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Contemporary Philippine Arts
from the Regions (CPAR)

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Written by: JESSIBEL V. CASAMIS, SST II (SST-II) DPLMHS Stand-Alone Senior High School

Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions

QUARTER 3 WEEK 2A DAY ---------------------
GRADE/LEVEL dd/mm/yyyy
Grade 11/12
TOPIC Art Forms Found in the Philippines: Visual Arts
ESSENTIAL The learner discusses various art forms found in the Philippines.
IMPORTANT: Do not write on this material. Write your answers on separate sheets of paper.

CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates appreciation of contemporary art forms
found in various regions by understanding the elements and principles.

CHECKPOINT: How are the various forms of art different from each other?

Visual Arts

I. Painting refers to the process of applying color on a flat surface to create figures or shapes.

Easel Painting is perhaps the most common form of

painting; involves applying color on broad or canvas that
is fixed on an upright support called easel. Easel
paintings are meant to be framed and hanged on a wall
after creating them.

Mural is described as a huge wall-sized painting.

The portable mural was created by using bold
strokes in applying bright colors on pieces of
cheesecloth or canvas. It can also be found on walls
of edifices such as this one found in a building in
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig.

Komiks and editorial cartoon involve

illustrations that accompany stories revolving
heroes from historical events and characters from
popular Filipino mythology or folklore. It may
also be used to depict in images a pressing issue
or societal concern.

Written by: JESSIBEL V. CASAMIS, SST II (SST-II) DPLMHS Stand-Alone Senior High School

Automotive Art is often found in brightly colored calesas and jeepneys. In a calesa, it is
typically painted using one color with the borders decorated with geometric and repetitive patterns.
Typical subject matter of jeepney painting ranges from landscapes to scenes from comic books.

II. Sculpture is an artistic form in which hard or plastic materials are worked into three-dimensional
art objects. The designs may be embodied in freestanding objects, in reliefs on surfaces, or in
environments ranging from tableaux to contexts that envelop the spectator.

• Freestanding. This kind of sculpture that can independently stand in space. It has a flat
horizontal base. All its sides contribute to the over-all form of the sculpture.
• Relief. This kind of sculpture does not have flat horizon base and the form is projected
from a flat surface. There are two types of relief: low relief or bas-relief, and high relief.
The form of a low relief projects slightly from the flat surface, in contrast to the high
• Assemblage. This sculpture is formed by putting together materials such as objects, pieces
of paper, sponges, wood scraps, and other materials.
• Kinetic Sculpture. Considered as a sculpture in motion because the entire sculpture or
some parts of the sculpture are moving with the wind or are vibrating with the surrounding
air. A mobile is said to be the simplest form of kinetic sculpture.
• Welded Sculpture. Creating these sculptures involve the process of connecting sheets of
metal together by using an acetylene or electric torch.
• Glass Art. Refers to works of art that are substantially or wholly made of glass.

III. Artistic Design is the plan involved in creating something according to a set of aesthetics such as
functionality or cost, but concerned mainly with how to make something beautiful.

• Advertising Art. Using paid space or time in any of the media to inform and influence the
public to patronize certain goods and services, or to support policies or persons. The
following can be used in advertising art: animation, photography, computer-generated
graphics, neon signs, posters, mascots, total product improvement, and total corporate
• Book Design. Involves structuring and reproduction of bound pages that are filled with
text and/or images, and are protected by hard or soft covers.
• Food Art. This involves packaging and/or presentation of food in an artistic way.
• Furniture. These are the decorative and functional objects which are typically found in a
public or private dwelling or building.
• Leaf Art. Leaf art is used in religious rituals, food wrapping and even as a form of
modern artistic expression.
• Basketry. This refers to the art of creating containers by weaving, plaiting, or braiding
materials into hollow three-dimensional shapes that can either be used for carrying,
storage, and trapping animals.
• Mat Weaving. This refers to the art of plaiting strips of organic fibers into mats.
• Costumes. These are garments, hairstyles, and accessories that are worn by individual
members or groups in a particular society. These may vary according to class, sex, age,
civil status, occupation, rank, and personal taste of an individual.
• Embroidery. This refers to the art of stitching ornaments on cloth by hand.

Other Forms of Visual Arts

• metal craft (brass casting and blacksmithing, old smithing and silversmithing, tin smithing)
• multimedia (conceptual art, installation art, performance art)
• paper art
• personal ornaments/jewelry craft
• photography
• pottery (earthenware or terracotta, stoneware, porcelain)
• printmaking
• tattoo art
• textile weaving

Written by: JESSIBEL V. CASAMIS, SST II (SST-II) DPLMHS Stand-Alone Senior High School

IV. Architecture. The style of design and method of construction of buildings and other physical

• Apartment. Building composed of many residences called units, such as condominiums.

This is usually built in populated urban areas.
• Bahay na Bato. Built in many areas during the 19th and 20th centuries, a typical two-
story bahay na bato generally has a ground floor that is made of brick or stone, and has a
wooden upper level.
• Barong-barong. Houses of the landless poor that are built on any land or area. These are
usually found near the esteros, riverbanks, and bayshores; spaces along high walls,
railroad tracks; spaces near abandoned buildings, and garbage dumps; or any vacant lot.
• Bungalow. This refers to a one-story house with the wide front porch and large windows.
It may also have a terrace, which may be roofed or not.

Other Forms of Philippine Architecture

o ethnic houses (boathouses, houses on stilts, bahay kubo)
o commercial buildings (malls, offices)
o public structures (government offices, schools, places of worship, cultural centers,
recreational parks, memorial parks/cemeteries)

SA-Q1: What makes traditional art different from contemporary Filipino art?
SA-Q2: What is the unifying similarity among the various forms of Filipino art?

Let’s Practice! (Write your answers on a separate sheet.)

A. Directions: Choose one between the two.

1. In 1/4 size of white cartolina, paint a picture of a river in the middle of a mountain using water
2. Make a mat weaving using strips of colored paper or cartolina.

B. Directions: Individually, choose one form of visual art (painting, sculpture or architecture) you
would want to work on. Make a project plan and rate your own output before submitting to your
teacher. You may follow the format below.

A. Objectives:

B. Materials (list down)

C. Procedures (step by step)

Criteria Student’s Rating Teacher’s Rating

Originality (10 pts.)
Creativity (20 pts.)
Over-all Appearance (20 pts.)

Written by: JESSIBEL V. CASAMIS, SST II (SST-II) DPLMHS Stand-Alone Senior High School

Key Points

• Painting refers to the process of applying color on a flat surface to create figures or shapes. It
is also the expression of ideas and emotions, with the creation of certain aesthetic qualities, in
a two-dimensional visual language.
• Sculpture is an artistic form in which hard or plastic materials are worked into three-
dimensional art objects. Sculptural designs may be embodied in freestanding objects, in reliefs
on surfaces, or in environments that embrace the audience or viewer.
• Artistic Design is the creation of something according to a set of aesthetics such as
functionality or utility, and cost.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!

Directions: Read the following statements carefully. Identify what is being described in the
statement. (Answer on a separate sheet.)

____ 1. This refers to the process of applying color on a flat surface.

____ 2. A painting that is applied on a wall or a large permanent surface.
____ 3. The subject matter of this automotive art ranges from landscapes to comic book scenes.
____ 4. A painting that is finished on a portable upright support.
____ 5. A painting that involves cutting and pasting relatively flat materials onto a board or canvas.
____ 6. The art of stitching ornaments on cloth by hand.
____ 7. This is also known as a sculpture in motion.
____ 8. This kind of sculpture stands independently and has a flat base.
____ 9. It is used in religious rituals, and even as a form of modern artistic expression.
____ 10. This type of pottery is made from kaolin, a clay that is extra fine and white, and feldspar.
____ 11. Process of creating cloth through the use of threads.
____ 12. Process of connecting sheets of metal together by using an acetylene or electric torch.
____ 13. Considered to be the ethnic house of Christian families living in lowland areas.
____ 14. Libingan ng mga Bayani is an example of this architectural form.
____ 15. This commercial building is a place or a building for buying and selling goods.

QUARTER 3 WEEK 2B DAY ---------------------
GRADE/LEVEL dd/mm/yyyy
Grade 11/12
TOPIC Art Forms Found in the Philippines: Performing Arts and Literature
ESSENTIAL The learner discusses various art forms found in the Philippines.

IMPORTANT: Do not write on this material. Write your answers on separate sheets of paper.

CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates appreciation of contemporary art forms
found in various regions by understanding the elements and principles.

CHECKPOINT: How are the various forms of art different from each other??

Performing Arts (Music) is considered to be the least tangible of the arts. It is defined as an
arrangement of sounds to create a continuous and unified composition. Filipino music comes in a
variety of forms, covering a wide spectrum of sources, geographically and historically; and
Written by: JESSIBEL V. CASAMIS, SST II (SST-II) DPLMHS Stand-Alone Senior High School
representing more than 100 ethnolinguistic groups as well as different social and cultural
environments in the Philippines. The totality of these forms may be categorized into three distinct
repertoires: 1) Asiatic oral traditions; 2) Westernized oral traditions; and 3) Western-influenced
art and popular music, and semi classical music.

• The first category covers forms that are closely related to the cultural traditions of
Southeast Asia. Most of the musical forms are performed in connection with rites of
passage and life cycle events as well as occupational activities. These forms are usually
referred to as Indigenous Philippine music.
• The second category of musical forms consists of orally transmitted genres and
compositions that are performed in rural Christian communities in Luzon, Visayas and
parts of lowland Mindanao, and are generally referred to as Philippine “folk music.”
• The third category of Philippine musical forms are found in urban communities and
centers of population, and are written in the standard Western art music forms (chamber
music, symphonic music, opera, sarswela, etc.) and contemporary music styles, as well as
the latest popular music industry- Latin American, jazz, country, rock, folk, rap, etc. In
addition, modern compositions have also been written for such theatrical forms as dance
and/or ballet, drama, musicales, and cinema.

Performing Arts (Dance) is an art form involving a series of rhythmic human movements that
are purposefully selected. Filipino dances can be classified into indigenous/ethnic, folk or

Performing Arts (Theater) refers to an art form that involves performing carefully planned
actions and emotions in front of an audience. Traditional theater in the Philippines is often in the form
of dance-drama like the panuluyan (the Holy Family seeking lodging in Bethlehem), the pastores
(shepherds singing and dancing from house to house) and the sinakulo (reenactment of Christ’s
crucifixion and death). There are also ritual dances that follow in January, like the sinulog in Cebu
and the dinagyang in Iloilo are dressed-up spectacles in the streets. With further Westernization, this
form evolved into the sarswela to include dancing as much as plot and song as in a musical and later
on, the adaptation of ballet.

Film refers to a sequence of moving pictures, which is typically shown on television or in

cinema. On September 12, 1919, Dalagang Bukid, a movie based on a popular musical play, became
the first movie made and shown by a Filipino filmmaker, Jose Nepomuceno. This work marked the
start of cinema as an art form in the Philippines. Filmmaking then became an industry starting in the

Literature is considered to be a whole bulk of written works. However, another definition of

literature means a body of works that show “the best that has been thought and said,” or works that
signify the highest achievements of a particular culture.

I. Precolonial Times showcase a rich past through their folk speeches, folk songs, folk narratives and
indigenous rituals and mimetic dances that affirm our ties with our Southeast Asian neighbors. It also
has vast collection of folk speeches such as:

• proverbs or aphorisms that express norms or codes of behavior, community beliefs or

they instill values by offering bits of wisdom in short, rhyming verse
• tanaga – a mono-riming heptasyllabic (7) quatrain (4 line-stanza) expressing insights and
lessons on life
• folk song – expresses the hopes and aspirations, the people’s lifestyles as well as their
loves; often repetitive and sonorous
• narrative poetry/epics – use for its subject matter the exploits of historical and legendary
• folk tales are varied, exotic and magical

II. The Spanish Colonial Tradition showcase an array of religious prose and poetry. Religious lyrics
versed in both Spanish and Tagalog were included in early catechism and were used to teach Filipinos
the Spanish language.

Written by: JESSIBEL V. CASAMIS, SST II (SST-II) DPLMHS Stand-Alone Senior High School

• religious poetry or the pasyon became known in the Filipino’s commemoration of Christ’s
agony and resurrection at Calvary
• prose narratives – written to prescribe proper decorum; also used for proselytizing
secular works appeared alongside historical and economic changes, the emergence of an
opulent class and the middle class who could avail of a European education
• secular lyrics followed the conventions of a romantic tradition: the languishing but loyal
lover, the elusive, often heartless beloved, the rival such as found in the metrical romance,
the awit and korido in Tagalog (e.g., Florante at Laura, Ibong Adarna)
• Propaganda Prose –political essays and Rizal’s two political novels, Noli Me Tangere
and the El filibusterismo helped usher in the Philippine revolution resulting in the
downfall of the Spanish regime

III. The American Colonial Period. Despite the threat of censorship by the new colonizers, more
writers turned up “seditious works” and popular writing in the native languages bloomed through the
weekly outlets like Liwayway and Bisaya.

• modern short story

• novels
• essays

IV. The Contemporary Period. The flowering of Philippine literature in the various languages
continue especially with the appearance of new publications after the Martial Law years and the
resurgence of committed literature in the 1960s and the 1970s. The teaching of literatures of the
regions was emphasized, such as legends and myths. This also made world literature pieces
available to a wider Philippine audience. The komiks is a special form of contemporary literature.
This involves drawing frames showing a set of characters with their actions read from left to right.

SA-Q1: Among the four performing arts (music, dance, theater and film), which is more
challenging to produce? Why?
SA-Q2: What is the unifying similarity among the various forms of Filipino performing

Let’s Practice! (Write your answers on a separate sheet.)

Directions: Look for two (2) literary pieces. Identify what form these are and discuss why they are

Key Points

• Literature is considered to be a body of written works that show “the best that has been
thought and said,” or works that signify the highest achievements of a particular culture.
• Music is considered to be the least tangible of the arts. It is defined as an arrangement of
sounds to create a continuous and unified composition.
• Dance is an art form involving a series of rhythmic human movements that are purposefully
• Theater refers to an art form that involves performing carefully planned actions and emotions
in front of an audience.
• Film refers to a sequence of moving pictures, which is typically shown on television or in

Written by: JESSIBEL V. CASAMIS, SST II (SST-II) DPLMHS Stand-Alone Senior High School

Let’s see how much have you learned today!

Directions: Match the description in Column A with the corresponding forms of visual and
performing arts in Column B. (Answer on a separate sheet.)

____ 1. Arrangement of sounds to create a continuous and unified A. dance
composition. B. epic
____ 2. Musical forms that are performed in rural Christian C. film
communities in Luzon, Visayas and parts of lowland Mindanao. D. folk music
____ 3. This can be classified into ethnic, folk or contemporary. E. folk songs
____ 4. Art form that involves performing carefully planned actions F. komiks
and emotions in front of an audience. G. music
____ 5. A sequence of moving pictures, which is typically shown on H. propaganda prose
television or in cinema. I. proverbs
____ 6. Instill values in short, rhyming verse. J. sculpture
____ 7. Expresses the hopes and aspirations of the people. K. theater
____ 8. Has subject matter about the exploits of legendary heroes.
____ 9. Includes political essays and Rizal’s two political novels.
____ 10. Contemporary literature that involves drawing frames
showing a set of characters.

For further readings:

REFERENCE/S Source: Panisan, W., Gazzingan, L., Samar, G. & Boongaling, C. (2016). Contemporary
Arts from the Regions for Senior High School. Malabon City, PH: Mutya Publishing
House, Inc. pp. 09-26; 30-61.

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Written by: JESSIBEL V. CASAMIS, SST II (SST-II) DPLMHS Stand-Alone Senior High School

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