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As Oliver ventured further into the heart of his quest, guided by the enigmatic map from Mr.
Whittaker's shop, he found himself on a path that wound through dense forests and over
rolling hills. Each step was a discovery, every turn a new chapter in his unfolding adventure.

One chilly morning, with the map clenched tightly in his hand, Oliver followed a narrow trail
that led deep into the ancient woods. The trees whispered secrets to him as sunlight filtered
through their canopy, dappling the forest floor with patches of gold.

Suddenly, Oliver stumbled upon a clearing bathed in the soft glow of twilight. In the center
stood a stone circle, weathered with age yet pulsing with a faint aura of magic. Curiosity
tingling in his veins, Oliver approached cautiously, feeling the hairs on his arms stand on end
as he stepped into the circle.

As if summoned by his presence, a figure materialized before him—a majestic stag with
antlers that seemed to reach for the heavens. Its eyes, wise and ancient, regarded Oliver
with a mixture of curiosity and solemnity.

"You seek answers, young traveler," the stag spoke, its voice echoing like distant thunder.

Oliver nodded, heart pounding with awe. "I seek the wisdom to understand this map, to
unravel the mysteries it holds."

The stag nodded solemnly. "The map is a key to the realms of magic that still linger in this
world," it explained. "But such knowledge comes with a price. Are you prepared to face the
challenges that lie ahead?"

Determined, Oliver squared his shoulders. "I am," he replied with unwavering resolve.

With a gentle nod, the stag lowered its head and touched its majestic antlers to the map in
Oliver's hand. Instantly, the parchment glowed with a soft, ethereal light, illuminating a path
that stretched far beyond the boundaries of the known world.

"Follow the light, young Oliver," the stag whispered, its voice fading like a breeze through the
leaves. "Trust in your heart, and you shall find the answers you seek."

As the stag vanished into the shimmering twilight, leaving Oliver standing in the ancient
stone circle, he knew that his journey had taken a profound turn. With newfound courage
and a sense of wonder burning bright within him, Oliver set forth once more, following the
illuminated path on the map towards the next chapter of his extraordinary adventure.

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