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Energy and Environment (MScE 3312)

Energy Fundamentals, Energy Use in an Industrial Society

Date: March, 2024

3/11/2024 Adama Science And Technology University, Materials 1

Science And Engineering Program
Energy and Environment

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Science And Engineering Program
Cont’d . . .
• Credits = 3
• Prerequisites: Thermodynamics for Materials (MScE 2204)
• Textbook : Energy and the Environment”; Robert A. Ristinen,
Jack J. Kraushaar and Jeffrey T. Brack. 3rd ed. 2016, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc
 Other Reference List:
1. Energy, Environment, and Climate”; Richard Wolfson.3rd ed.
2018, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc
2. “Energy and the Environment” : James A. Fay and Dan S.
Golomb. 2002 , Oxford University Press
3. Renewable Energy: Technology, Economics and Environment”
Martin Kaltschmitt. Wolfgang Stretcher, and Andreas Wiese.
2007, Springer Berlin Heidelber
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Materials Science and Engineering Program
Marks Distribution
Method No Percentage
Assignment I 1 5%
Assignment II 1 5%
Assessments Quiz 1 5%
Test 1 1 15%
Test 2 - 15%
Attendance 1 5%
Final Examination 1 50%

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Materials Science and Engineering Program
• Introduction

• Energy Basics, Units of Energy and Scientific Notation

• Principle of Energy Conservation

• Transformation of Energy

• Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Sources

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Materials Science and Engineering
Lesson 1: Energy and Environment (MScE 3312)
Learning objective
• Explain fundamental concepts, units, sources, and transformations of

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Materials Science and Engineering
• The use of energy in food has been essential for the existence of all
humankind and animals throughout our evolution on this planet.
• Energy in forms other than food is also essential for the functioning
of a technical society.
• Ethiopia imports up to 4 million tons of fuel every year in which the
majority of the fossil fuel is used by the transport sector.
• Should we be concerned that so much of our energy is now coming
from fossil fuels? two of many factors that should cause concern:
• First, the fossil fuel resource is limited in amount.
• Second, unintended environmental consequences
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• When we burn coal, natural gas, or oil to obtain energy, gaseous
compounds are formed and dumped into the atmosphere.
• The atmospheric pollution is producing health problems and even
• Can we find solutions to these problems of resource depletion and
environmental pollution?
• Resource depletion happens when the consumption of renewable or
non-renewable resources becomes scarce, as they are consumed at a
faster rate than they can be replenished.

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Why Do We Use So Much Energy?
• Physicists and engineers define energy as the capacity to do work.
• In many cases energy and work are equivalent; the work done on an
object is equal to the energy gained by the object.
Example 1.1
A force of 50 pounds pushes a box along a floor a distance of 100 feet.
How much work (in ft lb) has been done? How much energy (in
joules) has been expended?
Work = force × distance = 50 lb × 100 ft = ft lb
Energy expended = work done = 5000 ft lb × 1.36 joule ft lb =

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Materials Science and Engineering
Forms of Energy
• Energy comes in many forms and can in principle be transformed
from one form to another without loss. “Principle of Energy

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Materials Science and Engineering
Motion Energy
• Motion energy is the energy due to the movement of an object.
• The faster the object moves, the higher its energy is.
• Also, a heavier object has more energy than a lighter one.
• Examples:
 A person cycling
 A bullet moving through the air
 Wind howling
Sound Energy
• Sound energy is due to the vibration of air particles.
• When these vibrations reach the ears, the brain perceives them as
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• Examples
 Drumming of drums
 A balloon popping
 A plane flying

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Materials Science and Engineering
Electrical Energy
• Electrical energy is due to the flow of electrons in a wire that
results in current.
• It is used at home to power electrical appliances.
• Powering a television
• Turning on the lights
• Lightning
 It is electric energy that allows us to have telephones, television,
lighting, air-conditioning, electric motors and etc.
 If an electric charge q is taken to a higher electric potential
(higher voltage) V, then it is capable of releasing its potential
energy, given by PE = q × V as heat or mechanical energy.
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Materials Science and Engineering
Chemical Energy
• Chemical energy is the energy stored in the bonds of a chemical
• It is released during a chemical reaction when the bond breaks.
 A battery powering a flashlight
 Gasoline fueling a vehicle
 Digesting food
• A battery, such as we have in a flashlight or automobile, is a
common device for storing electric energy.
• The chemicals in a battery have an inherent difference of
electric potential.
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Materials Science and Engineering
Chemical Energy
• When the battery is charged, energy is stored as chemical energy
for later use as electric energy.
• Thus a battery works both ways; it can convert electric energy to
chemical energy, or chemical energy to electric energy.
• Mechanical energy is converted to electric energy in a generator,
where conductors are forced to move through a magnetic field to
induce a voltage between the ends of the conductor.
• If a voltage is applied to the terminals of a common type of
generator, it can function as a motor, thereby converting electrical
energy to mechanical energy.

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Materials Science and Engineering
Thermal Energy
• Thermal energy is because of the random motion of atoms and
molecules in a substance.
• It is transferred as heat, which alters the temperature of the
• The thermal energy present underneath the Earth’s surface is
called Geothermal energy.
 Baking a pie in an oven
 A hot cup of coffee
 The heat from an electric heater

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Materials Science and Engineering
Gravitational Potential Energy
• Gravitational potential energy is due to the Earth’s gravitational
• It is the energy stored in an object due to its height from Earth’s
• The greater the height, the higher the gravitational potential
• An object suspended in the air
• A car on top of a hill
• An apple on a tree

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Materials Science and Engineering
Electric Potential Energy
• Electric potential energy is due to the interaction between
charged particles.
• A point charge in an electric field has potential energy.
• A point charge is a hypothetical charge located at a single point
in space.
• Capacitor
Elastic Potential Energy
• Elastic potential energy is stored in an elastic material when
compressed or stretched.
• When the energy is stored in the spring, it is called spring energy.
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Materials Science and Engineering
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• A stretched rubber band
• An archer stretching a bow
• A person jumping on a trampoline
Nuclear Energy
• Nuclear energy is the energy inside the atoms that make up
• It is released when atoms combine (nuclear fusion) or split
(nuclear fission).
• The fusion reaction in the Sun
• Fission reaction in nuclear power plants to produce electricity
• Fission reaction in a nuclear bomb
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Materials Science and Engineering
Mass Energy
• Energy can be converted to mass, and mass can be converted to

• In nuclear reactors there we have atomic nuclei coming together

in a reaction with the resulting products having less mass than
what went into the reaction.
• The mass that is lost in the reaction appears as energy according
to the Einstein equation : ΔE =
• The energy that appears, ΔE, is in joules if Δm (missing mass ) is
in kilograms and c is in meters per second.
• Because c is such a very large number, 3 × 108 m∕sec, a small
loss of mass results in a huge release of energy.
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Materials Science and Engineering
Radiant Energy
• Radiant energy is due to oscillating electric and magnetic fields.
• It propagates in a direction perpendicular to the planes of
• Particles or waves carry the energy.
• Light and heat from the Sun
• Radiation emitted by an X-ray machine
• Microwave emitted by a microwave oven
Electromagnetic Radiation
• The energy radiated by the sun travels to the earth and
elsewhere by electromagnetic radiation.
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• That part of the spectrum of electromagnetic energy to which our
eyes are sensitive is known as visible light, and a large fraction
of the solar energy we receive is in the form of visible light.
• The electromagnetic spectrum covers a very wide range of
frequency, and visible light is only a small part of the entire
• Various portions of the electromagnetic spectrum are important
to the transformation and use of energy on earth.
• The portion that includes radio waves and microwaves is
generated by electronic devices.
• Light and x-rays have their origin in atomic excitations and
radiating electrons. Gamma rays are produced by the decay of
excited states of atomic nuclei.
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Materials Science and Engineering
• Power is the time rate of using, or delivering, energy:
Power = energy/ time (1 W = 1 J∕sec)
• Energy = power × time.
• In the British system, the unit of power is the horsepower, where one
horsepower is 550 foot-pounds per second and it is equivalent to
raising a 55 pound weight a distance of 10 feet every second
• The rating of an electric power plant should be in the power unit of
watts, as it can supply electrical energy at a certain rate.
• The units of kilowatts ( 10 ^3 W), megawatts ( 10 ^6 W), and Giga
watts ( 10 ^9W) are also often used.
• If a power plant operating at a steady power P has run for a time t, then
the energy produced is
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Materials Science and Engineering
Cont’d . . .
 The common unit for energy in this case of electricity generation
is the kilowatt-hour (kWh).
 Over a given time, such as a day, the amount of electrical energy
in kilowatt-hours delivered is given by multiplying the power
rating in kilowatts by the number of hours in a day.
 One kilowatt-hour is 3.6 × 106 joules
The British Thermal Unit
• (Btu) in discussions of fuel and insulation.
• One Btu is defined to be the amount of heat energy required to
raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree
• A Btu is a relatively large amount of energy; it is the same as
1055 joules.
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Materials Science and Engineering
• It is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one
gram of water by one degree Celsius, or the amount of energy given
off when one gram of water cools by one degree Celsius.
• The calorie is much smaller than the Btu.
• The conversion factor is 252 calories per Btu.
• The measure of food energy is also known as the kilocalorie.
• The prefix “kilo” denotes 1000.

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Materials Science and Engineering
The Foot-Pound
• A force of one pound acting through a distance of one foot by
definition expends one foot-pound of energy, and one foot-pound
of work is done.
• 1 Btu is the same as 778 foot-pounds or vice versa.
The Electron-Volt
• In dealing with problems in electronics, or atomic and nuclear
physics, it is convenient to have a very small unit for the
extremely small amounts of energy involved.
• The electron-volt is so small that it takes 6 × of them to
equal one joule.
• eV, is related to the idea of moving one electron through an
electric potential difference of one volt.
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Materials Science and Engineering
Scientific Notation
• known as powers-of-ten
• For multiplication, say of 4.30 × by 6.21 × , we first
multiply in the usual way the 4.30 by the 6.21 and obtain 26.7.
 In any multiplication, the powers of ten are simply added.
(4.30 × ) × (6.21 × ) = 26.7 ×
3.50 × /2.10 × = 1.67 ×
(48.0 × ) - (3.6 × ) = 44.4 ×
100 is always equal to 1. any number raised to the zero power is
equal to 1
Example 1.3
The temperature of 15 pounds of water in a tank has been raised by
10 degrees Fahrenheit.
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Materials Science and Engineering
Cont’d . . .
How many Btu of heat energy was added to the water? What is this
energy in joules?
For water:
Energy (Btu) = weight (lb) × ΔT ( F) = 15 lb × 100F = Btu
Energy (joule) = 150 Btu × 1055 joule∕Btu = , joules
Example 1.4
The mass of a pencil is 10 grams. What is the equivalent mass
energy in joules?
E (joules) = m (kilograms) × c2 (meters2∕second2) and
m = 10 g × 1 kg∕1000 g = 0.01 kg
c = 3 × 108 meter∕second
c2 = 9 × 1016(m∕sec)2
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Materials Science and Engineering
Cont’d . . .
E = 0.01 × 9 × 1016
= × 𝟏𝟒 joules
Energy Consumption in the United States
• Energy consumption occurs when the fossil fuel is burned or
when energy is put to use by the consumer.
• The consumption of energy can be used for a (an):
 convenient transportation,
 abundant food and water,
 comfortably heated and cooled residencies and places of work,
 ample production of goods, and
 many other aspects of the good life involve.
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Principle of Energy Conservation

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Materials Science and Engineering
Transformation of Energy from One Form to

Energy is conserved in each transformation.

Figure 1.3 Steps in the transformation of the nuclear fusion energy
in the sun to the electric energy used in a residence or industry. This
example involves a time period of hundreds of millions of years.
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Materials Science and Engineering
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Materials Science and Engineering
1. Kraushaar, Jack J., and Ristinen, Robert A. Energy and Problems of a Technical
Society, second edition. New York: John Wiley, 1993.
2. Priest, Joseph. Energy, Principles, Problems, Alternatives, sixth edition. Dubuque,
IA: Kendall/ Hunt, 2012.
3. Aubrecht, Gordon J., Energy: Physical, Environmental, and Social Impact. 3rd
edition, Addison-Wesley, 2005.
4. Parfit, Michael; photographs by Leen, Sarah; After Oil, Powering the Future;
National Geographic 208 2 (August 2005), pp. 2–31.
5. Basic Petroleum Data Book, American Petroleum Institute,
6. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review, energy/,
7. United Nations Data Portal; Global statistics on GDP, population:
8. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Energy Flow,, https://
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