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Jesus in Islam: The Prophet Isa (AS)

Jesus in Islam: The Prophet Isa (AS)

In Islam, Jesus, known as Isa (AS), is a very important figure. He was a prophet sent by God, Allah (swt), and
his life is described in the Quran, the holy book of Islam. Isa (AS) was born to Maryam (AS), a special
woman chosen by Allah (swt), and his birth is described in a chapter of the Quran called "Surah Maryam." He
was born in Nazareth, a town in Palestine.

Allah (swt) chose Isa (AS) to be a prophet and messenger when he was thirty years old. He was sent to teach
the people of Israel about Allah (swt) and how to live good lives. Isa (AS) performed many miracles, like
speaking from his cradle, healing the sick, and bringing the dead back to life. These miracles showed that he
was a true prophet and had Allah's (swt) special support.

Isa (AS) taught people to worship only Allah (swt) and to be kind and loving to each other. He spread
messages of love, mercy, and compassion. He also called people to pray and give charity. Isa (AS) never told
his followers to worship him. He had followers and disciples who learned from him and followed his

The Quran says that Isa (AS) did not die on the cross. Allah (swt) raised him to heaven and will send him
back to earth before the Day of Judgment. He will come back as a just ruler and fight against a false messiah.
Isa (AS) is respected and loved by Muslims, but his role in Islam is different from how he is understood in
other religions.

Isa (AS) is a great example for us to follow. He showed us how to live a good life by being kind, loving, and
worshipping only Allah (swt). His life is a reminder that we should always strive to be good people and
follow the teachings of Allah (swt).

Reading Summary
● In Islam, Jesus, called Isa, is a prophet sent by God, Allah, and his story is in the Quran.
● Isa was born to Maryam, a special woman chosen by Allah, and he performed miracles like healing the
sick and bringing people back to life.
● Muslims believe Isa will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment to fight against a false messiah.

Term Definition Example Sentence
prophet (noun) A person who is believed to speak for God or The prophet Muhammad is a central figure in
a god. Islam.

miracle (noun) An amazing event that is believed to be Jesus performed many miracles, like healing
caused by God or a supernatural power. the sick.

compassion A feeling of sympathy and concern for The nurse showed compassion for her
(noun) others. patients.
disciples People who follow and learn from a teacher Jesus had twelve disciples who followed him
(noun) or leader. and spread his teachings.

messiah A person who is believed to be the savior or In Christianity, Jesus is believed to be the
(noun) deliverer of a people. Messiah.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question #1 Question #2 Question #3
Where was Jesus, known as Isa What did Isa (AS) do when he was What is one of the miracles Isa
(AS) in Islam, born? thirty years old? (AS) performed?

A. Jerusalem A. He became a teacher. A. He could fly.

B. Mecca B. He started a business. B. He could read people's minds.
C. Nazareth C. He became a prophet. C. He could heal the sick.
D. Bethlehem D. He traveled to a new country. D. He could control the weather.

Short Answer Questions

Question #1 Where was Jesus, known as Isa (AS) in Islam, born?


Question #2 What are some of the miracles that Isa (AS) performed?


Question #3 What is the main message that Isa (AS) taught people?

According to the text, what is the name of the chapter in the Quran that describes the birth
Question #4 of Isa (AS)?


Question #5 How old was Isa (AS) when Allah (swt) chose him to be a prophet and messenger?


Question #6 What is the role of Isa (AS) in Islam compared to other religions?


Question #7 What does the Quran say about the death of Isa (AS)?

Question #8 What is one example of how Isa (AS) showed people how to live a good life?


Open Ended Questions

Think about the miracles that Jesus performed. What are some things that you wish you
Question #1 could do with special powers? How would you use them to help others?


The text says that Jesus taught people to be kind and loving to each other. How can you
Question #2 show kindness and love to the people in your life?


Jesus is a role model for Muslims. Who are some people in your life that you look up to?
Question #3 What qualities do they have that make them good role models?


The text mentions that Jesus was born to a special woman chosen by God. What are some
Question #4 qualities that make someone a special person? How can you be a special person in your
own life?


Jesus was sent to teach the people of Israel about God. What are some important things
Question #5 that you have learned from your family, teachers, or community? How can you share these
things with others?


The text says that Jesus never told his followers to worship him. What are some things that
Question #6 people should not be worshipped for? What are some things that people should be
respected for?

Jesus is said to be coming back to Earth before the Day of Judgment. What do you think
Question #7 the world will be like when he returns? What are some things that you hope will be


The text describes Jesus as a great example for us to follow. What are some ways that you
Question #8 can be a good example for others?


This Diffit resource was created by Farjahan Kazi

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