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The Shriram Millennium School, Noida

Cycle Test – Semester I (Practice Paper)

Subject: Chemistry Extended (0620)
Class: X

Name: _______________________ Roll number: __________ Max. Marks: 40


• The Question paper comprises of 3 Sections.

• Section A comprises of Multiple-choice questions, Section B has short answer type questions
while Section C has questions based on practical skills.
• All questions are compulsory.
• Read all questions carefully before attempting.
• All questions are to be attempted on the given question paper.
• The number of marks is given in the brackets at the end of each question or a part of a
• The total number of marks for this Question Paper is 40.
• Diagrams, if any, must be drawn with a pencil.
• Total number of printed pages is 11.
• Last page can be used as a rough page.

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1. A hydrocarbon has the following structural formula (Fig 1).

Fig 1
The Empirical and Molecular formula of the compound are:
A. C4H8, CH2
B. C4H6, C2H3
C. CH2, C4H8
D. C2H3, C4H6

2. Iron and magnesium are both used in alloys.

Which one of these diagrams (Fig 2), A, B, C or D, best represents an alloy?

Fig 2

3. The list shows the order of reactivity of some elements.

K Na Ca Mg Zn Fe H Cu
Which statement about the reactivity of the metallic elements is correct?
A. Potassium reacts with water to form hydrogen gas.
B. Copper reacts with steam to form hydrogen gas.
C. Magnesium is more reactive than calcium.
D. Sodium oxide is reduced by carbon to sodium.

4. Which statement about metals is not correct?

A. They conduct electricity because delocalised electrons can move throughout the metal.
B. They consist of layers of atoms that can slide over each other.
C. They have a giant lattice of oppositely charged ions in a sea of delocalised electrons.
D. They have a giant lattice of positive ions in a sea of delocalised electrons.

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5. Zinc is extracted from its ore, zinc blende, using two chemical reactions.
1. 2ZnS + 3O2 → 2ZnO + 2SO2
2. 2ZnO + C → 2Zn + CO2

Which substance is reduced in reactions 1 and 2?

6. Aluminium is used to make containers for storing food.

Which property makes it suitable for this use?

A. conducts heat
B. low density
C. resists corrosion
D. shiny surface

7. Which statements about homologous series are correct?

1. All members have similar chemical properties.
2. All members have the same molecular mass.
3. Ethane and ethene are members of the same homologous series.
4. Ethane and propane are members of the same homologous series.

A. 1 and 3
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 2 and 4
8. Zinc oxide is amphoteric.
Which row describes the reactions of zinc oxide?

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9. Which row shows how the hydrogen ion concentration and pH of ethanoic acid compare to
those of hydrochloric acid of the same concentration?

10. A pure sample of the insoluble salt barium carbonate can be made using the method given.
step 1: Dissolve barium chloride in water.
step 2: Separately dissolve sodium carbonate in water.
step 3: Mix the two solutions together.
step 4: Filter the mixture.
step 5:
step 6: Dry the residue between two sheets of filter paper.

Which instruction is missing from step 5?

A. Heat the residue to dryness.
B. Heat the residue to the point of crystallisation.
C. Place the filtrate in an evaporating basin.
D. Wash the residue with water.


11. Predict the structural formula of the compound formed when hydrogen chloride reacts with But-2-

[Total: 1 mark]

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12. The table 1 shows some observations made when four metals are heated with liquid sulphur.

Table 1

Use this information to put the four metals in order of their reactivity.
Put the least reactive metal first.
Least reactive More reactive


[Total: 2 marks]

13. The hull of a ship is made from steel (mainly iron). Metal blocks are placed on the ship’s hull to
prevent rusting as shown in fig 3.

Fig 3
Use your knowledge of the reactivity series to explain why:
● Magnesium is suitable to use as the metal blocks.



● Copper is not suitable to use as the metal blocks.


[Total: 2]

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14. (i) Give the essential condition for the reaction between Chlorine and Propane.


(ii) What type of reaction is this?

[Total: 2 marks]

15. Petroleum-based diesel is a mixture of hydrocarbon, such as octane and octene.

Describe a test which would distinguish between Octane and Octene.


Result with Octane……………………………………………………………………………


Result with Octene……………………………………………………………………………


[Total: 3 marks]

16. Iron is extracted from iron ore using a blast furnace.

The solid substances added to the blast furnace are iron ore, coke and limestone (Calcium
carbonate). Complete the sentences about the reactions which occur in a blast furnace using words
from the list:
air decomposes dioxide monoxide
nitrogen oxidises slag tetrachloride

The coke burns in a blast of hot ...................................... to form carbon dioxide. This

reacts with further hot coke to form carbon ...................................... . This gas reduces the

iron (III) oxide in the iron ore to iron.

The limestone ...................................... to form lime (calcium oxide) which reacts with

impurities in the iron to form ...................................... . [4]


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17. Magnesium sulfate and lead(II) sulfate are examples of salts.
(a) A student prepared magnesium sulfate crystals starting from magnesium carbonate. The
student carried out the experiment in four steps.

step 1 The student added excess magnesium carbonate to a small volume of dilute sulfuric acid
until no more magnesium carbonate would react.
step 2 The student filtered the mixture.
step 3 The student heated the filtrate obtained from step 2 until it was saturated.
step 4 The student allowed the hot filtrate to cool to room temperature and then remove the
crystals which formed.
(i) How did the student know when the reaction had finished in step 1?

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Name the residue in step 2.

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) A saturated solution forms in step 3.

What is a saturated solution?


........................................................................................................................................ [2]

(iv) Explain why magnesium sulfate crystals form during step 4.


........................................................................................................................................ [1]
[Total: 5]

18. The alkene forms a homologous series. The first member is Ethene and the third member is

CH2 = CH2 CH3-CH2-CH=CH2

Ethenel Butene

(a) (i) Give two general characteristics of a homologous series.




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(ii) Calculate the mass of one mole of the C8 alkene.(Given: Atomic mass for C=12u and H=1u)


(b) Give the name and structural formula of the second member of the series. [1+1]


Structural formula:

(c) The structural formula of the fifth member; Hexene is drawn below:

CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH = CH2

Draw the structural formula of an isomer of this alkene. [1]


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19. A solid, L was analysed and found to be copper(II) chloride.

The tests on the solid, and some of the observations, are shown.

(a) Describe the appearance of solid L.

observation ................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) Distilled water was added to solid L and shaken to dissolve.

The solution was divided into two equal portions in two test-tubes and the following tests
carried out.

(i) Drops of aqueous ammonia were added to the first portion of the solution.
Excess ammonia solution was then added to the mixture and shaken.

observation .........................................................................................................................



....................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Excess aqueous sodium hydroxide was added to the second portion of the solution.

observation .........................................................................................................................

....................................................................................................................................... [1]

Rough Space

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Test for aqueous cations

Test for gases

Flame tests for metal ions

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