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Chapter – 1

The life of Prophet Isa (AS) in Islam

Key words:
belief - an acceptance that something exists or is true
solace - comfort or consolation in a time of sadness
repentance - expressing or feeling sincere regret and remorse
revealed – make known to others
compassion- to recognize the suffering of others and then take action to help

In Islam, Isa (AS), also referred as Jesus by Christians, is a very
important figure. He is a prophet and messenger of Allah (SWT)
(Allah) and his life is mentioned in the Quran, which is the Holy
book of Islam. Let's learn some key points about Isa (AS) and his
life in Islam.

Birth of Isa (AS):

Prophet Isa (AS) was the last prominent Prophet sent to Bani Israel. He was born to Maryam (AS), a
pious and honorable woman chosen by Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) honored Maryam (AS) by revealing
a chapter named ‘Surah Maryam’ in the Holy Quran. In the Quran Isa (AS) is mentioned as Isa ibn
Maryam (the son of Maryam). He was born in Nazareth of Galilee, some 65 miles North of Jerusalem
in the country of Palestine.

Prophet and Messenger:

Isa (AS) was chosen by Allah (SWT) to be a prophet and messenger.
Allah (SWT) sent the Revelation of Prophethood to Isa (AS) through
Jibreel (AS) when he was thirty years old. He was sent to the Children
of Israel to teach them about Allah (SWT) and how to live good lives.

Miracles of Isa (AS):

Isa (AS) performed many miracles with Allah’s (SWT) permission. Some
of these miracles were:
1. he spoke from his cradle
2. healed the sick (leprosy)
3. cured the blind
4. brought the dead back to life

These miracles showed that he was a true prophet and had Allah’s (SWT) special support.

Teachings of Isa (AS):

1. Isa (AS) taught people to worship only Allah (SWT) and to be kind, loving, and fair to others. He
also spread messages of love, mercy, and compassion.
2. Like other Prophets of Allah (SWT), Isa (AS) called people to the worship of the One True Allah.
3. He enjoined upon the people to offer prayers and pay the Zakah.
4. He never told his followers to worship him.

Disciples of Isa (AS):

Isa (AS) had followers and disciples who learned from him and followed his teachings.

The mission of Isa (AS):

The mission of Isa is mentioned in the Qur’an in two ways:
1. He was a sign to men; his wonderful birth and wonderful life were to turn a sinful world back to
Allah (SWT).
2. His mission was to give comfort and solace to the repentant.

Book that was revealed to Isa (AS):

Injeel was the book that was revealed to Prophet Isa (AS).

Christians worship Isa (AS) though he himself always
preached about worshipping Allah (SWT) only.
Christians also believe that Isa (AS) was crucified.
They believe that he was tied to a cross and tortured
and killed by the Jews.

In the Holy Quran (Surah Nisa, Verse 157) Allah
(SWT) has revealed that Isa (AS) did not die.

and for boasting, “We killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” But they
neither killed nor crucified him—it was only made to appear so. Even those who argue for this
˹crucifixion˺ are in doubt. They have no knowledge whatsoever—only making assumptions. They
certainly did not kill him.

It is also mentioned in the Quran that Allah (SWT) raised him to the heavens and will send him back
to earth. He will return as a fair and just ruler, and his coming will signal the end times and the Day of
Judgment. He will also fight the false messiah (ad-Dajjal) and kill him.

Isa (AS) is a very important prophet in Islam. He was chosen by Allah (SWT) to teach people about
goodness, love, and worshiping only one Allah. His life is a great example for us to follow. Just like
other prophets, Isa (AS) spread the message of faith, kindness, and justice. He is respected and
loved by Muslims, but the way he is understood in Islam is different from other religions.

Question and Answer:

1. Who was Isa (AS) and where was he born?
2. Write a short note on Maryam (AS).
3. How did he become the Prophet?
4. What were the teachings of Isa (AS)?
5. What were the missions of Isa (AS)?
6. Name the book that was revealed to Isa (AS).
7. State some the miracles he performed.
8. As Muslims, what do we believe happened to Isa (AS)?

Jesus in Islam
Reading Summary
● In Islam, Jesus is a prophet and messenger of God, called Isa, who was sent to teach people about God
and how to live good lives.
● Jesus performed miracles, like healing the sick and bringing people back to life, to show that he was a
true prophet.
● Muslims believe that Jesus did not die but was taken up to heaven by God, and that he will return to
Earth one day as a fair and just ruler.

Term Definition Example Sentence
prophet (noun) A person who is believed to speak for God or The prophet Muhammad is considered the
the gods and receive messages from them. founder of Islam.

messenger A person who carries a message from one The messenger delivered the important letter
(noun) person or group to another. to the king.

compassion A feeling of sympathy and concern for The nurse showed compassion for the sick
(noun) others. patient.

mercy (noun) Kindness or forgiveness shown to someone The judge showed mercy to the young
who could be punished. offender.

messiah A person who is believed to be the savior or In Christianity, Jesus is considered the
(noun) deliverer of a people. Messiah.

revelation A surprising or important piece of The detective's discovery of the hidden diary
(Noun) information that is revealed or made known. was a revelation that solved the mystery.

miracle An amazing and unexpected event that The doctor said the patient's recovery was a
(Noun) seems impossible to explain by natural laws. miracle after such a serious accident.

disciple A person who follows and learns from a Jesus had twelve disciples who followed him
(Noun) teacher or leader, especially in religion. and spread his teachings.

solace (Noun) Comfort or relief from sadness or distress. After losing her pet, the girl found solace in
spending time with her family.

crucified To be killed by being nailed to a cross. In the story, the hero was crucified for his
(Verb (past beliefs.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question #1 Question #2 Question #3
What is the name of the holy book Where was Jesus, known as Isa What did Jesus, known as Isa
of Islam? (AS), born? (AS), teach people to do?

A. The Bible A. Jerusalem A. Worship him as a god

B. The Torah B. Bethlehem B. Follow the Ten Commandments
C. The Quran C. Nazareth C. Pray and give to the poor
D. The Vedas D. Mecca D. Build temples and statues

Question #4 Question #5 Question #6

How is Jesus's birth described as a What is the name of the book that How does the Quran describe
sign in Islam? God gave to Jesus in Islam? Jesus's death?

A. He was born in a stable. A. The Bible A. He was crucified and died on

the cross.
B. He was born to a virgin. B. The Torah
B. He was taken up to heaven by
C. He was born with the ability to C. The Quran God.
D. The Injeel C. He died a natural death.
D. He was born in a place of great
importance. D. He was killed by his enemies.

Question #7 Question #8
What is the main difference between how Muslims How does the Quran compare Jesus's mission to the
and Christians understand Jesus? mission of other prophets?

A. Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, while A. Jesus's mission was unique and different from
Christians believe he was the Son of God. other prophets.
B. Muslims believe Jesus was a human, while B. Jesus's mission was to bring peace and comfort,
Christians believe he was divine. similar to other prophets.
C. Muslims believe Jesus was a teacher, while C. Jesus's mission was to establish a new religion,
Christians believe he was a savior. unlike other prophets.
D. Muslims believe Jesus was a miracle worker, D. Jesus's mission was to perform miracles, unlike
while Christians believe he was a healer. other prophets.

Short Answer Questions

Question #1 What is the name of the holy book of Islam?


Question #2 Where was Jesus, known as Isa (AS), born?


Question #3 What did Isa (AS) teach people to do?


How does the author use the description of Jesus' miracles to develop the main idea of the
Question #4 passage?


Question #5 What is the main idea of the passage about Jesus in Islam?


What are some of the miracles that Jesus performed, according to the passage, and how do
Question #6 these miracles contribute to the overall message about Jesus in Islam?


How does the passage explain the difference between the Islamic understanding of Jesus'
Question #7 death and the Christian belief?

Open Ended Questions
Think about the miracles that Isa (AS) performed. How do you think these miracles helped
Question #1 people understand that he was a prophet of God?


The text says that Isa (AS) taught people to be kind and loving to others. How can you
Question #2 show kindness and love to the people in your life?


Isa (AS) is a very important figure in Islam. What are some important people in your life
Question #3 and why are they important to you?


The text says that Isa (AS) was sent to the people of Palestine. Why do you think Allah
Question #4 chose to send prophets to specific groups of people?


The text mentions that Isa (AS) will return to Earth one day. What do you think the world
Question #5 will be like when he returns?


The text says that Isa (AS) taught people to worship only Allah. How do you think this
Question #6 teaching is important for people today?


This Diffit resource was created by Farjahan Kazi

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