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Summary Project Execution Sequence

COMAH proposes in this technical proposal an execution of the work in stages: -
 An engineering stage for all facilities, including site survey, generic specifications and
construction drawings and procedures based on contract document.
 Procurement of all materials based on the contract documents and the site survey.
 Inspection Survey on the Pipelines to record routine condition data, Design and Installation of
the Solar CP System with Test Posts & Lightening Protection, the Pipeline Segmental
Replacement and Repairs, Pipeline Route Access Grading, and the associated Civil Works of
Fencing, Security Guard House Building, Irish Drift Works, ROW Eroded Portions Reclamation
and other necessary activities to clean up and renew the specified structures.

1.0 Project Control Procedures

A dedicated project procedure / manual shall be prepared for approval by CLIENT detailing the project
activities such as: -
 Project schedule, progress measurement and reporting.
 Change and query control to drawings.
 Document and distribution control.
 Acceptance of equipment or installations.

2.0 Engineering Procedure and Practice

Good engineering is distinguished by the fact that simultaneously engineering and management
principles and skills are utilised. COMAH has the ability to apply these engineering skills and has the
organisation and direct resources based on a long experience working in the oil and gas industry.

This engineering procedure shall highlight the work execution plan in compliance with standard codes,
engineering tools, and PC software. License agreements and copyrights of all software and hardware
(including documentation) shall be respected.

Codes, Standards and International Industrial Regulations

COMAH shall follow local, client's and international standards where applicable and others related to
international professional bodies such as: -
 Council of Registered Engineers in Nigeria (COREN)
 Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE)
 Nigerian Institute of Safety Personnel (NISP)
 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
 American Petroleum Institute (API - USA)
 National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
 American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM)
 Manufacturers Standardization Society (MSS)
 American Welding Society (AWS)
 Pipe Fabrication Institute (PFI)
 Structural Steel Painting Council (SSPC)
 British Standardization Institute (BSI)
 International Electrochemical Commission (IEC)
 International Standard Organisation (ISO)

Nigerian Legislation
Mineral Oils Acts of Nigeria - Minerals (Safety) Regulations (MOR 1993)
Nigeria Factories Decree (1987)

International Industrial Regulations

API 2220 Improving owner and contractor safety performance
BS 6079 Guide to project management
BS 7430 Code of practice for earthing
BS 7671 Requirements for electrical installations (IEE wiring regulations)
BS 8800 Guide to occupational health and safety management systems
IEC 79 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
IEC 529 Degrees of protection by enclosures (IP code)
IEC 1024 Protection of structures against lighting
IP MCSP Model code of safe practice
Part 1 Electrical
Part 15 Area classification code for petrochemical installations
Part 18 Occupational health
ISO 31 General principles concerning qualities, units and symbols
ISO 1000 SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and certain other
ISO 3511 Process measurement control functions and instrument
ISO 8402 Quality vocabulary
ISO 9002 Quality systems - Model for quality assurance in production and installation
ISO 9004-2 Quality management and quality system elements - Guidelines for services
ISO 9004-4 Quality management and quality system elements - Guidelines for quality
ISO 9005 Guidelines for quality plans
ISO 14 001 Environmental management systems

3.0 Construction Procedure

COMAH will carry out design where applicable, procurement, expediting/ inspection of procured
materials, fabrication, pipeline coating, site inspection, and all associated activities. This will be in
accordance with the CLIENT requirements, specifications, national and international codes and
All the personnel including the sub-contractors shall be familiarised with the CLIENT rules and
regulation regarding safety, security, loss prevention and the hazard of the works, a ‘permit-to-work’
(PTW) and a ‘hot-work-permit’ (HWP) system where applicable will be effective.

All work activities shall be duly planned and organised before commencement of the work. Resources,
facilities and materials shall be provided on time to avoid delays or rework. The personnel shall be
qualified for the operations they shall carry out.

The responsibility for the quality and safety of the work is on those managing, supervising, planning the
work and those performing the activities. However, inspection during the fabrication, coating,
dismantling and installation, provides assurance that the required quality is being obtained in accordance
with the specifications and procedures.

After the completion of the various stages of work a ‘mechanical completion’ certificate shall be issued
to CLIENT in order to continue in the next stage of the project.

After the completion of the works, the site will be cleared and cleaned by removal of all temporary
facilities, excess materials, removed materials, surplus materials.

Pre-Mobilisation Inspection
An arrangement shall be made for the pre-mobilisation audit on COMAH’ personnel, plant and
equipment billed for the job, prior to mobilisation. The audit shall cover the HSE programme for the
work, and shall be conducted by quality and safety department. The purpose of such audit is to ascertain
the level of awareness and compliance with HSE requirements enshrined in the contract.

COMAH shall prepare and issue to CLIENT for approval, and shall be checked during the pre-
mobilisation audit, such as: -
 Emergency, contingency and MEDEVAC procedure
 Work procedure and hazard analysis
 Accident reporting procedure
 Personnel list and job procedure
 Work competency certificates for personnel
 Health certificates for personnel
 Equipment list and current survey certificates

The audit findings shall be documented and distributed to all action parties for any possible corrective
A follow-up pre-mobilisation audit shall be arranged to assure that points raised in previous audits have
been complied with. Mobilisation of personnel and equipment to project site shall be made if the audit
team certifies that all pre-mobilisation conditions have been met.

A copy of such certificate shall be retained at the project site.

COMAH shall execute QC-inspections and audits to verify that the works are in conformance with the
specified requirements. These inspections shall also verify the operational readiness of the Platform

Aspects to be inspected shall be: -

 The installation is in accordance with the specific requirements.
 The workmanship is satisfactory.
 Items have not sustained physical damage.
 All non-conformances have been corrected as required.
 Safety features are being used and comply with the applicable codes and regulations.
 Item identification has been preserved.

The inspection techniques selected shall be determined by considering the characteristics and parameters
to be measured. The basic criteria for the selection of the inspection techniques and processes are the
requirements of the applicable specifications, codes and standards.

When physical inspection of completed items is impossible, indirect control by monitoring of the
processing methods, equipment and personnel shall be performed. Inspection and process monitoring will
be performed when control is inadequate without both.

Inspections and audits shall be documented by COMAH, using reports, checklists, calibration sheets, etc.
COMAH shall notify the CLIENT, or its representative of every inspection or audit.

4.0 Acceptance and Close-out

Any non-conformance or punch list item during the project execution need to be corrected to a mutual
satisfaction, before any acceptance protocol and close out can be initiated. The acceptance is established
on a satisfactory performance of the work.

Upon completion and satisfactory performance of the system, an acceptance certificate shall be issued to
CLIENT as a hand-over.

A close out report will consist of: -

 As built/commissioned’ mark-up of all drawings and documentation.
 Mark-up of the data sheets.
 Report reflecting a summary of the lessons learned, changes to the original issued documents,
actual versus planned costs/manpower, etc.

5.0 Detailed Engineering

The detailed engineering will be done by the engineering unit of COMAH Limited, Warri, Nigeria.
(a) Objectives
The major objectives are:

 To prepare timely engineering documentation in accordance with Client's requirements and

to meet all applicable statutory Codes and Standards applicable.
 To assist technically in Procurement of identified items in a planned way, to meet the
engineering specifications, Codes and Standards and Construction Schedule.
 To sequence production of engineering deliverables to match `required at site' dates as per
agreed Schedule.
 To ensure all design interfaces are controlled to achieve accurate and timely exchange of
 To minimize, as much as possible, the overlap in engineering efforts between design office
and construction site.
 To provide support to the construction group in clarifying the intent of the design and
quickly resolve site queries.

(b) Engineering
Engineering and design is carried out by disciplined engineers and CAD engineers assigned to
the Project team. Designers and draughts men will be assigned to the team to manage different
aspects of the work.

 The disciplined engineers are drawn from the specialist groups in the Engineering
department. Each discipline within the Project team will be led by a lead engineer who is
responsible for the performance of the work as per scope of work and schedule, meeting cost
and quality consideration. The engineering and design is carried out in accordance with
established Company and departmental procedures.

 Each lead engineer will review his scope of work in detail to have a full understanding of
the contract requirements.

 Each lead engineer is also responsible for interfaces with others in the Project team.

 The Lead Engineer controls and supervises assigned personnel, allocation of work and
its completion on time and within budget. He ensures that engineering; design and checking
procedures are implemented.
The lead engineer also reports progress of work against schedule and initiates Design Change Requests for work
beyond identified scope, or for changes for delays

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