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Jaimini System of Astrology by Prof.

P S Sastri

Jaimini system of astrology is unique. Though some chapters of Parasara's text deal with this system, the
authentic text is Jaimini Sutras. It is said to be in eight chapters; but only four are available and of these
commentaries are available only on two.
Parasara assigns to each planet some significations (karakatwas) and these are unalterable. Jaimini differs
from this. The significators vary from chart to chart. First draw the chart with the degrees, minutes and seconds
for the ascendant, the luminaries, the five planets and the shadowy planets. Arrange them in the descending
order. That which has traversed the highest degree position in the natal chart is said to be the Atmakaraka. The
sign he occupies in the Navamsa chart is the Karakamsa lagna.
Let us illustrate with a chart:
Meena- Lagna:25.46; Mesha- Ketu:29.31; Kataka-Jupiter (R):21.58; Simha-Saturn (R):18.8; Tula-Mars:
3.26; Rahu:29.31; Vrishchika-Venus:28.30; Dhanu-MC:21.00; Mercury:28.38; Makara-Sun:8.10; Moon:19.45.
Here Bhudha has advanced far beyond any other. He is on 28º38' in Sagittarius and he occupies the same
sign in Navamsa. Hence Budha is the Atma Karaka and Dhanus is Karakamsa Lagna. The next in the
descending scale is Venus who becomes the Amatya-karaka. Next comes Jupiter who becomes
Bhrathrukaraka. Next in order is the Moon who is Matra-karaka. Then follow Saturn, the Sun and Mars, who
are respectively Putra, Jnati (collaterals) and Kalathra (wife or husband) Karakas.
From Atmakaraka we can read about the general health constitution, nature, outlook and fortune of the
native. Amatya refers to the intellect and mind. Bhrathru refers to the brothers and sisters. The fourth indicates
the mother and the fifth about the children, the sixth about the relatives and the last about the partner.
In the case of Rahu the longitude has to be deducted from thirty degrees. When two planets have the
same degree, minutes and seconds, then Rahu is to be considered.
The other permanent significators are those given in the other texts. Whatever has not been touched by
Jaimini, we have to borrow from other authorities. This is stated in the last aphorism of the second chapter
"Siddham anyat".
When two or more planets have the same longitude, they jointly become one Karaka. Then the seventh
Karakatwa belongs to Rahu. A variant reading states that the Karaka for mother is followed by the Karaka for
father who is followed by Psutra, Jnati and Kalathra karakas. Some authorities, however state that Karaka for
mother and children is one and the same planet (1.1.19). Thus seven or eight planets can become Karaka
(1.1.10). When two planets have the same longitude deduct Rau's longitude from thirty degrees and find out
where he fits in the decreasing scale and then assign the Karakatwa to him. If there are more such planets and
if even after Rahu some Karakatwas are left, they assign the other Karakatwas as per the system of Parasara.
Jaimini assigns some significations of a minor nature to the various planets. Mars refers to sisters,
younger brothers, step-mother and brothers-n-law; Mercury is assigned maternal uncles and maternal aunts;
Jupiter signifies maternal grand-father and grand-mother; and Venus rules over the parents of the partner and
over the maternal grand parents and disciples.
Next we have to note that signs aspect signs and therefore the planets in those signs aspect those in
corresponding signs. Cardinal signs aspect all the fixed signs except the one next to them. Thus they aspect
signs 5, 8 and 11 from themselves. Fixed signs aspect all cardinal signs excepting one behind them. Thus they
aspect signs 3, 6 and 9. The dual signs aspect each other. That is, they have square aspects. This is an important
principle as the results given depend on the aspects and conjunctions.
We take up the problem of argala. Planets in 2, 4, 5 and 11 from an aspecting planet cause argala. In
case of Kethu, the planets in the ninth cause argala. Natural benefics like Jupiter, Venus, waxing Moon and
Mercury (not associated with malefics) cause benefic argalas. They augment the events indicated by the house.
The argala arising from planets in 2, 4, 5 and 11 become counter-productive when there are planets
respectively in 12, 10, 9, and 3.
Regarding Ketu, a planet in the fifth from it removes the argala caused by a planet in the ninth from it.
Good results arise in the major periods of the signs that have benefic argalas.

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