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Chapter 3

Research Method Used

Population and Sampling Design
Research Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure
Statistical Treatment
Method of Research
 historical, descriptive or experimental

 explained briefly.

 The procedural part of the method, its

appropriateness to the study, and some
of its advantages should be given
attention and should be well discussed.
Refer to print out

Characteristics of Descriptive Research
 ascertains prevailing conditions of facts in a group study
 gives either a qualitative or quantitative, or both, description of
the general characteristics of the group or case under study
 What caused the prevailing conditions is not emphasized
 Study of conditions at different periods of time may be made and
the change or progress that took place between the periods may
be noted or evaluated for any value it gives.
 Comparisons of the characteristics of two groups or cases may
be made to determine their similarities and differences.
 The variables or conditions studied in descriptive research are
not usually controlled.
 It studies the different sections belonging to the same group.
 Studies on prevailing conditions may or can be repeated for the
purposes of verification and comparison.
Sample Research Method
Method of Research
The descriptive method of research was
used in this study. Descriptive method of
research is a fact-finding study with adequate
and accurate interpretation of findings. It
describes what is. It describes with emphasis
what actually exist such as current
conditions, practices, situations, or any
phenomena. Since the present study or
investigation was concerned with the present
status of the teaching of science in the high
schools of Province A, the descriptive
method of research was the most appropriate
method to use. (This can be elaborated
Graphic Organizer for RMU
 Refer to print out
Method used The descriptive method of research was
used in this study.
Definition Descriptive method of research is a fact-
finding study with adequate and accurate
interpretation of findings. It describes what
is. It describes with emphasis what
actually exist such as current conditions,
practices, situations, or any phenomena.
Appropriateness Since the present study or investigation
was concerned with the present status of
the teaching of science in the high schools
of Province A, the descriptive method of
research was the most appropriate
method to use.
Advantages ?
Value, Importance, and Advantages of Descriptive Research

 contributes much to the formulation of principles

and generalizations in behavioral sciences.
 contributes much to the establishment of standard
norms of conduct, behavior, or performance.
 Makes possible the prediction of the future on the
basis of findings on prevailing conditions
 gives a better and deeper understanding of a
 provides a basis for decision-making
 helps fashion many of the tools or instruments for
quantitative research
Drafting Time
 15 minutes to draft your RMU


Things to include
 Who are your respondents?

 Why are they the most appropriate

individuals for your research study?

 What sampling did you use to obtain

these respondents?
The Sampling Design

What the researcher has to do here is to

write about the complete procedure s/he used
in determining his sample.
a. The size of the population
b. The study population
c. The margin of error and the proportion of
the study population used
d. The type of technique of sampling used
e. The actual computation of the sample
f. The sample
General Types of Sampling

Probability Sampling. The sample is a

proportion of the population (selected by
means of some systematic way in which every
element of population has a chance of being
included in the sample.)

Non-probability Sampling. The sample is not

a proportion of the population and there is no
system in selecting the sample. The selection
depends on the situation.
Types of Non-Probability Sampling

Accidental Sampling. There is no system of

selection but only those whom the researcher
or interviewer meet by chance are included in
the sample.
Quota Sampling. Specified numbers of
persons of certain types are included in the
Convenience Sampling. A process of picking
out people in the most convenient and fastest
way to immediately get their reaction to a
certain hot and controversial issue.
Types of Probability Sampling
Pure Random Sampling. When every one in the
population is given an equal chance of being
selected through lottery type of sampling. This may
be used if the population has no differentiated
levels, sections, or classes.
Systematic Sampling. This is used when the
subjects are systematically arranged
(alphabetical, residential, geographical). Suppose
20% of the population is the sample size. If 100%
is divided by 20%, the answer is 5. Hence every 5th
name in the list is selected.
Stratified Sampling. It is the process of selecting
randomly, samples from the different strata of the
Drafting time
 10 minutes
Things to include
 What was the main research
instrument used?
 Describe the research instrument?
 Were the questions structured or
unstructured? Did you use a scale?
 Were the questions divided into sets?
 If you used a Likert scale, please tells
us how the statements were divided?
Things to include
 What statement numbers correspond
to the categories made?
 Why Likert scale?
Drafting time
 10 minutes
Things to include
 When was it collected?
 How was it distributed?
 What kind of method (survey) was
 Why this method?
 What makes you say that your
respondents are qualified to answer
your Survey Questionnaire?
Types of survey technique/approach
 Total population survey. The entire population is
involved in the survey.
 Sample survey. Only a sample or portion of the
population is involved in the survey.
 Social survey. Researches on the attitudes and
behavior of different groups of people
 School survey. Used to gather data for and about
schools and to assess educational achievement and
education itself
 Public opinion survey. Used to gauge the reactions
of people towards certains issues or persons
 Poll survey. Regarding voting for a certain candidate
 Market survey. Finds out the way that people
purchase products
Types of survey technique/approach
 Evaluation survey. Evaluates the results whether they
are satisfactory or not, with the end in view of making
 Comparative survey. The results from two different
groups, techniques, or procedures are compared
 Job Analysis survey. Provides information on the
general duties and responsibilities of workers, their
education, training experiences, salaries, etc.
 Community survey. Provides information on the
various aspects of the community
Drafting time
 10 minutes
Statistical Treatment of Data

 It helps the researcher in determining the

validity and reliability of his research
 Statistical manipulations organize raw data
systematically to make the latter appropriate
for study.
 It is used to test the hypotheses.
 Statistical treatments give meaning and
interpretation to data.
 Statistical procedures are indispensable in
determining the levels of significance of vital
statistical measures.
Statistical Treatment of Data: Guidelines

1. What was the formula used?

2. Why this formula?

3. Show the formula

4. How can this be the most appropriate

formula for your term paper?

5. How was this formula applied in your term

paper? Please illustrate
Chapter 4
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
How to Write the Parts?
 Name the table

 Make the table

 Present the data

 Analyze the data

 Interpret the data

 Refer to Sample Chapter Four
Table 1
Frequency & Percentage Distribution of Respondents
According to Age

Age Frequency Percentage

13 7 24%
14 7 24%
15 11 38%
16 4 14%
TOTAL 29 100%
Table 1 tells us that most of the male high school
PRESENT students in ALXS who play Ragnarok are aged 15, registering
a return of 38%. This is followed by ages 13 and 14,
registering returns of 24% each. Interestingly, only 14%
belong to the 16-year old bracket.

This is revealing. There is a steady number of male

ANALYZE ALXS high school students who play Ragnarok at ages 13
and 14. Their number increases at age 15. But dramatically
drops at age 16.

This tells us that the male ALXS high school students are
INTERPRET most interested in playing Ragnarok at age 15, but they lose
this interest the following year. It may be presumed that at
age 16, the male ALXS high school students become more
interested in other things such as their studies, high school
graduation, and college education.

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