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How does Jim's reaction to Tom's being shot in Chapter 40 of The Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn show the two of them to be opposites?
Ans: Jim is a grown man and is not interested in silliness or games. His goal throughout the book is
getting his own freedom and ultimately his family's as well. When Tom is shot Jim insists on getting
a doctor, putting his escape in jeopardy. He says, "No, sah—I doan' budge a step out'n dis place
'dout a doctor; not if it's forty year!" Jim's heroic actions help Tom to escape serious injury. On the
other hand, Tom does not want to get a doctor because it is not part of his grandiose plan and
vision. He is all about style and does not consider the consequences. Unlike Jim, Tom is completely
2. How does Huck's comment in Chapter 40 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn when Jim
insists on getting a doctor for Tom reveal he hasn't shed society's views on slavery?
Ans: Huck and Jim agree that they must get a doctor to look at Tom's wound. Jim's insistence in this
regard prompts Huck to say, "I knowed he was white inside, and I reckoned he'd say what he did
say ..." By implying that being decent and putting the interest of others before one's own is a white
trait, Huck is revealing a bias against slaves and black people. Huck has grown greatly in this book
and feels Jim deserves to be free. However, it is not clear if Huck feels Jim is a special case
because of the type of person he is, or if Huck feels slavery is wrong and that everyone should be
freed. Either way, Huck still feels that "white" is equivalent to "good," which is an idea that he would
have been exposed to growing up.
3. How does Huck's reaction to Aunt Sally's concern in Chapter 41 of The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn reinforce the differences between him and Tom?
Ans: In Chapter 41 Jim has escaped and Huck and Tom are nowhere to be found. When Huck
returns alone, Aunt Sally greets him lovingly. She insists that Huck stay home while others,
including Uncle Silas go to look for Tom. Huck is desperate to join the search as he knows where
they are. However, Huck is torn about leaving because he does not want to upset Aunt Sally. He
feels guilty putting her through more worry after all that has gone on. Part of Huck's maturation is
seen when he shows concern for others. Huck's concern for Aunt Sally contrasts with how Tom
treats her (ironic, since she is actually Tom's aunt and Huck is not related to her). In Chapter 33, for
example, Tom is a tease as he pretends to be someone else, which confuses and upsets Aunt Sally
(before he finally reveals he is Sid). Tom is more interested in his own fun and games and does not
care who is impacted and how. Unlike Huck, Tom is selfish and self-centred.
4. How does the mob's reaction to Jim's return in Chapter 42 of The Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn compare to the earlier mob reactions, including the one in Chapter 22?
Ans: There are a number of mobs in the book. Each time they are angry and blood-thirsty, they act
on impulse, and show no deep thought. They simply have an emotion and they act upon it, taking
justice into their own hands. As Colonel Sherburn notes in Chapter 22, people have courage when
part of a crowd but less so when it comes to standing up on their own. Because of this one man can
quell a mob if he has the courage to stand up. When Jim is brought back to the Phelps's farm,
people want to hang him so other slaves will not get any ideas, and for "making such a raft of
trouble, and keeping a whole family scared most to death for days and nights." In this case wiser
heads prevail as they realize that killing Jim will mean paying a debt to his rightful owner. So, when
a person or persons step up and speak out, the mob's anger can be defused just as it happened
when Colonel Sherburn spoke up.
5. How does Tom's reaction to Jim's continued imprisonment in Chapter 42 of The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn represent Mark Twain's thoughts on slavery?
Ans: When Tom recovers from being shot he awakens and blurts out what he and Huck have done.
He is certain that Jim has escaped and is proud of this. When he learns that Jim has been
recaptured, Tom is incredulous: "They hain't no right to shut him up! Shove! —and don't you lose a
minute. Turn him loose! he ain't no slave; he's as free as any creetur that walks this earth!" Aunt
Sally thinks Tom has gone mad. It is only when Tom reveals that Miss Watson has freed Jim that
she understands. Mark Twain married into an abolitionist family and adopted their views. His view is
that which Tom has expressed. However, Tom does not limit it to Jim but all slaves. Everyone
should be free to walk the earth and be equal.

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