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Proposal for E-Mandi Portal

Presented By:

Sub: E-Commerce Portal Development – (E-Mandi)

We are pleased to present this detailed project report for your review.

Goals & Objectives:

Your project is a ecommerce portal, an online retail project

Your project requires:

A branding that stands out and connects with their customers

A technology platform that provides a modern web presence

A Fresh, Creative and Effective way to offer relevant information

An entire functionality to provide end-end solution to an online buyer


Consistent Brand Identity Form, Structure and Purpose to

Brands that have a consistent visual
language make a more memorable Working with your content so that it’s
impression than those that look like clear and directs people to what you
five different side-businesses. want them to do.
Reliable and Collaborative Making it easy for Customers
Easily grabbing attention can get more
Communication and compromise to visitors to stay on a page.
ensure quality and future
relationships. Less spending down the road
Room for Development
Forget about the ‘good deal’, the key
Strong enough aesthetics allows you
is to find the balance and trust that
freedom to add and remove content
ensure quality work.
without having to go back to square

Understanding of the Proposed System:

As per our understanding we need to create an e-commerce portal for your esteemed company.

Scope of Work (Website User and Features) :

Design and Development of the Ecommerce Portal

Features :

Standard Features of E-Commerce Portal




• Dashboard
• Quick navigation links to below modules:
• Pages Manager
• Brand Manager
• Category Manager
• Admin can add multilevel category/subcategory of products from here Category will have:
• Title
• Description
• Image of category
• Product Manager

Product : It will have the following features :

• Title
• Summary
• Description
• Category
• Code
• Price
• Stock
• Product Multi Images
• Product-wise commission can be defined from here as well as from seller panel.
• Image Resolutions

Product Customization app – To customize cloths as per requirement of customer.

• Product Variations
• Products Bulk Upload Data – seller can upload bulk products data.
• Customers

• Admin can view list of customers from here :

• Admin can view detail of customer

User Roles- all user roles can define by admin from here.

• Add
• Edit
• View

Orders Manager :

• Admin can view all orders details from here

• Online Payment Orders
• Orders will have
• Order ID
• User who placed an order
• Products from order
• Order amount
• Order status
Order Status manager :

• Like order is dispatch/pending etc.

• Delivery Day Options
• Shipping
• Add, Edit, View - Shipping Cost according to weight

FAQs :

• Admin can manage FAQs from here

• Email notifications

Admin will get notification when :

• Customer registers
• Product added
• Review added
• Inquiry done
• Reports – shall be extractable in csv format.
• Top Selling Products
• Total Sale today
• Vendor Sale report
• Total payment gateway wise
• Coupon Reports
• Turnover Reports
• Merchant Payout Reports
• Total Commission Earned from merchant
• Shipping Reports.

Offer zone :

• Offer on selected products

• Discount code
• Invoice generation for buyer and shall email to them after order confirmation.
• Coupon or Discount code or voucher code shall be hide whenever we don’t run any discount,
admin shall able to manage from admin panel.
• Multiple offers/discount code shall be applied.
• Once order get confirmed, two emails shall received by customer 1) confirming order successful
and view of product and price. 2) Email containing invoice.

Fees Management :

• Final price to the buyer after addition of seller price+ Tax+ Shipping price+ commission
+Tax on commission. Shipping price might show separately.
• Shipping fees separately calculated back end for each product and also statement generated
of the product sold.


• SEO Friendly Design

• Design of website

Full width Design pages

• Home Page
• Easy Navigation to Categories List – min. 3 level category display

Listing Page

• Normal Content Page

• Single Product Page
• Shopping cart page
• Checkout
• Order confirmation
• Payment etc.
Product Page

• List of all products

• Show Product image & price
• Filter – Newest/Best Selling
• Product Variables
• Shop by Brand
• Search Products
• Pagination / Infinity Length

Single Page of Product

• Product Title
• Product Image
• Multi images slider
• Zoom effect for product
• Description
• Price
• Code
• Quantity Selection
• Add to cart
• Like / Share on Social Media
• Rating n review
• Wish list
• Shopping Cart

Cart with list of products added to cart

• Update cart & quantity

• Check out & order
• Get Check out details
• Place an order if user is registered & logged in
• Show COD Available or Not
• Enter Promo Code
• After buying –social media sharing


• Registration
• Login
• Edit Profile

Order History

• User can check all orders placed in past

• Reviews and Ratings / Feedback
• Payment Gateway
• Logistics API Integration

General features:

• Search Products: Provision to search products by category, sub category, keyword, seller,
• Browse Products: Browse products by categories and sub categories, Newest Products,
Most viewed products.
• Featured Products: Showcasing featured products in home page and featured products page.
• Best Selling Products: Showcasing best selling products in home page and best selling
products page.
• Static pages creation for, buyer help, customer support, Cancellation & Return, Vendor
registration process(Illustration). faq, News section
• Website shall be responsive in nature.
• Website shall be suitable for multiple browsers i.e. IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc. and also
shall suitable for multiple size devices laptop, desktop, mobile, Tablet etc.
• Website shall be SEO friendly, Metatag addition, support for one year,
• Online Chat option will be enable while operator is available for chat.
• Email/SMS facility for all type of alerts i.e. registration, product add, product purchase,
order dispatched, order delivered etc. for admin/seller/buyer.
• Website pages shall have Infinite length.

Website shall have SEO Friendly design

• For all pages, Center container of the page which contains text shall load first before Header,
footer or images load.
• Maximum four tier structure for the website. Home page> Category page > Sub category >
Product page.
• On Each page, in header Breadcrumb tail shall be there.
• In checkout or ordering page, symbolic Breadcrumb tail requires which will explain process in
better way.
• ‘Report Problem’ or ‘Feedback’ for site in each pages at footer so if any bug found customer
can report us.
• Site map shall be in XML .
• All images shall be with descriptive "alt" attributes.

Products page:-

Product details page creation showing all the information of the product.

Sort features in product page shall have following:

• Sort by Type
• Sort by Price
• Sort by color, brand or other specific.
• Sort by newest added to site
• Sort by Best selling
• Sort by Amount in alphabetical order
• Ability to ‘ascend or descend’ all of these options
• View qty. of items per page.
• Most popular or best selling

User/Buyer page:-

• History of all order processed and current orders with tracking number.
• Reviews written by Buyer.
• Buyer profile Edit/View etc.

Checkout/Order page:-

• The 1 page checkout model

• In checkout page various trust logos and abbreviations shall be put i.e. money back guarantee,
• SSL certificate. we will inform you about our policy details.
• Once order get confirmed, with order confirmation page best seller or most viewed or
• related recommended products shall be shown.

Technology To Be Used:

• Website will be a CMS based Dynamic Site.

• We will use LAMP ( Linux / Apache / MySql / PHP ) Technology & CMS framework to create the
• CMS (Content Management System) Version will be used to create the e-commerce so that
backend can be well managed by admin and other corresponding user can manage their section
Core Stages of Marketing and sales generation Strategy:

• There are four core stages to building and running a digital strategy:
• Planning
• Creation
• Actualization
• Evaluation

Planning: The planning of an online / offline strategy involves analyzing the following:

• The initial aims and expected returns

• The background of the brand, present positioning and perception
• The audience (broken down into key segments)
• Audience locations and value of each audience segment against initial aims

Creation: The creation stage is purely focused around project formalization. This involves:

• Planning project structures based upon previous analysis

• Design and build of elements needed before marketing. E.g., Website, Social Media Creatives,
Print Media Creatives, events , online and offline advertisements etc.

Actualization: The actualization focuses on the delivery of the campaign, including:

• Building the engagement timeline (Short, Medium and Long Term).

• Engaging with the audience through the engagement loop (Online Ad, Offline Ad, Campaign,
Events etc).
• Sampling progress through a campaign and optimizing the campaign message (Analyzing each
• Recording salient information through each campaign step for evaluation.
Evaluation:The evaluation of a digital strategy is imperative to learn the lessons of the campaign,

• Reviewing engagement and longer term benefits.

• Taking lessons on board to build stronger future campaigns.

Scoring the strategy and the benefits that it has given.

Human Resource Engagement for Ecommerce portal development :

Year 1 :

Resource Job Role

1 Project Manager Architecture & Project Management

1 Creative Designer UI / UX design

1 Senior Developer Coding , Structuring

1 Senior Developer Mobile Development (Android)

1 Midlevel developer Front end development

1 Midlevel developer Coding , Structuring

1 Midlevel Developer Mobile Development (Android)

1 Junior Developer Front end development

1 Junior Developer Coding , Structuring

Year 2 ( launching and beta testing month ):

Resource Job Role

1 Project Manager Architecture & Project Management

2 Creative Designer Graphic Design

1 Senior Developer Coding , Coding , Testing, Bug Fixing

1 Senior Developer Mobile Development (Android)

1 Midlevel developer Coding , Testing, Bug Fixing

1 Midlevel Developer Mobile Development (Android)

1 Junior Developer Support & Maintenance

1 Junior Developer Support & Maintenance (Mobile)

Year 3 ( after launch ):

Resource Job Role

1 Project Manager Architecture & Project Management

2 Creative Designer Graphic Design

1 Senior Developer Web - Mobile

1 Midlevel developer Coding , Testing, Bug Fixing

1 Midlevel Developer Mobile Development (Android)

1 Junior Developer Support & Maintenance

1 Junior Developer Support & Maintenance (Mobile)

Year 4 ( after launch ):

Resource Job Role

1 Project Manager Architecture & Project Management

2 Creative Designer Graphic Design

1 Midlevel developer Web - Mobile

1 Junior Developer Support & Maintenance

1 Junior Developer Support & Maintenance (Mobile)

Year 5 ( after launch ):

Resource Job Role

1 Project Manager Architecture & Project Management

2 Creative Designer Graphic Design

1 Midlevel developer Web - Mobile

1 Junior Developer Support & Maintenance

1 Junior Developer Support & Maintenance (Mobile)

Human Resource Engagement for online marketing :

After Launching till 5th Year

Team Required:

Resource Job Role

1 Creative Designer (Shared from Campaign design ( same resource from

development team) web dev )

1 Content writer Campaign content creation

1 Social media manager , Ad manager AD Management , analytics , account


1 developer Shared from development HTML coding of news letter , landing pages
( mid lvl dev / jr dev same from web dev
team )

1 SEO expert Onpage and offpage SEO


on, System
Management : Architecture
HR, Accounts Web

Third party Team Mobile Dev

Call center , Creative

data entry , Team

Process Flow:
12 – Month Social Media marketing plan

Social Media Audit

Social Media Monitoring

Social Media Management

Social Online Reputation Management

Social Media Marketing

Social Media PR
Engagement models of this project :


Our offering includes:

• UX Strategy development
• Project conceptualization
• Usability assessment and improvements
• UX Design and development support.

To enhance the website usability, we will use a proprietary Convergent UX design process

• Human-Centered Design
To include website user experience with navigation, search, accessibility and color schemes
based on recognized best practices for maximizing clarity and control.

• Activity-Centered Design
To reduce the number of users, objects, and steps necessary to complete each website or
application activity.

• Technology-Centered Design
To determine technologies and features that will maximize application success, we focus on
application limitations, feasibility, flexibility, and adaptability.

• Convergent UX Design
The end result is a Convergent UX Design that recommends proven, targeted measures for
improving software usability and creating a positive user experience.

With our reliable Convergent UX design process, we can help you build your entire UX from
scratch. By analyzing your business, customers and market, consolidating and prioritizing
business and users goals, and designing UX according to the newly created strategy, We
ensure that intended users are incorporated into your product design and development
process at the start of a project – and your design efficiently fulfils the intended purpose.
• The Solution
The approach combines a variety of recognized industrial methods and our unique
Convergent UX Design framework which is a triad of classical human-centered design,
modern activity- centered design and cutting-edge technology-driven design.

• D-D-D
Discovery – We will observe the business , it’s customers and it’s market.
Design – We will develop ideas according to business plan.
Delivery – We will take care of your delivery phase to ensure that our new strategy has
optimum impact.

• Discovery Phase
Application UX designs and implementation requires careful analysis. The most important
Discovery Phase encompasses observation and analyses of the following areas:
Experience of existing projects , Target audience , Market
As a result of the analysis phase, UX experts and stakeholders should have clear answers to
the following questions:

• Business objectives:
What are the business goals and needs, and their priorities (fast growth-in-market, staying
ahead of competitors, increasing customers’ satisfaction, etc.)?

• Users’ objectives:
Who are the target users?
What are the users’ goals and needs, and their priorities?
How the project is actually used (priorities and frequency of the features)?

• Project objectives:
What are the opportunities on budget, schedule, resources, etc.?

• Design Phase
Information Architecture (IA)
After the analysis is complete, UX practitioners start bringing ideas to life. The Design Phase
starts with consolidating all the gathered info and materials into a single page to ensure that
everything is in the right place. Such activities like Information Architecture, Screen Flows, etc.,
provide a high level vision of the scope and structure of the information and how the users will
Interaction Design (IxD), Wire framing
The next step includes the iterative process of creating initial schematic UI wireframes. Working
in an agile environment requires fast results and input for the dev team, therefore paper
prototyping is a perfect start for designing fast sketches. Drawing on paper rather than in
Photoshop provides the opportunity to make 2-3 iterations per day. This will allow you to
immediately update/edit/ add UI details and see a schematic preview of the future app. At this
step (same as on every step) it is important to share and validate the results with the
stakeholders, product owners, real users and dev team. We all know that the later you change
something, the higher the cost of the change (i.e., to update a couple of full-colour Photoshop
mock-ups, may take a whole day, but it will take less than an hour to update the wireframe).
After all paper prototypes are double-checked, pre-design digital wireframes need to be created.
At this step all the small details of the UI should be taken into account.

• Visual Design & Graphics

Visual design is important but not a primary activity of the User Experience design. To
convince the client of this fact, since aspiration to see the coloured UI in two weeks after the
project has started might be extremely strong.
To provide a complete understanding of the situation to the graphic designer, the following
items need to be gathered and documented:
Branding style guides, logos, etc. - Communication and input from your client’s marketing staff
is required.

• Visual design preferences –

It is very important to get the right direction for visual design (is it a corporate style or fancy,
etc.). For this purpose, brainstorming with the stakeholders to complete a simple survey that
will give us the vision on what designs they like and dislike.

• Product objectives –
Is it an existing application that needs to be aligned with a common design and follow other
applications’ style, or it is a brand new application?

• Users objectives –
Preliminary graphics are used to support the data, therefore the graphic designer has to
understand what elements of the UI are primary and need to be highlighted, etc.
Now when all is gathered, visual design starts from a single or sometimes two design
concepts, representing 2- 3 basic screens (screens for the concept should be approved with
stakeholders beforehand).

• Important items to present in the design concept:

Show the complete concept. Explanation notes should be provided if something isn’t
completed. Show real info and data - not lorem ipsum. (Again – information is primary,
graphics – secondary.)
Show screens representing all the different types of content (tables, charts, forms, lists, etc.).
Present the design personally, but provide support comments in an email, because
stakeholders might see your designs only by email, and they will need to understand why
natural colours are used, etc.

• Delivery Phase
After the visual design is approved by the client, the delivery phase starts with the following
Images/sources preparation for UI developers Usability review of the implemented UI on a
real time Dev team support
UI specification (guideline) development to help dev staff implement, maintain and extend the

Stages of PORTAL development


Understanding the The first stage of the process, understanding the purpose and
problem identifying changes that may be made to an existing system.
Identify and communicate with participants in the current
system. Suggest the use of a requirement prototype to clarify
participants' understanding.

Planning The second stage involves the conducting of feasibility studies

(economic, technical and operational). The nature of the
problem is clearly described in a report and recommendations
are made to management as to whether the

proposed solution is practicable. A project plan is developed.

Designing and This third stage involves the documentation of the

development development of a solution to the new system. A prototype may
be used to help clarify the solution to the participant. System
design tools can also be used to explain the solution, for
example; context diagrams, data flow diagrams, decision
trees, decision tables, data dictionaries, storyboards.

Implementing This stage involves the acquisition of information technology

and making it operational. Additionally, decisions are made on
how the new system will be implemented. An implementation
plan is developed

setting out clearly.

Testing, evaluating and This stage is the most important; users begin to use the new
maintaining system and the performance of which is tested against the
design specifications. The maintenance of

the new system is important through the training of

participants and the reviewing of the operation manuals.
Modifications may be made to parts of the system if problems
are identified.

Detailed Scope of work for all stages :


Project graphical description:


Print Media Creative

Social Media Creative Scopes
Web Design Creative Scopes Scopes

Website Visual Social Media Page Cover


Emailer Design Twitter Background

Infographics Design Fan page creatives

Ad Banner Design
• Site MAP:

A useful option of this website is a sitemap which usually is of two types. One is for search engines and
the other is for the visitors.

A website map itself is a list of links leading to all the pages your website contains. So by clicking the
necessary link each of the visitors may quickly get at necessary section of your online presence and enjoy
his or her stay.
• Visual Creative Design

• Research & Brain Storming- The project brief goes into a thorough analysis and based on the
requirements we come up with rough sketching, various creative ideas influenced from the
inspirations provided and researched thoroughly are noted down.

• Strategy & Planning- This step is for selecting the best design solution that is suitable for the
project and to decide the design and functionality criteria.

• Design Implementation-

Wire-framing- A frame/grid structure is created which gives a clear idea of the placement of the
content/element throughout the page.

Mood Boarding- For rough understanding of what the website visual will look like. Color, texture,
shape and typography inspirations are gathered.

Visual Design- Now the raw idea is made alive using the various digital design tools.

Modification & Fine Tuning- A very important stage and here we need full co- operation. Quick
and detailed feedback is highly appreciated. It saves a lot of time and increases creative


Develop the website as per the approved design and content presented in the detailed report.
Ensure that all objectives mentioned in the terms of reference and agreed upon by Infinity group
are achieved.

• Stages of website development

The construction of a new website follows five stages, each of these stages are linked and form
the development process of the new system.
The stages:

1. Understanding the problem

2. Planning
3. Developing
4. Implementing
5. Testing, evaluating and maintaining.

In order to overcome this problem a methodical and structured process is needed. These five stages
of planning designing and implementation of a new system are set out below.

Pic: Development cycle

During the development phase, everything that will be needed to implement the project is arranged.
Potential suppliers or subcontractors are brought in, a schedule is made, materials and tools are
ordered, and instructions are given to the personnel and so forth. The development phase is
complete when implementation is ready to start. All matters must be clear for the parties that will
carry out the implementation.
• Waterfall Model: The waterfall Model illustrates the website development process in a linear
sequential flow; hence it is also referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model. This means
that any phase in the development process begins only if the previous phase is complete. In
waterfall model phases do not overlap. We will use this model to smoothly and clearly develop
the project of ECOMMERCE .

• Pic: Waterfall Model

• Implementation of Phase wise development of website:

The project takes shape during the implementation phase. This phase involves the construction
of the actual project result. Programmers are occupied with encoding, designers are involved in
developing graphic material, contractors are building, the actual reorganization takes place. It is
during this phase that the project becomes visible to outsiders, to whom it may appear that the
project has just begun.

• Testing - Techniques:

1. Functionality Testing
2. Usability testing
3. Interface testing
4. Compatibility testing
5. Performance testing
6. Security testing

• Functionality Testing:
Test for – all the links in web pages, database connection, forms used in the web pages for
submitting or getting information from user, Cookie testing.

• Check all the links:

1. Test the outgoing links from all the pages from specific domain under test.
2. Test all internal links.
3. Test links jumping on the same pages.
4. Test links used to send the email to admin or other users from web pages.
5. Test to check if there are any orphan pages.
6. Lastly in link checking, check for broken links in all above-mentioned links.

• Test forms in all pages:

Forms are the integral part of any web site. Forms are used to get information from users and to keep
interaction with them. So what should be checked on these forms?

• First check all the validations on each field.

• Check for the default values of fields.
• Wrong inputs to the fields in the forms.
• Options to create forms if any, form delete, view or modify the forms.

• Cookies testing:

Cookies are small files stored on user machine. These are basically used to maintain the session
mainly login sessions. Test the application by enabling or disabling the cookies in your browser
options. Test if the cookies are encrypted before writing to user machine. If you are testing the
session cookies (i.e. cookies expire after the sessions ends) check for login sessions and user
stats after session end. Check effect on application security by deleting the cookies. (I will soon write
separate article on cookie testing)

• Validate your HTML/CSS:

If you are optimizing your site for Search engines then HTML/CSS validation is very important.
Mainly validate the site for HTML syntax errors. Check if site is crawlable to different search
• Database testing:

Data consistency is very important in web application. Check for data integrity and errors while
you edit, delete, modify the forms or do any DB related functionality.
Check if all the database queries are executing correctly, data is retrieved correctly and also
updated correctly. More on database testing could be load on DB, we will address this in web
load or performance testing below.
• Usability Testing:
• Test for navigation:

Navigation means how the user surfs the web pages, different controls like buttons, boxes or how
user using the links on the pages to surf different pages.
Usability testing includes:

Web site should be easy to use. Instructions should be provided clearly. Check if the provided
instructions are correct means whether they satisfy purpose.

Main menu should be provided on each page. It should be consistent.

• Content checking:

Content should be logical and easy to understand. Check for spelling errors. Use of dark colours
annoys users and should not be used in site theme. You can follow some standards that are used
for web page and content building. These are common accepted standards like as I mentioned
above about annoying colours, fonts, frames etc.

Content should be meaningful. All the anchor text links should be working properly. Images
should be placed properly with proper sizes.
These are some basic standards that should be followed in web development. Your task is to
validate all for UI testing

• Other user information for user help:

Like search option, sitemap, help files etc. Sitemap should be present with all the links in web
sites with proper tree view of navigation. Check for all links on the sitemap.
“Search in the site” option will help users to find content pages they are looking for easily and
quickly. These are all optional items and if present should be validated.

• Interface Testing:

The main interfaces are:

Web server and application server interface Application server and Database server interface.
Check if all the interactions between these servers are executed properly. Errors are handled
properly. If database or web server returns any error message for any query by application server
then application server should catch and display these error messages appropriately to users.
Check what happens if user interrupts any transaction in-between? Check what happens if
connection to web server is reset in between?

• Compatibility Testing:
• Compatibility of your web site is very important testing aspect. See which compatibility
test to be executed:

Browser compatibility

Operating system compatibility

• Browser compatibility:

In our web-testing career I have experienced this as most influencing part on web site testing.
Some applications are very dependent on browsers. Different browsers have different
configurations and settings that your web page should be compatible with. Web site coding
should be cross browser platform compatible. Java scripts or AJAX calls for UI functionality,
performing security checks or validations and giving more stress on browser compatibility testing.

• OS compatibility:

Some functionality in website is may not be compatible with all operating systems. All new
technologies used in web development like graphics designs, interface calls like different API’s
may not be available in all Operating Systems.
Testing website on different operating systems like Windows, Linux , Android , IOS .
• Performance testing:

Website should sustain to heavy load. Web performance testing should include: Web Load
Web Stress Testing
Test application performance on different internet connection speed.
In web load testing test if many users are accessing or requesting the same page. Can system
sustain in peak load times? Site should handle many simultaneous user requests, large input data
from users, Simultaneous connection to DB, heavy load on specific pages etc.
• Security Testing:

Following are some test cases for web security testing:

Test by pasting internal URL directly into browser address bar without login. Internal pages
should not open.
If you are logged in using username and password and browsing internal pages then try changing URL
options directly. I.e. If you are checking some publisher site statistics with publisher site ID=
123. Try directly changing the URL site ID parameter to different site ID which is not related to
logged in user. Access should denied for this user to view others stats.
Try some invalid inputs in input fields like login username, password, input text boxes. Check the
system reaction on all invalid inputs.
Web directories or files should not be accessible directly unless given download option.
Test the CAPTCHA for automates scripts logins.
Test if SSL is used for security measures. If used proper message should get displayed when
user switch from non-secure http:// pages to secure https:// pages and vice versa.
All transactions, error messages, security breach attempts should get logged in log files
somewhere on web server.
• Important features and tools to be implemented of the proposed portal :
• Design:
• An Eye-catching Design:

What is attracting the visitors first is a very design of your website. It shouldn’t be irritating –
neither dull nor too flashy.
The main purpose of your website’s attractive design is to keep the visitor and make him stay
online for further actions. In this case even colour will influence user’s mood and can win his or
her favour or quickly lose it.
So the first helpful hint for you is to think over your website’s design thoroughly.

• UI & UX Design:
User interface is the most important part of this proposed website. our experience designing team
will create an interactive design for this proposed site.
• Interactive landing page: The proposed website should contain interactive landing page.
• Landing page will contain html5 / css base animation .

• Development , integration and maintenance :

• Front view detailed info: Home page should contain the detail of this “Infinity IT Lagoon”.
It should be like that anyone can get idea at a glance from the front page.
• Dynamic Website the website and it’s contain will be dynamic as admin will be able to
change any information as needed.
• Click to talk and Chat : Engaging customer , direct communication and generating analytics
from various tools , Paid subscription is needed here .
• Proper Content: What the users like very much is a content they are promised to see on the
website. You better not play with it.
Once disappointed the visitor may not come again to see whether something has changed.
So make sure that your website contains enough useful information to make the user interested
and then your further updates will really make sense.
Also add helpful information concerning your website operating. All the users appreciate the
possibility to find the accurate answers for their questions.

• Contact Information

All necessary contact information (e-mail address, phone number, a link leading to a special
contact form etc) in such a way that the visitor can easily find and make use of it.
We should really mind that fact your web presence to be evaluated not only as qualitative but also
supportive and responsible one. To avoid spam and get genuine leads we will integrate captcha .
• SMO : Social media plugins integration will make the site more seo and smo friendly .
Access of all social media channels required here .

• SEO :

Eliminating Robots.txt

Sitemap : creating sitemap, It is very essential for any crawler.

Image Optimization :

Image Alt tag Image Title tag

Logo size & Image Dimension

Page loading time: < 5 s Page size : <1 MB Doctype Declaration.

HTML Validation: while checking this document eliminate errors

Avoiding Canonical Issue Broken Link checking

Checking Tags for external links Google Analytics Checking

To Improve Website Appearance

In-depth research of the field and market pool and target population. Meta-tag Optimization

Google Sitemap and Implementation Landing Page Optimization

Google Webmaster tool implementation Image Optimization

RSS feed

Bounce Rate Decrease Google Local Listing Search Engine submission

photo sharing of website : pictures in major photo sharing websites like Flickr, Picasa, Photo
Off-page Optimization Back link Generation Traffic Generation

• In SEO: We will primarily do Keyword Analysis, Metatag Optimization, Google Sitemap and
Implementation, Landing Page Optimization, Google analytics setup, Google Webmaster tool
These will improve the website’s impression over search engine.
Other task will be done for improving the ranking of website targeting the users. For a well
renowned organization Brand reputation is very much important. Online Brand Reputation
Management can increase user in a good volume.

Utility Tools preferred to be implemented in website to get different kind of analytics and
better market research and SEO friendly maintenance as follows

, , , ,

• Mobile Compatibility :

Site will be compatible to mobile view, using responsive design method .

Mobile app ( mcommerce ) will be developed for android .

• ADD ON :

Payment Gateway – BANK , PAYZIFFY , CCAVENUE ETC or equivalent ( After deployment )

( time of promotion )

Call Center(5) – English + Hindi + Technical or equivalent ( after deployment )

Ticketing System – ( before deployment )

Delivery – Aramex, fedex etc or equivalent ( after deployment )

• Technology Specification (Preferable , Subject to change) :

Graphic design tools to be used :

Frontend development language :

Server side language :

Framework and plugins to be used :

Database Server : MySQL

Application Server Apache

Javascript Library for Application

Font 1. Google Font :

Library API
2. jQuery UI
2. Cufon

3. Typekit
• Hosting Server Specification :

Virtual Private Server with following specification.

Processor Quad core


Hard Disk 100 + GB Storage

Bandwidth 4 TB Bandwidth MO
Scope of Technology & Manual Intervention

To develop an e-commerce platform on an electronic bamboo product market to make the market more
convenient for the use of bamboo farmers, fashion manufacturers, alo-vera products manufacturers,
honey & honey based products artists, product manufacturers, government & other stakeholders

• To develop an internal inventory system.

• To develop a report system and analytics
• To digitally market the portal
• To train stakeholders for operating the system
• To create market linkages & procurement
• To make the system multilingual


Price Sheet:

Sl. No. Budget Head Cost in Rs. In Lakh

1 Development of Technology (E-Mandi) 20

2 Support & Maintenance of portal 10

3 Digital Marketing 20

4 Sale, Purchase, Market Linkages 15

5 Offline Promotion 10

6 Training 10

7 Monitoring & Evaluation 10

8 Operation Management 5

Total 100

A total budget of Rupees One Crore (Rs. 1,00,00,000.00)

Project Timeline in days* -

Sl No. Description Estimate in

1 Requirement Analysis And validation 25
2 Designing Of Object UI 60
3 Development of the Application and 210
4 Testing 60
5 Review and final Delivery 45
Total(*) 400
* Working days.
Milestone Payment

For project offered in Indian Rupees will be as follows:

Sl. Schedule Mode of Payment


Will be paid upon contract signature and

1. 10%
commencement of service
3.. After Completion of UI designing (After 90 days) 10%
After Development and submission of
5. documentation 10%
(After 300 days)
After Completion of Testing & final deliver (After
6. 5%
360 days)
Support & Maintenance (Annually for next 4
8. 10%
years in advance)
Training ((After 150 days))
9. 10%
Offline Promotion (Annually for next 4 years in
10. 10%
Digital Marketing ((Annually for next 4 years in
11. 20%
Sell, Purchase (Annually for next 4 years in
12. 5%
Monitoring and Evaluation , and operations
13. management (Annually for next 4 years in 10%

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