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Iune 12,2020

Congratulations! It is my pleasure to offer you adrnission to the University of British Columbia.
UBC takes great care in selecting the incoming class from each year's pool of remarkable, talented applicants. Your hard
work, Bella
academic achievements, and experiences have set you apart. I am confident that you will harness your passion and
drive to contribute to our vibrant UBC community, and to build upon the outstanding academic legacy of our alumni.
As a UBC student, you will join a diverse group of leaders, scholars, and innovators at one of the top 40 research
universities in the world. Students from more than 150 countries choose the University of British Columbia for many
reasons. Some choose us for our high academic standards and beautiful campus locations. Others choose us for our
outstanding faculty, our globally significant research opportunities, and our commitment to sustainability. Your reasons for
choosing UBC will be uniquely yours - but I hope you will accept this offer of admission because UBC believes you have a
great deal to accomplish here. It is students, like you, who make the University of British Columbia such an exceptional
learning environment.
To fonnally accept UBC's offer of adrrission, visit the Student Service Centre at wrvw.students.ubc.calssc. See the second
page of this letter for instructions. Because you are an intemational student who will be attending UBC for more than six
months, you must apply for a study permit as soon as you accept your UBC offer. Please refer to Step 2 in the New Student
Guide for more information. The UBC Registration and Orientation Guide found at https://you.ubc.calbeginhere provides
you with all the information required to help you plan for a successful year at UBC.


Kathleen Ross
Associate Vice-President and Registrar
University of British Columbia

Undcrgraduatc Admissions, Enrolmcnt Scryiccs. 1874 East Mall, Vancouvcr. BC Canada V6T lZl
Tel: 604-822-9836 | 1-877-272-1422 | https://you.ubc.ca
UBC Student #: 202612345

Golmaghani Azar's Offer of Admission

UBC student number
numbe : 20261234

You have been admiffed to:

Program: Bachelor of Music program
Campus: Vancouver
Session: 2026-2027
2020-2021 Winter Session
To keep your offer of admission to UBC, you must:
- Successfully complete all courses required for entry into your program by June 30.
- Maintain your current level of academic standing on required courses.
- Graduate from high school.
- Submit your final official transcript by July 3 I st to verify that the above conditions have been met.
Review https://you.ubc.calkeep-offer for the conditions of this offer of admission. It is your responsibility to provide UBC
with the documents that confirm these conditions have been met as soon as possible. If you fail to meet any of the
conditions listed above, you may lose your offer of admission to UBC.

Accepting/declining your offer of admission

To secure your spot at UBC, you must accept your offer ofadmission and pay your acceptance deposit no later than June
2026 Log in to the Student Service Centre at www.students.ubc.ca./ssc and select "Accept or Decline My Offer." If you
do not plan to attend UBC, please decline your offer so we can provide your spot to another student.

Additional information
Important infonnation regarding housing, financial planning, and registration can be found in the UBC Registration and
Orientation Guide at https://you.ubc.calbeginhere. For inforrnation on your student record, registration timeline and degree
progress, visit the Student Service Centre at students.ubc.calssc.

Visit https://you.ubc.calfinancial-planning/scholarships-awards-international-students/ for infonnation about UBC's

intemational scholarships.
Your UBC experience begins with Jump Start. UBC's multi-day orientation introduces you to the University, your faculty,
and new friends. Set yourselfup for success - learn about Jump Start and how to register at students.ubc.caljumpstart.

Undcrgraduatc Admissions, Enrolment Services, 1874 East Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T lZl
Tel: 604-822-9836 | | -87 7 -21 2-l 422 | https://you.ubc.ca
UBC Student #: 202612345


Letter of acceptance
to support your Study Permit application

June 12,2020

Golmaehani Azar

Date of Rirth:

Dear Bella Liu

2026 The details

The University of British Columbia is pleased to offer you admission for studies beginning in September 2020.
of our offer. including program information and conditions of acceptance, follow.
Program: Elachclor of Music
Campus: Vancouver
UBC Designated Learnins Institution (DLI) Number: O 19330231062
UBC Student Number
Numbe : 20261234
Year Level: I
Program Length: Minimum 4-5 years of full+ime studies
Program Start Date: September 8,2020
Expected date of arrival for students registered in UBC Jump Start: August 29,2020

Acceptance Conditions: See page 2 of this letter for the conditions required to maintain your offer of admission.
Tuition Fees: Approximately $38,000 - $53,000 depending on program
'Scholarship: No scholarshios noted
at this time
Expiry Date:


Kathleen Ross
Associate Vice-President and Registrar
University of British Colurnbia

lnternationalStudcn(lniiiiltive,EnrolmentScrviccs, ll0(!lllT4EustMull,VancQuvcr.BCCanadaV6T lZl

elr 604-lt22-14999 | intenralional.applicanls(? ubc.ca https:1/you.ubc.ca

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