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ANSI 2223.1 National Fuel Gas Code rAtyAl (COMMITTEE PERSONNEL ‘Technical Committee on National Fuel Gas Code ‘Joint Listing of NFPA 54 and ASC 2223 Committee Frank]. Morsimer, Chair EMC Insurance Company, 14 (1/1) Rep. Property Casually Insurers Asodation of America Paul W. Cabot, Nonoting Semtary American Gas Astocaton, DC [IM] Rep. American Gas Asociation Dnty Antonos,Inetck NY (RI/ARTL} re Adar, Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Associaton VA (M) “Thomas Andrews, Michigan Technical Bacon Center, MI (ss) vid Reraingt, Product Design Engineering SC [6 Jonathan Brain, UL LLG, NC {RTZARTL] James Brewer, Mage Sweep Corporation, VA [1M/14} Rep Natonal Chimney Sweep Cul ‘Cris Dale Byers, Piedmont Nail Gas SC [UES] ‘Thomas R. Crane, Crane Engineering, MN (SE/SE] Gerald G, Davi Willams Meter Company MD (IM) Mike Deegan, Clearwater Gas Sytem FL (0/88) ep Metin Public Ges Aocaion Mack Fase, Vega LLG, IN (M/¥3] Alberto Jose Fors’, NEWEN Greate Engineering, Bra SE} ‘Rep, NFPA Lain American Section ‘Richard 1. ier, Texas Propane Gas Asoiaton, TX UM] -Tejo Gone, Inteadonal Awocaton of Pubing & Mecca Otfcals (APMO}, CA [E/EA) ep Internaonal Asoriaton of Ping & Mechanical ones Mike Gorbam, Norwest Gas Company, MN {M/E} ep. Naina! Propane Gas Asean Gregg A. Gres, International Cove Coun H 12/EA) Roger W. Grif, Grifith Engineering, TN [U) ‘Steen Hagensen, ENERVEX, GA [M/M) Willa, Haralion, UCT Uli tne, PA D4) Rep. American Ges Asoltion Peter Holmes, Mane Pel Boas, ME [E) Diane kos Rheem, AR [M/M) ep. AinCondlionng, Heating & Refigeration Insiate James Kendzel, American Supply Asodation, IL [U] Jel Riess, Lochinvas, TN (M/M) Rep. AlrConaltioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Inte ‘Viadiis Kochkin}, Nacional Asiocation of Home Builders, DC og Mare Rh, Techni Sandra Safer bor, Canad ‘Theodore C. Lemoff, Naples FL (SE/SE) ‘Timodhy MeNuly®, RM Manifold Group Inc. dia US Draft Gonspany, TX [S] Willams J Murry, Corning Incorporated, NY (U] "Tung Nguyen’, Exneson Automation Solution, TX (MI) Andrea Lanier Papageorge, Sousher Company Gas, GA (IM/ES) Rep. American Gas Asodation Date L. Powell, Copper Development Assocation, Ine, PA [M/MI Rep. Copper Development Astociation Ine, Philip H. Ribs, PHR Consulsans, CA (L] Rep. California State Pipe Trades Counc ‘Apsil Dawn Richardson, Railroad Commission of Texas, TX [E/EA] ‘Brian Ryplewice*, Chimney Design Soltions Ine, NJ [MI Exc C. Smith, State of Nevada, NV (F/FA} Rep. International Fite Marshals Assocation ‘eson Stanek, Metsopolitan Udlties District (MUD), NE (1M/ES] Rep. American Cis Asociation Peter C.Sulast, Whirlpool Corporation, MI [M) Franklin R Site, J, Safe, In, NY [SE/SE) Mathew Williams, Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, DC IM) Alternates Hugo Aguilar, Intermational Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Otiials (APMO), CA [E/EA] (Al to Enrique Trejo Gonzalez) Jeremy R. Conjurat, Corning Incorporated, NV (U] (Alt to Willan J Murray Kody Daniel, EMC Insurance Companies, LA (1/1 (ht to Frank J Morauner) Jom P. Doucet, Sate of CT Deparment of Arninistrative Services, CT (E/EA) (Ale to Peter r Holmes) Graig Drunnbellert, National Asaciation of Home Builders, DC OM (Alt to Vladimir Kochkin) Ralph Euchner, PSNC Energy, NC [IM/ES] Tale to Andrea Lanier Papageorge) Pennie L. Feehan, Pennie L. Fechan Consulting, CA [M/M] (le to Dale Povell) Fred Grable, Intemational Ce Counc, IL (E/EA] ‘Ale to Gregg A. Gres) Paul Gugliotat, National Grd, NY (ES: (Ale fo Jason Stanek) ‘Travis Handin®, UL LLG, NC [RT] (Alt to Jonathan Brania) John Kory, CSA America, Inc, OH [RIYAR‘TL} (Voting Alt) Donald J. MacBride, Dominion East Ohlo Gas, OH [IM/ES] (Alt to Wiliam T: Harton) Jean L. McDowell, McDowell Owens Engineering ine, TX [IM] (Ale to Richard, Gber) Joba R. Pusha, Prescient Technical Services LLC, OH [SE/SE] (Ale to Theodore C. Lemof) Philip W. Stephens, Weil Mlsin, IN [M/M) (Alt to Jef kes) Bruce J. Swlecieki, National Propane Gat Ascciation, I. IM/ESI (Alt to Mike Gorham) ‘2021 Eaton et NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE ‘Andy John Thelen, Crane Engineering, MN [SE/SE] Robert Torin, Omega Flex, Inc, MA [M/A] (Alt to Thomas R. Crane). {Al 0 Diane Jakobs) Kent Lowery Thompson*, Rilroad Commision of Texas, TX (E) (Alto April Daten Richardson) ‘Alex Ing, NFPA Sef Liason “NFPA 54 Committee only. 2225 Commitee only, [NFPA Interest Category/ASC 2223, Interest Category] ‘This ist epee the mamborip a theme th Commi as balled om then et of hi ein Sine that ig chavges nthe members may ha accred. hy to ifation i fund atthe back ofthe document NOTE: Membership on a committee shall not n and of telf constitute nn endorsement of Association oF any document developed by te committee on which the member serves ‘The National Fuel Gas Code Committe is committe functioning jointly under Ametican [National Standards Isiute Accredited Standard Committee 238 procedures and the [National Fire Protection Ascciaion and, accordingly, the National Fuel Gas Code beats wo designations, ANSI 22251 and NFPA 5. In the ANSI context, the code i prepared by the ‘Accredited Standards Committee on National Fuel Gas Code, 228 sponsoret bythe “American Gas Association (Administrative Seretariat). In the NFPA context the comanitiee isan NFPA Technical Committee submited to ANS under NFPA audited designation. [Commitee Seope: This Comite shall have primary tesponsiiy for document on ery code for gs piping tens on consumers presses nd the instalation of gs weston Sele eee ore ith eluent ps, manicured pn liquefied peroleum gat inthe vapor phase, lgusedpetroleun gsr matures or Inte of these guts ncuding's The desig, fabrication, insalatin, testing, operation, Sd inintenance of gaping ens from de point of Gevery to the connection vith {ach gs utinaton device Pip gutems covered by ths Cote are ited oa maxim, {perating presure of 125 pig For purposes of is Code, he pont of delivery i defined a {te ue ofthe meter se sey othe ole ofthe sevice roglstor or sevice shut vale where no mates sponded. The installation of gs uation equpment, cae $ecesories and their entaon and venting stems 2021 Eaton contents ss Contents chapter 1 7 Ghapler 8 nepection,Teming, and Purging. stor i : a 1 Pree Testing and Inspection sh67 13 a7 12 Piping Stem Leak Chee sess 13 Revonciig see 83 Purging Reqiremen. sees 14 Equsaleny Es . 15 EMoreemens oe8 apes 9 Appance Equipment sd Acoory seo Chapter 2 Referenced Publication ses 21 Gener : eo Bt” Gener bes 82 Accenliy and Geaance 32. Ninapublcasons bee 93 Airfor Combustion and Venton an 23 Other Pubcon Bes SA Appliances on Roots a 2A Refrencesforbawics in Mandatory Sections”) 4-10 95 Applianes in Ais a 26 Applsnce and equpanen Connections to haper 3 Defi. 10 Baling png : sens 81 Gener * se10 a7 Becsiat Bn 32 NFPA Oficial Dediions Scio A mien potas Heenan 2 in 33 Geneml Definitions 10 Chapler 10. tnsalladon of Specie Appliance aes Chapter 4 Genera ser Mi Unest in tT Quntied Agen a 102 SirCondidouing Appinccs. aes 42 _Intemipdon of eric. sear 103 Genral Heating Boer and Furnaces “on 43 Freventon of Acciona gion si Itt Gahebeee paid 4a Noncombuuible Maer mois epee fom 45° Engineering Methods. a8 106 Decorative Appances for axalaon in Vented replaces : a ‘Chapter 5 Gas Piping System Design, Material, and 10.7 Gas Fireplaces, Vented. 54-80 Components see 08 ree Carved Heating and Forced Venom 51 ping an Scie po eel sew 32 Inereonnecions Beovecn Gas Piping Suiine s> S418 og aE = em 83 Shgel a Ping Sen mon 1 Ay Rocrdury fee 54 Operating Presure 10.11 Food Service Appliance HoorMouned soe 3 Piping Mate adjoining Mesos, 5cis iets podeeuaathact Commeapginsces tee S Es. real 10.18 Household Cooking Appliances 583 57 Gas Pressure Regulators a 1014 Mhuminating Applance. bess 58 Overprenre Protection Devices a 1048 Incinerator, Commercial indica, Boat 39 Back Premure Protection a 1015 Ince, Co B- S10 LowfrewurePotcson sos ee a Sao S11 Sd ao, ea JE18 Odor Cot occ Sbst Siz Hace Flow Vale) mes eco Biot BAS. Expansion nd Feng ses feed canoe BM Prewure Reyulstorand Prete Con 2030 Rebigeras ed Vetter a 10.92. Sationay Gar Bugis sos i Gar Fred Tole. sess Chapter 6 Fipe Sing em 1028 Gare Tl as fr” Pipe Sitng Methods oe is Fete os 62 SingNatial Ga Piping Some 521 1025 Wall Furnaces. acs 83 Szing Propane Piping Spies sea 2026 Ws Be Sane ompresed Natal Ga (ONG) Whit Fe of Sang aes Spe nee er Caper 7 Gaping intataon aio 10.28 Appliances for avalon Wane Insatlaton of nderground Piping Housing west 72 Insulin of Aboveground Piping 10.29 Fuel cal Power Pan oer Concealed Piping in Buldings 1050 Ohudor Open me Dee ean Piping in Verda Chases aot 1081 Outdoor inured Heaters. see Gao Bpe Tani soe Drips tnd Sedient ape SEE chapter 11. Procedures to Be Followed to Pace Oates : Ses Appliance in Opera mmm se Manna Gas Stud ale. sess Auge Bae apt en Prohibited Devices, ces ena Air Adjasment fa Shuto Dees seer Se Conan Gases Ot 13 Se Shute De see the Mamonable Range sv HES 4 Awate ion. see rat Syne Conn se ao 115 rset De see 112 Hectic Bonding and Grounding a8 TET Operating isco a 743. Hlereal Greus mer smut Apt Chapter 12 _Yeting of Appice oe see 714 eens! Connections a TEL” Minimum Sue Performance Bese 2021 Eton 6 NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE 122 Gene sree 54-88 Amex D_—_ Suggested Emergency Procedure for Gas 123 Spedbeaton for ending se Uetbhnnnnorninnimnnnnesnes 40199 124 Desig and Consevction. Bees 12.5 Type of Venting System to Be Used... 5489 Annex E low of Gas Through Fixed Orifices...... 54-199 120, Minny Meta and Fendi 8 yg of eng Ste Sesing ; ~ tants Eauapped wth Def ods, 128 Single Wall Mera Pipe. ' 54-92 ‘deplianees Cavippes Hoods, 125 ‘Taloughthe‘all Vn Tennination 599 ategsy 1 Appliance, and Appliances {ine for Une ih Type Vets 1210 Condenaton Dra Co shoe 1211 VeneGonnecorsfor CacgoryAppiancea's-. B94 nme G ‘Recommended Procedure fr Safety 3212 Ven Como or Caen then tspecow oa in pe and Category TV Appliances. 597 iellindes ne ee sess 1218 Dat toes and Dik Conte seo 1214 Manvaly Operted Dampers. 597 Amex H_— Indoor Combustion Ai Caeation 2215 Anomaly Opened ent Das m= BOP Example se 1216 Obsruciont SONI cer Annex 1 Example of Combination of indoor and Chapter 18. Sing of Category LVenting Stems von ST utioor Combustion and Venlaion TI Additional Requirements to Sle Spice Opening Design 4158 Yen Hor 182 Additional Requirements to Multiple Appliance ‘Annex J Enforcement... ~ 4-160 Vent ve Bh 108 Annex K Informational References SH 161 Annex A Eapanaory Materia vu BEMIT yee ‘Annex B Sing nd Capac f GA Piping one Sh 189 ans © Sd Method a Chesing fo Teatage see 2021 Editon ANSI 2228.1, ‘NEPA S4 ‘ANSI 2223,1-2021, National Fuel Gas Code 2021 ition IMPORTANT NOTE: This AGA and NFPA document is made aoai- lable for use subject to important notices ad legal disclaimers. These noties and discainers ppear in all publications containing this ‘document and may be found under the heading “Important Notices ‘and Disclaimers Concerning AGA end NFPA Standards.” They con ‘iso be obtained on request from NFPA or viewed at waranfpaorg/ ‘isclaimersAGA. UPDATES, ALERTS, AND FUTURE EDITIONS: New edition of [NEPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides (he [NEPA Standards) are released on scheduled revision ‘eles. This ‘dition may be superseded by « Tater one, or it may Be amend ‘outside oft scheduled revision cle trough the issance of Tenta- tive Interim Amendments (TIA). x ofial NEPA Standard at ay joint in time conse of the current edition ofthe doctanet, together Swit all TEAS and Errata in efecto verify that this documents the ‘arvent edition orto determine if it has boon amended by TIAS or Errata, please consul the National Fire Code SubseritionSereice a the “List of NFPA Codes & Standards” of In eddtion o THs and Errata, the document information pages also include the option to sgn up for alerts for individual documents end to-be involved inthe development of the next edition. NOTICE: An astedak (+) following the mumber or letter designating a paragraph indicates that explanatory material on the paragraph can be found in Annex A ‘A reference in brackets { ] following a secon or paragraph indicates material that has been extracted from another NFPA document. Extracted text may be edited for consistency and syle and may include the revision of internal paragraph refer- fences and other references as appropriate. Requests for inter- ppretations or revisions of extracted text shall be sent to the {ectinieal committee responsible for the source document Tnformation on referenced publications can be found in Chapter 2and Annex K ‘All pressures uted in this code are gauge pressure unless ‘oiherwise indicated, Chapter | Administration Lal Scope. 1.1.1 Applicability, LLL This code isa safety code that shall apply to the instal lation of fuel gas piping systems, appliances, equipment, and related accessories as shown in 1.1.1(A) through (4) Coverage of piping ems shall extend from the poise of delivery tothe applace connections. For other than ind Teed ligaefed petroleum gas (LP-Gas) gutems, the point of delivery shall be the outlet of the service meter assembly or the tte ofthe service relator or service sto wave where no Ineter i provided. Fr undiluted LP-Gas stems, the point of deivery tall be considered to be the outlet ofthe al prox fue rogulater,eacusve of Tine gun regulators where no meter fr iaualed. Where a meter ls tstaled, te point of elery Shall be the ote ofthe meter. Shaded text = Revisions. ext deletions and figure/table revisions. ADMINISTRATION, 57 (B) This code shall apply to natural gas systems operating at a ppresture of 125 pal (862 KPa) or les. (©) This code shall apply to LP-Gas systems operating at a pressure of 50 psi (345 kPa) oF less. (D) This code shall apply to gas-air mixture systems operating ‘within the flammable range at a pressure of 10 pst (69 kPa) or Tess, (©) Requirements for piping systems shall include design, ‘materials, components, fabrication, assembly, installation, te ing, inspection, operation, and maintenance. (®) Requirements for appliances, equipment, and related accessories shall include installation, combustion, and ventila- tion air and venting. This code shall not apply to the following items: (1). Portable LP-Gas appliances and equipment of all ypes that are not connected to a fixed fuel piping system (2) Insallation of appliances such as brooders, dehydrators, dryers, and irrigation equipment used for agricultural purpotes (8) Raw material (feedstock) applications except for piping {0 special atmosphere generators (4) Oxygen-fuel gas cutting and welding systems (8) Industral gas applications using such gases as acetylene and acetylenic compounds, hydrogen, ammonia, carbon ‘monoxide, oxygen, and nitrogen (6) Petroleum refineries, pipeline compressor or pumping stations, loading terminals, compounding plants, refine cry tank farms, and natural gas processing planis (7) Large integrated chemical plants or portions of such plants where flunmable or combustible liquids or gases are produced by chemical reactions or used in chemical (8) LP-Gas installations at utility gas planes (9) Liquetied natural gas (ILNG) installations (10). Fuel gas piping in electric utility power plants (11) Propfieary items of equipment, apparatus, or instru ‘ments such as gas generating sets, compressors, and calorimeters (12) LP-Gas equipment for vaporization, gas mixing, and gas manufacturing (13) LP-Gas piping for buildings under construction or reno- vations that 8 not to become part of the permanent building piping system — that is, temporary fixed piping for building heat (14) Installation of LP-Gas systems for railroad switch heating (15) Installation of LP-Gas and compressed natural gas (CNG) systems on vehicles (16). Gas piping, meters, gas pressure regulators, and other appurtenances used by the serving gas supplier in dist bution of gas, other than undiluted LP-Gas (17) Building design and construction, except as specified herein (18) Fuel gas systems on recreational vehicles manufactured In accordance with NFPA 1192 (19) Fuel gas systems using hydrogen as fuel (20) Consiruetion of appliances 1.1.2 Other Standards. In applying this code, reference shall also be made to the manufacturers’ instructions and the serv. ing gas supplier regulations, 1.2 Purpose. (Reserved) ‘+Secion deletions. N= New material 2021 aon [NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE, ANSI 228.1 1.8 Retroactivity. Unless otherwise stated, the provisions of this code shall not be applied retroactively to existing syxtems that were in compliance with the provisions of the code in effect atthe time of installation A. 14 Equivalency. ‘The provisions of this code are not intended © prevent the use of any material, appliance, equipment, method of construction, o installation procedure, provided that any such alternative i acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. The authority having jurisdiction shall require that sufficient evidence be submitted to substantiate any claims ‘made regarding the safety of such alternatives 1.5 Enforcement. This code shall be administered and enforced by the authority having jurisdiction designated by the governing authority Chapter 2 Referenced Publications 2.1 General. The documents or portions thereof listed in this ‘chapter are referenced within this code and shall be consid: ‘ered part of the requirements of this document. 2.2 NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Association, 1/Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 021697471. [NEPA 204, Code for Motor Fuel Dishensing Faces and Repair Garages, 02% edition. [NEPA 87, Standort forthe Installation and Us of Stationary Combustion Engines end Gas Trbines, 2018 edition [NFPA 51, Slander forthe Design and Isallation of Orgen-Fuel Gas Stems for Welding, Culing, ad Aled Proce, 2018 edition [NFPA 52, Vehicular Natural Gas Fuel Systems Cade 2019 cedition [NFPA 58, Ligue Paroleum Gas Code, 2020 edition [NEPA 70°, National Eerica! Code, 2020 edition [NEPA 82, Standord on Incinerators and Waste and Lenen Handling Sytons and Equipment, 2019 edition [NFPA B8A, Stondand for Parking Structures, 2019 edition. NFPA 04, Standard forthe instalation of Air Conditioning and Vilaing Stems, 2021 edition [NFPA 908, Standard forthe Installation of War Air lating and Air-Conditioning Ssiems, 2021 edition. [NFPA 96, Standard for Ventilation Control and Fv Protection of Comercial Cooking Operations, 2021 edition, ‘NFPA 211, Standard for Chines, Binplaces, Vous, and Solid uc-Burning Appliance, 2019 edition. [NEPA 409, Standard on Ait Hangers, 2016 edition. NFPA 780, Standard forthe Installation of Lighting Protection Sptons, 2020 edition. [NEPA 853, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Fuel Cell Pave Systems, 2020 edition ‘NEPA 1192, Standard on Racational Voki, 2021 edition, 28 Other Publications, A23.1 ASME Publications. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990, (800) 845.2763, ANSI/ASME B1.20.1, Pipe Threads, General Purpose, Inch, 013. ANSI/ASME B16.1, Gray Fon Pipe Flanges and Flanged Ftings: Glasses 25, 125, and 250, 2015. 2021 Eaton Shaded text= Revisions ‘Text deletions and figure/table revisions. ANSI/ASME.B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Ranged Pitings: NPS 15 through NPS 24 Maric/nch Standard, 2017. ANSI/ASME B16.20, Mellie Gaskels for Pipe Flanges: Ring. Joint, Spira Wouna and Jacked, 2017 ANSI/ASME B16.21, Nonmalalic Hat Gaskets for Pipe Ranges, 2016. ANSI/ASME B16.24, Cas Coper Alloy Pie Pages and Ranged Fiings: Clases 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500, 2096. ANSI/ASME BL6.38, Manually Oerated Metalic Gas Valves or sein Gas Ping Sens upto 175 poi (Ses NPS 1/2 ough NPS 2), 2012 ANSI/ASME_ B16.42, Ductile om Pipe Ranger and Ranged Ftings Clases 150 and 300, 2016 ANSI/ASME B16.44, Manually Operated Metallic Gas Waves for sein Above Grund Piping Sten up to 5 si 2012 (R2017) ANSI/ASME_BI6.47, Large Diameter Stal Ranges: NPS 26 through NPS 60 Minch Standard, 2017 ANSI/ASME B36,10M, Welded and Seamless Wiowght St Pipe, 2018. A232 ASTM Publications. ASTM Internationsl, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO. Box C700, West. Conshohocken, PA 19428.9955, (610) 8329585., ASTM ASS, Standard Specification for is, Sto, Black and Hot Dipped, Zine Coated Welded and Seams, 2018 ASTM A106, Standard Specification for Seamless Carton Sul Pipe for High Temperature Series 2018 ASTM A254, Standard Specification for CopperBrased Set "ubing, 2012. ASTM. A268, Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Rertc and Marinate Sani: Stel Tubing for General Serie, 2010, reafirmed 2016 ASTM A262, Suondand Specification for Seamless and Welded Aastnitie Stil Ste! Tubing for Genoa Sorvice, 2015, ASTM ASI2, Standard 5 for Seams, Wolded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stanls Stel Pipe, 20182. ASTM B88, Standard Speication for Seamless Copper Water Tie, 2016. ASTM. B210, Standard Speficaton for Abuninum and Aluminsom ley Drazen Seamless Pubes 3019, ASTM B41, Standard Specification for Aluminum ond AbuninunAlay Seamlas Pipe ad Seamless Extruded Tube, 2016, ASTM B280, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube for ‘Air Conditioning and Rafigeration Fld Seve, 2018 ASTM D2513, Standant Specifcaton for Polyethylene (PE) Gas Prasure Pie, Ting, and Fins, 20188. ASTM E136, Standard Tit Method for Behavior of Mates in a Vetisal Tube Furnace a 750°C, 2019. ASTM 9852, Standand Test Methed for Bohacor of Materials in @ Tube Furnace with a Coneshaped Airflow Stabilize, at 750°C, 2018. Section deletions, = New material ANSI 7225.1 ASTM FI97S, Standard Speifcation for Factory Assembled Anode tess Risers and Transition Fitingy in Pabtene (PE) and Polyamide 11 ALi) and Poyamide 12 (PA12) Fad Gas Dsrduton Stans, 2015, reaffirmed 2018 ASTM F2509, Standard Speifaton for Fn Asombled Anodes Riser Kits for Use om Ouse Dimatr Contd Potiglne Gas Diston Pte and Tabing, 2015 ASTM £2945, Stndand Specfeation for Pbamie 11 Gas Pre sure Pp, Tubing, and Fitingy 2018 4.233 CSA. Group Publications. CSA. Group, 178. Rexdale Boulevard, Toronto, ON MOW TRS, Canada, (216) 624-4990 ANSI/CSA FC 1, Fu! Call Techrolois — Part 3:100: Stationary Ful Call Power Stes Safes 2014, reamed 2018. ANSI/CSA NGV 5.1, asidental Pung Appliances, 2016. ANSI/CSA NVG 5.2, Vehice Bulg Appliance (VES), 2017 ANSI LC 1/CSA 6.26, Fuel Gas Piping Systems Using Corrugated Stainkss Stat Tubing (CSST), 9018. ANSI LC 4/0SA 6.32, Press-Connect Metalic Fittings for Use Fuel Gas Distribution Systems, 2012, reaffirmed 2016. ANSI Z21.1/CSA 1.1, Housohold Cooking Gas Appliances, 2018, ANSI Z215.1/CSA 7.1, Gas Clothes Dryers, Volume 1, Type 1 Clothes Dryers, 2017, ANSI 721.5.2/CSA 7.2, Gas Clothes Diyos, Volume I, Type 2 Clathes Dryers, 2016. ANSI 221.8, Installation of Domestic Gas Conversion Burners, 1994, reaffirmed 2017, ANSI 221.10.1/CSA 4.1, Gas Water Heater, Volume I, Storage Water Heater with Input Ratings of 73,000 Btu per Flour or Les, 2017. ANSI Z21.10.8/CSA 43, Gas Water Heater, Vohune I Storage Water Heaters with Input Ratings Above 73,000 Btu per Hour, Circw- lasing or Instantaneous, 2017. ANSI 221.11.2, Gas Fired Room Heaters — Volume I, Unvented Room Heats, 2016. ANSI 231.13/CSA 4.9, GasFied LaoPressure Steam and Hot Water Bits, 2017. ANSI Z21.15/CSA 9.1, Manually operated gas valves for applian- os, connect vaives and hose end vaoes, 2009, reafirmed. 2014. ANSI 221.18/CSA 6.8, Cas Appliance Pressure Regulators, 2007, reaffirmed 2016. ANSI Z21.19/CSA 1.4, Repigeators Using Gas Fue 2014. ANSI 221.22/CSA 44, Falif abs for HOt ter Se ‘Systems, 2015, aa [ANSIZ21.24/CSA 6.10, Coats for Gas Aptian, 2015, ANSI 221.40.1/CSA 2.91, Gassfired Heat Activated Air Condi- tioning and Heat Pump Appliances, 1996, reaffirmed 2017. ANSI 21,40.2/CSA 2.92, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Appliances (Internal Combustion), 1996, reaffirmed 2017. ‘Shaded test Revisions. = Text deletions and figure/table revisions. [REFERENCED PUBLICATIONS 549 ANSI 221.41/CSA 6.9, Quick Disconnect Devices for Use with Gas Fuel Appliances, 2014. ANSI 791.47/CSA 2.8, GasFired Central Furnaces, 2016. ANSI 721.50/CSA 2.22, Vented Decorative Gas Appliances, 2019. ANSI 221.54/CSA 8.4, Gas Hose Connectors for Portable Outdoor GasFined Appliances 2019. ANSI 791.86/CSA 4.7, Gas Fi Poot Heaters, 2017 ANSI 221.60/OSA 2.26, Decorative Gas Appliance for Install. tion in Solid-Puel Burning Fireplaces, 2017. ANSI 221.69/CSA 6.16, Connactrs for Movable Gas Appliances, 2015. ANSI 221.75/CSA 6.27, Gonnectors for Outdoor Gas Appliances and Manufactured Homes, 2016. ANSI Z21,80/CSA 6.22, Line Pressure Regulators 2019. ANSI 221.86/CSA 2.82, Vented GasFired Space Heating Appli- ances, 2016. ANSI 221.90/CSA 6.24, Gos Convenience Outlets and Optional Enclosures, 201. ANSI 221.98/CSA 6.80, Excess Flow Vales for Natural and LP. Gas with Pressures Op to5 pig, 2017. ANSI 721.97/CSA 2.41, Outdoor Decorative Gas Appliances, 2017. ANSI 283.4/CSA 3.7, Non-Recireulating Direct Gas Fired Heating ‘and Forced Ventilation Appliances for Commercial and Industrial Application, 2017. ANSI Z83.8/CSA 2.6, Gas Unit Heater, as Packaged Heaters, Gas Uiility Heaters, ond Gas-Fired Duet Furnaces, 2016. ANSI 283.11/CSA 1.8, Gas Food Service Equipment, 2016, ANSI 283.18, Recieulating Direct GasFred Heating and Forced Ventilation Appliances for Commercial and Industrial Application, 2017. ANSI Z88.19/CSA 2.85, Gas Highiniensty Infrae Heat 3 2017 ANSI 288.20/CSA 2.84, GasFired Tubular and Lowlnensiy Infrae Heater, 2016. ANSI 289.26/C5A 2.27, GasFied Outdoor Infrared Patio Heat. 5, 3014, 4.234 MSS Publications, Manufucturers Standardization Soci ery of the Valve and Fisings Industry, 127 Park Street, NE, ‘Vienna, VA 22180-4608, (703) 281-6613. www ANSI/MSS SP-58, Pipe Hangers and Supports — Matis, Design, Manufactur, Section, Application, an Installation, 2018, ‘A235 UL Publications, Underwriters Laboratories Inc, 383 Pfingsien Road, Northbrook, 1600622096, UL 108, Chimneys, Raton-Buit, Residential Type and Building Heating Applianca, 2010, revised 9017 UL 44, Gas Vos, 2006 ‘UL. 467, Grounding and Bonding Equipment, 2013. “+= Section deletions, N « New materia 2021 tion 10 NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE ANSI 2223.1 UL 641, Type L Low-Temperature Venting Systems, 2010, revised 2018, UL O51, Schedule 40 and 80 Rigid PVC Conduit and Fitings, 2011, revised 2018. ‘UL 959, Medium Heat Appliance FactoryBuilt Chimneys, 2010, revised 2014, UL 1738, Venting Systems for Gas Burning Appliances, Cates 1M, Il and IV, 2010, revised 2014. UL 1777, Chinmey Lines, 2015, revised 2019, UL 2158A, Clothes Dryer Transition Ducts, 2018, revised 2017. UL 2561, 1400 Degre Falventeit Factory Built Chimneys, 2016, revised 2018, UL 378, Draft Pruipment, 2006, revised 2013, 4.23.6 US Government Publications. US Government Publish- ing Office, 732 North Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20401-0001. wwew-gpo.gow ‘Tile 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 192, “Transporta tion of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline: Minimum Federal Standards” 2.3.7 Other Publications, Merriam Webster's Colligiate Dictionary, 1th edition, Merriam Webster, Inc. Springfield, MA, 2008. 24 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections. NFPA 81, Standart forthe Installation of Oi: Burning Equipment, 2016 edition NEPA 702, National Bectrical Coa@, 2077 edition. NFPA 884, Standard for Parking Structures, 2019 edition. [NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of AiConditioning and Ventilating Systems, 2018 edition, NEPA 107°, Lie Safety Cod, 2018 edition NEPA.501, Standard on Manufactured Housing, 2017 edition, NEPA 5000, Building Construction and Safety Cod@, 2018 edition. Chapter 3. Definitions 8.1 General. ‘The definitions contained in this chapter shall apply to the terms used in this code, Where terms are not defined in this chapter or within another chapter, chey shall be defined using ther ordinarily accepted meanings within the context in which they are used. Merian-Webst’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, shall be the source for the ordinarily accepted meaning. 3.2 NFPA Official Definitions. 3.2.1 Approved. Acceptable to the authority having jurisdic- tion. 3.2.2 Authority Having Jurisdiction (AH. An organization, ‘office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements ofa code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, ora procedure. 3.2.3° Code. A standard that is an extensive compilation of provisions covering broad subject matter or that is suitable for adoption into law independently of other codes and standards 2021 Eaton ‘Shaded text = Revisions Tet deletions and figure/tableresisons. 3.24 Labeled. Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organ- ination that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, hat maintains peri ‘dic inspection of production of labeled equipment or materi als, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manne. 3.2.5¢ Listed. Equipment, materials, or services included in a list published by an organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of products or services, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials or periodic evahia tion of services, and whose listing states that either the equip- ‘ment, material, or service meets appropriate designated standards of has been tested and found suitable for a specified Purpose, 8.2.6 Shall. Indicates a mandatory requirement. 4.3.3 General Definitions. 3.3.1 Accessible, Having access to but which frst requires the removal of panel, door, or similar covering of the item de- scribed. Readily Accosible. Having direct access without the need of removing or moving any panel, door, or similar covering ofthe item described, 3.8.2 Air. Circulating Air, Air for cooling, heating, or ventile- tion distributed to habitable spaces, Dilution Air. Air that enters a draft hood or draft regulator and mixes with the flue gases. Ese Ait Air that passes through the combustion chamber and the appliance flues in excess of that which is theoretically required for complete combustion. 8.8.24 Primary Aix ‘The air introduced into a burner that ‘mixes with the gas before it reaches the port or ports, 3.8.8 Anodeless Riser. An assembly of stecl-cased plastic pipe tused to make the transition between plastic piping installed underground and metallic piping installed aboveground. 8.8.4 Appliance. Any device that utilizes a fuel co produce light, heat, powes, reftigeration, or air conditioning, or any device that compresses fuel gas. Decorative Appliance for Installation in a Vented Fire. lace. 4 selfcontained, ficestanding, fuel gas-burning appliance designed for installation only in a vented Breplace and whose primary function lies in the aesthetic effect of the flame Direct Vent Appliances, Appliances that are construc- ted and installed so that all air for combustion is derived directly from the outdoors and all flue gases are discharged. to the outdoors, FonAssisted Combustion Appliance. An appliance ‘equipped with an integral mechanical means to either drave fof foree products of combustion through the combustion chamber or heat exchanger, ‘+=Section deletions. N= New materi, ans z22s.1 DEFINIFIONS. Sth BSAA Food Service Appliance, SSAA. Baking and Roasting Oven, An oven primarily intended for volume food preparation that is composed of fone or more sections or units of the following types (1) cabinet oven, an oven having one or more cavities heated by a single burner or group of burners; (2) reeliype ‘oven, an oven employing ways that are moved by mechani ‘cal means; or (3) sectional oven, an oven composed of one ‘or more independently heated! cavities. 3344.2 Gas Counter Appliance, An appliance such a¢ a gas coffee brewer and coffee um and any appurtenant water hheating appliance, food and dish warmer, hot plate, and riddle. 3344.3 Gas Deep Fat Fryer An appliance, including a ‘cooking, verse! in which oils or fats are placed co such a depth that the cooking food is essentially supported by displacement of the cooking fluid or a perforated container immersed in the cooking fIiid rather than by the bottom of the vessel, designed primarily for use in hotels, resaurants, clubs, and similar institutions 33444 Kettle, An appliance with a cooking chamber that is heated elther by a steam jacket in which steam is gener- ated by gas heat or by direct gas heat applied to the cooking chamber 3344.5 Steam Cooker An appliance that cooks, defrosts, (oF Feconstitutes food by direct contact with steam. Steam Generator. A separate appliance primarily intended to supply steam for use with food service applian- 33.5 Gas Counter Appliances, See 334.6 Household Cooking Appliance. An appliance for domestic food preparation, providing at least one function of (1) top or surface cooking, (2) oven cooking, or (8) broiling, Household Broiler Cooking Appliance. A unit that ‘cooks primarily by radiated heat. Household BuiltIn Unit Cooking Appliance, A unit designed to be recessed into, placed upon, or attached to the construction of a building, but not for installation on the floor, LowHeat Appliance. An appliance needing a chim- ney capable of withstanding a continuous flue gas tempera. ture not exceeding 1000°F (588°C) 334.8 MediumHect Appliance. An appliance needing a chimney capable of withstanding 2 continuous flue gas temperature not exceeding 1800°F (982°C). 33.49 Outdoor Cooking Appliance, A gavfired cooking appliance for outdoor use only that is provided with a means of support by the manufacturer and is connected to a fixed gas piping system, 3.34.10 Vented Appliance. 334.101" Category I Vented Appliance. An appliance that ‘operates with a nonpositive vent statie pressure and with a vent gas temperature that avoids excessive condensate production in the vent. ‘Staided text Revisions, A = Text deletions and figure /tabe revisions. Category If Vented Appliance. An appliance that ‘operates with a nonpositve vent static pressure and with a vent gas tempersture that can cause excessive condensate production in the vent Category IN Vented Appliance. An appliance that ‘operates with a positive vent static pressure and with a vent fgis temperature that avoids excessive condensate produc: tion in the vent 38.4.104 Category IV Vented Appliance. An appliance that ‘operates with a positive vent state pressure and with a vent gas temperature that can cause excessive condensate production in the vent. 3.3.5 Appliance Categorized Vent Diameter/Area. The mini- ‘mum vent diameter/area permissible for Category I appliances, to maintain a nonpositive vent static pressure when tested in accordance with nationally eecognized standards, 3.3.6 Automatic Firecheck, A device for stopping the progres fof a flame front in burner mixture lines (flashback) and for automatically shutting off the fuel-air mixture. 3.3.7 Automatic Vent Damper. A device that is intended for insiaflation in the venting stem, in the outlet of or down: stream of the appliance draft hood, of an individual automati- cally operated appliance and that is designed to antomatically ‘open the venting sjsiem when the appliance is in operation and to automatically close off the venting system when the appliance isin a standby or shutdown condition. 3.8.8 Backfire Preventer, See 8.3.86, Safety Blowout. 3.39 Baffle. An object placed in an appliance to change the direction of or retard the flow of air, air-gas mixtures, or flue gases. 3.8.10 Boiler. 8.3.101 Hot Water Hoating Boiler boiler designed to heat ‘water for circulation through an external space heating system. Hot Water Supply Boiler. A boiler used to heat vater for purposes other than space heating. 33.10.38 Low Pressure Boiler A boiler for generating steam at gauge pressures not in excess of 15 psi (gauge pressure of 103 kPa) or for furnishing water at a maximum temperature of 950°F (121°C) at 2 maximum gauge pressure of 160 psi (gauge pressure of 1100 KPa). [31, 2016) 3.3.10 Steam Boiler A boiler designed to convert water into steam that is supplied to an external system, 3.3.11 Bonding Jumper. A reliable conductor to ensure the requized electrical conductivity between metal parts required, to be electrically connected, (70:100] 3.8.12 Branch Line. Gas piping that conveys gas from a supply Tine to the appliance. 3.3.13 Breeching. Sce 3.3.100, Vent Connector 3.3.14 Broiler, A general term including broilers, salaman- ders, barbecues, and other devices cooking primarily by radi- ated heat, excepting toasters, 33.141 Unit Broiler A broiler consiructed as a separate appliance. 2021 ion sate NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE, 3.9.15 But, Abbreviation for British thermal unit, which is the ‘quantity of heat required to mise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit (equivalent to 1055 joules). 3.9.16 Burner. A device for the final conveyance of gas, or a mixture of gas and ai, to the combustion zone. 33.161 ForcedDraft Burner. See 33.16.5, Power Bure. Gas Comersion Burner, A unit consisting of a ‘burner and its controls ulizing gaseous fuel for installation {in an appliance originally utilizing another fuel Injcction. (unsen) Type Burner. A burner employ- ing the energy of a jet of gis to inject air for combustion int the burner and mix it with the gas. 33.164 Main Burner. A device or group of devices essen tially forming an integral unit for the final conveyance of {gis or a mixture of gus and air to the combustion zone and fan which combustion takes place to accomplish the func- tion for which the appliance it designed. Power Burner, A burner in which either gas or ait, fr both, are supplied at a pressure exceeding, for gas, the Tine pressure, and for ai, atmospheric pressure; this added pressure being applied at che burner. A burner for which air for combustion is supplied by a fan shead of the appliance is commonly designated asa forced-iraft burner, Fandssited Power Burner. A burner that uses either induced or forced draft. 3.3.17 Chimney. One or more passageways, vertical or nearly £0, for conveying flue or vent gases to the outdoors. Exterior Masomy Chimneys. Masonry chimneys exposed to the outdoors on one or more sides below the roof line. FacloryBuilt Chinmey. A chimney composed of listed factory-built components assembled in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions to form the completed chimney. Masonry Chimney. A feld-constructed chimney of solid masonry units, bricks, stones, listed masonry chimney units, or reinforced Portland cement eonerete, lined with suitable chimney fue liners, 38.174 Metal Chimney, A fieldconstructed chimney of metal, 3.3.18 Clothes Dryer. An appliance used to dry wet laundry by ‘means of heat Type I Clothes Dryer. Primarily used in family ving environment, May or may not be coin-operated for public Type 2 Clothes Dryer. Used in business with direct Intercourse of the funetion with the public. May or may not be operated by public or hired attendant. May or may not be coin-operated 3.3.19 Combustion. A chemical process of oxidation that ‘occurs at a rate fast enough to produce heat and usually ight in the form of either a glow or flame. (5000, 2018) 3.3.20 Combustion Chamber. The portion of an appliance within which combustion occurs. 2021 Eaton ANSI 7225.1 3.8.21 Combustion Products. Constituents resulting from the combustion of a fuel with the oxygen of the ait, including the inert but exchuding excess ar. Condensate. ‘The liquid that separates from a gas ‘because of a reduction in temperature oF an increase in pres 3.9.28 Controls. Devices designed to regulate the gas, ais, ter, or electrical supply to an appliance, either manually or automaticaly 3.23.1 Limit Control, A. device responsive to changes in pressure, temperature, or liquid level for turning on, shut- ‘ing off, or throttling the gas supply to an appliance. 3.3.24 Copper Alloy. A homogenous mixture of two or more metals in which copper is the primary component, such as brass and bronze, 3.3.25 Gubie Foot (ft) of Gas. The amount of gas that would occupy 1 f° (0.03 m?) when ata temperature of 60°F (16°C), saturated with water vapor and under a pressure equivalent to that of 30 in. mereury (101 kPa), 3.8.26 Deep Fat Fryer, See, Gas Deep Fat Fryer 3.3.27 Device. Automatic Gas Shutoff Device. A device constructed ‘0 that the attainment of a water temperature in a hot water supply system in excess of some predetermined limit acts in such a way as to canse the gas to the system to be shut off. Pressure Limiting Device. Equipment that under abnormal conditions will act to reduce, restrict, or shut off the supply of gas flowing into a system in order to prevent the gas pressure in that system from exceeding a predeter- ‘mined value. QuichDisconnect Device. A hand-operated device that provides a means for connecting and disconnecting an, appliance or an appliance connector to a gas supply and that is equipped with an automatic means to shutoff the gus supply when the device is disconnected, 33.274 Safety Shutoff Device. A device that will shut off the gat supply to the convolled burner(s) in the event the Source of ignition fails. This device can interrupt the flow of gas to main burner(s) only or to pilot(s) and main urner(s) under its supervision. 3.3.28 Diversity Factor. Ratio of the maximum probable demand to the maximum possible demand. 3.3.29 Draft. A pressure difference that causes gates or ait t0 flow through a chimney, vent, flue, or appliance. 33.291 Mechanical Draft. Draft produced by a fan or an air or steam jet. When a fan it located 0 a8 to push the flue gates through the chimney or vent, the draft is forced. When the fan is located so a8 to pull the flue gases through, the chimney or vent, the drafts induced, Natural Draf. Draft produced by the difference in the weight of a coltmn of fue gases within a chimney or vent system and a corresponding column of air of equal dimension outside the chimney or venting system. [31, 2016) ‘Shaded text = Revisions, A.="Text deledons and figure/table revisions. * Section deleions. N= New material ANSI2223.1 3.3.30 Draft Hood. A nonadjustable device built into an applianee, or made a past of the vent connector from an appli lance, that is designed to (1) provide for the ready escape of the flue gates from the appliance in the event of no draft, back- draft, or stoppage beyond the draft hood, (2) prevent @ back ‘draft from entering the appliance, and (3) neutralize the effect of stack action of the chimney or gas vent upon the operation oF the appliance. 3.3.31 Drip. The container placed at @ low point in a system ‘of piping to collect condensate and from which it may be removed, 3.3.82 Dry Gas. A gas having a moisture and hydrocarbon dew point below any normal temperature to which the gas piping is expoted. 3.3.88 Effective Ground Fault Current Path, An intentionally constructed, low impedance electrically conductive path designed and intended to carry current under ground-fault ‘conditions from the point of a ground fault on a witing system to the electrical supply source and that facilitates the operation of the overcurrent protective device or ground-fault detectors (70:100) 3.3.34 Engineering Methods. Design methods that rely on the application of mathematics, sciences, empirical evidence, and engineering principles. 3.8.85 Equipment. Devices other than appliances. 3.3.36 Explosion Heads (Soft Heads or Rupture Discs). A protective device for relieving excessive pressure in a premix stem by bursting of a rupturable disc 3.3.87 FAN Max. The maximum input rating of a Category I, anvassisted appliance attached to a vent or connector. 3.3.38 FAN Min. ‘The minimum input rating of a Category I, fancassisted appliance attached to a vent or connector. 3.3.89 FAN+FAN. ‘The maximum combined appliance input nating of two or more Category I, fanassisted appliances attached to the common vent. 3.40 FANSNAT. ‘The maximum combined appliance input rating of one of moze Category I, fanassisted appliances and fone or more Category 1, draft hood-equipped appliances rattached to the common vent. 3.3.41 Fireplace. A fise chamber and hearth constructed of noncombustible material for use with solid fuels and provided with a chimney. 3.31.1 Gas Fireplace. 3.341.141 Direct Vout Gas Fireplace. A system consisting of (1) an appliance for indoor installation that allows the view of flames and provides the simulation of 2 solid fuel fire place, (2) combustion air connections between the appli- ance and the vent air intake terminal, (3) flueges connections between the appliance and the ventair intake terminal, and (4) a vent air intake terminal for installation ‘outdoors, constructed such that all air for combustion is ‘obtained from the outdoor atmosphere and all flue gases are discharged to the outdoor atmosphere. Vented Gas Fireplace. A vented appliance that allows the view of flames and provides the simulation of a solid fuel fireplace. Shaded text = Revisions, Text deletions and Rgure/table revisions. * = Section deletions DEFINITIONS 513 3.3.42 Flame Arrester. A nonvalve device for use in a gus-air ‘mixture line containing a means for temporarily stopping the progress of aflame front (flashback) 3.3.48 Flue. 3343.1 Appliance Fle, The passage(s) within an appliance through which combustion products pass from the combus tion chamber of the appliance to the draft hood inlet oper: ing on an appliance equipped with a draft hood or to the outlet of the appliance on an appliance not equipped with a daft hood. Chimney Flue. The passage(s) in a chimney for conveying the fide of vent gases to the outdoors 3.3.44 Flue Collar, That portion of an appliance designed for the attachment of @ draft hood, vent connector, or venting system, 3.3.45 Furnace. Central Furnace, A self-contained appliance for heating air by transfer of heat of combustion through metal to the air and designed to supply heated air through ducts to spaces remote from or adjacent to the appliance location. Direct Vent Wall Furnace. A system consisting of an appliance, combustion air, and fue gas connections between the appliance and the outdoor atmosphere, and a sent cap supplied by the manufacturer and constructed 80 that all air for combustion is obsained from the outdoor atmosphere and all flue gases ate discharged to the outdoor atmosphere, Duct Purnace. A farnace normally installed in distribution duets of airconditioning systems to supply ‘warm air for heating, This definition applies only to an appliance that, for air circulation, depends on a blower not firnished as part of the furnace 3.345 Enclosed Furnace, A specific heating, or heating and ventilating, furnace incorporating an_ integral total tenclosure and using only outdoor air for combustion, 3345.5 Floor Furnace. A completely selfcontsined unit furnace suspended from the floor of the space being heated, taking air for combustion from outside this space Forced Air Furnace. A furnace equipped with a fan fF blower that provides the primary means for circulation of Vented Wall Furnace. A selfcontained, vented, fuel gas-burning appliance complete with grilles or equivalent, designed for incorporation in or pesmanent attachment to the structure of a building and furnishing heated air, circus lated by gravity or by a fan, dizectly into the space to be heated through openings in the casing, 3.3.46 Furnace Plenum. A compartment or chamber that is supplied with the furnace or constructed of ductwork chat is attached to the inlet or outlet of a furnace or airhandling unit and has one or more circulating air ducts connected i. 3.3.47 Garage. 3.3471 Repair Garage, A building, structure, oF portions thereof wherein major repais, painting, or body and fender ‘work is performed on motorized vehicles or automobiles, N= New material 2021 ton Bet [NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE and includes associated Noor space used for offices, parking, and showrooms BSAT2 Residential Garage. building or room in which selfpropelled passenger vehicles are or can be stored and. that will not normally be sed for other than minor service oF repair operations on such stored vehicles, 348 Gas Convenience Outlet. A permanently mounted, andoperted device providing = means for connecting and Giconseaing an appliance or an appliance connector tthe fs supply piping. 9:49 Gane, Include natural gas, manufactured gis, Hae fied petroleum (LP) gavin the vapor phase oni iquched Petoleum gars moar, and mintares of these gees, plot fair miaturs within the flammable range, with te Riel gas ePne flammable component of a mianure being a commer Gilly aiibuted produce Flue Gases. Products of combustion plus excess air in appliance flues or heat exchangers. 3349.2 Utility Gaves, Natural gus, manufactured gas, lique- fied petroleum gas-air mixtures, or mixtures of any of these gases. Vent Gases. Products of combustion from applian- ces plus excess ais, plus dilution air in the venting sjstem bore the draft hood or draft regulator. 8.8.50 GasFired Air Conditioner. An automatically operated appliance for supplying cooled and/or dehumidiied air or chilled liquid, 3.8.51 GasFired Heat Pump. An automatically operated appliance utilizing a refrigeration system for supplying either heated air or liquid or heated and/or cooled air oF liquid. 3.3.52 GasMixing Machine. Any combination of automatic proportioning control devices, blowers, or compressors that supply mixtures of gas and alr to multiple burner installations ‘where control devices or other accesories are installed between the mixing device and burner, 3.3.53* Gas Vent. A passageway composed of listed factory- built components assembled in accordance with the manufac: turer's installation instructions for conveying vent gases from. appliances or their vent connectors to the outdoors. 3353.1 Common Vent. That portion of a vent or chimney sjstem that conveys vent gases. from more than one appl Special Type Gas Vent. Gas vents for venting listed ‘Category ff, I, and IV appliances. 33.53.3 Type B Gas Vent. A gas vent for venting listed gas appliances with draft hoods and other Category I appliances, listed for use with Type B gas vents, 33.584 Type BW Gas Vent, A gas vent for venting listed wall furnaces. 3.58.5 Type L Gas Vent, A gas vent for venting appliances ted for use with Type I. vents and appliances listed for use with Type B gas vents 3.3.54 Gravity. See 8.5.91, Specific Gravity 2024 Eetion ‘Shaded text = Revisions A ="Text deletions and figure/tble revisions, += Secon deletions. ANSI 722.1 3.3.55 Grounding Electrode. A conducting object through which a direct connection to earth is established. [70:100] 3.3.56 Heater Infrared Heater. A heater that directs a substantial lamount of its energy output in the form of infrared energy into the area to be heated, Such heaters may be of either the vented or unvented type. Nonreci Direct Gas Fired Heating and Forced Ventilation Appliances for Commercial and Industrial Applica- tion. A nontecireulating direct gasfired heating and forced ventilation appliance in which all the products of combus- on generated by the appliance are released into the ‘outdoor airstream being heated, Pool Heater An appliance designed for heating ronpotable water stored at atmospheric pressure, such a8 water in swimming pools, therapeutic pools, and similar applications. 3.3.864 Recreulating Direct GasKired Heating and Forced Ventilation Appliances for Commercial and Industrial Applica tion, A. recirculating direct gasfired heating and forced ventilation appliance in which all of the product of combustion generated by the appliance are released into the airstream being heated. Unit Heater A selfcontained, automatically controlled, vented, fuel gas-burning, space-heating appli- lance intended for installation in the space to be heated Without the use of duets, having integral means for circula- tion of air, Unvented Room Heater. An _unvented, self Contained, freestanding, nonrecessed, fuel gas-burning appliance for furnishing warm air by gravity or fan circula- tion to the space in which installed, directly from the heater ‘without duct connection. Water Heater. An appliance for supplying hot water for domestic or commercial purposes. [3.57 Heating Value (Tota. ‘The number of British thermal units produced by the combustlon, at constant pressure, of 1 f° (0.03 m) of gas when the products of combustion are cooled to the inial temperature ofthe gas and air, when the water ‘apor formed during combustion is condensed, and when all the necessary corrections have been applied. 38.58 Hot Plate, See, Gas Counter Appliance. Domestic Hot Plate. A fuel gas-burning appliance ‘consisting of one or more open-op-'ype burners installed, ‘on short legs ora base. 3.3.59 Ignition. Automatic Ignition. Ignition of gas at the burner(s) ‘when the gascontrolling device is turned on, including re ignition the flames on the burner(s) have been extin- guished by means other than by the closing of the gas controlling device Sources of Igition Appliances or equipment that, because of their intended modes of use or operation, are capable of providing sufficient thermal energy to ignite flammable gas-air mixtures. ANSI 2228.1 DEFINITIONS sts 3.8.60 Insulating Millboard. A factoryfabricated board Formed with noncombustible materials, normally Sbers, and hhaving a thermal conductivity in the ‘range of 1 Buu/in./ £8/°F fr (0.14 W/m/"R), 8.8.61 Kettle, See $8.4.44. 3.62 Manifold, Common Vent Manifold, A horizontal extension of the common ¥ent within the room in which the appliances, are installed. 3.3.622 Gas Manifold. The conduit of an appliance that ‘supplies gas to the individual burners 8.8.63 Manufactured Home, A structure, transportable in one for more sections, that, in the traveling mode, is 8 body:ft (24 m) or more in width or 40 bodyft (12.2 m) or more in length or, that on site is 320 f (29.7 m®) oF more, is built on & permanent chasis, is designed to be used as a dwelling with or ‘without a permanent foundation, whether or not connected to the utilities, and includes plumbing, heating, airconditioning, and electrical systems contained therein. Such terms shall finelude any structure that meets all the requirements of this paragraph except the size requirements and with respect to Which the manufacuarer voluntarily files a certification required by the regulatory agency. Calculations used to deter- ine the number of square feet in «structure are based on the structure's exterior dimensions, include all expandable rooms cabinets, and other projections containing interior space, but do not inelude bay windows, [501, 2017] 3.3.64 Material, Combustible (Material). A material that, in the form in which ic is used and under the conditions anticipa- ted, wil ignite and burn; 2 material that does not meet the definiion of noncombustible. 101, 2015] Noncombustile Material, A material that, in the form in which itis used and under the conditions anticipa- ted, will not ignite, burn, support combustion, or release flammable vapors when subjected to fire or heat. 3.3.65 Meter. An instrument installed to measure the volume fof gas delivered through it. 3.3.66 Mixing Blower, A motordriven blower to produce gus air mixtures for combustion. 8.8.67 NA. Vent configuration that is not allowed due to potential for condensate formation or pressurization of the Venting sjstem or that is not applicable due to physical or geometric restraints, 3.3.68 NAT Max. The maximum input rating of a Category I, ‘draft hood-equlpped appliance attached to a vent or connec. tor. 33.69 NAT+NAT. ‘The maximum combined appliance input rating of two or more Category 1, draft hood-equipped applic ances attached to the common vent, 8.8.70 Occupancy. 88.701 Health Care Oocupaney An occupancy used t0 provide medical or other treatment or care simultaneously to four or more patients on an inpatient bass, where such patients are most incapable of self preservation due to age, Shaded text = Revisions. A = Text delecions and figure/table revisions. physical or mental disability, or because of security measures not under the occupants’ control. (5000, 2018) 3.3.70. Residential Board and Care Occupang. An occu: pancy used for lodging and boarding of four or more rest dents, not related by blood or marriage to the owners or operators, for the purpose of providing personal care ser feces. (5000, 2018) 8.3.71 Orifice. The opening in a cap, spud, or other device whereby the flow of gat is limited and through which the gas is discharged to the burner. Oven, Baking and Roasting, See, Baking and 3.3.73 Parking Structure. A building, structure, or portion thereof used for the parking, storage, or both, of motor vehi cles. [884, 2019) Basement or Underground Parking Structure. park: ig structure or portion thereof located below finished ground level Enclosed Parking Structure. Having exterior enclos {ng walls that have less chan 25 percent of the total wall area ‘open to atmosphere at each level using at least two sides of the structure, 3.3.74 Pilot. A small flame that is utilized to ignite the gas at the main bumer or burners, 3.3.75 Pipe. Rigid conduit used to convey fuel gas or other fis, 38.75 Equivalent Length Pipe. The resistance of valves, controls, and fitings tas flow expressed as equivalent length of straight pipe for convenience in calculating pipe 3.8.76 Piping. Pipe or tubing Goncealed Gas Piping. Gas piping that, when in place in a Snished building, would require removal of permanent construction to gain access to the piping. Gontrol Piping. All piping, valves, and fitings used to interconnect ait, gas, or hydraulically operated control apparatus or instrument transmitters and receivers. 3.3.77 Plenum. A compartment or chamber to which one or more ducts are connected and that forms part of the air distr- ‘bution system, [904, 2018] 3.3.78 Point of Delivery. The location point where the ceastomerowned fuel gas piping begins [see] 3.3.79 Pressure, Unless otherwise stated, measurement ‘expressed in pounds per square inch above atmospheric pres- Atmospheric Pressure, The pressure of the weight of air on the surface of the earth, approximately 14.7 pounds per square inch (psia) (101 kPa absolute) at sea level Back Pressure. Pressure against which a fluid is flowing, resulting from friction in lines, restrictions in pipes cor valves, pressure in vessel to which fluid is flowing, hydro- static head, or other impediment that causes resistance to uid flow. ‘+=Section deletions. N= New material, 2024 Eton 16 [NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE anst 233.1 Design Pressure, ‘The maximum operating pressure permitted by this code, as determined by the design proce dures applicable to the materials involved, Maximum Working Pressure. The maximum pres sure at which a piping system can be operated in accord: ance with the provisions of this code. Supply Pressure, ‘The gas pressure measured at the inlet to the appliance. 4.3.80 Pressure Drop. ‘The loss in pressure due to friction ot ‘obstruction in pipes, valves, ttings, regulators, and burners, 3.3.81 Purge. “To free a gas conduit of air or gas, or a mixture of gas and alr 3.3.82 Qualified Agency. Any individual, frm, corporation, oF ‘company that either in person or through a representative i ‘engaged in and is responsible for (1) the design, installation, testing, or replacement of gas piping or (2) the connection, instalation, testing, repais, of servicing of appliances and ‘equipment; that is experienced in such work; that is familiar ‘with all precautions required; and that has complied with all the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. 3.3.83 Refrigerator (Using Gas Fuel). An appliance that is ‘designed to extract heat from a suitable chamber. 3.3.84 Regulator. Draft Regulator, A device that funetions to main tain a desired draft in the appliance by automatically reduc- ing the draft co te desired value 33.84.11 Barometric Draft Regulator, A balanced damper device aitached to a chimney, vent connector, breeching, or Flue gas manifold ta control chimney draft Gas Appliance Pressure Regulator: A pressure regula: tor for controlling pressure to the appliance manifold, 33.843 Line Pressure Regulator A pressure regulator placed in a gas line between the service regulator and the Appliance regulator. 3.3.844% Monitor Regulator. A pressure regulator that is insfalled in series with another pressure regulator for the purpose of preventing an overpressure in the downstream piping system, Pressure Regulator Equipment placed in a gas line for reducing, controlling, and maintaining the pressure in that portion of the piping system downstream of the equip- Regulator Vent. ‘The opening in the atmospheric side of the regulator housing permitting the in and out ‘movement of air to compensate for the movement of the regulator diaphragm. Series Regulator. A pressuse regulator in series with lone or more other pressure regulators, Service Regulator, A pressure regulator installed by the serving gas supplier to reduce and limit the service line _gas pressure to delivery pressure, 3.3.85 Relief Opening, The opening provided in a draft hood to permit the ready escape to the atmosphere of the flue prod- ucts from the draft hood in the event of no draft, Backdraft, or 2021 ton Shaded text~ Revisions, A ~ Text delesions and figure table revisions stoppage beyond the draft hood and to permit inspiration of alr Into the draft hood in the event of a strong chimney updraft 3.3.86 Safety Blowout (Backfire Preventer). A protective device incorporating a bursting disc for excessive. pressure release, means for stopping a flame front, and an electric sith or other release mechanism for actuating a builtin or separate safety shutof. 3.3.87 Service Head Adapter. A transition fiting for use with plastic piping (which is encased in non-pressurecarrying metal pipe) that connects the metal pipe casing and plastic pipe and {tubing to the remainder of the piping system. 8.8.88 Service Meter Assembly. ‘The meter, valves, piping, fittings, and equipment installed by the serving gas supplier to connect the gas supply to the customer's house or yard piping. 3.8.89 Service Regulator. See 8.8845, Pressure Regulator; and 3.5.848, Service Regulator. 3.3.98, Valve As applied to gas, the ratio of the weight of a given volime to that of the same volume of air, Doth measured under the same conditions, A3.3.92 Steam Cooker. Sec, Steam Cooker 4.33.93 Stoam Generator. See, Steam Generator. 3.3.94 Stress. ‘The resultant intemal force that resists change in the size or shape of a body acted on by external forces. In this code, the term stmssis often used as being synonymous with unit stress, which isthe stress per unit area (ps). Hoop Stes, The stress in a pipe wall, acting circumferentially in a plane perpendicular to the Jongitud nal axis of the pipe and produced by the pressure of the ‘uid in the pipes 3.8.95 System. Gontral Promix System. A system that distributes Hammable gas-air mixtures to two oF more remote slations. FanAssisted Combustion System. An appliance ‘equipped with an integral mechanical means to either draw (oF force products of combustion through the combustion chamber or heat exchanger. Hybrid Presnre Sytem. A piping system. in which the pressure atthe point of delivery is reduced by one or more line pressure regulators prior to the appliance connec: tion, 38.954 Mechanical Evhoust System. Equipment installed in and made a part of the vent to provide the required flow of| gases through the vent. 33.955 Natal Draft Young Sytem. A venting ysem that relies on natural drafe to convey the products of combus tion, 3.95.6 Piping Siem. All pipe, tubing, valves, and fittings from the point of delivery to the outlets of the appliance shutoff valves. 38.95.7" Venting Siem. A_ continuous open. passagensy from the fle cali or draft hood of an appliance to the outdoors for the purpose of removing flue oF vent gases. Section deletions, N= New material. A A ANSE 2228.1 3.3.95:7.1 Mechanical Draft Venting Sysem. A venting system designed to remove flue of vent gases by mechanical means, which can consist of an induced draft portion under nonpositive siaie pressure ot a forced draft portion under positive static pressure. 3.3.96 Tensile Smength. ‘The highest unit rensile stress (refer red to the original cross section) a material can sustain before failure (ps). 3.3.97 Tubing. Semirigid conduit of copper, steel, aluminum, corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST), or plastic. 8.8.98 Valve. Appliance Shutoff Vale. A valve used to shut off the {el gas to an individual appliance. 33.98.2 Awiomatic Valve. An automatic or semiautomatic ‘device consisting estentially of a valve and operator that control the gas supply to the burner(s) during operation of an appliance. Excess Flow Valve (EFV). A valve designed 0 acti vate when the fuel gas passing trough it exceeds a pre- scribed flow rate, 33.984 Manual Reset Valve. An automatic shutoff valve insialled in the gas supply piping and set to shut off when unsafe conditions occur. The device remains closed until ‘manually reopened, Relief Valve. A safety valve designed to forestall the development of a dangerous condition by relieving either pressure, temperature, or vacuum in a hot water supply stem, 3.3.98,5.1 Pressure Relief Valve. A valve that automatically ‘opens and closes a relief vent, depending on whether the pressure is above or below a predetermined value. Temperature Relief Valve. A valve that automati- ‘ally opens and automaticaly closes a relief vent, depending fon whether the temperature is above or below’a predeter- ‘mined value, Vacuum Relief Valve. A valve that automatically ‘opens and closes a vent for relieving a vacuum within the hot water supply stem, depending on whether the vacuum is above or below a predetermined value. Service Shutoff Valve. valve, installed by the serv ing gas supplier between the source of supply and the ‘customer piping sjstem, to shut off the Fuel gusto the entire piping system, System Shutoff Valve. A valve installed after the point of delivery to shut off the fuel gas to the entire piping ys, 3.3.99 Valve Member. That part of a gas valve rotating within or in respect to the valve body that, by its position with respect to the valve body, controls the flow of gas. Nondisplaceable Valve Member; A valve member that cannot be moved from its seat by a force applied to the Ihandle or o any exterior portion of the valve 3.3.100 Vent Connector. The pipe or duct that connects a fuel ‘gas-burning appliance to a vent or chimney, ‘Shaded text Revisions, A ~ Text deletions and figure/table revisions. GENERAL A.43.2.1* Drip Liquids. Liquid that is removed from a dri += Section deletions 8.8.101 Vent Offset. An arrangement of two or more ftings and pipe installed for the purpose of locating a vertical section ‘of vent pipe in a different but parallel plane with respect to an adjacent section of vertical vent pipe 43.3.102 Venting. The conveyance of combustion products to the outdoors, 33.103 Wall Head Adapter. A transition fitting for terminat- ing plastic pipe inside of buildings at the building wal 433.104 Zero Governor. A regulating device that is normally fadjusted to deliver gas at atmospheric pressure within its flow rating, Chapter 4 General 4.1 Qualified Agency. The following shall be performed only by a qualified agency: (1) ‘The design, installation, testing, purging, and replace ‘ment of gas piping, appliances, equipment, and accesso- (2) The repair and servicing of appliances and equipment 4.2 Interruption of Service. 4.2.1 Notification of Interrupted Service. When the gas supply isto be tured off it shall be the duty of the qualified agency to notify all affected users. Where two or more users are served from the same supply system, precautions shall be exer- ised to ensure that service only to'the proper user is timed off. Exception: In cases of emergency, afjeted users shall be notfed as soon 1s possible of the actions taken by the qualified agency. 4.2.2 Work Interruptions. When interruptions in work oocar while repairs or alterations are being made to an existing piping system, the system shall be left ina safe condition, 4.8 Prevention of Accidental Ignition. 438.1 Potential Ignition Sources. Where work is_being performed on piping that contains or has contained gas, the following shall apply (1) Provisions for electrical continuity shall be made before alterations are made in a metallic piping system. (2) Smoking, open flames, lanrerns, welding, or other sour ces of ignition shall not be permitted. (8) A metallic electrical bond shall be installed around the location of cuts in metallic gas pipes made by other than ‘cutting torches. Where cutting torches, welding, or other sources of ignition are to be used, it shall be determined that all sources of gas or gas-air mixtures have been secured and that all flammable gas or liquids have been Cleared from the area. Piping shall be purged as required in Section 83 before welding or cutting with a torch is attempted. (4) Antieial iumination shall be restricted to listed safety. ‘ype flashlights and safety lamps, Electric switches shall not be turned on or tamed off. 4.3.2 Handling of Flammable Liquids. ‘existing ges piping shall be handled to avoid spillage or ign N= New material 202% aon 518 [NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE ANSI 2228.1 Other Flammable Liquids, Flammable liquids used by the installer shall be handled with precaution and shall not be left widhin the premises from the end of one working day to the beginning of the next. 4.4% Noncombustible Material. A material chat complies with any of the following shall be considered a noncombustible material: (1) A material tht, in the form in which ic is used and under the conditions anticipated, will not ignite, burn, sipport, combustion, oF release flatomable vapors when subjected to fre or heat (2) A material that i reported as passing ASTM £136, Stand ‘nd Test Method for Behavior of Matra in a Vertical Take Barnace at 750°C (8) Amateral thats reported as complying wit the pass/fail ‘teria of ASTM F136 when tested in accordance wth the test method and procedure in ASTM 2652, Standard Tst Meth for Behavior of Materials in a Tube Furnace with 2 Coneshaped Airflow Stabile at 750°C N48 Engineering Methods. Where an engineering method is used to calculate flow of air or gas, or to determine the size of {2 pipe or a gas vent, the authority having jurisdiction shall he permitted to require submital of any or all of the following: (1) Galeulations including documentation that the method used is published and recognized a8 being valid for the calculations provided (2) The name of any software used, input and output devel ‘oped, and documentation that the software is recognized as being valid for the calculations provided (8)* The name of the person that performed the calculation or design, along with their qualifications to perform the calculation or design Chapter 5 Gas! ing System Design, Materials, and ‘Components 5.1 Piping Plan. 5.1.1 Installation of Piping System. Where required by the suthority having jurisdiction, a piping sketch or plan shall be prepared before’ proceeding with the installation, The plan shall show the proposed location of piping, the size of different branches, the various load demands, and the location of the point of delivery 5.1.2 Addition to Existing System, When additional applian- ‘es ate being connected to a gas piping system, the existing piping shall be checked to determine whether it has adequate ‘apaciy. Ifthe capacity ofthe system is determined to be inade- ‘quate for the additional applianees, the existing system shall be enlarged as required, or separate gas piping of adequate ‘capacity shall be provided. 452 Interconnections Between Gas Piping Systems, 5.2.1 Interconnections Supplying Separate Users. Where two (or more meters, or two oF more service regulators where meters are not provided, are located on the same premises and supply separate users, the gas piping systems shall not be inter- connected on the outlet side of the meters or service regula 2021 Eon Revisions, A » Test deletions and figure/table revisions 5.2.2 Interconnections for Standby Fuels. Where a supplementary gas for standby use is connec: ted downstream from a meter or a service regulator where ‘meter is not provided, equipment to prevent backflow shall be installed. A three-way valve installed to admit the standby supply and at the same time shut off the regular supply shall be permitted to be used for this purpose. 5.3 Sizing of Gas Piping Systems 5.3.1 General Considerations. Gas piping sjstems shall be of such size and 40 installed as to provide a supply of gas sufficient ‘to meet the maximum demand and supply gas to each appli- ‘ance inlet at not less than the minimum supply pressure required by the appliance, 5.8.2¢ Maximum Gas Demand, 53.2.1* The volumetric flow rate of gas to be provided shall bbe the sum of the maximum input of the appliances served. 53.22 The volumetric flow rate of gas to be provided shall be adjusted for aldiude where the installation is above 2,000 ft (609.6 m).. 5323 The total connected hourly load shall be used as the bass for piping sizing, assuming all appliances are operating at full capacity simultaneously. Exception: Sizing shall be permitted tobe based upon established load diversity factors" Sizing Methods. Gas piping shall be sized in accord: ance with one of the following: (1) Pipe sizing tables or sizing equations in Chapter 6 (2) Sizing tabies included in a listed piping system manufac. turer's installation instnictions (8)_Engincering methods Allowable Pressure Drop, The design pressure loss in a piping system from the point of delivery to the inlet connection, ofall appliances served shal be such tht the supply pressure at each appliance inlet is greater chan or equal to the minimum, pressure required by the appliance, 5.4 Operating Pressure. 5.4.1 Piping System Operating Pressure Limitations. The maximum operating pressure for any piping system shall not exceed 125 psi (862 kPa). 5.4.2 Flammable Gas-Air Mixtures. The maximum operating. pressure for piping systems for gas-air mixtures within the ammable range shall be 10 psi (69 KPa). 54.8 LP-Gas Piping Systems. The maximum operating pres sure for LP-Gas piping systems shall be 20 psi (140 kPa), except a8 provided in 5.4.8(8). 544 Maximum Operating Pressure in Buildings. The maxi- ‘mum operating pressure for any piping systems located inside buildings shall not exceed 5 psi (34 kPa) unless one or mote of the following conditions are met: (1)* The piping joints are welded or brazed. (2) The piping is joined by fitings listed to ANSI LC 4/CSA. 6.89, Pras Connect Metalic Fittings for Use in Fuel Gas Dist ANSI Z225.1 ‘rution Systems, and installed according to the manufactur. ers installation instructions (8) The piping joints are flanged and all pipetoflange ‘connections are made by welding or brazing. (4) The piping is located in a ventilated chase or otherwise enclosed for protection against accidental gas accumula- tion. (6) The piping is located inside buildings or separate areas of buildings used exclusively for one of the following: (a) Industeal processing or heating (b) Research (c) Warehousing (@)_ Boller or mechanical rooms (6) The piping is 2 temporary installation for buildings under (7). The piping serves appliances or equipment used for agri- cculeural purposes, (8) The piping stem is an LP-Gas piping sytem with an operating pressure greater than 20 psi (198 kPa) and complies with NFPA 58, 5.5 LP.Gas Systems Operating Below -5°F (-21°C). LP.Gas systems designed to operate below -5°F (-21°C) or with butane ‘ora propane-butane mis shall be designed to either accommo- date liquid LP-Gas or to prevent LP-Gas vapor from condensing back into a liquid. 4.5.5 Piping Materials and Joining Methods. 5.5.1 General. BS.L.1 Acceptable Materials, Materials used for piping systems shall either comply with the requirements of this chap- ter or be acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Used Materials. Pipe, fistings, valves, or other materi- als shall not be used again unless they are free of foreign mate. Fale and have been ascertained to be adequate for the service intended, 5.5.2 Metallic Pipe. 3.5.21 Cast Iron. Castiron pipe shall not be used. Steol, Stainloss Stoel, and Wrought Iron. Steel, stuin- less steel, and wroughtiron pipe shall be at least Schedule 10 and shall comply with the dimensional standards of ANSI/ ASME B36,10M, Welded and Scamess Wrought Swot Pipe, and one of the following: (1) ASTM ASS, Standard Specification for Pips, Ste, Black and Hotbipped, ZineCoated Welded and Seamless (2) ASTM A106, Standand Specification for Seamless Carbon Stel ‘Pie for High Temperature Service (8) ASTM A812, Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cald Worked Austortie Stinkess Stel Pipes" Copper and Copper Alloy. Copper and copper alloy pipe shall not be used if the gas contains more than an average ‘fF 0.3 grains of hydrogen sulfide per 100 scf of gas (0.7 mg/ 3001). 5.5.24 Threaded Copper, Copper Alloy, and Aluminum, ‘Threaded copper, copper alloy, oF aluminum alloy pipe shall not be used with gases corrosive to such material 25 Aluminum Alloy, Aluminum alley pipe shall comply with ASTM B241, Standart Specification jor Aheminum and Aluminum-Allgy Sermbess Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube (except Shaded text = Revisions, A ="Text deletions and figure/table revisions. GAS PIPING SYSTEM DESIGN, MATERIALS, AND COMPONENTS st19 that the use of alloy 5456 is prohibited), and shall be marked at each end of each length indicating compliance. Aluminum. alloy pipe shall be coated to protect against external corrosion where itis in contact with masonry, plaster, of insulation or is, subject to repeated wettings by such liquids as water, deter- ents, or sewage. Aluminum Installation, Aluminum alloy pipe shall not, be used in exterior locations or underground. 5.5.3 Metallic Tubing. Tubing shall not be used with gases corrosive to the tubing material Steel. Steel cubing shall comply with ASTM A254, Standard Specification for Copper-Brazed Stel Tubing. Stainless Steel. Stainless steel tubing shall comply with one of the following: (2) ASTM A268, Standant Specification for Seamless and Welded FPariic and Martensiic Siainless Stel Tubing for General Sero- (2) ASTM A269, Stondand Specification for Seamless and Welded “Ausenitc Stainless Stel Tubing for General Service 5.5.34 Copper and Copper Alloy. Copper and copper alloy ‘ubing shall not be used if the gas contains more than an aver- age of 0.3 grains of hydrogen sulfide per 100 scf of gas (0.7 mg/100 L). Copper tubing shall comply with standard Type Kor Type 1. of ASTM B88, Standard Specification for Seam- less Caper Water Tube, or ASTM B280, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field Service. 5.58.5 Aluminum. Aluminum alloy tubing shall comply with, ASTM B210, Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum ‘Ally Drawn Seamless Tubs, or ASTM B241, Standard Specfcaion for Aluminum and AluninwnAlley Seamiss Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube, Aluminum alloy tubing shall be coated to protect, against external corrosion where itis in contact with masonry, plaster, or insulation or is subject to repeated wettings by such liquids ax water, detergent, of sewage. Aluminum alloy tubing shall not be used in exterior locations or underground. Corrugated Stainless Steel. Corrugated stainless steel tubing shall be listed in accordance with ANSI LC 1/CSA 6.26, Ful Gas Piping Sytoms Using Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing. 5.54 Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Figs. 5.5A.1 Standard and Marking. Polyethylene plastic pipe, tubing, and fittings used to ‘uuppiy fuel gas shall conform to ASTM D3513, Standard Specif- ‘ation for Pobethylene (PE) Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fitings. Pipe to be used shall be marked “gas” and “ASTM D2513." Polyamide pipe, tubing, and fittings shall be identi- fied in and conform to ASTM P2945, Siandard Specification for Polyamide 11 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings. Pipe to be used shall be marked “gas” and “ASTM F2945." Polwinyl chloride (PV) and chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) plastic pipe, tubing, and fittings shall not be "used to supply fue! gas. A.* Regulator Vent Piping. Plastic pipe and fittings used to connect regulator vents to remote vent terminations shall be PVC conforming to UL 651, Schetule 40 and 80 Rigid PVC ‘+= Section deletions. N= New material, 2021 Eaton 5420 Conduit and Fuings. PVC vent piping shall not be installed indoors. Anodeless Risers. Anodeless risers shall comply with the following: (2) Factoryassembled anodeles risers shall be recommended by the manufacturer for the gas used and shall be leak tested by the manufacuurer in accordance with writen procedures. (2) Service head adapters and fieldassembled anodeless risers incorporating service head adapters shall be recom: mended by the manufacturer for the gas used and shall be design-certfied to meet the requirements of Category Tof ASTM D2513, Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Ritings, and 49 CFR 192.981(c). ‘The manufacturer shall provide the user qualified installation instructions as prescribed by 49 CFR 392.283(b). (8) The use of plastic pipe, tubing, and fittings in undiluted LPGas piping systems shall be in accordance with NFPA 58. 5.5.5 Workmanship and Defects. Gas pipe, tubing, and ‘Stings shall be clear and free from eutting burrs and defects in structure or threading and shall be thoroughly brushed end chip and seale blown. Defects in pipe, tubing, and fittings shall not be repaired. Defective pipe, tubing, and firings shall be replaced, 5.5.6 Metallic Pipe Threads. Specifications for Pipe Threads, Metallic pipe and fitting threads shall be taper pipe threads and shall comply with ANSI/ASME B1.20.1, Pipe Threads, General Purpose, Inch. Damaged Threads. Pipe with threads that are stip- ped, chipped, corroded, or otherwise damaged shall not be used. Where a weld opens during the operation of cutting oF ‘threading, that portion of the pipe shall not be used. 5.563 Number of Threads. Field threading of metallic pipe shall be in aeeordance with Table A.* Thread Joint Sealing. N5.S6A.1 ‘Threaded joints shall be made using a thread joint sealing material “Table Specifications for Threading Metallic Pipe “Approximate Iron Pipe Length of Approximate Size ‘Threaded Portion No. of Threads Gn) (in) to Be Cut % % 10 % % 10 1 % 10 1% 1 ul 1% 1 i 2 1 nl 2% 1% 2 3 1% 2 4 1% 18 Shaded text= Revisions, A [NATIONAL FUBL GAS CODE xt deletions and figure able revisions, Ns 2223.1 N55642 Thread joint sealing materials shall be compatible with the pipe and Reting material on which the compounds are used. N55649 Thread joint sealing materials shall be non hardening and shall be resistant to the chemical constiments of the gases (o be conducted through the piping. 5.5.7 Metallic Piping Joints and Fitngs. The ype of piping Joint used shall be suitable for the pressure and temperature ‘conditions and shall be selected giving consideration to joint tightness and mechanical strength under the service condi- tions. The joint shall he able to sistain the maximum end force due 0 the internal pressure and any additional forces due to femperature expansion or contraction, vibration, fatigue, or the weight of the pipe and its contents* Pipe Joimts. Schedule 40 and heavier pipe joints shall be threaded, jlanged, brazed, welded, or assembled with pres connect fittings listed to ANSI LC 4/CSA 6.32, Prest-Connett Metallic Fittings for Us in Fuel Gas Distribution Stems (A) Pipe lighter than Schedule 40 shall be connected using press-conmect fittings, flanges, brazing, or welding (B) Where nonferrous pipe is brazed, the brazing materials shall havea melting point in excess of 1000°F (538°C). (©) Brazing alloys shall not contain more than 0.05 percent phosphorus 55:1. Copper Tubing Joints. Copper tubing joins shall be assembled with approved gas tubing Bttings, stall be brazed with a material Naving a melting point in excess of 1000°F (688°C), or shall be assembled with pressconnect fitings sted to ANSI LC 4/C8A 6.52, Press Connect Metalic Fung for Use im Fuel Gas Disribwion Systems. Bracing alloys shall not contain ‘more than 0.05 percent phosphorus. Stainless Steel Tubing Joints, Stainless steel joints shall be welded, assembled with approved tubing fitings, brazed with 2 material having a melting point in excess of 1000°F (638°O), or assembled with pressconnect fittings listed to ANSI LG 4/CSA 6.82, Prass-Gonnott Metallic Fisings for Use in Fuel Gas Distribution Systems, Brazing alloys and fluxes shall be recom- ‘mended by the manufacturer for use on stainles steel alloys. 5.5.74 Flared Joints, Flared joints shall be used only in systems constructed from nonierrous pipe and tubing where experience or tests have demonstrated that the joint is suitable for the conditions and where provisions are made in the design to prevent separation of the joints. 5.5.75 Metallic Pipe vith the following (2). Threaded fitngs in sizes larger than 4 in, (100 min) shall not be used. (2) Fiuings used with stecl, stainless steel, oF wroughtiron pipe shall be steel, stainless steel, copper alloy, malleable (8) Fitings used with copper or copper alloy pipe shall be copper of copper alloy (4 Fitdngs used with aluminum alloy pipe shall be aluminum alloy. (8) Gaston Fitings, Castiron fittings shall comply with the following: (a) Flanges shall be permitted (b)_ Bushings shall not be sed. ittings. Mecallic fittings shall comply ‘+=Section deletions, = New material

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