Bhadale Group of Companies -CPSoS Services catalogue

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Nov 04 2021

CPSoS Services Catalogue

Bhadale IT Pvt. Ltd

105 Kingswood Drive Brampton, ON L6V2X5| Website:

CPSoS Services catalogue Bhadale Group of Companies
Bhadale Group of Companies

Bhadale Group of Companies consists of:

1. Bhadale IT Pvt. Ltd is an IT and Computer Engineering subsidiary company

This division provides consultation in areas of cutting edge technologies, research outsourcing, and
software consultation related to data center and related engineering practices

2. Bhadale Engineering Pvt. Ltd is a multi-engineering subsidiary company

Various divisions under this group provide design, & development of various IT and Engineering programs.

Bhadale Group has aggressive programs in place to serve the niche market. Below is related to CPS Services

Bhadale Group IT Division, Cyber Physical System of Systems (CPSoS) Services department

Below are few of our service offerings:

1. Cyber Physical System (CPS) planning

2. Cyber Physical System (CPS) architecture
3. Cyber Physical System (CPS) implementation
4. Cyber Physical System of Systems (CPSoS) planning
5. Cyber Physical System of Systems (CPSoS) architecture
6. Cyber Physical System of Systems (CPSoS) implementation
7. Unit level testing
8. Integration testing
9. UAT Testing
10. Field level testing and compliances
11. Industrial vertical solutions

Details of the above are put in the table below

CPSoS Services catalogue Bhadale Group of Companies
Service details

Image courtesy (The Web), no intention for copyright infringement

We have a large set of subcategories; few are mentioned below with details tabulated

Service Service Name Key Service features


1 Cyber Physical We capture, analyze, and integrate the entities from the key domains like the cyber,
System (CPS) physical and other domains of interest like the spatial, time and context aware
planning cognitive domain. This enables the CPS to be well-defined as per industry frameworks
like NIST CPS framework.

We offer planning of various types of CPS systems that are subjected to various types
of workloads, ambient and location awareness for mobile CPS. We offer planning of
the various CPS modules in use by the smart grid, autonomous automotive systems,
medical monitoring, process control systems, distributed robotics, and automatic pilot

We offer high level design layouts, system design, engineering units, network
elements, communication units that enable the CPS paradigm. Based on NIST
frameworks we offer design of various entities like Domains, Concerns, Properties,
Facets, Aspects, and related entities

We use various planning tools for the system design like SySML, DSL and deliver hi
level planning of the deployment packages based on IoT standards

2 Cyber Physical We offer inter-disciplinary design, based on the Identified of the physical and cyber
System (CPS) domain entities. Subsystems like embedded computing units, control units,
architecture networking units, sensors/ actuators units etc
CPSoS Services catalogue Bhadale Group of Companies

Design of individual CPS elements like Physical and Cyber entities, mapping of these,
Digital twin design, data and event propagation, control mechanism, communications,
accuracy among the physical and virtual world platforms. Few of our design address
these [1]:

 Embedded hardware
 Data structures and algorithms
 Models of computation, including automata theory (relevant to the finite state
machines widely used in CPS) and discrete event systems
 Programming
 Software engineering and model-based design
 Real-time operating systems and programming for networks
 Control principles including linear and nonlinear systems, stochastic systems,
adaptive control, system identification, hybrid control
 Optimization and optimal control of dynamic systems, and
 Human factors related to human-in-loop and behavioral aspects
 Functional Mock-up Interface [2]

3 Cyber Physical Implementation of the entities, modules, systems, applications, and using related
System (CPS) protocols for transfer of data and control. Error handling and management, Streaming
implementation of data, batch processing, real time data management, boundary conditions,
limitations, closed loop, man in the middle looping mechanisms etc. Few of the
development entities are[1]:

 Properties of sensors and analysis of signals;

 Programming with sensors and actuators in open environments and with
multiple modalities;
 Real-time embedded systems;
 Resource management and constraints such as time, memory size, and power;
 Techniques such as redundancy and fault-tolerance for managing unreliability
in physical systems.
 Design of Micro services based Service Mesh
 Integration of various layer services like Layer 7, Layer 4

4 Cyber Physical A CPSoS is a System-of-Systems (SoS) whose interacting Constituent Systems (CSs) are
System of Systems Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). [3]
(CPSoS) planning
We capture, analyze, and integrate the entities from the key domains like the cyber,
physical and other domains of interest like the spatial, time and context aware
cognitive domain. This enables the CPS to be well-defined as per industry frameworks
like NIST CPS framework.

We use various planning tools for the system design like SySML, DSL and deliver hi
level planning of the deployment packages based on IoT standards
CPSoS Services catalogue Bhadale Group of Companies

5 Cyber Physical Based upon the planned development of CPSoS, we offer the details of the proposed
System of Systems system. With the plan in place, we offer client architecture of the engineered system.
architecture Design of individual CPS elements like Physical and Cyber entities, mapping of these,
Digital twin design, data and event propagation, control mechanism, communications,
accuracy among the physical and virtual world platforms

We extend the CPS base architecture with the features, functions and attributes that
the CPSoS needs.

We offer design of various CPSoS sub units like the autonomous Constituent Systems
(CSs), Itom, environmental interfaces to the cyber and physical spaces, design aspects
of Time-Synchronization Interface (TSI), Relied Upon Interface (RUI), and utility
interfaces, Cyber-Physical Interface Specification (CP-Spec), Interface Physical
Specification (P-Spec) and the Interface Message Specification (M-Spec), Interface
Itom Specification (I-Spec), Interface Service Specifications (S-Specs), Relied Upon
Message Interface (RUMI) a cyber interface, and the Relied Upon Physical Interface

6 Cyber Physical Implementation of the CPSoS entities, modules, systems, applications, and using
System of Systems related protocols for transfer of data and control. Error handling and management,
(CPSoS) Streaming of data, batch processing, real time data management, boundary
implementation conditions, limitations, closed loop, man in the middle looping mechanisms etc. Few of
the development entities are[1], [4]:

 Properties of sensors and analysis of signals

 Integration of IPv6-over-X/RPL/UDP/ DTLS/CoAP
 Real-time embedded systems;
 Resource management and constraints such as time, memory size, and power;
 Techniques such as redundancy and fault-tolerance for managing unreliability
in physical systems
 Design of Micro services based Service Mesh based on IIoT
 Integration of various layer services like Layer 7, Layer 4

7 Unit level testing We offer a range of unit test cases for physical and virtual domains. We offer testing
based on Assurance Facets, QA tests for IoT ARM and IEEE P24, OneM2M, & Cyber
security Research Alliance (CSRA). Few test samples are[5]:

1. TID 1. Measure SMS propagation over 1000 messages and verify <10 s
2. TID 2. Measure GPS location acquisition time from a selected set of locations
and cell phone start conditions and verify <60 s in all cases

8 Integration testing We offer a range of unit test cases for physical and virtual domains, combined system
level testing. Based on earlier agreed on assured facet, we offer range of integrated
testing. One sample[5]:
A(P, D, T) =Def HLeaf (PAmbulance shall arrive within target time, Dscenario timing, Tscenario timing)
CPSoS Services catalogue Bhadale Group of Companies

9 UAT Testing Based on the outcome, we elaborate the Assurance testing for the UAT scenarios. We
offer various strategies, use cases and real world examples that help users to test their
new system and also use their experience

10 Field level testing We offer a range of field level testing, post UAT and deployment of the CPSoS assets
and compliances like IoT units, sensors, embedded systems, SoC, ambient etc

We use real use cases both positive and negative, happy scenarios and hacking
scenarios that enable real life like environment Required simulators, test tools for
signals, spectrum, speeds and latency all are measured, recorded for further analysis
and re-deployment as deemed

11 Industrial vertical We offer a range of CPS system design and consultation for 50+ domains. We offer
solutions licensed engineers with experience in the domain



Disclaimer: All rights are owned by respective owners. We have no intention to infringe copyrights or brand names. All
details, references are for educational purposes only

For more details, contact:

Bhadale IT Pvt. Ltd

Program Manager: Vijayananda Mohire, Email:

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