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4341702 CIS UNIT-4


Unit-4-Stability Analysis
Last GTU External Exam Ques ons:
1) Determine the stability of control system given by characteris c equa on s4+ 2s 3+6s2+4s+1 =
0. (3-M)
2) Determine the stability of control system given by characteris c equa on
S5+S4+2S3+2S2+3S+5=0. (7-M)
3) State necessary condi on for stability. (3-M).
4) Define Stable, unstable & marginally stable system. (3-M).
5) Define stability and state its types. (4-M)
6) Classify the control system stability according to the loca on of roots of characteris c equa
on. (7-M)
7) Determine the centroid for given open loop transfer func on G(s)H(s) = K/ (s + 5). (4-M).
8) Determine the centroid for given open loop transfer func on G(s)H(s)=K/S(S+1) (S+2) (4-
9) Calculate angle of asymptotes for given open loop transfer func on G(s)H(s)=K/S(S+5)
(S+10). (4-M)
10) Describe the concept of root locus in brief. (4-M)
11) Define root locus. Explain procedure to draw root locus. (7-M)
12) Explain procedure to evaluate the stability using Routh-Hurwitz criteria. (7-M)

Topic 4.a: Describe the concept of stability

Stability is one of the most important proper es of the system. It refers to the ability of the
system to perform sa sfactorily. Stability in a system implies that small changes in the system
input, do not result in large changes in system output.
Stability refers to the behaviour of a control system when it is subjected to various inputs or
disturbances. A stable system maintains equilibrium or returns to it a er experiencing a
Types of Stability:
• Absolute Stability: This means that the system is stable for all possible input signals and
disturbances. It can be determined from the loca on of the roots of the characteris c equa
on in S-Plane.
• Rela ve Stability: In this case, the system might be stable for certain input signals or
disturbances but unstable for others.

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BIBO (Bounded input Bounded output) Stability:

• BIBO stability refers to the property of a system that ensures that if the input to the system is
bounded (limited in magnitude), then the output of the system will also be bounded under all
condi ons.
• In simpler terms, it means that the system's response does not grow indefinitely when
subjected to bounded inputs.

Topic 4b: Classify Control system stability according to loca on of the roots of characteris c equa
on (poles of the system).
Understanding the loca on of poles in the complex plane provides insight into the stability
behaviour of a control system. By classifying systems based on the loca on of poles, we can design
and tune control systems to achieve desired stability characteris cs, ensuring reliable and robust
performance in prac cal applica ons.

1) Stable Systems: All Poles in the Le -Half Plane (LHP):

A system is considered stable if all the poles of its characteris c equa on lie
in the le -half plane of the complex plane. This implies that the real parts of all
poles are nega ve. Such systems tend to se le down to a steady-state response over
me without oscilla ng excessively.

2) Unstable Systems: At least One Pole in the Right-Half Plane (RHP):

A system is unstable if it has at least one pole with a positive real part,
indicating that it exhibits unbounded growth or oscillations over time. Even if a
single pole is in the right-half plane, the system as a whole is considered unstable.

Marginally Stable Systems:

3) Marginally Stable Systems: Poles on the Imaginary Axis or with Zero Real Part:
A system is marginally stable if it has poles lying on the imaginary axis or
with zero real parts. In such cases, the system neither grows nor decays over me,
leading to sustained oscilla ons without damping. Marginally stable systems can
be problema c in prac cal applica ons due to their oscillatory behavior.


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4) Condi onally Stable Systems: Poles on the Imaginary Axis with Nonzero Damping:
Some systems may have poles on the imaginary axis with nonzero damping, leading
to oscillatory behaviour with damping. The stability of such systems depends on
addi onal factors, such as the damping ra o and frequency response.

Ques on: Roots are given to you, determine whether the system is stable, Unstable or Marginary
A. -2, -5 → Stable (LHP)
B. 5, -7 → Unstable (RHP)
C. -2,0 → Stable (LHP)
D. -2+j, -2-j → Stable (LHP)
E. -2+j4, -2-j4, -2 → Stable (LHP)

4D: State Routh-Hurwitz Criteria for stability:

• The Routh-Hurwitz criterion provides a systematic method to assess the stability of linear timeinvariant
systems without directly calculating the roots of the characteristic polynomialand by analysing the
coefficients of its characteristic polynomial.
• It is widely used in control system analysis and design due to its simplicity and effectiveness.


4341702 CIS UNIT-4

4f : Introduc on to Root Locus Concept.

The root locus is a graphical representa on of the trajectories traced by the roots (or poles)
 of the characteris c equa on of a system as a parameter, o en the gain of the system, varies
from zero to infinity.
It helps in analysing and designing control systems, par cularly those with feedback.
1. Characteristic Equation: The characteristic equation is derived from the system's
transfer function or state-space representation. For a closed-loop system with feedback,
 it typically takes the form 1+𝐺(𝑠)𝐻(𝑠)=0.

The parameter that is varied in the root locus plot is usually the gain 𝐾 of the system. By
 increasing or decreasing the gain, the behavior of the closed-loop system changes, leading to
different root loca ons.
The root locus plot is typically drawn on the complex plane, with the real part of the roots plotted along
the horizontal axis and the imaginary part plotted along the vertical axis. It shows the loci of the roots as
 the gain 𝐾 varies.
By analysing the root locus plot, we can determine the stability of the closed-loop system for different
values of the gain 𝐾. Stable regions correspond to root locus branches lying in the left-half plane of the
complex plane.

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