Battle Line

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The battle line is a story of a young man who happens to be a moralist and was ready to stand against
atrocities in his political party but was eventually killed after many attempt to stop him prove abortive.
Eventually, someone else show up in the same political party and he happened to be a Christian whose
coming into the political party and what he stood for created a battle line as every dark power to stop him
prove abortive.


A woman was found wailing and crying the death of her husband’s as memories of their being together
begin to flash through her memory

MUM FOLAKE: Ah! What do I do now? And I told him to stop involving himself but he would not listen to
me. Despite all my advice, he would not listen. It has happened. (Every attempt to stop him from crying
continually prove abortive.

POEOPLE: Mummy Folake! We understand the weight of this matter but you just have to take heart
because wailing and crying like this will not bring your husband back. You just have to take heart.

MUM FOLAKE: Please! Let me just die with him. There is no reason to live at all.


A flashback to MR. ADEBISI involvement in politics while he was still alive.

PARTY LEADER: Like I said the other time, by God’s grace, we received the fund we requested for the
youth empowerment from the national headquarter yesterday and we are so happy that it was exactly
the amount we requested for, a sum of 3million naira was received into the ward account yesterday.

MR. ROWLAND: Without wasting much time, I think you should give us the ratio of distribution and let’s
know what’s left to put some little things in place.

PARTY LEADER: Yes! The Fin sec already do a breakdown of what goes to the individual and what goes to
individual and the settlement for some of the top officials of the party.

MR ADEBISI: Please sir, I have an objection to this. I thought we have mandate for this money we are
talking about. I am not a Christian, neither am I a Muslim but as you see me, I am a humanist. I believe in
doing things right for people and my former party know me for this. In totality, I disagree that such money
be used for anything outside its purpose.

MR COLE: Oga! You had better calm down. We are not kids in politics. It is not a must to collect but if you
don’t want, you can’t stop those who want to partake of this communion. So please, let’s know what we
are doing.

(He disagreed and there was an uproar in the meeting hall as they begin to shout at one another)

(The party leader and some others gang up to make enchantment against Mr. Adebisi while he was found
sleeping and snoring in his room)

MR. ADEBISI: Shouted while he was sleeping and that was the end of his life.


(We saw the brother praying all night on directions regarding his involvement in the leadership of his

BENJAMIN: God! What will you have me do? I don’t want to engage in this because everyone is going into
it. Please give me specific direction on what exactly I am going to do.

VOICE: You would be there to drive a change and as well make disciples among the rotten people who
are there through your life.


(Benjamin was introduces to the party and he was welcome as a new member)

BENJAMIN: I will just like to say a very big thank you for the warmth reception. May God bless you all?


(Brother Benjamin and his church Pastor discussing the issue of his engagement in politics)

PASTOR: Bro Benjamin! I want to appreciate you for being so great a brother in the church and for
contributing immensely to the work of the gospel) but please I just have something to say and admonish.
You know the bible say something, let he that stand take heed lest he fall. And the bible also says that do
not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. (It means that as believers, there are something that God must
help us to stay from if we will not lose our salvation).

BENJAMIN: Thank you so much pastor for all these counsel but I will like to ask if the Lord has said
something specific about the areas where I am digressing, I will ready to repent.

PASTOR: Chaii! Thank you Jesus for confirming your word. That’s why I love the kind of person you are
Brother Benjamin. You see, recently, I got to know that you have finally taken the decision to be fully
involved in politics and like I have been saying for long, you can’t just cope in this game as a believer who
is heaven going.

BENJAMIN: But pastor I will like to ask. If we are not to be involved in politics, what do you say about
Daniel and Joseph who are men of God but serve God in various capacities of government?

PASTOR: You see! The era of Daniel and Joseph is different from the one we are now oooo! Life is more
deadly now than then brother.

BENJAMIN: Pastor! Thank you so much for your care and concern but I want to say that I have earnestly
pray about this and I have the conviction to push on in the sector of the world. You just help in prayer and
I am sure that God would work wonders.

The first general meeting involving all the council members and Benjamin ensure push forward his own
believe system and ideology.

PARTY LEADER: So, as we all know that election is fast approaching and we need to be up and doing in
ensuring that this party win that election. Whatever it will take we must be done. First I want to inform
us that as agreed by the party dignitaries, we have been able to deploy some tech guys who will be involve
in the cooking of fake news against the opposition party and also helps us using the tech to propagate the
gospel of our candidate. So be rest assured.

I will like to ask Mr. Benjamin if you have been to forge some of the document given to you as proof for
the court case we will be defending against one of the opposition party.

BENJAMIN: I am sorry leader. I still remain firm on my stand that I am a believer and I will not be able to
do something of such. I stand for the truth and nothing else but the truth. I will advise will enter into this
legally and trust God to help us overcome. If we are right, victory is on our side.

BABA ALAJA: What’s the problem of all these Christians? Does this place look like a church? Why should
you always be adamant about your religion when it comes to doing things for the party?

BENJAMIN: Sorry sir! It is because I have just one life to live and the life I live is simply for Christ and
nothing more. I will like to suggest that you should just forget about the forging of the certificate and I will
be the at the forefront of the defense of the party. Leave it to me and see what happens.


(Discussion amidst people of the party concerning the victory of the party and were all discussing

PARTY LEADER: We are so glad for this victory because it is a plus for us in the forthcoming election. Thank
God for all the strategy used by Mr. Benjamin. That man is so blessed with wisdom. I couldn’t close my
mouth during the court proceedings, just too accurate.


Benjamin received a call of a diversion of fund from the party elders for a particular project for personal

BENJAMIN: Sir, I am sorry, I am not in support of this sir, and you couldn’t just divert such huge amount
and expect things to be working well.

PARTY LEADER: Benjamin, we are telling you this because we know the kind of person you are to the party
and areas you are upholding but you had better to look down on this opportunity. Now if you don’t
understand what I am saying, you will have 40% of the total amount we are talking about and you know
the kind of figure I am talking about.

BENJAMIN: Leader sir! I am not interested and if you go ahead in this, I can promise you that the end of
it will detrimental.

PARTY LEADER: Benjmain! Benjamin!! Benjamin!


(Night enchantment by the party leader and some other person)

PARTY LEADER: Benjamin! We call you memory and it must be lost of every information regarding the
party money to be shared. During the meeting tomorrow, everything will work against you to stop you
from showing up in the meeting. You will be too tire

(Benjamin was found on the other hand praying in the Holyghost)


(Benjamin and party leader conversation on phone as he spoke with something fetish on the phone)

PARTY LEADER: Ben! How are you? What’s your schedule today? Will you be coming for the meeting?

BENJAMIN: I actually wish to be in attendance but as I woke up this morning, I feel so week and besides,
I will have to be in a meeting any moment from now

PARTY LEADER: Oh! We really miss you in the meeting, but no problem, all report will be given to you.

BENJAMIN: No problem sir, thank you so much sir.

VOICE OVER: You bother not to ask me if you are supposed to be In the meeting or not? Is that how will
structure it to be?

BENJAMIN: Oh! I am sorry Lord! What should I do?

VOICE OVER: You will have to go for the meeting now. So prepare.

(Benjamin prepare to leave the house as he entered his car and was on his way going)


(The party elders are about to distribute the available money and they are already drawing proposals on
how it should go)

PARTY LEADER: So! Let’s calculate five hundred thousand for each sub group and see what that will
amount to In order to have an accurate figure.

(Ben’s car mistakingly climb on something while he was rushing and they stopped him from going but with
all his pleading they couldn’t listen to him )

PARTY ELEADER: Now that we have the accurate figure, let the distribution start (They brought out a
Ghanamustgo )

(Ben was released but and he started rushing not until fuel finishes in his car and the Holy Ghost asked
him to move with his leg while he left his car parked)
PARTY LEADER: Youth leader please come forwards!

(Benjamin entered and everyone were shocked)

PARTY LEADER: Ah! But Ben you said you would not be in this meeting

BENJAMIN: Yes! But I had a reschedule of plan. But I thought we are about doing something, I can see the
bag at the front so let’s go.

PARTY LEADER: NO! We will not be able to move on with this meeting, we have to stop here.

(Everybody kept looking in dismay as there was nothing to say again)

The whole meeting scattered and everyone started grumbling as they go their various houses.


(Ben in an opening ceremony and inauguration of the catch them young initiative programme that is
geared towards helping the young people to acquire one skill on the other and at the same time raise them
for Christ without charging a dime)

MODERATOR: So, it is time to listen to the testimony of some of the beneficiary of this programme. You
tell us your name, your programme and how your life has been changed through the programme.

BAYO: (In tears) My name is Bayo and I am from Osun state. Some years back I decided to join some group
of young people in engaging in some illicit act since I could not cater for myself after the death of my
parent by an assassin due to their involvement in politics. But today, the greatest thing I have now is Christ
after which I am able to master the skill of a Graphic designer professionally! God will bless Mr. Benjamin

(Mr Benjamin ever come up to round off the programe)

BENJAMIN: Dear student, I want to encourage you not play with whatever have been deposited in you
hear. This life of Christ that you have caught must shine brighter. Which course you have studied, any
organization where you find yourself, no that it is first unto the kingdom and nothing else matter other
than this.


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