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I. Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question. (5 points)
As far back as 700 B.C, man has talked about children being cared for by wolves. Romulus and
Remus, the legendary twin founders of Rome, were purported to have been cared for by wolves. It is
believed that when a she-wolf loses her litter, she seeks a human child to take its place.
This seemingly preposterous idea did not become credible until the late nineteen century when a
French doctor actually found a naked ten-year-old boy wandering in the woods. He did not walk erect,
could not speak intelligibly, nor could he relate to people. He only growled and stared at them. Finally the
doctor won the boy’s confidence and began to work with him. After many long years of devoted and
patient instruction, the doctor was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself, recognize and utter a
number of words, as well a write letters and form words.
1. The French doctor found the boy ________.
A. wandering in the woods C. growling at him
B. at his doorstep D. speaking intelligibly
2. In this passage, the word “litter” most nearly means ________.
A. garbage B. master C. offspring D. hair
3. The doctor was able to work with the boy because ________.
A. the boy was highly intelligent C. the boy liked to dress up
B. the boy trusted him D. the boy was dedicated and patient
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. She-wolves have been said to substitute human children for their lost litters.
B. Examples of wolves’ caring for human children can be found only in the nineteenth century.
C. The French doctor succeeded in domesticating the boy somewhat.
D. The young boy never was able to speak perfectly.
5. In this passage, the word “preposterous” most nearly means ________.
A. dedicated B. scientific C. wonderful D. absurd
II. Read the text carefully and choose the correct answer A, B, C, D. (5points)
Everyone wants to (1) _______ pollution. But the pollution problem is as complicated as it is (2)
_______. It is complicated because much pollution is caused by things that (3) _______ people. For
example, exhaust from automobiles causes large percentage of air pollution. But the automobile provides
(4) ________ to millions of people. Factories ddischarge much of the material that pollutes air and water,
but factories give (5) ________ to a large number of people.
Thus, to end or greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to (6) ________ using
many things that benefit them. Most people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can be
gradually reduced in several ways. (7) ________ and engineers can wrk to find ways to lessen the (8)
________ of pollution that such things as automobiles and factories cause. Government can (9) _______
and enforce laws that require business and (10) ________ to stop, or cut down on certain polluting
1. A. increase B. reduce C. call off D. transmit
2. A. dangerous B. infectious C. serious D. impossible
3. A. supply B. benefit C. apply D. provide
4. A. means B. traffic C. technology D. transportation
5. A. employee B. employer C. unemployed D. employment
6. A. stop B. avoid C. admit D. deny
7. A. Experts B. Scientists C. Dentist D. Manufactories
8. A. account B. amount C. percentage D. number
9. A. go over B. provide C. apply D. pass
10. A. human B. individual C. individuals D. organization
III. Fill in each blank with one suitable word to complete this passage. (10 point)
Sometimes you might feel that if you had a perfect memory, you would be able to pass all exams at
(1) ________. All your learning problems are thus (2) ________. You would never again face the
embarrassment of forgetting someone’s name. But imagine, for a moment, not forgetting anything, not
even last year shopping lists. You would be (3) _________ with information.
Memory covers a wide range of actions and needs. What we (4)________ about the brain is far
from complete, so even the best scientists could not give a precise explanation of what is happening
(5)________ our brain. Broadly speaking, there are three distinct of memories: personal, cognitive and
habit memory.
Personal memories are the acts of remembering things that directly (6) ________to each person’s
life history. If you say “I remember the first time I drove a car”, you will probably have an image in
your mind of the event and be able to describe details. Cognitive memory helps us to learn, for
example, stories, a speech or a (7) ________ of music. Habit memory refers to the abilities needed to
perform actions such as tying and driving. Once you have gone through the (8) ________ of learning
how to do them, you will be able to perform those skills without (9) ________ realizing it.
We hope that in the future, scientists will be able to discover many more secrets of the brain. Until
then, everyone could (10) ________ from a much more advanced healthcare system.
D. READING (20 points).
I. Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question. (5 points)
Man is a land animal, but he is also closely tied to the sea. Throughout history the sea has served the
need of man. The sea has provided man with food and a convenient way to travel to many parts of the
world. Today, nearly two thirds of the world’s population live within 80 kms of the sea coast.
In the modern technological world, the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive. Resources
on land are beginning to be used up. The sea, however, still can be hoped to supply many of man’s needs.
The list of riches of the sea yet to be developed by man’s technology is impressive. Oil and gas
explorations have been carried out for nearly 30 years. A lot of valuable minerals exist on the ocean floor
ready to be mined.
Fish farming promises to be a good way to produce large quantities of food. The culture of fish and
shellfish is an ancient skill practised in the past mainly by Oriental people.
Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new sources of energy. Experts believe that the warm
temperature of the ocean can be used in a way similar to the steam in a steamship. Ocean currents and
waves offer possible use as a source of energy.
Technology is enabling man to explore ever more deeply under the sea. The development of strong,
new materials has made this possible.
The technology to harvest the sea continues to improve. Experts believe that by the year 2050s the
problems that prevent us from fully exploiting the food, minerals, and energy sources of the sea will be
largely solved.
1. The best title for this passage is ___________.
A. Sea Harvest. B. Technology and the Exploiting of the Sea.
C. Sea Food. D. Man and Sea.
2. The major things that the sea offers man are ___________.
A. food, energy sources and minerals. B. fish and oil.
C. minerals and oil. D. ocean currents and waves.
3. The sea serves the needs of man because ___________.
A. it provides man with sea food. B. it offers oil to man.
C. it supplies man with minerals. D. all of the above.
4. The word Oriental people in the fourth paragraph probably means ___________.
A. European people. B. African people.
C. Asian people. D. American people.
5. We can conclude from the passage that ___________.
A. the sea resources have largely been used up.
B. the sea, in a broad sense, hasn’t yet been developed.
C. the problems that prevent us from fully exploiting the sea have already been solved.
D. by the year 2050, the technology will be good enough to exploit all the sea resources.
II. Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. (5 points)
street papers
The problem of homelessness is an international one. In the capital cities of the world, the (1) _______
of people begging on the streets is becoming increasingly (2) _______. But all over the world, homeless
people are taking the future into their own (3) _______. By selling “street papers” they no longer need to
beg for a (4) _______.
The concept of the street paper is (5) _______. It is sold by homeless and ex-homeless people who buy
it at a (6) _______price of 30 p and sell it to the public for 70 p, keeping 40 p for themselves. If they have
no money, then they can get the first ten copies on (7) _______ and pay for them later. Every paper seller
receives training and is given a special (8) _______ badge.
The paper itself (9) _______ articles of general and social interest, film and book (10) _______, cartoons
and the look celebrity interview.
1. A. sight B. vision C. look D. view
2. A. usual B. common C. rare D. routine
3. A. heads B. shoulders C. hands D. mouths
4. A. life B. living C. being D. pay
5. A. easy B. straight C. plain D .simple
6. A. stuck B. steady C. held D. fixed
7. A. credit B. cheque C. cash D. card
8. A. character B. personality C. manner D. identity
9. A. consists B. contains C. keeps D. gets
10. A. stories B. reviews C. opinions D. views
III. Fill in each blank with one suitable word to complete this passage. (10 points)
In these days of high unemployment, it is often difficult (1) __________ young people to find a job. If
they are lucky (2) __________ to be asked to go for an interview, they may find (3) __________ there are
at least 20 other applicants for the (4) __________. If a company is thinking of offering (5) __________ a
job, they will ask you for at least one reference from either your previous employer (6) __________
someone who knows you well. (7) __________ taking up your job, you may have to sign a contract. You
will probably have to do some training, (8) __________ help you to do the job more successfully. Once
you have decided that this is your chosen career, you will then have to work (9) __________ to try and
get promotion, which usually brings more responsibility and more money! If you are unlucky, you may
be made redundant, and not be able to find (10) __________ job. It is also a good idea to pay some
into a pension scheme, which will help you to look after yourself and your family when you are retired.
Finally, good luck!
I. Read the passage and choose the best answer. (5 pts)
A greenhouse is a building made of glass which is used for keeping plants warm when the outside temperature is
low. In a similar way, there are several gases in the atmosphere which trap the heat produced by the sun and
prevent it from escaping. These gases are known as "greenhouse gases", and the way in which they trap heat in the
atmosphere is called the "greenhouse effect". This is not simply air pollution. Most of the main greenhouse gases
exist naturally in small amounts in our atmosphere, and without them the earth would be 30 degrees colder and
human life would not exist. In other words, the greenhouse effect is a natural course which is to some degree
helpful to us.
The problem is that in the last century and a half, we have been putting too many of these gases into the earth's
atmosphere by burning large quantities of coal and oil and by cutting down forests. The rapid increase in
greenhouse gases is making the earth warmer. The world's temperature has already gone up by half a degree this
century, and the sea level has risen by 10 centimeters. If the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubles,
there will probably be a rise in the earth's temperature of between 1oC and 4oC. This may seem a small increase,
but it would be enough to cause major changes in geography and agriculture. Large areas of the world would be
flooded, and some areas would become dry and unable to produce crops. It is important, too, to consider that we
are probably experiencing only now the effect of the gases put into the atmosphere before the 1960s. Since then,
our use of these gases has greatly increased.
1. "Greenhouse effect" means ______.
A. a natural course which is to some degree helpful to us B. the way "greenhouse gases" trap heat on the
C. the way in which gases are used for keeping plants warm D. the whole course in which greenhouse gases
prevent heat
2. If there was no greenhouse effect, ______.
A. plants would live on our planet B. man could live on the earth
C. the earth would be thirty degrees colder D. all of the above answers are correct
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Burning too much coal and oil produces lots of greenhouse gases.
B. It has become warmer on the earth more than in the past.
C. Gases put into the atmosphere now will affect the earth years later.
D. The temperature in the greenhouse is as high as that in the atmosphere.
4. Suppose the earth’s temperature rose by 3 degrees, ______.
A. great harm would be done to mankind B. all the land in the world would be flooded
C. the sea level would go up by 10 centimetres D. crops would be unable to grow on the earth
5. This passage mainly deals with ______.
A. the concept and harm of greenhouse effect B. the concept and change of greenhouse effect
C. the relation between greenhouse gases and man D. the effect of the rise of the earth's temperature

II. Read the passage and choose the correct word for each blank.
Write your answers (A, B, C, or D) in the spaces on the right. (5 pts)
People in many countries grow fresh water fish from eggs. They move the small fish into lakes and rivers. The fish
live and …(1)… there. People go …(2)… in these lakes and rivers. They enjoy catching fish because fish is also
good food. Now the Japanese grow salt water fish. Most of them are yellow tail fish. Workers grow the fish from
eggs. Every time they feed the fish, they play …(3)… of piano music. The fish …(4)… that piano music means
food. When the fish are small, the Japanese put them into the ocean near the land. The fish find some of their …(5)
… food. Workers also feed them. They play the same piano music. The fish …(6)… know the music. They swim
toward it and …(7)… the food. In …(8)… months the fish are large. The Japanese play the same music. The fish
swim toward it and the workers …(9)… them. The Japanese get about 15 percent of their seafood …(10)… farms
in the ocean.
1. A. bread B. born C. grow D. develop ____________
2. A. enjoying B. fishing C. shopping D. catching ____________
3. A. songs B. films C. tapes D. lot ____________
4. A. think B. recognize C. realize D. learn ____________
5. A. own B. own’s C. self D. self’s ____________
6. A. recently B. mostly C. nearly D. already ____________
7. A. see B. find C. bite D. hold ____________
8. A. few B. a few C. couple D. many ____________
9. A. catch B. grasp C. seize D. hold ____________
10. A. on B. of C. from D. in ____________

III. Fill in each blank in the passage below with a suitable word. Write your answers in the spaces given. (10
Many parents believe that having a home computer is an investment in the education of their children and they
often pay more than a thousand pounds for a product they do not fully understand.
__(1)__ to a recent survey, over 60% of parents firmly believe in the educational importance of personal __(2)__.
But as the pressure __(3)__ parents to buy extremely sophisticated and expensive equipment increases, concern is
growing in Britain over __(4)__ real educational value of the computer. The __(5)__ comes as schools are being
encouraged by private industry to __(6)__ in the latest technology. The Government also intends to make access to
computers easier in schools as the best way to win __(7)__ it calls the "Knowledge Race" against other nations.
However, according to some educationalists, parents who __(8)__ the computer as some forms of home tutor
could be heading for trouble. Dr George Hadley, who is the lecturer in educational computing at Oxford
University, stresses __(9)__ educational software can never __(10)__ replace teachers.
1. ________________ 6. ________________
2. ________________ 7. ________________
3. ________________ 8. ________________
4. ________________ 9. ________________
5. ________________ 10. ________________

Part 1. Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. (5 pts)
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) research, the emission from car exhausts causes more
deaths than road accidents. The research found that one third of all harmful air pollution was caused by road
transport, and that long term exposure to pollution caused estimated 21,000 premature deaths a year across the
three countries, France, Austria and Switzerland. This is much higher than the 9,947 who died that year as a result
of road accidents.
In addition, the researchers calculated that the car fumes caused 300,000 extra cases of bronchitis in
children, and 15,000 extra hospital admissions for heart disease made worse by the pollition. They calculated that
the cost of dealing with all this was 27 billion Euros per year. A lot of money goes into making cars safer, but not
as much is spent solving air pollution.
1. What is the main idea of the text?
A. Pollution and road accidents B. Bad effects of car exhausts
C. the necessity of making cars safer D. The toll of road accidents
2. According to the passage
A. air pollution causes more deaths than road accidents.
B. road accidents cause more deaths than car fumes.
C. long term exposure to pollution is harmless.
D. car fumes cause one third of premature deaths.
3. Which of the following is not true?
A. Car exhausts cause bronchitis and heart disease.
B. Car fumes cause one third of all harmful air pollution.
C. Each year road accidents cause 9,947 deaths.
D. More people died as a result of air pollution than road accidents.
4. The money spent solving air pollution is
A. 27 billion Euros per year B. not able to calculate
C. more than making cars safer D. less than to make car safer
5. Which of the following is not mentioned as the bad effect of air pollution?
A. Causing illness in children B. Causing premature deaths
C. Causing road accidents D. Causing heart diseases


Part 3.. Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word (10 pts)
In these days of high unemployment, it is often difficult (1)_____young people to find a job. If
they are lucky (2)_____to be asked to go for an interview, they may find (3)_____there are at least 20
other applicants for the (4) _____. If a company is thinking of offering (5)_____a job, they will ask you
for at least one reference from either your previous employer (6)_____someone who knows you well. (7)
_____taking up your job, you may have to sign a contract. You will probably have to do some training,
(8)_____helps you to do the job more successfully. Once you have decided that this is your chosen career,
you will then have to work (9)_____to try and get promotion, which usually brings more responsibility
and more money! If you are unlucky, you may be made redundant, and not be able to find (10)_____job.
It is also a good idea to pay some money into a pension scheme, which will help you to look after
yourself and your family when you are retired. Finally, good luck!
1 ………….. 2........................... 3........................... 4........................... 5..........................
6 ………….. 7........................... 8........................... 9........................... 10........................


Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer. (5 pts)
By adopting a few simple techniques, parents who read to their children can considerably increase their
children's language development. It is surprising, but true. How parents talk to their children makes a big
difference in the children's language development. If a parent encourages the child to actively respond to
what the parent is reading, the child's language skills increase.
A study was done with two or three-year-old children and their parents. Half of the thirty children
participants were in the experimental study; the other half acted as the control group. In the experimental
group, the parents were given a two-hour training session in which they were taught to ask open-ended
questions rather than yes-no questions. For example, the parent should ask, "What is the dog doing?"
rather than, "Is the dog running away?" Experimental parents were also instructed how to expand on their
children's answer, how to suggest alternative possibilities, and how to praise correct answers.
At the beginning of the study, the children did not differ on levels of language development, but at the
end of one month, the children in the experimental group were 5.5 months ahead of the control group on a
test of verbal expression and vocabulary. Nine months later, the children in the experimental group still
showed an advance of 6 months over the children in the control group.
1. During the training session, experimental parents were taught to......................
A. use yes-no questions B. give correct answers
C. ask open-ended questions D. study many experiments
2. What conclusion can be drawn from this passage?
A. The more children read, the more intelligent they become.
B. Two or three-year-old children can be taught to read actively.
C. Children's language skills increase when they are required to respond actively.
D. Children who read actively always act six months earlier than those who don't.
3. What does the word "they" in the second paragraph refer to?
A. Parents. B. Participants. C. Questions. D. Children.
4. What was the major difference between the control group and the experimental one in the study?
A. The training that parents received. B. The books that were read.
C. The age of the children. D. The number of participants.
5. Parents can give great help to their children's language development by.................... them
A. experimenting B. reading to C. adopting D. responding to
Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage (5pts)
There is now increasing concern about the world's energy resources, particularly about those involving
fossil (1) ……….. In less than a hundred years we shall probably (2)…………all the present (3)
……….of oil and gas. The world's coal (4) ……..should last longer but, once used, these cannot be (5)
…………It is important, therefore, that we should develop such (6)………….sources of energy as solar
energy and nuclear energy as well as water and wind (7)………..( classed as (8)……….. energy). Until
these energy
(9) …………..are widely used , it it important for the developed countries to reduce energy (10)
……………… much as possible.
1. A. fuels B. power C. forms D. energies
2. A. end B. complete C. tow D. exhaust
3. A. findings B. productions C. amounts D. sources
4. A. reserves B. stores C. mines D. contents
5. A. updated B. repeated C. renewed D. produced
6. A. traditional B. a;ternative C. surprising D. revolutionary
7. A. force B. strength C. power D. motion
8. A. repeatable B. continual C. renewable D. continuous
9. A. goods B. supplies C. provisions D. materials
10. A. exhaustion B. destruction C. waste D. consumption
Fill in each blank with one suitable word to complete the passage (10pts)
Dreams have always fascinated human beings. The idea that dreams provide us with useful information
about our lives goes (1) ….…. thousands of years. For the greater (2) …..… of human history (3)
……….. was taken for granted that the sleeping mind was in touch with the supernatural world and
dreams were to be interpreted as messages with prophetic or healing functions. In the nineteenth century,
(4) ………. was a widespread reaction against this way of thinking and dreams were widely dismissed as
being very little more than jumbles of fantasy (5) ……….. brought about by memories of the previous
day.It was not (6) ………… the end of the nineteenth century an Australian neurologists, Sigmund Freud,
pointed out that people who have similar experiences during the day, and who are then subjected (7)
……… the same stimuli when they are asleep, produce different dreams. Freud on to develop a theory of
the dreams process which (8) ………… enable him to interpret dreams as clues to the conflicts taking
place within the personality. It is by no (9)……….. an exaggeration to say that (10) any other theories
have had great an influence on subsequent thought.

PART D: READING ( 20 points)
I. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to complete the sentences. Write A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet. (5 points)
Isn’t it amazing how much time we spend talking about food?, “Have you ever eaten......?”, “What did you
have for lunch?” and so on. And yet when you travel from one country to another, you find that people have quite
different feelings about food. People often feel that what they eat is normal, and that what other people eat is
strange or silly.
In most part of Asia, for example, no meal is complete without rice. In England, people eat potatoes every
day. In the Middle East, bread is the main part of every meal. Eating, like so many things we do, becomes a habit
which is difficult to change. Americans like to drink a lot of orange juice and coffee. The English drink tea four or
five times every day. Australians drink a large amount of beer, and the French drink wine every day.
The sort of meat people like to eat also differs from one country to another. Horse meat is thought to be
delicious in France. In Hong Kong, some people enjoy eating snakes. Newzelanders eat sheep meat, but they never
eat goat meat. The Japanese don’t like eat sheep meat because of its smell, but they enjoy raw fish.
So it seems that although eating is a topic that we can talk about for hours, there is little common sense in
what we say about it. People everywhere enjoy eating what they have always been eating, and there is very little
we can do to change our eating habits.
1. The text is mainly about ______.
A. people’s attitude to food B. the importance of meat
C. strange dishes in the world D. food and life
2. The writer think that ______.
A. people eat only what is normal to everybody
B. people often change their feelings about food
C. people have different opinions about food
D. people like eating different food as they travel from one country to another.
3. In many Asian countries ______.
A. people almost always have rice in their meal B. rice is a perfect food
C. rice is included in every menu D. rice is completely eaten
4. The Japanese enjoy eating raw fish because ______.
A. it is not good to have fish cooked B. it is special to them
C. it is well boiled D. it doesn’t smell
5. People everywhere think that ______.
A. we can spend few hours talking about food
B. there is very little common sense in talking about food
C. there is very little common sense in what we say about the eating habits
D. we should do much to change our eating habits

II. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (5 points)
Nowaday people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in… (1)........ Many species of animals are
threatened, and could easily become ……..(2).......if we donot make an effort to …..(3)........ them. There are many
reasons for this. In some cases, animals are …….(4) .........for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies.
Some birds, such as parrots, are caught ….(5)......... and sold as pets. For many animals and birds, the problem is
that their habitat- the place where they live is ...........(6)......... More ........(7) used for farms, for houses and
industry, and there are fewer open spaces than there once were. Farmers are using powerful chemicals to help
them grow better…(8)........ but these chemicals pollute the environment and .........(9)........ wildlife. The most
successful animals on earth human beings-will soon be the only ones ……. (10)....... unless we can solve this
1. A. problem B. threat C. vanishing D. danger
2. A. vanished B. extint C. empty D. disappeared
3. A. protect B. defend C. harm D. serve
4. A. extint B. game C. hunted D. chased
5. A. lively B. alive C. for life D. for living
6. A. exhausting B. departing C. escaping D. disappearing
7. A. area B. land C. soil D. earth
8. A. products B. crops C. fields D. herbs
9. A. wrong B. spoil C. harm D. wound
10.A. survived B. staying C. left D. over

III. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word. Write it on your answer sheet. (10 points)
Along_____(1)____jogging and swimming, cycling is one____(2)____ the best all round forms of exercises.
It can help to increase strength and energy, giving you more efficient muscles and strong heart. But increasing
your strength is not the only advantage ____(3)___ cycling. Because you are not carrying the weight of your
body__(4) __your feet, it is a good form of exercise___(5)__people ___(6)____ painful feet or backs. However,
___(7)_____ all forms of exercise, it’s important to start slowly and build up gently. Doing too much, too quickly
can damage muscles that aren’t used ______(8)____ working. If you have any doubts ____(9)______ taking up
cycling for health reasons talk ____(10)_____your doctor and ask his/ her advice


I. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to the questions: (5points)
During the teenage years, many young people can at times be difficult to talk to. They often seem to
dislike being questioned. They may seem unwilling to talk about their work in school. This is a normal
development at this age, though it can be very hard for parents to understand. It is part of becoming
independent of teenagers trying to be adult while they are still growing up. Young people are usually
more willing to talk if they believe that questions are asked out of real interest and not because people are
trying to check up on them.
Parents should do their best to talk to their sons and daughters about school work and future plant but
should not push them to talk if they don't want to. Parents should also watch for the danger signs: some
young people in trying to be adult may experiment with sex, drugs, alcohol, or smoking. Parents need to
watch for any signs of unusual behaviour which may be connected with these and get help if necessarry.
1.This passage is taken from a
A. handbook for parents B. school timetable
C. teenage magazine. D. book for children
2. Why do adults sometimes find teenagers difficult to talk to?
A. because most teenagers are quiet.
B. because teenagers don't want to talk to other people.
C. because teenagers think adults are not honest .
D. because most teenagers hate adults.
3. When can you expect young people to be more talkative than usual ?
A. When people talk to them because they are really interested and not just checking on them.
B. When adults give them alot money to spend.
C. When adults talk to them about something other than their work in school.
D. When adults talk to them about sex, alcohol and drugs.
4. Some teenagers experiment with drinking bad smoking because
A. cigarettes and alcohol are available everywhere.
B. cigarettes and alcohol are cheap
C. women like smoking and drinking men
D. they regard them as a mark of eduthood.
5. The word BEHAVIOUR in the passage most nearly means.
A. feeling B. manners
C. activities D. reaction.

II.Choose the best answer (a, b, c or d ) for each space. (5 points)

There has been a revolution in the world of newspapers. Not many years ..1....., newspapers were being
produced using techniques unchanged for ..2.. hundred years.
The journalists gave their stories to a typist, who prepared them for an editor, who passed them on...3...
the printer. The printer who was a ..4.... skilled man, set up the type. ......5... was then collected to make
the pages. When the pages were complete, the printing machines could be...6.......
Nowadays what ...7.....? The journalists type their stories into a computer. The ...8 ..... checks their
spelling, plans the page, shapes the articles. When the pages are ready, another computer may control the
........9.. can be no doubt about it., producing a newspaper in an entirely different
1.A.before B. after C.ago D. yet
2.A.a B.some D.over
3. C.through D.with
4.A.hardly B.mostly C. partly D.very
5.A.They B.Which C.This D.All
6.A.switched B .started C.stopped D.moved B.occurs C.goes D.happens B.editor C.typist D.printer
9.A.It B.There C.You D.We

1 ...................... 2 ....................... 3 ....................... 4 ....................... 5 ......................

6 ...................... 7 ....................... 8 ....................... 9 ....................... 10 ....................

III. Fill in the blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word.( 10 points)
Watching Television and going for a walk are the most popular leisure (1)................. in Britain. But
although longer holidays and shorter working hours have given people more free (2) ............, women
generally have less free time (3)............ men, because they spend time (4)................. domestic work,
shopping and childcare ..
Surveys showed that more men (5).................. newspapers than women, and (6).............. slightly
higher proportion of adult read Sunday newspapers than read (7).................... morning national
More people are taking holidays abroad (8)............... 1971 only 36 percent of (9).............. in Britain
had been abroad on holiday; but by 1983 this proportion had (10)................. to 62 percent, nearly fifteen
million people.
CAU HOI 08 -C.Nh


I.Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. (10 points)
Many early ideas about the causes and cures of illness seem ridiculous to us today. Yet in some
respects the medicine man of uncivilized tribes used the method for curing sick persons which are known
to have had real value.
In early time when people became ill, they turned for help to the medicine man of the tribe. It was
generally believed that sickness was caused by evil spirits, and it was the medicine man’s task to drive
these bad spirits out of the sick man. To do this, he would try to frighten them away by making loud noise
and wearing frightening masks. Usually he would chant magic words, sing special songs, and performed
special dances. Nearly always he used a particular kind of plant which was supposed to be a remedy for a
particular sickness.
Some of these cures used by the medicine men did help. The plants which these early doctors used
were frequently drugs now understood to be medicinal or pain- relieving. The respect and confidence
which the people had in their medicine man gave sick persons hope and helped them feel better.
1. Which not directly stated, it can be reasoned from the article that ________
A. witch doctors have always failed.
B. witch doctors have never failed.
C. witch doctors might have cured some people.
D. witch doctors were really ridiculous people.
2. The article as a whole is about________
A. medicinal plants
B. uncivilized doctoring
C. magic chants.
D. sick tribe people
3. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A. Medicine men always worked in silence.
B. Medicine men sang to invite back the Spirit of Health.
C. Medicine men wore masks to frighten the sick persons.
D. The life of tribal people in early time was very hard.
4. Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE?
A. Savage tribes believe that illness was caused by evil spirits.
B. Medicine men often used special plants in making their cures.
C. Everything that medicine men did is now known to be dangerous.
D. Medicine men sometimes performed dances.
5. The word “them” in the second paragraph refers to
A. evil spirits
B. sick persons
C. other medicine men
D. magic words
II/ Choose the most suitable answer A, B, C, or D to complete the following passage (5 points).
All five senses are important to us, but the two most important senses are (1) ________ the sense
of sight and the sense of hearing. Blind and deaf people must (2) ________ life difficult because they are
unable to do (3) ________ that the rest of us can do naturally. People who (4) ________, their sense of
taste can not enjoy food as (5) ________as they used to, whilst (6) ________ who have no sense of smell
can not realize, for example , when gas is (7) _______ or food has gone (8) _______ . In addition to our
physical senses, (9) ________ is a great help in life to have sense of humour, especially when things go
wrong, and to have (10) ________ sense, something which can not be learned from books.
1. A. probably B. likely C. certainly D. possibly
2. A. think B. consider C. find D. regard
3. A. things B. everything C. nothing D. what
4. A. miss B. haven’t C. lack D. lose
5. A. well B. happily C. much D. fully
6. A. persons B. men C. those D. these
7. A. losing B. leaking C. breaking D. flowing
8. A. on B. away C. off D. out
9. A. which B. here C. there D. it
10. A. good B. common C. spirit D. intellect

III/ Read the text and fill in the space with the correct word: (10points)
All men should (1) _________. We study to (2) __________ our knowledge and develop our intelligence.
Education (3) __________ an important role in our life. First of all, we have to learn (4) __________ to
observe accurately, to think truthfully, to speak correctly and to write clearly. Education gives us (5)
__________ of things around us and it preserves the national noble traditions and customs from
generation to generation. Education makes a person perfect. An (6) _______man is both talented and
virtuous. In every country, the government (7) _________ education as the most important policy.
Some (8)_________ us sometimes think that we “ have finished” our education when we left
school or (9) _________ from a university. Actually, real education should (10) _________ finish.

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