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WorkForce Time & Attendance

TMA01: Employee Functions

Study Guide
WorkForce Time & Attendance Course Outcomes

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This document was last updated on 2/15/2023

Version 20.X
WorkForce Time & Attendance Course Outcomes

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Course Information ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Formats & Conventions ................................................................................................................................ 7
How to Contact Us ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Course Outcomes .......................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Home Screen Navigation......................................................................................................................... 10
Logging in to the Home Screen ............................................................................................................... 10
The Hub ................................................................................................................................................... 13
The Assistant ........................................................................................................................................... 13
2. Employee Home Screen Functions Overview ......................................................................................... 14
Time Entry ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Schedules ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Settings.................................................................................................................................................... 15
Reports .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Online Help ............................................................................................................................................. 16
3. Customizing the Home Screen ................................................................................................................ 17
Customization – Classic View .................................................................................................................. 17
Rearranging Function Links ................................................................................................................. 17
Creating a Favorites Category for Frequently-used Functions ........................................................... 17
Removing a Function from Favorites .................................................................................................. 17
Customization in the WorkForce Suite ................................................................................................... 18
Exercise 1: Navigation Basics .................................................................................................................. 20
4. The WorkForce WebClock....................................................................................................................... 21
Accessing WebClock through the Home Screen ..................................................................................... 21
5. The Time Entry Window.......................................................................................................................... 24
Function Buttons ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Changing the Pay Period ......................................................................................................................... 28
6. Timesheet Views ..................................................................................................................................... 29
Table of Contents

List View .................................................................................................................................................. 29

Table View ............................................................................................................................................... 30
Day View ................................................................................................................................................. 30
Exercise 2: Change the Timesheet View ................................................................................................. 31
7. Information Tabs ..................................................................................................................................... 32
Messages Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 32
View Exception Messages ....................................................................................................................... 33
Time off or Leave Balances Tab .............................................................................................................. 33
Schedule Tab ........................................................................................................................................... 34
Results Tab .............................................................................................................................................. 35
Exercise 3: View Tab Data ....................................................................................................................... 37
8. Basic Time Entry ...................................................................................................................................... 38
Entering Time on a Timesheet ................................................................................................................ 38
Entering In/Out and Elapsed Time .......................................................................................................... 39
Activity Tracking ...................................................................................................................................... 40
Comments Field ...................................................................................................................................... 40
9. Entering Time on a Mobile Device .......................................................................................................... 41
Direct Timesheet Entry with Mobile ....................................................................................................... 42
Entering Time on Mobile – WorkForce Suite .......................................................................................... 45
Exercise 4: Mobile Basics ........................................................................................................................ 46
10. Entering Time on a Data Collection Terminal ....................................................................................... 48
Clock In .................................................................................................................................................... 48
In/Out for Meals ..................................................................................................................................... 49
11. Other Timesheet Tasks ......................................................................................................................... 50
Clock Out ................................................................................................................................................. 50
Time Record Favorites ............................................................................................................................ 50
Copying Data ........................................................................................................................................... 54
Cutting and Pasting Data......................................................................................................................... 56
Printing the Timesheet............................................................................................................................ 58
Exercise 5: Timesheet Basics ................................................................................................................... 59

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Table of Contents

12. Submitting and Amending Timesheets ................................................................................................. 60

Recalling a Submitted Timesheet............................................................................................................ 61
Amending Timesheets ............................................................................................................................ 62
13. My Calendar .......................................................................................................................................... 63
Using My Calendar .................................................................................................................................. 64
Go to the Timesheet from My Calendar ............................................................................................. 64
14. Requesting Time Off ............................................................................................................................. 66
Requesting Time Off with My Calendar .................................................................................................. 68
Cancelling a Time Off Request ................................................................................................................ 70
Managing Time Off Requests - Mobile ................................................................................................... 71
Exercise 6: Submitting Time Off Requests .............................................................................................. 75
15. Changing Your Password ....................................................................................................................... 76
16. Generating Reports ............................................................................................................................... 77
Scheduled Reports .................................................................................................................................. 80
Report Favorites...................................................................................................................................... 83
Creating a Report Favorite .................................................................................................................. 83
Removing a Report Favorite ............................................................................................................... 83
Generating a Report from the Time Entry Window............................................................................ 84
17. Premium Calculations ........................................................................................................................... 85
Appendix A: Function Hotkeys .................................................................................................................... 86
Editing Hotkeys ....................................................................................................................................... 88
Disabling Hotkeys .................................................................................................................................... 89

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WorkForce Time & Attendance Course Outcomes

Course Information
Course Purpose: Experience the WorkForce Time & Attendance system
from the employee perspective. Learn navigation
fundamentals and functions related to reporting time,
activities, and absences in the system.
Duration: 4 Hours
Target Audience: New and existing WorkForce Time & Attendance users
who are responsible for maintaining employee data,
communicating with employees and managing timesheets.

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of web browser and using PCs is


System Information: Current version of WorkForce Time & Attendance 20.1 is

Table of Contents

Formats & Conventions

Let’s Practice:
Using the information provided in this lesson, please complete Exercise X-X
(Lesson # - Exercise #).

For Example:
A relative example of use or method can be displayed here.

Special notes related to the topic.

Best Practices Tips:
Information about best practices when using your software.

Additional suggestions, tips and important notes will be placed in this box to draw
your attention.

Bold Text: Any text in Bold refers to some key information.

Italic Text: Any text in Italics indicates a reference to another topic, lesson, or guide.

Bold Blue Text: Any text that is Bold & Blue details the steps to open a WorkForce screen.

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How to Contact Us
• Phone Support North America: +1 877 493 6723
• Customer Support Portal:
o WorkForce Suite:
• Website:

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WorkForce Time & Attendance Course Outcomes

Course Outcomes
Following this training session, you will be able to:
• Identify functions represented on the Home Screen
• Customize the Home Screen
• Enter worked time and paid time off (if available)
• Create time record favorites
• Identify information tabs
• Submit timesheets
• Request time off

Throughout this Guide, please note that some screens may differ depending on your
WorkForce Time & Attendance Introduction & Overview

1. Home Screen Navigation

You will access WorkForce Time & Attendance through a web browser or clock interface to perform
functions such as entering time, time off requests, work schedules, and time off balances. The method
you use to log in depends on how the application is configured according to your company’s

You might access WorkForce in one or more of the following ways:

• Web-based interface on a workstation (i.e., web browsers)

• WebClock on a personal computer or kiosk
• WorkForce Suite Mobile
• WorkForce Suite App – iPhone and Android
• “Punching” a hardware time clock

Logging in to the Home Screen

Log into WorkForce by entering your User ID and Password into the Login window.

If WorkForce Time & Attendance has been configured for multi-lingual use, the Login
window will include choices for the available languages.

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The first time you log into WorkForce Time & Attendance, a dialog box appears. Select Show me or click
OK, depending on the version your company is using.

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The employee Hub or Home Screen appears. The Hub or Home Screen is configured to suit your
company requirements. The following figures show sample employee Hub and Home Screens.

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The Hub
• Easy access from any device in the office, on the shop floor, on the road or at home

• An engaging and elegant user interface that simplifies the user experience

• A single place for viewing and acting on what matter most

• The information each user decides to see, in the arrangement they want to see it

NOTE: Cards displayed on the Hub depend on each organization’s configuration

The Assistant
The Assistant provides a prioritized feed of urgent and actionable tasks from across the WorkForce
Suite. Visibility of the Assistant and specific items displayed on the Assistant are dependent on each
organization’s configuration.

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2. Employee Home Screen Functions Overview

The employee Hub or Home Screen typically provides links to the following time and attendance related
functions. The cards displayed on the Hub will also depend on each organization’s configuration.
Additionally, functions on your Hub or Home Screen may vary from those described here.

Time Entry
Field Name Description
My Timesheet View, enter or update timesheet data.
Go to Web Clock The WebClock records in and out work times. It functions like a
traditional time clock.
Time Clock Hub card (WF Suite) Clock in and out for work, meals and breaks on the Hub from within
WorkForce Suite: Time and Attendance Mobile.

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Field Name Description
My Calendar Shows your personal calendar which displays events such as time off,
pending time off, and holidays.
My Time Off Submit time off requests, track the status of your requests, and view
past request history.
Schedule Hub card (WF Suite) Employees can view their schedule for seven (7) days out on the Hub
from within WorkForce Suite: Time and Attendance Mobile.

Field Name Description
Change My Password Update or change your password.

Field Name Description
View Reports WorkForce includes reports for both employees and managers.
Employees can access general reports to view timesheet information for
a certain period, roles delegated to them, or comments on timesheets.

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Online Help
Once logged in to WorkForce Time & Attendance, you have access to online documentation for Time &
Attendance through the Help link. Note: This feature may be released at a future date if your
organization is using The Hub.

The Time link opens the online version of the Time & Attendance User Guide and Time & Attendance
Report Reference Guide in a new browser window.

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3. Customizing the Home Screen

Customization – Classic View
WorkForce supports the following Time & Attendance Home Screen customizations:

Rearranging Function Links

To rearrange the order in which functions appear within a category, click and drag the function link.

Creating a Favorites Category for Frequently-used Functions

Hover the mouse pointer over the function’s star icon and click to move the function to the Favorites
section of the Home Screen.

Removing a Function from Favorites

1. Hover the pointer over the respective function link and click the star icon.

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2. The function returns to its original category.

Customization in the WorkForce Suite

Customers using the WorkForce Suite can rearrange, add, and remove Hub cards from within WorkForce
Suite: Time and Attendance Mobile.

1. Log in to WorkForce Suite: WT&A Mobile.

2. Select the vertical ellipsis (three dots) to open the Customize menu.

3. Select Customize Hub.

4. Rearrange Cards: To rearrange Hub cards, on the Customize Hub screen, select the Move Cards tab
to see all cards currently on the Hub. Change the order of the cards displayed on the Hub using the
up or down arrows next to the cards. The card sequence in the Move Cards list corresponds to card

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sequence on the Hub. In the example below, the Timesheet Summary card would appear at the top
of the Hub, followed by the Schedule and Request Time Off cards.

5. Remove Cards: To remove a card from the Hub, on the Move Cards tab use the trash can icon next
to the card to remove. Changes should be seen on the Hub after closing the Customize Hub menu.

6. Add Cards: On the Customize Hub screen, select the Add Cards tab to see previously removed Hub
cards. Select a card to add back to the Hub and select Add Card, then select Done. The added card(s)
should now display on the Hub.

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Exercise 1: Navigation Basics

Let’s Practice
Using the information provided in this lesson, please complete Exercise 1.

1. Log in with an employee ID.

2. Mouse over each item on the Home Screen.
3. Click the Help link. Observe that help file launches in a separate window.
4. When you are finished browsing the online help, close the Help browser window to
return to the Home Screen.

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4. The WorkForce WebClock

WebClock captures employee in and out times. It functions like a traditional time clock and may be
configured with additional features such as tracking the hours you work on a project or task. WebClock
may include buttons for lunch breaks or switching between projects.

In some instances, WebClock is linked to timesheets to provide more detailed job-related information.
In other instances, WebClock may be the sole method to record time and attendance. Depending on
your organization, your WebClock may be configured for use with a keyboard and mouse, or a scanner
which reads bar codes and displays the information on a stationary terminal or a hand-held device.
While the basic function of WebClock is the same for both configurations, the steps for using WebClock
are somewhat different.

WebClock does not validate labor distribution codes entered in offline mode, but saves
any code entered with the punch.

Accessing WebClock through the Home Screen

WebClock users log in through the Home Screen or through a dedicated Web link. These employees use
WebClock to clock in and out.

1. Either access the Time Clock card to swipe in and out, or access WebClock. To go to WebClock,
select Time Entry > Go to Web Clock.

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2. If you have clocked in using the Time Clock card, you will see a confirmation of your time entry. If
you have gone to WebClock, the WebClock time collection screen appears.

If you have multiple assignments, the WebClock first displays the list of assignments and
you must select the assignment for which you are logging time. Note that the Hub Time
Clock card does not support multiple assignments.

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The WebClock interface includes the following buttons:

Field Name Description

Activity Associates the WebClock punch with an activity, project or other labor
distribution data.
In for Work Records the start of work time.
Out for Meal Records the time you leave for a meal.
In from Meal Records the time you return from a meal.
Out from Work Records the end of work time.
Timesheet Takes you to the timesheet view.
Transfer While still punched in to work, allows you to switch to a different
activity, project or other labor distribution data.
Home Screen Returns you to the WorkForce home screen.
Logout Logs you out of WebClock.

3. WebClock will time out with inactivity. The following message appears with time in seconds left until
automatic logout.

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5. The Time Entry Window

The time entry window contains various fields and tabs which allow you to easily view and enter your
time. After you log in to WorkForce Time & Attendance and select the appropriate assignment, open
your timesheet from the Home Screen by selecting Time Entry > My Timesheet.

The time entry window provides the options necessary for completing time entry. From this window,
depending on your role, you can perform one or more of the following tasks:
• Enter or view time on your timesheet.
• View your schedule.
• View or acknowledge any error or warning messages about your timesheet.
• View details of available time off.
• See a preview summary of time entered on the timesheet.

The following is an example of an employee time entry window. The appearance of the timesheet varies
according to your configuration.

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The top panel displays the Timesheet tab while the bottom panel includes tabs for Messages, Schedule,
Punch Log, Time Off, and Results. The appearance can vary based on your business requirements and
for different groups of employees within an organization. For example, salaried employees do not
typically see a Punch Log tab as they do not usually record their time with a clock or WebClock.

There are several options to customize your screen’s appearance:

• Hover the pointer on the line separating the panels to activate the adjust height control. Click
and drag the line up or down to adjust the relative height of the panels.
• Click on the arrow to hide the bottom panel. Click it again to display it.
• Use the scrollbar to access parts of the timesheet which are not currently visible.
• When a timesheet cell shows a green triangle in the upper right corner, select that day and click
the small green arrow beneath that row to open the expanded view. The example below shows
a comment in the Comments field when expanded.

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Function Buttons
Several buttons reside at the top of your timesheet. These buttons execute certain program functions.

Buttons Field Name Description

Period Selects the pay period to view. Click the
Selector calendar icon to access a pop-up calendar from
which to select a Pay Period.
Submit Sends your completed timesheet to your
manager for approval.
Save Saves your timesheet data. This is typically
done every time you enter new data or make
More The More button reveals the Copy From Prior
Period, Print, Print Preferences, Reload Data,
Employee Reports, Results and Timesheet
Submit Details buttons.
The Copy From Prior Period function allows
you to copy repeating information from one
timesheet to another. The timesheets must be
the same length and type.
The Print Preferences function enables you to
select the components to print.
Reload Data refreshes the timesheet with the
previously saved data.

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Buttons Field Name Description

Employee Reports allows you view and print

Timesheet and Timesheet Audit for Date
Range Reports without exiting the timesheet.

View Select how you view your timesheet by

selecting List View, Table View or Day View.
The view you select alters the data
presentation on the Timesheet tab.

Calendar Open an interactive calendar from which you

can navigate to a specific date or pay period.
Additionally, this calendar may be configured to
display days containing timesheet exceptions or
planned time off.

Click the question mark icon to access a legend

that details the colors used in the calendar.

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Changing the Pay Period

The Period Selector allows you to move forward or backward one period at a time, using the arrow
icons, or to select a specific period to move to using the calendar icon.
1. Click the respective arrow on the Period Selector icon to retreat or advance a pay period.

2. To view the new pay period on the calendar, click the Calendar icon. To return to the current pay
period, click the Default Period button.

3. If your pay period is longer than a week and you want to enter time for the entire period, select the
Show All Weeks checkbox.
4. Click anywhere in the row where you are entering or modifying time.
5. Record your time and attendance information (see Entering In/Out and Elapsed Time).
6. Click the Save icon after every timesheet change.
7. Click the Submit icon at the end of every pay period to send your time and attendance information
to your manager for payroll processing.

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6. Timesheet Views
WorkForce Time & Attendance provides three views to display timesheet information: List View, Table
View and Day View. Each view displays timesheet information for an entire pay period. Your ability to
see the views depends on your configuration.

Select the respective view through the View button.

List View
The List View is the default view; it displays the days in the selected pay period as a list.

Totals per time slice appear on the right side of the Time Entry window, while the totals for the pay
period display in the bottom right corner.

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Table View
The Table View eliminates the need to enter repetitive information for each entry on your timesheet.
For example, instead of selecting a pay code for each day, you can enter this information once in Table
View and simply enter hours for each day of the pay period. Depending on your organization’s
configuration, holidays and time off that have been scheduled in advance may automatically appear on
the timesheet.

Pay code totals appear on the right side of the Time Entry window, and totals for each day at the
bottom of the window.

Day View
The Day View displays only one day of time and attendance information.

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Exercise 2: Change the Timesheet View

Let’s Practice
Using the information provided in this lesson, please complete Exercise 2.
1. Log in with an employee ID.
2. On the Home Screen, select Time Entry > My Timesheet.
3. Enter time on the timesheet in the default view.
4. Change the view to compare how each view presents information.

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7. Information Tabs
The time entry layout shows one or more information tabs, depending on your role and employee type.

Messages Tab
The Messages tab displays exception messages. An exception is a conflict noted between your time and
attendance information and the rules under which your timesheet is processed.

Exceptions generate messages which appear in the Messages tab on the Time Entry window. Common
exception messages for users might be when there are less than forty hours in a week or vacation time
is overdrawn. Some messages are informational and require no action; others require a satisfactory
resolution before the timesheet can be successfully submitted. Error level exceptions must be corrected
before the respective time is paid.

Each exception message shows the:

• Date of the exception
• Exception message describing the problem
• Severity of the exception (Informational, Error, or Warning)
• Any action that may be required
Exception messages are color-coded to identify the level of severity:
• White: No exceptions or only informational messages present
• Yellow: Warnings present
• Red: Errors present

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View Exception Messages

Time entries associated with exceptions appear on the timesheet marked with a colored pin.

Click the pin to display the exception message.

Time off or Leave Balances Tab

Depending on your organization’s configuration, you may have a Time Off Balances card and a Time Off
or Leave Balances tab on your time entry sheet. The Time Off tab tracks balances for each bank and
displays current timesheet activity. To view additional detail about the credits and debits in the bank
table, click the Show Details link in the lower right corner of the bank table.

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In this example, the expanded detail lets you see the date and transaction type that credited the bank

Click the Hide Details link in the lower right corner of the bank table to return to the summary view.

Schedule Tab
The Schedule tab displays planned work times in either in/out times or hours. It can be used to track
absences and late or early punches and support premium pay calculations such as overtime shift
premiums. The Schedule data is typically generated by predefined schedules in WorkForce, but in some
cases, may be modified by administrators, managers or employees.

Note to those using The Hub: Depending on your organization’s use of the Hub, you may also see a
Schedule card showing up to the next seven days of your schedule.

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Results Tab
The Results tab shows the calculated results of the data input on the timesheet, including overtime,
shift premiums, and so on. User-controlled grouping capabilities are provided on this tab.

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Notice the following features:

You can sort the data according to any column. By default, the data is sorted by Pay Code. Click a
column title to display the sorting arrow and sort in increasing order. Click it again to sort in decreasing
order. All columns can be sorted.

1. Click and drag the line separating two columns to modify the width of the left-hand column.
2. Click and drag a column title to change the display order of the column.
3. Click the arrow on top of the right-hand scroll-bar to display the menu that allows you to
show/hide columns by checking or un-checking the appropriate check boxes.
4. The following screen capture shows a customized view of the Results tab. In this view, the
results are sorted by Work Date and unchecked columns are hidden.

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Exercise 3: View Tab Data

Let’s Practice
Using the information provided in this lesson, please complete Exercise 3.
1. Log in as an employee and navigate to the timesheet.
2. Navigate to the timesheet period specified by your instructor.
3. Click the Time Off tab at the bottom on the window.
4. Notice accruals in the leave bank specified by your instructor.
5. Click Show Details for the leave bank.

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8. Basic Time Entry

Depending on your organization’s configuration and your role, you may enter time directly on a
timesheet, on a mobile device, or on a data collection terminal (clock). If you use a clock, the punches
appear on the timesheet automatically.

Entering Time on a Timesheet

1. From the Home Screen, select Time Entry > My Timesheet. If using version 20.x, scroll to the Time
Clock card on the Hub.
2. Display the body of your timesheet using the default view or the view of your choice.
3. Ensure the correct pay period displays.
4. Click anywhere in the row in which you want to enter or modify time.

5. Record your time and attendance information (see Entering In/Out and Elapsed Time below).
6. Click Save after every timesheet change.

7. Click the Submit icon at the end of every pay period to send your time and attendance information
to your manager for payroll processing.

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Entering In/Out and Elapsed Time

A pay code is the category to which your hours are assigned. Different categories of employees have
access to different pay codes.
1. Click in an Entry Code cell to see the drop-down list of pay codes you can access.

If an entry code cannot be modified, it will appear with a shaded grey background and the cursor will
change into a “Stop” symbol when placed over that row.

2. Select a pay code, and then enter the time in the Hours column.
• For pay codes associated with elapsed time (if applicable), simply enter the number of hours in
whole or fractions of an hour.

• For pay codes associated with In/Out times, enter the In time on the first row of the Hours
column and the Out time on the second row.
o In/Out times can be entered in a variety of ways, for example:
▪ Enter “5” on the first row and click outside the cell. The system will interpret the
time as 5 a.m. and enter it on the timesheet in the correct format.
▪ Enter “Xp” (where X is a number from 1 to 12) to enter p.m. times.
▪ 5 p.m. can also be entered as “17”.

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o The system prevents you from entering out times that are before in times or in times
that are after out times. The system will highlight the error and display a warning

• For shifts which start on the previous day, enter “-“ (the minus sign) before the time; for shifts
that end the next day, enter “+” (the plus sign).

Activity Tracking
If you perform separate tasks, you can differentiate the hours worked by task. Activity tracking
(sometimes referred to as Labor Distribution or LD) is used to charge worked hours to labor categories.
Fields are present on the timesheet for capturing activity tracking information. Employees may enter
values directly in the fields or select from drop-down lists. Entries are validated when saving the
timesheet. Click Search for More to see more Activity selections.

Comments Field
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Use the Comments field to enter additional information related to a time entry. Click the arrow under
the row that you would like to add comments to. The row will expand and you will see the Comments
box. Enter text in the Comments box and click the arrow to collapse again as needed.

The Comments field may also be accessed by pressing Shift + Enter. This hotkey toggles
the field open and closed.

9. Entering Time on a Mobile Device

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Much of the functionality available in the desktop version of Time & Attendance is also available on a
mobile device.

Direct Timesheet Entry with Mobile

1. Select Self-Service from the menu. Select My Timesheet.

2. The current timesheet is displayed. Select a line to update by clicking on the record or click the
plus-sign to add an entry.

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3. Enter time in the Details window and click Done when finished.

4. Click Timesheet to return to the previous view or Edit to update your entry.

5. Click on the calendar icon to change the timesheet period.

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6. The Summary and Messages views can be toggled when from the Timesheet screen. The
Messages view displays exceptions messages, while Summary returns to the Timesheet view.
The total pay period hours are displayed above the Summary button.

7. To submit the timesheet, click the ellipsis icon, then Submit. Click OK to confirm.

8. To recall a submitted timesheet, click the ellipsis icon, then Recall. Click OK to confirm.

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9. To view your schedule, select My Schedule from the Self-Service menu.

10. To view your time off balances, select My Bank Balances from the Self-Service menu. Hover
over the graph to view current and projected balances.

Entering Time on Mobile – WorkForce Suite

The Time Clock card, available on WorkForce Suite: Time and Attendance Mobile, can be used to track
employee in and out times.

NOTE: Buttons on Time Clock card may vary according to each organization’s configuration.
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1. Access the WorkForce Suite: Time and Attendance Mobile on your smartphone or tablet. Scroll to
find the Time Clock card on the Hub.

2. On the screen, touch the button corresponding to your activity (e.g., In for Work, Out from Work,
Out for Meal, etc.).

3. A message appears on the screen confirming the punch.

4. If geolocation is enabled by an organization, the latitude and longitude of the individual accessing
the WorkForce Hub during a swipe to the Time Clock card will be collected.

Exercise 4: Mobile Basics

Let’s Practice
Using the information provided in this lesson, please complete Exercise 4.
1. Log in using an employee ID.
2. On the Self-Service screen, select My Timesheet.
3. Experiment with adding and deleting rows.
4. Add comments to the timesheet entry.
5. View Timesheet messages.
6. On the Self-Service screen, select My Schedule. Change the date view by clicking on
the calendar icon.

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7. On the Self-Service screen, select My Bank Balances. Mouse over the graph to view
daily balances.
8. Click on the expand icon to change the graph view.

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10. Entering Time on a Data Collection Terminal

Depending on your role, you may log in/out and meal break start/end times using a WorkForce Data
Collection Terminal. This data collection device offers touch screen functionality for recording work and
meal times. Options include using a touch pad to enter a unique employee identification number,
biometrics to validate a user’s identity via fingerprint, and badge readers.

Clock In
1. Log in to the clock.
2. On the Welcome screen, touch the In button.
A message appears on the screen confirming the punch.

If you touched the wrong button, touch Cancel to abort the punch.

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In/Out for Meals

1. Touch the Meal Out button. The button records the time as out for a meal break.
2. When you return from lunch, touch the Meal In button. This records your time as back in from

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11. Other Timesheet Tasks

There are several functions that you can perform on the timesheet that make entering work or
exception time easier.

Clock Out
1. To clock out for the day, on the Welcome screen, touch the Out button.
2. A message appears on the screen confirming the punch.

Time Record Favorites

Time record favorites allow you to insert a pre-defined time record into your timesheet to save time.
Instead of entering each part of a time record every time you need to enter the information on a
timesheet, you can create a favorite, which enters a combination of information all at once.

1. To create a favorite on a timesheet, fill in the fields of a time record which will become a favorite.

The Time field cannot be pre-defined in a favorite. You must directly enter hours on the
timesheet after applying a favorite.

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2. Click the Insert button drop-down menu on the time record from which you want to create a

3. Select Create New Favorite From Row.

The Create Favorite window appears, listing the values of the various fields on the time record.
4. Fill in the Create Favorite window:

• In the Favorite Label field, enter a name for the favorite.

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• If you do not want the favorite to include a pre-defined value for a particular field, clear the
corresponding checkbox. These fields remain blank on the time record when you apply the
favorite, requiring the user to enter a value each time.
• Select the checkboxes of the parameters you want to appear each time you use the favorite.

An entry code must always be part of a favorite, since this field is mandatory for any
time record.

5. Click Create Favorite to create a favorite for the time record.

The favorite you created appears in the Entry Code field and is available for you to use in all timesheets
for the group or assignments you selected in the Use this favorite when viewing timesheets for field.

The favorite displays with the given label at the top of the Pay Code drop-down menu. A star icon
appears next to the name of the favorite.

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Favorites are not propagated to other users. Only you have access to the favorites you create. Each
member of a target group or assignment has access only to favorites they have created themselves.

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Copying Data
1. Click the drop-down arrow next to the green plus sign that represents the Insert icon.

2. Select Copy, and then one of the following

• Copy Row
• Copy Entire Day
• Copy Entire Week

A brief message appears at the top of the timesheet acknowledging the copy.

3. On the timesheet, navigate to where to want to paste the copied information.

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4. From the drop-down arrow next to the Insert icon, select Paste 1 Entry.

A brief message appears at the top of the timesheet acknowledging the paste.

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Cutting and Pasting Data

1. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Insert icon.

2. Select Cut, and one of the following:

• Cut Row
• Cut Entire Day
• Cut Entire Week

3. On the timesheet, navigate to where you want to paste the cut information. From the drop-down
arrow next to the Insert icon, select Paste 1 Entry.

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A brief message appears at the top of the timesheet acknowledging the paste.

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Printing the Timesheet

You can print information from all the tabs in your Time Entry window.
1. In the Time Entry window, click the More button and select Print.

2. A Print Preview window and Print dialog appear.

3. If the Print dialog does not open, click the Print link in the upper right area of the Print Preview
4. Select your print options and click OK.
5. Click the Close link to close the Print Preview window.

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Exercise 5: Timesheet Basics

Let’s Practice
Using the information provided in this lesson, please complete Exercise 5.
1. Log in using an employee ID.
2. On the Home Screen, navigate to the timesheet by selecting My Timesheet.
3. Experiment with adding and deleting rows.
4. Copy a row and paste it into the next week.
5. Add comments to the timesheet entry.
6. Create a timesheet favorite.
7. Use the favorite you just created on a different day.

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12. Submitting and Amending Timesheets

Creating entries for work and exception time on your timesheet populates it with data. To ensure you
are paid for your time, you must save and submit your timesheet each pay period.

1. After making all necessary entries on your timesheet, click the Save button.
2. Review the timesheet to make sure all time is correct, and then click the Submit button.

Depending on your organization’s policy, an attestation message may appear to confirm that your
timesheet is correct. The attestation box will include timesheet exception messages, alerting you of
possible corrections required before submitting your timesheet.

Check the box next to the attestation message and submit the timesheet.

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A Recall button replaces the Submit button.

If the timesheet has not yet been approved, you may recall the timesheet to make further
modifications. See the Recalling a Submitted Timesheet section.

Recalling a Submitted Timesheet

You can recall a submitted timesheet if it has not yet been approved by your manager.
To recall a submitted timesheet:
1. Select the pay period using the Period Selector. If the timesheet has not yet been approved, the
Recall icon appears with the function icons.
2. Click Recall.

A dialog window appears, prompting you to confirm your decision. Notice that after recall the
Save button is reactivated and the Submit button reappears.

3. Update the information recorded in the timesheet, then click Save and Submit again to resubmit the

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Amending Timesheets
Depending on your organization’s configuration, employees might be able to amend or change
timesheets after they have been approved by a manager. Amended timesheets must be approved by a
manager (or Payroll) to be included in end of period processing and paid.
To amend a closed timesheet:
1. Use the Period Selector to select a prior pay period. If the timesheet can be amended, an Amend
button appears in the functions toolbar.

2. Click Amend.
3. Depending on your system configuration, your prior timesheet may or may not contain the time and
attendance information you originally submitted.
4. If the timesheet includes your prior information, make your changes; if not, fill out the blank
timesheet with the complete information for that pay period.
5. Click the Save and Submit buttons to submit your amended timesheet for approval.

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13. My Calendar
Use the My Calendar feature to view events such as time off, pending time off, schedules, unavailability,
and holidays.
To access the calendar, on the Home Screen, select Schedules > My Calendar.

Calendar items which appear on the Calendar window are called calendar categories. To see the
calendar categories and the respective color coding, hover your mouse pointer over the Legend label.

Based on your organization’s configuration, some of your calendar categories are integrated from other
areas of WorkForce Time & Attendance and will not be editable from My Calendar. These items are
viewable on the calendar to provide a more complete accounting of your time.
Buttons reside at the top right corner of the calendar.

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The following table describes the My Calendar buttons.

Buttons Field Name Description
Print Prints the calendar for the month you are
Calendar viewing.
Subscribe Subscribe adds your work calendar to your
personal calendar.
Previous, The Previous and Next icons take you to the
Next and previous or following month or navigate to the
Today current day.

Using My Calendar
The actions you can perform on My Calendar are found on the Calendar Selection menu, which appears
when you click a date on the calendar.

Go to the Timesheet from My Calendar

Employees have the same functionality on their timesheet and schedule that is available when accessing
the timesheet from the Home Screen.

1. Select a date on the calendar. Your timesheet opens showing the pay period containing that date. In
the example below, February 7 is selected.

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2. On the Calendar drop-down menu, select View your Time Sheet.

The Employee Time Entry window appears.

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14. Requesting Time Off

You can submit time off requests, track the status of your requests, and view the history of past
requests using the My Time Off function. When employees request time off, an email is sent to notify
the manager that a request was made. If your organization is using The Hub, your organization may have
enabled requesting time off directly from a Hub card.

1. On the Home Screen, select Time Off > My Time Off. Depending on your configuration, you may
select Schedules > My Time Off.

The Request List window appears.

2. Click Create New Request.

The Create Time Off Request window appears and shows the default absence pay code and today’s
date. Additionally, you can view a graphic chart that shows your time off accrual and balance over
time. You have the option to upload a file attachment, such as a jury duty notice.

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3. In the Time Off Type drop-down list, select the type of time off.
4. Enter the day on which you want to begin your time off in the Start Date field or click the Calendar
icon on the right of the date field to display a calendar from which you can choose the date. Ensure
that the Start Date is today’s date or later.
5. Enter the day on which you want to end your time off in the End Date field or use the Calendar icon.
6. If desired, enter a note to accompany your request in the Comments field.
7. Click Next to display the details of your time off request.
The Request Details window appears. In the Hours column in this window, notice that each line
defaults to the scheduled hours for that day. You can modify the requested hours, as well as select
another pay code from the Pay Code column.

8. Click the Insert icon in the Action column of a row to add another row for that day.
• Select the pay code and enter the hours.
• Adjust the other hours for that day accordingly, if needed.
9. If exceptions prevent you from submitting the request, do one of the following:
• Click the Back button to return to the previous window and make a different selection.
• Reduce the hours selected by clicking the Delete icon in the Action column of a row to
remove the hours from that row, and then click the Update button.

10. Click the Submit button to submit your request, and then click OK in the Status dialog. The dialog
notifies you that the request has been successfully submitted.

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11. If no exceptions prevent you from submitting the request, click the Submit button to submit your
request. You are notified of a successful submission.
You are returned to the Request List window. Your new request appears in the Request List window
as Pending. A notification email is sent to your manager.

When your manager approves the time off request, the requested time posts to your
timesheet as time off. You will receive an email message when your manager approves
or rejects your request.

Requesting Time Off with My Calendar

You may find it convenient to request time off from My Calendar because you are able to view all your
calendar items for the month.

Approved time off and pending time off requests can appear on the calendar, depending on your
organization’s configuration. Pending time off requests will appear in one color with a description of
Pending Time Off and approved time off will appear in a different color with a description of Time Off.

Pending time off requests cannot be cancelled from My Calendar. Depending on your
organization’s configuration, you may be able to cancel time off requests from the Time
Off Request window. For more information on cancelling a time off request, see
Cancelling a Time Off Request.

To request time off from My Calendar:

1. On the Home Screen, select Schedules > My Calendar.
2. Click a date on the calendar.
3. To select a single day, click any one date.

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4. To select multiple days, click on the initial date while dragging your mouse across multiple dates.
5. In the Calendar Selection drop-down menu, select Request Time Off.

6. Requesting time off from My Calendar takes you directly to the My Time Off screen,
automatically filling the request dates with the day selected on the calendar.
7. Submit your request by clicking Next.

8. The next time you open My Calendar, the pending time off request appears on the days you

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Cancelling a Time Off Request

You can cancel a time off request before or after it has been approved.
1. On the Home Screen, select Schedules > My Time Off.
2. Select the Current tab.
3. Select the respective time off request.
4. The View/Cancel Time Off Request window appears listing the details and history of the request.
5. Click Cancel Request to withdraw your request.

6. (Optional). In the Reason for Cancellation window, enter a reason for the cancellation.

7. Click Cancel Request.

8. The My Time Off window appears again, showing the status of the request as cancelled.

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9. An email message is sent when a time off request is cancelled. The following table shows when the
email is sent, who will receive it, and the content of the message.

Event Triggering Email When Email is sent Recipient Message

Time Off Request Submission of time Manager “Employee Name” has requested
– Pending off request time off. Please review.
Time Off Request Approval of time off Employee Your time off request has been
– Approved request approved.
Time Off Request Rejection of time off Employee Your time off request has been
– Rejected request rejected.
Time Off Request Submission of time Manager “Employee Name” has cancelled his
– Cancelled off request or her request for time off.

Managing Time Off Requests - Mobile

1. From the Self-Service menu, select My Time Off. Current requests and their status will display.

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2. Select Create New Request to enter a new time off request. Click Select Dates to launch the date
selection calendar. Click the start and end date of your time off request, which highlights a range.
Click OK to continue.

3. Select the leave pay code from the Time Off Type list. A check appears next to the select leave pay
code. Click Next to continue.

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4. The next window allows you to edit the time off request or enter a comment.

5. Time Off banks and messages may also be viewed from the Request Time Off screen. Click Submit
when the request is complete.

6. To view the history of a time off request, select it from the My Time Off menu. You can switch
among Summary, Detail and Messages views.

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Managing Time Off Requests – Mobile WorkForce Suite

Employees can request time off from within WorkForce Suite: Time and Attendance Mobile. For
customers on version 20.0 and above, the Request Time Off card displays on the Hub.

1. Log in to WorkForce Suite: WT&A Mobile. The Request Time Off card displays on the WorkForce
Hub. Scroll to view the Request Time Off card, if needed.

2. Enter the time off type and start and end dates for the requested time off.
3. Once all fields are completed, the Next button is enabled. Select Next to continue.
4. To cancel the request and clear the details entered on the card, select the trash can icon.
5. From the editable Time Off Request Details screen, users may:

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• Add comments
• View time off bank balances
• View exceptions which alert users of any issues with the time off request and prevent
• Adjust type of time off taken (e.g., change Vacation to Unpaid Time Off)
• Modify hours for each day requested

6. Select Update to save any changes, then Submit to send the request. A message will appear
confirming the request was submitted.

NOTE: A Submit button will NOT display until exceptions are resolved.

Exercise 6: Submitting Time Off Requests

Let’s Practice
Using the information provided in this lesson, please complete Exercise 6.
1. Log in as an employee.
2. On the Home Screen, select Schedules > My Time Off.
3. Click Create New Request.
4. Select an absence pay code.
5. Select a start date.
6. Select an end date.
7. Use the red X to delete one of the automatically filled time off days.
8. Click View and confirm details for this time off request.
9. Observe the changes in bank balances and enter comments.
10. Click Submit.
11. Notice that the request displays in the Request List window with a Pending status.
12. Log in as an employee to Mobile and submit a time off request.

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15. Changing Your Password

Depending on your organization’s configuration, you may or may not be able to reset your own
password. Before changing your password, check with your system administrator about password rules
or restrictions.
1. On the Home Screen, select Settings > Change My Password.
A dialog box appears prompting you for your old and new password.

2. Enter your current password into the Old Password field.

3. Enter your new password into the New Password field. This is the password you will use until you
change it again.
4. Re-enter your password in the Confirm New Password field.
5. Click Update Password to complete the change.
6. Click Cancel if you decide not to change your password.

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16. Generating Reports

Employees can access general reports to view timesheet information for a certain period, roles
delegated to them, time spent by project, or comments on timesheets.
1. On the Home Screen, select View Reports or Reports > View Reports from the navigation at the top
of the screen.

2. You may either:

• Select a report category to display available reports.
• Search for the report by entering the name or part of the name of the report in the Search field.
Reports with the search criteria in their name appear in the Search Results pane as you type.

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3. Click the name of the desired report. A second pane appears for report criteria.

4. Complete the respective fields and click Run Now.

5. Select your preferred output format:

• PDF to view or print the report in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view this format. The Reader is available at:
• Excel to view or print the report as a formatted Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
• CSV to view or print the report as unformatted data that can be read in Microsoft Excel and
other applications.
• HTML to view the report in the browser window as a Web page.

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6. Click View Now to generate the report.

Data from an amended timesheet will not be included in reports unless the amended
timesheet has been approved or approved and locked.

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Scheduled Reports
Reports may be scheduled to run at a future time or repeat on user-specified intervals.
1. Open the View Reports window and select a report.
2. Click Schedule at the right of the report toolbar.

3. The report scheduling window appears.

4. In the Delivery area, use the controls to specify the means of delivery. The sample shows that a PDF
of this report will be sent to an email address.

5. In the Scheduling area, select a report frequency and run dates.

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6. In the Report Frequency section, use the controls to specify how frequently the report should run.
7. Specify the start and/or end dates for the report. A start date is required, but the end date can be
left open-ended by selecting the No end date checkbox.
8. A message appears in yellow at the bottom of the Scheduling area to verify the options you

9. In the Schedule Name area, you can change the report name by entering a new name in the Report
Schedule Name field.
10. To apply your new scheduled report, click Create Schedule.

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11. Here is an example of a report scheduled to run every two weeks, with the pay period ending date
automatically calculated by the report schedule. The report is saved to the My Scheduled Reports

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Report Favorites
Report favorites give you quick access to frequently run reports. You can specify and store your own
report favorites.

Creating a Report Favorite

1. On the Home Screen, select View Reports.
2. The Reports window appears.
3. Navigate to and select the report you want to designate as a favorite. Click the Favorites icon (the
star). The star color changes to yellow.

The report is now listed in your Favorites tab.

Removing a Report Favorite

1. Click the Favorites tab.
2. Click the star next to the report to remove it from favorites.

The report is removed from the Favorites tab and the star icon turns white.

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Generating a Report from the Time Entry Window

Depending on your organization’s configuration, you may be able to run reports directly from the Time
Entry window.
1. To run a timesheet report, in the Time Entry window click the More button, and then select
Employee Information.

2. From the Employee Information menu, select the report to generate. The report appears in a new
3. If you need a different date range, select Change Dates. The Change Report Dates dialog box
4. Select different Start and/or End Date(s) as necessary.
5. Click the Change button to generate the report with the different date range.

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17. Premium Calculations

A premium is extra pay received when certain conditions are met. The most commonly known premium
is “Overtime” and the most commonly known condition for earning overtime is working more than forty
hours in a week. Your organization’s premiums have been set up in WorkForce Time & Attendance
based on the conditions stated in the established project business and pay rules.
WorkForce Time & Attendance automatically calculates most premiums with no special action required
on your part. In some cases, a manager may need to take action to pay a premium to an employee. If
you are expecting a premium on your timesheet, check the Results tab to verify that the application
calculated the expected premium.

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Appendix A: Function Hotkeys

Many of the functions and commands used in the WorkForce Time & Attendance web interface can be
performed or executed using a hotkey, a combination of key strokes. The hotkeys available for a screen
will vary depending upon the nature of the tasks being performed, and hotkeys for specific functions can
also vary on different screens.

A configuration option controls the hotkeys for copying and pasting entries on timesheets for a row,
day, or week as well as duplicating a row.

Although the default descriptions of the hotkeys always appear in the Hotkeys dialog, attempting to
execute tasks with disabled hotkeys has no effect on the timesheet.

To display hotkeys for a time entry window, press Ctrl+Shift+H. The following hotkeys are available from
within each screen:

Function Hotkey
Save timesheet Ctrl + Shift + S
Submit timesheet Ctrl + Shift + B
Recalculate and reload the Time Entry Window Ctrl + Shift + R
Insert a row after the currently selected row Ctrl + Shift + I
Cut a row and place the row on the clipboard Ctrl+ Shift + X
Copy a row to the clipboard Ctrl + Shift + C
Paste a row from the clipboard Ctrl + Shift + V
Delete a row Ctrl + Shift + D
Insert a copy of the currently selected row immediately below that row Ctrl + Shift + U
Use high-contrast colors for alternating rows on timesheet and schedule Ctrl + Shift + ~
(Table view only) Opens and closes the details section for a time slice Shift + Enter
Enter time for the previous day. This hotkey works only when the cursor is in an - or _
In/Out field
Enter time for the next day. This works only when the cursor is in an In/Out field + or =

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Function Hotkey
Switch to Day View Ctrl + Shift + Y
Switch to List View Ctrl + Shift + L
Switch to Table View Ctrl + Shift + T
Display each tab’s number Ctrl + Shift for
one second
Display a tab based on the tab’s number Ctrl + Shift+ n,
(where n = 1 – 9)
Move the cursor to the first detail field for the selected row.
If in a detail field, return the cursor to the selected row Ctrl + Shift+ Enter
Shift + Enter
Move the cursor one cell forward (right) in a row, wrapping to the beginning of Ctrl + Shift + right
the next row when the end is reached arrow key
Move the cursor one cell left in a row Ctrl + Shift +
left arrow key
Move the cursor one cell down in a column, wrapping to the top of the next Ctrl + Shift +
column when the end is reached down arrow key
Move the cursor one cell up in a column, wrapping to the bottom of the previous Ctrl + Shift +
column when the end is reached up arrow key

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Editing Hotkeys
Most hotkey shortcuts can be edited or disabled.
1. In a time entry window, press Ctrl+Shift+H. A list of hotkeys appears.

2. Select the Shortcut field of the hotkey to edit.

Hotkeys with a dark gray background cannot be edited.

3. Press the new key combination.

4. Press the Enter key.

If you press a key combination already in use, an error message appears. To correct that,
do one of the following:

• Press Delete and enter a new hotkey combination.

• Press Esc to discard your changes and use the original hotkey combination.

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5. If you press a key combination which does not include both the Ctrl and Shift keys, a warning
message appears. Key combinations that do not include Ctrl and Shift may override existing hotkeys
for your Web browser. You can either choose to save the key combination, delete it, or discard your

Disabling Hotkeys
1. In a time entry window, press Ctrl+Shift+H. A list of hotkeys appears.

The Show Hotkeys hotkey cannot be disabled.

2. Select the Shortcut field of the hotkey to disable from the list and press the Delete key.

Hotkeys with a dark gray background cannot be disabled.

3. When (not set) appears in the cell, press the Enter key.

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