Propeller Design

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One of the ways to design the propeller for the aircraft is follows.

(Say,what you know the airfoil geometry,the propeller developed plane view (it is mean the plane view before the profiles twist), also the profiles twist values along the propeller span). Usualy, are enough the cuts 20,30,40,50,60,70,75(very important), 80,90,95,100 percent of the span (radius). Now in Catia 5 ,Part design locate (for example) the propeller span along the Z axis. 1. locate the airfoil in the place ( for example ) 20% (0.2 R) (You can locate the airfoil so,that it areas center of gravity coul be located on the intersection of the plane passing through the airfoil and Z axis(one of the methods) 2. Twist the airfoil on the nedeed angle about Z Axis (Areas C.G.) (The twist angle is equal to angle between the airfoil chord ( Angle of attack 0. Deg) and the rotated airfoil new chord location) 3. Make as described in para 1,2 for others airfoils 4. Devide the rotated airfoil each one to upper and lower. 5. Connect by spline airfoils L.E. (Leading edge) 6. Connect by spline airfoils T.E. (Trealing edges) 7. Now you have : Splines as Limit Curves Airfoils as Generative cut (upper and lower) Spine - Z axis The Loft function could built 2 surfaces - Upper and Lower. Now you need built the hub. For example it cylindrical. The following step is to built the transition surface from the cylinder to the 0.2 R airfoil. Best way to take the existing propeller and to study the transition. After the study to make same at your propeller geometry.

I am not an expert in propellers, but I have made one for a demo in the past. I used the combine function. I made two sketches for the leading edge and two for the trailing edge. One was the profile as seen from a top view; the other was from a front view. Combining both of them gave me a 3D curve for each edge (leading and trailing). Then I used two profiles (I'm sure that to make a valid propeller you would need more than two profiles) to make a loft. Meaning that the first profile would gradually become the second profile following the leading and the trailing edge. Then you just need to make the tip and the blend to the hub. Maybe this is not applicable for you, but if it can help in any way... Try to use the HELIX function in GSD. If your pitch is not constant use a law within this function. I would suggest you create a first sketch for the first bottom profile (with only straight line). Create an helix for each side of the blade. A second sketch for the top that will connect the projection of all your helix. Now you have your propeller wireframe. After that create a loft using your 2 sketch as profile and your helix as guide curve. After this you can use the FILL function in Part Design to make it SOLID.

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