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Mata Kuliah : Language Syllabus & Materials Design
Semester : 6th (Sixth)
Program Studi : English Language Education
Hari/Tanggal : Saturday, 25 May 2024
Waktu : 13.00-14.30 WIB
Dosen : Hikmah Pravitasari, M.Pd

Group Members:

Siska Viani (21421009)

Siti Nurhaliza (NPM)
Rafid Fadesyah Ramadhan (NPM)
Rois Thufail (

Course English Lesson
Class/Semester X/Odd
1. Course Description
The course is designed for Senior High School in 10 th Grade and aims to enable students to analyze the social function, text structure and linguistic elements of simple recount
texts about experiences/incidents/incidents, according to the context of their use.
This course syllabus adapted from …………………..
2. Course Goals and Objectives

2.1. Goals
At the end of the course, you will be able to communicate ideas and experiences through simple and structured paragraphs, showing progress in the use of specialized
vocabulary and simple sentence structures in composing recount text.
2.2. Objectives
The students are able to:
- To identify linguistic elements in recount text through group discussion correctly
- To comprehend the social function of a recount text through group discussion correctly
- To tells about things that happened before and tells in detail about the series of events to build a retelling text

2.3. Course References

Kurniawan, L., & Amment, K. W. (2022). Talk Active 1. Yudhistira.

Echols, J. M. (1996). An English-Indonesian Dictionary. (H. Shadily, Trans.). Gramedia.
Indonesia. 2014. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Bahasa Inggris, When English Rings a Bell: buku guru/Kementerian Pendididkan dan Kebudayaan

3. Course Requirements

3.1. Attendance & Class Participation

Except for official absences, you must attend all class periods to participate in in-class activities, as set out in the course schedule. All students play an active role in
discussions and assignments. Indicators of student participation include:
- Discipline in time and tasks
- Expressing text recount
- .Answering questions
- Asking Questions
- Doing task
3.2. Assignments
You are required to do the following tasks:
- Written test
- Making recount text according to students experiences
- Practice the text with tell it infront of class
- Memorizing the vocabularies related to the lesson
4. Course Policies
1) Not allowed to be late for class / must be on time.
2) Students should have a hand book expecially for English lesson
3) Wear uniform
4) Forbidden to smoke in classroom and around school
5) Understimate the teacher whiling in teaching and learning activitis
5. Grading System
All your work will be objectively graded (see the table below), but your final or entire grade will be adjusted to the Google Classroom grading system.
80 – 100 A
60-70 B
50-40 C
30-20 D
10 3

6. Tentative Course Schedule

- Core Competence 1 and 2 : ……………………………………………………………………..
- Core Competence 3 : ……………………………………………………………………..
- Core Competence 4 : ……………………………………………………………………...
Course Learning Material Learning Method Time
Basic Competence Indicators Evaluation
Meeting and Experiences and Media Allocation
First - 3.1 Applying social - Students are able to identify the Greeting, Learning Method Individual Practice
Fourth functions, text structures, social function, structure, and Introducing,
● Communicative 240 Group Practice
Meetings and linguistic elements of language features of the expressions Partings, Making
Course Learning Material Learning Method Time
Basic Competence Indicators Evaluation
Meeting and Experiences and Media Allocation
oral and written
transactional interaction
texts that involve giving and
asking for information
related to identity and
family relationships, of self introduction.
according to the context of
- Students are able to use personal and
its use. (Pay attention to the
possessive pronouns to introduce
linguistic elements of the
themselves and describe their family.
pronoun: subjective, Learning
objective, possessive). - Students are able to use possessive
adjectives and WH-questions to
Dialogue Minutes (Dialogue)
make conversations about personal Media
4.1 Compose short and identity and family relations.
simple oral and written ● Book
- Students are able to introduce
transactional interaction
texts that involve the act of
giving and asking for - Students are able to describe their
information related to family correctly.
identity, taking into account
social functions, text
structure, and linguistic
elements that are correct and
in context.
Fifth - Ninth
- ●
Tenth -
Thirteenth - ●
Fourteenth - - ●
Course Learning Material Learning Method Time
Basic Competence Indicators Evaluation
Meeting and Experiences and Media Allocation
- ●
- ●

7. Communication
If you have any difficulties or troubles about the material ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...

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