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(Jadibuti, Koteshwor, Branch)

An Internship Report

Sonu Dware
Symbol No:270962
P.U Reg No: 065-2-2-01181-2018
Kantipur Valley College

Submitted to
Faculty of Management
Purbanchal University

In partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Kumaripati, Lalitpur
January, 2023


I, hereby declare that the internship report entitled “Internship Report on the
Customer Service Department of Everest Bank Limited” is submitted to Kantipur
Valley College, faculty of management Purbanchal University is my original work
done in the form of partial fulfillment to requirement for the degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration (BBA) under the supervision of Dr. Chet Nath Panta.

Sonu Dware
BBA 7th Semester
Exam Symbol No. 270962
Kantipur Valley College


First of all, I would like to thank Purbanchal University for providing us a

chance and allowing me for this studying.
Besides, I would like to express my cordial thanks to Dr. Chet Nath Panta,
field report guide and supervisor, for guiding ,helping and inspiring me to complete
my study and report writing works.
My sincere thanks are due to Everest Bank groups for providing all required
information and data for the project. Without their help this report could never have
been completed.
As always, I like to thank my all friends for their valuable suggestion and inspiration
and all known and unknown persons who directly or indirectly support me in
preparing this report.


This report has been prepared for the partial fulfillment of the degree of
Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA), Purbanchal University. It is conducted
on the basis of internship that I had gone through in Everest Bank, Jadibuti Branch.
Basically, I was assigned in the Customer Service Department(CSD) of the bank.
Customer service is an important part of any bank as it shows how well the
bank demonstrate manner and discipline. It is responsive for smooth and sound
The study tries to cover the basic products of the bank and technology used. It
covers an overview of general banking procedures of Everest Bank. The study is
based on the primary sources as well as secondary sources of data. It includes primary
sources such as personal observation, customer feedback and soon. It includes
secondary data from websites, published materials etc.
This report is mainly divided into three sections: first section includes
overview of organization, brief history, nature of organization, mission, vision, and
objectives, products and services, loans and advances, organizational structure and
soon. Then, second section includes analysis of data collected on specific issues,
critical analysis, service provided by CSD, activities performed at CSD, problem
identified and solved at CSD and SWOT analysis. The last section includes
contribution of internship in knowledge gain, general comments and recommendation
for the organization.


EXCUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................................vii
CHAPTER ONE.........................................................................................................................1
Overview of the Organization...............................................................................................1
History of the Organization..................................................................................................1
Introduction of the Organization...........................................................................................3
Product and Service..............................................................................................................4
Business Volume..................................................................................................................5
Nature and number of Employees.........................................................................................5
Organizational Structure.......................................................................................................6
Objectives of the Study.........................................................................................................6
Methodology of the study.....................................................................................................6
Functions of Customer Service Department.....................................................................8
Detail and Assigned Work Responsibilities..........................................................................8
Fulfilling Work Problem Encountered During Responsibility............................................10
CHAPTER TWO......................................................................................................................11
ANALIYSIS AND REVIEW...................................................................................................11
Analysis of Data on Specific Issues....................................................................................11
Critical Analysis of the Theoretical Concept......................................................................14
SWOT Analysis..................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................................17
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.......................................................................17
Contribution of Internship in knowledge Gain....................................................................17

General Comment and Recommendations of the organization...........................................17

APPENDIX 1............................................................................................................................19


Table 1.1: Business Volume..........................................................................................5

Table 2.1: Nature and number of Employees.................................................................5



Figure 1.1: Organizational structure of EBL..................................................................6

Figure 2.1: Service provide by Everest Bank...............................................................11

Figure 3.1 Banking Environment and facilities...........................................................12

Figure 4.1: Helpful and Kindness to Customer............................................................12

Figure 5.1: Easy and time saving.................................................................................13

Figure 6.1: ATM Access in KTM Valley....................................................................14



ABBS: Any Branch Service

A/C: Account
ATM: Automated Teller Machine
BBA: Bachelor of Business Administration
CSD: Customer Department Service
NRB: Nepal Rastra Bank
PU: Purbanchal University
NIDC: Nepal Industrial Development Corporation



Overview of the Organization

Bank is the financial institution that accepts money as deposits and makes
payment to the consumers on short notice or request. The major function of the bank
is to accept deposits and providing loans. The global definition of bank has not
developed yet. Since, A modern bank perform various type of function it is difficult to
give its precise and general definition. It is because of this reason different economists
give different definition of the bank.
“Bank is that institution or individual who is always ready to serve money on
deposit to be returned against the check of their deposits (savers). (Leaf, 1892)
In short, Bank is a financial institution which deals with the money
History of the Organization
The history of banking has been began with the first prototype banks that is
the merchants of the world who gave grain loans to framers and trades who carried
the goods between cities. This was around 2000 BCE in Assyria, India and Sumeria.
Later, in ancient Greece and during the Roman Empire, Lenders Based in temples
gave loans, while accepting deposits and performing the change of money.
Development of banking spread from northern Italy throughout the Holy
Roman Empire, and in the 15th and 16th century to northern Europe. This was followed
by a number of important innovation that took place in Amsterdam during the Dutch
Republic in the 17th century, and in London since the 18th century. During the 20th
century, development in telecommunications and computing caused major changes to
banks operation and let banks dramatically increase in size and geographic spread.
The financial crisis of 2007-2008 caused many bank failures, including some of the
world’s largest banks and provoked much debate about bank regulation.
Though the world had already leaped forward towards the modern banking
practices but till 1937 A.D. the Nepalese were completely unaware of these
developments and still using the money lenders and the rural landlords as the informal

banks. This scenario is enough to explain that the banking history of Nepal is not too
Nepal bank Ltd is the first modern bank of Nepal. It is taken as the milestone
of modern banking of the country. Nepal bank marks the beginning of a new era in
the history of the modern banking in Nepal. This was established in 1937 A.D. Nepal
Bank has been inaugurated by King Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah Dev on 30 th Kartik
1994 B.S. Nepal bank was established as a semi government bank with the authorized
capital of Rs.10 million and the paid-up capital of Rs.892 thousand. Until mid-
1940s, only metallic coins were used as medium of exchange. So, the Nepal
Government (His Majesty Government on that time) felt the need of separate
institution or body to issue national currencies and promote financial organization in
the country.
A sound banking system is important for smooth development of banking
system. It can play a key role in the economy. It gathers savings from all over the
country and provides liquidity for industry and trade. In 1957 A.D, Industrial
Development Bank was established to promote the industrialization in Nepal, which
was later converted into Nepal Industrial Development Corporation (NIDC) in 1959
Rastriya Banijya Bank was established in 1965 A.D. as the second commercial
bank of Nepal. The financial shapes for these two commercial banks have a
tremendous impact on the economy. That is the reason why these banks still exist in
spite of their bad position.
As the agriculture is the basic occupation of major Nepalese, the development
of this sectors plays in the prime role in the economy. So, separate Agriculture
Devlopment Bank was established in 1968 A.D. This is the first institution in
agriculture financing.
Today, the banking sector is more liberalized and modernized and systematic
There are various types of bank working in modern banking system in Nepal. It
includes central, development, commercial, financial, co-operative and Micro credit
(Grameen) banks. Technology is changing day by day. And changed technology
affects the traditional method of the service of bank.

Introduction of the Organization

Everest Bank Limited is established in 1994, Everest bank limited started its
operations with an objective of extending its professionalized and efficient banking
services to the various segments of the society. The bank with its head office situated
at Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal, it is a joint venture with Punjab National Bank.
The bank was started with an objective of rendering banking services to the
different sectors like industries, traders, businessman, priority sector, small
entrepreneurs and weaker section of the society and every other people who needed
banking services. Its branch network of about forty-five branches provides services to
its clients through any branch banking system that enables the clients for withdrawal
of their money from any branches. It has also entered into arrangements with banks
and finance companies in different countries like UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, Malaysia, Singapore and UK to assist Nepalese working abroad. It also has its
representative offices at New Delhi to support Nepalese citizen remitting money and
advising on banking related services. It is also the first bank to open a representative
office in Delhi and it helps the Nepalese citizens in India to open up a bank account in
Nepal without the trouble of having to come to Nepal. The people living in India
could remit money through any branch of Punjab National Bank.
Besides this, the bank provides all other facilities that are provided by any
other banks like saving accounts, fixed deposits, ATM card, home loan, education
loan, vehicle loan, loan against share, loan against life insurance policy and loan for
professionals etc. It was the first bank to introduce ABBS in Nepal and not only that it
was also the first bank to start branchless banking as well as e-ticketing system in
Nepal. It has also introduced Mobile Vehicle Banking system to serve the deprived
population with banking facilities through its Birtamod Branch.
Everest Bank Limited has also been recognized as “the bank of the year 2006
Nepal” by the Banker, a publication of financial times, London. It has also received
“NICCI Excellence Award” by Nepal- India Chamber of Commerce for its
outstanding performance in finance sector. The bank also bagged “Golden Peacock
Business Excellence Awards 2013”, “The Best Managed Commerical Bank” by
ASIAN PAINT NEWBIZ Award 2013, “Second Best Managed Commerical Bank”
by ASIAN PAINT NEWBIZ Award 2018 and “The Best Managed Commerical
Bank” by ASIAN PAINT NEWBIZ Award 2019.

To be a Leading Commercial Bank with pan Nepal presence and become a household
name, providing wide range of financial products and services under one roof.
Growth through banking for ALL
 To formulated monetary and foreign exchange policies in order to maintain
the stability of prices and balance of payment in order to sustain the
 To promoted economic stability and liquidity required by the banking and
financial sector.
 To develop a safe, stable and efficient payment system.
 To regulated, inspect, supervise and monitor the banking and financial
 To promote the entire banking and financial of the kingdom of Nepal and to
enhance its public credibility.
Product and Service
According to the bank manager there are various service that provided by EBL They
are as follow;
Accepting Deposit
Deposit is the major source of fund for every bank and cooperatives operating
all around the world. It is an important function of commercial bank to accept deposit
from public.
Current Deposit
Current deposit is ideal for carrying out day to day business transactions. With
EBL current deposit can access your account anytime, anywhere, pay using payable at
par cheques or deposit cheques any EBL branches. In today’s fast-paced world,
business regularly requires to receive and send funds to various cities in the country.
This account gives customer the power of inter-city banking with a small account. A
current can be opened with a minimum amount of Rs 500 once the account is opened
customer will receive cheque book containing 10 personalized cheques.
Fixed Deposit
Fixed deposits can be opened with a minimum balance. These are the deposit
which are deposit for a period of time.

Loan and Advances

A loan is the lending of money by one or more individual, organizations, or
other entities to other individuals, organizations etc. The recipient (i.e. the borrower)
incur a debt, and is usually liable to pay interest on that debt until it is repaid, and also
to repay the principal amount borrowed. The risk must be taken by the lender that the
borrower may not pay loan .The interest rate charged is the price for the risk. The
process of lending loan might be different from each organization. Before lending the
money, the background of the lender is researched. There are various type of loan:
 Personal loan
 Auto loan
 Home loan
Other service
Following are the category of other services offer by bank:
 Branchless banking
 ATM service
 Remittance
 Auxiliary services
Business Volume
S. N Particular Ashad end 2079
1. Authorized Capital 2,000,000,000
2. Issued Capital 1,391,635,700
3. Paid up capital 1,391,635,700
Table 1.1: Business Volume
Nature and number of Employees
Although the nature and number of employee are as follow:

Level Male Female

Branch manager - 1
Loan officer 1 -
CSD 1 -
Teller 1 -
Guard 1 -
Total 4 1
Table 2.1: Nature and number of Employees

Organizational Structure
Organizational structure is defined as the way a company arrange the
employees and positions to allow for the most affective amount of work to be
performed. This varies on the size of the company and the number of employees that
the company employees.
The factor that affect the structure of an organization are the type of work
performed, number of employees, the amount of revenue the company produces, the
layout of the facilities and the range in which the services are received by the
customers. An example of organizational structure is called job specialization. This is
a report that organizes the employees by their position and hierarchy of management.




Figure 1.1: Organizational structure of EBL.

Objectives of the Study
I have developed certain internship objectives and expressed it in quantitative
terms, which I expect to achieve at the end of internship objective are explain below:

 To analysis working environment of Everest Bank

 To examine the perception of the customers.
 To explore the culture and value system of bank.
 To find out customers’ needs requirement and problem.

Methodology of the study

The internship report is based on well-being methodology. Some information
has been collected by observing the working staffs at EBL Bank during internship
period. Methodology is the description of the procedure followed while collecting the

necessary data and information needed for research work and report preparation.
Various data are collected by observation collection and analysis of data analytical
According to (Walliman, 2011) Research can be defined as “an activity that
involved finding out, in a more or less systematic way things you did not know”
“A contextual framework for research, a coherent and logical scheme based on
views, beliefs, and values, that guides the choices researchers or other users make.”
(Kara, 2015)
Source of Data
The research of data is based on two type they are explained below:
Primary Data
Primary data is the data which is generally collected by investigator or researcher
directly by himself/ herself. Primary data are collected through the following sources :
 Day to day operation with staff of EBL
 Direct dealings with the customer in the bank
 Personal involvements in the activities of the bank
 Observations of the bank and its environment
 Daily activities during internship
Secondary Data
Secondary data are the data collected from the source which are already
used by someone else. The secondary data are acquired from various sources
such as banks website, annual report and other publications such as:
 Website of Everest bank limited
 Different books and newspapers
 TV and radio advertisement
 Review of the related past records
 Opinion of senior teacher colleagues and others
Observation is the effective way to understanding the operation and
processes that are carried out in organization. During the internship period, I
have various types of tasks performed in the bank .I was assigned the duties of

Functions of Customer Service Department

CSD are one major department of the banks whose primary function is
to provide the customer service by offering the different types of deposits
schemes with attractive different products of the banks.
The various function is performed in customer service department are given bellows:
 Account opening (Personnel and Corporate)
 Issuance of Debit card and cheque book
 Account closing
 Balance inquiry and other information about the bank service
 Providing information about products to the customers
 Issuing of account statements and balance certificate
 Solving the queries of the customers
 Filling forms and vouchers
Detail and Assigned Work Responsibilities
The assigned work responsibilities are given below:
Account opening
Account opening is the first step in established formal and legal relationships
with clients. Most of the customer come to the bank in order to open various accounts
so, they are handled with politeness and patience. The staff involved in CSD should
be careful while opening the account.
Document Required to Open Account
 Personal Account
i. Identification Document: passport, citizenship for Nepalese citizens
ii. Photograph of the account holder
iii. Bill of electricity or water
 Private/Public limited company account
i. Company registration certificate
ii. Memorandum of association
iii. Article of association
iv. PAN/VAT registration certificate
v. Copy/ Certified extract resolution of broad to open an account and
mandate for financial transaction

vi. List of directors duly signed by respective directors with home

address and contract number
vii. Authentication of signatures of signatories by company secretory
or chair person or at least two directors in case company secretory
is not available.
viii. Passport size photograph and citizenship or passport of directors,
chief executive and account operators/ authorized persons
ix. Audited annual report of last year
 Partnership account or sole proprietorship firm
i. Registration certificate
ii. Partnership deed
iii. Tax registration certificate or PAN application
iv. Letter of partnership duly signed by all partners
v. Passport size photograph and citizenship or passport, of partners,
proprietors and account operators/ authorized persons.
vi. Audited annual report of last year.
 Minor Account
 Birth certification
 Citizenship of guardian
 Photograph of guardian/account operator
 Photograph of account holder
Issuance of Debit card and cheque book
The information about debit card is providing by this department. It also
provides the debit card application form to customer and record them. After collecting
the entire request for cheque books is in already printed in CSD it provides to the
customer by making it. After ready of cheque book, it will be providing to the
customer who entire the request by verifying the signature at request slip by the
signature done while opening the account at the time of issue.
Account closing
Customer also need to close their account because of different reasons. While
closing account the account customer needs to fill up the account closing form. After
filling the form, the account should be closed a refund the remaining balance to the

customer. The presence of the account holder is a must while closing the account, the
cheque book and ATM if presence, must be returned to the bank.
Balance inquiry and other information about bank service
The account holder must be present him/herself in the bank with some
identification for inquiry of balance purpose. Then the staff will help to search in the
computer and provide information about the balance the customer wants.
Issuing of account statements and balance certificate
Account statement is the statement that provide information about the account
deposits or issues (transaction). Everest bank has provision for providing account
statement as per customer request. It provided as monthly, weekly, quarterly basis.
Filling form and vouchers
In the time of account opening, some customer is unable to fill it. At that
time , I should have helping those customer for fill of the form and vouchers after
getting information them.
Fulfilling Work Problem Encountered During Responsibility
During internship period, I gained practical knowledge and got exposed to
the real working environment in real time I faced different working problems while
fulfilling the work responsibilities. Some problems are given below:
 There is a frequent technical problem in the ATM machines.
 Communication problem with customer of uneducated and don’t understand
bank terminologies.
 Issues with time management due to lots of work.



Analysis of Data on Specific Issues

After submitting college recommendation letter at Jadibuti Branch of Everest.
I got an opportunity of two month of internship program. I was placed in Customer
Serviced Department (CSD).
1 Service Provided by Everest Bank
Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhances the level of
customer satisfaction –that is, the feeling that a product or service has to meet the
customer expectation and the customer service department (CSD) mean the front desk
of any organization. Regarding the services in the CSD, one of the customers said, “I
am satisfied”. The competence and attitude of the areas that affect customer
“Perception of the company and also their loyalty to company.





Strong agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 2.1: Service provide by Everest Bank

Most of the customer think that the customer service operation of bank is slow.
That is why customers are quite unhappy with the operation of Everest Bank. In this
case, the dissatisfaction level is higher than the satisfaction level. Almost 50% people

are dissatisfied about the service provided by bank. But almost 20% people do not
have any reactions. It seems they are used to it.
2. Banking Environment and Facilities




Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied

Figure 3.1 Banking Environment and facilities

Here, the above figure describes that customer are satisfied about the environment
and facilities of bank. I came to know through customer that they are satisfied on
customer environment and facilities. 50 % of respondents are Satisfied, 30% of
respondents are Neutral and 20 % are Dissatisfied with the statements.
3. Helpful and kindness to customer

10% Figure
20% 4.1:
Strong Agree and
Strong Disagre


Kindness to Customer

Every customer wants good service and cooperative behavior from the
employee of the organization as well as good advice in time of problems. It is very
important for every organization to serve its customers so that it creates loyal
customer base who will repeatedly buy its product. When I asked about the employee
behavior towards the customer, majority of the respondents agreed with the proper
behavior of an employee. 20% of the respondents showed disagree and 10% of the
respondent showed strongly disagree.

4. Easy and Time Saving


Strongly Agree
15% Agree
50% Undecided
Strongly Disagree


Figure 5.1: Easy and time saving

The answer of the respondents shows that positive response toward the
opening account in Everest is very easy and time saving. Finding of the survey
showed that 50% of respondents strongly agree with the statement 20% of the
respondent agree with this statement 15% of the respondent undecided with the
statement 10%and 5% respondents were both disagree and strongly disagree in their

5. ATM Access in KTM Valley


Strong Agree


Figure 6.1: ATM Access in KTM Valley

A common question has been asked to all interview s regarding the ATM
services provided by bank 50% of the respondents strongly agree with the
statement ,20% of the respondents agreed 20% of the respondent’s undecided and
10% of the respondent disagreed with the statement.
Critical Analysis of the Theoretical Concept
As per my analysis and experience I found that the organization has directly or
indirectly applied different management theories like Behavioral Theory,
McClelland’s Theory etc.
Behavioral Theory
This theory is considered as better understand human aspect to work and
employees as. important as aspect to achieve goal. The company has provided better
platform to expose the self-quality and capability of the employee as the company
possesses the culture of valuing the hard worker through upgrading motivation
scheme, and award that really help the employee to show real quality as a lead
According to B.F. Skinner Learning is viewed as a process of “conditioning”
in an environment of stimulus reward and punishment (Skinner,1968)
In my observation, I found that EBL has applied behavior theory where it has
provisions for reward and punishment. For example, giving insurance, promotion to
the deserving candidate.

McClelland’s theory of need

According to David McClelland theory is one such theory that explains
process of motivation by breaking down what and how needs are and how they have
to be approached. This theory is based on needs of power, affiliation achievement.
According to (Acharya, 2015)“McClelland’s theory is the needs for challenge,
personal accomplishment and success in competitive situations. People with high
needs for achievements perform better”
Need of achievement
The need for achievement itself suggests to achieve something in what you do.
Need of power
The need of power is the desire within a person to hold control and authority
over another person and influence and change their decision accordance with his own
needs and desires.
Need of affiliation
The need of affiliation value the feeling of other, they have strong desire for
acceptance and maintain good relation.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis of bank is to evaluate strength, weakness opportunities and
threats involved in its business operation and identifying internal and external factor
to achieve bank’s objectives.
Strength means that something is more advantage when compared to
something else. It refers to a positive, favorable and creative characteristic. Regarding
About the strength of bank, when I asked the manager, Miss Shrestha she said, “In
talking to the strength of Everest Bank its highly dedicated employees and after the
merger with Jointcapital to operate. This is a competitive strength for Everest Bank to
compete in this competitive market.”
With my opinium I can say that the dedicated staff member, huge capital and
use of technology is the strength for Everest Bank which is a competitive advantage
for it.
Weakness means that something is more disadvantage when compared to
something else. Regarding, the weakness of the bank, the manager said “Due to new
in the market after the merger with joint venture partner, the product and service

provided by bank is not so frequent. The product and service are same as the other
banks thought being the new bank, is not able to provide much better service to
customer”. The frequent problem in ATM is a weakness for Everest Bank.
With my opinion I can say that, product and service provide by Everest Bank
should be frequently provide to the customer and ATM should be located at different
Therefore, I am Agree with manager statement.
Opportunities means a situation or condition suitable for an activity. As per
the opinions of manager, “The opportunities of bank are to the new investment
opportunities, growing economic development and business development from which
bank can provide various method and technology.”
From the remark of above , I observed stable government is reason for
economic development and globalization is reason for transfer of new technologies. If
bank use those opportunities, it would be help for the growth of an organization.
Threats are anything that could cause damage to your organization, venture,
or product. As per opinion of the manager, “Rastriya bank has setup the high liquidity
ratio and huge number of capitals, which could create problem for bank”.
From the remark of above, I observed the new introduced rules of Nepal
Rastra Bank and other banks new services is the threats for an organization. Bank
should be in touch with the new rules and different services of another bank.



Contribution of Internship in knowledge Gain

The internship is always a great opportunity for the students to get the field
experience and the gap between the theoretical and practical knowledge. It assists
students to understand the real working situation of workspace. It is great exposure to
working as an internee at Everest Bank Limited. Besides observing and learning the
various activities in different departments gave me opportunities to perform tasks.
Other lesson learn during internship period are as follows:
 Learned to make effective communication skill for quick and effective
 Learned to tackle the various problems of the customer.
 Learned about general banking practices and corporate culture.
 Learned to be self-confident to contact with the customer and make them feel
comfortable in every way.
General Comment and Recommendations of the organization
Although the bank has recorded successful year in term of performance amidst
challenging conditions, it is suggested to follow the recommendation.
 The bank should provide the direction to mobilize and integrate resource for
excellent delivery of services and products by practicing good and
 Regarding appropriate and convenient location of ATM large pool of customer
disagree with the statement. So, the bank should set more ATM in different
 Customer should be informed about news services provide by the bank such as
internet banking, M-Wallet etc. as intern observed this in the bank.
 Bank should provide more facilities like job satisfaction, training, motivation,
and strategies that enable to achieve the organizational goal.


Acharya, B. S. (2015). Organizational behaviour. Asmita Publication.

Kara, H. (2015). Creative research methods in social sciences: A practical guide.
Policy Press Publisher.
Leaf W. (1892) Bank and banking. Buddha Publication.
Skinner, B.F. (1953).Science and human behavior.Macmillan.
Walliman, N.S. &, Walliman, N. (2011). Research methods: The basics. Taylor and


Questionnaire for research on effectiveness of Customer Relationship Management


1. I am satisfied with the services provided by Everest Bank

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
2. Everest Banks employees are very helpful and kind towards the customer
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
3. The process of opening an account in Everest is very easy and time savin g
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Undecided
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
4. Service provided by Everest is fast, smooth and reliable
 Strong Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree

5. I am happy with incentive schema of the organization

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree


1. How do you make staff motivated for better performance to handle

complicated task?
2. What is your organization planning for providing services to customer?
3. What would you do if your organization compete with other competitive
4. What is the current ongoing Trends?
5. What is your organization goal?


Day 1
Today was my day of internship in Everest Bank. I was excited as well as
nervous at the same time I reach at 10:00 clock in bank. I went to customer services
desk. Firstly, an introduction was held with the staff member and welcoming. I came
into contract of internship of banking sector.
After introduction staff teaches me how to do photocopy on paper, how
to record the collection of cheque book in register, such as statement of book, instant
cards, other backward class (OBC). After a few hours what they had teaches me, I had
applied in my work. We had a lunch at 3:30 clock. After a lunch staff told me to
collect the record of cheque book that issued in the days.
The collection of cheque should be verified by the staff member and
branch manager in same days. After 4:00 clock they don’t allow the customer in bank.
They record all the banking transaction such as fixed deposit form of opening
account, instant cards, statement of accounting.
Hence, the first day ended with understanding, knowing and observing of
the collection of data which should be register each day.
 Photocopy
 Cheque printed
 Collection of record such as
1. Statement of book
2. Instant cards
3. Cheque book record files
4. OBC
Day 2
I reach at 10:00 clock in bank. I greeted all the staff of the bank. I started
my work along with other interns. They were very friendly. They helped me to keep
record in the file and gave information about work and responsibilities of intern in the
bank. I slowly got familiar with the environment of the bank. I tried to work which
was ask by the staff of the CSD. My intern friend helped me to performed the
activities in the CSD Department. I had made some mistake but CSD staff help me

recovered that mistake. On that day, I learned and experienced many new things.
However, the day was very useful to me.
I started to experience and learn new things. I started to learn from my
mistake and make sure not to repeat them. I learn to communicate with the customer
and helped them for fulfill the vouchers account opening form. CSD staff helped and
teaches me a lot. I was slowly understanding the environment of the bank. I
performed all the work was given to me. They made me suitable environment and
gave information about work I performed in CSD department. On that day I stayed till
5:30 pm at the bank.
Today my day started through Thursday. I had the same schedule for few
more days. I arrived at bank 10:30am and sat to the CSD then, I went to take the
bucket of ATM cards. I started my work along with other interns. After a few mins
customers came to open new a/c and I fulfilled the form and do photocopy of
citizenship. Many people came for the cheque issue and I load the cheque book and
prepare the cheque book for customer which should be verified by bank manager.
Some customer come for the expired of debited card or for the statement.
After that I had a lunch. then, I files the form of debit card which are
expired ,lost or damaged . I keep record of statements ,term deposited , cheque issued
in register which should be verified by bank manager. On that day I stayed till 5:45
pm at the bank.
Day: 30
Today my day started through Wednesday .I went to bank at 10:30am I
was so happy to do work in Everest Bank. I went and sit in CSD department. After a
few mins customer come for the new a/c, statement, cheque issue etc. If customer
cannot fillup then I help to fill the forms. and load the cheque book to prepared the
cheque book of customer which should record in register and verified by CSD
department and Bank manager.
Then, I had a lunch. after that I files the forms of debit cards, statement,
cheque issued, in files. The record of cheque issued, Instand card should be registers
and verified by CSD department and Bank Manager every day On that day, I stayed
till 5:45 pm at the bank.

Final Day
I went to bank 10:15 am. That day was good Friday. I usually started doing my work
by fulfilling the form of account opening, loading cheque, giving instant card, keeping
record of statement, term deposits, cheque issued. I file all the form and documents of
verifying form in files. After that I hand over, all documents that were collected
today. I just got leave for the day

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