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Wireless Personal Communications

Wearable Wireless Sensors Network for ECG Telemonitoring

Using Neural Network for Features Extraction

Amina El Attaoui1 · Marouane Hazmi1 · Abdelilah Jilbab1 ·

Abdennasser Bourouhou1

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

The technological progress of wireless communication, embedded systems and health
offers innovative alternatives to medical care, in particular, telemonitoring and telediag-
nosis. ECG signal monitoring is a vital indicator in the control of heart disease. Neverthe-
less, one of the main challenges of remote monitoring of heart rate is the requirement of
control in accordance with the service provided by hospital equipment. In this article, an
approach to ECG telemonitoring based on wireless sensor networks combined with the
Internet of Things (IoT) is proposed. The ECG signal is measured using a wearable sensor
node allowing high-frequency noise suppression. The collected data is transmitted to the
Gateway node, which performs complex processing including baseline and linear varia-
tions suppression using polynomial interpolation, extraction of R peaks using the Multi-
layer Perceptron Neural Network. It can determine the variation in heart rate by the using
the extracted R signal. Thanks to IoT technology, the Gateway node is able to aggregate
data into an IoT platform through an IoT cloud for visual telemonitoring of heart rate in
real-time. The experimental results show that the system is effective and reliable for the
collection, transmission, and display of ECG data in real time for the purpose of telemoni-
toring of patients with heart disease.

Keywords Electrocardiogram · Heart rate (HR) · Telemonitoring · Wireless sensors

network (WSN) · Internet of Things (IoT)

1 Introduction

The skyrocketing chronic diseases and the continued aging of the world’s population
demand more efficient and modern health services. Actually, In the last decade, many
technological innovations in biomedical equipment in health centers fulfill this demand of
adorable diagnosis and treatment, providing fast and accurate analysis. Though, there is a
requirement a remote and real-time monitoring system for patients with chronic diseases

* Amina El Attaoui
Electronics Systems, Sensors and Nanobiotechnologies E2SN, STIS Research Center, ENSET,
Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco

A. El Attaoui et al.

and the elderly people [1]. Numerous smart telemonitoring systems are available today [2],
most of them integrating sensors measuring physiological signals and transmit them to a
central unit [3].
Wireless wearable biomedical sensors dedicated to monitoring patient’s health espe-
cially in their daily routine provide the potential for significant improvement in the quality
of life [4]. Thanks to the use of these wireless sensors, a considerable number of important
health information can be measured remotely [5], such as ECG signal, which is widely
applied in diagnosis due to the prevalence of heart disease.
The ECG signal is the most important vital diagnosis that provides key information
about heart disease abnormalities. Early detection of these cardiac arrhythmias can prolong
life by enjoying treatment [6]. Moreover, patients suffer chronic heart disease (i.e. Strokes
and heart attacks) requiring frequent hospitalizations for examination and control, which
inevitably increase the burden of hospitals.
ECG remote monitoring system is a non-invasive technique evaluating the heart’s elec-
trical activities and detecting the heart rate disorders reliving patients from frequent hos-
pitals visits. The wreless sensors Nodes can support ECG monitoring measured by the
electrodes, and transmitted via a communication unit to the health professional through a
Gateway node or Sink, which allows a long distance and early intervention to prevent clini-
cal occurrences [7].
Recently, telemonitoring systems based on the Wireless Sensor Network and the Inter-
net of Things (IoT) succeed popularity in personalized health systems thanks to the real-
time connectivity of sensing devices and the cloud server [1]. The aggregate of the two
technologies for physiological data monitoring purposes, including the ECG signal, allows
a large amount of data to be transmitted in real time for remote monitoring envisaged to
that inside the hospital.
Chan et al. [1] presented a patch sensor consisting of two electrodes (ECG) measuring
heart rate (HR), which can transmit data via Bluetooth Low Energy tranceiver. A Medium
Absolute Error (MAE) of 2 bpm was generated by comparing the heart rate measured by
this sensor with a reference device, evaluating the sensor on a total of 25 adult participants
in different scenarios (walking, running etc.).
Another solution is described by Bakul et al. who introduce remote ECG signal moni-
toring through wireless sensor networks. A different sampling rate, bit resolution and a
number of leads was deal in the recording scheme while reducing the amount of data to be
transmitted by the IEEE 802.15.4 transceiver [8].
Spano et al. [9] have developed a novel ECG telemonitoring system in residential envi-
ronments integrated into an Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure. The proposed prototype
consists of a complete solution supporting ECG prototype sensors with a low energyrecord,
an architecture providing a low marginal cost per additional sensor and the possibility of
transparent combination with other intelligent home systems via IoT networks.
As for ECG data optimization for the telemonitoring using the WBAN Lalos et al. [10]
proposed two ECG reconstruction algorithms based on compressed sensing to minimize
the samples to be transmitted, which they are exploiting the block structure of the ECG in
the time domain (TD) and in an uncorrelated domain (UD). The comparison results of the
proposed approach with conventional CS techniques show the reduction in the compres-
sion ratio (CR) by 20 and 44 respectively.
An efficient method has been proposed by Yang et al. [11] based mainly on IoT for ECG
monitoring, where data is collected by a wearable node. Data can be transmitted directly
and in real time to a cloud IoT via a Wi-Fi module using the MQTT and HTTP protocols.

Wearable Wireless Sensors Network for ECG Telemonitoring Using…

In this paper, a multilevel architecture of the ECG telemonitoring system based on

the WSN combined with Internet-of-Things (IoT) network is proposed. Based on this
architecture, the design and implement of wireless ECG monitoring sensor network are
described. The ECG data gathered by the sensor node from the human body will be
transmitted through a radio-frequency transceiver to a Gateway node for processing and
heart rate detection. A Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MPLNN) is implemented
in the Gateway node to extract RR signal from ECG signal sent by the sensor node,
moreover, the heartbeat per minute is calculated based on the RR signal. The Gateway
node is also responsible to transfer data to the IoT cloud using Wi-Fi medium. In order
to provide convenient and timely access to data for the user, the MQTT servers are
deployed in the Gateway node providing data storage in the IoT Cloud. A graphical IoT
platform is used allowing easy access to the health professionals and patients to the data
aggregated on the Cloud. The proposed architecture has been deployed and tested suc-
cessfully with effectiveness in ECG monitoring. This paper describes the hardware and
software platforms organized into four sections: Sect. 1 presents general system design.
Section 2 describes the implementation process of the developed system. Section 3
reveals the findings of experimental results. Section 4 reserved for technical evaluation
of the proposed architecture.

2 WSN Architecture Design

The general architecture of the proposed WSN for ECG telemonitoring is presented in
Fig. 1, which mainly relies on three levels, i.e. ECG sensing node, Gateway node, and
IoT platform.

• ECG sensing node perform signal measuring, high-frequency noise cancellation and
signal transmission to the Gateway node.


ECG Sensing
Node Iot Plateform

Gateway Node

Mobile Alarm

ECG Signal Acquisition ECG peaks Extraction Telemonitorng Interfaces

Data Agregation

Fig. 1  Architecture of the proposed WSN and IoT based ECG telemonitoring system

A. El Attaoui et al.

• The Gateway node responsible for data collection, post-processing and QRS segment
extraction, heart rate anomaly detection and alerting, and finally data aggregation in the
IoT Cloud.
• IoT platform provides remote, continuous and real-time monitoring of the heart rate.

2.1 ECG Sensing Node

A miniaturized wearable sensor node Fig. 2, which consists of an acquisition unit, a pro-
cessing unit, a communication unit, and a power unit. In this work, the prototype of this
node includes the AD8232 single lead heart rate sensor to measure the electrical activity of
the heart.
A digital Butterworth low pass filter of order 6 having 60 Hz cutoff frequency is imple-
mented in this node to remove higher frequency noise (e.g. EMG) from the measured ECG
signal. The filter is designed based on the specifications of the sampling frequency of ECG
data acquisition (Fs = 200 Hz), so a sampling interval (Ts) 0.5 ms.
The ECG data gathered are transmitted to the Gateway node via a Radio Frequency
(RF) medium using NRF24L01 transceiver [12], which is designed for ultra-low power
wireless application and operating in 2.4 GHz band.

2.2 Gateway Node

The Gateway node Fig. 3 has a specific role in this architecture, which is able to integrate
local WSN in the IoT network to aggregate data in the IoT Cloud. It is responsible for post-
processing of the ECG signal to eliminate baseline noise using two successive operations.

• First detrending ECG data to subtract the straight fit line.

• Second nonlinear trend cancelation using nonlinear polynomial interpolation, which
consists of fit a 10-order polynomial to the ECG data Eq. (1), then subtract it.

Arduino Lilypad ATM382

ECG Sensor AD8232

Fig. 2  Developped ECG sensing node

Wearable Wireless Sensors Network for ECG Telemonitoring Using…

Fig. 3  Gateway node

Raspberry Pi 3


P(x) = p1 xn + p2 xn−1 + ⋯ pn x + pn+1 , (1)

• With pi the coefficients and n the length of P(x)

With the aim to extract the significant feature from ECG data for the telemonitoring,
a Multilayers Perceptron Feed Forward Fully Connected Neural Network [13] has been
implemented in the Gateway node to extract the QRS peaks in real time facilitating the
heart rate determination and anomaly detection.
Actually, the artificial neural networks (ANN) have been applied to ECG signal, classifi-
cation, pattern recognition, and noise reduction [14]. Different experiments of ANN archi-
tectures with different training algorithms established to adjust these networks for ECG
signal diagnosis issues, which consists about evaluate the number of hidden layers, the
number of neurons in each hidden layers.
The implemented MLPNN algorithm is configured based on a series of trial and error

• Three hidden layers with the number of hidden neurons at the first are 30, the second is
15 and the third is 5.
• A polar sigmoid activation function is used Eq. (2).

f (x) = −1 + 2.∕(1 + exp(−x)), (2)

• The learning rate 𝜂 was fixed at 0.15.
• The predetermined value of Mean Squared Error (MSE) was set to ­10–12 to stop the
maximum number of epochs (1000) at the training phase.

A. El Attaoui et al.

• Achieve a local minimum error i.e. when the error between the input and the desired
output does not change.
• The backpropagation algorithm for training is done with Resilient Gradient Descent
options, where the parameters are set as follow:
• Learning rate plus 𝜂 += 1.2;
• Learning rate negative 𝜂 - 0.5;
• Deltas min

Δmin = 10−6
• Deltas max
Δmax = 50
In each training iteration, the neural network compares its output to a target contains just
the QRS peaks of the same ECG in input; moreover, the weights are updated according to
the error signal. Hence, the following function is minimized Eq. (3) [15]:
1 ∑
MSE = (t − ai )2 , (3)
N i i

with i: neuron indices, N: neurons number, ti, ai: measured output, desired output or target.
The weights are updated using the following function Eq. (4) [13]:
W(t + 1) = Wij (t) + 𝜂 , (4)

where 𝜂 is the learning rate, ij are the indices of i layer j neuron.

After peaks extraction, the Gateway node can determine the heart rate by calculating
Beat Per Minute BPM as described in Fig. 4. This BPM is transmitted timely to the IoT
platform using the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. The MQTT
provides a real-time data visualization on the IoT platform due to the long-lived connec-
tion between this node and the IoT Cloud [11]. In addition, the Gateway node is able to
detect and alert anomaly about heart rate, such as Bradycardia (BPM < 60) and Tachycar-
dia (BPM > 100) [16].

2.3 IoT Platform

The IoT platform is developed to provide remote and real-time access to ECG data trans-
mitted by WSN. In other words, this interface allows users with access rights (healthcare
professionals, nurses or patients) to remotely monitor through real-time visualization of
data retrieved from the IoT cloud.

3 Implementation Scenarios

Based on the architecture described in Sect. 2, the ECG telemonitoring WSN is imple-
mented using the advanced techniques of data acquisition, data Clouding, and data visuali-
zation. Details about the previously mentioned step are introduced as follow.

Wearable Wireless Sensors Network for ECG Telemonitoring Using…


Enable Wirless

Receive ECG data

Detrending ECG data

Baseline cancellation

ECG peaks extraction by MLPNN

Time = 60 s Memorize Extracted
ECG peaks


Determine heart rate: calculating BPM

Send BPM to IoT Cloud

Yes Send Alarm

BPM > 100


Yes Send Alarm

BPM < 60 Bradycardia

Fig. 4  Gateway node functioning flowchart

3.1 ECG Acquisition

The ECG sensing node can be deployed in patient’s clothes to acquiring ECG data from the
human body using ADS8332 with three electrodes as Fig. 2 shown. Normally conventional
12-lead systems can capture accurate ECG signals. Nevertheless, according to [17] a 3-lead
system is sufficient to measure the ECG signal while avoiding the negative effect of a large
number of electrodes on system portability and patient comfort.

A. El Attaoui et al.

Analog To Digital Measured Low-Pass Denoised Signal Transmission

ECG ECG Filter

Fig. 5  ECG sensing node functioning diagram

A bandpass filter is implemented in the ADS8232 to eliminate noise outside the

0.5–100 Hz band that is the typical frequency band of the ECG signal. This sensor delivers
an analog ECG from 0 to 3.3 V, which results in the need to sample the signal with a sam-
pling frequency set to 200 Hz. We used the ATMEGA238 microcontroller. Each sample
acquired by this unit passes through the low-pass filter (subsection A, Sect. 2) implemented
in the processing unit, before being stored in the transmission frame as shown in the dia-
gram in Fig. 5. Depending on the sampling frequency, the ECG detection node transmits
200 samples per second distributed over 32 kbs frames using the NRF24L01 transceiver.

3.2 Data Collection, Features Extraction, and Data Clouding

The Gateway node can communicate with ECG sensing node via the NRF24L01 medium
forming a short-range network (20 m) with a star topology. Also, it collects the ECG data
transmitted by the ECG sensing node and forms packets for further processed processing. Pol-
ynomial interpolation is introduced to remove baseline noise before the peaks extraction as the
diagram in Fig. 6 shown.

Received ECG Signal Linear Trend Baseline

Cancellation Cancellation Heart Beats
Linear Non Linear Extraction
polynomial polynomial
Interpolation Interpolation

Fatal BPM Heart Rate MLPNN

Alerting Detection Calculation

RR Signal
Heart Rate

Fig. 6  Gateway node functioning diagram

Wearable Wireless Sensors Network for ECG Telemonitoring Using…

Furthermore, the Gateway record the number of beats of each signal at the output of the
MLP neural network, allowing it to determine the BPM after receiving the measured ECG
data within a 60 seconds period Eqs. (5)–(7).
Durationinsec = length (RR signal)∕Sampling Frequency, (5)

Durationinminute = duration_in_sec∕60, (6)

BPM = number of detected beats∕duration_in_minute, (7)

As shown in Fig. 3 (subsection B, Sect. 2) the Raspberry Pi 3 [18] is used as a Gateway
node, where a Wi-Fi module is embedded in this device. As a result, the gateway can com-
municate continuously with the IoT platform, allowing heart rate aggregation and cloud
update using the MQTT protocol to improve real-time performance. In addition, this node
can establish a secure channel with the IoT platform, from which healthcare professionals
can easily obtain information on the patient’s instantaneous heart rate and history via the
IoT application’s web page. In addition, the Gateway performs BPM thresholding to detect
an overrun or underrun of BPM values, generating an alarm when an anomaly (Bradycar-
dia or tachycardia) occurs on the patient’s heart rate, so he can be treated in time.

3.3 Patient’s Heart Rate Supervision

The heart rate remote monitoring interface is established on the ThingsBoard IoT plat-
form, which allows device connectivity via IoT protocols—MQTT, CoAP and HTTP
[19]. Health professionals and patients can find out the heart rate status by simply visit-
ing this IoT platform using any smart terminal, such as a laptop or smartphone.

4 Experimental Result

Actual deployment of the proposed approach is presented in this section to evaluate the
possibility to monitor the ECG signal of patients with chronic heart diseases remotely
for a long time and the possibility to access ECG data through IoT interface. The experi-
ment deployment consisted of placing a 3 Led ECG signal around the heart forming a
triangle as Fig. 7 shows. In Addition, the experimentation was achieved in our research
First, the proposed ECG processing is simulated before implementation in the hard-
ware devices, using actual ECG arrhythmia records obtained from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology-Beth Israel Hospital (MIT-BIH) database [20, 21].
The 100, 109, 209, and 230 recordings sampled at 360 Hz are used in the training
and testing phase of the neural network. Also, the weights of MLPNN are initialized
at random. The neural network was trained to extract ECG peaks using the record 219
of MIT-BIH (3600 samples) and the target signal shown in Fig. 8. Where the signal is
filtered downstream of the extraction to eliminate noise such as electrode movement
artifact, white noise, muscle contraction, and baseline.

A. El Attaoui et al.

Fig. 7  Three 3-leads ECG elec-

trodes placement in the human


Fig. 8  ECG record 219 of MIT BIH and target signal used in the training of MLPNN

Figure 9 shows the training results, where it is proved that the ECG’s peaks can be
extracted successfully using MPLNN.
To ensure that the MLPNN has a good generalization capability, different inputs
signals are used in the test phase. The following Figs. 10, 11, 12 and 13 show results
obtained for the 100, 109, 209, and 230 records.

Wearable Wireless Sensors Network for ECG Telemonitoring Using…

Fig. 9  Extraction of ECG peaks in training phase of MLPNN with record 219

Fig. 10  Extraction of ECG peaks in the test phase of MLPNN with record 100

All steps of the previous simulation are implemented in the WSN to confirm the sim-
ulation results in a real experiment of ECG signal acquisition and processing. In order
to explain the obtained results, we representing it in three steps.

4.1 First Level: Acquisition and Filtering at the ECG Sensing Node

The low-pass filtering step is performed by the ECG sensing node. Figure 14 shows a raw
measurement of the ECG sensor (AD8232) recorded from a healthy 26-year-old woman.
Figure 15 presents the signal after digital filtering to remove high-frequency noise.

A. El Attaoui et al.

Fig. 11  Extraction of ECG peaks in the test phase of MLPNN with record 109

Fig. 12  Extraction of ECG peaks in the test phase of MLPNN with record 209

According to these figures, the results obtained are quite satisfactory in terms of noise sup-
pression during ECG signal acquisition.

4.2 Second Level: Baseline Cancellation, ECG Peaks Extraction and Anomaly


The Gateway node performs this processing step. All the parameters described above for
polynomial interpolation and MLP neural network have been considered in the actual
experimentation. Figures 16, 17 and 18 show the results obtained for extracts of the
received ECG signal, baseline cancellation, and R peaks extraction.

Wearable Wireless Sensors Network for ECG Telemonitoring Using…

Fig. 13  Extraction of ECG peaks in the test phase of MLPNN with record 230

Fig. 14  Original mesured ECG signal

Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the actual experimentation with
baseline cancellation and QRS peaks extraction is largely similar to the simulation results.
In addition, the proposed approach is an effective way to improve ECG telemonitoring,

A. El Attaoui et al.

Fig. 15  ECG signal after high-frequency interferences removal

where it is demonstrated that heart rate determination is easily accessible by using this
As described before, the anomaly about heart rate can be detected and alerted. This con-
figuration was tested and verified by changing the experimental conditions to create abnor-
mal BPM. Figure 19 shows an example of a received alarm.

4.3 Third level: Heart Rate Telemonitoring

Figure 20 shows a graphical representation of the heart rate received in the IoT cloud. The IoT
platform includes also a numerical indicator of the instantaneous BPM. By the using of this
remote IoT platform, health professionals can ensure patients status at any time without the
need of the movement of the nurses into hospital rooms. In the other hand, this solution avoids
the continuous patient’s visits to the health center for a heart rhythm control or consultation.

5 Technical Evaluation and Discussion

With the aim to review the effectiveness of the proposed Wireless Sensor Network Archi-
tecture for heart rate telemonitoring, a technical evaluation was developed by analyzing the
following specificities.

5.1 Autocorrelation

This test is used for the verification of similarity between extracts of the transmitted signal
and the received signal. The crosscorrelation function Eq. (8) [22] is applied to calculate
this similarity between 10 extracts transmitted and the 10 received. Figure 21 shows that

Wearable Wireless Sensors Network for ECG Telemonitoring Using…

Fig. 16  Example 1 of ECG peaks extraction implemented in Gateway node, 20.05.2019—11 A.M.

the autocorrection results reach a maximum equal to 1, therefore a total similarity between
the different extras.
� xn+m y∗n m>0
Rxy (m) = n=0
∗ (−m)
m < 0

with m = 1, 2, 3 … , 2N − 1; −∞ < n < +∞; xn and yn is the given data of autocorrelation.

5.2 End‑to‑End Delay

In this work, the end-to-end delay is used to determine the duration of each cycle including
measurement, ECG signal transmission, processing, data aggregation and visualization of
the instantaneous heart rate. The IoT platform used made this task easier by recovering the

A. El Attaoui et al.

Fig. 17  Exemple 1 of ECG peaks extraction implemented in Gateway node, 29.05.2019—12:05 A.M.

time of each BPM information load at this platform. The average of a number of 60 time
cycle values obtained is calculated, and it was of the order of 927 secondes. The reason for
this delay is lies to the constant variation in the speed connection to the Internet, and the
time required for processing. However, this delay is smaller than the time required for a
nurse to the patients room to take manual measurements, or for a patient could spend going
to a hospital for heart rate control.

5.3 Coverage

In order to get an idea of the maximum range of proposed architecture of the WSN, a
test is performed simulating the most common scenes of use of the proposed system
including a hospital, a house, and a medical office. Table 1 summarizes the results

Wearable Wireless Sensors Network for ECG Telemonitoring Using…

Fig. 18  Exemple 3 of ECG peaks extraction implemented in Gateway node, 1.06.2019—2:47 P.M.

Fig. 19  Example of bradycardia

anomaly received alarm

obtained under different network range test scenarios. A first test was carried out in
a large hall, by varying the distance between the ECG sensing node and the Gateway
node, a maximum distance of 43 meters is obtained. The second test is established by
placing the volunteer wearing the ECG sensing node outside with a line of sight of the
Gateway node; a maximum range of 12 meters is obtained.

A. El Attaoui et al.

Fig. 20  Overall view of the interface prototype for heart rate telemonitoring in IoT platform

Fig. 21  Cross-correlation results of 10 extracts of transmitted ECG signal

Table 1  Results of the coverage Scenario Coverage (m)

Large hall 40
With obstacle
1 wall ( 20 cm of width) 22
Outdoor SN and GN on different floor 11

Wearable Wireless Sensors Network for ECG Telemonitoring Using…

5.4 ECG Sensing Node Functioning Time

The lifetime of a sensor node is related to the lifetime of its energy unit. The test of
this parameter is based on determining the number of hours of operation of the node,
i.e. the time required to change or recharge the battery. A fully charged lithium poly-
mer battery from 3.7 V to 3800 mAh is used in a continuous simulation, where every
hour a recording of the battery voltage is made. Following this test method, the oper-
ating time of the sensor node obtained reaches 41 hours with a fully charged comple-
mentary battery.

6 Conclusion

This paper presents a novel wearable Wireless Sensors Network for ECG signal telemon-
itoring. The proposed multilevel architecture based on WSN and IoT supports real-time
ECG measurement, feature extraction and ECG data aggregation on IoT telemonitoring
platform. We have integrated a 3-electrodes noninvasive ECG sensor into a wearable wire-
less node and demonstrated that this network architecture capable of synchronous ECG
signal measurement, paving the way towards a new generation of flexible and dynamic
monitoring of patients with cardiovascular disease by ensuring the wellness of patients and
healthcare professionals through the following improvements:

• Avoid frequent monitoring sessions by remotely measuring the ECG signal of the
patient concerned.
• Provide real-time and automatic diagnosis where health professionals can be alerted
when a heart rate anomaly is generated.
• Avoid manual recording and handwritten reports of the patient’s ECG status by updat-
ing ECG data in the IoT remote monitoring platform in real time.

A prototype of the proposed WSN architecture is presented to translate our research into
practical application, which the results given by the technical evaluation were satisfactory.
Future works will focus on integrating other pre-developed wireless sensor nodes of body
temperature and SPO2 telemonitoring into this WSN architecture, developing and imple-
menting data fusion algorithms and decision-making to develop a heterogeneous network
for telediagnosis of patient conditions as hospital equipment. Moreover optimizing WSN
parameters such as energy consumption, coverage, error correction...etc.

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Wearable Wireless Sensors Network for ECG Telemonitoring Using…

Amina El Attaoui is a Ph.D. student at the Mohammed V University in

Rabat, High School of Technical Education (ENSET)-Rabat, Morocco,
she received his Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from
Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco in 2016. Here current
interest are embedded systems and wireless sensor network (WSN)
applied for medical telemonitoring. Ms. El Attaoui is a member of the
research team Electronic Systems, Sensors and Nano-biotechnologies
in STIS research center of ENSET Rabat. Morocco.

Marouane Hazmi is a Ph.D. student at the Mohammed V University in

Rabat, High School of Technical Education (ENSET)-Rabat, Morocco,
he received his Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from
Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco in 2016. Here current
interest are embedded systems and wireless sensor network (WSN)
applied for medical telediagnosis. Mr. Hazmi is a member of the
research team Electronic Systems, Sensors and Nanobiotechnologies
in STIS research center of ENSET Rabat. Morocco.

Abdelilah Jilbab is a teacher at the Mohammed V University in Rabat,

High School of Technical Education (ENSET)-Rabat, Morocco. He
acquired his Ph.D. degree in Computer and Telecommunication from
Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco in February 2009. He has
published in the fields of image processing, sensor networks and signal
processing for Parkinson’s disease. His current interest are embedded
systems and wireless sensor network (WSN) applied to biomedical. Dr.
Jilbab is a member of the research Electronic Systems, Sensors and
Nano biotechnologies in STIS research center of ENSET Rabat,
Morocco. He is associate member of the laboratory for computer sci-
ence and telecommunications of the FS-Rabat (LRIT unit associated
with the CNRST).

A. El Attaoui et al.

Abdennaser Bourouhou is a professor at the Higher School of Techni-

cal Education (ENSET) of Mohammed V University of Rabat, Rabat,
Morocco. He obtained his doctorate in physics from Ibn Tofail Univer-
sity of Kenitra (Morocco) in April 2008. He has published in the fields
of signal processing and sensor networks. His current interest is in
wireless sensor networks (WSN) for environmental protection and
medical monitoring. Dr. A. Bourouhou is a member of the E2SN team
of the STIS research center of UM5 Rabat.


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