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max and isaac

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“public goods”
Public-good campaign is an effort to make the
community and the society better.

1. What's the goal of the message here? The goal of the message The goal
of the message is to convince the readers that their lifestyle will change
and be better.
2. Who is the intended audience? The intended audience are people that
need better health depending on their problems.
3. What techniques are used to attract your attention? They use a slogan of
“This Is Me Now” to show that the man jumping has changed for good and
use the text “Let’s Do This” to show that there will be people to help you.
4. What lifestyles, values, or points of view are represented? The lifestyle said
will be given will be a better life which might not actually work and the
lifestyle promised isn’t really a 100% change to the lifestyle.
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The Mujahid of Islam
Government and Osama Bin Laden
politics e.g election
The Mujahid of Islam is the person who fights the
enemies of Islam (Jihad).
1. What's the goal of the message here? The goal is to inform people about
Osama Bin Laden and how he was a terrorist.
2. Who is the intended audience? It is for people that understand the Arabic
language and to bring fear people such as americans.
3. What techniques are used to attract your attention? The techniques used are
military planes, missiles and airplanes to bring in fear for Americans and
others to remind them of 9/11 (September 11th 2001, terrorists crashed into the
Word Trade Center)
4. What lifestyles, values, or points of view are represented? The POV of Osama
Bin Laden is mainly causing trouble to America so they can gain power and
the land.
The light of god is the light
of disbelief

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