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I was never a fan of dreams, never remember them very well, and when I did, it was a

crappy nightmare.
I had time ago, in my past life, my good share of new age bullshit, dream interpretation
without any rigour, also got my good bunch of hardcore psychoanalysis as well.
Anyway, never got driven to that stuff cause i don't remember my dreams.
This morning was different, woke up late, at 9 30., I used to get up with my woman at 6 30
when she starts working,
Yes remote job, wish I could
The dream already started creepy and weird. My cousin was pregnant, I was there during all
the birth labour.
Yes i had a crush on her but I was 10 or 11.
I don't know why the one explaining the whole situation to me was my godmother.
She is my oldman’s sister, but my cousin is from my mother's side of the family.
The case was that she gave birth to a tiny little thing. An hybrid between human and puppy.
He was surrounded by a couple of nurses, and they were impressed by a couple of facts but
in a tender way.
The little creature was crapping himself all over, and the nurses whispered how cute it was.
Heard them talking about that he was in the fecal state due to the seven fingers he had.
Really don't know where that crazy biology concepts were taken from.
Also, the explanation was that because of some sort of problem she had, that was sexual,
according to the dream. don't yet find the relation, but that was the reason she gave birth like
two years later.
The strange part is I don't even remember banging her.
I hold the little thing and in the next scene he was already waking as a normal toddler, two or
three years old, dressed with some kind of Chucky outfit, but even though, he looked really
I lifted him up, and he was really similar to me in my youngest years.
Never crossed my mind questioning my paternity.
I'm a bit dumb so I can be deceived really easily, but never felt that way in the dream.
The strangest thing was, I don't know why I started to speak to him in English, and he
immediately grasped the language, the average looking toddler started answering to me in a
childish perfect spoken British accent.
I was happy but not freaked out, which is my usual state of mind thing, normally I would be in
such a situation.
With my ex-wife, we had a couple of miscarriages. They wrecked up us both, so I have some
pretty serious issues with having kids.
I already have one, he is 17 and turned out to be a really awesome, handsome guy.
Extremely clever, sensitive, and with intellectual and physical interests. He is into
philosophy. Even though I'm a certified philosophy professor, I learnt from him about new
authors. at the same time, he trained Japanese swordsmanship with me until he got fed up.
It's natural I was at home i was in his high school and, I was also the sensei at the dojo.
Luckily he started training aikido Sentai with another sensei with whom we share the same
perspective about the way to train kids. Building up confidence and strength in order to build
up self-esteem, and not interested in forcing him to be a hell of a fighter.
That is one of the advantages of living by the beach. There are no mac dojos near.
The bottom line is that I got it right once and won't take the risk again.
We've already discussed it with my girlfriend.
Maybe i am rumbling about him just because i see him not so often since I moved out.
We keep in touch, and he has reached me in difficult moments, he had a bunch of them.
I'm really proud of myself because of that trust, but as any teen, love and complicity comes
and goes as a summer storm.
Sorry for the rumbling. Maybe I'm missing him.
The case was that the dream really weird, taking into account I scarcely dream.
I take my night pill and I crumble. Yes, I'm on chemical happiness since things started going
pretty bad with my ex.
My crappy job had also part of the responsibility, I'm done being the free shrink of over 300
students and in my line of work if you get too involved helping teens with their issues, which I
personally consider are as serious as any adult shit.
Most of the time they are way worst, cause an adult can manage things, or should be able
Common sense is the least common of all senses
They really don't do it, but these teens have pretty shitty lives since a very early age.
But I've already hung up the cape. I'm not the superhero that will save anyone to the cost of
my mental health or even my life and reputation.
Now I'm in a wonderful situation, I live with my girlfriend, two blocks away from the beach,
she is tender, caring, and she's making a great effort to rebuild the wreck I was when we
started dating. I don't like repeating clichés, but is like that Japanese thing where they use
gold to repair cracked teapots. I think it's named kintouro or something like that.
They say a broken thing carefully repaired with gold is like a person that turns out more
interesting because besides being smashed against the floor with or without intention. Even
though you keep broken. No matter if they fix you with gold, or you fix yourself with some
cheap crappy glue.
There's no other possible diagnose for me than a manual description of a basket case.
I supposedly banged my cousin and got her pregnant for two years of some lycanthropic
Besides all the oddity it was only a weird creepy dream, just a dream.
Took my morning pill and kept on with some random domestic chores.

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