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Rencana Pertemuan dan Materi Mata Kuliah “Bahasa Inggris 2”

Program Studi Ilmu Al Qur’an dan Tafsir, Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab, dan Dakwah
IAIN Ponorogo
Dosen Pengampu : Rizqi Akbarani, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.

Pertemuan Ke- Materi Kegiatan

1 Introduction Introduction between lecturer and student
Kontrak Kuliah
2 The World of Second Why are you studying English?
3 Informal English Discussing about informal English
4 Formal English Discussing about formal English
5 Asking for and giving How to asking for assistance
assistance How to giving assistance
6 Asking and giving How to asking opinion
opinion How to giving opinion
7 Curriculum Vitae Make a CV
8 UTS Make a curriculum vitae
9 Application Letters Make application letters
10 Job Interview Make a draft job interview question
11 Job Interview Make video about job interview (1 group 2 students)
12 An appointment Make an appointment in formal
13 Discussion Text PPT about Discussion Text
Make discussion text
14 Descriptive Text PPT about Description Text
Writing practice and speaking practice
15 Review Text PPT about review text
16 UAS Review Text Make review text about Indonesian Movies
Kontrak Kuliah
1. Mahasiswa harus mengikuti perkuliahan minimal 12 kali pertemuan
2. Teknik Penilaian
Kehadiran : 10%
Tugas : 40%

Keaktifan : 10%
UTS : 20%
UAS : 20%

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