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Customizing Your Work Environment

ff Import: You may find that it's faster to preset a couple of different common Import
settings and then switch between them by moving the check mark than having to
reconfigure it. This is especially helpful if you use the drag-and-drop import method.
ff Composer: Composer settings allow you to customize such settings as Always
Display Two Rows of Data above the Source and Record windows, Undo Only
Record Side Events, enable Single Mark Editing, and make some choices for when
you're editing in MultiCam Mode or in Stereo 3D, and to control the behavior of the
Fast Forward and Rewind functions.

Deleting settings and two warnings

Deleting a setting is as easy as selecting it, and performing either of the methods below:

ff Press the Delete key.

ff Right-click on it and select Delete.

The following are some warnings and some good news about deleting settings:

ff Warning number one: The setting will instantly be deleted. Media Composer will not
give you an additional dialog box when deleting a setting, which would allow you to
cancel the operation.
ff Warning number two: Once a setting is deleted, it can not be brought back by using
the Undo command. Instead, you would have to rebuild it all over again.
ff Good news: You cannot delete an active setting, so you'll never be left without a
keyboard setting, for example. Further, this would be a good time to point out that you
should save some backup copies of your User Settings in case you mistakenly delete
something or if they become corrupted.

Restoring a setting back to default

The following is useful if/when you've made modifications to a setting and if you want to revert
back to the default selections later, as they were when Media Composer was first installed.
Perform the following steps to restore a setting back to default:

1. Go to Project window | Settings tab.

2. Select a setting.
3. You may then do either of the following:
‰‰ Go to Special menu | Restore To Default
‰‰ Right-click on the setting and select Restore To Default

4. A dialog box will open, which will allow you to simply restore the setting, or to save
your customized version of the setting as well as provide you with a restored version.


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