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6 stages of Cloud-data Life Cycle & data lifecycle management compiled by src7cse@gmail.

com Nov-2022 Pg 1 of 5

What are 6 Stages of the Cloud Data Lifecycle and discuss ?

6 stages of Cloud-data Life Cycle & data lifecycle management compiled by Nov-2022 Pg 1 of 5
6 stages of Cloud-data Life Cycle & data lifecycle management compiled by Nov-2022 Pg 2 of 5

Fig: Using AWS

6 stages of Cloud-data Life Cycle & data lifecycle management compiled by Nov-2022 Pg 2 of 5
6 stages of Cloud-data Life Cycle & data lifecycle management compiled by Nov-2022 Pg 3 of 5

1. Data creation

This is the first stage in the data lifecycle when a new data value enters an
organization’s information systems by either using existing data created
within a company or acquiring data created externally, or through the
reception of signals from various devices such as Internet of Things (IoT).
The data collected or created could be either structured or unstructured
During this stage, organizations can classify the data based on its file type,
such as private, sensitive, internal, public, etc., to define how the data must
be processed/managed in the later stages.

2. Data maintenance & storage

The quality and accuracy of your data are as important as its accessibility.
Bad data can directly impact revenue, as poor data hygiene is a source of
inefficiency. Once one company have curated the data that will drive
business decisions, how do you ensure it remains accurate and
accessible? It seems like circular logic because it is. The constant cycling
of data generation, analysis, integration, storage, and elimination gives
Executives the quality data they need to make decisions. But that data
maintenance cycle needs governance.

3. Data usage
What is the value of company’s data? How is company synthesizing the
results of data analytics? This is the phase where one company align value
with action. How is data used and moved around enterprise? Maybe one
company incorporates feedback from end-users into product enhancement
opportunities? Roles need to be defined around who has access to
sensitive data.

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4. Data publication
Data publication and sharing can create issues around compliance and
security restrictions. While it is important to share valuable insights and
research, you need to control the way your data leaves your enterprise.
And the way recipients engage with your publications needs to be tracked
and evaluated.

5. Data archiving
Data archiving strategies should be built around the utility and sensitivity of
the data stored. Consider privacy, data ownership, legal requirements, and
the length of time company needs to keep that data. Archiving removes
data from your active environment but keeps it in deep storage should
company needs it again.

6. Data destruction
Company should be able Free by deleting active and archived data that no
longer hold value to organization. Not only does the data need to be
appropriately destroyed, but company must adhere to internal governance
policies and legal standards depending on the sensitivity of the data.

Benefits of data lifecycle management

Data lifecycle management has several important benefits which include:

• Process improvement: Data plays a crucial role in driving the strategic

initiatives of an organization. DLM helps maintain data quality throughout
its lifecycle, which in turn enables process improvement and increases
efficiency. A good DLM strategy ensures that the data available to users is
accurate and reliable, enabling businesses to maximize the value of their

• Controlling costs: A DLM process places value on data at each stage of

its lifecycle. Once data is no longer useful for production environments,
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organizations can leverage a range of solutions to reduce costs such as

data backup, replication and archiving. For example, it can be moved to
less-costly storage located on-premises, in the cloud, or in network
attached storage.

• Data usability: With a DLM strategy, IT teams can develop policies and
procedures that ensure all metadata is tagged consistently so it can
improve accessibility when needed. Establishing enforceable governance
policies ensures the value of data for as long as it needs to be retained.
The availability of clean and useful data increases the agility and efficiency
of company processes.

• Compliance and governance: Each industry sector has its own rules
and regulations for data retention, and a sound DLM strategy helps
businesses remain compliant. DLM lets organizations handle data with
increased efficiency and security, while maintaining compliance with data
privacy laws regarding personal data and organizational records.

*** END ***

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