Jesus in Islam - Created with Diffit

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Key Vocabulary

Instructions: For each term, use the word in a sentence that shows you understand it’s
definition. Then create an image to represent the term. Be ready to explain the image.

Vocabulary Term Use It In A An Image to Represent It:

A person who is believed
to speak for God or the
gods and receive messages
from them.

Vocabulary Term Use It In A An Image to Represent It:


A person who carries a

message from one person
or group to another.

Vocabulary Term Use It In A An Image to Represent It:


A feeling of sympathy
and concern for others.

Vocabulary Term Use It In A An Image to Represent It:


Kindness or forgiveness
shown to someone who
could be punished.

Vocabulary Term Use It In A An Image to Represent It:

Key Vocabulary
Instructions: For each term, use the word in a sentence that shows you understand it’s
definition. Then create an image to represent the term. Be ready to explain the image.

A person who is
believed to be the savior
or deliverer of a people.
Key Vocabulary
Instructions: For each term, use the word in a sentence that shows you understand it’s
definition. Then create an image to represent the term. Be ready to explain the image.

Vocabulary Term Use It In A An Image to Represent It:


A surprising or important
piece of information that
is revealed or made

Vocabulary Term Use It In A An Image to Represent It:

An amazing and unexpected
event that seems impossible
to explain by natural laws.

Vocabulary Term Use It In A An Image to Represent It:


A person who follows

and learns from a teacher
or leader, especially in

Vocabulary Term Use It In A An Image to Represent It:


Comfort or relief
from sadness or

Vocabulary Term Use It In A An Image to Represent It:

Key Vocabulary
Instructions: For each term, use the word in a sentence that shows you understand it’s
definition. Then create an image to represent the term. Be ready to explain the image.
Verb (past participle)

To be killed by being
nailed to a cross.
Read & Annotate
Instructions: Read the passage below. As you read, mark the text using the
provided symbols then write down something you noticed about the passage.
Read again and write down what you wonder from the passage.
Read a third time, and make a connection to something else you’ve learned.
Mark the Text
Prophet Isa (AS) in Islam
✰ Important
Key Detail
In Islam, Prophet Isa (AS), who is called Isa (pronounced "ee-sa") in Arabic, is a
very important person. He's considered a prophet and messenger of Allah, who
□ Unfamiliar Word
is called Allah in Islam. The Ǫuran, which is the holy book of Islam, tells us X Don’t Understand
about Prophet Isa (AS)' life. Let's learn some key things about Prophet Isa (AS) Ǫuestion
and his life in Islam.
Prophet Isa (AS)' Birth: □Connection
Prophet Isa (AS) was the last important prophet sent to the people of Israel. He
was born to Mary, a very good and honorable woman chosen by Allah. Allah
honored Mary by naming a whole chapter in the Ǫuran after her, called "Surah First Read:
Maryam." In the Ǫuran, Prophet Isa (AS) is called "Isa ibn Maryam," which means
"Prophet Isa (AS), son of Marium." He was born in Nazareth, a town in Galilee,
I notice…
which is about 65 miles north of Jerusalem in the country of Palestine.

Prophet and Messenger:

Allah chose Prophet Isa (AS) to be a prophet and messenger. When Prophet Isa
(AS) was 30 years old, Allah sent him a message through the angel Jibrael.
Prophet Isa (AS) was sent to the people of Israel to teach them about Allah and
how to live good lives. Second Read:
Prophet Isa (AS)' Miracles:
I wonder…
Prophet Isa (AS) did many amazing things with Allah's help. These are
called miracles. Here are some of them:

1. He spoke from his cradle when he was just a baby.

2.He healed sick people, even those with leprosy.
3.He made blind people see again.
4.He brought people back to life after they died.
Third Read:
This reminds me…
Read a third time, and make a connection to something else you’ve learned.

Mark the Text

These miracles showed that Prophet Isa (AS) was a true prophet and that God
was with him. ✰ Important
Key Detail
**Prophet Isa (AS)' Teachings:**
□ Unfamiliar Word
1. Prophet Isa (AS) taught people to worship only God and to be kind,
loving, and fair to others. He also talked about love, mercy, and X Don’t Understand
compassion. Ǫuestion
2. Like other prophets of God, Prophet Isa (AS) called people to worship the one
true God. Interesting
3. He told people to pray and to give money to help the poor.
4. He never told his followers to worship him.
Prophet Isa (AS)' Followers:

Prophet Isa (AS) had people who followed him and learned from him. These First Read:
people are called his disciples. I notice…
Prophet Isa (AS)' Mission:

The Ǫuran tells us about Prophet Isa (AS)' mission in two ways:

1. He was a sign to people. His special birth and amazing life were meant to
help people remember God.
2. His mission was to bring comfort and peace to those who were
sorry for their mistakes. Second Read:
The Book Given to Prophet Isa (AS):
I wonder…
The book that God gave to Prophet Isa (AS) is called the Injeel.


Christians worship Prophet Isa (AS), even though he always taught people to
worship only God. Christians also believe that Prophet Isa (AS) was crucified,
which means he was tied to a cross and killed by the people of Israel.
Third Read:
This reminds me…
Read a third time, and make a connection to something else you’ve learned.

Mark the Text

Prophet Isa (AS)' Death: ✰ Important
Key Detail
The Ǫuran says that Prophet Isa (AS) did not die. In the Ǫuran (Surah Nisa,
Verse 157), it says that people thought they killed Prophet Isa (AS), but they □ Unfamiliar Word
didn't. God took Prophet Isa (AS) up to heaven. The Ǫuran also says that God
will send Prophet Isa (AS) back to Earth one day. He will be a fair and just ruler,
X Don’t Understand
and his return will be a sign that the end of the world is coming. He will also Ǫuestion
fight against a false prophet and defeat him. Interesting
Conclusion: □Connection
Prophet Isa (AS) is a very important prophet in Islam. God chose him to teach
people about goodness, love, and worshipping only one God. His life is a
First Read:
good example for us to follow. Like other prophets Prophet Isa (AS) spread the
message of faith, kindness, and justice. Muslims respect and love Prophet Isa I notice…
(AS), but they understand him differently than other religions.

Second Read:
I wonder…

Third Read:
This reminds me…
Answer and
Instructions: For each question, answer the question and then explain why you picked the

answer you did using specific evidence from the text.

1. What is the name of the holy book of Islam?

Pick the Explain: Why did you pick that

Answer answer?
A) The Bible

B) The Torah

C) The Ǫuran

D) The Vedas

Question: 2. Where was Prophet Isa (AS) born?

Pick the Explain: Why did you pick that

Answer answer?
A) Jerusalem

B) Bethlehem

C) Nazareth

D) Mecca

3. What did Jesus, known as Isa (AS), teach people to do?

Pick the Explain: Why did you pick that

Answer answer?
A) Worship him as a god

B) Follow the Ten Commandments

C) Pray and give to the poor

D) Build temples and statues

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Answer and
Instructions: For each question, answer the question and then explain why you picked the

answer you did using specific evidence from the text.

4. How is Jesus's birth described as a sign in Islam?

Pick the Explain: Why did you pick that

Answer answer?
A) He was born in a stable.

B) He was born to a virgin.

C) He was born with the ability to speak.

D) He was born in a place of great importance.

Question: 5. What is the name of the book that God gave to Jesus in Islam?

Pick the Explain: Why did you pick that

Answer answer?
A) The Bible

B) The Torah

C) The Ǫuran

D) The Injeel

6. How does the Ǫuran describe Jesus's death?

Pick the Explain: Why did you pick that

Answer answer?
A) He was crucified and died on the cross.

B) He was taken up to heaven by God.

C) He died a natural death.

D) He was killed by his enemies.

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Answer and
Instructions: For each question, answer the question and then explain why you picked the

answer you did using specific evidence from the text.

7. What is the main difference between how Muslims and Christians
understand Jesus?

Pick the Explain: Why did you pick that

Answer answer?
A) Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, while Christians believe he was the Son
of God.

B) Muslims believe Jesus was a human, while Christians believe he was divine.

C) Muslims believe Jesus was a teacher, while Christians believe he was a savior.

D) Muslims believe Jesus was a miracle worker, while Christians believe he was a

Question: 8. How does the Ǫuran compare Jesus's mission to the mission of other prophets?

Pick the Explain: Why did you pick that

Answer answer?
A) Jesus's mission was unique and different from other prophets.

B) Jesus's mission was to bring peace and comfort, similar to other


C) Jesus's mission was to establish a new religion, unlike other prophets.

D) Jesus's mission was to perform miracles, unlike other prophets.


Pick the Explain: Why did you pick that

Answer answer?

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Short Answer Questions
1. What is the name of the holy book of Islam?

2. Where was Jesus, known as Isa (AS), born?


3. What did Isa (AS) teach people to do?


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Short Answer Questions
4. How does the author use the description of Jesus' miracles to develop the main idea of the p

5. What is the main idea of the passage about Jesus in Islam?


6. What are some of the miracles that Jesus performed, according to the passage, and how do t

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Short Answer Questions
7. How does the passage explain the difference between the Islamic understanding of



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Reflect and Discuss
Instructions: Respond to the following question using the reading and your own knowledge
and experiences. Be as thorough as possible.

1. Think about the miracles that Isa (AS) performed. How do you think these miracles
helped people understand that he was a prophet of God?

Write Your Response Here. Be sure to use what you learned in the reading and your own know

Instructions: When instructed, you will share your responses with your group. Take notes
on their responses in the boxes below. Be sure to write their names at the top of each box.
Student #1: Student #2:

Student #3: Student #4:

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Reflect and Discuss
Instructions: Respond to the following question using the reading and your own knowledge
and experiences. Be as thorough as possible.

2. The text says that Isa (AS) taught people to be kind and loving to others. How can you
show kindness and love to the people in your life?

Write Your Response Here. Be sure to use what you learned in the reading and your own know

Instructions: When instructed, you will share your responses with your group. Take notes
on their responses in the boxes below. Be sure to write their names at the top of each box.
Student #1: Student #2:

Student #3: Student #4:

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Reflect and Discuss
Instructions: Respond to the following question using the reading and your own knowledge
and experiences. Be as thorough as possible.

3. Isa (AS) is a very important figure in Islam. What are some important people in your life
and why are they important to you?

Write Your Response Here. Be sure to use what you learned in the reading and your own know

Instructions: When instructed, you will share your responses with your group. Take notes
on their responses in the boxes below. Be sure to write their names at the top of each box.
Student #1: Student #2:

Student #3: Student #4:

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Reflect and Discuss
Instructions: Respond to the following question using the reading and your own knowledge
and experiences. Be as thorough as possible.

4. The text says that Isa (AS) was sent to the people of Israel. Why do you think God chose
to send prophets to specific groups of people?

Write Your Response Here. Be sure to use what you learned in the reading and your own know

Instructions: When instructed, you will share your responses with your group. Take notes
on their responses in the boxes below. Be sure to write their names at the top of each box.
Student #1: Student #2:

Student #3: Student #4:

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Reflect and Discuss
Instructions: Respond to the following question using the reading and your own knowledge
and experiences. Be as thorough as possible.

5. The text mentions that Isa (AS) will return to Earth one day. What do you think the
world will be like when he returns?

Write Your Response Here. Be sure to use what you learned in the reading and your own know

Instructions: When instructed, you will share your responses with your group. Take notes
on their responses in the boxes below. Be sure to write their names at the top of each box.
Student #1: Student #2:

Student #3: Student #4:

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Reflect and Discuss
Instructions: Respond to the following question using the reading and your own knowledge
and experiences. Be as thorough as possible.

6. The text says that Isa (AS) taught people to worship only God. How do you think
this teaching is important for people today?

Write Your Response Here. Be sure to use what you learned in the reading and your own know

Instructions: When instructed, you will share your responses with your group. Take notes
on their responses in the boxes below. Be sure to write their names at the top of each box.
Student #1: Student #2:

Student #3: Student #4:

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