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Learning Design for: Introduction to Training and the Role of the Trainer

Topic Training and the role of the trainer During this session, learners will deal with these
topics: (1) the role of the trainer, (2) personal
Total learning time Description
and professional characteristics of the trainer,
Designed learning time 3 hours and (3) knowledge and skills of the trainer.

Class size 25 Mode of delivery Classroom-based

Sharing and processing knowledge as well as personal and professional perspectives related to the topic "becoming an effective trainer"

● Comprehension: to understand the concepts of training, knowledge and skills
● Uncategorised: To reflect on the role of trainers and gain awareness of their own idea of training
● Uncategorised: To identify perspectives, insights and ideas about the role of an effective trainer and the value of training

Teaching-Learning Activities
Teacher Online/ Synch/
1 Opening Session present? Not Online? Asynch?

Read Watch Listen The educator welcomes the participants, setting the tone for the session. 10 22

The educator asks each learner to introduce him/herself briefly and to present
Produce 10 22
his/her previous experience as a participant or trainer.

Learners are involved in an ice-breaking activity to recall the names of

Collaborate 10 22
participants (snowball)

- Plan of the day
- Tennis ball

Learning Design for: Introduction to Training and the Role of the Trainer

Teacher Online/ Synch/

2 Dealing with the concepts of training, knowledge, and skills present? Not Online? Asynch?

Read Watch Listen The educator introduces the concepts of knowledge, skills, and training. 10 22

Group discussion among learners. They are asked to share some peer learning
Discuss 10 5

A representative from each group summarises and presents to the class what
Discuss 10 22
has been discussed previously in his/her group

Tools: Slide presentation, projector, markers and paper for sharing

Teacher Online/ Synch/

3 Reflecting on the role of the trainer and becoming aware of one’s own training perspective present? Not Online? Asynch?

Learners bring the results of the TPI (which they have previously done at home)
Discuss 10 5
to class and discuss them in small groups.

The educator explains the different perspectives of TPIs and highlights the
Read Watch Listen 10 22
different traits, engaging the participants in the discussion.

Group task: In groups, students define the personal and professional

Produce 10 5
characteristics of a good trainer, identifying 5 positive features.

Learners share their lists and briefly describe them in plenary. They discuss the
Discuss different features highlighted in groups and create a class list as a result of their 10 22

Tools: Sheets, projector, markers

Learning Design for: Introduction to Training and the Role of the Trainer

Teacher Online/ Synch/

4 Generating ideas on how to become an effective trainer present? Not Online? Asynch?

The educator deals with the role and competences of the trainer, also focusing
Read Watch Listen 20 22
on trainer styles.

Group task: In groups, learners try to associate the four appropriate trainer styles
Collaborate 10 5
with real situations.

Produce The results of the previous activity are discussed in the whole class. 10 22

Tools: Rules for group work, organisation of the setting in circular tables for the groups

Teacher Online/ Synch/

5 Concluding reflections and feedback on the session present? Not Online? Asynch?

Think-pair-share: the learners are asked to identify three key words related to the
Discuss 5 2
topics covered during the session.

Collaborate Each learner answers a critical incident questionnaire using wooclap. 10 1

The educator downloads the results and shares them with the learners. The
Produce 5 22
educator and learners agree on the next session.

Tools: Questionnaire

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