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How ChatGPT

Can and Can’t

Help Managers
Design Better Job
Many leaders don’t know how to design healthy, productive
roles. ChatGPT proves effective here, when used wisely.

Fangfang Zhang
Sharon K. Parker

• Reprint #65215 •


How ChatGPT Can and Can’t

Help Managers Design Better
Job Roles
Fangfang Zhang and Sharon K. Parker

Many leaders don’t know how to design healthy, productive roles.

ChatGPT proves effective here, when used wisely.

The root causes of disengagement and work stress often lie

in how an organization has designed people’s jobs. Decades
of extensive research consistently link poor work design with
negative employee outcomes, including mental strain, high
turnover, job dissatisfaction, decreased productivity, and
impaired learning. 3 Many companies are now striving to
do better.

Unfortunately, our research indicates that many

managers lack the necessary understanding to design
high-quality jobs. This is where artificial intelligence
technologies such as ChatGPT could play a key role, by
bridging the manager knowledge gap and helping design
Carolyn Geason-Beissel/MIT SMR | Getty Images
high-quality work that benefits both employees and
Today’s leaders are pushing to increase employee organizations. However, it is important for managers to
engagement and decrease turnover but face a harsh reality: first understand the pros and cons of using ChatGPT for
widespread employee burnout. To fight it, managers need work design. Let’s explore some takeaways for managers
to offer employees more healthy and meaningful work. In that our research has revealed.
surveys conducted in the United States by Gallup in 2022,
40% of employees reported that their job had a negative Managerial Challenges:
impact on their mental health, and around 30% said they
frequently experience burnout. Moreover, U.S. employee Mundane and Unfulfilling
engagement hit a seven-year low, with only 32% of workers
polled by Gallup saying they were engaged and 17% saying
they were actively disengaged in 2022. 1 Globally, What factors determine whether a job is high quality? The
employees’ lack of engagement has been estimated to cost SMART work design model, a framework created by Sharon
employers $7.8 trillion — equivalent to 11% of the global
gross domestic product. 2

Copyright © Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023. All rights reserved. • Reprint #65215 •

K. Parker, defines high-quality work as work that is For example, in one scenario, a warehouse worker
stimulating (jobs with task variety and a chance to develop consistently failed to meet 50% of the timed deadlines in
new skills), incorporates mastery (such as role clarity and gathering products and delivering them to dispatch —
job feedback), is agentic (such as job autonomy and change despite frequently running to pick up goods. While the
participation), is relational (where social support and majority of participants focused on choices that improved
positive teamwork are available), and is tolerable (with the work design (for example, “Involve the employee and
manageable work hours and reasonable levels of time their colleagues in a review to identify ways in which their
pressure). 4 work could be organized better” or “Reorganize the work so
that tasks do not need to be timed”), a surprising number of
Despite the benefits of well-designed jobs, poorly designed participants (40%) still chose strategies aimed at fixing the
ones are still prevalent. According to the Gallup 2019 Great worker (such as “Discreetly observe the person’s behavior
Jobs Survey, only 40% of employed Americans are engaged to see how fast they are moving”). These findings validate
in jobs that possess SMART characteristics. 5 On the other our finding that there is a lack of knowledge of work design
hand, 16% find themselves in jobs that lack essential SMART among managers and staff members.
characteristics, and 44% have jobs that possess only some
satisfactory SMART attributes. 6
Generative AI Can Suggest
A lack of knowledge among today’s managers about job
design might explain such findings. A study we recently
Strong Work Design
conducted explored how people design jobs for others. 7 In the study’s next phase, we researched whether an AI-
Participants in an online simulation (Simulation 1) were powered tool such as ChatGPT could help managers do
asked to design an administrative job role. The half-time better. The short answer: ChatGPT has the potential to
job was made up entirely of four photocopying and filing enhance decision-making in work design. However, it is
tasks. Participants were asked to make the job full time by important for managers to understand what ChatGPT can
selecting four additional tasks from a list of 11, including and cannot do well.
five repetitive photocopying and filing tasks and six more-
meaningful and interesting tasks, such as greeting visitors or We used ChatGPT to make hypothetical work design
helping colleagues arrange meetings. decisions for the administrative work design simulation
(Simulation 1). We ran the simulation task 20 times, using
Participants were scored on a 0 to 4 range, with a higher a new, independent chat session with the same prompt each
score indicating the creation of a more stimulating work time in ChatGPT. The generative AI model consistently
design. Almost half (45%) of university-level management chose enrichment tasks out of the provided list,
students and professionals/managers working in human outperforming both students and professionals/managers in
services industries tended to incorporate repetitive and creating interesting and meaningful work. ChatGPT’s
monotonous work, demonstrating a knowledge gap when it performance was similar to that of work design experts.
comes to quality work design.
We then tasked ChatGPT to tackle Simulation 2, addressing
In a second simulation (Simulation 2), participants were the four managerial workforce scenarios (including the
asked to act like a manager and solve workforce problems theoretical warehouse worker mentioned above), choosing
in four scenarios. In each scenario, the job role design was strategies from a list. In each scenario, ChatGPT consistently
clearly poor. To fix the problems, participants rated how chose strategies aimed at fixing the work design (good
likely they were to adopt strategies from a list that included strategies for employee well-being, motivation, and
both “fixing the worker” approaches, which attributed performance) over those focused on fixing the worker. As in
problems to the employee, and “fixing the poor work design” Simulation 1, ChatGPT outperformed students, managers,
approaches, which acknowledged the poor-quality job

Copyright © Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023. All rights reserved. • Reprint #65215 •

and professionals in its focus on work design to solve the being, motivation, satisfaction, and work meaningfulness”;
workforce problems. and “Consider Karen’s work design.” The AI model then
provided solutions related to improving Karen’s work design,
However, ChatGPT did not score as well as the work design including the following:
experts in Simulation 2, suggesting that some caution is
warranted. For example, in one session addressing the • Reviewing time allocation and workload to set realistic
warehouse worker who was missing deadlines, ChatGPT time goals.
scored 4 overall but chose the strategy “I would give the
employee and her colleagues a bonus when they meet the • Involving Karen in the decision-making process and
allocated times,” which ignores the role’s unreasonable time seeking her input on ways to improve her job.
• Offering supportive feedback and recognition to enhance
employee satisfaction and motivation.
One Big Lesson: Specific
• Providing adequate training and skill development
Prompts Are Key opportunities to boost confidence and engagement.
To further assess ChatGPT’s ability to generate suggestions
independently, we ran the Simulation 2 work design tasks These strategies would boost Karen’s SMART work design
without providing a multiple-choice solution list. We ran characteristics, increasing the tolerability of demands,
each test in a new account with the chat history function enhancing agency, boosting mastery, and making the work
turned off and in independent new chats so that the output more stimulating.
of ChatGPT would not be affected by previous inputs.
ChatGPT also suggested solutions such as fostering a
To begin with, the outcome was worrying. When we simply supportive work environment, encouraging team support
instructed the AI model to “provide effective strategies to and collaboration, offering career advancement
address the problem” in the missed-deadlines scenario, opportunities, and promoting work-life balance. These
ChatGPT tended to address problems by trying to fix the solutions all align well with extensive research on work
worker and creating old-fashioned Taylorist approaches to design and well-being and would make the job “SMART-
work systems, such as conducting time and motion studies. er” and hence result in a healthier and more productive
For example, ChatGPT suggested solutions such as time employee.
management skills and additional training to help the
warehouse employee, who we named Karen, improve her We learned from this particular experiment with ChatGPT
performance (for example, “Focus on improving Karen’s that generative AI can make valuable work design decisions,
speed and accuracy in locating and gathering items from the but managers need to provide clear instructions that
warehouse”). It also recommended providing performance prioritize outcomes for the worker. For example, asking
feedback and incentives to motivate Karen to move faster ChatGPT to “design a high-quality job” rather than simply
(for instance, “By linking performance with rewards, Karen requesting “good work design” can generate more relevant
will be encouraged to focus on improving her speed and and effective strategies. Therefore, to enhance the quality of
efficiency”). Each of these solutions implicitly assumes that strategy suggestions generated by ChatGPT, managers need
the worker’s motivation or ability is the problem rather than to mention specific, desirable goals in their question
the work design. prompts, such as high-quality jobs; employees’ health, well-
being, and motivation; and work meaningfulness.
After learning that such an open-ended approach was not
optimal, we next instructed ChatGPT to address this same One piece of good news: Managers who do not frequently
scenario using specific prompts: “Consider designing a use ChatGPT can learn how to write effective prompts via
good-quality job for Karen”; “Consider Karen’s health, well-

Copyright © Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023. All rights reserved. • Reprint #65215 •

the ChatGPT tool itself. For example, when asked, “How can roles is seen as a legitimate and important responsibility,
one craft a well-structured and clear prompt to effectively versus having their sole focus be the bottom line. For
address work design challenges?” ChatGPT provided a step- example, if managers get promoted purely on the basis of
by-step guide on how to write effective prompts. ChatGPT productivity achievements, they will not have much
advised us to identify the core issue and be specific — motivation to design SMART work for their teams.
suggestions that could be applied to work design by using
prompts such as “Design high-quality work that enhances Manager erss n
neeed h
heealthy jjoobs tth
emsselves. Managers need
positive team interaction and collaboration for the sales sufficient time to be able to pay attention to how well their
team” or “Design work that is meaningful to facilitate staff members’ jobs are designed. This means managers’ own
employee acceptance of technological changes in their jobs need to be tolerable and not excessively time-pressured.
Managererss n
neeed ttoo le
leaarn C
ChhatGPT p
ingg sskkills.
The experiment also showed that effective prompts need Managers should be encouraged to use generative AI to help
to be reviewed and tested. Managers who struggle to write with work design challenges, but they need clear and
effective ChatGPT prompts can improve their skills by using comprehensive instructions as to how to use it effectively.
a prompt such as “The following is a prompt aimed at asking For example, managers need to be specific and to mention
ChatGPT for advice from a work design expert’s perspective. goals such as employee well-being and motivation when
Please analyze and suggest improvements to get actionable seeking work design recommendations from ChatGPT.
and practical advice from ChatGPT.” In this case, ChatGPT
ChatGPT w wiill aaug
t, n
noot rrep
ace,, p
peeople in desig
will provide more specific suggestions that drive better-
ettter jjoobs. Unlike simulations, real-life job design situations
quality outputs.
are often characterized by their ambiguity and complexity,
with numerous variables that can influence outcomes. Real
Five Lessons for Managers situations require a deep understanding of context, human
emotions, social dynamics, and political and ethical
To address the pervasive issue of poor work role design
considerations, all of which can be challenging for an AI tool
and its detrimental effects, embracing innovative solutions
like ChatGPT to fully grasp. We recommend using ChatGPT
is crucial. Based on our research, ChatGPT has emerged
as a complement to human managers rather than as a
as a promising AI-powered tool to help managers design
replacement for them.
healthier and more productive jobs. But it’s not a panacea
and needs to be used wisely. Our advice for managers: By incorporating ChatGPT’s suggestions alongside human
expertise, organizations can foster higher staff engagement,
ChatGPT ccaann
nnoot rrep
epllace ttra
iningg. Managers need to be
job satisfaction, and overall performance. Achieving such a
aware that worker problems can emerge from poor work
synergy between managers and AI can pave the way for a
design and that work design, in turn, can affect worker well-
better future for work design and employee experience.
being, motivation, and work meaningfulness. This means
that before using ChatGPT to design better jobs, managers
still need basic training on work design concepts. To get
started on this topic, see the related article “How Well- About the Authors
Designed Work Makes Us Smarter” and the SMART Work
Design site. Fangfang Zhang, Ph.D., is a research fellow at the Centre
for Transformative Work Design at Curtin University. She is
Manager erss n
neeed ttoo bbee ssu
upported in tth
heir ggooal ttoo cr
creeate w
also a CEPAR (Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing
designned w woork. Managers need to be motivated to create
Research) research fellow. Her research interests include
better jobs for their staffs. This means managers themselves
work design, job crafting, future of work, overqualification,
need roles in which the creation of healthy employee work
and aging. Sharon K. Parker is a John Curtin Distinguished

Copyright © Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023. All rights reserved. • Reprint #65215 •

Professor at Curtin University, an Australian Research 3. S.K. Parker, “Beyond Motivation: Job and Work Design for
Development, Health, Ambidexterity, and More,” Annual Review of
Council laureate fellow, and director of the Centre for
Psychology 65 (January 2014): 661-691.
Transformative Work Design. She is a fellow of the
Australian Academy of Social Science and the Society for 4. S.K. Parker, “Smart Work Design,” Safeguard, May/June 2022, 50-53.
Industrial and Organisational Psychology. She is the creator
5. J. Rothwell and S. Crabtree, “Not Just a Job: New Evidence on the
of the SMART model and cofounder of the Thrive at Work Quality of Work in the United States,” PDF file (Washington, D.C.: Gallup,
initiative. 2019),

6. Ibid.
7. S.K. Parker, D.M. Andrei, and A. Van den Broeck, “Poor Work Design
1. B. Wigert and R. Pendell, “6 Trends Leaders Need to Navigate This Begets Poor Work Design: Capacity and Willingness Antecedents of
Year,” Jan. 31, 2023, Gallup, Individual Work Design Behavior,” Journal of Applied Psychology 104,
no. 7 (July 2019): 907-928.
2. Ibid.

Work Design Decision Scores in Different Groups

When participants in Simulation 1 were asked to design an administrative job role, 45% mostly chose to assign the worker
repetitive and monotonous tasks (scored from 0 to 4 indicating the number of enriched tasks selected by the participants). When
participants in Simulation 2 were asked to address problems in four poorly designed job roles, 40% chose strategies aimed at
fixing the worker rather than the poor design (scored from 1 to 5 indicating the extent to which participants will adopt the
strategies, 1=extremely unlikely, 5=extremely likely).

Copyright © Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023. All rights reserved. • Reprint #65215 •

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