencils, Visio stencils
are separate objects to the drawing which have file extensions of (.VSD) and you also have
(.VST) these are Visio Templates.

Working with Shapes from a Basic Flow chart Template

Adding a Shape to the drawing Area
To add a shape to the drawing, simply drag a shape from the shapes pane to the drawing
window. Click on the left mouse button and whilst keeping the button depressed, drag the
shape onto the drawing window

Adding Text to the shape

We have now created a basic flow chart, but without any text on the shapes the drawings are meaningless. To add
text to the shape either Click on the shape and start typing, two things happen you are taken into edit mode and
Visio zooms in to the shape to assist you typing making the text easier to type in Double Clicking on a shape Does
the same. Add the text to your diagram as shown below.
Add Content
Draft Copy
Technical Proof
Grammar Check
Grammar Ok
Publish Document

Manually connect shapes

Up to now we have let Visio Connect the shapes we have added; now we will add some shapes manually.
Look at the first diamond shape the diamond is the industry standard for a decision at present the work flow follows
through to grammar check, we will add a path whereas the proof is rejected taking us back to the previous process.

Adding the Connector

● Select the Diamond Shape

● Select the connector tool button from the home tab

● Move the mouse to the position shown below note the cursor has changed to reveal the connector tool. As you

position to a point you can connect to the shape a small red square will appear.

Connector types
Static Connections (Also called point connection)
To keep the connector glued to a specific point on a shape, drag from a connection point on the first shape to a
connection point on the second shape. The connector endpoints turn red when the shapes are connected. This is called
a point connection.

Dynamic Connections (Also called shape to shape)

To allow the connector to move around the shape when the shape is moved, position the Connector tool over the
center of the first shape until a red box appears around the shape. Hold down the mouse button and drag to the center
of the second shape. When a red box appears around the second shape, release the mouse button. This is called a
dynamic connection.

Notice the connection points the start point is an outline shape the end shape has a solid fill, also note that the shape to
shape connector has an outline around the shape.

Add text to connectors

● Double click on the connector line to type in text

● Enter your required text then click away from the Line

Layout you’re Document as below.

Lab: 13

L13-Object: To construct database in MS Access.

Microsoft Access is a Database Management System (DBMS) from Microsoft that combines the Database Engine
with a graphical user interface and software development tools.

It is a part of the Microsoft Office suite of applications that allows users to enter, manage and run reports on larger
scale, it is most suitable for those who need to organize large amount of data quickly.

Access Database File:

• An Access database file is a container for a variety of database objects

• All database objects are stored within a single database file with the .accdb file name extension

– Access 2013 also uses the .accdb extension

– Before MS Access 2007, the file extension was .mdb

What is Database?
• A database is an organized collection of information

– The primary function is to store data

– If the data is well-organized, retrieving the data is easy

• Data is organized into rows, columns and tables, and it is indexed to make it easier to find relevant

Database Objects:
MS Access uses “objects" to help the user list and organize information, as well as prepare specially designed reports.
When you create a database, Access offers you Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Macros, and Modules. Databases in
Access are composed of many objects but the following are the major objects −

• Tables

• Queries

• Forms

• Reports

Together, these objects allow you to enter, store, analyze, and compile your data.
Database Objects:

⮊ Tables

Table is an object that is used to define and store data. When you create a new table, Access asks you to define fields
which is also known as column headings.

• Each field must have a unique name, and data type.

• Tables contain fields or columns that store different kinds of data, such as a name or an address, and records
or rows that collect all the information about a particular instance of the subject, such as all the information
about a customer or employee etc.

• You can define a primary key, one or more fields that have a unique value for each record.

⮊ Query

An object that provides a custom view of data from one or more tables. Queries are a way of searching for and
compiling data from one or more tables.

• Running a query is like asking a detailed question of your database.

• When you build a query in Access, you are defining specific search conditions to find exactly the data you

• In Access, you can use the graphical query by example facility or you can write Structured Query Language
(SQL) statements to create your queries.

• You can define queries to Select, Update, Insert, or Delete data.

• You can also define queries that create new tables from data in one or more existing tables.

⮊ Form

Form is an object in a desktop database designed primarily for data input or display or for control of application
execution. You use forms to customize the presentation of data that your application extracts from queries or tables.

• Forms are used for entering, modifying, and viewing records.

• The reason forms are used so often is that they are an easy way to guide people toward entering data correctly.

• When you enter information into a form in Access, the data goes exactly where the database designer wants it
to go in one or more related tables.

⮊ Report

Report is an object in desktop databases designed for formatting, calculating, printing, and summarizing selected data.

• You can view a report on your screen before you print it.

• If forms are for input purposes, then reports are for output.
• Anything you plan to print deserves a report, whether it is a list of names and addresses, a financial summary
for a period, or a set of mailing labels.

• Reports are useful because they allow you to present components of your database in an easy-to-read format.

• You can even customize a report's appearance to make it visually appealing.

• Access offers you the ability to create a report from any table or query.

Components of the Access 2010:

• Ribbon

• Navigation Pane

• Backstage view

⮊ The Ribbon:

• The Ribbon contains the commands and options you use to perform database tasks. Each tab contains a group
of related commands.

• The Ribbon includes

The Navigation Pane:

• The Navigation Pane is a central location from which you can use any type of database object
• The Navigation Pane replaces the Database window found in versions of Access previous to 2007.

The Navigation Pane:

The Navigation Pane includes:

Backstage View:
• Used to create, open, save, print and manage databases
• Includes commands and options related to things you can do with a database itself
• Shows the commands and options available on the File tab of the Ribbon
Looking at the Screen:

The screen includes the following components.

Starting Access:
STEP 01: To create a database, we first need to open MS Access and we will see the following screen in which
different Access database templates are displayed.

Creating a New Blank Database;

STEP 02: Select Blank desktop database. Enter the name and click the Create button.
The Blank database template creates an empty database file

• Click the Browse for a location button to specify a name and location for the new database

• Specify a file name and location and click OK to save your specifications

• Click the Create button to create the blank database file

Creating a New Blank Database:
STEP 03: Access will create a new blank database and will open up the table which is also completely blank.

Create Tables:
• When you create a database, you store your data in tables.

• Before you create tables, carefully consider your requirements and determine all the tables that you need.

• Let us now go to the Field tab and you will see that it is also automatically created. The ID which is an
AutoNumber field acts as our unique identifier and is the primary key for this table.

• The ID field has already been created and we now want to rename it to suit our conditions. This is an
Employee table and this will be the unique identifier for our employees.

• Click on the Name & Caption option in the Ribbon and you will see the following dialog box.
• Change the name of this field to EmployeeID to make it more specific to this table. Enter the other optional
information if you want and click Ok.

• Let us now add some more fields by clicking on click to add.

• Select data type according to your requirement and type First Name as the field name. Similarly, add all the
required fields as shown in the following screenshot.

Saving tables:
• Once all the fields are added, click the Save icon.
• You will now see the Save As dialog box, where you can enter a table name for the table.
• Enter the name of your table in the Table Name and click Ok and you will see your table in the navigation
Lab: 14

L14-Object: Practice of insertion and deletion of records in database.

Data Types:
• Every field in a table has properties and these properties define the field's characteristics and behavior. The
most important property for a field is its data type. A field's data type determines what kind of data it can
store. MS Access supports different types of data, each with a specific purpose.

• The data type determines the kind of the values that users can store in any given field.

• Each field can store data consisting of only a single data type.

Here are some of the most common data types you will find used in a typical Microsoft Access database.
Here are some of the other more specialized data types, you can choose from in Access.

Here are some of the other more specialized data types, you can choose from in Access.
⮊ Table Design View:

• In previous lab, we have already created one table using Datasheet View. We will now create another table
using the Table Design View.

• Click on Create button in ribbon tab and select table design.

⮊ Table Design View:

In the tables group, click on Table and you can see this looks completely different from the Datasheet View. In this
view, you can see the field name and data type side by side.
We now need to make BookID a primary key for this table, so let us select BookID and click on Primary Key option
in the ribbon (design).

⮊ Inserting records in database:

Let us add some data into tables.

Select the Views → Datasheet View option in the ribbon and add some data as shown in the following.

Deleting Records from Database:

If you want to delete any data you need to select the entire row first as shown in the following:
This will display the confirmation

message. Click Yes and you will

see that the selected record is

deleted now.

⮊ Query Data:

• A query is a request for data results, and for action on data. You can use a query to answer a simple question,
to perform calculations, to combine data from different tables, or even to add, change, or delete table data.

• In MS Access and other DBMS systems, queries can do a lot more than just displaying data, but they can
actually perform various actions on the data in your database.

⮊ Create Select Query:

• If you want to review data from only certain fields in a table, or review data from multiple tables
simultaneously or maybe just see the databased on certain criteria, you can use the Select query.

• Let us now look into a simple example in which we will create a simple query which will retrieve information
from BOOK table. Open the database and click on the Create tab.

Click Query Design.

In the Tables tab, on the Show Table dialog, double-click the BOOK table and then close the dialog box.

In the BOOK table, double-click all those fields which you want to see as result of the query. Add these fields to the

query design

Now click Run on the Design tab, then click Run.

The query runs, and displays only data in those field which is specified in the query.

⮊ Action Queries:

• Action queries are queries that can add, change, or delete multiple records at one time.

• The added benefit is that you can preview the query results in Access before you run it.

• Microsoft Access provides 4 different types of Action Queries −

– Append

– Update

– Delete

– Make-table

• An action query cannot be undone. You should consider making a backup of any tables that you will update
by using an update query.
Lab: 15

L15-Object: Build your understanding of HTML and rendering of a simple web

What is HTML?
• HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages.

• HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language

• HTML describes the structure of Web pages using markup.

• HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages.

• HTML elements are represented by tags.

HTML Tags:
HTML tags are element names surrounded by angle brackets:


Start tag OR Opening End tag OR Closing tag


HTML tags normally come in pairs like <p> and </p>

Web browser and HTML:

• The web browser (Chrome, IE, Firefox, and Safari) read HTML documents and display them.

• The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses them to determine how to display the document.
Saving an HTML File:
Always use the .html or .htm extension to save the HTML File or otherwise you wouldn’t be able to see the output.

Browsers do not display the HTML tags, but use them to render the content of the page.

Editor for HTML:

• For the simplest language such as HTML, the editor used for HTML is also simple!

• The notepad windows utility application is the easiest to learn editor for HTML.

• Other editors include sublime text, notepad++, text edit etc.

Create a new text document and…

Write something in the file like this:

Save as the file with the extension of .html or .htm

• See the difference between two files: One has been converted to HTML document, other is still the simple
text document.

• Open the file with .htm extension.

The HTML file has now been opened in the web browser

• The text Hello World was the simple text that HTML rendered on a web browser but, HTML can do more
than this…
• It can render text, headings, images, tables, links or we can say a whole web page with different colors and
formatting styles.

Example of a simple HTML Web page:


<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Page Title</title>



<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph. </p>



Visualizing the tags hierarchy:

Explanation of the HTML tags:

• The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines this document to be HTML5.
• The <html> element is the root element of an HTML page.
• The <head> element contains meta information about the document.
• The <title> element specifies a title for the document.
• The <body> element contains the visible page content.
• The <h1> element defines a large heading.
• The <p> element defines a paragraph.

• The <!DOCTYPE> declaration represents the document type, and helps browsers to display web pages
• It must only appear once, at the top of the page (before any HTML tags).
• The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is not case sensitive.
• The <!DOCTYPE> declaration for HTML5 is:

<!DOCTYPE html>

⮊ <html>:
• The <html> element defines the whole document.

• It has a start tag <html> and an end tag </html>.

⮊ <body>:
• The <body> element defines the document body.
• It has a start tag <body> and an end tag </body>.
⮊ <head>:
• The <head> element is a container for metadata (data about data) and is placed between the <html> tag and
the <body> tag.
• HTML metadata is data about the HTML document. Metadata is not displayed, however the title name for
web page is visible if written between <title> tags.
• Metadata typically define the document title, character set, styles, links, scripts, and other meta information.
• The following tags describe metadata: <title>, <style>, <meta>, <link>, <script>, and <base>.

⮊ <title>:

⮊ The <title> element defines the title of the document, and is required in all HTML documents.

⮊ The <title> element:

– defines a title in the browser tab.

– provides a title for the page when it is added to favorites.

– displays a title for the page in search engine results.

⮊ Heading tags:
• HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags.
• <h1> defines the most important heading.
• <h6> defines the least important heading.

⮊ <p>:
HTML paragraphs are defined with the <p> tag.

⮊ HTML Comments:
You can add comments to your HTML source by using the following syntax:

<!-- This is a comment -->

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<!-- Remember to add more information here -->


<!-- Do not display this at the moment

<p>Apple is juicy</p>

⮊ HTML Attributes:
• All HTML elements can have attributes
• Attributes provide additional information about an element
• Attributes are always specified in the start tag
• Attributes usually come in name/value pairs like: name="value"

⮊ The href Attribute:

HTML links are defined with the <a> tag. The link address is specified in the href attribute:

<a href="">This is a link</a>

The src Attribute:

• HTML images are defined with the <img> tag.

• The filename of the image source is specified in the src attribute:

<img src="img_girl.jpg">

⮊ The width and height Attributes:

Images in HTML have a set of size attributes, which specifies the width and height of the image:

<img src="img_girl.jpg" width="500" height="600">

The image size is specified in pixels: width="500" means 500 pixels wide.

The alt Attribute:

• The alt attribute specifies an alternative text to be used, when an image cannot be displayed.

• The value of the attribute can be read by screen readers. This way, someone "listening" to the webpage, e.g. a
vision impaired person, can "hear" the element.

<img src="img_girl.jpg" alt="Girl with a jacket">

● The alt attribute is also useful if the image does not exist.

HTML Lists:

⮊ Unordered HTML List

• An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag.

• The list items will be marked with bullets (small black circles) by default:

⮊ Ordered HTML List:
An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag.

The list items will be marked with numbers by default:


HTML Text Formatting:

• This text is bold

• This text is italic

• This is subscript and superscript

HTML also defines special elements for defining text with a special meaning.

• HTML uses elements like <b> and <i> for formatting output, like bold or italic text.

• Formatting elements were designed to display special types of text:

1) <b> - Bold text

2) <strong> - Important text
3) <i> - Italic text
4) <em> - Emphasized text
5) <mark> - Marked text
6) <small> - Small text
7) <del> - Deleted text
8) <ins> - Inserted text
9) <sub> - Subscript text
10) <sup> - Superscript text
11) <u> - Underlined text

HTML Line Breaks:

• The HTML <br> element defines a line break.

• Use <br> if you want a line break (a new line) without starting a new paragraph:

<p>This is<br>a paragraph<br>with line breaks.</p>

• The <br> tag is an empty tag, which means that it has no end tag.

Solution Task 1(1):

Solution Task 1(2):
Solution Task 2:

Solution Task 3:
Solution Task 4:
Solution Task 5:
Solution Task 6:
Solution Task 7:
Solution Task 8:

Solution Task 9:

Solution Task 10:

Solution Task 13(1):

Solution Task 13(2):

Solution Task 14:

Solution Task 15:

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