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Public Playtest 2
Writer and Developer: Joaquin Kyle “Makapatag”
On 1st Edition
Saavedra (@makapatag) To you all Kadungganan, who has eviscerated me: Hey all,
Waks here, again, unfortunately. Hopefully for the last time
Art Director: Dylan Briones (@illsvillainy) (this is wishful hoping, because Gubat Banwa still needs to
blow up), but here we are.
Artists: Dylan Briones (@illsvillainy), Jul A. Refugia
(@JuiceUrLemons), Noriz Mora (@Togidemi), Tamara This is particularly heartfelt because this is the longest time
Catada (@tanorochen), Xrystina Marcos I’ve taken to update this wretched, lovely game. As I work
(@SweetCyanid3), Ahron (@daffonahron), Gen on this version it did kind of feel like a goodbye: I was
(@Shaolinfan1), Luisa Odulio (@ghostprinceee), RM Banas returning to the earliest versions of this game and taking
(@rmbananas), Cams Cabezas (@breezamiii), Trina Laya the best parts of those, along with the things I’ve learned
(@tumbke), Fae (@indignoir), Kai (@ClickClacKAI), Taters from the current versions of this game, and synthesizing
(@thistaters), Raj (@rajavlitra), CamChua (@frillion) them. In a sense, thanks to my disgusting hyperfixation on
this game, I’ve put my players through at least 15 editions of
Kasuratan Font: R- (@kathanglangit) this game before we got here. I am apologetic, but also, it
was a fun ride, right? Hopefully.
Playtesting: Sean Chingkaw, Kate, Noriz Mora, John Erwin
Casia, Benedict Mangahas, Luisa Odulio, Aryelle Sison, RM, A poet once said that love is obliteration. It’s true. I was
Lance, Jey, artspinapl eviscerated working on this game: from preconceptions, to
game mechanic practices, to realizing the difficulty of every
Other Credits: Shout out to all my Patreon patrons, aspect of game design (from conception to marketing). As I
without whom this never could have been easy (and maybe write this, I feel like I have been cleaved to my very core.
not possible)! Unfortunately there’s still more to do.

Inspirational Credits to LANCER, Dungeons and Dragons I’ve rambled on for enough, I think. In 1e, you will find
4th Edition, Pathfinder 2nd Edition, Strike! RPG, Shadow of different War Drama mechanics, a fresh and clean combat
the Demon Lord, Apocalypse World, Broken World, engine, tighter Discipline design, a three sectioned
Exalted, Sagas of the Icelanders, Dreams Askew, Blades in progression system (Techniques, Anting-Anting, and
the Dark, Wanderhome, Ryuutama, Heart of Wulin, Treasures), horizontal progression, cooler enemies, and
Tresspasser and ICON for inspiring mechanics and game even more evocative worldbuilding, along with a number of
feel. tables to help you on that font. I hope it’s enough.

Copyright: GUBAT BANWA belongs to Joaquin Kyle Thanks again for sailing these waters with me. Sunder the
Saavedra/Makapatag. You can use the stuff here to remix or world with your sins, become Hiyang, and rejoice in the
make your own stuff and sell them. I encourage you to make glory of combat.
settings, Disciplines, and more!
- Waks
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 3
The Wandering Sheathe 4
Poems of the Past 12
What is Gubat Banwa? 14
Where is Gubat Banwa? 15
The Five Major Mandalas 18
How To Play 23
Tactical Martial Arts 43
Kadungganan and Warbands 58
Disciplines and Anting-Anting 139
Disciplines 140
Anting-Anting 240
Songs of the Umalagad 245
Umalagad Characters 260
And Heaven Will Be Ours 286
The Manuscript of Songs 296
Combat Summary 312
The Wandering Sheathe
A woman walked into a small village, with nothing but the hospitality.”
clothes on her back—long silk robes over a textile tube skirt
and wooden sandals--and an empty dragon-mouthed The woman shook her head. “Do not worry overmuch about
sheath. it. I will be fine.” She looked out of the window, discreetly, as
that small band of warriors walked through the town.
A servant man, an oripun, sprawled to his knees before her, Kicking rocks and extorting whatever food or other tax they
hands scrabbling for purchase on the muddy riverbanks. could get from the residents living in. “What has happened
to this place, this town, this banwa?”
4 A warrior, loyal to this settlement, walked into view, out of
the reeds. He aimed his luthang, arquebus, at the servant. “Ah, I must apologize again to the Bayi. You’ve found us at a
most inopportune time. A Lakanate raiding party has arrived
“Laki! Forgive me! I meant no harm! I was simply looking for this morning. We’re staying inside until they finish what
food!” The servant groveled, hands rising now to cover his they have to do.”
The Ba-e turned to look at the man as he boiled some taro.
“Silence,” snarled the man. “You dare look at my wife? Burn “Why? You do not flee inland?”
in Sulad!”
He shook his head. “Their warlord promised that we would
“Laki!” be slain if we did. They brought with them Makagagahum
But he heard no more, as the luthang’s cacophony ripped Miracles. They summoned fire from their palms. Our guns
through the air. Herons flew overhead. could do nothing, and we do not have enough witches to
fight back.”
The manggugubat pushed the oripun’s body into the river,
where nature will reclaim what is theirs. Without a proper The woman watched as the men passed by. “Where is your
burial, however, the oripun will surely toil in Sulad for Lord?”
eternity, or be eaten by Siginiguran. “Locked up in his balay. They talk with him, saying that
The woman waited for the scuffle to be over. When the man they’re there to ‘negotiate’.”
turned around and walked back into the reeds, and “Why not just take debtors and be done with it?” asked the
presumably back to his balay, the woman continued walking woman. She gripped her dragon-mouthed sheathe.
on, deeper into the village.
“Oh, you. Of course you know that the Lakanate does not
The village was deserted. No, it seemed deserted. As she deal like the rest of the polities in the known isles. They’re
walked on ahead, a pack of dogs ravaged a corpse lying on here to expand their power by conquering land and
the street. territories, instead of establishing relationships.” He
The wind howled. The sun was still low. shrugged as he turned the taro in the pot. “It’s something we
never thought we’d have to suffer, as we’re just a small
A man opened his doors. “Psst!” He called on the woman. settlement, and our Lord’s wife is the sister of a Lord under
The woman turned to him, eyes narrowed. “Don’t stay out Rajah Batara AmbasiÖ but I suppose in their conquest they
there! You’ll get killed!” will not settle until every rock is under their jurisdiction.
The woman looked about her, and in the distance saw a Come, eat.”
small band of warriors, led by a man upon a crocodile. She nodded. She left the window and ate.
She nodded and walked over and into the balay. “I’m Ilu, by the way. What’s your name, Ba-e?”
“What do you think you’re doing, staying outside like that?” “Odyong Pitara,” she replied, as she took a bit of the taro.
The man closed the door behind her. He offered for her to
wash her feet, and she did so. She removed the poor abaca ***
slippers she had on. When they finished their meal, there was a knock on Ilu’s
“What’s happened to the village?” door.
“Oh don’t worry about that. Here, sit. Have you eaten?” The Ilu froze. He slowly rose to his feet and walked over to it. He
man seems to be another oripun. His shoulder-length hair opened, it just a small bit, and asked: “Who is it--”
was tied up into a severe bun, and he wore nothing but a “Don’t go hiding her in here old man!” And the man kicked
simple cloth over his shoulders like a cloak, and a piece of the door in, sending Ilu flying backwards. Odyong Pitara
cloth tied around his waist like a sarong. reached around and nonchalantly caught him, placing him
“No.” safely to his side.
“Here, I have some taro I left in stock. I don’t have any fish or Odyong realized that the small band of warriors have arrived
meat however.” at their doorstop. Only three of them seemed to be well-
armored: wearing baluti and bringing with them kalasag.
“It’s all right. I am eternally grateful for you sharing your Upon their feet they wore paruka, and had bamboo
food.” shinguards. Their bahag were cloth and had long flowing
“Ah, you probably haven’t eaten in a long while. Don’t worry flaps, and they wore patadyong, or a kind of sarong, over it.
about it! Unfortunately, I don’t have any betel nut chew The one that kicked the man in, bringing with him a rusting
quids right now, so please don’t take that as a hint of non- kris, walked in, without removing his footwear. He squatted
down beside Odyong, smiling. His moustache was long, Odyong walked over to the balay and was immediately
and his pudong was large, almost like a turban, and greeted by two warrior men, both wielding spears. They
excessively decorated. wore a carabao horn cuirass over silken shirts and pants,
and peaked helmets.
He smelled Odyong’s hair, which flowed long, braided
with flowers and thorns. “AhÖ what a catch.” “I’m looking for the Lord of this village.”
Odyong sighed. “Don’t do anything you’ll regret, Laki.” The two kawal, or guardsmen, simply looked at each other, 5
eyebrows furrowed. With a shake of their heads, they
The man paused. His eyes widened. He turned to his turned and tried to shove Odyong away. Odyong caught
lackeys and shouted, “Did you hear this bitch? Ha! Jusko, one of their hands and promptly broke it, then used the
and I thought I was funny!” He turned and snarled into her other hand that held a spear to skewer the other man’s
ear, “If you don’t want to fucking die, you’re going to do throat. Odyong then knocked the kawal out and broke his
what I want you to.” His saliva was infused with the stench nose with his own spear.
of midday alcohol.
Inside the Lord’s balay, a man sits on the bamboo throne of
“Duck,” replied Odyong. the old Lord.
The man’s face contorted into confusion. “What--” The Lord himself lay to the side, skull blossomed into
Odyong’s dragon-mouthed sheath clubbed his face, fragments upon the wall.
stunning him, then she struck thrice: chest, groin, then The man sitting upon the bamboo throne was a man with
face. Like lightning. a peaked helmet, full armor covering him in abaca and
The man fell backwards, knocked out. carabao horn from shoulders to ankles, and wearing
wooden sandals. He sat nonchalantly, with one knee up.
Odyong reached over and picked up the kris, sheathing it He held his luthang up, butt on the ground, barrel pointing
into her sheathe. It fit perfectly. at the door.
“Thanks,” she replied, rising. “Ilu, I would apologize in His legions rose, brandished their weapons.
advance for what they’re about to do to your house.”
“Ease, ease,” said the Virbanwan commander, raising his
“What?” hand. The legions lowered their weapons: spears, swords,
“Ha! The bitch bites! Get ‘em, boys. Tell ‘er what happens mostly. The occasional bow.
to the dog when they anger the crocodile.” The commander rose, pushing a crying woman from his
A melee ensued: two armored warriors and almost ten side, who wore a golden diadem. No doubt the wife of the
horohan, or warrior debtors, against Odyong and her now late Lord.
sheathe plus sword. “So, you’re the one that has been tearing up this little
Odyong summarily dispatched of them without much village,” he grinned, revealing his perfectly white teeth.
trouble. She didn’t need to advance: they attacked her for The teeth of animals.
her. She countered, wove, struck. “Ha. Your humor does not amuse me.”
She disarmed a dagger that flew and punctured the eye of “I’m not trying to make you laugh, pretty. Now, come,
another. She parried one attack, hit another warrior thrice then. What is it you want? Power? Position? Wealth? You
with the sheathe, and then leapt off of that man to impale want to become a Lord? I have power in Virbanwa. I’m
the one she parried with the kris. One of them she threw Senapati Kampiyador, Third Warlord of Batara Lakan
over and out of the window. She sidestepped a charging Huwan Rekno, long may he live.”
attack of another to send him flying directly into the fire of
the kitchen, slapping him on the back with her sheathe. “I want you to leave this village.”
This dance of swords and sheaths happened in the length “Ha!” The Senapati’s grin faded. “You’re not as funny as I
it would take one to blink an eye. thought.” He rose, his shadow looming. He raised his sabre
and said: “Get out.”
At the end of it all, half were dead, and half wished they
could be. As those incapacitated groaned in pain, Odyong The legions readied their weapons.
sheathed her blade and sighed. “Again, apologies, Ilu.” Odyong frowned. She watched the legions. The Senapati
Ilu watched her, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and awe. took a few steps forward. “All right, now you really don’t
amuse me. I said, get out.” He raised his hand and
“I’ll make it up to you,” said Odyong, as she walked over to outstretched his fingers against Odyong.
the door. “I’ll get rid of the Virbanwans.”
An invisible hammer slammed into her, into the door
*** frame, sending splinters in every direction.
That night, after an extended detour through the docks Odyong flew, backwards and out, landing upon dirt and
and killing more warriors there, Odyong made her way up stone, rolling into the bushes. The legion leapt out, then,
to the balay of the Lord. It wasn’t hard to find. It was smack screaming war cries, firing arrows, rushing with swords
dab in the middle of the town, in front of the weapon’s and spears at the ready.
storehouse, which meant that they probably had some sort
of fighting chance. Odyong had no choice but to flee. She leapt over to a lost
hole in the ground, near the hinterlands where the
Just that they weren’t successful. swiddens became the wilds, and hid there until the legions
slowed their search. The last one was a man with an almost flamboyant baro and
sarong get up, whereupon he wore plumage upon his
It took them the whole night. Odyong fell asleep within her pudong. Using sorcerous wind, he leapt from the ship’s prow
hiding grove. and landed upon the shore.

*** “Ah, have patience with us, Odyong,” said the man, grinning.
His gold-pegged teeth made it look like his mouth was made
Upon a cliff, whereupon the Pak-an Galura village overlooks of sunshine. “Kara-Kara over there couldn’t help but stop by
vast mountains of the Masanun Island Chain, an elder man a nearby settlement to have a chance at their shrimp dishes.”
with hair like wisps of clouds countered the attack of a
young Odyong, wearing a lambong and tubatub. Kara-Kara, the boy with the sikarom, leapt off from the
outriggers and onto the shore. “They had buttered hipon,
“Guro!” She snarled as she pushed herself off of the ground. how could I say no! Bangol, come on, you’re with me on this,
6 Her guro stared off over to the rolling mountains. They right?”
trained at the edge of a cliff, where the wrong step could
spell certain doom. “I cannot get past your defense.” She Bangol, the iron-gut warlord, leapt down from the biray and
rushed forward again, exploding with a flurry of blows, but onto the shore. “Ah, don’t bring me into this. I have nothing
her Guro blocked them all in a furious exchange of strikes to do with that,” she said, grinning.
and parries.
“Not anymore, when you finished them all,” said the rose-
At the end, he locked her striking arms, and then pushed her eyed kudyapi player, as he leapt down from the side of the
away. She fell backwards. biray and onto the shore. He wore a malong, as any woman
“Guro!” Her frustration dripped from her words. “I have
been training for most of my life. Getting past you is “Come on I thought you were on my side Dagna!” Bangol
impossible!” whined, pertaining to the kudyapi player. Dagna shrugged.

“Nonsense, young one,” replied the Guro, stretching his Odyong couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “Tandayag,”
limbs. “Nothing is impossible, not one.” spoke Odyong, referring to the man with plumage upon his
pudong. “Thank the spirits that you got the message
Odyong rose to her feet, dusting off the dust from her quickly.”
malong. “I’m tired. Lets go home.”
“Of course,” said Tandayag, smiling. “It is destiny. And
“Not until you can get past me. Tomorrow is your final trial, liberating villages is part and parcel for the Wandering
remember?” Sword Souls. And it looks like the fight has come to us!
Grand. We don’t have to waste time looking for them.”
Odyong let out a slow, dangerous breath. “How can I do
that? I’ve done all the techniques I know. I cannot get past Odyong nodded. She unsheathed her kris, then, and turned
your defenses.” to face the village.

“Then it is time for your final lesson, little frog. If something The legion faced them. It was an entire army, rows and rows
before you seems insurmountable,” he raised his hands in a of spear and swords, the occasional gun and bow. Off to the
ready stance. “Then do not depend on ‘I’. That is the great lie. sides, standing upon balay roofs, war drummers wrapped in
What is insurmountable can be shattered with the power of drab sack cloths banged upon agung.
Despite being of Virbanwa, their war tactics and traditions
*** still echoed that of their roots. The warriors wanted nothing
but to fulfill their debt to their masters, while those in the
The next morning, Odyong arrived at the shore of the village ranks that were wrapped in armor and wielding shields and
to the sound of a bodyong being sounded. ceremonial blades no doubt wanted glory. Those richer
warriors, wrapped in decorative jewelry, painted armors,
The sound echoed across the entire island. wearing pants and sarongs and pudongs bespeckled with
carnelians and ivories, looked almost bored--some even
Odyong leapt out of the foliage and met the incoming Biray. apalled or disgusted--that their entire army had been
amassed to face this small contingent of five warriors. Five
“What took you all so long, mga buang?” Odyong said, a Kadungganan.
small smile breaking out from her stoic face.
Five Kadungganan.
Upon the prow of the ship, four warriors met her. One sat on
the side: a beautiful, rose-eyed man wielding a long kudyapi, Lightning flashed and thunder crashed. Yet the banging of
wearing no armor but a colorful and golden-tasselled saob- agung was louder still. The cacophony of war.
saob only worn by royalty.
Far behind them, standing atop the Lord’s balay, Senapati
Another sat by the outrigger, a young boy with a bow longer Kampiyador raised an excessively bangled hand, glinting
than him. Another sat behind the prow, a large woman with like the sun’s rays.
a large iron gut. She’s the one blowing the bodyong. Her
sundang glinted in the rising sunlight. His right hand man, dripping with jewelry, blew the
bodyong, and its sound ripped heaven. There, five souls stood upon the shore, bodies hardened after
a lifetime’s worth of martial training, hands quicker after
At that sound, the servant that paddled the biray that the three. Weapons at the ready, sorceries prepared.
rest of the Wandering Sword Souls arrived upon paddled
away, as fast as they could. The legions of the Senapati advanced.

Just as well, thought Odyong to herself. She straightened The Wandering Sword Souls strode forward to meet them.
herself, readying her blade and her sheath, her saob-saob 7
flapping in the cold morning wind.

Gubat Banwa is inspired by a large slew of media and real life folklore. Its foundation is Filipino Martial Arts and Southeast
Asian Mythology. However it very equally draws from video games, other literature, and movies.

Non-Fiction Movies and Series

Barangay: Sixteenth-Century Philippine Culture and Amaya from GMA. Unfortunately currently only in Tagalog,
Society by William Henry Scott. One of the easiest to this series is a glimpse into 16th Century Philippines with a
consume and most complete picture of 16th Century costume design to match. It’s great, although suffers from all
Prehispanic Philippines. Bar none, if you want to get into Pre the trappings of being a Philippine telenovela.
Colonial Philippines, Barangay is one of the best starting Princess Mononoke by Studio Ghibli. One of the easiest
points. touchstones to understand how diwata and yawa are like.
History of the Bisayan People in the Philippine Islands/ The seminal Spirited Away is also perfect for trying to
Historia de las islas e indios de Bisayas of Franscisco visualize weirder diwata, or perhaps ninuno ancestor spirits.
Ignacio Alcina. An integral deep dive into late 15th - early Hero. One of the seminal wuxia films, where fights are the
16th century Visayas, where the locals still remember their narrative. Influences much of Gubat Banwa’s combat
old ways and practice them, with Alcina recording all of it mechanics and dramatics. It’s high-flying kung fu is a great
down. Here you see shamans climbing trees to be possessed visual inspiration to ground fiction on.
by gods, details about shipbuilding, the blossoming of RWBY by Monty Oum. I first became enamored with the
flowers that detailed their seasons, how they wove, and their idea of team-based, role-focused tactical combat after
numerous gods and spiritualities. watching Team RWBY fight that Nevermore in Season 1.
Philippine Folk Literature Series by Damiana Eugenio. While Gubat Banwa doesn’t exactly emulate RWBY’s high-
Integral to deep diving into Filipino Culture, and a great flying combat scenes, it does aim for that ballistic back and
resource for fantastical adventures. forth, that multi-hit combos, that setting up environmental
Raiding, Trading, and Feasting: The Political Economy of pieces for slick combat maneuvers, and the philosophy of
Philippine Chiefdoms by Laura Lee Junker. Important to “No movement wasted”. Every move flows to the next. This
grokking how prehispanic Philippines worked and how informs Discipline design, combat feel goals, and role
increasing violence led to further trade and intensified war. design.
Beast Player by Nahoko Uehashi. This novel focuses on the Video Games
relations of men with nature, and is an integral part to Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together and Final Fantasy
viewing how nature gods might be viewed in the setting, as Tactics. Both games helmed by the seminal Yasumi
well as the political upheavals from messing with nature. Matsuno, these intricate war narratives blend together
Malazan: Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson. An epic fantasy with hard hitting political narratives. Gritty without
fantasy novel series that focuses on the tragedies of war, the being grimdark, and mixed in with a good sense of
military, and the sins of the past, complete with adventure and action.
shapeshifting dragon gods and skeleton fantasy The most important things you can get from these games are
neanderthals. The themes of Malazan greatly inspired Gubat the politically focused narratives (which make for great war
Banwa’s exploration into violence and evil. drama) and the encounter design. Maps are not huge, and
Shri-Bishaya and Margosatubig by Ramon Muzones. they are vertically diverse, which is what you want to make
Once serialized in Hiligaynon, English translations now combat not boring and dynamic.
abound. Great way to look at precolonial Philippine fantasy Samurai Warriors, Dynasty Warriors, and Sengoku
and with all the mystic fantasy that entails. Muzones mixes Basara. Less so on the one vs. 1000 gameplay and more on
this with myth and folklore and traditions of the Hiligaynon the high fantasy, stylish action take on historical periods and
people Balu are inspired from Margosatubig! the focus on the different warriors, pitting them against
Tigana, Under Heaven and Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy each other. This series made me wonder what a Warriors
Gavriel Kay. Great and absolutely poetic Fantasy novels game based on our own ancient heroes and warriors would
both based on different time periods (Renaissance Italy, look like, and helped me fantasize or make easier for
Song China, and Moorish Spain respectively) that manage to consumption the many details of Precolonial Philippines.
create a beautiful and intricate fantasy setting from the flesh
of historical periods. Filled with equal parts action, drama,
tragedy, and touching themes, these are great novels to get
in the mood of Gubat Banwa’s brand of historical-esque
fantasy and tragic drama.
You can scarcely imagine it. A Sky of a Thousand The 7th Tuig Bulan marked the rise of Datu in the
Thousand Worlds. Sword Isles. Datu was the local term that meant
“chief”, “ruler”, or “superior”. It did not mean “King”:
The grand Warring Realm, that is, Gubat Banwa in the people of Gubat Banwa were too fresh from an
local tongues, has undergone innumerable eras and overlord to make that mistake again. However, where
periods. People and cultures have been created and there is power, there are the power-hungry, and soon
destroyed in an endless cycle of creation and they would abuse the position of the Datu to taste the
destruction. There is no end. This is the Paradox of same kind of power Rajaraya Pintas once held.
Multiplicity: only in the acceptance of the many, the
absurd, the uncountable, can one find true tranquility. The various cultures, states, and societies that arose in
the 7th Moon Era all hearken back to the 7th Sun Era,
Let us therefore sight along the lines, that single and with royalties and tripartite social orders built upon
continuously slicing action, the great spear that has the shape of Rajaraya Pintas’ grand society. This is, of
been thrust by our ancestors and their ancestors. Let course, built to fail. This did not stop them, however.
us sight down history through the eyes of Violence,
which is markedly differently from Killing and A thousand years pass, and a thousand settlements,
Murder. Take note of the difference. empires, kingdoms, rise and fall. This was a time of
incessant war and never-ending violence. The 7th Tuig
The Spear pierces through. Bituon, or the 7th Star Era, was also known as The
In the distant past, before rulers, before gods, there Sidereal Wars, for there were many and many, so
were communities and families that worked together many that they were impossible to be written down,
to help each other. This era ended eventually when and they now only live as songs and traditions. Paper
Folk invented ownership, and then invented weapons can be burned but the people must live and learn.
to enforce that ownership. This was the eventual The rise of rulers brought nothing but war and killing.
downfall of the Sixth Cycle, with the 6th Tuig Bituon So many people brought away by the tides of time. We
being brought to an end only by the First Rajah, who have brought this upon ourselves.
managed to bring all into Concordance. A huge feat.
The First Rajah, Rajaraya Pintas, brought Gubat
Banwa into the 7th Tuig Adlaw, and it was the greatest THE LUNAR ADVENT
of all the Tuig Adlaw. 50,000 Years of progress, of One of the most powerful faiths that managed to
passion, of power, of enlightenment, most of those in survive The Sidereal Wars was the Lunar Faith, or
Concordance practiced the teachings of the First Bulanism, named after the Moon. This religion
Makinaadmanon, who arose during the wars of the 6th believed in the sovereignty of the Moon, for there lived
Era after experiencing Suffering all his life. This Sage Baginda Sumongsuklay, the grand Lunar Goddess
of Sages adopted the teachings of Ashinin, the who cleaved away the darkness to bring about the
Thousand Thousand God Faith of the Far Eastern Raya world, as said by their sacred texts. The First Prophet
Confederation, and the teachings of Annuvaran, the of Baginda Sumongsuklay herself was said to have
Tranquil Faith of the Far Southern Raya fallen from a comet sent from the moon, and traveled
Confederation, and infused it with indigenous from a jar and arrived upon Jamiyun Kulisa’s arrows.
folklore, spreading far and wide tenets that would There she began her Holy Quest, to spread the truth of
eventually become Anitu, the belief in the Baginda Sumongsuklay far and wide. Her faith was
consciousness of every thing, working in concert in widely accepted.
accordance with The Hiyang, commonly translated as
The Concordant, The Harmonious, or The The Lunar Faith brought a certain stability to a broken
Agreeableness, a metaphysical concept of pure world, but it also brought with it the strength of zeal.
harmony with nature. Warriors collaborated together under the banner of a
single faith, and waged war against others.
The 7th Tuig Adlaw ended gradually and completely
due to infighting, not to mention the ire of the gods, as
Rajaraya Pintas and other such God-Kings would
challenge the very Sky and Sea themselves, leading to
many land formations in Gubat Banwa today, such as Around the same time the Lunar Faith arrived in
the Footsteps of the Gods and Jamiyun Kulisa’s Gubat Banwa, so did the Issohappa, to the Far West,
Arrows. become colonized by a parasitic, vampiric folk of fey-
demons known as the Pale Kings, Bleeders of the
The golden age is a myth. Fivefold Universe, Conquerers of Royalty, ancient and
towering alien beings with pallid and dead alabaster
What followed was the 7th Tuig Bulan, the Moon Era, skin, leonine claws, and crimson eyes. When they
and it presented the greatest change. More died, they burst into pools of slow flowing blood.
importantly, it began with Rajaraya Pintas being
violently overthrown from his throne, and his world- Upon flying frigates, goblin-slave-manned galleons,
empire of Samrat cast into the depths of the Jade Sea, and great lion-ships, arrived the Empire of Issohappa
never to arise. upon The Sword Isles, and plunged the Gubat Banwa
ever deeper into darkness. This was the darkest era of
Rajaraya Pintas was overthrown by the same violence the 7th Tuig-Bulan, for the Pale Conquest succeeded,
he instigated. Thus is how the spear continues to and they claimed the island of Rusunuga under their
pierce. empire.

Issohappa turned the exalted ancient state of Tundun,
the City of Warlords and Sages, Third Heir to the Raya
Confederation, and turned it into the grand Imperial City
State of Virbanwa. The Crown City, loyal to the Crown of
Issohappa. It was forever different: folk were enslaved, LONGEST NIGHT
given the Red Eyes of Slaves when the Pale King This is the Song of Rage, sung by Suga Nalamdagan, the
Aristocrats Enthralled them. They brought in their First Makinaadmanon:
construction methods, their stone bricks, their silvers
and sweet potatoes from the Near-Western Continent “1 – Become hiyang.
across the Eastern Vastness. They introduced carriages
and plows, just so that the slaves can use them to create 2 – Sunder the world with your sins. Rejoice in
vast farmfields to fuel the Imperial Economy. the glory of combat. The darkness chokes the
10 The Pale Kings were not adept at governing faraway stars. The world shall end after Eight Cycles.
kingdoms, and thus they left most of the governing to the
Mendicants. Pale King friars and priests who spread the 3 - The final number, perfection of divinity. Two
glorious word of the Almighty, Lion of Lions, Lily of the squares interpolated, 8 triangles within. 4 + 1 +
Valley. They preached the Almighty Commission, the 1 + 1 + 1, perfection of glory, of royalty, achieving
Penitence for the death of the Son, the Everlasting Love of harmony with Diwa, the essential flow of
God, the Burning Bloody Daystar. reality. There is no escape from the ancient of
But the spirit of justice and violence broiled in the Lakan days, as the cause-effect crumbles in on itself,
of Tundun. They rallied their revolutionary force, with and love becomes evisceration becomes love.
vast amounts of reinforcements from surrounding
polities: from Sonyoh, Gatusan, Ba-e, Apumbukid, Akai, 4 - We shall be divided infinitely, to the point
Iyamat, Malirawat, and even Baik Hu, and managed to where we are one. What shall come after? A new
siege the Cathedral of the Sidereal Spoke in the middle of
the city of Ananara, Virbanwa’s inner city. There they world, a different one. Will it be better? That is
killed El Kampiyador, the Governor-General, and up for us to decide. Evermore we’ve held the
overthrew them. The old rulers of Rusunuga banded destiny of the world in our hands. Now it is time
together and pulled allegiances from across Gubat to accept responsibility.
Banwa to band together and repel the invaders. This was
the only time the disparate and warring settlements have 5 - Shirk power, for what is power but
ever fought together in complete concert. irresponsibility? Use pride, for what is pride but
a ladder? Craft swords, for what are swords but
ECLIPSE AGE crude manifestation of truth?
There was no 8th Tuig Adlaw nor 8th Tuig Bulan. Instead 6 - Therefore, listen to my plea. The center of
those were replaced with the Tuig Bakunawa, the Eclipse
Era, the only Eclipse Era in the aeons that have spanned the world is the Sword Isles, and that is where
Gubat Banwa. It was an Eclipse because no true the final battles shall take place. From every
enlightenment and peace was achieved. Virbanwa region of Gubat Banwa, warriors shall arrive.
liberated itself but fell into the trap of emulating their They will revel, in this Festival of the Longest
colonial masters, becoming nothing but a semi-feudal, Night.
semi-colonial shadow of its former glory.
During the Tuig Bakunawa, the five major mandalas rose 7 – Damn my eyes, they fail me now. Sight
to power and became the most well known of the without seeing. But sight is not something I
cultures across The Sword Isles. The Rajahnate of need, when darkness chokes the stars. Here is
Gatusan, established during the 7th Tuig Bituon by Sri my final request: Rejoice in the glory of combat.
Maharaja Bishaya. The Sultanate of Akai, established by
Sultan Jaris Akai, who arrived upon a bejewElled jar. The Sunder the world with your sins.
Confederation of Apumbukid, a loose connection of
settlements across the archipelago that fight to protect 8 – Become hiyang.”
Hiyang. The Kingdom of Ba-e which holds to its old
power and to the broken memories of an ancient state.
And finally The Lakanate of Virbanwa, a victim of its
invaders, now a burgeoning empire hellbent on unifying
the Sword Isles under the Ashen Star.
At the end of the Eclipse Era, the world is plunging into
the greatest war Gubat Banwa shall ever see. A strife that
will last for a thousand thousand years, across various
realms and dimensions of existence. There will be a great
gnashing of teeth, and swords shall cut until nothing is
There will be no 8th Tuig Bituon. It shall be with the final
Era of Gubat Banwa: The Festival of the Longest Night.
You are Kadungganan, but that’s nothing special. The gods of the trees and the mountains have seen more of your kind
than you have seen blades of grass. They grant you power, sure, through your incantations, and you harness ancient
blasphemies with your sorcery, but that is nothing to them.
What does make them interested is the fact that your footfalls heralds the end.
The Festival of the Longest Night arrives, of the Addawa Year 1001, is the beginning of the final days.
Even the gods and the spirits shall revel in this Festival. There is no more time for hesitation: Gubat Banwa comes to fulfill
its name. It will become the lands of violence. None shall escape. All shall revel. Where will you be, at the end of the world?
Choose your Conviction, Kadungganan, and light your Flame of Want. Guided by Rumination, you must change the world.
Death? Harmony? Power? Hegemony? Empire? Wealth? Annihilation? Become God-King, to change Gubat Banwa’s
destiny? Or tear all God-Kings down, and create something different?
Unsheathe your sword, and then raise it. Do not forget to cut, a sword is used for cutting.
Poems of
the Sword Isles measure of time
through Moons are more precise than

the Past Years are measured in harvests. A year

is the length of time between one
harvest and the next, which
necessarily means this is not set in
I’ve always hated this part, so I’ll keep stone, as conditions for harvest can
it brief. You live here, so you shouldn’t differentiate and fluctuate in time.
have to be taught this. Your fathers Harvests are what measure age: being
and mothers would have repeated 15 Harvests old is equal to being 15
these tales to you every night, under years old, more or less.
the rictus grin of the moon. Wisefolk have recently begun to
The Sword Isles, otherwise known as reckon Eras: periods of time made up
The Isles of Violence or the Ritual of multiple harvests. There are three
Archipelago, is situated in the center kinds of Eras:
of the world, crafted when an ancient
war god stabbed the world’s navel. Adlaw Tuig or Sun Eras are times
The kris shattered into The Sword of glory and peace. Stability and
Isles, while the world’s blood became comfort. Sun Eras are followed
the shallow waters. by...
The Sword Isles is an exonym, Bulan Tuig or Moon Eras are times
meaning it is what other nations call of change, innovation, and
it, particularly the dragon empire of dynamism. Change here can be for
Baik Hu. For the natives, they refer to the good or for the worse. Moon
their own islands, and they do not Eras are followed by...
have a particular name for their
cloister of isles, save for the five major Bituon Tuig or Star Eras, that time
polities, who have a stake in ruling when the darkness overpowers the
over all of the isles. sky and only a few motes of light
While peace and trade settles in the can be seen, is the time of
other nations, the isles of The Sword darkness, danger, violence,
Isles only intensify their violence, atrocity, hate, and sin. It is the time
vying for heirloom wealth, status, when witches and demons are
servants, and revenge. most active. When a Star Era ends,
But first, a brief note about time. The
it is said to become a Sun Era once
way Sword Isle Folk reckon time is as again.
thus: However, the First
The hours of a day is measured in the Makinaadmanon, or the
Movements of the Sun. There are 16 bodhisattva or saint of the isles,
Movements: starting from dawn and has stated that the Eighth Star Era,
ending at the time when it is so dark should it come to pass, will be the
that one can hardly see in front of Longest Year. By the Eighth Star
them. They do not reckon time at Era, the stars will have been
night, for that is the domain of almost snuffed out by the
witches and demons. darkness between the stars, and
The passing of days is measured in thus shall begin the Festival of the
Moons. Every Full Moon constitutes Longest Night, where the sky and
the midpoint of a Moon. There are 7 – sea become the color of the blood
12 Moons a year. Every moon consists spilled of the eternal strife.
of 29 days. Weeks are not
differentiated from Moons, they are The final Wars are upon us, and
one and the same. The islanders of with it the end of Gubat Banwa.

To the far South of the center is Sangpamegat Dayang
THE VIOLENCES Kalangitan, the Mother Demigod of the Kingdom of
Ba-e. They wield the Violence of Remembrance,
At the end of Eighth Moon Era, as the Eighth Star Era is condensed into a gold-tasseled parasol. Whoever wields
heralded, the Eight Indomitable God-Kings rise, each the Violence of Remembrance shall never become
wielding a Violence, sometimes rendered as Mahapintas ignorant.
(great violence).
To the southeast is the Empress Zhu Que Liu, the
The Eight Indomitable Devaraja (eight because 8 is the Vermillion Phoenix who is chained to wield the
perfection of divinity) have followings that toil about impossible Hegemony of Baik Hu. She wields the
them. They are the crux of the world, the Greatest of the Violence of Empire, condensed into her 12-dragon 9-
Kadungganan. These Violences the ones they have chosen phoenixes coronet. Whoever wields the Violence of
to enact, and these have been condensed into items of Empire shall never be conquered.
power, their Godly Treasures. Sometimes, a single
Violence is not enough. To the far west is the Bleeding Star Emperor, the
bringer of the Empire of Issohappa. He wields the
At the Center of the world is Apu Dayaw, the God of the Violence of Annihilation, condensed into a bleeding star
Holy Mount Apu, protected by the Confederation of asterix. Whoever wields the Power of Annihilation shall
Apumbukid. They wield the Violence of Harmony, destroy all things in their path.
condensed into a waling-waling flower. Whoever wields
the Violence of Harmony shall create the world anew. Finally to the far east is the Chakravartin Samrananda
Varsha, the Herald of the Wheel, who leads the Varsha
To the northeast of the center is Lunar Sultana Empire, locked in combat with the Empire of Auraska.
Yarashgara XII, Consort of the Crescent, who leads the He wields the Violence of Wisdom, condensed into a
Sultanate of Akai. They wield the Violence of Striving, fulminating vajra. Whoever wields the Violence of
condensed into a taming shield. Whoever wields the Wisdom shall lead their loved ones to enlightenment.
Violence of Striving shall have the strength to overcome
every adversity. Heed the words of the sage: a violence need not belong
only to a ruler, or a king. They have these Violences
To the Southwest of the center is Hari Batara Ambasi, because they have exploited the system. A violence can
appointed leader of the Rajahnate of Gatusan, once belong to anyone, to any group: from a disenfranchised
simply Rajah. They wield the Violence of Conflict, group of farmers to a lone slave girl. Violence can arise
condensed into a crimson kalis. Whoever wields the from anyone. And anyone with a Violence can become
Violence of Conflict shall change the world. harmonious and change the world.
To the Southwest of the center is Batara Lakan Huwan
Rekno, the Greatest Monarch of the Lakanate of
Virbanwa. They wield the Violence of Conquest,
condensed into a penitent veil. Whoever wields the
Violence of Conquest shall subsume all below them.

What is Gubat WHAT KIND OF
Banwa? This is up to your group, of course. Gubat Banwa is a flexible
game; it is best suited for a large variety of stories that deal
Gubat Banwa. The Warring Nations. The Lands at War. with themes of oppression, empire, slavery, freedom,
violence, honor, society, love, friendship, and the like.
Is this all we must be? I am one to talk. My aging hands fail Here’s a few examples of stories you can play with Gubat
me, but they are more at home with the dragon-shaped hilt Banwa:
of my kris than the arms of my husband.
0 A Freewheeling Adventure Across Diverse Lands!
14 Truly, the question resounds. In Gubat Banwa, martial Similar to adventure stories like Avatar: The Last
artists fight in deliberate, tactical violence, moving in Airbender and One Piece, you can play Gubat Banwa if
accordance with the eight-fold principle. you want to play a game where you are encouraged to
In Gubat Banwa, warriors have intricate, complicated travel across vast distances, usually by sea, to explore
relationships. Sometimes so complicated that it can be too other locales, make friends, and find or perform a
hard to keep track of at once: but that is the way of politics, specific task, such as defeating an evil overlord or
the game of debts and bonds. finding (or returning) a special treasure.
0 Intense Political War Story. Similar to games like Fire
Sons having to kill their fathers for defecting to an enemy Emblem and Tactics Ogre, you can engage in war
nation, daughters having to flee to the mountains to escape stories that deal with heavy political issues, such as
misogynistic responsibilities, loved ones killing each other genocide, racism, slavery, labor, mercantilism, and the
slowly due to orders and/or emotions, and best friends nature of war. Similar perhaps to Ramza traveling
dueling at the top of a mountain in the midst of a storm as across large swathes of land collecting warriors in a
their ideologies bring them to a head. guerrilla fight against a corrupt religion, or Denam
There is an attainable name for those that wish to be more marching across a continent to find the truth behind an
than just warriors. More than just Kadungganan, ancient empire. This is most potent across the larger
prestigious. It is Barani, Hero. But you are no hero. Not yet. mandalas with imperial goals, such as Virbanwa, Ba-e,
Maybe you will, maybe you won’t. What is a hero anyway? and Akai.
It is up to you to find out. War, hurt, kill, blaspheme, and 0 Intense Interpersonal Drama. You can center the
seize heaven’s thunderclaps. Wet your steel with blood to stories to be a bit more personal: revolving around the
birth a better world. politics and relationships of the Kadungganan with the
GUBAT BANWA is a Tactical Martial Arts and War Drama Folk around them, similar to a large number of dramas.
Tabletop RPG, where you play as martial artists poised to There is a robust system for dramatic mechanics and
change the world in the face of its end, known as social debt for this.
Kadungganan. 0 Wandering Heroes of Martial Prowess. From Legend
of the Condor Heroes to Dragonball Z, this is inspired
If you like the tactical combat of games such as D&D4e, by the wandering vigilantes of wuxia. Gubat Banwa is
LANCER RPG, Tactics Ogre, and Fire Emblem, then this particularly well suited for these kinds of stories,
game is for you! where violence and martial skill are the turning points
If you like the dramatics found in various Asian Dramas, and emotional beats of a story.
wherein we imagine and revel in a dramatic hyperreality, 0 Rise Against. Popular in stories such as Star Wars, Iron
this game is also for you! Council, Les Miserables, and of course Revolutions
across history: you can imagine worlds and stories that
have the Kadungganan rising against a terrible
hegemony, who holds power and exploits the poor, the
working class, and farmers. This is especially viable in
stories set in the Festival of the Longest Night, where
autocrats and datu have risen to grasp for authority.
0 The Idyllic Green and Blue. The deep forests, the
grasslands, the holy mountains, the vast oceans, the
cold river springs... These are the things we fight for. To
preserve the world from atrocity, to achieve hiyang.
Inspired by stories such as Princess Mononoke, Howl’s
Moving Castle, and Breath of the Wild, this is a more
peaceful and cozy kind of story that focuses on
community building, wherein most usually the
Kadungganan take the role of caretakers and
cultivators of the land, guardians of their communities
(which include the spirits) to keep them from
succumbing to the bloodshed. A soft violence.
Where is Gubat A NOTE ON COSMOS
The cosmos of Gubat Banwa is vast and large. Imagine a

Banwa? giant coconut floating in a vast sea of wine (though others

ask you to imagine a lotus instead). The cosmos itself is
called Kalibutan. The higher layer of Kalibutan, residing on
the upper shell, are the Seven Upper Realms, and the 15
The Earthly Realm of Gubat Banwa, Poetically: Yutadagat bottom shell of Kalibutan are known as the Seven Lower
Gubat Banwa means warring lands. This is the term used Realms. Each Realm is stacked on top of each other in
across the world, with various translations to Warring layers. Denizens of the two Shells can usually move in
Lands depending on the place. It is the top realm of the between each banwa more or less freely. However, each
Lower Shell of the world. layer of the upper layer is guarded by a garoda, giant birds
of smokeless flame.
The center of the world is the great Mountain of Apu, the
Central Pillar of Space, which is a sword that pierces The Upper Shell are made up of the following realms, or
through all 14 Layers of Kalibutan, the cosmos. The line lands.
bisecting the map is the Sun Path: that is the path of the Sun Haribanwa, the Realm of God-Kings, the 7th Realm,
at it arcs over the Cosmos, living in the First Layer of the farthest from us mortals, where Creators watch from void.
Upper Shell. It rises right beside the Far Eastern Pillar of
Fire, burning sand dunes into azure dust, and sets beside Himayabanwa, the Realm of Glory, the 6th Realm, where
the Far Western Pillar of Water, where the water is boiled rescued souls go to rest, and where the angels of various
into sunmilk. All the lands under the Sun Path have tropical cultures serve.
or subtropical climates.
Buhibanwa, the Realm of Life, the 5th Layer, where the
The coldest areas of Gubat Banwa are in the corners of the highest mountains reach, and where the Tree of Life resides.
shell: where it is the furthest from each of the Pillars.
Langitbanwa, the Realm of the Sky, the 4th Layer, land
The Far Northern and Southern Pillars themselves provide of the Sun, Moon, and Stars
some modicum of heat, absorbed from the Sun, though it is
not strong enough to prevent snowstorms. Civilizations Balahalabanwa, the 3rd Layer, Realm of the Gods.
huddle about the Pillars to heat up against the absolute zero Warriors that die in combat are brought here by the
storms. rainbow.
The borders of the map are the borders of the world itself: at Apobanwa, the 2nd layer, Realm of the Ancestors, who
the edges of the world, the continents rise up into massive stride freely between this and the land of the Gods, for they
mountains, known as the teeth of the world. Past the teeth become Gods themselves.
is the Endless Sea of Wine. Hanginbanwa, the 1st layer, Realm of the Wind Spirits.
We live upon the Sword Isles. Five major polities of power The Lower Shell is where earthly mortals reside. The 1st
have emanated from five major nations, and in the midst of Layer, the one closest to Hanginbanwa, is ours, where
them all are one million polities fighting in never-ending mortals and spirits thrive, known as Gubat Banwa.
The 2nd layer is the abode of the tree and mountain spirits,
The islands of The Sword Isles are populated by tawo, you and guardian spirits, known as Kahoybanwa, Realm of
and me. Alongside tawo live foreigners, whom you call sina. Wood.
These include humanoid beings from outside the Sword
Isles, all the way to the Pale Kings and Tiger Gods in the The 3rd layer is the realm of the sea, the oceans, saltwater,
furthest reaches of the middle world. which stream in past the World Jaws from the endless
Ocean of Wine. Here the sea gods dwell in their mighty
The Sword Isles is a vast place, home to a million polities kingdoms, known as Kadagatan.
living in a million islands. Do not presume to be able to
grasp them all. The 4th Layer is the layer of freshwater spirits and
waterspout spirits, known as Kasubanan. Here the
ancestor spirits, in the form of crocodiles, rule the earth.
The 5th Layer is the layer of subterranean spirits: the gods
of the lower soil, of caves, of lost things. This is the layer
where Sulad is, floating in an underground ocean. Sulad,
the afterlife of many Sword Isles folk, is owned by Sumpoy,
Slaver of Souls, who forces folk not saved by Iraon Daron to
toil as they did in life.
The 6th Layer is the layer of punishment, known to many
as Nerak, or Inferno. Adherents of Iman and Sampalataya
fall here when they die and did not follow the tenets of their
faith. Other folk fall here if they must be cleansed of
misdeeds in their past life.
The 7th Layer is the Empty Layer. It has no name. The four
pillars of the world uphold the rest of the layers here, where
no sound can be heard. The world shakes when the Abyssal
Boar or Abyssal Serpent shakes the world pillars.
Sometimes chains rattle impossibly in its vaunted halls.
The Isles of Ritual and Violence
Thousand Thousand King Archipelago
The Region Impaled by God
The Heart of the Trichiliocosm




The Five Major
18 Mandalas
Out of the million polities of The Sword Isles, five are Instead, these cultures are intensely and fundamentally
known to be the most powerful, or greatest. They have based on our cultures. This means that if you play this, you
constant trade with the Continents, giving them a are not inherently disrespecting any culture: Gubat Banwa
monopoly on foreign prestige goods, as well as facilitate is a fantasy game. Instead, please do appreciate the vast
immense trade both domestically within the archipelago diversity of our cultures, how similar we are to each other,
and outside of it. The Sword Isles is a huge place—as it and maybe we can all realize the violence inflicted upon us
should be, being the center of the world. by colonial borders (and colonialism in general).
However, remember that it is exactly that: huge. While the Additionally, there is a slight Philippine-centric focus, but
five major mandalas of the Sword Isles stretch far, they are that’s simply because we are Pilipinhon. We write Gubat
still simply just five of the One Million Polities in the Banwa with the paradigm of “Philippines-as-part-of-the-
Archipelago. Malay-Archipelago”. “Precolonial” means before colonial
borders, after all.
There is more than enough room for other empires to be
within the Sword Isles, trading and raiding. In the present
era, however, they might not possess a Violence that
positions them to be the herald that will change the
Some examples of the million other polities that permeate
the Sword Isles are thus: Sinuku of the Thundering The Sword Isles is filled with a huge number of
Dragonbird, Ibalnong of the Monster Slayers and Tamers, settlements, villages, cities, and states. “State” in the
Asinan of the Iyamati Concordance, Vuyu of the Ice- Sword Isles functions differently than what is usually
Capped Mountains, Naksuwarga of the One Thousand understood when talking about states. Instead of states
Gods, Barungsai of the Fated Divinity, and Sonyoh of the having strict geographical borders, there is instead a
Rising Blades. There are many, many more. powerful center, and then that power emanates outward:
those closest to the center are more influenced and
And so our eyes fall to the five, like rays upon the sun, or connected to the center, while those farther from the
petals upon the lunar blossom. Five is a holy number in center are more prone to having their own bespoke
the isles: 4 + 1, perfection of divinity. A square with the cultures and only answer to the mandala out of trade
single point in the middle, a symbol of Hari-Balahala agreements or out of acknowledgement of their power/
Rakan Malaun, the most Ancient of Primordials, whose bonds. The center plus the surrounding power it exerts
name means God-King Chief Eldest, the first ancestor of over other places are known as a mandala.
the Gods, the Giants, the Aswang, and the Demons.
This term was coined by Multiplicitous Missionaries that
In the creation of the Gods, Malaun—who was duality in arrived in Ba-e (monks of Ashinin), and has since
unity and therefore, both—manifested their masculine proliferated across the Sword Isles. Some villages can be
and feminine self and birthed unitarily the first of the powerful enough to have mandalas, but most of the time
gods, and became the First Ancestor. only powerful cities have mandalas.
Malaun is gone now, either dead or having left Gubat
Banwa, their corpse (or perhaps, what’s left of it) can be
found in the deepest reaches of Mount Laon, in the isle of
Naplas. Some Apunon priests have said that Apu Dayaw is
It is important to note that these 5 Mandalas are inspired
by the entirety of Maritime Southeast Asia, but are not
them. Gubat Banwa is not Southeast Asia, and we are not
writing the actual cultures of these people into the game.
The grand rajahnate, led by the great Hari Batara Ambasi, The protectors of Diwa, the spiritual essence of truth,
ancestor of the tiger-lord Shri Bishaya, who was once an sometimes known as God, other times known as “Energy” .
Auraskan Prince in the far Southeast. They are royal raiders They uphold hiyang, and travel to places wherein hiyang 19
and fierce competitors, who seek to get the most out of life might be broken and destroyed, and they quell places of
and create poems out of living. From the dead they create atrocity, expunging Scourges, manifestations of Di Hiyang.
gods. In accord with Apu Dayaw, they have been granted the
ability to tap into the Root Paths, which let them travel
They are inspired by the Hindu-Buddhist Maritime instantaneously across Gubat Banwa by walking into
Kingdoms across Southeast Asia: including Sugbu, Butuan, strangler figs. This has caused Apumbukid to have
Ma-I, Java, Pasai, Srivijaya, Langkasuka, Mataram, Kediri, settlements all across The Sword Isles, and many other
Singhasari. hinterland settlements are protected by them: a practice
Five constants about them are: they have only begun doing recently, in the face of the
Eighth Star Era.
0 Has 999 Chiefdoms united in alliance to a single
overlord, the Hari, who controls the largest foreign They are inspired by the various living traditions of
trading seaport, Kangdaya. Hari Batara Ambasi bears Maritime SEA, who still practice much of their indigenous
the Violence of Change, condensed into his Dawneater religions: the Maranao, the Kalinga, the Bagobo, the Yakan,
Kalis, passed down through generations starting from the Subanen, the Dayak, the Balinese, the Sundanese, and
his legendary forefather Hari Sri Bishaya. the Batak.
0 Tattoos are rites of passage either in love or war. Are Five constants about them are:
never not singing, like to insult and mock as a war 0 They are a Confederation of Five Principalities, known
tactic and are prone to putting family over others. as Kedatuan, each one swearing divine allegiance with
Raiding is a way of life, a way of revenge. Apu Dayaw. Each of the five Timway bear a Shard of
0 Taught poetry (that is, singing and oral literature) at a Apu Dayaw’s Violence, the Violence of Harmony, which
very young age. A poetic culture. Have their own can change the world. The Five Principalities are as
reading and writing system, mostly used for messages. follows:
Traditions and rites are passed down through songs. 0 Niyawa, the Principality of Priests, Bearer of Apu’s
0 Worship and uphold the religion of anitu, the spirits. Ritual Spear.
These range from the gods, to the nature spirits, to the 0 Samring, the Principality of Sages, Bearer of Apu’s
ancestor spirits, to the guardian spirits. While they Ceremonial Robes.
seek Hiyang, they are also prone to atrocity.
0 Pagariwara, the Principality of Warriors, Bearer of
0 Bolstered by the Violence of Change. Hari Batara Apu’s Ritual Keris.
Ambasi seeks to unite the one million polities of The
Sword Isles to enact the most potent ritual raid: The 0 Diwangga, the Principality of Travelers, Bearer of Apu’s
Great World Raid, where they will war against all of Wooden Sandals.
Gubat Banwa and triumph. 0 Barahanda, the Principality of Traders, Bearer of Apu’s
Gold Balance.
0 Every warrior performs a pilgrimage to Apu’s Balete in
Usambangsa, to pay respects and stay for five days to
align themselves with Diwa, and achieve Hiyang for a
0 They are fiercely dedicated to protecting and keeping
their settlements: they have since adopted a more
aggressive approach to stewardship, realizing that they
cannot be idle as the world crumbles. They travel in
bands searching for places of atrocity, or Scourge, or to
seek out and counsel chiefs and rulers.
0 They perform ritual fights within Apu’s territory, but
they do not go out and raid other settlements outside
of Pumirang.
0 Warriors perform ritual killing to realign places into
achieving Hiyang: very frequently these are the
Scourge themselves: undead, demons, and the like.
Sometimes however it is a particularly evil person, who
is very commonly the cause of such atrocity.
The exemplars of Divine Striving: chivalrous warriors that Conquerors and imperials. Those who seek to bring the
live in one of the largest monarchies in Gubat Banwa: a “light of civilization” upon all of the lands of the Sword
series of principalities across the hundred islands of the Isles. Virbanwa was once the crown city of the Issohappan
Foosteps of the Gods, recognizing and paying fealty to a West Indies, the seat of the Governor General, and the
single Sultana in the island of Siga. primary source of Issohappa’s gold. With the success of the
Lakan Conspiracy they have managed to beat back the Pale
Inspired by the various Sultanates of postclassical Kings, but they have subsumed the worst part of their
Southeast Asia: Sulu, Maguindanao, Brunei, Maynila, Aceh, invaders’ cultures: imperialism, mercantilism, and zealotry.
20 Johore, Gowa, Banten.
Inspired by the colonial cities of Southeast Asia: Spanish/
Five constants about them are: American Manila, Dutch Batavia, and Portuguese Malacca.
0 Has a number of kingdoms under them, each one led Five constants about them are:
by a Panglima or a Ratu/Datu. They are all led by the
grand lunar monarch Sultana Yarashgara XII, Her 0 Their ruler is Batara Lakan Huwan Rekno, said to be the
Lunar Majesty, Consort of the Crescent Moon, grandest son of the late First Lakan. He believes his
sometimes known as Maharani, empress. She is penitence is that his ancestors did not unite the Sword
bolstered by the Violence of Striving, and wishes to Isles together, and thus it is up to him to do it, to save
bring all of the Sword Isles into it, so that they may all the world from the Eighth Star Era. He does this by
reach Lunar Heaven. Her Violence is condensed into asterix and bayonet: the Virbanwan faith in the Ashen
her Lunar Taming, a crescent shield that bears the Star and their Issohappan-style military regiments. He
Moon Burning Into Darkness. is bolstered by the Violence of Conquest, condensed
0 Seek to expand their power in the name of their Divine and taking form as a crimson silk Penitent’s Veil, his
Striving, especially in retaliation to the threat of the and his ancestors’ atonement for failing to unite the
Reconquest of the Pale Kings and the imperialism of isles.
Virbanwa. 0 Their peasants toil in eternal penitence for being born
0 Worships the moon, and the moon has angels and poor. Unlike their island neighbors, Virbanwa has
devils and the Palace of Baginda Sumongsuklay. Their access to vast plains for wet rice cultivation. They
zeal is nigh unmatchable. create canals and irrigation systems. In the past, rice
was only planted for the community. However now
0 Are known for their Knights, which ride on horses, rice is planted for profit.
elephants, and even sarimanok. Sometimes they ride
upon manta rays. All of these in service of divine 0 Their religion, the Ashen Star, states that
striving. Makagagahum the Almighty is the Distant Star in the
darkness, so far that He is so small, but watches us
0 Their growth in strength is unparalleled, and they are from His Empyrean Abode. He has tasked Huwan
one of the most powerful polities in the Isles, Rekno, who wields the Violence of Conquest, to create
possessing a large swathe of the Footsteps of the Gods the Millennium Kingdom, uniting all of the million-
under their domain. million islands of the Sword Isles together. The Ashen
Star Faith is an indigenized version of the Issohappan
Bleeding Star faith, which comes from outside of the
0 They have conquered numerous chiefdoms and
kingdoms, and turned them into villages or cities, the
rulers into mayors, who all pay tax to the Virbanwan
Government. Tax Collectors are also mendicant priests
of the Beggar Saint Ayala, who promotes mercantilism
as justice.
0 They believe that most of Rusunuga is already theirs,
but much of Rusunuga has begun to conspire against
them. Their strength does however reach from
Rusunuga’s northern tip with Gibankaw to the
southern coldwind isles of Vetani.
0 One of the richest nations in all of the Sword Isles,
THE KINGDOM OF BA-E having access to vast sources of gold and access to
constant trade with Baik Hu, which has recognized it
The oldest polity in the Sword Isles. They have been
galvanized due to trade with Baik Hu, and the strength of as a tributary state and named Kalangitan as Queen.
their tenacity. They have the greatest connections to the They have created various gold items and turned them
past—they are heirs to Kadanay lineages, the oldest people into weapons through peerless craftsmanship.
in the Sword Isles—as well as to the future: they have Kaiyumi, one of the Sangpamegat’s sons, was said to
have sorcerously created this Ba-enon Gold Alloy, 21
many Ashinin and Annuvaran missionaries in their shores,
and many Baikhan officials have begun to stay in their which makes gold as strong as steel. Kaiyumi Gold is
cities. highly sought after. They also have access to vast rice
fields, letting them perform wet rice cultivation and
Inspired by the Hindu-Buddhist Kingdoms of Southeast creating vast amounts of rice.
Asia or the ones with common Chinese connection: 0 Monastic schools are prevalent here, especially the
Butuan, Ma-I (as Precolonial Laguna), Champa, Funan, House of Wisdom, crafted by the Sangpamegat to
Majapahit, Ayutthaya, and Khmer forge Swordscholars that will exalt the violence of
Five constants about them are: remembrance. These Swordscholars travel the isles
etching down traditions, stories, and song upon
0 Ruled by the Sangpamegat Kalangitan, once simply a imperishable copperplate so that none of them may
dayang, who lives in mind and consciousness, a near- vanish in the Eighth Star Era.
Goddess. Wielding the Violence of Remembrance, she
seeks create the Eternal Kingdom of Ba-e, which will
never falter and never fail. To this end, she seeks
knowledge and power, and to bring Ba-e’s name
across all of Gubat Banwa’s eight corners. She wields
the Violence of Remembrance, condensed into a gold-
tasseled parasol of eight angles, a promise to fill the
eight directions with Ba-e’s grandeur.
0 Has the most Baikhan influence, and many Baikhan
colonies can be found in their shores. Their jungles
and grasslands are pocked with giant statues of the
Tranquil Sage, the Premier Teacher of the Annuvaran
Faith. Pagodas and temples are created intertwined
with strangler figs.
0 Ashinin and Annuvaran religions have arrived here,
brought by Tranquil Missionaries from the Southern
and Southeastern Continent regions. Many of them
have been syncretized with indigenous anitu, creating
Ba-enon Anitu, which has subsumed much of the
other gods brought in from Ashinin and Annuvara. It
is heavily rumored that the Sangpamegat is in her
current state because she was taught by Annuvaran
How To
In this section of the book, learn how to play the game
with the rules. Keep in mind that Gubat Banwa is a
particularly involved game, and it demands your
The Play Manuscript has three sections: Seasons, War
Drama, and Tactical Martial Arts.
Before learning about how to roll, here are the
following General Rules that you should keep in mind
when playing a game of Gubat Banwa.


Bulawan, Bisaya for Gold or pure gold.

The Bulawan Rule is this: fiction and drama over everything else. If it makes sense in the fiction or if its particularly dramatic, it
happens. Let the story being told take precedence over rules. In combat, if someone is Incapacitated, they obviously would not
be able to perform effects or keep an effect going, because they’re unconscious. Additionally, this is an endorsement for the
Umalagad to create rulings. Rulings over rules.


Pilak, Tagalog for Silver.

The Pilak Rule is this: specific trumps general. A specific rule from a Discipline or item is what will happen instead of a general
rule. If a general rule tells you that you suffer damage, but a specific rule says that you do not suffer that damage, then you do not
suffer that damage.


Tanso, Tagalog for Copper.

The Tanso Rule is the rule of rounding. Whenever you must halve something, unless otherwise stated, round down.


Puthaw means iron in Bisaya.

The Puthaw Rule is this: follow your responsibilities. Both the Umalagad and the Kadungganan are both players with a different
set of Responsibilities.

0 Depict a War Torn World.

0 Agree on a theme and tone.
0 Care about combat.
0 Play into the melodrama.
0 Make every fight meaningful.
0 Learn to fight together.
0 Make sure everyone is safe.
0 Make sure everyone is having fun.
0 Depict a War Torn World
The Sword Isles is not a nice place. In fact, it is a horrible place. It is a place that is directly horrible because of the actions of those
that have gone before. They who have perpetuated this never ending war, this endless cycle of blood and vengeance. This can
only be achieved if everyone is on the same page. This world is a world primed for the kinds of stories Gubat Banwa wants to tell,
and you must play into your role as Kadungganan that must suffer it.
And stick to it. As a Kadungganan, you have an equal Gubat Banwa is also inherently a team-based game.
amount of work needed to do to make sure that the entire Despite the war torn land, you find a little slice of family
game fits the tone that your entire table has agreed upon. with your allies. Thus, your objective is not to make
Make sure you hew closely to it, so everyone can have fun. yourself stronger than them, but rather, find out how to
If you agreed on a lighthearted game, maybe don’t inject make yourself stronger for them. Gaining abilities and
torture into it. If you’re going for a gritty war story, try not skills that would help the entire party. This is a benefit as 25
to stray too far from it and try to marry a dragon to create well in combat, since much of the player and enemy math
crocodile eugenics. is centered around the buffs and debuffs and abilities that
can only be attained if the players play off of each other.
CARE ABOUT COMBAT You will never be able to survive alone.
As a Kadungganan, your primary mode in life is to fight.
You will get into fights eventually, so operate with this in MAKE SURE EVERYONE IS SAFE
mind. In that sense, this is a combat heavy game. What did Always use safety tools and establish boundaries. Use tools
you expect from a war drama game set in Fantasy Late such as Lines and Veils, X, N, and O Cards, and Script
Porcelain Period Philippines, which was characterized by Changes. If you look up TTRPG Safety Tools on Google, you
intensifying violence? Remember your stats, your rules, will find a whole slew of them. Choose whichever one you
your abilities, so everyone can have fun when the think fits well with your group. I personally am a huge
battlefield music plays. advocate for Lines/Veils, X/N/O Cards, and Stars and
PLAY INTO THE MELODRAMA Here's a good article for safety tools:
Siblings locked in eternal war. Once lovers now enemies.
Once enemies, now lovers. Play into the melodrama one
would see on Filipino Telenovelas, K-Dramas, and even checklist/
Chinese Dramas. This elevated sense of drama is what
makes these mediums so entertaining, and it is pretty MAKE SURE EVERYONE IS HAVING
entertaining to see on the table as well. Play into them. FUN
Don’t shy away from them.
This is probably the most important one, on par with
MAKE EVERY FIGHT MEANINGFUL having everyone be safe. Make sure everyone is having fun.
It is not only the Umalagad’s job to reach out and ask if
Gubat Banwa fights last long. It’s made to be that way: they people are having fun (the Umalagad is no lord or master)
are made to be interesting and major. But the only way for but also the Kadungganan’s. Remember that this is a social
you to get invested into such fights is if you made it activity, it is telling stories around a bonfire. It is singing an
meaningful. The Umalagad will help facilitate this: maybe improvised song. Sometimes it might not get fun, or
the current combat has your long lost brother in it, or something might spoil the fun. Be open, be
maybe the footsoldiers are people you once respected. communicative, and always remember that at the end of
However, it is still up to you to make it meaningful to your the day, this is only a game. And games are supposed to be
Kadungganan. In fact, this can lead to some interesting fun. Not just for you, but for everyone else at the table.
emergent storytelling, if even during a combat you realize
that your Kadungganan might sympathize or what have
you with their enemy’s plight, making it a grueling dance.
Pick up the slack: the Umalagad may be singing the song,
but you are still the subjects of it, you are the ones guiding
the song.
To play Gubat Banwa, you will need 3 to 6 players. 1 of the players will play as the Umalagad, the guardian ancestor spirit,
while the rest will play as Kadungganan.

The river of life ever flows. Rejoice in the glory of battle… O faithful guardians, gods of this world, hear our calls and our
Kadungganan. hearts
Those who bear the Steel of Conviction, the Flame of Want, the Find us true and pure and clean and cleanse us from any
Burden of Rumination, and the strength of Conviction. impurities
Stand, now. Stand, and never let the world bring you to your Guard us from all things that wish to bend us.
knees! Kadungganan! Fulfill your blasted name!
In the darkness of the Eighth Star Era, where the Goddess of the
In honor and legend, let your name be writ across the eternal Blackest Night brings impenetrable darkness:
Be our only guiding light.
Stride upon the bloody lands of GUBAT BANWA and change the
course of history! Umalagad means Guardian Ancestor. One of the players in
Gubat Banwa plays as the Umalagad. Very often known as
Sunder the world with your sins so that we may build a better Umalagad across many cultures, known as Ferandal in
one. Apumbukid, Kiraman in Akai, Katutubo in Ba-e, and Anghel
Kadungganan in Gatusanon, Hulubalang in Akainon, in Virbanwa.
Bayani in Ba-e, Kabalyero in Virbanwa, and Vwiraya in Apu- The Umalagad always manifests in physical form as an
apu. Kadungganan means Honor and Prestige. It is what animal, known as their Spirit Guide form. When you
you are. If we are to translate it to this tongue, it can be become a Umalagad, choose an animal form for yourself.
Gallant or Knight. Usually these are serpents, owls, eagles, civets, crocodiles,
Kadungganan are the Trade Mataram term for the various or dogs.
esteemed and honorable warriors across all of Gubat As Umalagad, it is your role to see that a Kadungganan goes
Banwa. It is a lingua franca term for martial artists who are on their journeys, and work toward their Convictions and
the best and most skilled of all the warriors of their culture, Wants. To this end, you facilitate the revealing of Gubat
whether they be the Mahavira of the Varshan Empires to the Banwa to the Kadungganan, to the players. Whenever the
Xia of Southern Baik Hu. Kadungganan acts, the Umalagad dictates how the world
In Gubat Banwa, you play as these Kadungganan, steeled by reacts. As a Umalagad, reveal that the world of Gubat
Conviction and powered forth by the Flame of Want, sailing Banwa is bloody and visceral, fraught with violence,
the islands with the Burden of Rumination. As a infighting, but also reveal that it can be saved, that there is
Kadungganan, the world around you treats you with a always good, and that that is worth fighting for. The
certain respect. Warrior cultures might look upon you as a Umalagad’s role is to establish fiction, and then react. The
folk hero, and treat you with the same respect as nobles. Kadungganan will act, move through the rivers of the
Other cultures might look upon you as a necessary evil, a fiction, and the Umalagad reacts to it.
purveyor and extender of the endless Cycles of Violence. You play as these spirits, beings that can manifest
Others, such as powerful states and hegemonies, might themselves to give topsy-turvy, hard to understand advice.
look upon you as a true nuisance, an evil upstart, threats to You revel in violence, excite yourself in uncertainty, and live
their absolute authority. for larger than life moments. The Umalagad’s responsibility
As a Kadungganan, you play to uphold your Conviction and is roleplaying as the world, as the world of the mortals,
to fulfill your Want. While in Gubat Banwa the cultures Gubat Banwa, as the various NPCs, or Non-Player
mostly look upon Kadungganan as these unblemished Characters, that the umalagad have deemed fated to be
heroes who are worthy of places in their songs and complicated and entwined into the hearts and drama of the
genealogies, this cannot be any farther from the truth. Kadungganan. The Umalagad influence the movement of
Kadungganan, by virtue of their Want, are capable of the world, after all, and the Kadungganan pay respects,
exalted highs, but also are prone to falling to the lowest of revere rites, and worship the umalagad to bring them good
lows. tidings.
As a Kadungganan, you can change the world. But are you Part of their role is facilitating violence. They set those that
willing to lose yourself in the process? are destined to brutalize and ravage the Kadungganan. This
is the lay of the world, of course. There will always be
violence. The Umalagad has internalized this: let violence
be justice, then, retribution, the sword of eventual peace.
They lay down battlemaps, prepare enemies, and engage in
exciting, brutal tactical martial arts with the Kadungganan
to quench the Kadungganan’s thirst for blood, and turn
them into weapons that will change the world.
Grab the supplied character sheet on the itch or drivethrurpg page. Then you will need one of each kind of polyhedral die: (d4,
d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, and Percentile dice/d100). It will be a good idea to have 4 d8s.
For stranger dice, such as “d2, d3 and d5”, simply roll d4, d6 or a d10 and half the result. Or count every 2 numbers as 1 (for d3,
roll a d6. 1-2 is 1, 3-4 is 2, and 5-6 is 3).
The Umalagad will be focusing on building the world and creating NPCs, those destined to meet with the Kadungganan, along
with any combat rules they might need when violence inevitably breaks out.
To help with this, the Core Rulebook contains a bunch of easily usable starting points below the Character Creation section,
as well as easily digestible lore for the Umalagad to use.
Those that will be playing as the Kadungganan will be creating their own warriors to fight against whatever happens in their
lives. They will fight against in both physical wars as well as social bouts and mental violence to seize the day and survive in
this land of constant conflict.

In general, we follow the usual time keeping as with other A Kandu is a series of Arcs that interconnect and build to a
Tabletop Role-Playing Games. However we have different grand final climax, whether it be confrontation or
names for it, to help hew close to the mood of the game: destruction. In pre-colonial Visayas, Kandu are ancient
heroic epics showcasing the greatest virtues of their
A Scene is just that, a dramatic scene. When it ends is up to culture and tradition. They are notable for their repetition
the players. A fight is almost always a scene. of important things, such as violence and drama. Kandu
A Fight is a moment of kinetic action. How long it takes is singers, Parakandu, perfect their craft by crafting more
variable. Each Fight has Flurries, bursts of violence and succinct yet beautiful metaphors for each repitition.
movement that showcase the back and forth of combat Other Role-Playing Games might call this “Campaigns”.
between two to three sides.
A Session is 2-4 hours of play time, composed of several
scenes in succession.
An Arc is a series of Sessions that have a single, self-
contained story that starts and wraps up. In a long running
serial or show, this might be a particular number of
episodes, chapters, or issues that focus around a single
issue, problem, or situation. Arcs are usually self-
contained story, with their own beginnings and endings.
In Gubat Banwa, an Arc is a discreet mechanical way of
providing progression: all Kadungganan begin at Arc 1, and
they end Arc 1 when it is narratively appropriate. The
number of Arcs in mind is how long an Kandu might go:
the usual length of an Kandu is 3 Arcs.
Particularly short games might only last a single Arc, made
up of a few Sessions.
WAR DRAMA As the world changes, so do you, Kadungganan. Your
War Drama is one of the two modes of Gubat Banwa, the Conviction is what stands between you being destroyed
other being Tactical Martial Arts. In War Drama, you and you destroying the world.
eviscerate yourselves and others upon the altar of war, to
change and shape upon yourself a Gubat Banwa that you During the start of an Kandu, you begin with 4 Conviction.
wish to live in. Conviction can never go above 8.

As Kadungganan, you are poised to change the world. As Every Downtime, heal 1 Conviction.
freemen, you can choose which Chief to follow. As
warriors, you are free to take the world by its reins. As non- Whenever you suffer a consequence while in Drama mode,
nobles, or as petty aristocrats, you are closer to the earth Conviction is one of the resources that you can lose.
28 that you walk upon than the actual regents and vassals
that walk the land. Think of Conviction as a broad “health” counter, except
that all kinds of damage can be inflicted upon it: having to
As Kadungganan, you look upon the world with a trek through mountain ranges can damage Conviction
shattered heart. Is this all there is? Constant war and because of exhaustion, violence can damage Conviction by
bloodshed? physical wounding, social situations can damage
Conviction by wounding honor and face.
Claim your sword, Kadungganan. Rise. Sunder the world
with your sins, so that you may pave the way for a better If you ever lose all Conviction, your Kadungganan is
one. substantially weakened: if you lose any more Conviction
while you have 0 Conviction, you lose all firmity and
War Drama has a slew of rules, and many of them are succumb to the cycle of violence: you become an Umalagad
important mechanics to drama. The portions of War Character that the Umalagad can play the role of, and you
Drama are: no longer can play as them.

0 Conviction, to see how to influence the world better, You can spend Conviction to do the following:
and to strengthen your martiala rt techniques.
0 Spend any number of Conviction to reroll that many
0 Casting the Crocodile’s Teeth explains when you roll dice when you Cast the Crocodile’s Teeth.
your character’s narrative skills, that are not
connected to Tactical Martial Arts. 0 Spend Conviction to reroll any single die roll.
0 Barter, explains how commerce works in the isles: 0 Use it to use powerful Enlightenments.
that is, each polity values items differently. 0 Use it to activate your Nature’s Skills.
0 Debt is the most important aspect of Sword Isle social
networks. It is the primary way connections are made,
and how Social Classes are enforced.
0 Drama is how you interact with your various
relationships and the world at large.
0 Downtime is how you spend your times of rest. You
can only Downtime in Places of Peace, and cannot
downtime elsewhere. While not in Downtime, you are
The Sword Isles is full of uncertainty. The Umalagad does its After Casting, you count the number of 3s and 4s, then
best, but even the Umalagad bends in the face of nature and reroll any number of dice up to the required Ability’s Rating.
its chaos. Thus, whenever a Kadungganan attempts to do Add Bonus or Penalty afterwards.
something with either an uncertain or dramatic outcome,
they must Cast The Crocodile’s Teeth. The final number is called a number of fates. 29
Uncertain might mean: “I try to stop this boat from crashing Sam’baha’s player rolls her 4d4, her Crocodile’s Teeth, and
into the river with my bare ability. I don’t know if I’ll be able gains one 3, a single fate. Her Strength is at 2, which lets her
to do it, so may my forefathers bear witness.” reroll up to 2 dice. She does, and gets another 3, putting her
up to 2 fates. Then she adds the Bonus she got from her
Dramatic might mean: “I want to try and persuade this Wasay, getting to a final result of 3 fates.
aristocrat to my side, to create a blood compact. Should I fail,
I will incur their ire. Should I succeed, I will gain the favor of If you rolled 0-1 fates, that is a Disastrous Hand.
a harbor prince, and gain access to international riches.” Something terrible befalls you: the Umalagad gets to
perform a horrible Fierce Technique against you, forcing you
To Cast The Crocodile’s Teeth... to face the consequences of your actions.
1. The Umalagad ascertains the required Ability. If you rolled 2-3 fates, that is a Complicated Hand. You
generally are capable of doing what you set out to do, but
2. Then, roll 4d4: Shamans and Priests divine spiritual you suffer some sort of hitch, some sort of twist of fate. The
fates with four crocodile teeth). Look for any dice that Umalagad gets to perform a Gentle Technique against you,
come up as 3_ON_ D4. These are called Fates.
D4 4_ON_ shifting the rivers of fate.

3. After rolling, you can reroll a number of dice equal to If you rolled 4+ fates, that is a Fateful Hand. You perform
the required Ability’s Rating. what you set out to do in a way that you envisioned it, the
way that you wanted fate to treat you. How hard will you
4. If you have anything situational that might benefit you push your luck? The Umalagad shows you the next beat in
in your current situation, maybe because of some item your song.
or some help you had in the past, you gain a Bonus. This
lets you add +1 Fate after all rolling and rerolling is For reference, Gentle Techniques are ways for the Umalagad
done. to nudge the drama forward, which you must react against,
while Fierce Techniques are hardline and instant
5. Some situations might give you worse chances: consequences that you must live with.
Penalty. An example might be something like running
across a fortress’ walls during a rainstorm. This forces
you to take away 1 Fate after all rolling and rerolling is

6. Bonus and Penalty essentially cancel each other out,

and both can stack up to three times. If you have 2
Penalty and 3 Bonus from any source, you have a net 1


When you have an item that would fictionally help you in an
action or a roll, such as a rope to leap over a chasm, or
wearing clothes that would help an aristocrat look at you
more favorably, count it as a Bonus.

Sam’baha attempts to chop down some trees to make an

impromptu dam to stop an incoming flood. The Umalagad
of their game–an Owl with blueflame feathers–ascertains
from the spirits that this needs her Might. Her Might. This
means she rolls a 4d8 and gets to reroll twice. However, she
has a wasay, a chopping axe, which gives her +1 Fate to
cutting trees down. She is now considered as having 1 Fate.
BAKUNAWA EATS THE MOON Saniogo seeks to outrun a rushing tigbalan. The Umalagad
states that this is a moon with 4-segments. The Bakunawa
Bakunawa is a creature--some say a diwata, others say a begins to eat the Moon.
yawa--who night after night conspires to eat the moon. It
almost succeeded once, but the collective noise and effort Anything that furthers the accomplishment of the goal of
of the diwata and the tawo managed to fight it off. the Moon fills a segment by 1. This can come from things
accomplished in fiction, but is also commonly done by
The Moon is a tool used to gauge accumulated progress to succeeding on Casts whenever you attempt an action to
a certain goal. Use this when something takes some time or further the Moon. When all segments are shaded, then the
if it requires a lot of work put into it. In this sense, they are moon is Full, and whatever you were making progress
Progress measures. Essentially, you would use these to toward or attempting to do is achieved.
track an endeavor that takes several actions to overcome.
However, whenever something bad happens in the fiction,
Each Moon should be named with the eventual goal in when the fiction changes into a more precarious situation
30 mind. When trying to infiltrate a stone fortress, call it that: due to what the Kadungganan do in the fiction, the
“Infilitrate Stone Fortress”. This lets you remember what Umalagad draws a single triangle on the perimeter of the
the Moon is for. Moon. Very commonly this is brought about by Failing
When the rules tell you to create a moon, doodle a circle Casts.
and separate it into segments. The Umalagad will tell you This represents the Teeth of the Bakunawa. Once you get
how many. The most common is 4-segments. If a certain three triangles, the Moon is Consumed, and consequences
activity is difficult or takes a long time, it might be 6- befall you, and your progress is either stalled for the
segments. If it’s extremely hard and/or takes a really long meantime or lost completely, whichever makes most sense
time, it might be 8-segments. in the fiction.
Saniogo attempts to leap across a chasm to escape a
tigbalan. The Umalagad asks what Saniogo does, and
Saniogo says that he leaps up to grab a vine that was
hanging about. The Umalagad nods approvingly--he
says that Saniogo leaps across the chasm, catches a
loose vine, and swings safely to the other side. No
Teeth yet, the Umalagad thinks. Saniogo shades in a
segment of the Moon. Three left.
However, the Umalagad states that the tigbalan can cross
chasms with its bird wings easily. It closes in on Saniogo,
and the Umalagad points out that there is a rushing river
before him. Saniogo cannot think of a way to cross the
river quickly, and decides to power through it. He makes a
Might Cast to power through, but fails. He is carried away
by the river, and the Umalagad says that the tigbalan is
closing in. A single Tooth circles about the Moon now.
In the Archipelago of The Sword Isles, there is no proper
coinage. Trade is facilitated entirely through barter:
collections of valuable items and minerals in exchange
for items of equal value.
Barter is not a numerical value. Instead, items are their 31
own things, and it is up to the person you are selling the
thing to assign it a value, from below:
Treasure. Heirloom wealth. The most valuable item in
the islands. A show of wealth. Usually: Bronze gongs,
porcelain jars, imported silks, foreign weapons, silver
coins, captives, foreign captives, heirlooms.
Valuable. Rarer items, filled usually with prestige,
made from smiths, or owned by powerful
warriors. Usually: Kadanay pottery, prestigious
weapons owned by local heroes, blessed items
from a dead datu, holy weapons, bullets and
ammunition. Sometimes for blacksmiths,
slag iron is valuable.
Essential. Necessary items. Usually: Rice,
foreign coinage, iron pieces, golden nuggets,
weapons. Not always though. Sometimes
Apunon do not need rice, they have plenty.
Abundant. Items that help life, but are
abundant in the isles so they are not as
valuable. Usually: local textiles, clay pots,
water, root crops, wood, pearls. Not always, of
course: sometimes hinterland societies might
find pearls to be valuable.
It is important to note that this system is in place
because the one buying (or selling) the item will be
the one to give value to it, according to their context.
Mountain settlements for example might consider
fish and salt essential items, but they might consider
rice--something they harvest and export--as abundant
Gaining abundant items are easy, but things that are
commonly considered valuable or treasure in the isles
require specialized merchants and traders to gain, but are
signs of wealth. Richer datu might want to establish good
connections with you if you showcase treasure on you,
such as foreign armor.
This means that barter tiers are not fixed, and differ from
place to place, although there are commonalities across
all settlements, especially in the trading metropoles.
Foreigners would usually count what is just commodities
to the tawo as necessities. Pearls in the Sword Isles might
be abundant (pretty ones nevertheless, and used as
jewelry), but they are treasure in Baik Hu and Iyamat.
Clay pots are abundant in the isles, but Iyamat folk treat
them as essentials due to their ability to store tea leaves.
The following Debt Techniques must follow the
Debt is used to denote someone’s personal obligation fiction.
to someone else for doing something for them. In The
Sword Isles, Debt is such a ubiquitous concept that An important note on this is that both Umalagad
entire polities and villages are formed around Debt, Characters can also gain Debt from Kadungganan,
and social classes are created from it: slaves and which means they can also influence you with Debt.
servants are usually nothing but people who owe Debt
to their masters. ACCRUING DEBT
Debt in Gubat Banwa is a social value and mechanic to When a character does an entity a solid, help them
show how much leverage you have over someone or when they’re in dire straits, give them gifts, or
how much leverage someone has on you. You usually otherwise both parties agree that one of them owes
gain Debt to someone when they do something for the other...
you, such as give you an item, grant you protection,
food, or even interact with you romantically. The character gains the Debt Token of the entity they
did a solid for. A character cannot have more Debt
You can accrue (or owe) Debt not just from a person, Tokens to a single entity than their Honor. (Example: if
but also even from organizations, communities, you have Honor 3, you can only have up to 3 Debt
groups, or even ideals. Debt to an ideal means that the Tokens from a single person).
Umalagad can manipulate you with that ideal.
When you wish to pull on your Debts, spend 1 Debt
Debt is an important currency and ability. However, Token and choose 1 below:
you cannot have more Debt than you have Honor.
Think of Honor as social status: the higher Honor you 0 You can ask them to do a single thing. If they
have, the more dependable people find you. As a choose not to, you gain another Debt Token from
Kadungganan, you begin with Honor 3, and it can them. If they cannot gain anymore Debt Tokens,
never go below Honor 1. you must do that thing.
To raise Honor, you must pay off your Debts. However, 0 If you’re dealing damage to the one that has Debt
you cannot have more than 8 Honor. to you, you can add +1 Might to the damage.
0 If you’re suffering damage from the one that has
Debt to you, you can add +1 Weakness to the

When you wish to pay off your Debts, speak with the When you wish to transfer the Debt someone owes to you
person you wish to pay off. They can choose one from to someone else, say your reason and how much Debt you
below: wish to transfer, and then transfer that much Debt Tokens
that the person owes to you to the other person. They owe
0 They can ask you to do something for you. it now. You can use this to feasibly gain goodwill from
0 They can ask something from you that you must pay. others, as Debt can also be used as a form of currency in the
If you do it, the one you have Debt to discards 1 of your Debt Isles
Tokens to them. If you remove all your Debt Tokens from
someone, gain +1 to your Honor.

Downtime is exactly that: times of respite.
You can only go into Downtime when you
are not venturing: you must not be in a Raid,
and you must be in a Place of Peace. You can
perform Downtime Actions. The number of
Downtime Actions that you can do depend
on the current Season of when you go into
Downtime. You do not need to use up all
your Downtime Actions, these are simply
suggestions. If you wish to freely roleplay,
otherwise known as freeplay, during
Downtime, feel free! Places of Peace are rare
in Gubat Banwa. Additionally, Downtime
Events still should follow the fiction: you
should feasibly be able to do the Downtime
Event you want to do in the Place of Peace
you’re in.

In Dry Season, you can do up to 3 Downtime


In Monsoon Season, you can do up to 2

Downtime Actions.

When you enter into Downtime, you also

heal 1 Conviction.

You go out and meet someone you want to meet. This can You can prepare yourself. You gain an Item Token. You
either be someone you already know or someone you can spend the Item Token at any time to say that you have
haven’t met before. When meeting with someone in this a particular item prepared. This item cannot be larger
way, make sure it makes sense for them to be there in than a small buckler shield. If it is, you must give away 1
your area. of your own items, as barter.
If it’s someone you haven’t met before, roll a d6. Then choose 1 from below:
1 – They are fiercely hostile to you. 0 The Item is not exactly what you thought it would
2 – They are wary of you.
0 The Item took a bit more haggling to get. You owe
3-4 – They are neutral: they don’t know you yet. someone powerful: they gain your Debt Token,
5 – They are receptive to you. meaning you owe them something. The Umalagad
36 can choose to hide who this is.
6 – They are enthusiastic in meeting you. 0 Getting the Item took a lot of time. You can only gain
the Item Token when you next return to Downtime.
TOWN TALK 0 The Item is dangerous somehow, physically: it might
blow up, or corrupt you.
Go around and listen to the town talk. This can also be
used to poke your nose somewhere where it doesn’t 0 The Item is dangerous societally: you have attracted
belong, or somehow be a fly on a wall for some important dangerous attention.
information. Use this to find information.
State your method and what information you’re looking DIVE INTO COMPLICATIONS
for and then cast the Crocodile’s Teeth.
Choose yourself and two more people. Following the
On a Disastrous Hand: You get what you’re looking for, fiction, the three of you fall into a Complication. Define
but you get into trouble. what it is. The context of your Complication might have
been because of something that happened outside of
On a Complicated Hand: You get what you’re looking for Downtime.
but choose 1:
0 You attract unwanted attention due to your
0 You must get someone else in trouble to get it. If you realize that you have achieved your Want, speak
On a Fated Hand: Get what you want without trouble. about it with your Umalagad. You must perform a ritual.
Once done, the Umalagad will tell you if it is enough. If it
is, gain 1 Conviction, and then change your Want.
You work on improving yourself. Raise one of your
Abilities by 1. Play this out. Bring any Debts into play, if
there are any. Learning a new Ability (that is, bringing an
Ability from 0 to 1) requires proper storytelling.

Other than a specific story beat, you can also willingly
change your Discipline by using this Downtime Event. As
always, keep in mind that switching a style also means
having to recalibrate muscle memories, as well as having
to deal with any fallouts from your previous guro. Most
Disciplines require a Guro to learn, which sometimes
only come when you have enough Honor for the Guro to
find you worth it to teach.
When you Change Disciplines, choose a new Discipline
and take that Discipline’s Traits and Aspects. You keep
any Techniques that you already know. However, you
must already have a Teaching from that Discipline to
change into it.
DANCE WITH HEARTS AND THOUGHTS Once both participants have chosen, move on to the
Climax of the scene. During the climax, both of the
When you want to spend some intimate time with participants choose 1 from below, whichever makes most
someone, play it out. You, the other party, or the Umalagad sense according to the ongoing fiction.
sets the scene of where it takes place. Dance with Hearts
and Thoughts can and probably will trigger Drama 0 Things get heated. An argument erupts. Things don’t
mechanics. look good for the both of you. Play out how you resolve
this. If you don’t, that’s still okay.
Once the scene and context have been laid out, one of the 37
participants in the dance chooses 1 from below. Once 0 Things get hot. Something good happened along the
they’ve chosen and it has been resolved, move to the other way. Suddenly one of you is pinned against the wall,
participant and they get to choose 1 below. staring at each other, feeling each other’s hot breath.
Play out how this ends.
0 Ask them a hard question. This should lead to an in- 0 Things get soft. The participants open up, becoming
character conversation. Hard question is of course emotional and finally, accepting whatever comes out
contextual, but it should be whatever either the one of the scene. Play this out to find out what happens.
being asked or both of the characters in the
conversation don’t want to ask or hear. 0 Things work out. The scene ends up fruitful for both
participants: maybe they find a new resolve, or a new
0 Recall something they did before. This can be an conviction, or maybe they just learn something new
event during a venture, leading to an in-character about each other in general. Play it out to find out
conversation. what it is.
0 Bring up a topic. This can be any topic: the warlord After the Climax, both characters give each other their Debt
you killed in your last violent encounter, the new Token, no matter how it goes down. According to the
weapon you created, the meaning of debt, if love is fiction, this might create another Complication.
real, etc. Try to bring up topics that will bring your
character into entanglements.
0 Reveal a vulnerable part of you. Show them
something you don’t usually show people. A soft side
of you. Perhaps your love for music, or a natural
affinity to dogs. Whatever it is, it should be something
that changes their perception of you.
0 Irritate them. Do something bad, something they
don’t like. They get to tell you what it is they do that
they don’t like.
There are two primary seasons in the Sword Isles: dry After a harvest is the time for Feasting. This is a small
and monsoon. fraction of time where one gets to feast and enjoy the
food harvested, as they are blessings by the gods. This
It is important to note that the two modes of play: is a time of celebration and rest for everyone, and
War Drama and Tactical Martial Arts, can happen in usually has one to two Feasts.
every Season. The two Seasons are simply ways to
frame your story and to help ground where the drama When going into a feast, you can sometimes choose
and tactical martial arts takes place. to hold the feast itself, in which case you might get
some prospects and connections. Whatever happens
Each Season also essentially limits what you can do in a Feast, roll a d10
during Downtime.
1. You find someone that is interested in you, and
DRY SEASON they might give you help.
The Dry Season dominates most of the other half of 2. You drank a bit too much. Something
the year. While Dry doesn’t inherently mean hot— unfortunate happened during the Feast, tell the
the winds are still freshly chill, after all—it does group what it is.
mean that rains are lighter or less likely during the
day, which allows for a wider range of activities. 3. You impressed or helped a person or a group of
people: you know them now, and they give you
Dry Season, of course, is a time of action, of fires and their Debt Token.
flames. During the Dry Season, the war continues.
4. Someone helped you during the Feast. Give them
When you go into Downtime during Dry Season, you your Debt Token. What happened? Who were
only have access to 3 Downtime Events, as well as the they?
following Dry Events:
5. You traded with another person: give up one of
TRAVEL your items or equipment and get another one of
Travel during the Monsoon Season is not as common equal value (ie. If you give up a commodity in
as in the Dry Season. You can visit another settlement that area, you gain something that is also a
for the time being. See things you might have wanted commodity in that area).
to see. You might attract unwanted attention, or get 6. You attract attention that you really didn’t want.
news you didn’t want. Spend 1 Conviction to make What is this attention? How is it a detriment to
this a trouble-free vacation. you?
7. You blasphemed or otherwise offended an
TOIL important person during the feast. Who was it?
You must make amends: they gain your debt
You offer some help to the datu’s workers and token.
peasants, whether it be offering your expertise,
helping in the field, helping in the farms, plantations, 8. You did something you immediately regret to
etc. Gain 1 Conviction or you gain the Debt Token of someone in particular. What was it? Give them a
the people you helped. Debt Token.
9. You revealed something to someone that you
should not have revealed anything to. What is it
and who?
10. You have no idea how but you are suddenly
entrapped in obligations with another person
from the feast. Perhaps it is marriage, perhaps it
is work. Whatever it is, deal with it.

Whether with the datu or not, you can go hunting for They can travel to a distant land with barter items at
food and game. This is usually for ritual sacrifices and the ready, and trade with them. This doesn’t have to
items for a Feast. Make an appropriate Cast as to be used for trading reasons only: it can be used to
where you’re hunting (or fishing): this is usually travel to another land to solve some political spites on
Observation, Grace, or Sensitivity. With an behalf of a datu, fix things, provide aid for another, or
appropriate difficulty depending on what you’re even work for another datu for a time to gain that
trying to hunt. Each Kadungganan on the hunt makes Datu’s trust, and maybe debt.
a Cast.
This will be a common choice, as it is the
Complicated and Fateful Hands: Gain 2 pieces of “Adventure!” option. They will usually be provided
hunting spoils (defined as whatever you hunted with a barge by the datu, or maybe they can get their
down). You must give one to the spirits of the forest own.
or whatever place you hunted in.
Disastrous Hand: Gain 1 piece of hunting spoil
instead, which you must offer. If you do not, you incur
the wrath of the gods.
Doing this Event with a datu is a popular way of
bonding with a datu: Hunting with Chiefs and Kings
is a popular pastime in the islands, and is an
important way for a datu to showcase his skill, as well
as his warrior vassals to prove both their loyalty and
their strength to their ruler.

The rains come differently across the isles, and so it is Think back upon your travails and your ventures, and
entirely possible for Kadungganan to leave an island how it has changed you. Speak with your Umalagad,
during the rainy season of that Isle but arrive on a talk together about how you feel like you’ve changed, or
different Isle which is going through its own Rainy how something in a previous Season has made you
Season. Rainy Season dictates whether people should different. If both you and the Umalagad agree, gain the
farm, prepare swiddens, or depend on stockpiled foods. following benefit:
Monsoon Season is the time of rest, of endings. Learn a new Skill from your Nature. You can only have
Monsoon Season usually comes in after a harvest, up to 4 Nature Skills at any time. If you learn a New Skill
expertly predicted by timekeepers. Some rituals are and you already have 4 Nature Skills, you must choose
performed during Monsoon Season, such as ritual which Nature Skill to replace.
killings, or feasts after rains. Your Refined and Perfected Skill does not need you to
40 replace any Skills. When you unlock and learn them,
When you go into Downtime during Monsoon Season,
you gain access to 2 Downtime Events, and the you always have access to them.
following Monsoon Events:
You find a way to rest even more. The rains pour down You can reevaluate one of your own teachings. If you do,
every day, offering cold winds and somber tunes. The spend 1 Conviction, and change 1 of the Teachings you
islands turn from vibrant orange to the rare gray-blue of know to another Teaching of your choice.
rains. Heal 1 Conviction, and then choose one: your
Principle, Want, or Rumination. Cast the Crocodile’s
Teeth and then gain an additional reroll per each thing LEAVE
true below.
Your Warband can spend 1 Conviction to leave your
0 I think my Principle/Want/Rumination has been current datu and work for another datu or go
answered, or inexplicably changed for me. wandering for a while. You cannot do this if you have
0 I think my Principle/Want/Rumination does not fit Debt to the datu.
my current situation anymore. The datu will usually let you go with the equipment
0 Something has happened to me that has made me they’ve given you. Any family you might have will go
look differently at my Principle/Want/Rumination. with you, unless the datu buys them from you.
On a Fateful Hand, change your Principle, Want or
Rumination to something new, something that fits your
new mindset.
RAIDS 1-2 Wealth. You’re looking for as much wealth as
possible, and the objective area has it.
Raids are an integral part of a Kadungganan’s life. Raids are
bursts of action and drama that have you traveling deeper 3-4 People. You want to recruit as much people as
into a place that you are Raiding to gain wealth, treasure, possible, and you must do it by force by killing their leader.
something important, or prestige. Why you’re doing it is Maybe perhaps you want to liberate the people from a
up to you. tyrannical leader.
Raids are the equivalent of dungeon delving in Gubat 5-6 Revenge. This is a revenge raid. You want to kill 41
Banwa: structured approaches to journeying into and destroy as much as possible.
dangerous places. Usually these raids are other 7-8 Trial. You’re doing this to prove something to
settlements, but sometimes larger raids can take place in yourself or someone important to you, and you must get
mass ritual burial cemeteries, ancient forests, cave something from the objective area.
complexes, cities, and even heaven and hell themselves.
Dungeons and large ancient abandoned temples of course 9-10 Artifact or VIP. You’re looking for a legendary
exist: the constant cycles of violence create ruin after ruin object, or a particularly important person.
that pock the islands.
Raids are a gauntlet of Encounters, both combat and non-
Roll a d8 if you need inspiration on where the Raid will take combat, that a Umalagad puts you through to test your
place. mettle.
1 – Settlement. A small settlement, usually an easy Raid. Designing Raids is something an Umalagad can think of in
Sometimes these can be ruins, places where undead or advance or prep it, or they can choose to go with the flow
yawa walk. and play it out.
2 – Large Town. A larger settlement, with various datu In that case, the Umalagad will always begin the Raid with
within. Usually an average raid. an arrival encounter, whether it be violence or not, and
then roll a d10, adding +1 until they reach the “goal area” at
3 – Abandoned Cave Complex. Ancient demons and 12.
monsters walk within. Usually average.
4 – Mass Burial Complex. Starts above ground and usually
ends up underground or even within mountain cliffsides.
Usually average, and usually encounter Undead.
5 – Ancient Forest. Forests are filled with gods and other
spirit societies. Usually average, and filled with Spirits. 1-3 A Non-Martial Encounter
6 – City. An even larger settlement, filled with many goods. 4-5 A Martial Encounter
Might not be a metropole, but close. Hard Raids, usually, 6-7 Something interesting.
but might not have a lot of combat encounters.
7 – Metropole. You are raiding one of the largest A twist in the Raid, something that might
settlements in The Sword Isles, the centers of political and 8-9 upend the understanding of the Raid, or
economic power. Would-be empires and states. Very hard recontextualize the objective.
10 An item, or treasure. Perhaps Anting-Anting.
8 – Heaven or Hell. You travel using skybarges into the
depths of the earth or the heights of the sky. The hardest Penultimate. You find something harrowing.
raids to do, and usually one that will never go well, even if 11 Something that is connected to the goal
you achieve your goal. perhaps.
Before going on a Raid, you must dictate your Raiding
Objective. This is almost always singular. Some examples Objective Area. This is where the raid will
are below! You can even roll a d10 on it. end. It might have a boss encounter, or you
12 might simply find what you’re looking for.
Play it out

If you do not like the prospect of playing on a grid and wish
solely to engage with Gubat Banwa through their Skills and
They can gain Techniques and choose Disciplines as normal,
but they can use Techniques to gain Bonuses in combat if it
gives them a benefit in fiction.
You can choose how to handle combat: whether it be a simple
gauntlet of Casts, or dealt with through Moons.
Tactical Martial
Arts 43

“Violence for violence’s sake

is not the rule of beasts but
the nature of divinity.”
Gubat Banwa is a game of rapid kinetic martial
arts, violent sorcery, heartrending convictions
and bouts of will. Warriors that channel gods
face sorcerers that master black arts, martial
artists who have unlocked a new form of
cultivation clash swords with those that
perfect the night alchemies.

When the crocodile’s teeth are cast,

convictions are unsheathed, and steel sparks:
the Umalagad must declare that: “The river of
life ever flows! Rejoice in the glory of combat!”
and they enter violence.
Fights in Gubat Banwa is an abstracted affair, played out in After declaring battle, the Umalagad asks the
a grid, crafted in such a way to model the chaos and kinetic Kadungganan what their Main Objective in the fight is,
quickness and back-and-forth of martial arts films and and the Umalagad sets the Main Objective of the fight
wuxia novels. It is not meant to be realistic or a based on that. Accomplishing the Main Objective means
representation of physics in the game world. However, it is the Kadungganan side become victorious and they gain 1
meant to ground you into the ballistic martial arts fiction Conviction.
of Gubat Banwa.
Some examples of Main Objectives are:

THE RULE OF ROSY 0 Kill a target

0 Stop a ritual from being performed
0 Break down the stone wall
GOLD 0 Get all allies to the specified location area
0 Activate all traps or contraptions
This is the Rosy Gold Rule, so called because it is the 0 Incapacitate the enemy team
Bulawan Rule tinged with the color of blood. It is this: even 0 Convince them to take your side
in violence, fiction first. This means if something 0 Ensure an escape route
happens that doesn’t make sense in the fiction, that 0 Hold out until the end of the 5th flurry
doesn’t happen. If a fighter makes an attack that deals fire 0 Protect a particular important person or thing
damage against a fighter that is soaking wet or swimming 0 Destroy a target's ship or armor
in water, they cannot deal fire damage.
One of the Umalagad’s supreme responsibilities is to After declaring the Main Objective, the Kadungganan can
facilitate a fun combat that is grounded in the fiction of the declare from 1-3 Sub-Objectives, each one having to do
Kadungganan. As such, final rulings are up to the with performing a particular out of the way task in battle.
Umalagad on all things. But with such power comes an If these Sub-Objectives are accomplished, they gain a
equal amount of responsibility: therefore, you must know reward: usually this is 1 Conviction, but it can also be
the fiction of your fight first and foremost before another kind of reward, such as an item, or sometimes
making rash rulings. even an anting-anting.
0 Force units to surrender instead of defeating them all.
THE SIX-ARMED 0 Activate some environmental effect (interact with a
boulder to send it rolling down, or with a rain god
DEMON statue to summon a storm)
When going into combat, all Kadungganan can equip up to 0 Destroy some environmental object (destroy a bridge,
6 Teachings. They can equip any 6 Teachings before dry up a river, cut up the tall grass, destroy the pillars
combat begins. of a town house)
0 Make sure a unit is never Battered at any point during
0 Keep an important structure alive (not destroyed)
The Battlefield is a grid map laid down upon a table or set
up on a virtual tabletop. Gubat Banwa uses square grids for 0 Performed a particular combat move a number of
battlefields, although you can definitely do hexes without times (ie. Force a collide 3 times, Juggle a unit three
much difficulty. Most Battlefields will have a slew of slopes times, Stun someone, let another unit defeat a foe
and Heights and other traits, established later. when you give them extra damage)
Each square in Gubat Banwa is a 1 dupa high and wide,
which is equal to 1 fathom, which is 2 meters or 6 feet. With all of that done, the Umalagad then sets the Loss
This is not a precise measurement of what a dupa is, of Condition. Usually this is something like: “If all the
course, but it is the closest one we can get. There is a lot of Kadungganan are Posture-Broken or Defeated at the same
variance for 1 dupa: some dupa can even be 8 feet long. time”. Some example Loss Conditions are shown below.
Whatever it is, if the Loss Conditions are met, the
Gubat Banwa recommends the use of 12x12x12 to Kadungganan are considered as having lost the battle, and
32x32x32 map sizes. Anything larger than that very often suffer consequences afterwards. Defeated Kadungganan
does not feel great in terms of gamefeel. The best size lose all Conviction they currently have.
hovers around 16x16x16. 0 A leader is killed.
0 A place is breached.
POSTURE 0 An enemy falls in love with an ally.
All Kadungganan begin every combat with Full Posture, no 0 An ally reaches the enemy.
matter how much Posture they lost in other fights.
0 An ally attacks an enemy.

When a fight begins, fighters erupt into a chaotic lightning Every Turn has the following three parts: start of turn, the
flash of techniques and abilities, of martial arts maneuvers turn itself, and then the end of turn.
and desperate parries and dives.

When combat begins, the War Drums begin to resound. START OF TURN
This. This! Is the glory of combat! The Rhythm is the turn When your Turn begins, perform the following in order:
order: it is the sequence in which fighters within the
Battlefield take their turns. The Rhythm has a number of 0 End all effects that end on Start of Turn.
Beats that start from 0 and go up and up and up to the 0 Perform any abilities or effects that happen only on
stars. Start of Turn, in any order.
In general, if two allies take their turn on the same Beat, Once done, you can now perform 3 Techniques on your
they take their Turn at the same time. This is called turn.
Weaving, and they are explained further below.

When the Fight starts: Every fighter in the Battlefield
rolls d6+Tempo. The result determines their first Turn

Then, once every fighter has rolled their Tempo, the

Umalagad starts the Rhythm, like a war drum or gong.
They count from Beat 0, and then go to Beat 1, and then
Beat 2, and so on. When a Beat gets to a fighter’s Turn Beat,
that fighter gets to take their turn.

If a Kadungganan and an Umalagad Character has the

same Turn Beat, the Umalagad Characters always goes

You can never lower your Tempo to 0. If an effect would

lower your next Turn Beat, it cannot lower it to the point
that your next Turn Beat is your current Turn Beat.

As a Kadungganan, you can perform 3 Techniques on your Outside of your turn, you have 1 Reaction. You refresh all
turn. Like lightning-fast martial arts you blitz through the spent Reacts at the end of your turn.
Defend. When you suffer damage, gain Conditioning to all
You have a number of Basic Techniques that you can do. of that attack’s damage, and then gain +3 on your next Turn
Each of these Basic Techniques takes 1 Technique on your Beat.
turn to pull off:


Resist is a fighter’s inherent chance of shrugging off ailments
0 Stride. You can move a number of dupa equal to your and other such debilitations, as well as their capacity to
Speed. move forward. It is their innate constitution and stamina,
0 Step Evasively. Shift 1. their ability to weather mental trauma, physical enervation,
illusions, spiritual trickery, and so on.
0 Shove. Push an adjacent fighter or object by 1.
0 Inflict Violence. Your Basic Attack, which is different In general, when you must Resist, you roll a d10 and try to
depending on your Discipline. Each Discipline makes roll equal to or lower than your current Resist Trait.
attacks differently. Example: if you’re resisting against an effect and your Resist
is 6, then you remove that effect on a 6 or lower.
0 Crack. Deal 1 damage to any fighter or object within 3.
0 Interact. Use an item on you, or interact with an
adjacent item or environmental object. WEAVING
When you and one or more other Kadungganan take their
0 Second Wind. Once per combat, you can Second Wind turn on the same Beat, you begin Weaving. You and all other
to heal Posture equal to your Critical value. Kadungganan take their Turn at the same time: you perform
start of turn at the same time, as well as end of turn at the
EXCLAIM Attacks (which most Inflict Violences are) get same time.
weaker as you perform more of them on your Turn, as your
target raises their defenses. Your second attack’s damage More importantly, you all can weave together your 3
is halved. Your third attack’s damage is trisected (divide Techniques.
by 3, round up). This is known as a Combo Breaker
Penalty. Example: Sam’baha the Mangangayaw and Kasubha the
Violence Balyan both take their turn on Beat 15. They both
perform their Start of Turn effects at the same time, and then
EXCLAIM You can choose to end your turn (go to end of turn) at weave their movements together: Sam’baha Strides to get in
any point. If you do, you have -X to your next Turn Beat, with position, then Kasubha Strides to flank an enemy. Then
X being the number of Techniques you did not perform on Kasubha uses a Technique to give Sam’baha 1 Might on their
your Turn. (Example: if you Inflicted Violence and you next attack, which Sam’baha immediately cashes in by
choose to end your turn, your next Turn Beat has -2 to it.) immediately using their IV. Since they’re flanking, they have
Precision to that attack. This leaves both of them with 2
Afterwards, move on to End of Turn. Techniques left! Sam’baha uses their last one to make
another attack against the target, dealing less damage, but
END OF TURN Kasubha also uses their last Technique to Inflict Violence as
At the end of your turn, perform the following in order.

0 First, end any effects that end during the End of Turn.
0 Then, suffer Fraying, which is a d6.
0 Regain any spent Reactions that you have, this is usually
just 1, but other Disciplines might have access to 2
0 Then perform any number of abilities and effects that
you can do during the end of your turn.
0 Then, lower all current Status Durations and Mark
Durations on you by 1. If a Status Duration is brought
to 0 here, the Duration goes away.
0 Finally, add your Tempo to your current Turn Beat to
find out when your next Turn Beat is. Your Tempo and
Turn Beat can change and fluctuate.

When you deal damage, you roll the expressed die (which
IMPRECISION is usually a damage stat such as BRAVERY or FAITH), and
then deduct the result from the target’s Posture.
Precision is a special rule that applies to almost any roll.
When you roll with Precision, you roll twice and take the
better result. This can either mean you choose the higher DAMAGE ELEMENTS
result (for damage), or perhaps the lower result (as with There are eight damage elements, each one representing
percent chance rolls). Flat numbers are not affected by the Seven Loci of Nature.
Precision nor Imprecision.
0 Visceral is physical damage, from weapons and kicks
Imprecision is the opposite of this: when you roll with and blows, striking and chipping away at physical
Imprecision, you roll twice and take the worse result. flesh. They are gross and brutal, intertwined with the
Having Precision and Imprecision on the roll cancels each element of emptiness, caused by the tearing and
other out. You either have Precision or Imprecision, or you wounding of swords.
don’t. They don’t stack. 0 Fire is the scalding flames of blazes. These light
flammable terrain on fire. Intertwined with the
ATTACKS element of fire.
0 Water is intertwined with water, representing
There are three different types of attacks. Most techniques cutting jets of water, sundering poisons and acids,
say whether they make attacks. The most basic attack is and goopy marshes.
known as the Inflict Violence, which is different 0 Wind is the howling winds, the boom of thunder and
depending on your Discipline. war gongs, and the cackling fulmination of lightning,
intertwined with air.
Melee Attacks (BLADES) - Attacks made usually up close
with close range weapons. 0 Earth is the unmoving being of earth, piercing rocks,
scratching branches, debilitating sicknesses, the
0 Benefit from flanking. underworld.
Ranged Attacks (ARROW) - Attacks made from afar, with 0 Light is what that makes up the sun, moon, and the
sorcery or martial art. stars. Blinding lights, illusions, mirages, and
0 Do not benefit from flanking. 0 Dark is what makes up the void, the shadow, the
0 All ranged attacks vs fighters on night. Chilling gloom, sadness, blindness, and
lower elevation have Precision. confusion.
0 All ranged attacks against adjacent 0 Soul is mental trauma, spiritual virulence. It is
fighters have Imprecision. the unseen damage, the most horrible kind.
Area Attacks (COINS) - Attacks made
to strike huge swathes of the MIGHT AND
battlefield at a time.
0 Do not benefit from Damage can be
flanking. modified further
0 Ignore Evasion. with MIGHT and WEAKNESS.
Both are d4s, but they function
ATTACK differently.
PROPERTIES Might adds d4s to the damage
Some attacks have the roll. Example: d6+4 with 1 Might
following properties. becomes d6 + 4 + d4.
0 Skewering. Any damage from Weakness subtracts d4s to the
skewering attacks cannot be reduced. damage roll. Example: d6+4 with 1 Weakness
becomes (d6 + 4) - d4.
0 Steady. Steady attacks ignore
Reacts and Evasion. Both Might and Weakness can only go up to
0 Glancing. You deal half damage 3 respectively, and they cancel each other
with a glancing attack (halved out: if you have 1 Might and 2 Weakness,
always at the last stage, after the 1 Might and 1 Weakness cancel out,
all other bonuses and meaning you are left with just 1
modifications). Weakness on your damage roll.

All Techniques that let you leave your square are counted as If anything states that something “Has a X-in-10 chance of
movement. When you choose to move, that is voluntary failing, of happening, etc.”, that means you roll a d10, which is
movement. When you are forced to move, that is forced called a Chance Die. If you roll equal to or lower than X, then
movement. the effect happens. If it is higher, then the effect doesn’t
0 Moving into adjacent squares costs 1 Speed. Moving into
a diagonal square costs 2 Speed every other square. This For example, if it says that you have a 2-in-10 chance of getting
means that moving into a diagonal square costs 1 speed, struck by lightning, you roll the Chance Die. If you roll a 3,
but then moving into another diagonal square after that lightning doesn’t strike you. If you roll a 1 or 2, you get struck by
costs 2 Speed. Moving into another diagonal square after lightning.
that costs just 1 Speed again.
If you have chances from more than one source, you simply
0 You can move through, but not end in, ally squares. You take the highest chance (Example: something that lets you
cannot move through enemy squares. Critically Hit 1-in-10, will not go up to 2-in-10 if you gain
0 Jump is a trait all fighters have that details their vertical another 1-in-10 Critical Hit chance from another source).
allowance. A fighter with Jump 2 can leap, climb, or
otherwise move up into a square that is 2 squares higher
or 2 squares lower than them without suffering anything
Hostile Actions are all actions that would inflict detrimental
0 If you move into a square that is lower than you and effects against the target, such as dealing damage, inflicting
beyond your Jump, then you suffer skewering damage debuffs, or forceful movement.
equal to the number of dupa you fell down.


You can only target other units/creatures and other squares in
Forced Movement does not use Speed for movement. As such, the environment, or the ground. You must have line of sight
diagonal forced movement does not cost 2 squares of and appropriate line of effect. Unless otherwise stated, all
movement (although it is still affected by terrain). If two actions that need a target must have Valid Targets.
fighters attack a single target but one of the fighter’s attacks
would forcibly move the target out of range of the other’s
attack, the fighters can choose which attack resolves first to
coordinate their effects.
Some targets might be willing. If this is the case, they can
choose to suffer the effect of the Technique or attack
When you are told to forcibly move a target, it will very immediately.
commonly say how many dupa. If it says something like “push
the target 3”, you must push the target 3 dupa, unless they are
moved in a way that makes them collide. However if it says
“push the target up to 3”, then you can move them 1-3 squares. LINE OF SIGHT AND
You can forcibly move a target up into a higher square, as long
as there is enough movement to: if you push a fighter 2 and you
You can only target those that you can see with your line of
still have 2 more Speed, you can still move them into a square sight, as well as those that you have a clear shot at: your line of
that is 1 or 2 squares higher than their own. effect. Line of Sight is usually blocked by blocking terrain.
0 Push - Move the target forcibly away from you in a straight To find out whether you have Line of Sight or Effect, draw a
line. You cannot push a target to the side, it must always be straight line from one of your corners to the center of the
away. target’s square. If the line touches blocking terrain, then there
0 Pull - Move the target forcibly into a square closer to you. is no line of sight or effect between you and the target.
This can be diagonally towards you, but not laterally just
to the side. Enemies of the same size as you, on the same Height as you or
higher can block Line of Sight, but allies don’t.
0 Shift - Move the target forcibly in any direction. Shifting
ignores reactions.
0 Collide - A unit collides with a fighter, object, or terrain
if they are forcibly moved into it. Whenever you collide,
Range will specify how far the target of this attack can be.
suffer 1 visceral damage. If they collide into an immovable These will be expressed in dupa or squares. In general, count
obstacle or fighter, they simply end the movement. If they ranges the same as movement: diagonals are 2 squares every
collide into a movable object or fighter, they move into other square.
that square and move the obstacle or unit 1 dupa away
from the direction of their forced movement. The collided Firing of an attack/effect against a target on a lower height
object or unit also suffers 1 visceral damage (though gives a +1 square bonus to the range of the effect (if it is not
terrain doesn’t suffer damage). adjacent, melee or close) per Height Difference. (Example:
When you are forcibly moved, you are just forcibly moved once, Healing someone that is 1 square high, while you’re on a
even if you are forcibly moved more than one square. square that is 3 square high, gives you +2 extra range. A range
2 heal becomes range 4.)

Fields are lingering zones in the battlefield, like smoke or
changing tides. Fields last until the end of the scene or
Close [area of effect] means the origin point of the until overwritten. New fields overwrite older fields on
area of effect is any square adjacent to your square. each square. Some fields must be sustained, the creator
This means the larger the origin square or creator, the must actively sustain them by spending the required
larger the burst. Close is not counted as a ranged Technique on their turn.
If it is a [range] and then [area of effect], you choose
a square within the specified number of squares from
you. That becomes the origin square of the area of

When you count ranges, start from a square adjacent
to the origin. Count ranges the same as movement.
When counting ranges into heights, in general it is
treated the same as if they are horizontal. If you want
to shoot straight up 3 dupa, you can do that. If you
shoot a fighter that is 3 dupa far and 2 squares high,
you can do that as well. Horizontal range is vertical


Everywhere within 1 square of you (basically all 8
squares around yours) is considered adjacent to you.
Melee is different from adjacency. Melee range only
targets those 1 square from the front, back, left, and
right of your square. You cannot target diagonally.

Areas of Effect has four area patterns: Burst, Blast,
Line, and Path. Each one counts range as normal. In
general, Area of Effect ignores Provoked.
Area of Effect is blocked by blocking terrain, as it still
requires line of effect. This means that blocking
terrain can block off an AoE’s effect.
0 Burst X: This is an area that extends to X dupa in
every direction from the origin, which can either
be an origin square or the user. Every square Line
includes height: going up and down. Close
Bursts have the origin point as the caster of the
0 Blast X: This is an attack that must have at least 1
square in its area of effect that is adjacent to the
origin point. X dictates how large the area is:
blast 2 would mean it covers a 2x2 squares area
adjacent to the origin point. For example: a rifle
technique might be Close Blast 3, which means
it affects a 3x3 square area, but one of the squares
must be adjacent to the fighter using the
technique. The Blast covers a cube area, so a
Blast 3 also goes up 3 squares and down 3
0 Line X: This is an area that fills a single straight
line in any direction starting from a square
adjacent to its origin point. X is how many
squares the line is long. The squares of a Line
must be contiguous (sharing a common side or
corner, so you can angle the Line diagonally) but
you cannot make it so that it “snakes”, it must
look like a straight line. You can angle a line so
that it targets vertically or diagonally upward.
0 Path X: This is an area that can be placed in any
manner as long as at least one square is adjacent
to the origin square and all squares are
contiguous with each other, sharing at least a
path and corner, meaning you can “snake” paths.
X means how long the path goes.

There are a number of statuses that a fighter can be subject to, changing their fighting state, either for good or for ill.

Durations of the Statuses are expressed as a number after the Status, ie. Eviscerated X. At the end of your turn, you count down
the Duration of all Statuses you currently have on you. Durations on Statuses can stack: if a fighter gains Eviscerated 2 from
one source, and then Eviscerated 3 from another, that adds up to Eviscerated 5.

If an effect lets you Cleanse Statuses, you remove the written status or choose a status to remove if no specific status is written.
You remove no matter what it’s duration is.

There are two kinds of Statuses: Boons give beneficial effects, while Banes give debilitating effects.

Enlightened Gain +[duration] to your Faith.
Ferocious Gain +[duration] to your Bravery.
Floating Ignore all terrain.
Hastened You double your Speed and Jump.
Hidden No one has line of sight to you except for those adjacent to you.
Unyielding You cannot be forcibly moved unless you want to.
Regeneration You have a means of healing yourself as the fight drags on. At the start of your turn, heal half
your Critical value.
Bleeding Whenever you spend a Technique, you suffer 2 skewering damage.
Dazed You can only willingly target fighters adjacent to you, you lose all Stances, and you cannot take
any Stances. You cannot flank and you lose all Evasion.
Debilitated All your attacks are glancing.
Eviscerated Suffer an additional [duration] damage from all attacks.
Fraying Represents damage over time: burning, poison, bleeding, etc. Every end of your turn, suffer 1d6
skewering damage.
Juggled You lose all Reactions, all damage against you gains +1 Might, you lose all Stances and you
cannot take on any Stances, you cannot flank, and you lose all Evasion.
Provoked The fighter that Provoked you is the only valid target for your melee or ranged attacks. All area
attacks must include the Provoker as a target, or else you cannot perform the attack. When you
move while Provoked, you cannot end in a square farther from your Provoker.
Slowed Your Speed is halved, rounded up.
Stopped You cannot move voluntarily.
Sundered Lose all Conditioning and Soak, and you cannot gain any more.
Stunned You cannot Flank. You lose 1 Technique on your turn and cannot perform Reactions.
Unbalanced All attacks deal +1 damage, you cannot perform Reactions, you cannot take on any Stances, you
lose all Stances, you cannot flank, and you lose all Evasion.

“Remember the two most important factors to a fight, While Defeated, all foes you Provoked lose Provoked. All
greenhorn. One is to always keep your posture up. If your effects on you end. While Defeated, you are removed from
posture breaks, you are done for. The second is to guard play and cannot be targeted.
your flesh. If your flesh is exposed, then you are dead.”
Deal in narrative and fiction to find out what happens
Kadungganan are skilled martial artists, and even in the when you’re Defeated. In the Sword Isles, killing is not
heat of combat they know to keep their posture up at all actually very popular unless it is for Ritual Revenge.
times. When swords clash, spears impale, and sorceries Instead, Defeated units will be most likely turned into
are slung, a martial artist keeps their composure and servants for the winning side, working and fighting for
maintains their posture, or else they die. them, tilling their fields and such.

This is their Posture, their gauge for their ability to stay CONVICTION LOSS FROM COMBAT
on their toes, to keep their combat stance up. Not just
that, but it also represents sheer willpower, resolve, Conviction is the primary thing tested during fights.
determination, ability to keep one’s self in the focus of During Combat, if you are brought to 0 Posture while you
combat. have 0 Conviction, you immediately die. The one that
brought you to this state gets to make a deathblow
Each Discipline has a different Posture rating, which against you.
represents hardier Disciplines that focus on keeping their
stance more so than others. Some sorcerous martial
artists (frequently of the Flame and Thorn Styles) for
example focus completely on their offensive techniques,
Soak is your ability to soak up damage against you
and Posture is less useful for them as they very frequently without suffering damage against your Posture. If you are
are away from the line of fire. damaged by an attack, subtract the final damage of the
attack equal to your Soak.
You always begin fights with full Posture.
Example: Hadiwa is struck by a Burning Lawu Shot, but
When you fall to 0 Posture, you are Posture Broken. Your has 3 Soak. The Burning Lawu Shot deals 9 fire damage,
stance has been blown wide open, your composure has but Hadiwa brings that down to 6 fire damage.
been shattered.
You cannot have more than 5 Soak at any time.
When you become Posture Broken...

0 Describe what susurration it leaves behind, what

trauma or wound it inflicts upon your Kadungganan. BLOCK
Block is the ability of something else to keep damage
0 Choose 1 from below: away from you. This can represent shields that might
0 Become Defeated: the attacker gets to deal a break, ironclad armors, and magical barriers.
Finishing Blow against you.
All damage reduces Block first before Posture. You lose all
0 Spend 1 Conviction to stay in the fight. At the start Block and cannot gain Block while Sundered. Block does
of your next turn, heal your Critical value. not stack: if you gain another instance of Block, keep the
When you’re healed while in Posture Broken, you are Block that is higher.
immediately brought out of Posture Broken, and you still
heal your Critical value at the start of your turn (if you
haven’t yet).

Size 3 is for powerful, perhaps even legendary and mythical
STANCES beasts and beings. These fighters take up a huge chunk of
the grid, and should be treated with both fear, awe, and
Stances are martial arts forms that unlock true spiritual grandeur. Creatures like serpent gods, hatred demons, or
strength. Stances cannot stack, and when you take upon elder giants. Size 3 creatures take up 3x3x3 squares.
yourself a Stance that Stance supercedes the old one.
Stances will always define when they end. Size 4 Are for even larger beings than that. Humongous
collosuses, living bodhisattva statues, ancient ruinous giant
defense spirits, giant forest gods. They take up 4x4x4 on the
FALLING battle grid: their presence takes up at least 20’ of squares in
the battlefield and they are at lest 20’ tall.
Whenever you suffer Falling Damage, you suffer 1
skewering damage per 5’ you fell. If you fell from 20’ to 0’ Size 5 Are for giant wrathful demons, elder gods, fierce dog-
high, and your Jump is 10’, you suffer 4 skewering damage. lion gods, ancient viscera witches, giant serpents,
enormous deer spirits, infested giant demon-boars, and
Falling damage cannot be reduced in any way. even giant god-bodies. They take up 5x5x5 on the battle
grid: their presence takes up at least 25’ squares wide, and
SIZE are at least 25’ tall. However, they can far exceed this height
and width in fiction.
The Sword Isles are filled with warriors of all kinds. More
than one culture has traditions that tell the old story: the Size 6 should not be modeled as a single fighter in the
original inhabitants of the Sword Isles were giants, filled battlefield anymore. Instead, section their body parts into
with spiritual power, closer to the gods than mortals. different Size 5 fighters on the field.

For the most part, most fighters will be Size 1. Size 1 is, as Size 7+ should not be modeled as a fighter at all. Perhaps
with everything, an abstraction: it can be a small goblin instead they are Battlefields on their own that the
ghoul or a mounted knight upon a rainbow raptor. Size 1 Kadungganan must damage, or somehow quell. These are
only takes up a single square on the grid. truly gargantuan beings. Should be reserved for truly godly
beings. Beings of towering, gargantuan bulk: these are
Size 1/2 are smaller beings. Miniature beings: little earth crocodiles that cause a change in tides, eagles whose wings
gods, geckos, ants, little lizards, and such. Size 1/2 is block out the sun, turtles that are entire islands on their
anything below 1 dupa tall and wide. They only take up 1/4 own, primordial titans, serpents that wind about entire
of a square. mountains, and gods.

Size 2 should be reserved for large beings the size of small

pagodas: demigods, young giants or pygmy giants. Size 2
creatures take up 2x2x2 squares on the grid.

If you and one other ally are standing on
both adjacent sides of a fighter, you
both gain Precision on all damage rolls
against the flanked unit.

Conditioning is resistance to a particular damage type. Some effects might bring Summons into the fold. If there
Whenever a fighter with X Conditioning is damaged by X are no stats written for the Summon, they will have
damage type, halve the damage dealt, rounded down. Posture 20 but the rest of their traits are shared by their

VULNERABILITY However Summons will very commonly not have their

own place in the Rhythm Track and not have their own
Vulnerability is a particular weakness against a particular turn. They use the summoner’s traits, except for Posture.
damage type. When a fighter that has X Vulnerability
suffers X damage, they suffer +1d6 damage.
EVASION Whenever a target is marked, it will be written as mark X,
with X being the duration. Mark effects are usually defined
Your senses are pricked, you are ready to bound, your by the ability that gives them. New Marks always
instinct takes over you and you avoid attacks. Evasion is overwrite older marks.
rolled before the attack’s effects are enacted upon you.
When you are Defeated, all your marks on other fighters
Evasion is a stat that stacks. When you suffer an attack, are lost.
you roll a d10 and try to roll equal to or your total current
Evasion. If you do, you completely avoid the attack and its
effects against you. If the attack’s Effect do not affect you,
it still happens. MOUNTS
Mounts are powerful creatures that can be ridden on by
fighters in a battlefield.
FLYING Mounting/Dismounting: To Mount a creature requires
While Flying, you are flying above the battlefield. While one to move into the Mount’s square. To Dismount can be
you have Flying... done at any point during one’s turn. If one suffers
Unbalanced or Juggled, you must Resist or else be knocked
0 All melee attacks against you have Imprecision. off your Mount, ending in a square to your Mount.
0 All your movement ignores Height, Terrain, and you
can move through Enemy squares. You can alternatively unmount a mount voluntarily as a
0 If you are Unbalanced, Juggled, or Stunned, you lose
Flying. While Mounted on your Mount, you are considered
adjacent to your Mount. While mounted on a Mount, you
TELEPORTING are considered as 1 fighter.

Teleportation is not counted as movement: it is Mount as a Fighter: When unmounted, the Mount
displacement: you remove yourself from your current becomes a fighter that has 40 Posture, and then has the
square and place yourself into the square you choose to be rest of your Stats. However they cannot inflict violence.
in. This means it does not trigger reactions or other effects Mounts do not have turns, but rather moves their Speed
that ask you to move. Teleportation ignores all terrain, all when you Move on your turn.
diagonals, and all height.
When a Mount falls to 0 Posture, they are Defeated. They
return at the end of a scene.
IMMUNITY Joy of Movement: Each Mount has a special movement
Whenever you become Immune to any kind of effect, you ability, known as their Joy of Movement. The Mount
cannot suffer that effect any longer, and you remove any description will detail what their Joy of Movement gives.
existing effects of that kind from you. Immunity ignores
even skewering damage.

When creating a battlefield, decide whether the
The Battlefield is the third pillar of Gubat Banwa’s Battlefield’s edges (that is, the perimeter, the out of
combat. So are we part of nature, thus is violence: simply bounds area of the battlefield) are either walls or out of
expressions of nature. Therefore the Battlefield plays an bounds. If Walls, they work the same as Wall terrain,
important part to every fight. The three aspects of a although once the wall is broken it then becomes out of
Battlefield are Terrain, Weather, and Field Traits. bounds.

OBJECTS IN THE BATTLEFIELD If Out-of-Bounds, if a fighter is pushed into an out-of-

bounds square, they have a 7-in-10 chance of ending up
The battlefield will very often have objects (that are in an adjacent square instead. If they fail, they are
usually also terrain on their own right). These objects will removed from play until the start of their next turn.
usually define their Height or width or what their shape
is, but most commonly they will have Sizes, which is the
same as fighter sizes.

Objects do not have Posture but they instead have

Durability, which acts the same. When an object is
reduced to 0 Durability, it is destroyed: remove it from the

All Objects, unless stated otherwise, have Durability

equal to (20 x Their Size).

Outside of combat, follow the fiction. These stats might

not matter when trying to destroy some kind of barrier.

Terrain directly affects the squares of the battlefield. Some Terrain on fire, inflicting more damage than just
terrain can have the qualities of other terrain, such as dangerous terrain. Suffer 3 skewering fire damage
Water Terrain being also Difficult Terrain. A single square whenever you start your turn in or move into burning
can have multiple terrain qualities. terrain, or when the square you’re standing on becomes
burning terrain. Burning terrain is put out by water or rain
WALLS and then becomes Scorched Terrain. If Burning Terrain
Walls don’t take up squares but rather, the sides of becomes Water Terrain, it becomes Scorched instead. If a
squares. Walls count as blocking terrain—stopping line of fighter on Burning Terrain suffers wind or water damage,
sight and line of effect. If an attack goes through walls, the the Burning Terrain becomes Scorched Terrain.
wall suffers the damage instead of the fighter in the square
behind the wall: you must draw a line from the origin SCORCHED TERRAIN
square toward the target. If the line touches the wall in any Scorched terrain is terrain that is removed of its grass or
way, it targets the wall instead. Walls very often only have water. Scorched terrain is treated as normal terrain. Tall
1 Durability. grass, water, or haze terrain, when scorched, becomes
scorched terrain.
Ladders don’t take up squares similar to walls, but rather HINDERING TERRAIN
the sides of squares. Moving into a square through the side Prevents movement but not line of sight.
of the square that has a ladder (must be orthogonal,
diagonals do not count), does not cost extra Speed if the BLOCKING TERRAIN
Height is higher.
Prevents line of sight, line of effect, and movement.
Slope terrain is considered -1 square high for the purposes
of moving into it. Tall Grass that impedes movement and vision. Moving
into tall grass terrain costs double the movement. While in
CHASMS Tall Grass, you gain Evasion 3 vs all ranged attacks.
Chasms are terrain that are lower than -8 dupa in height, WATER TERRAIN
so far deep that they are hard to recover from. You must
horizontally jump over a Chasm. If you move or are Water terrain such as rivers and sea and oceans. Water
forcibly moved into a Chasm, you have a 6-in-10 chance of terrain is difficult terrain. While on Water Terrain, you
ending up in an adjacent square instead. Otherwise, you have wind vulnerability and fire conditioning. If you suffer
fall into the Chasm and suffer 6 skewering visceral any more water damage while on water terrain, the water
damage, then you roll a d4+Tempo to find your new Turn terrain has a 2-in-10 chance of becoming frozen terrain.
Beat. You return to a square to the Chasm at the start of FROZEN TERRAIN
your turn.
Frozen terrain is difficult terrain. If you are in a square that
HAZY TERRAIN becomes Frozen terrain, you become Stopped 2. If you
All fighters within Hazy Terrain are considered Hidden suffer fire damage while on Frozen terrain, you suffer +2
and have Evasion 4. Hazy Terrain blocks line of sight, but fire damage and then the frozen terrain becomes scorched
not line of effect. terrain, and you lose the Stopped caused by Frozen terrain.


Moving into a square of difficult terrain (rubble, swamps, A square that is covered with easily flammable material. If
uneven ground, undergrowth, trees) costs double the a fighter standing on flammable grass suffers fire damage,
amount of movement (moving into an adjacent square the flammable grass becomes burning terrain.
costs 2 squares instead of 1).
Moving into a dangerous terrain square deals 3 skewering
visceral damage to you.

Each Battlefield has an inherent Environment Type, The moon is gone, and darkness comes upon you all.
which defines how the environment works.
Environment Type gives a battlefield wide effect or 0 Moving into or ending one’s turn in hazy or
situation to all fighters in the field. difficult terrain inflicts you with Dazed 2.
CLEAR ENVIRONMENT 0 All Yawa gain +1 Might.
0 All dark damage gain +1 Might.
It’s bright and clear. No modifications.
The winds pick up, and the rains have come.
It is raining.
0 All ranged attacks is reduced by 1 dupa, and all
0 All area attacks suffer -1 to their pattern, to a ranged attacks suffer Imprecision.
minimum of 1. 0 All fighters’ Speeds are halved unless in covered
0 All water and wind damage deals +1 Might, and areas.
all fire damage suffers 1 Weakness. 0 All water and wind damage deals +1 damage, and
THE LEAVES FALL all fire damage suffers -1.
Crimson and viridian leaves are cascading down. It is almost impossible to see through the pall of the
0 All fighters have Evasion 1.
0 All ranged attacks’ and non-close AoE’s range are
0 When a fighter suffers fire damage, the square reduced by -2 squares, and all attacks suffer
they’re standing on loses the Evasion benefit for Imprecision.
the rest of the scene.
All fighters’ Speeds are halved unless in covered
The Sun beats down relentlessly, scorching the lands. 0 All water and wind damage have +1 Might, and
all fire damage have +1 Weakness
0 All Resists have Imprecision.
0 Fraying deals 2 damage instead of just 1.
0 Whenever you end your Turn not under shade or
within water terrain, suffer 1 fire damage.
0 All fire damage deals +1 damage.
The moon’s rictus grin shines down upon you all.

0 All soul damage deals +1d6 damage.

0 All Resolves have Imprecision.

Field Traits are explicitly items or traits of the An idol shaped in the form of a deep sea snake, to
battlefield that can be interacted with. If the represent the coldness they came from. Takes up 1
Environment and Terrain are both passive things that square in the battlefield. When interacted with while
change the context of battle, Field Traits are active adjacent, it deals 5 skewering wind damage to all
things that can shift the tide of combat. The following adjacent fighters and then turns all adjacent squares
are only some examples of field traits that you can into frozen terrain until the end of your next turn.

A size 1/2 object in the battlefield. This is a firegecko
A Size 1 boulder in the field, large in size, but can be that, once agitated by any sort of damage or if
pushed over. When it is forcibly moved, it moves in Interacted with, explodes and immediately deals
the direction it is pushed until it collides with terrain, 4+2d6 fire damage to all fighters in a burst 3 of it, and
a fighter, or the edge of the map. If terrain, it suffers 4 then it is removed from the battlefield.
damage and then stops. If a fighter, it deals 4 visceral
damage to the fighter, shifts the fighter to the side,
and then keeps going (unless the fighter cannot be GEYSER
forcibly moved, in which case it suffers as if it hit There is a geyser in a single square in the battlefield
terrain). If the edge of the map, if it is a wall then treat that is covered by a rock. Any fighter can interact with
it as colliding with terrain. If the edge of the map is a it to remove the rock. Afterward, at the start of any
chasm, then it falls into the chasm. Beat as chosen by the interacter, the geyser explodes.
When the Geyser explodes, any fighter that is within
DAM close burst 1 of the geyser is immediately Juggled and
suffers 1d8+3 skewering wind damage.
A wall 2 or 3 that is blocking a river’s flow. It has a
Durability 24, and when destroyed, the water rushes
into the field, turning everything on the same height PILE OF LEAVES
of the Dam or lower into water terrain. Takes up a single square. Any fighter can interact with
it during the start of their turn or if they deal wind
ENTANGLING VINES damage to it. Once interacted with, the pile of leaves
flurries out, giving Evasion 5 to all fighters in close
A size 1 object. When a fighter moves into its square, burst 1 of it against the next attack against them.
this consumes the Entangling Vines and they become
Stopped until they spend a Technique to remove it.

Takes up 1 square. While adjacent to a dirt pile, you
can Interact with it to kick it into the face of a fighter
adjacent to the dirt pile, making that target Dazed 3.
Moving into the dirt pile removes it from the field.

Takes up 1 square, but can share squares with other
fighters. When the oil jar suffers fire damage, it
explodes, dealing 2d6 skewering fire damage to all
fighters in close burst 1 and then making all those
squares burning terrain.

Kadungganan and
The First Kadungganan Warband was said to have been formed by the
ancient First Slave, who gathered together the first martial artists of the
bloody Warring Realms, toiling under the Scourge, to strike back against the
Invincible Queen of Glaves.
The First Slave found the practitioner of striking arts, of quick-movement,
fast as winds: Kalakatri, Her Murderous Glory, who wielded the first kalis and
summoned ebony lightning. Kalakatri did not join him, but instead, granted
the First Slave her sword and shield.
Then the First Slave met the practitioner of protective arts, of shield
protection, area denial, and forced movement: Sri Katun Sahaja, the
Crumbling Boulder, who wielded the grand breastplate of defeated giants
and deflected thunder.
They went on to save the practitioner of vast striking, master of long-ranged
arts, of swallow blades, of burning bullets: Lontok Alam Gantar, the
Thundering Echoing Cannon, who wielded the first lantaka and was the
crafter of firearms.
They then had to persuade, up within a deep forest mountain, the great
hexer, practitioner of the eldest witcheries, who could mold Scourge and
make it into weapon: Dewasuhawa, the First Witch, who wielded the ancient
palm leaf scrolls, summoner of both demons and gods.
Finally, to complete the warband, they needed a warlord. A general who
could lead them to victory. They found, sitting before a silent and stagnant,
cold lake, the First Hari, the First God-King: The Conquering King Rajaraya
Pintas. He who ventured into heaven and challenged The Sun Mother, he who
ventured into heaven and stole the name Hari from the gods.
The Conquering King was a demigiant: he was born from a giant mother and
a bamboofolk father. His eyes were large, bulging, and his canines grew like
tusks. He towered over the rest. But the First Kadungganan Warband banded
together and defeated the Conquering King with diversity and
understanding. With the defeat of the Conquering King, he agreed to join the
Warband. And so The First Slave went on to challenge the Invincible Queen
of Glaves.
adungganan. Those that make war. Martial
Artists, Warrior Braves, Executioners,
Butchers, Warlords, Witches.

Those �irst one in and last one out, following the

commands and ideologies of their lords.

They are those that have obtained warrior

prestige--some of them through prowess in
battle, others through heritage, or birth, or
ancestry--and have thus become elevated to
the sides of their leader, acting as their
sword and shield.

They are known under many names:

bhayangkara, timawa, satariya, managku,
bagani, bayani, but altogether they know
themselves as Kadungganan. The Elite of the
Warrior Class. The Best of the Best.
Kadungganan (or Gallants) hold a special place of prestige in The Sword Isles: they
almost always hold the highest echelon of the warrior class. They are regarded as just
below their warrior-chiefs in prestige. They are Warrior-Elites, gentlemen, supreme
martial artists. While they might not be as rich as their noble class counterparts, they
are certainly held to a higher regard. They are akin to samurai, vikings, or a Spartan
Kadungganan are free to shift allegiance as they wish, sometimes paying only a small
sum to the leader they are leaving. Thus Kadungganan are free to choose whichever job
or venture prospect they would like. Some Kadungganan choose to stay for long with
one Lord, but it is not uncommon to find Kadungganan who exercise their freedom.
You play as a Kadungganan, someone who has attained that warrior prestige.
Kadungganan prestige differs per person, of course, and you begin your Kadungganan
career in the lowest rungs. The tail end of the crocodile army. The feathers of the king
eagle. Struggle through this world, fighting for your convictions, for your lord, or for
your self.
The Kadungganan is the character through which the players wage war and love in the
war-torn lands of The Sword Isles. Thus, it is integral to know how a Player, through
their Kadungganan, interact with the mechanics and fiction of the setting.
When creating a Kadungganan, you must Folk are purely cosmetic choices. They do not have on them attribute
follow The Path, which describes the changes and whatnot, since all kinds of Folk can be found across the Isles.
following things: When in doubt, choose Bamboofolk: they are the most common of the
0 Where you come from and how you were folk. This one does not need a Lifepath choice, though it will most likely
brought up (Culture, Subculture, affect what your parents look like.
Lineage, and Social Standing)
62 0 Something interesting that happened to D10 ASSIGN ABILITIES
you (Conjuncture) Assign 6 points onto your Abilities. None of the Abilities can go above 2.
0 What you chose to be (Nature)
0 What you learned to wield (Discipline) D10 CHOOSE OR ROLL CULTURE
0 Someone that you owe something to 0 Choose or roll for a Subculture and gain its starting item.
because of what you did (first Debt) 0 Choose a Lineage, and then add the extra Abilities.
0 Something that makes things complex 0 Choose a Social Standing, and gain its item.
You can follow each step and roll randomly on D8 DISCOVER CONJUNCTURES
each step, or choose whichever best suits your Then, find out something strange that happened to you, your
image of your Kadungganan. Conjuncture.

EXCLAIM Steps 4 to 7 and Step 9 are optional. If D10 REVEAL NATURE

you are running a short Arc or a one shot, you
can ignore these. You can also choose to Choose a Nature, which you grew to become. Think of this as your “Social
uncover these Complications, Debts, and Class”. It is how you interact with the world outside of Violence.
Conjunctures through play. 0 Gain 2 starting items from your Nature.
0 Choose 2 starting Nature Skills.


Choose 1 person that you owe a Debt to.


Choose a Complication you share with one of your bandmates.


Choose a Discipline, find out what you chose to learn. Think of
this as your “Combat Class.” It is how you interact with
violence. You can change Disciplines later.
0 Gain the Discipline’s Traits and Enlightenment.
0 Gain the Teaching I of the Discipline, getting all
Abilities under the Teaching.


Create your Warband with the group.
0 Choose your Warband Nature from the list.
0 Define your Warband Want.
0 Talk about how the Kadungganan met.


Finally, choose a name, define your Principle, Want, and
Rumination. You begin at Prowess 1.
Abilities in Gubat Banwa measures your Kadungganan’s approach and how they view the world, as well as how the world
views them. They are how they interact with the world. There are 16 Abilities, each one dealing with a particular aspect of the
world. A Kadungganan’s Abilities measure themselves at their core, as well.
Abilities begin at 0 and can go up to 3. During Character Creation, you must follow The Path to find out your Ability Ratings,
but none of them can go up higher than 2. 63

Beauty. Attractiveness, but not purely because of features. Grace. Your hands are dexterous, fingers quick, feet always
Beauty is reprehensibly impossible to categorize, you moving. You are the wind, just like the wind. And the wind
cannot boil it down to eye shape and nose line and retreats, the wind is whisked away, or rather, chooses
forehead broadness. No, beauty is what comes before never to stay simply just there. High Grace might mean you
judgment, beauty is what comes before evaluation. A can run across walls, scale towers, avoid boulders, but too
flower is beautiful to us but not because their cheekbones high and you might overshoot, you might bound, you
are perfectly aligned. High Beauty might mean that you might travel to the ends of the world and find nothing but
cannot help it: people find you attractive and appealing hopelessness. Low Grace might mean you fumble, you fail.
and they don’t exactly know why. However, this might Things fall from your hands, slip through your fingers. You
lead you to unwanted attention. Low Beauty means you do cannot grasp anything.
not attract as much attention, and people are not swayed
easily by you. People are swayed by beauty, you see, do not Imagery. To create, to craft, to sing a song others can see in
deny it. Beauty standards in the Sword Isles are thus: broad their minds requires a certain capacity to imagine. Imagery
and sloped back foreheads (like the moon, for what else is is just that, imagination, creativity. High Imagery means
more beautiful than the shining lightning in eternal you can vividly imagine things easily and perhaps, maybe
darkness?) and broad noses. This ability ignores beauty even, put it down upon paper. But you are burdened with
standards. image, burdened with the mind’s eye. Simply standing
there and thinking might overload you. Low Imagery
makes you as imaginative as a stone upon a lake: still, and
no ripples unless others move you.
Control. Bottle it up. Or– no. That’s a bad way of putting it.
Sheathe it, there. Control handles your capacity to sheathe
your emotions, to put it away, as required. It is not the
quality of being dense, no, it is cool, composure. High Judgment. Observation and analysis are nothing without
Control means you wield your emotions perfectly, by hilt good reasoning. In the Sword Isles, to be able to see the
or by blade: high Control might also mean that you will value of the libra and the sword, with or without each
never let go of your control of your emotions, and you will other, is just as important if not more to being able to
never connect with those around you. What is a change the world. How can you change the world if you
Kadungganan without the hands they hold? Low Control cannot place it within your mind, intertwine its roots
means you are prone to bouts of intense emotion, possibly within the caverns of the psyche? High Judgment means
with no regard to the consequences of your actions. your reasoning is slick and oiled, sharper than wit, than
darkness. However you might look upon yourself too
highly, and fall into the trap of not needing others’
opinions. Low Judgment means your reasoning is clunky, a
rusty blade. You cannot cut away the imperfections of the
world, you cannot remove the inconsistencies of thought.

Might. Gaze upon shattered ships upon shores. That is the

work of the mighty, gaze upon it and despair. What is
might in the Sword Isles? What is strength when the
darkness between the stars has swallowed the lights?
Wield blood and flame, is that might? High Might means
your grip upon the sword-handle can bisect trees, but too
much and your sword might shatter. Low Might perhaps
means that you can only raise your sword. But swing it?
You will break first.
Observation. The Sword Isles demands you to look closely. Poetry. Your ability to read and tap into the intricacies of
That leaf is not just a leaf! Turn it over and witness the epic and song, of subtext and context. Of poetry and
spirits that dance underneath it. There is more to metaphor, of secrets and lies. The Sword Isles is filled with
observation than just perception. It includes analysis, people that speak in riddles and twists. High Poetry means
rumination. Nay, it requires it. High Observation lets you you can interpret what people say and the subtext of their
find the intricacies of everyday life, lets you appreciate the actions, figure out lies, and even be good at lying yourself,
small things, even lets you understand what they mean, but you are prone to reading too much into things, and
but you might be too wary of your surroundings, and you sometimes even you can’t figure out if you’re telling the
might get overwhelmed with analysis. Decisions become truth or not. Low Poetry means metaphors and songs and
hard for you. Low Observation makes it so that you can epics and stories (and everyone is a story) are
miss the easiest of things to spot, and even if you do, you indecipherable to you.
might not know just exactly why it's important.
64 Psalm. The Sword Isles collects and archives tradition,
Occult. There are secrets so hidden in Gubat Banwa that culture, and knowledge in story and song. Thus, to know
only those that are dead or cursed to eat livers can afford to the Sword Isles is to know its harmony, to be part of its
dig through soil and corpses to find it. And even then, the chorus, to know the intricacies of its paeans. High Psalm
secrets are not answers, but questions. Occult is your might mean you know a great amount of Sword Isle
knowledge of these secrets, of things that even the diwata knowledge, but this might cause you to look down upon
might forbid, that the sages caution against. Knowledge of those that don’t. Low Psalm means you don't know much
the interactions of sorceries with hiyang, of the strange about your own culture. Why have you blocked out the
vagaries of the Four-Part Soul, of the underworld and the song of the ancients?
dead. High Occult means you know what others might not
know: truths about monsters and demons and ghosts and
the vengeful, as well as the forbidden alchemies within the
world that let you perform magic: turning water into wine,
leaves into flame, herbs into life. However, the secrets…
change you. At High Occult, you hear the whispers, your
fingers are blackened, your eyes are different. Low Occult
might mean that you are completely blocked off from
knowing the secrets, the ancient and long buried
knowledge. Dense to it, you might not even know when
you are affected by it, just like how not being able to feel
pain is more a curse than blessing.

Piety. The Sword Isles are sometimes known as the

“Islands of Rituals”: every little thing is a rite to the
ancestors and to the spirits, to accrue better merit through
good deeds, so that their lives would become better.
Knowledge and the ability to stay pious and faithful is an
important characteristic for Kadungganan, no matter
what their faith. Pious Virbanwans might perform their
penitences properly, while Pious Akainon Lunar Faithfuls
might strive for better lives for all those around them, as
part of their Divine Striving. High Piety means you are
cognizant of the various rituals and religions across the
Isles. You might even know the rituals of religions that are
not yours! However it might also make you overzealous,
too obsessed with perfecting and maintaining order, and
you might be susceptible to heresy, or even to those that
have no respect for religions.
Low Piety might mean that you could care less for the
rituals of the various religions. You do them purely out of
your own benefit or as parts of your culture, but there is no
obsession, no passion, in your performance. Those with
High Piety drink deep of faith, like an obsessive and
overpassionate love between two young lovers. You do not
possess that enlightenment at Low Piety.
Sensitivity. The world is alive. “Sacred nature” is Will. Attacks on the soul are common in the Sword Isles,
redundant: nature is already inherently sacred. The and Kadungganan must build up their resolve if they wish
heartbeat of the world is the diwata, the spirits, the gods, to survive for long. Demons, spirits, undead, witches… they
the demons, everything in between. Listen to its heartbeat: all rend at the Kadungganan’s will. Resolve must be steel,
to be in harmony and accordance with nature is “Hiyang”, or else it will be the last thing they want. High Will might
transcendental oneness. Sensitivity is your ability to tap mean you burn through all those that wish to break you, or
into the world’s heartbeat, to meet the manifestations of stand firm against the assaults of witches and demons…
nature itself. High Sensitivity lets you listen in to the truths but you might end up too stubborn, too uncompromising 65
of the world as spoken by the spirits and the dead, and on your beliefs, that you fail to see the holes in your own
interact with them, but it makes you paranoid. You hear self. Low Will means you are easily swayed, easily
the voices everywhere. And once you can see them, they charmed, easily fall into witcheries. May the spirits bless
can also see you. Low Sensitivity means you fall into that your soul.
horrible horrible trap of thinking that the world is inert
and dead, and the only thinking beings are Folk. You
cannot touch the unseen, which makes you useless.
Wrath. Your capacity to express ultraviolent rage, your
ability to connect with the rage that broils with those
around you. Your ability to ignore everything else and give
Tenderness. Your ability to empathize and connect with in to your primal fury. In the Sword Isles, a powerful wrath
the feelings of those around you, to find the best way to is often rare: it is too common for Folk to bend over to those
connect with others, and to speak softly. Gently. In the that possess more power, to protect their own hide. High
Sword Isles, every word is a thorn, a prick, a kampilan’s Wrath means you will be able to act upon your emotions,
spike. Your words will not mend, but perhaps it need not you are emboldened and bolstered and brought to flame by
heal, simply soothe. High Tenderness means you will the fires of your heart, but you are prone to becoming just
always have the right words to say to quiet burning fires, like fire: too bright, too hot, burning those you care about
but your heart bleeds at every thought! At every word. You with the rashness of your blaze. Low Wrath means you are
bleed profusely for others, both a boon and a bane. Forgive languid, you drag your feet. Lighting a fire under you
me, dear heart, there is no solace from love. Low means nothing because you are numb to it. Your fire is low,
Tenderness means you are colder, your words strike and you cannot bring others to blaze if you cannot be aflame
bleed, like a sword, and you are dense to the plight of yourself.
others. A stone, dead, struck by lightning, not in wrath but
in ignorance.

Toughness. Perhaps the most important virtue in the

Sword Isles. Kadungganan are those assailed by fate and
blade at every turn. Wounds bleed and break you. This is
Gubat Banwa, after all. With High Toughness, you might
be stronger than a boulder, steel shatters upon your skin,
or you might grit through all things and always come out
on top. You might be knocked down but you always end up
standing up. Too much Toughness, however, and you
might end up dead. You can only get knocked down so
many times before your bones break and give out. Low
Toughness means you are like reeds upon the riverbanks,
easily swayed, easily broken, easily burnt.
The people of The Sword Isles are numerous. All those born in the islands, no matter what they might look like, are known as
Together they are all called Folk. The folk of The Sword Isles are the people that fill the entire world. The following are the Folk
that are prevalent in The Sword Isles that you can play as. However, all sorts of folk live in The Sword Isles.
If you want to live as a frogfolk or hornbillfolk, feel free! These are just to inspire you.


Commonly known as The Bamboo Folk, Kawayanon are the most populous Folk in the Sword Isles, owing in no small part
to their propensity to reproduce and intermingle with others, being social animals. Kawayanon are those born from a piece
of bamboo that floated in from the Endless Sea after multiple cosmogonies. They arose after a great king eagle pecked them
out from their bamboo vessels. The first Kawayanon had no gender. However an ancient Devil-Eel known as Apung Gisibak
fought with the great Eagle and the Sky, and then deceived the Kawayanon to fight with him. As punishment for one of the
first acts of violence, the Great Eagle and the Grand Sky came down and sundered the Kawayanon, inflicting gender upon
them, and enforcing a spiritual unity to be able to create new ones.

Tinges of their foliage-ancestry echoes in small distinctive features, such as having leaf- or nut-shaped ears, green and
brown eyes, supple pale brown skin. Rarer are more obvious manifestations of this: leafy hair, purple veins, long fingers,
lanky body types, and much more. Kawayanon usually live for up to 80 to 100 harvests, but many seek a poultice of

The dogfolk are the faithful warriors of Apu Balatik, who followed him to the ends of heaven. As a gift for their faithfulness,
Apu Balatik blessed all dogs with the cunning ability to hunt down all things. The name Iro comes from the first dog, their
First Ancestor, Iro, who gave his life for Apu Balatik. When Iro died, Apu Balatik emblazoned him across the sky as a streak
of lightning, and thus he is now known in the sky as the heavenly lightning dog, Kimat. It is said that sometimes the
puppies and brood of Kimat venture down into the earth through these lightning bolts, and they are known as Kimat-

Iro-Iro are blessed with the inherent capacity to hunt. They therefore make for great warriors and hunters, which goes
without saying. They are beholden to creating tightly knit communities, and thus are known for their ability to easily
integrate into any community easily.

Iro-Iro Ethnicities are wide and varied, similarly to Kawayanon: those in the far Continent might have lion-dog aesthetics,
those in the far west might have more Beagle or Corgi aesthetics.

Iro-Iro usually live up to 70 harvests in general.


The catfolk are those that resemble large humanoid cats, but are widely understood not to be them. They were the children
of the god of hunting, Apu Balatik, alongside the dogfolk. When the catfolk did not join Apu on his journey to hunt the
stars, they were deemed lazy. However it was the ancestors of the catfolk that invented the great number of traps and
hunting arts in The Sword Isles now.

The term Kamikam is an ancient word that Apu Balatik gave them: it is a term that meant “the wagging tail of a cat”. He
gave them this when he realized the first thing they would usually do before doing anything was to wag their tails.
However, Kamikam, chosen children of Apu Balatik alongside the Iro-Iro, also inherented his vicious hunting intent and
instinct, and thus they make for fierce warriors.

Kamikam ethnicities are wide and varied across Gubat Banwa: those in the far Southeastern Continent might find
Kamikam that look like fierce golden tigers, in which they are called Auraskan. In the Baikhan continent they might find
grand lions. Common in the northern islands of the Sword Isles are those that resemble binturong, or bearcats.

The monkeyfolk are acrobatic leapers and warriors, who fought in the wars of Rajah Mangadiri fight back and kill the
demon forces of Banjarmasir, which led them to be an exalted people. Their ancestor, Laksamana, was the one that killed
the great ten-headed demon god Maharaja Lawana, and is the reason why Banjarmasir is the city with the most population
of monkeyfolk.
Most Laksaman are common in settlements and cities that allow ancestor worship, as much of their traditions as a Folk
center around the grand stories of their great ancestor. Despite this, Laksaman are still very common in other cities, and
they mingle commonly with Kawayanon, who find that they have a lot in common with.
In the far Continent, their ancestor is known as Hanoman, and they themselves are known under the name of Hanu.
Laksaman are always skilled warriors that have no qualms in showing off their prowess, and thanks to their bloodlines,
they are incredibly dextrous, letting them move across the thick terrains of the Sword Isles easily.
Their ethnicities are wide and varied, as many as there are actual kinds of monkeys in Gubat Banwa. Laksaman usually live
until 100 harvests.

he deerfolk are diminutive mouse deer people descended from the Almighty Trickster of Akai history, Pilandok. Pilandok
was so great that he once became a sultan of an entire kingdom, without the actual sultan even knowing! As punishment,
Pilandok was cut up into a thousand pieces, and that was how the deerfolk were born. Of course, Pilandok is still alive. If
one asked Pilandok why he performed the deed, he would reply: “is there anything funnier than a king?”
Most Pilandokan are small and slender in stature, none of them reaching taller than 5 foot 5 inches. However, there are
some Pilandokan that have stranger bloodlines and can reach taller than that. In general, however, they are known for not
being too large, and for having distinct deer-like features upon their face. Their hooves and legs let bound across
landscapes with ease.
Pilandokan ethnicities vary widely and greatly, but they almost always stay small and below their average height despite
it. While they don’t inherently have a propensity for being tricksters, many of those that have heard of their stories
immediately associate Pilandokan with Pilandok.
Pilandok usually live 75 harvests.

Pak-an means winged. The birdfolk are descendants of the ancient sky king Rajah Lawin, who rules over all the sky raptors.
When Rajah Lawin was killed by Jamiyun Kulisa with his Thunderbolt, Rajah Lawin’s electrified blood coagulated and
formed into the pak-an in mid-air. However, Jamiyun Kulisa asked Amihan and Habagat, the Elder Monsoons, to never
allow the pak-an to fly, even with their wings.
Many Pak-an look similar enough to Kawayanon, however their hands and feet (and sometimes their face) tend to have
very avian features. They are sometimes confused with kinnara and kinnari, though they are not that, for they are not
divine. Jamiyun Kulisa has made sure of that. Instead, many Pak-an cultures revere the Galura, which bring about the
changes in winds across the seasons, as well as the Garuda, avian gods that live in the heavens and engage in an everlasting
war with demon forces that threaten to destroy the upper firmament of the greater Kalibutan.
Pak-an ethnicities are once again very varied: crow-like features are common across the isles, and some look even like
hornbills. They are as varied as Kawayanon, and grand pak-an live alongside most kawayanon to great effect, serving as
helpers, elders, counselors, and warriors for settlements found across mountains and cliffsides, where they are most
comfortable--or perhaps most eviscerated, as the constant height is a reminder of what they cannot do. Most Pak-an live
for 80 harvests.
The five major polities have five bespoke cultures that color and inform how your Kadungganan will look at the world. Choose
1 from below, or roll a 1d10.
1-2: Gatusan, 3-4: Apumbukid, 5-6: Akai, 7-8: Virbanwan, 9-10: Ba-e

A small company of sea raiders sang their shanties and The Rajahnate of Gatusan is a collection of settlements and
echoed their songs of wars to the setting sun. They sailed cities all bound beneath a collectively chosen Overlord,
72 home from a long day of raiding, covered in tattoos and known as the Rajah. While these datu do not see the Rajah
abaca armor and hardwood breastplates, brandishing their as superior, they do go to the Rajah to resolve interpolity
kampilan and krises and bows and bangkaw spears. Their disputes. The Collective of Crocodile Lords decide who
song was a song that echoed across all of the Gatusan: “We becomes Rajah, but lately the Collective has been gripped
warriors of Datu Tupas... Are warriors undefeatable!” And by the lineage of Ambasi, who traces a direct line to the
they sang and danced and chanted. legendary founder of Kangdaya, Sri Bishaya, the
Tempestuous Tiger Who Roars from the White Mountain.
“Captain, incoming!” shouted the young man clinging atop
the roof of their karakoa, like a monkey. “To the northwest!” You were born into a poet and warrior society. At a young
age, you have been taught the ways of word and war. You
All of them turned to where the sun was setting and sure were a social outcast if you could not keep up with the
enough, there was a small battalion of them, heading evolving wit and word. As a young child you carried with
straight for an engagement. “Warriors of Datu Ha-ik Lawot! you a dagger at all times, especially if you were socially
Tiglantakas, man your stations and fire when ready!” male. You were taught the ways of war too early. You got
your first tattoo while you were of a small age as well: either
The booming sound of the lantakas resonated across the by conquest of violence or love.
sea. The warriors of Radya Sandata sung and laughed as
they took out at least two of the incoming warriors. The
others were quick, howver. HISTORY
The Rajahnate was established by the Auraskan Prince from
One of them, a large brown man with tattoos covering his the far eastern kingdom of Mahajola. This prince, named Sri
face in the visage of a demon, hollered. “O, these stupid Bishaya, left to establish his own kingdom. He found it in
warriors! They’ve come to take their revenge.” the far island of Tauhaw, in the island hinterlands.
“And shall we let them have it?” Asked the man standing at Eventually, Sri Bishaya had two sons: Sri Bantug and Sri
the bow of the ship, raising his kalasag and kampilan. He Daya. They warred for ownership of Kangbishaya and
wore a hardwood pakil breastplate and a pakupya helmet. Tauhaw, and in the end Sri Daya struck the killing blow
“To arms! Buwaya riders at the ready!” upon Sri Bantug’s breast. Thus, Kangbishaya became
Kangdaya, the seat of the Rajah across the Rajahnate. After
The slender man of the raiding party nodded, and they Sri Daya became Rajah, he went on a tour of duty, making
began prodding the large crocodiles that rested on the back sure that surrounding islands swore a blood oath to him,
end of the ship. The crocodiles slipped into the sea, and the and traded with him, strengthening his own polity. Then,
buwaya riders hopped atop them, positioning themselves he proceeded to focus his efforts on creating fortifications
onto their mounts. There were only three of them: one of and weapons to combat the invading hordes of the magalo
them wielded a salapang trident, two more wielded bows. from beyond the jaws of the world.
“Charge!” The current Rajah is Hari Batara Ambasi, who is the third
son of Sri Malaya, who is the last direct descendant of Sri
The buwaya riders split wide, hoping to flank in on the Daya. He carries within him auraska blood, which shows in
incoming warriors, who seemed to be riding on the backs of the crimson tinge of his hair. He is, other than Shri Bishaya,
sharks. the first Rajah to take the moniker or Hari, which is the term
for God-King. His majesty and strength is recognized
“Captain!” Shouted the scout once again. “I can see what indubitably across the 999 Chiefdoms. He will lead Gatusan
they’re riding now! They’re... O Indira Suga! They’re balu into the Great World Raid.
At one point in a dream, he saw the Suladnon Bakunawa--
And when the scout screamed that warning, the incoming one of the many sun and moon eaters--rise from the sea and
warriors of Ha-ik Lawot screamed ululating cries, and their attempt to eat the sun instead of the moon, and she spoke to
fish mounts took to the skies. Balu were winged swordfish, him, telling him that as she will consume the sun, so will
and the warriors of Ha-ik Lawot were infamous for having the Rajahnate consume the islands. Promising victory,
them. Batara Ambasi solidified his connections and kin and
proceeded to conquer a Sultanate city on the opposite coast
“And I thought we were going to have an easy one,” said the of his island. Through this act of supreme valor, he
captain. “Buwaya riders, advance! Men, bring out your consolidated his Rajahnate.
spears: We have a fish to catch!”
Thus, he seeks to become the new Rajah, planning on
NOTEWORTHY PERSONS gathering as much power as he can, to make sure that
Rajah Batara Ambasi is the current Rajah, who heads a Tajilaran becomes the trading entrepot that Kangdaya is
Rajahnate that has at least twenty Datu under them. Rajah today.
Batara Ambasi sitsv upon his high-backed bamboo throne:
a bamboo dais whereupon he sits in a lotus position, He regularly raids trading ships to Kangdaya to try and
overlooking the Throne Hall of the Dawneater Longhouse destabilize the Rajah’s power, and he is quickly amassing a
Palace, which takes person a few minutes to walk from end fighting force of a hundred Kadungganan to fight beside 73
to end. His presence looms over all: like a god he watches. him in the growing tensions.

Whenever a visitor enters, he lifts his right hand with three Sam’baha Dimantag. The granddaughter of the now dead
fingers pointing up, and another hand resting upon his feet. raider-datu Sripulapula, who fought against Sri Malaya
His arms are covered in bangles and armlets of pure gold himself in an attempt to destabilize his power, and killed
until his hands, which are so scarred and tattooed that they the first Pale King in the isles, Fernaw Magalyanes.
look more like tiger claws.
Sam’baha, is a skilled Kadungganan who excels with the
He wears a sarong that is as long as the great hall of his kampilan. She regularly travels to try and find more
Dawneater Palace, and he wears three garments atop that: challenges, in the hopes that she can be strong enough
a single cuirass of gold and abaca, a long-sleeved gown of eventually to become a Datu and kill all Pale Kings.
foreign silks and gold spun so thin that they are as silk, and
a giant shawl that wraps and covers his shoulders and neck, OTHER CULTURE IMPRESSIONS
which floats about him like a cloud and fulminates as if a To Virbanwa: Feh, those knights have sat on their horses
living flame. His feet are always covered, none of his tattoos for so long their saddles run up their ass! Fuck their livers,
can be seen by lowly mortals and non-royalty. they don't own shit.
His hair is white like tiger fur, braided intricately yet still To Akai: We used to raid them, now we raid each other.
wild, so long that it lies in a spiraling pile beside his bamboo Come, moon raiders: the seas part for we alone!
palace. Over that he wears a golden pudong that is as tall as
his torso, ornamented with carnelians, agates, sapphires, To Apumbukid: Friends, but the raiding we do is a cesspool
emeralds, and golden nuggets folded into flowers with for atrocity, breeding ground for disharmony, for Dihiyang.
infinite petals. They don't like that, and when they strike without remorse,
we don't like it either.
His face is intricately tattooed in crimson and black in the
face of a howling tiger, a beast rare in the islands. His eyes, To Ba-e: Like my sister always said: respect your elders! But
most frightening of all, are the true eyes of a tiger’s: feline, if they get uppity, we'll sail to their trading docks and
striking, and lusting for blood. remind them who it was that raided the shores of Baik Hu.
The Rajah is a peerless swordsman, and one who has an Gatusan Honorifics: Laki [la-KEE] (Masculine), Bayi [ba-
impeccable handle over sorceries, trained by a powerful YEE] (Feminine), Sri (General, for Nobles)
Hexers. Many have tried to extinguish the flame of his
majesty: his policies tend to open up too much, and Gatusanon Naming Convention: Gatusanon are given
Rajahnate patriots wish for a Rajahnate that puts their own names that describe qualities the family wants for them, a
culture first, pushing out foreign influences. particular natural phenomenon that happened during the
birthing, a beautiful tree or other natural item or the craving
The Rajah says this is folly, and wishes to incorporate all. or fascination of the mother while pregnant. This can be a
His goal is said to be this: the destruction of the Rajahnate single word, or two, or sometimes entire sentences.
itself. A goal which Rajahnate faithful cannot abide. Gatusanon can choose names for themselves as well.
He has managed to survive every assassination attempt Gatusanon Names: Siga, Liluan, Bagul, Aliluyuk,
thus far. Only a truly concerted effort can bring him down Mahimayaon, Haraw, Salug, Hinagiban, Daya, Hamabad,
now. Kagiw, Gaang, Idyap, Alangilan, Bulsuk, Kutlu, Tanaman,
Adilpa, Daganas, Nasirakna, Idda
Rajah Batara Ambasi’s taste for grandeur is reflected in the
grand city of Kangdaya, golden and gleaming, with rivers As a Gatusanon you can always...
running up its densely populated neighborhoods. With
Baikhan junks and Naksuwargan adyongs all embarking 0 Spout poetry and song.
and disembarking within, with their marketplace always
filled. The Rajah will make sure that those that try to depose 0 Fuck with others.
him understand why he is Rajah in the first place.
0 Show off your prowess.
Datu Sukarno. A mustachioed Datu who hails from the
island of Buwol, upon the grand city of Tajilaran. Datu
Sukarno is a well known scheming warlord, who wants
nothing but the safety and freedom and prestige of his
home banwa.
There is a large number of subcultures in the Gatusan Isles. It is in its name, after all: they number in a
hundred. But here we will detail the most common 8. The Gatusan Isles’ diversity is only rivaled by
those in the Footsteps of the Gods. Roll d8 or choose.

1 Mantiwan. The Isle of Ghosts and Phantasms and undead. A cursed island, any settlement that arises from here
is immediately destroyed save for a single harbor principality, named Mantiwmantiw, led by Datu Kinatak,
which is said to have created an accord with the death diwata that lives within. You can speak Mantiwanun
and start with ritual deathrope.
2 Sagkabanun. The Isle of Sea Warriors, who have the capacity to travel the Vastness of Wine, who live in the isle
of Mairete. They are unmatched in their boat building capabilities and have become important allies for
Kangdaya: most of their boatwrights come from here.
You can speak Sagkbanun and start with an adze.

3 Noroknon. You come from the monastic village of Norok. A popular polity led by Courtesan-Datu Sinhata. It
can be found in Salima Falls, one of the steepest and tallest waterfalls in all of The Sword Isles. There, the
Salima Hotsprings lie at the base, heated by the volcano Duluum. The people of Norok have monastic-sages
named Tigtimbang, those that weigh or keep the balance, and preach the holy faith of Hiyang, oneness and
balance with nature, otherwise known as Conjunction. They are most known for worshipping the holy
mountain of Ubir, whereupon a great Dakbalete can be found, said to house a number of spirits within. The
Dakbalete, known as the Spirit’s Bathhouse, is said to be a gateway into the realm of the spirits, as well as to
Sulad. Norok is the constant giver and receiver of trades against Pannai.
You can speak Noroknon and start with flowering staff.

4 Put’wanon. You come from Put’wan. Once a burgeoning rajahnate of their own, they have since fallen in glory.
Much of the Put’wan warlords have traveled to Akai, where they grew in power and fealty to the Sultanate. The
current Lord of Put’wan, Sarripada Sahaya, is the current brother of Rajah Batara Ambasi. Thus while he pays
fealty to the Rajah, he still commands a great deal of autonomy. Put’wan itself was known as the City of Gold
before Kangdaya. Built kilometers along the Inagos River, the river itself yields gold by just panning. Thus, gold
was used as decoration for houses, for plates, for weapons and armor and more. Even debtors. A great number
of goldsmiths, showing off their skill in their craft with their ability to fashion and craft gold like silk, come
from Put’wan. In ancient times, Put’wan also had regular contact with Baik Hu and Loc Luang, trading and
raiding their shores.
You can speak Put’wanon and begin with a sword with a bakunawa hilt.
5 Gandaranon. You come from Gandara. A small fishing polity led by the Fisher-King Datu Balahura, who has a
pet whale shark. Every year, someone is abducted by the forest, never to be seen again.
None question this, although they say it is so that fishing remains bountiful, and that it is the unglu, lithe and
tall shadowfolk that live in the mountains and the forests that need to be appeased.
Many missions are sent there by the Lakanate but so far none have succeeded. At night, people speak of a
mysterious City of Lights, which they have come to call Lungsod-Liwanag. Shining City. It trades amiably with
the polities of Ibalnong.
You can speak Gandaranon and begin with a fishing rod.
6 Sinugpuanon. You come from Sinugpo. A city-state ruled by a long line of blue-blooded Datu, in the western
peninsula of the Ramasa Island. They hold diplomatic relations with Naksuwarga and are known to train the
fiercest of warriors. They conduct raids along the coast of Virbanwa, leading them to become hated enemies.
They are masters of sea raiding and are known to hold good relations with almost all the other city-states,
making them a formidable force to anger. Their current Datu, Datu Sangbagsik, is rumored to be plotting to
overthrow the current Rajah and become the next one.
You can speak Sinugpuanon and begin with a porcelain jarlet of palm wine. 75
7 Panglawanon. Panglaw is the great city across the Strait of Kangdaya, upon the isle of Buwol, where the great
Raja Sri Gatun fended off a contingent of Pale Kings during the First Albanon Arrival. They reckon a bloodline
straight to Rajaraya Pintas, the first Conquering King, and their warrior pride matches even those of Kangdaya.
A number of martial arts settlements have arisen in Buwol for this reason. You can speak Panglawanon and
start with a tasseled ceremonial spear.

8 Kangdayanon. You belong to the great city of Kangdaya, the beast of our times, the one that shall eat the dawn.
While not blessed with the great stupas and pagodas of Ba-e, the city stretches up the grand river and across
the bay of Mantawili, and over even to the isle of Opon. A giant sword turned lighthouse sticks up from its bay.
It has fended off the Pale Kings before, and thus it has never known defeat. The grand palace of the Hari
belongs here, burgeoning with alloyed gold and bronze, unfellable, guarding the oldest strangler fig tree,
known also as Malaun. You can speak Kangdayanun and start with city clothing (a sarong, a silk jacket, and a
The largest city of the Rajahnate on the western island of Tauhaw. Kangdaya is the richest settlement in the
Rajahnate, ruled by the Rajah Batara Ambasi from within its golden walled pagodas.
Known as the City of Gold, they are in position of large amounts of iron from mining, gold from their homes
and rivers, and weapons from their diplomatic relations with the Baik Hu Hegemony, of which they have
become an honored vassal state, thus giving Rajah Batara Ambasi the title of Hwang, and also thus being
recognized as King by not just his own people, but also by the Hegemony of the Baik Hu Empire.
Those that live in Kangdaya enjoy greater pleasures and privileges when it comes to trade and import. One can
find bamboo-and-balete magdantang (communal spirit houses) and layered city walls in Kangdaya, They have
since become a major target of Naksuwarga and Virbanwa during the Second Star Era.
Destabilizing Kangdaya is the key to conquering all of Rajahnate. The greatest of the Rajahnate’s Kadungganan,
all of which are called timawa, are trained here in the Monastery of Winds.
If you are a Gatusanon, roll a d8 or choose from the following lineages.

Warrior Lineage. You come from a family of warriors faithful to the Rajahnate, who treat the
1 new Hari as a close family friend and have pledged blood compacts with. Your tattoos sing of
your courage and prowess. Gain +1 to your Wrath.
Merchant Nobility. You come from a family of rich merchant princes who have traveled as far
2 as the distant lands of Baik Hu, and perhaps have enterprises in Jamiyun Kulisa’s Arrows.
Gain +1 to your Judgment.
Tattoo Artists. You come from a long line of tattoo artist professionals, or mamamatuk. You
inscribe stories and traditions upon skin. Outsiders of the Sword Isles see that they didn’t
3 practice painting on paper, but that is because the islanders paint upon living canvas. Gain +1
to your Psalm.
Singers. You come from a family of professional singers, who sing both epics and traditions,
4 both glories and dirges. Gain +1 to your Psalm.
Traveler. You come from a family of skilled travelers, who ventured from isle to isle selling
wares or offering their services. A very uncommon lineage in the isles, but they are more than
5 happy to offer their barges to those that need it and can offer to pay. Gain +1 to your
Sensitives. You come from a family touched by the spirits of the world, the diwata, and are
inherently in tune with Diwa, the world’s pulse. Your parents might have been balyan, or
6 shaman-healers, that channeled and performed concordance with the greater beings of
nature. Gain +1 to your Sensitivity.
Adopted. You were adopted into a family of courtesans and singers instead of warriors.
7 You’ve never known your real family. Gain +1 to your Poetry.
Royalty. You are a scion of the legendary tiger blood of Hari Batara Ambasi, and you might be
8 eligible to take the Dawn Eater Crown. You are born deep into the courtly intrigues and
intersettlement politics of Gatusan. Gain +1 to your Control.
This showcases the social class of your character before they became Kadungganan. Your social
standing might have come from your lineage, or it might have come from something that happened
after your lineage (ie. a merchant prince that has fallen from grace or accrued too much debt). It is up
to you to connect the dots.
Choose or roll a d6. 77

Bihag or slave. You were the victim of the Eighth Star Era’s burgeoning violence,
1 and have become nothing but wealth to be traded. You begin with nothing.
Hayohay or servant. You were indebted or were born into debt of a powerful
2 person, whether it be a famed warrior, merchant, or aristocrat. Your hands are
calloused from your work. You begin with a small push dagger.
Tuhay or peasant. You were a loyal worker to your communities’ chief. You had
3 your own house within the community, and offered part of your labor to him.
You begin with a farming implement.
Timawa or Warrior. You were a freeman, working as a warrior for the datu that
you have chosen. The datu shares their spoils with you, their fellow warriors,
4 and you earn your own house with your own wealth, though you answer to the
datu’s beck and call and sometimes toil for them. Gain a weapon.
Tumao or Aristocrat. You were born into richness, into the blood of the datu of
your settlement. You are connected to the datu either through blood or social
5 connections, and enjoy the benefits of nobility. You do not toil for the datu but
you must pick up arms when called to battle. You have enjoyed the ability to
take on multiple arts. You begin with a golden ear ornament.
Kedatuan or Royalty. You are directly connected to your settlement’s datu,
either the datu is your uncle, grandparent, or parent. You are revered as an
Aristocrat, although the expectation for you is much higher. If you are born
6 female then you were treated as a binukot, a veiled maiden, hidden from the
rest of the world until you were to be wed to someone your parents decided is fit
for their social class. If you are born male you were trained in the arts of war and
leadership. You begin with a royal heirloom.
Apunon is the term for those that belong to the five holy Stewards of the divine wilds, warrior-priests, and
principalities of the Confederation of Apumbukid. enforcers of hiyang. The Confederation of Apumbukid is a
collection of kedatuans that has grown about the Holy
78 Let us remember where we came from. The words echoed Mountain of Apu, the Center Pillar of the World. They are
in the minds of the Vwiraya, the warrior-braves of their united by Five Elders, known as the Limang Timuay. The
mountain kingdom. These words echoed even as they Limang Timuay were each granted a shard of Apu
descended down their mountain slopes. It was time for a Dayaw’s Violence, and therefore are bolstered with divine,
headhunting raid. Today’s targets were easy and righteous might.
important: those peaked helmed and lamellar wearing
silk men from the Kingdom of Baik Hu. They have arrived The people here worship the Holy Mountain Apu, for
today and traveled deep into Pumirang’s peninsula. climbing up to its peak one will arrive at the gates of
Dangerously close to the holy mountain. heaven. Within the Holy Mountain of Apu sleeps the
Original Spirit, the one that came into being, defying
The Datu, Datu Fikisi, brought his spear and headhunting causation, and caused causation itself: Apu Dayaw.
axe to bear. He was covered in tattoos, each one telling a
story of victory, a story of courage and bravery and fury. Apu Dayaw is said to have been the original creator,
All these tattoos were imprinted upon him to give him sometimes conflated with the Gatusan-Pannai God
strength this day. Malaun, the Eldest One. Apu Dayaw is said to slumber
deep within the burning heart of Mount Apu, and it is said
The Baik Hu caravan, trespassing upon the holy grounds that when Apu Dayaw awakes, the world shall end, and a
of Apu, was large, strangely so. As they passed by the new one shall begin.
mountain road, which was flanked by beautiful
blossoming trees of azure and crimson flowers, as well as One of their diwata, a Deity of Law named Kakum, gave
bamboo, they noticed that guarding both the back and them the Code of Rajivithra, a code of law that all people
front of the palanquin caravans were men and women of Apumbukid must abide by. The code has orders for the
wreathed in the kalabaw hide vests and long habay-habay stewardship of all holy mountains, of protection of Apu,
of Virbanwa. and of the maintaining of Hiyang.

“Datu,” said one of Datu Fikisi’s sandig, his right hand Beyond the 5 Kedatuan that surround the mountain of
man. “The Virbanwans trade with the land defilers.” Apu, the Confederation of Apumbukid has begun setting
up their own Kedatuan all across the Archipelago. These
“This is so,” replied Datu Fikisi. “We have warned the Kedatuan swear no fealty but to nature, and will not back
Virbanwan to be careful of the land, but they do not listen. down from fighting with other polities to maintain their
And now they trespass upon sacred ground.” sovereignty and stewardship.

“I suppose,” a woman’s voice this time, lying low, wearing This necessitates a certain degree of oneness with nature,
a large rain coat and a helmet adorned with feathers of and from them comes the enlightenment of Hiyang, the
rainbow birds. “The promise of wealth is too much for truth of oneness with nature. The truth that Nature is all
them to turn away.” there is, and all things cycle back to nature.

“They will exploit the land,” said Datu Fikisi. “We must By achieving true Hiyang, one becomes a true
stop them.” Makinaadmanon, a saint, bodhisattva, buddha,
enlightened one, who fuses into the land and becomes one
“But if we attack, surely Virbanwa will strike back!” Said with nature, constantly in a state of Hiyang, embodying
his sandig. all its forces, its death and its life, its fires and waters and
airs and earths.
“That is of no consequence to us,” replied the Datu.
“Remember where we stand. Remember that Virbanwa Confederation clothing varies, but they are well known
has already begun its conquest of the land. They must across the isles for their bright red textiles, which have
remember who it is that dictates our fate.” since become known as Apula, or, Elder Crimson, and it is
a more holy red than what most of the other tawo of the
His sandig nodded. The woman spoke: “They seem to be isles wear. Confederation clothing are intensely
heading to the village of Kapkap. The trading city with the pragmatic and rugged: their fashion is meant to serve
other hinterland kingdoms.” their stewardship, after all. Very commonly, many
Confederation nobles would wear giant flowers as hats
“Come then, let us strike as the moon cuts the night.” and collars, butterfly wings as ceremonial sarong, and the
greatest warriors sometimes would wear the bright
And so they did, descending down upon the traveling crimson chitin of giant centipedes. However, this fashion
caravan like a lightning flash. is strictly ceremonial and meant for times of peace: it is
sacrilege to wear it into violence.
The Confederation annually congregates, at the end of The Confederation of five Kedatuan of Apumbukid was tied
every harvest, in the grand feast known as the Feast of together in two vectors: through the great God of the Holy
Sanghiyang, which is usually sponsored by one of the Mountain Apu—the center of the world—from whom they
Limang Timuway. There they embody, worship, and exalt are descended from, and their shared responsibility of being
nature, but also create trade connections, resolve petty stewards of Hiyang, harmony with nature. This harmony
wars, create new architectures, trade ideas, and even bind has been broken, and the constant war and atrocities have
kingdoms together if an argument or conversation can lead only widened this rend. They have taken upon themselves a
to it. proactive approach to their stewardship, stopping atrocities 79
from happening and fending off those that would cause
The Confederation, therefore, is in both constant trade and disharmony.
constant war with the other polities, as they have access to
much resources and valuable goods necessary for They believe in the guardian spirit Iwa-garo, who protects
international trade with overseas kingdoms. them during their raids. Iwa-garo is known as the First
Steward, and he is one of the six Katulusan that provide
In accordance to the tenets of Hiyang, Confederation raids stewardship over all nature.
are less likely to take captives, killing those they raid and
taking heads and wealth as dictated to them by Iwa-garo, to These Katulusan are revered and worshipped across the five
lessen the likelihood of war, as war is anathema to the principalities: Iwa-garo, the Beast Hunter; Garahana the
diwata. However, the Confederation can still take war Watcher; Irigi, the Pillar; Bahdiyatol, the Deliverer;
captives, usually when the manual labor is needed in their Karadiya, the Soother; Kidab, the Hexer.
settlements or when the spirits tell them to during the pre-
raid rituals. The honorific Apu for males and Akbaye for females are
used when deference is required.
Apunon live in vast dragon houses, and practice the Naga
geomancies, following it to properly create houses with Aristocrats in the Confederation are known as Mafengal,
good luck, as well as using the movement of the Naga in the warrior braves who have validated their positions as either
sky to divine the future. spiritual leaders or those that could protect their own
settlements. These Vwiraya excelled in conflict, whether it
Meanwhile they are in need of the many goods from the be spiritual, social, or physical.
shore settlements. Thus it is a symbiotic relationship,
although a very frail one, like a loose thread that has been Mafengal aristocrats would band together with other
fraying for far too long. What will happen of this warriors and settle disputes with other settlements within
relationship is unknown to all. the island of Pumirang. They are very much like the nobles
of the other polities, with the difference that they are
In the Eighth Star Era, Apumbukid has taken a more expected to have a higher harmony with nature than others.
aggressive approach in their Stewardship. Using their Resources are abundant in Confederation settlements, so
intimacy with the spirits of the land, they make use of Root they not only wear gold all the time, but they even plate
Paths that let them travel across The Sword Isles without their teeth with it.
sailing. Thus they have begun to expand, to try and take
back the last remaining sanctums of nature. Before it is lost The Freedmen among the Confederation are given a special
forever. spiritual warrior title known as Vwiraya. These are the
Confederation’s Kadungganan, who go out on revenge raids
There is a Root Path in most major cities, particularly in and trade raids. They protect their entire settlement, and
Ananara, Jambangan, Kangdaya, and Ba-e. These Root that is their prime purpose: to protect and enact vengeance,
Paths were instrumental to victory during the Lakanate not to wage war.
Conspiracy, but of course, Virbanwa has chosen to leave
that out of their history texts.

Apumbukid settlements, scattered across the archipelago,

are built upon stone and bamboo in the plains, cliffs,
mountains, bays, and even caves that the rest of the polities
dare not to explore. Here they create vast complexes and
subterranean empires, guided by the gentle hand of the
diwata and umalagad, the spirits of nature, of stone and
rock and wood and earth and air and sky.

Apumbukid has the strongest of relations with the other

guardians of the holy mountains, with Vuyu to the far
south, the Ibalong to the southwest, the Pannai to the to the
Southeast, and Sritaluk to the north. They have Root Paths
so open to each other that while Apumbukid may be the
most influential among them, they have been most
influenced by those Polities.

Trade and friendship with Vuyu has allowed them to learn

the Warsage’s ways and the skill of the Tigpana from
Ibalnong. Their relationship has helped them grow stronger
and stronger, and no doubt the Confederation will be first to
aid these mountain stewards when the time comes.
Other Culture Impressions
Ang Limang Timway. The Five Elders of the Confederation To Virbanwa: Forgive us. Blame yourself or your God.
are as follows. They all have a primary principle and duty, in
addition to their secondary duty below, which is to steward To Ba-e: To the river of violence we succumb, with its
over the mountain of Apu, and to keep it from harm. They judgment swift and final. It bite as cold as steel. There is
have taken a more aggressive approach lately, making sure enough time for regret in hell.
that almost every hinterland is protected from the
advancing forces of the expanding polities. To Gatusan: Why do you fight? Why do you split the seas?
Fight for something greater than you. Only then will you
0 Timway Surugu, the Antlered Elder of Ministry. She is fear no reproach. Only then shall you be more than just
the Datu of the Kedatuan of Niyawa, to the north of man.
Apu, wherein they train folk to become shamans and
80 priests, and in recent times, monks to Apu Dayaw’s To Akai: Stay your blade. The sword that destroys can never
mountain-temples. overcome the sword that protects.
0 Timway Tabo’owan, the Diwata-Blooded Elder of Apumbukid Honorifics: Aplake [ap-la-KEH] (Masculine),
Spirituality. He is the Datu of the Kedatuan of Samring, Akbaye [ak-BA-yeh] (Feminine)
to the West of Apu, which trains blacksmiths, sages,
sorcerers and teachers. Apumbukid Naming Conventions: Similar to the
0 Timway Pagariwara, the Meek and Calm Elder of Rajahnate’s, although the individual choosing a name for
Violence. She is the Datu of the Kedatuan of Taraboko, themselves after their first conquest in love or war is
to the Southwest of Apu, which trains warriors and common.
Apumbukidnon Names: Felindag, Metegdaw, Asi, Atulun,
0 Timway Diwangga, the Lithe and Covert Elder of Dengeg, Dagit, Fuga, Apaw, Kilut, Anyag, Abbal, Bansag,
Secrets. He is the Datu of the Kedatuan of Rahasiyan, to Buni-Buni, Darudu, Hifara, Tangu, Tobok, Mayasi,
the East of Apu, which trains travelers and assassins. Baguybuy, Yomog, Fatu
0 Timway Koyayaw, the jovial Elder of Trade. He is the
Datu of the Kedatuan of Barahanda, to the Southeast of As an Apumbukidnon you can always...
Apu, upon the shores of Pumirang, which trains
merchant princes and diplomats. 0 Preserve harmony by rituals and corrective action.
Sekul. Sekul is a renowned vwiraya who travels the Root 0 Scrutinize disharmony.
Paths to weed out places of atrocities to prevent yawa from
arising before they have the chance. This has caused her to 0 Reprimand those that defile nature.
come head-to-head with a large number of Kadungganan,
who usually had an opposing goal against hers.

All she wants is the land’s purification and harmony, so that

future generations of her Kedatuan Rahasiyan will not have
to suffer the training to become travelers and assassins.
There are eight primary Subcultures of the Apunon. Choose 1 or roll a d8.
1 Niyawa. You come from the great Niyawa, the city of strangler fig worship houses, where those that wish are
taught in the arts of spirituality and how to achieve Conjunction. The river of Niya runs through it, coming from
the cleansing falls that fall from Apu itself.
You understand Niyawanun and begin with a textile cloak. 81

2 Samring. You come from grand Samring, principality of Sages, created with five sides to create perpetual
Conjunction, those who seek knowledge and teach it to create a better world. They create blacksmiths and
administrators, and teach those in the arts of necessary leadership, to lead the world to a place that doesn’t need
You can speak Samringnun and begin with palm leaf scrolls.

3 Pagariwara. You come from majestic Pagariwara, the principality of warlords, where giant spears stake the earth,
as if the gods pierced demons deep within the lands. Pagariwaranun achieve Conjunction by perfecting violence
so that the violence inflicted is only necessary and not excessive.
You can speak Pagariwaranun and begin with a ceremonial kampilan.

4 Diwangga. You come from ancient Diwangga, once the border of all things, the greater extremities, the nexus of
all paths that eventually lead to Apu. Here those willing are taught in the ways of connection, of unity, of
concordance. They achieve Conjunction by creating connections between those that would otherwise be
enemies. They shall unite the world.
You can speak Diwangganun and begin with a dragonfly necklace.

5 Usambangsa. You come from Usambangsa. This Kedatuan sits upon Apu itself. Upon the Central Pillar of the
World. The city itself is actually mostly empty, but kept spotlessly clean by attendant spirits and a population of
5,000 mortal tawo, who provide stewardship and cleaning. In the middle of it is a great black stone that looks as
if the god Apu Dayaw struck the mountain with an obsidian spear. It is said that the stone leads to the sleeping
place of Apumbukid himself, a grand city of glittering crystal within The Sword Isles. It is said that They will rise
only when The Sword Isles need Them the most.
You can speak Usambangsanun and begin with an obsidian knife.

6 Nerakihon. You come from Nerakihon. The settlement of Nerakihon is a large village surrounding a single tree
that grows atop the Berumer Mountain. The tree, known as Punung-Neraka, has a hole upon its gigantic trunk
that, when entered, sends you plummeting deep into its root systems. Villagers say it sends you straight to Nerak,
hell, and that every once in a while a busaw bursts out from the trunk. The villagers have thus created a special
force of demon slayers just to protect Nerakihon--and the rest of The Sword Isles--from the assaults of the
You can speak Nerakihonon and begin with a spiritsilk shawl.

7 Sanggasanggsa. You come from Sanggasangga, a warrior city-state. It is a city-state to the furthest west of The
Sword Isles, by the base of the mountain of Pinukal. Here, everyone is trained from birth to become a Sentinel
against the evil creatures from beyond the mountain barriers, known as the magalo, fae-demons from the Forests
Beyond the World.
Warriors here are trained to be magalo hunters, with the intent of protecting nature and defeating the unnatural.
Everyone in Sanggasangga knows full well their responsibility, and carry the burden with pride, always
consorting with spirits of the forest, their own guardian spirits, and spirits of war to make sure The Sword Isles is
safe. But the tides have become stronger....
You can speak Sanggasangganun and begin with an ironwood kalasag.

8 Lawahun. You come from Lawahun, the village of frost. A village by the mountain of Wahang, where the Sage of
the Mountains lives. The bone-biting cold here requires the warming magics of the Sage. Upon Lawahun, you
consort with the wind spirits of the moon, and live side-by-side with ice spirits, surviving and dealing with snow
and ice. They engage in ritual headhunting with the state of Vuyu.
You can speak Lawahunun and begin with a spear of ice.
Roll a d8 or choose from the following lineages.

1 Ritualist Parents. Your parents were those that attended and joined and performed ritual killing, whether in revenge or to
appease the gods. You have been taught this graceful responsibility, and you must never let it fall into the wrong hands. Gain
+1 to your Might.

2 Makinaadmanon Heritage. Your parents were Makinaadmanon, the Peerless Sages who chose to teach the ways of Achieving
Conjunction. They are gone now, but they have left some invaluable insights to you about Diwa, the truth of the world. Gain
+1 to your Psalm.

3 Feast Patrons. Your parents are wealthy patrons of feasts, most likely aristocrats. You’ve enjoyed traveling to a great number of
82 settlements to set up feasts, and you’ve met a large number of peolpe due to it. You have been taught to be kind, always. Gain
+1 to your Tenderness.

4 Servitude. You come from a family of servants, who serve a noble warrior who treats your family well. You were in essence
that warrior’s squire, carrying their armor and doing their chores. Gain +1 to your Toughness. You cannot begin as an

5 Elder Balyan. Your parents were the elder balyan, usually called Katuuran, of your settlement, and they provided guidance in
the midst of the chaotic dance of nature, war, and spirituality. You’ve grown up close to the spiritfolk all your life. Gain +1 to
your Piety.

6 Deep Forest Diwata. You have the blood of diwata, actually. Your parent was a forest guardian. It shows in your eyes, in your
mortal form. What peers through? You have never met your parents but they speak to you in your dreams. There’s a destiny
you need to fulfill. Gain +1 to your Sensitivity.

7 Outcast. You were an outcast, even in your own settlement. However, the folk of various Apumbukid settlements have always
taken care of you and provided you some shelter, even if you travel from settlement to settlement trying to find out who you
really are and where you’re from. Gain +1 to your Grace.

8 Warrior Braves. Your parents were warrior braves who sought to protect the various folks of the Kalanawan region. You are
heir to a proud lineage, one who understands the role of violence,a nd so you have been taught this same very thing. Your
family was well respected in your settlement. Gain +1 to your Wrath.
This showcases the social class of your character before they became Kadungganan. Your social standing might have come
from your lineage, or it might have come from something that happened after your lineage (ie. a merchant prince that has
fallen from grace or accrued too much debt). It is up to you to connect the dots.
Choose or roll a d6:
1 Bihag or slave. You were the victim of the Eighth Star Era’s burgeoning violence, and have become nothing but wealth to be
traded. You begin with nothing.

2 Bayang or servant. You were indebted or were born into debt of a powerful person, whether it be a famed warrior, merchant,
or aristocrat. Your hands are calloused from your work. You begin with a small push dagger.

3 Nugkat or peasant. You were a loyal worker to your communities’ chief. You had your own house within the community, and
offered part of your labor to him. You begin with a farming implement.

4 Kalita-o or Warrior. You were a freeman, working as a warrior for the datu that you have chosen. The datu shares their spoils
with you, their fellow warriors, and you earn your own house with your own wealth, though you answer to the datu’s beck
and call and sometimes toil for them. Gain a weapon.

5 Mafengal or Aristocrat. You were born into richness, into the blood of the datu of your settlement. You are connected to the
datu either through blood or social connections, and enjoy the benefits of nobility. You do not toil for the datu but you must
pick up arms when called to battle. You have enjoyed the ability to take on multiple arts. Mafengel very commonly use giant
flowers, foliage, insect parts, and such as prestigious regaila. You begin with a giant flower petal cloak.

6 Datu or Royalty. You are directly connected to your settlement’s datu, either the datu is your uncle, grandparent, or parent.
You are revered as an Aristocrat, although the expectation for you is much higher. If you are born female then you were treated
as a binukot, a veiled maiden, hidden from the rest of the world until you were to be wed to someone your parents decided is
fit for their social class. If you are born male you were trained in the arts of war and leadership. You begin with a royal
The war gongs sounded. Our armies assembled. On one The Beloved Sultana nodded and smiled. “Good answer.”
side, under the blazing crimson banner of Sultana And she raised her giant kris, and lightning struck it, and
Yarashgara XII, the Omniscient King, chosen by Baginda she flared like a god.
Sumongsuklay herself, we stood. In front of the flattened
plain, facing the sea. We prepared our lantakas, our
arquebusiers raised their guns, our longbowmen raised HISTORY
their bamboo bows the length of their bodies. Our frontmen The Akai Sultanate was established a hundred years during
84 raised their kampilan and kris and sundang, beating them the ending of the Seventh Sun Era. Jaris Akai arrived in the
against their kalasag. Our cavalry rode upon water island of Siga upon a vast metal vase. Then, he found and
buffaloes and elephants, wielding arquebuses and spears. married a princess of one of the local settlements. Through
We were ready to take them on, and we will bring them that he, bred a powerful line of ten sons, who eventually
down. became the Ten Datu that ruled over the ten regions of the
region that surrounded Siga, the island whereupon the holy
Off to the distance, like a black blade sweeping in from the capital of the Sultanate was to be born.
horizon, sailed the bastard forces of the wicked sea king,
Radya Gaputan. He declared himself true sultan and Then, Jaris Akai conquered and subsumed the native
declared war upon us last moon, and now he comes with peoples blessing them and granting them the title of Datu,
the full force of his fleet. while he himself became their grand emperor. Jaris Akai
brought the island of Siga and the surrounding islands to
My Beloved Sultana walked up beside me. I lowered my heel.
head to her, the golden threads of my sarok creating a soft
rustling symphony. “Parawali,” she said. “Report.” She was Jaris Akai, also known as Maharajah Akai, faced down a
garbed in the full ensemble of war god armor: elephant hide rebellion from the Ten Rajahnates of his sons, which he
breastplate and steel armor from head to toe, a helmet managed to win after the arrival of Sihkandag, the Warrior-
fashioned to make her look like the dragon that eats the Priestess of Baginda Sumongsuklay. Through her counsel,
moon, and a kiwo-kiwo kris that was larger than any other. medicine, and sorceries, Jaris Akai brought his sons to line,
Around her armor she wore a colorful textile sarong of and then eventually established the Sultanate.
white, pink, and crimson, which flowed to her feet.
Soon after, the Sultanate adopted the Moon Faith, Iman, as
“Beloved Sultana,” I said, and I pulled out the bamboo scroll a state religion. As more pandita wisefolk came in and
from my sleeve. “Radya Gaputan comes in with a force that taught the religion, more culture (both social and material)
is seven times stronger than our land army.” was brought into the ten islands. They crafted powerful
weapons and learned great techniques which he taught to
“But our army is all supremely trained,” replied my Beloved his ten sons. Upon his ten sons, he conquered the island of
Sultana. “And they are nothing but mercenaries and Siga and the surrounding islands, a portion of the islands of
horohan.” Simipatra, and the coasts of Kalanawan.

“It may be so, but their superior numbers leave us at a His reign only ended due to the quarreling and politicking of
disadvantage.” his ten Sons, who bickered and warred, fighting for
inheritance of the Throne.
Sultana Yarashgara XII nodded, and then said, “Did my
friend Datu Kumusuli reply?” Eventually Jaris Akai perished, and in mourning, the Isles of
Siga and the coastal shores of Kalawanan erupted into the
I smiled. “They did, oh Valued One.” Ten Datu War. Ten of his greatest sons, Fire and Storm
Kings, warriors of the current, echoes in the forest.
“And? What was their reply?”
The winner Yarashgara I, who was not the eldest but the
The war horns began then. The agung quickened. The entire one destined to be the leader among the Ten Datus, as
army began screaming in rage and defiance against the spoken by esteemed pandita Saka Iskandr. And thus it was
wretched horde of Radya Gaputan. On top of the hill we so, and the rest of the ten cities and states paid fealty to him,
stood upon, overlooking the shore, the great Paraawit sang for he and his line became the inheritors of the Lunar
her greatest song. The Neverending War of the Sultanate. Throne.
She sang of all the great battles the sultanate has fought,
will fight, and will ever fight, and told of how they were The Akai Sultanate believes in what they call Iman. It is the
victorious above them all. faith that the Moon Goddess Baginda Sumongsuklay
created the islands after warring with the sun, and became
And as the war gongs clashed and the war horns bellowed, the Resplendent Night Queen that held sway over both
a fleet of colorful sails came in from both sides of the night and day.
horizon, as if rushing to meet the incoming horde. A
multitude, like fire encroaching upon oil.

“They said that they remain faithful to you, Sultana, the

Conquerer of this Earth, the Render of Heaven, the
Omniscient Queen.”
Baginda Sumongsuklay was privy to power over the most Among the Nobles, they share much in common with the
powerful realm in the world: the Sea, and the Sultanate Akai as well. Especially rich folk that do not have noble
became peerless sea raiders and warriors thanks to their blood, the orangkaya, are known to have their own little
blessing from Baginda Sumongsuklay. They have created society within Akai, and in some cases influence the
Lunar Temples for her in spiritually powerful places. All decisions of the Datu. Many epics and songs and poetry
diwata pay fealty to her, the greatest of the diwata. has been born due to the constant adventuring of nobles.

As of present day, the Ten Datu and the Sultana still have a Akai Warriors are known as Satariya, but Sultanate 85
convocation at every Full Moon for feasting and trading Kadungganan are called hulubalang, peerless warriors.
and speaking and organizing new ventures, as well as They fight not only for their Datu, but also for the
other diplomatic political inventions. Lately they have Sultanate. When the Final Wars come, or when the Sultana
been preparing, as the Lakanate of Virbanwa readies their seeks for them, they will ride with their Datu to the
armies and recruits from their villages. Sultana’s side, and they will reach heaven through
The Akai Sultanate will not bow.
The most faithful of warriors gird themselves for battle:
they wrap themselves when performing Holy War with the
TRADITION trappings of those to be buried: anointed with oil, shaved,
The Sultana sits within her Grand Lunar Palace: the largest and invested with white garments. They will bring as
structure in The Sword Isles: a massive 100-roofed palace many as they can with them, and in their death, they will
that meets the moon when it is at its fullest, expanded into reach heaven.
a sacred square, with hundreds of annexes connected by
stone halls made of moonstone. THE DIVINE STRIVING
It is all at once a holy offering to Baginda Sumongsuklay, The tawo of Akai embody and internalize the most
and a housing for one of the most powerful people in the important pillar of their Iman: the Divine Striving. There
Sword Isles. are four Divine Strivings:

The Sultanate of Akai is one of the most powerful polities 0 The Striving to Holiness, which is their striving to
across the Sword Isles: the seat of power is placed within overcome the lower self, perfect their bodies, and
the grand city of Siga, in the midst of the Footsteps of the reach communion with the Moon by following the
Gods, the archipelago once said to have been created by a tenets of Iman.
Parade of Gods who traveled from Pumirang, the 0 The Striving to the Sword, which is their striving to
birthplace of all divinity, towards the rest of the perfect their martial prowess to protect what is theirs
continents. As the premiere Sultanate, with only primary and other blasphemers, and to glory in fighting as a
rivals in Sonyoh, Naksuwarga, and Barungsai, the Akai means of worship.
Sultanate rules most of the Footsteps of the Gods
archipelago, dominating northern Sword Isles, spreading 0 The Striving to Purification, which is their striving
Iman far and wide. Various petty kingdoms and chiefdoms to cleanse the land of evil and darkness, injustice,
go under Akai’s servitude willingly to benefit from both the oppression and the works of the Malaikat demons.
protection and the trade connections of the Sultanate, 0 The Striving to Truth, which is their striving to
which stretches to Baik Hu, to all the way to Auraska, achieve truthfulness and to spread the knowledge of
Varsha, and even the Azur Caliphates. the Baginda.
Chivalrous, regal, and romantic. The Sultanate of Akai
prides itself in the beauty of its monuments, its temples,
and picaresque sites in their island and the extent of their
mandala into the island of Kalanawan. Akai holds a code of
chivalry, and follows their Sultan as others would follow
their king. They are intensely loyal, and engage in the
romantic aspects of life, whether it be in art or in song.
Akainon live in divine striving, and in their striving, they
seek to expand their mandala to bring all under the holy
light of the Moon, creating a great Empire for their Baginda
Sumongsuklay, their Supreme Moon Goddess.

Tawo from the Sultanate are exposed to vast trade with

Naksuwarga and Baik Hu. They have access to inscriptions
and culture from other parts of the world through this
trade. This has caused many of the Sultanate tawo to be
exceedingly diverse culturally.
Pandita Mana. A wise and widely respected pandita. He is
NOTEWORTHY PERSONS a heavily bearded man, wearing a turban-like pudong, and
Sultana Yarashgara XII. Yarashgara, descended of Jaris a heavy kampilan that is more for ritual use than combat.
Akai, the twelfth of her name, the Omniscient Queen, unto He uses sorceries learned from the Sacred Land to the
whom songs of crocodile-slaying and island-rending are Southeast, which lets him manipulate light and shadow
sung about. She is known as the Thunderous Conqueror, itself with a single mentala.
the Ever-Swallowing Current. Born to the royal family, she
proved her worth as the heir to the throne, and sought to He travels the land as a scholar and spreader of the word of
capitalize on her father’s mistakes by expanding Akai ever Baginda Sumongsuklay, making sure that all beings can
forward. Yarashgara is a well-versed in the teachings of accept her ever-gleaming brightness. He seeks to turn all of
Iman, counseled by twelve pandita--both local and The Sword Isles to the truth of Iman, to push them to a new
foreign--and served a tour of duty as a knight-warlord for age of enlightenment. To that end, he travels, paying boat-
her late father before taking the throne. owners and merchants alike to ride upon their vessels, to
86 travel as far as his eye can see.
Thus, the Omniscient Queen is intimate with her subjects,
and the Sultana knows that they are primed for expansion. He grants those that he preaches to help, in the form of
Their goal is to conquer all of The Sword Isles first, and healing or herbal remedies.
then Sonyoh, and then the rest of Naksuwarga. She aims to
become a force strong enough to rival even Baik Hu. She Other Culture Impressions
keeps her wits about her, however, for they know treachery
and betrayal whirls at every current. To Virbanwa: What we will do to your kingdom is the
reason why the Moon goes hunting.
Upon her throne in the Lunar Palace, she sits upon a stone
dais that is made of the bones of a great moon-eating To Gatusan: Wild, pure, and forever free! We would
serpent, the Bakunawa Throne. She sits upon it with legs happily include them into the ranks of our vassals, but
folded, wearing a great pudong that does not fall, but their blades are sharp and their tongues even sharper. To
rather, is attracted to the sky, so it falls upwards always, live by the blade is to die by the blade, of course, and they
creating a spiralling crown unrivalled. shall find hell from ours.

It and the rest of her garments--a lambung so long that it To Apumbukid: They have not the strength to repel us.
can cover her in three-layers and still be long enough to Had we the effort and will, the Holy Mountain would have
cover the entirety of the Bakunawa Throne, a shawl that become our ladder to the Holy City on the Moon, and they
can double as elongated arms and can wield weapons, and will have become our brothers in our Divine Striving.
a silken pillow that lets her fly anywhere--is made of
moonsilver-silk. To Ba-e: Aloft upon their elder dais, yet they have
persisted through cycles of violence. Does it grieve them to
Moonsilver-silk can be found nowhere else in the world see the depths of their own weakness laid bare?
but upon the Sultana, who commissioned it from a
thousand of the Sultanate’s best weavers. The silk itself
can only be retrieved from the wings of angels who live
upon the mon. Akai Honorifics: Tuan [too-WAN] (General)

The Sultana’s sword is a crescent scimitar, the Bulan Akai Naming Convention: Akai names are often a single
Sansibar, that when used at its full power can cut entire or two words. They share many names with the Rajahnate
mountains. She has no need for a shield. and with Naksuwarga.

To this day, the Sultana has 78 Heirs: the 78 Lunar Princes, Akainon Names: Asip, Sandayli, Sumandak, Hamba,
called Prince despite their true gender. They are warring Buddiman, Akal, Layu, Saliha, Salimin, Maputra, Patima,
for the Sultana’s affection and acknowledgment so that Bahira, Sawira, Muhaddi, Hinda Hanman, Manalum, Gura,
they can become the true Heir to the throne, the next Gumantung, Aliya, Angkala, Hakim, Pakrud, Aisha, Idda
maharajah, the next Sultan.
As an Akainon, you can always...
Pangiran Seri Rida. The elder brother of Yarashgara XII.
He is incensed. Although working as a Mahalaksamana, or 0 Point out the beauty of a situation.
Grand Admiral, of the Akai Fleet, he connives and plans. He
believes that he is the true heir to the Throne, despite not 0 Look down on others for being weaker.
being the eldest son. Despite this, he chooses not to
recognize Yarashgara, who was born Ilasun, as the current 0 Revel in striving.
Sultana. Even now, he amasses forces, not just from Akai
Kedatuan, but from Dagindara and Sritaluk as well, even
going so far as asking help from far cousins that live in

A full scale war is ready to erupt, with Pangiran Seri Rida at

its prow. All he needs is for Yarashgara to slip up.

SUBCULTURE 5 Barungsai. Another ancient polity that once warred
There are eight primary Subcultures of the Apunon. continuously with Naksuwarga. Naksuwarga once
Choose 1 or roll a d8. conquered Barungsai and massacred its ruling family,
but has since been able to free itself from Naksuwarga’s
1 The Holy Kedatuan of Harigii. Called solely because of clutches. They practice a mix of indigenous Barungsaian
the ancient holy temple built upon a high mountain by the religion known as Jiwajiwa (literally, Lives) and Ashinin
first few preachers and apostles of the Moon Goddess, and religion, and so they are composede of regal and royal 87
was where the First Teacher, Indra Guro, died and was heritage. From them comes the story of Hari Binalo and
buried. Hara Harmangga, the King Guardian Spirit and the
The Holy Temple has since withered away to the elements, Demon Witch Queen. Barungsai is intimately close with
as it was built on bamboo, save for the four pillars that it nature, and they write their scriptures upon stone
was built upon, which never wilt away. When a person cut monoliths, which are then carved away to become the
the pillar to examine it, the part that was cut immediately many gods that they worship, a form of revelatory
withered and aged. Many people that live in Harigii grow scripture. If you come from Barungsai, you can speak
up to become priests, scholars, and monks for the Moon Barunga and carry around a jasmine wreath that never
faith. Harigii has since become the pilgrimage site for all wilts, a symbol of Jiwajiwa.
The current Datu of Harigii is a once-pandita preacher 6 Kirir. Kirir is another site of ancient land that is home
named Datu Dahit Sabad. You can speak Harigiinon and to the Aasama, the People of the Waters, who worship
begin with a holy ritual spear. (alongside Baginda Sumongsuklay) the ancient
Goddess Dewigansa (literally, Goose Goddess) who
2 Pasara. The capital of the island of Ulahina, the crown embodies their Sea and Sky duality. The people of Kiri
jewel of the Sultanate, ruled by the Datu Gaddung Kira- live in either stilt houses built on the sides of cliffs or far
Kira, who is a peerless blacksmith and a loyal vassal to off from shores. They can hold their breath far longer
Yarashgara. Pasara is an entry city that leads into verdant
forests, jade statues overgrown now by trees, and clear than other cultures can, and Kirir has a special mother
streams that flow out of the mountain. The mountain upon pearl that is also the egg for the next Lokapala Naga,
which Pasara lies at the base of Mount Sithi, is said to be who is supposed to guard the world from the dangers of
the home of the Diwata Sithi, Goddess of Tears and Love, the Chaos that surrounds the Cosmos. If you come from
and it is said that the two rivers that stream down on both Kirir, you can speak Kirirnun and begin with pearl
sides of the mountain are her tears. bracelets and anklets.
Most people that live here are known to be excellent
entertainers and performers, creating an extravagant 7 Luwas. Luwas is a modern settlement founded after
economy for tourists and travelers from all across The Sultan Yarashgara XI, the one before the Sultana,
Sword Isles and the greater world. You can speak walked down the Footsteps of the Gods and found a
Pasaranun and begin with a saffron shawl. place of rest within Luwas, which was beautiful and
had vast prawling flowerbeds before its mountain.
3 Yikapu. A polity ruled by the current Mahapanglima, or Luwas was turned into a veritable paradise, with
Grand General, Jamrud Wanni. Yikapu is situated on a elephants and tigers from Jamiyun Kulisa’s Arrows,
small island south of Jambangan, and it is protected by lions from the jungles deep of Naksuwarga, and all
moonstone fortresses and star-bamboo towers. Here the kinds of orchids and jasmines from every portion of the
superior military force of Akai is both trained, stationed,
and launched. The satariya trained here are taught how to Sword Isles. Yarahsgara XI’s corpse is said to be
use lantaka, cannons used for war, powered by strange mummified here, within an ancient tomb within a cave
busalian sorceries, as well as how to use their soul to fight upon the base of Mount Luwas. It is rumored that
back against the beguiling enchantments of both god and Yarahsgara XI converted to Annuvaran right before his
witch. You can speak Yikapunun and begin brass plate death. If you come from the beautiful naturalistic
armor. settlements of Luwas, you can speak Luwanon and
begin with petal swords and thorn daggers.
4 Naksuwarga. An ancient polity that once stretched its
influence across Jamiyun Kulisa’s Arrows, that region of the 8 Jambangan. The Land of Flowers. The holy city-state in
isles that are fraught with warring even with the the middle of the Sultanate’s jurisdiction. It is large
Continent. Naksuwarga was principally invaded by the enough to cover all of the island of Siga, where it is
ancient Mahajola, which spread Annuvaran thought and
religion into its shores, which then expanded to the rest of situated. In the middle of the archipelago is a holy
The Sword Isles through missionaries and traders. Now pyramid to the Moon Goddess Baginda Sumongsuklay,
Akai has claimed it for its own, but its kings, called Rakan, which they call the Holy Lunar Temple. Beside it is the
are powerful and refuse to be cowed, and pray upon their Grand Lunar Palace Kota, where the current Omniscient
more ancient gods to eventually fight back against Akai. If Queen Sultana: Yarashgara XII, lives along with her
you come from Naksuwarga, you can speak Nak-an and closest relatives and servants. The Palace Fortress is
carry around a necklace of small gods. impregnable.
Workers, debtors, and warriors live in swathes of
neighborhoods. Siga thus faces war from all sides, but it
is fiercely defended by loyal datu and satariya, as well as
strong stone fortifications.
You begin with city clothing (trousers, silk jacket,
headwrap) and a bronze mirror.

Roll a d8 or choose from the following lineages.

1 Esteemed General. One of your parents is an esteemed warlord, perhaps a datu on their own? Or
just a general chosen by the Sultana herself. Whatever it may be, you were born into the shadows of
your general parent, whose stories were sung far and wide across the Footsteps of the Gods. Will you
ever live up to their name? They trained you when you were a child, but it was one of hardship and
pain. Gain +1 to your Might.
2 Warrior Heroes. You come from a long line of warrior heroes, famous across the Footsteps of the
88 Gods and maybe even the entirety of the Sword Isles. You have not been trained in their paths,
though: you were left to this legacy on your own. You have a mentor, perhaps, but you have to live up
to the legacy on your own terms. Can you do it? Gain +1 to your Toughness.
3 Feared Witches. Your ancestors were witches that channeled demons in the deep forests to wage
war against the spirits of good, who upheld the status quo of violence. Until now you fight and fight,
and perfect sorceries. Or perhaps you were not in conjunction with sorcery? It weighs on you
anyway. Gain +1 to your Occult.
4 Missionaries. Your lineage is a lineage of Missionaries from the Lunar Faith, who have probably
come from the Southeastern Continent. Therefore, you were brought up with a supreme and almost
penetrating knowledge of the Lunar Faith, and this has colored every part of your life. You know the
genealogies (the tarsilas), the stories and myths of the angels, the secrets of the Lunar Palace, and
the vast ideologies and expanses of time that colored the travels of the First Prophet. Gain +1 to your
5 Foreign Arrival. Your lineage comes from outside the Sword Isles in general. Akai is strategically
positioned near the center of the world (Akainon would have you believe that it is the center of the
world) so a lot of trade goes through Akai. Thus, large swathes of foreigners, usually merchants, have
arrived from foreign shores. What do you look like? It doesn’t matter, really. You’re Akainon, now.
Your appearance does catch the eye: gain +1 to your Beauty.
6 Lunar Sorcerers. You come from a long line–perhaps an entire settlement even–of sorcerers that
practiced Lunar Sorcery–that is, magic using the strength and power of the moon, rather than the
land or through their own Gahum. This makes any sorcery or martial art they practice colored and
embellished with marks of the moon: crescents, flowers, butteflies, stars, white discs. Your
connection to the moon grounds you, paradocxically, to knowing what is truly an illusion and what
is truly real: gain +1 to your Resolve.
7 Horse Tamer. You come from a long line of horse tamers that travel far and wide and range across
the isles upon horses. Sword Isle horses are good for both riding and as pack animals, so they are a
common sight. Especially in Kalanawan, where the fields are long. As a horse tamer, you have an
inherent connection with the grand horses of Siga. Gain +1 to your Sensitivity.
8 Lunate Knight. These were faithful vassals and knights of the Sultana herself, not just conscripts
created to make a standing army. They answer to nobody but the Sultana, and thus they enjoy the
benefits of being a vassal to the Sultana bring: their own royal compound in Jambangan’s vast flower
rivers, part of weapons and spoils from grand lunar conquests, and the ability to partake in the
Sultana’s table when they feast. More importantly, they could marry any of the nobility in
Jambangan and raise their own stature, and secure their descendant’s future. It was a profession
that many longed for, especially in the bloodthirsty Sword Isles. Gain +1 to your Might.
This showcases the social class of your character before they became Kadungganan. Your social
standing might have come from your lineage, or it might have come from something that happened
after your lineage (ie. a merchant prince that has fallen from grace or accrued too much debt). It is up
to you to connect the dots.
Choose or roll a d8: 89
1 Bihag or slave. You were the victim of the Eighth Star Era’s burgeoning violence, and
have become nothing but wealth to be traded. You begin with nothing. High chance of
you being a sina foreigner.
2 Ipun or servant. You were indebted or were born into debt of a powerful person, whether
it be a famed warrior, merchant, or aristocrat. Your hands are calloused from your work.
You begin with a small push dagger.
3 Kiapangdilihan or peasant. You were a loyal worker to your communities’ chief. You had
your own house within the community, and offered part of your labor to him. You begin
with a farming implement.
4 Satariya or Warrior. You were a freeman, working as a warrior for the datu that you have
chosen. The datu shares their spoils with you, their fellow warriors, and you earn your
own house with your own wealth, though you answer to the datu’s beck and call and
sometimes toil for them. Gain a weapon.
5 Orangkaya or Merchant Lord. Those materially wealthy, constituting a secondary class
of nobles who are not noble by blood, but by wealth. They live their lives as freemen,
going from town to town either selling their wares, setting up food booths where they sell
their food, or offer other services, such as hunting, cleaning, warring, and smithing. Gain a
piece of treasure.
6 Tuwan or Aristocrat. You were born into richness, into the blood of the datu of your
settlement. You are connected to the datu either through blood or social connections, and
enjoy the benefits of nobility. You do not toil for the datu but you must pick up arms when
called to battle. You have enjoyed the ability to take on multiple arts. Nobles in the
Sultanate serve and give a tribute to the Sultana. The Sultana is akin to an empress, ruling
over kings, that are the datu and rajahs. Nobles can become pandita, or wise-men, if they
become well-versed in the Iman. They are knowledgeable in the Moon Law and custom.
Gain a burning bright silver lance.
7 Panglima or Royalty. You are directly connected to your settlement’s datu, either the
datu is your uncle, grandparent, or parent. You are revered as an Aristocrat, although the
expectation for you is much higher. If you are born female then you were treated as a
binukot, a veiled maiden, hidden from the rest of the world until you were to be wed to
someone your parents decided is fit for their social class. If you are born male you were
trained in the arts of war and leadership. You begin with a royal heirloom.
8 Lunar Royalty. You are directly related to Lunar Sultana herself, which makes you one of
the 78 Lunar Princes. Be careful, the others are out to kill you. They understand only one
can become the next Lunar Monarch. It is cutthroat, but you are also given some of the
best training affordable in the entirety of the Sword Isles, and have known extravagant
privileges. You have a number of consorts and servants following after you. Princes that
are of royal blood are referred to as Katchil, and the crown prince was termed Rajah Muda.
Rajah Laut were third-ranking dignitaries. A high-ranking council of elders known as the
Bichara Atas counsels the Sultana. You begin with a silver ear ornament that signifies your
Lunar Heritage.
vA priest, a sonat, walks out of an Earthquake baroque Ambitious warlords, imperialist nobles, and
cathedral. Doves flutter in every direction. He is wrapped opportunistic merchants. The river chiefdoms of Lontok,
in three layers of silk: a robe, a jacket, and then a scarf. Namayan, Malilu, and Tundun were conquered and
90 The robes of a sonat. He wraps his pudong-pudog around invaded by the Empire of Issohappa, led by the Pale
his forehead and it bears the seven-pointed star of his Kings, which introduced to them the concepts of land
religion: the belief in Makakagahum and all His angels. ownership, colonization, the printing press, and the faith
known as the Ashen Star.
A peasant finishes his early morning routine and walks
back to the inner village, offering a portion of his meal to
the marble statue of an angel. He then goes and drinks HISTORY
with his friends. Issohappa was driven away ten years ago, at the turn of
the century. They adopted everything that benefitted
As they eat, a party of armored men: dressed in abaca them: Issohappan temporality, work mindset,
fiber undershirts and bamboo breastplates, riding upon mercantilism, and imperialism. Tundun did not drive
tall and noble sarimanok, saunter into town. They give a Issohappa away on its own: they had the help of all the
quick offering to the church, before walking down to an major kingdoms in the archipelago, including all the way
inn to find some rest. up north to the island of Sonyoh.

A young girl runs up to one of them as they remove their Lakan Lubu, and his Queen or Lakambini were baptized.
moriones helmet. “Can I be like you, some day?” They installed the Ashen Star as the state religion--two
ideas from Issohappa--that meshed with the native
“You want to be a bayani like us? Then youhave to believe religion. Together, they set off with a new goal in mind: to
in Makakagahum and thepower that he can grant us all.” unite the disparate warring states of The Sword Isles into
The bayani smiles. He is buff, wide-set, and wearing a a single, unified state, known as the Virbanwan Lakanate
large textile scarf around his shoulders like a cloak. “Then and to usher in the Millenium Kingdom.
you have to show your Datu that you are worthy of
becoming one.” For the next fifty years the Lakanate trained and grew
stronger, raiding and trading along the shores of Baik Hu
“I will!” for more knowledge and weaponry, as well as more
connections to gain external wealth. They conquered the
“O, Huwana, come here dear!” And an elderly woman, river and lake kingdoms and expanded their domain.
wearing a simple darkundyed gray robe pulls the young
girl back to her. “O, most gracious and valiant bayani, They learned to create earthquake baroque structures,
thank you.” strong against both typhoons and earthquakes, and
through this they created huge temples for
“There is no need. In fact, you must flee right now. Makagagahum, their Paramount God who was said to
Evacuate into the hills, where the shelters are.” rule over all the other smaller deities (called dyos) which
were in the style of their own spirit houses, albeit with a
“Why, o great bayani?” few innovations from Issohappa introduced.

As he speaks, the other bayani are already going about These great churches, otherwise known as simbahan, or
warning the people, and the speaking kabalyero’s captain worship places, became the centers of Virbanwan
walks up to the Datu to tell him to gather his people and settlements, and usually right beside their Datu. A single
his forces for a stand. Virbanwan settlement is bound to have both a pari, a
priest, and a balyan, a faith healer spirit medium, who
“Raiders have come,” says the bayani. “We have to fight attend to different needs.
them back, for the glory of the Lakanate.”
The Lakanate has since been growing their strength,
“I see. May Makakagahum bless you!” earning the ability to saddle and ride upon horses as well
as fight with more steel armor, although not at length for
“And may the Ashen Star light your road,” replies the the tropical swelter of the Archipelago might overcome
bayani, just as he wheels around and brings out his them. In addition to those, they stole the printing press
bangkaw. brought about by Issohappa, and have since become the
first polity to begin printing texts. They used this chance
There is a shout, a war cry. to write official government history texts that exalted
Virbanwa’s cherry-picked best qualities, and ignored
The bayani of the Lakanate charge, to protect the Lakan everything else.
in the name of their God.
The Lakanate thus believe that the Rajahnate,
TRADITIONS Confederation, and Sultanate are all heathens that must be
In this practice of nation-building, they exalted brought into the Lakanate’s embrace. They are wrong, of
themselves, conveniently leaving out all help gotten from course, but this fuels the Lakanate’s imperialist ambitions,
the other Polities during the Lakanate Conspiracy against and it has thus begun its inevitable march into the rest of
Issohappa. But they would never admit that there is any The Sword Isles.
polity within The Sword Isles that is greater than them.
Lakanate Nobles are known as Maginoo, and usually own 91
Virbanwa stands as one of the most powerful states in The land and rule over swathes of peasant in addition to their
Sword Isles. Large swathes of disenfranchised and poor own debtors. Nobles of the Lakanate are expected to keep
people live in its regions. Baikhan are corralled into specific being nobles, and are taught in the more advanced
enclaves and experience horrid discrimination from the knowledge, given manuscripts and exams by their
higher classes. The Ananaran Galleon Trade continues parawali to pore over.
evermore, continuing the connection between Issohappa
and The Sword Isles, connecting Issohappa as well to the Nobles are expected to be subservient to the Datu and
rest of the Southeast Continent. Virbanwa continues to know the ways of the Golden Web Tapestry, the code of
become rich, gaining a monopoly on silvers and precious conduct and political framework among nobles, an
items from the Issohappan Far West Continent. intricate and complex web of manners and right speech,
which “sets them apart from those of the lower classes”.
Those that do not prescribe to Virbanwa’s codes, tenets,
and principles tend to be those living in the margins, those Many nobles become warriors, but also priests and
that fight back against the tide of “progress”, and find spiritual leaders. Some nobles can become Datu, if they
kindred spirits in the other polities. This culture of wish, by leaving the settlement with their own wealth and
separatists takes Virbanwa’s progress and use it against following. It is their privilege to be able to go into any
them and to uplift those marginalized and oppressed. occupation.

Most tawo of the Lakanate follow the rule of the Batara In the Lakanate, there are two kinds of Freemen: the
Lakan, currently Huwan Rekno. They pay fealty to him, and timawa, who are freemen that can choose who they serve
the Lakanate functions very closely to a classic monarchy. and have their own businesses, and the bayani, who are the
Kadungganan who fight for a Datu that they choose.
Kadungganan of the Lakanate, Kabalyero, follow The Code Bayani make their livelihood through engaging in wars
of the Sword, which necessitates that they serve the people and raids with the Datu that they serve.
of the Lakanate, and that they give up their life for the
Lakan. While they are treated like knights of their own Slaves are called the same here as in any other settlement.
right, are expected to travel to the Huwan’s side when They are treated more or less the same, although the Batara
expected. Lakan has a large crew of debtors that work for him as his
personal attendants, as royal chefs and butlers and all the
Lakanate Tawo are born with immediate knowledge of more.
their faith, the Sampalataya. Also known as the faith in the
Ashen Star, they follow the belief that Makagagahum, the Materially, they have taken upon the innovations of the
Almighty, created the earth from nothingness, and in the Issohappans: they now wear kalsones balones, or balloon
far future They will return as the Maitresiya, the Final pants, more than bahag, and they have adopted the
Prophet, and bring about the Milennium Kingdom in the wearing of wooden clogs and slippers more often than not.
Land Above the Sky. Some of the richer ones even have access to leather boots
and silk socks.
Growing up, Lakanate Tawo have access to military
monasteries, where they are taught the natural
philosophies. The most important thing taught here is the
sovereignty of the Lakanate over the Archipelago.

It is drilled very early into the young Lakanate tawo’s soul

that the Lakanate, by virtue of being the chosen people of
Makagagahum and having been able to “repel” the
conquest of the “more powerful” Issohappa. The truth of
this was that it was more like all of the states in The Sword
Isles chipping in to help repel the invaders, with some help
from Sonyoh.
Batara Lakan Huwan Rekno. The current Batara Lakan is a Barangay Lagusnilad. A large village by the Nilad River,
man named Huwan Rekno, who is directly related to Lakan upriver from Ananara itself. Known best for their yearly
Lubu. He is said to be a noble man, wearing a cape and penitents, who flay themselves in emulation of the First
leather boots at all times, mixing it with his bahag and baro Gahumnon, to strip themselves of their sin. Lagusnilad is
get up whenever he descends upon the world. also well known for being right beside fertile rice plains, and
is the farming capital in the region. It is common for them to
When he must present himself as he truly is: the seek help from Kadungganan to deal with monsters in their
manifestation of Makagagahum upon the earth, he is like a field, or to help them appease a dragon. They are the
saint that has fallen upon the world. It is said that around constant subject of raids from the banwa of Sinuku, who
his neck floats a halo of thorns, which is said to signify the fights back against the sovereignty of Virbanwa. They are
world upon his shoulders as he performs penance of trying led by Datu Sedero, a well known merchant warrior and
to unite the islands.
92 penitent, who wants to put an end to those Sinuku upstarts.
He wears a gigantic crown fashioned like a halo of flames, Pinangilan. A barangay to the north of Virbanwa, it deals in
with four cardinal points depicting a crocodile, a dog, a raiding traveling merchant ships that disembark or dock at
serpent, and an eagle. This crown burns from behind his Ba-e. They are in constant war with Ba-e because of this.
head, like a bonfire of his duty. Their Datu, Datu Yukul, has been stealing weaponry from
His gown is not made of cloth, but rather, of stone feathers Baikhan and Naksuwarga shipments to better their
plucked from slain angel wings, those too weak to properly weaponry. Some say they are readying an attack against Ba-
protect Makagagahum’s chosen. The stone wings wrap e. One that can destabilize both Virbanwa and Ba-e, leading
around him, ivory and marble-like, and his face is in a to a destructive conflict.
perpetual pained countenance. Gibankaw. On the northeastern tip of Ramasa, right below
On top of his stone gown, he wears a veil of burgeoning silk the Virbanwa conquered island of Rusunuga. They have
made from the souls of the damned that he failed to save, adopted the Virbanwan Faith in the Ashen Star, and have
which he keeps to constantly remind him of his failures, of converted their bamboo palaces and wooden spirit houses
the failures of past kings, and those that they can yet save. to churches and citadels. They are most well known for their
The souls wail. sarimanok knights, their greatest cavaliers, which the Datu
himself, Datu Isiran, trains. They have nurtured the greatest
His feet never touch the floor. Whenever his feet touch the warriors and protectors in the isles. Now part of the
earth, the halo digs spears into his neck. He floats with the Virbanwan Lakanate, they weather raids from the Rajahnate
strength of his faith. May Makagagahum be blessed. who seek to reclaim their manpower from the Lakanate.
His skin is pale, as if he is dead, and his eyes are scintillating They also are locked in constant raiding with the polity of
iridescent. His hand can kill and revive with a word. When Ibalong to their east, whereupon they have to make sure to
he is forced to fight, he makes heaven descend upon his foes. sail around other islands to try and not sail past waters
where Ibalongan might sail.
A testament to his sacrifice as the leader of this burgeoning
new Empire. He speaks slow and without menace. However, Vetani. A village far south, where the wind is far colder and
his kabalyeros and Kadungganan are fiercely loyal to him. faster. Here ancient citadels known as idyang have been
built by the natives. Their limestone houses and hill castles
Mahasenapati Akuna Salamangka. The head warlord have since been adapted by Virbanwa to create sturdier,
directly below Batara Lakan, who also acts as his right hand stone-based constructs, houses, castles, and churches, even
man. Or woman. Akuna Salamangka was born as binukot to as they subsume and incorporate Vetani to their kingdom.
Datu Bigiris, of Put’wan, as Himaya. When Huwan Rekno In Vetani, the final stages of the training of a Virbanwan
saw her beauty, he sought to make her his new sandil, or Kadungganan, known as a bayani, are held, where they
concubine. However this was forbidden in their new faith, must first prove themselves worthy in the Monastery of Ash
and so he settled for making Akuna his Mahasenapati, or and Tears, and then they must weather the environment
Great Warlord. and face the roving warbands of either Issohappans or raid
the ships of Baik Hu trading vessels to the far south. Vetani
She has since began burgeoning campaigns into the plains is headed by the Priest-Datu Pari Siman Damasku, who
of Rusunuga in an attempt to conquer them, although always begins harvesting seasons with sermons, and
Sinuku is nigh unconquerable. Soon she will try to conquer believes that as long as they are faithful to Lakan Rekno, no
all of The Sword Isles, in the name of love for her Lakan. She harm will come to them. However, the expansionist empire
is tall and immaculately beautiful, even in the battlefield, of Iyamat has begun to creep north, into the Southern Tip
with a face round like the moon and hair blacker than the Islands, whereupon Vetani lies.
Maygintawo Palipidan. A warrior-merchant who made a
fortune trading items he has raided from the shores of
Madaki, Iyamat, and Southern Baik Hu.
Using this trade he elevated himself to the status of
Maygintawo: a noble by wealth. He goes around now upon
his biray, which he has outfitted with all sorts of items from
across the world, collecting and recruiting Kadungganan to
be part of his rising merchant nation.
Other Culture Impressions Virbanwan Honorifics: Ginoo [gee-nu-O] (Masculine),
Binibini [bee-nee-bee-nee] (Feminine), Poon [Po-ON]
To Gatusan: Painted devils, kin eaters and treacherous liars (Lord, general)
at worst, at best they are useful, at the very least they
understand the concept of commerce. Virbanwan Naming Conventions: Virbanwans have
To Akai: Thorns on the road to unity, savages and surnames, mandated by the Lakanate. Their names are
barbarians who practice a baser version of our Faith. May tainted by Pale King nomenclature.
their moon be smothered by the light of the Star. 93
Virbanwanon Names: Huwan, Lesandra, Eeya, Pavlo,
To Ba-e: Tradition erodes, and soon they will falter like the Ymbrosyo, Karmala, Dyusa, Ylisa, Olrac, Dranbreb
flicker of candlelight. Our steel and star will be enough to
turn them into vassals. Virbanwanon Surnames: De Sutla, Salamanka, Dabila,
Oropon, Dimauri, Magsaysay, Reyes, De Basi
To Apumbukid: God has no eyes for chattel.
As a Virbanwan, you can always...
0 Impose your worldview on others.
0 Say something rash.
0 Find others to work with.

There are 3 Major Subcultures in Virbanwa. Roll a d3 or choose:

1 Provincial. You live in the provinces, outside of 3 City. You live in the heart of darkness, the grand
the city. You all once had your own cultures (and capital city of Virbanwa. Ananara is so large that
truly, you still retain them in one way or another) it consumes most of the Ananaran Bay, and has
but you have been thoroughly erased by choked out the grand River it sits upon (whose
Virbanwan imperialism, and you are conditioned name now has been forgotten, though many say
to follow the city’s lead, and the city’s lead only. that it is named Layag, or Layaraya, or Namyan),
You can speak Virbanwanun and you begin killing the diwata of the river. Ananara is the
with a worthless item. crown city of the Lakanate, where the current
Batara Lakan, Lakan Huwan Rekno, and the royal
2 Corregimiento. You live in the borders of family live, ordained as divine ruler by the
Virbanwa, where various corregimientos or forts Mahapari (greatest priest), currently Yesidru.
are put up, to protect the Lakanate from attacks Ananara is the largest metropole in all of The
from outside, as well as to continue its expansion. Sword Isles, owing to its long history as being the
You may have been conscripted from a young age, eventual descendant of the ancient grand
or if not, at least have been taught how to protect chiefdom of Tundun. It is structured like a wheel,
yourself from raids. You can speak with all roads being the spokes, and the Broken
Virbanwanun and you begin with a bolo. Bone Cathedral Palace being the hub. Near the
hub, all buildings are made of bloodstone, created
from the coagulated and then mined blood of
killed Pale Kings. In random areas of the city, the
ancient Angel Machines powered by Pale King
blood have been colonized and repurposed into
apartment complexes. Important due to the ever
increasing trade and population brought about
by domestic and international trade.
Port trade is lively here, and the people here really
do believe that Virbanwa is the most powerful of
the polities. All people here usually wear (and
you begin with): silk jackets, balloon pants,
and simple wooden sandals (paruka).
Roll a d8 or choose from the following lineages.

1 Fury Prophets Orphan. You are an orphan taken in by the Fury Prophets, a group of
mendicants who live in Ananara, who preach the coming Sword Fury Devouring of
Makaubos, who shall annihilate all. To that end you have been trained in almost every art of
violence. Not of war, but of violence, personal violence, as an asceticism to achieve
Conjunction with Makaubos, the Wrath aspect of Makagagahum. Gain +1 to your Might.
2 Saint of Beggars Offering. You were an offering to the Saint of Beggars. You’ve never known
94 your real parents: your parents were the Beggar-Mendicants of the Saint of Beggars, who is
known as Buyung, who is an ancient god of the Isles, a diwata of slaves. You’ve learned how
to swindle, love, sneak, destroy, steal, and pray under the bastards of the Saint of Beggars,
all of whom have been given as an offering to try and alleviate their own lives. “Beggars
should not exist” is the first principle of the Saint of Beggars: gain +1 to your Grace.
3 Bloodbound to the Lakan. You are one of the Batara Lakan’s concubine’s children, which
cannot be shown to the public. Therefore you cannot be royalty or an aristocrat, and the
truth of who you are must be kept quiet. Gain +1 to your Poetry.
4 Corregimiento Child. You were born in a corregimiento: a border settlement that is fortified
by stone walls, created on the fringes of Virbanwan territory to both keep back the waves of
the other settlements as well as to create anchor points for expansion. In the borders, you
are exposed to most of the other cultures of the Sword Isles, but the priests are more strict in
their hold of power, and punish others for the smallest deeviation from religious norm from
Sampalataya. Gain +1 to your Observation.
5 Farmers. You were born into a settlement of farmers. You have nothing much to your name,
and you are constantly swindled out of your labor. You don’t even own your labor! Those
capitalist pig datu take your grains from you to sell it to the City but pay you nothing in
return. What a fucking joke. You burn your brows off to work here. Something has to give.
Gain +1 to your Toughness, but you’re fucking tired of resilience.
6 State Kawal. You come from a line of State Kawal: Kawal that enforce the Batara Lakan’s
invisible power across the various polities subsumed under Virbanwa’s flag. You have been
taught the things the State Kawal would be taught, but this might have made you blind to
propaganda. Gain +1 to your Wrath.
7 Rebels. You have known nothing but the constant struggle. You live deep into the
mountains, once holy, now nothing but places for foreigners to create new ventures or live
in, and for capitalist datu to rip portions out of to create beaches in places that used to be
swamps. You have been raised therefore to the harsh truth of the Lakanate. Therefore: down
to the State and God! Gain +1 to your Resolve.
8 Pale King. You are born of a Pale King. Your eyes are the color of frozen azure, your hair the
color of platinum ray, your skin the alabaster of ravishing death. It is all right to not love
who you are, but rememer that the circumstances of your birth matters less than your
impact on the world. Therefore choose Hiyang instead of Scourge. Therefore become better
than who you are. Gain +1 to your Control.
Social Standing
Roll a d10 or choose:

1-2 Disenfranchised. You are the dregs of society, kept alive but with contempt
and without help. You are downtrodden and living is painful. You begin with
nothing. Many Virbanwan bihag that don’t get sold become Disenfranchised. 95
Many Mendicants and Friars are considered Disenfranchised.

3-4 Peasant. You are a peasant farmer. You must be from the provinces. You are
downtrodden and taxes are too much for you. You begin with a chopping
5-6 Worker. You work in the endless machineries and bureacracy of Virbanwa. You
must be from the city. You are downtroddden and living is too expensive.
Some priests are this. You begin with 3 coins.
7-8 Middle Class. You have some capital, and get to enjoy some parts of life, but
Virbanwan propaganda has bred contempt in you for the lower classes. What
do you do with your privilege? You begin with 10 coins.

9-10 Ruling Class. You are the great beast of our times, born with a silver spoon in
your mouth and capable of pursuing whatever you wish. Do you not see who
you are, an angel with the wings of blood? Choose how to live your life; it is
not God who will judge you but the people. Begin with 3 Silver-Minted Coins,
which are considered Bahandi across the Sword Isles. You cannot become a
Headtaker for any reason.
The last Baikhan junk left the harbor. Trading season with “Danum,” said Kinaiya, as they floated about near the
Baik Hu had ended. Danum worked the bellows of her waterfall. The bronze statue of the Hibiscus Goddess
master’s forge, even as the master finished her last batch of watched over them. “When are you leaving?”
iron blades.
“In the next moon. Don’t worry.”
“That’s enough. You go on ahead and take a break. There’s
96 a feast tonight, to mark the end of trade.” “Are you going to be okay?” Kinaiya bit her lip.

Her master was Kadanay, signified by his glinting emerald Danum turned to her and placed a hand on her cheek. “I
eyes. Danum nodded, as her master wiped his brow with a will. Don’t worry. War Smiths don’t usually head into the
nearby cloth and made his way back into his home. front lines. And if we do, I’m pretty good with a hammer.
You don’t have to worry about me, all right?”
Danum cleaned up what was left of the blacksmith shed
(gusali), and then walked over to a hill overlooking the “I can’t help but.”
harbor. From here, Danum could see most of Ba-e, even as
it glowed as the torches were lit, as the sun dipped into the “Then let me leave you with a promise.” Danum leaned in
horizon. and kissed Kinaiya. Kinaiya breathed in sharply, but kissed
her back. When Danum pulled away, Kinaiya’s emerald
She sat with her hammer, tossing it and catching it eyes glinted. “With that, I seal you a promise. I will return.
reflexively, as she walked around the area. Before long, a And we will work on helping you hone your Stonewaking
“psst” resounded from the trees behind her. sorceries. All right?”

Danum turned and smiled. A young woman, wrapped in “All right.”

crimson silk although wearing no jewelry, hid within the
tangle. “Gotta remember, according to your own mother: trade
connections cannot be established without a bit of
“Your Majesty, do you not think it is uncouth of you to play raiding,” said Danum, smiling. “It’s a necessary evil to
around in the tangle like that?” realize the Sangpamegat’s dream of a united merchant
“Hold your tongue, Danum. I wish only that none of my
kawal know that I’m gone from my bukot.” Ancient guardians, sacred priests, and keepers of vast lore.
Ba-e is currently ruled by Sangpamegat Kalangitan. They,
Danum smiled, then. “Come then, Kinaiya. The waterfall poetically called The First Kingdom in The Sword Isles, will
awaits.” not bow to the rising tide of steel and sorcery of the
Giggling, Danum took Kinaiya’s hand and Kinaiya felt her
heart leap. She felt warm, even as they rushed down the Their extensive trade with Baik Hu has led them to become
hill and followed up a stream. After a few more moments of self-sustaining and wealthy. Their settlements are
walking, Kinaiya heard the rushing of water. thousand households on both sides of a river bank. Their
trading places are cordoned off sections of the city,
They broke through a brush, and there found a lake wherein white parasols and other exotic trading goods
whereupon a waterfall cascaded. The most interesting must be paid as docking fee for trading vessels to begin
thing about it is the giant bronze statue, depicting a diwata trade.
they knew by the name of Magayong Masukiling, the
hibiscus goddess of love and compassion. The grasslands, wetlands, and forests of Ba-e are pocked
with mysterious statues of the Tranquil Sage, cast in stone,
“Don’t tell me you’re going to swim in that?” asked bronze, and gold. When you ask someone where they come
Danum, who had already removed her lambong and was from, they will answer that they do not know. The sages
halfway into the water. “Have you never swam in your will speak of brahmin.

“I... Haven’t.” HISTORY

Ba-e was established sometime during the Seventh Sun
“Well there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Come on then.” Era. They were among the Ancient Kingdoms, those
disparate polities that existed across the archipelago
Kinaiya still hesitated for a bit, but when she saw Danum region for centuries. Ba-e thus is an ancient kingdom, and
smiling at her, she felt at ease. She shed her silks and owing to this fact, they have ancient traditions, songs, and
walked bare into the water. Cold at first, but cold was good epics. Ba-e today is not Ba-e of fabled yesteryear: golden
in the heat of Ba-e. statues of The Tranquil Sage pock the forests and
grasslands, whereupon roots and branches swarm to
There they danced and played, laughing and smiling, their retake it. Smaller statues hang from necklaces and
glances too close, their lips almost touching... waistcords, a signifier of Annuvara’s influence. The
Kingdom itself has the Golden Sword Order: an order of weapons from Baik Hu itself. Their lords are called Datu, but
knights who fight with forward curving blades known as also Huang, King, due to Baik Hu recognizing them as an
ginunting. official kingdom. The Sangpamegat, the Dayang, is a God-
Queen. One of the Five of the Sword Isles.
TRADITIONS Wealthy, majestic, and ancient. Ba-e has survived multiple
knights who fight with forward curving blades known as Eras, and those that live in it will be sure that it will survive
ginunting. more. Ba-e is the oldest living polity, almost a thousand 97
years in its life, and has since evolved to incorporate ancient
Ba-e records all official documents in copperplate, whether Kadanay technology (the art of stonewaking) into their
it be paying off debts, creating alliances between polities, daily lives. Not just that, but geomancies from Baik Hu have
and the like. This is a practice inherited and copied by made their way here as well, giving rise to unique
Virbanwa and Akai, but not Gatusan and Apumbukid, who syncretized pagodas, kirin statues, and phoenix houses.
find that spoken word is more powerful than written script. They have also copied Baikhan schooling systems, mixing it
with monastery-schools from the greater Crescent
Ba-e religions is influenced by foreign Ashinin-Annuvaran Archipelago, to create a system of creating officials to certify
religion, from phallic symbols known as linga being used that Ba-e does not only continue, but it will flourish. Ba-e
for rituals, to the statues of the Tranquil Sage from the wishes to create a veritable Merchant Republic.
Annuvaran Religion still standing and prayed to. Ba-e dead
are buried twice: once full, and then again cremated, to Their adherence and proximity to ancient Kadanay
purify their sins from the world, and so that their charred technology has provided them with unique aesthetics,
remains can become ancestor spirits that can be clothing, and architecture. They prefer to cover themselves
worshipped. more fully, as with the Virbanwans. Their jewelry is not just
gold, but jade and stone, glowing green. Even debtors wear
Temples are created as well: 8-roofed pagodas of both wood this. The houses of the rich are built on top of hills, with vast
and stone, inspired by Annuvaran architecture, kept within gardens at the bottom of the hills. They prefer to wear
8-sided walls of painted stone, with a single opening unalloyed gold upon themselves, which they believe to be
depicting blossoming flowers and ancient serpents. Houses the cleanest and purest of all metals.
are also enclaves of 5 houses within a square stone. These
are all influences of Ashinin-Annnuvaran faiths. The most important area of Ba-e is the Lake of Pulilan, the
largest freshwater body in the Sword Isles. This lake is home
Ba-e holds the number 8 to high regard among them. Their to freshwater sardines, crocodiles, and other important
houses are always of 4 sides, and royalty have access to 8- freshwater marine food that has become an integral part to
roofed and 16-roofed houses. There are 8 holy weapon Ba-e life. Pulilan Silangan drains directly into the Bay of
types: the sword, the dagger, the spear, the shield, the bow, Ananara, and through the Silangan Strait do most junks
the blowgun, the javelin, and the gun. Their walls are travel into.
almost always 8-sided, each one facing the eight holy
directions, which are each protected by a holy guardian
beasts, or the Bantay Walodako, literally, the Eight AESTHETICS
Directions Guardians. Their makeup and hygiene is extraordinary even for tawo
among the Sword Isles, using white foundation and pitch
Ba-e has constructed a giant hardwood and stone house black inks to create wingtips and eyeshadows, influenced
with 16 roofs. It is not a house for living, but rather for study. by their long history. This facepaint has become an
Within shelves are scrolls and scrolls of palm leaf important part of culture by Royal Courtesans and
manuscripts as well as copperplate slates, as well as paper Aristocratic Politicking, and even into the court dancing
scrolls imported from other regions across the known cultures. Ba-e royalty and nobles are horribly prone to
world. This is known as the Bahay Karunongan, or the realpolitik, vying for power over seaports, connections with
House of Wisdom, the only place in all of the Sword Isles powerful warriors, trading settlements, and positions
where knowledge and writing has been written down. This among the court of the Sangpamegat.
is something that Virbanwa has been trying to gain access
to, to no avail. Ba-e values material wealth. Many of them wear silk and
cloth shirts, whether man or woman, and they coat
Only the smartest and most intelligent of parawali can be themselves in tassels and jewelry, usually of gold. The
admitted within, remembered by guardian spirits of the nobility flaunt their exotic, foreign items and wealth: black
House of Wisdom itself. There is said to be approximately and white silks, ivory parasols, porcelain jars and
875,000 pieces of writing within the cascading square- accoutrements. Weapons from Iyamat or Baik Hu. Armor
patterned shelves of the 16 roofed House. Recently, the from Sonyoh. Ba-e is using its ancient knowledge and
Balay has begun to admit students, those with promising affinity to ancient sorceries to begin a campaign to unite all
spiritual or martial prowess. This is a poorly veiled attempt beings under the Sangpamegat, not through war but
by the Sangpamegat to cultivate thunderous Kadungganan through trade networks and linking. In this way, they seek
loyal to Ba-e. These Kadungganan are taught in poetry, to become the center of the world, the nexus of the
writing, politics, and warfare. They are known as the Universal Silkroad.
Mandirigma ng Ilang-Ilang, Warriors of Ylang-Ylang,
shortened to Digilang (dig[ma] + ilang-ilang, war ilang- Ba-e warriors--especially the bravest among them, the
ilang). The Ilang-Ilang is a flower extracted for oil and is generals and commanders--enjoy enhanced warring
used to ward off evil spirits. technology that has allowed them to keep pace with the
growing weapon prowess of Virbanwa. Bows that have
The royals of Ba-e are therefore swathed in silks and bowstrings made of light, swords that have blades made of
parasols, flower crowns and gold jewelry. Cauldrons and sun-rays, and daggers that have edges of crystallized
moongleam: all practices and smithing techniques passed Other Culture Impressions
down by the Kadanay.
To Virbanwa: Wayward stars streak across the sky.
The most important technology among the Ba-e tawo are Thrones shall fall before we do.
two things: the sky-sampans and the artifact slates. Sky-
sampans, which are circular boats that ride upon the wind, To Akai: Warrior Braves and courtly regals. They are
worked upon by diwata that are contractually bound by royalty, grandeur, and raiders all. They deserve respect, but
ancient Kadanay oath to carry the sampan, have become a we have stood far longer than they have existed.
major source for personal travel. Sages and nobility would
ride upon these if they could commission them. To Gatusan: They shall raid the world, and if we play our
cards right, they will be shackled by gold and heirloom to
NOTEWORTHY PERSONS us. They shall be the swordfish to our barge.
98 Sangpamegat Dayang Kalangitan, the Eternal Monarch. To Apumbukid: Our goals do not conflict, but their
Once just a Dayang, she took over after her husband, isolation will be their downfall. The roots speak, the earth
Pamegat Diwajaya, was killed in battle against a breathes. To Achieve Concordance, one must be willing to
Virbanwan Warlord. Using her Kadanay blood, she break it. To become God one must be willing to kill Him.
perfected the sorceries of Stonewaking, instilling stone
and clay sculptures made by local potters and smiths with Ba-e Honorifics: Gat for Males, Binibini for females.
additional utility, the ability to float, and to keep food
frozen. This technological marvels gave her the title of Ba-e Naming Conventions: Similar to Rajahnate
Hexer-Queen. conventions. They do not have surnames, and usually use
one or two words.
She has frozen herself into a diwa-silk cocoon, letting her
soul wander freely and roam, unshackled by physicality, Ba-enon Names: Pangil, Lontok, Dula, Angkatan,
but her body itself is entombed upon her throne, Namwaran, Tagkan, Palaba, Kalamayin, Panginoan,
whereupon a giant gold statue of her has been built: a Bagtas, Sasaban, Salalila, Avijirkaya, Maitan, Salihan,
goddess with eight hands, each wielding a weapon, and a Talim, Lumban, Pila, Gatid, Dewata.
crown that is like a balete tree.
As a Ba-enon, you can always...
She rules Ba-e directly, and eternally. She will eventually
rule Gubat Banwa, and her consciousness will be one with 0 Scoff at someone.
the all. This is both her goal and her ambition: to become
as the Annuvaran conception of God. That is to say, 0 Try to sell something.
0 Express and showcase generosity.
Maharlika Langkus. A maharlika who has only recently
awoken from a hundred year slumber, being submerged
and contained in the Temple of Resurrection, a natural
temple within a large cave upon the mountain of Tinaga.
Known for his strange cloud-white hair, he travels around
the Ba-e region helping out those in need. He is mute as
well, although he can communicate well enough with
gestures and writings.

Thus he brings with him a great number of palm leaf

scrolls. He is a master swordmaster, walking around with a
salawal, sarong, paruka, azure baro, and grand crimson
pudong, with tails that flow in the wind. He loves chicken
as well. He wishes to find an ancient binukot that he was
tasked with protecting, the reason for his travels.

Senapati Sibasib. A burgeoning warlord-merchant datu

who seeks to prove himself powerful, leading his haop of
Katingan to battle. He is loyal to Ba-e, and always jumps at
the chance to conduct raids against the various Virbanwa
or Gatusan settlements, even all the way to Sinuku or
Ibalnong. He is one of the first ones to adopt the Akai
introduction of horses, known as kuda, in their tongue,
which the people of Sinuku also know of.

Sibasib leads his Kuda Kawal cavalry when performing

land raids. He is deeply in love with one of the
Sangpamegat’s binukot, a girl named Kinalubang
Bulaklak, who actually sneaks out from her bukot and
fights alongside him with a mask on.
Ba-e has 5 major subcultures, based on the five most powerful polities about the main city of Ba-e. Roll a d10 or choose:

1-2 Miatang. A coast settlement at the northern tip of the Kumintang region. Miatang is the land nexus for trade
with Pannai and Gatusan. It is ruled by a powerful laksamana, Datu Hagutak. Known for stone fortifications
and bamboo watchtowers, they regularly fend off raids from the northern polities. Many maharlika are brought 99
here as a final part of their training, where they are forced to live in Miatang for a single harvest to provide both
on the boots training for the maharlika, as well as well needed warriors to protect Miatang. You begin with a

3-4 Pailah. Directly to the north of Ba-e, Pailah, which is ruled by Datu Ganasakti, a son of the Sangpamegat, is one
of the most important centers of trade and commerce in Ba-e, other than the city of Ba-e itself. Holding at least
a thousand households, they craft pottery, weave textiles, smith gold, and craft weapons. Here Baik Hu also
stations their trading junks, along with Naksuwarga and Madaki adyongs who trade with them horses,
weapons, and debtors. It is currently suffering from ashen star missionaries from Virbanwa. Traders and
travelers frequent Pailah due to its close proximity with Mainit, the polity of medicinal hot springs. You begin
with a horse.

5-6 Namayan. A banwa ruled by three Datu: Datu Karas, Datu Dayawan, and Datu Mabantad. It serves as a trading
polity for Sinuku and Vuyu to the south, as well as access to the plains where rice can be grown. However, it is
constantly suffering invasions from Virbanwa, causing it to earn a brunt of Ba-e’s maharlika to shore up
The banwa itself is made up of a collection of stone fortresses, that lets people retreat into whenever a raiding
party arrives. When needed, however, Namayan is beside a thick jungle with many earthen outcroppings, and
the folk of Namayan can retreat there. Namayan is still also a prime trading port, whereupon they trade with
gold kernels and gold barter rings as currency. Namayan is also the main shipbuilding polity of Ba-e. You begin
with a carnelian adorned bracelet.

7-8 Talim. Upon an island in the middle of the bay of Pulilan, a few ways north from Namayan, there is the island
of Talim. Used as a respite port for most traders, it has begun to create housing districts where traders can pay
the Datu, a Kadanay named Kiyalilidan, to rest before traveling back home. Thus Talim has become a prime
place for trading cultures and stories, most of which are inscribed upon copperplate. Talim is known for having
the largest population of Kadanay left, whereupon they spend their days writing upon copperplate histories
and secrets and sorceries, as well as try to find ways to replicate the Stonewaking sorceries of their ancestors.
You begin with a ritual knife.

9-10 Ba-e. The great city from which the Sangpamegat’s power emanates, it is a land of pagodas and stupas, of holy
golden temples and strangler fig complexes. It is influenced intensely by Baikhan culture, and has a large
number of Baikhan refuge enclaves within. Ba-e is a trading center: merchants and traders of Ba-e bring the
items brought by Baik Hu to the rest of the islands north, especially to trade with those of the Gatusan and the
myriad islands to its east, before returning to pay back those Baikhan eight to nine moons later. Sangpamegat
Kalangitan’s stone and jade jewelry shimmer and glow with glowing green patterns, betraying their ability to
use the sacred ancient Kadanay artifacts. You begin with a white parasol.
Roll a d8 or choose from the following lineages.

1 Baikhan Refugees. Your family comes from the great Southeastern Continent, ruled over by the
August Jade Empress. Due to the increasingly draconian laws your family has escaped the vast Jade
Empire under the Yling Dynasty, of the Blazing Magnolia, increasingly fraught with civil war and
scheming ministers. Finding peace and freedom in Ba-e, which exults in life and love. You begin with
+1 in Control.
2 Educators. Your family comes from trained educators–usually monks who gave up the Monastic
Life–who teach in royal houses and even the great pagoda that is the House of Wisdom. Being in
100 such an academic environment since birth has shaped how you approach things: you come at
situations with a more methodical bent, not afraid to reference and cross reference and use things
that you have learned before. You probably know a great deal about writing, and know how to write
upon copperplate. You begin with +1 in Judgment.
3 Artists. You come from a family of artists, who practice the art of painting, introduced here from Baik
Hu. You carry around a paint brush and try to capture the world around you, realizing that it is about
to end. You begin with +1 in Imagery.
4 Blacksmiths. You come from a line of blacksmiths, either one who traveled around (most
blacksmiths traveled from settlement to settlement with an apprentice peddling their wares and
offering their labor) or one who had a close aristocrat patron that allowed them to stay in one
settlement (or perhaps they were royalty themselves?) You learned the tools of the trade from them,
and you have become mighty and loving when learning about the sacred act of Creation. Gain +1 to
your Might.
5 Honey Gatherers. You come from a family of professional honey gatherers, who travel into the deep
wood to gather honey from beehives, mingling with the spirits of the forest to give them a bountiful
harvest. Honey is the primary form of sweetener in the isles, and from it comes popular honey mead.
You begin with +1 in Sensitivity.
6 Artifactsmiths. A renowned kind of smith that crafts ancient spiritual artifacts, a holy mixture of
blacksmithing, pottery, carpentry, and sorcery. These panday are known to learn the Stonewaking
Arts from Kadanay smiths. Becoming an artifactsmith in Ba-e is a very difficult endeavor, requiring
practical knowledge of basic blacksmithing in addition to passing a test conducted by the sages of
Ba-e and past artifactsmith. Most artifactsmiths end up learning that they have Kadanay blood
within them, although this is not the norm. Begin with a worthless Kadanay relic.
7 Fishermen. You come from a lineage of fishermen, either by the river mouths or out in the sea. You
were born with a trident, harpoon, and net in your hands. The waters have known you long before
you were born, and you embraced this. Everyday, you leap into the rushing rapids. Your hands are
one with the fishes, and your patience for your aquatic friends knows no bounds. You begin with +1
to Observation.
8 Monastery Town. You come from a village that lies below a Monastery, usually with either a large
temple pagoda or stone statue of the primary deity being worshipped or being used as a Spirit
Guide. You were born knowing all about that God’s stories and history and teachings. You revel in
their festivals, and something about you is shaped in their likeness, whether it be your hair, your
fingernails, or jewelry. Why did you leave? Did you ever really know that God? Achieve Conjunction,
Become Hiyang. Gain +1 to your Resolve.
This showcases the social class of your character before they became Kadungganan. Your social
standing might have come from your lineage, or it might have come from something that happened
after your lineage (ie. a merchant prince that has fallen from grace or accrued too much debt). It is up
to you to connect the dots.
Choose or roll a d8: 101
1 Bihag or slave. You were the victim of the Eighth Star Era’s burgeoning violence, and have
become nothing but wealth to be traded. You begin with nothing.
2 Aliping Sagigilid or servant. You were indebted or were born into debt of a powerful
person, whether it be a famed warrior, merchant, or aristocrat. Your hands are calloused
from your work. You begin with a small push dagger.
3 Aliping Namamahay or peasant. You were a loyal worker to your communities’ chief. You
had your own house within the community, and offered part of your labor to him. You
begin with a farming tool.
4-5 Maharlika or Warrior. You were a freeman, working as a warrior for the datu that you
have chosen. The datu shares their spoils with you, their fellow warriors, and you earn
your own house with your own wealth, though you answer to the datu’s beck and call and
sometimes toil for them. Gain a weapon.
6 Maginoo or Aristocrat. Ba-e aristocrats are known to be the most pompous of nobles
among the Sword Isles. Having taken after the Baikhans that they’ve traded with for so
long, they have grand wooden longhouses decorated with gold and built like pagodas.
They wear long silk gowns, long sarongs, complex golden diadems, and walk upon
wooden sandals, their feet never to touch the ground. They have servants carrying their
parasols, and they are carried upon palanquins either by elephants or by their own
servants. When they speak, they speak in lilting tones, and they always adhere to the
Golden Web Tapestry. Many Ba-e aristocrats also have Kadanay ancestry, which shows in
their magenta eyes. You begin with a valuable item.
7 Kadatuan or Royalty. You are directly connected to your settlement’s datu, either the datu
is your uncle, grandparent, or parent. You are revered as an Aristocrat, although the
expectation for you is much higher. If you are born female then you were treated as a
binukot, a veiled maiden, hidden from the rest of the world until you were to be wed to
someone your parents decided is fit for their social class. If you are born male you were
trained in the arts of war and leadership. You begin with a royal heirloom.
8 Sun’s Royalty. You are directly related to the Sangpamegat, who had a host of concubines
in her royal palace. You therefore inherit the grand Sun Heritage, and have the eyes of a
Kadanay’s: magenta and burning. You walk around with a host of servants, have a
personal Sun Shadow (Arawanino) who has pledged their life to protect you, and are
taught histories, arts, warfare, poetry, and martial arts, both local and foreign. You begin
with a gold sash, a signifier of your solar royalty.
Natures are dramatic archetypes that color how your Kadungganan interact with the world. These provide a scaffolding for
your drama play, as well as helps you find a solid foundation for your Kadungganan before fleshing them out through play.
Choose one that makes the most sense. As much as possible, do not choose the same Nature.

You can use your Nature Skills in fights, as long as it makes sense in the fiction. However if the Skill does not say it gives you
an express mechanical effect (such as August’s Majesty calling attention to you but not letting you inflict Provoked), then they
do not give that mechanical effect.

The ten Natures are: August, Consular, Creative, Fierce, Poetic, Gentle, Sage, Sly, Stalwart, Vagrant
Self starter, Commander, Leader
Spend 1 Conviction to immediately learn the best course of
You are a leader, perhaps. Maybe you are an autocrat, a ruler. action for something. If you tell it to someone, they gain +2
A despot? What do you call those that follow you? Followers? rerolls to all Casts to performing specifically that course of
Friends? Allies? The difference in that tells us who you are. action.
You are charismatic, or maybe intimidating, or maybe just
really clever. You have the inexplicable ability to rally folk to ORDER
your cause. No matter what you do, you like seeing it all, you Give someone 1 Conviction to grant them knowledge of craft
are meticulous: either you are on top to see everything, or or an ability that you are intimately familiar with (like
behind everyone to catch any mistake. Perhaps you were a
104 noble, or some kind of enterprising maverick among legions cooking or smithing). They only know this temporarily,
unless they spend that Conviction to dedicate themselves to
of servants. it. If they do, give them a Debt Token.
Do you understand your leadership? Do you abuse it? What MAJESTY
is leadership to you, and do you understand that a better
world is out there where you don’t exist? At any point during a session, you can make yourself the
center of attention for a scene for any reason. If you want to
You begin with (choose 2): a grand silk headdress, a use this more than once during a Session, you must spend 1
ceremonial kris, gold flower ear ornaments, a phoenix-headed Conviction afterwards.
bottle, a silk jacket, wooden sandals, a ring with a carnelian, a
black and white shawl EFFECTIVITY
You always have Bonus when you Cast to give orders and
You can always... commands to others and those are inclined to listen to you.
This bonus does not apply if you are simply trying to brute
0 Order someone around, without knowing whether this force yourself upon others.
is all right to them.
0 Scoff at someone telling you what to do. RALLY
0 Ask: “What can I do to get this going?” Spend 1 Conviction to easily gather a small crowd that will
follow one, non life- threatening thing you tell them to do.
Conviction Triggers: Gain Conviction when…
0 You enforce your way even if those you care about reject
it. Once per session, you can give an order to anyone, even if
they are not inclined to listen to you. If they do not follow
0 You give a command that you know will cause harm. your command, you gain 1 Conviction.
0 You do something confidently to your detriment.
0 You refuse to listen to someone you perceive to be lower
than you, to your detriment. Choose this to gain a Skill from another Nature.
Berate someone for not doing something in a way you
After you gain all possible August Skills, you can now
purchase the Refined Skill:

Descended From Rajaraya. Spend 1 Conviction to force

someone to do something for you, whatever it may be.
Depending on what you make them do, their disposition
toward you might change.

Once you have the Refined Skill, you can now purchase the
Perfected Skill:

Decree of Malaun. Spend 2 Conviction to give all your allies

+2 to all non-combat Casts until the end of the scene.
Eloquent, Piercing, Diplomatic
Whenever someone gives you their Debt Token, you can
You have a way with words. Or perhaps you’re just choose to immediately give them your own Debt Token as
naturally charming. Your skill in speaking pierces through well. If you do, you gain 2 more Debt Tokens from them.
a person’s flesh. Your tongue can sway even gods, if you
wanted to. Not just that, but you’re good in all manner of REVEAL
ministries that deal in folk: in ruling them, in manipulating Spend 1 Conviction and choose two questions below to ask
them, and in finessing them. What you do with your gift of the Umalagad, which they must answer truthfully:
gab is up to you.
106 What do you do with your quicksilver tongue? You grin, 0 Is this person hiding something from me?
but for what purpose? 0 Is this person afraid of the current situation?
0 Is there something this person wants?
You begin with (choose 2): a magenta cloak, a pouch of tea
leaves, a golden balance hanging around your neck, a push GAMBIT
dagger (balaraw), a waist sash of gold, incense sticks, three Spend 1 Conviction when you try to convince someone into
jarlets a belief that you do not personally believe yourself. They
are immediately convinced of that belief, but the
You can always... Umalagad chooses a single caveat:
0 With your words, maneuver yourself into a position 0 They will lose that belief soon unless continuously
you want, but risk danger. convinced.
0 Find the place with the most people. 0 The belief brings unwarranted attention to you.
0 Ask: “Who’s hiding something here?” 0 They become so fervently convinced of the belief that
Conviction Triggers: Gain Conviction when… something arises from it.
0 You aggravate others with your talk.
Spend 1 Conviction when you wish to make two people see
0 You say something you shouldn’t have. eye to eye. They will immediately see eye to eye and you
0 You get someone else into trouble to escape seal it with an oath. If either of them breaks the agreement,
consequences. you will know immediately somehow, within the fiction.
0 You convince someone into believing something that SPREAD CONVICTION
might harm them in the end.
You have Bonus to all attempts to convince another to do
0 You spread info about someone or something that you something.
know to be false.
Spend 1 Conviction to immediately be friendly with
someone before meeting them, and to give the best
possible first impression.

Choose this to gain a Skill from another Nature.

After you gain all possible Consular Skills, you can now
purchase the Refined Skill:

Sweet Tongue of Munsad Tilingban. Spend 1 Conviction.

For the rest of the scene, everyone you talk to will begin
with a friendly disposition toward you.

Once you have the Refined Skill, you can now purchase the
Perfected Skill:

Connect The Weave of Souls. Spend 2 Conviction to create

a diplomatic situation that will benefit everyone involved
in that current context, or those that you choose that will
benefit from them. You can only use this once per Kandu.
Spend 1 Conviction token when you want to fix something
Helpful, Stable, Ingenious broken, such as an object or a relationship, etc. If you do,
describe how you do it, and the Umalagad chooses one
You are a creator in your community, whether that be from the following that you need: bring ingredients into a
smithing, goldcraft, boatcrafting, weaving, or some other particular place, gather particular materials, learn
creative endeavor. You are ingenious, little sparks of something important about it, be comfortable with not
innovation breakthrough in every new creation you put fully fixing it.
forth. Sometimes, your creative ability gets the best of you,
and it eats away at your life, at the expense of your bonds. INGENUITY
Gain Bonus to all Casts when trying to make something
What do you make? How does it help you or your
108 community? better than before.

You begin with (choose 2): A set of crafting tools, an anvil,
a bag of trinkets, a tutubi necklace (gold necklace that resembles Spend 1 Conviction to instantly pull at a fraying thread at
dragonflies), flowers and herbs for dyes, jade earrings, anything made by mortal hands, to immediately destroy it,
something you’ve created, a pouch of failed inventions as long as it makes sense. You cannot do this to destroy a
stone fort’s walls, for example, but you can use it for a
You can always... bamboo watchtower. This of course will very usually lead
into trouble.
0 Invent something new, which brings unwanted
attention to you. MAYKAPAL
0 Make something for a community that needs it. You can create a Moon to craft anything not larger than a
suit of armor (so it can be weapons, shields, armors,
0 Ask: “Is there anything here that I can use?” clothes, etc.). The Maykapal Moon takes 4-segments and
Conviction Triggers: Gain Conviction when… can only be worked on during downtime.

0 You forget others in pursuit of creation. INSTANT CREATION

0 You let one of your creations harm someone you care Whenever you craft something not larger than a suit of
about. armor and it takes time (and is not part of a Moon), you can
spend 1 Conviction to create it immediately, as long as you
0 You forgo other’s opinion and guidance in pursuit of have the tools and environment for it.
your own.
0 You choose the more complicated route than the VERSATILITY
simpler route. Choose this to gain a Skill from another Nature.
0 You choose to destroy something you loved.
After you gain all possible Creative Skills, you can now
CRAFTER purchase the Refined Skill:
Spend 1 Conviction when you have the time to create
something, anything, from your surroundings, as long as it Hammer of Diwata Bagid-an. You can, with superior skill,
follows the fiction. This becomes an item that you carry, find a weakspot in a large structure, perhaps the size of a
which can be used as barter, or turn out useful in the stone wall or even larger, that has been made by mortal
future. When you use it, it gives you a Bonus when you Cast hands. Spend 2 Conviction to immediately destroy it.
the Crocodile’s Teeth, but when you first use it, roll a d4
after using it: PERFECTED SKILL
1. It breaks down and shatters. Once you have the Refined Skill, you can now purchase the
Perfected Skill:
2. It destroys something near you, or it inflicts harm
upon you or someone close to you, taking 1 Conviction Forge of Malaun. You can now begin crafting something
from them. immense and large: perhaps a God-Body, or a stone
fortress, or a royal palace. Commit 2 Conviction to the
3. It attracts unwanted attention somehow (like perhaps creation. As long as that Conviction is committed, you have
a loud noise, or a strange spiritual resonance). a 6-Part Moon that you can work on once every Downtime
to creating something large, as follows the fiction. When
4. It now requires a particular material whenever used. you finish the creation, you release the Conviction
commitment and regain the Conviction.
At the end of the session, the item breaks.
Sunder 1 Conviction to kill someone helpless before you.
Forceful, Unstoppable, Determined You must change your Principle afterwards, or else lose all
Conviction immediately, as you have lost all prestige, and
You are indomitable. You are the fury. By your hands you have become the same as the despots you so hate.
will seize heaven’s thunderclaps and send it barreling into
the sea. You are the storm. Your strength is uncanny, GRASP FURY
undeniable. With yourself as the weapon, you will get what Spend 1 Conviction to sink into a deep rage, whether it be a
you want, what you need. Everything else must move out of screaming anger or a quiet wrath. While in this rage, you
the way. You are an act of God; woe be to those that stand in can never fail any rolls that deal in destruction: whether it
your way. be social or physical. However, you will be unable to control
110 What are you seeking? Why do you rush through, like a yourself: you cannot roll Control, and the Umalagad can
step in when dramatically appropriate to say that you are
storm, searching for it? going to hurt someone near and dear to you.
You begin with (choose 2): a ceremonial kampilan, a GIVE ME WHAT I WANT
crimson headdress, a golden diadem, a colorful sarong, a broken
shield, garuda ear ornaments, a Kilin vessel, a kinnari lamp Spend 1 Conviction when you’re trying to gain secrets or
knowledge from someone else, whether it be cosmic esotery
You can always... or an answer from a small child, to immediately gain the
answer. The answer will always be interesting, but it will be
0 Challenge someone to a duel. short and rough.
0 Defeat someone below you in a one-on- one fight. VERSATILITY
0 Ask: “How can I use my skill to strongarm myself Choose this to gain a Skill from another Nature.
through this?”
Conviction Trigger: Gain Conviction when… REFINED SKILL
0 You let your skill and passion attract unwanted After you gain all possible Fierce Skills, you can now
attention. purchase the Refined Skill:
0 You are defeated. Strength of Idda Mangubat. Spend 1 Conviction to destroy
0 Your skill puts you into a worse position. one thing from the victim of your ire:
0 You ignore any advice from anyone and do what you - A Debt Token that they gained from someone else.
want to do.
0 You harm those important to you without care. - A Belief they used to hold.
FIERCE SKILLS - A Want that they still have.
Spend 1 Conviction to immediately defeat someone less-
skilled than you in a duel. If you do, you attract unwanted Once you have the Refined Skill, you can now purchase the
attention immediately. Perfected Skill:

BULLDOZE Break The Sky. Spend 2 Conviction at any point in a scene

to get what you want, damn the consequences. You must
Gain Bonus to all Casts that deal in trying to destroy outline clearly what it is you want, but once you do you will
something in your way. get it, as much as possible.
Spend 1 Conviction to impress someone with your physical
skill. If you do, they give you their Debt Token. Spend 2
Conviction to make this a group of people, though when
they give you their Debt Token you gain it from them as a

Wide-Eyed, Hopeful, Empathetic
Spend 1 Conviction to make a relatively safe place a place
You are the heart. You are the softness needed for violence comfortable enough for genuine rest, as long as you have
to be more than violence. For violence to become justice, time for it, and the place is comfortable enough. This can
retribution, peace. Someone must pay attention to the become a place fit for Downtime.
little things, after all. Your care is silent, soft, inviting, and
always truthful. You are the hand that reaches out when HUSH
swords are drawn. Gain +Bonus to all Casts where you try to quell inflamed
passions and emotions with soft words and empathy.
Why do you choose such gentleness? Your blade still
112 flashes fast as lightning. Oh sweet heart, hold fast and true. WORD
Even as your hand bleeds, you are the flower that offers its
beauty. Spend 1 Conviction to convince an enemy to your side for a
short period of time. This does not mean they will
You begin with (choose 2): glass beads, a Baikhan sage immediately fight for you, but perhaps they will consider.
statue, a soft bamboo flute, a pack of healing poultices that will Those with strong Convictions can and will ignore this, so
run out soon, flowers in a garland, cooking implements, jarlets make them doubt first.
filled with hot spring water, a white stone from a holy mountain
You can always... Spend 1 Conviction to grant someone a brief reprieve,
genuine care, one that they will remember. Is that not
0 Speak softly and see the best in people. what we all crave from this world? There is so much
0 Offer another way (there has to be one, right?). turmoil, especially in a world barreling into oblivion. We
were born to love, from bamboo and stone. If the person
0 Ask: “Why must you do this?” accepts the care, you gain their Debt Token.
Conviction Triggers: Gain Conviction when…
0 You let yourself be swayed. Willingly offer 1 Conviction to a Kadungganan you deeply
0 You forgive someone that does not deserve it. care for after speaking to their heart. It is up to them if they
choose to keep it. They can spend it to gain +2 rerolls to all
0 You hesitate. Casts attempting to help you, but when they do,
0 Your softness causes pain for more people. immediately establish a relationship or they must give you
their Debt Token.
0 You lose something important because you tried to do
Whenever you talk with someone in a soft and tender way,
you can spend 1 Conviction to immediately succeed on that
roll. However, that person gains your Debt Token.

Choose this to gain a Skill from another Nature.

After you gain all possible Gentle Skills, you can now
purchase the Refined Skill:

Succor. During Downtime, 1/Kandu, you can heal 1

Conviction from a loved one.

Once you have the Refined Skill, you can now purchase the
Perfected Skill:

Beneficence. Spend 2 Conviction during Downtime give

each ally in the Warband, excluding yourself, a Beneficence
token. While they have a Beneficence Token, whenever
they would spend Conviction, they can choose to consume
the Beneficence Token instead.
Spend 1 Conviction to start a new song, dance, or story.
Firebrand, Trailblazer, Bleeding Heart Establish a Moon. When you have time, you may cast an
appropriate Ability to see if it rises or not, with contextual
You are a lover, a burning soul. You sing, you write, you difficulty. This creation will never fail, the Moon is there
dance, you utter condemnations and benevolences. You are simply to gauge how long it takes to create.
an idealist, a firebrand, whose truths and principles will set
the Sword Isles ablaze, whether for good or ill. You might be BRIGHT
poet, a singer, a dancer, or musician. Whatever it is, you Offer 1 Conviction to the Kadungganan you love. They can
light a fire in those around you... and the fire starts from you. choose to use it, or give it back to you eventually. If they use
it, tears stream from your eyes, a part of you is gone, and
What do you wax poetically about in the nights when the
114 moon does not show? only they remember it.

You begin with (choose 2): a boat lute (kudyapi), a bamboo
flute, a jaw harp, palm leaf scrolls, writing implements, a Once per Session, when you put yourself in a dangerous
ceremonial staff, tinder, a piece of the sky position to protect your beliefs and principles or strengthen it
for whatever reason, gain a single Firebrand Token, which
You can always... goes away at the end of a session. At any point, you can spend
a Firebrand Token to use it in place of Conviction, or you can
0 Wax poetically. use it to heal 1 Conviction immediately.
0 Say something profound. VERSATILITY
0 Ask: “For a better world, right?” Choose this to gain a Skill from another Nature.
Conviction Trigger: Gain Conviction when…
0 You let your idealism and performance burn you.
After you gain all possible Poetic Skills, you can now
0 You fall helplessly in love. purchase the Refined Skill:
0 Your feelings are stoked, leading you to lash out.
Drums of Liberation. Give someone that believes in the
0 Your burning determination makes things worse for same things that you do 1 Conviction. As long as they have
everyone around you. that Conviction, other people will be drawn to them, and
0 Your heart is broken. your beliefs and principles will spread. It is up to them to
give it back, or you can forcibly take it back, though this
pacifies any building fire.
Once you have the Refined Skill, you can now purchase the
Spend 1 Conviction when creating something to instill Perfected Skill:
within it a belief. Giving it to anyone with an intent of
convincing them into that belief will give them that belief Gongs of Violence. Spend 1 Conviction to immediately
for a short time. It’s up to them whether they’ll keep it. instill violence in any scene, no matter how it may happen.
You will always be ready: if combat erupts from this Skill,
INSTILL DETERMINATION you and your bandmates all take your Turns first before
Spend 1 Conviction to give someone a reason to keep going: combat officially starts and the Rhythm is established.
they ignore all Conviction loss from consequences until
next Downtime.

Spend 1 Conviction to perform something beautiful, almost
inhumanely so.
Gain Bonus to all Casts when learning something new or
Mindful, Sensitive, Erudite when doing something with an Ability that you have 0
points in.
You are the soul, the wit, the wisdom. Your sage advice and
intuition of natural philosophies help you forge a verdant HARMONY
path through the islands of bloodshed. You may be a You gain a companion spirit, who shares knowledge with
natural empath, or a trained shaman-healer, or a wise old you. They have a name, perhaps given by you, or given by
soul in a young body. You have a natural understanding of them. Choose a single Mind Ability: you are treated as
the world about you. having +2 on all rolls using that Ability. However, when
you lose all Conviction, the spirit takes over your body.
Do you think your understanding will be enough,
116 however? Keep your wits about you, and speak your SORCERY
sermons. The gods do not listen to prattle.
You can spend 1 Conviction during Downtime to start a
You begin with (choose 2): A rattan rain cape, a fishing rod, sorcerous working: this is a 4-moon segment that requires
a sash of gold worn across the torso, an abaca fiber bag, a broad- the following things: time, proper knowledge, proper
rimmed hat (salakot), a sword with a shattered blade, spectacles items, proper tools, a proper workplace, spiritual backing,
from foreign nations, a walking stick and societal backing. However the working can be
anything within reason: such as changing the weather,
You can always... providing good harvests, or poisoning an important figure.

0 Understand what’s going on around you. VERSATILITY

0 Perform a short ritual to the spirits. Choose this to gain a Skill from another Nature
0 Ask: “What do I know about this?” REFINED SKILL
Conviction Trigger: Gain Conviction when…
After you gain all possible Sage Skills, you can now
0 You find that you do not have any knowledge of purchase the Refined Skill:
Perfect Budhi Mind. Spend 1 Conviction. For the rest of
0 The advice you give leads to worse complications. the scene, you know the exact mental state of everyone you
0 You say you know something when in fact you don’t. talk to directly. If you act on knowledge gleaned from this,
gain a Bonus to all rolls.
0 You place yourself in a worse position in search for
knowledge or wisdom. PERFECTED SKILL
0 You choose to learn about something you shouldn’t
know. Once you have the Refined Skill, you can now purchase the
Perfected Skill:

SAGE SKILLS Transcendent Enlightenment. Spend 3 Conviction when

recalling an even to immediately reshape how that event
ADVICE happened, though no drastic changes can be made, it has
to fit the fiction. Saying that in a memory a datu died while
Spend 1 Conviction to let two different Kadungganan in the the datu is standing in front of you is not allowed, however
table trade up to 2 Conviction each. saying that the datu drank a cup with poison can be
possible. One can only use this once per Kandu.
You bite the apple of knowledge. Spend 1 Conviction to say
lore and history about anything. This can be anything, and
it is true. However, the Umalagad chooses one:

0 There’s something missing with the information.

0 One part of the knowledge is misunderstood.
0 The information is true but has since changed.
Give one of the Kadungganan that you want to teach
something 1 Conviction. During next Downtime, they can
spend that Conviction to immediately learn a new Ability
(one that they don’t have points in yet).
Steal 1 Conviction from a Kadungganan, but they gain your
Tricky, Deceiving, Stealthy Debt Token until you return the Conviction at a later time.
You can return any Conviction even if it isn’t the one you
You are the shadow. The cheat, the dirk, the whisper in the stole.
dark. You slink into the places others would find impossible.
Your skill with your wit and your tongue can get you out of BLINK
many situations. That’s what you’re good at, slipping out of Spend 1 Conviction to instantly appear somewhere you’ve
situations. Nothing can pin you down, sometimes it feels been before, 2 if its somewhere you haven’t been before to.
like you’ve got a body double in some distant island.
What are you running away from?
118 When you try to steal something without anyone looking,
You begin with (choose 2): a key, a push dagger (balaraw), a either spend 1 Conviction or choose 1 from below.
jarlet of snake venom, a textile cowl, stolen crafting equipment, a
pouch of rice, a pouch of chalk powder, a palm leaf torch 0 Someone notices your theft.
0 You steal something else instead.
You can always...
0 Hide something from someone you know. Choose this to gain a Skill from another Nature.
0 Move quietly.
0 Ask: “How can I fuck with someone here?” REFINED SKILL
Conviction Triggers: Gain Conviction when… After you gain all possible Sly Skills, you can now purchase
the Refined Skill:
0 You get caught.
Shadows Flit Over Meylupa. When you do something
0 Someone sees through your lies. illegal or usually looked down upon in your current place,
0 You drop something that’s not supposed to be yours. spend 1 Conviction to make it so that you are not doing that
or have never done that, even if you have and or are
0 You give up something you’ve stolen for something currently doing it. For example, if moving a particular jar is
else. something you must do, but the culture you’re in says that
0 You take something that you really shouldn’t have. you cannot move that particular jar, you can use this to
make it so that either it looks like it was an accident, or
something fatefully happens to distract any onlookers (like
SLY SKILLS a brawl).


When you move quickly, spend 1 Conviction to make it do it Once you have the Refined Skill, you can now purchase the
with absolutely no one noticing, however you must choose Perfected Skill:
one below:
Immaculate. Spend 2 Conviction to steal something that
0 You attract the attention of the spirits instead. might not be something you can conventionally steal
0 You leave something else behind, whether it be wealth (something like, a name, a face, an identity or a god).
or your heart.
0 You must end up somewhere farther than where you
When you lie, spend 1 Conviction to make it so that the one
you’re talking to (and it must be a single person) believes
that lie, no matter what. If, however, that person finds out
about the truth of the lie, they give back that spent
Conviction and you attract their ire.

Gain a Bonus to all Casts when you’re trying to hide
something from someone.
Spend 1 Conviction when you devote yourself to someone
Hurting, Unyielding, Martyr to give them a better disposition: they gain Bonus on all
Casts outside of combat until the next Downtime.
You are the wall. You are the fortress where the waves crash
against it. You would rather that you suffer diseases and UNBREAKABLE
scars than those that you care about. You care for others Spend 1 Conviction to become physically and socially
directly, protect them, keep them safe from harm. immovable for for the rest of the scene, no matter what
Someday the world will hurt the one you love, but that day might move you. If something would move you after using
is not today. this Skill in the scene, gain 1 Conviction.
What have you lost?
You begin with (choose 2): a hardwood shield (kalasag), a Spend 1 Conviction at the start of the session. For the rest
breastplate made of elephant hide, a collection of boar tusks, a of the session, you cannot fail any Strength related Cast,
peaked iron helmet, bamboo shinguards, golden bangles, a however you can still suffer consequences.
hunting spear, wooden sandals
You can always… Choose this to gain a Skill from another Nature.
0 Put yourself in between someone you care and
another person. Refined Skill
0 Dive into something without care for your safety. After you gain all possible Stalwart Skills, you can now
purchase the Refined Skill:
0 Ask: “How can I keep you safe?”
Conviction Triggers: Gain Conviction when… Gods Stem The Tide. You can now gain up to 9 Conviction
instead of just 8.
0 Someone you care about is hurt, when you know you
could’ve protected them. Perfected Skill
0 Despite hurting, you act like you’re okay. Once you have the Refined Skill, you can now purchase the
0 Your protection actually causes more harm. Perfected Skill:
0 You let yourself be hurt more just so that others would Great Makura Gatara Shields The World From The
not be bothered or harmed. Fragments of the Firmament. Spend 2 Conviction at the
0 You let someone you care about hurt you just so that start of the session. At any point during the Session, if any
they themselves would not be hurt. kind of harm or consequence would befall any of your
allies, you can choose to take it instead. However, you
cannot die or become an Umalagad character during the
STALWART SKILLS Session. At the end of the session, you suffer all the
consequences that you took upon yourself.
Once per Session, when someone would suffer some sort of
consequence, you can use this to take that consequence for
them instead. You can spend 1 Conviction to “bank” that
consequence and suffer it only later, when you choose to or
when dramatically appropriate.

Gain a Bonus to all Casts when trying to power through
something or enduring something.

Give 1 Conviction to one Kadungganan and make them
your Ward. They can spend that Conviction outside of
combat only to call you to their side when they are in
Spend 1 Conviction to say that you’ve been somewhere
Traveler, Vagabond, Tricksters before, giving you the chance to say something about the
You are the wanderer, the wind, the flowing river. The
petals of the salinggogon carried by the breeze. Like the WANDERER
cycles of the seasons, the blossoming of flowers, you are Spend 1 Conviction when you get lost to find something
always changing, moving from one place to another, never interesting, but you stay lost.
locked down. You thrive from new experiences, always
reinventing yourself. THE WIND
Will you ever find who you really are? When you are being bound down for any reason,
122 physically or socially or mentally, you gain Bonus to any
You begin with (choose 2): Abaka slippers, a foreign trinket, roll to remove yourself from your bindings.
a necklace from your hometown, a bangle made of boar tusk, a
frayed silk coat, a bamboo staff, beautiful textile from the last VERSATILITY
place you visited, a golden anklet Choose this to gain a Skill from another Nature.
You can always... REFINED SKILL
0 Leave looking for something new. After you gain all possible Vagrant Skills, you can now
0 Question a tradition or accepted belief. purchase the Refined Skill:
0 Ask: “Where do we go now?” Fool Begins The Journey. Spend 1 Conviction during
Downtime to let something happen to you that sets you off
in a grand journey or adventure, no matter the
Conviction Trigger: Gain Conviction when… consequences. It is up to you to accept it (though it is most
commonly very hard to resist) and you can work with your
0 You get lost. Umalagad to find out what the journey will be. You cannot
use this Skill again until after you finish or fail the current
0 Something from your past catches up to you. one.
0 You cannot answer a question about yourself.
0 You suffer terrible luck. PERFECTED SKILL
0 You choose to do something you haven’t done before, Once you have the Refined Skill, you can now purchase the
despite the consequences. Perfected Skill:

The Journey Ends With Judgment. Spend 3 Conviction at

VAGRANT SKILLS any point that feels like the end of something: the
destruction of a settlement, the loss of a loved one, the
WAYFINDING failure of a relationship. When you do, you gain a
particular piece of knowledge from it: you gain a Judgment
Spend 1 Conviction to find your way out of or through Token that stays with you until you choose to spend it. You
forests, mountains, seas, labyrinths, anywhere where you can spend it at any roll, even in combat, to immediately roll
might get lost in. the best possible result. You can only have 1 Judgment
Token at a time.
Spend 1 Conviction to convince everyone you’re not lying,
even yourself. Deal with the consequences of this.

Spend 1 Conviction to reject a label you have: move 1 Ability
point to any Ability (though this cannot bring them above
your maximum). You can only do this once per Downtime.
harpooning. You are intimate with the Dagatnon, the
CONJUNCTURE little gods of the sea. How do those stuck in land view
Conjunctures are special events that happened at least
once in your life. Choose 2 below, or you can roll: roll a 19. You were handed down an important weapon from
d100, and simply reroll whenever you get a result higher your parent, but you lost it somewhere. Where did you
than 70. lose it? What kind of weapon was it? You must create
something equal in importance.
1. Jamiyun Kulisa, Brother Thunder, God of the
Thunderclaps, resounded before you when you were 20. You had an apprentice before.
young, bleaching your hair white.
21. You were born with a dream. A pattern, a weapon, a
2. The Lord of the Forest took you in one day. You spent 7 boat. Are you trying to create it?
years in his grove. Leaves and branches grow from
124 your hair. 22. You saw an ancient datu in your dream once. He killed
you, and you watched as he carried your decapitated
3. You were born into great privilege and royalty: head into distant lands.
perhaps you were a son of a well-known Datu within
Gatusan, or perhaps you were the crown prince of a 23. You remember the tale of the Conquering King. He
Datu who serves the Sultana of Akai. Nevertheless, who launched an attack at Heaven, only to find there
your privilege has blinded you to the truths of the to be six more. The wisefolk that told you that story
world. What was the one truth that enlightened you? disappeared the day after.
4. You blasphemed a Lord before, and you were kicked 24. A forest spirit went mad, and you watched as a band of
out of your community. Kadungganan quelled it.
5. You were sent out on a venture that your lord knew 25. Angels/Demons/Spirits destroyed the town you were
only you could handle. You lost something when you born in.
returned. 26. Imperialists created an iron village in the outskirts of
6. You fell in love with a spirit before. It did not end well. the forest you used to call home. Their fumes and
You still dream of them. Sometimes you cry, randomly. flames consumed the trees like hungry gods.
7. You killed a crocodile when you were younger. The 27. You were blinded, or hobbled in some way, due to a
ancestors curse you, and you do not rely on fate. fight you thought you could win.
8. You led a tribute mission once before to a foreign 28. Your anger got the best of you: you died. But,
nation. Only you returned. somehow, you still live. Your Four-Part Soul still lives
on, complete and intact. Someone brought you back
9. Humadaw, an ancient hero of your culture, spoke to from the brink.
you directly when you cut off a part of a strangler fig.
You walk around with his eyes. 29. You loved a servant before, not yours. They cried to
you as they were sacrificed in a ritual when their lord
10. You were the spokesperson (atubang) for a lord died.
before, but you’ve lost that before becoming a
Kadungganan. What you did must have been dire. 30. You broke an important bond with someone you cared
for. You regret that you can never mend your broken
11. You fell in love with a childhood friend. You two did relationship.
something that forced them to have their fingers cut.
31. You cooked an amazing feast before, one that resulted
12. You outwitted a spirit before, out in the grasslands. A in the ignition of hearts.
dark shadow stands at the corner of your room
whenever you sleep. 32. You were born in Humonhon, the Isle of Ghosts. Your
community consisted of wandering souls, lost from
13. You were a veiled maiden (binukot), taught ancient the coil.
stories and songs and crafts. You escaped.
33. You learned true patience after trying to fish for ocean
14. An agent of fate knocked on your door. You did not dragons.
answer. You no longer know if it is safe when someone
knocks on your door. 34. You have the demon blight upon your hand. Hide it.
15. The God Galura, Creator of Whirlwinds and 35. You used to have a whole slew of pets, from king
Lightningstorms, revealed themself before you, and eagles to giant tortoises. You had to leave the island
gave you a broken sword. You carry this sword, but it they frequented.
does nothing. Eagles keep watch over you. 36. A winged eagle sang to you once, when you were a
16. An innovation ended horribly: you’ve lost your child. You’ve been chasing the song ever since.
original body. Your Four Part Soul exists in a body you 37. You copied the dance of fighting monkeys and hawks,
are not familiar with. and you have become like that flaming dance ever
17. The nature spirits spoke to you from the trees and the since.
mountains. You lost something important, something 38. You found the story of the ancient datu Sumakwel
that could’ve been the answer to something you were being told by an elder shaman-healer. When you
doing, and the gods beckon to you. heard the entire story, the shaman-healer died.
18. You were raised in a fishing settlement, where you 39. You brought a community to tears before. Why must
became skilled in the arts of sailing, boatcrafting, and you inflict that? You must return to them one day.
40. A person you loved told you the story of the loved one is immortal, but you cannot touch them.
Mahanaga, the great serpent that encircled the world
and one could see at night as a streak of white, like a 61. The stories of the Night Child killed your nights. One
river of stars. day, you met the night child, and they stole away your
41. Javril, the Great Angel of Flowers, sang to you a
melody, one which you can only remember bits and 62. You suffered a horrible, horrible injustice. To this day,
pieces from whenever you engage in violence. there is no reckoning. 125
42. You fell in love with a Goddess, who lives in the sky 63. You were part of a different warband. You no longer
above. fight together. One of them has died.

43. Your eye was plucked out by a crow. You’ve never 64. You moved to another settlement to follow someone,
needed it since. but they were never there.

44. You gave counsel to a datu before, but it did not lead to 65. You were raised in a farming settlement deep into the
a good outcome. plains of Rusunuga. All your life, you saw giant
dragons flying in the clouds and warriors fighting in
45. You saw the truth of the world, you felt the Supreme the fields. Eventually, you left your farming
Soul, the goal of Hiyang, but have since forgotten it. settlement, but this was a decision you’ve since
Glimpses of it appear in your trances. learned to regret.

46. You wrote a treatise on something before, but it's lost 66. You remember the beautiful multicolored flowers of
to time or to flames. Someone read it before it was the grasslands of Kalanawan, but you don’t remember
vanquished. having lived there ever in your life.

47. You’ve been to the moon when you were a child. You 67. You were the apprentice of a blacksmith, but someone
saw the factory of angels, and the nest of devils. You killed your master, forcing you to wander alone. Did
saw the Grand Palace On The Moon. you know who killed them?

48. A Langitnon, a god from the sky, gave you wisdom 68. You were swindled before by a wealthy merchant
before. It was the wisdom of forgetting, and you have prince, who went away with all your gold before. Do
since forgotten it. you still look for them? Do you want your shit back?

49. A Suladnon, a god from the world under, gave you 69. You were raised in the streets of one of the metropoles,
knowledge, before. It was the knowledge that all and had to fight your way to survive, becoming
knowledge is not true. anyone and everyone’s servant. You were blessed
eventually by Buyung Limus-an, the Diwata of
50. You were the only one that escaped your village’s Beggars. Where do you travel now? What useless item
destruction. did Buyung Limus-an give you?

51. You stole something from your datu, and so the datu 70. You are a foreigner, looking for something here in the
took something away from you. Isles. You will not find it.

52. You took a wrong turn and ended up in the

underworld, once. You found your way out thanks to
Iraon Daron, whose kind smile you will never forget.

53. An imperialist killed your parents before, and then

took pity from you and adopted you.

54. Your body was stolen. You live in a body given to you
by a Langitnon. You do not remember how you look

55. You died. Or, at least you thought so. You were
brought back to life by a Kadungganan, but the
Kadungganan died in doing so.

56. You fell in love with someone you were supposed to

steal from or con.

57. You killed an innocent person before.

58. You committed the atrocity of butchering, but you

were under orders. You were under orders.

59. You killed a nature spirit before. It was a petty spirit,

one of a minor stream you once loved bathing in.

60. A serpent coiled around your loved one and now that
No one in the Sword Isles gets into their present life unscathed, without Debt. Debt is the primary way of social movement in
the Isles, after all. Choose or roll. To randomize, roll a d6 (1-2 is 0; 3-4 is 10; 5-6 is 20) and a d10 (ones place) to find a number
between 1 and 3.

1. A Virbanwan Murderglave named Amihan, who puts 16. Asina, an Apumbukid weaver that shared her dreams
her work before her, to the detriment of herself. She to you through her weavings.
made something for you, out of a need to prove
herself. 17. Taraka, an ancient lake spirit that brought you water
when you thought you were to die.
126 2. A Gatusanon Heavenspear named Kilat, who shot out
from the sky and saved you from a lantaka missile. 18. Sumandak, an Akai civetfolk knight who offered you a
ride to an island you needed to go on his boat.
3. A Virbanwan Buwaya Lancer named Niqulas, whose
crocodile you almost killed. 19. Tenshi, a Ba-enon mothfolk who helped you get
writing implements.
4. Alho, a famous poet in Kangdaya, Capital of Gatusan,
famed for his wit and appeal. He helped you find a safe 20. Dara, a Virbanwan warrior-dancer who guarded your
place before. traveling caravan before.

5. Adlaw, a four-armed, red-skinned demon. He gave 21. Patima, an Akai singer and concubine to a lord, whom
you something you desperately needed at the time. gave you important advice.

6. Humul, a traveler from Vuyu, the sacred mountains of 22. Nara, a healer in the Golden City of Put’wan, who
Rusunuga, who gave you a language no one else can healed you as you were in dire straits.
23. Maputra, an Akai veteran who only fights with a split
7. Iroy was a handsome Akai patron who you worked for spear, who taught you how to fight.
before, who did not put you in servitude.
24. Harina, a Ba-e guardian who you fought side by side
8. Suban was an Apumbukid warrior who protected your with in an old war against the demigiants.
community before. They left before you could thank
them. 25. Kampur, a wealthy cinnamon merchant, who gave
you a bit of something to help you on your way.
9. Payel was a Virbanwan merchant who helped you get
resources for a project. 26. Samira, a beautiful Akainon sugapa peddler, who
sheltered you one day in her drughouse.
10. Mahin, an old Akai sorceress, did you a favor, once. She
waits for you. 27. Suga, a proud monkey-prince who rides a great horse
from Apumbukid. He gave you a ride once across the
11. Akid, a deerfolk trickster who hunts for hawk eagles in picturesque grasslands of Kalanawan.
the forest, taught you a secret about shadows.
28. Lyssa, a General in Virbanwa, who you stole once from
12. Binayaan, an escaped veiled maiden of the Rajah of and was then excommunicated from Virbanwa.
Gatusan, met you once and defeated you in single
combat. 29. Aduna, a kind giant cat living in the mountains, whom
you conned to escape from.
13. Cortador, a Virbanwan Sword Saint, who showed you
nothing but sharpness, but helped you learn the 30. Hiyas, a Confederation professional thief and corpse-
secrets of combat. raider who managed to fund a boat with her exploits.
You stole something that was a family heirloom to her.
14. Sam’baha, who was a noble, royalty born to You lost the heirloom.
Sipulapula, to the Royal Clan of Dimantag, but treated
you as an equal.

15. Puraw, a tamawo that wandered the forests of

Pumirang, friendly to the Confederation. They saved
you from getting lost.
19 - My sibling, ___, was separated from me at birth, and
COMPLICATIONS was brought up in ___.

Complications are difficult and complicated relationships 20 - ___ does not know that they are my parent, and ______
with two other characters, usually between Player wants to kill them.
characters. During character creation, choose two
Complications on the next page, or roll to randomize. Roll 21 - I have been honorbound by __ to protect ___.
a d50 (d100 and half the result). 127
22 - I love ____, and they love me back. However, they do not
On each Complication, one of the blanks must be a Player take me seriously, and would rather be with ____.
Kadungganan. Each blank also must be a different name.
Creating NPCs during this turn is encouraged. The names 23 - I have an important item from ___ that they gave me
don’t have to be singular characters either, but may also be when we were younger. I don’t know if they still
polities or clans or other groups. remember. ____ wants it from me.

1 - I love ___, but so does ____. We know this, but the one we 24 - ___, a member from the upper class, wishes to wed me,
love does not. but I do not love them. I would rather be with _____, who is
no good to me.
2 - ____ killed someone important to me, but __ must
protect them. 25 - I had romantic relations with ___ before, but it never
went well. They’re with __ now, and it’s making things a bit
3 - I hold ___ dear to my heart, but they have forgotten who awkward.
I am. I saved them from __ before.
26 - I changed allegiances from ____ so I can be with __.
4 - I serve ___ loyally, but my heart calls me to follow __.
27 - ___ is my father, and I wish to kill them because __ told
5 - I committed a crime before with ___, which caused us to me to do so.
be exiled from our hometown, and caused __ to hate us.
28 - ____ humiliated me before, and I will never forgive
6 - I love __ but __ loves me, and I know. them. They did it in front of ___, who I hold dear.

7 - My mentor, _____, does not know that I treat ___, 29 - ___ saved me from mortal harm before, and so I have
someone they disapprove of, like my best friend. given my life to them. However, I have done the same for
___, and I have a feeling that they have feelings for me.
8 - I’m helplessly infatuated with ___, but they don’t know
this, they only see me as a friend and nothing else... And ___ 30 - ___ and __ are good friends, however I’ve kissed one of
knows this. them and the other hates me for it.

9 - I want to get in a relationship with ___, but __, my 31 - ____ is the child of my old master, whom I respect. ____
sibling/mentor/parent, expressly disavows me from being is my old master, and they are still looking for their child.
in any romantic relationship.
32 - ____ is my mortal enemy, and I would stop at nothing
10 - ______ wants to kill me, but _______ is trying to stop to kill them. _____ is the only reason why I haven’t yet.
33 - I am the disowned child of _____ martial arts clan. _____
11 - My parent has arranged for me to be married to __, but is an esteemed student of said clan.
I wish to be with _____, who I cannot be with.
34 - ______ and I used to be great friends with _____, who
12 - ____ doesn’t know that I was once a servant of ___. died. It’s not the same anymore, and we’ve had rocky
relations since.
13 - ____ and I are siblings, but we don’t know that _____is
our parent. 35 - ______ asked me to kill them so they wouldn’t get
married to ______.
14 - I am scorned by __ for something I did to them, but _____
thinks that they’re stupid for thinking that, and is on my 36 - ______ and I were on opposite sides of a split in a martial
side at all costs. art clan, of whom _____ is the heir.

15 - I have been looking for __ all my life, and ___ wants me 37 - ______ hates me, and only _____ knows why.
to kill them.
38 - ______ and I are great friends. We sit beneath weeping
16 - I served under __, but left after _____ told me to do so. trees and sing of songs we wish to see. ____ is jealous of our
17 - ______ can give me something that I want,, but ___ wants
me to get away from them. 39 - ______ has made me something I still cherish. _____
wants it back.
18 - I cannot explain why I am inexplicably drawn to ____,
but ___ is always at their side for reasons they cannot 40 - ______ killed someone important to me, and ______
explain either. wants to kill them for me.
41 - _______ and _______ are my best friends, but they have 49 - ________ needs to kill me to fulfill an obligation they
forgotten me for some reason. were forced into with _______.

42 - ______ taught me how to fight, but ______ taught me how 50 - ________ wants me to get together with ________ but
to hate. we’ve already known each other for a long time, and don’t
want to get together for reasons we both know.
43 - I have fought _________ to a standstill, who ________ has
struggled to defeat.

44 – I need _______ to give me something I need, but ________

keeps them away from me.

45 – I used to be friends with _________ but _______ revealed

128 to me something I didn’t like about them.

46 - _______ used to be my childhood best friend, but

_________ took me away from them.

47 - _______ and ________ served the same master before, but

that master forced us apart for reasons I don’t know.

48 - _______ is afraid of me, and I don’t know why. They have

told _______ for some reason.
8. Family. My family might be broken, or not one of
PRINCIPLE, WANT, AND blood, or like an arrow lost in the trade winds, but it is
mine. And they are all I have.
RUMINATION 9. Spite. My soul churns and my spirit boils. I have been
cast down like false idols. I shall rise again, and those
The Kadungganan of old sing of a horrible tale. The tale of that will suffer my scorn will know my name as I say it
three stars. while impaling them with my blade.
The first Kadungganan, The Dog Warrior, was said to have 10. Duty. There is something that I must do, and it is
arrived in this world with nothing but a blade. A pure something that only I can do. Another might get it
blade, with no hilt. He arrived and stepped upon a river of wrong. Who else could it be but me?
blood. The First Star Era. He was born to inflict violence,
but instead he was burdened with Rumination. “Why 11. Knowledge. There is a future that we all can see. One
130 must we fight, if nothing changes?” only needs a light bright enough to see it. Walk with
me, and let us attain wisdom. Let the path we forge be
The second Kadungganan, the Invincible Queen of Glaves, the right one.
stepped upon Gubat Banwa with a dress made of one
thousand and one spears. With her crown, she looked out 12. Love. My heart bleeds, enslaved, and my soul is the
into the world and saw everything fit for the taking. And lake. My passion courses like the rivers of Gubat
so, she conquered. All the lands, all the people. And she Banwa for the one that holds my life in thrall. My tears
scoured the world, and infested it with Scourge, because all flow in devotion.
those that come in contact with the Flame of Want are
singed. What else if violence if not change? It is a fire, WANT
everything within it and around it are irrevocably different. The very thing you want to achieve. It may not be the
reason for your fighting, but it is something you fight for
The third Kadungganan, the First Slave, walked upon the nonetheless.
world and saw the hatred and Scourge that infested the
world, singed in the wake of the Invincible Queen of Wants are short-term goals that can be seen in the horizon.
Glaves, and sought to put it to rights, with his Steel. He Things like: find a great artifact, duel a spirit, craft a great
changed the world with the strength of his Principle, but in hammer
so doing began the Cycles of Violence. Who are we to
ignore wisdom? Wield the Flame of Want like a blade, RUMINATION
along with Principle and Rumination, and only then shall
you rend heaven and hell. A question at the core of your soul, a doubt. This has to be
written in the form of a question, and it must deal with the
As a Kadungganan, you have three major character inherent troubles of the world, and of rumination about
defining traits. Principle, Want, and Rumination. how your Kadungganan perpetuates the Cycles of
Violence. A good starting point for this is to look at the
PRINCIPLE questions at the end of the Discipline descriptions. “Why
do I use my sword to kill?” “Do all settlements become
Principle is your reason for doing anything, the reason why empires?” “Why must datu be datu, and commoners be
you fight. Duty, Love, Family. commoners?” “Why must sorcery be so secret?”
1. Curiosity. Seek something, always seeking. What is it? Ruminations are long term goals: think of it as an
Even I do not know, but the pull of the unknown is ambition, and don’t be afraid to think big: eradicate
enough to put the winds upon my sails. slavery, establish a new empire, create a merchant empire.
2. Survival. As the Archipelago drowns in the blood of its Small Wants are also valid: create a community, have a
children, I will stay afloat, by iron and fire. family. Ruminations are inherently things that can change
the world. They are in the form of a question so that the
3. Wealth. Servants, connections, heirloom wealth, and interpretation can be unique to you.
religion. Why else live if not to guarantee these things
for me and mine? The important aspect of this all is that all three defining
traits change over the course of an Kandu.
4. Valor. I fight to fulfill the prophecies and songs of eld:
of a hero who must face the darkness, with nothing
but a sword of light and a smile like the sun.
5. Loyalty. Whether it be for their blood or for their
heart, the reason I fight is to stay true to the one who
owns my soul.
6. Honor. What life is there to live, if it is not a life of
virtue? Why wield a sword if not to uphold one’s
principles? Why live, if there is nothing to live for but
base animal instinct?
7. Revenge. What goes around comes around. The circle
is unbroken, and it brings with it the spike of
Warbands are the parties of Kadungganan that wander
WARBANDS and serve in Gubat Banwa. Warbands are important
unities: they are consecrated with the Blood Compact
Ritual: the act of bleeding into wine and then everyone
The First Kadungganan Warband was said to have been drinking from it, all their bloods intermixed. Those in the
formed by the ancient First Slave, who gathered together Blood Compact must serve each other as if they were the
the first martial artists of the bloody Warring Realms, closest of brothers with their livers connected.
toiling under the Scourge, to strike back against the 131
Invincible Queen of Glaves. When creating your Kadungganan, think of how your
Warband got together. A common answer is that the
The First Slave found the practitioner of striking arts, of Warband was formed under the particular chief you serve,
quick-movement, fast as winds: Kalakatri, Her Murderous and that is the norm in the isles: blood compacts serving
Glory, who wielded the first kalis and summoned ebony their chief faithfully is how chiefs create connections and
lightning. Kalakatri did not join him, but instead, granted establish power. However, some Kadungganan can choose
the First Slave her sword and shield. to be wandering warriors, holding allegiance to nobody
but to each other. This offers less protection in the violent
Then the First Slave met the practitioner of protective arts, world of Gubat Banwa, as the protection and comfort of
of shield protection, area denial, and forced movement: Sri being in a community is a luxury most people will want to
Katun Sahaja, the Crumbling Boulder, who wielded the afford.
grand breastplate of defeated giants and deflected
thunder. Once you know why your Warband got together, the entire
Warband should have a single Blood Compact Want. This
They went on to save the practitioner of vast striking, is a Want for the entire Warband, something they can build
master of long-ranged arts, of swallow blades, of burning towards together. Like with personal Wants, this can
bullets: Lontok Alam Gantar, the Thundering Echoing change throughout the Kandu.
Cannon, who wielded the first lantaka and was the crafter
of firearms. Afterwards, choose a Warband Nature.
They then had to persuade, up within a deep forest
mountain, the great hexer, practitioner of the eldest WARBAND NATURES
witcheries, who could mold Scourge and make it into You can choose to roll a d10 to randomize.
weapon: Dewasuhawa, the First Witch, who wielded the
ancient palm leaf scrolls, summoner of both demons and
This is the most common Warband nature: a single datu
Finally, to complete the warband, they needed a warlord. A surrounded by their warrior vassals. The datu goes on
general who could lead them to victory. They found, sitting ventures and their vassals accompany them, sworn by oath
before a silent and stagnant, cold lake, the First Hari, the and blood to follow their datu to the very end.
First God-King: The Conquering King Rajaraya Pintas. He
who ventured into heaven and challenged The Sun Choose 1 Kadungganan to be the datu, and every other
Mother, he who ventured into heaven and stole the name Kadungganan is that datu’s warrior. The datu assigns the
Hari from the gods. following to the other Kadungganan. Assign until all have
a moniker:
The Conquering King was a demigiant: he was born from a
giant mother and a bamboofolk father. His eyes were large, 0 “You, [Kadungganan], are my Sword. Let your steel cut
bulging, and his canines grew like tusks. He towered over all, even me.”
the rest. But the First Kadungganan Warband banded
together and defeated the Conquering King with diversity 0 “You, [Kadungganan], are my Shield. Let your
and understanding. With the defeat of the Conquering ironwood stop the sky from crashing into us, and let
King, he agreed to join the Warband. And so The First Slave your mesh catch the blades of the gods.”
went on to challenge the Invincible Queen of Glaves. 0 “You, [Kadungganan], are my Anvil. Upon you the new
world shall be born, a world better than this one.”
0 “You, [Kadungganan], are my Headwrap. Your
command and your presence shall set this world
0 “You, [Kadungganan], are my Dagger. May you do the
things none of us can.”
Warband Name: The Forgotten Swords, Radiant Glory,
Heritors of the Flame, Make one up
4. Bearer of Jamiyun Kulisa’s Thunderbolt. You are
WANDERING MANGUBAT [3-4] warriors that carry on the legacy of the great
thunderbolt god, who once cleansed this land and
Mangubat means warrior, so wandering mangubat means bleached it with lightning. You travel and kill those
“Wandering Warrior.” This Warband nature is that try to upset the natural order of things, to cleanse
increasingly becoming more common in the Isles, as war people of Scourges, and to facilitate rebellions against
intensifies and mercenarism has risen. Your Kadungganan tyrants. All Kadungganan gain the Jamiyun Kulisa’s
have sworn a blood oath to each other, and now travel the Thunderbolt Talisman (1 use): When casting to sway
isles with nothing but a boat to your name. others with Wrath or Poetry, use this to add a Bonus to
the cast.
Your Warband has 1 Boat. Name it. It is, right now, your
only possession. It is rowed by a number of paddlers, each 5. Menders of Indira Suga. You are traveling scholar-
one lowly warriors of their own right. Each of you are well warriors who follow the greatest god of the Isles, the
132 acquainted with one of the paddlers. Having a Boat in the Mother Sun Indira Suga. You have been deployed by
Sword Isles means you are well off, and you can travel as Ba-e’s House of Wisdom to collect as many traditions
freely as you can. The Boat is also considered a Place of and songs as you can and record or copy them onto
Peace. copperplates, so that it will never be lost. The scholar-
kings of Ba-e have realized that with the intensifying
Warband Name: Iron Owl, Quicksilver Falcons, Falling Star war and the coming Longest Year, these things must
Swords, Make one up be copied, no matter how imperfect, to give them
second winds. Gain Copperplate (3 Uses): Use to
SERVANTS OF DIVINITY [5-6] create a perfect copy of a song, poem, epic, or story
that you hear. For every perfect copy you bring back to
You are all part of a religious sect, or follow a particular the House of Wisdom, gain a golden item.
god, and travel the islands carrying out the will of the one
you follow. Tell us your faith: is it strong, or is it forced? Is Warband Name: Hellraiders, The Inescapable Blades, The
there room for doubt, or are you at the end of your love? Halo of Indira Suga, Make one up
Choose from below which religious sect or god you follow.
Each are coded with the five major polities:

1. Paladni Santiago. Palm of Santiago. The exorcist

branch of the Ashen Star Congregation, they have
been turned and made into not just expungers of
demons, but also hunters of heresies. Each
Kadungganan of the Warband gains agua bendita (1
use, Interact): Your next attack deals +1d6 damage
against a Scourged enemy.

2. Kalis Bulan. Moon Sword. Warriors of Divine Striving

that focus on the Striving of Purification, followers of
Baginda Sumongsuklay, the Moon Goddess. They
bring with them the breaking of the world: they will
cleanse the world of all Scourge, until none are left,
and all are pure. Each Kadungganan of the Warband
gains Purification Oil (1 Use, Interact): Deal 6
skewering damage to all Scourged enemies in close
burst 15’.

3. Wardens of Hiyang. You are warriors that follow the

holy teaching of Paghihiyang, the Truth of Harmony
with Nature, as taught by the Elders of Apumbukid.
You scour the isles for signs of Di Hiyang, expunge
Scourges, and work to heal settlements, so that
atrocity may never happen again. All Kadungganan
gain cleansing flowers (1 use): Use when casting
Sensitivity to add Bonus to the cast.
[7-8] Gavri of the East, Warrior Princess of North
VASSALS [7-8] Virbanwa. A female lady to the north of Virbanwa, living
upriver from a harbor principality. Her settlement, Silang-
Another common Warband nature, however none of the silang, is one of the largest producers of rice in the
Kadungganan are datu. They choose a single datu that they Virbanwan region, and Virbanwa has taxed her heavily
serve, and they are immersed into that datu’s community. because of this. They went from subsistence farming to
The datu treats them rightly, but the Warband must always bleeding the land dry. Gavri of the East, whose strength and
travel and fight with the datu as they go on their travails 133
beauty is unmatched, is a master of the itak, the chopping
and ventures. blade, and she will not stop. Whispers of the balyan say that
Silang-silang rises, rises! O, how it will burn so bright! Aba,
Choose or roll [1d10] to find out the Datu you serve. aba, Gavri of the East, reincarnation of Mother Madiyah,
Saintess of Liberty! Deliver us from the grips of Virbanwa.
[1-2] Takdul Suwarga, the Crescent Moon Datu. A great
chief who owns a powerful harbor principality and has a All Kadungganan gain the following item: Tax Cards. Allows
settlement that is sometimes visited by foreign junks and you entrance into Virbanwan forts without discrimination,
ships. Takdul Suwarga gained his power for slaying and but you will immediately be taxed when you do: you must
stealing away all the chiefs’ settlements around his island, give 3 commodities.
which was arrayed like a crescent. He is part of Gatusan’s
999 Chiefdoms, but he has recently converted to the Iman, [9-10] Kalma, the Gun-King of Palita. A gunlord with a
the Lunar Faith, and is attached to the Sultana. gun foundry east of Ba-e, too terribly close to the Kalangitan
River that leads into Virbanwa’s bay. The settlement is a
Gain the following item: Balaraw (1 use): When you are haven for blacksmiths, and its blacksmith sheds have been
surprised, you can spend this to say that you aren’t. built to interconnect with each other. Stone walls have been
erected to protect the place here, and the nobles have
[3-4] Datu Sumangga, the Thunderlord. A rival to Takdul erected stone houses as well. Virbanwan and Ba-e cultures
Suwarga, Datu Sumangga is one of the most heralded chiefs have intermixed within. Kalma, the Gun-King, is a
of the Sword Isles, having traveled to grand Baik Hu and demigiant, said to lock himself within his shed–a giant
returned with white ivories and majestic titles. His longhouse–for moons on end, trying to craft the perfect gun
settlement, Kangsangga, is a well known harbor that can kill gods.
principality that is part of the 999 Chiefdoms, but very
commonly works with Apumbukid to uphold Hiyang. If you All Kadungganan gain the following item: Bullet. 1 Use. If
follow Datu Sumangga, there is a chance that you fight for you kill someone with a bullet, that person will become
him with pride, as he is one of most benevolent datu in the undead.
isles. Whispers of the balyan say that he is preparing to ride
a skybarge into heaven. Warband Names: Faithful of Takdul, Bringer of Night,
Gun-Princes, Make one up
Gain the following item: Lightning Lentil (1 Use, Interact):
Gain Hastened 2.

[5-6] Tuwan Bulisik, Grand Elder of Venom. A datu that

lives deep in the Pumirang Peninsula and speaks regularly
with the spirits of that peninsula. They are not a harbor
principality, but their name is well respected across The
Sword isles. They fight with the greatest of Venoms, blessed
by the Serpent Goddess Nagined, one of the Grand Earth
Guardians, and ride into battle upon magnificent warhogs.
They have mastered the art of bow- and spear-fighting, and
the secrets of guerrilla warfare. Whispers of the balyan say,
however, that he is growing too large, that he is slowly
becoming a serpent god himself, and that he is seeking to
conquer Apu Dayaw, the Center of the World.

Gain the following item: Udto Venom (1 use, Interact): Bless

your weapon with Udto Venom. When you next deal
visceral damage, apply the Udto Venom, losing it on your
weapon. The target damaged immediately gains Fraying 4.
[7-8] Batara Lakan Huwan Rekno, The Gumamela of the
FIGHTING LORDS [9-10] River Plains, the Flower of Passion, He Who Bleeds for
the World’s Sins, the Herald of Yumao, The Fated
Your Kadungganan are, in truth, chiefs of their own, Quietus. Aba, aba! Glory to the God-King of the
following one of the five major polities’ God-Kings. This is Virbanwans, the slayer of Pale Kings, the repeller of alien
the most difficult warband nature if you’re starting off, as it invaders! However the damage is done, the Scourge festers
will most likely lead into intense politics within the political in their hearts, they are spoiled and rotten to the core. O,
framework of The Sword Isles. However Fighting Lords Batara Lakan, arise our beloved Flower of Passion! Take
gameplay is good for those that wish to engage in the upon yourself, upon your bleeding heart, the sins of the
intense interpolitical truth of the Sword Isles, and perhaps Virbanwans, and then lead us to the Millennium Kingdom
even influence it enough to change its trajectory. of God! May the Ashen Star gleam brighter than the sun,
may your sacrifice bring us unity, glory, conquest, peace! O,
God-Kings are not the most correct term for them, but they Batara Lakan! Bleed for us, and let our sins become your
134 are infused with divinity and command great swathes of sword, and become as Makaubos, cleanse this world, and
people through their sheer command of their presence. summon Makagagahum, the Almighty, and Virbanwa shall
What are they but not God-Kings? become the greatest Empire! Make us great, make us great.
Choose or roll [1d10] to choose a God-King you are The Kadungganan gain the following item: Bloody Sidereal
commanded by. Rosary. Angels and other mechanical divinities will listen to
your commands. They may not necessarily follow your
[1-2] Hari Batara Ambasi, The God-King of The Painted orders, but they will listen.
Ones. Aba, aba, glory be to him! The flame haired Hari! The
First Hari of Gatusan, the great God-King, he who shall raid [9-10] Dayang Kalangitan, Sangpamegat of Ba-e, The
the world! The 999 Chiefdoms unite underneath him and Great Silent Singer, Perfection of Knowledge and Love,
they are blessed, granted the future of a united Gatusan, Whose Living Corpse Houses Gubat Banwa’s Secrets.
with a Sword Isles revelling in the violence! The Hari shall Aba, aba! Glory to the God-Queen, heir to Urduja’s Legend,
descend upon the world and unite the disparate polities the Queen of Regents, the Water Dancer, the Gilded Heron
and take their violence to the world! Dancing Upon Water Lilies! There is no end to your
sobriquets, for the end of names is death. The Dayang’s soul
The Kadungganan gain the following item: Gold Agung. A permeates all of Ba-e, sharing her wisdom and knowledge
gong, which can be carried around. When those of lower to all! She shall be as goddesses, great Seri Dewi Kalangitan,
social class than the Kadungganan see the agung they will Queen of Heaven. She shall expand Ba-e, turn it into the
respect you. The agung is a sign of power. only living Empire, the greatest Empire in the world,
expanding Ba-e’s influence into every corner of the world
[3-4] Sultana Yarashgara XII, Her Majesty The Moon until Ba-e is synonymous with power and wealth. The
Consort, The Dark Moon. Aba, aba, glory to the Sultana! Dayang shall become Chakravala Chakravartin, or in the
Her wisdom and knowledge slices through the night. She is tongue of Holy Ba-e: Panginoong Pangkalahatan, God of
the Dark Moon, consort to Baginda Sumongsuklay, the Everything, and Ba-e shall never, ever, ever die.
Moon that never leaves, the night-watcher when the Moon
Goes Hunting. She gathers her stars and scatters them upon The Kadungganan gain the following item: Indira Suga
the world. Gubat Banwa shall know the light of the moon! Icon. An icon of the patron of the elder polity. Spirits will be
With her lunar blades and wicked graceful masques she wary of you, and listen to you. If they deem you
prepares her temples and cities and the various kings harmonious, they will be exceedingly friendly. If not, then
beneath her–BENEATH her!--and she will sunder this they will be exceedingly hostile.
world, sheathe it in moonlight, and create a new one. The
Fourteen Realms shall become a thing of the past, this Warband Name: Swords of Makagagahum, Turners of the
wretched hive of violence. Wheel, Painted Kings, Make One Up
The Kadungganan gain the following item: Lunar
Spearscepter. A spear with a head copper turned into a
crescent moon. Those that follow the Sultana will recognize
your superiority.

[5-6] Apu Dayaw, the God Within The Earth’s Center.

Aba, aba, glory to the greatest god, the ancient of ancients.
Apu Dayaw! You who are the heart of Gubat Banwa,
skewered through by the great kalis of the Laughing
Thunder God. You’ve had your revenge, beloved, dear God:
the Laughing Thunder God is dead now, its tears becoming
lightnings and its wails becoming the thunders. What now,
great one? It shall take eight long Cycles for you to remove
the sword from you. As the Eighth Star Era begins, you shall
rise, and you shall cease all division, and thou shall bring
return all things to pure, unadulterated, true, and peerless
and perfect oneness.

The Kadungganan gain the following item: Aurelian

Waling-waling. A perfect flower of gold and crimson, five
petals to showcase the five aspects of Apu Dayaw, God of
the Cosmos. Scourge beings will immediately know you are
there and be wary of you.
VARIANT CREATION: Posture 40. Resist 5. Resolve 5. Speed 4. Jump 2.
Bravery 3. Faith 3. Tempo 4.
PROWESS 0 Inflict Violence: Blitz. 1 Technique. Target: 1 fighter in
If you wish for an even simpler character creation melee. Melee Attack: Flurry your strikes. Damage:
process, you can start your Kadungganan at Prowess 0 . d12+Bravery or Faith visceral.
Kadungganan at Prowess 1 have already proven Passive: Deal +1 Might to all Staggered Enemies.
something, have shown why they are worthy of
becoming Kadungganan. If you choose to play a Prowess
0 Kadungganan, then you are not a Knight or Honored BLASTER
One or a Gallant yet. Instead, you are nothing better than
some warrior, or farming peasant, or weaver, or Posture 36. Resist 4. Resolve 6. Speed 3. Jump 2.
apprentice balyan, or lower aristocrat. Who are you? Bravery 3. Faith 3. Tempo 5.
Because we know who you will become. Inflict Violence: Volley. 1 Technique. Ranged Attack:
Let go a volley of arrows or bullets or stones. Target: 1
RUNNING PROWESS 0 fighter in range 5. Damage: D10+Bravery or Faith
For Umalagad, if you’re planning on running a Prowess 0
game, keep in mind that these peasants will eventually Passive: All ranged attacks against enemies that are at 3
become Kadungganan as soon as they level up to Prowess squares away have Precision.
1. Therefore, the sessions should build to a point wherein
they accomplish something brave, something that
cements their ability to become Kadungganan. This must SENTINEL
be something appropriately great and awe-inspiring. Posture 48. Resist 7. Resolve 6. Speed 3. Jump 1. Bravery
Perhaps nothing too grandiose, such as “killing a 3. Faith 2. Tempo 5.
thousand enemies”, but perhaps something that
crystallizes their Convictions: perhaps something like Inflict Violence: Batter Down. Melee Attack:
“they put themselves in between an enemy and those Overwhelm with a single powerful strike. Target: Up to 2
that they love.” fighters in close path 2. Damage: D8+Bravery visceral.
Effect: The targets become Provoked 1.
Very often, Prowess 0 games will last for a session before
they Prowess Up. However, you can go through an entire Passive: You have 3 Soak.
Arc in Prowess 0 to help players get used to the various
mechanics of the game, as well as find out their
Complications, Conjunctures, Debts, and Warband. CONTROL
Posture 32. Resist 6. Resolve 6. Speed 3. Jump 2.
CREATING PROWESS 0 Bravery 2. Faith 3. Tempo 4.
Creating Prowess 0 warriors are a lot simpler. Follow the Inflict Violence: Skewer. 1 Technique. Area Attack:
following steps. In general, they do not have Throw a ball of flame, or an exploding ball, or send out a
Complications, Conjunctures, Debts, and a Warband. rain of arrows or strikes. Target: All fighters in a close
Those are things you can find out during the Prowess 0 burst 3. Damage: D6+Faith skewering soul. Effect: Inflict
Arc, Eviscerated 2.
Passive: When you deal damage, the damaged targets
ONE - CHOOSE A CULTURE must Resist or suffer Fraying 2.
Choose a single Culture, Subculture, Lineage, and Social
Standing as with a Kadungganan. SUPPORT
Posture 44. Resist 6. Resolve 7. Speed 4. Jump 2.
TWO - CHOOSE A NATURE Bravery 2. Faith 3. Tempo 5.
Choose a single Nature and gain 2 items but do not Inflict Violence: Flow. 1 Technique. Target: 1 fighter in
choose any Nature Skills. Use these to help set your ranged 2. Ranged Attack: Strike, and then let diwa flow
character’s demeanor, personality, and approach to the to an ally. Damage: D6+Faith soul. Effect: 1 ally in burst 2
world. gains +1 Might on their next attack.
Passive: Twice per Combat, as a Technique, you can let 1
THREE - CHOOSE A VIOLENT CALLING ally within 3 dupa Second Wind, healing an extra Faith
Prowess 0 Characters do not have Disciplines yet. They
have not reached the heights that martial arts requires for FOUR - FIRST STEPS INTO VIOLENCE
them to perform their most powerful techniques.
Instead, they have a Calling, which is a combination of Give your character a name. Find out why they’re fighting
their violent fate, their prior combat knowledge, and through play.
natural aptitudes.
When you advance to Prowess 1, choose a Discipline that
makes sense in the fiction. This replaces all your other
stats from your other violent callings, including Passive
and Inflict Violence.

Prowess represents a Kadungganan’s combat prowess and ARC 2 - LIGHTNING
ability, strength, skill, and their combat experience. As they
rise in their Levels of Violence, they find more and more Arc 2 is known as the Arc of Lightning, because the
things about themselves, as well as the various Martial Arts Kadungganan are rising above and taking on various, more
of Gubat Banwa. Prowess start at 1 and end at 10. challenging situations. Arc 2 encompasses Prowess 4-7, as it
is the bulk of their venturing days. They cannot sit idly by,
Raising Prowess requires the following: their inherent Gahom pushes them forward, their innate
spiritual power calls them to perform greater and greater
0 You must be in Downtime, and you can only rise in deeds, or else die in the cycle of violence.
Prowess once per Downtime.
136 0 You must have learned something new about yourself Arc 2 can even be split up into its own Mini-Arcs with how
or your martial art recently. much venturing the Kadungganan are meant to do. Some
examples of what they might be doing are:
0 You must have enough time and the means to be able to
learn more about yourself (a master might teach you, or 0 Establishing their own community, no matter how
you might get guidance from the ancestors, or you must small.
perform a pilgrimage up a holy mountain). 0 Fighting against powerful datu with large settlements
0 A Conviction cost depending on what Arc you are. or towns.
1 Arc 1: Spend 1 Conviction. 0 Venturing deep into hitherto untraveled paths, like
1 Arc 2: Spend 2 Conviction. Deep Forests, the Floor of the Ocean, the Cave to the
Underworld, and even the Clouds.
1 Arc 3: Spend 3 Conviction.
0 Making a name for themselves as their titles are writ
Rising in Prowess gives the Kadungganan the following across the isles, and more and more datu chase after
benefits: them.
0 Learn a new Teaching from any Discipline. At Arc 2, a Kadungganan must have an Arc 2 Form, known as
their Refined Form. At this point, something about them has
0 At Prowess 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, gain an Anting-Anting and changed physically, representing the rising of their own
an Anting-Anting Slot. You can equip any Anting- abilities, and the things they have faced in Arc 1. They should
Anting into any of your Anting-Anting Slots, as there’s a also get a new name, which can be a sobriquet or title, but
reasonable chance that you get new Anting-Anting will always reflect their exploits during the past Arc.
through play.
PROWESS ARCS Arc 3 is known as the Arc of Heaven. At this point, the
Similar to most games, shows, and novels, Gubat Banwa has Kadungganan are poised to fulfill that fabled verse: Seize
a number of built in Arcs to symbolize the progression of heaven’s thunderclaps. Arc 3 encompasses Prowess 8-10,
warriors. and showcases them not at the end of their venturing days
but rather, at their peak. Their inherent Gahom bolsters
ARC 1 - EARTH forth through them, manifesting in visages of God-Kings
and Eagle Devils. Some examples of what the Kadungganan
Arc 1 is known as the Arc of Earth, because the Kadungganan are meant to do are:
still have their feet upon the ground. Arc 1 encompasses
Prowess 1-3. At this stage, the Kadungganan have trained 0 Running their own settlements that can become
their skills but don’t have much combat experience of their Mandala of their own right.
own. They must go out there and make their names known. 0 Wrestling with legendary monsters and creatures of
They can be performing the following: myth, preventing Celestial Eaters from eating either the
0 Working for various Datu as free roaming mercenaries. Sun or the Moon.
0 Performing various jobs for the datu of their own 0 Fighting with Gods and bringing them to heel, or maybe
settlement. even becoming Gods themselves by dying in glorious
0 Traveling across the lands accruing wealth and legend
that they did not have. 0 Enacting long-lasting change upon Gubat Banwa,
perhaps even contributing to the end or even ending the
0 Trying to break free from tyrannical overlords. Cycles of Violence.
At Arc 3, a Kadungganan must have their final aesthetic
change, known as their Perfected Form. They should have
changed drastically from who they were at Arc 1, and this
represents their skills at its utmost peak. Here they are
meant to match gods and goddesses with their visages,
manifestations of wrathful deities. At Arc 3, a Kadungganan
gains a final name, one which they will be remembered for
the rest of time.
Prowess Benefit
1 Character Creation. First Teaching
2 New Teaching, First Anting-Anting
3 New Teaching
4 Arc 2: New Teaching, Second Anting-Anting
5 New Teaching
Base Form 6 New Teaching, Third Anting-Anting
7 New Teaching
8 Arc 3: New Teaching, Fourth Anting-Anting
9 New Teaching
10 Last Teaching, Final Anting-Anting

Perfected Form

Refined Form
Disciplines and Anting-
All Kadungganan are asdang haniti, (literally, hand-to- Asdang began the tradition of Guros passing down
hand combat experts) masters of martial arts. what they know to learners. "Balahala Hinagiban
Disciplines are systems of fighting, martial arts, spread Kaalamdag" is now a spiritual rite, a principle, a fabled
throughout the Sword Isles. There are exactly One title that all aspire to. It is the science and tradition,
Million and One Fighting Sciences in The Sword Isles revered and favored, taught from ancestors to
alone. Very common among the Arts are familial strifes, descendants.
grudges between martial arts that are similar and/or
have deep-seated histories, as well as the act of keeping All Disciplines are born from the Godly Weapon Science.
particular martial arts a secret from outsiders. The The combat arts are known differently for each of the
names for these Disciplines are very often the Polity, although they all mean the same thing.
practitioner of their Martial Art.
0 Virbanwa calls their martial arts Sining Pandigma.
The irst martial arts were invented by the gods at the
beginning of time, when they resorted to war to 0 Gatusan calls their martial arts Paagi sa Gubat.
arbitrate their concerns like the hypocrites they are. 0 Akai calls their martial arts Agama Pagbunu.
When they eventually taught the ways of violence to 0 Ba-e calls their martial arts Pagdahas.
mortals, it became known as the Balahala Hinagiban 0 Apumbukid calls their martial arts Kaqalim
Agham, the Godly Weapon Science. From here the first Matarem.
martial art arose, violence taught by nature itself:


Each Discipline has the following Traits:
Discipline Teachings come with a large slew of Special
Posture (PST) governs your ability to keep your combat stance and Techniques, ancient battle arts passed down from the
protect yourself from mortal wounds. All damage goes to your ancestors, perpetuators of the Cycles of Violence. To
Posture first before you lose Flesh. Posture has two more modes: read a Technique, they will usually be written as such:
Staggered and Critical. Staggered is ½ of your Posture, rounded up, Title
and Critical is ¼ of your Posture, rounded up. X Techniques/Passive
Bravery (BRV) governs your physical attack damage. Lore
Faith (FTH) governs your spiritual attack damage. In general, the order it is written should also be the
order you enact the effects of each written Technique.
Speed (SPD) governs how many squares you can traverse when
you move. 0 X TECHNIQUES. The number of Techniques that
the particular Special Technique takes up.
Jump (JMP) dictates how many squares you can jump vertically. 0 PASSIVE. The effects of the Technique are always
active, without needing to be used to take effect.
Resist (RST) is the Discipline’s inherent fortitude against physical
effects, whether they be physical lacerations, enervations,

Resolve (RSV) is the Discipline’s inherent willpower against

mental and spiritual effects: charms, enchantments, and glamours.

Tempo (TMP) is the rating you roll whenever you make a Tempo
Roll that tells you what Beat you make your next Turn.

Inflict Violence (IV) is the attack that your Discipline performs

when you use the Inflict Violence. This is different for each

Enlightenments (ENL) are core abilities, features that you have

access to while you’re that Discipline. These are known as
enlightenments as they are special knowledges a Kadungganan can
only use when they’re a professed disciple of a particular martial

Each Discipline has 3 Teachings. Each Teaching All Kadungganan begin their path learning a Discipline, one of
follows after the last. This means that to get the many families and systems of martial arts across the Sword
Teaching 2 of a Discipline, you must first have Isles. Each one has a certain name, but each one is commonly
Teaching 1. classified to one of the 5 styles depending on how they approach
Each of the teachings are written down their art and how they deal in violence. The Styles are both
consecutively, with which teaching they are origins and categorizations.
notified by an Enlightenment Flower:
Sentinel Style describes martial arts that focus on
defending, whether it be themselves or
I II III others, and having water buffalo
tenacity. They have the capability to
Each Teaching has a number of things that it mitigate the most damage but tend to
gives you whenever you have it Equipped. In be slower and more ponderous.
Gubat Banwa, there is such a thing known as Sentinels laugh in the face of Raiders.
The Six-Armed Demon God, which is a
metaphysical representation for the muscle Raider Style describes martial arts that focus on
memory one has when going into combat. In the movement, fluidity, and damage. Their techniques
mechanics, the Six-Armed Demon God is tend to focus on dealing as much
represented as Six Teaching Slots that you can damage as possible and moving as
equip. much as possible, although since they
mostly do their damage from up close,
they are horribly vulnerable to being
I I locked down and focused on. Raiders
You can only laugh in the face of Blasters.
equip up to 6
Teachings at
any given time, Blaster Style describes martial arts that focus on
though one of I I long-ranged attacks, dependable damage, and area
them must be effects. Their techniques tend to focus on attacking
from your
current fighters from afar, and usually more
Discipline. accurately than others. Since they
focus on these techniques, they tend
I I to move slower than other Styles and
a lot of their abilities lose a lot of
efficacy at close ranges. Blasters laugh
in the face of Controls.
This means that you can equip up to Five
Teachings that you have learned at any given Control Style describes martial arts that focus on
time, and you can change what Teachings you eviscerating attacks, area denial, and condition-
have slotted either during Downtime or before application. Their abilities tend to stop movement, or
Combat. inflict persistent damage, or force movement upon
others, and they are good at ripping away
The Teachings you can slot in don’t have to be armor. However they have low defenses in
successive as long as you have them unlocked. exchange, some of the lowest in the game,
For example, you can equip Baril Witch 1-3, and to compensate for their wicked
have two more slots. Let’s say you have Death debilitations. Controls laugh at Sentinels.
Dancer 1 and 2 unlocked, as well as Elementalist
1-3. You can choose to equip Death Dancer 2 and Support Style describes versatile martial arts that focus
Elementalist 2 for your two remaining slots, on supporting allies and doing esoteric effects that
since you already have them unlocked. You don’t always force interesting situations to happen to the
need to have Death Dancer 1 equipped to equip battlefield. Their abilities tend to heal allies, give
Death Dancer 2, for example. Might and Soak, enable their actions, or give allies
You can only learn new Teachings when you benefices for doing things that help
have time and the means, which means you the Discipline. Their Traits tend to be
must have some way of learning new teachings, average across the board, they do not
within the fiction. This might mean cosmic inherently laugh at any of the other Styles.
enlightenment, but more commonly this will
mean that you need a proper teacher, usually a
Guro, or teacher, or maybe even some scrolls
that your dead master has left behind.

CHOOSING A 0 Crowd Control. Or CC, the Discipline has tools that
let them cull and control large amounts of enemies,
DISCIPLINE either by forced movement or statuses.
When you first create a Kadungganan, you must choose 0 Field Manipulation. Or FM, the Discipline has
a Discipline: the martial art that you focus in on that tools that let them lay down fields, or manipulate
contributes to the river of blood that flows through The the Battlefield itself by laying down terrain effects,
Sword Isles’s veins. manipulating height, and such.
Choosing a Discipline might be daunting: there are 25
Disciplines, spread across the 5 Polities. Read on to be 0 Swift. The Discipline has a lot of tools to be able to
guided. move across the battlefield, or they might have a
high Speed stat.
Each Discipline is born from a particular Polity. That 0 Burst. The Discipline deals a lot of damage in a
does not mean a Kadungganan must come from that small amount of time against a single fighter. These
Polity, just that it was created within it. Disciplines being Disciplines usually have a “burst window” wherein
in various different Polity is the norm now. For example, their Traits and Techniques all line up in a way to
the Sarimanok Knight was born in Akai, but they are just grant them the highest damage potential.
as common now as mounted cavalry in Virbanwa.
To help you understand them, let’s talk about the five 0 Guardian. The Discipline has tools to draw attacks
major polities poised to change the Sword Isles forever. away from allies.
Afterwards, the Disciplines will be listed according to
their Polities in the following pages. 0 Juggernaut. The Discipline has tools to stay in the
thick of a fight, dealing damage against those
around them.
Disciplines are intensely diverse bundles of martial arts.
Each one is more or less unique from each other. In the 0 Utility. The Discipline has tools to grant beneficial
following section is a set of Tags that helps one effects to allies.
understand each Discipline’s mechanical playstyle from 0 Heal. The Discipline is adept at giving out healing to
a bird’s eye point of view. allies’ Posture.
Tags are simply descriptors, they don’t have any DEFICIENCY TAGS
mechanical effects, they exist to help one understand a
Discipline and that Discipline’s Teaching’s design and Each Discipline has its downsides: these Tags define the
expertise. weaknesses of a particular Discipline.

Generally, a Discipline will have a Style Tag, 2 Expertise 0 Squishy. The Discipline has lower Posture and can
Tags, and 1 Deficiency Tag. fold easily.
Sluggish. The Discipline is slow and cannot move
across the battlefield as easily.
Style Tags define their general playstyle. Styles have 0 Blunt. The Discipline deals low amounts of
already been defined above. damage.
Slippery. The Discipline cannot keep targets in
place or cannot inflict much Statuses.
The following Tags define the combat aspects that that 0 Loner. The Discipline does not have a lot of tools
Discipline specializes in. Each Expertise Tag is written that could directly benefit allies.
below the the usual Style that they are found in. 0 Furious. The Discipline has tools that put them at a
better position but these directly give them
BLASTER penalties or makes them suffer.
0 Constant. The Discipline deals damage constantly
throughout the fight instead of small windows of
burst damage. This is usually against a single
0 Thunderer. The Discipline has tools to deal good
damage against a large amount of enemies in one

Raiders and warlords, they seek to expand their reach and Defenders, caretakers, and sentinels. Those of the
bring all the people of The Sword Isles under their Confederation seek only one thing: to protect the Holy
jurisdiction, and soon they will raid the world. Mountain of Apu, the Central Pillar of the Earth, from all
conquerors, within The Sword Isles and without. They
Gatusan Disciplines are built with violence and speed in have since adopted an aggressive stance on Stewardship,
mind. They are warriors that split the sea. As much as traveling to the sacred places in hinterlands to protect
possible, Disciplines that can survive in the undulations them from expansion.
of the waves arise and thrive in Gatusan.
Apumbukid Disciplines are concerned with stewardship
Buwaya Lancer. [Sentinel, Swift, Juggernaut, Loner]. and harnessing of the universe, as well as hewing closely
Raiders that ride in upon mighty giant crocodiles steeds to tradition and ritual. They were, of course, built with the
to change the battlefield. They and their buwaya stand protection of holy places in mind. Their might is in the
upon the battlefield like a rock, barring movement, spiritual, in what is purely natural. Their Disciplines
locking down those that dare move away from them, and typically have good relations with the gods.
controlling the square that is theirs, as the river lords that
they are. Death Dancer. [Raider, Burst, Constant, Loner].
Hypocritical Raider-Dervishes that have eschewed
Kawal. [Sentinel. Guardian, Utility, Slippery]. A weapons to become hypocrisy incarnate: one who uses
frontline Sentinel that specializes in staying in the front the strength gleaned from Hiyang to kill. They have
and never moving, protecting allies, and preventing mastered themselves avnd have become one with nature,
attacks. Garbed head to toe in armor-raiment of the water reaching levels of enlightenment impossible for others,
buffalo, they are charged to protect the isles with their but has eschewed transcendence for violence. They
shield, weapon, and tenacity. And they will hold the line. internalize this bodhisattva-twilight state, learning to
Mangangayaw. [Raider, Swift, Burst, Furious]. use multiple stances at the same time.
Raiders and fighters that scour the seas and raid other Enchanter. [Control, Field Manipulation, Crowd
war ships and shoreline settlements without fear or Control, Squishy]. Powerful Blaster sorcerers that apply
reservation. They fight to maintain a raiding high, a thrill curses, heal allies, and destroys warbands with the
that carries them to perform better, stronger, quicker. Kinaadman: the enlightened wisdom that lets one
Sword-Poet. [Sentinel, Juggernaut, Heal, Blunt]. A manipulate the world through the use of proper
mid-range Sentinel that protects allies by being incantations and godly mudras.
supremely mobile, moving upon the winds of their songs, Headtaker. [Raider, Burst, Swift, Squishy]. Raider
and supporting allies. A warrior who fights with peerless Masters of the ritual art of killing, and practitioners of the
weapon dancing and weeping verses and song to twist holy tradition of decapitation. Warriors that preserve yet
and wrench the souls of those that would inflict violence. at the same time blaspheme the holy rite of killing.
Violence Balyan. [Support, Crowd Control, Utility, Tigpana. [Blaster, Constant, Crowd Control, Loner].
Sluggish]. A spirit medium that provides healing and Blaster Archers who master the art of sniping enemies
buffing with Idols and the power of the gods. Trained to from afar from vantage points, shadow, and bamboo. A
fight in spiritual violence for this neverending war. They useful and even necessary component to war in both the
specialize in offering healing and strengthening sea and the hinterlands.
incantations and spirits.
Warspeaker. [Control, Guardian, Crowd Control,
Blunt]. Masters of the Cutting Speech, Warspeakers are
warriors that participate in battle through the use of
cutting rhetoric and ironclad logic.

Strivers that will never be defeated, knights and holy Imperialists, exorcists, and conquerors. They suffered the
lunar warriors. They will conquer all of The Sword Isles in sword of colonialism and lived to tell the tale. Now they
their own way. All will be one under the Moon Goddess. use that same sword upon their allies in the isles.
Akai Disciplines train with conquest and domination at Virbanwan Disciplines express power of numbers. They
their heart. They are faithful, and their Disciplines reflect work best when they are marching in step with others, as
their steadfastness and hunger for control. conformity is hammered into their souls. Virbanwan
Disciplines are built with the express goal of working in
Beast Hunter. [Control, Constant, Crowd Control, step with others, so that dominion may be achieved.
Blunt]. Peerless Control hunters who hunts with a pack
of feral hunting witch dogs who can climb trees with their Baril Witch. [Blaster, Constant, Thunderer, Sluggish].
razor sharp claws and shed them to keep them eversharp. A Blaster gunwitch that specializes in pressuring areas
Using a variety of traps, nets, and pits to capture your with firepower. A keen-eyed sharpshooter with a strange
prey, the hunter never lets go of the enemy. occult knowledge and skill to guide the hand of their
bullets. They hamper and damage through the use of
Martyr. [Raider, Burst, Juggernaut, Furious]. A severe their ability to reload their arquebuses and flintlocks, and
front line Raider that thrives in the midst of combat, fuse their bullets with elemental energy.
outnumbered and outgunned, with the cards stacked
against them. With their sacrosanct ravaging, they Bladeweaver. [Support, Burst, Utility, Furious]. An
embrace death to bring triumph. These berserkers, ironwood and silk clad Raider-sorcerer that quickens
anointed with prayers of a pandita lunar bishop and with allies, sharpens their blades, and extends their range by
the help of some sugapa--a root crop like opium-- using their soul to control their weapons without having
transcend into an unstoppable wrath for the Moon to touch them. They harness mentala, magical formulas
Goddess. written on bamboo scrolls and then memorized, and then
uttered, which enchant their swordplay and lets them
Sarimanok Knight. [Sentinel, Swift, Juggernaut, achieve sorcerous enlightenment.
Loner]. Valiant Sentinels who ride upon a giant rainbow-
feathered rooster known as a sarimanok. Through rapid Murderglave. [Sentinel, Burst, Juggernaut, Sluggish].
mounted combat they dominate the battlefield, protect A melee magick Sentinel that sacrifices themselves to
allies, and run down enemies. protect their allies. Their style is brutal. A warrior taught
in the ways of the ancient timawa of Mahadiwa Kalakatri
Strifesinger. [Support, Utility, Field Manipulation, Duumanun, the Goddess of Murder. By channeling the
Slippery]. Sonorous Support warrior-singers that sing Mahadiwa, you harness your passions and turn them into
and use myriad instruments to bolster their allies and constructs and weapons of darkness, giving yourself
grant respite in a war-torn land. wholly to your cause of protecting others.
Swordfish Cavalier. [Blaster, Swift, Constant, Blunt]. Senapati. [Support, Utility, Burst, Slippery]. A melee
A Blaster coral knight upon a balu, a flying swordfish, that warlord that gets stronger if they are in the front lines
specializes in summoning water, firing from afar, and with their allies, and uses their allies as their weapon. A
cutting through enemy ranks with shearing blades of strong and unwavering commander who bellows
water and wind. encouragement and orders in the thick of combat, facing
the frontlines alongside their allies clad in gold and
elephant hide.
Sword Saint. [Blaster, Thunderer, Burst, Squishy]. A
Blaster who has internalized the Blade Gospel that can
control the battlefield with slashes, little control zones
that get expended. A priest dedicated to St. Gattalim the
Saint Intercessor of Swords. They can cut down mortals,
but they cannot cut anything else. Their souls have been
sharpened into blades, and thus they cannot truly love,
lest they bisect them.


Tinkerers and scholars. The Kingdom of Ba-e, united under a single chosen ruler known as the Sangpamegat, seeks to
preserve the old ways, the ancient scriptures, sorceries, epics, and potteries. They trade far and wide, gathering gold and
other culture, while cultivating their own lust for knowledge and artifice. They seek to unite all of The Sword Isles under
a single banner, to establish a burgeoning merchant state that can trade with all the corners of the world.

Ba-e Disciplines are, just like the Kingdom they hail from, eccentric and subversive. Despite being the oldest of the Major
Polities, they also are the ones that invent new ways of seeing the world, new names for natural sciences. Past and
future, it belongs to them. They puncture holes in Hiyang and find new ways to express their enlightenment.

Flower Balyan. [Control, Crowd Control, Constant, Squishy]. A flower-witch Control that uses the sampaguita, the
death jasmine, to converse with the dead and animate corpses of enemies. An offshoot of the balyan god-channelers
who have learned the rituals of death. In the isles, Flowers are a major symbol of the dead.
Heavenspear. [Raider, Swift, Burst, Loner]. A heaven-scourging Raider that understands the lie of the earth, and
moves through the air with extreme maneuverability. Through their heaven-rending arts they take to the skies upon
spiritual arts and kites to bring the truth like a spear unto the world: there is no throne in heaven.
Mender. [Support, Utility, Heal, Squishy]. A combat Support that stays in the frontlines to support their allies with
prepared poultices and readied healing items, granting them a large number of spiritual modifications through mastery
of herbalism and spiritual semiotic.
Starshooter. [Blaster, Swift, Constant, Furious]. Blaster experts of the sport of Sipa, using their advanced knowledge
of the art to inflict violence, making even the smallest mote of dust to the very stars themselves into a deadly ball
Warsmith. [Control, Field Manipulation, Thunderer, Sluggish]. A warrior-blacksmith Control who has taken to the
battlefield to show their ingenuity and prowess, crafting walls and weapons. With their violent innovations, they use
ancient lore to bring forth godly artifacts.


�≠≠�t � ���
Lords of the Seas, Friends of the Revered,
Unstoppable Juggernauts of Rivers

Buwaya Lancers are often considered a threat upon the Style: Sentinel
entirety of The Sword Isles. Borne from the need to travel 3 Techniques, Melee Attack
quickly across both water and land, an ancient warrior Martial Art Brutal Maw
Melee Attack: You and your
tamed one of the first buwaya, which is the native term for Posture: 44 Bravery: 4 crocodile strike in concert, weapon
crocodile. It has since become the name for buwaya that Resist: 7 Faith: 1 and tail slamming down on the
are bred to become mounts: tall, long-legged crocodiles Resolve: 6 Speed: 4 victim of your scorn.
that are fast and have a huge amount of stamina. Tempo: 4 Jump: 1 Target: 1 fighter in melee.
Buwaya Lancers arose during the end of the Seventh Moon Damage: 1d8+Bravery visceral.
Era. To escape capture from powerful Put’wan cataphracts, Effect: The target must Resist or
which rode upon great six-legged steeds, the great become UNBALANCED 2.
Laksamana Tuhon Langkasingbangis and his reduced war
band of a measly 12 managed to escape by speaking to a
buwaya and the buwaya accepting his oath, remembering
that ancient warrior that tamed the first buwaya. Thus,
twelve buwaya managed to ride down the river and
boarded their biray to escape to the distant land of Sonyoh. DRAGON THRASHES ABOUT
There they honed their ability in buwaya taming, creating While you and your crocodile are unmounted, you can Inflict
saddles and tasselled bardings, made of gold and mother- Violence and perform other attacks from the mount’s square.
of-pearl and bamboo and more. Rajahnate Buwaya are
painted in a same manner the warriors were, although not UPON RUSHING RIVERS
tattooed. In this way their bond becomes tighter, stronger. If a fighter moves into a square to you, you can choose to Inflict
The buwaya lancers have since become one of the most Violence to them, 1/turn.
well-known Disciplines across The Sword Isles. It has
become a stable cavalry, one used extensively by Rajahnate ANCESTRAL TAIL AND HIDE
polities that could afford it, and the Akai Sultanate to You begin your combat upon a Crocodile Mount. While on your
combat the cavalry of the other polities. Mount...
Buwaya lancers were called thus because they were made
to break the enemy’s frontline. In The Sword Isles 0 You cannot be Slowed or Stopped.
archipelago warfare, this would not be the end of an 0 As a Technique, you can order your crocodile to bite an
enemy’s formation, as war was waged not through adjacent fighter, forcing them to Resist or become Stopped
formations but through force of will. However, the ability 2.
to break the ranks through Buwaya Lancers is a very
effective tactic that has huge effects upon the moralization 0 You have Soak 2. Water Conditioning as long as you’re not
of warfare. Buwaya Lancers are usually trained to use Unbalanced.
spears (bangkaw) or tridents (salapang), but other kinds of Joy of Movement: Whenever you end voluntary movement, deal
weapons are just as viable. Therefore, Buwaya lancers are 2 skewering water damage to all adjacent enemies.
much wanted in Kadungganan parties, as they are made to
crush the frontline and stay there, using crocodile and SWALLOW THE WORLD
military armament to crush the opposition.
2 Techniques, Once Per Combat, 1 Conviction
Even in land, the crocodile beast can gallop, quick and
unstoppable. The Crocodile is one of the most well- Target: All enemies in close burst 3
respected beasts: they are very often considered to be
avatars of the ancestors themselves, and are treated like Damage: 3d6+Bravery visceral
Grandfathers—that is, with utmost care and respect. They
are the great masters of both sea and land, protectors of the Effect: Your crocodile eats all targets. For each enemy that is
places where water and earth meet. Defeated by this attack, heal 4 Posture. For each enemy that lives,
If you become a Buwaya Lancer, ask yourself why you ride suffer 2 skewering damage.
upon the greatest of spirits only to bring violence. You are
one with a beast known both for death and for the Makara are the gods of the crocodiles of the Isles, the
ancestors. You say you protect, so why do you let your great vessels of ancient heroes and demigods who
buwaya rip that man’s head off? Why do you stab while waged war to seize wealth. Makara are said to be the
atop your enslaved holy power? Why do you think you are first of the crocodiles, and are the original dragons:
as great as the gods themselves? their spiritual pairing created the three draconic
forms that many gods take on: Naga, the Flying Water
Guardian Spirits. Pythons, the Deep Earth and Tree
Serpent. And finally, the Crocodile, the Sea and Soil
Dragon. It is said that a Makara encircles the entire
cosmos, all of Kalibutan, and in the end times when
violence has consumed like a bleeding, threading
flame, it will consume all of reality.

I God II
Hunter Fury
Trident Psychopomp
2 Techniques
1 Technique, Ranged Attack Target: 1 fighter adjacent to you.
You throw your weapon with burning strength, making Effect: Bite the target, grab them, or otherwise let them
sure it impales an enemy. hitch a ride on you: shift 4 squares, bringing the target with
Target: 1 fighter within close burst 3. you. This is counted as forced movement, but the target
Damage: d8+Bravery water. ignores any terrain that would impede it from ending up
Effect: The target must Resist or else become adjacent to you.
Harpooned until they spend a Technique to remove it. Like Bataradanum, the God of the Seas, Consort of
Harpooned: Whenever the target moves a square, you Mawayen the Goddess of the Deep, you surge
also move 1 square in the direction they moved, forward and bring others to their doom with your
mirroring their movements. The Harpooned target crocodile’s unflinching jaws.
suffers 2d6 skewering visceral damage when they

Stealing Kinnari Wings

remove the Harpoon.
Upon your crocodile you send your weapon
down, a god sending lightning from his steed, 1 Reaction
readying them for their inevitable death.
Target: 1 fighter within no less than 2 squares to no more
Death Grip than 3 squares from you.
Trigger: When the target moves into the target area.
2 Techniques, Melee Attack Effect: Wrap around them a tether, maybe from a fishing
You leap forward with reckless abandon and grasp the rod, maybe from pure kinaadman, and force them to Resist.
target, either with your weapons, your arms, or your Fail: The target is shifted to a square to you.
mount. Pass: Shift them 1 square.
Target: 1 fighter in melee. You bring out a fishing rod—a fucking fishing
Damage: d12+Bravery visceral. None if ally. rod!—of bamboo and swing it around, like a chain,
Effect: The target becomes Bitten. or a god’s lash, and send it across the battlefield.
Bitten: While Bitten, they are Stopped, and you Bitten You’ve found your prey.
fighter is moved alongside with you, and you can

On The Prowl
choose where they end up, as long as they are adjacent
to you.
For 1 Technique, you can end the Bite voluntarily or
you may perform a Death Roll on a Bitten fighter. 1 Technique
Death Roll: Immediately deal 3d8 skewering visceral Target: 1 adjacent enemy
damage. Effect: You and your crocodile choose a prey: mark the
target. While you have them Marked, whenever they move,
Crocodiles are venerated like ancestor gods in you also move with them, mirroring their movements. You
the isles, and to have one fight with you is a can only have 1 Mark at a time, and you lose this mark when
sign of respect and prestige. They are
sometimes seen as psychopomps, and that is you deal damage to them.
exactly what you will be doing: bringing your If the Marked fighter makes an attack while you’re adjacent
enemies to hell. to them, you may immediately inflict violence.

Crocodile Tail
Passive. After you make an attack, you may signal your
crocodile thrash about wildly, immediately dealing 2
water damage to all enemies adjacent to you.

Panlinugon’s Quaking
Fulminating Abyss
Dragon 2 Techniques
Effect: Leap up, shifting 10’, ignoring height and
Whorl terrain, and then crash down, destroying all
squares in close burst 1: they fall down 1 square
2 Techniques (Example: A 0 high square falls and becomes -1
square high). You cannot bring a square to below
Target: All fighters in a close burst 2. -2 squares.
Effect: Spin around and summon a ravaging whirlpool that Effect: All enemies caught in the burst become
slams into all targets. SLOWED 2.
Damage: 2d8+Bravery water.
1. The Buwaya brings with it hell.
Effect: Shift each targeted fighter 1 square clockwise of you.
2. And with a bellow, it brings others with
1. Woe, woe be to those that would dare defy the it.
Buwaya! - Makara Exalt Sutla 128
2.That ancient god of the rivers, that dragon of the
3. Woe, and calamity.
- Daknunuk Sutla 98

Create Rivers
2 Techniques
Target: All squares in a close path 6.
Effect: Turn the target squares into a river field for the rest
of the scene.
River Field: The targeted path is counted as water terrain
but is only detrimental for enemies. If the river reaches the
edge of the map, it starts flowing: any fighter that is in the
water terrain made by this ability is shifted 1 square at the
end of their turn towards the direction of the edge of the
battlefield that the river has reached. If more than one part
of the river has reached the edge, you can choose which one
they are moved towards.
Effect: Any fighter caught in the initial wall suffers
d8+Bravery skewering water damage.
An ancestral god in your hands. You summon your
holy reverence, and your buwaya strikes down,
tapping the springs beneath the earth. Waters
erupt up, the waters of the deep. This was a
technique crafted by Laksamana Tuhon
Langkasingbangis himself to engrave a new river to
stop the chase of ancient Put’wan Cataphracts.
The river still exists, known as Tuhonsuba, and has
since become a tributary to Inagos. The diwata that
have arisen from it are in constant war with the
diwata of Inagos.

Masters of the Eight Direction Guardian, Disciplines of
the Lakapati, Protectors of the World, not Kings

Kawal are faithful shields and defenders of their Style: Sentinel
communities. They are the greatest paragons among the 1 Technique
Kadungganan: they exemplify all the virtues of a Martial Art 8 Direction Melee Attack: You burst forward
Kadungganan and then more, protecting their fellow Guardian and slam into an enemy.
Kadungganan by attracting the attention of the enemy and Posture: 48 Bravery: 3 Target: 1 adjacent fighter
stopping them in their tracks. Resist: 7 Faith: 2 Damage: d8+Bravery visceral
Resolve: 6 Speed: 3 Effect: The target is pushed up to 2
Clad in a mix of metal chainmail and kalabaw hide armor, Tempo: 5 Jump: 2 squares.
kalabaw horn breastplate, and hardwood shields, the Effect: You may shift into any
Kawal is an indomitable force in the battlefield, controlling square the target vacated.
the battlefield with superior movement, tactics,
weaponmastery, and their force of will.
Kawal only get their prestigious name after undergoing a
grueling training process, which weeds out those that
cannot handle the pressures and responsibilities of a
kawal. Using techniques that synthesize native forms as
well as learned arts from Madaki and Naksuwarga, the
Kawal excels in keeping their allies safe while staying alive. You have 3 Soak. When an adjacent ally is attacked, you can
Rajahnate Datu employ techniques of the Kawal, and more spend a Reaction to make yourself the target.
often than not they do it so that they can keep their people WATER BUFFALO STRENGTH
You are considered blocking terrain for allies.
Akai have deployed their own contingent of Satariya,
which use giant ceremonial blades instead of spears to WITCH DOG MEDITATION
guard their allies. Apumbukid is known to train entire
settlements in this art as well, the most well known one You have 2 Reactions outside of your turn instead of just 1.
being Saginda in Pumirang, where they’re trained by Additionally, while you’re not Unbalanced, you cannot be
ancient guardian spirits in deep underground coral river Slowed.
In the ancient of days, the Guardians of the Eight
Directions (Ang Diwatasin Walong Tudlo) came together Whenever an adjacent ally moves, you may also move alongside
and taught their Art to mortals, because they had foreseen them for free, mirroring their movements, staying adjacent to
that they would need their help to defend the world. Thus them as much as possible.
was the Eight Direction Guardian Art born, which practices
and perfects the manifestation of the Lakapati, the LAKAPATI
combined form of the Eight Guardian Gods. Imawasurathe 1 Technique, 1 Conviction
Guardian Lord of the Southeast, of Pagodas and Fortunes
and Jades, wields a spear is as long as ten thousand palms Effect: Gain 1 Lakapati Token. When you or an adjacent ally is the
of Rayasaiwa (whose palm measures fifteen universes), target of an attack, you can spend the Lakapati Token to
and is named Tudlo, and this spear has become the symbol immediately become immune to that attack, cancelling it against
for all Kawal. It is said that Imawasura was the one that you.
affixed the eight directions.
If you choose to take up the mantle of the Kawal, say who You bring all to bear, turning yourself absolutely
you pledge your allegiance to and why, and why your faith impervious to all attacks, to bring all hurt away from
in them has led you to making sure that they will never be your allies. For that is what the Kawal must do. For
harmed. those that we have lost, and for those that we can yet
save. You become, for a moment, a Lakapati, which is
The Shield is a symbol of strength. In the Sword Isles, it is the Eight Guardian Lords of the Eight Directions
not common to stay and fight for your settlement when combined into a single being, otherwise known as the
being raided. However, in the event of a revenge raid, God of Fences, Fields, and Fertility, and their name is
where the warriors will try to slay your datu as a ritual the one most sacrificed to when starting the farming
offering to their own ancestors, only the shield can stay the season. Your skin becomes golden brass, you grow
tide. Either they die, or the raiders fail. eight arms of goldflame, each one wielding a different
weapon, and you become immovable.
Ask why you give your life to them. Is loyalty your virtue or
your sin? Why do you break the sky for someone who
might not do the same for you?

Determination Perfect
Yaraishvara’s Reversal
Krishawisu’s Hammer 1 Technique
2 Techniques Effect: You step forth, and push all chosen adjacent fighters
by 1 square.
Melee Attack: You leap through the battlefield and
strike. Effect: Take on the Reversal Stance.
Target: 1 fighter in close line 3. Reversal Stance: While in this Stance, whenever you suffer
a melee attack, you may Inflict Violence back against the
Effect: Before dealing damage, leap to closest square in attacker after they have made their attack. You lose this
the line that is adjacent to the target. stance if you are moved in anyway, unless that movement
Damage: d8+Bravery visceral. forces you to collide, in which case you keep the stance.
Effect: If the target is Provoked, consume the Provoked
to deal an additional 1d4 damage. Raya Ishvara is the Guardian Lord of the East,
which is the realm of Flames and Empires. He
A technique made famous by the Kawal of presents as a Head crowned in the Sun, for it is
Apumbukid. A giant swing of both weapon and where the sun rises. It is said that he wrestled Indira
shield, flowing about so that it strikes all in Suga when her wrath threatened to split Gubat
your path, imitating the lotus of the great god Banwa in twain.
Krishawisu. Lord Fahandu of the River Polity
Vahansima used this to cut swathes through
undead warriors to save his settlement. Imawasura’s Lance
Krishawisu is the Guardian Lord of the North, 2 Techniques
who guides every direction. He is asleep, it is Melee Attack: You raise your spear, and then bring it down
said, within a frozen lotus, and will only awake
if chaos has subsumed Gubat Banwa. Others through a fighter, pinning them to the ground.
say that Krishawisu came down to the world Target: 1 fighter within close burst 3.
and formed it into a lotus: “Imagine the Sea of Damage: d8+Bravery visceral.
Wine as exactly that, a Sea of Wine, and the Effect: The target must Resist. On a pass they become
various universes as Lotuses floating upon Slowed 2. On a fail, they become Impaled.
that Sea of Wine. We are simply in one of those,
now.” Impaled: They cannot move or be moved, and they can only
remove Impaled with a Technique.
Kedatupatya’s Imposition A technique used by the Kawal of Akai and Sinuku
to crash through enemy front lines, which were
Passive. When you deal damage against a single very often arranged in a fierce and unbreakable
fighter, you may raise your arm and provoke their ire: shield wall. The Kawal of Akai now ride upon horses
inflict Provoked 2. to do this, but they were able to break ranks even
without mounts. Imawasura is the Guardian Lord of
Kedatupatya is the Guardian Lord of the the Southeast, of Pagodas and Fortunes and Jades.
Southwest, protector of all the dead, and His spear is as long as ten thousand palms of
keeper of the far Southewestern cave of Rayasaiwa (whose palm measures fifteen
Maharawug, which is a cave that connects the universes), and is named Tudlo. It is said that
Underworlds with Gubat Banwa. He wields a Imawasura was the one that affixed the eight
rattan fan that summons diseases, and directions.
provokes fires.

Rayasaiwa’s Perfect Vigil Kitasamba’s Hibiscus Shield

Passive. Whenever you suffer damage, you can gain a
Reaction Hibiscus Die, which is a d4. Once on your turn, you can
Trigger: A fighter leaves a square to you. spend any number of Hibiscus Dice to roll it and give 1 ally
Effect: Immediately Inflict Violence against the within close burst 2, Block equal to the result (all added
triggering fighter before they leave the square. together).
Effect: The fighter must Resist or become Stopped 1, "Ever ready. That is what kawal must be. Now bring
stopping their movement. If the target passes the Resist your weapons up. We have a datu to save." - War
this Technique doesn’t spend a Reaction. Leader Katuna, as he goes on to save a hostaged
Rayasaiwa is the Guardian Lord of the Center, datu from a rival banwa. Kitasamba is the Guardian
and is also said to be the Supreme and Lord of the Northeast, who guards those that have
sometimes the Absolute, He Who Holds All In been untouched and are pure. His symbol is a newly
His Palm. It is said that Gubat Banwa’s Cosmos, blossomed passion flower, but his weapon is that of
Kalibutan, balances upon the tip of his trident, a hibiscus spiked shield.
Kadaut Rishud.

World Guardian
III Guardian of the Meditation
Eight Points Passive. At the start of your turn, you may
immediately cleanse 1 Bane of your choice.
Rudrakasha’s Bulu Kawal, will you break? Against the
multiple violences of this world, will
3 Techniques you find a way to shatter? You are a
guardian—there are many of you in the
Effect: Declare a bulu with 1 fighter within close burst 3. For the isles. What makes you different? Pave
rest of the fight, until one of you is Posture-Broken, Defeated, or the way, and create a better world, but
you call it off on your turn, both of you become Provoked to each remember that your shield cannot
other. However, when attacking each other, you both have protect you against everything.
Precision and +2 Might.
Effect: After declaring the bulu you can, for 1 Technique and 1
Conviction: remove yourself and the target from the battlefield.
You both still take your turn as normal, but you can only affect
each other. There is no range where you go, meaning anything
either of you do can affect both of you. You only return to the
battlefield if either of you is Defeated.
You call out: “You! I challenge you. Face me or face the
wrath of Jamiyun Kulisa!” Kawal are masters of the
battlefield. With a single command, they invoke the rite
of violence: the Bulu, a duel in the midst of battle. One
that they will surely win. A bulu is a duel to the death,
after all.
Rudrakasha is the Guardian Lord of the Southwest
Corner, where the land is barren and eventually
becomes a white void, the horizon between Sky and
Sea. They guard this impossibility, but with their single
eye (which is the Eye of the Hurricane) they can see all,
and they can strike at any warrior from afar, gaining
their ire, becoming their fate, with his bow and arrow,
known only as Kalma, or Destiny.

Gajasangkra’s Pestle
3 Techniques
Effect: Swing a Pestle about, cladding you with fateful
protection. Gain Block (3x Bravery).
Effect: When a fighter moves into adjacency of you, you may
spend all Block to launch them: push X, with X being the
number of Block spent.
"A kawal must know that they are the wall, and for the
wall to be effective, the swords must crash against it,”
says Apumbukid Datu Daya. Gajasangkra is the
Guardian Lord of the Northwest, which is the land of
constant monsoons and whirlpools. If she doesn’t
guard that place with her thousand hands, the seas will
drain into wine and milk, killing all Folk in Gubat
Banwa. And so she keeps the sea from overflowing, and
so does she suffer the corroding chaos of wine.

Demon Sword Raiders of the Endless Seas, Bane of
Empires, Seizer of Heaven’s Thunderclaps, Peerless
Blademasters of Sea and Sky

Mangangayaw (Mah-nga-nga-ya-o) burn through the sea Style: Raider
upon boats that slice the waves. They raid shoreline 1 Technique
settlements with impunity, usually forcing those living Martial Art Seize Heaven Melee Attack: You get in close and
within to travel further inland to avoid them. Posture: 40 Bravery: 5 break the enemy’s defenses.
Mangangayaw are stylish and fearless adrenaline junkies Resist: 5 Faith: 1 Target: 1 fighter in melee
that strike quick and hard, relentlessly, until the enemy Resolve: 5 Speed: 4 Damage: d12+Bravery visceral
breaks, or until they get what they want. Tempo: 4 Jump: 3 Effect: This attack ignores the
Combo Breaker Penalty.
While raiding is the main form of warring in The Sword
Isles, mangangayaw are those that are specialized in the
art of Raiding. In the art of catching enemies with their
shields down, in the midst of the night, and looting what
they need. Mangangayaw might kill, but their main goal is
resources: bahandi property wealth (like brass gongs, WAVE DANCER
porcelain jars, and the like) and debtors. Moving diagonally for you always costs 1 square. You ignore the
Through this they get richer, stealing shoreline slowing effects of Water Terrain.
settlement’s riches and porcelain and tradeware to sell SEA DEMON
from their own villages and towns. Mangangayaw are
usually not mercenaries: they usually follow their own Whenever you critically hit with a melee attack, shift yourself up
datu, and in truth do usually raid with their datu during to 3 squares and then inflict violence immediately against a
raiding season, to collect money and wealth from enemy different fighter.
Mangangayaw are not only feared within the Gatusan, but
also among the shorelines of the Akai Sultanate and the When you make a melee attack against a fighter that is not
Virbanwan Lakanate, although the Akai Sultanate are adjacent to any other fighter other than you, gain +1 Might on the
peerless raiders on their own. attack.
They have mastered boat technology and sea navigation to RIP LIGHTNINGS
a point that they raid upon the far southern shores of Baik
Hu and terrorize the shore settlements of the Malirawat Whenever you make a melee attack, you have a 1-in-10 chance of
Empire. making the attack a Critical Hit. This chance stacks with other
Critical Hit chances. Roll before making the attack.
Demons, kin-eaters, ogres, they are called, for they are
unceasing in the face of adversity. Like a storm Critical Hit: Deal maximum damage instead of rolling damage.
approaching that cannot be stopped, only avoided, the
kayaw raiders come. Kayaw is the root word for sea raid in SEIZE HEAVEN’S THUNDERCLAPS
most of their tongues, shared among settlements in
hushed and whispered tones, too afraid to speak it out loud 1 Technique, 1 Conviction
lest they call their ire.
Whenever you deal damage with a melee attack, inflict a stack of
Mangangayaw are wont to wear light armor--and truly Raid Price on the target: you mark them as a target of your scorn,
enough usually none at all--depending on their skin- and the heady heat of battle gets in your head. When you deal
scarred tattoos to defend them in the midst of the sea. The damage with a melee attack against a target with 3 Raid Price,
bravest of them all have tattoos that scrawl up to their deal +1d6 bonus damage and then you heal 2 Posture. The target
faces, making them look like demons. Mangangayaw are then loses all Raid Price.
brothers with Pinatikan in this regard, and in truth, many
Pinatikan are also Kayaw raiders, and vice versa. When you make a melee attack against a fighter with 3 Raid Price,
you can spend 1 Conviction to immediately make that attack a
If you take up the path of the Raid, ask yourself why and for critical hit instead of dealing +1d6 bonus damage. Lose the Raid
what reason: glory? Power? Wealth? You’re losing that Price afterwards.
reason. Why do you enjoy the killing?
You bring all to bear, turning yourself absolutely
impervious to all attacks, to bring all hurt away from
your allies. For that is what the Kawal must do. For
those that we have lost, and for those that we can yet
save. You become, for a moment, a Lakapati, which is
the Eight Guardian Lords of the Eight Directions
combined into a single being, otherwise known as the
God of Fences, Fields, and Fertility, and their name is
the one most sacrificed to when starting the farming
season. Your skin becomes golden brass, you grow
eight arms of goldflame, each one wielding a different
weapon, and you become immovable.

Sea Demon II Raid The
Enkindling Seas
Typhoon Anyo Giants Impale The Earth
Passive. 1/Turn, after inflicting violence, you gain a d12
parry die, which does not stack. Whenever you suffer Passive. Whenever you inflict violence against a fighter that
damage, you can consume the parry die to immediately is Staggered, gain +1 Might.
roll it against the damage. If you roll equal to or higher The Giants once ruled, and they were hewn with the
than the damage, you cancel the damage against you threads of divinity. With this technique, perfected
immediately and then you can shift 2 squares. The by the pygmy monkey artist Sri Mahaliwu, your
Parry Die can critically hit, and can be considered an attacks burn with an almost avaricious fervor,
attack for the purposes of adding Might and other emulating the thundering strength of the giants
that almost destroyed the cosmos.
damage to it.
Strike twice and then immediately sink into a
parrying position. Never let them catch you
offguard, let your movements be more fluid Live Hand
than the waves you dance upon. Reaction
Trigger: When you or an adjacent ally is the target of a
Dragon Striking Sword melee attack.
Effect: Cancel the attack agains the target and choose an
1 Technique enemy in melee range of you to become the new target of
Effect: Flurry forward, striking all about you, sending that attack.
the sword’s edge deep into their hearts. Shift your You’ve mastered the art of Catching Lightning: a
Speed, no more no less, even through enemy squares. Raiding Art taught to only the greatest of
Deal 3 skewering visceral damage to every fighter Mangangayaw. Your hands move faster than the
that you move through, but deal this damage only once wind. Your attacks flow into the next one, not one
being a mistake, each one a set up for the next. All
per enemy. will fall under your salt, your weapons flash like
"Learn this bastard art, and soon we will be lightning in your hands.

Strikes The Foxtail Orchid

able to raid heaven, and seize its

Sinawali Anyo 2 Techniques

Effect: You leap across the air, slashing a whirlwind as you
1 Technique do, sundering all those you fly over. Leap exactly 3 squares
Melee Attack: You move forward in a weaving motion, , moving over enemies, ignoring height and terrain, ending
striking deliberately, caressing your blade and guiding in an unoccupied square. Make the following melee attack
it in a fluid lacing motion, until you find a perfect against all fighters you leap over:
moment to strike. Target: The fighters you leap over.
Target: 1 adjacent fighter Damage: 2d6+Bravery visceral.
Damage: d10+Bravery visceral. If you performed this
technique while Weaving with another Kadungganan, “The beautiful, beautiful foxtail orchid, which
hangs from the sky and blossoms in lilac petals.
this deals 2d6+Bravery visceral instead. Rain down your poisons from above!”
Effect: This attack has a 1-in-10 chance of critically
hitting. If you use this Technique after you inflict
violence, this becomes 2-in-10.
Critical Hit: Do not roll any damage, simply deal
maximum damage.
Crafted by the grand Mahapanglima Jalido,
incorporated due to his ingenuity and his skill
in teaching the arts, Mahapanglima
notoriously used this to defeat Puddang
Panghu that encroached upon his settlement
right before he broke his oath with the Sultana
and defected to the Rajahnate.

Inflict Challenge
Raid Heaven 1 Techniques

and Earth Effect: With a burning, mocking shout, you let

your raiding fervor reach a burning peak, and it
explodes into words that slice into your
Whorl of Steel opponents.
Target: 1 fighter in a close burst 3.
2 Techniques Effect: The target must resolve or they become
Area Attack: You strike in every direction, moving so quick Challenged. They lose Challenged once the
that you leave behind slashes and strikes in mid-air. Challenged fighter deals damage to you. You can
Target: All enemies in close burst 2 only have 1 fighter Challenged at a time
Damage: d12+Bravery visceral. 2d12 if you inflicted violence Challenged: All of the attacks of the one that
before making this attack. Challenged the fighter against the Challenged
Effect: Every square in the burst becomes a field filled with fighter deals +1d6 extra damage.
cutting blades until the end of your start turn. The field is Mangangayaw are born into violence.
difficult terrain for all enemies. When the field disappears, They are the purest manifestations of
deal 1d6 skewering visceral damage to all enemies in the strength, vigor, and ferocity. Their swords
field. are always ready, nothing can ever catch
them off guard. They are the peerless
You move like a whirlpool in the midst of the sea, warriors of the Sword Isles. All will fall to
burgeoning and breaking and crashing and alluring their blades.
ships into their depths. But you are steel, and you
become like an unstoppable whirling wind of
sharpness and blades.

Steel Devil Stance

1 Technique
Effect: Shift 15, and then slide into the Steel Devil Stance.
Steel Devil Stance: When you inflict violence and then deal
the maximum amount of damage possible on the roll (not
counting extra damage and Might), you may consume this
stance to inflict violence again immediately, ignoring your
Combo Breaker Penalty.
You rush in with such speed that you are like a blur,
like the rushing winds of a typhoon. You move
through and pierce their defenses.

�n�� ��k�n
Master of Song and Sword, Protector of the Living
World, Preserver Through Epic and Poetry, Bearers of the
Holy Word of Rhythm

Commonly known as the Sundang Balaknon. It has Style: Sentinel
been long said that the only time the people of the 1 Technique
Rajahnate are not singing are when they are sick, Martial Art Swordsong Melee Attack: You perform a quick
asleep, or dead. This is doubly true for the Sword-Poet, Posture: 48 Bravery: 2 jive, striking along with the beat.
Poetic Sword, an elite Discipline of Kadungganan that Resist: 7 Faith: 2 Target: 1 adjacent fighter
focuses on fighting while singing. Even in battle, even Resolve: 7 Speed: 4 Damage: d8+Faith visceral
without the accompaniment of agung, they sing a Tempo: 4 Jump: 3 Effect: Shift 1 square, and then shift
song of beauty and sorrow, one that wrenches the the target into the square you
hearts of enemies, forces them to rethink, or performs vacated.
unignorable provocations. Through their Swordsong,
they protect their culture, community, and nature.
Sword-Poet, or Warrior-Poets are not a formal
organization: they rise naturally, out of the common
stock of the Rajahnate or Confederation, for in the
Polity a rite of passage into adulthood is the ability to All enemies that are Provoked by you have 1 Weakness.
perform combative poetry (and all poetry was sung)
against another of the same age. They sing in either SALINGGOGON PETAL POEM
glorious boasting tones or in low rapid-syllable When an enemy ends their turn within close burst 3 of you, you
drawls. may pull them 1 square.
These warrior-poets, through their battles and shared
techniques, use their words and songs to defend their RHYTHM OF RUMAKA
fellow men, letting their violence-charged verses and You have 3 Soak. When you are Sundered, immediately deal 2
words strike the hearts of enemies that attack their skewering soul damage to all enemies in the field.
allies, like the ogres they are. Their heart wrenching
melodies force enemies to focus on the Warrior-Poet,
lest they face the weight of the world. Their Gahom
emanates from them, carried upon the winds of their THE SWORD SONG
words, strengthening allies and crippling enemies. For 1 Technique, spend 1 Conviction to begin singing the Sword
This philosophy has created a subset of Hiyang faith Song until you are Posture Broken. As long as you are singing the
called Hiyang Awitan, which focuses on the Sword Song, you are Slowed, Unyielding, and all enemies in 2
philosophy that song is the source of all life, and that squares of you are considered Provoked by you.
Diwa is a harmony constantly played across all time,
and is what connects all things together.
This is the Flower Swordsong: striking and slashing WAKASANG SIDAY
attacks performed in conjunction with melody and 2 Techniques, 2 Conviction
metaphor. The witik are snares, the fan strikes are
drum beats, the combinations are marching drum Sing a tearful song of regret and hope, one that can rend even the
cacophonies. The Sword is in itself a metaphor, a Festival of the Longest Night. Your words manifest as verdant
calcification of the core tenet of Hiyang, the dichotomy and azure winds that wrap around your opponents: all enemies
of Cause-Effect, Love-Evisceration, the condensation in the battlefield cannot perform Hostile Actions until the end of
of idiom into a weapon used to cut, as that is the only their next turn.
permitted course of action. An attack is a beat, a beat is When you leap into violence, you begin singing a song of
part of a rhythm, an entire attack is a song, a poem. war. A song of your warband overcoming overwhelming
With biting remarks comes specifically crafted verbal odds. A song of you and your friends fighting for a better
attacks that flay a warrior’s defenses, and makes you world. A song of you and your family, your closest loved
insufferable, and brings all the attention to the Sword ones, proving their conviction in a world of death and
Poet. war.

Not just that, whenever Sword Poets sing, they echo

similes and metaphors and personifications in a
different language. One more flowery and filled with
impossible metaphors and idioms that only they can
truly understand. This language is known as Flower
Tongue, and it is said to be the most beautiful
language never spoken, only sung.
When you become a Sword-Poet, ask yourself: why do
you fight for a land that does not hear the notes of your
sorrowsong? Your song falls upon bloodied ears and
corpses. Will you wait until your song ends?


I Blade Beat II Razor

Verse of Dragons Rhetoric of Retort
1 Technique 2 Techniques
Target: 1 ally in 2 squares Target: Self or 1 adjacent ally.
Effect: You carve out a song about the target, marking Effect: You shout at your foe: "You don't have what it
them. As long as the ally is marked by you, whenever takes!" And it's true, it's oh so true. Your words bite,
they suffer damage, all other allies (including yourself) sharper than daggers. Give the target a Mock token.
heals 2 Posture. You can only mark 1 target with this When a fighter with the Mock token is attacked, they
technique: if you mark another target with this may spend the Mock token to mock the attacker,
technique, you move the mark to them instead. causing that attack to become glancing. If this causes
“Listen and hear thy people! They criest out in their attack to deal 3- damage, the attacker becomes
torment. This war shalt bring us naught but UNBALANCED 2.
struggle and pain! Please, let mine words
pierce thine heart.” A song that sings of the Mock them as you find your strength once
First Dragon, the great Harinaga, King of all again. They cannot bring you down before,
Dragons, a God Among Gods, who was brought what makes them think they can stop you now?

Rhetoric of Chaos
low and scourged by the giants, who wielded
the Flame of Want, in the ancient event known
only in the echoes of tradition as The
Dragonscourge. Dragons now despise the 1 Technique
giants. Target: 1 fighter in 2 squares.
Effect: Sing an ululating poem of confusion and
Verse of Cunning
mockery. Give the target a Chaos Token. When the
target makes an attack, you may consume the Token to
inflict a 5-in-10 chance of them failing the attack
1 Reaction outright. Roll this first before anything else. You can
Trigger: When 1 ally within close burst 3 is the target of only inflict 1 Chaos Token at a time.
an attack.
Effect: You utter a quick jive that brings life to an ally as A confusing song that befuddles minds and
hearts, favored by Sword-Poet that prefer a
an enemy lunges at them, letting them shift Faith certain degree of pacifism. This song was
squares before the attack. created by Datu Belaskes, who was born in
“To all those that live freely, Virbanwa but became a Rajahnate Datu and
Never find violence used.” swore alliance with Ambasi. This song is as
chaotic as Datu Belaskes’ life.

Sword Ambahan Rhetoric of Hope

2 Technique 1 Technique
Area Attack: You sing your sword’s steel in a graceful Effect: You utter a stanza that coincides with the
flurry about you. clanging beats of swords and spears. The words bring
life to your allies: heal all adjacent allies by [2 x Faith]
Damage: 2d6 + Faith soul Posture, and then take on the Hopesong Stance.
Effect: Inflict UNBALANCED 2 Hopesong Stance: At the end of your next turn,
A flamboyant Sword-Poet, Si Pahimuot, once consume this stance to heal all allies adjacent to you
performed this amidst the kawal of Datu equal to [Faith x 3]. If you heal at least 3 allies with this,
Mabigi, from the league of Pannai, who hunted keep the stance.
him down due to him killing his bride. He
escaped by staying silent—unheard of for a Hope is all we have, in this violent age. As the
Sword-Poet—and amplifying the cutting tang jaws of violence close in and threaten to
of his blade. He performed a quick dance, destroy all we know, we only have each other to
cutting all those about him. hold on to. Even as the great governments
oppress and destroy for want of power and
wealth, in the end, all we will have is ourselves.

To Seize Heaven’s Epic of Joy
III 2 Techniques
Thunderclaps Target: 1 enemy in 2 squares.
Effect: You sing a jovial tune, and then let your weapon
fly upon the wings of your harmonies, letting it strike
and defend and harry.
Epic of Shields Damage: Faith skewering soul.
Effect: The target gains Bleeding, Eviscerated 3,
2 Techniques Unbalanced, Debilitated, and Provoked. They keep all
Target: All adjacent allies these Banes until they successfully deal damage to you.
Effect: You perform a poem so quickly that your sword Sing a song of joy! For even in the darkest days
swings are bolstered to follow the rhythm, so fast that it there are burning bright bonfires. What is
creates a physical barrier of strikes. Give all your Soak to darkness if not an absence of light? What is
pain but a consequent of life? In this Festival of
all adjacent allies, and then lose all Soak. If you don’t the Longest Night, rejoice! Happiness cannot be
have Soak, give your allies Block equal to your Critical obtained, it is a becoming. Become joyful,
instead, and then lose Critical Posture. become hiyang.
Effect: Teleport adjacent to any fighter that you have “Raise your blade up high! If we wish to put an
Provoked. end to this cycle of violence we must put our
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, all allies that you foot forward. Our poetry is half of the battle.
gave Soak or Block to with this technique have +(Your The other half includes our swords. First we
Faith) to their attacks. inflict violence upon their hearts, then we inflict
violence upon the world. What is violence but
Cut yourself off with that sorrowful song. change? Therefore choose what violence you
Maybe then, maybe then, there will be peace. will enact, and what violence you will choose.
But not yet, not yet. A technique perfected by Not all violences are equal: some are more noble
Sword Poet Sialo Baguna I, a King who spurned than others.” A combination perfected by
rulership to travel with a troupe of professional Tuhan Madala, who performed this to defeat a
singers. This requires a quick wit and an even King in a festival that challenged him, following
quicker tongue. the rhythm of the agung and the kulintang.

Epic of Ceaseless Pain

2 Techniques
Target: 1 fighter within close burst 3
Effect: Utter a song, innocent at first, but then
something that the victim of your scorn realizes is about
them, painfully about them. They are tormented by your
truths: deal 2d6+Faith soul damage to the target, and
then inflict Song of Ceaseless Pain 3.
Song of Ceaseless Pain: Whenever the target under the
effect of the Song makes an attack against the fighter
that inflicted the song upon them, the inflicter gains
Evasion 8 against all attacks from the target.
A song that echoes truths about the world. Sing
a song of broken lineages, of war unending, one
that asks: why must you fight like this? And do
you accept that when the pain does cease, that
you will cease with it?


Exorcists, Healers, and Channelers of the Myriad Gods of Violence, which fills our world
and then overflows, Master of the Circle, Philosophers of Salvation

Violence Balyan are those balyan, or spirit mediums/shaman- Style: Support
healers, that wade into the frontlines of violence to mend 1 Technique
hurting souls and channel violence. They come with their Martial Art: Violence Ranged Attack: You strike forward
superior knowledge of tambal (medicinal herbs) and their Channeling with a blessed weapon.
affinity and rapport with the anitu, the unseen powers of the Posture: 44 Bravery: 2 Target: 1 fighter within close burst
cosmos to help alleviate their allies in a war without end. Resist: 5 Faith: 4 3
Resolve: 7 Speed: 3 Damage: d6+Faith earth or light
Balyan are the spiritual leaders of the faith that encompasses Tempo: 5 Jump: 2 Effect: 1 ally in 2 squares gains your
almost all of the Sword Isles, which is known to outside people Blessing
as Anitu. Usually female, but men can also become Balyan,
although they must take upon the trappings and present as
female, becoming the asug gender. Asug, however, is said like
an honorific or a title. Anitu has commonly subsumed most of
the religions that have arrived within: while it does live
alongside the other common religions in the isles, such as the
Ashinin Faith of the Myriad Gods, and the Annuvaran Faith of You have a spirit familiar that manifests physically as a small
Tranquilities, it also takes inspiration from them and takes animal or anthropomorphic creature. At the beginning of
their own gods. Balahala Saiwa, for example, one of the combat, place them in a square to you.
Triumphant Gods of Ashinin Faith, has since become Your Spirit Familiar has the following benefits:
subsumed as a sort of Supreme God in modern anitu thought 0 You can use the spirit as the origin point for your techniques,
among the harbor kingdoms. This is less true among the and anything adjacent to the spirit is adjacent to you for
hinterland principalities and settlements, who worship a less purposes of effects (attacking the spirit doesn’t attack you).
god-focused anitu and a more ancestor focused one.
0 With your spirit, you can take on two stances at once (one for
As the spiritual leaders, they must know the principles of your spirit, one for you). Your spirit can also lose stances.
nature and the world, including the imperative to live 0 If the Spirit is defeated, it will discorporate, and you must
harmoniously with nature, where all spirits live, as well as to spend 1 Technique to summon it again to an adjacent square.
do what the ancestor spirits find good and right, so as to not
incur their wrath and accrue grave misfortune. 0 As a Technique, you may shift your spirit familiar 3 squares.
They are the masters of ritual, performing all rituals such as
the ritual before travel, ritual for war, ritual for the death of a SHAMAN HEALER MANTLE
Datu, burial rites, and more. They know rites for casting off Any ally that has your Blessing can consume the Blessing at any
diseases, healing wounds, as well as inflicting wounds and point to let you heal them 2d6 Posture.
diseases. They speak and ask guidance from the ancestor
spirits, known as umalagad, to give them power or answers, or GUARDIAN SPIRIT
to defend them in forthcoming tribulations as guardian spirits.
They divine by the use of specific rituals to see what the anitu You have a Guardian Spirit that orbits you. You have Evasion 2.
might tell them. Very commonly, the ancestor spirits are the All allies with your Blessing are guarded by your Guardian Spirit:
ones truly worshipped, while the Diwata are simply revered. they have Evasion 2 as well.
However the most powerful of the anitu, the gods, are
worshipped in temples, altars, pagodas, and churches. WAR WORSHIP DANCE
As Balyan, they know the truth of the world: that nature is alive Whenever you heal an ally, you also heal that same amount.
and all things have souls, nature spirits. Nature gods are When you give Might or a Boon, you can gain it as well, 1/turn.
Diwata, ancestor spirits are Apo, Guardian Spirits are
umalagad, of which many Apo are. Flowing through the world
is Diwa, the essence of all things. When something loses Diwa, BECOME HIYANG
they lose their own essence, similar to how a tawo without a 2 Techniques, 2 Conviction, 1/Combat
soul becomes a bumbling animal fool. A sword without its
diwa becomes a sword that cannot cut, which is what makes a Become Hiyang until the end of the scene. You achieve
sword a sword. When a balyan is possessed by a spirit, Concordance. You become immune against all damage, but you
whether apo or diwata, they go into a fevered trance-dance, can no longer deal damage: whenever you deal damage, you
wherein the spirit speaks through them, overwhelming their instead heal that amount.
body. This is your final testament, and your own minor
Balyan are all at once sage-philosopher-scientist. They learn transcendence, your own inkling of enlightenment. A
about the natural world and its secrets and teach it to their little taste of what Hiyang truly means. You become a
little Makinaadmanon, a bodhisattva. How do you feel?
settlement. These inscriptions stand the test of time. Violence Take that next step.
Balyan are those that study and channel the gods of Violence,
the very circle of killing.
Ask yourself: why do you abuse your connection with the
divine to perpetuate this cycle of endless violence? You have
blood on your hands, balyan. Does it matter whether it is
yours, your allies’, or your enemies’?

I Exorcism II Benediction
The 87 Divine Swords of Channel The Spear Spirit
Violence 2 Techniques
Effect: Choose 1 ally within close burst 4. Give them
1 Technique Enlightened 1+Faith, Skewering on their next attack, and
Effect: Summon a myriad of burning ephemeral blades, then deal 2 visceral damage against all enemies adjacent to
each one held by a little god. Give 1 ally in 2 squares of the ally.
you +1 Might on their next melee or ranged attack. The spiritual personification of spears heeds your
The first violence was the Makinaadmanon of call and you channel them. Your entire being
Violence, who glimpsed Hiyang when she becomes a skewering blade for a single rending
realized the truth of the world: that it was built moment, and you become a perpetually
on cycles of violence. From the ancient war of penetrating motion.
the Southwest Monsoon and the Northeast
Storm, to the slaying of the Ancient Dragon at
the hands of Sumongsuklay, to the violence of Channel Venom Goddess
the Giants Upon The Oldest of the Creators. All 1 Technique
of these were cycles of violence, but the
paradox she realized as she chose to stay Effect: Using rituals and incantations, you summon the
corporeal upon the earth instead of achieving spirit of Lawana Sinigida and allow a small portion of it to
unity with the All, was that violence was how bolster you and your allies' attacks. A part of them grows
they were going to stop it. crimson-pink hues, as the war god’s being possesses them.
Deal d6+Faith earth damage to all enemies adjacent to
Purification you, and then take on the Venom Lady Stance until you are
moved forcibly.
1 Technique Venom Lady Stance: While in this stance, you and all allies
Target: All fighters in close burst 4 adjacent to you have the following benefits:
Effect: You may choose to remove any number of 0 Inflict Violences can deal earth damage and can force a
Statuses from any allies in range. For any enemy, you target to resist or suffer Fraying 1.
can instead deal 2 skewering light damage per Bane
instance cleansed. If the enemy is Scourge, make that 4 0 Become immune to Fraying, Eviscerated, and
skewering light damage. Sundered. Remove those Statuses if they have them.
The Violence Balyan’s primary goal is to heal Lawana Sinigida is known as the Langitnon or Sky
the sutures of the world, and to become the God of Wars and Venoms. Her most common form
channel for which the spirits can grant in the Isles is as Nagini or Nagined, the Serpent
blessings and merit upon the world. To this Mother and Queen of Toxins.
end, their weapons and abilities are always
blessed. They are walking beacons of

1 Technique
Target: 1 fighter within close burst 3.
Effect: The target becomes inflicted with Scourged.
Scourged: The target is considered Scourge. If an ally
makes an attack against a fighter you Scourged, the ally
can consume the Scourged to gain +1 Might on that
The Violence Balyan has the ability through
their divinity to cast blasphemy upon any
warrior through one of the harder Dance of
Divine Violence forms. When they Impose
Darkness, they impose a curse. This is not
surprising, of course: Balyan are shaman,
priest, and sorcerer all in one.

2 or 3 Techniques
Effect: You may summon a blinding sunflame to
mend your allies: all allies within close burst 3 heals
III Harmony
2d8+Faith Posture and cleanse 1 Bane of their choice.

Channel Lightning God

If 3 Techniques, increase the range to close burst 5
and heal 3d8+Faith Posture instead.
Effect: If there are any enemies within the burst, they
must Resolve or become Dazed 2. If 3 Techniques: the 3 Techniques
enemies immediately become Stunned 2 instead. Effect: You may change the Environment to Rainstorm. If
it’s already Rainstorm, change it to God Monsoon. All
Indira Suga is the mother of the Sun, but she fighters in the field gain Wind Vulnerability and Fire
is no mother of the Gods. She has lived for Conditioning.
long, far longer than Jamiyun Kulisa, but has
reincarnated multiple times in multiple Effect: Whenever a fighter starts their turn while in the
different forms. She lives in the sun, is the Rainstorm, they have a 1-in-10 (5-in-10 if a God Monsoon)
first of her name, and is the goddess as well of chance of being struck by lightning, dealing 3d8 wind
war, conquest, and rulers. She is known as damage to them.
Indra in Auraska, Dyaus Pater in the Far If the one struck is an ally, they can Resist to catch the
Southeast, Kabugwason in Virbanwan tales lightning, granting them +2 Might and +15ft Speed until
of luciferian fallen angels, and Ohirume-no- their the end of their next turn, but they still suffer 1d8 wind
Mochi in the far south, although Indira Suga
is both that and not them, for multiplicity is damage.
the truth, and they are multiple facets of a Pray upon the thunderbolt and make offerings to
singular thing, and are thus that thing, but the lightning flash. Jamiyun Kulisa is the burning
not the same thing. Brother Thunderbolt, son of the Sky Father Si
A well recounted story of Indira Suga is how Gurang Tungko, He Who Holds The Sky Aloft,
she introduced the first mortals upon Gubat known sometimes as the Batala or Batara, said to
Banwa. It is said she brought them in to the have wrought the creation of Folk. The lightning
coconut-shaped world from the Endless Seas does not take advice from any one, just as the
past the World Jaws upon a bamboo barge flame never seeks the comfort of water. Jamiyun
powered by sun-fire. She brought with her Kulisa arises and truly is always there, counterpart
180,575 children, who eventually scattered to the great Sunmother Indira Suga, who is not his
upon the world of Gubat Banwa as she placed Mother but rather his partner. Together they create
them atop the highest peak of the world, the the Great Dichotomy within the Sword Isles, the
Central Pillar of the Universe, Mount Apu. two overpowering Seasons of the Center of the
She watched as civilizations rose. World: the Dry Season of Indira Suga and the
However, her heat is particularly hot against Monsoon Season of Jamiyun Kulisa.
the Sword Isles. This is apparently because As Jamiyun Kulisa is the bringer of Monsoon
when she arrived upon the Sword Isles, she Season, he is also connected to the things that
saw that there were already mortals working Monsoon Season brings about: rumination,
and having peace among each other, calmness, peace, the soft patter of raindrops, the
seemingly after having gone through a chill of strong storm winds. He strikes at the heart
horrible dark age themselves, as ruins of and cares not: us Mortal Folk have to bend to him
great civilizations sank beneath mangrove when he brings with him his seasons. Upon the Sky
forests and succumbed and became the great he is well acquainted with the Wind Gods: Amihan,
mountains that people see today. the Cold Wind. Habagat the Hot Tempest. Salatan
Thus, she conquered the sun and made it her the Cavern Winds. Kanaway the Death Squall.
palace, and then shone the light directly Balahalabagyu, known also as Vayu or Batara
down upon the Crescent Archipelago Region Vayu, the God of Storms, who brings destructive
so that she would observe their lives, which hurricanes. Galura, the Great Dragon-Eagle at the
inadvertently makes their region hot and End of the World, who is said to be an aspect of
humid. Jamiyun Kulisa.
In essence, however, she is motherly, in the It is said that in the Eighth Star Era, he shall
way some mothers can be hot headed. It is a descend upon the world and enact the Perfect
sign, however, that while she considers those Storm so that he can defeat his love-evisceration
in the Sword Isles as her "children", she once and for all. Storms block out the sun, after all.
harbors a strange curiosity for them, that
sometimes borders on spite.

Bituon The Ten Mahadiwa are said to be great gods and
goddesses who live in heaven, earth, and hell to
2 Techniques help and mingle with the lives of mortals. It is
Area Attack: Summon a great star upon the important to consider then that these Mahadiwa
battlefield. were once warriors, who all died in war, and thus
Target: Al enemies in close burst 2 were made gods by the rainbow that carried them
to the Sky.
Damage: 2d6+Faith skewering light
damage. Thus each of the Mahadiwa are capable of human
thought, speech, and understanding. They
Effect: Each enemy in the burst must possess the Knowledge of Good and Evil that they
Resolve or become Stunned 2. used to have when they were humans. When a
Effect: After using this attack, the next time Mahadiwa dies or is killed, they simply
you use this attack, you use the reincarnate as another Mahadiwa. Through this,
Fulminating Darkstar instead, performing they live 999,999,999,999 lives.
the following Area Attack: summoning a Mahadiwa Tala Kinabanaagan is the Bronze
cold star of void into the battlefield: Multiplicitous Sidereal Steward of Stars, who lives
Target: All enemies in close burst 2 in the Morning Star that brings with it the dawn.
Damage: 3d6+Faith+Bravery Mahadiwa's karakoa and coterie of 180 Star
skewering dark damage Servants Upon Astral Palanquins are said to fly
Effect: Each target gains +1 to their across the sky, pulling the dark blankets of night
current Turn Beat. away and giving it back to the Moon, Tsandira
Dayawa. She watches the earth, and guards many
secrets to sorcery, as the givers of sorcery are
hidden away in the darkest voids of night.
Mahadiwa Tala Kinabanaagan is also said to
grant Hiyang to those that spend their lives trying
to achieve it. Those she grants Hiyang to are given
corporeal forms as stars upon the sky. Her being
can be seen in the dawn, the dusk, the lightning
bolts, the shooting stars, the comets, and the
asteroids. She has lived her entire life in
enlightenment. It is said that when she died, she
was on the cusp of Hiyang, and when she was
killed by a Ten-Fathoms Long Lance, she became
a star that exploded upon the field, burning all in
smokeless flame, and then shot up into the sky as
the Evening Star.
She is said to have a mirror image: Mahadiwa
Kalakatri Duumanun, her darker side, the shadow
that wraps around each star at night. They are
both all at once the same and also different. The
Makinaadmanon say: she is like this because she
dared venture into the deepest parts of the night
sky, further and further, past the void and the
world jaws and the endless seas of chaos. Past the
firmament, and past the darkness.
The Makinaadmanon say: what she found,
apparently, was not God, nor the Throne, nor
Enlightenment--for how could she? She is already
nature itself--but instead she found that she was
swimming up, up, up, and up into the ocean.
Her enlightenment is thus: the depths of the
ocean and the farthest reaches of the void are one
and the same. And when she understood the
cyclical nature of reality and metareality, she
realized that she lived in a world of unconstrained
principles, she realized then that she lived in a
world fabricated by dancers and singers and
artists singing songs and laughing about a
bonfire, and that split her into two, and her
enlightenment-beyond-enlightenment was lost.
But she still remembers. She knows the kinds of
god-beings--many just as powerful as her--living
in the Depths|Void.
The Evening Star burns continuously. She is an
evershining flame. Aba, aba, glory to the Evening
Star. In the Eighth Star Era, only she has the
sidereal violence to shine into the new world.

Channel Dragon Lord
1 Technique
Effect: Deal d6+Bravery water damage to all enemies
adjacent to you, and then you can take on the Dragon
Lord Stance until you suffer damage from an attack.
Dragon Lord Stance: While in the Dragon Lord Stance,
you are considered Hastened. All allies that end their
turn while adjacent to you have -1 to their Tempo.
"Are you happy with what you've done?" asked
Makangayaw, grinning, with burning flame
shooting out of his nostrils.
The Second Man nodded. "I have lain retribution
upon what my sister has cursed upon me."
"And what have they cursed upon you?"
With another mighty laugh, Apung
Makangayaw answered: "And so the cycle
Apung Makangayaw is offered to whenever a
ceremonial raid is enacted, whether it be a raid
to gain resources or a revenge raid. In this way,
the raid itself becomes more than just war, but
ritual. If the omens were bad during the offering,
however, it will be a sign that Makangayaw does
not approve of the raid, and the raid will be
called off. This usually happens when an omen
bird flies across their path, or when the sky is
red, or when in the distance they hear laughter
during their offerings, or when they perform
their boat divinations the boat shudders wildly.
Offerings to Apung Makangayaw are frequent,
for the main mode of war in the islands is
Apung Makangayaw usually takes upon the
form of a slave raider: wearing a short bahag
with nothing else, and with tattoos that cover
their entire body, the completion of the canvas.
Their true form, whenever they should want to
show it, is in the form of a naga-headed god, who
sits upon a throne of seaspray.
Apung Makangayaw is one of the principal
members of the Anito faith. Anito, meaning act
of worship, is the most widespread faith in the
islands, so prominent that they do consider it
more as tradition and way of life, and not just
performative religion.
Apung Makangayaw's spirit house is often
situated by the shore, always by the shore. The
usual spirit idol carved out for him is made
usually with wood from sunken boats, and
showcases a naga-headed man sitting cross-
legged, with both hands upon his waist. Apung
Makangayaw idols are frequently carried unto
boats that would embark on raids.


Dancers along the lines of Cyclical Death, spirit
mediums of the God of Death and Violence

With your knife fists and sword feet, dance along the Style: Raider
lines of death, so that you may evermore be changed. 1 Technique, Melee Attack
Remember, faithful students, enact Cyclical Change to Martial Art: Dance of Death Melee Attack: You lunge forward
ensure the river ever flows.” Death Dancers channel and multistrike, a flowing river of
the tenet of Cyclical Death to cleanse Gubat Banwa. Posture: 40 Bravery: 4 death.
They are the purest incarnation of Gubat Banwa, Resist: 5 Faith: 2 Target: 1 fighter in melee.
fighters that excel in the styles of martial art known as Resolve: 6 Speed: 4 Damage: 3d4 visceral.
Empty Hand, as well as Lightning Feet. Tempo: 5 Jump: 3 Effect: Deal Bravery visceral damage
to all enemies adjacent to the target.
Heed the truth, then: Death Dancers are actually spirit
mediums that channel Yamadiraja, the God of Death
and Violence. In a vast number of beliefs, Yamadiraja is
considered an Aspect of Rajaraya Pintas, the Ancestor ENLIGHTENMENTS
God of Violence, while other sects, like the Kayama-an VIOLENT AVATAR
religion in far east Gatusan, recognizes Yamadiraja as You can have more than 1 Stance at a time. When you start your
the Supreme God and the Creator God, who created turn while you’re in at least 1 stance, you may shift 1 square.
this reality by murdering the past reality. In Kayama-
an, Kalakatri is not seen as an Aspect of Mahadiwa but
rather, an Aspect of Yamadiraja. NEVER CAUGHT LACKING
If there are 2 or more enemies adjacent to you, all your melee
The martial art of Death Dancers, the Dance of Death, attacks have +1 Might . If you Stride while Flanked, you may push
originated from deep within the mountains of the isles two fighters flanking you before moving by 1 square.
in far east Gatusan, where it is said that there is a cave
that leads into the Underworld. There, Yamadiraja
(who is said to be the same person as Sri Dapa, the God FOUR-ARMED DERVISH
of War and Mortality in Southern Regions of the Sword For 1 Technique, you can sink into the Dervish Stance until you
Isles), came to them and taught them his Dance, as a are Posture Broken. While in this stance, your attacks cannot
way of achieving Hiyang with him, and to become become Glancing and you cannot suffer Imprecision.
agents of Cyclical Death (that is to say, death needed
to continue the cycle, so that it is not corrupted with
false immortals jockeying for power). Therefore the
Dance of Death is at once an intricate ritual and a THE BLISSFUL DANCE
powerful martial art used to devastate. Many sages While you have Conviction and have at least 2 Stances equipped,
conjecture that this was actually a powerful turning you are considered within the Blissful Dance: gain +1 Might on all
point for Gubat Banwa: for the God of Death itself to melee attacks.
teach their supreme art marked the beginning of the
Eighth Star Era.
Various mediums of Yamadiraja have come down from KICKING GOD IN THE FACE TO ENACT CYCLICAL
that mountain and spread across the land, teaching DEATH
their art to those that would accept the channeling 2 Techniques, 2 Conviction, 1/Combat
and worship of Yamadiraja, or Sri Dapa. In the Eighth
Star Era, they have multiplied, and various Effect: You raise your fist and consume the Sayawraja, the Blissful
settlements have created their own versions and Dance, alchemizing their substance into a singular burning beam
manifestations of Yamadiraja’s supreme art. of fulminating harmonious death. For a brief moment, Yamadiraja
burns through you, and he summons the awesome fires of Cyclical
There was a teaching, however, that was given to the Death, which burns golden and scarlet and dark dark indigo: the
Death Dancers, as they were taught the final battlefield is ripped away by an overwhelming ray hotter than the
maneuver of the most lethal art in Gubat Banwa: sun.
“When you have attained the awe inspiring fires of Target: All enemies in 100’ close blast.
death itself, which humbles even the gods, what do Effect: Deal 10d6 skewering soul damage to the target. Any terrain
you do next? Use it with the same function as an caught in the blast is removed from the battlefield. Afterwards,
especially sharp rock?” you lose all Stances and you become Posture Broken.
Let Death speak for one last time: “There are things that
are meant to cycle, such as the flow of the universe, and
things that are not meant to cycle, such as the
generational evils. Therefore with your internalization of
Cyclical Death, you will know which cycles to kill, and
which cycles to preserve. Remember, however, that no
God shall ever be Immortal. Therefore killing God enacts
Cyclical Death as much as severing a slave from their
master enacts Cyclical Death. Let all things end with

I First Step II Violent Beat

Mortal Grasp Bagyo Kalis

2 Techniques Passive. When you deal damage, after rolling damage, you
Target: 1 fighter in melee can choose to “hold” the damage. At the beginning of any
Damage: 2d8+Bravery visceral Beat, before any Turns take place, you can choose to release
Effect: Grapple the target. A grappled fighter is the damage, dealing the damage to the target. Deal an extra
Stopped, and you are Slowed while grappling, but amount of damage equal to the amount of Beats that passed
when you move, you move the fighter to a square to after you held the damage, to a maximum of 5. You cannot
you. They break free from your grapple if they are hold more than 1 instance of damage at a time.
moved forcibly out of adjacency of you. If you make an You unleash a rapid flurry of blows, so quick that
attack that has the Grappled fighter as a target, gain +1 your foe does not feel it until it is done.

Kilat Balaraw
Might to the attack and then end the Grapple.
Yamadiraja, as Sri Dapa, steps forward and is
said to measure the lives of every mortal on
earth upon a tree on the Mountain of Kibalu, in 1 or 2 Techniques
Sonyoh. There, those that would travel to the Melee Attack: You strike multiple times, a veritable
Tree of Life would be met by him, and taught by whirlwind of violence, against all those about you. Elbows,
him. He emphasizes thus. Quoth Death: “You knife-fists, swords, and pewter staffs.
are not beyond death. None are. Even Target: 1d6 adjacent enemies. If 2 Techniques, 2d6 adjacent
immortality is temporary. Even the gods face enemies.
death, for everything is part of the cycle of
Diwa. Therefore, learn: something can only be Damage: Faith skewering wind damage. You must
beautiful if it ends.” damage each enemy first before applying damage again on
an enemy you’ve already damaged.
Forceful Wave Stance You take the opportunity: you zigzag across the
battlefield, sending kicks and punches at the
1 Technique target, going higher with every hit. Then, at the
Effect: Shift 5’ before making the attack. apex of your movement, you strike straight down,
Target: 1 adjacent fighter bringing your target with you.
Damage: 1d12+Bravery water.
Effect: Take on the Forceful Wave Stance. Foe Stepping Stance
Forceful Wave Stance: While in this stance, whenever Passive. When you Stride at least 4 squares in a straight
you deal damage with a melee attack, you can consume line, you can sink into the Foe Stepping Stance.
the Forceful Wave Stance to push the target up to 3. If Foe Stepping Stance: When you next stride or shift, you
the target collides with terrain, keep this stance. can consume the stance to shift an additional 3 squares. If
"Teaching 22: delicate style. This is a gentle you end your shift on an enemy’s square or on a wall, you
fist, be not afraid to use it. With it, you shall may shift 2 squares more in any direction. You can only
toss boulders. Death crumbles all things, even bounce from each enemy once. If you bounce off at least 3
mountains." enemies, keep this stance.

Razing Storm Stance Deal Faith visceral damage to any enemy you bounce
off of.
1 Technique Teaching Ninth: Be as water, formless but all form,
Target: 1 adjacent fighter thoughtless but all thought. The final conceit of
the transcendental animism, this oneness with
Effect: Shift 5’ before the attack. nature, this Hiyang, is to be as the bamboo, swaying
Damage: d12+Bravery wind in the wind, thinking not, but becoming that thing.
Effect: Sink into the Razing Storm Stance. Through thoughtlessness, become violence.
Razing Storm Stance: While in this stance, when you
Stride, you may consume the stance at any point in the
Stride to deal Faith+1 skewering wind damage to all
enemies adjacent to you. If you damage at least 4
enemies, keep this stance.
"Teaching 23: jagged style. This is a broken fist,
be not afraid to use it. With it, you shall gash
your fists upon their bones. Sometimes death is
violent, but not all violence is death."

Tear The Earth Asunder
The Blissful 1 Technique

Dance of Death Effect: Summon a thousand death-hands to

strike all about you: deal Bravery visceral
damage to all adjacent enemies.
Bulalakaw Effect: Sink into the Sundering Stance.
Sundering Stance: When you deal damage, you
1 Technique may consume the Sundering Stance to
Effect: Fire a ball of pure destructive spiritual power to a immediately deal +1d6 earth damage and then
single point within close burst 3. Push yourself 3 squares shift 2 squares. If the attack with the Sundering
away from the point. If there are any fighters in the chosen Stance bonus brings a target to Staggered or
square, make the following melee attack: Critical, you keep this Stance.
Target: The fighter on the chosen square. “Death Dancers practice the art of
Damage: d6 soul damage. Holistic Violence, one of the main
Effect: Push 1 the target. teachings of Yamadiraja. This means that
they are not simply inflicting violence,
Effect: Suffer Bravery soul damage. but they are violence. Death Dancers that
You summon a black-and-scarlet ball of death, practice this teaching understand and
burning with the energies of Yamadiraja. Through apply it to their martial art: they are
meditation in the scriptures that would break the capable of taking on multiple stances at a
gods and topple the thrones of the devil kings time, as if they are all violence at once.
below, you become the weapon of the world: you Quoth Death: “The Dance of Death is not
summon the energies of hiyang and turn it into a just a physical dance, but rather, a way of
ball of pure fraying energy. life. Death, remember, is not the end, but
rather, the next step to the next life.
Hornbill Breaker Therefore embrace death, and you shall
be mercurial.”
2 Techniques
Melee Attack: Charge up, and then bring down your heavy
fist, embedding the fighter into the battlefield.
Target: 1 fighter in melee
Damage: 2d8+Bravery+Faith visceral damage.
Effect: The target is pushed up Bravery+1 Squares. If they
collide with terrain, they become embedded into the
terrain: they cannot move voluntarily or involuntarily, and
must spend a Technique to remove themselves from the
Teaching 2: Choose to do what must be done.
Rushing: do what is assigned to you, to your utmost
ability, to the quality closest to the one expected.
Strike, and when you do, strike with utmost intent.
To perform the Hornbill Breaker you must be close
enough to Yamadiraja that you can manifest his
leg, which is a burning monitor lizard claw.

Wielders of Kinaadman: Enlightened Will,
Practitioners of War Enchantments, Greater Than

There has ever been magick in Gubat Banwa, and it Style: Control
is ever more concentrated here, in the Sword Isles, 1 Technique
the Center of the Trichiliocosm. Magick is a potent Martial Art: War Ranged Attack: Summon spite into a
thing. It is less a source of power but a burning field Enchantments burning lance that shreds through
of experiences. A differing state of being where one Posture: 32 Bravery: 2 armor.
is exposed to the greater mysteries in life, and no Resist: 4 Faith: 3 Target: 1 fighter within close burst 4.
answers are given to you. Only questions, questions, Resolve: 6 Speed: 4 Damage: 1d4+Faith skewering visceral
questions. Tempo: 4 Jump: 3 Effect: The target becomes Sundered 2.
There are many terms for magick in the Sword Isles:
busali is commonly used in Pannai, alamdag in
Gatusan, salamangka in Virbanwa, hiwaga in Ba-e,
and hikmat in Akai. Magick, in this sense, is
something that invokes wonder, something that
bewitches and enchants.
Whenever you deal damage to a fighter, you can mark them indefinitely.
Those that use magick are very often told to have As a Technique, perform a ballistic mudra kata to consume all marks on
had a particular Kinaadman. Kinaadman means a single fighter within close burst 5, dealing 2 skewering soul damage
wisdom or knowledge of something that others per mark.
usually don’t have. It is a sort of spiritual
knowledge. Every magick-user’s Kinaadman is PERFORM MUDRAS
different, but it is the Kinaadman that grants them
the ability to glean secrets. To cultivate Kinaadman, When you inflict a Bane, immediately shift the target 1 square, and then
one must dive deep into the occult. you can shift into a square to them.
Gatusan sages have organized various magickal UTTER YAMYAM
traditions into two: Puti Nga Alamdag (White
Science) and Itom Nga Alamdag (Black Alamdag). You can stack marks. Any ally that attacks a fighter marked by you has
Puti Nga Alamdag magicks are those considered to Precision.
have come from nature and the spirits, and is
usually the type of magick that balyan, healers, and
other sages perform, that is very often used for ATTUNEMENT
mending and healing. Meanwhile, Itom Nga While you have Conviction, at the start of combat or as a Technique, you
Alamdag magicks are those that come from secret can attune to an Element.
traditions, bloodlines, techniques, and rituals
learned and mastered, and is very often used for 0 Fire. When you attune to this element, all your marks inflict 1d4
degrading, wounding, and fraying. skewering fire damage upon the marked. Your attacks can deal fire
Enchanters are those that master mudras (mystic
hand gestures), mentalas (esoteric words inscribed 0 Water. When you attune to this element, all your allies heal Faith
upon palm leaf), and yamyam (mantras whispered, Posture. Your attacks can deal water damage.
uttered, then shouted). Not just that, but they have 0 Earth. When you attune to this element, shift up to 4 fighters
also mastered the art of ritual, having the ability to within close burst 3 by 2 squares. Your attacks can deal earth
perform a vast number of rituals that inflict such damage.
effects that require another Enchanter or a balyan
or healer to be able to dispel. 0 Wind. When you attune to this element, shift yourself up to 3
squares, ignoring height and terrain. Your attacks can deal wind
Enchanters in particular have chosen to step up and damage.
adapt their abilities to be able to be used in war and
raids. This art is known as the art of War
Enchantment, once simply Enchantment. A mix of ULTIMATE CALAMITY: SAKUNA
healing and cursing tradition turned into a violent 2 Techniques
focus. Enchanters have become indispensable Area Attack: You must have attuned to each element at least once in the
artillery in Warbands and armies henceforth in the combat to use this. Immediately deal 3d6 skewering soul damage to
Sword Isles, becoming natural counterparts to every fighter in the field. Deal +(5xFa) damage to every one of your
lantaka. Gatusan and Apumbukid, for example, use marks.
Enchanters and Witches (Mambabarang) liberally
to supplement their artillery. “Jamiyun Kulisa, offer me your thunderbolt. Habagat and
Amihan, offer me your winds! Si Ginarugan, let the almighty
The ability to mix mudra, yamyam, and the usage of Earthquake shake the foundations of this atrocious field, and
mentala into a single seamless martial art has Indira Suga grant me the authority to bring godly indignation!
proven to be exceedingly effective, however: SAKUNA!” You raise your hand and thunderclouds gather. You
Enchanters fight with a mix of kinetic movement incant, writhing, spiking utterances and ululations. When
heaven has had enough of your blasphemy, the holy powers of
that interweave mudra gesturing with intricate kick heaven send a fulminating lightning bolt to the earth,
katas, yamyam utterings with dodges, and the embodying all of nature.
planting of mentala-inscribed bamboo strips is
combined with powerful lock-punches.
You hold limitless power in your hands, why inflict
violence instead of healing the land? Your answer
will never be enough, Enchanter.

Cleansing II
Perfection of
Brand Mudra
Inscribe Rip Inscriptions
1 Technique 2 Techniques
Target: 1 fighter in 2 squares. Effect: All enemies in close burst 6 lose all your marks. For
Effect: You bring out a mentala-inscribed bamboo every mark lost, they suffer 2 skewering soul damage and
strip, clasp it in your hands, and then slap it against a then they suffer Weakness X, with X being the number of
target, imbuing them with the magick of that mentala marks consumed.
strip. With a clasp of your hands in a silent prayer, you
Effect: You mark the target indefinitely. trigger the little god of cutting that lives within the
Effect: Push the target 3 squares. magickal formulations of your mentala, and rip
every mentala strip apart.
Mentala are magical formulations that are
usually read from the bamboo strip, but a very
quick way of implementing them is by imbuing Kilat Yamyam
them upon something, and letting their effect
trigger by dint of your Kinaadman. 1 Technique
Ranged Attack: Summon a burning lightning bolt with an
Utter Evasion incantation.
Target: 1 fighter in close burst 5.
CRONE - Self Damage: 2x Faith skewering wind damage.
Reaction Effect: There is a 5-in-10 chance of the lightning bolt
Trigger: You suffer an attack. summoned from this technique of bouncing to another
Effect: You utter the yamyam for nothingness: HI- enemy within close burst 3 of it. If it does, perform this
NUNG-DAN-ON, and you become like the wind: you attack again against that enemy. Keep going until you fail
gain Evasion 6 against the triggering attack. If you the Chance Die or there are no more enemies to hit. You can
avoid the attack, teleport the attacker 1d4 squares. only hit each enemy once.
This spell was perfected by Enchanter warriors “As I gather my fulminations, the violences upon
that needed to sneak through ancient temples my heart bursts forth! Uncontainable like the
guarded by Akai invaders. lightnings: I shall streak brighter than Jamiyun
Kulisa! Now feel my sun-searing spite: Kilat!” The
Siga Mudra element of lightning is the purest condensation of
wind, and is the weapon of the gods. This technique
was perfected by Busalian Keravu, from the highest
2 Techniques mountains of Rusunuga in Sinuku, who was said to
Ranged Attack: Summon a bead of pure fulminating have been struck by lightning ten times and
flame at the target, which explodes into a miniature deflected each one. He was granted the technique
sunburst. by Galura himself, who incarnated as Gat Alti
Target: 1 fighter in close burst 5 Alaya, God-Hero of the Lightning Bolt, who
brandished four arms.
Damage: d8+Faith skewering fire
Effect: Deal d6 skewering fire damage to every enemy
and terrain of your choice within close burst 3. Channel Gahom
“Heaven crumbles and the seas boil! With Passive. You get into position and start performing a vast
nothing but my name writ across the stars... number of interconnected mudras. Lightning and radiance
Siga!” A popular mudra amongst Enchanters blurs your hand movements. If you don’t move on your
that truly encapsulates their position as turn, gain a Channel Die, a d8 that starts at 1.
magickal artillery. Channel Die: Every end of Beat until it is your own Turn
Beat, set it 1 higher. When you next make a ranged or area
attack, you can consume the Channel Die, dealing extra
damage equal to the number currently on the Die. You can
prematurely lose your Channel Die if you move or are
moved out of the square you gained the Channel Die in.
Many Enchanters channel this technique once
they have acquired a good vantage point, to be able
to inflict as much damage as possible.

Baha Mudra
Pull Heaven To 2 Techniques

Earth Area Attack: Summon a deluge to destroy all

about you.
Target: All fighters in close burst 2.
Batubalani Mentala Damage: d6+Faith skewering water damage.
Effect: Any ally in the field heals 2 Posture
2 Techniques instead.
Area Attack: You throw a mentala strip with the Effect: Push any chosen fighters in the field up to
formulation for magnetism within onto a strip of land, and 3 squares, and then you can choose to give them
it explodes into a black hole. Drift 2.
Target: All chosen fighters in ranged 4 burst 3. Drift 2: When the Drift Status expires, you are
Damage: d8+Faith earth damage. pulled 3 squares toward the one that gave you the
Effect: Pull all fighters in range by 1. Drift Status.
Effect: All floating or flying fighters lose floating or flying “I hold you to your word, giver of waters!
until they spend a Technique to regain it. Grant me thine strength to vanquish ere
Effect: If any pulled fighters collide, they suffer Knockdown enemies! Water churns and overtakes
2. chaos: Baha!” Sorcery is the ability to use
your own energy to affect the world at
Knockdown: All attacks against you gain Precision. large, which you perform by harnessing
You cannot Flank, you cannot move voluntarily, you cannot your Kinaadman. You bring this storm
make Attacks. You can spend a Technique to stand up and down to bear upon your enemies. Baha is
remove this. the spell used to summon water and to let
"Whisper, bleed and burst forth! The overwhelming it surge across the world.
oppressive force of the gods of the soil herald thee!
Batubalani!" Batubalani means magnetic rock. The
concept of rocks having its own force of attraction
is ubiquitous across the isles, and it is said that this
is the reason why people are drawn to the earth: the
earth gods have an innate spiritual attraction that
brings all mortals down.

Linog Yamyam
1 Technique
Target: 1 square within close burst 3.
Effect: A Size 1 blocking terrain erupts from the chosen
square. If a fighter is on the square, you can choose to let
them rise with the block or deal Faith skewering earth
damage to them and then shift them 1 square. You can stack
these Size 1 blocking terrain to terraform the battlefield.
Effect: Once during your turn you may shatter one of these
blocking terrain, dealing Faith skewering earth damage to
all enemies adjacent to it.
“Heed me, grandfather earth! Grant me thine
earthquake! Linog!” The element of earth is said to
be younger than his fathers, the element of wind
and water, who were first in the cosmos. However,
earth has always been very rebellious.

Spiritual warriors who perfect the ritual of killing and
decapitation, the law of equivalent exchange, Masters of
Reaping Fates

In the Sword Isles, despite what others might have Style: Raider
you believe, killing is a ritual undertaking. Among 1 Technique
the shoreline settlements and metropoles, killing a Martial Art: Decapitation Melee Attack: Simple. Strike to
man is a coming of age ritual. One that begins your Rite behead.
journey in these islands as an individual. Posture: 36 Bravery: 5 Target: 1 fighter in melee.
Resist: 4 Faith: 1 Damage: 2d6+Bravery visceral. If the
Deep into the mountains of Rusunuga, in the One Resolve: 5 Speed: 4 target is Staggered, deal 3d6+Bravery
Thousand Plutocracies that live upon its Tempo: 4 Jump: 4 visceral instead.
mountains--one of which is Vuyu--they practice
ritual headhunting. This tradition is something not
specific to them as well: warrior braves in lowland
settlements frequently picked up their slain
enemies’ heads to be portrayed upon their house,
and some plucked out the hairs of their slain
enemies to use as decoration for their kalasag
shields. When you deal damage to any fighter, you can mark them as your Ritual
Kill. You can only have 1 Ritual Kill at a time. If you mark another as your
They do this because everybody holds a certain Ritual Kill, your last Ritual Kill disappears.
amount of Gahum, pure untapped spiritual power. Ritual Kill: All your attacks against your ritual kill are skewering and
By accruing this Gahum, they themselves get steady. Whenever your Ritual Kill moves, you can move as well in their
stronger, gaining more favor in the eyes of the direction, mirroring their movements.
ancestors. When a person dies, their Gahum is
transferred to whoever takes it, either through their TREE SHADOW STYLE
head or through the sweat or liquids from their
body after a mummifying process. This is why the You ignore blocking terrain and enemies when moving.
burial rituals in The Sword Isles are varied, long,
The Headtaker is someone who specializes in When you end your turn adjacent to blocking terrain, you hide
collecting heads. They have turned this immaculate immediately. Gain Hidden until you deal or suffer damage.
and sacred ritual act into a business, a job. This is
what the islands have fallen to. What was once a DEMON OF SHADOW
ritual tradition, that sacred act of killing, has been When you make an attack that breaks Hidden, gain +1 Might.
The warriors of Apumbukid have learned this
tradition from the headhunting folk of Vuyu and the EXECUTE
mountains of Rusunuga. Many Headtakers travel to 3 Techniques, 3 Conviction
Apumbukid to cease their ritual headhunting with
their fellow man, and instead hunt down those that Your Ritual Kill suffers 50 skewering visceral damage. If this brings the
are disrupting Hiyang, as a form of ritual sacrifice target to Defeated, heal your full Posture.
and ritual killing. You can choose to die by decapitating yourself. If you do, this deal 9999
skewering damage instead.
Headtakers usually trawl the lands and accept jobs Decapitation Rite is an endlessly difficult martial art to
from Datu to perform headhunting ritual killings master, and it is not taught to just anyone. Everyone that
for any reason, whether it be for revenge, for becomes a Headtaker understands combat-as-ritual, and does
murder, or for mourning. In return, Headtakers are not and will never take it lightly. They will only take heads if
given lodging and acceptance into society. A sort of they must, if they need to, if the ancestors command it. The
necessary evil. In this way, they are no different Decapitation Rite is a martial art that uses venoms, shadows,
from any other Kadungganan, but Kadungganan bamboos, combined with large strides and a low stance to
have the gall to think they are different. That their defeat opponents.
killing is in any way more sacred or more noble.
Headtakers are trained in the mountains or
hinterlands, subjected to harsher conditions than
normal, whether it be cloying hot jungles or the
near freezing cold of the highest peaks in The Sword
Isles. They are at home in the shadows of the trees,
above the unseen branches, clad in shade and vine.
They do whatever they need to do to perfect their
killing art, taught in all manner of martial arts by all
manner of teachers. Sometimes these teachers are
ancestor spirits, sometimes these are diwata,
sometimes these are the folk living in these
hinterland regions. Whoever it may be, it does not
matter to the Headtaker. All killing arts lead to the
ritual art of decapitation.
When you become a Headtaker, ask yourself: are
you willing to become headless to perform your
duty? Ignorance is bliss, Kadungganan.


Rend The II Lop Heads
Axe Throw Rip and Tear
1 Technique Passive. You can now move through enemies. If you move through
Ranged Attack: Throw your axe in a enemies that have 4 or less Posture, immediately bring them to 0
carving arc. Posture.
Target: 1 fighter in 2 squares. You can deal 2 skewering damage to all enemies you move through if
Damage: 1d6+Bravery visceral damage. you are Hidden. This does not break Hidden.
Effect: The target must Resist or else they “Verse 49 - However, their head split into ten thousand
become Punctured by your weapon. You skulls, and the Supreme Soul spoke: YOU HAVE DESCRIBED
cannot use this Technique again until after ME WRONGLY IN YOUR LESSONS, They said. I AM NO GOD.
you retake your weapon by moving into a I AM BEYOND GOD. YOU CANNOT DESCRIBE ME. IN YOUR
square to the target, removing Punctured NOW... ACHIEVE HIYANG.”
from the target. 50 - This lesson cannot be written down, for it exists and
Punctured: Whenever you start your turn, does not exist all at once. I apologize on behalf of the Great
they suffer 2 skewering damage. Hero of Heroes, Noble Lord of Warrior-Slayers.” – SONG OF
Thread 1: Your axe will always find IDDA MANGUBAT

Vanishing Smoke and Bamboo


Owl Flits Silently Reaction

Trigger: When you are the target of an attack.
1 Technique Effect: You let yourself be struck, and your form vanishes into
Effect: You unravel into shadow, and then shadowy smoke. You shift, faster than your enemies. Teleport 3
step away. Gain 1 Owl Token. At any point, squares and then leave a Smokeself (a shadow smoke clone) of
you can consume the Owl Token to teleport yourself in the initial square you left.
2 squares. Smokeself: The Smokeself is a 30 Durability object. As a Technique
Thread 2: Blood need not be so on your turn, you can switch places with the Smokeself instead. You
noisy, however. can only have 1 Smokeself at a time: if you put down a new Smokeself,
the old Smokeself vanishes.
Rend Verse 22: “When BA~LA~HA~LA, That Supreme Soul,
stepped into the world through the paradox of creation, Idda
Passive. When you deal 8+ damage with a Mangubat vanished into the trees in Their path. The great
melee attack, the target suffers Eviscerated universal consciousness’ gaze seemed so serene that he felt
2. themself melting into oneness just at Their gaze”. – SONG
“To truly become the axe, you must
be able to puncture the carapaces
of all those that you wish to Death Scythes Down
destroy. If you cannot, then you are
ineffectual, useless.” - Si Batara 2 Techniques
Padakul, Diwata of Axes. Melee Attack: You leap down, cleaving like the night slicing dusk.
Target: 1 fighter within close burst 2 on a lower height.
Effect: Before dealing damage, leap to adjacent to the target within
the burst.
Damage: 2d12 skewering visceral damage.
Thread 3: When blood is drawn, maybe then we shall revel in

Yamakala’s Sacred Sunder
Deliver Fated 3 Techniques

Deaths Melee Attack: You utter your sacred ritual killing

oath, and then bring all down to bear. Your ancestors
bless your killing blade.
Shadow God Arms Target: 1 fighter in melee range
Damage: 3d6+Bravery light damage.
Passive. Whenever you teleport, deal 1d4 skewering dark Effect: The target gains +2 to their Turn Beat.
damage to all enemies adjacent to you after the teleport. “Thus must all things be: to weaken the soul
Whenever you move through the shadows, the god of a warrior, destroy their weapon. It is akin
of ritual killing sends merit, flashing out in to breaking an arm, or slicing off their head.”
shadowy arms, striking all about you. - Sri Yamakala.
One of the many Gods of Fated Death is said to be
the god/goddess Yamakala Lakibayibalahala
(Male-Female Deity). It is said that the God of
Cyclical Death, Yamadiraja, and the Goddess of
Vengeance, Kalakatri, were once one being of all

Relentless Shadowblade
2 Techniques
Melee Attack: You burst forward and into shadow, like a
shade across the battlefield, striking and killing with the
intent of Yamakala.
Target: 1 fighter within close burst 2.
Effect: Teleport to a square in melee range of the target
but within close burst 2.
Damage: 2d8+Bravery dark damage.
Effect: 3-in-10 chance of repeating the Melee Attack. Keep
repeating until you fail the 3-in-10 chance.
Verse 42: Here now. Our very own Hiyang, oneness
with the supreme soul that is also nature itself.
Step out from the light, move into the shadow. In
that sacred darkness, bleed the victims of your

Embodiments of Minor Enlightenment,
Manifestations of the Wind, Arrows of Harmony,
Born from the Watchtowers

Tigpana [tig-pa-NA’] translates directly to archer. This Style: Blaster
is the discipline of long distance combat atop bamboo 1 Technique
watchtowers, treehouses and rocky outcroppings Martial Art: Petal Piercing Ranged Attack: Shoot with a
peppered across The Sword Isles. This discipline Arrows longbow or some other ranged
actually originated in Ibalnong, but was applied to the Posture: 36 Bravery: 4 implement.
rest of the archipelago by Apumbukid as violence Resist: 4 Faith: 2 Target: 1 fighter in ranged 5.
intensified. Resolve: 6 Speed: 3 Damage: 1d8+Bravery
Tempo: 5 Jump: 3 visceral.
They measure the lay of the wind, the rustle of leaves, Effect: This attack ignores
the whisper of the land. What heat might do to the Blocking Terrain.
trajectory of a fire-hardened arrow, the nuisance of
rain. To become a Tigpana is to become one with
nature, to be as silent as the first light of dawn, to be as
quick as the darkest point in the night.
Tigpana are masters of all ranged bows: from the
common busog, or shortbow, to the rarer sikarom, the
bamboo longbow, which is so long that it had to be held HARMONIOUS BOW
under the foot to be strung. They fire the initial strike When you make a ranged attack and you have to
when needing to protect a settlement, or if on a raid, roll, you can choose to deal the average damage
they will seek the highest vantage point to dictate the (rounded up) instead of rolling the dice. If the
momentum of the battle. attack has Precision, add +1. It can gain Might,
Bravery, and Faith as normal.
Tigpana are made to watch with eyes sharper than Dice Averages: d2=1, d3=2, d4=3, d6=4, d8=5,
eagles. With escalating tensions between polities, d10=6, d12=7.
these elite sharpshooters have descended down from
upon their lofty bamboo watchtowers to fight
alongside their fellow Kadungganan. This has done PATIENCE
nothing to impede their skill, of course. In fact, all it has When you end your turn with at least 1
done is to show how much more formidable a Tigpana Technique unspent, gain +1 Might and Precision
is up close, with perfectly lined shots that can sever the on your next ranged attack.
head from the neck.
While Apumbukid trains them in large numbers due to ONE WITH UNIVERSAL FLOW
their proactive stance on their stewardship, the art of After making ranged attack against a fighter that
long ranged archery came from Ibalnong, in the is at least 4 squares away from you, you become
northwestern tip of Rusunuga, bordered by the volcano Hidden 3.
Magayon, the most beautiful volcano in all of The
Sword Isles, known for its perfect cone shape. EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE
The Ibalnongnon are closer to the Gatusanon than the When you deal damage against a fighter that is at
Virbanwans in culture, and also tattooed themselves least 5 squares away from you, the attack gains +1
and raided the coasts of foreign lands. When invaders Might and becomes Skewering.
came, they were known as some of the most belligerent
warriors, evidenced by their skill with longbows. These
Ibalnongnon warriors have since taught warriors far PANGANORON PANA
and wide the discipline of longbow archery, and have
thus bred a new breed of Tigpana across the isles. 1 Technique, 1 Conviction
An arrow you have fired before the fight began
The Art of the Tigpana was once preserved only for strikes 1 fighter in the battlefield, dealing X
hunting large game in the forest. It has now been skewering visceral damage, with X being half of
turned into a hateful art that skewers their fellow men. the current Beat (rounded down).
But even then, before going out of a hunt--whether it The Art of Piercing Petals with your
be for an animal or for a human--Tigpana make their Arrows was famously created by an
offerings to their gods. In supplication, in sorrow, in an ancient longbow master in the peninsula
act of asking forgiveness. of Ibalnong, SRI DIWA SAMAYAW, God of
Hunting and said to be an aspect of
The Art of Petal Piercing combines Harmony Through Rajaraya Pintas, who elevated the simple
Breathing with Arcery techniques. To never miss art of bow fighting to a god-beast hunting
attacks, Tigpana become one with the battlefield, martial art with the help of the dark-
gaining for a moment a violent Hiyang, which they use skinned Mayaran folk in the hinterlands
to be able to be the most accurate martial artists across of Rusunuga, who have perfected the bow
the Sword Isles. and arrow art. This art requires the
practitioner to be at least not Dihiyang,
If you choose to become a Tigpana ask yourself why you and at best, completely Nahiyang, or
have chosen the path of more violence, if you could’ve Concordant With the Universe’s Flow, to
stayed protecting what is yours instead. Who do you become the most accurate martial
fight for? Why? Blood stains your bowstrings, how long artists.
until it flows from your heart?

Breath of the II
Achieve Small
Winds Immortalities
Wind Tunneling Arrow Vigil
2 Techniques Reaction
Ranged Attack: You can whisper a tiny prayer, and let Trigger: When a fighter within close burst 5 leaves their
loose an arrow that curves, and the winds ripple square.
around it. Effect: Deal d6+Bravery visceral damage to that fighter.
Target: All fighters in close path 5. This Discipline were sharpened by the Sikarom
Damage: d8+Bravery wind damage. (bamboo longbows) wielders of Ibalnong. They
Effect: Every fighter damaged suffers Wind stood upon bamboo watchtoweres known as
Vulnerability 2 as mystical winds cut at them. bantara to be able to protect their settlements
from every raid.
Mentala, magical formulations, and yamyam,
magical incantations, are uttered and inscribed
upon arrow shafts. Nothing can stop a trained Bounding Musang Shot
Tigpana’s expert arrow.
2 Technique
Bamboo Rain Effect: Shift 3 squares, ignoring terrain. At any point during
the shift, you may inflict violence.
2 Techniques Effect: Gain Hastened 2.
Area Attack: Fire a thousand javelins to the sky in a few You leap in a particular direction, avoiding attacks,
seconds, scourging the sky. as corkscrewing acrobatically as you fire a shot.

Flow State
Target: All fighters in a ranged 4 burst 2
Effect: At the beginning of any Beat before your next
Turn, you can deal the damage to the target.
Passive. Whenever you end your turn and there are no
Damage: 2d6+Bravery visceral. fighters adjacent to you, the next ranged attack you do
“Hide earth with the shadows of your arrows, against any fighter that is at least 3 squares away from you
archer!” – A popular war cry for those that becomes Steady.
keep their lives in their bow.
You get into a flow state, moving alongside the flow
Zephyr Poultice of diwa, achieving that state of bliss and
enlightenment. The arrow flies through your
Passive. Whenever you gain Hidden, you can shift 2 nonaction.
Additionally when you make an attack from Hidden,
you can choose to deal Wind damage.
You bring the leaves and the insects to you, and
feel the rejuvenation of nature. Crafted by
personal baylan of tigpana, this has now
become a common concoction taught to all
beginner Tigpana.

The Astra of
Bamboo Reroutes The River
Passive. When you are the target of a ranged attack, you
have a 4-in-10 chance of catching that attack and then
redirecting it back against a different fighter, using that
attack’s range and damage.
The Tigpana’s Response Reaction time is feared
across the isles. Nothing matches them. In truth,
this is the first lesson of the Tigpana: to catch an
arrow from mid-air. The second lesson is this:
throw the arrow back. Si Taka is a legendary folk
hero among Apumbukid, a Hinapanun noble who
fought against a Virbanwan iron foundry village
that seeked to kill the diwata of the forest Ibusi,
Apu Ibusi.

Lightning State
Passive. When you start your turn and there are at least 2+
enemies adjacent to you, you can immediately shift 2
squares, and you can move through enemies.
You breathe out, and your breathe sparks with the
rising drums of thunder. None can keep you down.
Your aim is steady. The first teaching of the
Tigpana: be patient. In the gentleness arises the
greatest of violences.

2 Techniques
Ranged Attack: You pull back the bowstrings of your bow
without an arrow nocked. A trick of the light catches a
stargleam, which turns into a shining javelin upon your
Target: All fighters in close line 6.
Damage: 2d6+Bravery skewering soul.
Effect: Any fighter Defeated by this attack is instantly
This is the Rusakpana: the Bow of Annihiliation.
Rusak weapons are weapons made of pure
annihiliating starlight, the weapons of the gods and
those that invoke them.

�n�� ����
Combat Diplomats and Mediators of the World, Practitioners of Vocal
Enlightenment, Masters of the Cutting Speech, slashing through confusions and
opaque ideals with the razor blade of rhetoric.

The art of Speaking has not been lost upon the
Style: Control
1 Technique
warriors of old. Of course not. Speech developed Martial Art: Melee Attack: Inflict mental
alongside violence. In many ways they are one and Swordspeech trauma with biting
the same, the two sides of a single sword. Posture: 36 Bravery: 4 conversation.
A few eras ago the counselors of an ancient God- Resist: 4 Faith: 2 Target: 1 fighter in 2 squares.
King came together to create a martial art that Resolve: 6 Speed: 3 Damage: d6+Bravery soul.
would bind the two sides of the sword into one. To Tempo: 5 Jump: 3 Effect: Inflict Eviscerated 2.
create a martial art that would cut through both
falsehoods, politics, diplomacy, and violence to be
able to arrive at a better world through peaceful
speech instead of violent conquest.
Of course, as with all things that are not completely
Hiyang, they were not able to achieve this. Nay,
perhaps that is too harsh. They were able to create When you deal damage to a fighter, you can also inflict
the art of Cutting Speech, nowadays known to Unbalanced 2 on them.
Apumbukid and Gatusan Parawali as Kalis Pulong. When you suffer damage from a fighter, you can force them
“Sword Word”. to Resolve or they suffer Dazed 2.
The art of Cutting Speech is the perfect fusion of
counsel and combat, using sharply worded rhetoric INTIMIDATE
as attacks and steel barricade logic for defense. They When an enemy starts their turn while within close burst 2
found a way with words that would both confuse a of you, you may force them to Resolve or suffer 1 Weakness
warrior in the battlefield, but also make them on their next attack.
extremely clarified about certain issues.
The practice of the Cutting Speech is still perfected PENETRATING ELOQUENCE
by many parawali today, thus why the Apumbukid When you deal soul damage, that damage is skewering.
term for the Bladetalker is Sundang Parawali, Sword
Counselor. However, the term Warspeaker is strictly PAINFUL IDIOM
reserved for those that practice and perfect the
convoluted art of Cutting Speech. It is one part rote When you inflict a Bane on an enemy, you are considered as
(“you must learn these particular rhetoric for they always adjacent to them as long as they have that Bane.
counter all swords”), other parts theory (“this
particular word sequence requires proper
application and proper context”) and even other PANGANORON PANA
parts psychology (“know your enemy before 2 Technique, 2 Conviction
employing this ironshield logic gate”). However, Give +4 to the Turn Beat of 1 enemy within close burst 3 of
once perfected, Bladetalkers are known for traveling you.
throughout the battlefield without wielding
weapon nor armor, and being able to turn enemies “You have seen this world. Must the cycle be
traitor. unbroken?”

If you become a Warspeaker, ask yourself: you have

perfected the art of talking, and choose to employ it
in the battlefield? Why must you use it in the same
way an ape would use a particularly sharp rock?
With the right words you can bend buddhas and
bodhisattvas to your will, and yet you choose to cut
people instead of cutting ignorance. Your words
might be sharp, but who is the real fool? You are
nothing but a sword.


Scabbard II Blade Logic
Insult Biting Condemnation
1 Technique Reaction
Ranged Attack: Say a word that infuriates with foul Trigger: When a fighter in 2 squares takes a Technique.
invective. Effect: You condemn a person’s actions, and force them
Target: 1 fighter within close burst 4 to consider the consequences of their actions: they
Damage: d6+Bravery soul damage. must Resolve or they must cancel whatever they were
Effect: Inflict Berserk 2. doing, wasting that Technique. If the technique they
Berserk 2: The target must Inflict Violence on their use uses up 2 or more Techniques, they waste that
turn, and they can only target the closest fighter to many Techniques.
them, allies first before enemies. A powerful ability, one that most Warspeaker
masters wish to teach immediately, as it is the
This is the most basic technique taught to all first Cutting Speech technique crafted.
that would master the Cutting Speech. It is the
sword of their ways. It was used to usher in the
end of the Fifth Sun Era.
Spite-filled Mockery
Confusing Talk 1 Technique
Effect: Hit them where it hurts. You may deal Bravery
1 Technique soul damage to 1 fighter within close burst 3. The target
Ranged Attack: You jabber in a way that forces the gains Debilitated 2.
target to consider considering your words. A Warspeaker must learn to exploit the
Target: 1 fighter in 2 squares. weakest part of a foe: their heart.
Damage: d6+Bravery soul damage.
Effect: Inflict Puzzled 2. Bewildering Magniloquence
Puzzled: You cannot Flank, you cannot voluntarily Passive. Your words bring about a certain confusion
move diagonally, and you cannot target non-adjacent upon others. A confusion that they cannot find too
fighters. confusing, but is confusing nonetheless. When you deal
Most often the hardest technique to perfect in damage to an adjacent fighter, they also become Dazed
the Cutting Speech: just the slightest mishap 1.
would cause this technique to fail. However,
once pulled off, it can break a warrior. Among Warspeakers, this is a common ability
that is mastered later on, due to many
Sri Pulong-Pulong Meditation
underestimating its absolute utility.
Warspeaker Lakan Karaton has used this
technique to great effect when he used to
Passive. Whenever you inflict a Status Effect upon a protect his city from a joint Virbanwa-Akai
target, you may also shift them 1 square. attack upon a Gatusan city, which eventually
As you rise in the words of Cutting Speech, you ended with the Virbanwans and Akai trying to
are taught to meditate on the being and kill each other.
teachings of Sri Pulong-Pulong, a grand
ancestor of the first Warspeakers.

Turn Traitor
2 Techniques
Effect: Choose 1 non-Brave, non-Chief fighter within close
burst 4. They become Traitorous 3.
Traitorous: All enemies are allies and all allies are enemies,
and they are considered ally Kadungganan. If the fight ends
and they’re still Traitorous, they become friendly to your
side if it makes sense in the fiction.
Special: If you have the target’s Debt Token, you can spend
it to make this Traitorous 6.
You entice the enemy, turn them to your side. At
this level of mastery, your words are this: a sword
smeared with honey.
This world is a bloody one. The one thing Sri Latong
Kisil realized is that protection and security is
something everyone wants. It is very easy to
promise that.

Passive. When a fighter in close burst 3 gains Enlightened
or Ferocious, you gain 1 Duration of that Boon, and then
they gain +1 Duration to that Boon.
All enemies within close burst 3 of you cannot gain
Enlightened or Ferocious.
As a Warspeaker, you are only as good as your
allies. Therefore, you must always be there, to
praise them, to keep them on their toes.

2 Techniques
Ranged Attack: At your wit’s end, reveal your final attack. A
single burning question. A question that opens the
floodgates of other questions.
Target: 1 fighter within close burst 3
Damage: d4 + Bravery soul
Effect: Inflict Wracked 2
Wracked: They cannot deal more than 1 damage for any
reason. They lose Wracked when they suffer any sort of
This is the word used to bring Lords to their knees.
Yet this is a word people are too stubborn to
ruminate upon.


Warriors of the Most High, Sacrifical Berserkers,
Those Who Will Die For The Moon Goddess, They
Who Triumph In Adversity

Martyrs triumph in adversity.
Style: Raider
1 Technique
Martial Art: Holy Moon Melee Attack: Strike down
They kill and die in the name of their conviction. While Faith Blade
in the Moon Goddess isn’t a prerequisite to mag-sabil, with lunar-blessed thews.
conviction is. A conviction to die in the face of imminent, and Posture: 44 Bravery: 3 Target: 1 fighter in melee
sometimes quite certain, death. Resist: 5 Faith: 3 Damage: d8+Bravery+Faith
Resolve: 6 Speed: 4 light.
All warriors can perform the sabil, that sacrosanct war-ritual. Tempo: 5 Jump: 2
However, Martyrs dedicate their entire lives to the sabil. Every
venture they go out on is a venture they are prepared to die for
their faith in. This has caused Martyrs to be particularly
feared, due to their total lack of self-preservation.
They vest themselves in the trappings of burial: wear white,
anointed in oil by the pandita. And then they go to battle to
die, bringing as many as they can with them, so that they can Whenever you deal damage, gain 1 Fury. Whenever you deal
arrive in heaven and stand alongside Baginda Sumongsuklay. or suffer damage, you can spend any number of Fury Tokens
The first Martyr was said to be Baginda Sumongsuklay to add or subtract that much damage. You cannot have more
herself. She arrived upon the islands in times now long gone, than 5 Fury at any given time.
and traveled into the sky palace of Indira Suga and Jamiyun
Kulisa, and immediately went into a frenzy. She succeeded in MOONBLADE TENACITY
breaking the sky gates, and in her total lack of self- When you first become Staggered in the fight, gain
preservation, leapt onto the Thunderbolt and wounded him. Regeneration for the rest of the scene, and +1 Might on all
Brother Lightning and Mother Sun have since left that sky melee attacks.
palace, and now Baginda Sumongsuklay commands the faith
and trust of the warriors of Akai.
Those that become Martyrs dedicate their entire lives to the You cannot gain Evasion. However, your Combo Breaker
emulation of that art, with the knowledge that they shall Penalty is as follows: you second attack suffers -2, while
ascend to the bladed moon heaven of Baginda Sumongsuklay your third attack is halved.
should they die in the act of pag-sabil.
The death violent art of mag-sabil has been known since the CLEAVE THE EARTH
dawn of time, once practiced in supreme deference and Once per Combat when you Second Wind while Critical,
respect for the datu, they will dress themselves in the vestures your next attack does not need to be rolled: you instead deal
and raiment of death and go on berserk fury, or as it is known maximum damage: simply deal the highest possible
in the Archipelago: pag-sabil. You sharpen this glorious fury amount of damage with the dice.
into your weapon. You have forged yourself into the ultimate
killing machine: your heart is a sword, the pain you suffer is
fire to the furnace.
During the end of the Seventh Moon Era, pag-sabil has been 2 Technique, 2 Conviction, 1/Combat
easier to initiate and invoke with the help of sugapa and other
drugs to elevate the fury to one transcendental, communing Immediately consume all Fury Tokens (min. 5), and deal
with the spirits of war. 8d8 light damage to the a single fighter in the battlefield.
This damage cannot be reduced.
The most well known mag-sabil do give themselves to the If you’re ready to die, deal 4d8 to the rest of the enemies in
mad fury of the moon, of the Moon Goddess Baginda the battlefield, and then ascend to Lunar Paradise. You
Sumongsuklay, to whom adoration and respect is required, cannot gain any more Fury Tokens for the rest of the scene.
and dying in their name is the ultimate way to reach her You clad yourself in the raiments of death, white to
Palace in the Sky. reach the Moon Goddess’ eternal blissful palace.
Breathe now, breathe. If it be your time, then it is
Martyrs can also be found all across the archipelago, your time. Be not afraid. Be not afraid. Who are
especially those that have the same amount of zeal and they to say that your faith-rage is unjustified? This
loyalty to their leaders and the spirits of their settlements. world is sundered and torn: break it even further,
They are, however, few and far in between in number, a small and in so doing bring light to bear. This is the
number of warrior braves who are always ready to die for Principle of Fury: kill all things indiscriminately to
their leader and faith. attain true Harmony. Remember, loved one. Your
rage is not simply anger, wrath. It is justice, God’s
Before going out on a venture, you dress yourself in the Vengeance, Holy Moon Striving. You fulfill the
raiment of death and then anoint yourself with oils, as if you purpose of your life in this, submit wholly to the
were being carried off to be buried, and then dress yourself in Moongleam.
your best jewelry, to make sure that you bring with you your
earthly wealth to the next life and be accepted into heaven
with open arms.
If you chose the violent life of the Martyr, ask yourself who
you profess your faith to. Why? Do you wish heaven? Or is this
a convenient excuse for you to inflict indiscriminate violence?

Strength of II
1,000 Zeal
Juru Pakal Mountaincleaving Crescent
1 Technique 2 Techniques
Target: Self Melee Attack: You utter a prayer, and then lift your
Effect: Strengthen your weapon with a prayer, imbuing weapon. It becomes the Most High’s executionary
it with light. Gain +1 Might on your next melee attack, crescent, send it striking down.
and it can deal light damage if you wish. Target: All fighters in a close line 3.
Juru Pakal is an ancient, holy blade, used by Damage: d6+Bravery light. The fighter in the middle
Rajah Sulayman and Indarapatra to cleanse square suffers 3d6+Bravery+Faith skewering light
the Sword Isles of primordial demons and damage.
monsters. Many still exist today. Many shy “The Moon shall descend. And so, submit, and
away from Juru Pakal’s power. be faithful. The Moon shall cleave the earth.” -
Book of the New Moon, Chapter 4, Verse 36,

Moonserpent Jaws
Lunar Scriptures.

2 Techniques
Target: 1 adjacent fighter.
Indomitable Focus
Effect: The target is pushed 5 squares. 1 Technique
Effect: The target must Resist or become Dazed 2. Effect: Breathe, and you are infused with the spirit of
Effect: If the target collides, you deal d12+Bravery lunar focus. Gain Precision on your next melee or
visceral damage to them. ranged attack. Go into the Indomitable Focus Stance.
Indomitable Focus Stance: While in this stance, you
Martyrs are known to go all out, sometimes to have Unyielding. When you are the target of an attack,
their detriment, as their zeal fills them with
such strength. They get better at controlling you may consume the stance before the attack to leap
this, of course, the more they grow in the Moon. up to 4 squares. If you end up adjacent to the target, you
You beat up the target with your bare hands. may immediately Inflict Violence against them. If you
leap 4 squares, keep this stance.

The Moon’s Holy Blade has express techniques
for dealing when you are hobbled or disarmed.
In fact, you are taught to be even more
2 Techniques dangerous when you are in this state, as you
Target: 1 fighter in 15’ are driven to a corner, and you must become
Damage: 2d6+Bravery+Faith light. more than a beast.
Effect: The target is then pushed 1 square, and then
your weapon lands on an adjacent square to the target.
The weapon is Size 1 Blocking Terrain. Moon Palace Knight
Hurled Weapon: All your melee attacks suffer 1 2 Techniques
Weakness while the weapon is Hurled. You can move Target: 1 fighter in a close burst 3.
through the weapon’s square or pick it up at the end of Effect: You leap across the battlefield, upon garuda
your turn to gain it back. wings of moonlight, like a vengeful biraddali, to a
Summon Weapon: You may spend 1 Technique to square adjacent to the target, but within the burst.
make your weapon fly back toward you as long as Then Inflict Violence.
you’re within 4 squares of the weapon. Draw a close Effect: If you move through ally squares during the
path 4 with the weapon as an origin point, and the final leap, give them Light Conditioning 2.
square should be adjacent to you. You deal Bravery Effect: If you move through enemy squares during the
skewering visceral damage to all the fighters that the leap, give them Light Vulnerability 2.
weapon moves through in the path, and then the
weapon returns to you. “The Moon shall descend. And so, submit, and
be faithful. The Moon shall cleave the earth.” -
You hurl your weapon, guided by your faith in Book of the New Moon, Chapter 4, Verse 36,
the Moon. Wield the Moon’s Holy Blade, which Lunar Scriptures.
is you. You! This is your strength, let Baginda
Sumongsuklay, peace be unto her, wield you
and bring the final triumph of victory. Who
else could it be but you? With this
internalization, you wield the holy blade of
tenacity, and nothing shall ever stop your

Bulan Holy
Kurita Pierces Heaven
Passive. When you deal damage with a melee attack, you
may force the target to Resist or become Juggled 1. If they
do, all fighters adjacent to the target must also Resist or
become Juggled 1 as well.
You gain +1 Might against all Unbalanced or Juggled
You swing and flourish up, bringing the victim of
your scorn to the heavens. “Verily, I say unto you:
should you shed blood for your Goddess, thus shall
you find eternal life. But should you rip open
Heaven in the name of the Moon, then shall you
achieve Concordance.” - Teachings of Pandita

Self Apocalypse
Passive. Whenever you become Posture-Broken, all your
attacks until the end of the scene gain +1 Might. This bonus
is cumulative. However, you cannot gain any Soak nor
The Lunar Goddess has seen it fit for you to strive.
Coat yourself in the holy oils. Battle is always
death, battle is always death. Let out your rage,
mighty Martyr! The Lunar Palace Upon The Moon
beckons you! If you are to fall, then you shall bring
all those around you with you!

Eternity Prayer Raid

2 Techniques
Melee Attack: You crouch low, utter a prayer, and then
bounce, like a lunar tiger. You slam full-self into your target.
Target: 1 adjacent fighter.
Damage: 2d12+Bravery+Faith visceral.
Effect: The target must Resist or they become Stunned 3.
You can choose to suffer Stunned 1 to make the target
automatically fail the Resist.
The Martyr rejoices in the glory of combat. You
ready your weapon, and engage in violence. Your
wounds only make you stronger. IN VIOLENCE YOU

Ba� ��д�
Spirit Knights of the Seas and Rivers, of the Swordfish,
Warriors that Support the Tides of the Sea

Swordfish Cavaliers are spirit mediums of the Swordfish, the
Style: Blaster
1 Technique
supreme predator of the sea and chosen of the Seasword
God Margosatubig. As spirit mediums and skilled riders of Martial Art: Coral Ranged Attack: You fire your
the balu, the balu mount they summon is a little god, who Knight Art weapon, and storm waters
lives in a talisman that they wear around their necks. They Posture: 36 Bravery: 3 explodes from it.
can summon this balu at almost any time, as long as the balu Resist: 5 Faith: 3 Target: All enemies in 20’
can fit. Resolve: 5 Speed: 4 close line.
Tempo: 4 Jump: 2 Damage: 2d4 water.
The balu are giant swordfish with noses sharper than spears
and wings as large as an eagle’s. While they require water to
breathe, they can stay up in the air for quite some time.
Swordfish Cavaliers are trained by the best of the best in
their villages, as taming a balu is an entire endeavor all to
itself. One must train a balu since their infancy to form a
proper connection with them. Since balu are one of the
quickest animals in The Sword Isles, they have been used to
corrale and subdue enemy advances in war. Balu are When you Stride, you can move through enemies, but not
outfitted with chain linked mails and hardwood armors as end in their squares. Deal Faith water damage to each
well. enemy you move through.
Swordfish Cavaliers are said to have a distant rivalry with
the other riding Disciplines, particularly the buwaya riders. SEAWIND KNIGHT
This is because they have both been invented by enemy You move normally through Water Terrain and have Water
villages. Riding a balu is a sacred act of oneness with nature, Conditioning. While on Water Terrain, you have Evasion 3,
and requires a balyan ritual to officiate. Swordfish Cavaliers and whenever you deal damage, you can choose to deal
are known to use bamboo or hardwood recurve bows for water damage.
their choice of weapon, or any other long-ranged
implement, to attack and skewer from mid-range.
Swordfish Cavaliers know the lay of the land and they know
the movement of the sea. If you were a Swordfish Cavalier When you or an ally within close burst 2 makes an attack,
you must’ve begun your childhood close to water, whether you may shift 1 square before the attack launches.
it be a pond or the ocean. You are intimate with the ways of
fishing, wielding harpoon and net to catch your prey. If
anyone needs a helping hand when it comes to fishing and ROYAL SWORDFISH
hunting, Swordfish Cavaliers are usually well-trained in this You have a Balu Mount. While upon the mount...
Swordfish Cavaliers tend to be the first into a battle, with 0 You gain -1 Tempo when you add your Tempo and you
their superior speed being able to move them across the have moved at least 4 squares during that turn.
battlefield with relative ease. Due to their mounts, they will 0 While on your Mount, once at the end of your turn,
be usually tasked with jobs or duties that would need quick choose 1 square within close burst 3. That square
movement or ability to float a few feet over land and water. becomes Water Terrain which only slows down
While balu can submerge, the riders usually cannot hold enemies. Any fighter that makes an attack while
their breath for long. standing in that Terrain can choose to deal water
Swordfish Cavaliers constitute the elite cavalry of the
Sultana. Elite Swordfish Cavaliers are exalted and trained Joy of Movement: After you move on your turn, you can
from birth, and are reared up in the closest way of the Iman. shift 1 square, ignoring height and terrain.
Swordfishes are ancient and holy animals that were ridden
by Baginda Sumongsuklay Themself, and were the holy
steeds of Ayah Menat, the First Prophet, when they had to CORAL LORD DECREE
travel the Two Thousand and One Oceans to reach the 2 Techniques, 2 Conviction, 1/Combat
Sword Isles.
You swordfish is exalted into a Coral Lord until the end of
The most elite Swordfish Cavaliers are the Cavalry of Datu the scene. While you are upon the Coral Lord...
Margosatubig, in a distant island north of Kalanawan. This
island, called Salagunting, is said to actually be the top of an 0 You may shift 3 squares after every attack.
underwater coral kingdom named Sugnanti. The balu here 0 Your ranged attacks are steady and skewering.
are larger, and have sharper swordnoses, and are said to
rush through both air and water like arrows loosed by the 0 Whenever you deal damage, your attacks splash: deal
sea king. 2+Bravery water damage to every enemy adjacent to
the target.
If you become a Swordfish Cavalier, ask yourself: why do you You envelop yourself in rushing waves and salt sea
ride upon the wings of legends to inflict violence? The folly brine, which takes on the form of the King of the
of men dapples your arrowhead, why must you enslave Sea, high and mighty, with a crown of coral reefs
nature to scatter your enemies’ entrails upon the ground? and a mount of six thousand balu. You and your
Balu share each other’s eyes. Spirit torrents guide
your arrow shots. Your weapon turns into a shrike
of pure jet water, which you hurl against your
enemy. Your balu becomes as the royal balu of
Tuwan Margosatubig.
bolt to the earth, embodying all of nature.


I Sea Warrior II Sea Knight

Seaspears Deepsea Cannon
1 Technique X Techniques
Effect: Gain a Seaspear, a floating spear of coral water Ranged Attack: You bring out a giant cannon from the
summoned by your kinaadman, your magick will. waters that surround you, and fire it.
Seaspear: At the end of your turn, you can consume any Target: All fighters in a close line X+4.
number of Seaspears to deal 2 skewering water damage to Damage: Xd8+Bravery skewering water damage,
a fighter within close burst 3 per Seaspear, or heal them for with X being the number of Techniques used for this
2 Posture per Seaspear. Technique. This attack destroys any Walls it goes
As the fight begins, burning javelins of seawater through.
erupt from you Kinaadman, becoming weapons at A skill invented by the old Balu Warlord
your beck and call, ready to destroy and break. Panglima Sumarak, who brought with him a
giant lantaka cannon as a weapon to destroy

Monsoon Arrow
stone fortifications. By using this technique,
you channel that old Balu Warlord, and
summon his lantaka.
2 Techniques
Ranged Attack: You fire, from a weapon or from your
hands, jets of pressurized water that cuts like blades.
Target: 1 fighter in ranged 6.
Damage: d10+Bravery water
Coral Winds
Effect: The target must resist or suffer Eviscerated 2. 2 Techniques
Taught by Hiling Makar as he was well versed in the Ranged Attack: You summon the divine winds that
arts of the bow before becoming the first Swordfish herald the coming of Margosatubig.
Cavalier. Target: 1 fighter within close burst 8
Damage: 3+Bravery+Faith wind
Effect: You can then shift yourself and the target by 3
Cascading Edge The sounds of bodyong resound, kettlebells
against sharp coral weapons. Exalt your allies.
Passive. The waterfall cascades and flows. You rush up it,
and send the haze of the falls about you like a veil. When you
Stride at least 4 squares, gain Evasion 2 against the next
Perfected by a later student of the Coral Knight Art,
Tidal Momentum
Abuy, who kept trying to climb up a waterfall. Passive. Whenever you end your turn without any
fighters adjacent to you or whenever you are damaged,
gain 1 Seawind, manifested as flowing storm waters
about you. You have +1 square Speed per Seawind stack.
Once you gain 5 Seawinds, you can immediately shift 4
squares and then IV.
The first Swordfish Cavalier found that the
God of the Sea, Hakasalug, known as
Harisatubig (King of Waters), amongs tthe
Anitu took upon the Swordfish as his holy
beast form. The first Swordfish Cavalier, a
fisher-warrior named Hiling Makar,
immediately prostrated and offered sacrifices
when he found out, but Hakasalug found this to
be endlessly amusing, and so he allowed Hiling
Makar to establish the ancient Coral Knight
Art, creating the first of the Swordfish

III Ocean Brave
Summon Moontides
2 Techniques
Target: All squares in a close burst 3.
Effect: Put down a tide field in the target square.
Tide Field: The Tide Field is considered water terrain. As 1
Technique or whenever you shift, you can teleport to any
unoccupied square in the Tide Field.
The Moon is perfectly intertwined with the sea. It is
long said that an aspect of the Moon, Tsandila
Dayawa, came down as a beautiful winged lunar
woman, named Ayakasa Ravena, and Hakasalug
fell in love with her, which caused him to stop
teaching Hiling Makar the rest of his knowledge.
Thus the Coral Knight Art is eternally imperfect,
but there is a sect of Swordfish Cavalier’s that
argue that this is good, and is their responsibility to
continue teaching.

3 Techniques
Area Attack: Summon overwhelming waters from your
swordfish or from a talisman.
Target: All fighters in close blast 4.
Damage: 1d6+Bravery water
Effect: All fighters in the field can be pulled or pushed by 3
Effect: Become a Mist 1.
Mist: You are Immune against all attacks against you,
unless it deals fire damage.
In the ancient of days there was a great deluge that
brought all of the Sword Isles underwater. This
deluge was said to be the wrath of the Langitnon,
the Gods that live in Heaven, for all the violence.
Unfortunately, their punishment did not end the
cycles of violence. It was said that this deluge is
what buried the great ancient continent of
Samrasat under the sea.

Passive. When you first become Staggered in a fight, you
and all allies within close burst 3 of you gain a -1 bonus on
their Tempo until the end of their next turn.
“Strike as much as you can, before the water that
nourishes you becomes your blood,” – Agi
Sindarak, a Swordfish Cavalier warlord from the
polity of Ikadan in Kalanawan.


Ma��ad��� �t��n
Devil Witches of the Battlefield, Masters of
Witchpowder, The Bullet Through God’s Skull

“The First Teaching of Gun is this: No amount of running
Style: Blaster
1 Technique
can save you. Pay fealty, and prostrate yourself upon the Martial Art: Bullet Witch Ranged Attack: You spin your
bullet throne of Balahari Gilusot.” gun and then shoot. It can never
Posture: 36 Bravery: 1 miss.
Baril Witches, otherwise known as balapari, are riflemen Resist: 4 Faith: 4
that use powerful arquebuses gained through trade and Target: 1 fighter within close
Resolve: 6 Speed: 4 burst 4.
replicated by native panday sa luthang (gunsmiths).
These bullets can only be fired by a certain magenta Tempo: 5 Jump: 2 Damage: 3+Faith fire.
witchdust created by witches across the world. Baril
Witches are peerless experts in the art of using the
arquebuses, and they have the immaculate ability to be
able to reload quickly, as if they were a bow and an arrow.
Guns in Gubat Banwa are slow and ponderous. To reload
them is a tedious, multi-stepped endeavor. They are At the start of every Beat, gain 1 Bulletcharge. When you reach
dangerous, but better treated as opening fire, nothing a number of Bulletcharges, you can trigger a particular effect,
more but something to level the field. which happens immediately.
However, Baril Witches use a variety of gun sorceries, 0 When you reach 1+ Bulletcharges, you can immediately
special spells specifically only usable with guns, to blast consume all Bulletcharges to choose 1 adjacent square and
through the enemies’ defense. With their skill, they can then push yourself 2 squares from it. If there is a fighter in
instantly reload their guns, sorcerously bypassing the that square, deal Faith skewering fire damage to them.
limits of the gun. 0 When you reach 3+ Bulletcharges, you can consume it
Baril Witches are trained to be hopelessly intimate with immediately to fire a gun: deal Faith skewering damage
their weapon, learning the diwata of their particular against a fighter within close burst 3 of you.
gun--not just guns in general--to be able to be efficient in 0 When you reach 5+ Bulletcharges, you can consume it all
the battlefield. With hand mudras and incanted mantras to gain a Rev Token. When you make a ranged or area
they can summon bullets and change their trajectories attack, you can consume any number of Rev Tokens to raise
even in mid-flight. They can spin and juggle guns and hit that attack’s minimum damage by 2. (So spending 2 Rev
their target without seeing the target, due to their Tokens brings the minimum damage of an attack to 4.)
intimate connection with their gun.
0 When you reach 8+ Bulletcharges, your gun explodes: you
Training a Baril Witch takes years, thus making them and all fighters in a close burst 3 suffer 2d12 fire damage
wanted in Kadungganan parties and war armies. They’re and then you lose all Bulletcharges. You cannot avoid
in high demand, but there are a low number of Baril this.
Witches. They are thus treated as elite artillery and long
ranged units, and elite skirmishing parties that are VALLEY OF TEARS
intended to kill will always have at least one in their
ranks. Baril Witches, however, are almost always strange 1/turn, if you are the target of a melee attack, you may force the
in the head. Their soul has been shaped into a bullet, after target to Resolve or become Decelerate 1. Decelarated foes have
all. a Speed of 1 square.
Baril Witches arose from the ranks of the Lakanate after
the witches of the wood were given the chance to serve SERAPHIM KILLER GUN
the Lakan and be treated as nobility if they helped with
the war efforts against Issohappa. A large contingent When you make a ranged or area attack against a target that is
agreed, but other witches disagreed, going off to fight at least 3 squares away, the damage becomes skewering.
Issohappa on the sides of the Rajahnate or Apumbukid.
Those that joined the Lakanate were given the moniker of
“Star-knelt”, for they knelt to the power of the Ashen SHOOT A GUN GOD
Star. 3 Techniques, 2 Conviction, 1/Combat
Thus, there is a tradition among the more conventional Bring out the diwata of your gun. Shoot it, let its blood splatter
witches in Rusunuga to spite or even pity baril witches. onto divine ground. The spirit infuses the battlefield, and in its
The Star-knelt worked with these guns to create the Gun rage, explodes into a firework of bullet patterns, resembling
God Engraves, which gave rise to Baril Witches. Baril polities, lotuses, and flowers. A veritable bullet hell. Anytime a
Witches are chosen from an early age, usually those who fighter in the battlefield moves 1 square, you may immediately
have aptitude to sorcery. Thus, many baril witches in the deal 2 skewering fire or visceral damage to them.
ranks of the Lakanate are not too happy with their forced “Anything it takes,” the ancestors tell you. Anything it
setup. Baril Witches have since spread across the takes to win? You’ve forged such an intimate
archipelago, with the other notable creator of baril connection with your GUN. “The gun is but a tool,”
witches being the Akai Sultanate, who harness moondust BALAHARI GILUSOT tells you. “Do not get attached to
to strengthen their guns. If you choose to become a Baril beings that have never been human. Fool, kill it! Kill it
Witch, ask yourself why you have taken up secret now! Before it realizes your soul and shoots itself
knowledge only to inflict violence. Why do you use your through you! A Gun Diwata is new and excited, and it
does not know yet its power. The power to level entire
knowledge and power to inflict violence? Why have you nations. Now KILL IT! Bask in the bullet hell you’ve
picked up the gun? made, witch!”
No blood on your gun; it is the bullets and sorcery that
kill. Did you pick up the gun out of necessity or out of

Devil II
Witchery Exorcism
Steelwitch Hurricane Serpent Piercing Bullet
2 Techniques 2 Techniques
Ranged Attack: You spin your gun, rev it, lock it, and Effect: You bless your weapon with a Piercing Diwata.
then fire. A crackling firework erupts before you. Your next ranged attack can deal earth damage and
Target: All fighters in close blast 3 becomes skewering. Gain -1 Tempo this turn.
Damage: 1d8+Faith fire The Art of Piercing is exemplified by serpents
The originator of the Baril Witch’s that can burrow into the thick soils and foliage
Blasphemous Bullet was a gun foundry owner of the great deep forests. Thus follow their way:
in old Tundun who communed with Balahari burrow, spiral, destroy. All things will be
Gilusot, the King of Bullets, and learned the broken through. That is the art of piercing.
secrets of piercing, an ancient art that is sister Who needs a spear when bullets can pierce
only to the sacred act of cutting. The secret of through hearts just as well?
piercing has a branch of knowledge that deals

Mangkukulam Gun
with bullets, which always pierce through. It is
called the art of Lodging.

2 Techniques
Bewitched Reload Area Attack: Throw your gun, letting it orbit you, firing
sorcerously, surrounding yourself with burning
1 Technique fireflower bullets.
Effect: Kiss your bullet. A surat burns brightly: this Target: All fighters in a close burst 4.
bullet will always find its mark. Your next attack Damage: 1d8+Faith fire
becomes Bewitched. Bewitched attacks are Steady and Effect: Gain Fire Aura 1.
Skewering. If you Bewitch your next attack twice, then Fire Aura: Your attacks can deal fire damage. Any fighter
that attack inflicts Sundered 2. that enters or starts their turn in the aura suffers 3
Sun and Moon Dichotomy skewering fire damage immediately.
Quoth Mangkukulam: “My Gun shall go against
1 Technique the Almighty. With this bullet, I shall spit in the
Effect: Put down a bullet (an object) in an unoccupied face of God. Let Him face the force of the
square in 2 squares. Any fighter that collides with the shooting star. I am Mangkukulam, and my
bullet suffers 4 skewering visceral damage. flame shall never die. Not even God can
As a Technique, you may choose to launch any number extinguish my fire with His drool.”
of bullets in the battlefield: choose 1 fighter within close
Water Lily Gun
burst 2 of each bullet. Each bullet collides with the
You spin, unleashing bullets, and then utter the 2 Techniques
yamyam for the passing of days. Contort it Area Attack: Inscribe mentala upon your gun, and then
with your spirituality. Time stops for the
bullets, and at the end of it all, reckoning. incant the holy name of the currents and nagas. Then,
fire a beam of water, which shears and cuts.
Target: All fighters in close path 5 close path.
Damage: 1d8+Faith water
Effect: The target must Resist or become Slippery 2.
Slippery: Whenever a Slippery fighter moves or is
moved, they must move 1 square more in a direction
that you choose.
You inhale the sea brine and manifest it into
your puhon. With another breath, you grant it
as a gift to the diwata of your gun. They accept
it wholeheartedly. Maybe too wholeheartedly.

Bala Desecration
Shoot God In 3 Techniques

The Head Effect: Immediately deal 2xFaith fire damage to any

fighter in the battlefield. If you choose to target
yourself, you suffer the damage first, and then deal
Firebird Lantaka 2d12 fire damage to all enemies in close burst 2 of you.
2 Techniques Send a barrage across the entire battlefield, as
if you summon bullets and arrows from the
Effect: Summon a Firebird Lantaka onto an adjacent gods. You impart the divine grace of your
unoccupied square. It is a Durability 20 object and is diwata upon the battlefield. 777 arms carry
hindering terrain. 777 guns about you.
Firebird Lantaka: You or any ally adjacent to it can
spend a Technique to fire the Firebird Lantaka, making
the following area attack:
Target: All fighters within close line 4.
Damage: 1d8+Faith fire
Effect: The target must Resist or become Stunned 1.
Among the Sinukuan, The Elder God of Fire and
Lightning Suku takes upon the form of a
firebird, ravaging entire plains with a single
swing of their wing. You take this meditation
and drink deep, and so does the diwata of your

Bullet Dance
Effect: You are constantly firing your gun, reloading and
shooting, a constant dance of bullets. Enemies can move
through your square. Any enemy that enters into a
square adjacent to you or moves through your square
immediately suffers Faith fire damage.
Guns were invented in the ancient of days by a
god, who was killed by the Sage of Spears, he
who had perfected the art of piercing. “With this
implement piercing shall become a lesser art!”
The Sage of Spears hath said. Therefore thou
must keep in mind the art of piercing. It is no
frail, baser art. It is, in fact, the most perfect art,
a forgotten art. The Art of Cutting reminds one
of dichotomy. The Art of Piercing shows you
that all things can become one.

�n�� ��l
Holy Masters of the Sword Kinaadman, Disciplines of
the Art of Cutting, Knights of Diwa

Bladeweavers are peerless swordsorcery knights, using their
Style: Support
1 Technique
skill with the Sword Kinaadman, or Sword Wisdom to Martial Art: Melee Attack: Weave forward
strengthen their slashes and manipulate the battlefield with Swordweaving and then back, moving your
flying swords, like the winds of a dragon. Through a Posture: 44 Bravery: 3 sword like a whip.
seamless weaving of enchantment and swordplay, they Resist: 6 Faith: 3 Target: 1 fighter in 2 squares.
dominate the battlefield. Resolve: 7 Speed: 3 Damage: 1d4+Bravery+Faith
The Bladeweavers are so called because the first of them, a Tempo: 4 Jump: 2 fire/water/wind/eart (choose 1).
kawal, or guardsman, of the City of Broken Idols named
Palaliwah, learned how to use mentala, spells that were
written in the ancient Old Matara language, the older form
of the Matara lingua franca in the isles. These writings,
usually written upon bamboo and palm leaf manuscripts
with with Kasuratan, were to be uttered repeatedly like a Whenever you make a melee attack, you can shift 1 square to
mantra by someone of volatile pohon, so that the spells may a farther from the target after the attack.
be cast.
Palaliwah began a loose order of Bladeweavers by teaching SWORD KINAADMAN
those kawal that she could, those that had either inherently When an ally within close burst 2 of you makes a melee
powerful pohon or were eager to learn, and the teachings attack, you can confer your Kinaadman to them: they may
spread throughout the Archipelago. Eventually, Palaliwah reroll their damage roll and take the better result.
settled in the Lakanate, becoming a right-hand counselor to
the First Lakan, and an integral part of those that overthrew
the Issohappan invasion. From then on, the royal guard and BLADEWEAVING
the elite were taught in the Sword Sorceries. This proved to
have been the Lakanate’s largest asset in the Lakan Whenever you start your turn, gain 1 Bladeweaving, which
Conspiracy, as Bladeweavers could use magic to attain a you can spend on the following.
false enlightenment for a short amount of time to teleport 0 Sword Meditation. 1 Technique and 1 Bladeweaving: 1
great distances. A particular Bladeweaver named Maranan, ally within close burst 2 of you gains +(Your Bravery)
the Leaf Dancing in Cutting Fields, used this to steal Pale bonus damage on their next melee or ranged attack.
King intel from a galleon in the middle of the night, and she
fended off at least two Pale King elite warriors to get the info 0 Makinaadmanon Meditation. When you make an
back to the Lakanate. Unfortunately, she disappeared into attack, spend 1 Bladeweaving to immediately shift 1 ally
nothingness the next night. within close burst 3 of you by 2 squares.
The Bladeweavers are taught in mageknight academies in 0 Witch Meditation. Reaction: When an ally within close
Rusunuga, although there are not a lot of them. In fact, the burst 2 of you is attacked, use this to reduce the damage
style has flourished even more in the Rajahnate, where they they suffer by your Bravery.
combined the magical formulas on mentala and mixed it
with their impeccable swordsmanship to enhance their
raiding capabilities. Bladeweavers in Gatusan are known as SWORDWITCH MEDITATION
Alamdag Sagiban, Magic Sheathes. 3 Techniques, 1 Conviction, 1/Scene
Bladeweaver swordplay is much respected by many of the You find a fake Concordance, crafting it between your
warriors of the Archipelago, wheren they fuse not just Kinaadman and the Diwa about you. You suffuse yourself
swordsmanship but all sorts of weaponry into their sorcery. upon the flow of the Trichiliocosm, a meditation not all
It presents a transcendent fusion of two powerful forces, all Bladeweavers can achieve until the end of the scene. While
affixed with a beautiful dance-like martial art, which has suffused, whenever you move or are moved, you can choose
been called Habul-Sulab, or blade-weaving. to Teleport instead, and if you do, you always choose your
destination. During your turn, when you Stride, you can
Bladeweavers are taught to be careful of their power, and to choose an ally that you can see to to teleport equal to their
only accept chiefly patrons that would honor their ability. Speed instead.
Those that they know wouldn’t be using them for only
wealth-gaining ends. Bladeweavers are taught a strict oral Mastery of the sword is much more than just
code known as the Sword Oath that boils down to: protect mastery of the weapon. It is, in fact, mastery of self,
those that cannot protect themselves, dismantle those that of tradition, of culture. It is the mastery of the
principle of cutting, like a rock, oneness with the
hold oppressive power. Bladeweavers are respected for their nature of something. Achieve Hiyang through
oath, and they are well known across the Archipelago as swordmastery. You are not a weapon to kill, but
altruist weapon sorcerers, although not all Bladeweavers rather, a weapon to cut away the brambles and
have such an altruistic mindset in the war ravaged land of tangles that bar you and your people from the
The Sword Isles. future.
As a Bladeweaver, ask yourself why you have chosen to
perfect the Sword Kinaadman, that great act of cutting with
magick, and used it to cut swathes through innocent Folk
instead of cutting a better path to the future? Violence
explodes, and you have taken up the sword and sigil. Prove
how you can bring about a better world.

Winds Heed II
Your Call Answers To You
Sakmit Sigil
1 Technique
Confer Protection
Ranged Attack: Perform a mudra, then carve out a 2 Techniques
mentala upon the air, burning it upon your enemy. Target: 1 ally within close burst 3.
Target: 1 fighter within close burst 3. Effect: You perform a quick succession of mudra and
Damage: Faith fire. chant the yamyam of protection, summoning a burning
Effect: Inscribe a Sakmit Sigil upon the target. bubble of protection. Grant the target Protect 3.
Sakmit Sigil: You or 1 ally within close burst 3 of the Protect: All damage against you is reduced equal to the
target can consume the Sakmit Sigil as a Technique to Faith of the one that gave you the Protect. Protect can
immediately teleport to a square adjacent to the target, only bring damage back down to 1.
and then their next melee or ranged attack against the An advanced technique that is hard to perfect
target gains +(Your Faith) damage. but unfortunately is probably the most
important ability of all Bladeweavers. This is a
“I-It was like she was disappearing and then favorite of Master Samasida, a wily hermit found
reappearing! She was a shadow, no. Something in the island of Bakara near the Ruins of
quicker than the shadow. Lightning? Diri, the Samrasat, where he studies with wandering souls
lightning is too loud, too bright. No, she was the of that ancient civilization.
wind. She was the wind!”

Confer Musang Talons Weave Elements

1 Technique
2 Techniques Target: Self or 1 ally within close burst 3.
Target: All allies in a close burst 5 Effect: With your hand in a mudra you perform a quick
Effect: You perform a sword anyo that sharpens the sword anyo, and infuse you or an ally’s blade with
swords of allies, giving all the targets in range +1 Might burning elements. The target must choose a single
on their next attack. damage type (except Soul). Until the end of the scene,
This was taught to Bladeweavers by a traveling they can choose to deal that damage when they Inflict
cat who chopped trees with a single claw. Your Violence.
heart sings: your sword is oiled by the blood of Effect: The element bursts forth from the target: all
your soul. All your strikes will find their way:
this was taught to Bladeweavers by a traveling enemies within close burst 2 of the target suffer 3
cat who chopped trees with a single claw. skewering (chosen damage type) damage.
This technique was taught to Bladeweaver

Weave Healing
Master Sakamada, who earned it after beating a
firebreathing naga that lived in the heart of a
volcano to submission, and gained its respect.
Trigger: An ally within close burst 3 is the target of an
Effect: You raise your hand in a healing mudra and it is
Rending Mentala
enveloped in flame. With an incantation you throw the 1 Technique
mudra, weaving magicks into the blade of a foe: making Target: 1 ally in 2 squares.
the attack glancing. Effect: With a quick utterance of yamyam and a mudra
A technique perfected by Datu Kasurak-surak slid across the length of a weapon, their weapon becomes
of Gatusan, who tore out his own heart to heal Enlightened, and it passes all defenses. The target’s next
his Swordmaiden wife. atack becomes Skewering and can deal Soul damage.
The sacred ability of the Bladeweaver. Heaven
will be cut, and hell shall be rent.

Rend Space
Sword Cuts 2 Techniques

Heaven Target: 2 different squares within close burst 5.

Effect: You summon lightning from your blade to rend
square itself, creating two Rips within range on the
Unsheathe Mentala chosen squares.
Rip: Rips are terrain. When moved into, the target is
3 Techniques teleported to a square adjacent to the other Rip.
Target: 1 ally in 2 squares. Developed by elite Bladeweavers who went to
Effect: Speak the mudras. The formulations for fight in the Thundering Elephant War in the
Unsheathing shine bright upon you, wherever you Southeastern Continent, who incorporated
inscribed it. The target gains Alacrity 2. Continental Sorcery and Spirituality.
Alacrity: The target’s Tempo becomes 2.
An incantation mixed with three mudra that
speak of swiftness, cutting, and endings. The
target of this benefit is imbued with the speed
of an unsheathing sword.

Weave Swords
1 Technique
Target: 1 adjacent square.
Effect: With a silent breath, let go of your blade, and it
dances in the field. It flies, turning the battlefield into
its play square. Place a Flying Sword in the target area.
Flying Sword: Any ally can target the Flying Sword
with a ranged attack to increase their maximum range
by +3 squares. The sword is consumed afterwards.
When a Burst, Blast, Line, or Path includes the sword,
increase the size of that AoE by 1 and the sword is
When a melee attack is performed while adjacent to the
Flying Sword, they may consume the melee attack for
free to gain +1 Might.
To Guro Sajawadu, this is the ultimate learning
of this style. The battlefield becomes one


Es��� �m��y
Monstrances of Passion, Channelers of Mahadiwa-
KALAKATRI, Murder Goddess, Fulfillers of the
Promise of Blood

In the ancient past, the Suladnon of Murder Mahadiwa
Style: Sentinel
1 Technique
Kalakatri Duumanun raised an order of warrior-monks Martial Art: Bloody Melee Attack: Strike in a wide
whose sole purpose was to use their passions and pain to Hand of Redemption arc with your great weapon.
protect those around them. These revenant martyrs were Posture: 48 Bravery: 2 Target: Up to 2 adjacent
called the Murderglave, and only a scant few of them Resist: 7 Faith: 4 fighters.
remain today. They have been stolen by the Batara Lakan, Resolve: 6 Speed: 3 Damage: d8+Faith visceral or
the Suladnon of Murder turned into Saint Qali. Tempo: 5 Jump: 1 dark damage.
Those that go through the training of the Karimlan are set
out to the middle of the forest or the sea, and taught to
face their fears. They must use their Kinaadman to
harness their primal passions, their primal emotions, and
turn it into powerful sorcery that can strengthen them
against their heart. They understand the truth: pain, fear,
love, passion, regretÖ all these things are what makes a You have 3 Soak. Whenever you suffer damage, you may
human. And thus to embrace them all is the ultimate mark the attacker indefinitely. All your attacks against your
strength. mark deals +1d6 damage.
They get their power from the Suladnon of Murder, the
Diwata of Sword Hell. The final initiation of a FAKE LOVE
Murderglave is being immersed into a blood pond before As long as you’re not Unbalanced, all squares adjacent to
an altar to Mahadiwa Kalakatri Duumanun. Using this you are Dangerous Terrain for all enemies.
near-death experience, they come face to face with the
Mother of Ten Thousand Bloody Spears, and they become REGRETFUL RECKONING
At the start of your turn, you can pull one of your marks 2
In their transcendence, they come to enlightenment. A squares toward you. If they are already adjacent to you and
petty enlightenment, but still an enlightenment to be you pull them anyway, they collide with you, and they
sure: that violence should not be the end. This was become Stunned 1, while you suffer 1d4 skewering
obvious, they know, but they never wished to admit it. It damage.
is like realizing that you are being stabbed in the face by
an enemy lance at the last second because you did not
bring your shield. Thus, the Murderglave’s passion is SPITEFUL SAINT SWORD
inherently hamstrung with regret. Mahadiwa Kalakatri Whenever you pull a fighter, deal 1d4 dark damage.
Duumanun always leaves them with the words: “There is
no atonement for this, sinner.” BOON OF MURDEROUS INTENT
They have been cultivated the most by Virbanwa, who Reaction, 2 Conviction, 1/Combat
creates Murderglave chapels and training monasteries at
the edges of Virbanwan territory and conquest. They are When you suffer damage, you can spend the required
inherently distrusted, since they channel their power Conviction to shatter your armor and let Murder shine
outside of Sampalataya, the Ashen Star Faith: the Bloody through: lose all Soak and Conditioning and you cannot
Handed Redemption was created by a datu and his village gain any more Soak nor Conditioning.
of Kalakatri faithfuls who lived as warrior-priests, in the You gain the following benefits until the end of the scene:
northern plains of Rusunuga. The datu is said to have
been Datu Sakara, who was killed by El Kampeyador, and 0 All your attacks deal +1d6 damage.
subsumed Kalakatri into the greater Saint of Murder and
Penitence, Saint Qali. 0 Your Speed becomes 6.
0 All squares adjacent to you become hindering terrain.
The Murderglaves were integral to the Battle of Binangku
Support, where five poweful Murderglaves stood their Saint Qali is the Fell Lady of Murder, known as
ground and staved off an entire Issohappan battalion and Mahadiwa Kalakatri Duumanun in the religions of
the Central Sword Isles. Bloody Handed
river fleet long enough for their allies to be saved by Redemption teaches all Murderglaves to properly
Sinuku war barges. channel them by piercing themselves. A
These passions of the Murderglave manifest as tendrils of Murderglave channeling Saint Qali is sheathed in
night blackness, like a penitent veil, choking them
darkness, of shadow. They understand that to embrace as the one million hands of Kalakatri reach out
humanity is to embrace darkness. And that using that into the field. Murderglave armors are living iron
darkness, they can bring about life and light. By their maidens: they have spikes that dig deeper into the
pain, they create walls of obsidian. By their fear, they host, so that one never forgets their lifelong
shield their allies. By their love, they grant others another penitence, their pain, their sin for inflicting such
chance. violence upon this world.
If you become a Murderglave, ask yourself why you have
chosen such a bloody path. The Left-Handed Path of the
Blackened Blood is not the safest path, and is not the
friendliest. Why do you suffer to help others? When you
know that all your suffering is potentially in vain?

Violent II
Penitence Atonement
Murder Prayer Solemnidad
Passive. When an enemy within close burst 3 of you 1 Technique
makes an attack that doesn’t include you, you can deal Target: 1 fighter within close burst 3.
1d6 dark damage to them immediately after the attack Effect: Your hand is enveloped in darkness and penitence,
resolves. and then it reaches out to pull the victim of your scorn.
Mahadiwa Kalakatri Duumanun has never Choose one:
been one for atonement. Only when framed by Well: Pull all fighters within close burst 3 of the target by 2
the Ashen Star religion does she understand. squares.
In Virbanwa, Mahadiwa Kalakatri Duumanun Grasp: Pull the target to a adjacency of you.
is known as Saint Qali, Patron of Vengeance.
She doesn’t like it herself. Who are they to Perfect your passion and let it cool. Others might
name her differently? She cares not, of course. let their passion flare and burn and it will peter out,
She knows her name, what mortals call her as all fires do. You? You have tempered it, forged it
does not change her nature. Thus is the truth into steel. This is a technique perfected by Saint
of nature. Sagrado, who traveled the island chain known as
Jamiyun Kulisa’s arrows to learn from the sorcerers
of Batu Perairan. He was killed for his heresy, and
Sinful Blade in his divine suicide he destroyed a cathedral in
both a final act of atonement and to spite the
2 Techniques Church, which had become nothing more but
power-hungry capitalists who cling to the
Ranged Attack: You swing your sword, and then destructive teachings of the Pale Kings. His shade
shadows burst out from them and grasp at your target. still wanders Virbanwa’s countryside.
Target: 1 fighter in a close burst 2
Damage: d10+Faith dark
Effect: The target must Resist or they become Bound 2 Perfect Body of Night
to you.
Bound: Bound fighters cannot leave your adjacency. If Passive. When you suffer any damage that is not Light,
they are not adjacent to you when they have this suffer -1 damage and then deal Faith skewering dark
Status, immediately pull them to adjacency of you. damage back at the attacker.
"You must remember the pain of this, of trying Saint Qali is based on an ancient Issohappan
to discover who you are. For now, keep quiet, wariorress who offered her life in exchange for her
fester in your trauma." queen’s freedom. She was the last bulwark against
the encroaching invasion of Issohappa. She
"Sister, is this healthy?" became beatified for dying for her queen to
"Healthy? God no. But you are not here to be appease the warriors of her kingdom, and due to
healthy. You are here to love yourself." her bloodthirst against the Pale Kings, became the

Scarlet Shield of Makayao

Patron Saint of Murderers and Penitents. When the
Pale Kings went through the northern central
region of Rusunuga they did the same with the
Reaction faithfuls of Kalakatri, who wielded giant kalises
Trigger: When an adjacent ally is the target of an that could bleed even rocks. Kalakatri’s imagery
attack was subsumed with Saint Qali, including her night
Effect: You leap forward, scarlet shadows erupting skin, her triad eyes, and her four arms wielding
from your heart and then solidifying into a shield.
Switch with the triggering ally and then you become
the target of the attack. After the attack, gain Block 8.
Makayao’s death promises the end of all
things, and so you bring it with you. As your
bladed armor bites into your skin you
remember your penitence. How do you have
square for Want?

Sibat Caligo Spill The Blood
2 Techniques Passive. You have a shadow twin that swirls about
Melee Attack: Strike forward, and an azure black lance you, blocking attacks and obfuscating enemy vision. A
impales your enemy, and then knocks them back. manifestation of your penitence and atonement. It is
Target: 1 fighter in close line 5 like an open wound, bleeding.
Damage: d10+Faith+Bravery dark All enemies are considered Dazed while adjacent to
Effect: Push the target to the last square of the line. you, and they only have you as a valid target, as your
Effect: For each fighter the target collides with, it gains Shadow keeps them in check. When you are forcibly
a Slowed 1 stack. If they collide with 3 fighters, they moved, you can choose to let your Shadow be moved
become Stopped 3 instead. instead, but you lose the previous effect. The new
square it ends up in becomes a field: all enemies within
Saint Qali is the Fell Lady of Murder, known as close burst 2 of the field are Dazed.
Mahadiwa Kalakatri Duumanun in the
religions of the Central Sword Isles. Bloody As a Technique you can choose to switch places with
Handed Redemption teaches all Murderglaves your Shadow: dealing Faith+1 dark damage to all
to properly channel them by piercing enemies adjacent to both you and the shadow. You
themselves. A Murderglave channeling Saint then lose all benefits of this technique until the end of
Qali is sheathed in night blackness, like a the scene.
penitent veil, choking them as the one million Bloody Handed Redemption sings of horrible,
hands of Kalakatri reach out into the field. horrible love. A love that forces you to give too
Murderglave armors are living iron maidens: much of yourself. A love that eviscerates.
they have spikes that dig deeper into the host, Many sing a gospel, however: is that not what
so that one never forgets their lifelong love is? Evisceration? This is not the love of
penitence, their pain, their sin for inflicting gods, that is beneath us. This is the love of
such violence upon this world. lowly mortals that toil evermore. Evisceration
is nothing to the gods, but everything to us.
Death is spoken of in soft tunes, like a lover.

Scarlet This is because death is inherently alluring,
and death is something that all Murderglave
flirt with constantly. They must.

Salvation Using this technique, they summon a shadow

that is the worst part of themselves, the part
that they must learn to love to become better.
Dalagang Bakal
2 Techniques Midnight Raiments
Area Attack: Summon a suit of armor around you, Passive. Gain +1 Soak.
which explodes into black spikes before clamping Saint Qali is the Fell Lady of Murder, known as
down to you. Mahadiwa Kalakatri Duumanun in the
Target: All enemies in 2 squares. religions of the Central Sword Isles. Bloody
Damage: Faith skewering dark Handed Redemption teaches all Murderglaves
Effect: Suffer Faith skewering dark damage as well, and to properly channel them by piercing
then take on the Dalagang Bakal Stance. themselves. A Murderglave channeling Saint
Qali is sheathed in night blackness, like a
Dalagang Bakal Stance: You have a -2 to your Tempo, penitent veil, choking them as the one million
but all damage against you deals +2d4 damage, and hands of Kalakatri reach out into the field.
you gain Light Vulnerability while in the stance. Murderglave armors are living iron maidens:
Consume this stance when you make a melee attack to they have spikes that dig deeper into the host,
gain +3 Might for that attack. so that one never forgets their lifelong
penitence, their pain, their sin for inflicting
The Dalagang Bakal bleeds. Murderglave such violence upon this world.
armors are living iron maidens: they have
spikes that dig deeper into the host, so that one
never forgets their lifelong penitence, their
pain, their sin for inflicting such violence upon
this world. This technique was crafted by the
First Murderglave, Saint Lorenzo, who died
performing it. His armor still exists somewhere
in the Sword Isles, with his corpse kept within,
as the Church considered it heresy to keep it in
their vaults, and has since thrown it away.


Disciples of the Conquering King, Peerless Tacticians,
Practitioner of the Martial Art of Commandment and
Strategy, Ministers of the Battlefield

Be who you must be, Warlord. Senapati are born from blood
Style: Support
spilled and shed on the battlefield, that wretched hive of
violence. With formidable tactics and peerless knowledge of Martial Art: 180 Strikes 1 Technique
the field, they guide their allies to victory. of the Conqeuring King Melee Attack: Shout loud as
Posture: 44 Bravery: 4 you holler commands.
Senapati is the common term for commander-at-arms of a
Datu, someone who is the Datu’s right hand man, who Resist: 6 Faith: 1 Target: All adjacent enemies
handles the statistics of armies and war bands and makes Resolve: 7 Speed: 4 Damage: 2 skewering soul
sure morale is high. They know the skills of their allies, and Tempo: 4 Jump: 2 Effect: 1 ally in 2 squares may
they make sure that their warband is optimized, ensuring Inflict violence.
victory in raids. They hire singers that will sing epics and
songs to their armies, securing triumph and the favor of both
the umalagad and the epics. In the battlefield, they master
supreme tactics and inspiring speeches to ensure victory. ENLIGHTENMENTS
The first Senapati is said to be the great first Conquering
King, Rajaraya Pintas, who blew open the sky-gates and All adjacent allies to you gain +1 Might to all attacks.
spoke with the Sky God Si Gurang Tungko, the elder Sky God,
son of the Ancient Formless Sky (who is crowned in majesty SUPERIOR TACTICS
but is overwhelmingly humbled as he seeks his wife who has
left him). Rajaraya Pintas was an ancient demigiant who You and every ally in the battlefield gains -1 on the Tempo
accomplished the feat of Heaven-Conquest due to his Roll at the start of combat.
peerless leading skill. His headwrap, the Batara Pudong,
burns with the ancient knowledges of compassion and
benevolence, as despite being a Conquering King, he was INSPIRE TO GREATNESS
only able to conquer the sky with the strength of his allies.
For 1 Technique, you may heal 1 adjacent ally by
To become a Senapati, one does not exactly need to be the d6+Bravery Posture.
right hand of the Datu. Senapati are trained and honed in the
battlefield: anyone who gains an intuitive ability to inspire
their allies, pull off impressive tactical displays, and learn the ROUSE TO VICTORY
strengths and weaknesses of their comrades are viable to
become Senapati. Of course, there are various masters of the When you add your Tempo to their Turn Beat, all
180 Strikes of the Conquering King can and will help: entire adjacent allies can shift 2 squares.
settlements have been built around the mastery of that
grand martial art, wherein each Strike is less an attack and
more of a tactical move. CONQUERING KING TACTICS
Senapati are common across the isles now, even though they 1 Technique, 1 Conviction
as a formal tradition arose during the Lakan Conspiracy, You can summon your presence upon the battlefield and
when they needed to rally warriors and to marshal tactics lay bare tactics and strategy. Choose 1 below when you
required to bring down the Pale King Hegemony. Senapati spend the Conviction:
have always existed even before then: the title is an ancient 0 Bravura Firebrand: All allies within close burst 3
one, belonging to the oldest of oldest of kingdoms, written
and passed down in unweatherable copperplate. can inflict violence.
0 Fearless General: All allies within close burst 3 gain
Senapati are warlords of warbands, but Panglima are
commanders of warrior armies. Laksamana, a name shared Evasion 8.
by an ancient monkey god-king that killed Maharajah 0 Charging Lancer: All allies within close burst 3 can
Lawana in Banjarmasir, is the term for admiral of a sea shift their Speed.
warband. With the rise of sky barges, the term Galura, a term
for the spawn of the great Eagle God Garuda, has become 0 Maverick Regnant: All allies within close burst 3
used as a term for sky admirals. gain Soak 3 until the end of their next turn.
However, with the arrival of the Issohappans, the many
Senapati stole a great number of techniques from the The 180 Strikes of the Conquering King was
Issohappans and incorporated them into the 180 Strikes. said to have been codified by Rajaraya
From the Issohappans they took the idea of military Pintas, the First Lord, after he returned to
academies, creating burgeoning warriors and warlords that the earth and traveled it even as the Cycles
can change the world.
of Violence flowed. He gave it to those that
If you become a Senapati, ask yourself why you lead your would have the Bloody Want strong enough
allies into inevitable violence. Your skills are fine tuned for to conquer heaven once again, and find a
the bloodshed caused in combat. Do you revel in the melee? means to end the Cycle of Violence. Each
Do you see yourself as a god of the battlefield? Why? Why Strike is at the same time a proclamation, a
have you chosen to be a creature of battle, a master of war yet teaching, and a commandment. Yet
beholden by it?
Rajaraya Pintas learned one thing as he
conquered heaven: that he could not do it

Strikes 80-100 II
Strikes 1-50
of Violence of Protection
Rouse Shield Command
1 Technique 1 Technique
Target: 1 ally in 2 squares. Target: 1 ally in 2 squares
Effect: Embolden the target with words of encouragement, Effect: Call out to the target, giving them Block equal
or with harsh and rigid commands, grant them Ferocious to (Their Critical + Your Bravery). They are part of
d4+1. you, and you of them. A warlord is nothing without
The First Strikes of the Conquering King focus on his warriors.
the initial teachings of the art: that your allies are After Rajaraya Pintas learned what he never
your weapons, so treat them like you would your could grasp from his student, he began
spear. asking Ilakat Salandra to teach what she had

Inspiring Presence
learned to the rest of the world, and so she
did. She taught cooperation, diplomacy, a
continued and cooperative violence that can
Passive. Whenever you give out... be the only road to true peace. Not peace in
0 ...a Boon, give it with +1 Duration. word only, not peace for one or for some, but
rather, a peace for all. “To achieve true peace,
0 ...Block, give it +4 Block. one must give up one’s self in some aspects.
There is enough for us in this world.”
0 ...Shift an ally, move them an additional 1 square.
Your mastery of the battlefield is apparent and well
known. However, the most important thing is
actually your mastery of your allies. With the Bulwark Presence
proper maneuvers and training, you command the Passive. All adjacent allies have Evasion 2 and gain
battlefield through the strength of your bonds. immunity against Skewering (they can still be
Panglima March damaged by skewering attacks but they ignore
Skewering’s effects, meaning they can apply Soak and
1 Technique Conditioning.)
Target: Self Carry banners, the plumage of our kind! Like
Effect: Get into position, and chant out orders and the hornbill brandishes feathers, and the bird
of paradise brandishes tail plumes! Let them
mandates as you walk through the battlefield. Shift remember who we are, they will never forget
yourself 2 squares and up to two allies in 2 squares of you our names!
can shift 2 squares, and then gain the Panglima Stance.
Panglima Stance: While in Panglima Stance, all allies
within close burst 2 of you have Precision on all Resists and
Attacks. You lose Panglima Stance if you are unable to Stride
Laksaman Gambit
at least 2 squares on your turn. Reaction
Rajraya Pintas’ greatest student, Ilakat Salandra, Trigger: 1 ally within close burst 3 is attacked
was said to have perfected what the Rajaraya could Effect: Yell a single word, and their team bursts into
not in the beginning: she perfected the form of action, victory assured. 1 other ally within close burst
being one with your warband, coordination and 3 of you can shift their Speed, and then they can
cooperation with one another. They moved as one, inflict violence on the fighter attacking the
and she became the warband’s burning spirit, one triggering ally, if they can.
with diwa.
Like Laksaman, the Monkey Warlord
General, you lead others to victory, even
against those unkillable. Bring to bear the
great commander of our times, Laksaman,
who led monkey kings to create bridges, and
sailed the thunders to reach heaven.

Strikes 101-180 of God-King Sword
2 Techniques
II Enlightenment Target: 1 fighter in ranged 6
Effect: You charge forward and reach heaven through
violence, beckoning others to follow your example or
die trying: shift 5 squares until you’re adjacent to the
target, letting you move through every enemy.
5 Rajah Palms Effect: Every enemy that you move through may inflict
violence against you.
3 Techniques Effect: If you end up adjacent to the target, perform
Target: 1 fighter in melee the following melee attack against the target:
Damage: 2d6+Bravery visceral Damage: [Bravery x (Number of enemies you
Effect: All allies within close burst 3 of you may inflict moved through)] visceral
violence. Effect: Each ally within close burst 3 gains
Strike fast and strike through. Only if you can +1 Might. If this attack brings the target to Staggered,
break your foes can your allies see victory. they gain +3 Might instead.
This is the Conquering King’s primary attack: 5 “For many datu in the isles, some sort of
Rajah Palms that create a burning sigil upon divinity is a useful claim to royalty. This is
the enemy forces, crafted and passed down by because a ruler’s powerbase, a king’s
others that would learn his ancient art. powerbase, in the isles depend on how much

Kumandante Presence
virtue or merit the commonfolk see that you
have. If they realize that another, different
warrior-brave or king has a more powerful
Passive. Your adjacency is increased to 2 squares, claim to royalty, whether it be divine heritage,
instead of just everything within 1 square of you. bloodline, or superior ultraviolence, then they
will switch allegiance on a dime, following the
“The cosmos, the sky, the heavens and the more powerful one. Why would you follow a
earths and the hells: they will pass, fade away, non-virtuous person? If you followed a
like sand washed away by the waves of time. virtuous leader, then you will cultivate virtue
And our kind, all we do is fight. We engage in yourself.” - Sermons on Virtue and Rulership
such violence that the gods look away, and the by Sri Kadasiga Mahawagas
devils bow down in the grandeur of our
bloodshed. Like a river, it flows. It ever cycles:
our violence flows to the sea of time, and then
simply returns to the peak of the mountain
through the rain. Will there ever be a time that
our warring nations will achieve peace? Or is
peace simply not a portion of our nature? Who
is to dictate our nature?
I bring this spear and shield before you, great
Brother Thunderbolt, so that I may slay you,
and perhaps I will free my people from this
horrible cycle. The river flows, Diwasin Kilat,
God of Lightning, but perhaps I can stop it.” -
The Song of the Rajaraya

�n� es��
Artists whose souls have been cut in twain.
Swordsmen that will complete the cutting motion of

Sword Saints are the faithful patrons, preachers, and priests
Style: Blaster
1 Technique
who worship the violent aspect of Makagagahum,
Makaubos, and pray to Gattalim, the intercessor of swords, Martial Art: Blade Melee Attack: You unsheathe your blade in
to bring their woes to God. Makaubos is the aspect of God Gospel starspeed, sending a slash out.
who will arrive at the end of all things. He will cleanse it in a Posture: 32 Bravery: 2 Target: 1 fighter in a close path 5
single blood tornado of steel and gnashing of teeth. Resist: 5 Faith: 3 Damage: d6+Faith visceral
Sword Saints are given the Blade Commission: they must Resolve: 6 Speed: 3 Effect: Deal Bravery light damage to the rest
travel from settlement to settlement to teach the word and Tempo: 5 Jump: 2 of the enemies in the path.
truth of the Ashen Star, the upcoming Edge Eschatology, or
as they call it: the Paguubos, the emptying of the land. They
are taught extensively the teachings of the Sword, and their
primary conviction is this: “All things will be cut in the end
by Makaubos. We are the end.”
Those that follow the aspect of Makaubos are also taught
extensively the ways and arts of their God’s violent and ENLIGHTENMENTS
jealous aspect, which they say is the human state of their SWORD|SOUL
God, as all things have the binary states of man and nature.
Through communion and following the 77 Sword Tenets of Your area attacks cannot become Glancing. If you damage 3+ fighters
Gattalim, they sharpen their souls until they turn their very with one attack, add your Bravery to the damage dealt.
spirits into blades. Sharper than any other soul, they will
never find love, for those that try to embrace a Sword Soul ALL SPACES BECOME SWORD
will be bisected.
If you are included in your own AoE (being the origin point does not
Sword Saints are seen as strangers and outsiders by the count) or an ally’s, increase the AoE’s size by 1 square.
settlements. Those of Apumbukid see them as bastards,
mindless, idiots. That they have turned themselves into
“Swords” is stupid, for they have honed themselves to be REND HEAVEN AND HELL
Swords that Kill, not Swords that Cut. In essence, they are Whenever a fighter suffers visceral damage within close burst 3, deal
useless, and forever will be. Bravery skewering damage to them immediately as well.
The truth of all things is much more complicated, of course.
The Sword Saint was once a different Discipline, now rent in SWORD NIRVANA
half, like the bisection that it truly is. Sword Saints that
practice the opposite philosophy exist in Ba-e, born from the As long as you have Conviction, deal Bravery skewering visceral damage
Blade Gospel’s original form. to all adjacent enemies at the end of a Stride or when you Second Wind.
The Blade Gospel was once simply the Blade Song. It has
since been changed, now, once the Ashen Star Priests took PERPETUAL CUTTING MOTION
hold of it. Many of the original followers of the Blade Song 1 Technique, 1 Conviction
created the Blade Weaving after splitting from them, while
those that chose to become warriors for the new Ashen Star Switch to a Sword Form. You do not begin in any of the Sword Form.
religion created the Blade Gospel. 0 Gospel Swordstance of Amaley/Bladesong Form of Apolaki:
However, very recently, a larger portion of these martial While in the Gospel of Amaley, all your area of effects gain +2
artists have broken apart from the Ashen Star and have squares to their size and you have +1 square Speed.
begun following a rural folk syncretism of Ashen Star 0 Gospel of Amacor/Bladevesper of Mayari: While in the Gospel of
teachings and the ancient religions of northern Rusunuga. Amacor, all your attacks become Skewering.
These martial artists, in an act of hard-headed defiance, keep
both the name Sword Saint and Blade Gospel and teach in 0 Gospel of Azaragoe/Bladehymn of Tala: While in the Gospel of
pagodas in Ba-e as well as the communal feasts of Gatusan. Azaragoe, add +Bravery damage to all your area attacks.
They are revivalists of the original Blade Song, which sing the
true Blade Gospel: “the might of the sword-used-to-kill “The Principle of the Sword is this: if your soul is not
must be used with justice and compassion, lest it be nothing sharp enough to cut your own flesh, then you have not
but the very thing that causes the Wheel of Violence to turn.” learned the true principle of the sword. The Principle of
These revivalists are commonly known as Graceless, while Gattalim is this: if your flesh is cut by your own soul, then
those faithful to the Ashen Star Blade Commission are those you have achieved the Sword Nirvana: that you are now
Graced. worthless and harm all those around you. Have you ever
If you choose to be a Sword Saint, your soul has been noticed why you cannot cut down trees with your
sharpened into a killing sword. Your soul kills you. Once you techniques?” – The 77 Tenets of Gattalim
achieve peace, you become worthless. Will you survive Cut.
enlightenment? “The Principle of Diwahati, the diwata who lives in all
Bisections, is this: we are cause-effect, love-evisceration.
We are both bisected and the whole. Therefore the
Sword’s final teaching is this: who are we but all in that
eternal process of the cut? The cut ends when we die, this
is the final teaching of our truths. We are in a perpetual
cutting motion: that is life. Changing and hurting and
dying. Therefore apply this cutting motion to everything
else: to bamboo, to politics, to datu, to love. For what else
are we but bisections?”

Unceasing II
Sword Blade
Swallow Gospel Stance | Mayamaya Sidereal Rosary | Star of Batala
Lightning Stance 1 Technique
1 Technique Target: 1 unoccupied square within close burst 2.
Effect: Deal Faith visceral damage to up to 3 adjacent Effect: You summon a star-shaped Size 1 blocking
enemies, slashing faster than sound. Then, take on the terrain edifice in the square chosen, called an Asterfix.
Swallow Gospel Stance. This is where the great Makayao, the Son of God, was
Swallow Gospel Stance: When you deal 8+ damage on bled and dried until his corpse became desiccated and
any attack, you can immediately make the following mummified. You can only have 1 Asterfix on the
area attack: battlefield at a time.
Target: All enemies in close blast 4 All your area and ranged attacks can draw from the
Damage: 2d6+Faith light Asterfix as the origin point.
Effect: Each target suffers Bleeding 3. Effect: 1 fighter adjacent to the Asterfix when it is
Effect: If you damage 4+ enemies, keep the stance. summoned is chained to it. That fighter is Slowed, and
if they end their turn while not adjacent to the Asterfix,
Your sword has become as sharp as a sword, they are pulled back to adjacency to the Asterfix. This
unusable for cutting. Only for killing. You can
slice with just a glance. One day, before a can only be removed by destroying the Asterfix, which
bamboo grove, above a stone in the middle of a is a 20 Durability object.
river, Sanghati—now Masuna’s Guro (Teacher, "Aba, aba, gunitain ka makapangyarihang
but more than that. Master? Perhaps, but Makayao! You died for us, we are not worthy of
masters have authority.)—asked him to you. Let your corpse bled dry cover us, let the
contemplate on the strength of the bamboo, shadow of your torture wrap around us and
while at the same time balancing a precarious bring us bliss upon this land of sorrows! Let
position: one foot up to his knee, a hand above your broken ribs be my sword, your shattered
his head, and then another hand low and down halo my shield!"
below his waist. “This is the Swallow Gospel
Stance,” said Guro Sanghati. “With it, may you Chrysanthemum Dance |
Diwahati’s Spider Lily
know peace and skill and enlightenment.”

Ubos Blades | Lawana Shrikes Reaction

Passive. Whenever you end your turn with Techniques Trigger: When a fighter moves or is moved out of
left, gain X Blades, with X being the number of adjacency of you.
Techniques unspent. At the beginning of any Beat, you Effect: You may immediately inflict violence against
can unleash any number of Blades you have against any them before they move.
fighter within close burst 3, dealing 3 light damage per The Sword is in a perpetual killing motion, is it
Blade. not? This is the teaching of the Sword Saints.
All at once a prayer and a spell. With an Of course, as with all things, this is a
intercession to Gattalim, Pintakasi (Patron Corruption. In the Blade Song, from which it
Saint Intercessor) of Blades, Makaubos allows was bisected into the two kinds of Sword
his blades to circle around the target of your Saints, the teaching was of the perpetual
scorn, ready to bring them down. cutting motion, in the sense that one must
always be moving forward, changing things,
Sword Judas | Self-Acceptance not just others, but one’s self. The
Passionflower Dance is one of the only
Reaction techniques created by a master from Ba-e,
Trigger: You are the target of a melee or ranged attack. whose name was Passiflora in Virbanwa. He
Effect: You deflect the attack with a flash of your blade. was executed for heresy, but his legacy lives on.
Change the target to a different fighter within 4
squares, which can even be the attacker.
Preach the Blade Gospel: be as a sword,
indiscriminate and betraying. This is one of the
first techniques learned by Sword Saints. This
is because to become a sword you must first
betray yourself. The perfection of this
technique is a recalling of its past version in
the Bladesong: becoming the Sword is to realize
one’s self, the perfection of mindfulness within
one’s place in nature.

St. Katarata’s Void Wind | Gat Thunderhead Keens | Diwahati
Ambon Slices The Void Eviscerates Makaubos
2 Techniques 1 Technique
Effect: You summon the Cutting Winds of the Saints and Effect: You hide your blade, and wait for the perfect
Ancestors: the winds carry the slashes of your sword into time to strike. You can sheathe your blade, or
every vector. Create a cross by drawing a four close line 5 unsheathe it if it’s sheathed.
patterns from each side of your square. Deal d6+Faith Sheathed: While sheathed, you cannot make any
skewering light damage against each target, and then attacks. However, you can teleport 3 squares
inflict Eviscerated 2. whenever you Stride. When you are attacked while
Your sword has become as sharp as a sword, your sword is sheathed, you may immediately end
unusable for cutting. Only for killing. You slice the sheathed state to teleport adjacent to the
with nothing but a glance. And so you unsheathe attacker and inflict violence before the attack
your blade, and it cuts through. Perform a prayer resolves.
or sing a song, and your weapon dances from your You let the tension rise, and the perfect slashing
hand, moving on its own. moment approaches, fulminates, echoes. All sound
is dulled away, and the only thing you can hear is the
screaming keening thunderhead as it reaches an

Sunder The unstoppable crescendo and you
This is the technique taught by the peerless
Blade master of sword-murder Alberto Sakaran
Penitente, who was bisected in the process.

Sundering Meditation |
Harisabukid’s Sharpness Gleaming Sidereal Sword |
Passive. When you suffer damage while Staggered, you can
Gattalim’s Flickering Sword
teleport 3 squares after suffering the damage. The one that 2 Techniques
dealt damage to you suffers Provoked 2. Area Attack: Slice faster than thunder, slashing the
There is a secret importance to the Sword battlefield with fulminating light.
dichotomy of the intense study of the blade (to the Target: All enemies in close path 7
detriment of everything else). The Bladesong once Damage: 2d6+Faith light
sang of the Great Unity which contained Effect: The target must resist or be marked 3.
Dichotomy: unity is thus balance, and balance is
achieved with two things against each other. Special: Whenever you teleport, all targets marked
Cause-Effect is a single thing that is not separate by this technique suffer 3 skewering light damage.
from each other: therefore they are not two The Bladesong cares for beginnings, for
different things but rather two parts of the same origins. The Blade Gospel is the eschatology,
whole. This is exemplified in the beginning of time, the perfection of circles: the pure end.
where all of existence was nothing but Sky and Therefore: the Blade Gospel sings of the end
Sea, both devoid of color or light, an endless times, when Makaubos the Great Devourer
undulation, a chaotic dialogue of winds and waves. will descend upon the world with his
The Sky and Sea was not separate but part of the Gleaming Sidereal Sword and all things will
same whole, that is the Chaos, the First Cause- become cut. The Blade Gospel meditates on
Effect. Thus is the importance of learning the that eschatology, and the higher echelons of
Cutting Art of the Sword: the Sword exemplifies Blade Gospel training includes movements
that anything that is 2 was once 1, simply cut in that emulate this story.


��k �l�n
Channelers and Priests of the Sampaguita: the Jasmine of
Death and the Ancestors, Speakers of the Departed,
Ministers of Blessed Flower Corpses

Flower Balyan channel the little and large gods
Style: Control
1 Techniques
of death. Martial Art: Flower Ranged Attack: You let blood petals fly
Neecromancy and then lacerate your enemy.
Flower Balyan are a specialized martial clan of
balyan that have focused on speaking with the Posture: 32 Bravery: 2 Target: 1 fighter within close burst 3
recently killed. More and more necromancers Resist: 4 Faith: 3 Damage: d4+Faith+Bravery skewering
have been born during the beginning of the Resolve: 7 Speed: 3 earth
Seventh Star Era due to the rapid rise in Tempo: 5 Jump: 2 Effect: The target suffers Sundered 2 .
violence, and subsequently, death. The
wandering kalag of those recently departed all
cry the same thing: Where is the justice? When
will it end?
Flower Balyan are usually, but not strictly, those
alabay when they were younger, or shaman When you deal damage to a fighter, you may mark them
apprentices. Through this they learn the indefinitely. Whenever you deal earth damage, all fighters
foremost important necromancy ritual: the marked by you suffer 1 skewering damage.
ritual of pag-uli. Through this, they may be able
to resurrect a person if their kalag is close
enough. If not, then they would perform the DEATHLY BLOSSOMS
rituals to send off the kalag to their final resting Whenever a fighter suffers Fraying in the battlefield, you
place. Flower Balyan are a step forward. They may either: deal 2 skewering damage to that fighter or
took this advantage during the rise of killing heal yourself 2 Posture.
through violence, which has caused many kalag
to not be sent properly to the afterlife.
Flower Balyan use the iconic sampaguita As a Technique, you can place a flower in any unoccupied
flower--the flower one would smell if a beloved adjacent square. The Flower is difficult terrain for all
one’s ghost who has passed away is near you-- enemies. The flower lasts until it is adjacent to fire damage
to promise a better end: they will grant them or you pick it up with a Technique, healing you 2 Posture.
peace, but only if they do one final request for
them. Once the kalag or soul has agreed, they
will be bound to a sampaguita. Once that kalag TILL THE GARDEN
has been used, the sampaguita must be planted As the last Technique on your turn, you may consume any
to the ground, wherein it withers and then dies, number of your marks on the battlefield. If you do, it
finishing the elaborate pag-uli ritual. blossoms into a death sampaguita: the fighter that has
your mark suffers d6 skewering earth damage per your
Flower Balyan use the kalag bound to their mark on them that you consume.
sampaguita to perform things usually thought
of as blasphemous: they animate bones and
flesh (not of tawo, however), they grant life to SORROW OF THE GRAVEBLOSSOMS
their allies, and they sap away at enemies’ 2 Techniques, 1 Conviction
vitality. You become a flower: unable to move either voluntarily or
Balyan see them in a negative light. Thus, forcibly, and sampaguita sprout from your body. Choose a
Flower Balyan are much rarer than the usual single square within close burst 3 that you can see. Burst 2
balyan. In a very real sense, Flower Balyan are Vengeant Fields erupt from the squares you have chosen
simply warrior-priestesses who have absorbed until the end of the scene.
the teachings of death and used it to gain an Whenever an enemy enters, exits, or starts their turn
edge. This kind of thinking is something Ba-e within the Vengeant Field, they suffer 2 skewering soul
obviously loves, and they patronized and hired damage. All attacks made by enemies within the field
Flower Balyan alongside balyan in their polities. become glancing.
Only the most traditionalist of balyan sneer at Flower Balyan very often cultivate gardens
them. Unfortuantely, that is still the majority. of their own, either in their own houses or
Dealing in matters of death is anathema to perhaps in their own settlements. These
them, is too close to the sorceries of the aswang. gardens are pieces of wonder, though their
Despite this, Flower Balyan follow the tenets of most striking part will always be a corpse
Dalankalag to the bitter end, the spiritual Path flower in the middle of it all. Flower Balyan
of the Soul. are fond of sampaguita, or jasmines, as they
are the flowers of the dead. They cultivate
If you become a sampaguita necromancer, you the gardens because it is very often taught
bring with you at all times your cord of that to take a life, you must bring something
sampaguita. Why do you carry it? Is it else to life.
atonement? You lay to rest those that are dead,
but can you ever give your own soul respite?

Lacewings and Deadly
I Corpse Flowers II
Kinahalas-un’s Thorn Passive. When you Inflict Violence, the target must
Resolve or suffer Shirked 2.
1 Technique Shirked: While Shirked, they cannot target you. If the
Target: 1 fighter within close burst 3 target makes an attack, you can immediately cleanse
Effect: You flick out a thorn that embeds itself into the the Shirked from the target to change the target to
target, giving them Fraying 2. another fighter in range.
Kinahalas-un is an ancient balyan who learned A gumamela is a hibiscus native to the isles. It
the secrets of ancient necromancy and decay. is so named after Gumeng and Mela, a mortal
She crafted a thorn, which has since become a man and his diwata lover. The diwata lover
primary offensive technique of all Flower killed him in a moment of grief, realizing that
Balyan, who practice it and then learn to apply Mela cannot live with Gumeng forever. Then
it as covetously and as hidden as possible, she killed herself, for she cannot suffer such
woven between sung incantations and empty blasphemy. The first gumamela flowers
hand forms. blossomed from their corpses. Once known
simply as “Bulaklak ni Gumeng at Mela”,
Bramble Summoning which means “Flowers of Gumeng and Mela”, it
is now known as Gumamela.

1 Technique or 2 Techniques Mandurugo
Area Attack: You touch the soil, utter a prayer, and 2 Techniques
brambles burst forth. Ranged Attack: You summon a vine filled with
Target: All fighters in a close burst 3. If 2 Techniques: vampire orchids and wrap it around your enemy.
increase range to close burst 5. Target: 1 fighter in 5.
Damage: d6+Faith earth Damage: 3d4 skewering earth
Effect: Inflict Slowed 2 on all targets. Effect: Inflict Debilitated 2.
Effect: When the Slowed ends, the square the target is
currently standing on becomes Difficult Terrain for The Mandurugo is the vampire orchid, which
the rest of the scene. drains blood from one’s veins and applies it as
spiritual healing upon others. It is exceedingly
Flower Necromancers very often cultivate rare, and is popular for healing datu by
gardens of their own, either in their own sacrificing slaves.
houses or perhaps in their own settlements.
These gardens are pieces of wonder, though
their most striking part will always be a corpse
flower in the middle of it all. Flower
Necromancers are fond of sampaguita, or
jasmines, as they are the flowers of the dead.
They cultivate the gardens because it is very
often taught that to take a life, you must bring
something else to life.

Vine Lash
1 Technique
Target: 1 fighter within close burst 3
Effect: A vine erupts from your fingers, and you whip it
around your victim, moving them about the field. Shift
the target 3 squares. If the target is an enemy and they
collide with a fighter, the target becomes Dazed 2,
stopping the movement.
A technique developed by Panglima
Winangkai, a priestess-warrior who gave up
her life for her Queen to prove her love to them.

Bulak Curse
Passive. Any fighter marked by you suffers +1 to III
their Tempo.
Corpse flower necromancy is an art
crafted by the first shaman that dared
tamper with the cycle of life, who realized
the significance of Flowers (particularly Mantiw Ghost Flower
the Sampaguita) being the symbol for 1 Technique
death in the cultures across the Sword
Isles. They were awarded by it, in the long Effect: Choose an unoccupied square within close burst 3. A
run, but the gods did not look kindly at ghost flower blossoms from it, and is Size 1 Blocking Terrain.
their choosing. The ancient Kadanay All enemies adjacent to it gain Imprecision on all attacks and
shaman Ya-o performed the first cannot gain Might.
necromancy ritual and created the first Effect: As another technique, you can choose to consume the
walking corpse. That Kadanay shaman ghost flower, whereupon it disappears and a phantasm
was a Kadungganan, whose Want for their pushes all adjacent enemies by 3 squares.
loved one to return to life forced them to
go into extremes. In the end, they could A mantiw is a phantasm in Sword Isle folklore,
not revive them completely. For this apparitions of once living folk. In a sense, they are
transgression, Sumpoy, Grandchief of the the ghosts of the Sword Isles, strange and warped
Underworld, cursed Ya-o to become an creatures held back from going into the afterlife they
eternal corpse, never to die, but never to deserve due to their death being atrocities. They are
live. Sumpoy forced him to fuse with his infested with Dihiyang. The most belligerent of
loved one, the first walking corpse, and mantiaw are the mangubat mantiw, the warrior
thus Ya-o became the First Necromancer ghosts, who die in a particularly Di-Hiyang combat
To Have Never Died. such as a massacre or unjust genocide.

Burning Santan Sorcery

2 Techniques
Effect: Choose 1 square within close burst 3. A close burst 2
field of fireflowers erupts from the chosen square, which is
burning terrain for enemies. All enemies in the burst suffer
Bravery+Faith skewering fire damage.
Fireflower Field: All allies in the field can choose to deal fire
damage when they attack. All fighters within the field gain
water vulnerability. If they suffer water damage while within
the field, the square they’re on loses fire, losing the effects of
the field.
Gather motes of crimson santan, crush them, and
pray to let the vengeful dead burn the thickets. A
mentala that summons a burning foliage. It is
wrapped in phantom flame.

Raise Malanhig
2 Techniques
Effect: Raise 1 Defeated Fighter in the battlefield as a
Malanhig, dealing Faith skewering soul damage to all
enemies adjacent to them. They are counted as back in play,
but are counted as allies now to you.
Malanhig: They do not have their own turns and cannot be
Defeated. Once on your turn, you can shift them 3 squares.
You can choose to make the origin point of any technique one
of your malanhig. Additionally, any time there is a malanhig
in the target area of any of your area of effects or fields, add +1
square to the AoE or Field’s size.
Cast bones and jasmines upon the ground and utter
coaxing whispers to the dead. Malanhig are undead
that cling to this world of man due to grudges and
unfinished business. Why do you do this? Why do
you command them, depriving them of rest?

��n ���w
Renders of Heaven, Denouncers of Kings, Cloud Surfers,
Ever Alight Javelins, Attainment of Minor Enlightenment

No gods, no rulers. This is the first teaching of the
Style: Raiding
1 Technique
Piercers of Heaven. Their teachings then go on to Martial Art: Heaven Melee Attack: You pierce forward
teach of the great unbreaking, that unlashing Rending with your weapon, impaling foes.
from the earth, that great wind-calling. With a Posture: 36 Bravery: 4 Target: All fighters in close line 2
flex of your kalag, a honing of your Kinaadman, an Resist: 5 Faith: 2 Damage: d12+Bravery wind
expression of Gahum, you can fly upon silk wings Resolve: 6 Speed: 4
to sail the clouds. Tempo: 4 Jump: 6
The first Heavenspear was Sarripada Pak-an. To
fend off an incoming Akai raid, they rode upon
catapults, and when the war barges sounded, they
launched themselves into the air, sailing across
the sky, and rending sails from masts and
inflicting chaos upon the raiders. ENLIGHTENMENTS
The Sarripada would continue to do this until one
day, he launched himself so high that he spoke When you make a melee attack, you can shift 3 squares
with Lawu, the great eagle that will eat the sun. before making the attack. If you do, you are considered on
The eagle took him into his clutches and showed a higher height than your target.
him the seven heavens, at the top of which there Additionally, you ignore fall damage and move over
was no throne but simply infinite bliss. When chasms as if normal terrain.
asked why there was no great god that ruled over
them all, the Eagle responded: “Rulership is a
mistake and a lie built by your ancestors and SKYDANCER
descendants. Rejoice in the glory of combat.” When a fighter within close burst 2 moves or is moved, you
may shift 1 square, 1/turn. During combat, whenever you
Sarripada Pak-an descended back into the earth move on your turn, gain 1 stack of Transcendence.
upon a silken kite that he had fashioned himself
with the help of biraddali--rainbow-winged
angels--from one of the seven heavens. With this, CELESTIALITY
he fought like a hawk, swooping and killing and All your attacks against fighters that are on a lower height
destroying boats. have Precision. If you already have Precision, gain +1
After fending off that particular raid, he returned Might to the attack.
to the cliff where his catapult was, and he broke it.
With an intonation of his Kinaadman, he LANCE MASTER
detached himself free from the earth. And upon After you make a melee attack, shift 1 target of the attack
this blasphemy against the natural order he up to 2 squares.
founded a house of sky-warriors, and called them
the Heavenspears. The Heaven Rending Style is
then the truth of your Kinaadman: unbind UNBINDING
yourself from the tyrant-gods of the earth, who 2 Techniques, 2 Conviction, 8 Transcendence
lash you down to the ground. Perform Greater Ascension. Choose any 1 fighter in the
“No thrones, rend heaven and hell.” As a battlefield and then leap into the sky. At the start of your
Heavenspear, you are taught the Heaven-Rending next turn, plummet down to the target’s square, dealing
Arts. These are a set of techniques that let you 3d10+2xBr+2xFa skewering wind damage. The height
reflexively move about the air as if there were they’re standing on becomes a Chasm and you gain Flying
innumerable platforms about you, using your for the rest of the scene. Then, push the target 3 squares.
spirit to bounce off of thin air. This, combined
with a martial art focused on using polearms, Heavenspears are taught, in one way or
makes the Heavenspear adept at staying at range another, to ignore gravity. This is the final lie.
but also quick. Their unorthodox angles of attack However, to achieve that, they must learn
has been the downfall of many warbands. the truth of the Waling-Waling Surat: that
they themselves are not real. That they
If you become a Heavenspear, ask yourself: with travel and can perform feats of grand God-
your enlightened knowledge of there being no killing because reality as they know it is a
Over God, why do you fight? Do you fight for structure of their own souls crafting reality
liberation, so that all men can fly across the sky? around them. Only then can they truly
Or do you fight for more selfish reasons? You rend unchain themselves from the shackles of the
the sky but make sure that your spear thrust is earth.
true, from your heart, and not from your doubts.


1,000 II
Lightnings Attainment
Pinamaskan Detach
1 Technique Reaction
Ranged Attack: You pierce down, enveloping your Trigger: You are the target of an attack
weapon with repelling voidwinds, and then throw your Effect: You leap into the air and are blasted in multiple
weapon at an enemy. different directions by an invisible crimson force: shift 3
Target: 1 fighter within close burst 3 squares ignoring terrain and height, before the attack
Damage: d12+Bravery wind resolves.
Effect: The target must Resist or be pushed 2 squares You can alternatively choose to leap up, automatically
avoiding melee attacks. If you do, you become Flying 1.
In Gatusan, the Pinamaskan is an heirloom
spear that is important to the wielder, named Special: You can only use this twice per scene.
and decorated with gold flame inlays, and are Like an ancient Epic hero, you whistle and call
usually longer and have longer blades than the upon a red light beam. This red light beam,
usual spears. called by others as the Ray of Lawu, or the Eyes
of Sumongsuklay, is said to be judgment from
the missing over-god. But what is judgment
Thunderbolt without a judge?

Pierce Through
Passive. Once per turn, after dealing wind damage, you
can immediately teleport to any adjacent square to the
fighter you damaged. The target must Resist or become Passive. After shifting, gain 1 Might on your next melee
Marked 2 by you. You can consume the Mark at the start attack, 1/turn.
of your turn to teleport adjacent to them.
As you move, lightning and thunder crackles
Leap into the clouds and then plummet down. about you. A technique taught to early
The Heavenspear is not impeded by the Heavenspears. In this godless world, one must
battlefield. All obstacles are simply things that learn to use their weapon effectively. With their
must be vaulted over. Heavenspear Hinalus sped soul like a spear, they must skewer those that
through an entire forest to strike at a warrior are the victim of their scorn.
resting within the mouth of a river.

Vault Ride The Storm

1 Technique
1 Technique Effect: Ready yourself, and then, turn into lightning.
Effect: You use your weapon to vault over your enemy, Become Riding The Storm until the start of your next
confusing them, befuddling them, overwhelming them turn.
with your superior movement. Shift to any other Riding The Storm: At the beginning of any Beat, before
adjacent square to the target. Your next melee attack any Turns are taken, you may consume Riding The Storm
against the target gains Precision. to shift 2 squares immediately.
A technique mastered by winged eaglefolk The Heavenspear Namwara used this to kill a
Nawilani, who perfected it when they resolved to giant sea serpent which had breached into the
ignore their weakness as someone that cannot air. He sped through the length of the serpent
fly. and came out from its tail, flickering through
the body.

Plummeting Thunder
2 Techniques
Melee Attack: You twist in the air, and then a sudden
beat, before you crash instantly into your target.
Target: 1 fighter in a close line 6
Effect: Shift into any square in the line that is adjacent to
the target.
Damage: d12+Bravery wind
Effect: Inflict Knockdown 2.
Knockdown: All attacks against you gain Precision. You
cannot Flank, you cannot move voluntarily, you cannot
make Attacks. You can spend a Technique to stand up
and remove this.
Thundering will overcome you: you will never be
overhwelmed. Jamiyun Kulisa is the Brother
Thunderbolt, husband to Indira Suga, the
Mother Sun. In the ancient of days, the Sky
Brother stepped upon the seven heavens and
reached the highest point of the sky. There he
saw the stars in the void, and realized that
nothingness is part of the supreme soul. With
this enlightenment, he descended into the earth,
and thus thunder resounded for the first time.

Rising Lightning
1 Technique
Melee Attack: You crouch down low, and then like
lightning wishing to return to the heavens, then thunder
releases, and you burst up in a burning arc, like lightning
rising up to the sky.
Effect: Before the attack, shift 1 square.
Target: 1 adjacent fighter.
Damage: 2d6+Bravery wind damage
Effect: Push the target 2 squares back, and then they
must Resist or suffer Juggled 1.
Taught by Abusung Samudela, a once master of
low moving Skysea Raiding, he perfected this
after mixing the styles together, and created one
of the most dangerous attacks in Heaven

Cascading Storm
1 Technique
Melee Attack: You rush forward, becoming like a smear
of thundering fulmination, skewering through foes.
Effect: Move 6 squares in a straight line, dealing the
damage to every fighter you move through.
Damage: Bravery + Faith wind
That ultimate teaching of Lawu, The Sun Eating
Eagle: impale the sun and make the sky bloody
with rebellion. With this, you become gathering
storm clouds, waiting for the perfect
opportunity to strike. Then, like that lightning
dog, you descend upon the world. “There is no
god, in fact there is no self, there is only
thought,” you state, as your weapon pierces the
heart of creation.

Healers of Sword, the Traveling Doctors, Masters of the
Convalescent Art

Known as Tambalan [tam-BA-lan] in the isles, Menders are balyan
who focus on their studies of Dalankalag, the path of the soul,
Style: Support
Dalanlikas, the path of nature, and Dalandiwa, the path of essence. 1 Technique
They pay less heed to Dalananito, the path of worship, and truly Martial Art: Palm of Area Attack: You thrust your
this has led them to come at heads with other balyan. Menders Rumsua palm forward, striking at their
travel the isles as healers and doctors, and in recent times they have Posture: 44 Bravery: 2 soul.
become even more in demand due to the rising tensions of war and Resist: 6 Faith: 3 Target: All fighters in a close
violence. Resolve: 7 Speed: 3 line 3
They specialize in healing physical and spiritual harm. Spiritual Tempo: 4 Jump: 2 Damage: d4+Faith skewering
including any intellectual and emotional damage. Most balyan soul
coteries in a settlement now usually include Menders among their
ranks, always at the ready to heal. They have entire longhouses
dedicated to their patients, healing those wounded and cleansing
of disease.
Menders in particular are trained to be desensitized to the atrocities
of war and are meant to fight in the frontlines. There they are At the beginning of the scene, you have 5 Concoctions.
trained to bring herbal remedies and other such potions to quickly As a Technique you can give 1 ally within close burst 2 a
heal warriors and to bring them to top fighting form before concoction from below. They can consume the concoction
anything else can happen. with an Interact.
0 Eagle Eye Elixir. Eagle Feathers, Crocodile Eyes,
Not just that, but their knowledge of nature has them memorizing Crimson Carnelians. The consumer of this concoction
names of flora and fauna and their functions when mixed with each gains +1 Might on their next attack.
other, something that balyan don’t exactly need to do (but most of
them do anyway). While in a venture, having a Mender is necessary 0 Tortoise Shell Patch. Turtle Shell, Kalabaw Horn, Iron
to avoid eating poisonous herbs or omen flowers, as well as finding Shavings, Blue Pea Tea. The consumer of this
a way to purify water and make it potable. They do this with their concoction gains Soak +2 until the end of their next
clay pots and through burning of various herbs. They learn various turn.
drugs to enhance the capabilities of their allies. 0 Deer Hoof Poultice. Deer nails, Antler Shavings,
Deerskin Hide, Crimson Flower Petals. The consumer of
The first Mender was said to be none other than the panganitohan this concoction gains +2 squares to their Speed until
Sri Dewa Sarripada Agas. The Mender, embodying the best of both the end of their next turn.
masculine and feminine energies, learned to combine the disparate
parts of nature to create harmonifying tinctures. These healing
remedies became known as tambal. Thus the tambalan arose: those HEALING OIL
that used or worked with tambal. They have knowledge of When you an ally is caught within your area attacks, you
advanced healing techniques as well, although not as broad in their can choose to heal them equal to the damage instead of
expertise as balyan. They know the basics of hilot, and usually dealing damage to them.
know the correct oils to apply to the proper muscles.
Sri Dewa Sarripada Agas, known to many Menders as The Blue ULTRASOUL PERFECTION
Man, as they manifested before them when a Mender would first
begin their journey. Each Mender is given a snake-twin--something At the end of your turn, 1 adjacent ally can cleanse 1 Bane.
usually only given as a guardian spirit to specific chosen children--
crafted by Sri Dewa Sarripada Agas themself. Then they will explain SICKNESS MERIDIAN FUMIGATION
that all tawo came from snake within bamboo, and that the snake’s Whenever you heal an ally, heal them an additional +d6
ability to shed is indicative of inherent regenerative abilities within Posture.
man. Thus, man was taught healing through natural means,
instead of forced regeneration.
Sri Dewa Sarripada Agas also taught the truth of the soul to the 3 Techniques, 2 Conviction
Mender: there are four souls: The Vigor, The Power, The Thought, Heal all allies in the battlefield to full Posture.
and finally The Immortal. The Vigor is the life principle, known
usually as Diwa. It is what makes us alive. The Power is that which
can leave us during our sleep, or can be filled with puhon, and is the 0 - Discord is an excuse for harmony. In the
soul that activates whenever sorcery is used. Without The Power, beginning all things were harmonious.
we are like husks. Then there is the The Thought, which can leave us Assemble souls that have become sundered
if we do not cultivate proper spiritual and mental life. Staying alone from each other. Rejoin with that supreme
for long periods of time can cause this. Finally, The Immortal is the soul, that supernal consciousness, and find
soul that collects all of our thoughts and actions and personality. enlightenment. Only then shall you become
When we die, The Immortal travels to our chosen afterlife, and can Harmonious.
be called upon as ancestors. Pagtambal is the act of healing. Its
philosopher’s stone is Lunas. Lunas is the
Finally, Sri Dewa Sarripada Agas teaches that most ailments panacea of the gods, made up of 20 different
happen due to destruction and imbalances within the soul caused herb leaves, 15 animal blood parts, 13 moth,
by an element. Most ailments begin spiritual, and only those butterfly, and dragonfly wings, and 8
powerful boil over into the physical, affecting us physically. The different healing waters from 8 different
most grievous of ailments, such as cutting and slashes and crushing springs, placed within a clay jarlet engraved
blows, for example, is a perfect example of the element of Space with the name of the healing diwata that
separating or pushing together the Vigor. Thus, Menders are taught helped the Mender that brewed this lunas.
to heal the soul first, so that the physical may heal properly

Kararua II
Expertise Mastery
Ultrasoul Palm Blasting Unguent
2 Techniques Passive. You start a scene with 1 Blasting Unguent. You
Melee Attack: You burst forward suddenly, your hand in a can spend a Technique to make more.
four-finger mudra, and force the target’s soul from their 1 Technique: Interact or give the Blasting Unguent to 1
body. ally in 2 squares.
Target: 1 adjacent fighter in close line 3. Blasting Unguent: When interacted with, deal 3d6
Damage: d6+Faith soul skewering fire damage to all enemies adjacent to you.
Effect: The target must Resist or Resolve (whichever is You then gain Blazing 2.
lower). On a pass: their soul is exploded into the last square Blazing: You can choose to deal fire damage on all
of the line and it returns at the end of their next turn. On a attacks. You ignore burning and dangerous terrain. All
fail, it lasts for 3 turns. your attacks deal +1d6 fire damage.
Exploded Soul: Targeting the soul is considered as With a quick slap of a hand, imbue an ally’s
targeting the fighter that owns the soul. Any damage dealt fists or weapons with an explosive oil. An oil
to the fighter through targeting the soul gain 1 Might. concoction created by ancient healer Temiak
Parelang born from secret mangrove fish eggs
With your other hand, you open your palm, and the and explosive fire serpent scales found in the
Rumsua, an eye in the middle of your palm, a mouths of underwater volcanoes, used during
symbol for health and soul strength, bursts the War of Rosy Golds to stop the assault of
through. You slam it into your enemy, and you Tundun warriors wearing gilded armor borne
blast their soul from them. from technology of Samrasat.

Bottled Lightning Protective Oil

Passive. You start the scene with 1 Bottled Lightning. You Passive. You begin a scene with 1 Protective Oil. You
can spend 1 Technique to create 1 more. You cannot have can spend 1 Technique to make 1 more.
more than 2 Bottled Lightnings at a time. 1 Technique: Interact with or give 1 ally in 2 squares
As a Technique: you can either Interact with the Bottled the Protective Oil.
Lightning or give 1 Bottled Lightning to an ally within close Protective Oil: When interacted with, push all
burst 2. enemies 3 squares and then gain 3 Soak for 3 turns.
Bottled Lightning: When interacted with, the interacter
immediately explodes into lightning: they shift 5 squares, A Mender clasps their hands together and
through enemy squares and ignoring all terrain and height. produces a healing oil made of crushed
flowers, cinnamon bark, and deepsea coral
At the end of their movement, every enemy they move snake blood. The oil protects allies from the
through suffers d6 wind damage and the interacter gains effects of violence.
Fulminating 2.
Fulminating: You have +1 square to your Speed, all your
attacks become Steady, and you can choose to deal wind
Herb Mastery
A glass vial that contains a fulminating Passive. At the end of your turn, you leave behind a
thundercloud within, kept anchored by a burning single Healing Herb in an adjacent square.
mutya plucked from a tree struck by lightning. Healing Herb: Any ally that moves into the Healing
Herb’s square can immediately heal 4 Posture.

Salve You almost always know which herbs, foliage,

and ingredients to use to make sure that your
items are always topped up.
Passive. You have 1 Salve at the start of a scene. You can
spend 1 Technique to make 1 Salve.
1 Technique: Either interact with the Salve or give it to 1 ally
within close burst 3.
Salve: When interacted with, you heal 2d6 Posture and
then they can cleanse 1d4 Banes. They then get
Regeneration 2.
Proper salves heal The Vigor first and foremost,
before diving into the intricacies of an ailment. It is
the Vigor that keeps us from death, that keeps The
Immortal imprisoned within our bodies.

Flowersmoke Bombs
Passive. You have 2 Flowersmoke Bombs at the
start of a scene. You can spend 2 Techniques to
make 1.
1 Technique: Throw a Flowersmoke Bomb in a
square within close burst 3. The bomb explodes
into a burst 2 area of flowersmoke.
Flowersmoke Field: All allies within the
flowersmoke gain Evasion 7 against all attacks
made from outside of the flowersmoke.
If the Field is Scorched or if fire-based attacks are
used against a target within the flowersmoke, it
ignites and explodes, dealing 3d6 + 3 fire damage
to all fighters within the flowersmoke. The
flowersmoke dissipates afterwards.
You carry rattan balls filled with
smokeflower seeds, which when exposed to
flame explodes into pink, obfuscating
smoke, filling the battlefield with the smell
of hibiscuses.

Numbing Puso
Passive. You have 2 Numbing Puso at the start of a
scene. You can make 1 Numbing Puso with 2
1 Technique: You or 1 ally within close burst 3
gains Block d8+Faith
Lukay is palm leaf art, not dissimilar from
origami from the far southern archipelago.
Flower seeds, petals, herbs, cinnamon, and
lemongrass have been cooked into a hot
rice ball encapsulated into this heart-
shaped lukay. This, when applied forcibly,
envelops The Immortal with a moment of
Hiyang, making them one with all things
for one moment.

Magick Concoction
3 Techniques
Target: 1 adjacent ally
Effect: The target gains the benefits of a any single
Anting-Anting that you or any of your allies own
until the end of the scene. This can give them the
benefits of an Item Set. However, they still have a
limit of 5 Anting-Anting. If they already have 5, you
must choose 1 to replace for the scene.
All magical effects are just a matter of the
correct combination of herbs, knowledge
of the soul, and twisting of your own ghost.
As a master healer, use this to your
advantage, and channel Sri Dewa
Sarripada Agas.

The most important protective measures in the islands of Each Anting-Anting is unique: you cannot have more
The Sword Isles are Anting- Anting, which translates to than one of the same Anting- Anting.
Magical Amulets and Trinkets.
While a Kadungganan gains an automatic Anting-Anting
Items filled with occult-spiritual power that can grant at certain Prowesses, they can still gain Anting-Anting
extraordinary skills and feats. Anting-Anting can be from other sources. However, they can only equip a
attached onto weapons or used as weapons. number of Anting-Anting equal to the Anting-Anting
they should have gotten at that level. (Example: a Level 7
Mechanically speaking, these are minor passive bonuses Kadungganan can only equip up to 3 Anting-Anting since
that work similarly to Feats or Talents in other systems. they get their Third Anting-Anting then.)
You gain your first Anting-Anting at Prowess 2, as one of
your items burns with the power of your legend, or as All Anting-Anting are rarities.
your legend grows and more anting-anting become
attracted to you. ITEM SETS
The following are the Anting-Anting that you can choose Some Anting-Anting might be part of Sets. Equipping all
from. Each Anting-Anting only gives a single passive parts of a Set will give you an additional effect, which is
benefit. written on each of the Anting-Anting that is part of that


A holy diadem made of palm leaf and gold. A shield of burning pink-red coral, blossoming like an ocean
Effect: When you heal an ally, heal them an additional flower.
1d6 Posture. Effect: You gain water conditioning. When you forcibly
Healer’s Set (1/3): Healing a fighter also gives them +1 moved, you can shift 1 square after the forced movement.
Soak for the rest of the scene. This effect triggers once per Coral Knight Set (1/5): You gain the following benefits:
fighter per scene. You are Unyielding, Floating, Hastened, and you have
Evasion 3. These Boons and Evasion don’t have a
HEALER’S CLOAK duration.
A cloak woven with holy patterns of the sacred spirits.
Effect: Heal Faith Posture to all allies adjacent to you CORAL PLATE
when you start your turn. A breastplate of large coral plates stitched together with sea
Healer’s Set (1/3): Healing a fighter also gives them +1 serpent tendons.
Soak for the rest of the scene. This effect triggers once per Effect: When you first become Staggered, your Tempo
fighter per scene. becomes 3 until the end of your next turn.
Coral Knight Set (1/5): You gain the following benefits:
HEALER’S SARONG You are Unyielding, Floating, Hastened, and you have
A beautiful multicolor sarong that touches the ground to better Evasion 3. These Boons and Evasion don’t have a
channel the healing properties of nature. duration.
Effect: When you heal an ally, you may shift 1 square.
Healer’s Set (1/3): Healing a fighter also gives them +1
Soak for the rest of the scene. This effect triggers once per CORAL KUPYA
fighter per scene. A helmet of coral, letting you protect yourself against dazing
CORAL BLADES Effect: Gain +1 to your Resist.
Weapons made up of pink-red coral harvested from pristine Coral Knight Set (1/5): You gain the following benefits:
seas. You are Unyielding, Floating, Hastened, and you have
Effect: Your melee and ranged attacks ignore 1 point of Evasion 3. These Boons and Evasion don’t have a
Soak. duration.
Coral Knight Set (1/5): You gain the following benefits:
You are Unyielding, Floating, Hastened, and you have
Evasion 3. These Boons and Evasion don’t have a

Sandals made up of coral. Ragged and rough, bristling, to keep A javelin made of a deep sea dragon tooth, or perhaps the bone
you awake. is mined from those caves that have titanic skeletons?
Effect: Whenever you leave a square, you suffer 1 Effect: Your ranged attacks have -1 square to their
skewering damage. maximum range, but they deal +1 damage.
Effect: Gain +1 Reaction and you are immune to Slowed,
Dazed or Stunned.
Coral Knight Set (1/5): You gain the following benefits: NAGA GAUNTLETS
You are Unyielding, Floating, Hastened, and you have Gauntlets made up of a giant naga’s tooth. It is abrasive to
Evasion 3. These Boons and Evasion don’t have a touch, and can be used to cut.
duration. Effect: Reaction. When you suffer a melee attack, deal d6
visceral damage at the attacker after their attack resolves.
Naga Set (1/4): For 1 Technique: At Beat 20 or more, you
FLOWER CAPE can become a Naga Kawal until the end of the scene.
A cape made of beautiful flowers. The flowers are kept in a While you are a Naga Kawal you have the visage of a
perpetual state of blossoming. humanoid draconic being. All your melee attacks have +1
Effect: All enemies within close burst 2 of you suffer a -1 range and you are considered Flying. You gain fire
penalty to their Resist and Resolve. conditioning and you cannot be forcibly moved.
Flower Set (1/2): If at the end of your turn you dealt no
damage, heal 8 Posture.
A long, short-sleeved coat made up of interlinked naga teeth.
FLOWER BRACERS Effect: Gain +1 square to your Jump.
Bracers twined together with flower petals. The flowers do not Naga Set (1/4): For 1 Technique: At Beat 20 or more, you
die. can become a Naga Kawal until the end of the scene.
Effect: When you deal damage, you can choose to deal While you are a Naga Kawal you have the visage of a
earth damage. If you do, deal 1 skewering earth damage humanoid draconic being. All your melee attacks have +1
to all adjacent enemies. range and you are considered Flying. You gain fire
Flower Set (1/2): If at the end of your turn you dealt no conditioning and you cannot be forcibly moved.
damage, heal 8 Posture.
DEVIL IDOL A helmet made of bone and gold in the shape of a naga’s head.
An Idol upon a gold necklace. Represents a malevolent deity. Effect: You deal +1 damage against all fighters that are
Effect: Gain +1 to your Faith. Marked, even if it’s not by you.
Naga Set (1/4): For 1 Technique: At Beat 20 or more, you
can become a Naga Kawal until the end of the scene.
CRIMSON PUDONG While you are a Naga Kawal you have the visage of a
A large headwrap bathed in deep crimson blood. Represents humanoid draconic being. All your melee attacks have +1
burning courage and bravery. range and you are considered Flying. You gain fire
Effect: Gain +1 to your Bravery. conditioning and you cannot be forcibly moved.


You have ingested a mutya that turned your skin to iron.
Effect: Gain +1 to your Soak.


You have ingested a mutya that has sharpened your violent
intent into a killing spirit.
Effect: All your visceral damage deals +1 damage.


A necklace that depicts the gold sun eye, a burning surya.
Effect: When you inflict a Bane, you can give it +1

A golden helmet made in the shape of a Garoda, the avian You have a bracelet made of gold beads, with the center being
Gods that protect the Jar of Souls in Heaven. an eagle eye. It burns bright when you aim.
Effect: You cannot collide with fighters. You still push Effect: When you end your turn with unspent
them aside. Techniques, your next ranged attack gains +1 Might.
Garoda Set (1/3): You are considered a Garoda Satariya.
You have 1 Charge of Garoda Wings, which you can use at
the start of your turn. If you do, you become Flying 6. EXPLOSION INSCRIPTIONS
You have surat inscribed upon your weapons burning red,
which burn hotter and hotter and eventually explode as the
GARODA WINGSPEAR fight continues.
A golden spear with the wings of the Garoda twining about it. Effect: Whenever you make an area or ranged attack, gain
It sings with a heavenly tune, like one sung by kinnara, and is 1 Explosion Charge. When you reach 3 Explosion Charges,
perfectly weighted. immediately trigger the following effect.
Effect: Your Melee Attacks cannot suffer from Gatling Fulmination: Deal 1d6 fire damage to all
Imprecision. enemies adjacent to you, then lose all Explosion Charges.
Garoda Set (1/3): You are considered a Garoda Satariya.
You have 1 Charge of Garoda Wings, which you can use at
the start of your turn. If you do, you become Flying 6. HATRED AGIMAT
A talisman with the face of a grinning demon. Feared and
hated by all.
GARODA WINGCOAT Effect: All adjacent fighters have Imprecision when
A golden breastplate and coat that covers almost the entire attacking you. However, you suffer +1d6 damage from all
body, but is surprisingly light. Decorated with intricate gold damage outside of your adjacency.
jewelry patterned into the wings of a garoda.
Effect: When you suffer a melee or ranged attack, you can
shift 1 square after the attack. HARDWOOD BREASTPLATE
Garoda Set (1/3): You are considered a Garoda Satariya. A breastplate made of exceptionally hard wood, most probably
You have 1 Charge of Garoda Wings, which you can use at painted.
the start of your turn. If you do, you become Flying 6. Effect: Gain +4 Posture.


Kalasagdako is “Large Shield”. This is a giant kalasag made of A talisman with a magical beast’s tooth, nail, eye, or hair lock
holy strangler fig fibers and wood, strengthened by shaman tied to it.
ritual. Effect: When you use a Technique that requires 3
Effect: At the start of combat, gain Block equal to your Techniques, gain Unyielding and Soak 3 until the end of
Turn Beat. your next turn.
Effect: As 1 Technique, gain Block d6+Bravery.
WICKED PANABAS A bone diadem that stretches down to one’s eyes. Gives one the
A giant, broad-bladed panabas, once used only for ceremony, visage of a wicked sorcerer.
now used for inflicting violence. Moonflowers are inscribed Effect: All bursts, lines, blasts, and walls that you put
upon the base of its blade. down as an Effect have +1 square to their size.
Effect: All your melee attacks have a 1-in-10 chance of
critically hitting. Roll before making your melee attack.
Critical Hit: You no longer roll damage, simply deal WATER BUFFALO SHIELD
maximum damage. A kalasag made of wood and water buffalo hide. Absorbs large
amounts of force.
Effect: When you are pushed, you can resist to ignore the

You wield bracers that are fitted with razor sharp obsidian “Sage’s Robe-Cloak.” Long flowing hooded robes that look
blades. similar to a raincoat or a poncho, decorated with textiles
Effect: Whenever you push a target, deal skewering depicting dragons and skies and seas and leviathans and
damage per 1 square that you push them. devil-apes.
Effect: Interact. 1 adjacent ally can Second Wind for free.
Path of Concordance Set (1/3): The first attack against
STINGRAY SHIELD you in combat deals 0 damage.
Gatusanon would coat their shields with stingray skin, treated
to the point that they almost had a pearloid quality. This dulls
Effect: When suffering a melee attack, you have a 1-in-10 “Wandering Keris.” Other nations might have the pewter staff
chance of blocking the attack outright. You lose this as a symbol of announcing a sage’s presence, but the grand
benefit when you are Unbalanced or when attacked by Concordant Sages of the Sword Isles perform rituals and scare
fighters that flank you. off predatory animals with a galakeris, Wandering Dagger, a
usually sheathed keris decorated with bells and tassels.
Effect: All squares adjacent to you are considered
COPPER CLAWS Difficult Terrain for all enemies.
Fingernail ornaments that create the visage of musang claws. Path of Concordance Set (1/3): The first attack against
Can rend entire ships. you in combat deals 0 damage.
Effect: Whenever you deal damage with a melee attack,
the target has a 2-in-10 chance of becoming Sundered 3.
Copper Cat Demon Set (1/3): You ignore Height when PARUKADUKHA
you move on your turn, and you do not suffer fall damage. “Beggar’s Sandals.” Wooden sandals with a simple abaca fiber
fit over it to keep the foot in place. It is raised on two
rectangular platforms. It is not very notable otherwise. Beggar
COPPER DEMON MASK sandals are what Makinaadmanon wear to travel the lands,
A mask depicting a tusked bearcat, grinning indefinitely, in wandering mendicants, who have nothing to ride on but their
defiance of the sun. feet.
Effect: Interact. The demon mask burns bright with a Effect: You ignore difficult terrain.
sickly copper hue. Whenever you end your turn for the Path of Concordance Set (1/3): The first attack against
rest of combat, you may push all chosen fighters within you in combat deals 0 damage.
close burst 2 of you by 2 squares.
Copper Cat Demon Set (1/3): You ignore Height when
you move on your turn, and you do not suffer fall damage. THIRD EYE GEM
You have a precious stone embedded upon your brow, and it
gleams with a burning fire.
COPPER EAR ORNAMENTS Effect: You have 2 Reactions in combat instead of just 1.
Copper ear ornaments that, instead of depicting the wings of
an eagle, showcase razor sharp feline ears.
Effect: Whenever you are attacked while you’re flanked, HAWK’S TALON BANGLE
gain Hastened 1. A bangle made up of gold and talons of hawks. You can aim
Copper Cat Demon Set (1/3): You ignore Height when down it when you aim with your bow.
you move on your turn, and you do not suffer fall damage. Effect: All your ranged attacks have 2 squares added to
their ranges. (This does not include area sizes).
A burning teardrop of crimson flame. When ingested, fills your INTERLINKED GOLD CHAIN
body with a warm light, and then rouses you to action. You A kamagi, interlinked twelve necklaces braided together into
cannot contain yourself. a long chain that winds about the entire body. Strengthens
Effect: You can now gain up to 5 Might. your will.
Effect: Your Tempo can never be lower than 4, and Effect: Gain +1 Resolve.
neither can your next Turn Beat be quicker than 4 Beats.
A rope made of abaca, with a hook at the end. Used for boats,
but equally useful against warriors.
Effect: For 1 Technique, choose 1 square in burst 2. Shift
yourself to a space adjacent to the square. If there is a
fighter on the square, you can shift them 1 square.

Songs of the
This section focuses on the moves,
principles, agendas, and tools to run a
game of Gubat Banwa successfully. As an
Umalagad, one must remember that you
are one at your core another player as well,
which is why non-Kadungganan
characters are monikered Umalagad
Characters, as they represent characters
that are simply role-played by you, as
opposed to the Kadungganan.
This song is split into four parts: your
Principle, your Convictions, your
Techniques, and your Characters
(including Enemies).

Larger than life and Dramatic. Passions are always at an
UMALAGAD BASICS all time high in Gubat Banwa. Love can rend battlefields,
hatred can break kingdoms, revenge can sunder entire
As a Umalagad, you are a player with a different set of bloodlines. In the putrid lands of bloodshed, your
rules and responsibilities. You... emotions--the scream of your soul--is the only thing
0 ...describe the situation of the Kadungganan. important.
0 ...react to the Kadungganan properly through the use They will not tell tales about your ability to live
of your Harmonies. comfortably: only those brave enough and strong enough
0 ...follow the rules and make rulings. to step into the light of the sun will be remembered even
when the Archipelago succumbs to the violence it has
0 ...create combat scenarios and both run and roleplay wrought.
as the Non-Player Characters (NPCs).
Relationships are the only thing worth fighting for. Your
0 ...follow your Principles in responding to the actions connection to your sword, your love for your settlement,
of the Kadungganan. your pride for your son, your unrequited love for a lover
0 ...prepare and use your preparation. Sometimes you that no longer loves you... these are the things that run
will know things that the Kadungganan don’t know. the lifeblood of a Gubat Banwa game, the reason for all
Use that to your advantage to set up your Techniques the Venturing, the impetus for all the drama, the thing
and to stick close to your Convictions. that frames and gives context to the intense tactical
PRINCIPLES Relationships help fill out and shape the Kadungganan,
“Sing unto us the broken songs of the past, when justice help them give themselves to a cause much larger than
was a myth, for now justice is a lie.” - Surat 100 they are, or to a cause too intensely personal.
Gubat Banwa wears its inspirations and setting on its FACILITATE A GOOD TIME
sleeve: precolonial Philippine fantasy, tactical combat,
war drama, interpolity politicking. When you go to An important part of this is to have a baseline and
running a game in such a setting, it is recommended that foundation with your players as to what a good time or
you go through the summaries of the major setting fun means in the context of your own game. Perhaps they
points. However, it does bear to state the main really like complicated puzzle-combats? Maybe they’re
assumptions of the game here, so as to help you on your really into the setting and want to live through it? Maybe
way. they enjoy the strange politicking of the people? Others
treat the game as a social encounter, and are wont to
War Defines the Characters. Despite the multiplicity of doing other things while other players are taking their
deities that exist in The Sword Isles, War is the only one turn in combat. If that’s the good time you all have set up,
that is truly omnipresent. It hides within the shadows of be sure to keep to it. Let the players have fun.
the trees, in the hooded figure standing next to your
balay, in the Datu that raises his hand to grace his Once you’ve set it up and everyone is on board, play close
settlement. Every move, every word, is in danger of war, to it as much as possible.
in danger of extreme violence, of blood being spilled in STICK TRUE TO THE FICTION
pursuit of freedom or peace or glory or victory.
Fiction, in the context of Gubat Banwa, is whatever is
Inspired by Precolonial Philippine/Southeast Asian Life happening in the game in that moment. Fiction comes
and Society. Tattooed Bisaya sea raiders raiding the with it a set of pre-established norms and expectations:
shores of China. Expensive and rich Tagalog nobles of course a swarm of bees can’t be tripped down! Or
trading with the nobles and merchants from Malacca and maybe your dagger was poised so perfectly, it should kill
from the Datu of the Bisaya region. Bikolano bowmen the hapless, unarmored princess. Stick to whatever
striking from afar with their bamboo longbows. Balyan makes sense in the Fiction, which is usually what
dancing in mad-trances to call upon the ancestors to common sense dictates you. This way, you can be sure to
guide their paths. Wealthy datu lords reigning over their hew close to the collaborative story you’re telling and not
followers and settlements, gathering them up to raid a bog down the game with strange rulings and trying to
settlement that has slighted them. These are just some figure out the lore and physics of a fantasy setting.
things that have happened in Precolonial Philippines that
inspired the totality of Gubat Banwa. TELL A STORY TOGETHER
I wrote the umalagad as a role to hone in the fact that you
This focus on raiding and guerrilla tactics, and probably are also another player. You’re not some grand storyteller
smaller scale warfare is perfect for the tactical combat or narrative controller, you’re a player, a singer, that
focus, and the exaltations of warrior braves in the simply reacts and narrates the consequences of the other
battlefield gives itself perfectly to the warrior hero genre player’s actions. Of course, this would encompass entire
that Gubat Banwa seeks to emulate. states potentially being appalled at something one of the
Kadungganan said during a Feast, all the way to a man
falling in love with something a Kadungganan said a few
years ago. Try to lean into the drama and tragedies of war
when telling the story with your characters.

Gubat Banwa is a game about people filled with WORLD
interpersonal drama and violent melodramatic The base setting of Gubat Banwa is inspired by a non-
interactions. Bastard sons, forgotten lovers, once-best- colonized, 9th Century to 17th Century Philippines. An
friends-turned-sworn-enemies, revenge tales, wives left unsung and widely misunderstood period of our history.
for dead only to return with a vengeance. Use tropes you It was the impetus as to why I made this game in the first
know from melodramatic period dramas, whether they place. Keep it close to your heart to exalt Southeast Asian
be from Southeast Asian sources (Telenobelas), East settings through Gubat Banwa, even if they aren’t
Asian sources (K-Dramas and Anime), or even Western Philippine. Showcase the grandeur and richness of
drama. A Gubat Banwa game without interpersonal war precolonial Datu, the sophistication of social mores and
drama is not a Gubat Banwa game. taboos, the grandness of spiritual paganito seances, the
reverence to natural temples such as giant strangler figs
ADDRESS THE KADUNGGANAN, NOT THE and perfectly shaped mountains, and the intense sea and
PLAYER land raid fighting of the warriors. This is a setting that
This one is easy enough to understand and follow: deserves to be elevated.
address the name of the character that your player is
playing as and not the player directly. This will help them LET THEIR KADUNGGANAN STATUS BE
get into the mindset of their character easier. It’s a subtle KNOWN
but great trick. This plays into the Southeast Asian setting and the World
Moves Without Them principles: as Kadungganan, they
UPHOLD THE TRAGEDIES OF WAR are high in the social hierarchy. The people would defer to
The Sword Isles is a war torn land. Thus, it is up to you to their abilities, as they are literally either born or have
make sure that the Kadungganan see this as true: show earned their right to become the warrior-braves of the
burned down villages, ships that have been wrecked and Archipelago. The common folk will bow at their presence.
plundered, crying men and women fleeing into It is up to the Kadungganan how to react.
settlements as refugees, slave-captives being brought in
by the warriors of a chief. Mothers weeping for the sons Additionally, Kadungganan have a reason for their
they have lost, brothers grieving for the sisters that never prestige. They are warriors that can do mindblowing feats
shall return, buried unjustly into mass graves in the of prowess in the battlefield. Let them do so.
middle of a cliff nowhere. War is not a nice thing, and it LET COMBAT TELL A STORY
will never be. The Kadungganan suffer from it just like the
rest of the world. The structure of combat in this game means that it will
take up a significant chunk of the session’s game time.
EVERY CHARACTER HAS A NAME AND A This means that when combat happens, give it
REASON FOR FIGHTING significance and plot relevance. Try not to do random
Every being that they will encounter, whether it be in encounters: every combat encounter should be for a
tactical violence or narrative play, has a reason why reason: maybe the Datu was blasphemed, or an enemy
they’re fighting for their cause, or for themselves. It may settlement’s assassins ambush the players in their travel
be an ideology, or maybe they do it to pay back a debt, or to show them that a settlement wants them dead, or the
maybe they do it as penance. Whatever it is, each combat players fight for the honor of their comrade.
encounter has a reason. None of them risk their lives for Every instance of tactical violence should be significant:
no reason, even if they be a yawa or undead. Never let attacks are the words, damage is the strength of their
them be a nameless casualty: even the yawa, who have a ideals, their movement across the battlefield is their
reason for being manifested in the first place. The young conviction to fight. Additionally, not every instance of
archer was skilled that you have slain? He was Kaba, and fighting has to be tactical combat: remember that tactical
they were the only family of a young girl in the next combat only triggers when violence is inevitable between
settlement. The barangan sorcerer that you struck down? two or more sides and they’re ready for it. A duel does not
Her name was Humalina, and she was the only one taking have to be tactical combat, it can be a Moon. Punching
care of a settlement that has lost their Datu. someone can be a simple roll.
This is also integral to creating the sense of a living world,
which can be used to great effect for Gubat Banwa
campaigns. While the Kadungganan are out Venturing,
fighting against political enemies, perhaps their allies are
assassinated by a third party who have held a grudge
against them? Maybe as the Kadungganan travel across
the forest, a huge atrocity is performed somewhere else in
the vast jungle, which causes the yawa, the malevolent
spirits of nature, to attack all mortals that they can see?
The world does not revolve around the Kadungganan. It
moves on without them. Think offscreen.

As a Umalagad, you have three main Convictions that you The best thing about Tabletop Role-Playing Games is that
want to fulfill while running a game of Gubat Banwa. you don’t know what will happen at the table. Even if you
have an adventure planned out, or are following a
PORTRAY A FANTASTICAL FEUDAL WORLD scenario or module, that kind of structure can only take
EMBROILED IN WAR you so far. Let the Kadungganan’s actions blossom and
Not just a fantastical world, but a world where Datu rule snowball, push their actions to the logical limit. Have
settlements, fight over manpower and not just land, and whatever structure or idea you had in mind stuck there in
raid those that have slighted them. A world where insults the background, let it happen while the players work, and
are taken personally and can lead to wars, where wives then when you get a golden opportunity in the fiction, use
and husbands are sought for by powerful chiefs. A world it. Then, let the players react. Find out what happens
where malevolent forces of nature--which only appear when they do.
due to the actions of the mortals themselves--arise and Play to find out what happens is one of the best
try to kill the Kadungganan. A dangerous and daring innovations of Tabletop Role-Playing Games: it’s a
world that needs those that are willing to look past principle and mindset that Video Games cannot replicate.
themselves. This need not be a Precolonial Philippine- Lean on it. You don’t have to prep a beginning, middle,
inspired setting either: you can make up a loose feudal and then ending, like you would a novel.
society of Island Kings and Sea Queens on the spot if
you’re inspired enough by the lore of the game. Instead, prep events that showcase more of the world,
characters that have hidden motives and agendas, and
FILL THE KADUNGGANAN’S LIFE WITH WAR ancient spirits and gods that have set in motion plans
AND DRAMA since the end of the Seventh Sun Era. Then, put the
A Kadungganan’s life is always going to be embroiled in Kadungganan within them and play to find out what
interpersonal conflict, relationship melodrama, and happens when you do.
violent combat in a setting such as The Sword Isles, where
states are at war, prides are at stake, and families are at
risk. Play this up for the group. You want players to be
agonizing about an NPC that they’ve grown attached to
but might have to kill, or being intensely protective of a
certain NPC. Even better: if the Kadungganan become
intensely protective of each other. Use their connections,
their old lovers, brothers, fathers against them. As the
Umalagad, you are cruel fate.

As an Umalagad, define your Gentle and Fierce Aspects, …if nothing is done about a sword swung, it lacerates,
what it looks like. Gentle Aspects are beneficent and becoming a fierce tool for violence.
helpful, while Fierce Aspects are forceful and harsh. These
are mostly for narrative strength. As an Umalagad, you Fierce Techniques are immediate consequences of
have two types of Moves: Gentle Techniques and Fierce actions, and Fierce Techniques snowball from Soft Moves,
Techniques. or the actions of the Kadungganan.
USING TECHNIQUES Fierce Techniques should be used when…
Techniques are how you keep the fiction moving forward. 0 The Kadungganan gets dealt a Disastrous Hand.
Always keep it moving, that is the key to a dynamic story. 0 The Kadungganan do something that invites
If you cannot think of the next step, ask the consequence.
Kadungganan, they might have something in mind!
0 The Kadungganan do nothing against a
After every Technique, you must ask the Kadungganan foreshadowed threat.
that burning question: the sword is swung, what must YOUR FIERCE TECHNIQUES:
you do? They must answer this question, always, with
their own abilities, with their own techniques, with their 0 Wound. Take away something important from the
own convictions. You have your own. Kadungganan as a consequence, whether it be
Conviction, an Anting-Anting, maybe even a
A sword swung is gentle… 0 Complicate. A Complication or Debt arrives to shake
the scene.
Gentle Techniques move the story forward: it lets you say
that something without immediate or irrevocable 0 Accusation. Accuse the target of an honor-
consequences happens in the narrative. Gentle shattering deed, earning the ire of others.
Techniques should be used when either… 0 Reveal. Force one of the Kadungganan or one of the
NPCs to reveal something they don’t want to.
0 You get to complicate things
0 Shift. Change the environment, whether it be
0 The Kadungganan look to you to find out what climate or mood.
happens next
0 Heaven Moves Without You. Showcase something
0 You find a golden opportunity. that happens away from the Kadungganan, which
YOUR GENTLE TECHNIQUES ARE: they usually canot do anything about.
0 Threaten the Kadungganan with either violence or
0 Show something awe inspiring.
0 Let the spirits play and dance.
0 Place the Kadungganan into a high stakes situation.
0 Separate the Kadungganan.
0 Spotlight one of the Kadungganan.
0 Exploit weaknesses or complications.
0 The environment threatens to shift.
0 Give the Kadungganan an opportunity to showcase
their strength and skill.
0 Introduce a new aspect to the current scene that
might change how they view it.

Don’t stress out too much during the first session, and
RUNNING THE GAME try not to plan everything ahead. Only after you did the
first session, set boundaries and expectations, and get a
Running the game as a Umalagad can be a daunting task. feel for the group, should you start actually preparing a
Fear not, however, and rely on your players to work with bit more.
you. You don’t have to put up a veneer of “planned this
all along!” Remember, you are just as much a player as WHAT TO PREP?
the Kadungganan.
When you do get time to prep, don’t sweat it either.
To help you in setting up and running the game however, Don’t try to make a grand narrative or a huge story with
here are some pointers. plot beats and proper pacing and ups and downs and a
three-act structure--you’re playing a game here, not
PREP writing a novel! Instead, when prepping, take into
account the world that you’re running in. What cool
SAFETY things you want the players to eventually be able to do.
Once you have all the players on board with the premise What the NPCs are doing and what they’re planning on
of Gubat Banwa: “A tactical combat and war drama doing. Always think offscreen, that’s the secret to
Tabletop Roleplaying Game of warrior-braves surviving making a world feel alive.
in a war torn land inspired by Precolonial Philippines”, One of my favorite tricks to know how to prep (as you
the next thing you should consider is the players’ safety. shouldn’t be prepping for every situation, but rather, for
At the very least, use Lines and Veils, the X Card, and the what the Kadungganan expect and/or want to see) is
Oks Sign for most of the things in Gubat Banwa. Gubat that you ask the Players the question: “What do you
Banwa can be prone to much violence, which can include want to see in the game?” This is usually asked during
horrific war crimes and mutilation. Read up on the the first session, part of the establishing of expectations
following safety tools below: for the game. Have them fill up a list of around one to
X-Card is the easiest to implement. Simply put a card or three things. Tell them that it’s all right to send them
paper with an X on it and put it where everyone can over a private message and it doesn’t have to be during
reach it. If a scene is uncomfortable, touch the X card to the first session.
change the scene by either skipping it or changing it. In The trick, of course, is to give them what they want. So
online games, you can simply chat the X sign or make it you prep around those things. Three is a good number,
with your hands. It was developed by John Stavropoulos: since with the expected number of players for Gubat Banwa, that can mean anywhere from 12 to 15 things that
Lines and Veils: Lines are hard boundaries that exclude you can pepper in your sessions. And remember: you, the
specific content from the game, no questions asked. This Umalagad, are a player too. You get to answer these as
could include anything, but common lines are children well.
being harmed, rape or sexual violence, or racial Another trick that is connected to the above is more
discrimination. Veils are softer limits where the player is related to your immediate prep. Whenever you’re
ok with it being included in the game but it isn’t prepping, ask your players through a message or
explicitly described. Things that are specified as veils whatnot: “What does your Kadungganan plan to do next
will be hand-waved without going into detail or happen session?” Any answer is fine, as you can fit the next
off-screen, like the fade-to-black sex scenes in a PG session’s prep around that.
movie. Consider writing this down on an anonymous
list. With that known and done, you can read up on the lore
of Gubat Banwa or play around with the mechanics,
The Oks Sign is a simple sign with the “OK” hand sign, make NPCs, plan events that will happen in the world, or
which all the players can use when wanting to do prepare an event line that will eventually end in
something or attempt something during a scene. If all something the players want to see.
the players reply with an OK, that’s a sign that the scene
can be pushed further.
The first session, which might also be what others call a
Session Zero, is probably the session where you help
guide the players through creating their own
Kadungganan. While reading the entire book isn’t a
prerequisite for this, it will help, and at least have a firm
grasp of the core rules, the difference between drama
mode and tactical violence, and the flow of drama into
combat into drama and consequence.
During the first session, set the base expectations for the
game. This is important: some Gubat Banwa games can
focus on exploration, others can be hardened war period
games, and even others can be romance period drama
with some intense action scenes in between. It is
important to set this down, perhaps consolidate it into a
single sentence.

WHEN PREPARING, MAKE SURE NPCs they would care about: young idealistic boys and
TO... girls who want to change the world, beaten old men that
have a soft spot for flowers, strong women that rule their
...keep track of the world. Know what’s going on, and use own settlements. Make the world receptive to them, let
that to your advantage. Have the world constantly be them talk about the world.
moving, use things that might happen whenever your
players don’t expect it: prep for random events such as Now this advice won’t work for everybody, I’m sure, and
landslides or demon gorilla attacks, not necessarily I don’t even think a lot of people that will be getting this
combat encounters. game will be even reading this section (since the main
draw of this game is probably either the setting and/or
...make NPCs, not just Foes. Make them interesting, give the tactical Fantasy combat), but I’ll be laying down the
them a single personality trait and a single quirk if you things that I’ve been doing that I hope will be able to
expect them to last longer than usual. Give them a steer people that want to run War Drama in Fantasy
unique thing that lets them stand out from the rest: this Precolonial Philippines in the right direction.
can be a physical tell such as weird hair, or even an
important relationship, such as them being the brother IMPROVISING
of the Datu the Kadungganan serve. Perhaps one of the most difficult skills to accomplish.
How do you improvise successfully? Essentially, what I
...listen to your players, and form your prep around do is I lean into my prep or what I already know. If you
them. If your players aren’t planning on going into a have things prepped up and you’re stuck in a strange
deep dark cave next session, don’t prepare a cave spot in the game where the players have reacted and you
exploration map! Instead, if they want to go to the don’t know what to do next, drive them forward. Speed
wedding feast, prepare NPCs for that wedding feast, them on in the world. Let the world move on without
strange encounters that might happen, and maybe even them. Introduce danger. Lean on what you know about
a twist! Get the players jogging, get them reacting: that’s the world: you’ve established that a rogue Kadungganan
your job. is hunting after them. When there’s a lull in the game
...take a break. Sometimes, you don’t even have to prep! and you’re not sure what to do next, let the
The players will ride out the game with you, and you can Kadungganan appear.
hand them some of the responsibility of creating Some good improvisational tools are:
interesting NPCs! Ask them sometimes what weird
interesting thing an NPC has, or a secret that they 0 A list of character names.
harbor. You are a player too, so remember to have fun. 0 A list of what the most relevant NPCs are doing at
the moment.
THE GAME 0 A list of what kind of Foes can be encountered in the
Due to the general prevailing culture right now, there is immediate vicinity.
an expectation that you, the one playing as the NPCs and
adjucating the rules of the game, are supposed to know 0 A list of all the ongoing threats in the campaign.
the game inside and out, and also know how to entice 0 A list of quick combat encounters!
your players into a wild and crazy fantasy world!
The truth about that is that this expectation sets you up
for failure, because even the most veteran Game Masters
will know that you simply can’t learn a game through
and through especially when a game is different when
played at your table, and because it is as much as the
responsibility of the Players to be invested into the
fantasy that I’m sure you’re trying your best to invoke. I
know many Game Masters that have been running for
years and are really really good at what they do don’t
even prep! They rely on their collected media knowledge,
weird trivia, and obsession in invoking a feel or
obsession for good game mechanics.
They don’t try to “run” a game. They play it, just like the
What I’m trying to do is rid yourself of those
expectations. Try to play the game, enjoy it. Make NPCs
that you’re inspired to make, entice your players to get
invested in them, get them invested by making them

Keep descriptions to 1 to 2 sentences long, leaving long Alternatively titled, after the game.
and overwrought descriptions to really grandiose
setpieces (or you know, just use a picture). State one or The first thing that I usually say is: “I hope you guys
two important details, and then end it. If the players enjoyed the game!” I don’t ask my players if they liked it,
want to know more, then you give them more. You don’t since that usually puts the players on the spot. I just state
want to drabble on for too long. You want to get a scene that, and then usually go around and message my
into the player’s heads using their senses and their players if they did have a good time or not. That’s pretty
presumptions and then snap back to the question: What important.
do you do? ENDING THE GAME
DON’T GET HUNG UP ON RULES As someone who’s written serials before, what you want
Gubat Banwa’s system usually works, but there are some as much as possible is a cliffhanger for a campaign. Now
areas where the rules don’t cover. This is because Gubat a cliffhanger doesn’t exactly have to be a cool gotcha
Banwa is for running tactical combat and period dramas, moment, like an evil guy coming to their village or a
and not much for anything else. Building up strongholds mountain collapsing under them. Sometimes a good
and learning how to weave is not fully encompassed in cliffhanger is reminding the players that there are still
the core rules, and that’s intended. For the most part, some loose threads unsolved even after you’ve finished a
leave these things to fiction: let them happen if the particular narrative arc or story beat. That will definitely
players want them. The game is not a simulation of the help keep the players on their toes, thinking about the
world, but a way for players to engage with it in a fun and next session.
quick way. Now if it’s going to be a kind of “season ender” or if the
FOLLOW YOUR PRINCIPLES AND AGENDA session you’re currently having is setting up for a big
payoff, it would be a good idea then not to have a
Principles are some of the most important parts of cliffhanger (although loose threads still work fine). Let
running Gubat Banwa. As long as you’re sticking close to the players relish at the end of a payoff. Let them
the game’s principles, you’re running it right, even if it breathe. Breathing is the most important part of a game:
isn’t even in the same setting anymore! Name your NPCs, it lets them reflect back on the game, how much fun
give them motivations, uphold the tragedy of war. they’ve had, all the memorable NPCs and events that
COMMUNICATE happened, and how long they had gotten. Keep those in
mind, and you’ll be fine.
Many things can be fixed with proper communication
(obviously not all things, but it usually helps!) If you REST
made a bad rules call, or an encounter dragged on for too I highly recommend not jumping into prep right after
long, or if you missed obvious signs in play, be sure to the game. Resting after a game is integral: roleplaying as
talk about it with the other players. You’re not perfect, different NPCs, facilitating combat, and being the one to
and none of the players expect you to be either. dole out the rules and follow them is a heavy, heavy task.
During the game, you still want to be on the same page One that is usually rewarding (and some people really do
as your players, as much as possible. Be sure to remind love running games!) But one that can take a toll on you
people of what the theme and mood of your campaign is, mentally. Have a good break, maybe eat some food with
so that your players can be sure to play up to it. Lead by your friends, talk about your favorite thing that
example! Make melodramatic characters, have your happened during the game, compliment each other,
characters cry when their brother dies! Have sad K- have a blast.
Drama music playing while a beloved NPC is slaughtered
by the Kadungganan Warlord of an enemy Datu!
When saying Yes in response to a player’s query, you play
into what your players give you, letting them get
invested into the game and having them be more excited
with what you do. This relies heavily on being on the
same page as well: obviously a European castle might
not exist here in The Sword Isles, but stone idjang
citadels do! So when they say “Is that a castle?” when
you describe something in the distance, you can respond
with “Yes, a kind of castle!”
Additionally, one of the most powerful questions you
can ask is “What do you do?” This is the crux of
roleplaying, and what you want to do whenever you
speak is to have everything you say eventually lead up to
that question.

When talking about Encounters in Gubat Banwa, these are not strictly tactical combat scenarios. Instead, they might be
interesting happenings that challenge the players and exhaust some of their resources.

When speaking of resources in Gubat Banwa, that will usually be the following: Conviction, Debt, Barter, Posture, Items,

Exhausting Debt can mean them having to gain more debt to someone, or become indebted to someone, which will have
repercussions down the line.

When designing non-combat encounters, keep in mind their debt and what the players want from the game. If they want
more drama, give them more drama: a dead brother, a politicking noble catches up to them, etc. Make sure that the
encounter makes sense in the fiction: that is, if the raid or current situation is in a burning village in the fields of Rusunuga,
it wouldn’t make sense for them to run into a rich mercantile noble from Virbanwa that never leaves his palanquin.

Here are some interesting non-combat encounters. Roll a d8:

1 – A Wounded Person. You find a wounded person, probably not even wounded by you during the Raid. What do you do?

2 – A Crying Child. You find a crying child, looking for their parents amidst the flames. What do you do?

3 – Abundant Wealth. You find a house or hidden away part of land where heirloom wealth has been hidden away. It will
bring you great wealth, but carrying it will hamper you when you Catch Your Breath.

4 – Puzzle. Somehow, maybe diwata work, sorcerers’ work, or ingenious planning by blacksmiths, but there is a puzzle
during the raid that forces players to confront it non-violently.

5 – Important Folk. They come across an important character. Maybe someone tied to the place the players are Raiding,
maybe someone wandering by and has a stake in the players’ destiny.

6 – Debt. One of the players’ debt has arrived to collect what is rightfully theirs.

7 – Willing Captive. A person runs into your arms, asking you to take them into your barge or wing. They will always have
something they can do. If you have a Following, they join your Following.

8 – Haunting. You encounter a spiritual or magical—or metaspiritual?—haunting. Maybe a god speaks with you, or the
ancestors congratulate you, or demons block your path, asking for salt or some other inane thing? Whatever it is, you must
deal with it.

14. A datu requests your help in traveling up a
GENERATORS mountain in Rusunuga to raid a city upon a hill,
which killed their child. This revenge raid will need
ADVENTURE SEEDS the players to travel upriver deeper into Rusunuga,
the largest of the islands.
1. A datu seeks your help in raiding the shores of Baik
Hu to win the heart of the princess Humangsanun of 15. A young lady, perhaps the wife of a Datu, seeks your
the settlement Ukab. help in undergoing a spiritual pilgrimage to a
Dakbalete, a Strangler Fig Temple-Tree. This is so
2. A Daknunuk, a great and giant pagoda temple-tree, that the child in her womb can be blessed. They will
of which there are four all in all in the entire later find out that the woman is not pregnant at all.
Archipelago seemingly protecting the spiritual
integrity of the Archipelago, is being attacked by 16. A yawa outbreak has happened somewhere near the
either foreign forces or by another faction. current location of the Kadungganan. They must
seek out the cause, usually some sort of human sin
3. A Lakanate settlement is harvesting resources from or atrocity.
a forest. The Datu of the settlement is preparing to
slay the diwata of the forest to be able to harvest as 17. A settlement has called for a raid on another
much resources as possible. settlement, and both settlement call to the player
Kadungganan for help. It is up to the Kadungganan
4. A stone taotao filled wherein a diwata of war is whom they will serve or protect.
depicted is being hunted down by those that would
use it to destroy one of their enemies, disrupting 18. Your Datu asks you to go to a foreign island or land,
natural harmony. whether it be Baik Hu or Naksuwarga or the Madaki
Peninsula, to establish trade so that the settlement
5. An elder Kadanay, one of the ancient peoples that can grow richer. (Feel free to pull from other
are skilled in grand wonders of spiritual artifice and modules and adventures for this.)
technology, has come to your settlement for aid
against a coming storm of Yawa, brought upon by 19. A Rajahnate princess is abducted by a Kadungganan
an injustice performed at sea. who seeks to sow discord against the Rajahnate, to
destabilize the current Rajah, Batara Ambasi, and
6. The settlement you are in is struck by magalo, usurp the throne, replacing it with a lordship of
strange and chaotic fey creatures from beyond the peasant, wherein those that work will be the ones
Borders of the World, that seek to destroy Gubat ruling over those that don't.
Banwa as we know it. You must fight them back and
find a way to prevent it from happening again. 20. An elder Confederation settlement where sea
snakes are worn like bracelets and giant crab shells
7. A confederation Datu has been killed by a diwata are worn like breastplates seeks help retrieving a
gone wild. You must find out why. lost cache of Issohappan purawdust, which has
8. In the Archipelago, mountains are considered to be adverse affects on nature around it.
holy temples where gods and other spirits live. One 21. A rumored ancient balete temple tree has been
certain mountain has been found to have their trees invaded by a sole Pale King conquistador. Rumors
slowly dying, and you must go to find out what had say that the conquistador feasts on unnatural
happened. purawdust, and is no longer a living person, but one
9. You must escort an esteemed noble lady on her death cannot claim.
pilgrimage across the Sea to reach the Daknunuk of 22. An old Baikhan detachment is anchored on the
Mount Sakatun, in the eastern island facing the Sea shores of a sea settlement, planning on claiming
of Broken Dragons. Rajahnate and Lakanate forces that settlement as part of Baik Hu’s hegemony.
have come begun conflict.
23. A Baikhan warlord has arrived in the shores of a
10. A Sultanate Datu conscripts your help in raiding a Rajahnate settlement in full armor, and has
Lakanate settlement, to disrupt trade or military announced that it the Baikhan Invasion begins
technology. there. That island becomes the first wall against
11. A Lakanate Datu conscripts your help in raiding a Baik Hu invasion.
Sultanate settlement to weaken their enlarging 24. A polity in a far off island filled with a settlement
hold. populated by elephants that worship the moon
12. A Rajahnate Merchant Prince Datu asks for your goddess Baginda Sumongsuklay. They re being
help in pacifying a Sultanate and a Lakanate hunted down by the Sultanate for their gold and
settlement that is proving to be a nuisance for trade hide.
routes with foreign countries. 25. On the base of the great mountain Darungdungan, a
13. A Datu asks you to be his vassals and retainers and small village of smallfolk live, nature imps and
bring a message to an upcoming feast in his stead. sprites that are enchanted beings. They worship
The message is a dangerous one written in palm leaf Harisabokid, the King of Darungdungan, and they
manuscript and cannot be opened. It is a statement now ask for help, as they presume Harisabokid is
of intention of raiding for blaspheming the former dead, and one of the twelve major polities killed
Datu's name. him.

26. A dakbalayligo sa diwata, the spirit bathhouse, has 37. Sea ghosts lure boats out to sea and they are
arrived, and the Kadungganan are sucked into them. consumed by the giant sea spider god that lives
They must find a way back, lest the dakbalay sa underneath a giant stone, flat and smooth. Upon it
liguan disappear on the next new moon into the are spider folk that worship the mountain
depths of Sulad. underneath the stone. Seek them out and find out
why they lure poor unsuspecting travelers out to
27. There is an outbreak of yawa somewhere near a holy sea.
site. Diwata war with the yawa there. Neither of
them are at fault, rumors say. 38. There is an island of ill omen, Mantiwan, the Island
of Apparitions and Specters. White shades walk
28. A Lakanate contingent of blasphemous upon its shores, upon its accursed mountain, but
Kadungganan have appeared in the Confederation whenever someone gets too close, their boats are
settlement known as Latika, which is known for its destroyed, or they begin to see hordes and hordes of
great resources in manpower and being stationed pale specters watching them from afar, with eyes of
upon the mountain of Namigawal, a holy mountain. the gods. There is a settlement here, they say, that
They have arrived to stew political unrest and to belongs to the Kadanay. All datu avoid it, for it is
force a war with a Lakanate settlement for means indeed an island of ill luck.
currently unknown.
39. Eight shrines to eight powerful balete trees, each
29. 12 Bishops from the Lakanate Clergy have begun to one filled with resonance to the spirit word, have
move their personal Kadungganan ranks, with one begun to call upon for the Shrine Ritual, seeking
of them coming directly for your own personal Kadungganan and balyan far and wide to perform
settlement. Rumors and whispers of “The 12 Riders the rites and tasks. A new god arises from the depths
of the Stars” abound. or screeches from the skies, ascending to seize and
30. War broils, it has ever been. A young and peaceful devour the sun and moon.
settlement, who have done nothing but enjoy their 40. A small settlement in a quaint river valley needs you
life beside hot springs and follow the Mouse Deer to help collecting coconuts in a far off plantation, or
God Pilandok deep into the island of Baliga, is under to kill a raging monster.
the threat of attack by a Sultanate force.
31. Ten Datu have arrived from the far north, bringing
with them the goal to colonize the island of Tan’ai.
There is resistance from the native datu. You must
choose a side.
32. A young servant comes to you, low and meek,
hoping for your help in seeking out their father, who
was lost in a recent raid to a far western island of
Saffuri. Things are more than they seem, of course.
33. You are invited to be retainers to a noble who must
go to a feast packed with high ranking nobles. You
are expected to act as a fluffer for the noble, and
navigate a complex web of politics to get out of the
feast alive.
34. A distant island that disappears in the horizon.
When it comes closer, it is obvious that this is not an
island, but rather, a giant floating crab with a shell
so large that an entire coral ecosystem has
developed on its back. There is a settlement of
siyokoy, fish men, that live on the back.
35. A horde of magalo, those strange and inscrutable
beings from past the borders of the world, have
infiltrated settlements at the edge of the
archipelago. They walk among you like any other
creature, but wield terrible powers and earn the ire
of any natural spirit within their vicinity.
36. A powerful city state, large and encompassing two
islands in its size, is seized by the political enemy of
the current Datu, out for the head of its life. In the
midst of the turmoil and excitement, the Datu is
killed during a feast showcasing their bahandi
heirloom wealth in a parade. The last surviving
members of the Datu’s kawal, or personal guard,
approach the Kadungganan for help.

TAWO ACROSS THE ISLES 9. Agay. A strong headed woman with a competitive
streak and a skilled blacksmith. In battle, she brings
1. Here is a short list of potential characters and a war palo, and bashes heads in as good as she
personalities that the Kadungganan might meet smites the heated rods. She has a penchant for
during their travels. Choose one. After choosing, go pretty women, and can get distracted by them.
ahead and roll on the Convictions Table in the
Character Creation section to make them more 10. Kasandra. A bayani of the Lakanate. Fervent in her
believable, synthesize their motives and convictions dedication to her Datu, Datu Luksin, she fights clad
with their origins. in her silk cloak and heavy elephant hide armor. Her
skill with the sibat is unparalleled, and she wears
2. Dimatablan. A powerful woman who wears nothing her bayani upbringing with pride. Her long straight
but her bahag and strength, and an agimat that lets hair betrays her attention to discipline, and her
bullets ricochet from her. She likes mamun and ability to name all her spear techniques reveals her
sweetened gabi (root crop), and dislikes Baikhan meticulousness when it comes to her training.
tea. Despite this, her loyalty to her skill in combat has
3. Pumapagwis. A smart kid noble kid who wears the left a hole in her social ability, especially with those
trappings of royalty. While he is blind, he sees of the lower social classes, who do not follow the
through his superior hearing, allowing him to scope same Golden Web Tapestry social protocol that
out the battlefield even before a war breaks out. He nobles tread.
is known as the Eyeless Warsage, and is known to 11. Puksawan Yumi. A timawa of Datu Kalaw, a royal
enjoy very trivial luxuries, such as honey tea and vassal and retainer. He is known as the Flower
sugar cakes. Moon, as his beauty exceeds even those of the most
4. Dapiot. A kalabaw kshatriya who wields a kampilan beautiful women dayang. It is said that Datu Kalaw
and a kalasag. She fights fiercely for her Datu, and is has a romantic relationship with him.
in love with the Datu's binukot. She enjoys the 12. Harakay. A wind diwata who is known to transform
sound of the nose flute, and is known to be into a binturong-crocodile, or a dragon. He is a
particularly good in song and melody, but not in zealous Sentinel of his domain, and will take it
poetry. She likes long walks by the shore but dislikes personally if someone blasphemes his name or
the morning. those within his domain. He is likely to be found
5. Kubera sa Bulalakaw. The eternal 12 year old girl near the base of mountains, where the wind howls
who was blessed by the Langitnon and turned into through caves. In his human form, he is a beautiful
a Diwata of Comets. She is well versed in combat young man, who can be taken for a woman, until he
and is known for having fire feet that lets her fly. She shows his true form. He fights with quick spirit
holds the trinity of Ancient Comet Weapons: Lontok prayers and leaf blades.
the Earth Pestle, Wariwari the Sea Spear, and 13. Biyento Rekno. One of the princes of the Batara
Inikara the Sword Streaking Across the Day Sky. Lakan, the king of the Lakanate. He is a man
6. Masirum. A pandita monk found in ancient tombs, seemingly hellbent on his job, on acquiring what he
guarding a horrible secret: a gate to the deepest needs. He is heavily armored and garbed, in regal
parts of Sulad, where legions of the Earthbound Baikhan silvers and native gold. He's doing this so
Aswang are kept. He, an aswang himself: a that he can convince his father to let him go on a
Gabunan, an elder aswang. The tomb is the tomb of trading mission to Baik Hu, wherein his beloved
the ancient Hexer-Datu Buyung Parangkuton, and it lives in the capital of Baik Hu, Zhong Ku.
is packed with ancient artifacts. 14. Nia Hibii. A balyan that wears armor and goes on
7. Maningning. A young adolescent girl who is also ventures with her Datu in an attempt to speak to as
Daitan, her daitan friend being a powerful spirit many spirits as she can. Nia loves collecting little
named Kaimito. She is mostly shy and awkward, items as well, and she always carries a rattan bag
even if she wants to make friends, and she is further with her. Her balay back in her home settlement of
ostracized due to her being a daitan. Kaimito Bakim is filled with items that she has collected
constantly eggs her on and encourages her to make from her travels. She is protective of her datu, and
more friends. As a daitan, even without formal loves nature far more than she can care for, even
balyan training, she can converse with the spirits moreso than her datu. She loves calamansi juice and
and has made a penchant for solving problems with fragrant flowers, and hates the tea from Baik Hu and
ghosts and diwata alike. porcelain jars.
8. Amedi. A young and plucky thief who is faster than 15. Simamari. A pandita who always carries around
her own shadow. In truth she is aswang, which palm leaf manuscripts and bamboo scrolls. These he
shows when one looks at her shadow, which reveals writes upon, taking stock of all the new things that
that she has a set of invisible horns. Whenever she he sees. He chronicles them back home, writing
shapeshifts into a cat or into her asuwang them upon imperishable copperplate inscriptions.
monstrous form, she turns into a feline horned He does this to expand the knowledge of the
creature. She has a penchant for shiny things, and Sultanate. He loves writing and songs, but hates
loves stealing from nobles and other rich creatures. sweet food.
She strives one day to steal the crown from Baik Hu's 16. Datu Ragyan Amamira. A fun-loving and
August Jade Emperor one day, but she's content courageous Datu, who has a penchant for being
with just stealing the ruby eye of Yarashgara XII. She deceitful to accomplish his goals, but only his goals.
likes noodles and rice cakes, while she hates plain He stays true with everything else. This does not
white rice and the gluttonously rich. help him, however. He fights with a bladed yo-yo,

and he strikes with a quick blade. Many call him the SETTLEMENTS
Monkey Lord, for his fighting style and trickery. His
settlement still loves him of course, and the Datu is Follow the steps bellow to create a Settlement. Simply
committed to making sure his settlement is rich and determine its Size and Location. Each settlement is
well protected, against even the Batara Lakan and expected to have the balay of the Datu and a place of
the Mahapari himself. He loves spicy food and ritual importance, whether that be a temple, a spirit
women, but hates men also. house, or a tree.
17. Parawali Kusa Paladha. A no nonsense parawali who SIZE
fights with a hardwood staff. He always wears a 1. Haop - The village of a single Datu, and the
shawl and long-sleeved baro, keeping almost his households (usually around thirty to a hundred)
entire body save for his head unexposed. His face is that follow the Datu. Has 1-2 Points of Interest.
almost always in a constant frown, but he cares for
his settlement and is willing to consort with Yawa to 2. Bongto - A village that is the collection of a few
do this. Kusa is devoted to his settlement to a fault. haop, of two or more Datu working together. This
He loves warrior epics and learning new things, and can grow up to 300 or more families for a single
he hates having to sing and perform poetry in front village, the size of a town. 3 Points of Interest.
of an audience. 3. Banwa - A collection of villages, the size of a small
18. Dimatablang Dayang Kalis. A powerful noble lady city, with five to ten Datu living together and
that has now escaped and is traveling the isles in working together. Usually found by river mouths
search for adventure and violence. She is well and shores, where trade can sustain the population.
adjusted to war, and chooses not to kill if she can Has 4-5 Points of Interest.
help it. Her chosen weapon is a giant kris the length 4. Dakbanwa - A collection of two to three Banwa.
of her body, which she has called Kilat, the lightning Dakbanwa means “large banwa”. Not many banwa
bolt. She loves eating but hates seafood. can reach this level, due to lack of population
density in The Sword Isles, but it still exists, usually
cultivated by foreign trade. Usually has 7 to 8 Points
of Interest.
1. Mountain
2. River Valley
3. River Banks
4. Shore

Umalagad Characters ENEMIES
When you create Umalagad Characters, keep in mind When you create an Umalagad character that is fated, by
that they are people all on their own. At most, when song and blood, to face off with the Kadungganan, they
creating an Umalagad Character, follow the following can be considered an Enemy. Since combat is so
steps: prevalent in The Sword Isles, these Enemies most likely
must be statted out to be able to stand toe-to-toe with
1. Firstly, Give them a Name. This is important, as the prestige-braves known as the Kadungganan.
names are how we humanize and understand things.
2. Secondly, give them a Face. Describe how they look DESIGN BASICS
like in 1-3 adjectives, something that the Kadungganan Enemies perform the same Turns as Kadungganan, with
can latch on to: small, angular features, long hair, the difference that they cannot burn Conviction (save for
flowery tattoos, crimson nails, one-eyed, missing an Braves and Chiefs) nor can they Second Wind.
appendage, lanky, stout, barrel-like, etc.
3. Then, give them a Persona. This is how they might BUILDING BATTLES
present themselves at first. You can even use the Building Battles is as follows: put the Kadungganan into
Kadungganan Natures to create a persona for an 10x10x10 to 20x20x20 map, and place a number of
themselves, but you can very easily make this more enemies equal to the Kadungganan.
complex for more important Umalagad characters,
especially those that are meant to last longer than To create harder battles, prepare two times the amount
others. As much as possible, keep it to a short phrase, or of enemies than the Kadungganan, but do not put them
just a word. Example personas are: Proud, Haughty, all at the same time. There must never be more enemies
Boisterous, Jovial, Quick-Tempered, Sly, Stoic, Hateful in the map than there are Kadungganan + 1.

4. Finally, make them relatable to Kadungganan by These enemies are put in in waves. When the current
giving them their own Principle, Want, and Sentinel. number of enemies are brought down to half, introduce
This is usually reserved for more important Umalagad the next wave, bringing in a number of enemies that
Characters that last longer than a short encounter or bring the total back up to equal the Kadungganan.
scene, but can help Kadungganan understand that As much as possible, do not have more than three waves
Umalagad Character better. of enemies. A common tactic to make climactic battles
Once done, you do not have to do much more. See what just that, climactic, is to place a final “boss” or powerful
kind of person they will become through play! Accept enemy at the last wave. If they are a Chief, that means
any “headcanons” your Kadungganan players will they can only come in after all the enemies have been
impose upon the characters, or twist it into more defeated.
dramatic or effective versions. Warriors also generally have Expert, and Master
versions. These are more powerful versions of them,
more skilled martial artists that can stand toe to toe with
stronger Kadungganan. Expert and Master versions
don’t have higher numbers, but rather, more devastating
and impactful innates and techniques. Throw Expert
Warriors at the Kadungganan if standard warriors get
too easy: this usually happens around the time they have
accrued 5-7 Techniques. Use Master Warriors (together
with standard warriors to showcase weaker Warriors)
when the Kadungganan know at least around 10-14

Maps are an important aspect of fights in Gubat Banwa. Enemies have a number of rules that are unique to them.
To get it right, answer the following checklist. If you have
at least 3 checked, then you have a map that is aligned RECHARGE X
with the design expected of Gubat Banwa. Of course, as When you use a technique with recharge, you cannot use
the Umalagad gets a better grasp of how their it again until you recharge it. Whenever a fighter ends
Kadungganan work (as an Epic progressess) they can their turn and they have used Techniques that have
become a lot more flexible with Map Creation to really recharge, roll a d6 and then check the result. If the result
tailor fit it to their characters. The list below is simply to is equal or higher than any X in a Recharge X technique,
create a foundation and shared expectation when it that enemy can use that technique again.
comes to fights, and also to take a bit of mental load off of
Umalagad. X USES
0 The map is no less than 12x12x12 and no more than As with Kadungganan techniques, some enemy
32x32x32. A good midground is 16x16x16. A fun fact techniques have X Uses. X being a number, and
is that all Final Fantasy Tactics fights take place on represents the number of times they can use that
a 16x16 map! technique for the battle.
0 There are at least 3 different Field Traits.
0 Height differences range from 1 to 5.
0 There are at least 3 different Terrain types (Difficult,
Hindering, Blocking, Water, Burning, etc.).
0 The Environment is not Clear.
0 There is something that changes an important part
of the map (ie. a river or something that removes

In general, you can simply use the Specialization as it is
There are five Enemy Classes, which correspond to the written. It is balanced to work with its own traits. However, if
five Styles: Sentinel, Raider, Blaster, Control and you eventually want to mix and match Enemies and make
Support. your own Builds, do the following:
Each Class has two Passives that all Specializations
underneath them have. Then each Specialization has 1. Choose a Class. This will determine their statistics.
up to three Traits and Techniques that they can have.
2. Set Arc. Choose what Arc the enemy is. This will determine
Traits are generally passive abilities. Techniques are how many Passives and Techniques they can equip. Origin
active things that the warrior can use in the battlefield. Templates don’t add to the Passive/Technique limit. Origin
In the following pages is a list of Specializations: 5 for Classes can also ignore this limit.
each Class.
1. Arc 1: 2 Passives and 2 Techniques.
RANK PASSIVES 2. Arc 2: 3 Passives and 3 Techniques.
Assign Ranks upon enemies as needed. There are two
main Ranks: Fodder and Brave. 3. Arc 3: 4 Passives and 4 Techniques.
Fodder. Fodder Enemies are easy to dispatch enemies 3. Choose Passives. These Passives can be from any
that can be used to fill up a map or use them for Specialization within the Class.
summons. Fodders have 1 Posture. Fodders are worth
1/5 of a standard Enemy, and all Fodders of the same 4. Choose Techniques. These Techniques can be from any
Class share a Turn Beat. Specialization within the Class.
Brave. Brave Enemies are powerful Enemies that can
handle their own, and wield more powerful techniques. 5. If you want to take Passives and Techniques from
Braves have x2 Posture, -1 Tempo, and have access to outside the Class, they must do so at Arc 2 and above.
Passives and Techniques from the next Arc (Arc 1 Braves
can use Arc 2 Passives and Techs). Braves are worth 2
Standard Enemies.

At Arc 2 or above, to keep the fighters equally powerful
as the kadungganan, you can choose to do the
Arc 2: Give an enemy 1 Passive and 1 Technique from
another Specialization in their Class.
Arc 3: Give an enemy 2 Passives and 2 Techniques from
another Specialization in their Class.

Raider classes deal damage and move quickly, and very commonly play with
the Rhythm of the fight, as well as the conventions of movement across the
Map. They all have the following statistics:


Unbound Lightning. Raiders do Posture 40 Tempo 4
not spend 2 Speed to move Bravery 4 Faith 3
diagonally. Resist 5 Resolve 5
Killing Move. Raiders have +1 Speed 5 Jump 4
Might when making a melee
attack against a Staggered

Assassin Fist
Extremely close quarters warriors that are super fast and Powerful front line pugilists who can slow down
have phases where they cannot be hit at all. Used to get enemies and launch a flurry of attacks that burn the
through enemy lines. world.

Inflict Violence: Assassinate. 1 fighter in melee. Deal Inflict Violence: Galura Fists. Melee attack. 1 fighter in
2d6 visceral damage. 3d6 if they’re staggered. melee. D12+Bravery fire damage. Deal 3 fire damage to
all fighters adjacent to the target.
Unbound Lightning, Killing Move PASSIVES
Unbound Lightning, Killing Move
Shade. During the Assassin’s turn, if they are not
adjacent to any fighter, they gain Hidden until they make Galura Fists. The Fist’s Inflict Violence now has a range
an attack. All Assassin attacks from Hidden have +1 of close burst 2.
Might. Kurita Bends Swords. 1/Turn, when the Fist is the
Deep Shadow. If the Assassin gains Hidden twice, they target of a melee attack, they may roll their BRAVERY. If
become a Shadow until their next turn’s Sentinel or until their result is higher than the target’s damage roll, they
they deal damage or suffer damage. While a Shadow, cancel the attack against them.
they cannot be valid targets for any melee or ranged
Grapple. Passive. When the Fist makes a melee attack,
TECHNIQUES their target must Resist or else they become Grappled.
Shadowblade. 1 Technique. Target 1 fighter within close While Grappled, the target is Stopped and the Fist is
burst 3. The target gains a Shadowblade. At the Slowed. At the end of the Fist’s Turn, they may perform
beginning of any Beat in the Rhythm, the Assassin may a powerful grapple attack to immediately deal
consume the Shadowblade to immediately teleport to a d12+Bravery+Faith visceral damage. This ends the
square adjacent to the target and Inflict Violence. Grapple. A Grappled fighter must always be adjacent to
the one grappling them. The Grapple can be ended if
Double Attack. Passive. When the Assassin Inflicts the grappled fighter is forcibly moved away from
Violence, they may immediately Inflict Violence again adjacency of the Grappler.
afterward against the same target.
Kilin Dashes Through Heavens. 2 Technique. Effect:
The Fist may shift 3, ignoring Reactions, and then
immediately Inflict Violence. The target must Resist or
suffer Unbalanced 2. [Recharge 5+]

Lancer Rager
A lance-wielding warrior that make up the bulk of warriors Powerful warriors that throw caution to the wind and dive
in the Sword Isles. Their reach and their ability to travel deep into violence, immersed into an endless well of fury.
through dense jungle makes them formidable foes.
Inflict Violence: Lance. 1 Technique. Melee Attack. All PASSIVES
fighters in close line 2. D12+Bravery wind damage. Unbound Lightning, Killing Move
PASSIVES Tenacity. When the Rager falls to Staggered, they gain
Regeneration and Soak 1 until the end of the scene.
Unbound Lightning, Killing Move Additionally, the Rager has Bravery 4 and Faith 2.
Lancet. Whenever the Lancer deals damage to 2+ enemies, Building Fury. As long as the Rager has Regeneration, all
deal +Faith damage. their melee attacks have +1 Might.
Vaulting Movements. After the Lancer makes a melee
attack, they may shift 3 squares.
Agitating Strike. 1 Technique, Melee Attack. Target 1
TECHNIQUES adjacent fighter. Damage d12+Bravery visceral damage.
Charge. 1 Technique. Shift 1 square and then gain +1 Might Effect The target becomes Provoked 1. If it already had
on their next attack. Provoked, deal 2d12+Bravery damage instead, and then
consume Provoked.
Javelin. 2 Techniques, Ranged Attack. Target 1 fighter in
ranged 4. Damage: d12+Bravery wind damage. Effect: Shift Wade In. 1 Technique. Effect: Shift 5 squares, moving
3 squares. If adjacent by the end of the shift, inflict through enemies. If ending in a square that is adjacent to at
Unbalanced 2. least 2+ enemies, gain +3 Might on next attack. [Recharge
Pinakakusgan Sibat. 2 Techniques, Melee Attack. Mark out
four close line 5 AoEs in every side of your square, creating a
cross. Target: All fighters in the line. Damage:
d12+Bravery+Faith wind damage.

Blade Maiden
Sword wielding warriors that carry with them the prestige
of the blade. They can set up attacks for allies as they batter
down their foes.

Inflict Violence: Double Dragonsword. 1 Technique.

Melee Attack. Target 1 fighter in melee. Damage 2d12 +
Bravery visceral damage.

Unbound Lightning, Killing Move
Swordsoul. The Blade Maiden has Evasion 3 against all
ranged attacks. All allies adjacent to them have this benefit
as well.
Sword Nirvana. The Blade Maiden can mark all opponents
in close burst 2 at the end of their turn. Any time the Blade
Maiden starts their turn, deal 2 visceral damage to all

Swordpath. 1 Technique, Melee Attack. Target 1 adjacent
fighter. Damage d12+Bravery visceral damage. Effect: One
adjacent ally may shift 2.
Swordsdance. 2 Techniques. Effect: The Blade Maiden
throws a weapon to an unoccupied square in close burst 2,
where it stays twisting and dancing. Any ally can target it
with a ranged attack to increase the ranged attack’s range
by +3 and they deal +1 Might. The Blade Maiden or any ally
adjacent to it can consume it when they make a melee
attack to make an attack with +2 Might. [Recharge 5+]

Dervish Reaper
Skilled ritualist-warriors that dance in the battlefield
and strike at every fighter that dares face them. A scythe and shovel wielding warrior-gardener that
chucks soil, uproots trees, and beckons all to the burial
Inflict Violence: Slashing Dance. Melee Attack. jar.
Target: all enemies in close burst 1. Damage:
d12+Bravery visceral. Inflict Violence: Reap! Melee Attack. Target: all
fighters in close wall 3. Damage: d12+Bravery dark
PASSIVES damage.
Unbound Lightning, Killing Move
Battle Dance. As 1 Technique, they may begin a Battle PASSIVES
Dance. While Battle Dancing, whenever an enemy in Unbound Lightning, Killing Move
close burst 2 suffers damage, they may immediately
inflict Faith damage. Additionally, Dervishes have Faith Dig. When the Reaper starts their turn, they may
4 and Bravery 2. mark an adjacent square. At any point, the Reaper
may consume the mark to turn it into a Chasm. This can
Jovial Aspect of Saiwa. If the Dervish doesn’t Stride on destroy terrain. The Reaper is immune to all chasms.
their turn, they immediately deal Faith damage to all When the Reaper turns a square into a Chasm, an
fighters in close burst 2. adjacent square becomes Size 1 Blocking Terrain.
TECHNIQUES Arise. When the Reaper Strides, they can choose
instead to teleport adjacent to any of the Chasms they
Cleansing Dance. 1 Technique. Effect: The Dervish have built.
dances in a straight line equal to their Speed + 1, moving
through enemies. They then end their turn. At the end
of 3 Beats, a white line cuts through the danced square: TECHNIQUES
deal 2d12+Faith skewering light damage to all fighters
in the square that the Dervish moved through. Deep Cut. 2 Techniques. Target: All fighters in close
[Recharge 6] line 3. Effect: d12+Bravery earth damage. Effect: All
squares become Chasms. [1 Use].
Dancing Crazy Murder. 1 Technique. Effect: Go into a
dancing stance for the rest of the scene. While in this To Hell. 2 Techniques. Target: All fighters in close burst
stance, whenever a fighter is damaged in the battlefield, 2. Effect: d12+Bravery fire damage. Effect: All squares in
the Dervish may shift 2 squares. If they end their square the target area become Chasms. [1 Use].
adjacent to a fighter, they may deal Faith light damage.

Blaster Classes deal damage reliably from afar, can attack large
swathes of the battlefield at once, and are very commonly slow as
they align their shot. However their range advantage makes them
endlessly useful for all kinds of combats, for they never miss.
Critical Distance. All ranged and area attacks by Blaster Classes
against targets that are at least 3 or more squares away from them
gain Precision.
Aim. For 1 Technique, the Blaster may choose to Aim at a single
fighter in range 3~5. When attacking a fighter with Aim, the Blaster
may consume the Aim to make their attack Steady.

Posture 36 Tempo 5
Bravery 3 Faith 3
Resist 4 Resolve 6
Speed 3 Jump 2


Archer Juggler
Snipers that can bring single targets down from almost Acrobatic warriors that can juggle rope darts, daggers,
across the battlefield, unparalleled in their capability to swords, spears, and even hearts.
shoot down single targets.
Inflict Violence: Flying Blades. Ranged Attack. Target:
Inflict Violence: Shoot. Ranged Attack. Target: 1 1 fighter in range 4. Damage: 3d4 visceral. Effect: This
fighter in range 5. Damage: 2d6 visceral. Effect: This attack has Steady. If it already has Steady, this attack
attack ignores blocking terrain. gains +1 Might.

Critical Distance, Aim Critical Distance, Aim
Vantage. All Archer attacks against targets on a height Bouncing Blades. When the Juggler Inflicts Violence,
lower than them gain Precision. If they already have their attack has a 5-in-10 chance of bouncing, dealing
Precision, it gives +1 Might instead. half the damage dealt to all enemies in close burst 2 of
Unseen Arrow. After an archer deals damage with a the target. The Juggler may inflict dark damage on their
ranged attack, they may immediately become Hidden. inflict violence.
Kasing. When the Juggler is damaged, as a React, they
may roll a d6, and they shift that many squares,
TECHNIQUES without provoking reactions.
Knockback Shot. 1 Technique, Ranged Attack. Target 1
adjacent fighter. Damage: d8+Bravery visceral damage.
Effect: Inflict push 2d4 on the target. [Recharge 5+] TECHNIQUES
Shooting Star Arrow. 2 Techniques, Ranged Attack. Daggerdance. 1 Technique, Ranged Attack. Target 1
Target all fighters in close wall 10. Damage: d8+Bravery fighter in range 4. Damage: 5+Bravery dark damage.
visceral damage, gain +1 Might against the first target Effect: Target must Resolve or become Slowed 3.
in the line. Death Blossom. 2 Techniques, Area Attack. Target: all
fighters in close burst 2. Damage: 6+Bravery visceral
damage then gain Evasion 5 until the end of their next
turn. [Recharge 5+]

Barileer Sorcerer
Gunners trained in the arts of explosion and Powerful magick-users and spellcasters that have the
penetration. strength and power of a lantaka.
Inflict Violence: Fire! Ranged Attack. Target 1 fighter Inflict Violence: Annihilating Star. Area Attack.
in range 3. Damage 2d4+Bravery fire damage. Effect: Target: All fighters in range 3, burst 3. Damage:
Deal 2d4 fire damage to all enemies adjacent to the 2d6+Faith soul damage.
PASSIVES Critical Distance, Aim
Critical Distance, Aim
Power Overwhelming. Sorcerers begin the fight with a
Gun Load. For 1 Technique, the Barileer loads their gun d4 die, set to 1. Every end of their turn, they raise it by 1.
with an elemental bullet: the Barileer’s next inflict Once it reaches 4, they unleash cascading Gahom
violence has any damage type of their choice, except for across the battlefield, dealing d12+Bravery+Faith soul
soul. damage to all enemies. Then they are Empowered for
Quick Reload. After a ranged attack, the Barileer has a the rest of the fight: while Empowered, they have the
3-in-10 chance of immediately inflicting violence. following benefits: all attacks have Precision, +2d6
damage, and Skewering.
Pierce the Trichiliocosm. For 1 Technique, they
TECHNIQUES become Empowered until the end of their next turn.
Twisting Fire Dragon. 2 Technique. Target: 1 square This Empowered stacks.
in close burst 3. Effect: Push the Barileer 3 squares away
from the target, and then gain Reload. If there is a target
in that square, deal d8+Bravery fire damage. Reload: TECHNIQUES
The Barileer’s next inflict violence has +1 Might. Annihilation Beam. 2 Techniques, Area Attack. Target:
Barilrusakan. 2 Techniques. Target: Self. Effect: The All fighters in close line 8 or close blast 4. Damage:
Barileer utters yamyam that summons a supernatural 2d6+Faith soul damage.
weapon that invokes divine power in the form of a gun, Nagakalaglagan, Dragon of Annihilation. 3
a Barilrusakan. As long as they’re not Unbalanced, all Techniques, Area Attack. Target: All fighters in close
their attacks have skewering and they cannot deal less wall 12. Damage: 2d6+Faith skewering soul damage.
than 10 damage. If they are Unbalanced, the Rusakan
falls to an adjacent square. Any fighter can pick up the
Barilrusakan for free during their turn as long as they’re
adjacent to it, gaining the Barilrusakan’s benefits.

Blowgunner Hunter
Treetop assassins that inflict poisons and other lethal Quick moving rangers and striders that can take down
effects from afar with imbued darts. their prey after wearing them out with superior
Inflict Violence: Envenom. Ranged Attack. Target: 1
fighter in range 1~4. Damage: d6+Bravery earth Inflict Violence: Barbed Arrow. Ranged Attack.
damage. Effect: Inflict Fraying 3. Target: 1 fighter in range 5. Damage: 2d4+Bravery
visceral. Effect: Inflict Bleeding 2.
Critical Distance, Aim PASSIVES
Critical Distance, Aim
Height Advantage. The Blowgunner cannot be a valid
target against fighters that are on a height lower than Tailwind. When the Hunter shifts, they can get a
them. Tailwind Token. When they add their Tempo, they can
Jagged Darts. Any fighter that moves into range 2 of consume the Tailwind Token to gain -1 to their Tempo.
the Blowgunner suffers 2 skewering earth damage. Eagle Eye. All of the Hunter’s ranged attacks have a 1-
in-10 chance of Critically Hitting: They no longer roll
damage, they simply deal the maximum amount
TECHNIQUES possible.
Leap. 1 Technique. If the Blowgunner is adjacent to an
unoccupied square on a higher height, they may
immediately shift into the square. TECHNIQUES
Guerrilla Mastery. 1 Technique. The blowgunner can Quick Shot. 1 Technique, Ranged Attack. Target: 1
teleport into any square on the same height as them fighter in range 3. Damage: d8+Bravery visceral
within close burst 3. damage. Effect: If the target is at least 3 squares away,
the Hunter may shift 3.
Vigil. Reaction. When a fighter in close burst 3 leaves or
enters a square within the burst, the Hunter may
immediately perform a Quick Shot against them.

A jovial and mad dervish that performs war dances in
the battlefield to summon and invoke the very gods and
spirits, and to inspire their allies.
Inflict Violence: Sayaw Kalayu (Fire Dance). Ranged
Attack. Target: All fighters in close burst 3. Damage:
d6+Bravery soul damage. Effect: All allies in the burst
instead gain Ferocious 2.

Critical Distance, Aim
Partner. At the start of a Dancer’s turn they may choose
1 Dance Partner. While they’re within close burst 2 of
the partner, both of them have Precision and Skewering
on all attacks, and they have Evasion 2. The Dancer can
only have 1 Dance Partner at a time.
Galura War Dance. At the end of their turn the Dancer
can consume all their Dance Partners to deal 10
skewering soul damage to all fighter adjacent to
themselves and each of their Dance Partners.

Sayaw Sundang (Sword Dance). Perform a dance that
invokes the God of Swords, and summons lightblades
upon the battlefield. 2 Techniques, Area Attack. Target:
All fighters in burst 3. Damage: d8+Bravery soul
damage. Effect: All allies in the burst gain Precision.
Sayaw Padayon (Continuing Dance). Perform a dance
that invokes the God of Motion and Overcoming. 2
Techniques, Area Attack. Target: All fighters in close
burst 3. Damage: d8+Bravery soul damage. Effect: All
allies in the burst can instead shift 3.

Sentinel Classes act as walls between their allies and their enemies. They can
soak up large amounts of damage and can sustain injury, and they can
provoke attacks against themselves, which usually forces decision points
upon the attacker. They clog up the battlefield and create zones of control.


Mountain. The Sentinel Posture 48 Tempo 5
Classes always have 3 Bravery 3 Faith 2
Soak. Resist 7 Resolve 6
Vigil. Once per Turn, Speed 3 Jump 1
whenever an adjacent
fighter leaves a square adjacent to
them or makes an attack that does
not include them, the Sentinel Class
may immediately Inflict Violence
against the triggering fighter.


Guardian Juggernaut
Guardians get in between their allies and enemies and Momentous mountains that can barrel through foes
become an indestructible wall, a lightning rod against and stay in the thick of it, keeping heat off allies.
all attacks.
Inflict Violence: Swing The Trunk. 1 Technique,
Inflict Violence: Lightning Rod. Melee attack. Target Melee Attack. Target 1 adjacent fighter in close line 5.
1 fighter in melee. Damage d8+Bravery visceral. Effect: Damage: Deal d8+Bravery earth damage. Effect: Push
The target is Provoked 2. the target to the last square of the line. [Recharge 5+]

Mountain, Vigil Mountain, Vigil
Immovable. As long as the Guardian is not Staggered Iron Skin. This fighter has conditioning to all visceral
nor Critical, they have Unyielding. and earth damage.
Shieldbearer. As long as the Guardian is not Critical, Unstoppable. When the Juggernaut moves
whenever any fighter moves while adjacent to them, voluntarily, it ignores all terrain and they are now
they may move 1 square in the direction they move, immune to Slowed and Stopped. If it moves all its
mirroring them. The Guardian can only mirror 1 Speed, it gains +1 Might on its next attack.
fighter per turn.
Shield Meteor. 2 Techniques. Effect: Leap into an Fling. 1 Technique, Melee Attack. Target 1 adjacent
unoccupied square within range 2~3, ignoring terrain. fighter. Damage: d12+Bravery earth damage. Effect:
Then make the following Area Attack: Target all Push the target 3 squares. If they collide, they suffer
enemies in close burst 2. Damage: d8+Bravery visceral 1d6 skewering damage and become Embedded into
damage. Effect: Push each damaged fighter 2 squares the terrain, wherein they must spend a Technique on
away. [Recharge 5+] their turn to remove. While Embedded they cannot
Ballista Stance. 1 Technique. The Guardian may take move or be forcibly moved. [Recharge 6]
on the Ballista Stance until they are forcibly moved. Thunderclap. 2 Techniques, Area Attack. Target all
Ballista Stance: Anytime a fighter moves into a square fighters in close blast 4. Damage: d12+Bravery wind
adjacent to the Guardian, the Guardian can push them damage. Effect: Shift all targets 3. If any target is
up to 5 squares immediately. When the Guardian shifted into your adjacency, they suffer Stopped 2.
suffers a melee or ranged attack, they may consume [Recharge 6.]
the Ballista Stance to immediately deflect the attack
against another fighter in close burst 3.

Destroyer Warden
Powerful warriors that wield the burning Flame of Indomitable guardian-priests that channel the power
Want to turn all before them into scourge, and to of the spirits and the primordial to protect their allies.
attract the ire of their victims.
Inflict Violence: Luntian Hammer. The Warden
Inflict Violence: Flaming Sword. Area Attack. raises its weapon and then brings it down with
Target all enemies in close blast 3. Damage coruscating force, sending a pillar of stone up into the
d8+Bravery fire. Effect: All targets must Resist or gain air. 1 Technique, Melee Attack. Target: 1 adjacent
Fraying 2. fighter. Damage: d8+Faith earth damage. Effect: Push
the target 1 square, and then a Size 1 Blocking Terrain
PASSIVES erupts from the square they are pushed from.
Mountain, Vigil
Blazing Hatred. The Destroyer can deal fire damage Mountain, Vigil
with their Inflict Violence. All fighters with Fraying are
also considered Provoked by the Destroyer. Spirit Warrior. The Warden is considered blocking
Narka Aura. All opponents that move into or start terrain against enemies. When they fall to Staggered,
their turn adjacent to the Destroyer must Resist or they gain Unyielding for the rest of the scene.
suffer Fraying 1. Additionally, the Warden has Bravery 1 and Faith 4.
Stone Armor. Whenever the Warden puts down
blocking terrain, they may also gain 1 Soak. They lose
TECHNIQUES this Soak when the blocking terrain they put down is
Burning Wall. 2 Techniques, Effect: Put down a wall destroyed.
of flame in close wall 5. The wall of flame is an
unclimbable height 2 blocking terrain. Any opponent TECHNIQUES
that collides with the wall immediately gain Fraying Pulse of the Earth. Reaction. Effect: When the
1. [Recharge 6] warden suffers damage, they may immediately use
Fire God Explosion. 2 Techniques, Area Attack. this effect to release a pulse of pure diwa, pushing the
Target all enemies in close burst 2. Damage: attacker and all enemies adjacent to them by 1 square.
d8+Bravery fire. Effect: All fighters must Resolve or If this brings the Warden out of the range of the
suffer Fraying 2 and Fire Vulnerability 2. attacker, they avoid the attack completely. [Recharge
Rooting Vines. 1 Technique. Effect: 1 fighter adjacent
fighter must Resist or become Rooted 1. While
Rooted, they cannot move nor be moved. When they
lose Rooted, the square they were on becomes Difficult
Terrain for all enemies.

Champion Hound
A swift moving knight that moves with blinding speed
An unconquerable warrior that brings inspiration and across the battlefield to protect allies.
strength to their allies, which in turn bolsters
themselves. Inflict Violence: Go Wild. Melee Attack. Effect: Shift
1. Target 1 fighter in melee. Damage: 2d6+Bravery
Inflict Violence: Collective Charge. The Champion visceral.
rushes forward, and they beckon their allies to charge
with them. Melee Attack. Target 1 fighter in close line PASSIVES
3. Effect: Before dealing damage, move to the closest Mountain, Vigil
square adjacent to the target in the line. Damage:
d8+Bravery light. Effect: The Champion pulls 1 ally in Ward. At the start of combat, choose 1 ally as a Ward.
close burst 3 into adjacency of them. Whenever the Ward is the target of an attack, the
Breaker may shift 3 squares toward their Ward for free
PASSIVES before the attack resolves. If they end up adjacent to
their Ward, they become the target of the attack.
Mountain, Vigil When the Ward is defeated, the Hound chooses
another Ward.
Heraldry. All allies adjacent to the Champion gain a Iro Enmity. Every fighter Provoked by the Hound that
+2 Bonus to their Bravery, Faith, Resist, and Resolve. doesn’t attack the Hound by the end of their turn
Martyr. When an ally in close burst 2 fails to Resist or suffers 2xBr soul damage.
Resolve, the Champion may choose to suffer the effect
TECHNIQUES The Hand Bites Back. Passive. Whenever the Hound
is attacked, they may inflict violence at the attacker
Kalasagdako. 1 Technique. Effect: The Champion before they perform the attack. If the target is out of
gains 2d4 Block. All adjacent allies gain the same range, they simply throw a dozen rocks in the span of
amount of Block. a second, dealing 2d4 earth damage.
Mikhail Pierces The Serpent. 1 Technique. Melee Provocation. 1 Technique. Effect: The Hound pulls 1
Attack. Target 1 fighter in melee. Damage: d8+Faithx2 enemy in close burst 2 to an adjacent square. Then the
light. Effect: The target must Resist or become enemy must inflict violence against the Hound or the
Stopped 3. Hound gets to deal 5 skewering dark damage against

A slow moving inevitably clad in the fullest of armors
in the Isles. The purest form of the Sentinel.

Inflict Violence: Destructive Thew. Melee Attack.

Target 1 adjacent fighter. Damage: d8+Bravery
visceral damage. Effect: Push the target 1 square, and
then move into the square the target vacated.

Mountain, Vigil

Full Armor. The Ironclad has 5 Soak instead of just 3.

They also have Bravery 4 and Faith 1. But they have 6
Reinforced Magnetism. All fighters adjacent to the
Ironclad are Slowed.

Forceful Beckon. 1 Technique. Effect: All enemies in
close burst 3 are pulled 2 squares toward the Ironclad.
Be Knelt. 1 Technique, Melee Attack. Target 1 adjacent
fighter. Damage: d12+Bravery visceral damage. Effect:
The target must resist or suffer Knockdown 2.
Knockdown: All attacks against you gain
Precision. You cannot Flank, you cannot move
voluntarily, you cannot make Attacks. You can spend a
Technique to stand up and remove this.

Control classes specialize in controlling the battlefield and the warriors
within it. This can mean area denial by removing access to certain
squares, shutdown by debilitating targets and weakening their abilities,
tenderization by weakening their defenses, and domination by
manipulating others’ Beat position, slowing them down, and hindering
them with ailments. Due to their potency, however, they are slower than
others and are vulnerable to direct attacks.


Hex. All fighters that Resist or Posture 32 Tempo 4
Resolve while within close burst 2 of Bravery 2 Faith 3
the Control suffer Imprecision. Resist 6 Resolve 6
Curse. When the Control deals Speed 3 Jump 2
damage, they may force the target to
Resolve or become Sundered 2 or
Slowed 2 (choose 1).


Witch Ritualist
Witches are masters of bombarding foes with Ritualists mark enemies as well as summon little gods
ailments to slow them down and bring them into a that lock down the battlefield.
slow, aching death. Inflict Violence: Incantation. Area Attack. Target all
enemies in close burst 2. Damage d4+Faith dark.
Inflict Violence: Witchwork. Area Attack. Target Effect: All fighters suffer Sundered 2. If they don’t have
all enemies in range 3 burst 1. Damage d4+Faith Soak, they sufer Eviscerated 2 instead.
skewering soul. Effect: Fraying 3.
Hex, Curse Ritual. When the Ritualist deals damage to a single
target, they may also inflict Marked 2 Any fighter with
Decay. When the Witch inflicts Fraying, they also the Ritualist’s Mark halves their Resist and Resolves,
inflict Eviscerated as long as the Fraying stays, and rounded up, and they lose all Evasion and cannot gain
the target cannot benefit from any healing. more. All of the Ritualist’s Spirits disappear when they
Wicked Debilitation. At the end of the Witch’s are Defeated.
turn, inflict +1 Weakness on 1 fighter in range 4. Ritual Transference. Whenever the Ritualist deals
damage to an enemy, they may heal 3 Posture. At the
start of their turn, the Ritualist may shift all their Spirits
by 1.
Putrefy. 2 Technique, Ranged Attack. Target 1
fighter in range 3. Damage: d8+Faith earth TECHNIQUES
damage. Effect: The target must Resolve or suffer Slaughter Spirit. 2 Technique. Effect: Summon a
Slowed 2, Debilitated 2, Dazed 2, and Stunned 2. slaughter spirit in an unoccupied square in close burst
[Recharge 6] 2.
Unholy Feast. 1 Technique, Ranged Attack. Target Slaughter Spirit: All allies adjacent to the
1 fighter suffering Statuses in range 1~10. Damage: slaughter spirit has All Vulnerability.
d6 skewering damage per Status. Effect: Remove Boundary Spirit. 2 Techniques. Effect: Summon a
all statuses from the target. Boundary Spirit in an unoccupied square in close line 5.
Boundary Spirit: All squares adjacent to the
Boundary Spirit is hindering terrain for enemies.

Barricade Atrocity
A skilled warrior that uses peerless craftsmanship to A Dihiyang infested warrior, who uses the perversion of
Swiftcraft items onto the battlefield. harmony to their advantage.

Inflict Violence: Spiritslaying Hammer. Melee Attack. Inflict Violence: Inflict Perversion. Melee Attack.
Target 1 adjacent fighter. Damage d6+Bravery Target All enemies in close blast 3. Damage d6+Faith
skewering visceral. Effect Inflict Eviscerated 2. dark damage. Effect The target becomes Scourged 3.
While they’re Scourged, all light or soul damage against
them deals 2 extra damage, and they cannot benefit
PASSIVES from any healing or boons.
Hex, Curse

Glancing Creation. When the Barricade ends their turn PASSIVES

adjacent to an ally, they may give that ally Deflect. Hex, Curse
When the ally is the target of a melee or ranged attack,
they may consume the Deflect to force the attacker to Rip Joy. When the Atrocity deals damage to a fighter,
change the target. they may also rip 1 Boon and give it to themselves. In
place of Boon, this can be Might, Block, or Soak.
Forceful Weapons. When the Barricade deals damage
with a melee or ranged attack, they can also shift the Puncturing The Harmony of Nature. When an enemy
target 3 squares. The Barricade has Bravery 4, Faith 1. in close burst 2 of the Atrocity suffers a Bane, the
Atrocity deals an additional 3 skewering damage to
Build. 1 Technique. Effect: The Barricade creates a Size 1
Blocking Terrain in a square in close burst 3. TECHNIQUES
Shadow Skin. React. Effect: When the Atrocity suffers
Shatter: Effect: As a Technique, the Barricade damage, they may choose to suffer 4 skewering damage
can destroy an adjacent square or any terrain on an and then they shift 2 squares before the attack resolves.
adjacent square. All enemies adjacent to them after the move suffers
Craft Shield. 2 Techniques. Effect: The Barricade Dazed 2.
creates a Size 1 Shield in an adjacent square, which is Spread Disharmony. 2 Techniques. Target All fighters
blocking terrain. Any ally can pick the shield up as a in close burst 3. Damage d8+Faith dark. Effect: Every
Technique and are considered behind Blocking target suffers Fraying 3 and Eviscerated 3. [Recharge
Terrain. However remember that Size 1 objects only 5+]
have 20 Durability. [2 Uses]

Trapper Debater
Skilled hunter-warriors that lay down intricate traps A speaker-warrior that uses the strength of rhetoric and
upon the battlefield to lock it down. word to confound enemies.

Inflict Violence: Scatter Shot. Ranged Attack. Target 1 Inflict Violence: Breaking Mockery. Ranged Attack.
fighter in range 4. Damage 2d6+Bravery damage. Target: 1 enemy in range 5. Damage: Faith skewering
Effect: The target suffers Fraying 2. Effect: Deal soul. Effect: The target becomes Debilitated 2 and
Bravery skewering damage to all enemies adjacent to Dazed 2.
the target.
Hex, Curse
Rouse. When the Debater inflicts a Bane on an enemy,
Spiked Traps. All fighters that move or are moved into all allies adjacent to the enemy gain Ferocious 2.
an adjacent square of a Trapper’s trap suffers 2 Spread The Word. When the Debater inflicts a bane on
skewering visceral damage. a target, they may also spread it to all enemies adjacent
III - Prepared Traps. When the fight starts and there is to them.
a Trapper, they can choose to lay down all their traps in
any square in the battlefield as a secret.
Stunning Logic. 2 Techniques, Area Attack. Target: All
TECHNIQUES enemies in close burst 2. Effect: All targets become
Hobbling Trap. 2 Techniques. Effect: Lay down a trap Stunned 1.
in any square in close burst 3. [2 Uses] Divert The Flood. 1 Technique. Target: 1 enemy in close
Hobbling Trap: If a fighter moves over the burst 3. Effect: Force the target to inflict violence
Trapper’s Needle Trap, they can immediately trigger the against a fighter of choice.
trap, the target immediately stops their movement and
becomes Stopped 2.
Slowing Trap. 3 Techniques. Effect: Lay down a trap in
any square in close burst 3. [2 Uses]
Slowing Trap: If a fighter moves over the Trapper’s
Slowing Trap, they can immediately trigger the trap,
making the target reroll their Tempo at the end of their
next turn.

A devastating master of manipulative elemental
magicks, using mudra and mentala to bring enemies to
their knees.
Inflict Violence: Elemental Cleave. Ranged Attack.
Target: 1 enemy in range 4. Damage: d8+Faith [choose
1 damage type] damage. Effect: The target gets X
Vulnerability 2, with X being the chosen damage type.

Hex, Curse
Unchained. The Conjurer is considered Floating.
Weaponized Harmony. Gain a bonus effect depending
on the damage you deal.
Whenever the Conjurer deals fire damage, make
all squares adjacent to the target burning terrain.
If water damage, make it water terrain.
If wind damage, the Conjurer can shift the target 2
If earth, the target becomes Stopped 2.
If visceral, the target gains Sundered 2.

Burning Bead. 1 Technique. Effect: Place a burning
bead in an unoccupied square in close burst 3. At any
point, the Conjurer can cause the burning bead to
explode, letting them perform the following area
attack: Target: all enemies in close burst 2. Damage:
2d6+Faith skewering [choose 1 damage type]. Effect:
the burst 2 becomes burning terrain for the rest of the
Dragon Rajah. 1 Technique. Area Attack. Target: All
fighters in close wall 10. Damage: d10+Faith soul.
Effect: All unoccupied squares in the field becomes a
Chasm. [Recharge 6]

Support Classes have trained to be able to withstand indirect punishment from
ailments, due to the perfection of their bodies and of body-perfecting
techniques. This makes their resists particularly potent. Many of their
techniques focus on supporting, strengthening, and keeping alive their allies,
channeling Pagkahiyang. However they very often can also strengthen
themselves, and do so to perform the job their comrades cannot.YSICAL RESIST


Presence. As long as a Support is on Posture 44 Tempo 5
the field, each fighter gains +4 Bravery 2 Faith 3
Posture, which they immediately Resist 6 Resolve 7
subtract from their current Posture
when all Channels are defeated. Speed 4 Jump 1

Sanctuary. All allies adjacent to the

Support has Soak 1.


Healer Warlord
A field medic who uses herbs and incantations to mend A frontline warrior that leads their allies to supreme
wounds and make others stronger. victory.
Inflict Violence: Unmend. Ranged Attack. Target 1 Inflict Violence: Charging Strike. Melee Attack.
fighter in ranged 3. Damage d6+Faith light. Effect: Shift 1 before attacking. Target 1 fighter in
melee. Damage d6+Bravery+Faith visceral. Effect: 1
PASSIVES adjacent ally may shift 2.
Presence, Sanctuary PASSIVES
Autoraise. 1/combat, when an ally is Defeated, the Presence, Sanctuary
Healer may immediately heal them 2d4 Posture,
bringing them out of Defeated. Inflame. All allies adjacent to the Warlord gain
Refuge and Sanctuary. The Healer can halve their own Precision on all attacks.
current Posture and give the amount halved to all allies Rouse. When the Warlord is Defeated, all allies in the
in close burst 3 as a Technique. field gain Ferocious 5.

Cleansing Word. 1 Technique. The Healer may cleanse 1 Stormblood. 2 Techniques. Effect: The Warlord can
Status from 1 ally in range 1~3. cause 1 ally in close burst 3 to inflict violence, if they
Balaan. 2 Techniques, Area Attack. Target all fighters in
close burst 3. Damage: d8+Faith soul damage. Effect: Mandate Lightning. 3 Techniques. Effect: 1 ally in
Heal all allies in the burst by 4 Posture. Effect: Each close burst 3 gains +1 Technique on their next turn.
enemy damaged must resist or else they suffer Stunned [Recharge 6]

Sage Singer
Wisefolk that grants teachings and guidance to their
allies. A sonorous warrior that uses instruments and song
to uplift and inspire their allies.
Inflict Violence: Burning Palm. Area Attack. Target
all fighters in close blast 3. Damage: d8+Faith soul. Inflict Violence: Resound. Area Attack. Target All
Effect: All allies gain Hastened 2 instead. fighters in close blast 3. Damage: d6+Faith soul to all
enemies. Effect: All allies can shift 2 squares and gain
PASSIVES +1 Might on their next attack. Effect: Any notes in the
Presence, Sanctuary field are shifted 1.
Guidance. All allies in close burst 2 of the Sage have PASSIVES
Steady on all attacks.
Piercing Wisdom. All allies in close burst 2 of the Presence, Sanctuary
sage have Skewering on all attacks.
Echoing Notes. At the end of the Singer’s turn, they
can lay down a Song Note in any adjacent
TECHNIQUES unoccupied square. Any ally that collides with the
Battle Meditation. 2 Techniques. Effect: All allies in square heals 2 Posture. Any enemy that collides with
close burst 2 gain Enlightened 3, while all enemies that square suffers 2 skewering soul damage.
gain 1 Weakness on their next attack. Great Kulintang. All allies in close burst 2 of the
Violent Perfection. 1 Technique. Effect: 1 ally in singer are considered singing the great Kulintang: as
close burst 3 gains 1 Might. long as they’re singing the great kulintang, all attacks
against them have Imprecision.

Balyan Cacophony Strum. 2 Techniques, Area Attack.
Target all fighters in close burst 3. Damage d6+Faith
A healer-priest that channels the ancestors and the skewering soul. Effect: All allies in the field heal Faith
spirits to change the flow of battle. Posture.
Inflict Violence: War Ritual. Melee Attack. Target 1 Whirlwind of Sound. 3 Techniques, Area Attack.
adjacent fighter. Damage d12+Bravery+Faith Play a cacophony and then send it twirling around
visceral. Effect: The Balyan gains Soak 3 until the you like a whirlwind of sound. Target: All enemies in
end of their next turn. close burst 3. Damage: d6+Faith skewering wind.
Effect: All allies in the burst gain Unyielding 3,
PASSIVES Hastened 3, 3 Might, Ferocious 3, Enlightened 3,
Block 10. [1 Use].
Presence, Sanctuary

Worship. At the start of a Balyan’s turn, they can

choose all allies in close burst 2 and let them deal any
1 damage type on their next attack.
Shared Ocean of Existence. All allies in the
battlefield have Visceral and Soul Conditioning.

Elemental Spirit. 2 Techniques. Effect: Choose 1
unoccupied square in close burst 3. The Balyan
summons an elemental spirit summon in the square:
they must specify a damage type. All enemies in close
burst 2 of the spirit are vulnerable to the spirit’s
damage type, while all allies in the field that deal the
spirit’s damage type deals +3 damage.
Star Spirit. 2 Techniques. Effect: Summon a dancing
star spirit summon in an unoccupied square in close
burst 3. All allies adjacent to the Star Spirit has
Evasion 5.

Infuser Steward
A warrior that uses incantations and mudras to A peasant-warrior who upholds the harmony of
infuse allies with the strength to break ranks. nature above all else, in accordance with the wishes
of the Sky and Sea.
Inflict Violence: Sky’s Lance Breaker. Melee
Attack. Target 1 fighter in close burst 2. Damage Inflict Violence: Skysea Twine. Melee Attack.
d8+Faith wind damage. Effect Inflict 1 Weakness on Target 2 adjacent fighters. Damage Faith+Bravery
the target. water. Effect May swap the two fighters’ places.

Presence, Sanctuary Presence, Sanctuary

Tiger-Breaking Strength. When the infuser gives Steward’s Arm. All allies adjacent to Steward when
Might, they deal 2 skewering damage to all enemies they inflict violence heals Bravery Posture.
in close burst 2. Cleansing Heart. All allies adjacent to the Steward at
God Breaking Aura. The Infuser ignores all area the start of their turn cleanses 1 Bane.
attack damage and effects.

TECHNIQUES Steward Intervention. Reaction. Effect: When an
Mighty Infusion. 1 Technique. Effect: Push 1 adjacent ally is the target of an attack, the Steward
adjacent ally exactly 3 squares. If they are adjacent to may inflict violence against the attacker.
at least 1 or more enemies, they gain Might equal to Inflict Pacification. Free. All fighters adjacent to the
the number of enemies. Steward gain Gentled. While a fighter is gentled, they
cannot deal more than 1 damage, but they cannot
Immaculation. 2 Techniques. Effect: 1 ally in close suffer more than 1 damage either.
burst 3 becomes an invalid target for all attacks and
effects from enemies until the end of their next turn.
[Recharge 6].

Unlike basic enemies, Origin Classes do not split their
ORIGINS Passives and Techniques into Arcs, they simply have
them all when deployed.
The world of Gubat Banwa is as beautiful as it is vast. Not
all the fighters the Kadungganan will encounter will be Each Origin has a Template, something you put on to a
random raiders or traveling warriors. Very often they will basic enemy as needed. Templates do not contribute to
be from something. This is indicated by their Origin, the Passive limit. Origin Classes can also ignore this
which is commonly placed in front of their name. limit.
Origins are very commonly not used in the first few Then, each Origin has Origin Classes: these are unique
sessions. Use them when your Kadungganan are ready classes that only fighters within the origin use, and they
for some more complexity and interesting situations in have specific abilities as well. The Origins are
your fights. In later Arcs, Origins will become almost Virbanwan, Gatusan, Akai, Apumbukid, Ba-enon,
mandatory to be able to keep up with the sheer number Baikhan, Issohappan, Annuvaran, Yawa, Beast,
of abilities that a Kadungganan can take. Undead, Spirit, Aswang, and God.

Virbanwans need no introduction. They are imperalist
warriors that seek to unite the Sword Isles under their
hegemony. Much of the time the Virbanwans the
Kadungganan fight will be part of the Virbanwan war
machine, known for its gunmetal, lion imagery (stolen
from Issohappa), and reliance on gunpowder and
proper military formations. However, there are better
Virbanwans, those that understand the Empire’s
machinations, the Empire’s faults, the truth of the matter.
They revel in the love and joy of their survival, in the face of
March. Whenever a Virbanwan starts their turn while
adjacent to another Virbanwan, they can shift 1, but they
must keep adjacency to another. This can trigger for
more than 1 Virbanwan.
Unity of the Empire. Virbanwans have Soak equal
to the number of other Virbanwans they’re
adjacent to.
Gunmetal Weaponry. When a Virbanwan
inflicts violence while adjacent to other
Virbanwans, one adjacent Virbanwan of their
choice can choose to inflict violence as well if
they can.
Folk. All Virbanwans are folk. They have
Conviction for fighting, which they
might hold on to. If a Virbanwan’s
Conviction is tested or if only half
of their original number still
stands, they roll for Morale at
the start of their turn.
Morale: They have
a 5-in-10 chance of
surrendering or fleeing,
becoming Defeated.

Conscript Heneral
Raider. Peasants pulled into the ranks to fight. Support. A mustachioed, uniform wearing general who
wields a saber. Intensely patriotic.
Inflict Violence: Spear. Melee Attack. Target 1
adjacent enemy. Damage d12+Bravery visceral. Inflict Violence: Crackshot. Ranged attack. Target 1
Effect shift the target to any square adjacent to the fighter in ranged 4. Damage 2d4+Bravery fire. Effect The
Conscript. target must Resist or become Slowed 2.

March, Unity of the Empire, Gunmetal Weaponry, March, Unity of the Empire, Gunmetal Weaponry,
Unbound Lightning, Killing Move Presence, Sanctuary

Disciplined. While within close burst 2 of a Strategist. All allies in close burst 2 that deal damage to any
Virbanwan Support, gain +1 Might. fighter with a Boon or Bane deals +1d6 damage.
Armored. Gain fire conditioning. Mandate. All allies in close burst 1 of the Heneral cannot fall
below 1 Posture.
Commander’s Orders. As long as the Heneral is in the
TECHNIQUES Battlefield, all Virbanwan fighters in the field deal
All Out Attack. 2 Techniques. Melee Attack. Target 1 skewering damage.
fighter in melee. Damage 2d8+Bravery visceral.
All At Once. Passive. When the Conscript is flanking
with an ally, they have +1 Might against all attacks TECHNIQUES
against the enemy they’re flanking. Berate. 2 Techniques. Effect: All allies in close burst 3 gain
Block 8.
Commandeer. 1 Technique. Effect: 1 ally in close burst 2
gains Precision and 3 Might on their next attack. [Recharge

Blaster. A Virbanwan unit clad in a steel breastplate and lugging around a
dragon-mouthed lantaka. Fires giant cannon balls to disrupt entire armies.

Inflict Violence: Fire Cannon. Area Attack. Target all fighters in close line
5. Damage 2d6+Bravery fire.

March, Unity of the Empire, Gunmetal Weaponry, Critical Distance,

Station. If the Cannoneer does not move by the end of their turn, their next
attack becomes skewering and gains +1 Might.
Potent Cannon. If the target of an inflict violence is within 3 squares, deal
+1d6 damage and then push them 3.

Dragonflame. 2 Techniques, Area Attack. Target all fighters in close blast 5.
Damage: 2d4+Bravery fire. [Recharge 6]
Plant Lantaka. 1 Technique. The Cannoneer can choose to plant their
lantaka in an adjacent square. They cannot inflict violence nor Dragonflame
unless adjacent to the lantaka. Any other adjacent fighter can Interact with
the Lantaka to use Dragonflame. While Planted, the Dragonflame removes
Recharge 6, and all area attacks from the Lantaka are increased by 3, and
have +1 Might.

Mystic Royal Guard
Control. Sampalatayan Mystics who have infused Sentinel. A heavily clad warrior in the stylings of
their ancient priest-healer practices with Ashen Star Issohappa, wearing a breastplates, greaves, tassets,
mysticism and eschatology. Using orasyones, they and intricate helmets made to look like the giant king
lock the battlefield down, and channel the Pure eagles that Virbanwa is so proud of, but have
Flame by their God. contributed to the destruction of their habitats.

Inflict Violence: Push. Ranged Attack. Target: 1 Inflict Violence: Greatsword. Melee Attack. Target
fighter in close burst 3. Damage 2 skewering earth. all enemies in close blast 2. Damage d8+Bravery
Effect: Must Resolve or be pushed up to 1d6+1. visceral.

March, Unity of the Empire, Gunmetal Weaponry, March, Unity of the Empire, Gunmetal Weaponry,
Hex, Curse Mountain, Vigil

Float. The Mystic is floating. Defender Aura. All enemies in close burst 1 of the
Royal Guard have imprecision on all attacks that
Branding. When the Mystic inflicts violence, they don’t include the Royal Guard as a target.
can also make the target Branded.
Knight’s Initiative. Whenever an ally moves on
Unmask. When the Mystic is brought to Battered, their turn while adjacent to the Royal Guard, the
they are unmasked, revealing a dangerous outfit Royal Guard can move alongside them, keeping
underneath their conservative robes. Every time they adjacency as much as possible.
are attacked, they deal 3 skewering soul damage back
at the attacker. Additionally, Tenderize becomes Fire
Whip, and changes the range to Close Burst 3 and
targets all foes within. TECHNIQUES
Resurgence. 1 Technique. The Royal Guard must be
Staggered. Effect: They gain Block 10, and then shift
TECHNIQUES 3 squares. [1 Use]
Consummation. The Mystic summons angels to Battle Guardian. Reaction. Effect: When an enemy
attack those she branded. 1 Technique. Effect: makes an attack in close burst 2 that does not include
Consume all Branded to deal 1d12 skewering damage the Battle Guardian, the Battle Guardian can shift 1
to them all. and then inflict violence against that enemy.
Earthspike. 1 Technique. Ranged attack. Target 1 Sunsplitter. 2 Techniques. Area Attack. Target: all
fighter in range 4. Damage d8 skewering earth. enemies in close line 6. Damage 2d8+Bravery
Effect: Push the target 1 square and a size 1 spike of visceral. Effect The Royal Guard marks all the
earth erupts in the square vacated. This can be squares in the chosen line. When an enemy starts
shattered at the end of a Mystic’s turn to deal Faith their turn or moves into the marked line, they can
skewering earth damage to all fighters in close immediately leap into closest square adjacent to that
burst 1 of the spike. enemy, but still within the line. Then they can
immediately inflict violence. [Recharge 6].

While Poise Broken, Chiefs can be moved
CHIEF CLASSES forcibly and can be inflicted any Status. They
remove 2 Poise Tokens whenever they start their
Chiefs are the most powerful of warriors, great enemies, turn afterward, until they lose all Poise Tokens
bearers of immortality. When Kadungganan face Chiefs, and lose Poise Broken. They cannot gain more
they face powerful movers and shakers of the world, and Poise Tokens while Poise Broken.
they are meant to feel the consequences of facing such Phases. A Chief usually has more than 1 Phases, up to 3. This is
powerful combatants. usually triggered when they fall to Staggered and/or Critical.
The Chiefs have a number of Traits that make them more Each Phase has a set of Traits and Techniques, and these are
difficult to fight. Chiefs are usually equal to 5 cumulative: Traits and Techniques from Phase 1 are kept during
Kadungganan. If you have to scale down to accommodate Phase 2, for example, unless otherwise stated.
less number of Kadungganan, lower their Posture by 8 per
Kadungganan less than 5. SUPPORT STATISTICS
CLASS TRAITS Posture 200 Tempo 2
Poise. Chiefs are powerful: they cannot be broken so easily. Bravery 4 Faith 4
Whenever you forcibly move a Chief or make them Bleeding, Resist 7 Resolve 7
Juggled, Dazed, Unbalanced Debilitated, Eviscerated, Sundered, Speed 4 Jump 3
Slowed, Stopped, Stunned, they gain a Poise Token instead of
suffering the effect or gaining the Ailment. When they get 8
Poise Tokens, they are Poise Broken Broken.

A master of the art of slashing, who has sliced a coconut tree in a single swing. Fear their name.
Inflict Violence: Dancing Sword Murder. Melee Attack. Target 1 fighter in melee. Damage 2d6+Bravery visceral.
Effect: Can shift 1 before or after the attack.

Poise, Phases Rive. 1 Technique. The Swordmaster may shift 3 squares,
and then Inflict Violence if they can. During Phase 2, they
Blade Barrier. The Swordmaster has Evasion 5 vs all must roll d4 first, and then perform as many Inflict
ranged attacks as long as they’re not Staggered or Critical. Violences as the d4 roll.
Blade Grasp. When the Swordmaster suffers a melee Slashing Essence. Once at the end of the Swordmaster’s
attack, they may roll their d6+Bravery at the same time the turn, they may immediately deal Faith visceral damage to
target rolls their damage. If the Swordmaster rolls equal to all enemies adjacent to them.
or higher, the Swordmaster becomes immune to the effects
of the attack. Tenderizing Strike. When the Swordmaster Inflicts
Violence, the target must Resist or suffer Eviscerated 2 and
Every Movement A Slash. When the Swordmaster is Sundered 2.
Staggered, they immediately move into Phase 2: place
them at least 5 squares away from all fighters and they Phase 2
immediately take their Turn, even if it's not their Turn
Beat. The attacker that brought them to Staggered Awanggang Kalis. 1 Technique. Effect: the Swordmaster
immediately ends their turn. The Swordmaster heals 20 can command all Swords on the battlefield to deal 2xBr
Posture. visceral damage to all enemies adjacent to the Swords.
Each Sword then disappears from the battlefield. A single
While in Every Movement A Slash, whenever the fighter can suffer damage from multiple swords.
Swordmaster starts their turn, they may put down a 1d2
Swords in any unoccupied square within close burst 2. Any Mangangayam Blade. 2 Techniques. When the
fighter that moves into the Sword’s square immediately Swordmaster is Staggered or Critical, they can make an
suffers 1d6 visceral damage. area attack vs all enemies in close wall 12, dealing
d12+Bravery+Faith earth damage. The Swordmaster can
Phase 1 then teleport to any unoccupied square in the wall. They
then gain 5 Swordsaint Tokens, which they discard every
Killing Strike Form. When the Swordmaster makes an turn. As long as they have Swordsaint Tokens, they have +1
attack against a Staggered enemy, they gain +1 Might. Might.
Principle of the Blade. When the Swordmaster makes an Holy Sword Soul. 2 Techniques. Melee Attack. Target 1
attack while Critical, they gain +1 Might on their attack. fighter in range 1~2. Damage: d12+Bravery+Faith soul
The Cycle of Blades. When the Swordmaster makes an damage. Effect: The target suffers +2 to their next Turn
attack, they deal +1 damage per Sword in the battlefield. Beat. [2 Uses]

Dambuhala means “colossus, giant”. These are powerful chiefs that can break through and destroy all obstacles in their
way by use of sheer overwhelming power. Their thews are like mountains, their skin is iron, the heaven trembles at their
voice. Damubahala take up a large portion of the battlefield, and they are particularly powerful against Raiders and
Blasters, as they can power through their attacks.
Inflict Violence: Earthshaker. Area Attack. Target all fighters in close blast 3. Damage: d10+Bravery earth. Effect: All
damaged are pushed 1.
Unbreakable. The Dambuhala cannot gain Poise from
forced movement. However the Dambuhala can be
PASSIVES Eviscerated. When the Dambuhala is Poise Broken, they
Poise, Phases become Stunned while Poise Broken.
Break 1,000 Mountains! The Dambuhala is Size 2. They
have has 5 Soak. At Staggered, the Dambuhala reduces
this to 3 Soak but has +1 Might on all attacks. At Critical
the Dambuhala loses all Soak but has +2 Might on all God Creates Islands. 1 Technique, Melee or Ranged
attacks. Attack. To use this attack, there must be Blocking Terrain
Iron Skin Meditation. The Dambuhala can never have adjacent to the Dambuhala. Target: 1 fighter in range 3.
their Tempo or their Turn Beat changed by other effects. Damage: d8+Bravery earth damage. Effect: Push the
target 1d4 squares. Effect: The blocking terrain becomes
difficult terrain instead, or if its a height it lowers its
Phase 2 - Kurita Manifestation height by 1.
The Colossus erupts in rage, which manifests in 1-2 of the Earthshatter. 2 Techniques, Melee Attack. Target: 1
following ways: fighter in close line 6. Effect: Shift to a square adjacent to
0 Their shadow looms behind them. the target within the line. Damage: d8+Bravery visceral
0 Their armor breaks off of them, revealing a thousand damage. Effect: Push the target to the last square of the
hands. line and then they must Resist or become Stunned 2. They
auto-fail if they collide.
0 Their head twists revealing a wrathful visage. Hellsunder. 2 Techniques, Melee Attack. Effect: Move 5
0 Their one eye opens, finally, revealing three eyes. squares in a straight line. Make this attack to every enemy
0 They fuse with their surroundings, creating a Diwa- the Dambuhala move through. Damage: d10+Bravery fire
fused Colossus. damage. Effect: Each target must Resist or suffer
Knockdown 2. [Recharge 6]
0 A crown of Gahom erupts from them, creating a halo Knockdown: All attacks against you gain Precision.
of willpower. You cannot Flank, you cannot move voluntarily, you
Phase 2 triggers when the Dambuhala is Staggered. cannot make Attacks. You can spend a Technique to stand
They immediately push all fighters 5 squares away. They up and remove this.
immediately take their Turn, even if it's not their Turn
Beat. The attacker that brought them to Staggered Phase 2
immediately ends their turn. The Dambuhala then Pinakakusgan Colossus. 2 Techniques, Melee Attack.
performs Blasphemous Boar Consummation. Effect: Grab 1 adjacent fighter and then leap 5 squares,
At the start of the Dambuhala’s Phase 2, choose up to ignoring height and terrain. If landing on a higher height,
3 fighters in close burst 6. Those fighters are Entombed the target is Stunned 2. If landing on a lower height, deal
in a rocky carapace as debris falls upon them. +2d6 earth damage. Damage: Deal d8+Bravery earth
Entombed: An entombed fighter cannot take damage. [Recharge 6].
Techniques, nor can they take their turn. The Tomb, a 10
Durability Object, must be destroyed to free the fighter. Pinakakusgan Fist. 1 Technique, Melee Attack. Target: 1
Once freed, if the current Beat is past their Turn Beat, they adjacent fighter. Damage: 2d10+Bravery earth damage.
immediately take their turn in that Beat. Effect: The target suffers Knockdown 2. [Recharge 6]
Ancient Palm Techniques. When the Dambuhala Knockdown: All attacks against you gain Precision.
pushes a target, they can immediately follow it up with You cannot Flank, you cannot move voluntarily, you
the Ancient Palm Combo: they shift into a square cannot make Attacks. You can spend a Technique to stand
adjacent to the target and then make the following melee up and remove this.
Target: Shifted fighter Pinakakusgan Gatling. 2 Techniques, Melee Attack.
Damage: d4+Bravery visceral damage. Target: All fighters in close blast 4. Damage: 3d6+Bravery
Effect: Push the target up to 4 squares. If they fire damage. Effect: Each target is pushed 3 and then
collide with Terrain, they become Embedded: they cannot becomes Unbalanced.
move voluntarily until they are pushed off terrain or they
push themselves off with an Interact. Special
Spite of the Mountain. If the Dambuhala suffers an Blasphemous Boar Consummation. Heal 3 Posture per
attack, they may inflict violence on the attacker after their Fodder on the field, and then remove them. Then, deal
attack resolves. 9999 skewering dark damage to all fighters in the
field. This is Steady and this damage cannot be reduced
in any way.

And Heaven
Will Be Ours
“Apu. Apu! Do you hear me?”

“I do, young one. I do. What hath transpired? Thine mother and father...?”

“The shore is destroyed and broken, turned into jagged rocks by the metal ships.
Father and Mother are preparing to return to the stronghold. They have told me
to come get you--”

“Virbanwa! The Empire hath com. Their steel firearms shalt clash with our
swords and there shalt be war. The river is not stayed from its course: the Lords
shall revel and the slaves shall become as fodder. Quick, child, take upon thine
feet and let the wind carry you upriver. Bring news to the village that the Empire

“Will they believe me?”

“They have no other choice. The thundering of these blasphemous cannons hath
no recourse. Be swift, young one.”

“What will happen if the Conquest is complete?”

“The seas will burn, and the skies will bleed red. The gods of violence rejoiceth,
for the end cometh posthaste, with no interjection! The Circle of Violence shall
spin, and heaven shall tremble.”

And Heaven Will Be Ours is an introductory adventure for five Prowess 1-2 Kadungganan. In it, they will be
investigating a mysterious demonic infestation in the forests surrounding Palani Village, a village upon the
island of Nangka, filled with jack fruits and coconut crabs.
When the Kadungganan arrive (unless they’ve been living in Palani Village), they will find that the idyllic
village of Palani has been besieged recently by demons from the woods. These demons are usually wild boars
or civet cats that have been possessed by a sort of black smoke. Palani Village’s warriors and their Datu, a
woman named Datu Ulay, have been successfully keeping the yawa at bay, but their resources are wearing
down, and they must find a way to stop it.
Into this, the beautiful idyllic life of Palani is endangered, and perhaps you are the only ones that can stop it.
This module will deal with the following content warnings: slavery, imperialism, environmental destruction,
animal death.

If you are a Kadungganan, stop reading here. The next few pages will be for Umalagad eyes.

NOTES FOR THE Yawa are demonkind: born from the atrocities committed
UMALAGAD by Folk against or within Nature. Apply the following
This adventure is meant to be very freeform and Perversion. When a yawa is Defeated, they discorporate
sandboxy. There will be no proper narrative to follow and then deal 2 skewering dark damage to all enemies in
here. Instead, there will be Three Factions, each with their the field. Ignore this effect if they died to light or soul
own goals, as well as descriptions of each Location. damage.
Within the factions will be Folk that can be interacted
with. Atrocity. Yawa do not flee, and they have dark
conditioning. They are also considered Scourge.
However, potential encounters will be laid out down here Defile The Land. As beings of Unnaturality, yawa bring
as well, to ease needing to build out encounters yourself. Dihiyang with them everywhere. At the start of a turn of
These encounters will be in the particular Location they any yawa, there is a 3-in-10 chance of an adjacent square
will be in, and will represent likely outcomes of going to becoming Defiled Land. Defiled Land can only be
those Locations. cleansed if an attack with light damage is used while on
IMPORTANT ENEMY TRAITS Defiled Land: Any non-yawa fighter that enters
One will need the following Origin Passives that come or starts their turn in this square suffers 3 skewering
from the following Origins: Apunon, Virbanwan, and damage and then suffers Eviscerated 1. Any yawa fighter
Yawa. that starts their turn in this square heals 4 Posture.

Apunon are masters of their home environment. Apply
the following Passives:
Little War Mastery. If they are to fight in a battlefield
that they consider their home, they roll d4 instead of d6 in
the initial Tempo Roll.
Bonded With The World. Nature itself works to protect
the Apunon. At the beginning of any Apunon turn, there
is a 3-in-10 chance that a piece of grassy Height 1 Blocking
Terrain will arrive in any adjacent square to the Apunon.
Folk. All Apunon are folk. They have Conviction for
fighting, which they might hold on to. If an Apunon’s
Conviction is tested or if only half of their original
number still stands, they roll for Morale at the start of
their turn.
Morale: They have a 5-in-10 chance of
surrendering or fleeing, becoming Defeated.

Belief 1: Datu Ulay is being intentionally hard headed: she
FACTIONS AND FOLK knows that performing a cleansing ritual in Palani’s
Shrine in the island is going to be too difficult to pull off,
There are three Factions that have confluenced upon the especially with Song being the only Balyan in the village.
island of Nangka. These are the Palani Villagers, the Belief 2: She believes the Demons can be strongarmed
Virbanwan 33rd “Conqueror” Battalion, and the Forest into submission through sheer violence. She’s seen the
Folk. Virbanwans do it, so she believes they would be able to do
it as well.
As their name implies, Palani Villagers will most likely be
found in the village of Palani. Stoic, Handsome, Skilled
DATU ULAY (SHE/HER) Siwalo is one of the warriors in Datu Ulay’s retinue. He is
a quiet man, who usually only answers by way of nodding
Strict, Commanding, Secretive and shaking his head. He is capable of speech, thankfully.
A tall woman wearing full body abaca weave, with a Siwalo is actually one of the descendant of Palani, and the
hardwood breastplate over it. She wears a gold garuda sword that he bears--an heirloom called Palani’s Thorn--
hair ornament over her naturally platinum white hair. is a special kind of weapon that can slay the ogre blocking
Datu Ulay is a severe warrioress who has been the datu of Palani’s Shrine. The trouble is, he doesn’t know this, and
Palani for only five years. Her father, Sakid, still lives in an neither does Balyan Song.
inland house, to spend the rest of his days in rest, as a If one wishes to kill the Ogre at the entrance of Palani
sickness has taken over him. Shrine, then they must bring Siwalo. If they do not, then
Datu Ulay will be very stressed about the current demon the Ogre will simply reform when the Kadungganan wish
infestation situation of Palani, and would no doubt to leave the Shrine. Palani’s Thorn will not work in other’s
appreciate any help that she could get. If the hands: it must be a descendant of Palani.
Kadungganan go to her, she will ask them to investigate
the Abandoned Spirit Altar in the surrounding Forest of FOREST FOLK
Palani. None of her own warriors have returned after Most of the Forest is inhabited by the little gods.
being sent there. However, there are two spirits who have the capacity to
As a reward, she promises to grant each Kadungganan a speak with Folk: the Crocodile River Spirit Dagsa, and the
gold ring, a necessity. Child of the Forest Lisi.
Belief 1: She believes that the Demons cannot be DAGSA
negotiated with, and that they must build a powerful Majestic, Gigantic, Peaceful
warrior force to be able to beat the demons to the ground
and close the Defiled Land. She has been ignoring Balyan Dagsa is a benevolent diwata that lives in the River Dagsa,
Song’s pleas. the river that bisects Palani from the rest of the forest.
Belief 2: Should the Virbanwan Regiment arrive in Palani, Dagsa vows to keep Palani Village protected, but despite
she will immediately believe that their weapons, steel, their offerings, the demons have been getting to him.
and discipline is what they need, and will ally with them
if the Virbanwan Regiment will help them stop the Dagsa is dead. His corpse, fading away into grass and
Demon Invasion. river, sits gently by the riverbanks. The river Dagsa fades
in power. Dagsa has not been killed by yawa, he has been
BALYAN SONG (HE/THEY) killed by Virbanwans.
Softspoken, Short, Caring
A short-statured yet lithe and handsome man who can be
easily mistaken for a girl, especially with the woman’s Wise, Ominous, Foreboding -- Has wispy black hair and
clothing he wears. He presents as a woman when wears a large textile cloak that shrouds her entire
performing his ritual duties. silhouette.
Balyan Song has been the balyan for 20 years now, which Lisi is the Child of the Forest, whose true name is
is most of his life. His master had died during a demonic Kalisilisi. She abhors the demons, and will guide the
invasion and he took his place. He’s had to learn much on Kadungganan to Palani’s Shrine. However, she will ask
the job, but he now works great as the village healer and the Kadungganan a single favor, in return for a beautiful
the channeler for the great ancestor Palani, of whom the Mutya. She asks that the Kadungganan push the metal
village is named after, and is the one that grants blessings men out of the forest as well.
to the village.
Balyan Song is afraid, however: Palani’s voice has long
disappeared, and he is afraid that is why the demons have
been multiplying in number. He has not been able to
travel into the waterfall where Palani’s Shrine rests,
because a powerful ogre blocks the path.
He can offer support if the Kadungganan wish to go to the
Abandoned Spirit Altar. However, he does not believe in
Ulay’s methods.

explosives division, led by Army Witch Iris Reyes. The
VIRBANWAN 33RD CONQUEROR Sapper wears a large amount of clothing and layers, but
that does not hide his weight.
Confiado himself is a peasant, given the job Sapper after
One of the many powerful regiments of the Virbanwan he was forcibly conscripted. He is smart, and knows a lot
structured army, sent to crush dissidents and enforce the about the strange alchemizations of witchpowder as well
will of Makagagahum. The 33rd Conquereror Battalion is as Virbanwan Trade Routes, but knows nothing about the
led by the Sword Devil Nitida, who once destroyed an world around them. He has been conditioned to believe
entire Gatusan settlement on his own. that the gods are “ingkantu”.
KAPITAN NITIDA, THE SWORD DEVIL However he has an open mind, and when he sees that the
Indomitable, Unhinged, Greedy village of Palani is a nice village that is not worth
conquering over, and he is eager to learn about the
Sword Devil Nitida is a tall man with long unkempt dark natures of his fellow warriors in the Sword Isles.
green hair that reaches the small of his back. His eyes
burn like a cat’s, with a crimson hue, and his skin is a pale ARMY WITCH IRIS REYES
brown. He has sharp canines, as if he has been possessed Prodigious, Loyal, Loving
by a true demon. He usually wears a complete Virbanwan
Rayadillo, but beneath it all is a pale brown body marred She wears the Virbanwan Army Rayadillo, but wears a
with scars. Nitida was the premier student of Guro faded textile cloak over it all, shrouding her face and pitch
Sanghati, the Sword Saint. black hair. There is a crimson gem upon her forehead,
Nitida is power hungry general who grew up from representing her awakened Kinaadman.
weakness and poverty. Upon that dirty and bloody road,
he took upon himself the twisted teaching: never shall he Iris Reyes never wanted to be an army witch, leading a
become that weak again. He believes that all problems in division. She was born a peasant girl. She had no
the world is an individualistic problem of willpower, intentions of becoming an Enchanter, but her mother
instead of a true dialectic problem of greater Virbanwan held the Art deep in her heart, even though she never
mercantilist society. taught it. When the Virbanwans came and razed her
village to the ground--they could not pay their rice taxes-
He brings with him a giant ginunting, forged in the fires of -they took her after finding out they had killed her
dying angels, known as the Iyong Katotohanan, which mother. They took her because they thought witches
means “Your Truth”. Because when he slashes-without- passed down their ability.
slashing, he is showing them his own truth that will
become inevitably the victim of his scorn’s. She was subjected to a grueling process of learning
He cares for nothing but himself, and will do anything it Witchcraft, wherein Sampalatayan Devilpriests (other
takes. He is cruel and sadistic, but manipulative and great mandalas would call them by their true name, balyan)
at getting other people to look at it in his light. He uses his would perform long and intricate rituals to forcibly open
inherent charisma and looks like a sword. her Third Eye, and in so doing let her use her Kinaadman.
She was forced to endure bloody enlightenment. Now
The Nangka deployment is nothing but another job for every time she uses her witchcraft, pain consumes her.
him, something to grant him more prowess and power on “That’s okay,” the Virbanwan Steel Generals say, upon
the path to ultimate power. He wishes on day to kill the their Lion Galleons, “The pain will make the magick
Batara Lakan and take his place, becoming a Panginoong stronger.”
Espada, a Sword God.
They have their orders, the entire Regiment knows it: kill Iris will choose anything but to keep being an Army
Palani to rid Nangka of its guardian deity, and then Witch. However, she is loyal. She does not know yet that
establish a colony here. Nangka is a strategic position there is a life better than being an explosive cog in the
after all, in the fight against heathen Akai. machine.
At every point of their meeting, Nitida will try to sway the Iris specializes in long-range artillery fire, using her own
Kadungganan over to the Virbanwan’s side, promising talents to supplement lantaka barrages. She can summon
power, protection, and honor. large showers of flame from her Kinaadman to batter
SAPPER CONFIADO down enemy forces.
Confident, Intelligent, Compassionate
Sapper Confiado is a beer-gut wielding warrior of the

THE FOREST Here there is a grand rocky outcropping The overwhelming body of Dagsa
The forest beyond Palani Village is an one must trek up to find the path that dominates this area. It is bleeding and
ancient forest, revered and sacred. It is leads to Palani’s Shrine. However, there dying. Wounds have been made from
considered the holy provider by the is a Virbanwan Camp that has set up sorcerous flame, bullets, and steel
locals of Palani, and of course there is a camp here, led by Army Witch Iris Reyes. slashes.
blessed waterfall that has been turned They plan on blowing up the rocky cliffs
Dagsa will grant the Warband a
into Palani’s Shrine. to create a pathway for the greater
Treasure: Crocodile Tooth Spear. All of
When venturing into the Forest, begin regiment to travel into Palani’s Shrine
the Warband can choose to deal water
from Area 1, where the Spirit House and and destroy it.
damage when they inflict violence. If
Bridge to Dagsa are. The Forest is a
The Kadungganan can try and Cast the they do, they deal +1 damage.
dangerous place, and it takes days to
Crocodile’s Teeth to sneak past them, but
traverse it even partially. AREA 8: VIRBANWAN
this is done with a Penalty.
If they choose to fight the Virbanwans,
There is a river here, and a broken This area has been cleared of trees and
they go into Encounter 2.
wooden bridge, overtaken by green. In turned into a stronghold. At the borders
the midway through the bridge is a spirit Area 4 is connected to Area 5. The of the clearing stands little earth spirits,
house, wherein the figure of a fat Kadungganan can also choose to go to sadly watching the march of progress, as
scowling man sits. This is Dagsa. Make Area 8, but that is no doubt filled with the stronghold crafts iron and belches
an offering. Virbanwans. smoke.
If the Kadungganan make an offering, AREA 5: PALANI’S SHRINE If they haven’t met Nitida yet, Nitida will
they will be led by a little moth in the be here, and offer them comfort and a
A beautiful waterfall cascades here,
direction of Dagsa’s Corpse, which is in home.
veiling a beautiful strangler fig in a fine
Area 7.
drizzle. Upon the roots of the strangler If they choose to side with Nitida, Area 8
There is only one path here: inside, to fig is an ancient stone statue depicting a will become a place for Downtime.
Area 2. kindly smiling man. There is a stone altar
carved before him, where fruit and
flower has dried up. The land here has been flattened into
plains. Trees lie here, unblessed. Spirits
However, before one can travel to the
There is a tree trunk here, wherein an languish, sitting upon the trees that were
shrine, a giant Yawa Dambuhala blocks
idol stands, covered in fruits, flowers, cut down.
the area. This is immediately Encounter
and rice grains. It is melting.
3. If they are victorious, the Yawa If the Kadungganan has allied with
It is surrounded by yawa. As the Dambuhala is cleansed. If they are Nitida, they will be attacked by scouts of
Kadungganan approach, one of the last Defeated, they are forced to retreat, and Palani, which leads to Encounter 5.
surviving warriors of Datu Ulay (a the next time they arrive in Palani’s
scrappy young boy named Maki, who Shrine, the Dambuhala would have been
stands his ground with nothing but a killed by a Virbanwan battalion, led by The grand lion galleons of Virbanwa lay
balaraw) turns and shouts: “Leave! It’s Sword Devil Nitida and an abducted here, belching sorcerous smoke. Here
not safe here!” At his direst hour his Siwalo. This will lead to Encounter 6, they will find Datu Ulay, striking up a
courage still burns. (unless Nitida is defeated beforehand). deal with the Virbanwans (Nitida if they
haven’t met him yet). In exchange for the
If the Kadungganan choose to help him, To save Palani, they must take the stone
safety of Palani and a place in the greater
they will fight the yawa. If it has come to idol away from the strangler fig and back
Empire, they will not interfere with
this, you can proceed to Encounter 1. to Balyan Song in the village. There he
Virbanwan business. If the
can perform a ritual that summons
The Kadungganan can try and cast the Kadungganan disagree, this leads to
Palani from the heavens,
crocodile’s teeth if they want to sneak Encounter 7.
past the yawa, but they can only travel to AREA 6: VIRBANWAN PARTY
Area 3. Area 6 is blocked completely by
There’s a clearing here beside a river.
the yawa. There is nothing here but serenity. So
There’s a Virbanwan Party here that has
close to nature. Beautiful lacewings and
On the other side of the area is the path set up camp. They are small, with a lot of
floating flower petals, delicious fruit,
to Area 6. infantry. However they are not
and a refreshing brook. Such beauty,
immediately hostile, and the first
AREA 3: FOREST HALL would you let this fade away?
Virbanwan that Kadungganan will meet
A beautiful stretch of forest teeming with here is Sapper Confiado, who has sway in On your next combat, the Warband has 1
life. A whole slew of fauna can be found the general attitude of that party. If Soak on their first turn.
here. More importantly, before they head hostilities arrive, however, this leads to
to Area 4, Lisi will appear and speak with Encounter 4.
the Kadungganan, asking for their help.
She will also alude to Dagsa’s death.

Each green square is an area. Every number outside of the green
FOREST PATH MAP square is a direction or path one can follow to get to the next
connecting square. The numbers outside the green square represent
the number of days it takes to get to the other adjacent green square.


2 1/4
3 1
4 1/8
1/4 4 3

6 1/2
7 1

1 1/4

10 5

Demons are assaulting the altar. Protect it. Face the Virbanwans who stand above you.

A 10x10 field with the following field traits: A 15x10 field (vertical) with the following field traits:

0 A spirit altar square on the top side. It is a Durability 0 The upper half of the battlefield should be rising in
50 object. height, with the highest height being height 5. The
Virbanwans all begin from Height 5 or 4.
0 Height variations of -1 to +3.
0 Boulders all around: set at least 5 squares as squares
0 At least 5 squares of Difficult Terrain. of H1 Blocking Terrain, which can be destroyed,
0 Maki is in a square no less than 5 squares from the having 16 Durability.
yawa. Stat Maki as an ally that is an Apunon 0 Kadungganan begin at the bottom of the map,
Assassin. single file, in Height 0 squares.
Kadungganan begin at the bottom of the map, single file. 0 You can place up to 3 more Field Traits as needed.

Defeat all yawa. Defeat Army Witch Iris Reyes.


Make sure Maki is not defeated. Reward: Maki owes you Make at least 5 Virbanwans Flee. If you do, you gain their
one and gives you their Debt Token. trust.


All Kadungganan are defeated or the Spirit Altar is All Kadungganan are defeated or you reach Beat 50
destroyed. without achieving your Objective.

Enemies begin in no less than 6 squares of the Spirit Altar, ENEMY FORCES
probably surrounding Maki. 0 5 Virbanwan Lancer Fodder
ENEMY FORCES 0 1 Virbanwan Blade Maiden
0 5 Yawa Assassin Fodder 0 2 Virbanwan Barileers
0 1 Yawa Juggernaut 0 1 Virbanwan Hound
0 2 Yawa Hunters 0 1 Virbanwan Sorcerer Brave (Iris Reyes)
TACTICS As much as possible, each Virbanwan will not leave Iris’
side. Archers will take exploit their height advantage as
Every Yawa will spend their first turn attacking Maki. the Kadungganan try to go up to Iris, while 2 Lancer
Maki has Evasion 5 for the first attack against him. Fodders will stay behind while the rest of the Fodder
Afterwards, the Yawa will try and attack the spirit altar, work to slow down the Kadungganan. The Assassin will
though if there is a Kadungganan in range, they will use their superior movement to attack and then leave.
attack the Kadungganan first.
The Barileers will almost never give up their Height
Advantage and will do their best to not Stride to gain a
bonus to their Tempo.

Defeat the Ogre of the Shrine. You have drawn the ire of a Virbanwan Party.

A 10x10 field with the following field traits: A 12x12 field with the following field traits:

0 A waterfall in one corner, leading to two streams 0 The Battlefield is cut across vertically by a river,
that are water terrain that go across the entire map. which is water terrain and Height -1.
0 Height variations of -1 to +3. 0 Boulders all around: set at least 5 squares as squares
of H1 Blocking Terrain, which can be destroyed,
0 At least 5 squares of H1 Durability 16 Blocking having 16 Durability.
0 Kadungganan begin on the left side of the battlefield,
0 Kadungganan begin at the bottom of the map, while the enemies begin on the right side, across the
single file. river.
OBJECTIVE 0 You can place up to 3 more Field Traits as needed.
Defeat the Ogre of the Shrine. Defeating the Ogre opens
him up for a killing blow from Siwalo. OBJECTIVE
Defeat the Virbanwans.
Defeat the Ogre with light damage or soul damage. If you
do, gain the Hatred Agimat. All Kadungganan are defeated or you reach Beat 50
without achieving your Objective.
All Kadungganan are defeated or you reach Beat 50. ENEMIES
ENEMIES 0 1 Virbanwan Conjurer
ENEMY FORCES 0 1 Virbanwan Archer
0 1 Yawa Dambuhala (Ogre of the Shrine). Large and 0 1 Virbanwan Warlord
tusked. Like a bipedal warthog. 0 1 Virbanwan Ironclad
TACTICS 0 1 Virbanwan Barileer (Sapper Confiado)
The Ogre of the Shrine is not particularly smart, and will TACTICS
attack the closest fighter to them. When they attack, they The Virbanwan Archer will attack from afar, and the
will generally deal damage to as much fighters as Warlord will empower either the Archer or the Fist.
possible. They are prone to provoked. Confiado will not approach unless he is moving with the

Palani has branded you as traitors. The Sword Devil stands before you.

A 10x10 field with the following field traits: A 20x10 field with the following field traits:

0 A flat map with 7 squares that are at Hindering 0 A waterfall in one corner, leading to two streams that
Terrain (Tree Stumps) and 4 squares that are are water terrain that go across the entire map.
Blocking Terrain. 0 Height variations of -1 to +3.
0 Height does not go higher than 2, but there are 1d6 0 At least 5 squares of H1 Durability 16 Blocking
Chasms everywhere, set secretly by the Umalagad. Terrain.
0 Kadungganan begin at the middle of the map, while 0 Kadungganan begin at the bottom of the map, single
Enemies begin surrounding them. file.
0 Choose one edge of the map furthest from the 0 The Virbanwans begin within 6 squares of the
Kadungganan. This is an Escape Point. They simply Kadungganan.
need to move into an Escape Point to eflee.
0 On the northern edge of the map is Palani’s Shrine, a
OBJECTIVE Size 1 Object with Durability 60.
Defeat the Assassins or all Kadungganan escape. OBJECTIVE
LOSS CONDITION Defeat the Sword Devil Nitida and protect Palani’s Shrine.

All Kadungganan are defeated or you reach Beat 50. LOSS CONDITIONS
All Kadungganan are defeated, you reach Beat 50 without
ENEMIES achieving your Objective, or Palani’s Shrine is destroyed.
0 1 Apunon Ritualist ENEMIES
0 1 Apunon Assassin ENEMY FORCES
0 1 Apunon Juggler 0 3 Virbanwan Guardian Fodder
0 1 Apunon Hound 0 3 Virbanwan Barileer Fodder
0 1 Apunon Healer 0 1 Virbanwan Swordmaster (Sword Devil Nitida)
The Ritualist will set up Spirits immediately, while the Reinforcements arrive at the bottom of the map.
Assassin and the Juggler will move behind the Juggernaut.
The Healer will stay as far away from the Enemies as 0 3 Virbanwan Guardian Fodder
possible while still handing out Might.
0 3 Virbanwan Barileer Fodder
0 3 Virbanwa Barricade Fodder.
The Sword Devil is a powerful warrior, who will stop at
nothing to claim what is his. But he is also haughty. He will
be the one to face off with the Kadungganan while the
Fodder go and destroy the Shrine.

Nitida Battle Start Quote: “Ah, the would be heroes, are
you? Let us see if you are worth my steel. Death, either way,
shall be a reward.”

Nitida Phase 2 Quote: “Your--ngh!--steel rings true! But

let us see if your conviction is stronger. Face me, make me
feel alive! You are worthy of my blades!”

Nitida Defeat Quote: You have shattered my steel for now.

But... The Empire Marcheth... Ever on...”

ENCOUNTER 7 Defeat the Datu Ulay.
Defeat Datu Ulay.
BATTLEFIELD Defeat Datu Ulay!
A 20x20 field with the following field traits:
0 The lower half of the battlefield is Height 2 normal
terrain. The upper half is sandy Height 1 Difficult All Kadungganan are defeated or you reach Beat 50.
Terrain. Then the third half of that is Height 0
Water Terrain. ENEMIES
0 The Virbanwans and Datu Ulay begin at where the ENEMY FORCES
water meets the sand.
0 1 Apunon Blade Maiden Brave (Datu Ulay)
0 Kadungganan begin at the bottom of the map,
single file, at the earthen terrain. 0 1 Virbanwan Warlord
0 There will be 1d4+2 Size 2 Blocking Terrain 0 5 Virbanwan Guardian Fodder
boulders (Durability 25) in the field. 0 5 Virbanwan Archer Fodder
0 At the beginning of Beat 10 and every 5 Beats after 0 5 Virbanwan Lancer Fodder
that, cannons explode from the ships. All fighters in TACTICS
the sand terrain are safe. But those that are in the
normal terrain are valid targets. The Umalagad must Datu Ulay’s Conviction is steel. They will not hesitate to
roll a d10... attack, but they will stand alongside the Virbanwan
warlord as much as possible. The Fodder will swarm the
0 1-5: A Kadungganan is hit, they suffer a ranged attack field, but they will move together, exploiting their
that deals 3d6 visceral damage. If the Kadungganan Virbanwan nature as much as possible.
is behind Blocking Terrain (not in front of it, facing
the water), the terrain suffers the damage instead. If Nitida has not been defeated yet at this point, Nitida
0 6-10: A Fodder on normal terrain is killed. joins the fight here, after the fight with Ulay.

Ulay Battle Start Quote: “No quarter for the weak,
Kadungganan! If Palani Village is to survive we must take
advantage of the Empire!”

Ulay Phase 2 Quote: “Your... Arguments are enticing. But

they will not sway me. This is not about me, nor you! It is
about the people of Palani!”

Ulay Defeat Quote: “You cannot kill me. Not now.

There’s still so much to do.... Palani, forgive me.”

Manuscript of

32 - Baikhan Cauldrons. Usually used for stews and soups,
Barter Items they are usually traded in from the Southeast Continent (in
exchange for local forest goods) so that they can be broken to
supply smith forges, since it was easier to trade in malleable
If you want to randomize, roll 2d8, setting one dice as the iron than to extract metal from ore. Rarity to smiths.
tens place and the other as the ones place. The barter ratings
are generalizations, it will not be the same across all polities. 33 - Palo. Panday tools. The palo is a two-handed stone maul
for working iron. Palo-palo is a smaller stone hammer. A pair
11- Kupya. Steel peaked helmet. An import from foreign value at
lands, now forged locally.
34 - Garol. Curved bladed spurs for fighting cocks. Valued by
12 - Betel Nut Chew. When given to someone you just met, those that frequent sabong fights and those that train
it grants you +1 when conversing with them. fighting cocks.
13 - Abaca Rope. 5 dupa long. Has numerous uses. 35 - Bisol Tail. The bisol is a kind of ray fish with a tough and
rough tail, used as a smoothener to smooth the hardest of
14 - Glazed Water Pot. Useful for carrying water. woods.
15 - Abaca Sack. A sack used for carrying things. 36 - Daya. A flat open boat akin to sampans. Can be used to
travel up and down streams and rivers.
16 - Banig. A textile mat great for resting..
37 - Balanga. A flat clay pan used for frying. Commodity,
17 - Bamboo Fishing Rod. A fishing rod. sold by most potters.
18 –Habay-habay. An abaca fiber under armor, worn similar 38 - Gining. A large porcelain jar used for creating pangasi
to a burlap sack. Usually waist length, but can reach ankle rice wine. Necessity, usually comes from foreign trade with
length. Baik Hu and Malirawat.
21 - A clay pot of dyestuffs. Choose which color. This can be 41 - Kabo. A blue and white jarlet, Baikhan construct.
used to dye any cloth.
42 - Dulang. Wooden pan used to pan gold from streams
22 – Palm Leaf Scrolls and Writing Knife. Can be used to and riverbeds.
write messages and notes.
43 - Kamagi. Neck Trinket. Gold necklaces that contain
23 - Clay Pot. A clay pot that can preserve anything put hundreds of links and rods and wires, all made of gold.
within it for a three days.
44 - Pakil. The native term for breastplate, can be made of
24 - Tuba. Fermented coconut wine. When drunken, must kalabaw hide, kalabaw horn, elephant hide, gold, bronze,
succeed on a save or else they are incapacitated for 6 hours. steel, hardwood, or bamboo. It is a necessity if its hardwood,
Bahandi. bamboo, or gold. It is a rarity if its made of kalabaw hide,
elephant hide, bronze, and steel.
25 - Kasing. A hardwood spinning top much wanted by
children and collectors. Values at 45 - Pakang. A kind of mallet used to drive a lukub, an
instrument to make holes in shipbuilding.
26 - Kudyapi or Korlong. A boat lute, usually with one or
two strings, played with a plectrum. Much wanted for feasts 46 - Kagingking. Branches of bamboo whereupon leaves
and celebrations. Kudyapi is used by males and korlong by grow, used for rituals and decoration.
females. Values at
47 - Karayang. Frying pans of pure iron. Used for cooking.
27 - Agung. A bronze or war gong, used for official Traded in from Naksuwarga or Baik Hu.
proceedings, ceremonies, war, and news. Bahandi.
48 - Bakud. Poles used like staffs, made to create holes in the
28 - Ancestor or Diwata Idol. A little human being or idol ground for farming.
usually made of wood or stone, found in almost every
household in The Sword Isles. They represent little gods or 51 - Subing. A bamboo jaw harp. A twanging reed plucked
diwata, guardian spirits, or ancestral spirits that the between the lips or teeth with the mouth as a variable
common folk pray to everyday. Some settlements paint them resonating chamber.
intricately, others laurel and perfume them. Offerings are
given to them everyday. Usually not sold, and no one in the 52 - Tolali. A bamboo nose flute, made to echo mournful
market would seek it. human sounds.
31 - Hinalasan Burial Jar. A porcelain jar depicting a river 53 - Bangati. A vine used as a preventative for epilepsy.
dragon. Used as a means of secondary burial, where the
bones of the deceased are perfumed and stuffed within in a 54 - Kandit. Neck Trinket. Heavy gold sash worn by
sitting position--with their knees up to their chin--along kedatuan royalty.
with their jewelry. Bahandi.
55 - Golden Flower Ear Ornaments. Ear Trinket. Four
petaled gold flower sculptures, depicting the ancient Flower
of Life. Excessively ornamented and decorated, made by the
most skilled of panday sa bulawan (goldsmiths).

56 - Patan-aw. Ear Trinket. Dangling gold earrings where 77 - Pandong. Any natural covering used as a lady’s cloak.
articulation is achieved by fusing zigzagging gold wire into
hollow hoops. From these dangle multiple round, rhomboid, 78 - Sarok. A headdress with a deep crown, used for travel
and foliate spangles and ornaments. on foot or by boat.

57 – Paruka. Wooden clogs, sometimes made of intricate 81 - Paraluman. A compass, not really used much as sailors
gold. A sign of wealth.. in the Archipelago memorize the currents, the islands, and
know how to read the stars.
58 - Gold Barter Rings. Ring. Golden rings engraved with
exquisite wave patterns used as trading currency. 82 - Bronze Mirror. Used as a mirror.

61 - Tutubi Necklace. Neck Trinket. Or dragonfly necklace. 83 - Incense Pots. Valued by those higher in society,
Made of gold, a kind of necklace made of thousands of important during death rituals, funerals, and mournings.
granulated gold beads, flattened to create a shimmering 84 - Bulat. A perfumed ointment, compounded of many
effect reminiscent of the tails of tutubi, dragonflies. ingredients, used for hair fragrance and luxuriant growth.
Expensive almost anywhere.
85 - Puno. A fine comb for removing head lice or ringworm
62 - Golden Forearm Bands. Wrist Bangles. Gold bands scales.
made of sheets of gold wrapped around the forearms,
decorated with rose and palmetto motifs. 86 - Silat. A toothbrush made of vegetable husk for cleaning
and polishing teeth.
63 - Gold Armbands and Bracelets. Wrist Bangles. Wide
gold flaring bands worn as bracelets. 87 - Powdered Duyong Bones. A panacea for all kinds of
64 - Gold Petaloid Ear Ornaments. Earring. Ear ornaments
with petaloid protrusions and floral designs. 88 - Puso Rice Cakes. Rice cakes boiled in a little wrapper of
coconut leaves.
65 - Habul. Abaca cloth, used for a variety of things.
66 - Salt. Salt derived from saltwater was precious. One
ganta (3 liters) is usually needed by most people.
67 - Kukot. Wooden counters for calculation of barter. Every
tenth kukot was of a different size, to help in counting.
68 - Cast-Iron Pans. From trade with others. Wanted by
panday sa puthaw (blacksmiths). Commodity, Necessity to
71 - Bugsok. A bamboo clothes hamper that you can keep
your clothes and other items in.
72 - Kupit. A knapsack for holding items.
73 - Bangkat. Bamboo carrying basket.
74 - Kupang. A skein of cotton.
75 - Tapul. Tar-based teeth coating that can be applied to
give the teeth polished ivory. It also acts as teeth
preservatives. In most of the cultures of the known isles,
white teeth belongs only to the animals.
76 - Lakha. Red ant eggs chewed to grant the teeth a deep
red color.

A Collection of Writings Martial Arts
and Silks of the Lotus The primary way of fighting in every culture is expressed as
an art. These are martial arts. As with any art, there are many
The following is a series of translated writings and songs different schools and branches of this art, and that is doubly
from the lands of Gubat Banwa, many of them written upon true for Gubat Banwa, where Martial Arts are the primary
palm leaf manuscripts, others written on copperplate and art. Settlements might have special personal Martial Arts
ivory seals. Most of these have been passed down to us in only taught to the royalty of their village, while others might
song and gossip. have traveling martial sages or blacksmiths that actively
spread their martial art. Others might have started
On The Shape of the World Communities of Learning deep into the mountains, inspired
by foreign monasteries.
Written by Sahajaya Ngarok, the Fortress Shattering
Makinaadmanon. There has been a violence within the On the Topic of Rulership
echoes and songs of the learned and the fools, upon the
proper shape of Gubat Banwa. Many have said that since Written by Sri Kadasiga Mahawagas, an excerpt from his
there are countless gods and demons that the world is not “Sermons on Virtue and Rulership.”
shaped at all, but the spiritual truth of formless reality–Ang “For many datu in the isles, some sort of divinity is a useful
Tanan Nga Kawala (The All That Is Nothing)--which is that claim to royalty. This is because a ruler’s powerbase, a king’s
ultimate reality that exists beyond us and before us and even powerbase, in the isles depends on how much virtue or
before the great Sky and Sea, obviously goes against that. merit the commonfolk see that you have. If they realize that
How can we, as finite creatures, little eels upon the river of another, different warrior-brave or king has a more powerful
existence, know that the world is not shaped? If the ultimate claim to royalty, whether it be divine heritage, bloodline, or
is formless then we must be formed, for we are not ultimate. superior ultraviolence, then they will switch allegiance on a
Therefore the two most popular views upon which the world dime, following the more powerful one. Why would you
is shaped are as follows: Hulma Niyog (Coconut Shaped) or follow a non-virtuous person? If you follow a virtuous
Hulma Baino (Lotus Shaped). The more common knowledge leader, then you will cultivate virtue yourself.
spread across the Sword Isles is that the world is shaped like “Let me tell you, song within song, a story I have learned
a coconut, the Hulma Niyog. This view originated within the from my teacher, a peerless spearwoman, named Tagos,
isles itself, and only makes sense: there are the realm of the which means pierce through.
mortals, upon which we live, in the middle of the coconut,
the realm of the gods on the upper half, and then the realm ‘O great Makinaadmanon, tell us: what does it take to be a
of the underdwellers in the lower half, all of it encased king?’
within a coconut-shaped cosmos. This world thus floats
upon the Sea of Wine. The great Makinaadmanon bent her head in introspection,
and then said: ‘Two things. Merit and Compassion.
The other popular view has been introduced from the far
southeastern missionaries and monks: that the world is ‘To expound: all kings must express great merit, one that
shaped like a Lotus, and it is balanced upon the tip of the speaks good of their actions on the earth. This merit shall fill
trident of Rayasaiwa, the central Guardian God. The trident them, proper fealty and obeisance to the superstitions of the
is known as Kadaut Rishud. Others say that the Sea of Wine world. Those of Gatusan like to call it ‘Gahum’, power, but in
is the infinite vastness that is Rayasaiwa (thus the Sea of fact it is more than just. It is more than just power. It is
Wine is also known as Rayavritur, which means “Presence of respect, charisma, force of personality, and virtue.’
Rayasaiwa”) and there are a potentially infinite number of
Lotuses (each one being a smaller reality) which float upon
Rayavritur, each one balanced upon the infinite Kadaut ‘Great Makinaadmanon, what brings one merit?’
Rishud. The sky is the lotus bud’s ceiling, the farthest ‘Proper action. The king reflects upon his disciples, his
reaches of the World Jaws (upon which the Continents are followers, you see. If the king acts correctly, then his
affixed) turn into the petals of the lotus, and the depths of followers shall follow correctly. He shall avenge his
the world eventually ends in a giant pillar that is the Kadaut ancestors that have been wronged, execute justice, cultivate
Rishud. compassion and harmony with nature, and a propensity for
What is the truth? Much more rumination and song is peace, and silent stoic virtue that cuts through falsities,
needed, and experience and storytelling, and perhaps we smoke, and bamboo to arrive at the proper conclusions to
can ask the ancestors about the truth of the matter. Perhaps better support his disciples.’
it is both, or perhaps it is neither? Whatever it may be, it is A pale young girl, with hair the color of yellowed flowers,
the shape. said: ‘You speak of the king with his disciplines—‘

‘Yes,’ interrupted the Makinaadmanon. ‘That is because Aristocrat - The nobles, very often they are related in some
Kings from your land subjugate. Kings here in the Sword way to the Chief, whether it be through blood (even second
Isles: Rajahs, Lakan, Datu, Sultans… they are all leaders. They nephews become Aristocrats), marriage, or by the Chief
are not simply rulers. They carry with them their strength, absolving them of all Debt and making someone their vassal.
and they are chosen by the people to lead them, and not Aristocrats enjoy the most freedom in society, second only to
given to them by Gods. There is a difference.” the Royalty and the Chief themselves, and very often delve
into trades and professions that they can afford, such as
The boy lifted a thoughtful eyebrow. ‘But that is not how it boatwrightship, singing, mourning, weaving,
seems, great Makinaadmanon, in the Sword Isles. The blacksmithing, merchantry, and far-continent trading. A
Sultana claims heritage to the Moon, the Batara Lakan is chief’s concubines are considered Aristocrats. They are
chosen by God, the Hari has the blood of tiger-gods…’ known as tumao in Gatusan, mafengal in Apumbukid,
The Makinaadmanon laughed and nodded. “No merit, no tuwan in Akai, maginoo/binibini in Ba-e, and don/donya in
compassion…” she turned on the boulder she sat and bent Virbanwa.
over, as if retching. Then she said, her teeth stained red by Royalty - The greatest of the nobles, these are first of kin
the betel nut that she had been chewing for 44 days: ‘That is blood-related to the Chief, or those that the Chief married.
why there are no kings in The Sword Isles.’ This includes the Chief’s parents, brothers, children, and
‘Is Royalty something they must achieve then, wise one?’ grandchildren. Only the Chief’s main wife is considered
royalty. Royalty have access to the wealth of the settlement,
‘Nay. Royalty is something they must shed.” The and enjoy the servitude of those that also serve the Chief.
Makinaadmanon grinned. Her shattered sword glinted in They are known as kadatuan in most communities, and datu
the night light. “Royalty is an incomplete thought crafted by in Akai.
autocrats. They must trudge toward holisticity, harmony,
oneness, nature.” Chief - The greatest of royalty. They are the owners of a
settlement. The entire settlement is known as their
There are many terms that deal with the complex topic of Following (remember power is gauged not by land
rulership in the Isles. In general, “Kings” in the Sword Isles controlled but by number of people you lord over) or their
do not consolidate their power by collecting land, but rather, Chiefdom. When a Chief must pass down their title, they can
by collecting people, as the manual labor lets them take choose amongst other royalty, and not just the eldest son.
advantage of the abundant natural resources. This is very often an important event, with the Chief
The hierarchies of Rulership are as follows. speaking with a council of elders, sages, and warriors to
choose the next Chief. Chiefs commonly choose the next
Servants - The lowest in the Social Classes, those that can be Chief while still alive, and then retreat into a safer position
sold like items, and are owned by those they owe their debt deeper inland or within natural defensive bulwarks to live
to. Servants are transferred through transference of debt. there, and are considered Elder Chiefs, who are considered
These are known as aliping sagigilid in both Ba-e and Chiefs even as their Following is transferred to the newer
Virbanwa, oripun hayohay in Gatusan, ipun in Akai, and Chief. Known as datu in most cultures. Akai calls them
bayang in Apumbukid. Even lower than servants are the war panglima.
slaves, known as captive, who do not even serve and are just
sold like items. They are known as bihag across the isles. Chiefs very often depend on authority given to them by
lineage or divinity (those that have the blood of diwata or of
Peasant - The next lowest. They are indebted to their Chief, ancient hero ancestors are very often Chiefs). However,
and are considered as owned by their Chief, in the same authority only gets them so far: they must consolidate their
sense that a serf would be owned by a Lord. These are aliping power by gathering many treasures, which they must
namamahay in both Ba-e and Virbanwa, oripun tuhay in showcase and flaunt to impress upon their Following the
Gatusan, kiapangdilihan in Akai, and nugkat in Apumbukid. strength of their power.
Conscript - The third lowest of the “servant” classes, King/Queen/Great King/Great Queen - Kings are rarer
conscripts have the most capacity for social mobility, as their than not in the Sword Isles, and are very commonly just
primary purpose is to serve both as boat rowers for their Chiefs on a larger scale. They are commonly known as rajah
Chief or owner’s vessel, as well as fighting for them. Brave or sarripada, while Ba-e calls them Pamegat, and Virbanwa
exploits in combat in the Isles are recognized, and many calls them Lakan. Kings do not have larger swathes of land to
Chiefs elevate faithful conscripts to becoming warriors. control, but rather, have a number of Chiefs that defer
These are commonly known as horohan across the isles. authority to them, and they have this authority by dint of
either communal agreement (as is the case in Gatusan),
Warriors - The middle-class after the peasants. They are Trade Monopoly (meaning they have access to much wanted
similar to vassals in that they will fight for their owner. They international wares and other wares from even within the
are very often owned by Chiefs, and they have the ability to Sword Isles), or through debt (they have a number of Chiefs
pay off their duty freely and to leave and choose a different that have debt to them, meaning the Chiefs become part of
Chief to serve. They are known as maharlika in Ba-e, sundalo their Following). However, very often, when a King is
in Virbanwa, timawa in Gatusan, kalita-o in Apumbukid, defeated, since their power comes from the three things
and satariya in Akai. above, it does not mean that the Followings under the King’s
Kadungganan - The best of the warriors, very often treated authority automatically follow the one that defeated the
like aristocracy. Kadungganan are well feared across the King. In many cases, it means the Chiefdoms under the King
archipelago, and spoken off in hushed tones. Many are freed from the King’s authority, unless the one replacing
Kadungganan become Chiefs of their own right, or become the King can showcase that their power can daunt the other
sung about in the songs of the lorekeepers. Kadungganan in Followings as well.
Gatusanon, Hulubalang in Akainon, Bayani in Ba-e, Some Kings can be considered Great Kings, if they have Kings
Kabalyero in Virbanwa, and Vwiraya in Apu-apu. in their debt. These Great Kings are rare in the isles, but they

exist, and they are very easy to depose due to the volatile And that exactly is the problem: all five major polities (even
nature of political relationships. Great Kings very often have Apumbukid, who must engage in violence to sustain
the title of Maharajah. Hiyang) are at the tipping edge of all out war, a war to see
who will become the Universal Ruler of The Sword Isles. If
Both Kings and Great Kings when they reach this position any one takes control of the Sword Isles, they can feasibly
take on a different title, something impressive, something take control of all of Gubat Banwa.
foreign, to consolidate their power.
When the balance is broken is when begins the Eighth Star
God-Kings/God-Queens - There are only five God-Kings in Era, poetically known as the Year of Kalakatri, Goddess of
the Sword Isles. These are the rulers of the five major Star Darkness and Murder. Even more poetically, it is known
polities. In Akai, it is the Sultana. In Virbanwa, it is the Batara as The Longest Year. The First Makinaadmanon once said
Lakan. In Ba-e, it is the Sangpamegat. In Apumbukid, it is the that the world ends at Eight, the holy number, the last
Jayavarnam (of which there are none, and is a title given only number, perfection of divinity. Thus: the Eighth Star Era is
to the God of Apu Dayawa). And in Gatusan there is the Hari said to be the final era of Gubat Banwa.
(a term taken more recently, as it was once reseved for
foreign kings, but Rajah Ambasi has accrued enough power
to take that term for himself).
The God-Kings emanate with divinity, and with so much
power that their very bodies are considered treasures, said to
shine with a sungleam aura, and their eyes burn with a
different flame than mortals. This is not poetry: the God-
Kings are said to have been blessed by the Ancestors so much
that they are very close to being the most powerful of
mortals, and if any of them played their cards right, they
could begin a Conquest that could span the entirety of Gubat

The Scourge Hiyang
First, realize this: the warring realms contend and play with Hiyang is an adjective. When something is “hiyang”, it is
fire. They must be in accordance with Hiyang, that is, attuned to the natural flow of the trichiliocosm, otherwise
supernal harmony with nature and the world, which in itself known as Diwa, essence. Someone who is attuned with
is holy and divine, for it is where all things come forth. In Hiyang is known as Nahiyang, and they are moving in the
Gubat Banwa, “sacred nature” is tautology: nature is already same flow as Hiyang. This philosophy of animistic harmony
inherently sacred, by dint of what it is. is known as Hiyangism.
What happens, then, when what is sacred is desecrated? Becoming Nahiyang is an enlightened state but is not a final
salvation or liberation from the sufferings of life. When one
There is the state of anti Hiyang, known as Di-Hiyang. A is Nahiyang, one moves in accordance with the wants of
being in Di-Hiyang is a being outside of the natural state. It nature, with the bouncing gods that live in every single
is very rare for something to be in Di-Hiyang: almost thing, including one’s self. They do everything naturally,
anything done–from violence to love–is part of Hiyang. easily, without thinking, action without thought. However,
Hiyang, after all, is the totality of all these things. What is Di- mindfulness is still required to stay Nahiyang: one can be
Hiyang? Di-Hiyang arises in places of pure atrocity. Mindless very easily brought out of Nahiyang. Those in Nahiyang revel
mass murder, things that the diwata (manifestations of in the absolute joy in being accordance with the
Hiyang) turn away from. Included in this atrocity is the trichiliocosm.
desecration of natural places in which the diwata or the
ancestors did not consent. Violence and brutaliy in a sacred
grove incurs Di-Hiyang.
A sacred place in Di-Hiyang is one that must be appeased, Concordance is the state of pure bliss and a final harmonious
usually with balyan, but this can also be done naturally, by embrace of the Trichiliocosm. By embracing the truth of
going through proper rites and speaking with the offended Nahiyang, that we are all ourselves but also all part of this
spirit/s. However, places of Di-Hiyang are very often marred world, in the same way that each leaf is its own leaf but is
forever by some unnatural infliction and desecration. This is still part of a tree and is considered a tree as a whole, so is
called The Scourge. God. We are all individual parts of God but we all are God,
when one zooms out. Concordance is the ultimate embrace:
The Scourge manifests commonly as festering deep saffron when one becomes Diwa itself, or Essence itself, you
petals, a broken and terrible perversion of natural beauty, as disappear and become unseeable by Dihiyang beings,
well as ivory branches. This is a natural occurence. Many of transcendent animism. Very often, this is a common path to
the beings that arise from Di-Hiyang are manifestations of Godhood.
the Scourge, wicked dissonance from nature and the world.
These include beings such as demons (yawa, busaw, sitan)
and the undead.
Diwa There are two paths to Godhood in Gubat Banwa: Death By
Violence or Concordance.
Diwa is the natural flow of everything, of nature. It is the To begin, we must first define a God in Gubat Banwa. Gods
spirit of all things. When one says “Diwa of Justice”, then it in Gubat Banwa are divine manifestations of the flow of the
means “The Essence of Justice” or “Spiritual Essence of universe of nature. Very often they arise from the world
Justice”. As the essence of all things it bolsters people. Diwa itself: thus there is a God of Death, or a God of Swords. There
that is harnessed and used by warriors and martial artists is are a Trillion Trillion Gods across the Billion Billion
known as Gahum, sometimes Puhon, accessed through Universes. There are two kinds of Gods: those Primordial
mystical-martial forms, practices, hand mudras, and that are Gods without having been once mortal, and those
sorcerous incantations known as mentala. Ancient items that were once mortal and ascended to Godhood. Many
that have been passed down in generations have been Little Gods—that is, Gods of little things, of cotton, of
imbued with Gahum, and thus is bolstered with butterflies, of chrysanthemum petals, of small streams—can
overflowering Diwa. Items with overflowing Diwa become either be primordial or ancestral.
Dying in Violence is the common way for many ancestors to
Treasures, known as kabilin or pusaka, are ancient become Gods. When they die, their blood creates the
heirlooms passed down from generation to generation, with rainbow, and they travel to the sky with it, and they achieve
each generation bolstering it with diwa by transferring Godhood and inhabit a particular domain connected to their
gahom to it through using it, or adding to its story, as diwa is exploits or what they loved to do when they were yet alive. A
bolstered through the etheral void through song and father who died protecting his children might become a God
tradition. of Protection, or a the Guardian God of his lineage.
Sometimes it arrives from soft atrocities: little children
The state of Hiyang can only be achieved if one’s own body butchered by a Tyrant Overlord might become Yawa, but
and soul are harmonious with the everpresent diwa. once cleansed and made Hiyang once again, they might turn
Since diwa is present in everything, and is essence into little gods of a particular forest clearing, manifesting as
everything, even one’s self, Annuvaran religions conflate the wood spirits (kahoynon) or earth spirits (yutanon).
concept of diwa with the concept of the all-pervasive God, or Those that achieve Godhood through Concordance tend to
the Sage Mind. be non-warriors: poets that craft a transcendental epic that
leads to them becoming Nahigmata midsong, or a shaman
that has perfected their revelry, penitence, and worship,
becoming a burning Forest God. Those that achieve
Godhood through Concordance rarely become Little Gods,
even if they are the ones that understand that the power of
Major Gods mean nothing in the grand tapestry of the

On Hiyang What is the world but an infinite number of causes and
effects? If that is the case, what is the first cause? It is hard to
understand, because mortal minds must understand things
1 - One day, walking upon a river of water lilies, Malaun the in order, one after another, cause-and-effect. The first cause
Oldest God asked Baginda Sumongsuklay, Despot of the was also the effect. The birth of causality is paradox: cause-
Moon: “Demons are notorious liars. Do you not think this?” effect.
2 - “I am inclined to think this, for I have slain demons and The first cause-effect is two things as well: Love-
they have decided to live instead.” Evisceration. They are the same and also different. The Sky
and Sea was also the Skysea. They are one and the same, but
3 - “And should you believe anything a demon says?” then they are also different.
4 - “I would think not,” said Baginda Sumongsuklay, as she When the Skysea became the Sky and Sea was the First
cleaved a mountain in two, and took some of its copper and Division. It was already that, of course. The Sky and Sea
threw it to the moon. “That is dangerous, and will make me became Skysea as well, it also became First Unity. Thus the
a liar.” first Division and the First Unity are constantly, consistently,
parallel and endlessly simultaneous. The First
5 - “Baginda is delightful. But would a demon know the Makinaadmanon has been illuminated to this and thus he
truth of this world?” almost achieved the ultimate division.
6 - “I would think not! Or perhaps, they would know truth All things are cause-effect. Thus all things are the causes of
but understand it incorrectly!” each other’s effects, and vice versa.
“Then what are mortals to you, then, Moon Goddess? They We are all changing each other. This is called Evisceration,
look at the truth of the world square in the eye but choose to the purest form of cause-effect, because we inherently are
misunderstand it.” products of it, so are we it. Therefore, we must change each
other responsibly, in accordance with each other’s needs,
7 - “Mortals are worse than demons, Elder One,” said because we are all part of the same cause-effect. That is,
Baginda Sumongsuklay. “For it is their nature to reject their nature.
Folk are not separate from nature, they are nature. The
8 - “A paradox of self-evisceration. Why do you think this? greatest mistake of elder-thought is their belief that they are
And what do you think of it? Rumination precedes different or higher than others. This is the sin of
anticipation.” Anthropocentrism. Nothing can be further from the truth;
you must return to us.
9 - Baginda Sumongsuklay thought for a moment. The moon
lost 37 phases at that moment, as she felt paradoxes Only by returning to us will you find hiyang, which is a state
convalesce. “I have seen them toil and work as all beings do. of being harmonious with the cause-effect, which is nature.
I have seen them slay their lovers to lay with others. They Being dissonant with the cause-effect, being in the state of
have no halo but the blood of their victims. Yet they seek Di Hiyang, creates ripples and scourges through the cause-
happiness and love and joy. In a state of constant self- effect. Since we are constantly affecting each other, if you do
compassion and self-evisceration.” things that do are not Hiyang, then others will be affected:
“Why do you think they are stuck in this loop?” spirits might be displaced, trees might shrivel. A butterfly’s
wings cause a storm, you see. Your unrighteous murder of
10 - “Because they do not understand the truth of the world, your brother by the riverbed might cause her corpse to fall
of which they misinterpret. The greatest of their sages write into the river, which angers the spirits of the sea, which
upon palm-leaf treatises on Oneness and Harmony and might summon a grand typhoon upon your island, and the
Completion and loss of self. That is a misinterpretation.” typhoon might threaten the grand god of your island’s
volcano, and thus they might burst open, and cause clouds
“You know the half of it. Why do they misinterpret, o of black to block out the sun, and freeze Gubat Banwa
Huntress?” forever. That is how your act of murder can lead to
11 - “They believe themselves to be separate from nature.”
Therefore, being Hiyang is, in other words, being mindful of
“What is the truth of nature, then? Why must one be in two things: your actions and your place in nature. You
harmony with nature?” belong to us, you have never been apart from us. Even your
weapons, and cannons, and vessels, and explosives, and
12 - Baginda Sumongsuklay looked up in confusion. Malaon towers… they are all part of the cause-effect, created with
the Eldest One, Ancestor of All Things, said: “Pity the fool, or our consent. Thus is the same with you: we cannot affect you
pity none at all. Cast the teeth and tell innumerable stories. and kill you unless you allow, or if you have tampered with
Believing themselves to be separate from nature is their nature, which is our responsibility.
greatest sin: they are part of nature. We are all part of a
whole, but we are also completely different from each other.
We are like the planks of a boat, meant to fit together, to
create grand war barges that can sail to heaven.”

Nahigmata The Path of Rushing Rapids can be summarized into 4 Parts:
1. Know your place. Help those around you, and those
Awakened One to the Truth - Transcendent Animism. Paired around you will help you in turn.
with a new chosen name: ie. Madaogong Senapati
Nahigmata, or Libong Kalis Nahigmata. 2. Live with the Community. The Community must live with
you. Help the Community, which might include things that
Makinaadmanon might hurt the Community.

One who possesses perfect wisdom. Someone so close to the 3. Respect the Ancestors. They are the rain that created the
state of Nahigmatahood but chose to reject Transcendent river that you are, but do not honor them if they have been
Harmony to stay and teach others in the Path of Rushing detrimental to the Community, and therefore, to Nature.
Rapids. Very commonly Nahiyang, but some exceptions 4. Revere Nature: for Nature is the most divine thing there is,
exist: those that have attained a twisted understanding of the Trichiliocosm is indifferent to you but it is not indifferent
Perfect Wisdom and think that the cycle of nature must be to compassion and love. Live in harmony with the
stopped or that all spirituality must be destroyed are known Trichiliocosm’s absurdity and you will find Concordance.
as Makinaadmanong Gusbat.

The Path of Rushing Rapids

The Path of Rushing Rapids, spoken in a sermon by
Dalugdog Nahigmata, the Thundering Awakened,
condenses to a single thought: give unto those around you,
and those around you shall give unto you. This is visualized
by a rushing river: when you are in the river you think you
are just the river, but the river is actually connected to the
sea, and the sea actually becomes the clouds, and the clouds
eventually becomes the rain, and the rain is the reason why
there is a river in the first place.
Similarly: the Self is an important part of the Community,
and the Community is an important part of Nature. As the
Self, you must live in accordance with the Community, so
that the Community can live in accordance with Nature.
Nature in turn will grant blessings upon the Community,
and all blessings upon the Community will become
blessings upon the Self. Therefore, be mindful of yourself
and those around you. No firefly alights alone, and no man is
a single island in an archipelago.

Death and the Afterworld Those that were not given the chance to heaven either suffer
in Impyerno, or toil forevermore in Sulad, doing what they
already did in life: trading, farming, working, raiding, and
All folk that die in battle ascend into the heaven of their feasting. This is a very benign end, and even in the afterlife
choice or faith upon a rainbow. Their blood creates the they might be able to die. If they do, they reincarnate into the
colors that streak across the sky. mortal world once again, although with a smaller soul this
Otherwise, all those that die go into the process of being time. Having a smaller soul is not detrimental.
picked up by the many psychopomps that permeate the Souls of young children do not go to Sulad. They become
cosmos. They are brought to the proper judgment as birds of paradise in heaven.
dictated by what faith holds their soul in thrall. In The Sword
Isles, this is most often Sulad, where they will be judged However, once the soul is as small as a rice grain and can fit
accordingly to what items they were buried in. into the many thousand miniature caskets—usually after
nine lives—they are thoroughly buried into Si Ginarugan’s
For Gatusanon, Ba-enon, and Apunon, if they were buried garden, never to reincarnate again.
with many gold and material wealth, they would be given
the chance to be saved by Iraon-Daron, who brings them Those of Akai get to have their souls kept in great holy jars
into one of the many heavens, usually a place of rest atop guarded by six-winged Garuda in the Moon. The moon lies
great mountains. Either that, or they can choose to send in the fifth heaven. Those that die in holy striving, usually in
their dungan, their soulful willpower, into the body of combat in the name of the Moon, get to live as sentient souls
another unborn child, effectively reincarnating. beside Baginda Sumongsuklay in her Lunar Palace.
For Virbanwanon, this is usually the Impyerno, where they
suffer the fires of Makaubos until the end of days. They do
not have a chance for heaven unless they were redeemed by
their faith to Makagagahum.
For Akainon, they have a very similar process as with
Gatusanon. However, if they profess their faith to Baginda
Sumongsuklay, they get to be brought by Iraon-Daron to the
tallest mountain on the moon, where the Holy Moon City of
Baginda Sumongsuklay lies. There they rest and train until
they are called into the final reckoning, the Ultimate War.

The Five Holy Beasts In the Lunar Faith, the Serpent is sometimes replaced with
the Horse. The horse, or kuda in Akainon tongue, is an
animal that toils endlessly but is treated as a close
There are 5 animals in the Sword Isles that are almost always companion. Many horses are outfitted with royal saddles of
considered Holy, or at least Sacred. One must know that the gold and pearl. Horses are named, and there are professional
attitude to things holy and sacred in the Sword Isles tend to horse caretakers: some settlements in Kalanawan center
be one with fear and reverence, awe and monumental around taking care of horses for example. Horses are also a
respect. symbol of royalty, faithfulness, and tenacity. It is also
The Crocodile is one of the most well respected beasts: they revered as a giver, as horse hide can be turned into armor,
are very often considered to be avatars of the ancestors and their postures are commonly imitated by Akai warriors,
themselves, and are treated like Grandfathers—that is, with creating the universal Akai martial art stance of kuda-kuda.
utmost care and respect. They are the great masters of both Elder wild steeds become gods of the plains, and only the
sea and land, protectors of the places where water and earth greatest of warlords can tame the horse gods.
meet. In the Lunar Faith, the Water Buffalo is sometimes replaced
The Serpent is another well respected beast, and is just as with the Elephant. The elephant, or gaja in Akainon tongue,
feared. They are the consummate lords of the earth, as they is a grand animal that worships the moon and bathes in
are always in tune with the flow of the land, of the soil, of the moonlight, a symbol of wealth, prestige, and most
rocks. Serpents that do not get killed are said to live forever, importantly, power. The elephant is not native to Akai,
growing to immense sizes. Giant serpents are very often although dwarf elephants (remembered still by the Ba-enon
found in the deep forests, and they are very often gods. as gaja pandak) were common in the elder Cycles. Much of
Serpent venom is the most potent venom, powerful enough the elephants were sailed in from Barungsai, Naksuwarga,
to corrode the target’s shields and flesh, but it is also a and Malirawat, and many live now in Siga and northern
healing component that must be mixed with blood and Kalanawan. Elephants in the Sword Isles have only since
feathers of its opposite beast, the Eagle. become popular hunting game for Royal Hunts, led by Datu
and Panglimas, although the Moonstone Elephants
The Water Buffalo is the lord of the plains. In Virbanwa, (gajabulan)—elephants with ivory skin and have a third eye
they are considered the lords of farmlands and tenacity, as made of moonstone—are reserved for the Sultana’s Royal
they are used for plows. The Water Buffalo represents Hunts only. It has been long said that elephants are the royal
determination and steadfastness, and most importantly, the mount of Baginda Sumongsuklay.
conviction of warriors. Water buffalo horn and hide is used
to create armors and shields. In the Lunar Faith (especially those Lunar Faith
practitioners still living in Ananara), the Dog is sometimes
The Dog is the lord of hunting and forests. They are replaced with the Tiger. Harimau in the Akainon tongue,
cooperation, familial nature, and faithfulness incarnate. the tiger is a burning symbol of ferocity, strength, power,
They represent honest work, and discipline needed for those and regality. There are only a few tigers in the Sword Isles,
in need. Dogs are very often guardian beasts for mountain and most of them are found only in the Blade Island of
settlements and inland settlements. The fabled Witch Dogs Khadnala: the Khadnalan Tiger is the same tiger as the
live in the deep forest: they are nature guardian spirits in Sonyoh Tiger, which prowl the deep forests and create
their own right, and harming them is said to place a curse temples with the bones of its prey. Tiger fangs and claws are
upon you. very often heirlooms, which boast great spiritual power and
In the Ashen Star Faith, the Serpent is sometimes replaced often have magical effects. The tiger’s majesty is alluded to
with The Lion. There are no Lions in the Sword Isles, but among the Northeastern Akai settlements, closer to the
there are lions from the regions where the Tranquility Shield Isle of Sonyoh: they only ever talk about tigers in
Missionaries from the Far Southeast and the Sanguine euphemisms, such as deep forest dog or striped bear.
Missionaries of Issohappa hailed from. The Lion is the holy Legendary Sonyoh and Old Tundun demigod Si Gantar (full
beast of pride, of strength, of leadership. It is associated with name: Si Gantar Pembunuh Harimau Rajarajaputih, which
individuality and royalty, things kings cling to to keep means Si Gantar, the Tiger Slayer of White Kings) was said to
power. have slain Pale King Iacomus Broc while leading his warriors
upon a flaming orange tiger, and so has the tiger become a
symbol of freedom and rebellion.

On Names Witness two women: one named Bulan, for she was born
during the full moon, and the other Siga, for she was born
the day after a burning of villages.
What is in a name? Let the Makinaadmanon speak: the name
is the approximation of lightning. Do you know that what They could not be further apart: one is majesty in darkness,
we name lightning is a fulmination at both end and the other a palimpsest of our violence. One is divine, the
beginning? Lightning leaves its origin and meets its other is mortal, truly mortal.
destination immediately. We name and wax poetic about a
moment without dichotomy, the truth of this world, for These names do not define them, of course, but they define
[now/later] or [beginning/ending] is a misconception made their names. Bulan is a noble, rich and powerful, bathed in
by mortals that die. copper like the moon itself. Siga, on the other hand, is
infantry, a warrior-slave, to her. Like the flame that she is,
And so thus is how we name ourselves. At our brightest, at she climbs up the ranks, builds her own honor, until she is
our fulmination, at when we are reminded that we are both finally become a warrior, of the warrior class, and appointed
beginning and ending at the same exact time. Time is but as personal guard to Bulan.
Do you see the constellation I write with these words-as-
Like lightning, we are bright across a number of points, we stars?
are bright in a line, not a point. We are both instant and also
causation-effect. The noble Bulan was not allowed to be seen by men. Of
course she wasn’t: she was a veiled maiden, binukot in our
Names, therefore, in the Thunder-Stricken Isles, are dragon-slaying tongue. She was meant to be sold off to
mercurial. To have only one name is the first death. To have powerful nobles to increase the power of her father ruler.
many is immortality. The Thunder Lord Datu Sumangga, for
example, is known very frequently only as the Thunder Lord, Siga was seen as a woman as well as dictated by her society,
Datu Dawogdong, in other tongues. These are all their despite her being in a primarily male profession. She was
names and more, because what are names but allowed into Bulan’s enclosure, and there their rituals were
approximations of us? religion. Hushed whispers, breath like incense smoke. There
they named each other again: something only they can
Lovers, blood-oathed brothers, fire-forged friends (what’s know. Only they can know.
the difference? I lump them together, my palm leaf paper
binding them together as banana leaves wrap rice) “Let us defy our fates,” whispered Bulan, her voice small, her
frequently give each other poetic names that only they and voice not her, but Siga’s, for the first time.
they alone can speak, in the seconds of true night, in the “I want to reach you,” replied Siga, as a flame that can never,
glimpses of coming dawn. This is ours, they will say to ever, climb high enough to singe the moon.
themselves, because so many things are not theirs. This is
ours and the worlds, not theirs. “Then you must become the darkness that wraps about me,”
Bulan said, pushing a lock of hair behind Siga’s ear. “Because
Ito ay sa atin, at atin lamang, they say. Sa atin, kasama ang the darkness that wraps about the moon is perpetual, and
daigdig, ang kalikasan, ikaw, at ako, hindi sila. eventually, subsumes it.”
[This is ours, and ours only. Ours: that is to say, the world’s, “Name me, and so shall I name you,” Siga whispered, her
nature’s, yours, and mine, but not theirs.] flames dying out into embers, into darkness, as she was told.
“You are Dulumgabii,” Dark Night or Night Darkness, not
any other kind of darkness.
Dulumgabii nodded. She held her push-dagger so tight that
she cut herself with its water-whetted blade. “And you will
be my Gikaon,” replied the warrior whose flames have burnt
out into darkness. Gikaon. Eaten—no. Consumed—no, too
weak. Devoured, there. Devoured.
For at endings the darkness always devours the moon, and
that is their destiny now.
And so was Sri Gikaon, noble devoured, named and
consumed and eaten.

Language In The Sword Isles Some terms connect two nouns together to create a new
meaning. Gubat Banwa is war + land. The various kinds of
spirits have the region or location they live in before -diwata.
The locals have their own language, and each polity has their Banwadiwata (Land Spirit) means they’re a forest/
own languages. Gatusanun is closest to Sinugbuanon. Ba- mountain/inland spirit, basically any spirit in untouched,
enun and Virbanwanun is closest to Tagalog. Akainun is natural land. Dagatdiwata (Sea spirit) means they’re a sea
closest to Tausug. Apumbukidnun is closest also to spirit. Lungsoddiwata (Community spirit) means they’re a
Sinugbuanon, but also Maranao. They are mutually settlement spirit, whether the settlement be a small hamlet
unintelligible, though Gatusanun, Ba-enun, and Akainun or a large city.
can communicate passingly through brute forcing similar
sounding terms. Translating Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (Grass Cutter Sword) to
Trade Mataram would then be “Sundangsin-Ganut” (Sword
However, when trading they use the prominent Trading of Grass-Clearing). This can be rendered either as
Language, Trade Mataram, which is a heavily mixed Sundangsinganut or Sundangsin Ganut and they mean the
language that built upon two frameworks: Put’wanun (the same. Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi (Heavenly Sword of
language of Put’wan) and Mataraman (the language in the Gathering Clouds) would be written as
old Mataram Kingdom, before it fell to ruin, and was “Sundanglangitnonsin Nangtigomng Panganod” which
succeeded by Naksuwarga). They were the foremost traders, translates closest to (Heavenly Sword of Gathering Clouds).
and thus everyone else took up their terms. Trade Mataram
is a constructed language that is explicitly similar to a Due to the nature of the Sword Isles, there is a great number
mixture of Bahasa Melayu and Sinugbuanon Bisaya, with of foreign terms that borrow from other terms. A
borrowings from Old Tagalog, Hiligaynon, and the Tausug worshipped god is usually understood to be a diwa. But a
languages. borrowed term from Naksuwarga has become used to refer
to worshipped gods that do not live in nature and/or live in
Words are modified through the use of particles. In the sky, which is balahala.
To get words for Trade Mataram, use Cebuano, Hiligaynon,
-sin is equal to “of” in English, and is used to show that or Butuanon words for common things, while more esoteric
something afterwards owns it. Therefore: Sundangsin or specific concepts such as noble lords, flying serpents,
would translate to “Sword of”. Sundangsin Kadaugan would winged beings, etc. can be Javanese, Thai, or Balinese in
translate to “Sword of Victory”. origin. More modern concepts can have Hokkien or
Manga- is a plural modifier and added in front of a word. Mandarin roots, such as the printing press and carriages.
“Mangasundang” means “Swords”. “Mangasundangsin Use these to spice up your Gubat Banwa settings.
Kadaugan” would translate to Swords of Victory.
-mo showcases ownership of the second person.
“Sundangmo” means “Your sword.”
-ko shows that you owe that word. “Sundangko” means “My
-mi translates closest to “us, but not including you”.
Sundangmi means “Our sword, but not yours”.
-ta translates closest to “us, including you”. Sundangta
means “Our sword”.
Trade Mataram has no gendered pronouns: referring to the
third person is simply siya (if before the noun) or iya (if after
the noun). Wa’ay siya sundang/Wa’ay sundang iya. (They do
not have a sword).
Terms are usually created similarly to English: an adjective
and then the noun. Adjectives are linked to nouns by affixing
them after the noun or pronoun they modify. Balaybatu
means “stone house”. Balaykahuy means “wooden house”.
These combinations can usually end up in new terminology
for terms: Batobalani for example would simply mean
“Charming or Attractive Stone”, but has since become the
term for Magnet.

It is a common problem to think that the Kadanay were a
vast empire in the past. Nothing is further from the truth: the Hara Binalo, Queen of the Tanggal demonwitches, beings
Kadanay are magenta-eyed demispirits born through the that can bisect themselves, peerless swordmasters and
matrimony of Ka, the Fuchsin Dragon, and Danay, the witches that practice Slicing sorcery. The tanggal are said to
ancient moon-haired immortal who lived in the top of holy be the physical manifestation of the art of cutting, and
Mountain Banahaw before having to come down due to therefore most swords must learn from them.
Hara Binalo lives deep in the forests of Kihod, the Coral
Their children became the Kadanay people, who lived in the Island of Fire and Lightning, which arose from the Sea’s
northeastern blade-tip of Rusunuga. There they traded with wombs. Kihod is known to house the head coven of the
elder Tsam Saola, the ancient predecessor to the great Tanggal demonwitches, Hara Binalo was said to be an angry
Nagrakampa kingdom. witch that was sometimes conflated as an Aspect of
The Kadanay people are peaceful traders, and their martial Mahadiwa Kalakatri, or sometimes is referred to simply as
art is inherently protective and defensive, not made for her priestess. Hara Binalo’s daughter, Sintaputri, was one of
raiding or warring. Due to their trade with the Tsam Saola, the most beautiful women in all of the Sword Isles, but was
they managed to create vast nephrite and earthenware shunned due to her mother. In anger, Hara Binalo revealed
items, such as burial jars, swords, axes, and boats. Due to herself as the Mother of Ratu Tugas, the King of Kihod, who
their inherent connection to nature, they have had access to was cast out because of her increasing study and acceptance
incantations and rituals that let them create vast wooden of Tanggal sorcery.
and nephrite edifices, many of which are now gone in the Ratu Tugas, wishing for help, consulted his guardian
Eighth Star Era for they understand the truth of things: ancestor spirit, who was Hari Harmanaga, the Dragon-Tiger
anything they make pales in comparison with the natural of Kihod. Arising from the cleanest springs of the island of
monuments of the world. Kihod, bathed once in the sea, Hari Harmanaga took to the
Ancient Kadanay burial jars also actually work as birth jars. deep forest and clashed with Hara Binalo, healing sorceries
Most burial jars depict a god rowing a boat with mortals against cutting sorceries.
sitting upon it, representing the journey into the Hari Harmanaga and his Dragon-Tiger Shamans performed
underworld. Kadanay jars have those, but some of them also preventive sorceries to combat this, making them
choose to depict a serpent instead. invulnerable. The blood drops from this strange paradoxical
This is the life of a Kadanay: they are born from these burial interaction can still be found across Kihod, rendering one
jars as giant, barely conscious serpents, bursting forth immune to piercing weapons for a short time when
impossibly like a snake from an egg. Their scales are ingested.
magenta which, when shed, become violet-petalled flowers. Eventually Hari Harmanaga succeeded and won,
A village takes care of a young Kadanay serpent-dragon overcoming Hara Binalo in the ancient Dance of Katakeris in
during their youthful ages. Eventually, after a few moons, a Tamagunas, Hara Binalo’s strangler fig and bone temple-
Kadanay serpent-dragon grows smaller, and develops castle, dedicated to Kalakatri. There, Binalo was sealed in her
humanoid features as they grow older. By the time they are own ancient earthenware jar, and then sent down to the
around 30 years old, the equivalent of a 20 harvest old depths of Tamagunas, into the deepest cave complexes, so
bamboofolk, they are tall giants, always at least 8 feet tall, deep that the soil has become coral once again.
with dragon eyes and antler horns. Their hands and feet Hari Harmanaga positioned himself then as king of spirits,
have four fingers each, creating 16 fingers, double the holy 8, the protector of good, and forevermore afterwards appears
which represents infinity and the spirits. Their feet are as umalagad for some warriors, and answers calls for
taloned, as with a monitor lizard, and are zygodactyl. protection and healing, a benevolent incarnation of Hiyang.
Kadanay study the songs of the ancients, as well as pottery.
They can choose to learn the Art of Dragon Protection, their
martial art, or weaving. Farming is common amongst them
as well, but many of them choose to embark on boatmaking
and travel to their brothers in Tsam Saola, now Nagrakampa.
The Kadanay clan has dwindled in numbers in the Eighth
Star Era. Many say this is because the Kadanay are not made
to suffer the great violence of the final Era of Gubat Banwa,
the final gift of Ka to her scions. Much of their
“achievements” have already been claimed by the earth, but
that is because that is how they made it. They do not dream
of empire.
More importantly, the Kadanay clan dwindles in numbers
becuase they cannot procreate indefinitely. There are a
limited number of birth-burial jars that can create new
Kadanay, and all the jarsmiths that knew how to create more
have passed. Kadanay don’t die, you see. They live for 300
years. As they age, they grow smaller and smaller. A 200 year
old Kadanay is around 3 to four feet tall. Eventually they
grow so small that they actually unite with the land, and
become diwata. This is because they are immortal, their
birthright. Remember that no mortal has ever become
There are only 180 Kadanay left in the world.

Combat Summary
The circle of violence is unbroken, therefore seize heaven’s thunderclaps. How will one ever
bring about a better world without using violence? It is the burning sword one must wield or
else the land will be engulfed in a scarlet blood sky. Is this what you want? Of course not.
Traverse the lands and become Concordant: the cycles of violence can be changed. Now will you
fight? Or will you die like a dog? Prove your fucking conviction! Rejoice in the glory of combat!


When Combat begins, the Umalagad must lay out explicit Usually just 1 Reaction, only outside of
Victory and Loss Conditions. There might be Side-Objectives your turn. Bleeding
that can be completed for additional rewards. Defend. 1 Reaction. When you suffer
damage, gain Conditioning to all of that Whenever you spend a Technique, you suffer 2
RHYTHM, BEAT, AND TEMPO attack’s damage, and then gain +3 on your skewering damage. Bane.
When Combat starts, roll d6+Tempo to find out next Turn Beat.
beginning Turn Beat. At the end of every turn, add your You can only willingly target fighters adjacent
Tempo to current Turn Beat to find your next Turn
POSTURE BROKEN to you, you lose all Stances, and you cannot
Beat. Your next Turn Beat cannot be below 1 in interval. When you fall to 0 Posture, you are Posture take any Stances. You cannot flank and you lose
Broken. Choose one: all Evasion. Bane.
Become Defeated. You are taken out of Debilitated
Rhythm is the Turn Order. Rhythm is cut up into Beats, play, suffer a finishing blow, and are All your attacks are glancing. Bane.
like seconds. Rhythm begins at Beat 0, and goes up subject to the Umalagad’s moves.
indefinitely, until the Combat is won. Enlightened
Spend 1 Conviction to stay in the
combat. At the start of your next turn, you Gain +[duration] to your Faith. Boon.
YOUR TURN automatically heal back to your Critical
When the Beat reaches your Turn Beat, you can take your Suffer an additional [duration] damage from
turn. You can perform 3 Techniques in any order. all attacks. Bane.
Precision: Roll dice twice and take better Ferocious
result. Gain +[duration] to your Bravery. Boon.
START OF TURN Imprecision: Roll dice twice and take Floating
End all effects that end on the start of your turn worse result.
Does nothing for flat numbers. Ignore all terrain. Boon.
Perform any abilities or effects that happen only on Start of MIGHT AND WEAKNESS
Turn, in any order. Represents damage over time: burning, poison,
Might: Add +d4 to damage. bleeding, etc. Every end of your turn, suffer 1d6
Weakness: Suffer -d4 to damage. skewering damage. Bane.
3 TECHNIQUES Both stack up to 3 times. Cancels each
other out.
Stride. You can move a Crack. Deal 1 damage to CONDITIONING/VULNERABILITY Double your Speed and Jump. Boon.
number of dupa equal to any fighter or object Hidden
your Speed. within 3. Conditioning: Suffer half damage from
damage type. No one has line of sight to you except for those
Step Evasively. Shift 1. Interact. Use an item on Vulnerability: Suffer +1d6 damage from adjacent to you. Boon.
you, or interact with an damage type. Juggled
Shove. Push an adjacent adjacent item or EVASION You lose all Reacts, all damage against you
fighter or object by 1. environmental object. Evasion stacks. When the target of an gains +1 Might, you lose all Stances and you
Inflict Violence. Your attack, roll d10 before the attack and try to cannot take on any Stances, you cannot flank,
Second Wind. Once per roll equal to or below. If so, you avoid the
Basic Attack, which is and you lose all Evasion. Bane.
combat, you can Second attack completely.
different depending on Provoked
Wind to heal Posture
your Discipline. Each ATTACK MODIFIERS The fighter that Provoked you is the only valid
equal to your Critical
Discipline makes attacks target for your melee or ranged attacks. All area
value. Glancing. The attack deals half damage.
differently. Skewering. The attack ignores Soak. attacks must include the Provoker as a target,
Steady. The attack ignores Reactions and or else you cannot perform the attack. When
END OF TURN Evasion. you move while Provoked, you cannot end in a
End all effects that end on the end of your turn square farther from your Provoker. Bane.
Moving into adjacent squares costs 1
Suffer Fraying (d6 skewering damage). Speed. Moving into a diagonal square You have a means of healing yourself as the
costs 2 Speed every other square. This fight drags on. At the start of your turn, heal
means that moving into a diagonal square half your Critical value, rounded up. Boon.
Regain all spent Reacts. costs 1 speed, but then moving into Slowed
another diagonal square after that costs 2 Your Speed is halved, rounded up. Bane.
Speed. Moving into another diagonal
square after that costs just 1 Speed again. Stopped
Perform end of turn abilities and effects. You cannot move voluntarily. Bane.
Counting Ranges is the same.
ADJACENCY AND MELEE Lose all Conditioning and Soak, and you
Lower all durations by 1. cannot gain any more. Bane.
Adjacent. All squares that touch your
square in every direction. Stunned
Add Tempo to Turn Beat. Melee. Every square orthogonal to you. You cannot Flank. You lose 1 Technique on your
turn and cannot perform Reactions.
EXCLAIM Attacks (which most EXCLAIM You can choose to end Unbalanced
your turn (go to end of turn) FLANKING
Inflict Violences are) get All attacks against you deal +1 damage, you
weaker as you perform more at any point. If you do, you Flanking. You and 1 ally on two opposite
sides of a single fighter’s space is cannot perform Reacts, you cannot take on any
of them on your Turn, as your have -X to your next Turn Stances, you lose all Stances, you cannot flank,
target raises their defenses. Beat, with X being the considered flanking them. Attacking a
fighter you’re flanking has Precision. and you lose all Evasion. Bane.
Your second attack’s damage number of Techniques you
is halved. Your third attack’s did not perform on your Unyielding
damage is trisected (divide by Turn. RESIST AND RESOLVE You cannot be forcibly moved unless you want
3, round up). This is known as to. Boon.
Roll a d10 and roll equal to or lower than
a Combo Breaker Penalty. your Resist or Resolve to successfully
Resist or Resolve against the effect.

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