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1.Ferrer vs. Ericta CR No.

L41767, August 23, 1378

2.De Roy vs. CA CR No. L80718, ]an. 23, 1388
3.virata vs.Ochoa CR No. L46173, ]an. 31 1378
4.Can vs. CA CR No. L44264, Sept. 13, 1388
S.Dulay vs. CA CR no. 108017, april 3, 133S

'Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken Irom
him (Mark 4:25)

%e People
Please pray Ior Sweden. God loves the people oI Sweden and wants them to know His incredible
love and majesty. Pray the culture would begin to look to God.

%e Power of Internet Evangelism
Here is a way you can make a HUGE difference-rigt from your computer! Are you over
18, have been a Christian Ior more than 2 years, and want to help others know God? We need
you! Help newer Christians grow in their Iaith by responding to them online.
'Sometimes it is hard to talk about my Iaith, but being an Online Missionary is easy and
incredibly IulIilling! -Rory Apply ere Ior an incredible way to change your liIe and many
others. (Available languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, English French, Vietnamese, Russian,
and Chinese.)

Weekly Prayer Focus
Have you ever trown money away? Sometimes I see small coins lying around the house and
want to throw them away, just Ior a cleaning quick-Iix. However, I recently Iound out that it is
illegal to permanently discard or destroy money!

Did you know it`s illegal in God`s Kingdom too? But your currency isn`t paper bills or coins:
it`s your giIts and abilities. Jesus told a story about three servants who were given diIIerent
amounts oI money by their master. The two with the most invested it and gained more, but the
one with the least hid it in the ground out oI Iear. When the master returned, he congratulated
and promoted the two proIitable servants, but said about the scared servant, 'Take the talent
from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. For everyone who has will be given
more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken
from him` (Matthew 25:28,29).

Wat talents do you ave? And are you hiding them out oI Iear? No matter what, God has
given you somethingand He wants you to use it! 'God has given each oI you a giIt Irom His
great variety oI spiritual giIts. Use them well to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10). The greatest
use oI any giIt is to bring glory to God so that others will want to know Him. Jesus said, 'In the
same way, let your light shine beIore men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your
Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

Here are some possible talents He migt ave given you: * Exhortation * Giving * Leadership
* Mercy * Prophecy * Service * Teaching * Your giIts could also be in the Iorm oI art, music,
communication, education, or connections.
Do you need elp figuring out ow to use your gift? First oI all, ask God because He wants to
help you. But secondly, we want to help you too! Respond to this e-mail and ask Ior guidance
Irom an Online Missionary on how to use your giIts. The goal is that, at the end oI days, Jesus
would say to you: 'Well done, good and IaithIul servant! You have been IaithIul with a Iew
things; I will put you in charge oI many things. Come and share your master's happiness! %e
world is waiting for you to give your gifts-don`t bury tem!

So, tis week, let`s pray tat:
- We would know how God has giIted us individually
- We would have courage to step out and use our giIts
- Global Media Outreach would use our giIts to beneIit the world

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