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I. he author was flying to England to spend his holiday with his family and also
because he missing the English breakfast in England
II. paris
III. In His First Flight, the pilot's flight is a terrible and
fearsome experience. The pilot takes the risk of flying his
old Dakota through a storm of clouds to England to
celebrate Christmas with his family. As soon as he enters
the storm, his plane starts jumping and twisting, and he
can't see anything outside. His compass and other
instruments stop working, and his fuel tank is almost
empty. He can't fly for more than ten minutes.

l) as the author was flying from paris to London. He
encounterers a storm that causes him to lose control over the
plane. The pilot's compass and other instruments stop
working, and he can't see anything outside the plane due to
the darkness.

ll) The author couldn’t avoid the conflict because he

wanted the English breakfast

lll) The narrator in a story had two options before entering

storm clouds: turn back to Paris or fly over the clouds. He
decided to take rish and fly over the clouds
lV) no I don’t logical thing to do as he could have as well lost
his own life

Vl) he black cloud hung over the plane like a shroud


l) the author was in great peril when he entered a storm while flying from France
to England in his Dakota plane. He had low fuel and couldn't fly around the storm
clouds, so he took a risk and flew into them. His compass, radio, and other
instruments failed, and he couldn't see anything. He was lost in the dark clouds and
couldn't contact ground control

ll) as the narrator was totally lost, when he saw the black aeroplane He thought
that the pilot was trying to help him. So he followed the black
aeroplane like an obedient child.

Lll) very courageous and risktaking and brave


1) Why was the author not sorry to walk away from the old
The narrator is not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota because he was
happy to land safely after a horrific experience flying that plane. The
narrator was guided by the pilot of the black aeroplane through dark, stormy
clouds, and he was happy to land safely.
2) The pilot of another aeroplane was helping him to get out of
the storm and land safely. The writer wanted to meet the pilot
of the black aeroplane to thank him as he had saved the life of
the writer by helping him come out of the storm-clouds .

3) The ending of The Black Aeroplane by Frederick Forsyth is mysterious. The

narrator, a pilot, is flying his Dakota plane to England when he gets caught
in a storm and loses control of the plane. When he's out of options, a
mysterious black plane appears and rescues him, guiding him out of the
storm and disappearing when he sees light. However, when the narrator asks
the control room about the other plane, she says that his was the only plane
in the sky. This leaves the ending of the story a mystery, as it's unclear if the
black plane was real or just an illusion

4) n the story The Black Aeroplane, the pilot of the mysterious black airplane is
likely the narrator himself, who helped him land safely during a storm

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