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The worst summer vacation was when we went to Cancún last

summer, we always wanted to go Cancún, but we couldn’t go for many reasons, for example
last year we didn’t have enough money for the trip and I couldn’t get my passport, so we
were so excited , we took a taxi ,and we had two hours to get to the Airport, I asked my
parnet if he packed everything, and he said “ don’t worried, everything is okay ,well I was
happy because we arrived on time, but when we were abording the plain, my partner asked
if we had closed the doors of the house properly, then we looked each other without any
respond, so we started to make calls and our relatives didn’t answer the phone, but
fortunately one of my friend who lived near my house saved us, he went to my house and he
told us everything was closed. Finally we aborded the plain, I was a little bit nervous because
it was the first time I traveled on a plain, then they served suchi ,I didn’t like it I think it was
the worst food I ate on
my life, then two hours later we arrived to Cancún, in my opinion it was most beautiful city I
have ever seen , then we went to the biggest hotel of the city but we couldn’t make any
reservation because it was full , then we went to another hotel it was full too, after two
exhausting hours finally we found a hotel, but it was the most cheapest hotel we found in
hours, it was older than the first hotel and it was more small than my house we had to share
the bed and there was only a badroom for everybody, I was a little disappointed, I
remembered it was a sunny day so we went Surfing to the most attractive beach of the town,
and the cleanest sea I have ever seen, but unfortunatelly my patner was hit by a boat, then
we went to the hospital, it was the most expensive hospital, we paid five hundred dollars per
hour, I was so angry, I couldn’t sleep that day. The next day we planned to go camping and
play Voleyball, so we hired a taxi and there was a lot of Traffic ,the taxi driver took a shortcut
and then four blocks dawn there we crashed with a street light, happyly noneone was
injured, and I thought that it wasn’t my day so many bad things happened on that vacation so
we decided to return home and keep working, so I can say for sure it was worst summer
vacation that I had because bad things happened once and once again

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