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1. What's your mother tongue?

- I was born and raised in vietnam, where everone speaks vietnamese.It’s also
my mother tounge.

2. What other languages do you speak?

- I can speak English at a conversational level. Because it can help me in my
study process

3. What do you think is the best way to keep in touch with friends?
- Sometime, I give them a call or chat message. Nowadays, almost everyone
owns a cellphone, so keeping in touch is not a big concern. It’s
easier when you can talk on the phone while completing other tasks, such as
doing household chores or going out.

4. Do people keep in touch differently now compared to 50 years ago?

- Of course, nowadays, people utilize both the Internet and cell phones. It
doesn't have to be direct but still helps them communicate with each other.
However, the disadvantage is that you can no longer see each other's emotions
firsthand and the advantage is that you can save time and effort.

5. Is it considered important in your country to learn foreign languages?
- Not only is it important, it is also considered essential. Learning languages,
especially English, allows us to be able to communicate with others. It also
helps us study more effectively since we can search for almost everything on
the Internet in English.

6. What, in your opinion, is the best way to learn a language?

- There’re many approach to this, but the one most people consider is to register
a course which aim to achieve a certificate, because when you get there, your e
level is fine enough

7. Why are some people seemingly better at learning languages than others?
- It is believed that genes may prime the brain to be good at language learning,
and scientists have also been able to pinpoint a few brain regions that are extra-
large or extra-efficient in people who excel at languages. I guess these people
have good memory power, and they're persistent in learning a new language.

8. How do people in your country feel about English being the global language?
- I don’t think most people feel anything exactly; they just see it as something
inevitable.They don’t fight it because that would just leave them trailing
behind other countriesthat embrace English as the global lingua franca. Not
learning English would leave us economically disadvantaged.

9. Do you think the culture of English speaking countries, as well as the English
language, dominate the world?
- Absolutely not. First let’s talk about culinary. We still have Pho, Banh mi and
for our breakfasts instead of sandwitch. Secondly, about the religous belief,
many Vietnamese people are budhism although we usually see image of Jesus
on western show. That’s to say, English speaking countries’ culture do not
dominate the world. It is just a tool for effective communication

10. Why do you think people feel it is important to continue speaking their local
- By speaking their local language, people can maintain a strong connection to
their roots and feel a sense of belonging within their community.


11. What have been the most significant technological developments in recent years?
- Undoubtedly. ones connected with the Internet. The Internet has created a
global village where everyone can easily and cheaply contact almost anyone in
the world. just to chat or to do business or to find love. Irs a revolution. the like
of which I don’t think has been seen before. We have the Internet at home
through our personal computers but also on the move through the use of
smartphones and laptops. so wherever we are we have access to almost
limitless sources of knowledge
12. In what way have these developments changed society for the better and for the

- Well. as I said. they have brought people closer together in many ways.
However. There are disadvantages. First of all. some people believe everything
they read online. Which is dangerous. Then. many people spend too much time
sitting in front of their computers rather than going out and socialising. so they
put on weight. they don’t develop and maintain friendship circles. Last but not
least. it can cut dead debate. When I”m in the pub with my friends. we no
longer have a friendly. informal debate about which band has sold the most
albums. We just check our smartphones and find the answer in a few seconds.
and then have nothing left to say to each other!

13. Are people in your country nostalgic about life before technology?
- It depends on the individual. Some people in my country may be nostalgic
about life before technology, cherishing the simplicity and slower pace of life.
Others may appreciate the convenience and opportunities that technology has
brought to their lives. Overall, there is a mixture of views on this topic in my
country. It depends on the individual.

14. Why do you think some people claim scientists interfere too much with nature?
- This question too hard for me. Some people may claim that scientists interfere
too much with nature because they believe that certain scientific advancements
can negatively impact the environment or disrupt natural ecosystems. They
may also have philosophical or ethical objections to the manipulation of natural
processes or organisms

15. Do you have anything against animal testing?

- In this case, putting animals' lives on risk to test our products out is so selfish, i
have to say. But it's not to say that i disagree with this action. Because it would
get even worse if we test it out a person who can work for the sake of society,
so animal testing is a dilema to me, which should be replaced by some
alternative approaches.
- I'm not capable of having personal opinions, but I can provide information on
the topic. Animal testing is a complex issue with arguments both for and
against its use in scientific research and product safety testing. Many argue that
it's necessary for medical advancements and ensuring the safety of products.
Others oppose it due to concerns about animal welfare and the development of
alternative testing methods.

16. Is scientific progress always for the greater good?

- Not necessarily. After all, scientists developed the atom bomb and all the
efficient new ways we have of killing each other. What matters is that we keep
on questioning scientists, letting them know that we are grateful for their
discoveries but will not give them free rein. They need to keep morality in
mind when they’re working.
17. What do you use the internet for?
- The Internet makes it possible to quickly find information, communicate with
people around the world, manage your finances, shop from home, listen to
music, watch videos, and much, much more.

18. Does everyone have access to the internet in your country?

- It sounds like access to the Internet in your country varies widely depending on
whether people live in urban or rural areas. Urban residents generally have
better access, whereas those in rural areas might face more challenges, such as
limited connectivity or access to broadband services.

19. Do you think older people are scared of new technology?

- Not all older people are scared of new technology, but some may feel hesitant
because they're not familiar with it, worry about making mistakes, find it hard
to learn new ways, or think it's too complicated.

20. Do you think young children should have mobile phones?

- Whether young children should have mobile phones depends on factors like
safety, communication needs, parental supervision, and the child's maturity. It's
important for parents to consider these aspects before deciding.

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