BSBCMM411 Presentation Requirements

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Presentation Requirements

Your presentation should commence with an introduction regarding the purpose of the presentation,
as well as an outline of the content you will cover and the desired outcome of the presentation. You
should also allow time for questions, which may be during or at the end of the presentation depending
on the type of presentation you choose to provide

Presentation format/strategy/delivery method

Consider the best method of presenting your topic to the identified target group. Consider options
such as discussions, oral presentation, demonstration and case studies. In addition, consider the
most suitable presentation format and delivery methods such as a verbal presentation only, a
presentation incorporating video and/or visuals or a presentation using storyboards. Your chosen
format/strategy/delivery method will also need to take into account the audience, as well as resources
and location advised by your assessor.

Presentation aids and materials

As your presentation is to be engaging and informative, consider presentation aids and materials and
techniques that can make your presentation interesting. Remember that a presentation aid is defined
as something to assist you to make the presentation and presentation materials are something to
provide to the audience. You must create at least one of the presentation aids or materials using a
business software package such as PowerPoint or Microsoft word or any other relevant software
Your choice of presentation aids and materials will also depend on the available resources advised to
you by your assessor.
You must include at least one presentation aid and one presentation material in your presentation as
outlined above, as well as practical examples to illustrate the information you provide to add interest
to the presentation.

Communication techniques
As you will need to use effective communication techniques during the presentation, consider the
following for inclusion in your presentation:

 A planned opener to engage audience interest

 Planned techniques to ensure continuing audience interest throughout the presentation: you
should identify and use at least one.

WHS Considerations
Due to WHS legislation and organisational policy, you are responsible to conduct a check of the
presentation space and make sure there are no safety hazards such as loose wires or dangerous
objects in the space. Any issues identified must be reported immediately and attended to prior to the
presentation going ahead. Rescheduling may have to occur if there is a problem that cannot be
attended to immediately.

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M

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