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S.No Purpose of the Additional Relevant Membership/ Amount Number of Number of Payment Document
withdrawal Details Para of period Admissible/ from Installments Times will be required
EPF required share withdrawal made to with
Scheme for same Form 31
1952 purpose
I Para 68B: Purchase of House/flat, construction of House including acquisition of site.
a. Purchase of From AGENCY 68B (1)(a) For purchase of For construction Agency
house/flat/construction site: 24 month’s of house:
of house including basic wages and One or more
acquisition of site DA/for purchase of installments.
b. Purchase of site for From 68B (1)(b) house/flat/construc Member
construction of dwelling Individual tion: 36 month’s
house/purchase of basic wages and DA
house/flat OR
c Purchase of dwelling From 68B (1)(bb) 5 Total of employee 1 (ONE) Member Declaration
house/flat on ownership PROMOTER (FIVE YEARS) and employer share Form from
d Construction of house on NA 68B (1)(c) with interest Member Member
a site owned by OR
member/spouse/jointly Total cost.
by member & spouse Whichever is least
e For NA 68B (7) 5 years from 12 month’s basic 1 (One) 1(ONE) Member Declaration
addition/alteration/impr completion of wages and DA Form from
ovement in house house OR Member
owned by Employee Share
member/spouse/jointly with interest
with spouse OR
Whichever is least
f For NA 68B (7B) 10 years from 12 month’s basic 1 (One) 1(ONE) Member Declaration
addition/alteration/impr withdrawal wages and DA Form from
ovement/repair in house under sl no (e) OR Member
owned by above. Employee Share
member/spouse/jointly with interest
with spouse OR
Whichever is least
II Para 68BB: Withdrawal from the fund for repayment of loans in special cases.
a For refund of Loan from 68BB 10 years 36 month’s basic 1 (one) Agency Certificate
outstanding principal AGENCY wages and DA from the
and interest of a loan for OR Agency
purposes under Para Total of employee indicating
68B. and employer share outstanding
with interest principal and
OR interest
Total outstanding
principal and

Whichever is least
III Para 68H: Grant of Advances in special cases.
a In case of NA 68H (1) NA Employee share 1 or more NA Member Certificate
lockout/closure of with interest from the
establishment for more Employer in
than 15 days, Certificate
And Form A and
The employees are B, as
rendered unemployed applicable.
without compensation
Employee has not
received wages for more
than 2 months
continuously (for
reasons other than
b Discharge/dismissal/retr NA 68H (1-A) NA Maximum 50% of 1 or more NA Member Copy of
enchment of member Employee share petition filed
challenged by him/her in with interest in the Court
Court and
that the case
is pending
c In case of NA 68H (2)(a) NA Up to 100% of 1 or more NA Member Certificate
establishment’s closure Employer Share Recoverable from the
for more than 6 months with interest advance, Employer in
and employees continue In case closure Certificate
to be unemployed is for above 5 Form A and
without compensation years the B, as
recoverable applicable.
converted to
non recoverable
on member’s
IV Para 68J: Advance from the fund for illness in certain cases.
a For his/her own NA 68J (1) NA 6 month’s basic 1(one) NA Member Certificate C
treatment wages and DA signed by
OR Employer
Employee Share and Doctor.
with interest
Whichever is least

b For treatment of family NA 68J (3) NA 6 month’s basic 1(one) NA Member Certificate C
wages and DA signed by
OR Employer
Employee Share and Doctor.
with interest
Whichever is least

V Para 68K: Advance from the fund for marriages or post matriculation education of children.
a For marriage of NA Members
self/daughter/son/ declaration
brother/sister 50% of Employee in the Form
68K (1) 7 years share with interest 1 (one) 3 (THREE Member 31
b For post matriculation NA TIMES) A certificate
education of regarding
son/daughter course of
study and
from Head
VI Para 68 N: Grant of advance to members who are physically handicapped
For purchasing NA 6 month’s basic 1 (One) No Second Member Certificate in
equipment for wages and DA advance before Certificate F
minimizing hardship on OR 3 years from from Doctor
account of handicap Employee Share first
with interest
Cost of equipment
Whichever is least

VII Para 68NN: Withdrawal within one year before retirement.

Partial withdrawal NA 68NN After 54 years 90% of amount in 1 (one) NA Member
before retirement of age and PF of the member
within one year
of retirement/
whichever is

There is also provision for advances for:

1. Advance in abnormal conditions (damage of property due to natural calamity) (Para 68L)
2. Advance to member affected by cut in electricity (max 300/-) (Para 68M)
3. Advance for investment in Varistha Pension Bima Yojana. (Para 68NNN)

Note: Please refer to the relevant Para of the EPF Scheme for above cases.

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