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Section | 4 | Labour

its spine backwards, extending its pelvis causing its lower

body to curl round the maternal symphysis pubis. As a
result, the tension that this places on the baby’s legs assists
in their spontaneous release from the introitus, especially
when the woman is in an upright, kneeling position, and
the baby is born as far as the umbilicus. At this point, the
woman may spontaneously lower her body so that the
baby is sitting on the floor, further encouraging flexion of
the baby. It is no longer common practice to pull down a
loop of cord to avoid traction of the umbilicus unless there
appears to be constriction of the blood vessels as manipu-
lating the cord or stretching it can induce spasm of the
With further descent and continued anticlockwise rota-
tion, the head enters the brim of the maternal pelvis as
the shoulders rotate in the mid-cavity assisted by the pelvic
floor muscles. Evans (2012b) emphasizes that this contin-
ued rotation of the baby’s body assists in bringing the
arms down using the pelvic floor muscles in a way that is
very similar to the Løvset manoeuvre (used when the birth
is delayed should the arms be extended). The anterior
shoulder is released under the symphysis pubis and the
posterior shoulder and arm pass over the perineum. At this
point Evans (2012a) refers to the baby flexing its legs up
towards its abdomen and its arms up towards its shoul-
ders, similar to a sit-up or tummy scrunch. Such a move-
ment, results in the baby flexing its head by bringing its
chin down onto its chest and pivoting the occiput on the
Fig. 17.8 The baby descending in the ‘all-fours’ position. internal aspect of the symphysis pubis. This stimulates the
woman to lower her body from an upright kneeling posi-
tion to an all-fours or a knee–chest position, moving her
Facilitating a vaginal breech birth in pelvis round the baby’s flexing head. This enables the
baby’s chin, face, sinciput and head to smoothly pass over
an upright/kneeling position
the perineum. The midwife is only required to support the
Breech births can be as physiological as any other vaginal baby as the head is spontaneously born.
birth and a woman who has chosen to birth vaginally, or If a uterotonic is to be given to the woman as part of
discovers in labour that her baby is presenting by the the third stage of labour management, it should be
breech, requires calm support from skilled and confident withheld until the baby’s head is completely born.
midwives (Marshall 2010). The importance of not pushing
until the cervix has been confirmed as fully dilated should The birth of the after-coming head
be explained to the woman. In addition, the woman
should be aware that other skilled attendants may need to To avoid any sudden change in fetal intracranial pressure
be called to the birth. and subsequent cerebral haemorrhage it is vital the head
At the start of the expulsive part of the second stage of is born in a steady and gradual fashion and often some
labour, the woman tends to make pelvic rocking move- assistance is given at this point. There are three methods
ments which facilitates the descent of the fetus and cor- used.
rects positioning for further progress. As the woman
commences pushing spontaneously, gradually the anterior Burns Marshall manoeuvre
buttock should descend, becoming visible at the introitus This particular manoeuvre facilitates movement of the
of the vagina, followed by the baby’s anus, genitalia and baby’s head through the maternal pelvic outlet, but is only
posterior buttock. The bitrochanteric diameter is then possible when the woman is in a semi-recumbent, adapted
born with lateral flexion, known as ‘rumping’. While this is lithotomy position. The baby is allowed to ‘hang’ until the
occurring, the baby’s shoulders are entering the oblique head descends onto the perineum, when after about one
diameter of the maternal pelvis. to two minutes the nape of the neck becomes visible and
Descent continues, the baby’s thighs, popliteal fossa the suboccipital region is born. The baby’s ankles are
(back of the knee) and lower legs become visible and the grasped with forefinger between the two, maintaining suf-
pelvis is eventually born. The baby is then observed to arch ficient traction to prevent the neck from extending and

Physiology and care during the transition and second stage phases of labour Chapter | 17 |


Fig. 17.9 Burns Marshall manoeuvre for the after-coming

head. (A) Correct grasp around the fetal ankles. (B) The B
sub-occipital region pivots 180° under the pubic arch: the
mouth and nose are free of the vulva.

resulting in possible cervical spine fracture (Fig. 17.9A).

The feet are taken up through a 180o arc until the mouth
and nose are free of the vulva. This should be undertaken
slowly to prevent sudden changes in pressure to the baby’s
head and undue stretching of the perineum. The perineum
can be guarded to prevent sudden escape of the head (Fig.
17.9B). It is imperative that the midwife observes the baby
has descended sufficiently to ensure that it is the subocci­
pital region that pivots under the pubic arch and not the
neck to avoid fracture of the cervical vertebra and crushing C
of the spinal cord.
Fig. 17.10 Mauriceau–Smellie–Veit manoeuvre to assist the
Mauriceau–Smellie–Veit manoeuvre birth of the after-coming head in a breech presentation.
Whilst the baby’s head is facilitated through the same 180o (A and B) ‘All-fours’ position demonstrating how the occiput
is tipped forwards to achieve flexion, pivoting downwards
arc as in the Burns Marshall manoeuvre, the Mauriceau–
under the symphysis pubis to facilitate birth of the head.
Smellie–Veit manoeuvre provides more control with the
(C) In a semi-recumbent/sitting/adapted lithotomy position,
birth of the head and places less strain on the baby’s back. showing position of hands and downward direction of
This particular manoeuvre can be undertaken in a variety flexion whilst pivoting upwards through a 180° arc under the
of positions that the woman may adopt for the birth: semi- pubic arch.
recumbent, sitting, the adopted lithotomy position or the
all-fours position. As this manoeuvre facilitates maximum
flexion of the baby’s head, it can be used to advantage of the left hand (see Fig. 17.10A,B). It is important that
when the head is extended and descent is delayed. Further- the midwife avoids placing her finger in the baby’s mouth
more, it allows for slow birthing of the baby’s head and to prevent fracture to the jaw or trauma to the mouth and
thus reduces the risk of intracranial haemorrhage. gums, which can result in the baby having difficulties
In an ‘all-fours’ position, the midwife supports the with feeding. The vault of the baby’s head should be born
baby’s back over her right arm and flexes the baby’s head slowly and gently to facilitate gradual adaptation of the
by tipping the occiput forwards with the middle finger head to the changing pressures imposed by the birth
of the right hand and by gentle pressure on the baby’s process. This should be in a downwards direction following
malar bones (cheek bones) with the first and ring fingers the pelvic curve of Carus.

Section | 4 | Labour

In the semi-recumbent position, the midwife should

support the baby on one of her arms, with her first and
ring fingers placed on the baby’s malar bones, pulling the
jaw down and increasing flexion. The other hand is placed
across the baby’s shoulders with the midwife’s middle
finger on the occiput to increase flexion. The outer fingers
can apply gentle traction on the baby’s shoulders. Main-
taining flexion, the head is drawn out of the vagina until
the suboccipital region appears and then the baby’s head
is slowly pivoted gently and slowly upwards around the
symphysis pubis following the curve of Carus, delivering
the chin and face first (see Fig. 17.10C).

Forceps birth
If an obstetrician is facilitating the vaginal breech birth,
forceps may be applied to the after-coming head to ensure
the birth is controlled.

Manoeuvres to assist the breech birth

If the midwife uses her professional judgement and Fig. 17.11 Assisting the birth of extended leg by applying
decides to undertake a manoeuvre to assist the breech pressure in the popliteal fossa.
birth, as this will involve making some contact with the
woman she must obtain the woman’s consent in order to
avoid the legal tort of trespass to the person (Dimond
2006; Nursing and Midwifery Council [NMC] 2008). If
the fact that the baby is presenting by the breech is known
before the onset of labour, it is recommended that the
midwife and the woman discuss the reasons for any pos-
sible manoeuvres, including their benefit and risks. The
midwife could seek consent to undertake any necessary
manoeuvres prior to the labour.
The following manoeuvres were originally developed to
facilitate a breech birth with the woman positioned on the
bed, but can be utilized when the woman is on all fours
or standing. With the benefits of gravity encouraging
descent of the fetus in the latter positions, the likelihood
of the midwife needing to adopt such measures is reduced.
Nevertheless, as noted above, unexpected breech presenta-
tions in late labour still arise, so it is important that the
midwife is both aware of, and skilled, in these manoeuvres Fig. 17.12 Correct grasp for the Løvset manoeuvre for
and maintains her competence in these areas. extended arms.

The birth of extended legs The birth of extended arms:

If the fetal legs are not born spontaneously, it is likely they the Løvset manoeuvre
are extended, splinting the baby’s body, which impedes This manoeuvre, which is a combination of rotation and
lateral flexion of the spine and ultimately delays the birth. downward traction, is used when the arms fail to appear
Gentle pressure, as shown in Fig. 17.11, can be applied in during the birth of the baby’s trunk and chest as a result
the popliteal fossa of one of the legs to encourage knee of them being extended above the head. If the arms are
flexion. This assists in the birth of the leg by sweeping it not released then the birth will be delayed with increasing
to the side of the abdomen through abducting the hip. risk of hypoxia to the baby.
This can be repeated for the other leg if necessary. The knee The baby is held at the iliac crests with thumbs over the
is a hinge joint which bends in one direction only. If the sacrum and downward traction is applied whilst the baby
knee is pulled forwards from the abdomen, severe injury is rotated 180° (Fig. 17.12). Care must be taken to always
to the joint can result. keep the baby’s back towards the woman’s front, i.e. the

Physiology and care during the transition and second stage phases of labour Chapter | 17 |

baby’s abdomen must be uppermost in an all-fours position pending intervention. This is done by inserting two fingers
or the baby’s back is uppermost in a semi-recumbent posi- or a Sim’s speculum in front of the baby’s face and holding
tion. It is important that the baby is not grasped by the the vaginal wall away from the nose. Any mucus is wiped
flanks or abdomen as this may cause intra-abdominal away and the airways are cleared. Attempts to release the
trauma resulting in kidney, liver or spleen injury. head from the cervix result in high perinatal morbidity
To keep the baby’s abdomen uppermost should the and mortality. Shushan and Younis (1992) have suggested
woman have adopted the all-fours position, if the baby’s the McRoberts manoeuvre as a method to facilitate the
right arm is extended the baby should be rotated to the release of the fetal head. This requires the woman to lie
right by applying downward traction on the pelvic girdle flat on her back, bringing her knees up to her abdomen,
in order to release the arm. This process is then repeated and abducting the hips. More commonly this manoeuvre
for the left arm if necessary. is used to relieve shoulder dystocia and is described in
The Løvset manoeuvre creates friction of the baby’s pos- detail in Chapter 20.
terior arm lying in the sacral curve against the pubic bone Posterior rotation of the occiput is rare and usually results
as the shoulder becomes anterior, sweeping the arm in from mismanagement. If the woman is in a semi-
front of the face (Fig. 17.13). The movement enables the recumbent position, the baby’s back should always remain
shoulders to enter the maternal pelvis in the transverse uppermost after the shoulders are born. To assist the birth
diameter. The anterior arm is then born and the baby can should the head be in the occipitoposterior position, the
be rotated back in the opposite direction in order for the baby’s chin and face may pass under the symphysis pubis
other arm to be born. If the arm is not born spontaneously, as far as the root of the nose and the baby is then lifted
it is usual to splint the humerus with two fingers, flex the up towards the mother’s abdomen to enable the occiput
elbow and sweep the arm across the face and downwards to sweep the perineum.
across the baby’s chest (‘cat-lick’ manoeuvre). When facilitating the birth of a woman presenting with
a breech at term, there are some important issues for the
Delay in the birth of the head midwife to consider that are pertinent to the breech sce-
If the head is trapped in an incompletely dilated cervix, an nario. These have been summarized in the Second Stage
air channel can be created to enable the baby to breathe of Labour Checklist, as detailed in Box 17.4.

Box 17.4 Second stage of labour checklist for vaginal breech birth at term

• Regular fetal heart monitoring undertaken and • Be aware and skilled in manouevres: To assist the
documented: Continuous electronic fetal heart birth of the breech if problems arise with fetal
monitoring in hospital. Pinard or sonicaid auscultation descent and to control the birth of the baby’s head.
following every contraction in the second stage at • DO NOT PERFORM BREECH EXTRACTION (routine
home (NICE 2007 recommendations). use of manoeuvres/interventions to expedite
• Check for cord prolapse if membranes rupture birth): This can cause delay and obstruction, e.g. fetal
and buttocks are not engaged. arms pulled upwards, head extended backwards.
• Check for full dilatation before encouraging the • Care of the baby following birth should include:
woman to push: The woman may experience a Appropriate resuscitation including suction of the
premature urge to push as the fetal body can pass oropharynx and inspection of the vocal cords (if thick
through the cervix prior to full dilatation: the fetal meconium), maintaining the baby’s body temperature,
head could become entrapped causing asphyxia early feeding and paediatric assessment for signs of
increasing perinatal morbidity and mortality. birth trauma.
• The umbilical cord may be loosened gently (rarely • Postnatal examination of the mother: To assess
required): This may be undertaken to prevent the physical condition, including any birth trauma and
constriction of blood vessels as the baby’s body is born. discuss the birth and its outcome whilst assessing
In the all-fours position, the condition of the baby can psychological wellbeing.
be easily monitored by observing the chest movements. • Documentation: Is vitally important throughout the
• Encourage a physiological birth with minimum labour and birth, to include specific details of all
handling (hands off the breech): To allow the baby discussions and referrals and the time they were
to be born by gravity and propulsion and reduce initiated. As the breech is born, the time that each
trauma to the baby once the buttocks are distending stage is reached and any manoeuvres undertaken
the vulva. should also be recorded. Additionally documentation
• Vault of the fetal skull should be born slowly: To should account for immediate condition of the baby,
avoid rapid decompression resulting in intracranial including any resuscitation measures taken, and the
haemorrhage. condition of the mother following the birth.

Section | 4 | Labour

1 2

3 4D

5 6

7 8

Fig. 17.13 The Løvset manoeuvre to assist the birth of extended arms.

Physiology and care during the transition and second stage phases of labour Chapter | 17 |

Potential complications cal birth in relation to breech presentations at term in

order to offer women real choice regarding mode of birth.
of breech birth
This includes being familiar with the current evidence and
It is important that midwives are fully aware of the poten- re-developing the skills midwives once had to facilitate
tial complications associated specifically with vaginal vaginal breech births at term where there are no contrain-
breech births at term, which are listed in Box 17.5. Many dications. It is therefore essential that these skills are seen
of these can be avoided by having an experienced and as part of the normal physiological birth process rather
skilled attendant assisting at the birth. In the latest Centre than viewed as a rare maternity ‘emergency’.
for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE) Report on
Perinatal Mortality in 2009 there were eight intrapartum
stillbirths at term (CMACE 2011): however, the mode of
birth or place of birth were not articulated. RECORD-KEEPING

Professional responsibilities and It is the responsibility of the midwife assisting the birth to
complete the labour record. This should include details of
term breech birth
any drugs administered, of the duration and progress of
As an autonomous, accountable practitioner, the midwife labour, of the reason for performing an episiotomy, and
has responsibility to maintain skills in normal physiologi- of perineal repair. This information is recorded on the

Box 17.5 Potential complications of breech birth

Potential fetal/neonatal complication Associated cause

Congenital abnormality, e.g. hydrocephaly. A cause for the presentation.
Mechanism of the birth itself poses risks.
Congenital dislocation of the hip (↑ frank/extended Usually a complication of the presentation and not the birth
breech). process.
Fetal asphyxia. Umbilical cord prolapse (↑ preterm labour/footling breech/
ill-fitting presenting part).
Cord compression.
Premature placental separation due to uterine retraction once the
baby’s body has been born.
Intracranial haemorrhage. Rapid decompression of the fetal skull causing tearing of the
dura mater lining the brain and other major blood vessels.
Superficial tissue damage/bruising and oedema of Pressure on the cervix / prolapsed foot that lies in the vagina or
baby’s genitalia, feet. at the vulva for some time.
Fractures of the femur, humerus, clavicle and spine/ Incorrect or excessive handling during the birth.
spinal cord damage.
Dislocation of the hip, shoulder, neck.
Brachial nerve paralysis (Erb’s palsy).
Soft tissue damage/rupture to baby’s liver, kidneys, Abdominal area is roughly squeezed.
spleen and adrenal glands.
Dislocation of fetal jaw/soft tissue damage to mouth Baby’s mouth incorrectly being used to create traction rather
and gums/feeding difficulties. than the malar bones (cheekbones) in the Mauriceau–Smellie–
Veit manoeuvre.
Cold injury/thermal shock and hypoglycaemia. Ambient temperature too cool and baby loses heat during
completion of the birth process.
Potential maternal complication Associated cause
Urethral, vaginal and perineal trauma. Rapid birth of the baby’s head.
Effects of anaesthesia (local, regional general), infection, Risks of operative procedures.
haemorrhage, thromboembolic disorders etc.
Psychological distress, affecting attachment to baby, Unexpected vaginal breech birth with lack of time to discuss
feeding difficulties and traumatic stress disorder. options.

Section | 4 | Labour

Box 17.6 Dilemmas of practice Box 17.7 Diane’s birth story

• The contrast between the current evidence base and The birth of my first baby should have been one of the
actual practices. happiest days of my life. Instead, I felt I had failed; I was
• The contrast between knowledge gained from mentally and physically traumatized. Five years on, when I
experience (empirical knowledge) and that gained was eventually pregnant again, my fears started creeping
from evidence (authoritative knowledge). back, and I considered having a caesarean section. I was
• The problem of using guidelines and clinical risk referred to the local caseload midwifery team. When
assessments based on population evidence for my midwife came to visit, I told her that my first birth
individual women/babies. had left me traumatized, confused and scared about
• Balancing maternal choice, institutional demands, and everything. This was my big turn around: after talking to
midwifery expertise. her I realized I did not want a caesarean section, and I
started to feel confident about giving birth naturally.
The big day arrived. I was over the moon that I had
mother’s notes (paper and/or computerized) and may be started my labour naturally. After a few hours my
duplicated on her domiciliary record as well as in the birth midwife came to my house, just to check how everything
register in some sites. Details of the baby’s condition, was going. Eventually, we decided it was time to go to
including Apgar score, are also recorded. In some areas the hospital. When I arrived they organized an epidural
extra charts and monitoring processes are being intro- for me, which I had discussed, and which was in my
duced to respond to a range of imperatives. It is the profes- birth plan. I was getting excited, knowing I was going
sional responsibility of the midwife to remember that the to meet my baby soon. My midwife supported me and
primary purpose of record keeping is to ensure effective encouraged me on everything I decided. She was there
delivery and handover of care for each mother and baby, for me all the time, keeping me focused and positive
not to protect staff or the organization from the risk of about my birth. After about 3 hours, I started pushing
hard with contractions. The epidural wore off enough for
litigation. As the Nursing and Midwifery Council Mid-
me to turn around on to my knees with my body upright,
wives Rules and Standards state: ‘you must make sure the
and I could feel the baby drop down. I gave it my all for
needs of the woman or baby are the primary focus of your
two pushes, and out popped the head. I controlled my
practice’ (NMC 2012: 15). Midwives need to balance the
breathing, pushing slowly, and my beautiful baby girl
need for complete and accurate record-keeping with the came out. The midwife brought her through my legs so I
need to maintain a focus on the woman and her fetus and could see her and that’s when my husband cut her cord,
birth companions. If demands to complete duplicate or which was memorable and overwhelming for him. I was
unnecessary records hinder this central activity, the the happiest person, I had the biggest smile on my face:
midwife should bring the situation to the attention of her to me this was a beautiful birth. Thanks to the wonderful
manager and/or supervisor of midwives. See Box 17.6 for midwives – it goes to show that with the right help and
other current dilemmas in practice as midwives negotiate guidance you can overcome your fears and anxieties with
around the various requirements of undertaking their positive thinking.
vocation, being a professional, being an employee and
practising competently and ethically.
New developments such as the All Wales Clinical
Pathway for Normal Labour (NHS Wales 2006), which particularly for the woman, but also for her partner and
uses exception reporting, provide alternative approaches other birth companions. If maternal behaviour and
to record-keeping that may be useful for practitioners in instinct are respected, in the context of skilled and watch-
the future. All data in the UK are subject to the Data ful waiting, the vast majority of labours will progress
Protection Act 1998. physiologically. The skill of the midwife is to support the
Official notification of the birth must be completed woman effectively, to guide her when her spirits or the
within 36 hours. This may be undertaken by anyone labour are flagging, and to enable her to accomplish her
present at the birth but is usually carried out by the birth safely and in triumph. Diane’s story in Box 17.7
midwife. The notification is sent to the Chief Medical provides a personal account of how important this is for
Officer in the health district in which the baby was born. women.
Clear, comprehensive, proportionate record-keeping is
essential. While much practice in this area is still not based
on formal evidence (see Box 17.8), new observations
CONCLUSION about normal birth are beginning to be recorded, which
will form the basis for future research.
The processes of transition and of second stage labour are Key issues in the management of the second stage of
likely to be very physically and emotionally intense, labour are summarized in Box 17.9.

Physiology and care during the transition and second stage phases of labour Chapter | 17 |

Box 17.8 Examples of areas in need of research Box 17.9 Key issues in the management of the
in transition and second stage labour second stage of labour

• The areas of controversy, as set out in Box 17.1. • The transition and second stage phases of labour are
• The nature of physiological fetal heart patterns, and emotionally intense and physically hard.
variation and significance of variation in normal fetal • The majority of labours will progress physiologically.
heart tones and rhythms as heard with a Pinard’s • Maternal behaviour is usually a good indication of
stethoscope. progress during this time.
• The physiological variation in mechanisms and • The core midwifery skill is to support the woman in
patterns of labour in settings where no restrictions on the context of a sound knowledge of the physiology
positioning or length of labour are imposed as a and the mechanisms of this phase of labour.
matter of routine. • Support should be unobtrusive.
• Evaluation of maternal behaviours and other • The woman is the central player.
non-invasive techniques to assess progress in labour. • Clear, comprehensive record keeping is essential.
• The short-, medium- and long-term epigenetic • There are many gaps in the research evidence in this
consequences of physiological labour and birth for area.
the mother and her baby.
• The optimum approach to supporting women who
experience the early pushing urge.
• Tools and technologies (including e- and
m-technologies) to enhance personalized approaches
to tailoring maternity care provision for the specific
needs and choices of individual women.


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Davis E 2012 Heart and hands: a knowledge, and how the knowledge and attending women in labour are fascinating.
midwife’s guide to pregnancy and expertise of women and of less dominant The final chapter offers some accounts of
birth, 5th edn. Ten Speed Press, New cultures is not privileged, even in the area labours from the point of view of women
York of childbirth, and even in the face of the themselves.
This is a manual of midwifery based on the evidence. Marshall J E 2010 Facilitating vaginal
skills and experiences gained by lay International Mother Baby Childbirth breech at term. In: Marshall J E,
midwives working in America. If offers Initiative. Available at www.imbci. Raynor M D Advancing skills in
unique tips and insights. org/ (accessed 5 March 2013) midwifery practice. Churchill
Evans J 2005 Breech birth: what are my This international campaign is modelled on Livingstone/Elsevier, Edinburgh.
options? AIMS, Taunton the Baby Friendly Initiative, and is based pp 89–102
An informative and empowering text that on 10 key steps which are believed to This chapter considers the midwife’s
discusses the major issues surrounding promote optimal births for mother and professional, legal and ethical
breech birth and explains the options for baby. The site includes inspirational responsibilities in facilitating vaginal breech
women and midwives to consider that are material, and updates from demonstration births at term within both the hospital and
reinforced by the inclusion of poignant sites across the world. home environment.
personal birth stories. Leap N, Hunter B 1993 The midwife’s Royal College of Midwives
Floyd-Davis R, Sargent C F 1997 tale: an oral history from Campaign for Normal Birth.
Childbirth and authoritative handywoman to professional Online. Available at
knowledge: cross-cultural midwife. Scarlet Press, London www.rcmnormalbirth.org.uk/
perspectives. University of California This is an historical account of trained (accessed 5 March 2013)
Press, California midwives and laywomen practising The campaign was set up by the Royal
A seminal work, which explores how in the 1950s. The stories of their College of Midwives to inspire and support
authority is given to certain kinds of experiences and responsibilities while normal birth practice in the midwifery

Physiology and care during the transition and second stage phases of labour Chapter | 17 |

profession. It is a web-based initiative, positions, and how to help women to adopt A clearly written overview of both formal
using real stories and midwives’ them. and informal evidence that effectively
experiences, underpinned with a sound Walsh D 2007 Evidence based care for integrates narrative, evidence and
evidence base. The site includes top tips to normal labour and birth. Routledge, experiential learning.
maximize physiological childbirth. There London
are some excellent videos showing different


Campaign for Normal Birth: The Breech Birth Network: Midwifery Matters (Association of Radical
www.rcmnormalbirth.org.uk www.breechbirth.org.uk Midwives): www.midwifery.co.uk

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Chapter 18
Physiology and care during the third stage
of labour
Cecily Begley


Further reading 416
Physiological processes 396 Useful website 416
Separation and descent of the placenta 396
Caring for a woman in the third stage The third stage of labour is a time of profound
of labour 398 relief for most women, following on the
Expectant (or physiological) care during exertions of labour and birth. During this stage,
the third stage of labour (EMTSL) 398 mother, baby and father come together as a
family unit for the first time; parents explore and
Active management of the third stage
become familiar with their newborn, marvel at
of labour (AMTSL) 400
their baby’s behaviour and relax. The physical
Is the timing of uterotonic administration, mechanisms of birth continue almost unnoticed,
cord clamping and/or CCT clinically and the placenta and membranes are expelled.
important in influencing the incidence Until the third stage is complete, continued
of PPH? 403 vigilance on the part of the midwife is essential
Evidence for active versus expectant to ensure that postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is
management 403 prevented or treated early, and that the placenta
and membranes are born intact. PPH is ranked
Asepsis 404 among the top four major causes of maternal
Cord blood sampling 404 death globally (World Health Organization
Completion of the third stage 404 [WHO] 2012). Although the majority (99%) of
deaths reported occur in developing countries,
Blood loss estimation 404 the risk of PPH should not be underestimated for
Examination of placenta and membranes 404 any birth, and PPH is at present the sixth leading
Immediate care 405 cause of direct maternal death in the United
Kingdom (UK) (Centre for Maternal and Child
Record-keeping 406 Enquiries [CMACE] 2011). Maternal mortality
Transfer from the birth room 406 rates in high resource countries are relatively low
Complications of the third stage 406 when compared to low resource countries;
however, maternal morbidity is similar in
Postpartum haemorrhage 406 significance and rates of PPH are increasing
Primary postpartum haemorrhage 412 world-wide (Knight et al 2009). To facilitate a
Secondary postpartum haemorrhage 413 healthy, enjoyable outcome for mother and baby,
good antenatal health plus preparation, coupled
Care after a postpartum haemorrhage 414 with skilled, evidence-based practice of the
Conclusion 414 midwife are crucial.

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 395

Section | 4 | Labour

THE CHAPTER AIMS TO: Muscle layer of uterus

Maternal blood vessels

• describe the normal physiological mechanism of
placental separation, descent and expulsion, ‘Living ligature’
including factors that facilitate haemostasis
• present evidence on the types, use and side-effects Plane of separation
of uterotonic drugs in active management of the
third stage Membranes
• discuss the evidence relating to timing of clamping A Umbilical cord
the umbilical cord, and controlled cord traction
Retraction causes
• describe the risk factors most commonly associated oblique fibres to shorten,
with PPH and discuss the current evidence-based clamping blood vessels
management strategies for prevention and Septa torn, separation
treatment begins
• discuss the midwife’s care of the mother and family Veins in spongy layer of
unit, during and immediately after separation and the decidua become
expulsion of the placenta and membranes. tense and burst
Villi collapsing as blood
B is released
PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES ‘Living ligatures’ retract
to seal off blood vessels
The third stage can be defined as the period from the birth Blood vessels
of the baby to complete expulsion of the placenta and collapsing
membranes. It involves the development of the relation-
ship between mother, baby and father, the separation,
descent and expulsion of the placenta and membranes, the Blood tracks between
control of haemorrhage from the placenta site, and some- placenta and decidua
times, the initiation of breast-feeding. Although tradition- completing separation
ally labour is divided into three distinct component parts
to aid comprehension, it should be viewed as one continu- Fig. 18.1 The placental site during separation. (A) Uterus
ous process. With this in mind, it is important to under- and placenta before separation. (B) Separation begins.
stand that the physiology of the third stage depends, in (C) Separation is almost complete.
part, on what has happened during pregnancy as well as
during the first and second stage of labour, and on the
woman’s basic level of health and wellbeing. The mid- already diminished in area by about 75% (Baldock and
wife’s knowledge and evidence-based skills play a crucial Dixon 2006). As this occurs, the placenta becomes com-
role in ensuring that the care received by the woman works pressed and the blood in the intervillous spaces is forced
with, not against, physiological processes. back into the spongy layer of the decidua basalis. Retrac-
The placenta may shear off during the final expulsive tion of the oblique uterine muscle fibres exerts pressure
contractions accompanying the birth of the baby or remain on the blood vessels so that blood does not drain back
adherent for some time. The third stage usually lasts into the maternal system. The vessels during this process
between 5 and 15 minutes, but any period up to 1 hour become tense and congested. With the next contraction
may be considered normal. the distended veins burst and a small amount of blood
seeps in between the thin septa of the spongy layer and
the placental surface, stripping it from its attachment (Fig.
Separation and descent of the 18.1). As the surface area for placental attachment reduces,
placenta the relatively non-elastic placenta begins to detach from
the uterine wall.
Mechanical factors The majority of placentas are situated on the anterior or
The unique characteristic of uterine muscle lies in its posterior wall of the uterus, and separation usually starts
power of retraction. During the second stage of labour, the from the lower pole of the placenta and moves gradually
uterine cavity progressively empties as the baby moves upwards (Herman et al 2002). Fundal placentas separate
down, enabling the retraction process to accelerate. Thus, first at both poles, followed by the fundal part. The length
by the beginning of the third stage, the placental site has of the third stage may be approximately 2 minutes shorter

Physiology and care during the third stage of labour Chapter | 18 |


Fig. 18.2 The mechanism of placental separation.

(A) Uterine wall is partially retracted, but not sufficiently to
cause placental separation. (B) Further contraction and
retraction thicken the uterine wall, reduce the placental site
and aid placental separation. (C) Complete separation and
formation of the retroplacental clot. Note: The thin lower
segment has collapsed like a concertina following the birth
of the baby.

Fig. 18.4 Third stage: placenta in lower uterine segment.

incomplete expulsion of the membranes and a higher

fluid blood loss (Fig. 18.3B).
Once separation has occurred the uterus contracts
strongly, forcing placenta and membranes to fall into the
lower uterine segment (Fig. 18.4), and finally, into the

The normal volume of blood flow through the placental
site is 500–800 ml/min, but this is considerably reduced
Fig. 18.3 Expulsion of the placenta. (A) Schultze method. once the baby is born and the placental site on the uterine
(B) Matthews Duncan method. wall has diminished (Baldock and Dixon 2006). At pla-
cental separation, blood flow has to be arrested swiftly, or
when the placenta is located at the fundus (Altay et al serious haemorrhage can occur. The interplay of four
2007). If separation begins centrally, a retroplacental clot factors within the normal physiological processes that
is formed (Fig. 18.2). This further aids separation by exert- control bleeding are critical in minimizing blood loss and
ing pressure at the midpoint of placental attachment so preventing maternal morbidity or mortality. They are:
that the increased weight helps to strip the adherent lateral 1. Retraction of the oblique uterine muscle fibres in the
borders and peel the membranes off the uterine wall so upper uterine segment through which the tortuous
that the clot thus formed becomes enclosed in a membra- blood vessels intertwine – the resultant thickening
nous bag as the placenta descends, fetal surface first. This of the muscles exerts pressure on the torn vessels,
process of separation (first described by Schultze) is associ- acting as clamps, and preventing haemorrhage (see
ated with more complete shearing of both placenta and Fig. 18.1). It is the absence of oblique fibres in the
membranes and less fluid blood loss (Fig. 18.3A). If the lower uterine segment that explains the greatly
placenta begins to detach unevenly at one of its lateral increased blood loss usually accompanying placental
borders, the blood escapes so that separation is unaided separation in placenta praevia.
by the formation of a retroplacental clot. The placenta 2. The presence of vigorous uterine contraction
descends, slipping sideways, maternal surface first. This following separation – this brings the walls into
process (first described by Matthews Duncan in the nine- apposition so that further pressure is exerted on the
teenth century) takes longer and is associated with ragged, placental site.

Section | 4 | Labour

3. The achievement of haemostasis – there is a uterine action. Factors that may influence the risk of haem-
transitory activation of the coagulation and orrhage are discussed in more detail later.
fibrinolytic systems during, and immediately Detailed, accurate, written (contemporaneous wherever
following, placental separation. It is believed that possible) documentation is extremely important in all
this protective response is especially active at the aspects of care, particularly in areas where evidence-based
placental site so that clot formation in the torn information is relied upon to assess whether due care has
vessels is intensified. Following separation, the been delivered. In the case of third stage management, two
placental site is rapidly covered by a fibrin mesh examples might be: where a woman requests expectant
utilizing 5–10% of circulating fibrinogen. (physiological) management of the third stage of labour
4. Breast-feeding – the release of oxytocin from the (EMTSL), the midwife should clarify the circumstances in
posterior pituitary in response to skin-to-skin contact which this decision may be reversed (e.g. if severe bleeding
between mother and baby, and the baby’s nuzzling should occur); where a woman requests active manage-
at the breast, causes uterine contractions. ment (AMTSL), the midwife should clarify the circum-
stances in which this decision may be reversed (e.g., if the
baby requires attention and the placenta separates before
a uterotonic has been given). The woman’s preference for
care must be recorded in her notes antenatally, and a
record of the discussion may be signed by the woman. It
THIRD STAGE OF LABOUR would be prudent for midwives to notify their supervisor
of midwives (SoM), clinical manager or the attending
Two methods of care may be used during the third stage, medical practitioner if any of the woman’s requests are
expectant (physiological) care or active management. It is contrary to local guidelines.
ultimately the woman’s decision as to how she would,
ideally, like her birth plan to be followed in the third stage.
She may have philosophical, religious or cultural beliefs Expectant (or physiological) care
that influence her decision. The attending midwife may during the third stage of labour
also have views, based on evidence, as to the ideal method (EMTSL)
of care for each particular woman. Midwives should
ensure that, in order to facilitate informed decision- In expectant management, the normal, physiological
making by the woman, adequate time for deliberation and mechanisms of labour are supported and no routine
questions is made available, where possible, during the actions (such as administration of a uterotonic drug, or
course of her routine antenatal consultations. The best clamping of the umbilical cord) are carried out. A study
available research information on care during the third of the reported actions of 27 expert midwives (who used
stage of labour should be offered in an objective manner EMTSL in at least 30% of births, and had recorded PPH
(Begley et al 2011), supported by written information on rates of less than 4%) identified the key actions that they
possible care options for the woman in keeping with the believed led to success when using EMTSL (Begley et al
setting in which she intends to birth. Information on types 2012). A synthesis of these actions, some of which are
of uterotonics, explanation of their different routes of supported by other research also, provides the following
administration, benefits, risks and side-effects involved, instructions for best practice when using EMTSL:
and timing and method of placental birth or delivery 1. Maintain a calm, quiet, warm environment. Use
should be given. warmed sheets or blankets to wrap mother and baby
The midwife’s care of the mother should be based on together, skin-to-skin. This close contact, and the
an understanding of the normal physiological processes at baby’s eventual nuzzling at the breast, will stimulate
work, including having access to as much information as oxytocin release, which may shorten the third stage
possible about the woman’s pregnancy and labour history. and increase breast-feeding on discharge (Marín
Progress of the first and second stages of labour are likely Gabriel et al 2010).
to impact on management of the third stage of labour and 2. Maintain the woman in a comfortable, semi-upright
should not be reviewed in isolation. The midwife’s actions position (at least a 45° angle) to encourage placental
can make the third stage a wonderful, relaxing time of separation by maintaining a gentle downward
birth and can reduce the risks of haemorrhage, infection, weight.
retained placenta and shock, any of which may increase 3. Facilitate this time of parent–baby discovery and
maternal morbidity and even result in death. A mother’s attachment by keeping quiet, observing from a
ability to withstand complications in the third stage distance and not interfering with the physiological
depends, to a large degree, upon her general health and processes.
the avoidance of debilitating, predisposing problems, such 4. Watch and wait. Take cues from the woman’s
as anaemia, ketosis, exhaustion and prolonged hypotonic behaviour; if she is alert and happy, examining the

Physiology and care during the third stage of labour Chapter | 18 |

baby and talking, she is not bleeding excessively or 7. Birthing the placenta:
in need of any intervention. Reassurance can also be ■ Gravity should be used during the birth of the
obtained from discretely checking the woman’s pulse placenta by encouraging a truly upright position:
if there is any anxiety in, for example, a prolonged sitting on a birthing stool, standing up in the
third stage. birthing pool or on the birthing mat, walking out
5. Signs of placental separation: to the toilet, sitting on the toilet, kneeling upright
■ The woman may fidget, make a face, or state that or squatting over a bedpan. A basin, bin bag or
she has a contraction. disposable sheet can be placed strategically over,
■ A large ‘gush’ of blood may follow, indicating or in, the pan of the toilet to receive the placenta.
partial or complete separation of the placenta. It It should be noted that such positions increase
usually ceases after 10–20 seconds, especially if visible blood loss (Gupta and Nikodem 2002).
the placenta has separated completely and the ■ Maternal effort can be used to expedite expulsion,
uterus has contracted well. This gush is larger and most women will push the placenta out as
than that seen when a uterotonic is given soon as they feel pressure, with little effort.
routinely, and midwives need to develop an ■ The cord should be left unclamped until
understanding of this physiological blood loss pulsation ceases (McDonald et al 2013), or until
and not rush to administer oxytocic treatment after the birth of the placenta, unless the mother
unnecessarily. wishes it to be cut earlier. Any mild resuscitation
6. Signs of placental descent: of the baby can be done at the site of birth, with
■ The woman may wriggle, change position, or the benefit of continued oxygen flow to the baby
complain of pressure, or a pain, in her back or through the umbilical cord.
bottom. ■ If the placenta is definitely separated and is sitting
■ The cord may lengthen and/or the walls of the just inside the vagina (i.e., the insertion of the
vulva may bulge as the placenta descends. cord can be seen at the vulva, or the cord has
■ The uterus becomes hard, round and mobile lengthened and the vulval walls are bulging) the
(Fig. 18.5). This can be seen visually, or by the midwife may ease gently on the cord to help lift
fact that the baby, resting on the mother’s out the placenta. This is not controlled cord
abdomen, has moved downwards. It is traction as no force is used, the placenta is
inadvisable to touch or manipulate the uterus at separated and has left the uterus, therefore no
this stage, as this can prevent full contraction, counter-pressure is required on the abdomen as
disturb the fibrin mesh, and cause excessive there is no risk of uterine inversion. Controlled
bleeding. If there is concern that the uterus may cord traction should NEVER be used in the absence
be filling up with blood (a concealed of a well contracted uterus following uterotonic
haemorrhage), a gentle hand placed on the administration.
fundus will detect if there is a large, soft, ■ Trailing membranes should be teased out gently,
uncontracted uterus. by turning the placenta around and twisting them
into a ‘rope’, thus stripping the ends gently from
the uterine wall.
8. At any time, a uterotonic may be administered to
control haemorrhage, or if uterine tone is poor
15 following placental birth. It is preferable to withhold
administration until the placenta is delivered, if
10 possible, to avoid the risk of a retained placenta
when the uterus contracts strongly in response to the
This spontaneous process can take from 10 minutes to
Pubic 1 hour to complete, with a median of 13 minutes (Begley
1990). If the placenta remains undelivered for a prolonged
period, the risk of bleeding becomes greater because the
A B C uterus cannot contract down fully while the bulk of
the placenta is in situ. Dombrowski et al (1995) found
Beginning of Placenta in the End of 3rd that the frequency of haemorrhage increased between
the 3rd stage lower segment stage
10 minutes and 40 minutes after the birth of the baby.
Fig. 18.5 Fundal height relative to the umbilicus and However, patience and confidence not to interfere unnec-
symphysis pubis. essarily are required on the part of the midwife to secure

Section | 4 | Labour

a successful conclusion. Early attachment of the baby to action results in haemorrhage. If a doctor is not present in
the breast may enhance these physiological changes by such an emergency, a midwife may give the injection, if it
stimulating the reflex release of oxytocin from the post­ is within his/her scope of practice. There is no evidence
erior lobe of the pituitary gland, which helps to secure for the continued routine use of intravenous ergometrine,
good uterine action. which is associated with an increased risk of retained pla-
centa (Prendiville et al 1988; Begley 1990), so this drug is
more often used to treat a PPH rather than as a prophy-
Active management of the third lactic drug. If an intravenous cannula is not already in situ,
stage of labour (AMTSL) any difficulty encountered in locating a vein or sudden
movement by the woman may result in failed venepunc-
An active management policy usually includes the routine
ture or at least a delay in administration. Ergometrine can
prophylactic administration of a uterotonic agent, either
cause headache, nausea, vomiting and an increase in
intravenously, intramuscularly or (occasionally) orally, as
blood pressure (Begley 1990) and it is contraindicated
a precautionary measure aimed at reducing the risk of
where there is a history of hypertensive disorder or cardiac
postpartum haemorrhage. It is applied regardless of the
disease (Dyer et al 2010). To decrease the chance of nausea
assessed obstetric risk status of the woman, and is usually
and vomiting when the woman has had a caesarean
undertaken in conjunction with clamping of the umbilical
section under epidural, it is advisable not to use
cord shortly after birth of the baby and delivery of the
ergometrine on its own (Balki and Carvalho 2005).
placenta by the use of controlled cord traction. In situa-
tions where women may also be assessed as being at Combined ergometrine and oxytocin
higher risk for PPH (e.g. multiple birth), a prophylactic
infusion of larger doses of uterotonics diluted in intrave-
(a commonly used brand is Syntometrine)
nous solutions may be administered over several hours A 1 ml ampoule contains 5 IU of oxytocin and 0.5 mg
following the birth. This would also be considered to be ergometrine and is administered by i.m. injection. The
part of an active management policy, as would routine oxytocin acts within 2 1 2 min, and the ergometrine within
uterine massage following delivery of the placenta in some 6–7 min (Fig. 18.6). Their combined action results in a
countries (Jangsten et al 2011), although there is no evi- rapid uterine contraction enhanced by a stronger, more
dence to support this practice once an oxytocic has been sustained contraction lasting several hours. It can be
given (Hofmeyer et al 2013). administered as the anterior shoulder of the baby is born,
Active management in the third stage is the policy of or after the birth of the baby. The use of combined
third stage labour management most widely practised ergometrine/oxytocin or any ergometrine-based drug is
throughout the developed world. Like all interventions associated with side-effects such as elevation of blood
performed, skill in assisting the delivery of the placenta pressure, nausea and vomiting (Begley 1990). The most
and membranes is extremely important to prevent com- recent report on maternal deaths from the Centre for
plications. Whether women should routinely receive uter- Maternal and Child Enquiries in the UK states that
otonic drugs, have the umbilical cord clamped or be given ‘Syntometrine should be avoided as a routine drug com-
assistance with placental delivery has been the subject of pletely’ (CMACE 2011: 69).
a great deal of debate and many research trials. These three CAUTION: No more than two doses of ergometrine
aspects are considered separately here. 0.5 mg should be given, due to its side-effects.

Administration of uterotonics Oxytocin (a commonly used brand is Syntocinon) is a
Uterotonics (also known as oxytocics, or ecbolics), are synthetic form of the natural oxytocin produced in the
drugs (e.g. Syntometrine, Syntocinon, ergometrine and
prostaglandins) that stimulate the smooth muscle of the
uterus to contract. They may be administered with crown-
acts in 21/2 min
ing of the baby’s head, at the birth of the anterior shoulder
of the baby, after the birth of the baby but prior to placen- Ergometrine
tal expulsion, or following the birth, or delivery, of the acts in 6–7 min
placenta and membranes. lasting 2–4 hours
In practice, one of the following uterotonic drugs is
usually used.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Intravenous ergometrine 0.25–0.5 mg Minutes

This drug acts within 45 seconds, and is particularly useful Fig. 18.6 The rapid action of oxytocin in comparison with
in securing a rapid contraction where hypotonic uterine ergometrine.

Physiology and care during the third stage of labour Chapter | 18 |

posterior pituitary, and is safe to use in a wider context authors suggest that it may be useful in circumstances
than combined ergometrine/oxytocin agents. It can be where nothing else is available (Tunçalp et al 2012).
administered as an intravenous and or intramuscular
injection. However, an intravenous bolus of oxytocin can Clamping of the umbilical cord
cause profound, fatal hypotension, especially in the pres-
ence of cardiovascular compromise. The recommendation This may, necessarily, be carried out following birth of the
of the Confidential Enquiry in Maternal Deaths (Lewis baby’s head if the cord is tightly around the neck; however,
and Drife 2001: 21) is that ‘when given as an intravenous it is preferable, and usually possible, to loosen the loop
bolus the drug should be given slowly in a dose of not and slip it over the baby’s head, then allow the baby’s body
more than 5 IU’. to slip out beside the loop. If the cord is looped several
Research evidence to date suggests that oxytocin is an times around the neck it will be possible to gently tighten
effective uterotonic choice where routine prophylactic one, or more, of the loops of cord and then ease a looser
management of the third stage of labour is practised loop over the baby’s head. In this way, the baby’s oxygen
(Khan et al 1995; Cotter et al 2001; Choy et al 2002), supply is not cut off prematurely, which could be very
more specifically in women who experience a blood loss detrimental to their condition. If this is not successful, the
exceeding 1000 ml. Two Cochrane reviews have suggested midwife can be ready to clamp and cut the cord just as the
that it is probably better to use oxytocin rather than woman starts a contraction, so that the oxygen supply is
ergometrine, due to the side-effects of ergot (Cotter et al cut off only just before the birth.
2001; Liabsuetrakul et al 2007). Early clamping of the cord, as part of active manage-
Carbetocin, originally developed for veterinary use and ment of the third stage of labour (AMTSL), is normally
not widely employed for prophylactic use in management applied in the first 30 seconds to 3 minutes after birth,
of the third stage, is a long-acting synthetic oxytocin ana- regardless of whether or not cord pulsation has ceased. It
logue which can be administered as a single-dose 100 mg has been suggested that this practice may have the follow-
injection. Carbetocin has been shown in some trials to be ing effects:
as effective as oxytocin in preventing PPH (Reyes et al • It may reduce the volume of blood returning to the
2011; Su et al 2012); however, it does require refrigeration fetus by an amount between 75 and 125 ml (van
for stability. Rheenen and Brabin 2004; Farrar et al 2011), which
is 30–40% of total potential blood volume (Farrar
Prostaglandins et al 2011).
The use of prostaglandins for third stage management has • It may prematurely interrupt the respiratory function
up until now been more often associated with the treat- of the placenta in maintaining O2 levels and
ment of postpartum haemorrhage than with prophylaxis. combating acidosis in the early moments of life. This
This may be partly due to prostaglandin agents being more may be of particular importance in a baby who is
expensive and associated with side-effects, such as diar- slow to breathe.
rhoea (Anderson and Etches 2007) and cardiovascular • It may result in lower neonatal bilirubin levels,
complications of increased stroke volume and heart rate although the effect on the incidence of clinical
(van Selm et al 1995). jaundice is unclear (McDonald et al 2013).
In more recent years, a great deal of research time and • It may increase the likelihood of fetomaternal
investment has been invested in seeking alternate ways of transfusion as a larger volume of blood remains in
implementing strategies to reduce the risk of PPH. Miso- the placenta. Venous pressure is further increased as
prostol (a prostaglandin E1 analogue) was first used to retraction continues and may be sufficiently high to
treat gastric ulcers, but when its potential as a uterotonic rupture surface placental vessels, thus facilitating the
agent was discovered, optimism regarding its suitability in transfer of fetal cells into the maternal system; this
low resource settings was high. It is cheap, not prone to may be a critical factor where the mother’s blood
loss of potency, does not need to be sterile or refrigerated group is Rhesus negative (see Chapter 10).
and can be administered vaginally, orally or rectally, negat- • It results in the truncated umbilical vessels
ing the need for syringes. Misoprostol orally or sublin- containing a quantity of clotted blood, which
gually (400–600 µg) appears to be a useful drug to prevent provides an ideal medium for bacterial growth; as
PPH, but is not as effective as Syntocinon (Ng et al 2007; this is near to, and has a patent opening into, the
Tunçalp et al 2012) and has unpleasant side-effects, such baby’s abdomen there is potential for systemic
as severe shivering and higher temperature, both of which infection (Mercer et al 2006).
are transient but unacceptable to some women. Its use • Heavier placental weight has also been associated
appears to be no more likely than Syntocinon to necessi- with early cord clamping (Newton et al 1961), which
tate manual removal of the placenta. Even though the may cause difficulty with delivery of the placenta,
recommendation of the latest Cochrane review is that particularly when the cervix has contracted following
misoprostol should not replace other uterotonics, the administration of a uterotonic.

Section | 4 | Labour

Proponents of late clamping suggest that no action be 2–4 cm between them. The cord between the two clamps
taken until cord pulsation ceases or the placenta has been is then cut, while shielding personnel from blood spurts
completely delivered, thus allowing the physiological with a gloved hand. The baby may then be placed on the
processes to take place without intervention. Suggested mother’s abdomen, put to the breast or be more closely
advantages of late clamping include: examined on a warmed cot if resuscitation is required.
There is very little evidence concerning how much, if
• The route to the low resistance placental circulation
any, of a uterotonic agent the baby receives following
remains patent, which provides the newborn with a
birth, through an intact cord. In five documented cases of
safety valve for any raised systemic blood pressure.
accidental administration of an adult dose of Syntometrine
This may be critical when the baby is preterm or
to a newborn infant, no long-term adverse effects were
asphyxiated, as raised pulmonary and central venous
reported (Whitfield and Salfield 1980). If the cord is
pressures may exacerbate the difficulties in initiating
clamped and cut soon after birth, the midwife should
respiration and accompanying circulatory adaptation
release the second clamp and drain blood from the mater-
(Dunn 1985).
nal end of the cord to simulate placental–fetal transfusion,
• The transfusion of the full quota of placental blood
as this may reduce maternal blood loss up to 77 ml and
to the newborn. This may constitute as much as
shorten the third stage by up to 3 minutes (Soltani et al
30–40% of the circulating volume (Farrar et al 2011),
depending on when the cord is clamped and at what
level the baby is held prior to clamping and may
therefore be important in maintaining haematocrit Delivery of the placenta and membranes
• The neonatal effects associated with increased Controlled cord traction (CCT)
placental transfusion include higher mean birth Recent research has shown that this manoeuvre has no
weight by 87–116 g (Farrar et al 2011) and higher effect on severe haemorrhage (>1000 ml) and little, if any,
neonatal haematocrit accompanied by an increase in effect on mild PPH (>500 ml) in both high (Deneux-
the incidence of jaundice in term (McDonald et al Tharaux et al 2013) and low income settings (Gülmezoglu
2013) and preterm babies (Rabe et al 2012). There is et al 2012). It does, however, shorten the third stage of
growing evidence that delaying cord clamping labour by 6 minutes (Gülmezoglu et al 2012). This means
confers improved iron status in infants up to that, in developing countries in particular, oxytocin can be
6 months post-birth (Chaparro et al 2006; Mercer given by healthcare workers, without the need to train
2006; Hutton and Hassan 2007; Rabe et al 2012; them in safe utilization of CCT (Gülmezoglu et al 2012),
McDonald et al 2013). providing that they are taught to avoid manipulating the
• Delayed cord clamping in preterm babies (until at uterus or pulling on the cord.
least 30–120 seconds) is associated with babies If CCT is to be used successfully, the principles of pla-
requiring fewer transfusions, and having a lower risk cental separation described at the beginning of this chapter
of developing necrotizing enterocolitis or should be clearly understood. Before proceeding, the
intraventricular haemorrhage (Rabe et al 2012). midwife should check:
• Delayed cord clamping may decrease the risk of • that a uterotonic drug has been administered
fetomaternal transfusion, which is important in • that it has been given time to act
women with Rhesus-negative blood (Wiberg et al • that the uterus is well contracted
2008). • that counter-traction is applied
Given the benefits of delayed cord clamping and the • that signs of placental separation and descent are
documented harms caused by early clamping, many present.
centres have now stopped using early cord clamping as At the beginning of the third stage, a strong uterine
part of their active management package (Afaifel and contraction results in the fundus being palpable below the
Weeks 2012). umbilicus (see Fig. 18.5). It feels broad as the placenta is
The actual action to take when clamping the cord early still in the upper segment. As the placenta separates and
is to place one clamp (usually a disposable plastic one) falls into the lower uterine segment there is a small fresh
close to the baby’s navel end. Care should be taken to blood loss, the cord lengthens, and the fundus becomes
apply the clamp 3–4 cm clear of the abdominal wall, to rounder, smaller and more mobile as it rises in the
avoid pinching the skin or clamping a portion of gut, abdomen above the level of the placenta.
which, in rare instances, may be in the cord. A greater It is important not to manipulate the uterus in any way
length of cord is left when umbilical vessels are needed for as this may precipitate incoordinate action. No further
transfusion, for example in preterm babies and cases of step should be taken until a strong contraction is palpable.
Rhesus haemolytic disease. The second clamp is placed If tension is applied to the umbilical cord without this
closer to the placental end of the cord, with approximately contraction, uterine inversion may occur. This is an acute

Physiology and care during the third stage of labour Chapter | 18 |

Is the timing of uterotonic

administration, cord clamping
and/or CCT clinically important in
influencing the incidence of PPH?
Although active management leads to reduced risk of PPH,
it is important to establish which of the components of
this package lead(s) to this reduction. Given the difficul-
ties of adhering to an active management policy, the
absence of uterotonics in low resource countries, and the
preferences of some women for physiological manage-
ment, it is important to explore practice behaviours to
clarify whether or not the policy, as it is currently practised,
should continue.
Whether oxytocin is administered before or after the
placenta is expelled does not appear to make any signifi-
cant difference to the incidence of PPH (blood loss
Fig. 18.7 Controlled cord traction. >500 ml and >1000 ml), maternal hypotension, retained
placenta, length of third stage, mean blood loss, maternal
haemoglobin, need for maternal blood transfusion or
therapeutic uterotonics (Soltani et al 2010).
obstetric emergency with life-threatening implications for
Similarly, CCT has no effect on severe haemorrhage
the mother (see Chapter 22), and was implicated in one
(>1000 ml) and little, if any, effect on mild PPH (>500 ml)
maternal death in the UK in the period 2006–2008
(Gülmezoglu et al 2012). Given the emerging evidence on
(CMACE 2011).
the benefits of delaying cord clamping (McDonald et al
Once the uterus is found to be contracted, one hand is
2013), it is now reasonable to suggest an active manage-
placed above the level of the symphysis pubis with the
ment package that includes cord clamping after 3 minutes,
palm facing towards the umbilicus, exerting pressure in an
followed by administration of oxytocin (either before or
upwards direction. This is counter-traction. The other
after the birth of the placenta) and either maternal effort
hand, firmly grasping the cord, applies traction in a down-
or controlled cord traction to expel the placenta once
ward and backward direction following the line of the
separation occurs. As AMTSL has not been implemented
birth canal (Fig. 18.7). Some resistance may be felt but it
in that first 3 or more minutes, the principles of care
is important to apply steady tension by pulling the cord
described for expectant care during the third stage should
firmly and maintaining the pressure. Jerky movements
be followed in that period.
and force should be avoided. The aim is to complete the
action as one continuous, smooth, controlled movement.
However, it is only possible to exert this tension for a short Evidence for active versus
time as it may be an uncomfortable procedure for the
expectant management
mother and the midwife’s hand will tire.
Downward traction on the cord must be released There is an increasing amount of appropriate, rigorously
before uterine counter-traction is relaxed as sudden with- conducted research evidence available that suggests that
drawal of counter-traction while tension is still being the prophylactic administration of a uterotonic signifi-
applied to the cord may also facilitate uterine inversion. cantly reduces the risk of PPH, results in a lower mean
If the manoeuvre is not immediately successful there blood loss, fewer blood transfusions are required and
should be a pause before the uterine contraction is again there is a reduced need for therapeutic uterotonics (Begley
checked and a further attempt is made. Should the uterus et al 2011). It has also been highlighted by the widely
relax, tension is temporarily released until a good con- ranging ‘risk status’ of women included in several studies
traction is again palpable. Once the placenta is visible it that it is in fact very difficult to define a group of women
may be cupped in the hands to ease pressure on the who are not at risk for PPH. However, women truly at ‘low
friable membranes. A gentle upward and downward risk’ for PPH do not appear to suffer undue harm from
movement or twisting action will help to coax out the EMTSL (Begley et al 2011; Dixon et al 2011), and this
membranes and increase the chances of delivering them should remain an option for care (NICE [National Insti-
intact. Artery forceps may be applied to gradually ease the tute for Health and Clinical Excellence] 2007). Midwifery
membranes out of the vagina. This process should not be students should be given the opportunity to assist at births
hurried; great care should be taken to avoid tearing the using EMTSL, to learn and develop their skills, as ‘knowl-
membranes. edge of physiological management of the third stage of

Section | 4 | Labour

labour is considered a basic midwifery competency’ by the Maternal blood for Kleihauer testing can be taken upon
International Confederation of Midwives (ICM 2008). completion of the third stage.
It should be noted that the care pathway, whether active
or expectant, is reliant on all components of the pathway
being carried out as recommended. For example, if man- COMPLETION OF THE THIRD STAGE
agement is expectant, then the introduction of a utero­
tonic drug, cord clamping or pulling on the cord will
disrupt the intended sequence of the care process leading Once the placenta has spontaneously birthed, or has been
to what is often described as a fragmented approach. Once delivered, the midwife must first check that the uterus is
the sequence of the processes is altered, the clinician well contracted and fresh blood loss is minimal. Careful
should commit to completing the process. That is, if the inspection of the perineum and lower vagina is important.
protocol for expectant management is interrupted the clin­ A strong light is directed onto the perineum in order to
ician should proceed to completing the process with an assess trauma accurately prior to instigating repair. This
active management approach. This practice has been should be carried out as gently as possible as the tissues
shown to reduce the incidence of PPH significantly in a are often bruised and oedematous. If perineal suturing
birth centre setting (Patterson 2005). (see Chapter 15) is required it should be carried out as
expediently as possible to prevent unnecessary blood
loss, increased risk of oedema at the site of trauma and
Asepsis perhaps unnecessary re-infiltration of additional local
The need for asepsis is even greater now than in the pre-
ceding stages of labour. Laceration and bruising of the
cervix, vagina, perineum and vulva provide a route for the Blood loss estimation
entry of microorganisms. At the placental site, a raw
Blood loss is difficult to measure and is frequently under-
surface provides an ideal medium for infection. Strict
estimated (Duthie et al 1990; Prastertcharoensuk et al
attention to the prevention of infection is therefore
2000). Account must be taken of blood that has soaked
into linen and swabs as well as measurable fluid loss and
clot formation. The site of the blood loss does not neces-
Cord blood sampling sarily alter the impact in terms of potential debility for
affected women. Brandt (1966) believes that women can
This may be required for a variety of conditions: withstand perhaps a 1000–1500 ml blood loss. However,
• when the mother’s blood group is Rhesus negative any further blood loss may not be tolerated so readily.
or as a precautionary measure if the mother’s Rhesus Women who undergo elective caesarean section will for
type is unknown; the most part have been adequately prepared. Women
• when atypical maternal antibodies have been found who undergo emergency caesarean section or vaginal birth
during an antenatal screening test; who are dehydrated or anaemic may not withstand sudden
• where a haemoglobinopathy is suspected (e.g. sickle large volumes of blood loss.
cell disease); In his study of the importance and difficulties of precise
• ‘when there has been concern about the baby either estimation of PPH, Brandt (1967) calculated that 20% of
in labour or immediately following birth’ (NICE women lose >500 ml of blood after a vaginal birth. It was
2007:231). estimated that 3940 ml of circulating blood volume were
The sample should be taken as soon as possible from required to maintain the central venous pressure at
the fetal surface of the placenta where the blood vessels 10 cmH2O. Most measurement techniques are not suffi-
are congested and easily visible. If the cord has not been ciently sensitive to detect a rapid volume change in the
clamped prior to placental birth the fetal vessels will not immediate setting when decisions need to be made.
be congested, but a sample of sufficient volume may still Note: It should also be remembered that any amount of
be easily obtained, or can be taken by syringe prior to birth blood loss that causes a physical deterioration such as
of the placenta. In the case of paired cord blood sampling feeling faint, sudden onset of tachycardia, altered respira-
being required for reasons outlined by NICE (2007), tions or drop in blood pressure should be immediately
blood will be obtained from the umbilical cord. To achieve investigated.
this, an additional clamp will need to be applied resulting
in double-clamping of the cord. The appropriate contain- Examination of placenta and
ers should be used for any investigations requested. These
may include the baby’s blood group, Rhesus type, haemo-
globin estimation, serum bilirubin level, cord blood anal- This should be performed as soon after birth as practicable
ysis for acid base status, Coombs’ test or electrophoresis. so that, if there is doubt about their completeness, further

Physiology and care during the third stage of labour Chapter | 18 |

The lobes of a complete placenta fit neatly together

without any gaps, the edges forming a uniform circle.
Blood vessels should not radiate beyond the placental
edge. If they do, this denotes a succenturiate lobe, which
has developed separately from the main placenta (see
Chapter 6). When such a lobe is visible there is no cause
for concern, but if the tissue has been retained the vessels
will end abruptly at a hole in the membrane. If there is
any suspicion that the placenta or membranes are incom-
Cut end of cord plete, they must be kept for inspection and a doctor
informed immediately in case a PPH occurs or there is the
possibility that a surgical intervention may be required.
Upon completion of the examination, the midwife
should return her attention to the mother. The empty
uterus should be firmly contracted and below the level of
Placenta the umbilicus. If the fundus has risen in the abdomen a
blood clot may be present. This should be expelled while
the uterus is in a state of contraction by pressing the
fundus gently in a downward and backward direction –
with due regard to the risk of inversion and acute discom-
fort to the woman. Force should never be used.
Hand spread out
to aid inspection
of the membranes Immediate care
It is advisable for mother and baby to remain in the mid-
wife’s care for at least 1 hour after birth, regardless of the
birth setting. Much of this time will be spent in clearing
up and completion of records but careful observation of
mother and infant is very important. If an epidural cath-
eter is in situ it is usually removed and checked at this
time. Early physiological observations including ensuring
a well-contracted uterus, assessment of vaginal blood loss
Fig. 18.8 Examination of the membranes. and a gentle inspection of the genital tract to inspect for
trauma should be undertaken (NICE 2007).
The woman should be encouraged to pass urine because
action may be taken before the woman leaves the birth a full bladder may impede uterine contraction. She may
room or the midwife leaves the home. A thorough inspec- not actually feel an urge to do so, especially if she has
tion must be carried out in order to make sure that no part passed urine immediately prior to giving birth or an effec-
of the placenta or membranes has been retained. The tive epidural has been in progress, but she should be asked
membranes are the most difficult to examine as they to try. Uterine contraction and blood loss should be
become torn during the birth or delivery and may be checked on several occasions during this first hour. Once
ragged. Every attempt should be made to piece them basic procedures to ensure the woman’s and baby’s safety
together to give an overall picture of completeness. This is and comfort have been completed, the woman may be
easier to see if the placenta is held by the cord, allowing offered a light meal such as tea and toast.
the membranes to hang. The hole through which the baby Most women intending to breastfeed will wish to put
was born can then usually be identified and a hand can their babies to the breast during these early moments of
be spread out inside the membranes to aid inspection (Fig. contact. This is especially advantageous, as babies are
18.8). The placenta should then be laid on a flat surface usually very alert at this time and their sucking reflex is
and both placental surfaces minutely examined in a good particularly strong. There is also evidence to suggest that
light. The amnion should be peeled from the chorion right women who breastfeed soon after birth successfully
up to the umbilical cord, which allows the chorion to be breastfeed for a longer period of time (Salariya et al 1979).
fully viewed. An additional benefit lies in the reflex release of oxytocin
Any clots on the maternal surface need to be removed from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which
and kept for measuring. Broken fragments of cotyledon stimulates the uterus to contract. This may result in
must be carefully replaced before an accurate assessment the mother experiencing a sudden fresh blood loss as
is possible. the uterus empties and she should be pre-warned and

Section | 4 | Labour

reassured that it is a normal response. The desire to feed Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is one of the most
a newborn baby is a warm, loving and instinctive response. alarming and serious emergencies a midwife may face and
While breastfeeding should be actively encouraged, a can occur following both traumatic and straightforward
formula feed should be available for those who do not births. It is always a stressful experience for the woman
wish to breastfeed. and any support persons present and may undermine her
confidence, influence her attitude to future childbearing
and delay her recovery. Although the maternal mortality
Record-keeping rate (MMR) in developed countries such as those of
A complete and accurate account of the labour, including Western Europe, Australasia, North America and Japan is
the documentation of the administration of all medicines, quoted as approximately 7, 6, 16 and 7 per 100 000 live
physical examination and observations, is the midwife’s births respectively (Hogan et al 2010), the reported MMR
responsibility. This should also include details of examina- for lower resource countries is much higher; for example,
tion of the placenta, membranes and cord with attention southern Asia with 323 per 100 000 live births, and sub-
drawn to any abnormalities. The volume of blood loss is Saharan Africa (west) with 629 per 100 000 live births
particularly important. This record not only provides (Hogan et al 2010). A significant number of the deaths
information that may be critical in the future care of both recorded were due to PPH, often in the absence of a
mother and infant but is a legal document that may be trained health professional. The midwife is often the first,
used as evidence of the care given. Signatures are therefore and may be the only, professional person present when a
essential, with cosignatories where necessary. In the UK, haemorrhage occurs, so her prompt, competent action will
many mothers now carry their own notes related to preg- be crucial in controlling blood loss and reducing the risk
nancy and details of the birth. The completed records are of maternal morbidity or even death.
a vital communication link between the midwife respon-
sible for the birth and other caregivers, particularly those
Primary postpartum haemorrhage
who take over care and provide ongoing community
support services once the woman returns home. Fluid loss is extremely difficult to measure with any degree
It is usually the midwife who completes the birth noti- of accuracy, especially when a mixture of blood and fluid
fication form. Timely notification and referral may prevent has soaked into the bed linen and spilled onto the floor.
delay in a woman receiving appropriate assistance should It should also be remembered that measurable solidified
she need it. clots represent only about half the total fluid loss. With
these factors in mind, the best yardstick is that any blood
loss, however small, that adversely affects the mother’s
Transfer from the birth room condition constitutes a PPH. Much will therefore depend
The midwife is responsible for seeing that all observations upon the woman’s general wellbeing. In addition, if the
are made and recorded prior to transfer of mother and measured loss reaches 500 ml, it must be treated as a PPH,
baby to the postnatal ward, or home, or before the midwife irrespective of maternal condition; however, it should be
leaves the home following the birth. noted that in high income countries, and in a woman who
The postnatal ward midwife should verify these details is otherwise healthy with a high haemoglobin, a blood
prior to transfer of mother and baby. Following a domicili- loss of 500 ml is the equivalent of a routine blood dona-
ary birth, the midwife should leave details of a telephone tion and usually causes no ill effects.
number where she may be contacted should the parents
feel any cause for concern. Causes
There are several reasons why a PPH may occur, including
atonic uterus, retained placenta, trauma and blood coagu-
COMPLICATIONS OF THE lation disorder.
Atonic uterus
This is a failure of the myometrium at the placental site to
Postpartum haemorrhage
contract and retract and to compress torn blood vessels
Primary postpartum haemorrhage is defined as bleeding and control blood loss by a living ligature action. When
from the genital tract in excess of 500 ml at any time fol- the placenta is attached, the volume of blood flow at the
lowing the baby’s birth up to 24 hours postpartum (WHO placental site is approximately 500–800 ml/min. Upon
2003). A loss of 500–999 ml in a healthy woman is con- separation, the efficient contraction and retraction of
sidered a mild PPH, and severe haemorrhage is deemed to uterine muscle will staunch the flow and prevent a haem-
be a loss of greater than 1000 ml (Bloomfield and Gordon orrhage, which can otherwise ensue with horrifying speed
1990). (Box 18.1).

Physiology and care during the third stage of labour Chapter | 18 |

Placental abruption
Box 18.1 Causes of atonic uterine action
Blood may have seeped between the muscle fibres, inter-
• Incomplete separation of the placenta fering with effective action. At its most severe this results
• Retained cotyledon, placental fragment or membranes in a Couvelaire uterus (Chapter 12).
• Precipitate labour
• Prolonged labour resulting in uterine inertia
Induction or augmentation of labour
• Polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancy causing
with oxytocin
overdistension of uterine muscle In some circumstances, the use of oxytocin during labour
• Placenta praevia may result in hyperstimulation of the uterus and cause a
• Placental abruption precipitate, expulsive birth of the baby (Sosa et al 2009;
• General anaesthesia especially halothane or Grotegut et al 2011). In this instance the uterus may still
cyclopropane be responding in a stimulated, but ineffective manner in
• Episiotomy or perineal trauma
terms of contracting the empty uterus. In the case of induc-
tion or augmentation of labour, that continues over a
• Induction or augmentation of labour with oxytocin
prolonged period without establishing efficient uterine
• A full bladder
contractions, physical and emotional fatigue of the
• Aetiology unknown mother, and uterine fatigue or inertia may occur. This
inertia inhibits the uterine muscle from providing
strong, sustained contraction and retraction of the empty
uterus that aids in the prevention of a postpartum
Incomplete placental separation Episiotomy, and need for perineal sutures
If the placenta remains fully adherent to the uterine wall, Blood loss from perineal trauma, in addition to even a
it is unlikely to cause bleeding. However, once separation normal blood loss from the uterus, can together equal a
has begun, maternal vessels are torn. If placental tissue mild PPH (Sosa et al 2009). Poeschmann et al (1991)
remains partially embedded in the spongy decidua, effi- have shown that an episiotomy can cause up to 30% of
cient contraction and retraction are interrupted. postpartum blood loss.
Retained placenta, cotyledon, placental General anaesthesia
fragment or membranes
Anaesthetic agents may cause uterine relaxation, in par-
These will similarly impede efficient uterine action (Sosa ticular the volatile inhalational agents, for example
et al 2009). halothane.

Precipitate labour Mismanagement of the third stage of labour

When the uterus has contracted vigorously and frequently, ‘Fundus fiddling’ or manipulation of the uterus may pre-
resulting in a duration of labour that is less than 1 hour, cipitate arrhythmic contractions so that the placenta only
then the muscle may have insufficient opportunity to partially separates and retraction is lost.
A full bladder
Prolonged labour
If the bladder is full, its proximity to the uterus in the
In a labour where the active phase lasts >12 hours uterine abdomen on completion of the second stage may interfere
inertia (sluggishness) may result from muscle exhaustion with uterine action. This also constitutes mismanagement.
(Chapter 19).
Aetiology unknown
Polyhydramnios, macrosomia or multiple A precipitating cause may never be discovered.
The myometrium becomes excessively stretched and there- There are in addition a number of factors that do not
fore less efficient (Sosa et al 2009). directly cause a PPH, but do increase the likelihood of
excessive bleeding (Box 18.2).
Placenta praevia
The placental site is partly or wholly in the lower segment Previous history of PPH or retained placenta
where the thinner muscle layer contains few oblique There may be a risk of recurrence in subsequent pregnan-
fibres: this results in poor control of bleeding. cies, depending on the cause of the PPH in the previous

Section | 4 | Labour

2006–2008, four of them had had a caesarean section (the

Box 18.2 Predisposing factors that might fifth concealed her pregnancy and died alone at home)
increase the risks of postpartum haemorrhage (CMACE 2011). The report noted that in three of the four
women (75%), a lack of routine observation of vital signs
• Previous history of postpartum haemorrhage or in the postoperative period, or failure on the part of staff
retained placenta
to notice that bleeding was occurring, were key failures in
• Presence of fibroids care. Postoperative observations need to be recorded regu-
• Maternal anaemia larly, using a modified early obstetric warning score
• Ketoacidosis (MEOWS) chart, and abnormal findings acted upon
• Multiple pregnancy (CMACE 2011).
• Caesarean section
Signs of PPH
Signs may be obvious, such as:
birth. A detailed obstetric history taken at the first ante­ • visible bleeding
natal visit will ensure that optimum care can be given. • maternal collapse.
However, more subtle signs may present, such as:
Fibroids (fibromyomata)
• pallor
These are normally benign tumours consisting of muscle • rising pulse rate
and fibrous tissue, which may impede efficient uterine • falling blood pressure
action. • altered level of consciousness; the mother may
become restless or drowsy
• an enlarged uterus as it fills with blood or blood
Women who enter labour with reduced haemoglobin con- clot; it feels ‘boggy’ on palpation (i.e. soft and
centration (below 10 g/dl) may feel a greater effect of any distended and lacking tone); there may be little or
subsequent blood loss, however small. Moderate to severe no visible loss of blood.
anaemia (<9 g/dl) is associated with an increase in third
stage blood loss and risk of postpartum haemorrhage
(Kavle et al 2008; Soltan et al 2012). Prophylaxis
By using the above list, it is possible for the midwife to
apply some preventive screening in an attempt to identify
Women who have HIV/AIDS are often in a state of severe women who may be at greater risk and to recognize causa-
immunosuppression, which lowers the platelet count to tive factors. During the antenatal period a thorough and
such a degree that even a relatively minor blood loss may accurate history of previous obstetric experiences will
cause severe morbidity or death. identify possible risk factors. Arrangements for birth can
be discussed with the woman, and the necessity for birth
Ketosis to take place in a unit where facilities for dealing with
The influence of ketosis upon uterine action is still unclear. emergencies are available can be explained. The early
Foulkes and Dumoulin (1983) demonstrated that, in a detection and treatment of anaemia will help ensure that
series of 3500 women, 40% had ketonuria at some time women enter labour with a haemoglobin level, ideally, in
during labour. They reported that if labour progressed excess of 10 g/dl. The midwife should check that blood
well, this did not appear to jeopardize either the fetal or tests, if needed, are taken regularly and the results recorded
maternal condition. However, there was a significant rela- and explained to the woman. If necessary, action can be
tionship between ketosis and the need for oxytocin aug- taken to restore the haemoglobin level before birth.
mentation, instrumental delivery and PPH when labour Women more prone to anaemia should be closely moni-
lasted more than 12 hours. Correction of ketosis is there- tored, e.g. those with multiple pregnancies.
fore advisable and can be facilitated by ensuring women During labour, good management practices during the
have an adequate intake of fluids and light solid nourish- first and second stages are important to prevent prolonged
ment as tolerated throughout labour. There is no evidence labour and ketoacidosis. A mother should not enter the
to suggest restriction of food or fluids is necessary during second or third stage with a full bladder. AMTSL is recom-
the normal course of labour (Singata et al 2010). mended for all women at high risk of PPH, and will reduce
blood loss for women of mixed risk (Begley et al 2011).
Caesarean section Two units of cross-matched blood should be kept availa-
It should be noted that, of the five women who died of ble for any woman known to have a placenta praevia or
postpartum haemorrhage in the UK in the period other major predisposing risk factors for PPH.

Physiology and care during the third stage of labour Chapter | 18 |

Treatment of PPH The baby may be put to the breast to enhance the physi-
ological secretion of oxytocin from the posterior lobe of
Whatever the stage of labour or crisis that may occur, the
the pituitary gland, thus stimulating a contraction.
midwife should adhere to the underlying principle of
always reassuring the woman and her support persons by
Empty the uterus
continually relaying appropriate information and involv-
ing them in decision-making. Once the midwife is satisfied that it is well contracted, she
Three basic principles of care should be applied imme- should ensure that the uterus is emptied. If the placenta
diately upon observation of excessive bleeding, using the is still in the uterus, it should be delivered; if it has been
mnemonic ABC: expelled, any clots should be expressed by firm but gentle
pressure on the fundus.
1. Call for medical Aid.
2. Stop the Bleeding by rubbing up a contraction,
giving a uterotonic and emptying the uterus.
Resuscitate the mother
3. ResusCitate the mother as necessary. An intravenous infusion should be commenced while
peripheral veins are easily negotiated. This will provide a
Call for medical aid route for an oxytocin infusion or fluid replacement. As an
emergency measure, the mother’s legs may be lifted up in
This is an important initial step so that help is on the way order to allow blood to drain from them into the central
whatever transpires. If the bleeding is brought under circulation. However, the foot of the bed should not be
control before the doctor arrives, then no action by the raised as this encourages pooling of blood in the uterus,
doctor will be needed. However, the woman’s condition which prevents the uterus contracting.
can deteriorate very rapidly, in which case medical assist- It is usually expedient to catheterize the bladder to
ance will be required urgently. If the mother is at home or ensure that a full bladder is not impeding uterine contrac-
in a midwife-led unit, the emergency department of the tion and thus precipitating further bleeding, and to mini-
closest obstetric unit should be contacted and, depending mize trauma should an operative procedure be
on the policy of the region, an obstetric emergency team necessary.
summoned or ambulance transfer arranged. On no account must a woman in a collapsed condition
be moved prior to resuscitation and stabilization.
Stop the bleeding The flow chart in Fig. 18.9 briefly sets out the possible
The initial action is always the same, regardless of whether courses of action that may be taken depending on whether
bleeding occurs with the placenta in situ or later. or not bleeding persists. If the above measures are success-
ful in controlling any further loss, administration of oxy-
Rub up a contraction tocin, 40 units in 1 litre of intravenous solution (e.g.
The fundus is first felt gently with the fingertips to assess Hartmann’s or saline) infused slowly over 8–12 hours, will
its consistency. If it is soft and relaxed, the fundus is mas- ensure continued uterine contraction. This will help to
saged with a smooth, circular motion, applying no undue minimize the risk of recurrence. Before the infusion is
pressure. When a contraction occurs, the hand is held still. connected, 10 ml of blood should be withdrawn for hae-
moglobin estimation and for cross-matching compatible
Give a uterotonic to sustain the contraction blood. If bleeding continues uncontrolled, the choice of
In many instances, oxytocin 5 units or 10 units, or com- further action will depend largely upon whether the pla-
bined ergometrine/oxytocin 1 ml, has already been centa remains undelivered.
administered and this may be repeated. Alternatively,
ergometrine 0.25–0.5 mg may be injected intravenously Placenta delivered
(in the absence of contraindications), and will be effective If the uterus is atonic following birth of the placenta, light
within 45 seconds; vomiting may occur immediately. No fundal pressure may be used to expel residual clots while
more than two doses of ergometrine should be given a contraction is present. If an effective contraction is not
(including any dose of combined ergometrine/oxytocin), maintained, 40 units of Syntocinon in 1 litre of intrave-
as it may cause pulmonary hypertension. Several reports nous fluid should be started. The placenta and membranes
have described the dramatic haemostatic effects of pros- must be re-examined for completeness because retained
taglandins used in cases of uterine atony. Misoprostol fragments are often responsible for uterine atony and may
(Cytotec) or carboprost (Hemabate) are the most common need to be removed manually, under anaesthetic.
prostaglandin drugs used to increase uterine contractility
for the treatment of PPH. However, the side-effects Bimanual compression
(nausea, vomiting, pyrexia, hypertension, diarrhoea) asso- If bleeding continues, bimanual compression of the uterus
ciated with these drugs can make their use limited (Ander- may be necessary in order to apply pressure to the placen-
son and Etches 2007). tal site. It is desirable for an intravenous infusion to be in

Section | 4 | Labour

1. Call a
doctor Lower genital tract injury Apply pressure, repair the wound

Laparotomy, repair the tear

2. Stop the
Uterus firmly
Bleeding Ruptured uterus

Clotting disorder

Rub up a contraction Put the baby to the breast

Give an oxytocic Ergometrine 0.5 mg IV

IV infusion Syntocinon 40 u/l

Uterus atonic
Empty the bladder
Empty the uterus

Lift the legs

3. Resuscitate
Restore circulation Placenta Placenta Expel
the mother IV fluids
undelivered delivered clots

retained Separated

Attempt manual
removal of
placenta In lower uterine In cervix
segment or vagina

= placenta accreta Controlled Grasp and
cord traction remove

Observe and
leave to absorb; Measures fail
antibiotics to arrest bleeding

Assess postnatal Correct as
Hb level appropriate

Fig. 18.9 Management of primary PPH.

Physiology and care during the third stage of labour Chapter | 18 |

following the baby’s birth). The conventional treatment is

to separate the placenta from the uterine wall digitally,
effecting a manual removal.

Breaking of the cord

This is a not unusual occurrence during completion of the
third stage of labour. Before further action, it is crucial to
check that the uterus remains firmly contracted. If the
placenta remains adherent, no further action should be
taken before a doctor is notified. It is possible that manual
removal may be indicated. If the placenta is palpable in
the vagina, it is probable that separation has occurred and
when the uterus is well contracted then maternal effort,
with a fully upright posture, may be encouraged (see
expectant management, above). If there is any doubt, the
midwife applies fresh sterile gloves before performing a
vaginal examination to ascertain whether this is so. As a
last resort, if the woman is unable to push effectively then
gentle fundal pressure may be used, following administra-
tion of a uterotonic drug. Great care is exercised to ensure
Fig. 18.10 Bimanual compression of the uterus. that placental separation has already occurred and the
uterus is well contracted. The woman should be relaxed as
the midwife exerts downward and backward pressure on
progress. The fingers of one hand are inserted into the the firmly contracted fundus. This method can cause con-
vagina like a cone; the hand is formed into a fist and siderable pain and distress to the woman and result in the
placed into the anterior vaginal fornix, the elbow resting stretching and bruising of supportive uterine ligaments. If
on the bed. The other hand is placed behind the uterus it is performed without good uterine contraction, acute
abdominally, the fingers pointing towards the cervix. The inversion may ensue. This is an extremely dangerous pro-
uterus is brought forwards and compressed between the cedure in unskilled hands and is not advocated in every-
palm of the hand positioned abdominally and the fist day practice when alternative, safer methods may be
in the vagina (Fig. 18.10). If bleeding persists, a clotting employed. It is very unlikely that this would be practised
disorder must be excluded before exploration of the in the UK.
vagina and uterus is performed under a general anaes-
thetic. Compression balloons may also be used to provide Manual removal of the placenta
pressure on the placental site and if bleeding continues, This should be carried out by a doctor. An intravenous
ligation of the uterine arteries or hysterectomy may be infusion must first be sited and an effective anaesthetic in
considered. progress. The choice of anaesthesia will depend upon the
woman’s general condition. If an effective epidural anaes-
Placenta undelivered thetic is already in progress, a top-up may be given in order
The placenta may be partially or wholly adherent. to avoid the hazards of general anaesthesia. A spinal
anaesthetic offers an alternative but where time is an
Partially adherent urgent factor a general anaesthetic will be initiated.
When the uterus is well contracted, an attempt should be
made to deliver the placenta by applying CCT. If this is Management
unsuccessful a doctor will be required to remove it Manual removal is performed with full aseptic precautions
manually. and, unless in a dire emergency situation, should not be
undertaken prior to adequate analgesia being ensured for
Wholly adherent the woman. With the left hand, the umbilical cord is held
Bleeding does not usually occur if the placenta is com- taut while the right hand is coned and inserted into the
pletely adherent. However, the longer the placenta remains vagina and uterus following the direction of the cord.
in situ the greater is the risk of partial separation, which Once the placenta is located the cord is released so that
may give rise to profuse haemorrhage. the left hand may be used to support the fundus abdomi-
nally, to prevent rupture of the lower uterine segment (Fig.
Retained placenta 18.11). The operator will feel for a separated edge of the
This diagnosis is reached when the placenta remains unde- placenta. The fingers of the right hand are extended and
livered after a specified period of time (usually 1 hour the border of the hand is gently eased between the

Section | 4 | Labour

bleeding is unlikely to occur and it may be left in situ to

absorb during the puerperium. If, however, only part of
the placenta remains embedded then the risks of fatal
haemorrhage are high and an emergency hysterectomy
may be unavoidable.

Trauma as a cause of PPH

If bleeding occurs despite a well-contracted uterus, it is
almost certainly the consequence of trauma to the uterus,
vagina, perineum or labia, or a combination of these. As
stated previously, Poeschmann et al (1991) cautioned that
episiotomy may contribute up to 30% of total blood loss;
in their study the severity of blood loss was linked to the
length of time that elapsed between incision of the peri-
neum and the commencement of repair. Predictably, the
longer the wait the greater is the blood loss.
In order to identify the source of bleeding, the mother
is placed in the lithotomy position under a good direc-
tional light. An episiotomy wound or tears to the anterior
labia, clitoris and perineum often bleed freely. These exter-
Fig. 18.11 Manual removal of the placenta. nal injuries are easily identified and torn vessels may be
clamped with artery forceps prior to ligation. Internal
trauma to the vagina, cervix or uterus more commonly
placenta and the uterine wall, with the palm facing the
occurs following instrumental or manipulative delivery. A
placenta. The placenta is carefully detached with a side-
speculum is inserted to enable the cervix and vagina to be
ways slicing movement. When it is completely separated,
clearly visualized and examined. Tissue or artery forceps
the left hand rubs up a contraction and expels the right
may be used to apply pressure prior to suturing under
hand with the placenta in its grasp. The placenta should
general anaesthesia.
be checked immediately for completeness, so that any
If bleeding persists when the uterus is well contracted
further exploration of the uterus may be carried out
and no evidence of trauma can be found, uterine rupture
without delay. A uterotonic drug is given upon
must be suspected. Following a laparotomy this is repaired,
but if bleeding remains uncontrolled a hysterectomy may
In very exceptional circumstances, when no doctor is
become inevitable.
available to be called, a midwife would be expected to
carry out a manual removal of the placenta. Once she has Blood coagulation disorders causing PPH
diagnosed a retained placenta as the cause of PPH, the
midwife must act swiftly to reduce the risk of onset of As well as the causes already listed above, PPH may be the
shock and exsanguination. It must be remembered that result of coagulation failure (see Chapters 12 and 13). The
the risk of inducing shock by performing a manual failure of the blood to clot is such an obvious sign that it
removal of the placenta is greater when no anaesthetic is can be overlooked in the midst of the frantic activity that
given. In a developed country, the midwife is unlikely to accompanies torrential bleeding. It can occur following
find herself dealing with this situation. severe pre-eclampsia, antepartum haemorrhage, massive
PPH, amniotic fluid embolus, intrauterine death or sepsis.
At home Evaluation should include coagulation status and replac-
If the placenta is retained following a home birth, emer- ing appropriate blood components (Anderson and Etches
gency obstetric help must be summoned. Under no cir- 2007). Fresh blood is usually the best treatment, as this
cumstances should a woman be transferred to hospital will contain platelets and the coagulation factors V and
until an intravenous infusion is in progress and her condi- VIII. The expert advice of a haematologist will be needed
tion stabilized. It is best if the placenta can be delivered in assessing specific replacement products such as fresh
without moving the mother but if this is not possible, or frozen plasma and fibrinogen.
if further treatment is needed, she should be transferred
to a consultant unit, with her baby.
Maternal observation
Morbid adherence of placenta following PPH
Very rarely, the placenta remains morbidly adherent; this Once bleeding is controlled, the total volume lost must
is known as placenta accreta. If it is totally adherent, then be measured and/or estimated as accurately as possible.

Physiology and care during the third stage of labour Chapter | 18 |

Large amounts appear less than they are in reality. A • give a uterotonic drug either by the intravenous or
MEOWS chart should be maintained postpartum and intramuscular route
abnormal scores should be reported and prompt action • keep all pads and linen to assess the volume of
taken (CMACE 2011). Maternal pulse and blood pressure blood lost
are recorded every 15 minutes and the temperature taken • if bleeding persists, discuss a range of treatment
every 4 hours. The uterus should be palpated frequently options with the woman and, if appropriate, prepare
to ensure that it remains well contracted and lochia lost her for theatre.
must be observed. Intravenous fluid replacement should If the bleeding occurs at home and the woman has
be carefully calculated to avoid circulatory overload. telephoned the hospital, midwife or her GP, she should
Monitoring the central venous pressure (see Chapter 22) be told to lie down flat until professional assistance
will provide an accurate assessment of the volume arrives (the front door should be left unlocked if the
required, especially if blood loss has been severe. Fluid woman is alone). On arrival, the doctor, midwife or para-
intake and urinary output are recorded as indicators of medic will assess the amount of blood loss and the
renal function. The output should be accurately measured woman’s condition and attempt to arrest the haemor-
on an hourly basis by the use of a self-retaining urinary rhage. If the loss is severe or uncontrolled, the nearest
catheter. emergency obstetric unit will be called and the mother
The woman may need high dependency care if closer and baby prepared for transfer to hospital. The doctor,
monitoring is required, until her condition is stable. All midwife or paramedic who attends will start an intrave-
records should be meticulously completed and signed nous infusion and ensure that the mother’s condition is
contemporaneously. Continued vigilance will be impor- stable first.
tant for 24–48 hours. As this woman will need a period Careful assessment is usually undertaken prior to the
of recovery, she will not be suitable for early transfer uterus being explored under general anaesthetic. The use
home. of ultrasound as a diagnostic tool is invaluable in mini-
mizing the number of mothers who have operative inter-
vention. If retained products of conception cannot be
Secondary postpartum seen on a scan, the mother may be treated conservatively
haemorrhage with antibiotic therapy and oral ergometrine. The haemo-
Secondary postpartum haemorrhage is any abnormal or globin should be estimated prior to discharge. If it is
excessive bleeding from the genital tract occurring below 9 g/dl, options for iron replacement should be dis-
between 24 hours and 12 weeks postnatally. In developed cussed with the woman. The severity of the anaemia will
countries, 2% of postnatal women are admitted to hospi- assist in determining the most appropriate care, which
tal with this condition, half of them undergoing uterine may be dependent on whether or not the woman is
surgical evacuation (Alexander et al 2007). It is most symptomatic (e.g. feeling faint, dizzy, short of breath).
likely to occur between 10 and 14 days after birth. Bleed- Management may vary from increased intake of iron-rich
ing is usually due to retention of a fragment of the pla- foods, iron supplements or, in extreme cases, blood trans-
centa or membranes, or the presence of a large uterine fusion. It is also important to discuss the common symp-
blood clot. Typically occurring during the second week, toms that may be experienced as a result of anaemia
the lochia is heavier than normal and will have changed following PPH, including extreme tiredness and general
from a serous pink or brownish loss to a bright red blood malaise. Encourage the woman to seek assistance and
loss. The lochia may also be offensive if infection is a stress the importance of making an appointment to see
contributory factor. Subinvolution, pyrexia and tachycar- her GP to have her general health and haemoglobin
dia are usually present. As this is an event that is most levels checked.
likely to occur at home, women should be alerted to the
possible signs of secondary PPH prior to discharge from
midwifery care. Haematoma formation
PPH may also be concealed as the result of progressive
Management haematoma formation. This may be obvious at such sites
as the perineum or lower vagina, but it is more difficult to
The following steps should be taken: diagnose if it occurs into the broad ligament or vault of
• call a doctor the vagina. A large volume of blood may collect insidi-
• reassure the woman and her support person(s) ously (up to 1 litre). Involution and lochia are usually
• rub up a contraction by massaging the uterus if it is normal, the main symptom being increasingly severe
still palpable maternal pain. This is often so acute that the haematoma
• express any clots has to be drained in theatre under a general anaesthetic.
• encourage the mother to empty her bladder Secondary infection is a strong possibility.

Section | 4 | Labour

Box 18.3 Key issues in the management of the

Care after a postpartum
third stage of labour haemorrhage
Whatever the cause of the haemorrhage, the woman will
• Difficulty of implementing well-documented research need the continued support of her midwife until she
evidence into practice (e.g. delayed cord clamping, regains her confidence. Her partner may also be fearful of
avoidance of CCT, using EMTSL for low-risk women)
a recurrence and need much reassurance. If the mother is
needs to be addressed.
breastfeeding, lactation may be impaired but this will only
• Care during the third stage of labour should not be be temporary and she should be reassured that persevering
viewed in isolation from what has occurred during the
will result in a return to normal lactation.
first and second stages of labour.
• The development of the mother–baby–father
relationship should be given priority.
• The global PPH rate has not reduced significantly in CONCLUSION
the past decade regardless of interventions applied
(see CMACE 2011 for UK). Key issues in the management of the third stage of labour
• Possible research: How does delayed childbearing are summarized in Box 18.3.
(increased age of women having a first baby), assisted
reproductive technology, high rates of oxytocin use in
the first stage, or obesity affect the risk of PPH?


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POPPHI: www.pphprevention.org
(Prevention of Postpartum
Hemorrhage Initiative)

Chapter 19
Prolonged pregnancy and disorders
of uterine action
Annie Rimmer

CHAPTER CONTENTS This chapter examines the evidence relating to

prolonged pregnancy, induction of labour,
Prolonged pregnancy 418 prolonged labour and precipitate labour. Any
decision with regards to the management of a
Incidence 418
pregnancy that continues beyond term is based
Possible implication for mother, fetus on discussion between the woman and
and baby 418 obstetrician, but the midwife is in a unique
Predisposing factors 419 position to help the woman make sense of such
discussions, thereby enabling her to make an
Plan of care for prolonged pregnancy 419 informed decision based on informed choice.
The midwife’s role 420 When labour is induced, when there is failure to
Induction of labour (IOL) 420 progress in labour or when labour is prolonged,
Indications for induction of labour 421 with or without further complications, the
midwife remains in a key position to ensure the
Methods of induction 422 woman is kept informed so that she is enabled
Midwife’s role when caring for the to continue to exercise her ability to be
mother where labour is being induced 425 autonomous in the plan of care of her own
Alternative approaches to initiating labour and birth and the execution of that plan.
labour 426 The role of the midwife in the care of the
woman will be discussed throughout.
Failure to progress and prolonged labour 426
Delay in the latent phase of labour 426
Delay in the active phase of labour 427 THE CHAPTER AIMS TO:
The influence of the 3 ‘Ps’ 427 • explore the issues relating to prolonged pregnancy
The midwife’s role in caring for with reference to research and other evidence
a woman in prolonged labour 428 • outline the indications for the induction of labour
Delay in the second stage of labour 429 and examine the methods used to induce labour in
Obstructed labour 429 contemporary practice
Precipitate labour 430 • describe the process where there is perceived failure
to progress in labour or labour is prolonged and
Making birth a positive experience 430
review the current evidence used to support the
References 431 management and care in such cases
Further reading 433 • describe the serious complication that is obstructed
Useful websites 433 labour and discuss the importance of competent

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 417

Section | 4 | Labour

midwifery management and care of women during variation is a reflection of the disparate definitions as high-
the antenatal and intrapartum period if such lighted above, the number of women where EDB is uncer-
complications are to be avoided tain and different induction policies (Simpson and Stanley
• highlight the significant events in a precipitate 2011). Based on a definition of equal to or more than 42
labour. weeks a true incidence of prolonged pregnancy is difficult
to assess because in many cases women’s labour is induced
before reaching that time for specific complications in the
pregnancy, for maternal request or because the pregnancy
PROLONGED PREGNANCY has gone beyond the EDB. According to the Department
of Health (DH 2006), prolonged pregnancy was the most
Much of the confusion when exploring the research and common indication given for induction of labour (IOL)
other evidence on pregnancies that go beyond the expected in England, accounting for approximately 46% of induc-
date of birth (EDB) and more specifically beyond 42 weeks tions overall. Unfortunately the latest figures from the
(294 days) lies in the terms used to describe such pregnan- Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC 2012)
cies such as post-term pregnancy, prolonged pregnancy do not provide the same breakdown of statistics, only
and postdates. According to Hermus et al (2009) post- giving an overall induction rate for England for 2011–2012
term pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy where the gesta- of 22.1%. It is acknowledged that in this period in England
tion exceeds 42 completed weeks (294 days). This 4.2% of women gave birth at 42 weeks and over (HSCIC
definition is also used by others when referring to pro- 2012).
longed pregnancy (NICE [National Institute for Health The use of an early ultrasound scan to date the preg-
and Clinical Excellence] 2008a; Simpson and Stanley nancy (Chapter 11), whether or not there is uncertainty
2011). Gülmezoglu et al (2012) refer to pregnancies that with the last menstrual period (LMP), is thought by many
go beyond 294 days as both post-term and postdate. to reduce the number of pregnancies categorized as pro-
What is clear is that all these terms refer to a specific longed (Ragunath and McKewan 2007; NICE 2008a;
gestation of the pregnancy and not the fetus or neonate. Simpson and Stanley 2011; Tun and Tuohy 2011; Oros et al
For the purposes of this chapter the term prolonged preg- 2012). Both accurately defining prolonged pregnancy and
nancy will be used to describe a pregnancy equal to or the accurate dating of a pregnancy is important if the
beyond 42 weeks. Postmaturity refers to a description of woman is to be advised appropriately regarding the pos-
the neonate with peeling of the epidermis, long nails, sible risks when discussing the options of expectant man-
loose skin suggestive of recent weight loss and an alert face agement or IOL where pregnancy is prolonged in order to
(Koklanaris and Tropper 2006). The relationship, if any, avoid unnecessary intervention in an otherwise ‘low-risk’
between prolonged pregnancy and postmaturity will be pregnancy.
explored later in the chapter.
If prolonged pregnancy is defined by weeks of gesta-
tion, whether this is based on a calculation of the EDB Possible implications for mother,
using Naegele’s rule or by ultrasound scan no later than fetus and baby
16 weeks, is to consider women as a homogenous group
and neglects, among other things, the racial variations In exploring the research and other evidence, a number of
with shorter gestational age in South Asian and Black studies suggest there is an increase in perinatal mortality
women (Balchin et al 2007). If the anxiety pertaining to and morbidity as the pregnancy goes beyond 41 weeks
prolonged pregnancy is possible adverse neonatal (Hermus et al 2009; Simpson and Stanley 2011; Cheyne
outcome then perhaps we need to consider how pro- et al 2012; Gülmezoglu et al 2012; Oros et al 2012).
longed pregnancy is defined for these groups of women. Whilst many authors acknowledge that the ‘absolute risk
Laursen et al (2004) suggest the notion of prolonged is small’ (NICE 2008a; McCarthy and Kenny 2010; Simpson
pregnancy as ‘a normal variation of human gestation’. and Stanley 2011; Cheyne et al 2012; Gülmezoglu et al
According to Hovi et al (2006) only a small proportion 2012), this information almost appears as an afterthought
of prolonged pregnancies have babies that are postmature and not worthy of further discussion. If prolonged preg-
as described above. nancy is to be perceived as a ‘complication’ the possible
‘risks’ need to be viewed from the perspectives of the
mother, fetus and neonate with regards to morbidity and
INCIDENCE Simpson and Stanley (2011) suggest that if a pregnancy
continues beyond 41 completed weeks the risks for the
According to NICE (2008a), the frequency or incidence of mother are associated with a large for gestational age or
prolonged pregnancy is between 5% and 10%. The wide macrosomic infant such as shoulder dystocia, genital tract

Prolonged pregnancy and disorders of uterine action Chapter | 19 |

trauma, operative birth and postpartum haemorrhage

(PPH). In an otherwise low-risk pregnancy such risks must
be balanced with the risks of IOL, such as increased need
for epidural anaesthesia, uterine hyperstimulation, opera- PREGNANCY
tive birth, PPH and failed induction (Ragunath and
McKewan 2007; Hermus et al 2009; McCarthy and Kenny In previous editions of this book the subheading ‘Manage-
2010; Bailit et al 2010; Gülmezoglu et al 2012; Jowitt 2012; ment of prolonged pregnancy’ has been used, which may
Oros et al 2012). give the impression that the woman has little to contribute
According to Simpson and Stanley (2011), the possible to the pregnancy and how it should proceed once she has
risks for the fetus and neonate in a prolonged pregnancy reached 42 weeks. This implies compliance with the
appear to be two-fold: placental dysfunction linked to ‘choices’ given by the healthcare professional rather than
oligohydramnios, restricted fetal growth, meconium asp­ active participation in the discussion on the options and
iration, asphyxia and still birth; conversely the cases where choices available which every woman is entitled to
growth continues resulting in a macrosomic infant at risk (Kirkham et al 2002; Cheyne et al 2012; Stevens and
of bony injury, soft tissue trauma, hypoxia and cerebral Miller 2012). The concept of ‘plan of care’ for prolonged
haemorrhage. The work of Fox (1997) suggests that the pregnancy is perhaps less autocratic, the term implying an
changes in the placenta over the course of pregnancy are approach the purpose of which is for the healthcare pro-
part of a process of maturation and an increase in func- fessional to work with the woman to determine the most
tional efficiency as opposed to a decrease in functional appropriate way forward with the pregnancy in order to
efficiency. Given that few post-term neonates exhibit signs ensure the optimum outcome for both mother and baby.
of postmaturity, possible changes in placental function In a prolonged pregnancy where there are any obstetric or
might be more appropriately linked to pregnancies where medical complications the priority in the plan of care
the neonate displays such characteristics rather than in should, with maternal consent, follow the practice for the
prolonged pregnancies per se (Koklanaris and Tropper specific complication. If the pregnancy is otherwise low
2006). risk, the plan of care can follow an expectant or active
approach, and the decision on which approach to take
should be based on the woman (and partner) receiving
the information on the possible benefits and risks of each
Predisposing factors to enable her to make an informed decision based on
Factors that might predispose a woman to a prolonged informed choice (NICE 2008a; Jowitt 2012).
pregnancy include: obesity, nulliparity, family history of If a woman chooses the expectant approach the recom-
prolonged pregnancy, male fetus, fetal anomaly such as mendations from NICE (2008a) are increased antenatal
anencephaly (Olesen et al 2006; Biggar et al 2010; Arrow- surveillance which includes cardiotocography (CTG) at
smith et al 2011; Morken et al 2011; Simpson and Stanley least two times a week, and an ultrasound scan to estimate
2011). Cardozo et al (1986) suggest there might be three the maximum amniotic fluid pool depth rather than a
sub-groups related to a prolonged pregnancy, which more complex approach to antenatal fetal surveillance
include those where the dates are incorrect, those with a which includes ‘computerised CTG, amniotic fluid index,
normal prolonged gestation where physiological maturity and assessment of fetal breathing, tone and gross body
is achieved after 42 weeks and those with correct dates and movements’ (NICE 2008a: 279).
are functionally mature but who do not go into labour at The use of a cervical membrane sweep (CMS) at 41
term. Biggar et al (2010) looking at whether the spontan­ weeks’ gestation has been shown to increase the spontan­
eous onset of labour is immunologically mediated found eous onset of labour before 42 weeks in some nulliparous
the risk of prolonged pregnancy is higher in first pregnan- and parous women (Mitchell et al 1977; de Miranda et al
cies and subsequently reduces with each following preg- 2006). The purpose of CMS is to attempt to initiate the
nancy, where the father is the same. If there is a different onset of labour physiologically thus avoiding the interven-
father the risk of prolonged pregnancy is as if it were a first tion of IOL using prostaglandin, artificial rupture of mem-
pregnancy. Morken et al (2011) found there was a familial branes (ARM) and oxytocin. CMS is designed to separate
factor in relation to the recurrence of prolonged pregnancy the membranes from their cervical attachment by intro-
across generations, which involves both the mother and ducing the examining fingers into the cervical os and
the father. Laursen et al (2004) demonstrate a lower peri- passing them circumferentially around the cervix. The
natal mortality rate in prolonged pregnancies where the process of detaching the membranes from the decidua
mother has had a previous prolonged pregnancy, which results in an increase in the concentration of circulating
would seem to support a possible genetic influence with prostaglandins that may contribute to the initiation of the
a prolonged gestation as a normal variation on human onset of labour in some individuals (Mitchell et al 1977).
gestation. Massage of the cervix can be used when the cervical os

Section | 4 | Labour

remains closed and this process may also cause release of whilst the EDB remains the focus, the debate and contro-
local prostaglandin. If after an appropriate time labour has versy will continue. A number of women will gladly
not started spontaneously the process can be repeated. The accept, and may even request IOL once they go beyond
practice of CMS is not associated with any increase in their EDB and that decision must be respected, but
maternal or neonatal infection although women report the decision not to have labour induced must also be
more vaginal blood loss and painful contractions in the respected, rather than, as NICE (2008a: 29), suggest
24-hour period following the procedure. Simpson and ‘should’ be respected.
Stanley (2011) state that to avoid IOL in one woman CMS
would need to performed for seven women and suggest
the benefit is therefore small. However, when one com-
The midwife’s role
pares this to Stock et al (2012), who state that 1040 The woman and her partner must be given clear and un-
women would need to be induced to avoid one perinatal biased information pertaining to the benefits and possible
death, whilst leading to seven additional admissions to risks of any proposed plan of care to enable the woman
the special care baby unit, the ‘odds’ for CMS as a possible to make an informed decision based on informed choice.
means to initiate labour seem extremely favourable. It is clear from the literature that this is not always the case,
Menticoglou and Hall (2002) argue that ‘ritual induc- and the woman is being directed towards IOL by over­
tion’ at 41 weeks is based on flawed evidence and interferes emphasizing the risks of prolonged pregnancy whilst
with a ‘normal physiologic situation’. Heimstad et al downplaying the risks associated with IOL (Gatward et al
(2007) compared IOL at 41 weeks’ gestation with expect- 2010; Cheyne et al 2012; Stevens and Miller 2012). Whilst
ant management and found no difference between the two the obstetrician will take the lead in such cases, the
groups with regards to neonatal morbidity or mode of midwife has a key role in facilitating the woman’s right to
birth. A number of authors cite evidence that where there autonomy by ensuring she has been given clear and unbi-
is an active approach and IOL is undertaken beyond 41 ased information, that she fully understands the options
weeks there is a reduction in perinatal mortality (NICE available to her, and in appropriate cases, acting as the
2008a; Simpson and Stanley 2011; Tun and Tuohy 2011). woman’s advocate (NMC [Nursing and Midwifery Council]
But as stated above, many authors acknowledge that the 2012, 2008). Women are put in an unenviable situation
‘absolute risk of perinatal death is small’ (NICE 2008a; at an extremely vulnerable time in their lives and they
McCarthy and Kenny 2010; Simpson and Stanley 2011; expect, quite rightly, that the experts will help them to
Cheyne et al 2012; Gülmezoglu et al 2012). Oros et al make sense of the choices available to them. The midwife
(2012) found that IOL at 41 weeks led to an increase in has a duty of care to assist women at this time. It is,
the length of hospital stay for the mother and an increase however, important to understand that whatever plan of
in the caesarean section rate. care is put in place in any pregnancy, it is not always pos-
The debate on the management of prolonged pregnancy sible to avoid a perinatal death.
centres on the disparate evidence with regards to fetal risk See Box 19.1 for a summary of the key points relating
and neonatal outcome in terms of perinatal mortality and to prolonged pregnancy.
morbidity, and implementing a policy of ‘management’
rather than a ‘plan of care’ is designed to reduce these risks.
When looking at the evidence surrounding post dates
(40+0 weeks to 41+6 weeks) and prolonged pregnancy (42 INDUCTION OF LABOUR (IOL)
weeks), what is clear is that nothing is clear. There is a
plethora of evidence but much of it is contradictory and Labour is the process whereby the uterine muscle contracts
much of it is couched in emotive terms. Reference is con- and retracts leading to effacement and dilatation of the
sistently made to the ‘risks of’ prolonged pregnancy or the cervix, the birth of the baby, expulsion of the placenta and
‘risk of’ recurrence of prolonged pregnancy, which seems membranes, and the control of bleeding (see Chapters
to imply that a poor outcome is inevitable. NICE (2008a) 16–18). It is only one part of the passage in the childbirth
refers to the ‘risks of’ prolonged pregnancy against the experience but for the majority of women and their
harms and benefits of IOL to avoid prolonged pregnancy. partners it is the singular most important part and the
The mechanisms leading to the onset of labour remain care and management they receive will always be
largely unknown and the possibility of a prolonged preg- remembered.
nancy being a variation on human gestation within IOL is an intervention to initiate the process of labour
normal parameters should be considered. described above by artificial means and involves the use
Like many authors, NICE (2008a) seem to imply, either of prostaglandins, ARM (amniotomy), intravenous oxy-
implicitly or explicitly, there are no benefits to a prolonged tocin, or any combination of these (WHO [World Health
pregnancy. Can nature really have got it so wrong? The Organization] 2011). It is the term used when initiating
emphasis appears to be that in human parturition an EDB this process in pregnancies from 24 weeks’ gestation, the
is calculated, and it is downhill all the way from there; and legal definition of fetal viability in the United Kingdom

Prolonged pregnancy and disorders of uterine action Chapter | 19 |

Box 19.1 Key points in the management of Box 19.2 Indications for induction of labour
prolonged pregnancy
• Accurate EDB determined by LMP and early • Prolonged pregnancy – defined as one that exceeds
ultrasound reduces the incidence of pregnancies 42 completed weeks or 294 days. This is the
diagnosed as prolonged. commonest reason for induction of labour in England
• The length of gestation in some racial groups must because of the increased risk of perinatal mortality
also be considered with regards to a definition of and morbidity when the pregnancy continues beyond
prolonged pregnancy in these groups of women to term, although the absolute risk is small (see above).
improve perinatal outcomes. • Hypertension, including pre-eclampsia – the decision
• A membrane sweep can be offered from 40 weeks as to induce labour and expedite delivery is done in the
a means to initiate the onset of spontaneous labour. best interests of the woman and her baby and the
• Where there is any complication in a pregnancy timing of induction will be influenced by the severity
approaching or beyond term the priority in of her symptoms.
management should follow the practice for the • Diabetes – the type and severity of diabetes influence
specific complication. the decision to induce. The risk of fetal macrosomia is
• Where the woman makes the choice for expectant increased where diabetic control is poor. In women
management she must be informed that any with pre-existing type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the risk
deviations highlighted in antenatal surveillance will of adverse perinatal outcome is significantly increased
necessitate a review of the plan of care and the over the national population (NICE 2008b). Where the
options available to her. fetus is normally grown, elective IOL is offered after
38 weeks’ gestation.
• Prelabour rupture of membranes – the longer the
interval between membrane rupture and birth of the
baby increases the risk of infection to mother and
fetus. For the majority of women spontaneous labour
(UK) (House of Commons Select Committee 2007). will commence within 24 hours of rupture of
Where labour is being induced a full assessment must be membranes but women should be offered the choice
made to ensure that any intervention planned will confer of IOL after 24 hours or expectant management (NICE
more benefit than risk for both mother and baby. 2008a).
There has been a steady rise in IOL in recent years, the • Maternal request – this may be for psychological or
most recent statistics showing an IOL rate of 22.1% social reasons. For some women there are compelling
(HSCIC 2012). In the UK it is an intervention that has reasons for requesting IOL when there is no clinical
become routine practice in maternity units within the indication. In such cases it is important the woman is
National Health Service (NHS). When comparing IOL to quite clear about the implications of such a decision.
a spontaneous onset of labour, evidence demonstrates IOL may be considered from 40 weeks (NICE 2008a).
that it is more painful, that women are more likely to
require epidural anaesthesia and an assisted mode of
birth (NICE 2008a; WHO 2011). The decision therefore • Fetal death – if there are no complications such as
to induce labour should only be made when it is clear SRM, infection or bleeding the choice of immediate
that a vaginal birth is the most appropriate outcome in IOL or expectant management should be offered.
this pregnancy, at this time, for that particular woman Where there are complications IOL is recommended.
and her baby. • Fetal anomaly not compatible with life.

Indications for IOL

IOL is considered when the maternal or fetal condition
suggests that a better outcome will be achieved by inter- (2008a) state this should only be agreed in exceptional
vening in the pregnancy than by allowing it to continue. circumstances. Ultimately, the grounds on which the deci-
This most commonly applies to cases where there are sion is made to induce labour must be sound enough to
deviations from the normal physiological processes of support the outcome whatever that outcome might be.
childbirth as a result of hypertension, diabetes, fetal There is no guarantee IOL will result in a vaginal birth or
growth restriction or macrosomia. A list of some of the positive outcome for mother and/or her baby.
indications for IOL can be seen in Box 19.2, although this The contraindications for IOL are situations that pre-
should not be considered as a definitive list. The mother clude a vaginal birth in the best interests of the mother
may also request to have labour induced, although NICE and/or baby. These are listed in Box 19.3.

Section | 4 | Labour

Methods of induction A VE to assess the cervix and the likelihood of successful

induction in this way is by nature a subjective examination
The cervix must maintain its integrity during pregnancy and as such there will be inter-observer variations. Trans-
and then undergo remodelling prior to labour. For an vaginal ultrasound assessment of cervical length was
induction to be successful the cervix needs to have under- found to be superior to the Bishop’s score in predicting
gone the changes that will ensure the uterine contractions the success of IOL (Elghorori et al 2006), but currently VE
are effective in the progressive dilatation and effacement remains the most common method of cervical assessment
of the cervix, descent of the presenting part and the birth for IOL. Whilst it is acknowledged that a VE is a subjective
of the baby. means of assessment, if the same individual undertakes
The cervix is said to be ripe when it has undergone these the assessment each time then inter-observer variation
changes. The Bishop score, devised in the 1960s (Bishop does not apply. This would also provide the woman with
1964), is the means by which the ripeness of the cervix is continuity of caregiver at an extremely vulnerable and
assessed using a scoring that examines four features of the anxious time for her, which is in the woman’s best interest
cervix and the relationship of the presenting part to the and a standard of care midwives should aim to meet.
ischial spines. Each of these five elements is scored between
0 and 3 on vaginal examination (VE). The scoring system
has been modified and it is this version that is used in Cervical membrane sweep
contemporary practice (see Table 19.1). Whilst a score of A cervical membrane sweep (CMS), as described previ-
≤6 is considered to be unfavourable, a score of 8 or more ously, is considered by NICE (2008a) to be an addition to,
suggests a greater probability of a vaginal birth, similar to rather than a method of IOL per se. They recommend it is
that when the onset of labour is spontaneous (NICE offered to nulliparous women at the 40- and 41-week
2008a; Gülmezoglu et al 2012). A ripe or favourable cervix antenatal examination and to parous women at the
is one that for the purpose of IOL is more compliant, 41-week review. It is commonly undertaken by a doctor or
offering less resistance as the contraction and retraction of midwife experienced in the practice and has been shown
the myometrium forces the presenting part down (NICE to reduce the need for further methods to induce labour
2008a). (Mitchell et al 1977; Boulvain et al 2005; McCarthy and
Kenny 2010). However, Rogers (2010) suggests the evi-
dence on this is inconclusive and both women and mid-
Box 19.3 Some contraindications for induction wives need to be aware of this if the woman is to be able
of labour to make an informed choice. Some women may find the
procedure uncomfortable or painful and they may experi-
• Placenta praevia ence vaginal spotting and abdominal cramps (McCarthy
• Transverse lie or compound presentation and Kenny 2010). Wong et al (2002) found that whilst the
• HIV-positive women not receiving any anti-retroviral procedure was safe in that it did not lead to prelabour
therapy or women on any anti-retroviral therapy with rupture of membranes, bleeding or maternal or neonatal
a viral load of 400 copies/ml or more (RCOG 2010; infection, for some women it did cause significant discom-
NICE 2011) fort and in their study was not found to reduce the need
• Active genital herpes for IOL. Boulvain et al (2005) suggest the possible benefits
• Cord presentation or cord prolapse when vaginal birth in terms of a reduction in more formal induction methods
is not imminent need to be weighed against the discomfort of the VE and
• Known cephalo-pelvic disproportion (CPD) other adverse effects of bleeding and irregular contractions
• Severe acute fetal compromise not leading to labour. The recommendation from NICE
(2008a) to offer CMS at 40/41 weeks is to avoid prolonged

Table 19.1 Modified Bishop’s pre-induction pelvic scoring system

Inducibility features 0 1 2 3
Dilatation of cervix in cm <1 1–2 2–4 >4
Consistency of cervix Firm Firm Med Soft
Cervical canal length in cm >4 2–4 1–2 <1
Position of cervix Post Mid Ant –
Station of presenting part in cm above or below ischial spine −3 −2 −1, 0 +1, +2

Prolonged pregnancy and disorders of uterine action Chapter | 19 |

pregnancy and is not meant for high-risk cases. Whilst the the use of gel, tablet or controlled release pessary. In a
evidence on whether it leads to spontaneous labour is small study by Tomlinson et al (2001), the women receiv-
inconclusive, if the alternative is IOL for women whose ing the slow release pessary gave a higher satisfaction score
only risk factor seems to be their EDB it is perhaps an with regards to their perception of labour. Whilst the slow
‘intervention’ that is worthy of consideration. release preparation would appear to confer more benefit
from the woman’s perspective with regard to fewer vaginal
examinations, the difference in cost between the gel, tablet
Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) (Dinoprostone)
and controlled release pessary, with currently the latter
Prostaglandins are naturally occurring female hormones being marginally more expensive, may prohibit its use in
present in tissues throughout the body. Prostaglandin E2 some NHS Trusts for routine use in IOL.
and F2 are known to be produced by tissues of the cervix, Prior to the insertion of PGE2, the midwife will carry out
uterus, decidua and the fetal membranes and to act locally an abdominal examination to confirm fetal lie, presenta-
on these structures. Dinoprostone is the active ingredient tion, descent of presenting part and fetal wellbeing by use
in PGE2 vaginal tablets, gel and pessaries (BNF [British of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM). All findings are
National Formulary] 2013). It replicates prostaglandin E2 clearly recorded in the woman’s maternity records and if
produced by the uterus in early labour to ripen the cervix there is any doubt or concern in the findings the process
and is seen as a more natural method than the use of must be stopped and the doctor informed (NMC 2012).
oxytocin. PGE2 placed high in the posterior fornix of the Following insertion of PGE2 the woman is advised to lie
vagina, taking great care to avoid inserting it into the cervi- down for 30 minutes. When contractions begin continu-
cal canal (see Fig. 19.1) is absorbed by the epithelium of ous EFM is used to assess fetal wellbeing. If the CTG is
the vagina and cervix leading to relaxation and dilatation confirmed to be normal, i.e. all four features are consid-
of the muscle of the cervix and subsequent contraction of ered to be reassuring, the CTG can be discontinued and
uterine muscle. According to Blackburn (2013), the use of intermittent auscultation used unless there are any other
a prostaglandin greatly increases the probability of delivery clear indications for the use of continuous EFM (NICE
occurring within 24 hours, and prior to the use of oxytocin 2007, 2008a). Currently the IOL process commonly takes
potentiates the effects of the oxytocic agent (BNF 2013). place as an inpatient, either on the antenatal ward or
There are a number of preparations of PGE2, which have labour suite depending on the reason for IOL. There is
been found to be clinically equivalent; but not bioequiva- evidence to support starting the IOL process in the
lent. The current recommendation from NICE (2008a) is morning rather than the evening, citing increased mater-
nal satisfaction with the process (NICE 2008a). Prior to
the administration of the PGE2 the midwife must confirm
there is a bed available on the labour suite in the event
Vagina there is a need to transfer the woman as a matter of
(directed posteriorly) urgency. For the safety of the woman and her baby any
decision to proceed with IOL must take cognisance of the
current situation on the labour suite because the woman’s
response to insertion of PGE2 cannot be predicted. If there
are any maternal or fetal risk factors in the pregnancy the
IOL must take place on the labour suite.
Where the membranes are intact or ruptured the recom-
mended initial dose for all women, whether it is a first or
subsequent pregnancy, is one dose of PGE2 tablet (3 mg)
or gel (1–2 mg), re-assess in 6 hours and if labour is not
established, and the woman has given consent, a second
dose of tablet or gel is inserted into the posterior fornix of
the vagina. This equates to one cycle. Alternatively one
Posterior fornix cycle of PGE2 controlled-release pessary (10 mg) can be
given over 24 hours, which is one pessary. The maximum
Fig. 19.1 Insertion of prostaglandins. The posterior fornix of recommended dose of PGE2 tablet, gel or controlled-
the vagina is used to insert prostaglandins for ripening or release pessary being one cycle (NICE 2008a). Side-effects
induction of labour. The key point is that when undertaking
of PGE2 include nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea (BNF
a vaginal examination to assess the cervix midwives should
follow the direction of the vagina, which will be directed
2013). If labour is not established after one cycle of treat-
posteriorly if the woman is semi-recumbent. The uterus is ment the IOL is classed as having failed, and having
anteverted and anteflexed, creating the posterior fornix. The established both mother and baby are in good health
cervix may appear ‘difficult to reach’, particularly when discussion must take place between the woman and doctor
unfavourable. with regards to further options – these being another

Section | 4 | Labour

attempt to induce labour or elective caesarean section infection from the genital tract leading to an increased risk
(NICE 2008a). of perinatal mortality (Bricker and Luckas 2012; Blackburn
Vaginal PGE2 is currently the only recommended route 2013). For this reason if a decision has been made to
for the use of prostaglandins for IOL. Misoprostol (PGE1) induce labour for perceived risks it is common practice to
is not licensed for use in the UK. Whilst it is thought to start an oxytocin infusion within a few hours if labour has
be more effective and less expensive than PGE2 and oxy- not been established following the ARM. In their review
tocin for the IOL there remain questions about safety of two trials Bricker and Luckas (2012) found insufficient
issues with regards to uterine hyperstimulation. Currently evidence to recommend amniotomy alone for the IOL.
in the UK PGE1 is recommended for IOL only where there Changes to ripen the cervix are thought to be in response
is an intrauterine fetal death (IUFD). to prostglandin produced by the amnion and cervix. In
With a caesarean section (CS) rate in excess of 25% pregnancy the chorion provides a barrier to the amnion
(HSCIC 2012), it is inevitable that more and more women and fetus from the vagina and cervix. Prostaglandin dehy-
with a uterine scar will be faced with the decision regard- drogenase (PGDH) is an enzyme produced by the chorion
ing IOL. Whilst previously PGE2 was not recommended that breaks down prostaglandin. As a result of the actions
where there was a scar on the uterus, women with a previ- of this enzyme the changes in the cervix do not take place
ous lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) may now be and pre-term labour is avoided (Smyth et al 2013). Mitch-
offered IOL using PGE2. It is important for the midwife to ell et al (1977) found that VE in late pregnancy rapidly
understand the significance of a scarred uterus and choices increases the concentration of circulating prostaglandins.
with regards to IOL to ensure the woman is informed of This change occurs both in sweeping the membranes and
the increased risk of requiring an emergency CS and with ARM. It is thought it is the disruption of the attach-
increased risk of rupture of the uterus. ment of the membranes to the uterine wall that facilitates
this change. In contrast, Van Meir et al (1997) found that
in labouring women the part of the chorion that was in
Risk associated with use of PGE2 close contact with the cervical os released less PGDH
The use of PGE2 can be unpredictable and may lead allowing the prostaglandin from the amnion to come
to uterine hyperstimulation, placental abruption, fetal into contact with the cervix and facilitate ripening of the
hypoxia, pulmonary or amniotic fluid embolism (Kramer cervix. The theory is that if an ARM is performed too early
et al 2006). The risk of uterine rupture is rare, occurring the action of the amniotic prostaglandins on the cervix
in between 0.3% and 7% of labours. is lost.

Artificial rupture of membranes (ARM) Oxytocin

There are two layers of membrane surrounding the fetus: Oxytocin is synthesized in the hypothalamus and then
the amnion is closest to the fetus, and the chorion is transported to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
nearest to the decidua. ARM is a relatively simple process from where it is episodically released to act on smooth
that can be used in an attempt to induce labour if the muscle. The number of oxytocin receptors in the myo-
cervix is favourable and the presenting part is fixed in the metrium significantly increases by term increasing uterine
pelvis, particularly where the woman does not want to use oxytocin sensitivity (Blackburn 2013).
drugs such as PGE2 or oxytocin, or where there is a risk of In its synthetic form, oxytocin (Syntocinon) is a power-
hyperstimulation if using PGE2. Prior to the procedure an ful uterotonic agent that may be used as part of the process
abdominal examination is carried out and if the lie is for IOL following ARM. NICE (2008a) do not recommend
longitudinal, the presenting part is engaged and the fetal the use of oxytocin alone for IOL, or the use of ARM and
heart rate is within normal limits, a VE is done to assess oxytocin as a ‘primary method’ of IOL, unless the use of
the cervix, confirm the presentation and station and to vaginal PGE2 is specifically contraindicated. Oxytocin
exclude possible cord presentation or vasa praevia. If these should be administered by slow intravenous infusion
findings are satisfactory the bag of membranes lying in using an infusion pump or syringe driver with non-return
front of the presenting part (forewaters) is ruptured with valve. The infusion rate should follow NHS Trust protocol
the use of an amnihook or similar device to release the and the maximum rate of 0.2 units/minute should not be
amniotic fluid. The fluid is assessed for colour and volume exceeded (BNF 2013). The dose is titrated against uterine
and following ARM it may be possible to distinguish other activity, usually increasing the dose every 30 minutes with
features on the presenting part to identify the position of the aim of 3–4 contractions every 10 minutes with each
the fetus. After the procedure the woman is made comfort- contraction lasting approximately one minute, using the
able, the fetal heart is auscultated and all findings are lowest possible dose. If contractions exceed this rate, or
recorded in the maternity notes. The longer the interval the contractions fail to establish, the infusion must be
between ARM and birth increases the risk of the woman stopped and the case reviewed to determine the next step.
developing chorioamnionitis as a result of an ascending There should be an interval of at least six hours between

Prolonged pregnancy and disorders of uterine action Chapter | 19 |

administration of prostaglandins and commencement of process will be unsuccessful. Whilst the assumption may
an oxytocin infusion. be that this will already have been discussed, it is incum-
When using an oxytocin infusion the fetal heart rate and bent upon the midwife to ensure the woman is fully
uterine activity should be monitored using continuous informed (NMC 2008, 2012). Time should be allowed for
EFM to ensure the fetus does not become compromised discussion with the midwife or obstetrician and it must be
by the induced uterine contractions. There is a risk of remembered that consent to a treatment can be withdrawn
hyperstimulation and hypertonic uterus leading to fetal at any time and this decision by the woman must be
compromise (Ragunath and McEwan 2007; McCarthy and respected (Griffith et al 2010). The midwife or doctor
Kenny 2010). In such cases the infusion is decreased or should record any discussion that takes place and any
discontinued and medical aid summoned. Even with the requests made in the maternity notes.
use of the CTG the midwife still has an important role to During the induction process all maternal and fetal
play in assessing the woman’s progress. The graphic repre- observations will be recorded in the maternity notes. Until
sentation on the CTG provides an indication of the fre- labour is established and the partogram is commenced the
quency of the contractions but does not necessarily observation are normally recorded in the antenatal section
provide an accurate representation of the length and of the notes. Because the layout is not as comprehensive
strength of the contractions, and for this reason it is and logical as the partogram it is important the midwife
important that the midwife continues to palpate the is clear and methodical in her documentation at this time
uterus to assess contractions for their length and strength. (NMC 2012). The frequency and type of monitoring of the
Whatever ‘science’ is being employed to assess maternal mother and fetus will depend on the reason for and
and fetal wellbeing the midwife has a valuable opportu- method of induction. The midwife is advised to follow the
nity to be with the woman and to use her ‘art’ to make a local NHS Trust guidelines regarding IOL in each case, if
more holistic assessment of the woman and how she is this is what the woman wishes and has consented to. It is
responding to the process and what she wants and needs important when monitoring the wellbeing of the mother
at this time. and fetus during the induction process that the midwife
Risks associated with use of intravenous oxytocin understands the possible risks associated with each
include: method of induction and is confident and competent in
• Uterine hyperstimulation or hypertonus recognizing and responding to any deviations from
• Fetal hypoxia and asphyxia normal.
• Uterine rupture When the onset of labour is spontaneous it is a more
• Fluid retention as a result of the antidiuretic effect of insidious process and as such the woman has time to
oxytocin adjust to the changes in her body and is usually better able
• Postpartum haemorrhage to cope with contractions. When labour is induced the
• Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) sudden onset of strong painful contractions occurring
every three to four minutes can be quite overwhelming
and result in an early request for pain relief. As well as this
Midwife’s role when caring the woman has to make a temporal shift from how she
for the mother where labour planned to birth her baby to what is now taking place. This
can be extremely hard for the woman and her partner to
is being induced
come to terms with and can have a negative impact on this
The midwife’s responsibilities regarding IOL include care singularly important time in both their lives. Continuity
during the antenatal and intrapartum period. Where a of caregiver in labour is important in developing a rapport
decision has been made to induce labour it is important with the woman and her partner and in being able to
the midwife ensures the woman and her partner have been make an assessment of her progress based on physical
fully informed and understand the process and how it observations of abdominal examination and VE as well as
might be undertaken. As can be seen from above there are less tangible observations of body language and behaviour
a number of ways that labour can be induced and the (Lowe 2007; Laursen et al 2009; Hodnett et al 2012). In
manner the induction will take will depend on the indi- this way the midwife may be better able to advise the
vidual circumstances of each woman. All information woman of her progress to help her in her decision as to
should be given in an objective manner to ensure the how she would like her labour to proceed. IOL does not
woman and her partner understand the reason for the have to be a negative experience and the midwife is in a
induction, any possible consequences or risks of having/ key position to use her ‘art’ to enable the woman to have
not having the procedure as well as any alternatives to IOL a positive birthing experience, whatever the outcome.
(NICE 2008a). It is important for the woman and her It must be remembered that each woman’s labour,
partner to understand that induction may be delayed if the whether it is spontaneous onset or induced, is their own
labour suite is busy, that it might take some time for con- individual experience, and what they wish for their labour
tractions to be initiated, and the possibility the induction may not always conform to NHS Trust guidelines. As in

Section | 4 | Labour

all care the midwife provides, valid consent must be in which the woman feels in control of events and has
obtained before any examination or intervention, and this trust in those caring for her (Laursen et al 2009) and is an
requires taking time to give the woman the information equally important part of the process of labour (see
so that she is fully informed and knows and understands Chapter 1).
what she is consenting to. When a woman is experiencing For many, the process of labour starts spontaneously
painful contractions in labour the information about any and continues that way without the need to intercede. For
examinations or procedures that the midwife or doctor others the process may falter and the caregiver must assess
may wish to perform should be given between whether this is a temporary slowing down in progress as
contractions. the woman’s mind and body adjusts to what is happening,
and to what has yet to happen, or whether it is the first
signs of a delay in progress that may benefit from a change
Alternative approaches to in the status quo. Historically, terms such as ‘failure to
initiating labour progress’, ‘prolonged labour’ and ‘dystocia’ have been used
when labour is perceived not to be following a pre-
For some women avoidance of any surgical or pharmaco- determined line of progress, whether that is the rate of
logical intervention in an otherwise low-risk pregnancy is cervical dilatation/hour or if the labour is considered to
extremely important and they might seek advice from the have exceeded a set number of hours. NICE (2007) do not
midwife on this matter. Alternative approaches include the specify these terms but refer to a change in progress in the
ingestion of castor oil, nipple stimulation, sexual inter- first or second stage of labour as ‘suspected delay’ or ‘delay’
course, acupuncture and the use of homeopathic methods. depending on the findings.
Whilst some reviews, for example Kavanagh et al (2008) Prolonged labour is not easily defined, primarily
and Smith and Crowther (2012), have found insufficient because there is no consensus as to what constitutes a
evidence to recommend some of these as a method to normal time limit for labour either in the latent or active
initiate labour it is important for the midwife to under- part of the first stage or the passive or active part of the
stand how each of these are thought to work, and to be second stage. When labour is slow to progress or pro-
familiar with the wider literature on these subjects to longed there is an increased risk of chorioamnionitis if
develop a broad understanding to ensure that any advice there has been prolonged rupture of membranes, and an
given on alternative therapies is in line with her sphere of increased risk of postpartum haemorrhage as a result of
practice (NMC 2012). For the complete list of reviews on an atonic uterus. Nonetheless it must also be remembered
alternative approaches to initiating labour visit the the interventions used to correct a dystocia, such as amni-
Cochrane database online. otomy, oxytocin infusion and instrumental or operative
One alternative approach with more positive findings is birth, are not risk-free and therefore any decision to inter-
that of stimulation of the breast. The findings of Kavanagh vene must take account of the full clinical picture and as
et al (2005) suggest stimulation of the breast either by importantly the wishes of the woman.
massage or nipple stimulation ‘appears beneficial in rela-
tion to the number of women not in labour after 72 hours,
and reduced postpartum haemorrhage rates’. It appears to Delay in the latent phase of labour
be less effective where the cervix is not ripe. Stimulation In the first stage of labour, the latent phase is the period
of the breast or more specifically the nipple appears to when structural changes occur in the cervix and it becomes
cause the release of endogenous oxytocin, the effect being softer and shorter (from 3 cm to less than 0.5 cm), its
to initiate a uterine response, but further studies are position is more central in relation to the presenting part
needed before it can be considered for use in high-risk and there are painful contractions (Chapter 16). Accord-
groups. ing to NICE (2007), the dilatation of the cervix at this time
is up to 4 cm. During this period the woman needs
support and encouragement from those caring for her.
The perceived result of painful contractions may be disap-
pointing when hearing the cervix is 3 cm dilated after
PROLONGED LABOUR several hours. If progress in this phase of labour is consid-
ered to be slow the emphasis is on conservative manage-
The physiology of labour encompasses effective uterine ment rather than intervention (Hayman 2004). The
contractions and cervical changes leading to progressive midwife must ensure the woman knows to keep eating
effacement and dilatation of the cervix, rotation of the and drinking if she feels able to as this will not only help
fetus and descent of the presenting part, the birth of the maintain her energy levels but can also bring a sense of
baby, and expulsion of the placenta and membranes and normality and comfort. It is important for the woman to
the control of bleeding. The psychology of labour encom- rest at this time and not to feel that if she tries to sleep the
passes the need for a safe and stress-free environment, one contractions will cease. Advice on how to relieve pain

Prolonged pregnancy and disorders of uterine action Chapter | 19 |

might include simple back massage, changes of position, in the UK, with as many as 50% of nulliparous women
a warm bath or some simple analgesia; all are an impor- receiving an oxytocin infusion in labour (Hayman 2004).
tant part of care at this time. Any intervention such as an If these means fail, an instrumental or operative birth may
ARM at this stage can interfere with the action of amniotic be the only course of action depending on the stage of
prostaglandin on the cervix and be counterproductive labour reached. The caesarean section rate in England is
(Smyth et al 2013). currently 25% with 14.8% being emergency caesarean sec-
tions (HSCIC 2012), and many of these will be for a
Delay in the active first stage diagnosis of failure to progress or prolonged labour.
The partogram or partograph is a graphical representa-
of labour
tion of the maternal and fetal condition in established
NICE (2007) refers to the established first stage of labour labour and the dilatation of the cervix against time. Infor-
rather than the active phase, and define this as the period mation on a number of findings that are important in
when the uterine contractions are regular and painful and making an appropriate assessment of the ongoing progress
the cervix dilates progressively from 4 cm. Neal et al of labour are usually recorded on a single sheet. NICE
(2010) suggest that the active phase begins between 3 and (2007) recommends the use of a partogram once the
5 cm when there are regular uterine contractions. woman is in established labour despite the only evidence
For nulliparous women delay is suspected if their to support its use being studies from low-income coun-
progress, in terms of cervical dilatation, is less than 2 cm tries. In a recent review by Lavender et al (2012), the
in 4 hours. For parous women it is the same, or there is routine use of a partogram as part of the management of
considered to be a ‘slowing in progress’ (NICE 2007: 40). labour could not be recommended, suggesting that its use
This suggests the rate of cervical dilatation and duration should be determined at a local level. Possibly one of the
of labour is measurable and such measurements can be most debated issues in the use of a partogram is the plot-
applied to all nulliparous or multiparous women. It is, ting of cervical dilatation on a graph which has an ‘alert
however, rather more complex and needs to take account line’ and an ‘action line’. The assumption is that the cervix
of a wide range of variables in terms of maternal age, dilates at a given rate in established labour, with the graph
maternal size, fetal position etc. Such factors may mean highlighting any perceived deviations from this pre-
labour does not conform to a pre-determined rate of pro- determined trajectory. Whilst a record of observations in
gression whilst still being normal for that particular labour on one sheet of paper might for example make for
woman. Nonetheless, when caring for women in labour easier reading for anyone taking over care of a woman in
midwives do need some parameters to work within in labour, the plotting of cervical dilatation in this way
order to better understand what is considered acceptable suggest progress in labour can be assessed based on cervi-
in terms of progress (Neal et al 2010). NICE (2007) cal dilatation alone.
acknowledges the active phase of labour does not follow
the trajectory that Friedman (1954) put forward to suggest
The influence of the 3 ‘Ps’
a rate of 0.5 cm/h. Although they suggest that considera-
tion should also be given to the rotation, descent and Dystocia can be as a result of ineffective uterine contrac-
station of the presenting part, these observations do not tions, malposition of the fetus leading to a relative or
appear to merit the same importance as cervical dilatation. absolute CPD, malpresentation, or any combination of
For some women good progress will be made in terms of these. These may result in poor progress during the active
rotation, descent and station of the presenting part, phase or a cessation of cervical dilatation following a
although such progress is not always reflected in a corre- period of normal dilatation (Hayman 2004). An under-
sponding change in cervical dilatation. Neal et al (2010: standing of the role played by the 3 ‘Ps’ – passages, pas-
317) suggest that for low-risk, nulliparous women, with senger and powers – will help in determining why there
spontaneous onset of labour ‘contemporary expectations is a delay in progress in first or second stage of labour and
of active labour are overly stringent’. what action might be taken.
When there is ‘suspected delay’ the midwife needs to In the developed world the majority of women have
discuss with the woman how the situation might be best grown up well nourished, fit and healthy, and the passages
managed from this point onwards, with appropriate con- the fetus must negotiate are unlikely to be seriously flawed,
sideration of all the facts in the context of that particular excluding possible trauma to the pelvis. Nonetheless the
woman. Alleviating anxiety by ensuring there is continu- impact of a full rectum, full bladder and fibroids cannot
ous support in labour, changing maternal position, allevi- be ignored in causing a delay in the progress of labour. A
ating pain using non-pharmacological means are some of malpresentation such as shoulder, brow or face (mento-
the ways in which the midwife can help the woman at this posterior) is one of the causes of poor progress or pro-
time. Medical interventions to correct this include ARM or longed labour and this may occur as a result of a problem
oxytocin or a combination of both, and the means to with the passage (Chapter 20). A brow might revert to a
augment labour in this way has become common practice face (mento-anterior) or vertex presentation and the face

Section | 4 | Labour

in mento-posterior position may rotate to mento-anterior education in developing a plan of care for labour should
at the pelvic floor and if so a vaginal birth may be possible not be underestimated. Advice on suitable food and drink
(Singh and Paterson-Brown 2006). The shoulder, brow or to eat in the early stages of labour to maintain energy
face (mento-posterior) cannot be born vaginally but a levels, positions and activities to encourage a forward rota-
carefully executed abdominal and vaginal examination tion where there is an occipitoposterior position are just
will exclude or confirm this so that the necessary action some of the ways that might help to assist the woman in
can be taken to prepare the woman for caesarean section. the normal progress of labour.
When the fetus is adopting an attitude where the head When the woman and her partner come into hospital,
is deflexed or slightly extended and the occiput is posterior continuity of caregiver helps to create a sense of trust
the presenting diameters are larger and there will be a between the woman, partner and midwife but also allows
degree of ascynclitism. This inevitably slows progress but for more accurate assessment over time to enable the
does not necessarily mean progress is abnormal. This midwife to suggest non-interventionist ways in which
might be considered a relative CPD because with effective progress can be maintained if appropriate. An alternative
uterine contractions the fetus may adopt a more flexed position might help to facilitate more effective contrac-
attitude. On some occasions more time is needed to do tions or improve pelvic diameters when the position of
this safely. El Halta (1998) suggests that rupturing the the baby is posterior. At this stage it is also important to
membranes when the fetus is an occipitoposterior posi- maintain hydration, to encourage voiding and to suggest
tion may result in a sudden descent of the fetal skull non-pharmacological ways to relieve pain. Facilitating
resulting in a deep transverse arrest whereby the occipito­ autonomy by keeping the woman and her partner
frontal diameter (11.5 cm) is caught on the bi-spinous informed of her progress and the choices she has is impor-
diameter of the outlet (10–11 cm). Epidural anaesthesia tant in helping her to feel in control and to alleviate
has been found to delay the progress of labour in the first anxiety. Raised adrenalin levels as a result of fear, anxiety
and second stage (Lowe 2007; Cheng et al 2009), particu- or pain can impact negatively on uterine activity and can
larly so where there is an occipitoposterior position slow progress in labour.
(Chapter 20). The musculature of the pelvic floor plays an Accurate observations in labour are critical in assessing
important part in assisting the rotation of the presenting progress. Recognition and detection of abnormal progress
part and epidural anaesthesia causes the pelvic floor to in labour with appropriate clinical response will improve
relax inhibiting rotation. It also has an impact on the the outcome of labour for both mother and baby (Neilson
stretching of the birth canal that normally triggers the et al 2003). An abdominal examination deftly undertaken
neuro-hormonal reflex (Ferguson’s reflex). In some cases can provide vital information about the labour with regard
the head is simply (normally) large and any decision to to the lie, presentation, position and descent of presenting
intervene at this point with oxytocin may increase strength part as well as the length, strength and frequency of
and frequency of uterine contractions in such a way as to contractions whereby any change in the pattern of the
unduly force this process with inevitable fetal heart rate contractions can be picked up. If the woman consents to
changes prompting further intervention. VE the findings can be compared to provide a more com-
Although the uterus has prepared itself for the meta- prehensive picture of the progress of labour. On VE the
bolic activity of labour, as labour continues the smooth midwife is assessing the presence and degree of moulding
muscle uses up its metabolic reserves and becomes tired. of the fetal skull, the presence and position of caput in
Any change to the strength, length or frequency of contrac- relation to sutures and fontanelles, and the dilatation of
tions will affect progress and is indicative of inefficient the cervix noting any thickening and its application to the
uterine action. Whilst some ketosis is considered normal presenting part. Any changes to the colour of the liquor if
in labour there remains a need for additional supplies of the membranes have previously ruptured, or to the fetal
energy if the uterus is to continue contracting effectively heart rate will give some indication as to how the fetus is
and enable labour to progress without the need for coping with the progress of labour. Continuity of caregiver
medical intervention (Lowe 2007; Blackburn 2013). at this time reduces the likelihood of interobserver varia-
Women need to have adequate oral intake in order to cope tions whilst increasing the chance of spontaneous vaginal
with the very real demands that labour puts on their body. birth (Hodnett et al 2012).
When the decision to augment labour has been agreed
by all parties, the woman and her partner will need addi-
The midwife’s role in caring for a tional support from the midwife, as the interventions nec-
essary for this process may be very different from the birth
woman in prolonged labour
they had previously imagined. Psychological as well as
A prolonged labour leads to increased levels of stress, physical support is important at this time, as the control
anxiety, fear and fatigue, and increases the risk of infection, of the birth of their baby now appears to be in the hands
PPH and emergency caesarean section (Svärdby et al 2006; of a third party and this can lead to negative feelings of
Laursen et al 2009). The importance of effective antenatal the childbirth experience (Nystedt et al 2005, 2006).

Prolonged pregnancy and disorders of uterine action Chapter | 19 |

The management of prolonged labour is a collaborative in the childbirth experiences. Where there is any indica-
effort involving the woman and her partner, the midwife, tion that the mother or the fetus is compromised the birth
obstetrician and anaesthetist. The normal pattern of obser- must be expedited as soon as possible but imposing an
vations and care in labour apply and any deviations from arbitrary time limit is felt by some to be unnecessary if
normal are reported to the obstetrician. When an ARM has both mother and fetus are doing well (Neilson et al 2003;
been performed to augment labour an appropriate period Hayman 2004; Gilchrist et al 2010).
of grace should be given for effective uterine contractions
to resume before commencing an oxytocin infusion. The
uterus responds with increased sensitivity to the oxytocin
infused as the cervix dilates and it may be necessary to OBSTRUCTED LABOUR
reduce the rate of the infusion as full dilatation is
approached to avoid hyperstimulation of the uterus and Whilst obstructed labour is not uncommon in developing
the concomitant effects on mother and fetus. With the countries (Neilson et al 2003), in the UK it is only likely
woman’s consent, an assessment will be made 2–4 hours to be seen where a woman has laboured unattended at
after ARM or after commencing oxytocin to ascertain the home for several hours and then seeks help at a
likelihood of a successful vaginal birth. If there is persist- hospital.
ent poor progress in the active phase despite optimal con- Obstructed labour occurs when despite good uterine
tractions, 4 to 5 per 10 minutes lasting more than 40 contractions there is no advance of the presenting part.
seconds, and the woman is pain-free, well hydrated and Possible causes of obstructed labour include absolute
with an empty bladder, it is unlikely that continuing with CPD, deep transverse arrest, malpresentation, lower
an oxytocin infusion will lead to a vaginal birth. segment fibroids, fetal hydrocephaly and multiple preg-
The decision to augment labour in parous women or in nancy with conjoined or locked twins. Because of the high
women with prior caesarean section must be made by an presenting part if the woman goes into labour there may
experienced obstetrician because of the very real risk of be spontaneous rupture of the membranes and cord pro-
hyperstimulation and uterine rupture. lapse with related risk to the fetus. If the condition is not
recognized the mother’s uterus will continue to contract
to overcome the obstruction. She will become progres-
Delay in the second stage of labour
sively more dehydrated, ketotic, pyrexial and tachycardic.
The second stage of labour can be divided into a passive The fetus will develop a bradycardia because of the relent-
(pelvic) phase and active (perineal) phase (Chapter 17). less contractions. As the uterus continues to contract and
Delay in this stage of labour may be due to malposition retract the upper segment becomes progressively thicker,
causing failure of the vertex to descend and rotate; ineffec- closely enveloping the fetus, and the lower segment
tive contractions due to a prolonged first stage; large fetus becomes increasingly thinner. In nulliparous women the
and large vertex; or absence of the desire to push with contractions may cease for a period before resuming again
epidural analgesia. Assuming the woman is receiving with increasing strength and frequency with little interval
active support and encouragement during the second between contractions until the uterus assumes a state of
stage, and has trust in those caring for her, some of these tonic contraction. The difference between upper and lower
situations may be rectified with a change of position segment may be seen as a ridge obliquely crossing the
and further encouragement, or the judicious use of an abdomen (Bandl’s ring). The mother is in severe and unre-
oxytocin infusion to avoid the need for an instrumental lenting pain. If VE is possible the presenting part will be
or operative birth. high with excessive moulding (Fig. 19.2). The uterus is in
Time limits in second stage range from 30 minutes to 2 imminent danger of rupture and emergency measures
hours for parous women and 1 to 3 hours for nulliparous must be taken if the situation has been allowed to get this
women (NICE 2007), but an understanding of the differ- far. Uterine rupture leads to maternal mortality and the
ent phases as the head negotiates the birth canal can avoid tonic contractions and uterine rupture cause the hypoxia,
the encouragement of premature bearing down efforts, asphyxia and subsequent perinatal mortality (Neilson
which only serve to tire and demoralize the mother. The et al 2003).
variation in time limits takes into consideration the impact If the woman has been discovered in this condition at
of epidural analgesia on the desire to push in the second home a paramedic ambulance should be called for imme-
stage. The active phase when the mother is bearing down diate transfer to hospital. The labour suite should be
is the most critical time. When a diagnosis of delay in the informed, which, in turn, should contact the senior obste-
second stage has been made the case is referred to the trician, anaesthetist, paediatrician, theatre staff and special
obstetrician for review and assessment. The impact on care unit. Whilst waiting for the ambulance the midwife
both mother and fetus if the second stage is allowed to should cannulate, take blood for urgent cross-match and
exceed a pre-determined time limit must be weighed site an intravenous infusion. The woman’s General Practi-
against the risks of any interventions at this critical time tioner (GP) can be called if close by to provide additional

Section | 4 | Labour


Precipitate labour is defined as ‘expulsion of the fetus

Thick upper
within 3 hours of commencement of contractions’ (NICE
2008a: 40). In some women the uterus is over-efficient
and much or all of the first stage is not recognized because
contractions are not painful and the realization of the
birth of the head may be the first indication that labour
has actually started. In women with spontaneous onset of
labour the incidence of precipitate labour is approximately
2%, and women having a precipitate labour are at risk of
placental abruption (NICE 2008a).
Other problems that may be associated with a precipi-
Thin lower tate labour include soft tissue trauma of the maternal
genital tract due to sudden stretching and distension as
the baby is born, fetal hypoxia as a result of the frequency
and strength of the contractions, intracranial haemorrhage
from the sudden compression and decompression of the
fetal skull as it passes through the birth canal with speed,
Presenting part shows
and possible injury as the head and body emerge rapidly
moulding and a caput
succedaneum is present and fall to the floor. The unexpected nature of the event
means that the place of birth may be inappropriate and
Fig. 19.2 Obstructed labour. The uterus is moulded around the baby may be further compromised if the importance
the fetus; the thickened upper segment is obvious on of maintaining the baby’s temperature is not recognized.
abdominal palpation. The overefficient uterus may relax after the birth of the
baby, resulting in retained placenta and/or PPH. The psy-
chological impact of such a rapid birth must not be under-
estimated, and not surprisingly some women will be in a
help and support until the ambulance arrives. Observa- state of shock after the event.
tions of mother and fetus, and any actions taken and by Whilst precipitate labour will often recur in subsequent
whom, are recorded in the maternity notes as soon as pregnancies there is no evidence to recommend IOL as a
possible. If obstructed labour is diagnosed on admission preventative measure. However, a woman who has experi-
to hospital an emergency caesarean section is performed. enced an unattended precipitate labour and birth may
In the UK obstructed labour is not something that is request IOL in order to ensure an attended birth in a safe
managed, in that when a woman is receiving skilled ante- environment (NICE 2008a)
natal and intrapartum care it is not something that should
occur. During antenatal care the midwife will highlight
any predisposing maternal or fetal factors that might
impact on normal progress in labour with appropriate
referral to the obstetrician so that a full and frank discus- EXPERIENCE
sion can take place and a decision made with the woman
on the safest mode of birth. During labour, skilled obser- For the woman who has a spontaneous onset of labour at
vation and assessment of progress, particularly skilled term, has a single fetus in a cephalic presentation and who
abdominal examination, will alert the midwife to any mal- has no underlying medical disorders, labour should
presentation or failure of the presenting part to advance be about the normal physiological event. The only
despite optimal uterine contractions. VE will confirm sus- intervention it requires on the part of the midwife is to be
pected malpresentation, and where the presentation is there to meet the needs of the woman and to offer con-
vertex, reveal increasing caput or moulding. With a high tinuous support and encouragement to enable her to feel
presenting part in labour cervical dilatation will be secure and confident in those caring for her at this momen-
extremely slow and there will be little if any application tous time.
to the presenting part. The obstetrician is informed as The views of midwives and doctors on childbirth are
soon as possible so that the birth can be expedited. As for often considered to be diametrically opposite, with mid-
all women, despite the very real threat to maternal and wives looking on childbirth as normal until proved other-
perinatal wellbeing these procedures should only be wise (RCM 2008) and obstetricians viewing it as normal
undertaken with maternal consent. retrospectively (El-Hamamay and Arulkumaran 2005).

Prolonged pregnancy and disorders of uterine action Chapter | 19 |

Whatever the perspective taken, the primary outcome is each woman and partner deserve to have a positive birth
the safety of the mother and baby. Whilst a high-risk preg- experience whether labour is spontaneous or induced and
nancy and labour cannot be made low-risk it can still be the birth is vaginal or by caesarean section. Working
a positive birthing experience for the woman and her together as a team cannot but help to contribute to that
partner. Childbearing is a time of major life transition and positive birth experience.


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Jukic A M, Baird D D, Weinberg C R nuggets of information, highlighting that From an international perspective this is
et al 2013 Length of human healthy human pregnancy varies a useful resource that addresses a number
pregnancy and contributors to considerably by as much as 37 days for a of salient issues relating to prolonged
its natural variation. Human number of reasons. pregnancy. It highlights that there is no
Reproduction. doi: 10.1093/ Mandruzzato G, Alfirevic Z, Chervenak unequivocal evidence that prolonged
humanrep/det297. http://humrep F et al 2010 Guidelines for the pregnancy is a major risk per se.
.oxfordjournals.org (accessed online management of post-term pregnancy.
6 August 2013). Journal of Perinatal Medicine 38
Although the study appears underpowered (2):111–19.
in its small sample size, it provides useful


Cochrane Library of Systematic National Institute for Health and Care Royal College of Obstetricians and
Reviews: [formerly Clinical] Excellence: Gynaecologists: www.rcog.org.uk
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com www.nice.org.uk World Health Organization:
Health and Social Care Information Royal College of Midwives: www.who.net
Centre: www.hscic.gov.uk/ www.rcm.org.uk

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Chapter 20
Malpositions of the occiput and
Terri Coates

CHAPTER CONTENTS Shoulder presentation 449

Causes 449
Introduction 436 Antenatal diagnosis 450
Occipitoposterior positions 436 Intrapartum diagnosis 450
Causes 436 Possible outcome 451
Antenatal diagnosis 436 Complications 451
Antenatal preparation 437 Management 451
Intrapartum diagnosis 438 Unstable lie 451
Midwifery care 439 Causes 451
Manual rotation 439 Management 452
Mechanism of right occipitoposterior Compound presentation 452
position (long rotation) 440
References 452
Possible course and outcomes of labour 441
Further reading 453
The birth 442
Complications 442 Malposition refers to any position other than
occipitoanterior (OA) in a fetus with a vertex
Face presentation 444 presentation. In a normal physiological labour,
Causes 444 the fetal head presents with the occiput in
Antenatal diagnosis 445 lateral position in early stages of labour with
anterior rotation as labour progresses.
Intrapartum diagnosis 445
Mechanism of a left mentoanterior Malpresentations are all presentations of the
position 445 fetus other than the vertex. Malpresentations
that occur due to extension of the fetal head,
Possible course and outcomes
causing brow or face to present, are usually
of labour 446
diagnosed during active labour. Prompt and
Management of labour 447 appropriate referral must be made.
Complications 448 Both malpositions and malpresentations are
Brow presentation 448 associated with a difficult labour and an
Causes 449 increased risk of operative intervention. The
Diagnosis 449 midwife must undertake regular clinical
examinations to monitor the progress of labour
Management 449 to ensure fetal and maternal wellbeing. Effective
Complications 449 communication and record keeping is crucial to

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 435

Section | 4 | Labour

provide safe care. The woman and her partner considered unhelpful include immobility and labouring
must be kept fully informed and supported on a bed, the setting of arbitrary time limits on the various
throughout. Vaginal birth is possible in many stages of labour and the early use of epidural analgesia
cases, but intervention or operative birth (Munro and Jokinen 2012).
become necessary when the malposition or
malpresentation persist and labour fails to

THIS CHAPTER AIMS TO: Occipitoposterior (OP) positions are the most common
type of malposition of the occiput and occur in approxi-
• understand the features of the malpresentations and
mately 10–30% of labours, but only around 5% of births
malpositions (Pearl et al 1993; Ponkey et al 2003; Munro and Jokinen
• recognize the predisposing factors 2012). Women can be reassured that internal rotation to
• outline possible causes of these positions and anterior positions can be expected in the majority of cases.
presentations A persistent OP position results from a failure of internal
• describe the physical landmarks to aid recognition rotation or malrotation prior to birth (Gardberg et al
and diagnosis 1998; Peregrine et al 2007). The vertex is presenting, but
the occiput lies in the posterior rather than the anterior
• demonstrate sound knowledge of the mechanisms
part of the pelvis. As a consequence, the fetal head is
• consider the outcomes for each position deflexed and larger diameters of the fetal skull present
• explore the midwife’s management and the current (Fig. 20.1).

The direct cause of the occipitoposterior position is often
INTRODUCTION unknown, but it may be associated with an abnormally
shaped pelvis. In an android pelvis, the forepelvis is narrow
Malpositions and malpresentations present the midwife and the occiput tends to occupy the roomier hindpelvis.
with challenges of recognition and diagnosis both in the The oval shape of the anthropoid pelvis, with its narrow
antenatal period and during labour. The midwife must transverse diameter, favours a direct OP position.
ensure all examinations and discussions with the woman
are documented and appropriate obstetric referral is made
Antenatal diagnosis
where a malpresentation or malposition has been found.
The midwife should take time to discuss this with the Abdominal examination
women to ensure they understand what may happen and
Listen to the woman, as she may complain of backache
the activities that may help (Munro and Jokinen 2012).
and report feeling that her baby’s bottom is very high up
The presenting diameters do not fit well onto the cervix
against her ribs, as well as feeling movements across both
and therefore do not produce optimal stimulation for
sides of her abdomen.
uterine contractions and labour. Labour with a fetus in a
malposition or a malpresentation can be long, tedious and
On inspection
painful, requiring empathy, sustained encouragement and
support for the woman and her partner. All the usual care There is a saucer-shaped depression at or just below the
in labour is provided, paying particular attention to umbilicus. This depression is created by the ‘dip’ between
comfort and hydration (see Chapter 16). The woman the head and the lower limbs of the fetus. The outline
should be encouraged to take an active part in decision- created by the high, unengaged head can look like a full
making and must be kept informed throughout. bladder (Fig. 20.2).
In labour women should be encouraged to adopt pos-
tures and positions they find comfortable and encouraged On palpation
to remain mobile. They should be supported to use coping While the breech is easily palpated at the fundus, the back
methods to deal with their particular pattern of labour is difficult to palpate as it is well out to the maternal
(Simkin 2010). The progress of labour may be slow so side, sometimes almost adjacent to the maternal spine.
midwives should take care to avoid the use of language Limbs can be felt on both sides of the midline. The head
that may demoralize the woman and her partner. Any sign is unusually high in an OP position which is the most
of fetal or maternal distress or delay in labour must be common cause of non-engagement in a primigravida at
referred promptly to an obstetrician. Practices that are term. This is because the large presenting diameter, the

Malpositions of the occiput and malpresentations Chapter | 20 |

A Right occipitoposterior position

Fig. 20.2 Comparison of abdominal contour in (A) posterior

and (B) anterior positions of the occiput.

B Left occipitoposterior position

Fig. 20.1 (A) Right occipitoposterior position. (B) Left OF 11.5 cm

occipitoposterior position.

occipitofrontal (11.5 cm), is unlikely to enter the pelvic

brim until labour begins and flexion occurs. The occiput
and sinciput are on the same level (Figs 20.3 and 20.4). Fig. 20.3 Engaging diameter of a deflexed head:
occipitofrontal (OF) 11.5 cm.
Flexion allows the engagement of the suboccipitofrontal
diameter (10 cm).
The cause of the deflexion is a straightening of the fetal
spine against the lumbar curve of the maternal spine. This Antenatal preparation
makes the fetus straighten its neck and adopt a more erect There is no current evidence that suggests active changes
attitude. of maternal posture will help to achieve an optimal fetal
position before labour (Hunter et al 2007; Munro and
On auscultation Jokinen 2012). Research has shown that the woman
The fetal back is not well flexed so the chest is thrust adopting a knee–chest position several times a day may
forward, therefore the fetal heart can be heard in the achieve temporary rotation of the fetus to an anterior posi-
midline. However, the fetal heart may be heard more easily tion but has only a short-term effect upon fetal presenta-
at the flank on the same side as the back. tion (Kariminia et al 2004; Hunter et al 2007). There is

Section | 4 | Labour

5– 4
5 5 5 EN TE

Occiput, Sinciput Occiput below


.2 c
sinciput rises



above brim




Fig. 20.5 Presenting dimensions of a deflexed head.

Fig. 20.4 Flexion with descent of the head.

insufficient evidence to suggest that women should adopt

the hands and knees posture, unless they find it comfort-
Intrapartum diagnosis
able (Simkin 2010; Munro and Jokinen 2012). Further The large and irregularly shaped presenting circumference
research is needed to evaluate the effect of adopting a (Fig. 20.5) does not fit well onto the cervix. This may
hands and knees posture on the presenting part during hinder cervical ripening and predispose to a prolonged
labour (Hunter et al 2007). latent phase (Akmal and Paterson-Brown 2009). The
For customary antenatal assessment of fetal position contractions may also be in-coordinate. A high head pre-
Leopold’s manoeuvres can be used during abdominal disposes to early spontaneous rupture of the membranes
examination (see Chapter 10). These traditional methods at an early stage of labour, which, together with an ill-
of examination are only an assessment of the placement fitting presenting part, may result in cord prolapse (see
of the fetal spine and cannot estimate the direction of the Chapter 22).
fetal head. Peregrine et al (2007) used ultrasound scans to The woman may complain of continuous and severe
confirm abdominal palpation and found that the fetal backache, worsening with contractions. However, the
head is often aligned differently within the pelvis than the absence of backache does not necessarily indicate an ante-
fetal spine within the uterus. In other words, the fetus may riorly positioned fetus. Descent of the head can be slow
have turned its head to the right or left and the head may even with good contractions. The woman may have a
be anterior within the pelvis but the fetal back may palpate strong desire to push early in labour because the occiput
as lateral. is pressing on the rectum.
A review of current techniques used to diagnose fetal
position such as Leopold’s manoeuvres, the location of
fetal heart sounds, vaginal examinations and presence of
back pain are often unreliable (Simkin 2010). Failure to Vaginal examination
identify fetal position accurately can impact on the ability The findings (Fig. 20.6) will depend upon the degree of
of the midwife to offer appropriate care. Consequently it flexion of the head. Locating the anterior fontanelle in the
is considered that ultrasound is the most reliable way to anterior part of the pelvis is diagnostic but this may be
accurately detect the fetal position (Munro and Jokinen difficult if caput succedaneum is present. The direction of
2012). More research studies are needed to examine the the sagittal suture and location of the posterior fontanelle
efficacy of midwifery skills in diagnosing fetal malposi- will help to confirm the diagnosis. The position of the fetal
tions and non-technological approaches to improving the head may be checked using ultrasound where reason for
birth outcome for the woman and fetus. the delay in labour requires accurate diagnosis.

Malpositions of the occiput and malpresentations Chapter | 20 |

Anterior second stage of labour. The urge to push may be eased by

a change in position and the use of breathing techniques,
inhalational analgesia or other methods to enhance relax-
ation. The woman’s partner and the midwife can assist
throughout labour with massage and physical support.
The woman may choose a range of pain control methods
(see Chapter 16) throughout her labour depending on the
level and intensity of pain she is experiencing at that time.
The midwife must ensure that any delay in labour and
A B fetal or maternal distress are promptly recognized and
appropriate referrals made (Nursing and Midwifery
Council [NMC] 2012).

Second stage of labour

R L Full dilatation of the cervix may need to be confirmed by
a vaginal examination because moulding and formation
of a caput succedaneum may be in view while an anterior
lip of cervix remains. The second stage of labour is usually
C characterized by significant anal dilatation some time
before the head is visible. The midwife can encourage the
Fig. 20.6 Vaginal touch pictures in a right occipitoposterior woman to adopt upright positions that may help to
position. (A) Anterior fontanelle felt to left and anteriorly. shorten the length of the second stage and reduce the need
Sagittal suture in the right oblique diameter of the pelvis. for operative assistance (see Chapter 17). Squatting may
(B) Anterior fontanelle felt to left and laterally. Sagittal suture increase the transverse diameter of the pelvic outlet which
in the transverse diameter of the pelvis. (C) Following
may increase the chance of a vaginal birth.
increased flexion, the posterior fontanelle is felt to the right
The length of the second stage of labour is usually
and anteriorly. Sagittal suture in the left oblique diameter of
the pelvis. The position is now right occipitoanterior. increased when the occiput is posterior, and there is an
increased likelihood of an operative birth (Pearl et al
1993; Gimovsky and Hennigan 1995). In some cases
Midwifery care where contractions are weak and ineffective an oxytocin
infusion may be administered to stimulate adequate con-
First stage of labour tractions and achieve advancement/descent of the present-
The woman may experience severe and unremitting back- ing part.
ache, which is tiring and can be very demoralizing, espe-
cially if the progress of labour is slow. Continuous support
from the midwife will help the woman and her partner to
Manual rotation
cope with the labour (Simkin 2010; Hodnett et al 2012) Manual rotation of the head from occipitoposterior (OP)
(see Chapter 16). The midwife can help to provide physi- or occipitotransverse (OT) positions to an anterior posi-
cal support such as massage and other comfort measures. tion has been shown to reduce the need for assisted birth
Mobility should be encouraged with changes of posture and caesarean section by correcting the fetal malposition.
and position and where possible, the use of a bath or This will facilitate the descent of the fetal head, to encour-
birthing pool and other non-pharmacological measures age a spontaneous vaginal birth (Shaffer et al 2011).
such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) There are two techniques for undertaking manual rota-
or aromatherapy. There is no evidence that the all-fours tion either by an obstetrician or an experienced and
position either during pregnancy or in labour will rotate a trained midwife. Both techniques require informed
malpositioned baby (Kariminia et al 2004; Munro and consent from the woman and adequate analgesia. The
Jokinen 2012) but may help reduce persistent back pain. woman’s bladder must be empty and the cervix should be
An exaggerated Sims position in labour may offer some fully dilated. Either, constant pressure is exerted with the
relief, and anecdotal evidence suggests that it may also aid tips of the fingers against the lambdoidal suture to rotate
rotation of the fetal head. the fetal head into the occiput anterior position, or the
The woman may experience a strong urge to push long whole hand is introduced into the birth canal and fingers
before the cervix has become fully dilated. This is because and thumb positioned under the lateral posterior parietal
of the pressure of the occiput on the rectum. However, if bone and the anterior parietal bone (Phipps et al 2011):
the woman pushes at this time, the cervix may become the head is then rotated to the anterior position. Using
oedematous and this would further delay the onset of the either method, the rotation may take two or three

Section | 4 | Labour

contractions to complete and then should be held for two • The occipitofrontal diameter, 11.5 cm, lies in the
contractions whilst the woman bears down to reduce the right oblique diameter of the pelvic brim. The
risk of the rotation reverting (Phipps et al 2011; Shaffer occiput points to the right sacroiliac joint and
et al 2011). If a midwife is practising in a setting where the sinciput to the left iliopectineal eminence.
operative birth is not readily available, such as in a birth-
ing centre, this intervention may reduce maternal and neo-
natal morbidity and mortality (Shaffer et al 2011).
Malpositions and malpresentations are generally associ- Descent takes place with increasing flexion. The occiput
ated with a higher incidence of interventions in labour, becomes the leading part.
complications and instrumental birth (Cheng et al 2006).
Immediate and subsequent postnatal care of the woman Internal rotation of the head
and her baby following an instrumental birth are dis-
cussed in Chapter 21 and Chapter 31. The occiput reaches the pelvic floor first and rotates for-
wards 3 8 of a circle along the right side of the pelvis to lie
under the symphysis pubis. The shoulders follow, turning
Mechanism of right 2 of a circle from the left to the right oblique diameter.
occipitoposterior position
(long rotation) (Figs 20.7–20.10) Crowning
• The lie is longitudinal. The occiput escapes under the symphysis pubis and the
• The attitude of the head is deflexed. head is crowned.
• The presentation is vertex.
• The position is right occipitoposterior.
• The denominator is the occiput.
• The presenting part is the middle or anterior area of The sinciput, face and chin sweep the perineum and the
the left parietal bone. head is born by a movement of extension.

Right Left Right Left

Fig. 20.7 Head descending with increased flexion. Sagittal Fig. 20.8 Occiput and shoulders have rotated 18 of a circle
suture in right oblique diameter of the pelvis. forwards. Sagittal suture in transverse diameter of the pelvis.

Right Left Right Left

Fig. 20.9 Occiput and shoulders have rotated 2 8 of a circle Fig. 20.10 Occiput has rotated 3 8 of a circle forwards. Note
forwards. Sagittal suture in the left oblique diameter of the the twist in the neck. Sagittal suture in the anteroposterior
pelvis. The position is right occipitoanterior. diameter of the pelvis.
Figs 20.7–20.10 Mechanism of labour in right occipitoposterior position.

Malpositions of the occiput and malpresentations Chapter | 20 |

Restitution Possible course and outcomes

The occiput turns 1 8 of a circle to the right and the head of labour
realigns itself with the shoulders.
Long internal rotation
This is the commonest outcome. With good uterine con-
Internal rotation of the shoulders
tractions producing flexion and descent of the head, the
The shoulders enter the pelvis in the right oblique diam- occiput will rotate forward 3 8 of a circle as described
eter; the anterior shoulder reaches the pelvic floor first and above.
rotates forwards 1 8 of a circle to lie under the symphysis
pubis. Short internal rotation
The term persistent occipitoposterior position (Figs 20.11 and
External rotation of the head 20.12) indicates that the occiput fails to rotate forwards.
At the same time the occiput turns a further 1
8 of a circle Instead, the sinciput reaches the pelvic floor first and
to the right. rotates forwards. As a result, the occiput goes into the
hollow of the sacrum. The baby is born facing the pubic
bone (face to pubis).
Lateral flexion
The anterior shoulder escapes under the symphysis pubis, Cause
the posterior shoulder sweeps the perineum and the body Failure of flexion: the head descends without increased
is born by a movement of lateral flexion. flexion and the sinciput becomes the leading part. It


Fig. 20.11 Persistent occipitoposterior position before Fig. 20.12 Persistent occipitoposterior position after short
rotation of the occiput: position is right occipitoposterior. rotation: position direct occipitoposterior.

Section | 4 | Labour

reaches the pelvic floor first and rotates forwards to lie when the hairless forehead is seen escaping beneath the
under the symphysis pubis. pubic arch. Any accidental extension of the fetal head
should be corrected by flexion towards the symphysis
Diagnosis pubis.
In the first stage of labour: signs are those of any posterior
position of the occiput, namely a deflexed head and a fetal
heart heard in the flank or in the midline. Descent is slow. Deep transverse arrest
In the second stage of labour: delay is common. On vaginal The head descends with some increase in flexion. The
examination the anterior fontanelle is felt behind the sym- occiput reaches the pelvic floor and begins to rotate for-
physis pubis, but a large caput succedaneum may mask wards. Flexion is not maintained and the occipito-frontal
this. If the pinna of the ear is felt pointing towards the diameter becomes caught at the narrow bi-spinous diam-
woman’s sacrum, this indicates a posterior position. eter of the outlet. Arrest may be due to weak contractions,
The long occipitofrontal diameter causes considerable a straight sacrum or a narrowed pelvic outlet.
dilatation of the anus and gaping of the vagina while the The sagittal suture is found in the transverse diameter
fetal head is barely visible, and the broad biparietal diam- of the pelvis and both fontanelles are palpable. Neither
eter distends the perineum and may cause excessive sinciput nor occiput leads. The head is deep in the pelvic
bulging. As the head advances, the anterior fontanelle can cavity at the level of the ischial spines although the caput
be felt just behind the symphysis pubis. Consequently the may be lower still. There is no advance and obstetric assist-
fetus is born facing the pubis. Characteristic upward ance will be required. Manual rotation may be attempted
moulding is present with the caput succedaneum on the first, and then vaginal birth may follow with the woman’s
anterior part of the parietal bone (Fig. 20.13). effort.

The birth (Figs 20.14–20.17)

The sinciput will first emerge from under the symphysis
The woman must be kept informed of progress and par-
pubis as far as the root of the nose and the midwife main-
ticipate in decisions. Pushing at this time may not resolve
tains flexion by restraining it from escaping further than
the problem but the midwife and the woman’s partner can
the glabella, allowing the occiput to sweep the perineum
help by encouraging ‘sigh out slowly’ (SOS) breathing. A
and be born. She then extends the head by grasping it and
change of position may help to overcome the urge to bear
bringing the face down from under the symphysis pubis.
down (see Chapter 17).
Perineal trauma is common and the midwife should watch
Where assistance is needed for a safe birth the woman’s
for signs of rupture in the centre of the perineum (button-
informed consent is required. The procedure would be
hole tear). An episiotomy may be required, owing to the
undertaken under local, regional or more rarely general
larger presenting diameters.
anaesthesia (see Chapter 21) considering the choice of the
woman, her condition and that of her unborn baby. The
Undiagnosed face to pubis baby’s head will be brought into an anterior position and
the birth completed using forceps or vacuum extraction
If the signs are not recognized at an earlier stage, the
(see Chapter 21).
midwife may first be aware that the occiput is posterior

Conversion to face or brow presentation

When the head is deflexed at the onset of labour, extension
occasionally occurs instead of flexion. If extension is com-
plete then a face presentation results, but if incomplete, the
head is arrested at the brim with the brow presenting. This
is a rare complication of posterior positions, and is more
OF 11.5 cm commonly found in multigravidae.

Apart from prolonged labour with its attendant risks to
the woman and fetus and the increased likelihood of
Fig. 20.13 Upward moulding (dotted line) following instrumental birth, there are a number of complications
persistent occipitoposterior position. OF, occipitofrontal. that may occur which the midwife should consider.

Malpositions of the occiput and malpresentations Chapter | 20 |

Fig. 20.15 The occiput sweeps the perineum, sinciput held

Fig. 20.14 Allowing the sinciput to escape as far as the back to maintain flexion.

Fig. 20.16 Grasping the head to bring the face down from Fig. 20.17 Extension of the head.
under the symphysis pubis.
Figs 20.14–20.17 Birth of head in a persistent occipitoposterior position.

Obstructed labour Neonatal trauma

This may occur when the head is deflexed or partially The unfavourable upward moulding of the fetal skull,
extended and becomes impacted in the pelvis (see found in an occipitoposterior position, can cause intrac-
Chapter 19). ranial haemorrhage, as a result of the falx cerebri being
pulled away from the tentorium cerebelli. The larger pre-
senting diameters also predispose to a greater degree of
Maternal trauma compression. Cerebral haemorrhage (see Chapter 31) may
A forceps birth will result in perineal bruising and also result from chronic hypoxia, which may accompany
trauma. Birth of a baby in the persistent occipitoposterior prolonged labour.
position, particularly if previously undiagnosed, may Neonatal trauma occurring following birth from an
cause a third or fourth degree tear (Melamed et al occipitoposterior position has also been associated with
2013). forceps or ventouse births.

Section | 4 | Labour

Contracted pelvis
In the flat pelvis, the head enters in the transverse diameter
of the brim and the parietal eminences may be held up in
When the attitude of the head is one of complete exten- the obstetrical conjugate causing the head to become
sion, the occiput of the fetus will be in contact with its extended such that a face presentation develops. Alterna-
spine and the face will present. The incidence is about tively, if the head is in the posterior position with the
≤1 : 500 (Bhal et al 1998; Akmal and Paterson-Brown vertex presenting, and remains deflexed, the parietal emi-
2009) and the majority develop during labour from vertex nences may be caught in the sacrocotyloid dimension of
presentations with the occiput posterior; this is termed the maternal pelvis so that the occiput cannot descend,
secondary face presentation. Less commonly, the face presents and the head becomes extended resulting in a face pres-
before labour; this is termed primary face presentation. entation. This is more likely in the presence of an android
There are six positions in a face presentation; the denomi- pelvis, in which the sacrocotyloid dimension is reduced.
nator is the mentum and the presenting diameters are the
submentobregmatic (9.5 cm) and the bitemporal (8.2 cm)
(Figs 20.18–20.23). Hydramnios (polyhydramnios)
If the vertex is presenting and the membranes rupture
spontaneously, the resulting rush of an excess of amniotic
Causes fluid may cause the head to extend as it sinks into the
lower uterine segment.
Anterior obliquity of the uterus
The uterus of a multigravida with slack abdominal muscles
and a pendulous abdomen will lean forward and alter the
Congenital malformation
direction of the uterine axis. This causes the fetal buttocks Anencephaly can be a fetal cause of a face presentation. In
to lean forwards and the force of the contractions to be a cephalic presentation, because the vertex is absent the
directed in a line towards the chin rather than the occiput, face is thrust forward and presents. More rarely, a tumour
resulting in extension of the head. of the fetal neck may cause extension of the head.

Fig. 20.18 Right mentoposterior. Fig. 20.19 Left mentoposterior. Fig. 20.20 Right mentolateral.

Fig. 20.21 Left mentolateral. Fig. 20.22 Right mentoanterior. Fig. 20.23 Left mentoanterior.
Figs 20.18–20.23 Six positions of face presentation.

Malpositions of the occiput and malpresentations Chapter | 20 |

Antenatal diagnosis sinciput, and if it can advance, it will rotate forwards. In a

left mentoanterior position, the orbital ridges will be in
Antenatal diagnosis is rare since face presentation devel- the left oblique diameter of the pelvis (Fig. 20.25). Care
ops during labour in the majority of cases. A cephalic must be taken not to injure or infect the eyes with the
presentation in a known anencephalic fetus may be pre- examining finger.
sumed to be a face presentation.

Mechanism of a left mentoanterior

Intrapartum diagnosis position
Abdominal palpation • The lie is longitudinal.
Face presentation may not be detected, especially if the • The attitude is one of extension of the fetal head
mentum is anterior. The occiput feels prominent, with a and neck.
groove between the head and back, but it may be mistaken • The presentation is the face (Fig. 20.26).
for the sinciput. The limbs may be palpated on the side • The position is left mentoanterior.
opposite to the occiput and the fetal heart is best heard • The denominator is the mentum.
through the fetal chest on the same side as the limbs. In • The presenting part is the left malar bone.
a mentoposterior position the fetal heart is difficult to hear
because the fetal chest is in contact with the maternal
spine (Fig. 20.24).
Descent takes place with increasing extension. The
mentum becomes the leading part.
Vaginal examination
The presenting part is high, soft and irregular. When the
Internal rotation of the head
cervix is sufficiently dilated, the orbital ridges, eyes, nose
and mouth may be felt. However, confusion between the This occurs when the chin reaches the pelvic floor and
mouth and anus could arise. The mouth may be open, and rotates forwards 1 8 of a circle. The chin escapes under the
the hard gums are diagnostic with the possibility of the symphysis pubis (Fig. 20.27A).
fetus sucking the examining finger. As labour progresses
the face becomes oedematous, making it more difficult to
distinguish from a breech presentation. To determine
the position the mentum must be located. If it is posterior,
the midwife should decide whether it is lower than the


Fig. 20.25 Vaginal touch pictures of left mentoanterior

position. (A) The mentum is felt to left and anteriorly. Orbital
ridges in left oblique diameter of the pelvis. (B) Following
increased extension of the head, the mouth can be felt.
(C) The face has rotated 18 of a circle forwards. Orbital
Fig. 20.24 Abdominal palpation of the head in a face ridges in transverse diameter of the pelvis. Position direct
presentation. Position right mentoposterior. mentoanterior.

Section | 4 | Labour

This takes place and the sinciput, vertex and occiput sweep

the perineum; the head is born (Fig. 20.27B).

9.5 cm

V Restitution
This occurs when the chin turns 1
8 of a circle to the

woman’s left side.

Internal rotation of the shoulders

The shoulders enter the pelvis in the left oblique diameter
Fig. 20.26 Diameters involved in the birth of a face of the maternal pelvis and the anterior shoulder reaches
presentation. Engaging diameter, submentobregmatic (SMB) the pelvic floor first, rotating forwards 1 8 of a circle along
9.5 cm. The submentovertical (SMV) diameter, 11.5 cm, the right side of the pelvis.
sweeps the perineum.

External rotation of the head

This occurs simultaneously. The chin moves a further 1
of a circle to the left.

Lateral flexion
The anterior shoulder escapes under the symphysis pubis,
the posterior shoulder sweeps the perineum and the baby’s
body is born by a movement of lateral flexion.

Possible course and outcomes

of labour
Prolonged labour
Labour is often prolonged because the face is an ill-fitting
presenting part and does not therefore stimulate effective
uterine contractions. The woman should be kept informed
A of her progress and any proposed intervention throughout
In addition, the facial bones do not mould and, in order
to enable the mentum to reach the pelvic floor and rotate
forwards, the shoulders must enter the pelvic cavity at the
same time as the head. The fetal axis pressure is directed
to the chin and the head is extended almost at right-angles
to the spine, increasing the diameters to be accommodated
in the pelvis.

Mentoanterior positions
With good uterine contractions, descent and rotation of
the head occur (Fig. 20.27) and labour progresses to a
spontaneous birth as described below.

B Mentoposterior positions
Fig. 20.27 Birth of head in mentoanterior position. (A) The If the head is completely extended, so that the mentum
chin escapes under symphysis pubis. Submentobregmatic reaches the pelvic floor first, and the contractions are effec-
diameter at outlet. (B) The head is born by a movement of tive, the mentum will rotate forwards and the position
flexion. becomes anterior.

Malpositions of the occiput and malpresentations Chapter | 20 |


Fig. 20.28 Persistent mentoposterior position.

Persistent mentoposterior position

In this case, the head is incompletely extended and the
sinciput reaches the pelvic floor first and rotates forwards
1 of a circle, which brings the chin into the hollow of the
8 C D
sacrum (Fig. 20.28). There is no further mechanism. The
face becomes impacted because, in order to descend Fig. 20.29 Birth of face presentation. (A) The sinciput is held
further, both head and chest would have to be accommo- back to increase extension until the chin is born. (B) The chin
dated in the pelvis. Whatever emerges anteriorly from the is born. (C) Flexing the head to bring the occiput over the
vagina must pivot around the subpubic arch. When the perineum. (D) Flexion is completed; the head is born.
chin is posterior this is impossible because the head can
extend no further.
should be taken not to infect or injure the eyes during
vaginal examinations.
Reversal of face presentation Immediately following rupture of the membranes, a
A face presentation in a persistent mentoposterior posi- vaginal examination should be performed to exclude cord
tion may, in some cases, be manipulated to an occipito­ prolapse which is more likely because the face is an ill-
anterior position using bimanual pressure (Neuman et al fitting presenting part. Descent of the fetal head should be
1994; Gimovsky and Hennigan 1995). This method was assessed abdominally, and careful vaginal examination
developed to reduce the likelihood of an operative birth performed every 2–4 hours to determine cervical dilata-
for those women who refused caesarean section. Using a tion and descent of the head.
tocolytic drug, such as terbutaline, to relax the uterus, the In mentoposterior positions the midwife should note
fetal head is disengaged using upward transvaginal pres- whether the mentum is lower than the sinciput, since rota-
sure. The fetal head is then flexed with bimanual pressure tion and descent depend on this. If the head remains high
under ultrasound guidance to achieve an occipitoanterior in spite of good contractions, caesarean section is likely.
position. The woman may be prescribed oral ranitidine, 150 mg
every 6 hours throughout labour if it is considered that an
anaesthetic may be necessary.
Management of labour
First stage of labour Birth of the head (Fig. 20.29)
Upon diagnosis of a face presentation, the midwife should When the face appears at the vulva, extension must be
inform the doctor of this deviation from the normal. maintained by holding back the sinciput and permitting
Routine observations of maternal and fetal conditions are the mentum to escape under the symphysis pubis before
made as in a normal physiological labour (see Chapter the occiput is allowed to sweep the perineum. In this
16). A fetal scalp electrode must not be applied, and care way, the submentovertical diameter (11.5 cm) instead of

Section | 4 | Labour

the mentovertical diameter (13.5 cm) distends the vaginal week. Trauma during labour may cause tracheal and laryn-
orifice. Because the perineum is also distended by the geal oedema immediately after the birth, which can result
biparietal diameter (9.5 cm), an elective episiotomy may in neonatal respiratory distress. In addition, fetal anoma-
be performed to avoid extensive perineal lacerations. lies or tumours, such as fetal goiters that may have con-
If the head does not descend in the second stage of tributed to fetal malpresentation, may make intubation
labour, the doctor should be informed. In a mentoanterior difficult. As a result, a clinician with expertise in neonatal
position it may be possible for the obstetrician to assist resuscitation should be present at the birth.
the baby’s birth with forceps when rotation is incomplete.
If the position remains mentoposterior, the head has
Cerebral haemorrhage
become impacted, or there is any suspicion of dispropor-
tion, a caesarean section will be necessary. The lack of moulding of the facial bones can lead to intra­
cranial haemorrhage caused by excessive compression of
the fetal skull or by rearward compression, in the typical
Complications moulding of the fetal skull found in this presentation
Obstructed labour (Fig. 20.30).

Because the face, unlike the vertex, does not mould, a

minor degree of pelvic contraction may result in obstructed Maternal trauma
labour (see Chapter 19). In a persistent mentoposterior Extensive perineal lacerations may occur at birth owing to
position the face becomes impacted and caesarean section the large submentovertical and biparietal diameters dis-
is necessary. tending the vagina and perineum. There is an increased
incidence of operative birth by either forceps or by caesar-
Cord prolapse ean section, both of which increase maternal morbidity.

A prolapsed cord is more common when the membranes

rupture because the face is an ill-fitting presenting part.
The midwife should always perform a vaginal examination BROW PRESENTATION
when the membranes rupture to rule out cord prolapse
(see Chapter 22). In the brow presentation the fetal head is partially extended
with the frontal bone, which is bounded by the anterior
Facial bruising fontanelle and the orbital ridges, lying at the pelvic brim
(Fig. 20.31). The presenting diameter of 13.5 cm is the
The baby’s face is always bruised and swollen at birth, with mentovertical (Fig. 20.32), which exceeds all diameters in
oedematous eyelids and lips. The head is elongated (Fig. an average-sized gynaecoid pelvis. This presentation is
20.30) and the baby will initially lie with the head rare, with an incidence of approximately 1 in 1000 births
extended. The midwife should warn the parents in advance (Bhal et al 1998).
of the baby’s battered appearance, reassuring them that this
is only temporary as the oedema will disappear within 1
or 2 days, with the bruising usually resolving within a
9.5 cm


Fig. 20.30 Moulding in a face presentation (dotted line).

SMB, submentobregmatic; SMV, submentovertical. Fig. 20.31 Brow presentation.

Malpositions of the occiput and malpresentations Chapter | 20 |

MV .5


Fig. 20.32 Brow presentation. The mentovertical (MV)

diameter, 13.5 cm, lies at the pelvic brim.

Fig. 20.33 Moulding in a brow presentation (dotted line).

Causes MV, mentovertical.

These are the same as for a secondary face presentation

(see above); during the process of extension from a vertex
presentation to a face presentation, the brow will present further extension of the head converts the brow presenta-
temporarily and in a few cases this will persist. tion to a face presentation. Occasionally spontaneous
flexion may occur, resulting in a vertex presentation. If the
Diagnosis head fails to descend and the brow presentation persists,
a caesarean section is performed, with the woman’s
Brow presentation is not usually detected before the onset consent.
of labour.

Abdominal palpation
These are the same as in a face presentation, except that
The head is high, appears unduly large and does not
obstructed labour requiring caesarean section is the prob-
descend into the pelvis despite good uterine contractions.
able rather than a possible outcome.

Vaginal examination
The presenting part is high and may be difficult to reach. SHOULDER PRESENTATION
The anterior fontanelle may be felt on one side of the
maternal pelvis and the orbital ridges, and possibly the
When the fetus lies with its long axis across the long axis
root of the nose, at the other (Fig. 20.33). A large caput
of the uterus (transverse lie) the shoulder is most likely to
succedaneum may mask these landmarks if the woman
present. Occasionally the lie is oblique but this does not
has been in labour for some hours.
persist as the uterine contractions during labour make it
longitudinal or transverse.
Management Shoulder presentation occurs in approximately 1 : 300
pregnancies near term. Only 17% of these cases remain as
The doctor must be informed immediately this presentation is a transverse lie at the onset of labour of which the majority
suspected. This is because vaginal birth is extremely rare are multigravidae (Gimovsky and Hennigan 1995; Akmal
and obstructed labour usually results. It is possible that a and Paterson-Brown 2009). The head lies on one side of
woman with a large pelvis and a small baby may give birth the abdomen, with the breech at a slightly higher level
vaginally. When the brow reaches the pelvic floor the on the other. The fetal back may be anterior or posterior
maxilla rotates forwards and the head is born by a mecha- (Figs 20.34 and 20.35).
nism somewhat similar to that of a persistent occipitopos-
terior position. However, the midwife should never expect
such a favourable outcome. The woman should be warned Causes
about the possible course of labour and that a vaginal
birth is unlikely.
If there is no evidence of fetal compromise, the doctor Before term, transverse or oblique lie may be transitory,
may allow labour to continue for a short while in case related to the woman’s position or displacement of the

Section | 4 | Labour

The distended uterus is globular in shape and the fetus can
move freely in the excessive amniotic fluid volume.

Macerated fetus
Lack of muscle tone causes the fetus to slump down into
the lower pole of the uterus.

Placenta praevia
Fig. 20.34 Shoulder presentation, dorsoanterior. This may prevent the fetal head from entering the
pelvic brim.

Antenatal diagnosis
Abdominal palpation
The uterus appears broad and the fundal height is less than
expected for the period of gestation. On pelvic and fundal
palpation, neither head nor breech is felt. The mobile
head is found on one side of the abdomen and the breech
at a slightly higher level on the other.

Fig. 20.35 Shoulder presentation, dorsoposterior.

Antenatal management
A cause for the shoulder presentation must be sought
before deciding on a course of management and requires
presenting part by an overextended bladder prior to ultra- a medical referral. Ultrasound examination can detect pla-
sound examination. Other causes are described below. centa praevia or uterine malformations, while X-ray pel-
vimetry will demonstrate a contracted pelvis (see Chapter
Lax abdominal and uterine muscles 3). Any of these causes requires elective caesarean section.
This is the most common cause and is found in multigravi- Once such causes have been excluded, external cephalic
dae, particularly those of high parity. version (ECV) may be attempted. If this fails, or if the lie
is transverse again at the next antenatal visit, the woman
Uterine malformation is admitted to hospital while further investigations into
the cause are made. The woman frequently remains in
A bicornuate or subseptate uterus may result in a trans-
hospital until labour commences because of the risk of
verse lie, as, more rarely, may a cervical or low uterine
cord prolapse if the membranes rupture.

Contracted pelvis Intrapartum diagnosis

Rarely, this may prevent the head from entering the
The findings are as above but when the membranes have
pelvic brim.
ruptured the irregular outline of the uterus is more marked.
If the uterus is contracting strongly and becomes moulded
Fetal around the fetus, palpation is very difficult. The pelvis is
no longer empty as the shoulder is wedged into the brim.
Pre-term pregnancy
The amount of amniotic fluid in relation to the fetus is
greater, allowing the fetus more mobility than at term. Vaginal examination
In early labour the presenting part may not be felt. The
Multiple pregnancy membranes usually rupture early because of the ill-fitting
There is a possibility of hydramnios but the presence of presenting part, with a high risk of cord prolapse.
more than one fetus reduces the room for manoeuvre If the labour has been in progress for some time the
when amounts of amniotic fluid are normal. It is the shoulder may be felt as a soft irregular mass. It is some-
second twin that more commonly adopts a transverse lie times possible to palpate the ribs, with their characteristic
after the birth of the first baby. grid-iron pattern being diagnostic (Fig. 20.36). When the

Malpositions of the occiput and malpresentations Chapter | 20 |

Prolapsed cord
This may occur when the membranes rupture (see
Chapter 22).

Prolapsed arm
This may occur when the membranes have ruptured and
the shoulder has become impacted. Birth should be by
immediate caesarean section.
Neglected shoulder presentation
With adequate supervision both antenatally and during
Acromion process labour, this should never occur.
The fetal shoulder becomes impacted, having been
forced down and wedged into the maternal pelvic brim.
The membranes have ruptured spontaneously and if the
Humerus arm has prolapsed it becomes blue and oedematous. The
uterus goes into a state of tonic contraction, the over-
stretched lower segment is tender to touch and the fetal
heartbeat may be absent. All the maternal signs of
Fig. 20.36 Vaginal touch picture of shoulder presentation. obstructed labour are present (see Chapter 19) and the
outcome, if not treated in time, is a ruptured uterus and a
shoulder enters the pelvic brim an arm may prolapse,
which should be differentiated from a leg, i.e. the hand is
not at right-angles to the arm, the fingers are longer than Management
the toes and of unequal length, and the thumb can be
An immediate caesarean section is performed regardless
opposed. No os calcis can be felt and the palm is shorter
of whether the fetus is alive or dead, as attempts at
than the sole. If the arm is flexed, an elbow feels sharper
manipulative procedures or destructive operations can be
than a knee.
dangerous for the woman and may result in uterine
Possible outcome
Whenever the midwife detects a transverse lie she must
obtain medical assistance. There is no mechanism for
the birth of a shoulder presentation.
If a transverse lie is detected in early labour while the
membranes are still intact, the doctor may attempt an ECV. The lie is defined as unstable when after 36 weeks’ gesta-
If this is successful, the doctor may then undertake a con- tion, instead of remaining longitudinal, it varies from one
trolled rupture of the membranes. (This may be consid- examination to another between longitudinal and oblique
ered before labour in some cases [Hutton and Hofmeyr or transverse.
2006]). If the membranes have already ruptured spontane-
ously, a vaginal examination must be performed immedi-
ately to detect possible cord prolapse.
If a shoulder presentation persists in labour, the birth of Any condition in late pregnancy that increases the mobil-
the baby must be by caesarean section to avoid obstructed ity of the fetus or prevents the fetal head from entering the
labour and subsequent uterine rupture (see Chapter 22). pelvic brim may cause this.
Immediate caesarean section must be performed:
• when ECV is unsuccessful Maternal
• when the membranes are already ruptured
• if the cord prolapses These include:
• when labour has already been in progress for some • lax uterine muscles in multigravidae
hours. • contracted pelvis.

Section | 4 | Labour

Fetal enters the pelvis and an intravenous infusion of oxytocin

is commenced to stimulate contractions.
These include:
The midwife should ensure that the woman has an
• hydramnios empty rectum and bladder before the procedure, as a
• placenta praevia. loaded rectum or full bladder can prevent the presenting
part from entering the pelvis. The abdomen should be
palpated at frequent intervals to ensure that the lie remains
Management longitudinal and to assess the descent of the fetal head.
Antenatal Labour is regarded as a trial.
If labour commences with the lie other than longitudi-
It may be advisable for the woman to be admitted to nal, the complications are the same as for a transverse lie.
hospital to avoid unsupervised onset of labour with a
transverse lie. Alternatively, the woman may admit herself
to the hospital maternity unit as soon as labour com-
mences. The risk associated with the possibility of rupture COMPOUND PRESENTATION
of membranes and cord prolapse should be emphasized
if the woman chooses to remain at home. When a hand, or occasionally a foot, lies alongside the
Ultrasonography is used to exclude placenta praevia. head, the presentation is said to be compound. This tends
Attempts will be made to correct the abnormal presenta- to occur with a small fetus or roomy maternal pelvis and
tion by ECV. If unsuccessful, caesarean section is seldom is difficulty encountered except in cases where it
considered. is associated with a flat pelvis. On rare occasions the head,
hand and foot are felt in the vagina – a serious situation
that may occur with a dead fetus.
Intrapartum If a compound presentation is diagnosed during the first
Obstetricians may recommend induction of labour after stage of labour, medical aid must be sought. If diagnosis
38 weeks’ gestation, when the lie is unstable. Having first occurs during the second stage of labour and the midwife
ensured that the lie is longitudinal, a controlled rupture sees a hand presenting alongside the vertex, she should try
of the membranes is performed so that the fetal head to hold the hand back.


Akmal S, Paterson-Brown S 2009 women during childbirth. Cochrane Melamed N, Gavish O, Eisner M 2013
Malpositions and malpresentations Database of Systematic Reviews Third- and fourth-degree perineal
of the foetal head. Obstetrics and 2012, Issue 10. Art. No. CD003766. tears – incidence and risk factors.
Gynecology and Reproductive doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003766. Journal of Maternal–Fetal and
Medicine 199:240–6 pub4 Neonatal Medicine 26(7):660–4
Bhal P S, Davies N J, Chung T 1998 A Hunter S, Hofmeyr G J, Kulier R 2007 Munro J, Jokinen M 2012 RCM evidence-
population study of face and brow Hands and knees posture in late based guidelines for midwifery-led
presentation. Journal of Obstetrics pregnancy or labour for fetal care in labour. Persistent lateral and
and Gynecology 18(3):231–5 malposition (lateral or posterior). posterior fetal positions at the onset
Cheng Y W, Shaffer B L, Caughy A B Cochrane Database of Systematic of labour. Royal College of Midwives
2006 The association between Reviews 2007, Issue 4. Art. No. Trust, London
persistent occiput posterior and CD001063. doi: 10.1002/14651858 Neuman M, Beller U, Lavie O 1994
neonatal outcomes. Obstetrics and .CD001063.pub3 Intrapartum bimanual tocolytic-
Gynecology 107(4):837–44 Hutton E K, Hofmeyr G J 2006 External assisted reversal of face presentation:
Gardberg M, Laakkonen E, Salevaara M cephalic version for breech preliminary report. Obstetrics and
1998 Intra-partum sonography and presentation before term. Cochrane Gynecology 84(10):146–8
persistent occiput posterior position: Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council)
a study of 408 deliveries. Obstetrics Issue 1. Art. No. CD000084. doi: 2012 Midwives Rules and Standards.
and Gynecology 91(5):1746–9 10.1002/14651858.CD000084.pub2 NMC, London
Gimovsky M, Hennigan C 1995 Kariminia A, Chamberlain M E, Keogh J Pearl M L, Roberts J M, Laros R K et al
Abnormal fetal presentations. 2004 Randomised controlled trial of 1993 Vaginal delivery from the
Current Opinion in Obstetrics and effect of hands and knees posturing persistent occiput posterior position.
Gynecology 7(6):482–5 on incidence of occiput posterior Influence on maternal and neonatal
Hodnett E D, Gates S, Hofmeyr G J et al position at birth. British Medical morbidity. Journal of Reproductive
2012 Continuous support for Journal 328(7438):490–3 Medicine 38(12):955–61

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Peregrine E, O’Brian P, Jauniaux E 2007 delivery (Protocol). Cochrane Shaffer B L, Cheng Y W, Vargas J E et al
Impact on delivery outcome of Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, 2011 Manual rotation to reduce
ultrasonographic fetal head position Issue 10. Art. No. CD009298. doi: caesarean delivery in occiput
prior to induction of labor. 10.1002/14651858.CD009298 posterior or transverse position.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Ponkey S E, Cohen A P, Heffner L J et al Journal of Maternal–Fetal and
109(3):618–25 2003 Persistent fetal occiput Neonatal Medicine 24(1):65–72
Phipps H, de Vries B, Hyett J et al 2011 posterior position: obstetric Simkin P 2010 The fetal occiput
Prophylactic manual rotation for outcomes. Obstetrics and position: state of the science and a
fetal malposition to reduce operative Gynecology 101(9):15–20 new perspective. Birth 37(1):61–71


Chapman K 2000 Aetiology and between an anteriorly situated placenta and reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity
management of the secondary brow. OP position after 36 weeks of pregnancy. and mortality.
Journal of Obstetrics and Reichman O, Gdansky E, Latinsky B Shaffer B I, Cheng Y W, Vargas J E et al
Gynaecology 20:(1)39–44 et al 2008 Digital rotation from 2011 Manual rotation to reduce
Six cases of vaginal birth from a brow occipito-posterior to occipito- caesarean delivery in persistent
presentation over a career of 39 years are anterior decreases the need for occiput posterior or transverse
recorded in this article. Most midwives will caesarean section. European Journal position. Journal of Maternal Fetal
never see a brow presentation birth of Obstetrics and Gynecology and and Neonatal Medicine 24(1):65–72
vaginally; this is a fascinating record from Reproductive Biology 136:25–8 Compared to expectant management
a long career. The results of a prospective study suggest manual rotation of the fetal head from OT
Gardberg M, Tuppurainen M 1994 that digital rotation should be considered or OP positions was associated with a
Anterior placental location when managing the labour with a fetus in reduction of caesarean sections and adverse
predisposes for occiput posterior the OP position. The manoeuvre has been maternal outcomes and no adverse neonatal
presentation near term. Acta shown to have a high success rate, in outcomes. If a midwife is practising in a
Obstetrica et Gynecologica experienced hands, reducing the need for setting where operative birth is not readily
Scandinavica 73(2):151–2 vacuum extraction and caesarean section available, this intervention may reduce
In a series of 325 ultrasound examinations and so shortens the duration of hospital maternal and neonatal morbidity and
the authors demonstrated an association stay. The intervention has the potential to mortality.

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Chapter 21

Operative births
Richard Hayman

CHAPTER CONTENTS Psychological support and the role of

the midwife 465
Assisting a vaginal birth 456 Vaginal birth after caesarean section
Indications for ventouse or forceps 456 (VBAC) 466
Fetal 456 Postoperative care 466
Maternal 456 Analgesia/anaesthesia 468
Contraindications to an instrumental Research and the incidence of caesarean
vaginal birth 457 section: tackling high and rising caesarean
Absolute 457 section rates 471
Relative contraindications (for forceps References 472
or ventouse) 457 Further reading 473
Prerequisites for any operative Useful websites 473
vaginal birth 457
This chapter describes the methods of operative
Birth by ventouse 457 birth that may be used when the mother is
Types of ventouse 457 unable to give birth without medical or surgical
The use of the ventouse 458 assistance. The role of the midwife in these
Procedure 458 procedures will be explored, as will the principles
of ‘keeping the normal, normal’.
Precautions in use 459
The midwife ventouse practitioner 460 THE CHAPTER AIMS TO:
Birth by forceps 460
Characteristics of the obstetric forceps 460
• identify the areas of midwifery care that relate to
the preparation for an assisted vaginal birth
Classification of obstetric forceps 460
(ventouse/forceps) or birth by caesarean section (CS)
Types of obstetric forceps 460 • describe the role of the midwife in relation to the
Procedure 460 issues of informed consent and the management of
Complications of instrumental vaginal complications following assisted birth
birth 462 • consider the various techniques used for assisted
Caesarean section 463 vaginal birth (ventouse/forceps) and birth by CS, plus
Clarifying the indications for caesarean the skills required by the midwife to improve the
section 463 experience for both the mother and her partner
The operative procedure 464 • discuss the changing role of the midwife in relation
Women’s request for caesarean section 465 to medical intervention.

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 455

Section | 4 | Labour


Assisted vaginal birth is a frequently and widely practised
intervention in the provision of care to women during The indications for assisted vaginal birth may be simply
childbirth. In England during 2011–12, of the 668 936 categorized into fetal and maternal. However, the reasons
births recorded, 85 009 (13%) were assisted with forceps cited for intervention are frequently imprecise as multiple
or ventouse (Health and Social Care Information Centre, factors often interact.
Hospital Episodes Statistics 2012). However, the incidence
of instrumental intervention varies widely both between
and within countries, and may be performed as infre-
quently as 1.5% or as often as 26%. Such differences Fetal
may be linked to the alternative management strategies
• Malposition of the fetal head (occipitolateral
employed during labour in different units (Bragg et al
and occipitoposterior). Such positions occur
2010). Various techniques have been championed to help
more frequently in the presence of regional
lower the rates of operative births. These are summarized
anaesthesia, as alterations in the tone of the pelvic
in Box 21.1.
floor may impede the spontaneous rotation to
It should be noted, however, that other interventions,
the optimal occipitoanterior position during the
such as epidural analgesia, have been observed to be asso-
decent of the presenting part (vertex of the
ciated with an increased risk of instrumental vaginal birth
fetal head).
and have been suggested to be linked to an increased risk
• Fetal ‘distress’ is a commonly cited indication for
of birth by caesarean section (CS) (Anim-Somuah et al
instrumental intervention; however, ‘presumed fetal
2011). However, such ‘disadvantages’ must be balanced
compromise’ is a more comprehensive term (unless a
against the higher rates of maternal satisfaction that this
fetal blood sample has been obtained showing
form of analgesia provides. It is up to the woman to make
hypoxia and acidosis, in which case ‘fetal hypoxia’
an informed choice as to which of the benefits and risks
should be used) (NICE [National Institute for Health
are most important, not up to the attending medical staff
and Clinical Excellence] 2007).
to make didactic decisions on her behalf. Indeed, whilst
• Elective instrumental intervention for infants of
it has been commented (Johanson and Menon 1999) that,
reduced weight. In infants weighing <1.5 kg, delivery
in general, maternal outcomes would be improved by low-
with forceps does not confer an advantage over
ering instrumental birth rates, no evidence to support such
spontaneous birth and may increase the incidence of
a statement has ever been forthcoming, as it is not easy to
intracranial haemorrhage. Ventouse carries the same
see what the alternatives are for a woman who, despite her
risks, but in addition should be avoided in infants of
own best efforts, has not been able to secure a ‘normal
<34+6 weeks of gestation.
• Assisted vaginal breech birth. Forceps can be applied
to the after-coming head to control the birth of the
vertex, a situation where the ventouse is

Box 21.1 Useful techniques to help lower the

operative birth rate Maternal
• One-to-one care in labour (Hodnett et al 2011) • The commonest maternal indications are those
• Active management of the second stage with of maternal distress, exhaustion, or prolongation
Syntocinon (O’Driscoll et al 1993; Brown et al of the second stage of labour. This has been
2008) suggested as greater than 2 hours in a primigravida
• Upright birth posture/mobilization (NICE 2007; Gupta (3 hours if an epidural is in situ), or more than
et al 2012) 1 hour in a multipara (2 hours if an epidural is
• Delaying the onset of the active second stage by 1–2 in situ) (NICE 2007).
hours in women with regional analgesia/anaesthesia • Medically significant conditions such as: aortic valve
(NICE 2007) disease with significant outflow obstruction;
• Fetal blood sampling rather than expediting myasthenia gravis; significant antepartum
birth when fetal heart rate abnormalities occur haemorrhage due to placental abruption or vasa
(NICE 2007) praevia; severe hypertensive disease; and previous CS
(to minimize the risk of scar rupture).

Operative births Chapter | 21 |

• Adequate analgesia/anaesthesia.
CONTRAINDICATIONS TO AN • Empty bladder/no obstruction below the fetal head
INSTRUMENTAL VAGINAL BIRTH (contracted pelvis/ovarian cyst).
• A knowledgeable and experienced operator with
adequate preparation to proceed with an alternative
Absolute approach if necessary.
• The vertex is ≥1/5th palpable abdominally. • An adequately informed woman (with signed
• The position as determined by a vaginal examination consent form detailing appropriate risks/benefits/
(occipitoanterior/posterior or lateral) of the fetal complications as the situation demands).
head is unknown.
• Before full dilatation of the cervix (although a
possible exception occurs with the ventouse birth of BIRTH BY VENTOUSE
a second twin).
• When the operator is inexperienced in instrumental
The ventouse is essentially a suction cup (made from
vaginal birth.
plastic or metal) that is connected (via tubing) to a vacuum
In addition the ventouse should not be used: source. Following the placement of the cup onto the fetal
• In gestations of <34+6 weeks because of the increased head, traction can be applied to assist the birth.
risk of intracranial haemorrhage in the fetus. There is no definitive guide as to which instrument to
• With the fetus presenting by the face. use on which occasion. However the ventouse cup may
• If there is a significant degree of caput that may not be successful at securing birth and therefore obstetric
either preclude correct placement of the cup or, more forceps should be chosen if there is:
sinisterly, indicate a substantial degree of • suspected fetal macrosomia
cephalopelvic disproportion CPD). • excessive caput or moulding
• poor maternal effort due to exhaustion (which may
be compounded by epidural analgesia and poor
Relative contraindications sensation)
(for forceps or ventouse) • gestation <34 completed weeks.
• Fetal bleeding disorders (e.g. alloimmune
thrombocytopenia) or a predisposition to fractures Types of ventouse
(e.g. osteogenesis imperfecta) are relative
Until recently, the most commonly used ventouse in use
contraindications specifically to an operative birth
in the United Kingdom (UK) was that of the ‘soft’ or sili-
with the ventouse. However, the comparative risks of
cone cup design (Fig. 21.1A). Whilst these cups have the
a birth by a difficult second stage caesarean section
undoubted advantages of being extremely malleable
must also be considered and a discussion undertaken
(reducing maternal trauma by being more easy to correctly
antenatally about the most appropriate plan for
place within the vagina) and having a reduced incidence
birth (it may be wiser to recommend that such
of fetal scalp trauma when compared to other cup designs,
women have an elective CS).
soft cups have a poorer success rate than metal cups in
• There is minimal risk of fetal haemorrhage if the
achieving a vaginal birth (RCOG [Royal College of Obste-
vacuum extractor is employed following fetal blood
tricians and Gynaecologists] 2011).
sampling or application of a scalp electrode.
Metal cup ventouse designs are of the Bird or Malstrom
types, which have a centrally placed traction chain with a
laterally located vacuum conduit. They come in diameters
of 4, 5 and 6 cm.
Both the standard soft and metal cup designs require
VAGINAL BIRTH the generation of an operating vacuum from an external
source – and as such these pieces of equipment require
• Rupture of the membranes must be confirmed. two operators for their successful use (one to control the
• The cervix must be fully dilated. placement of the ventouse and assist the birth, the other
• Cephalic presentation with identification of the (most commonly the attending midwife) to control the
position (occipitoanterior/posterior or lateral). degree of vacuum that is generated.
• Adequate pelvis as ascertained by clinical pelvimetry. More recent advances in design have removed the need
• The fetal head must be <1/5th palpable per abdomen, for the external suction generators by incorporating the
with the presenting part at or below the ischial vacuum mechanism into ‘hand-held’ pumps (e.g. Kiwi
spines. OmniCupTM) as illustrated in Fig. 21.1(B). Such devices are

Section | 4 | Labour

safe and may be useful for rotational births because they (Chapter 31), other facial (nerve palsies) and significant
are low profile and are easily manoeuvered into the correct cranial injuries (fractures) are more common with forceps.
position. However, they have a significantly higher failure
rate than the conventional metal cup ventouse, with cup
detachments occurring more frequently.
• The rationale for the birth is discussed with the
woman and her partner. The procedure is explained
The use of the ventouse
and consent obtained (written consent should be
The ventouse is more frequently employed by obstetri- obtained if time allows).
cians than the obstetric forceps due to its apparent ease of • The woman’s legs should be placed into the
use and comparative safety. However, repeated meta- lithotomy position.
analyses have demonstrated that the ventouse is less likely • Whilst inhalational analgesia may be sufficient
to achieve a successful vaginal birth than forceps, although (entonox – N2O), more commonly a pudendal nerve
both types of instruments are associated with a lowering block with perineal infiltration may be administered,
of the overall CS rate (Johanson and Menon 1999). or an epidural, if already in situ, may be topped up.
Although the ventouse is associated with an increased risk • Once adequate analgesia is assured, the maternal
of neonatal complications such as cephalohaematoma bladder is emptied.

B Fig. 21.1 (A) The soft cup ventouse. (B) The Kiwi OmniCupTM.

Operative births Chapter | 21 |

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Fig. 21.1 Continued (C) Birth by ventouse.

• The fetal heart rate (FHR) must be continuously with a ventouse will fail. Traction is provided along a track
monitored (with a cardiotocograph – CTG). defined by the curve of Carus (Chapter 3): initially in a
• For the successful use of the ventouse, it is essential downwards and backwards direction, then in a forward
to determine the flexion point, which is located, in and upward manner. Once the fetal head has crowned, the
an average term infant, along the sagittal suture 3 cm vacuum is released, the cup removed and with further
anterior to the posterior fontanelle (and thus 6 cm maternal efforts the baby will be born. In addition to the
posterior to the anterior fontanelle). The centre of relative ease of use and low risk of complications, it is
the cup should be placed directly over this, as failure undoubtedly this sense of contribution to the birth that
to adequately position the cup can lead to a makes the ventouse a more satisfactory birthing experi-
progressive deflexion of the fetal head during ence for the mother and her partner than an operative
traction. birth with obstetric forceps.
The operating vacuum pressure for nearly all ventouse
is between 0.6 and 0.8 kg/cm2 (60–80 kPa/500–800
Precautions in use
cmH2O). No evidence exists that a stepwise reduction in
pressure improves the rate of successful birth when com- With the ventouse, the operator should allow ≤2 episodes
pared with a linear reduction. Using the latter technique of breaking the suction in any vacuum assisted birth, and
with a silastic cup, a caput succedaneum (Chapter 31) is the maximum time from application to birth should
formed instantly, and with the metal cup or OmniCupTM, ideally be ≤15 minutes. If there is no evidence of descent
an adequate chignon is produced in <2 minutes. It is with the first pull, the woman should be reassessed to
important to note that a cup of 5 cm diameter is suitable ascertain the reason for failure to progress. In addition,
for nearly all births, even with larger babies. care should be taken to ensure that no vaginal skin is
When the vacuum is achieved, traction must be applied trapped in the edges of the cup as this can result in
to coincide with a contraction and thus maternal expulsive complex degrees of perineal trauma that can be extremely
efforts. Without both of these contributing factors, birth difficult to repair in a satisfactory fashion.

Section | 4 | Labour

The midwife ventouse practitioner with ease’. Forceps that do not lock are most commonly
incorrectly placed.
Some midwives feel that women will be better served by
a midwife ventouse practitioner rather than an obstetri-
cian and embrace such innovations (Tinsley 2010). Classification of obstetric forceps
However, others see it as exceeding the limits of normal
Forceps operations fall into two categories: mid- and low-
midwifery practice (Charles 1999). The fact is that mid-
cavity. Mid-cavity forceps are used when the leading part
wifery care is changing and developing, specifically with
of the fetal head has reached below the level of the ischial
the advancement of care within stand-alone midwife-led
spines; low-cavity forceps are used when the head has
descended to the level of the pelvic floor. High-cavity
Whilst the idea of reducing the psychological trauma to
forceps (with the leading part of the fetal head above the
a woman during a birth by limiting the number of carers
level of the ischial spines) are now considered unsafe and
in attendance at this crucial and critical time is to be com-
a CS will be the preferred method of birth in nearly all
mended, it would be foolhardy to assume that the midwife
ventouse practitioner would be the primary carer for every
pregnant women on every occasion that required an
assisted vaginal birth. As such it is likely that a midwife Types of obstetric forceps
previously unknown to the labouring woman would be
asked to assist at the moment when help is required, an Wrigley’s forceps
event that would therefore be no less ‘traumatic’ for a These are designed for use in outlet lift-out when the head
woman or her partner than asking an obstetrician to is on the perineum or to assist the birth of the fetal head
attend. All accoucheurs, including midwife ventouse prac- at caesarean section. They have a short shank, fenestrated
titioners, must be well educated and trained before carry- blades with both pelvic and cephalic curves, and an
ing out a ventouse birth – although it is highly unlikely English lock (Fig. 21.2).
that the more complex surgical skills required of a birth
by forceps or CS would be mastered in addition. It should
be remembered that as a ventouse will fail in up to 20% Neville–Barnes or Simpson’s forceps
of cases, even in the most skilled hands, having no ability These are generally used for a low- or mid-cavity forceps
to change instruments or resort to birth by CS will place birth when the sagittal suture is in the anteroposterior
those midwives who work as ventouse practitioners in diameter of the cavity of the pelvis. Whilst they have
isolation in a most unenviable position. cephalic and pelvic curves to the fenestrated blades, the
handles are longer and heavier (Fig. 21.2) than those of
the Wrigley’s. Anderson’s and Haig–Ferguson’s forceps are
also similar in shape and size.
Kielland’s forceps
Characteristics of the obstetric
These were originally designed to deliver the fetal head at
forceps a station at, or above, the pelvic brim. They are now more
All obstetric forceps are composed of two separate blades commonly used for the rotation and extraction of a baby
(determined as right and left by reference to their insertion whose head is in the deep transverse or occipitoposterior
around the fetal head within the maternal vagina), two malpositions. By comparison to the non-rotational
shanks (shafts) of varying length and two handles. Forceps forceps, the Kielland’s forceps blades have fenestrated
are often described as non-rotational or rotational. Non- blades with a much-reduced pelvic curve (in order to allow
rotational forceps are ‘held’ together by either an English for the safe rotation of the fetus), longer shanks (to enable
(non-sliding) lock on the shank or, in the case of rota- rotation within the mid-cavity of the pelvis) and a sliding
tional forceps, by a sliding lock on the shank. The blades lock to allow for correction of any degree of asynclitism
have a cephalic curve to accommodate the form of the of the fetal head. These forceps (Fig. 21.2) should be used
baby’s head and are fenestrated (and not solid) to mini- only by an obstetrician skilled in their application and
mize the trauma to the baby’s head during both placement use, and indeed in many units their use has been
and birth. They also have a pelvic curve to reduce the abandoned.
risks of trauma to the maternal tissues during the birth
When the blades are correctly positioned around the
fetal skull, the handles will be neatly aligned in the hands In addition to the key points outlined for ventouse
of the doctor who applies them and will be noted to ‘lock on page 458, i.e. rationale, consent, urinary bladder

Operative births Chapter | 21 |

Fig. 21.2 Types of forceps. From above: Kielland’s, Neville–Barnes and Simpson’s. Note the difference in cephalic curve. The
rotational forceps (Kielland’s) have a long shaft and little pelvic curve. Wrigley’s forceps have a shorter shank.

catheterization, FHR monitoring and position of the

woman’s legs, specific issues to consider are:
• Consideration should be given as to the location
of the birth – in the birthing room (lift-out or
low-cavity – non rotational deliveries) or in the
obstetric theatre (all other forceps births).
• Unlike the ventouse, inhalational analgesia or a
pudendal nerve block with perineal infiltration
is unlikely to be sufficient for a forceps birth. In
the majority of instances an epidural, if already in
situ, may be topped up, or a spinal anaesthetic
should be administered. These are mandatory
before consideration is given to using Kielland’s
• The forceps should be held discretely in front of the
woman (to visualize how they will be inserted per
vaginum) and placed around the fetal head. The left
blade is inserted before the right blade, with the
accoucheur’s hand protecting the vaginal wall from
direct trauma.
• The forceps blades come to lie parallel to the axis of
the fetal head, and between the fetal head and the
pelvic wall. The operator then articulates and locks Fig. 21.3 Left blade being inserted. The fingers of the right
the blades, checking their application before hand guard the vaginal tissue.
applying traction. The blades must be repositioned
or the procedure abandoned if the application is • As with the ventouse, the axis of traction changes
incorrect. during the birth and is guided along the curve of
• Traction should be applied in concert with uterine Carus, the blades being directed to the vertical as the
contractions and maternal expulsive efforts. head crowns (see Figs 21.3–21.6).

Section | 4 | Labour

Fig. 21.6 As the head crowns it is lifted upwards.

Fig. 21.4 Right blade being inserted.

without the concurrent use of an episiotomy), vaginal

trauma, use of general anaesthesia, flatal, faecal and
urinary continence (Chapter 15).

Maternal complications
Complications may include:
• Trauma or soft tissue damage – occurring to the
cervix, vagina or perineum.
• Dysuria or urinary retention, which may result from
bruising or oedema to the tissues around the
• Perineal discomfort.
• Haemorrhage (both from tissue trauma and also
uterine atony – the risk of which is always increased
following an assisted vaginal birth).

Fig. 21.5 Traction of the head is downwards until this point; Neonatal complications
when the head is low, the direction of pull is outward, Complications may include:
towards the operator.
• Marks on the baby’s face and bruising (commonly
caused by the pressure from the forceps blades and
Complications of instrumental around the caput succedaneum/chignon from the
ventouse – nearly all of which resolve within 48–72
vaginal birth
hours after birth; see Chapter 31).
Although forceps are less likely than the ventouse to fail • Facial palsy, which may result from pressure from a
to achieve a vaginal birth, they are significantly more likely blade compressing a facial nerve (a transient
to be associated with third- or fourth-degree tears (with or problem in most instances).

Operative births Chapter | 21 |

■ Prolonged traction during a birth with a ventouse from 10% to 65%, 10% of women had CS before labour
will increase the likelihood of scalp abrasions, (range between maternity units 4% to 59%), and 12% of
cephalohaematoma or sub-aponeurotic bleeding women who went into labour had a CS (range between
(Chapter 31). maternity units 2% to 22%).
Some authors suggest that failure rates of <1% should It is believed that some of the differences in CS rates
be achieved using the correct technique and with well- observed may be explained by differences in the demo-
maintained equipment. Many authors feel that this is an graphic and clinical characteristics of the population, such
unrealistic target. Failure of the ventouse realistically arises as maternal age, ethnicity, previous CS, breech presenta-
in up to 20% of cases and indeed Johanson and Menon tion, prematurity and induction of labour. However the
(1999) achieved vaginal birth with the first instrument in exact reasons for these differences remains unclear.
only 86% of assisted births. Although there has been an increase in CS rates over the
The following as factors will often be found to have past 20 years, the four major clinical determinants of the
contributed to failure: CS rate have not changed. Common primary indications
reported for women having a primary CS were: failure to
With the ventouse progress in labour (25%), presumed fetal compromise
(28%) and breech presentation (14%). The most common
• Failure to select the correct cup type – inappropriate
indications for women having a repeat CS were: previous
use of the silastic cup – especially in the presence of
CS (44%), maternal request as reported by clinicians
deflexion of the fetal head, excess caput, ‘dense’
(12%), failure to progress (10%), presumed fetal compro-
epidural block or fetal macrosomia (true CPD).
mise (9%) and breech presentation (3%).
• Failure of the equipment to provide adequate traction
Currently in the UK, slightly more than one in seven
as a consequence of a leakage of the vacuum.
women experience complications during labour that
• Incorrect cup placement – too anterior or lateral,
provide an indication for CS. These problems can be life-
with or without inclusion of maternal soft tissues
threatening for the mother and/or baby (e.g. eclampsia,
within the cup.
abruptio placenta) and, in approximately 40% of such
cases, a CS provides the safest route for birth. In all cases the
With any instrument principal aims must be to ensure that those women and
• Inadequate initial case assessment – high head, babies who need birth by CS are so delivered, and that those
misdiagnosis of the position and attitude of who do not are saved from an unnecessary intervention.
the head. In 1985, concern regarding the increasing frequency of
• Traction along the wrong plane (often too anteriorly caesarean section led the World Health Organization
and not along the curve of Carus). (WHO) to hold a Consensus Conference (Stephenson
• Poor maternal effort with inadequate use of 1992). This conference concluded that there were no health
syntocinon to maximize the contribution from benefits above a CS rate of 10–15%. The Scandinavian
coordinated uterine activity. countries managed to hold CS rates at this level during the
Whatever the outcome, the midwife in attendance is 1990s, with outcomes comparable to or better than those
vital to the success of any manoeuvres undertaken, encour- of countries with higher CS rates. However, this is no longer
aging the mother to be an active participant in her birth, the case and CS rates in these countries have now increased
supporting the mother and her partner through what may towards those in the other developed nations.
be perceived to be a ‘deviation from normal’ and impor- Although many factors have been associated with an
tantly, to support the clinician undertaking the assisted increase in the CS rate, not all have been to the detriment
birth. of the mother or baby. Interestingly, whilst the CS rate has
risen over the two preceding decades, the instrumental
vaginal birth rate has remained relatively constant.

Clarifying the indications for
Caesarean section is an operative procedure, which is caesarean section
carried out under anaesthesia (regional or general),
whereby the fetus, placenta and membranes are delivered NICE (2011) recommends that the urgency of CS should
through an incision made in the abdominal wall and be documented using the following standardized scheme
uterus. in order to aid clear communication between healthcare
The RCOG (2001) National Sentinel Caesarean Section professionals about the urgency of a CS:
Audit reported that the overall CS rate was 21.5% (England 1. Immediate threat to the life of the woman or fetus.
and Wales), accounting for approximately 120 000 births 2. Maternal or fetal compromise which is not
per year. Whilst the CS rates for maternity units ranged immediately life-threatening.

Section | 4 | Labour

3. No maternal or fetal compromise but needs early • A preoperative assessment includes: weight and
delivery. observations of blood pressure, pulse and
4. Delivery timed to suit woman or staff. temperature. The woman is gowned, make-up, the
The need for birth by a category 1 (‘crash’) CS is fortu- presence of any nail varnish and jewellery removed
nately a rare event as it can be a psychologically traumatic (rings/ear-rings taped).
event for the woman and her partner. It is also extremely • The woman is visited by the anaesthetist and the
stressful for the clinical staff in attendance. Resources may operating department practitioner preoperatively,
have to be obtained from other areas of clinical care to and assessed. An anaesthetic chart will be
facilitate such a birth and care standards risk being com- commenced.
promised in the rush to secure a ‘safe’ outcome. Care • Results of any blood tests that have been requested
should therefore be exercised before making this decision, are obtained (full blood count, group and save and
and in utero fetal resuscitation (fluids, tocolytics and cross match, if required).
oxygen) may give enough time for a more considered and • The woman will have fasted and have taken the
careful approach. prescribed antacid therapy.
• Many women prefer to have urinary catheterization
in the theatre once the regional or general
Indications for which elective caesarean anaesthetic has been administered. However some
section would be the strongly recommended women will prefer to have this procedure undertaken
mode of birth: in the privacy of their room before entering the
operating theatre.
• Past obstetric history • As the woman will need to lie flat, it is essential that
■ previous classical caesarean section
a wedge or cushion is used, or the table is tilted, to
■ interval pelvic floor or anal sphincter repair
direct the gravid uterus away from the inferior vena
■ previous severe shoulder dystocia with significant
cava. The risks of supine hypotension syndrome will
neonatal injury.
thus be reduced.
• Current pregnancy events
• The regional or general anaesthetics will be
■ significant fetal disease likely to lead to poor
tolerance of labour
■ monoamniotic twins or higher-order multiple
• A surgical ‘time out’ should be carried out on every
woman entering the operating theatre prior to the
preparation of the skin. In competent hands this
■ placenta praevia
takes a matter of seconds dramatically improving
■ obstructing pelvic mass
safety whilst not delaying the birth to any
■ active primary herpes at onset of labour.
perceptible degree.
• Intrapartum events
• The skin is prepared in accordance with local and
■ presumed fetal compromise in the first stage national guidelines. Currently, it remains unclear
■ maternal disease for which delay in delivery may what kind of skin preparation might be the most
compromise the safety of the mother efficacious in the prevention of post CS surgical
■ absolute cephalopelvic disproportion (brow wound infection (Hadiati et al 2012).
presentations etc). • Intravenous antibiotics should be administered as
These lists are not comprehensive and factors or other surgical prophylaxis before the skin is incised. This
indicators may co-exist to influence the decision-making reduces the risk of maternal infection more than
process. prophylactic antibiotics given after skin incision, and
no effect on the baby has been demonstrated.
The operative procedure
The anatomical layers that need to be breached in order
• The rationale for the intervention is discussed with to reach the fetus are: skin, subcutaneous fat, rectus sheath,
the woman and her partner. The procedure is muscle (rectus abdominis), abdominal peritoneum, pelvic
explained and consent obtained (written consent peritoneum and uterine muscle.
must be obtained in all cases other than a category A transverse lower abdominal incision (bikini line inci-
1 or ‘crash section’). For elective procedures sion) is usually performed with the skin and subcutaneous
consent may be taken in a dedicated preoperative tissues incised using a transverse curvilinear incision at a
assessment (the decision having been previously level of two fingerbreadths above the symphysis pubis. The
discussed and agreed in the antenatal clinic by a subcutaneous tissues are subsequently separated by blunt
senior clinician in consultation with the woman dissection and the rectus sheath incised transversely for
and her partner). 2 cm either side of the midline. This incision is then

Operative births Chapter | 21 |

extended with scissors or blunt dissection before the facial Women’s request for caesarean
sheath is separated from the underlying muscle. The recti
are separated from each other, the peritoneum incised and
the abdominal cavity entered. The reasons behind the ‘demands’ for birth by CS are
The fold of the peritoneum over the anterior aspect of frequently complex. Despite the focus of attention in the
the lower uterine segment and above the bladder is incised media, evidence suggests that very few women actually
and the bladder mobilized and reflected down. The uterus request CS in the absence of medical indications and the
is incised transversely taking care not to cause surgical ‘too posh to push cohort’ are in an extreme minority
trauma to the fetus (a significant risk in the presence of (Chaffer and Royle 2000; Weaver et al 2007). However,
low levels of amniotic fluid). The surgeon, with help from the accounts of women who have had difficult experiences
the surgical assistant (who must apply fundal pressure), of childbirth describe ‘knowing something was wrong
will then secure the safe delivery of the baby. but believe that they were not listened to’ are all too
The main reason for preferring the lower uterine segment familiarly encountered. Such women frequently publicize
technique is the reduced incidence of dehiscence of the their problems via Facebook or other social media net-
uterine scar in any subsequent pregnancy and/or birth works, fuelling the idea of ‘them against us’, and the joys
when compared to a classical or vertical incision (which of any future pregnancy risk being overwhelmed by the
may be the only surgical approach that is suitable in situ- focus for a birth by CS whatever the rationale behind their
ations such as anterior wall placenta praevia, in extreme beliefs.
prematurity (where no lower uterine segment may be
formed) or in the presence of dense adhesions from previ-
ous surgery. Psychological support and the role
Oxytocics (a bolus of 5 IU of Syntocinon) should be
of the midwife
given by the anaesthetist after birth of the baby and clamp-
ing of the umbilical cord. When the baby and placenta Choice is an important element in understanding this
have been delivered, the uterus is closed in two layers and sequence. Women expect to be actively involved in their
the rectus sheath and skin sutured. Most surgeons use a care and all staff involved must ensure that recent, valid
braided polyglactin suture (Vicryl) for all layers. The and relevant information is provided in a comprehensible
wound is then dressed and the vagina swabbed to remove manner. This will help women to decide what is best for
any clots. This also allows a final intraoperative assessment them, in relation to their own specific circumstances. The
of any ongoing bleeding from within the uterus. midwife, as an informed, confident and competent prac-
Women having a CS should be offered thromboprophy- titioner, will have a pivotal role in this process and be able
laxis because they are at increased risk of venous throm- to provide women with clear and unbiased information
boembolism (Lewis 2007; CMACE [Centre for Maternal concerning the choices available (McAleese 2000). This
and Child Enquiries] 2011). The choice of method of will often relieve the stress of the situation and help
prophylaxis (for example, graduated stockings, hydration, women make a competent decision, supporting them in
early mobilization, low molecular weight heparin) should the midst of any misgivings.
take into account risk of thromboembolic disease, One-to-one care from a support person during labour
although in most cases it is simplest, and safest, to admin- can influence the rate of birth by CS as a continual, sup-
ister low molecular weight heparin to all women until they portive presence in labour is undoubtedly of considerable
are fully mobile. Those with an increased risk (e.g. mater- benefit, both to the woman and to her family (Walker and
nal obesity or concurrent maternal morbidity) should Golois 2001; Hodnett et al 2011). It is important that mid-
have a more formal assessment of risk and an individual- wives recognize the positive impact on outcomes of their
ized care plan put in place. continuous presence during established labour (NICE
Early skin-to-skin contact between the woman and her 2007; Hodnett et al 2011).
baby should be encouraged and facilitated as it improves Psychological support mechanisms may also help these
maternal perceptions of the infant, mothering skills, women to overcome their fears and, as such, it may be
maternal behaviour, breastfeeding outcomes and reduces appropriate to develop links with trained counsellors to
infant crying (Chapter 34). In addition, women who have enable women to explore their anxieties and reach a more
had a CS should be offered additional support to help informed and rational decision prior to electing to undergo
them to start breastfeeding as soon as possible after the major abdominal surgery. However, NICE (2011) recom-
birth of their baby. This is because women who have had mends for women requesting a CS that if, after discussion
a caesarean section are less likely to start breastfeeding in and offer of support (including perinatal mental health
the first few hours after the birth, but, when breastfeeding support for women with anxiety about childbirth, see
is established, they are as likely to continue as women who Chapter 25), a vaginal birth is still not an acceptable
have had a vaginal birth. option, a planned caesarean section should be offered.

Section | 4 | Labour

Vaginal birth after caesarean recorded every 15 minutes in the immediate recovery
period (for the first 30 minutes) and thereafter every half-
section (VBAC)
hour for 2 hours, and hourly thereafter provided that the
Ziadeh and Sunna (1995) reported that the widespread observations are stable or satisfactory. If these observations
adoption of a policy whereby 80% of women with a prior are not stable, more frequent observations and medical
CS should have a VBAC would potentially eliminate up to review are recommended. In addition the wound and
one-third of births by CS. This is still the target towards lochia must be inspected every 30 minutes to detect
which those providing care to women in pregnancy strive. any ongoing blood loss. If the mother intends to breast-
When advising about the mode of birth after a previous feed, the baby should be put to the breast as soon as
CS it is important to consider the maternal preferences possible, a process that can usually be achieved with
and priorities, the risks and benefits of repeat CS and the minimal disturbance to the undertaking of these routine
risks and benefits of planned VBAC, including the risk of observations.
unplanned (i.e. emergency) CS. For women who have had intrathecal opioids, there
NICE (2011) recommends that women who have had should be a minimum hourly observation of respiratory
up to and including four caesarean sections should be rate, sedation and pain scores for at least 12 hours if
informed that the risks of fever, bladder injuries and surgi- diamorphine has been administered and for 24 hours in
cal injuries do not vary with the planned mode of birth the case of morphine. For women who have had epidural
and that the risk of uterine rupture, although higher opioids or patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with
for planned vaginal birth, is rare. However it is a ‘brave’ opioids, there should be routine hourly monitoring of
clinician who would choose to recommend vaginal birth respiratory rate, sedation and pain scores throughout treat-
as a safe option in those women who have had two ment and for at least 2 hours after discontinuation of
previous CS. treatment.
It is also important to remember that pregnant women
with both a previous CS and a previous vaginal birth
should be informed that they have an increased likelihood Postoperative analgesia
of achieving a vaginal birth than women who have had a
Postoperative analgesia should be given on a regular basis
previous CS but no previous vaginal birth.
and may be given in a variety of ways:
Pare et al (2006) argued that the concerns around the
safety of VBAC ignored the potential downstream conse- • Ongoing epidural anaesthesia/analgesia. Women
quences of a strategy whereby multiple elective repeat cae- should have diamorphine (3 mg) or fentanyl
sarean sections are considered to be the safer option. These (100 µg) administered into the epidural space for
include an increased length of stay in hospital and intra- and postoperative analgesia as it reduces the
increased risks of placenta praevia and accreta in future need for supplemental analgesia after a caesarean
pregnancies. They confirmed that for women who desire section. Intravenous or intramuscular administration
two or more additional children, the risks of multiple of diamorphine (2.5–5 mg) is a suitable alternative.
caesarean sections outweigh the risks of a VBAC attempt. However, intramuscular or intravenous analgesia
Criteria for a successful VBAC: should never be given in conjunction with epidural
opioids for at least the first 4 hours after
• Adequate supervision including continuous
administration of the epidural dose because of the
electronic fetal monitoring with CTG.
cumulative effects and risks of respiratory depression.
• All the facilities for assisted birth are readily
• PCA using opioid analgesics may be offered after
caesarean section as an alternative pain relief
• Progress of the labour is sufficient, observed both in
the descent of the presenting part and by the
• Antiemetics (e.g. cyclizine; prochlorperazine) are
dilatation of the cervix.
usually prescribed when opioids are required.
• The woman and her partner are fully informed about
• Analgesia, such as diclofenac (oral or rectal) or
the risks and benefits.
paracetamol (oral, intravenous or rectal) are the
mainstays of postoperative analgesia.
• Oral drugs (e.g. dihydrocodeine, codydramol,
Postoperative care ibuprofen or paracetamol).
After birth by CS women should be observed on a one-to- Providing there are no contraindications (history of kidney
one basis by a properly trained member of staff until they disease, sensitivity to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
have regained airway control, have observed cardiorespira- drugs [NSAIDs], peptic ulcer, severe brittle asthma),
tory stability and are able to communicate effectively. After NSAIDs should be offered post-caesarean section as an
recovery from anaesthesia, observations (respiratory rate, adjunct to other analgesics, as they reduce the need for the
heart rate, blood pressure, pain and sedation) should be administration of opioids.

Operative births Chapter | 21 |

Care following regional block

Following birth under epidural or spinal anaesthesia, the
woman may sit up as soon as she wishes, provided her
blood pressure is not low. All observations must be
recorded as described above.
Women who are recovering well after CS and who do
not have complications can eat and drink when they feel
hungry or thirsty, at which point the intravenous fluid
infusion can be discontinued.
The baby should remain with the mother unless there
is a medical reason for care being provided elsewhere (e.g.
on a special care or neonatal intensive care unit) and
indeed they should be transferred to the postnatal ward
together once it is safe to do so. Such care is undoubtedly Fig. 21.7 Baby in clip-on cot, adjacent to and within easy
of benefit to a woman’s psychological health and long- reach of mother when in bed.
term wellbeing.
The mother must be encouraged to rest as much as pos-
sible and tactful advice may need to be given to her visi-
Care in the postnatal ward tors. If the mother becomes too tired, help is needed with
Once care is transferred to the postnatal ward, the blood care for the baby. This should, preferably, take place at the
pressure, temperature, respirations and pulse must be mother’s bedside and should include support with breast-
checked every 4 hours and recorded using a modified feeding. The clip-on cots, which may be attached to the
obstetric early warning score chart (MOEWS) (Lewis mother’s bed, are invaluable in promoting good care
2007). In addition, the wound and lochia should be (Fig. 21.7).
inspected at the same time. Removal of the urinary bladder Caesarean section wound care should include: remov-
catheter should be carried out once a woman is mobile ing the dressing 24 hours after the delivery, assessing the
after a regional anaesthetic and not sooner than 12 hours wound for signs of infection (such as increasing pain,
after the last epidural ‘top up’ dose. Healthcare profession- redness or discharge) separation or dehiscence, encourag-
als caring for women who have had a CS and who have ing the woman to wear loose comfortable clothes and
urinary symptoms should consider the possible diagnosis cotton underwear, gently cleaning and drying the wound
of: urinary tract infection, stress incontinence (which daily if needed and planning the removal of sutures or
occurs in about 4% of women after CS) or urinary tract clips if required.
injury (which occurs in about 1 per 1000 women after Some women may have a lingering feeling of failure or
birth by CS). disappointment at having had an emergency CS and may
The mother should be encouraged to move her legs and value the opportunity to talk this over with the midwife
to perform leg and breathing exercises, however routine or other clinicians involved in her care. Indeed it is con-
respiratory physiotherapy does not need to be offered to sidered to be good practice for the obstetrician who under-
women after a caesarean section under general or regional took the CS to review the woman postpartum, not only in
anaesthesia, as it does not improve respiratory outcomes order to discuss the problems that necessitated the surgical
such as coughing, phlegm, body temperature, chest palpa- intervention, but also to counsel about the options for any
tion and auscultatory changes. future pregnancy.
The woman should be helped to get out of bed as soon Healthcare professionals caring for women who have
as possible following a CS, and should also be encouraged heavy and/or irregular vaginal bleeding following CS
to become fully mobile. Prophylactic low molecular should be aware that this is more likely to be due to
weight heparin and antiembolic or thromboembolic endometritis than retained products of conception. As a
deterrent (‘TED’) stockings should be prescribed. However, consequence, should this complication be suspected, first
the first dose of low molecular weight heparin should be line treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics should be
delayed until 4 hours after the intrathecal injection or implemented rather than referral for ultrasound assess-
removal of the epidural catheter. ment. However, if there are any concerns about the com-
Women who have had a general anaesthetic for CS may pleteness of the placental tissue or membranes, referral for
feel very tired and drowsy for some hours. A woman may senior review at an early stage should be the preferred
complain of a feeling of detachment and unreality and course of action.
may feel that she does not relate well to the baby. The Whilst the length of hospital stay is likely to be longer
woman who is concerned should be reassured and be after a caesarean section (an average of 3–4 days) than
given the opportunity to talk freely. after a vaginal birth (average 1–2 days), women who are

Section | 4 | Labour

Pudendal artery

Pudendal nerve

Sacrospinous ligament

Fig. 21.8 Locating the pudendal nerve.

recovering well, are apyrexial and do not have complica- Regional anaesthesia
tions following CS should be offered early transfer home
The two most commonly employed regional anaesthetic
(after 24 hours) from hospital and follow-up at home, as
techniques are those of epidural and intrathecal (spinal)
this is not associated with more infant or maternal
readmissions compared with later transfer.
The epidural space is the space located within the bony
spinal canal just outside the dura mater. In contact with
Analgesia/anaesthesia the inner surface of the dura is another membrane called
the arachnoid mater. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is con-
Pudendal block tained between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater,
This is the procedure where local anaesthetic is infiltrated another membrane that lies directly in contact with
into the tissue around the pudendal nerve within the pelvis the spinal cord. In adults, the spinal cord terminates at
(Fig. 21.8). The pudendal nerve emerges from the spine at the level of the lower border of the L2 vertebra below
the level of the S2–S4 vertebrae and ‘descends’ into the which lies a bundle of nerves known as the cauda equina
pelvis crossing behind the ischial spine as it does so. The (‘horse’s tail’).
pudendal nerve supplies the levator ani muscles, the deep Insertion of an epidural needle involves threading a
and superficial perineal muscles and the sensory nerves needle between the spinal vertebrae, through the liga-
(pain/stretch and temperature) of the lower vagina and ments and into the epidural potential space taking great
perineum. A pudendal needle (a specifically designed care not to puncture the dura mater immediately below,
needle incorporating a sheath guard) is employed with up which contains the CSF.
to 20 ml of local anaesthetic, usually 1% lidocaine (ligno-
caine), being injected into the region around and below
the ischial spine. As both motor and sensory nerves are Techniques
affected with this technique it may be used to provide Procedures involving injection of any substance into the
analgesia for the lower vagina and perineum, and is there- epidural space require the operator to be technically pro-
fore used during forceps and ventouse instrumental births. ficient in order to avoid complications.
The subject is most commonly placed in the seated or
lateral positions. Intravenous access is mandatory.
Perineal infiltration Following a standard aseptic technique protocol, the
See Chapter 15 for infiltration and repair of episiotomy, level of the spine at which the catheter/spinal needle is to
as well as third- and fourth-degree perineal trauma. be placed is identified.

Operative births Chapter | 21 |

Epidural technique has some similarity to epidural anaesthesia.

However, important differences include:
The iliac crest is a commonly used anatomical landmark
for lumbar epidural injections, as this level roughly cor- • Intrathecal anaesthesia requires a lower dose of drug
responds with the fourth lumbar vertebra, which is usually and has a faster onset than epidural anaesthesia.
below the termination of the spinal cord. Following the • The block achieved with spinal anaesthesia is
infiltration of local anaesthetic, a Tuohy needle is usually typically described as being more dense.
inserted in the midline, between the spinous processes, • A spinal anaesthetic block typically lasts for 2 hours,
passing below the vertebral lamina until reaching the liga- however it cannot be topped up, as no catheter is
mentum flavum and the epidural space. A slight clicking inserted.
sensation may be felt by the operator as the tip of the • Intrathecal injections are performed below the
needle breaches the ligamentum flavum and enters the second lumbar vertebral body to avoid damaging the
epidural space. spinal cord.
A syringe containing saline is attached to the Tuohy
needle – most practitioners using the loss of resistance to Complications
pressure to identify that the needle is correctly placed. According to the Association of Anaesthetists of Great
A catheter is then threaded through the needle (typically Britain and Ireland (AAGBI) (2002), these include:
3–5 cm into the epidural space), the needle withdrawn
and the catheter secured to the skin with adhesive tape or
• Failure to achieve analgesia or anaesthesia occurs in
about 5% of cases, while another 15% experience
dressings to prevent it becoming dislodged.
only partial analgesia or anaesthesia. If analgesia is
The catheter is a fine plastic tube, through which anaes-
inadequate, another epidural may be attempted.
thetic drugs may be injected into the epidural space. Many
epidural catheters have three or more orifices along the
• The following factors are associated with failure to
achieve epidural analgesia/anaesthesia: obesity,
shaft at the distal tip (far end) of the catheter to allow
history of a previous failure of epidural anaesthesia,
rapid and even dispersal of the injected agents more
history of substance abuse (with opiates), advanced
widely around the catheter and reduce the incidence of
labour (cervical dilatation of more than 7 cm at
catheter blockage.
insertion) and previous history of spinal surgery.
A person receiving an epidural for pain relief may receive
local anaesthetic (most commonly levo-bupivacaine), with
• Accidental dural puncture with headache (common,
about 1 in 100 insertions). The epidural space in the
or without an opioid (most commonly fentanyl). These
adult lumbar spine is only 3–5 mm deep. It is
are injected in relatively small doses, compared to when
therefore comparatively easy to accidentally puncture
they are injected intravenously or intramuscularly.
the dura (and arachnoid) with the needle, causing
For a short procedure, the anaesthetist may introduce a
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to leak out into the
single dose of medication (the ‘bolus’ technique), although
epidural space. This may, in turn, cause a post-dural
the effects of this will eventually wear off. Thereafter, the
puncture headache (PDPH). This can be severe and
anaesthetist or midwife may repeat the bolus provided the
last several days, and in some rare cases weeks or
catheter remains undisturbed. For a prolonged effect, a
months. It is caused by a reduction in CSF pressure
continuous infusion of drugs may be employed. However
and is characterized by postural exacerbation when
there is evidence that patient controlled epidural analgesia
the subject raises his/her head above the lying
(PCEA), whereby the administration of the boluses is con-
position. If severe it may be successfully treated with
trolled by the patient (up to a predetermined maximum
an epidural blood patch, however most cases resolve
dose) provides better analgesia than a continuous infusion
spontaneously with time.
technique, although the total doses received by the indi-
vidual are often identical.
• Bloody tap (about 1 in 30–50). It is easy to injure an
epidural vein with the needle. In people who have
Typically, the effects of the epidural block are noted
normal blood clotting, it is extremely rare for
below a specific level on the body – a block at or below
significant complications to develop. However,
the T10 sensory level is ideal for women in labour or
people who have a coagulopathy may be at
during birth. Nonetheless, giving very large volumes into
increased risk.
the epidural space may spread the block higher.
The epidural catheter is usually removed prior to trans-
• Catheter misplaced into the subarachnoid space
(rare, less than 1 in 1000). If the catheter is
fer to the postnatal ward.
accidentally misplaced into the subarachnoid space
(e.g. after an unrecognized accidental dural
Spinal anaesthesia puncture), normally cerebrospinal fluid can be freely
Intrathecal (spinal) anaesthesia is a technique whereby a aspirated from the catheter (which would usually
local anaesthetic drug is injected into the cerebrospinal prompt the anaesthetist to withdraw the catheter and
fluid through a fine (24–26 gauge) spinal needle. The re-site it elsewhere). If, however, this is not

Section | 4 | Labour

recognized, large doses of anaesthetic may be It is therefore imperative that surgery is not commenced
delivered directly into the cerebrospinal fluid. This until the anaesthetist has secured the airway and con-
may result in a high block, or, more rarely, a total firmed that the woman is adequately ventilated.
spinal, where anaesthetic is delivered directly to the
brain stem, causing unconsciousness and sometimes Complications
seizures. Although surgical and anaesthetic techniques have
• Neurological injury lasting less than 1 year (rare, improved, women are still more liable to suffer from
about 1 in 6700). complications and to have increased morbidity following
• Death (very rare, less than 1 in 100 000). caesarean section under general anaesthetic when com-
• Epidural haematoma formation (very rare, about 1 pared to regional blockade.
in 168 000)
• Neurological injury lasting longer than 1 year Mendelson’s syndrome
(extremely rare, about 1 in 240 000). This condition was described by Mendelson in 1946. It is
• Paraplegia (extremely rare, 1 in 250 000). a chemical pneumonitis caused by the reflux of gastric
contents into the maternal lungs during a general anaes-
thetic. The acidic gastric contents damage the alveoli,
General anaesthesia impairing gaseous exchange. It may become impossible to
oxygenate the woman and death may result. The predis-
Despite the increasing use of regional anaesthesia, general
posing factors are: the pressure from the gravid uterus
anaesthesia is required in up to 5% of women requiring
when the woman is lying down, and the effect of the
anaesthesia during birth. General anaesthesia can usually
progesterone relaxing smooth muscle and the cardiac
be more rapidly administered than a regional block, and
sphincter of the stomach. Analgesics administered during
is therefore of value when speed is important (such as
labour (e.g. pethidine) can cause significant delay in
when the fetus is in serious jeopardy). Women are pre-
gastric emptying and will thereby exacerbate these risks.
oxygenated (they are given oxygen to breathe for several
minutes) prior to the ‘rapid sequence’ induction of anaes- Prevention of Mendelson’s syndrome
thesia with the intravenous administration of anaesthetic Antacid therapy. Prophylactic treatment should be
(e.g. thiopentone or propofol) followed by a muscle administered to all women in whom a caesarean is
relaxant (e.g. suxamethonium) and cricoid pressure is planned or anticipated. A usual regimen is for women
applied (essential to reduce the risks of aspiration of having an elective operation to be given two doses of oral
stomach contents). Maternal unconsciousness ensues ranitidine 150 mg approximately 8 hours apart. If a
within seconds and orotracheal intubation is secured with general anaesthetic is anticipated, 30 ml of sodium citrate
a cuffed tube. There are minimal side-effects and relatively should be orally administered immediately before
little negative fetal consequence at the time of birth pro- induction.
vided meticulous practices are in place.
Anaesthesia is sustained by inhalational anaesthetic Cricoid pressure. This is a technique whereby pressure
means (commonly enflurane or sevoflurane) with an is exerted on the cartilaginous ring below the larynx, the
opioid administered intravenously after clamping the cricoid, to occlude the oesophagus and prevent reflux (Fig.
cord. 21.9). This is the most important measure in preventing
pulmonary aspiration. Cricoid pressure is administered
during the induction of a general anaesthetic (most com-
Difficult or failed intubation monly by an operating department practitioner) and is
This condition is more likely to occur in pregnant women, maintained until the tracheal tube is confirmed as being
particularly with those who have pregnancy-induced correctly positioned and the seal of the cuff inflated.
hypertension or who are obese. Access to the larynx may
be obstructed or difficult to view in these women and In the UK the most recent review into anaesthetic compli-
therefore anticipation of the disorder is the key to its cations during pregnancy and childbirth, for the 2006–
management. Should difficulties be anticipated, anaes- 2008 triennium, reviewed 127 cases in which anaesthetic
thetists should carry out the intubation using a well- services were involved in the care of women who died from
lubricated stylet or bougie to aid the endotracheal either a direct or indirect cause of maternal death. This
intubation. comprised 49% (127 of 261) of all the maternal deaths
The management of a failed intubation is primarily to during that period. From these deaths the assessors identi-
maintain adequate oxygenation via assisted ventilation of fied seven (3%) women who died from problems directly
the woman until the effects of suxamethonium and thio- associated with anaesthesia a rate of 0.31 deaths per
pentone have worn off and the woman has regained con- 100 000 women who gave birth. However, in a further
sciousness. This is done through the continued application 18 deaths, anaesthetic management contributed to the
of cricoid pressure and ventilation via a face mask. outcome or there were lessons to be learned. There

Operative births Chapter | 21 |

Adam's apple

Cricoid cartilage




Fig. 21.9 Cricoid pressure showing occlusion of the oesophagus by pressure applied to the cricoid cartilage.

were also 12 women with severe pregnancy-induced

hypertension or sepsis for whom obstetricians or gynae- Box 21.2 Cinical interventions proven to reduce
cologists failed to consult with anaesthetic or critical-care the rates of birth by CS
services sufficiently early, which the assessors considered
may have contributed to the deaths. • External cephalic version (ECV) at 36 weeks
It was concluded that: • Continuous support in labour
• Induction of labour for pregnancies beyond 41 weeks
• The effective management of failed tracheal
• Use of a partogram with a 4 hour action line in
intubation is a core anaesthetic skill that should be
rehearsed and assessed regularly.
• The recognition and management of severe, acute • Fetal blood sampling before caesarean section for
abnormal cardiotocograph in labour
illness in a pregnant woman requires
multidisciplinary teamwork. An anaesthetist and/or • Support for women who choose vaginal birth after
critical-care specialist should be involved early. caesarean section
• Obstetric and gynaecology services, particularly those Source: NICE 2011
without an on-site critical-care unit, must have a
defined local guideline to obtain rapid access to, and
help from, critical-care specialists (CMACE 2011).

If reductions in the rate are to be achieved, efforts should

Research and the incidence of focus on where there is the most potential for reduction:
caesarean section: tackling high and reducing primary CS, particularly in first-time mothers,
and increasing rates of VBAC.
rising caesarean section rates
To provide more meaningful information to women
Low CS rates are associated with low levels of intervention when they are choosing their mode of birth, NICE has
and high levels of psychological support. It is difficult to recommended that there is a pressing need to document
decipher whether caesarean section rates have been affected the medium- to long-term outcomes in women and their
by interventions, such as proactive management of babies after a planned CS or a planned vaginal birth. They
labour – that is, artificial rupture of membranes and use note that it should be possible to gather data using stand-
of oxytocin – or whether other factors have influenced ardized questions (traditional paper-based questionnaires,
these. face-to-face interviews and Internet-based questionnaires)
NICE (2011) guidelines recommend that the clinical about maternal septic morbidities and emotional well­
interventions proven to reduce the rates of birth by CS being up to 1 year after a planned CS in a population of
include all the key points highlighted in Box 21.2. women who have consented for follow-up.
While there is no accepted optimal rate for CS in the NICE (2011) also comment that it would be important
UK, some units manage to keep their CS rate below 20%. to collect high-quality data on infant morbidities after a

Section | 4 | Labour

planned CS compared with a planned vaginal birth. A

long-term morbidity evaluation (between 5 and 10 years ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
after the CS) could use similar methodology to assess
additional symptoms related to urinary and gastrointes­ The author would like to acknowledge the contribution of
tinal function. Adela Hamilton to this chapter.


Anim-Somuah M, Smyth R M D, Jones anaesthesia. The Cochrane Database NICE (National Institute for Health and
L 2011 Epidural versus non-epidural of Systematic Reviews, Issue 5. Art Clinical Excellence) 2011 Caesarean
or no analgesia in labour. Cochrane No. CD002006. doi: section. CG 132. NICE, London
Database of Systematic Reviews, 10.1002/14651858.CD002006.pub3 O’Driscoll K, Meagher D, Boylan P
Issue 12. Art. No. CD000331. doi: Hadiati D R, Hakimi M, Nurdiati D S 1993 Active management of labour,
10.1002/14651858.CD000331.pub3 2012 Skin preparation for preventing 3rd edn. Mosby, London
Association of Anaesthetists of Great infection following caesarean Pare E, Quiñones J, Macones G 2006
Britain and Ireland (AAGBI) 2002 section. Cochrane Database of Vaginal birth after caesarean section
Immediate: Post anaesthetic recovery. Systematic Reviews, Issue 9. Art. No. versus elective repeat caesarean
AAGBI, London CD007462. doi: 10.1002/14651858. section: assessment of maternal
Bragg F, Cromwell D A, Edozien L C CD007462.pub2 downstream health outcomes. BJOG:
et al 2010 Variation in rates of Health and Social Care Information An International Journal of
caesarean section among English Centre, Hospital Episodes Statistics Obstetrics and Gynaecology
NHS trusts after accounting for 2012 NHS maternity statistics 113:75–85
maternal and clinical risk: cross 2011–2012 summary report. RCOG (Royal College of Obstetricians
sectional study. British Medical (Accessed online at www.data.gov.uk and Gynaecologists) 2001 Clinical
Journal 341:c5065 (correction 14 May 2013) Effectiveness Support Unit. The
c65749). Hodnett E D, Gates S, Hofmeyr G J et al National Sentinel Caesarean Section
Brown H C, Paranjothy S, Dowswell T 2011 Continuous support for women audit report. RCOG, London
et al 2008 Package of care for active during childbirth. Cochrane
RCOG (Royal College of Obstetricians
management in labour for reducing Database of Systematic Reviews,
and Gynaecologists) 2011 Operative
caesarean section rates in low-risk Issue 2. Art No. CD003766. doi:
vaginal delivery. Green-top Guideline
women. Cochrane Database of 10.1002/1465/858.pub3
No. 26. RCOG, London
Systematic Reviews, Issue 4. Art No. Johanson R B, Menon V 1999 Vacuum
CD004907. doi:10.1002/14651858. Stephenson P A 1992 International
extraction versus forceps for assisted
CD004907.pub2 differences in the use of obstetrical
vaginal delivery. Cochrane Database
interventions. World Health
Chaffer D, Royle L 2000 The use of of Systematic Reviews, Issue 2. Art.
Organization, Copenhagen, WHO
audit to explain the rise in caesarean No. CD000224. doi:
EUR/ICP of MCH 112
section. British Journal of Midwifery 10.1002/14651858.CD00022
8(11):677–84 Lewis G (ed) 2007 The Confidential Tinsley V 2010 Midwives undertaking
Charles C 1999 How it feels to be a Enquiry into Maternal and Child ventouse births. In Marshall J E,
midwife practitioner. British Journal Health (CEMACH) Saving mothers’ Raynor M D (eds) Advancing skills
of Midwifery 7(6):380–2 lives: reviewing maternal deaths to in midwifery practice. Churchill
make motherhood safer – 2003– Livingstone, Edinburgh, p 67–75
CMACE (Centre for Maternal and Child
Enquiries) 2011 Saving mothers’ 2005. The Seventh Report on Walker R, Golois E 2001 Why choose
lives: reviewing maternal deaths to Confidential Enquiries into Maternal caesarean section? Lancet 357:636–7
make motherhood safer: 2006–08. Deaths in the United Kingdom. Weaver J, Stratham H, Richards M 2007
The Eighth Report on Confidential CEMACH, London Are there ‘unnecessary’ cesarean
Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in McAleese S 2000 Caesarean section for sections? Perceptions of women and
the United Kingdom. BJOG: An maternal choice? Midwifery Matters obstetricians about cesarean sections
International Journal of Obstetrics 84:1–7 for nonclinical indications. Birth
and Gynaecology 118(Suppl NICE (National Institute for Health and 34(1):32–41
1):1–203 Clinical Excellence) 2007 Ziadeh S M, Sunna E I 1995 Decreased
Gupta J K, Hofmeyr G J, Shehnmar M Intrapartum care. Care of healthy cesarean birth rates and improved
2012 Position in the second stage of women and their babies during perinatal outcome: a seven year
labour for women without epidural childbirth. CG 55. NICE, London study. Birth 22(3):144–7

Operative births Chapter | 21 |


CMACE 2011 (Centre for Maternal and labour and delivery. This comprehensive examination, is a useful handbook for
Child Enquiries) Perinatal mortality work features the fully searchable text students of midwifery and midwives alike.
2009: United Kingdom. CMACE, online at www.expertconsult.com, as well as The perspective is evidence-based and very
London more than 100 videos of imaging and woman-centred. Sections D and E focus on
A useful audit report on perinatal deaths in monitoring giving easy access to the the first and second stages of labour, their
the UK. resources needed to manage high-risk complications and management. It contains
James D K, Steer P J, Weiner C P et al pregnancies. It is a reference book, but a useful references at the end of each chapter.
2010 High risk pregnancy: thoroughly readable one. Simms R, Hayman R 2011 Instrumental
management options. Elsevier Luesley D M, Baker P N (eds) 2010 vaginal delivery. Obstetrics,
Health Sciences, London Obstetrics and gynaecology: an Gynaecology and Reproductive
This book examines the full range of evidence-based text for MRCOG, 2nd Medicine 21(1): 7–14
challenges in general obstetrics, medical edn. Hodder/Arnold, London A general reference that informs the text of
complications of pregnancy, prenatal This book, written by obstetricians this chapter.
diagnosis, fetal disease and management of approaching their Part 2 MRCOG


Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk National Institute for Health and Care Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline
Through Audits and Confidential [formerly Clinical] Excellence: Network: www.sign.ac.uk
Enquiries Across the UK: www.nice.org.uk World Health Organization:
www.mbrrace.ox.ac.uk National Patient Safety Agency: www.who.net
National Confidential Enquiry into www.npsa.nhs.uk
Patient Outcome and Death: Royal College of Obstetricians and
www.ncepod.org.uk Gynaecologists: www.rcog.org.uk

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Chapter 22

Midwifery and obstetric emergencies

Terri Coates

CHAPTER CONTENTS Effect of amniotic fluid embolism on

the fetus 486
Introduction 476 Acute inversion of the uterus 486
Communication 476 Classification of inversion 486
Use of the SBAR Tool 476 Causes 487
Vasa praevia 476 Warning signs and diagnosis 487
Diagnosis 477 Management 487
Management 477 Basic life support measures 487
Presentation and prolapse of the Shock 489
umbilical cord 477 Hypovolaemic shock 489
Predisposing factors 477 Central venous pressure 491
Cord presentation 478 Septic shock 492
Cord prolapse 478 Drug toxicity/overdose 492
Shoulder dystocia 479 References 492
Incidence 479 Further reading 494
Risk factors 479 Useful websites 495
Warning signs and diagnosis 480
Management and manoeuvres 480 The emergency situations covered in this chapter
are rare, but the communication and actions of
Outcomes following shoulder dystocia 483
the midwife are fundamental to the wellbeing
Rupture of the uterus 484 of the woman, her baby and also her partner
Causes 484 and family. Early detection of severe illness in
Signs of intrapartum rupture of childbearing women remains a challenge to all
the uterus 484 health professionals involved in their care.
Awareness of local emergency procedures and
Management 484 knowledge of correct use of any supportive
Amniotic fluid embolism 485 equipment are essential, and midwives in all
Predisposing factors 485 practice settings must maintain skills that enable
them to act appropriately in an emergency. The
Clinical signs and symptoms 485
use of multiprofessional workshops to rehearse
Emergency action 485 simulated situations can ensure that all members
Complications of amniotic fluid of the care team know exactly what is required
embolism 486 when needed. Midwives need also to engage in

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 475

Section | 4 | Labour

reviews of practice to ensure that policies and 2011). Furthermore, effective communication between
protocols are regularly reviewed to incorporate members of the multiprofessional team is essential to
best practice and current evidence. ensure the optimum outcome for the childbearing woman
who becomes unwell and her baby (National Health
THE CHAPTER AIMS TO: Service [NHS] Institute for Innovation and Improvement
• recognize the importance of effective
communication between members of the
multiprofessional team in critical clinical situations
• heighten awareness of sudden changes in maternal
• identify symptoms suggestive of serious illness
Health services are often criticized for poor communica-
tion among their staff, especially when the outcome does
• discuss emergency situations with discussion of
not go according to expectations. However, there are very
possible causes and the action to be taken few instruments that specifically focus on how to improve
• consider the rare obstetric conditions of uterine verbal communication. The SBAR: Situation, Background,
rupture, acute inversion of the uterus and vasa Assessment and Recommendations tool developed by the
praevia NHS Institute for Innovations and Improvements (2008)
• discuss amniotic fluid embolism and the prompt is a framework that midwives can use to develop critical
action required to preserve the woman’s life clinical conversations that require immediate attention
• review the treatment of hypovolaemic shock and and action.
septic shock in midwifery practice
• outline the drills for basic resuscitation. Use of the SBAR tool
The tool consists of standardized prompt questions about
the condition of an individual in four stages:
• Background
The immediate management of the emergencies discussed
• Assessment
in this chapter is dependent on the prompt action of the
• Recommendation.
midwife. Recognition of the problem and the instigation These prompts can assist the midwife to assertively and
of emergency measures may determine the outcome for effectively share concise and focused information about a
the mother or the fetus. The midwife should remain calm woman’s condition, reducing repetition. The SBAR tool
and attempt to keep the woman and her partner fully can be used in all clinical conversations: face-to face, by
informed to obtain her consent and cooperation for pro- telephone or through collaborative multiprofessional
cedures that may be needed. team meetings.
It is recognized that pregnancy and labour are normal In each of the following midwifery and obstetric emer-
physiological events, however regular routine observations gencies, the use of the SBAR tool should be paramount in
of vital signs must be an integral part of midwifery care. facilitating appropriate action that is always in the best
There is potential for pregnant women and those who interest of the woman and her baby.
have recently given birth to be at risk of physiological
deterioration that is not always predicted or recognized
(Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries [CMACE] 2011).
To improve recognition of women who are unwell before VASA PRAEVIA
they become critically ill the modified early obstetric
warning score (MEOWS) chart should now be used The term vasa praevia is used when a fetal blood vessel lies
(CMACE 2011). over the cervical os, in front of the presenting part. This
All midwifery and medical staff must be updated on the occurs when fetal vessels from a velamentous insertion of
signs and symptoms of critical illness from both obstetric the cord or to a succenturiate lobe (Chapter 6) cross the
and non-obstetric causes. Regular drills should be held to area of the internal os to the placenta. The fetal life is at
maintain and improve these skills. All staff should be risk owing to the possibility of rupture of the vessels
trained in basic life support to a nationally recognized level leading to exsanguination unless birth occurs within
and emergency drills for maternal resuscitation should be minutes. Good outcome depends on antenatal diagnosis
regularly practised in all maternity units (CMACE 2011; and birth by caesarean section before the membranes
National Health Service Litigation Authority [NHSLA] rupture (Oyelese and Smulian 2006).

Midwifery and obstetric emergencies Chapter | 22 |

Diagnosis for a loop of cord to slip down in front of the presenting

part. Such situations include:
Vasa praevia may be diagnosed antenatally using ultra-
• high or ill-fitting presenting part
sound scan. Sometimes vasa praevia will be palpated on
• high parity
vaginal examination when the membranes are still intact.
• prematurity
If it is suspected, a speculum examination should be made.
• malpresentation
Fresh vaginal bleeding, particularly if it commences at the
• multiple pregnancy
same time as rupture of the membranes, may be due to
• hydramnios.
ruptured vasa praevia. Fetal distress disproportionate to
blood loss may be suggestive of vasa praevia. (Lin 2006; Holbrook and Phelan 2013)

Management High head

The midwife should call for urgent medical assistance. If the membranes rupture spontaneously when the fetal
The fetal heart rate should be monitored via cardiotoco- head is high, a loop of cord is able to pass between the
graph (CTG). If the woman is in the first stage of labour uterine wall and the fetus resulting in its lying in front of
and the fetus is still alive, an emergency caesarean section the presenting part. As the presenting part descends, the
is carried out. If she is in the second stage of labour, the cord becomes trapped and occluded.
birth should be expedited such that the baby may be
born vaginally. Caesarean section may be carried out but
the mode of birth will be dependent on parity and fetal
condition. The presenting part may not be engaged when the mem-
There is a high fetal mortality associated with this emer- branes rupture and malpresentation is more common.
gency and a paediatrician should therefore be present for
the birth. If the baby is born in poor condition, resuscita-
tion, urgent haemoglobin estimation and a blood transfu-
sion with O-negative blood may be necessary. The smaller size of the fetus in relation to the pelvis and
the uterus allows the cord to prolapse. Babies of very low
birth weight (<1500 g) are particularly vulnerable (Lin
2006; Holbrook and Phelan 2013).
Predisposing factors Cord prolapse is associated with breech presentation,
especially complete or footling breech. This relates to the
These are the same for both presentation and prolapse of ill-fitting nature of the presenting parts and also the prox-
the cord (for definitions see Box 22.1). Any situation imity of the umbilicus to the buttocks. In this situation,
where the presenting part is neither well applied to the the degree of compression may be less than with a cephalic
cervix nor well down in the pelvis may make it possible presentation, but there is still a danger of asphyxia.
Shoulder and compound presentation and transverse
lie (Chapter 20) carry a high risk of prolapse of the
cord, occurring with spontaneous rupture of the
Box 22.1 Definitions

Cord presentation Multiple pregnancy

This occurs when the umbilical cord lies in front of the Malpresentation, particularly of the second twin, is more
presenting part, with the fetal membranes still intact. common in multiple pregnancy with the consequences of
Cord prolapse possible cord prolapse.
The cord lies in front of the presenting part and the fetal
membranes are ruptured (see Fig. 22.1). Hydramnios
Occult cord prolapse The cord is liable to be swept down in a gush of liquor if
This is said to occur when the cord lies alongside, but not the membranes rupture spontaneously. Controlled release
in front of, the presenting part. of liquor during artificial rupture of the membranes is
sometimes performed to try to prevent this.

Section | 4 | Labour

Cord presentation performed immediately on spontaneous rupture of the

This is diagnosed on vaginal examination when the cord Bradycardia and variable or prolonged decelerations of
is felt behind intact membranes. It may be associated the fetal heart are associated with cord compression,
with aberrations found during fetal heart monitoring such which may be caused by cord prolapse. The diagnosis of
as decelerations, which occur if the cord becomes cord prolapse is made when the cord is felt below or
compressed. beside the presenting part on vaginal examination. The
cord may be felt in the vagina or in the cervical os or a
Management loop of cord may be visible at the vulva (Lin 2006).

Under no circumstances should the membranes be rup-

tured. The midwife should discontinue the vaginal exami- Immediate action
nation, in order to reduce the risk of rupturing the Where the diagnosis of cord prolapse is made, the time
membranes. Medical aid should be summoned. To assess should be noted and the midwife must call for urgent
fetal wellbeing, continuous electronic fetal monitoring assistance. The midwife should explain to the woman and
should be commenced or the fetal heart should be aus- her birth partner her findings and any emergency meas-
cultated as frequently as possible. The woman should be ures that may be needed. If an oxytocin infusion is in
assisted into a position that will reduce the likelihood of progress this should be discontinued. If the cord lies
cord compression. Unless birth is imminent, caesarean outside the vagina, then it should be gently replaced to
section is the most likely outcome. prevent spasm, to maintain temperature and prevent
drying. Administering oxygen to the woman by face mask
Cord prolapse at 4 l/min may improve fetal oxygenation.

Diagnosis Relieving pressure on the cord

Whenever there are factors present that predispose to cord
The risks to the fetus are hypoxia and death as a result of
prolapse (Fig. 22.1), a vaginal examination should be
cord compression. The risks are greatest with prematurity
and low birth weight (Holbrook and Phelan 2013). The
midwife may need to keep her fingers in the vagina and
hold the presenting part off the umbilical cord, especially
during a contraction. The woman can be supported to
change position and further reduce pressure on the cord.
If the woman raises her pelvis and buttocks or adopts the
knee–chest position, the fetus will be encouraged to grav-
itate towards the diaphragm (Fig. 22.2). The foot of the
bed may also be raised (Trendelenburg position) to
relieve compression on the cord. Alternatively, the woman
can be helped to lie on her left side, with a wedge or
pillow elevating her hips (exaggerated Sims’ position)
(Fig. 22.3). There is some evidence to suggest that bladder
filling may also be an effective technique for managing

Fig. 22.2 Knee–chest position. Pressure on the umbilical

Fig. 22.1 Cord prolapse. cord is relieved as the fetus gravitates towards the fundus.

Midwifery and obstetric emergencies Chapter | 22 |

Fig. 22.3 Exaggerated Sims’ position. Pillows or wedges are

used to elevate the woman’s buttocks to relieve pressure on
the umbilical cord.

cord prolapse (Houghton 2006; Bord et al 2011). A self-

retaining 16G Foley catheter is used to instill approxi-
mately 500–700 ml of sterile saline into the bladder. The
full bladder can relieve compression of the cord by elevat-
ing the presenting part about 2 cm above the ischial
spines until birth by caesarean section. The bladder Fig. 22.4 Shoulder dystocia.
would be drained in theatre immediately before the caes­
arean section commences.
Birth must be expedited with the greatest possible speed Incidence
to reduce the mortality and morbidity associated with this
emergency. Caesarean section is the treatment of choice in Shoulder dystocia is not a common emergency: the inci-
those instances where the fetus is still alive and vaginal dence is reported as varying between 0.58% and 0.7% in
birth is not imminent. collected data (RCOG 2012).
If a cord prolapse is diagnosed in the second stage of
labour, with a multigravida, the midwife may perform an Risk factors
episiotomy to expedite the birth. Where the presentation
is cephalic, assisted birth may be achieved through ven- Although it would be useful to identify those women at
touse or forceps (Chapter 21). risk from a birth complicated by shoulder dystocia, most
If a cord prolapse occurs in the community setting, emer- risk factors can give only a high index of suspicion
gency transfer to a consultant-led maternity unit is essen- (Al-Najashi et al 1989). Antenatal risk factors include dia-
tial. The midwife should carry out the same procedures to betes, post-term pregnancy, high parity, maternal age over
relieve the compression on the cord. Senior obstetric and 35 and maternal obesity (weight over 90 kg).
anaesthetic staff should be informed and be prepared to Fetal macrosomia (birth weight over 4000 g) has been
perform an emergency caesarean section. An experienced associated with an increased risk of shoulder dystocia, the
paediatrician should be available to resuscitate the baby, incidence increasing as birth weight increases (Delpapa
should it be born alive. and Mueller-Heubach 1991; Hall 1996). Ultrasound scan-
ning for prediction of macrosomia to prevent shoulder
dystocia still has a poor record of success though it is
anticipated that ultrasound detection of macrosomia can
SHOULDER DYSTOCIA be improved (Hall 1996; Siggelkow et al 2011). If a large
baby is suspected then this fact must be communicated
The term shoulder dystocia describes failure of the shoul- clearly to the team caring for the woman in labour (Con-
ders to traverse the pelvis spontaneously requiring fidential Enquiries into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy
additional manoeuvres after the birth of the head (Royal [CESDI] 1999).
College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists [RCOG] Maternal diabetes and gestational diabetes have been
2012). However, a universally accepted definition of identified as important risk factors (Athukorala et al
shoulder dystocia has yet to be produced (RCOG 2012). 2007). In diabetic women, a previous birth complicated
The anterior shoulder becomes trapped behind or on by shoulder dystocia increases the risk of recurrence to
the symphysis pubis, while the posterior shoulder may be 9.8%; this compares with a risk of recurrence of 0.58% in
in the hollow of the sacrum or high above the sacral the general population (Smith et al 1994; Ouzounian et al
promontory (Fig. 22.4). This is, therefore, a bony dysto- 2012). The National Institute for Health and Clinical
cia, and traction at this point will further impact the ante- Excellence (NICE) diabetes guideline currently recom-
rior shoulder, impeding attempts to assist the baby’s mends elective birth is offered at 38 weeks’ gestation
birth. (NICE 2008).

Section | 4 | Labour

Box 22.2 HELPERR mnemonic

Episiotomy need assessed
Legs in McRoberts position
Pressure suprapubically
Enter vagina (internal rotation)
Remove posterior arm
Roll the woman over and try again
Fig. 22.5 The McRoberts manoeuvre position.
Adapted from the American Academy of Family Physicians (2004)
Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO®)
to the team has been associated with improvements in
outcomes in shoulder dystocia (RCOG 2012).
Shoulder dystocia is a frightening experience for the
In labour, risk factors that have been consistently linked
woman, for her partner and for the midwife. The midwife
with shoulder dystocia include oxytocin augmentation,
should keep calm and explain as much as possible to the
prolonged labour, prolonged second stage of labour and
woman to ensure her full cooperation for the manoeuvres
operative births (Benedetti and Gabbe 1978; Al-Najashi
that may be needed to complete the birth.
et al 1989; Keller et al 1991; Bahar 1996; Gupta et al
The purpose of all these manoeuvres is to disimpact the
2010). For a clinically suspected large baby, the multipro-
shoulders. The principle of using the simplest manoeuvres
fessional team must be alert for the possibility of shoulder
first should be applied. The midwife will need to make an
dystocia (CESDI 1999).
accurate and detailed record of the time help was sum-
moned and those who attended, the type of manoeuvre(s)
Warning signs and diagnosis used and the time taken, the amount of force used and
the outcome of each manoeuvre attempted (Nursing and
The birth may have been uncomplicated initially, but the Midwifery Council [NMC] 2012). It is also important to
head may have advanced slowly, with the chin having diffi- record which of the fetal shoulders was anterior.
culty in sweeping over the perineum. Once the head is born,
it may look as if it is trying to return into the vagina (the
turtle sign). Shoulder dystocia is diagnosed when manoeu- Non-invasive procedures
vres such as gentle downward axial traction* on the head, Change in maternal position
that may normally be used by the midwife, fail to complete
the birth (RCOG 2012). The woman should be discouraged Any change in the maternal position may be useful to help
from pushing and any further traction must be avoided. release the fetal shoulders as shoulder dystocia is a bony,
mechanical obstruction. However, certain manoeuvres
have proved useful and are described below. It is antici-
Management and manoeuvres pated that following the use of one or more of these
manoeuvres, the birth is likely to proceed.
The HELPERR Mnemonic (Box 22.2) devised to provide a
systematic approach to the management of shoulder dys-
The McRoberts manoeuvre
tocia is limited and unhelpful as demonstrated by recent
evidence. A study by Jan et al (2014) reported a poor cor- This manoeuvre involves assisting the woman to lie com-
relation between healthcare professionals’ knowledge of pletely flat (pillows removed) with her buttocks at the
manoeuvres and their eponyms. They therefore concluded edge of the bed and hyperflexing her hips to bring her
that any teaching of practical skills should not rely on knees up to her chest as far as possible (Fig. 22.5).
mnemonics but should primarily be concerned with com- This manoeuvre will rotate the angle of the symphysis
prehension, learning and regular opportunities to practise pubis superiorly and use the weight of the woman’s legs
skills and use clinical judgement e.g. mandatory ‘skills and to create gentle pressure on her abdomen, releasing the
drills’ training. impaction of the anterior shoulder (Gonik et al 1983,
Upon diagnosing shoulder dystocia, the midwife must 1989). The McRoberts manoeuvre is associated with the
summon help immediately: the midwife coordinator, an lowest level of morbidity and requires the least force to
experienced obstetrician, an anaesthetist and a person pro- assist the birth (Bahar 1996; RCOG 2012).
ficient in neonatal resuscitation. Stating the problem early
Suprapubic pressure
*Axial traction is traction in line with the fetal spine, i.e. no lateral Pressure should be exerted on the side of the fetal back
deviation. and towards the fetal chest. This manoeuvre may help to

Midwifery and obstetric emergencies Chapter | 22 |

Fig. 22.6 Correct application of suprapubic pressure for

shoulder dystocia.
Fig. 22.7 The Rubin manoeuvre.
After Pauerstein C (ed), Clinical obstetrics. Churchill Livingstone, New
York, 1987, with permission.
caused by soft tissue. Although episiotomy (Chapters 15
adduct the shoulders and push the anterior shoulder away and 17) will not help to release the shoulders per se, the
from the symphysis pubis into the larger oblique or trans- midwife should consider the need to perform one to gain
verse diameter (Fig. 22.6). Suprapubic pressure can be access to the fetus without tearing the perineum and
employed together with the McRoberts manoeuvre to vaginal walls.
improve success rates (RCOG 2012).
Rotational manoeuvres
All-fours position
The Rubin manoeuvre
The all-fours position (or Gaskin manoeuvre) is achieved by
assisting the woman onto her hands and knees. The act of Rubin (1964) advocated using suprapubic rocking to dis-
the woman turning may be the most useful aspect of this lodge the anterior shoulder. If rocking alone proved unsuc-
manoeuvre (Bruner et al 1998). In shoulder dystocia, the cessful, vaginal examination (inserting the whole hand)
impaction is at the pelvic inlet and the force of gravity will was suggested to identify the most accessible shoulder
keep the fetus against the anterior aspect of the mother’s (usually the posterior shoulder), and push that shoulder
uterus and pelvis. However, this manoeuvre may be espe- in the direction of the fetal chest. This process adducts the
cially helpful if the posterior shoulder is impacted behind shoulders and allows rotation away from the symphysis
the sacral promontory as this position optimizes space pubis. The manoeuvre reduces the 12 cm bisacromial
available in the sacral curve and may allow the posterior diameter (Fig. 22.7).
arm/shoulder to be born first. Manipulative manoeuvres
can be performed while the woman is on all fours but clear The Woods manoeuvre
verbal communication is needed as eye contact is difficult. Woods’ (1943) manoeuvre requires the midwife to insert
Where non-invasive procedures have not been success- a whole hand into the vagina and identify the fetal chest.
ful, direct manipulation of the fetus must be attempted, Then, by exerting pressure on to the posterior fetal shoul-
requiring the midwife to insert a whole hand into the der, rotation is achieved. Although this manoeuvre does
vagina. The McRoberts position as detailed above can be abduct the shoulders, it will rotate the shoulders into a
used, or the woman could be placed in the lithotomy more favourable diameter and enable the midwife to com-
position with her buttocks well over the end of the bed so plete the birth (Fig. 22.8).
that there is no restriction on the sacrum.
Birth of the posterior arm
Episiotomy The midwife has to insert a hand into the vagina, making
The problem facing the midwife is an obstruction at the use of the space created by the hollow of the sacrum, as
pelvic inlet which is a bony dystocia, not an obstruction shown in Figs 22.9A,B. Then two fingers grasp the wrist of

Section | 4 | Labour

the posterior arm (see Fig. 22.9C), to flex the elbow and
sweep the forearm over the chest for the hand to be born,
as shown in Fig. 22.9D (O’Leary 2009). If the rest of the
birth is not then accomplished, the birth of the second
arm is assisted following rotation of the shoulder using
either the Woods or Rubin manoeuvre or by reversing the
Løvset manoeuvre (Chapter 17).

Zavanelli manoeuvre
If the manoeuvres described above have been unsuccess-
ful, the obstetrician may consider the Zavanelli manoeu-
vre (Sandberg 1985, 1999) as a last hope for birth of a live
baby. The Zavanelli manoeuvre requires the reversal of the
mechanisms of birth so far achieved and reinsertion of the
fetal head into the vagina. The birth is then completed by
Fig. 22.8 The Woods manoeuvre. caesarean section.
After Sweet B R, Tiran D, Mayes’ midwifery. Baillière Tindall, London,
Method: The head is returned to its pre-restitution
1996: p 664, with permission.
position (Fig. 22.10A). Pressure is then exerted onto the



Fig. 22.9 Birth of the posterior arm. (A) Location of the posterior arm. (B) Directing the arm into the hollow of the sacrum.
(C) Grasping and splinting the wrist and forearm. (D) Sweeping the arm over the chest and delivering the hand.

Midwifery and obstetric emergencies Chapter | 22 |

Outcomes following shoulder

Approximately two-thirds of women will have a blood loss
of >1000 ml from injury associated with the birth (O’Leary
2009). Maternal death from uterine rupture has been
reported following the use of fundal pressure and from
haemorrhage during and following the birth (O’Leary

Neonatal asphyxia may occur following shoulder dysto-
A cia in 5.7–9.7% of cases and the attending paediatrician
must be experienced in neonatal resuscitation (CESDI
1999; RCOG 2012). Brachial plexus injury is commonly
associated with shoulder dystocia (Gurewitsch et al
2006; Sandmire and DeMott 2009). Damage to cervical
nerve roots 5 and 6 may result in an Erb’s palsy
(Chapter 31).
Neonatal morbidity may be as high as 42% following
shoulder dystocia and remains a cause of intrapartum
fetal death (CESDI 1999). Fetal damage may occur even
with excellent management using appropriate obstetric
manoeuvres. Following shoulder dystocia, examination of
the newborn should be carried out by a senior neonatal
clinician (RCOG 2012).
The midwife must ensure that simulation training and
practice drills are attended annually to maintain skills
B (Crofts et al 2006; RCOG 2012). Record keeping following
shoulder dystocia should include identification of the
Fig. 22.10 The Zavanelli manoeuvre. (A) Head being anterior shoulder and the direction of the fetal head as
returned to direct anteroposterior (pre-restitution) position. shown in Box 22.3 (NMC 2012; RCOG 2012).
(B) Head being returned to the vagina.
After Sandberg 1985, with permission.

Box 22.3 Key points for record keeping

occiput and the head is returned to the vagina (Fig. following shoulder dystocia
22.10B). Prompt birth of the baby by caesarean section is
then required. • Time of birth of the head and time of birth of
the body
Symphysiotomy • Anterior shoulder at the time of the dystocia
Symphysiotomy is the surgical separation of the symphysis • Manoeuvres performed, their timing and sequence
pubis and is used to enlarge the pelvis to enable the • Maternal perineal and vaginal examination
birth. It is usually performed in cases of cephalopelvic • Estimated blood loss
disproportion (CPD) and is used more routinely in the • Staff in attendance and the time they arrived
developing world. There are a few recorded cases where • General condition of the baby (Apgar score)
symphysiotomy has been used successfully to relieve • Umbilical cord blood acid–base measurements
shoulder dystocia (Wykes et al 2003), but the procedure • Neonatal assessment of the baby
has usually been associated with a high level of maternal • Time of completion of records
morbidity. The rarity of reported cases makes it difficult
to assess the technique for the relief of shoulder Adapted from RCOG (2012)

Section | 4 | Labour

• perforation of the non-pregnant uterus can result in

RUPTURE OF THE UTERUS rupture of the uterus in a subsequent pregnancy
(Usta et al 2007; Landon 2010).
Rupture of the uterus is one of the most serious complica-
tions in midwifery and obstetrics. It is often fatal for the Signs of intrapartum rupture
fetus and may also be responsible for the death of the
mother. In the 2006–2008 triennial report, there were 111 of the uterus
cases of uterine rupture reported as causing morbidity in Complete rupture of a previously non-scarred uterus may be
women, however, of the nine maternal deaths from haem- accompanied by sudden collapse of the woman, who
orrhage, only one was associated with uterine rupture complains of severe abdominal pain. The maternal pulse
(Norman 2011). Nevertheless, uterine rupture remains a rate increases and, simultaneously, alterations of the fetal
significant problem worldwide. With effective antenatal heart may occur, including the presence of variable decel-
and intrapartum care, some cases of uterine rupture may erations (Landon 2010). In the UK during the triennium
be avoided. 2003–2005 there were three intrapartum fetal deaths asso-
Rupture of the uterus is defined as being complete or ciated with ruptured uterus (Acolet 2007). There may be
incomplete: evidence of fresh vaginal bleeding. The uterine contrac-
• complete rupture involves a tear in the wall of the tions may stop and the contour of the abdomen alters. The
uterus with or without expulsion of the fetus fetus becomes palpable in the abdomen as the presenting
• incomplete rupture involves tearing of the uterine wall part regresses. The degree and speed of the woman’s col-
but not the perimetrium. lapse and shock depend on the extent of the rupture and
Dehiscence of an existing uterine scar may also occur. the blood loss (see Box 22.4).
This involves rupture of the uterine wall but the fetal Incomplete rupture may have an insidious onset found
membranes remain intact. The fetus is retained within only after birth or during a caesarean section. This type is
the uterus and not expelled into the peritoneal cavity more commonly associated with previous caesarean
(Cunningham et al 2010; Landon 2010). The risk of uterine section. Blood loss associated with dehiscence, or incom-
rupture is increased for those women who have a uterine plete rupture, can be scanty, as the rupture occurs along
scar. Studies cite figures of between 0.4 and 4% of labours the fibrous scar tissue, which is avascular (Landon 2010).
following a previous caesarean section (Landon 2010). Whenever shock during the third stage of labour is more
severe than the type of birth or blood loss would indicate,
or the woman fails to respond to the treatment given, the
Causes possibility of incomplete rupture should be considered.
Cases of spontaneous rupture of an unscarred uterus in Incomplete rupture may also be manifest as a cause of
primigravidae are reported in the literature (Roberts and abdominal pain and/or postpartum haemorrhage follow-
Trew 1991; Uccella et al 2011), but are very rare in the ing vaginal birth.
developed world (Hofmeyr et al 2005).
Rupture of the uterus can be precipitated in the follow- Management
ing circumstances:
All maternity units should have a protocol for dealing with
• antenatal rupture of the uterus, where there has been
uterine rupture. An immediate caesarean section is per-
a history of previous uterine surgery
formed in the hope of procuring a live baby. Following the
• neglected labour, where there is previous history of
birth of the baby and placenta, the extent of the rupture
caesarean section
can be assessed. Choice between the options to perform a
• high parity
hysterectomy or to repair the rupture depends on the
• use of oxytocin, particularly where the woman is of
high parity
• use of prostaglandins to induce labour, in the
presence of an existing scar (Lydon-Rochelle et al
2001; Landon 2010) Box 22.4 Key signs of rupture of uterus
• obstructed labour: the uterus ruptures owing to
excessive thinning of the lower segment (Bandl’s • Abdominal pain or pain over previous caesarean
section scar
• extension of severe cervical laceration upwards into • Abnormalities of the fetal heart rate and pattern
the lower uterine segment – the result of trauma • Vaginal bleeding
during an assisted birth • Maternal tachycardia
• trauma, as a result of a blast injury or an accident • Poor progress in labour
(Michiels et al 2007)

Midwifery and obstetric emergencies Chapter | 22 |

extent of the trauma and the woman’s condition. Further

clinical assessment will include evaluation of the need for Box 22.5 Key signs and symptoms of amniotic
blood replacement and management of any shock. fluid embolism
The woman will be unprepared for the events that have
occurred and therefore may be totally opposed to hyster- • Respiratory
ectomy. Few reports of successful pregnancy following – Cyanosis
repair of uterine rupture are available (Landon 2010). – Dyspnoea
– Respiratory arrest
• Cardiovascular
– Tachycardia
– Pale clammy skin/shivering
Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is rare, unpredictable and – Cardiac arrest
unpreventable. In the triennium 2006–2008, there were a • Haematological
total of 13 maternal deaths (0.57/100 000 maternities) – Haemorrhage from placental site
resulting from AFE with the diagnosis having been – Coagulation disorders, DIC
confirmed clinically and by post-mortem examination
• Neurological
(Dawson 2011). Although AFE has now fallen to fourth – Restlessness, panic
place among the leading causes of direct maternal deaths
– Convulsions
(Dawson 2011) and continues to be a significant factor in
• Fetal compromise
maternal mortality, it is no longer considered universally
fatal through improvements in resuscitation.
Amniotic fluid embolism occurs when amniotic fluid
enters the maternal circulation via the uterus or placental
site such that maternal collapse can progress rapidly. The
body responds to AFE in two phases. The initial phase is intrauterine catheter, have been associated with AFE.
one of pulmonary vasospasm causing hypoxia, hypoten- Amniotic fluid embolism can also occur during an intrau-
sion, pulmonary oedema and cardiovascular collapse. The terine manipulation, such as internal podalic version or
second phase sees the development of left ventricular during a caesarean section.
failure, with haemorrhage and coagulation disorder and
further uncontrollable haemorrhage. Mortality and mor-
Clinical signs and symptoms
bidity are high (Dawson 2011) though early diagnosis may
lead to a better outcome (Knight et al 2010) and early Premonitory signs and symptoms (restlessness, abnormal
transfer to an intensive care unit is associated with behaviour, respiratory distress and cyanosis) may occur
decreased morbidity (Dawson 2011). before collapse (Knight et al 2010). There is maternal
When AFE occurs in a well-equipped unit, it should be hypotension and uterine hypertonus. The latter will induce
considered a treatable and survivable event in the majority fetal compromise and is in response to uterine hypoxia.
of cases (Knight et al 2010). Emergency drills for maternal Cardiopulmonary arrest follows quickly. Only minutes
resuscitation and peri-mortem caesarean section should may elapse before cardiac arrest. Blood coagulopathy
be regularly practised in clinical areas in all maternity develops following the initial collapse (Dawson 2011). The
units (Dawson 2011). key signs and symptoms are summarized in Box 22.5.

Predisposing factors Emergency action

Amniotic fluid embolism can occur at any gestation. Any one of the above symptoms is indicative of an acute
Chance entry of amniotic fluid into the circulation under emergency. As the woman is likely to be in a state of col-
pressure may occur through the uterine sinuses of the lapse, effective resuscitation needs to be commenced at
placental bed. It is mostly associated with labour and once. An emergency team should be called since the
its immediate aftermath, but cases in early pregnancy midwife responsible for the care of the woman will require
and postpartum have been documented (Knight et al immediate assistance. If collapse occurs in a community
2010). setting, basic life support should be commenced prior to
The barrier between the maternal circulation and the the arrival of emergency services.
amniotic sac may be breached during periods of raised Despite improvements in intensive care, the outcome of
intra-amniotic pressure, such as termination of pregnancy this condition is poor if AFE occurs outside a hospital
or during placental abruption. Procedures such as artificial setting. Specific management for the condition is life
rupture of the membranes (ARM) and insertion of an support, with high levels of oxygen being required.

Section | 4 | Labour

Complications of amniotic fluid

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is likely to This is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication
occur within 30 minutes of the initial collapse. In some of the third stage of labour. It occurs in approximately 1
cases the woman bleeds heavily prior to developing amni- in 20 000 births (Witteveen et al 2013). A midwife’s aware-
otic fluid embolism, which contributes to the severity of ness of the precipitating factors enables her to take preven-
her condition. It has also been reported that the amniotic tive measures to avoid this emergency.
fluid has the ability to suppress the myometrium, resulting
in uterine atony. Classification of inversion
Acute renal failure is a complication of the excessive
blood loss and the prolonged hypovolaemic hypotension. Inversion can be classified according to severity as follows:
Prompt transfer to a critical care unit for specialized care • first-degree: the fundus reaches the internal os
improves the outcome in AFE (Knight et al 2010; Dawson • second-degree: the body or corpus of the uterus is
2011). inverted to the internal os (Fig. 22.11)
Midwifery support and advice should be continued for • third-degree: the fundus protrudes to or beyond the
the family. The woman should be given the opportunity introitus and is visible
to talk about emergency treatment when she has recovered • fourth degree: this is total uterine and vaginal
sufficiently (Mapp 2005; Mapp and Hudson 2005). inversion where both the uterus and vagina are
inverted beyond the introitus.
Effect of amniotic fluid embolism Inversion is also classified according to the timing of the
on the fetus event:
Perinatal mortality and morbidity are high where amni- • acute inversion: occurs within the first 24 hours
otic fluid embolism occurs before the birth of the baby. • subacute inversion: occurs after the first 24 hours, and
Delay in the time from initial maternal collapse to the within 4 weeks
baby’s birth needs to be minimal if fetal compromise or • chronic inversion: occurs after 4 weeks and is rare
death is to be avoided. However, maternal resuscitation (Bhalia et al 2009).
may, at that time, be a priority. Box 22.6 summarizes the It is the first of these, acute inversion, that the remainder
key points relating to amniotic fluid embolism. of this section considers.
All cases of suspected or proven amniotic fluid embo-
lism, whether fatal or not, should be reported to the
National Amniotic Fluid Embolism Register at the follow-
ing address:
United Kingdom Obstetric Surveillance System
National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit [NPEU]
University of Oxford (Old Road Campus)
Old Road

Box 22.6 Key points for amniotic fluid


• Major cause of maternal death worldwide

• Universal features: maternal shock, dyspnoea and
cardiovascular collapse
• Fetal compromise
• Can occur at any time: most commonly immediately
after labour
• Suspected in cases of sudden collapse or
uncontrollable bleeding
Fig. 22.11 Second-degree inversion of the uterus.

Midwifery and obstetric emergencies Chapter | 22 |

Causes replacement will become increasingly difficult.

Replacement may be achieved by pushing the fundus
Causes of acute inversion are associated with uterine atony with the palm of the hand, along the direction of
and cervical dilatation, and include: the vagina, towards the posterior fornix. The uterus
• mismanagement in the third stage of labour, is then lifted towards the umbilicus and returned to
involving excessive cord traction to manage the birth position with a steady pressure known as Johnson’s
of the placenta manoeuvre. If replacement cannot be achieved
• combining fundal pressure and cord traction to expel immediately the foot of the bed can be raised to
the placenta reduce traction on the uterine ligaments and ovaries
• use of fundal pressure to expel the placenta while (Cunningham et al 2010; Witteveen et al 2013).
the uterus is atonic 3. An intravenous cannula should be inserted and
• pathologically adherent placenta blood taken for cross-matching prior to commencing
• spontaneous occurrence, of unknown cause an infusion.
• primiparity 4. Analgesia such as morphine may be given to the
• fetal macrosomia woman.
• short umbilical cord 5. If the placenta is still attached, it should be left in
• sudden emptying of a distended uterus. situ as attempts to remove it at this stage may result
(Momin 2009; Witteveen et al 2013) in uncontrollable haemorrhage.
Careful management of the third stage of labour is 6. Once the uterus is repositioned, the midwife or
needed to prevent inversion of the uterus. In active man- obstetrician should keep their hand in situ until a
agement of the third stage of labour, palpation of the firm contraction is palpated. Oxytocics should be
fundus is essential to confirm that contraction has taken given to maintain the contraction (Cunningham et al
place, prior to undertaking controlled cord traction. 2010; Witteveen et al 2013).

Warning signs and diagnosis Medical management

The major sign of acute inversion of the uterus is profound The hydrostatic method of replacement involves the instil-
shock and usually haemorrhage. The blood loss is within lation of several litres of warm saline infused through a
a range of 800–1800 ml. Inversion of the uterus will cause giving set into the vagina. The pressure of the fluid builds
the woman severe abdominal pain. On palpation of the up in the vagina and restores the uterus to the normal
uterus, the midwife may feel an indentation of the fundus. position, while the midwife or obstetrician seals off the
Where there is a major degree of inversion the uterus may introitus by hand or using a soft ventouse cup.
not be palpable abdominally but may be felt upon vaginal If the inversion cannot be replaced manually, a cervical
examination or, in a severe case, the uterus may be seen at constriction ring may have developed. Drugs can be given
the vulva. to relax the constriction and facilitate the return of the
The pain is thought to be caused by the stretching of the uterus to its normal position. Surgical correction via a
peritoneal nerves and the ovaries being pulled as the laparotomy may be needed to correct inversion. Full
fundus inverts. Bleeding may or may not be present, support and explanation of the emergency should be
depending on the degree of placental adherence to the offered to the woman in the postnatal period (Mapp 2005;
uterine wall. The cause of the symptoms may not be Mapp and Hudson 2005; Witteveen et al 2013).
readily apparent and diagnosis may be missed if inversion
is incomplete.
Immediate action Cardiac arrests are rare in maternity units but they can
occur and their management is sometimes suboptimal
A swift response is needed to reduce the risks to the (CMACE 2011). The midwife must undertake, record and
woman. Throughout the events the woman and her act on basic observations using the Modified Early Obstet-
partner should be kept informed of what is happening. ric Warning Scoring (MEOWS) system that contain triggers
Assessment of vital signs, including level of consciousness, to identify symptoms and recognize any deterioration in
is of utmost importance. the woman’s condition in order to prompt medical referral
1. Urgent medical help is summoned. (CMACE 2011). All medical and midwifery staff should be
2. The midwife in attendance should immediately trained to a nationally recognized level: Basic Life Support
attempt to replace the uterus. If replacement is (BLS), Immediate Life Support (ILS) or Advanced Life
delayed the uterus can become oedematous and Support (ALS), as appropriate (National Patient Safety

Section | 4 | Labour

Agency 2007; Resuscitation Council UK [RCUK] 2010;

CMACE 2011; RCOG 2011).
Emergency drills for maternal resuscitation should be
regularly practised in clinical areas in all maternity units
(NHSLA 2011). These drills should include the identifica-
tion of the equipment required and appropriate methods
for ensuring that cardiac arrest teams know the location
of the maternity unit and theatres in order to arrive
promptly. Specialized courses such as Advanced Life
Support in Obstetrics (ALSO®) and Managing Obstetric
Emergencies and Trauma (MOET) provide additional
training for obstetric, midwifery and other staff employed
in the area of midwifery and obstetric care.
Standards of basic life support have been agreed inter-
nationally for health professionals and lay people (RCUK
2010). Basic life support refers to the maintenance of an
airway and support for breathing, without any specialist Fig. 22.12 The airway is opened by tilting the head
equipment other than possibly a pharyngeal airway. backwards and lifting the chin upwards.
Recent guidelines place greater emphasis on high quality
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with minimal inter-
ruptions in chest compressions. The basic principles are as
A Airway
B Breathing
C Circulation
D Disability: assess consciousness
E Environment: keep safe
(RCUK 2010)

1. Check the surroundings to establish it is safe to

2. Establish the level of consciousness by shaking the
woman’s shoulders and enquiring whether she
can hear.
3. Summon urgent assistance by the most appropriate
means if there is no response.
4. If the woman is already lying flat on her back,
remove any pillows. A pregnant woman should be
further positioned with a left lateral tilt to prevent
aortocaval compression.
5. Tilt the woman’s head back, lifting the chin upwards
to open the airway (Fig. 22.12). Any obstruction,
such as mucus or vomit, should be cleared away.
6. Observe for chest movements, listen and feel for
7. Commence chest compressions, if the pulse is Fig. 22.13 Chest compression. The midwife leans well over
absent or the breathing is absent or abnormal. the patient, with arms straight. Hands are one on top of the
8. Place the hands palm downwards one on top of the other with fingers interlinked. The heel of the hand is used
other with the fingers interlinked, with the heel of to compress the chest.
the lower hand positioned over the lower part of the
sternum. With arms straight, compress the chest to carry out resuscitation (Fig. 22.13). The surface
100–120 times/min to a depth of 5 cm, releasing at under the woman must be firm for compressions to
the same rate as compression. The chest should succeed.
recoil completely after each compression. 10. Give two rescue breaths after 30 chest compressions,
9. Consider kneeling over the woman or find preferably by bag and mask but mouth-to-mouth if
something to stand on to ensure a suitable position necessary. Each breath should last for only 1 second.

Midwifery and obstetric emergencies Chapter | 22 |

• anaphylactic: may occur as the result of a severe

Box 22.7 Key points for basic life support allergy or drug reaction.

• Check safety of surroundings This section deals with the principles of hypovolaemic shock
and septic shock, either of which may develop as a conse-
• Gently shake the woman and shout
quence of childbirth.
• Call for help
• Check the woman’s breathing
• Check the woman’s pulse Hypovolaemic shock
• Use 30 chest compressions to 2 breaths
This is caused by any loss of circulating fluid volume as in
• Continue resuscitative measures until help arrives
haemorrhage, but may also occur when there is severe
Adapted from RCUK (2010) vomiting. The body reacts to the loss of circulating fluid
in stages as follows.

Initial stage
Ensure that the woman’s chest rises with each breath
The reduction in fluid or blood decreases the venous
and is seen to fall again. If unhappy to perform
return to the heart. The ventricles of the heart are inade-
mouth-to-mouth breathing, continue chest
quately filled, causing a reduction in stroke volume and
compressions only.
cardiac output. As cardiac output and venous return fall,
11. Minimize any interruptions to chest compressions.
the blood pressure is reduced. The fall in blood pressure
12. A change in rescuers should occur every 2 minutes
decreases the supply of oxygen to the tissues and cell func-
where possible.
tion is affected.
(RCUK 2010)
Chest compression and rescue breathing should be con- Compensatory stage
tinued until help arrives when those experienced in resus-
The fall in cardiac output produces a response from the
citation are able to take over (Grady et al 2007; RCUK
sympathetic nervous system through the activation of
2010). The exact sequences of resuscitation will depend on
receptors in the aorta and carotid arteries. Blood is redis-
the training of staff and their experience in assessment of
tributed to the vital organs. Vessels in the gastrointestinal
breathing and circulation. These measures are summa-
tract, kidneys, skin and lungs constrict. This response is
rized in Box 22.7.
seen by the skin becoming pale and cool. Peristalsis slows
down, urinary output is reduced and exchange of gas in
the lungs is impaired as blood flow diminishes. The heart
SHOCK rate increases in an attempt to improve cardiac output and
blood pressure. The pupils of the eyes dilate. The sweat
Shock is a complex syndrome involving a reduction in glands are stimulated and the skin becomes moist and
blood flow to the tissues that may result in irreversible clammy. Adrenaline (epinephrine) is released from the
organ damage and progressive collapse of the circulatory adrenal medulla and aldosterone from the adrenal cortex.
system (Mulryan 2011; Chandraharan and Arulkumaran Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is secreted from the poste-
2013). If left untreated it will result in death. Shock can rior lobe of the pituitary. Their combined effect is to cause
be acute but prompt treatment results in recovery, with vasoconstriction, increased cardiac output and a decrease
little detrimental effect on the woman. However, failure to in urinary output. Venous return to the heart will increase
initiate effective treatment, or inadequate treatment, can but, unless the fluid loss is replaced, this will not be
result in a chronic condition ending in multisystem organ sustained.
failure, which may be fatal (NICE 2007).
Shock can be classified as follows: Progressive stage
• hypovolaemic: the result of a reduction in This stage leads to multisystem organ failure. Compensa-
intravascular volume such as in severe haemorrhage tory mechanisms begin to fail, with vital organs lacking
during childbirth adequate perfusion. Volume depletion causes a further fall
• septic or toxic: occurs with a severe generalized infection in blood pressure and cardiac output. The coronary arter-
• cardiogenic: impaired ability of the heart to pump ies suffer lack of supply and peripheral circulation is poor,
blood; in midwifery it may be apparent following a with weak or absent pulses.
pulmonary embolism or in women with cardiac
defects Final, irreversible stage of shock
• neurogenic: results from an insult to the nervous Multisystem organ failure and cell destruction are irrepa-
system as in uterine inversion rable and death ensues.

Section | 4 | Labour

Effect of shock on organs and systems Management

The human body is able to compensate for loss of up to Urgent resuscitation is needed to prevent the woman’s
10% of blood volume, principally by vasoconstriction. condition deteriorating and causing irreversible damage
When that loss reaches 20–25%, however, the compensa- (Chandraharan and Arulkumaran 2013). Women who
tory mechanisms begin to decline and fail. In pregnancy decline blood products must have their wishes respected
the plasma volume increases, as does the red cell mass. and a treatment plan in case of haemorrhage should be
The increase is not proportionate, but allows a healthy discussed with them before labour (CMACE 2011).
pregnant woman to sustain significant blood loss at birth The priorities are to:
as the plasma volume is reduced with little disturbance to 1. Call for help: shock is a progressive condition and
normal haemodynamics. In cases where the increase in delay in correcting hypovolaemia can lead ultimately
plasma volume is reduced or there has been an antepar- to maternal death.
tum haemorrhage, the woman is more susceptible to 2. Maintain the airway: if the woman is severely
experience a pathological effect on the body and its collapsed she should be turned on to her side and
systems following a much lower blood loss during child- 40% oxygen administered at a rate of 4–6 l/min. If
birth. Individual organs are affected as below. she is unconscious, an airway should be inserted.
3. Replace fluids: two wide-bore intravenous cannulae
Brain should be inserted to enable fluids and drugs to be
The level of consciousness deteriorates as cerebral blood administered swiftly. Blood should be taken for
flow is compromised. The woman will become increasingly cross-matching prior to commencing intravenous
unresponsive to verbal stimuli and there is a gradual reduc- fluids. A crystalloid solution such as normal saline,
tion in the response elicited from painful stimulation. Hartmann’s, or Ringer’s lactate is given until the
woman’s condition has improved. A systematic
Lungs review of the evidence found that colloids were not
Gas exchange is impaired as the physiological dead space associated with any difference in survival and were
increases within the lungs. Levels of carbon dioxide rise more expensive than crystalloids (Perel et al 2013).
and arterial oxygen levels fall. Ischaemia within the lungs Crystalloids are, however, associated with loss of
alters the production of surfactant and, as a result of this, fluid to the tissues, and therefore to maintain the
the alveoli collapse. Oedema in the lungs, due to increased intravascular volume colloids are recommended after
permeability, exacerbates the existing problem of diffusion 2 l of crystalloid have been infused. No more than
of oxygen. Atelectasis, oedema and reduced compliance 1000–1500 ml of colloid such as Gelofusine or
impair ventilation and gaseous exchange, leading ulti- Haemocel should be given in a 24 hours period.
mately to respiratory failure. This is known as adult respira- Packed red cells and fresh frozen plasma are infused
tory distress syndrome (ARDS). when the condition of the woman is stable and
these are available.
Kidneys 4. Arrest haemorrhage: the source of the bleeding needs
to be identified and stopped. Any underlying
The renal tubules become ischaemic owing to the reduc- condition should be managed promptly and
tion in blood supply. As the kidneys fail, urine output falls appropriately.
to less than 20 ml/hour. The body does not excrete waste 5. Warmth: it is important to keep the woman warm,
products such as urea and creatinine, so levels of these in but not over warmed or warmed too quickly, as this
the blood rise. will cause peripheral vasodilatation and result in
Gastrointestinal tract
The gut becomes ischaemic and its ability to function as
a barrier against infection wanes. Gram-negative bacteria Assessment of clinical condition
are able to enter the circulation. An interprofessional team approach to management
should be adopted to ensure that the correct level of exper-
Liver tise is available. A clear protocol for the management of
Drug and hormone metabolism ceases, as does the conju- shock should be used, with the midwife fully aware of key
gation of bilirubin. Unconjugated bilirubin builds up and personnel required. Once the woman’s immediate condi-
jaundice develops. Protection from infection is further tion is stable, the midwife should continue to assess and
reduced as the liver fails to act as a filter. Metabolism of record the woman’s condition or liaise with staff on the
waste products does not occur, so there is a build-up of critical care unit if the woman has been transferred there
lactic acid and ammonia in the blood. Death of hepatic for subsequent care (Chandraharan and Arulkumaran
cells releases liver enzymes into the circulation. 2013).

Midwifery and obstetric emergencies Chapter | 22 |

Hypovolaemic shock in pregnancy will reduce placental

perfusion and oxygenation to the fetus, resulting in fetal
distress and possibly death. Where maternal shock is
caused by antepartum factors, the midwife should deter- Drip stand with manometer attached
mine whether the fetal heart is present, but as swift and
aggressive treatment may be required to save the woman’s
life, this should be the first priority.
Detailed MEOWS observation charts including fluid Adhesive manometer tape
balance should be accurately maintained. The extent of the
woman’s condition may require her to be transferred to a
critical care unit.

Level of right atrium

Observations and clinical signs of deterioration
in hypovolaemic shock
1. Assess level of consciousness in association with the tap
Glasgow Coma Score (GCS). This is a reliable,
objective tool for measuring coma, using eye Fig. 22.14 Monitoring central venous pressure.
opening, motor response and verbal response. A
total of 15 points can be achieved, and one of <12 is
cause for concern. Any signs of restlessness or Box 22.8 Key points for managing
confusion should be noted (Dougherty and Lister
hypovolaemic shock
2. Assess respiratory status using respiratory rate, • Call for help
depth and pattern, pulse oximetry and blood • Identify the source of bleeding and control temporarily
gases. Humidified oxygen should be used if if able
oxygen therapy is to be administered for any length
• Gain venous access using two wide-bore cannulae
of time.
• Rapidly infuse intravenous fluid to correct loss
3. Monitor blood pressure continuously, or at least
• Assess for coagulopathy and correct
every 30 minutes, with note taken of any fall in
blood pressure. • Manage the underlying condition
4. Monitor cardiac rhythm continuously.
5. Measure urine output hourly, using an indwelling
catheter and urometer.
6. Assess skin colour including core and peripheral Central venous pressure
temperature hourly. It is unlikely that a midwife will experience central venous
7. If a central venous pressure (CVP) line has been pressure (CVP) being measured outside of an intensive
sited, haemodynamic measures of pressure in the care unit (Fig. 22.14). CVP is the pressure in the right
right atrium are taken to monitor infusion rate and atrium or superior vena cava and is an indicator of the
quantities. The fluid balance should be maintained volume of blood returning to the heart, reflecting the com-
and recorded accurately. petence of the heart as a pump and the peripheral vascular
8. Observe for further bleeding, including lochia, or resistance. Normal CVP values will change with gestation,
oozing from a wound or puncture site. and can vary between +5 and +10 cmH2O. Values within
9. Undertake venepuncture for haemoglobin and this range indicate that the vascular space is well filled and
haematocrit estimation to assess the degree of red cell transfusion would not be necessary. However, in
blood loss. the presence of acute peripheral circulatory failure, which
10. The woman is likely to be nursed flat in the acute accompanies severe shock, the monitoring of CVP aids
stages of shock. Clinical assessment will also include assessment of blood loss with a negative value indicating
review and recording of pressure areas, with the necessity for fluid replacement (Scales 2010). An iso-
positional changes made as necessary to prevent lated CVP recording is of little clinical value. Trends in CVP
deterioration. A lateral tilt should be maintained to results are more useful clinically and are interpreted in
prevent aortocaval compression if a gravid uterus is conjunction with fluid balance and peripheral perfusion.
likely to compress the major vessels. It is extremely dangerous to base an intravenous regimen
Box 22.8 summarizes the key points relating to the man- on guesswork, as hypervolaemia or hypovolaemia, cardiac
agement of hypovolaemic shock. and renal failure may result.

Section | 4 | Labour

Septic shock all observations should be recorded on a MEOWS chart to

determine any further deterioration in the woman’s condi-
Death and serious illness from pregnancy-related sepsis tion and subsequent prompt action.
are rare. This means that many midwives will not have
seen a case, and it is surprising and shocking when it does
happen. The last Confidential Enquiry (CMACE 2011) Management
reported a total of 26 women died over the triennium
The advice of an anaesthetist and the critical care team
2006–8 as a result of genital tract sepsis. Women and their
should be sought at an early stage.
families should be made aware of the importance of dis-
Treatment is based on preventing further deterioration
closing significant symptoms to enable earlier interven-
in the woman’s condition by restoring circulatory volume
tions in treatment of any underlying infection (Chapters
and then eradication of the infection. Rigorous treatment
12 and 13).
with intravenous antibiotics is essential to halt the illness.
Septic shock is a distributive form of shock, where an
Replacement of fluid volume will restore perfusion of the
overwhelming infection develops. Certain organisms
vital organs. Fluid balance is essential but difficult to
produce toxins that cause fluid to be lost from the circula-
manage in septic shock (especially when hourly urine
tion into the tissues. The commonest form of sepsis
output is low), as fluid overload may lead to fatal pulmo-
causing death in childbearing in the UK is reported to be
nary or cerebral oedema. The midwife must maintain
that caused by beta-haemolytic Streptococcus pyrogenes
careful monitoring and clear, accurate documentation of
(Lancefield Group A) (CMACE 2011). This is a Gram-
the woman’s condition throughout (NMC 2012).
positive organism, responding to intravenous antibiotics,
Measures are needed to identify the source of infection
specifically those that are penicillin-based. Gram-negative
and to protect the woman against re-infection by main-
organisms such as Escherichia coli, Proteus or Pseudomonas
taining high standards of care in clinical procedures. A full
pyocyaneus are common pathogens in the female genital
infection screening should be undertaken, including a
high vaginal swab, throat swab, midstream specimen of
The placental site and perineal wounds are the main
urine and blood cultures. Retained products of conception
points of entry for an infection associated with pregnancy
can be detected on ultrasound, and these can then be
and childbirth. This may occur following prolonged
removed if they are apparent.
rupture of fetal membranes, birth trauma, septic abortion
In all situations where the woman requires to be trans-
or in the presence of retained placental tissue.
ferred to a critical care unit, relatives should be kept
informed of her progress. The midwife may be the person
Clinical signs with whom the relatives have formed a relationship and
Sepsis is often insidious in onset but requires prompt therefore is relied upon to give them information on the
recognition and immediate medical referral. Recognition woman’s condition and progress.
is a particular challenge to the community midwife. The
woman may present with tachypnoea, tachycardia, pyrexia
or extremely low temperature, or rigors. However, a tem-
perature recording may appear normal if the woman has DRUG TOXICITY/OVERDOSE
taken paracetamol as this will reduce pyrexia. The woman
may seem confused or anxious, exhibiting a change in her Drug toxicity and illicit drug overdose should be consid-
mental state. Abdominal pain and gastrointestinal symp- ered as a cause in all cases of maternal collapse in any type
toms are common in pelvic sepsis. Other symptoms, of setting. The principals of observation and resuscitation
including hypotension, develop in septic shock as the con- already discussed in this chapter apply to such a scenario.
dition progresses. Haemorrhage may be apparent, which Common sources of drug toxicity in midwifery and obstet-
could be a direct result of events due to childbearing, ric practice are local anaesthetic agents injected intra­
however, it occurs in septic shock due to disseminated venously by accident and magnesium sulphate given in
intravascular coagulation (DIC) (Chapter 12). In hospital the presence of renal impairment (RCOG 2011).


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Negligence Scheme for Trusts: Perel P, Roberts I, Ker K 2013 Colloids 2011 A new algorithm for improving
Maternity Clinical Risk Management versus crystalloids for fluid fetal weight estimation from
Standards, Version 1 2011/2012. resuscitation in critically ill patients. ultrasound data at term. Archives of
NHSLA, London Cochrane Database of Systematic Gynecology and Obstetrics
NICE (National Institute for Health and Reviews 2013, Issue 2. Art. No. 283(3):469–74
Clinical Excellence) 2007 Acutely ill CD000567. doi: 10.1002/14651858. Smith R B, Lane C, Pearson J F 1994
patients in hospital: recognition of CD000567.pub6 Shoulder dystocia: what happens at
and response to acute illness in RCUK (Resuscitation Council UK) 2010 the next delivery? British Journal of
adults in hospital. Clinical Guideline Resuscitation guidelines. RCUK, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
50. NICE, London. Available at: London. www.resus.org.uk/pages/ 101:713–15
www.nice.org.uk/cg50 (accessed 1 guide.htm (accessed 30 June 2013) Uccella S, Cromi A, Bogani G et al 2011
July 2013) Roberts L, Trew G 1991 Uterine rupture Spontaneous prelabor uterine
NICE (National Institute for Health and in a primigravida. Journal of rupture in a primigravida: a case
Clinical Excellence) 2008 Diabetes in Obstetrics and Gynaecology report and review of the literature.
pregnancy. Management of diabetes 11(4):261–2 American Journal of Obstetrics and
and its complications from pre- RCOG (Royal College of Obstetricians Gynecology 205(5):e6–8
conception to the postnatal period. and Gynaecologists) 2011 Maternal Usta I M, Hamdi M A, Abu Musa A A
Clinical Guideline 63. NICE, collapse in pregnancy and the et al 2007 Pregnancy outcome in
London. Available at: www.nice.org puerperium. Green-Top Guideline patients with previous uterine
.uk/cg63 (accessed 1 July 2013) No. 56. RCOG, London rupture. Acta Obstetrica et
National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologica Scandinavica,
2007 Safer care for the acutely ill Gynaecologists (RCOG) 2012 86(2):172–6
patient: learning from serious Shoulder dystocia. Green-Top Witteveen T, van Stralen G, Zwart J et al
incidents. NPSA, London Guideline No. 42, 2nd edn. RCOG, 2013 Puerperal uterine inversion in
Norman J 2011 Haemorrhage. In: Centre London. www.rcog.org.uk/files/ The Netherlands: a nationwide
for Maternal and Child Enquiries rcog-corp/GTG%2042_Shoulder%20 cohort study. Acta Obstetricia et
(CMACE) Saving mothers’ lives: dystocia%202nd%20edition%20 Gynecologica Scandinavica
reviewing maternal deaths to make 2012.pdf (accessed 30 June 2013) 92(3):334–7
motherhood safer: 2006–08. The Rubin A 1964 Management of shoulder Woods C E 1943 A principle of physics
Eighth Report on Confidential dystocia. Journal of the American as applied to shoulder delivery.
Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in Medical Association 189:835 American Journal of Obstetrics and
the United Kingdom. BJOG: An Sandberg E C 1985 The Zavanelli Gynecology 45:796–805
International Journal of Obstetrics maneuver: a potentially Wykes C B, Johnston T A, Paterson-
and Gynaecology 118(Suppl 1):71–6 revolutionary method for the Brown S et al 2003 Symphysiotomy:
NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) resolution of shoulder dystocia. a lifesaving procedure. British
2012 Midwives Rules and Standards. American Journal of Obstetrics and Journal Obstetrics Gynaecology
NMC, London Gynecology 152:479–87 110(2):19–21


Draycott T, Winter C, Crofts J et al (eds) Recommended training course for childbirth training. Obstetrics and Gynecology
2008 PROMPT PRactical Obstetric emergencies presenting current best practice. 112(1):14–20
Multi-Professional Training Course Draycott T J, Crofts J F, Ash J P et al The introduction of shoulder dystocia
Manual Vol. 1. RCOG Press, 2008 Improving neonatal outcome training for all maternity staff was
London through practical shoulder dystocia associated with improved management and

Midwifery and obstetric emergencies Chapter | 22 |

neonatal outcomes of births complicated by Raynor M D, Marshall J E, Jackson K Robson S E, Waugh J J S (eds) 2013
shoulder dystocia. 2012 Midwifery practice: critical Medical disorders in pregnancy: a
James A, Endacott R, Stenhouse E 2011 illness, complications and manual for midwives, 2nd edn. John
Identifying women requiring emergencies case book. Open Wiley and Sons, London
maternity high dependency care. University Press, Maidenhead The need for joint medical and midwifery
Midwifery 27(1):60–6 This text provides a case study approach to care is stressed in the latest CMACE report,
Key issues in the management of women several critical conditions and emergencies with a recommendation that contemporary
who become critically ill during pregnancy, that can prove a challenge to all healthcare midwifery education prepares midwives for
labour and the postpartum period are professionals working in midwifery practice, problems in pregnancy and adverse
discussed, with identification of recognition with particular importance being placed on pregnancy outcome.
of signs of clinical deterioration with multiprofessional team working. Each case Royal College of Obstetricians and
subsequent referral for appropriate explores and explains the pathology, Gynaecologists 2011 Maternal
care. pharmacology and care principles and uses collapse in pregnancy and the
National Institute for Health and test questions and answers to assist learning. puerperium. Green-Top Guideline
Clinical Excellence 2007 Acutely ill Resuscitation Council UK 2010 No. 56. Royal College of
patients in hospital: recognition of Resuscitation guidelines. RCUK, Obstetricians and Gynaecologists,
and response to acute illness in London. www.resus.org.uk London. www.rcog.org.uk/files/
adults in hospital. Clinical Guideline Internationally agreed information and rcog-corp/GTG56.pdf
50. NICE, London. http:// guidance on resuscitation and emergency Provides up-to-date information and
publications.nice.org.uk/acutely-ill life support. The website contains a range excellent reference material on
-patients-in-hospital-cg50 of publications, information and posters maternal collapse in pregnancy and
Provides guidance on the care and that can be downloaded to support clinical the puerperium.
management of the acutely ill patient. practice.


Erb’s Palsy Group, for parents and National Institute for Health and Care Resuscitation Council UK:
health professionals: (formerly Clinical) Excellence: www.resus.org.uk
www.erbspalsygroup.co.uk www.nice.org.uk Royal College of Obstetricians and
National Amniotic Fluid Embolism NHS Improving Quality (formerly NHS Gynaecologists: www.rcog.org.uk
Register: www.npeu.ox.ac.uk/ukoss/ Institute for Innovation and
current-surveillance/amf Improvement): www.nhsiq.nhs.uk/

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Section 5

23 Physiology and care during the 25 Perinatal mental health 531

puerperium 499 26 Bereavement and loss in maternity care   555
24 Physical health problems and complications 27 Contraception and sexual health in a global
in the puerperium 515 society 569

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Chapter 23

Physiology and care during the puerperium

Mary Steen, Julie Wray

CHAPTER CONTENTS and voluntary services can work together to

support the mother, father, baby and other
The postnatal period 499 family members to cope and adjust following the
Historical background 500 birth of a new baby (Department of Health [DH]
2005; National Institute for Health and Clinical
Framework and regulation for postnatal Excellence [NICE] 2006; Nursing and Midwifery
care 501 Council [NMC] 2012). This approach to postnatal
Midwives and postpartum care 501 care differs from that offered to women in most
Public health care 501 other developed countries where the provision
for regular contact with midwives as the main
The provision of and need for postnatal healthcare professional responsible for postnatal
care 502 care is less well defined. (Potential postnatal
Midwifery postpartum contact and visits 503 morbidity and in some cases mortality for the
Physiological changes and observations 504 mother is discussed in Chapter 24.)
Returning to non-pregnant status 504
Future health, future fertility 509 THE CHAPTER AIMS TO:
Record-keeping and documentation 509 • review the historical background of postnatal care
Evidence and best practice 509 • explore the role of the midwife in the assessment
Transition to parenthood 509 and care of women’s postpartum health and
References 510 wellbeing
Further reading 514 • review the current evidence for women’s general
Useful websites 514 health and wellbeing after childbirth
• discuss the contemporary challenges for the
There is current evidence that postnatal care is
provision of maternity care during the postnatal
often undervalued and under-resourced even
though it is an important and challenging time
for a mother who has recently given birth, her • explore women’s and their partners views and
partner and family (Wray and Bick 2012). Current experiences of postnatal care.
postnatal care in the United Kingdom (UK) can
involve several healthcare practitioners.
Midwives are the lead health professional,
with support from maternity support workers,
general practitioners, health visitors and other
practitioners depending on the mother’s Following the birth of a baby, placenta and membranes,
individual needs and circumstances. Both public the newly birthed mother enters a period of physical and

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 499

Section | 5 | Puerperium

emotional/psychological recuperation (Buckley 2006; report on the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths
Wray 2012). Skin-to-skin contact is advocated immedi- in the UK cites sepsis as currently the leading cause of
ately following birth and during the postnatal period as maternal mortality [CMACE 2011]).
there is clear evidence of benefit to the mother and father This had a marked effect on what constituted important
(Moore et al 2012). The puerperium starts immediately aspects of postnatal care. Routine observations, such as
after birth of the placenta and membranes and continues temperature, pulse, respirations, blood pressure, breast
for 6 weeks. In many cultures around the world 40 days examination, uterine involution and observation of
for recuperation is a time-honoured practice (Hundt et al lochia, were introduced as well as a set pattern of postnatal
2000; Waugh 2011). A general expectation is that by 6 visits.
weeks after birth a woman’s body will have recovered suf- Midwives were expected to visit twice a day for the first
ficiently from the effects of pregnancy and the process of three days and then daily until day 10, commonly referred
parturition. However, there has now been a recognition to as the ‘lying in period’ (Leap and Hunter 1993). Two
that the return to a non-pregnant state of health and well- further Midwives Acts extended the regulatory maximum
being can take much longer (World Health Organization duration of postnatal care from 10 to 14 days in 1936 and
[WHO], 2010; Bick et al 2011). Some women continue then this was increased to 28 days in 1962. This approach
to experience health problems related to childbirth that to postnatal care was considered appropriate to meet the
extend well beyond the 6-week period defined as the puer- needs of women at that time. However, a considerable
perium (WHO 2010). In some cases, healing and recovery decline in maternal mortality rates began in the 1930s and
can take up to a year following birth (Bedwell 2006; Wray has continued up to the present day. A traditional pattern
and Bick 2012). and content of postnatal care continued until the 1980s.
It has been customary to refer to the first weeks after the Then, two major changes happened that affected the
birth as the postnatal period, defined in the UK by the pattern of postnatal care, those being the woman returning
NMC as ‘a period after the end of labour during which home much earlier following childbirth and the introduc-
the attendance of a midwife upon a woman and baby is tion of ‘selective visiting’ rather than specified days in 1986
required, being not less than 10 days and for such by the former midwifery governing body, the United
longer period as the midwife considers necessary’ (NMC Kingdom Central Council (UKCC 1986). A postal survey
2012: 6). undertaken in England in 1991 reported that most mater-
By no longer stating an endpoint in time until which nity services had changed from the daily home visits up
midwifery care can still be made available to women, it is to the tenth postnatal day to selective home visits, but
envisaged that offering more flexibility to the provision of there was wide variation in patterns of selective visiting
midwifery care will make a positive impact on the health (Garcia et al 1994). This may be due to the fact that little
and wellbeing of women (Cattrell et al 2005; Redshaw and guidance was given on how to plan and implement this
Heikkila 2010). change and there was no evaluation with regard to the
The National Childbirth Trust (NCT) makes clear on its implications for women. A House of Commons Health
website that it is the quality of postnatal care provided to Committee report (Winterton 1992) highlighted, among
women and families in the first days and weeks after other things, that postnatal care was neglected and there
birth that can have a huge impact and affect mothers’ and was a lack of research in this area. This was followed by
families’ experiences of the transition to parenthood (NCT the establishment of the Expert Maternity Committee,
2012). whose remit was to examine policy and make recommen-
However, in this present climate, when there is an ever- dations for the maternity services in England and Wales.
increasing birth rate, a shortage of midwives and ongoing Their report ‘Changing Childbirth’ (DH 1993) recom-
financial constraints, this is an extremely challenging task mended that the maternity services should offer women
for maternity service providers. more choice, greater continuity of care, more involvement
in the planning of their care and should be midwifery-led,
and more recently the ‘Maternity Matters’ report (DH
2007a) reiterated these recommendations.
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Today, a partnership approach, where the woman is
encouraged to explore how she is feeling physically
Postnatal care in the UK has been an integral part of the and emotionally and to seek the advice and support of
midwife’s role since the beginning of the last century the midwife, is advocated (Wray and Bick 2012). The
following the introduction of the Midwives Act in 1902. importance of all newly birthed mothers having access to
This was instigated by the high maternal mortality rates. postnatal care that will meet their individual needs is
Despite a decline in death rates among all age groups in underpinned by the NMC (2012) Midwives Rules and
the general population, maternal mortality rates remained Standards and by a national guideline defining core care,
high. The majority of maternal deaths were caused by and what should be provided for the mother and baby in
puerperal infection (interestingly, the latest triennial the days and weeks following birth (NICE 2006).

Physiology and care during the puerperium Chapter | 23 |

FRAMEWORK AND REGULATION FOR Box 23.1 The midwife’s skills and knowledge
POSTNATAL CARE The UK’s Nursing and Midwifery Council states in The
Code: Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics for
The initial framework for hospital postnatal care in the Nurses and Midwives:
early 20th century involved a regimented approach, with Keep your skills and knowledge up to date:
the newly birthed mother being viewed as a patient; a ■ You must have the knowledge and skills for safe
period of prescribed bed rest, compliance with hospital and effective practice when working without
regimens such as vulval swabbing, binding of legs and direct supervision.
separation from her baby were thus routine procedures. A ■ You must recognise and work within the limits of
gradual shift in this ‘sickness’ framework of care as your competence.
described by Parsons (1951) started to occur during the ■ You must keep your knowledge and skills up to
20th century. Renfrew (2010) describes how mothers in date throughout your working life.
the late 1970s and early 1980s were still kept in postnatal ■ You must take part in appropriate learning and
wards for a week or more after birth and their babies were practice activities that maintain and develop your
kept in nurseries with their feeds timed and measured, competence and performance.
regardless of whether they were being breastfed or formula-
fed. In the 1990s the provision of postpartum care was Source: NMC 2008: 38–41
reviewed with regard to its content, purpose or effective-
ness (Marsh and Sargent 1991; Garcia and Marchant 1993;
Twaddle et al 1993); this led to research that investigated
and challenged regimented and ritual patterns of postpar-
health and wellbeing (Hart 1971; Acheson 1998). In
tum care (Bick et al 2002; Shaw et al 2006; Wray 2006).
England, the Department of Health has acknowledged
Nowadays, mothers have the choice to return home in
that ‘Healthy mothers are key for giving healthy babies a
a few hours after the birth, as it is considered both safe
healthy start in life’ (DH 2004). It is important that
and acceptable by society at large. The newly birthed
mothers and their family receive information and advice
mother can recuperate in her own familiar surroundings
about healthy lifestyles. Midwives have a vital role to
with the support of her family and friends.
address public health targets and are ideally situated to
The recent Health and Social Care Act 2012 will con-
promote healthy lifestyles to the mother, her partner and
tinue to support mothers to make their own choices about
extended family during the postnatal period. However,
who and what services/care best meet their individual
midwives cannot address public health issues alone and
needs. Independent sector providers as well as National
working collaboratively with other professionals and local
Health Service (NHS) maternity service providers will be
communities and signposting to other services needs to
free to innovate to deliver quality services.
occur. Models of care to give more intense care and support
to disadvantaged groups have been developed. Sure Start
centres were set up to provide accessible community-based
MIDWIVES AND POSTPARTUM CARE services that would enable families with young children to
improve their health and wellbeing (DH 1999). Targets
It is vitally important that midwives have the knowledge were linked to public health issues such as smoking ces-
and skills to determine when to be proactive and under- sation, breastfeeding rates and reaching disadvantaged
take specific observations when there are indications to do groups (National Evaluation of Sure Start [NESS] 2004).
so. Therefore, the midwife needs to be able to acknowl- The government’s Every Child Matters: Change for Children
edge and recognize what are normal expected outcomes agenda (DfES 2004) supported the Sure Start goals and
following birth and also be able to identify signs of what aimed to increase the support for children and young
is not normal and when to instigate care that will involve people up to the age of 19. These centres became Sure Start
further investigation, tests and the support of other health Children’s Centres, where family healthcare and parenting
professionals. It is the midwife’s responsibility to ensure skills from midwives and health visitors were delivered
she is competent and to undertake any further necessary with support from other professionals (DCSF 2009).
education and training if required to provide extended Positive benefits for mothers and their families who live
care (see Box 23.1). within the designated postcode for Children’s Centre serv-
ices have been reported (Tanner et al 2012). However, a
sustained commitment to service provision and funding
Public health care is essential for this to benefit mothers and their families.
It has long been recognized that poverty and being socially In 2009, Children’s Centres became a statutory require-
disadvantaged is society leads to increased risk of poor ment under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and

Section | 5 | Puerperium

Learning Act (HM Government 2009; DfE 2010). In 2010, The provision of and need for
the Coalition government offered protection from spend-
postnatal care
ing cuts to enable Children’s Centres to continue to
provide a range of services to local communities but at the The provision of midwifery care and support to newly
time of writing there are concerns in the present economic birthed mothers needs to be woman-focused and family-
climate with budget reductions; the government is inter- orientated. Good communication to explain what is con-
ested in developing community management models such sidered to be normal physical, emotional/psychological,
as cooperatives and social enterprises (DfE 2012). occurrences during the postnatal period will reassure a
Working in tandem with Children’s Centres is the mother that she is going through a normal physiological
Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) Programme as developed process. Building a trusting, caring relationship will give a
in the USA and recently piloted in selected areas of high mother confidence to ask questions when she has con-
deprivation in England. It has been reported that teenage cerns and is anxious about her health and wellbeing.
first-time mothers, their partners and family find this A recent survey undertaken on behalf of the National
approach acceptable (Barnes et al 2011). Further work is Childbirth Trust (NCT 2010) involving 1260 first-time
being undertaken to see if a group approach is of any mothers reported that these mothers felt that midwives
benefit to families who are not eligible for the FNP pro- were always or mostly kind and understanding (80%) and
gramme (Barnes and Henderson 2012). Early indications treated them with respect (83%) . However, there were still
show that there are some benefits and peer support is gaps in the provision and satisfaction with regards to post-
valuable. An holistic maternal health and wellbeing pro- natal care reported. Only 4% of mothers reported being
gramme, specifically designed to raise awareness of the involved in the development of a postnatal care plan to
general health and wellbeing of mothers, their babies and meet their individual needs as recommended by NICE
families also reported how beneficial group and peer (2006). Mothers who had undergone either an operative
support is to postnatal mothers (Steen 2007b) (see or surgical procedure to aid their birth were reported to be
Box 23.2). the least satisfied with their postnatal care. Although this
Recently, the Health and Social Care Act 2012 gives survey does not represent the whole of the UK maternal
a new focus to public health (HM Government 2012). population and socially disadvantaged mothers’ voices
This Act provides the underpinnings for Public Health were not represented, it does give an insight into areas
England, a new body to drive improvements in public where improvements in postnatal care provision should
health. be targeted.

Box 23.2 Examples of postnatal women’s views

Postnatal workshops: ‘I have a bit of weight to lose and this will help me get
‘I needed to talk about my birth as I was disappointed back into shape.’
I had been induced, but I can understand why now.’ ‘I’m steadily getting my figure back. The exercises
‘I didn’t know that most breast cancer is detected by appear to be helping.’
the woman herself, I will start checking now.’ ‘I really enjoyed the exercises and intend to continue to
‘I feel guilty about smoking and now I have my do Pilates.’
daughter to think about I will seriously think about Postnatal general comments:
‘I always go home feeling good about myself and fit and
‘I’m finding being a mum hard. I’m always tired and
feeling weepy but I feel a lot better once I have come to
‘I love the company as well as being able to exercise.’
the class.’
‘It’s great that you can bring your baby with you. I love
being able to exercise with him on a mat next to me.’
Postnatal exercise classes: ‘I bring my mum as well. We both have enjoyed it.’
‘I couldn’t do my pelvic floor exercises properly before. I ‘I’m going to come to the gym and get my boyfriend to
can now.’ come as well.’
‘I did some of the exercises in early labour and used the ‘It will be difficult for me to attend classes when I go
positions I was shown, it really helped.’ back to work but I intend to walk more and exercise on a
‘I had a section in the end but I wasn’t too weekend.’
disappointed as I coped really well during labour and used ‘I have enjoyed coming to the sessions and I’ve loved
the Pilates and relaxation techniques.’ being able to meet other mums.’

Source: Steen 2007b: 119

Physiology and care during the puerperium Chapter | 23 |

A social model of care that encompasses aspects of of clinical need resulting in the main providers of health
observing and monitoring the health and wellbeing of the services having to make comparisons between postpartum
mother, father and their baby initially, in a hospital and women’s needs and other members of the population who
then home setting, will support both parents to adjust to are suffering from acute or chronic illnesses (O’Sullivan
their new parenting role. Guidance and reassurance is an and Tyler 2007). The birth of a baby does not attract the
important aspect of midwifery care. Working in partner- same level of funding as the needs of those with long-term
ship with the mother and father will assist them to develop conditions or terminal diseases. However, there has been
confidence in their ability to be parents and care for their an increasing awareness that there are important aspects
baby. There is growing evidence that when fathers are around promoting good health and wellbeing of the
included this is beneficial to both the mother’s and the newly birthed mother and baby as this has implications
baby’s health and wellbeing (Flouri and Buchanan 2003; for the nation’s healthcare costs (NICE 2006; NCT 2010).
Bottorff et al 2006; Tohotoa et al 2009). For example, The postnatal care pathway recommended by NICE (2006)
fathers can play an important role in breastfeeding support is divided into three ‘time bands’ which cover the post­
(Wolfberg et al 2004; Piscane et al 2005). Therefore, it is natal period, these are:
vital that they are included in discussions and pathways • the first 24 hours after birth
of care. Yet, there is also evidence that many fathers feel • the first 2–7 days
excluded unsure and fearful (Steen et al 2012). A recent • the period from day 8 to around 6–8 weeks.
publication entitled ‘Reaching out: involving fathers in
During these postnatal time bands a midwife will need to
maternity care’ (Royal College of Midwives [RCM] 2011:
advise women about some health problems that she may
3) has highlighted that ‘to provide effective support
be at risk of developing and to discuss any symptoms or
fathers themselves need to be supported, involved and
concerns she may have. Contact numbers and how to
summon help and advice need to be made readily avail-
In the UK, it is still usual for a midwife to ‘attend’ a
able and issuing regular reminders to encourage and
postpartum woman on a regular basis for the first few days
enable a mother to do this if she has any concerns is
regardless of whether the mother is in hospital or at home
(NMC 2012). During the course of contact visits, mid-
wifery practice has been to undertake a routine physical
examination to assess the new mother’s recovery from the Midwifery postpartum contact
birth (Rowan and Bick 2006; Bick 2012; Wray and Bick
2012). From an international perspective this practice is
and visits
unusual; it is only comparatively recently that postpartum The majority of postnatal care in the UK now occurs either
home visits, and postpartum support programmes, have in the family or a relative’s home. Expectations of mothers
been initiated in America, Canada and Australia (Boulvain about the purpose of home visits by the midwife may vary
et al 2004; Peterson et al 2005; Vernon 2007) and that according to their cultural backgrounds and individual
women in these countries have recognized a need for and needs. Some faiths hold important ceremonies for the
their satisfaction with current services (De Clerc 2006). In newborn baby and a home visit from a midwife will need
the UK, the role of maternity support worker (MSW) has to be mutually arranged to fit around these. Newly birthed
been introduced to support midwives to provide care to mothers who have experienced motherhood before may
mothers and their families. However, the development of feel that they need minimal support from a midwife and
MSWs can be inconsistent (Kings Fund 2011). The RCM this can also be mutually arranged. In contrast, a first-time
(2010) Position Statement on maternity support workers mother or a mother who has had complications will more
reports that there should be a clear framework which likely need further support and contact. The concept of
defines their role, responsibility and arrangements for postpartum care is one that aims to assist the mother, her
supervision. A study reviewed the involvement of mater- baby and family towards attaining an optimum health
nity support workers in the community over an extended status. Where the visit from the midwife can be seen as
postnatal period and found no differences in health out- supportive and useful to the mother and her family, this
comes but reported that mothers found benefit in the extra purpose is more likely to be achieved. Research that has
support (Morrell et al 2000). explored the experiences of women from different ethnic
A common reference to postnatal services being the backgrounds has demonstrated marked inequalities in
‘Cinderella’ of the maternity service provision as a whole both the provision of services as well as the actual direct
has led to repeated reports from women of poor support, contact with caregivers (Hirst and Hewison 2002). In con-
disappointment in the services and in some cases evidence trast, where the timing of midwifery postpartum care is
of negligence as a result of sub-standard care (Wray 2006; extended beyond 28 days, there is greater opportunity for
Lewis 2007; Redshaw and Heikkila 2010; WHO 2010). midwives to continue midwifery support where this might
The framework for assessing resources released from the be appropriate, and this has been welcomed as progress
NHS costs would appear to be based on a measurement although the focus would appear to be more on social or

Section | 5 | Puerperium

psychological outcomes, or for breastfeeding support than and the period of physiological adjustment and recovery
overt clinical or physical morbidity (Winter et al 2001; following birth is closely related to the overall health
Bick et al 2002). In the United States a woman can choose status of the mother. The intricate relationships between
to employ a doula to help her during her transition to physiological, emotional/psychological and cultural and
motherhood. A doula can provide physical, emotional sociological factors are all encompassed in the remit of
and social support (Simkin 2008). This option is becom- caring for the postnatal woman and her newborn (MaGuire
ing more readily available in the UK (Gibbon and Steen 2000; Wiggins 2000; Bick 2012).
Vital signs: general health and wellbeing
The following information is based on the premise that
PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES AND the midwife is exploring the health of the postpartum
OBSERVATIONS woman from a viewpoint of confirming normality.
‘Common sense’, although a concept that is very difficult
Regardless of place of birth, the midwife is primarily con- to define, is probably a well-understood paradigm and
cerned with the observation of the health of the postpar- taking such an approach is an important part of midwifery
tum mother and the new baby. As such, it has been care with regard to addressing the issues that are visible
common practice to have an overall framework upon before seeking out the less obvious. In this instance, an
which to base the assessment of the mother’s state of overall assessment of the woman’s physical appearance
health and for the observations contained within the will add considerably to the management of what will be
examination to link with pre-stated categories in the post- undertaken prior to continuing any further investigation
natal midwifery records. This formalized approach to the for either the woman or her baby.
postpartum review might be an appropriate tool to use if
there is concern about a woman who is feeling unwell and
Observations of temperature, pulse, respiration
there is a need for a comprehensive picture of the woman’s (TPR) and blood pressure (BP)
state of health (see Chapters 13 and 24). Where this is not During the first 6 hours postnatal care observations to
the case such an approach might be less useful from the record vital signs will need to be taken and these should
viewpoint of the needs of a healthy woman who has be within a normal range before a woman returns home
recently given birth (Redshaw and Heikkila 2010). The if she has opted for an early transfer. An Early Warning
concern focuses on whether in the time taken to complete Score has recently been introduced in some maternity
a ‘top to toe’ examination as a thorough review of someone units (Lewis 2007). If the woman has had a home birth
who is generally well, the midwife might ignore or give the midwife must not leave the new mother’s home until
less attention to what the mother really wants to talk she is satisfied that vital signs are stable.
about (Ridgers 2007). However, Wray (2011: 158 ) high- It is not necessary to undertake observations of tempera-
lights that women want to be ‘checked over’ (physically) ture routinely for women who appear to be physically well
as a means to obtain contact and feedback from the and who do not complain of any symptoms that could be
midwife about their bodies and recovery separate from associated with an infection. However, where the woman
their baby. As one new mother pointed out: ‘it was only complains of feeling unwell with flu-like symptoms, or
when she [the midwife] checked me over that you could there are signs of possible infection or information that
think about yourself and talk about how you were healing might be associated with a potential environment for
and getting sorted’. infection, the midwife should undertake and record the
The skill of the midwife’s care is to achieve a balance temperature. This will enhance the amount of clinical
when deciding which observations are appropriate so that information available where further decisions about
she does not fail to detect potential aspects of morbidity. potential morbidity may need to be made.
The next part of this chapter identifies areas of physiology Making a note of the pulse rate is probably one of the
that are likely either to cause women the most anxiety or least invasive and most cost-effective observations a
to have the greatest outcome with regard to morbidity. midwife can undertake. If undertaken when seated along-
These descriptions relate to observations undertaken for side or at the same level as the woman, it can create posi-
women who have had vaginal births and uncomplicated tive feelings of care while also obtaining valuable clinical
pregnancies. information. While observing the pulse rate, particularly
if this is done for a full minute, the midwife can also
observe a number of related signs of wellbeing: the respira-
Returning to non-pregnant status
tory rate, the overall body temperature, any untoward
In the postnatal period, all of the mother’s body systems body odour, skin condition and the woman’s overall
have to adjust from the pregnant state back to the pre- colour and complexion, as well as just listening to what
pregnant state. Mothers go through a transitional period the woman is saying.

Physiology and care during the puerperium Chapter | 23 |

Blood pressure nipple, to hand express, take analgesia if necessary, and to

wear a well-fitting bra. For further content on complica-
Following the birth of the baby, a baseline recording of
tions see Chapters 24 and 34.
the woman’s blood pressure will be made. In the absence
of any previous history of morbidity associated with
hypertension, it is usual for the blood pressure to return
The uterus
to a normal range within 24 hours after the birth. Rout­ After the birth, oxytocin is secreted from the posterior lobe
inely undertaking observations of blood pressure without of the pituitary gland to act upon the uterine muscle and
a clinical reason is therefore not required once a baseline assist separation of the placenta. Following the birth of the
recording has been taken. NICE (2006) suggest this should placenta and membranes, the uterine cavity collapses
be within 6 hours of the birth. inwards; the now opposed walls of the uterus compress
the newly exposed placental site and effectively seal the
Circulation exposed ends of the major blood vessels. The muscle layers
of the myometrium act like ligatures that compress the
The body has to reabsorb a quantity of excess fluid follow-
large sinuses of the blood vessels exposed by placental
ing the birth and for the majority of women this results in
separation. These occlude the exposed ends of the large
passing large quantities of urine, particularly in the first day,
blood vessels and contribute further to reducing blood
as diuresis is increased (Cunningham et al 2005). Women
loss. In addition, vasoconstriction in the overall blood
may also experience oedema of their ankles and feet and
supply to the uterus results in the tissues receiving a
this swelling may be greater than that experienced in preg-
reduced blood supply; therefore, de-oxygenation and a
nancy. These are variations of normal physiological proc-
state of ischaemia arise. Through the process of autolysis,
esses and should resolve within the puerperal time scale as
autodigestion of the ischaemic muscle fibres by proteolytic
the woman’s activity levels also increase. Advice should be
enzymes occurs resulting in an overall reduction in their
related to taking reasonable exercise, avoiding long periods
size. There is phagocytic action of polymorphs and macro­
of standing, and elevating the feet and legs when sitting
phages in the blood and lymphatic systems upon the
where possible. Swollen ankles should be bilateral and not
waste products of autolysis, which are then excreted via
accompanied by pain; the midwife should note particularly
the renal system in the urine. Coagulation takes place
if this is present in one calf only as it could indicate pathol-
through platelet aggregation and the release of thrombo-
ogy associated with a deep vein thrombosis.
plastin and fibrin (Cunningham et al 2005).
Skin and nutrition What remains of the inner surface of the uterine lining
apart from the placental site, regenerates rapidly to
Women who have suffered from urticaria of pregnancy or produce a covering of epithelium. Partial coverage occurs
cholestasis of the liver should experience relief once the within 7–10 days after the birth; total coverage is complete
pregnancy is over. The pace of life once the baby is born by the 21st day (Cunningham et al 2005).
might lead to women having a reduced fluid intake or Once the placenta has separated, the circulating levels
eating a different diet than they had formerly (Tuffery and of oestrogen, progesterone, human chorionic gonado-
Scriven 2005). This in turn might affect their skin and trophin and human placental lactogen are reduced. This
overall physiological state. Women should be encouraged leads to further physiological changes in muscle and con-
to maintain a balanced fluid intake and a diet that has a nective tissues as well as having a major influence on the
greater proportion of fresh food in it (Tuffery and Scriven secretion of prolactin from the anterior lobe of the pitu­
2005; DH 2007b). This will improve gastrointestinal activ- itary gland.
ity and the absorption of iron and minerals, and reduce Abdominal palpation of the uterus is usually performed
the potential for constipation and feelings of fatigue. soon after placental expulsion to ensure that the physio-
logical processes are beginning to take place (Chapter 18).
Breast care
On abdominal palpation, the fundus of the uterus should
It is essential that midwives offer support and advice on be located centrally, its position being at the same level or
common breast and breastfeeding problems. With a slightly below the umbilicus, and should be in a state of
woman’s permission a midwife needs to check for any contraction, feeling firm under the palpating hand. The
physical problems such as engorgement, cracked or bleed- woman may experience some uterine or abdominal
ing nipples, mastitis, or signs of thrush. Engorgement on discomfort, especially where uterotonic drugs have
postnatal day 3 and 4 is a common problem for most been administered to augment the physiological process
mothers regardless of whether they have chosen to breast- (Anderson et al 1998).
or formula-feed. It is important that mothers are aware of
this and this needs to be discussed antenatally so it does
not come as a complete surprise. If breastfeeding and
Uterine involution
engorged, advise the mother to feed on demand, perform The process of involution is essential background knowledge
breast massage from under her axilla and towards the for midwives monitoring the physiological process of the

Section | 5 | Puerperium

return of the uterus to its non-pregnant state. Involution

involves the gradual return and reduction in size of the Box 23.3 Suggested approach to undertaking
uterus to a pelvic organ until it is no longer palpable postpartum assessment of uterine involution
above the symphysis pubis (Stables and Rankin 2011). This
process is usually assessed by measuring the symphysio- • Discuss the need for uterine assessment with the
woman and obtain her agreement to proceed. She
fundal height (S-FD). This is the distance from the top of
should have emptied her bladder within the previous
the uterine fundus to the symphysis pubis and is com-
30 min.
monly assessed by anthropometry (abdominal palpation)
• Ensure privacy and an environment where the woman
(Bick et al 2009). NICE (2006) has concluded that there
can lie down on her back with her head supported.
is insufficient evidence to recommend the routine meas-
Locate a covering to put over her lower body.
urement of fundal height and how often this should take
• The midwife should have clean, warm hands and
place as the process of involution is highly variable
should help the woman to expose her abdomen; the
between individual women. Therefore, involution of the
assessment should not be done through clothing.
uterus should be placed into context alongside the colour,
• The midwife places the lower edge of her hand at the
amount and duration of the woman’s vaginal fluid loss
umbilical area and gently palpates inwards towards
and her general state of health at that time. Uterine involu-
the spine until the uterine fundus is located.
tion in combination with other observations such as a
• The fundus is palpated to assess its location and the
raised or lowered temperature abdominal tenderness and
degree of uterine contraction. Any pain or tenderness
offensive lochia can be helpful to detect any maternal
should be noted.
morbidity, e.g. sepsis (CMACE 2011).
• Once the midwife has completed the assessment she
should help the woman to dress and to sit up.
Assessment of postpartum uterine involution • The midwife should then ask the woman about the
There are several aspects to the abdominal palpation of colour and amount of her vaginal loss and whether
the postpartum uterus that contribute to the observation she has passed any clots or is concerned about the
as a whole. The first is to identify height and location of loss in any way.
the fundus (the upper parameter of the uterus). Assess- • Following the assessment, the woman should be
ment should then be made of the condition of the uterus informed about what has been found and any further
with regard to uterine muscle contraction and finally action that is required, and then a record of the
whether palpation of the uterus causes the woman any assessment is made in the midwifery notes.
pain. When all these dimensions are combined, this pro-
vides an overall assessment of the state of the uterus and
the progress of uterine involution can be described. Find-
ings from such an assessment should clearly record the It is helpful to explain the cause of ‘afterpains’ to women
position of the uterus in relation to the umbilicus or the and that they might experience a heavier loss at this time,
symphysis pubis, the state of uterine contraction and even to the extent of passing clots. Pain in the uterus that
the presence of any pain during palpation. A suggested is constant or present on abdominal palpation is unlikely
approach to how this is undertaken in clinical practice can to be associated with ‘afterpains’ and further enquiry
be found in Box 23.3. should be made about this. Women might also confuse
‘afterpains’ with flatus pain, especially after an operative
‘Afterpains’ birth or where they are constipated. Identifying and treat-
‘Afterpains’ are caused by involutionary contractions and ing the cause is likely to relieve the symptoms or raise
usually last for two to three days after childbirth. These concern about a more complex condition that needs
cramping type of pains are more commonly associated further attention.
with multiparity and breastfeeding. The production of the
oxytocin in relation to the let-down response that initiates Postpartum vaginal blood loss
the contraction in the uterus and causes pain. Women Blood products constitute the major part of the vaginal
have described the pain as equal to the severity of moder- loss immediately after the birth of the baby and expulsion
ate labour pains and women require analgesia (Marchant of the placenta and membranes. As involution progresses
et al 2002). A recent systematic analysis has concluded the vaginal loss reflects this and changes from a predomi-
that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) nantly fresh blood loss to one that contains stale blood
were better than placebo at relieving ‘afterpains’ and products, lanugo, vernix and other debris from the
NSAIDs were better than paracetamol, but there were unwanted products of the conception. This loss varies
insufficient data to make conclusions regarding the from woman to woman, being a lighter or darker colour,
effectiveness of opioids at relieving ‘afterpains’ (Deussen but for any woman the shade and density tends to be
et al 2011). consistent (Marchant et al 2002).

Physiology and care during the puerperium Chapter | 23 |

Lochia is a Latin word traditionally used to describe the relationship to encourage a woman to disclose any urinary
vaginal loss following the birth (Cunningham et al or bowel problems.
2005). Medical and midwifery textbooks have described Usually, urinary and bowel symptoms resolve within the
three phases of lochia and have given the duration over first two weeks following birth but some problems do
which these phases persist. Research has explored the rel- persist. If a woman continues to notice a change to her
evance of these descriptions for women and raised ques- pre-pregnant urinary and bowel pattern by the end of the
tions about the use of these descriptions in clinical puerperal period, she should be advised to have this
practice. Marchant et al (2002) reported that not all reviewed (Steen 2013). Initially, conservative management
women are aware they will have a vaginal blood loss after is advocated and then if the symptoms are persistent a
the birth and that women experience a wide variation in referral to a specialist may be required (RCM/CSP 2013)
the colour, amount and duration of vaginal loss in the (see Chapter 24).
first 12 weeks’ postpartum. This suggests that, overall,
descriptions of normality ascribed to the traditional
descriptions of lochia are outdated and unhelpful to
Perineal trauma
women and midwives in accurately describing a clinical Perineal and vaginal injury during childbirth continues to
observation. affect the majority of women (Albers et al 2006; East et al
Most women can clearly identify colour and consistency 2012b). Morbidity associated with perineal injury and
of vaginal loss if asked and will be able to describe any repair is a major health problem for women throughout
changes. It is important for a midwife to ask direct ques- the world. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynae-
tions about the woman’s vaginal loss: whether this is more cologists (RCOG) (2004) reported that perineal trauma
or less, lighter or darker than previously and whether the can have long-term social, psychological and physical
woman has any concerns. It is of particular importance to health consequences for women. Perineal pain and dis-
record any clots passed and when these occurred. Clots comfort associated with trauma may disrupt breastfeed-
can be associated with future episodes of excessive or pro- ing, family life and sexual relationships.
longed postpartum bleeding (see Chapters 18, 24). In the UK, it is estimated that 1000 women per day will
Assessment that attempts to quantify the amount of require perineal repair (Kettle and Fenner, 2007). It is
loss or the size of clot is problematic. However, the use therefore important that midwives are firstly educated and
of descriptions that are common to both woman and trained to recognize the extent of perineal and vaginal
midwife can improve accuracy in these assessments – for trauma, and secondly, have gained the confidence and
example, asking the mother how often she has to change clinical skills to suture competently as failure to do so can
her maternity pad and describing her blood loss in her contribute to negative consequences for women in both
own words. the short and long term (Steen 2010). In addition, it is
important to consider how to alleviate the associated pain
and discomfort attributed to perineal injuries following
Continence after birth birth.
The majority of women will revert back to their non- Up-to-date knowledge and an understanding of the
pregnant status during the puerperium without any major negative consequences for women will help midwives to
urinary or bowel problems. Any minor changes to women’s advise women on how to alleviate perineal pain, prevent
urinary and bowel habits should resolve within the first further trauma and promote healing (Steen 2012).
few days of giving birth. Women suffering from perineal
injury may need extra reassurance that having their bowels
open may be uncomfortable but will not disrupt and dis- Perineal pain
lodge any stitches in the perineal region (Chapter 15). A Regardless of whether the birth resulted in actual perineal
systematic review has reported that there is sufficient evi- trauma, women are likely to feel swollen and bruised
dence to suggest that pelvic floor exercise training during around the vaginal and perineal tissues for the first few
pregnancy and after birth can prevent and treat urinary days after a vaginal birth. Women who have undergone
incontinence (Mørkved and Bø 2013). NICE (2006) rec- any degree of actual perineal injury will experience pain
ommends that pelvic floor muscle exercises should be for several days until healing takes place (East et al 2012b).
taught as first line treatment for urinary incontinence. It is essential that women are offered adequate pain relief
It is important that women are given opportunities to initially following birth and then for them to be advised
discuss any urinary or bowel problems as it is often a on how to alleviate the inflammation associated with peri-
taboo subject. Some women may find it embarrassing and neal injuries and any pain felt during the postnatal period.
will not seek help and advice whilst others may put up In the first few days after the birth all women should be
with urinary and bowel problems believing that it is asked if they have any pain or discomfort in the perineal
an accepted outcome following childbirth. Therefore, it area regardless of whether there is a record of actual peri-
is essential that a midwife build a trusting, caring neal trauma (Bick and Bassett 2013).

Section | 5 | Puerperium

Where women appear to have no discomfort or anxieties Tiredness and fatigue

about their perineum, it is not essential for the midwife
Most women will complain of tiredness and fatigue during
to examine this area and arguably it is an intrusion on the
the first few weeks following birth, and lack of sleep at the
woman’s privacy to do so. The basic principles of morbid-
end of pregnancy, giving birth and establishing feeding can
ity or infection (Cunningham et al 2005) indicate that it
take its toll. It is therefore vitally important that a newly
is unusual for morbidity to occur without inflammation
birthed mother is advised to consciously make time to rest
and pain although these factors are also integral to the
and sleep during the postpartum period. For example, she
healing process (Steen 2007a); therefore, although the area
should be advised to take the opportunity to have a ‘nap’
might be causing discomfort from the original trauma,
during the day when her baby is sleeping and not to feel
where this is unchanged or absent a pathological condi-
guilty about doing this. A midwife may need to reassure a
tion should not be developing. There may be occasions,
mother that household chores can wait and it takes time to
however, where the midwife might consider that the
adjust to caring for a newborn. Tiredness and fatigue can
woman is declining this observation because she is embar-
have an adverse effect on a mother’s health and wellbeing
rassed or anxious. In such cases, the midwife should use
status. Being tired and fatigued will inevitably have a nega-
her skills of communication to explore whether there is a
tive effect on a woman’s ability to care for her newborn
clinical need for this observation to be undertaken and, if
(Troy and Dalgas-Pelish, 2003). Tiredness and fatigue
so, to advise the woman accordingly. Examining the peri-
can lead to maternal exhaustion and has been associated
neal area is undertaken to assess healing after birth. Stand-
with maternal depression (Taylor and Johnson 2010) (see
ardized scales to assist the midwife are not readily available
Chapter 25). However, it has been reported that the
and formal evaluation appears to be an ongoing neglected
meaning of tiredness and fatigue are subjective and difficult
area of women’s health care (Steen 2010). Fortunately, for
to define and ‘there is a lack of authoritative research on
the majority of women, the perineal wound gradually
postnatal tiredness and fatigue’ (McQueen and Mander
becomes less painful and initial healing should occur by
2003: 464). Nevertheless, midwives can play a vital role in
10–14 days after the birth (Steen 2007a).
supporting a woman to have realistic expectations about
life after birth and advising her to nurture herself and on
Alleviating perineal pain and discomfort
the importance of finding time to rest and recuperate.
Evidence suggests that a combination of systemic and
localized treatments may be necessary to achieve adequate
pain relief which will meet individual women’s needs Expectations of health
(Steen and Roberts 2011). It is reasonable for women to look forward to regaining
There is some evidence that oral analgesia, bathing, their body for themselves once the baby is born (MaGuire
diclofenac suppositories, lidocaine gel and localized 2000; Steen 2007b). However, this is not the immediate
cooling treatment can alleviate perineal pain. No adverse outcome for many women and, once again, individual
effects on healing have been reported when localized women will have their own expectations about the nature
cooling is applied (East et al 2012a). and speed at which they would like this recovery to occur.
The treatments that appear to achieve pain relief are The role of the midwife at this point is to assist the woman
summarized in Box 23.4. to identify actual symptoms of disorder from the gradual
process of reorder and advise what action the woman can
do for herself in the way of progressive recovery. Advice
Box 23.4 Summary of evidence to alleviate
for new parents in the matter of recovery from the birth is
perineal pain and discomfort
limited and often superficial; also women may feel they
• Oral analgesia, self-administered, effective for mild should know what to do, or have unrealistic expectations
to severe pain (Moffat et al 2006; Steen and of motherhood and their ability to cope with these new
Marchant 2007; Chou et al 2010). experiences (Bartell 2004). This is one area where taking
• Bathing (Sleep and Grant 1988; Greenshields and the time to talk about what might seem to the midwife a
Hulme 1993; Steen and Marchant 2007). range of peripheral or even superficial issues that might be
worrying the otherwise healthy new mother could be of
• Voltarol suppositories – effective in first 24–48 hr,
some relief (Yoong et al 1997; Searles and Pring more benefit that day than a range of routine clinical
1998; Hedayati et al 2005). observations (Redshaw et al 2007).
• Lignocaine gel – effective in first 48 hr (Harrison and
Brennan 1987a, 1987b; Corkill et al 2001).
Balancing exercise and healthy activity
• Localized cooling (Steen et al 2000; Steen 2002; with rest and relaxation
Steen and Marchant 2007; Navviba et al 2009; East Increasing the understanding in the general population
et al 2012a) about the value of different forms of exercise and health
has been shown to be of psychological as well as physical

Physiology and care during the puerperium Chapter | 23 |

benefit (Armstrong and Edwards 2004). There is substan- Evidence and best practice
tial evidence that suggests exercising during the postnatal
period has many positive effects (Goodwin et al 2000; The midwife should gain a considerable amount of infor-
Berk 2004; Steen 2007b). For example, women who exer- mation during her contact with the mother and baby.
cise regularly are more likely to recover more quickly after The wide range for normality and the individuality
the birth (Clapp 2001) (see Box 23.3). within this can make it difficult for the midwife to decide
Exploring each person’s level of activity will encourage whether an observation is related to morbidity. It is more
advice in relation to appropriate exercise and, by associa- likely to be the relationship between several observations
tion, nutritional intake and rest or relaxation and sleep. that raises cause for concern and, where these appear to
Undertaking regular pelvic floor exercises is of benefit to be more related to abnormality than normality, the
women’s long-term health (Mørkved and Bø 2013). midwife has a responsibility to make appropriate referral
to a medical practitioner or other appropriate healthcare
professional. In the UK the midwife’s statutory frame-
Future health, future fertility work (NMC 2012) is different from the overall guidance
Advice on managing fertility is within the sphere of prac- and frameworks for care provision developed under the
tice of the midwife and it is an important aspect of post- auspices of various Departments of Health. This is an
partum care (see Chapter 27). Midwives need to be aware important distinction with regard to the professional
of a range of different needs with regard to women’s sexu- accountability of the midwife and her obligation as an
ality and should be able to offer sensitive and appropriate employee (NMC 2008).
advice on contraception where this is needed.

Record-keeping and documentation TRANSITION TO PARENTHOOD

A midwife has to provide high standards of practice and
care at all times (NMC 2008). Clear and accurate records The transition to parenthood involves major adjustments
of any observations and discussions that have taken place within a family and some mothers will welcome and
during the postnatal period are a key tool in safeguarding actively seek help and support from a midwife during the
the health and wellbeing of the mother and her baby. In postnatal period, but some women, for a range of reasons,
its Code, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2008) may not. Women from different cultural backgrounds may
clearly states that a midwife must keep clear and accurate have traditions that conflict with the current management
records (Box 23.5). of postpartum care (Ockleford et al 2004), or consider
that they already have sufficient skills and experience. Not
being able to speak or understand English may also
Box 23.5 The midwife’s record-keeping prevent a woman from seeking help.
Although a visit to the home might have been planned,
The UK’s Nursing and Midwifery Council states in The there will also be times when women are not at home
Code: Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics for when the midwife visits. It is important to keep in mind
Nurses and Midwives: individual circumstances and whether these might have
Keep clear and accurate records: any bearing on a no-access visit. For example, parents with
■ You must keep clear and accurate records of the
a disability such as hearing loss or poor mobility might
discussions you have, the assessments you make, not hear a doorbell. It is, therefore, important to make
the treatment and medicines you give and how arrangements for contact to be made by alternative means
effective these have been. (e.g. using a visual alarm or telephone to alert the woman
■ You must complete records as soon as possible of the visit beforehand) (Disability Pregnancy and Parent-
after an event has occurred. hood International 2007).
■ You must not tamper with original records in any way.
The midwife needs to recognize situations where the
■ You must ensure any entries you make in
mother perceives she has different priorities from those
someone’s paper records are clearly and legibly routinely provided by the healthcare services. The option
signed, dated and timed. of attending a postnatal clinic/drop-in centre has been
■ You must ensure any entries you make in
introduced in some areas of the UK to meet maternity
someone’s electronic records are clearly services local needs and offers some flexibility around
attributable to you. postnatal follow-up care (Gibbon and Steen 2012).
■ You must ensure all records are kept securely. A recent meta-synthesis has reported that fathers cannot
support their partner effectively in achieving a positive
Source: NMC 2008: 42–7 parenthood experience unless they are themselves sup-
ported, included and prepared for parenthood (Steen et al

Section | 5 | Puerperium

2012). A study has reported that inadequate preparation may have an important role with regard to referral and
remains a concern to both women and their partners and support for women who are in abusive relationships
concluded that there is an urgent need for an improve- (Steen and Keeling 2012).
ment in parents’ preparation for parenthood (Deave and Where there are concerns about the safety or protection
Johnson 2008). Becoming a parent is often a stressful of the newborn infant, the supervisor of midwives should
event and can contribute to relationship difficulties be informed and advice sought from the local social serv-
and attachments within the family. Both parents have ices (the Safeguarding Children Board). Children’s Centres
reported in studies that they would have benefited from offer a range of services to assist disadvantaged groups and
some early warning and education (Deave and Johnson local communities during the transition to parenthood.
2008; Steen et al 2011). The midwife has an important role Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) can also offer further
in supporting both parents during the transition to parent- support. In addition, there is good evidence that new
hood as there are clear health and wellbeing benefits for parents benefit from the support that their families, friends
the mother and baby (DfE 2010). In addition, the midwife and other parents can offer.


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Chapter 24

Physical health problems and complications

in the puerperium
Julie Wray, Mary Steen

CHAPTER CONTENTS Talking and listening after childbirth 526

References 527
The need for women-focused and Further reading 529
family-centred postpartum care 516
Useful websites 529
Potentially life-threatening conditions
and morbidity after the birth 516
Immediate untoward events for the mother This chapter reviews the care of women
following the birth of the baby 516 who either entered the postpartum period
Maternal collapse within 24 hours of having experienced obstetric or medical
the birth without overt bleeding 517 complications, including those who did not
Postpartum complications and identifying undergo a vaginal birth, or whose postpartum
deviations from the normal 517 recovery, regardless of the mode of birth, did
not follow a normal pattern. It includes the
The uterus and vaginal loss following care for women with signs and symptoms of
vaginal birth 518 life-threatening conditions and those with
The uterus and vaginal loss following obvious risks for increased postpartum
operative delivery 519 physical morbidity. (The effects of morbidity
Wound problems 520 related to psychological trauma are covered in
Circulation 522 Chapter 25.)
Headache 523
Urinary problems 523
• discuss the role of midwifery care in the detection
Bowel problems 524 and management of life-threatening conditions and
Anaemia 524 postpartum morbidity
Breast problems 525 • review best practice in the management of problems
Practical skills for postpartum midwifery associated with trauma and pathology arising from
care after an operative birth 525 pregnancy and childbirth
Emotional wellbeing: psychological • review the role of the midwife (and family) where
deviation from normal 526 postpartum health is complicated by an instrumental
Self care and recovery 526 or operative birth.

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 515

Section | 5 | Puerperium

or thromboembolism and haemorrhage were major causes

THE NEED FOR WOMEN-FOCUSED of direct maternal deaths in the UK but these have declined
AND FAMILY-CENTRED POSTPARTUM (Lewis 2007). Cardiac disease is the most common cause
CARE of indirect death; the indirect maternal mortality rate
has not changed significantly since 2003–2005 (CMACE
2011). However, sepsis is now the most common cause
A women-focused approach to care in the postpartum of direct maternal death in the triennium 2006–2008
period alongside individualized care planning developed associated with genital tract infection, particularly from
with the woman and her family will assist physical and community-acquired Group A streptococcal (GAS) infec-
psychological recovery (NICE [National Institute for tion (CMACE 2011). The mortality rate related to sepsis
Health and Clinical Excellence] 2006a). What is important increased from 0.85 deaths per 100 000 maternities in
is to focus upon the needs of women as individuals 2003–2005 to 1.13 deaths in 2006–2008 (CMACE 2011).
rather than fitting women into a routine care package (DH Being aware of this information is vital for all those
[Department of Health] 2004; Bick et al 2009; Wray and involved in giving postnatal care as good quality care can
Bick 2012). The midwife needs to be familiar with the contribute to the prevention as well as the detection and
woman’s background and antenatal and labour history management of potentially fatal outcomes (Wray and Bick
irrespective of the care setting (NICE 2006a) when assess- 2012).
ing whether or not the woman’s progress is following the From research, it became clear that maternal morbidity
expected postpartum recovery pattern (Garcia et al 1998; after childbirth was typically under-reported by women
DH 2004; Redshaw and Heikkila 2010). (Bick and MacArthur 1995; Marchant et al 1999). The
All women should be offered appropriate and timely extent of postnatal morbidity was remarkable in the exten-
information with regard to their own health and wellbeing sive nature of the problems and the duration of time over
(and their babies) including recognition of, and respond- which such problems continued to be experienced by
ing to, problems (NICE 2006a; Bick et al 2011). The effects women (MacArthur et al 1991; Garcia and Marchant 1993;
of obstetric or medical complications will be assessed for Glazener et al 1995; Brown and Lumley 1998; Glazener
and reviewed within the context of the immediate and and MacArthur 2001; Waterstone et al 2003; Bick et al
ongoing care by the midwife of the woman’s health over 2009).
the postnatal period. The role of the midwife in these cases The midwife has a duty to undertake midwifery care for
is first to identify whether a potentially life-threatening at least the first 28 days, and according to NICE (2006a)
condition exists and, if so, to refer the woman for appro- all women should receive essential core routine care in the
priate emergency investigations and care (NMC (NICE first 6–8 weeks after birth. The activities of the midwife are
2006a, CMACE [Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries] to support the new mother and her family unit by moni-
2011; NMC [Nursing and Midwifery Council] 2012). toring her recovery after the birth and to offer her appro-
Where the birth involves obstetric or medical complica- priate information and advice as part of the statutory
tions, a woman’s postpartum care is likely to differ from duties of the midwife (NMC 2012).
those women whose pregnancy and labour are considered
straightforward. However, it must also be considered that
some women have a perception of the whole birth experi-
ence as traumatic, although to the obstetric or midwifery
staff no untoward events occurred (Singh and Newburn
2000; Marchant 2004). FOR THE MOTHER FOLLOWING THE

POTENTIALLY LIFE-THREATENING Immediate (primary) postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is

a potentially life-threatening event which occurs at the
point of or within 24 hours of expulsion of the placenta
AFTER THE BIRTH and membranes and presents as a sudden, and excessive
vaginal blood loss (see Chapter 18). Secondary, or delayed
Despite the apparent advances in medication and practice, PPH is where there is excessive or prolonged vaginal loss
women still die postpartum. The discovery of penicillin from 24 hours after birth and for up to 6 weeks’ postpar-
and the provision of a blood transfusion were major tum (Cunningham et al 2005a). Unlike primary PPH,
contributions to saving women’s lives over the past which includes a defined volume of blood loss (>500 ml)
century (Loudon 1986, 1987), and maternal death after as part of its definition, there is no volume of blood speci-
childbirth where there has been no preceding antenatal fied for a secondary PPH and management differs accord-
complication is now a rare occurrence in the United ing to apparent clinical need (Alexander et al 2002; Bick
Kingdom (UK) (Lewis 2007; CMACE 2011). Thrombosis et al 2009).

Physical health problems and complications in the puerperium Chapter | 24 |

Regardless of the timing of any haemorrhage, it is most physical and psychological health, led by the woman’s
frequently the placental site that is the source. Alterna- needs, the midwife is likely to obtain a random collection
tively, a cervical or deep vaginal wall tear or trauma to the of information that lacks a specific structure. Women will
perineum might be the cause in women who have recently probably give information about events or symptoms that
given birth. Retained placental fragments or other prod- are the most worrying or most painful to them at that
ucts of conception are likely to inhibit the process of time. At this point the midwife needs to establish whether
involution, or reopen the placental wound. The diagnosis there are any other signs of possible morbidity and deter-
is likely to be determined more by the woman’s condition mine whether these might indicate the need for referral.
and pattern of events (Hoveyda and MacKenzie 2001; Figure 24.1 suggests a model for linking together key
Jansen et al 2005) and is also often complicated by the observations that suggest potential risk of, or actual,
presence of infection (Cunningham et al 2005b; see morbidity.
Chapter 18). The recent CMACE (2011: 13) report states The central point, as with any personal contact, is the
that, ‘there remains an urgent need for the routine use midwife’s initial review of the woman’s appearance and
of a national modified early obstetric warning score psychological state. This is underpinned by an assessment
(MEOWS) chart in all pregnant or postpartum women of the woman’s vital signs, where any general state of
who become unwell and require either obstetric or gynae- illness is evident, including signs of infection. It is sug-
cology services’. Usage of this score will help in providing gested that a pragmatic approach be taken with regard to
timely recognition, treatment and referral of women who evidence of pyrexia as a mildly raised temperature may
have or are developing a critical illness after birth and be related to normal physiological hormonal responses,
postnatal. for example the increasing production of breastmilk.
However, infection and sepsis are important factors in
postpartum maternal morbidity and mortality and the
Maternal collapse within midwife should not make an assumption that a mildly
24 hours of the birth without raised temperature is part of the normal health parame-
overt bleeding ters (Lewis 2007; CMACE 2011; Bick 2012). The accumu-
lation of a number of clinical signs will assist the midwife
Where no signs of haemorrhage are apparent other causes in making decisions about the presence or potential for
need to be considered (see Chapter 13). Management of morbidity. Where there is a rise in temperature above
all these conditions requires ensuring the woman is in a 38 °C it is usual for this to be considered a deviation
safe environment until appropriate treatment can be from normal and of clinical significance. If puerperal
administered by the most appropriate health profession- infection is suspected, the woman must be referred back
als, and meanwhile maintaining the woman’s airway, basic to the obstetric services as soon as possible (CMACE
circulatory support as needed and providing oxygen. It is 2011). Adherence to local infection control policies and
important to remember that, regardless of the apparent awareness of the signs and symptoms of sepsis in post­
state of collapse, the woman may still be able to hear and natal women is important for all practitioners caring for
so verbally reassuring the woman (and her partner or rela- women. This is particularly the case for community mid-
tives if present) is an important aspect of the immediate wives, who may be the first to pick up any potentially
emergency and ongoing care. abnormal signs during their routine postnatal observa-
tions for all women, not just those who have had a cae-
sarean section (CS) (CMACE 2011).
POSTPARTUM COMPLICATIONS AND The pulse rate and respirations are also significant
observations when accumulating clinical evidence.
Although there may be no evidence of vaginal haemor-
THE NORMAL rhage, for example, a weak and rapid pulse rate (>100 bpm)
in conjunction with a woman who is in a state of collapse
Following the birth of their baby, women recount feelings with signs of shock and a low blood pressure (systolic
that are, at one level, elation that they have experienced <90 mmHg) may indicate the formation of a haematoma,
the birth and survived, and at another, the reality of pain where there is an excessive leakage of blood from damaged
or discomfort from a number of unwelcome changes as blood vessels into the surrounding tissues. A rapid pulse
their bodies recover from pregnancy and labour (Gready rate in an otherwise well woman might suggest that she is
et al 1997; Wray 2011a). Women may experience symp- anaemic but could also indicate increased thyroid or other
toms that might be early signs of pathological events. dysfunctional hormonal activity.
These might be presented by the woman as ‘minor’ con- The midwife needs to be alert to any possible relation-
cerns, or not actually be in a form that is recognized as ship between the observations overall and their potential
abnormal by the woman herself. Where the postpartum cause with regard to common illnesses, e.g. that the
visit is undertaken as a form of review of the woman’s woman has a common cold, and that the morbidity is

Section | 5 | Puerperium

On palpation feels poorly contracted
Wide, ‘boggy’, spongy
Fundus may be deviated to one side
Not progressively reducing in size
Tenderness felt on palpation
Vaginal loss heavier and fresher than
previously or scant but offensive
Passing clots

Breasts Wounds
Feel tight and tender General condition Inflammation and tenderness around wound area
One segment is flushed or reddened Poor healing or gaping at the skin edge
Feeling unwell
One or both nipples have sore, broken Pain felt deeper in the wound site
Flu-like symptoms
or discoloured/flaky skin Virulent clear or purulent exudate
Pyrexia >38°C
If breast-feeding, obtain a history of Remove sutures where these are tight and pulling
Tachycardia >100 bpm
feeding patterns and observe a feed Obtain a swab for culture
Pale, listless
Obtain swab for infection Review the wound environment and method of
cleansing the wound

Respiratory collapse or severe breathlessness requires emergency assistance
Review for: Previous history of pulmonary embolism, DVT
Current history of epidural, prolonged labour, operative birth, varicose
veins, anaemia, obesity
Severe maternal illness requiring prolonged inactivity
Check use of preventative measures:
TED stockings, prophylactic heparin, degree of mobility attained
Look for signs of localized inflammation of varicose veins, pain in calf, mild pyrexia

Fig. 24.1 Diagrammatic demonstration of the relationship between deviation from normal physiology and potential morbidity.

associated with or affected by having recently given birth. The uterus and vaginal loss
Where the midwife is in conversation with the woman as
following vaginal birth
part of the postpartum assessment, if she receives infor-
mation that suggests the woman has signs deviating from It is expected that the midwife will undertake assessment
what is expected to be normal, it is important that a of uterine involution at intervals throughout the period of
range of clinical observations are undertaken to refute midwifery care (see Chapter 23). It is recommended that
or confirm this, followed by timely and appropriate this should always be undertaken where the woman is
referral. feeling generally unwell, has abdominal pain, a vaginal
Following an innovative research study into extended loss that is markedly brighter red or heavier than previ-
midwifery care of women beyond the conventional 10–14- ously, is passing clots or reports her vaginal loss to be
day period, a set of guidelines were compiled to assist offensive (Hoveyda and MacKenzie 2001; Marchant et al
midwives make decisions about the need for referral (Bick 2006; Bick et al 2009; CMACE 2011).
et al 2009). As part of the NICE (2006a) process compil- Where the palpation of the uterus identifies that it is
ing guidelines for core care, it was recognized that mid- deviated to one side, this might be as a result of a full
wives develop skills and processes from their experience bladder. Where the midwife has ensured that the woman
to accumulate evidence from their observations and con- had emptied her bladder prior to the palpation, the pres-
versations about the overall wellbeing of the mother and ence of urinary retention must be considered. Catheteriz­
the baby. However, this process was mainly covert and ation of the bladder in these circumstances is indicated for
difficult to adapt in any formal way to help less experi- two reasons: to remove any obstacle that is preventing the
enced midwives or even explain the course of action to the process of involution taking place and to provide relief to
women themselves (Marchant et al 2003; Marchant 2006). the bladder itself. If the deviation is not as a result of a
To clarify the actions necessary, when the NICE guidelines full bladder, further investigations need to be undertaken
were published, a quick guide was also produced provid- to determine the cause.
ing a table of the action required for possible signs/ Morbidity might be suspected where the uterus fails to
symptoms of complications and common health prob- follow the expected progressive reduction in size, feels
lems in women (NICE 2006a). wide or ‘boggy’ on palpation and is less well contracted

Physical health problems and complications in the puerperium Chapter | 24 |

than expected. This might be described as subinvolution more widely spread systemic morbidity. There is addi-
of the uterus, which can indicate postpartum infection, or tional concern about their resistance to antibiotics and
the presence of retained products of the placenta or mem- subsequent management to control spread of the infec-
branes, or both (Khong and Khong 1993; Howie 1995). tion. Regardless of the location of care, postpartum women
Treatment is by antibiotics, oxytocic drugs that act and healthcare professionals should be aware of how
on the uterine muscle, hormonal preparations or evacua- infection can be acquired and should pay particular atten-
tion of the uterus (ERPC), usually under a general tion to effective hand-washing techniques. They should
anaesthetic. adhere to the accepted practice for aseptic technique such
as local infection control policies when in contact with
Vulnerability to infection, potential wound care, including the use of gloves for this, and where
there is direct contact with areas in the body where bac­
causes and prevention
teria of potential morbidity are prevalent. Avoiding the
Infection is the invasion of tissues by pathogenic microor- spread of infection is especially necessary when the woman
ganisms; the degree to which this results in ill-health or her family or close contacts have a sore throat or upper
relates to their virulence and number. Vulnerability is respiratory tract infection (CMACE 2011). Educating
increased where conditions exist that enable the organism women and their family about the basic principles of good
to thrive and reproduce and where there is access to and hand hygiene is a key public health role of the midwife in
from entry points in the body. Organisms are transferred staving off infection.
between sources and a potential host by hands, air cur-
rents and fomites (i.e. agents such as bed linen). Hosts The uterus and vaginal loss
are more vulnerable where they are in a condition of
following operative birth
susceptibility because of poor immunity or a preexisting
resistance to the invading organism. The body responds A lower segment caesarean section (CS) will have involved
to the invading organisms by forming antibodies, cutting of the major abdominal muscles and damage to
which in turn produce inflammation initiating other other soft tissues. Palpation of the abdomen is therefore
physiological changes such as pain and an increase in likely to be very painful for the woman in the first few days
body temperature. after the operation. The woman who has undergone a CS
Acquisition of an infective organism can be endogenous, will have a very different level of physical activity from the
where the organisms are already present in or on the body woman who has had a vaginal birth. It may be some hours
– e.g. Streptococcus faecalis (Lancefield group B), Clostridium after the operation until the woman feels able to sit up or
welchii (both present in the vagina) or Escherichia coli move about. Blood and debris will have been slowly
(present in the bowel) – or organisms in a dormant state released from the uterus during this time and, when the
are reactivated, notably tuberculosis bacteria. Other routes woman begins to move, this will be expelled through the
are exogenous, where the organisms are transferred from vagina and may appear as a substantial fresh-looking red
other people (or animal) body surfaces or the environ- loss. Following this initial loss, it is usual for the amount
ment. Other transfer mechanisms include droplets – inha- of vaginal loss to lessen and for further fresh loss to be
lations of respiratory pathogens on liquid particles (e.g. minimal. All this can be observed without actually
β-haemolytic streptococcus and Chlamydia trachomatis), palpating the uterus. For women who have undergone an
cross-infection and nosocomial (hospital-acquired) transfer operative birth, once 3 or 4 days have elapsed, abdominal
from an infected person or place to an uninfected one (e.g. palpation to assess uterine involution can be undertaken
Staphylococcus aureus). by the midwife where this appears to be clinically appro-
The bacteria responsible for the majority of puerperal priate. By this time, the uterus or area around the uterus
infection arise from the streptococcal or staphylococcal should not be overly painful on palpation.
species, with community acquired GAS infection causing Where clinically indicated, e.g. where the vaginal bleed-
most serious problems (CMACE 2011). The Streptococcus ing is heavier than expected, the uterine fundus can be
bacterium has a chain-like formation and may be haemo- gently palpated. If the uterus is not well contracted then
lytic or non-haemolytic, and aerobic or anaerobic; the medical intervention is needed. Uterine stimulants (utero-
most common species associated with puerperal sepsis is tonics) are usually prescribed in the form of an intrave-
the β-haemolytic S. pyogenes (Lancefield group A) although nous infusion of oxytocin or an intramuscular injection of
other strains of the streptococcal bacteria have also been syntometrine/ergometrine, if not contraindicated (Chapter
identified as the source of serious morbidity (Muller et al 18). If the bleeding continues where such treatment has
2006). The Staphylococcus bacterium has a grape-like struc- been commenced, further investigations might include
ture, of which the most important species is S. aureus or obtaining blood for clotting factors, or the woman might
pyogenes. Staphylococci are the most frequent cause of need to return to theatre for further exploration of the
wound infections; where these bacteria are coagulase- uterine cavity. The emergence of ultrasound scans (USS)
positive they form clots on the plasma which can lead to in the postpartum period has led to some conflicting

Section | 5 | Puerperium

Phases: Overlapping/interdependent
Injury: Death of epithelial cells
Break in continuity of
tissue structure
Easy entry for micro-organism

Emergency response Haemostasis

Va s o c o n s t r i c t i o n
Fi b r i n c l o t (p l a t e l e t s + f i b r i n )
Co n t r o l o f b l e e d i n g
B a r rie r a ga in s t in f e c t io n

Initiate healing response Inflammation

Cellular and matrix Vasodilatation
‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Fibrin clot Chemical

‡ ‡‡
components work together Capillary permeability Micro-organisms mediators
Extracellular fluid Tissue debris Histamine
Neutrophils, macrophages Serotonin
and lymphocytes Kinins

Escaping blood from Proliferation

leaky new blood vessels Growth factors enhance

fibroplasia cell division

Bruising Contractile protein (actin)
Collagen + elastic mesh formed
Granulation tissue

Absorption Remodelling
of bruising Continued synthesis and
degradation of collagen
Regeneration: re-established normal tissue
Repair: replacement of original tissue with
functionally inferior scar tisue

Fig. 24.2 The phases of wound healing.

Reproduced with permission from Steen 2007.

reports of the state of the normal postpartum uterus and normal pattern for wound healing (Steen 2007). Know­
the value of USS in distinguishing potentially pathological ledge and an understanding of the physiological process
conditions (Hertzberg and Bowie 1991). More recent and the nutrients that are necessary to promote healing
studies appear to support greater use of USS to assist diag- will assist a midwife to recognize when there is a delay in
nosis and clinical management of problems of uterine healing and also enable her to advise a woman on her
sub-involution (Shalev et al 2002; Deans and Dietz 2006). dietary requirements. (See Fig. 24.2 and Table 24.1.)
Perineal pain is a result of perineal injury, which can be
surgically or naturally induced. Women complain of
Wound problems varying degrees of severity of perineal pain. There is some
evidence to suggest that the severity of the perineal injury
Perineal problems is linked to the severity of perineal pain (Kenyon and
It is important that the midwife has an understanding of Ford 2004). Perineal injury that requires suturing predis-
the effect of trauma as a physiological process and the poses women to an increased risk of severe perineal pain

Physical health problems and complications in the puerperium Chapter | 24 |

Midwives should undertake appropriate training in com-

Table 24.1 Nutrients and their contribution
to healing
plementary therapies before advocating their use.
Factors that are associated with poor healing include
poor diet, obesity, preexisting medical disorders and nega-
Nutrient Contribution
tive social conditions such as poor housing, increased
Carbohydrates Energy for leucocyte, macrophage and stress and smoking (Steen 2007). Where pain in the peri-
fibroblast function neal area occurs at a later stage, or re-occurs, this might be
Proteins Immune response, phagocytosis, associated with an infection. The skin edges are likely to
angiogenesis, fibroblast proliferation, have a moist, puffy and dull appearance; there may also
collagen synthesis, wound maturation be an offensive odour and evidence of pus in the wound.
A swab should be obtained for microorganism culture and
Fats Provision of energy, formation of new referral made to a General Practitioner (GP). Antibiotics
cells might be commenced immediately when there is specific
Vitamins information about any infective agent. Where the perineal
tissues appear to be infected, it is important to discuss with
Vitamin A Collagen synthesis and cross-linking,
the woman about cleaning the area and making an attempt
tensile strength
to reduce constant moisture and heat. Women might be
Vitamin B Immune response, collagen cross- advised about using cotton underwear, avoiding tights
(complex) linking, tensile strength and trousers and frequently changing sanitary pads. They
should also be advised to avoid using perfumed bath addi-
Vitamin C Collagen synthesis tensile strength,
neutrophil function, macrophage tives or talcum powder.
migration, immune response If the perineal area fails to heal, or continues to cause
pain, a referral should be made and resuturing or refash-
Vitamin E Reduce tissue damage from free radical ioning might be advised (a Cochrane Systematic Review
formation on this topic is currently being undertaken to influence
Minerals best practice guidelines). There is evidence to suggest that
a substantial proportion of women continue to have prob-
Copper Collagen synthesis, leucocyte formation lems during the first 12 months following birth and do
Iron Collagen synthesis, oxygen delivery not report these to healthcare professionals (Bedwell
2006). Therefore, it is important to advise women to seek
Zinc Increases cell proliferation,
help and encourage them to discuss any problems with
epithelialization, collagen strength
their GP. Most women should be pain-free and be able to
resume sexual intercourse within a few weeks after the
(Chapter 15). This might be as a result of the analgesia no birth; this will vary in individual women. Some women
longer being effective, the presence of inflammation in the may still complain of discomfort, depending on the sever-
surrounding tissues or, more seriously, the formation of a ity of trauma experienced and the healing process. Dys-
haematoma. Haematoma usually develops deep in the pareunia (painful sexual intercourse) can be related to
perineal fascia tissues and may not be easily visible if the perineal trauma (Chapter 15) and this can in the long-
perineal tissues are already inflamed. Inadequate perineal term affect the woman’s relationship with her partner.
repair or a traumatic vaginal birth can increase the risk of In the first 3 months post-birth, approximately, 23% of
a haematoma. The blood contained within a haematoma women report dyspareunia (RCOG 2004). Although high
can exceed 1000 ml and may significantly affect the overall levels of sexual morbidity after childbirth have been iden-
state of the woman, who can present with signs of acute tified, the approach to discussion and management of this
shock. Treatment is by evacuation of the haematoma and area appears to be problematic (Barrett et al 2000). When
resuturing of the perineal wound, usually under a general giving health advice and support, healthcare professionals
anaesthetic. are advised to identify an appropriate time, not to make
Perineal pain that is severe and is not caused by a haem­ assumptions with regard to sexual activity after childbirth
atoma might arise as a result of inflammation causing the and to be conversant with support agencies relevant to a
stitches to feel excessively tight. Local application of cold range of cultural and sexual diversities and associated indi-
packs can bring relief as they reduce the immediate vidual women’s needs (Barrett et al 2000; NICE 2006a).
oedema and continue to provide relief over the first few
days following the birth (Steen et al 2006). The use of oral
analgesia as well as complementary therapies such as Caesarean section wounds
arnica and lavender oil is said to be beneficial, although It is now common practice for women undergoing an
the effectiveness of such therapies has to date not operative birth to have prophylactic antibiotics at the time
been confirmed by research findings (Bick et al 2009). of the surgery (Smaill and Hofmeyr 2002). This has been

Section | 5 | Puerperium

demonstrated to significantly reduce the incidence of sub- resolved by applying support to the affected area and
sequent wound infection and endometritis. In addition, it administering anti-inflammatory drugs, where these are
is now usual for the wound dressing to be removed after not in conflict with other medication being taken or
the first 24 hours, as this also aids healing and reduces with breastfeeding. Unilateral oedema of an ankle or calf
infection. Advice needs to be offered to the woman about accompanied by stiffness or pain and a positive Homan’s
care of her wound and adequate drying when taking a sign might indicate a DVT that has the potential to cause
bath or shower, or for more obese women where abdomi- a pulmonary embolism. Urgent medical referral must be
nal skin folds are present and are likely to create an made to confirm the diagnosis and commence anticoagu-
environment that is constantly warm and moist. For lant or other appropriate therapy. The most serious
these women, a dry dressing over the suture line might be outcome is the development of a pulmonary embolism.
appropriate. The first sign might be the sudden onset of breathlessness,
A wound that is hot, tender and inflamed and is accom- which may not be associated with any obvious clinical
panied by a pyrexia is highly suggestive of an infection. sign of a blood clot. Women with this condition are likely
Where this is observed, a swab should be obtained for to become seriously ill and could suffer a respiratory col-
microorganism culture and medical advice should be lapse with very little prior warning.
sought. Haematoma and abscesses can also form under- Some degree of oedema of the lower legs and ankles and
neath the wound and women may identify increased pain feet can be viewed as being within normal limits where it
around the wound where these are present. Rarely a is not accompanied by calf pain (especially unilaterally),
wound may need to be probed to reduce the pressure and pyrexia or a raised blood pressure.
allow infected material to drain, reducing the likelihood
of the formation of an abscess. With the hospital stay
now being much shorter than previously, these problems
increasingly occur after the woman has left hospital. Women who have had previous episodes of hypertension
in pregnancy may continue to demonstrate this post­
partum for several weeks after the birth (Tan and De Swiet
2002). There is still a risk that women who have clinical
Pulmonary embolism remains a major cause of maternal signs of pregnancy-induced hypertension can develop
deaths in the UK and midwives and GPs need to be more eclampsia in the hours and days following the birth
alert to identify high-risk women and the possibility of although this is a relatively rare outcome in the normal
thromboembolism in puerperal women with leg pain and population (Atterbury et al 1998; Tan and De Swiet 2002).
breathlessness (Lewis 2007; CMACE 2011). Women who In addition, some women appear to develop eclampsia
have a previous history of pulmonary embolism, a deep postpartum where there has been no previous history of
vein thrombosis (DVT), are obese or who have varicose raised blood pressure or proteinuria (Chames et al 2002;
veins have a higher risk of postpartum problems. Postpar- Matthys et al 2004). Some degree of monitoring of the
tum care of women who have preexisting or pregnancy- blood pressure should be continued for women who were
related medical complications relies on prophylactic hypertensive antenatally, and postpartum management
precautions and should be undertaken for women who should proceed on an individual basis (Tan and De Swiet
undergo surgery and have these preexisting factors. 2002). For these women, the medical advice should deter-
Thromboembolitic D (TED) stockings should be provided mine optimal systolic and diastolic levels, with instruc-
during, or as soon as possible after, the birth and prophy- tions for treatment with antihypertensive medication if the
lactic heparin prescribed until women attain normal blood pressure exceeds these levels. As women can develop
mobility. All women who undergo an epidural anaes- postnatal pre-eclampsia without having antenatal prob-
thetic, are anaemic, or have a prolonged labour or an lems associated with this, because the symptoms can be
operative birth are slightly more at risk of developing com- fairly non-specific, such as a headache or epigastric pain
plications linked to blood clots. Women with preexisting or vomiting, the woman may delay or fail to contact a
problems are at higher risk because of their overall health healthcare professional for advice. Where they do seek
status and environment of care postpartum. For example, advice, the healthcare professional may not be alert to the
women who undergo a CS as a result of maternal illness possibility of the development of postpartum eclampsia
are more likely to spend longer in bed, thereby reducing (Chames et al 2002). Failure to detect symptoms at this
their mobility and increasing their risk of morbidity. initial stage may lead to more serious outcomes as the
Clinical signs that women might report include the fol- disease develops untreated (Chames et al 2002; Tan and
lowing (from the most common to the most serious). The De Swiet 2002; Matthys et al 2004). Therefore, if a post-
signs of circulatory problems related to varicose veins are partum woman presents with signs associated with pre-
usually localized inflammation or tenderness around the eclampsia, the midwife should be alert to this possibility
varicose vein, sometimes accompanied by a mild pyrexia. and undertake observations of the blood pressure and
This is superficial thrombophlebitis, which is usually urine and obtain medical advice.

Physical health problems and complications in the puerperium Chapter | 24 |

For women with essential hypertension, the manage- women (WHO [World Health Organization] 2010).
ment of their overall medical condition will be reviewed Approximately 19% of women will have urinary problems
postpartum by their usual caregivers. Undertaking clinical following birth (Laperriere 2000). Stress incontinence
observation of blood pressure for a period after the birth appears to be the most common form of urinary inconti-
is advisable so that information is available upon which nence reported following birth but some women may also
to base the management of this for the woman in the suffer from frequency, urgency and urge incontinence
future (Tan and De Sweit 2002). (Birch et al 2009). Some women who have had a compli-
cated birth may be susceptible to the risk of urinary infec-
tions, which may lead to cystitis and in some severe cases
Headache pyelonephritis (Stables and Rankin 2010). Where a woman
This is a common ailment in the general population; has undergone an epidural or spinal anaesthetic, this can
concern in relation to postpartum morbidity should there- have an effect on the neurological sensors that control
fore centre around the history of the severity, duration and urine release and flow, which may cause acute retention.
frequency of the headaches, the medication being taken The main complication of any form of urine retention is
to alleviate them and how effective this is. As this is also that the uterus might be prevented from effective contrac-
associated with hypertension, a recording of the blood tion, which leads to increased vaginal blood loss. There is
pressure should be undertaken to exclude this as a primary also increased potential for the woman to contract a urine
factor. In taking the history, if an epidural analgesic was infection with possible kidney involvement and long-term
administered, medical advice should be sought. Head- effects on bladder function.
aches from a dural tap typically arise once the woman has In addition, women who have sustained pelvic floor
become mobile after the birth and they are at their most damage during birth may suffer from continence prob-
severe when standing, lessening when the woman lies lems in the short and long term. Stress and urge inconti-
down. They are often accompanied by neck stiffness, vom- nence of urine, utero-vaginal prolapse, cystocele, rectocele
iting and visual disturbances. These headaches are very and dyspareunia are associated with pelvic floor damage
debilitating and are best managed by stopping the leakage (Stables and Rankin 2010). Very rarely, urinary inconti-
of cerebral spinal fluid by the insertion of 10–20 ml of nence might be a result of a urethral fistula following
blood into the epidural space; this should resolve the clini- complications from the labour or birth.
cal symptoms. Where women have returned home after Management of urine output has been shown to lack
the birth, they would need to return to the hospital to have consistency and recognition of its potential importance
this procedure. (Zaki et al 2004). A midwife will need to be alert to any
Headaches might also be precursors of psychological urinary problems a woman may have as sometimes these
distress and it is important that other issues related to the can be missed. Being alert to the risks and being able to
birth event are explored, taking the time and opportunity recognize ongoing urinary problems is an essential com-
to do this in a sensitive manner. Factors that might be ponent of care (Steen 2013). Abdominal tenderness in
overlooked include dehydration, sleep loss and a greater association with other urinary symptoms, for example a
than usual stressful environment (see Chapter 25). poor output, dysuria or offensive urine and a raised tem-
However, the midwife should take time to discuss the perature or general flu-like symptoms, might indicate a
woman’s feelings and offer advice or reassurance about urinary tract infection (UTI). A mid-stream urine sample
these where possible. will be required to confirm a UTI and the infection can be
treated with antibiotics (NICE 2006b).
Women might feel embarrassed about having urinary
Backache problems and midwives may need to consider appropriate
Many women experience pain or discomfort from back- ways of encouraging women to talk about any problems
ache in pregnancy as a result of separation or diastasis so that they can inform them about their future manage-
of the abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis diastasis ment. Specific enquiry about these issues should be made
[RAD]). Where backache is causing pain that affects the when women attend for their 6–8-week postnatal exami-
woman’s activities of daily living, referral can be made to nation; further investigations should be made for women
local physiotherapy services. Pelvic girdle pain experienced who are encountering these problems. Keeping a bladder
in pregnancy should resolve in the weeks after the baby is diary can be a useful aid. NICE (2006b) have suggested
born but it may continue for a much longer period (Aslan that women should complete a bladder diary for three
and Fynes 2007). consecutive days to allow for variation in day-to-day
activities to be captured.
Recently it has been reported that women with ongoing
Urinary problems
urinary incontinence following birth are nearly twice as
Urinary problems can have short- and long-term social, likely to develop postnatal depression (Sword et al 2011).
psychological and physical health consequences for Therefore, it is essential that midwives have knowledge

Section | 5 | Puerperium

and an understanding of the risks and symptoms of It is also of concern where women might experience loss
urinary problems and are able to ask sensitive questions of bowel control and whether this is faecal incontinence.
to identify women at risk as failure to do so can lead to It is important to determine the nature of the incontinence
poor mental health. These women will need additional and distinguish it from an episode of diarrhoea. It might
social and psychological support (Steen 2013). be helpful to ask whether the woman has taken any laxa-
tives in the previous 24 hours and explore what food was
eaten. Where the problems do not seem to be associated
Bowel problems
with other factors the woman should first be advised to
Bowel problems can have short- and long-term social, see her GP.
psychological and physical health consequences for The role of the midwife is to encourage women to talk
women (WHO 2010). It is estimated that about 3–10% of about these problems by being proactive in asking women
women will suffer from faecal incontinence (RCOG 2004; about any bowel problems. Where women identify any
Van Brummen et al 2006). Faecal incontinence is associ- change to their pre-pregnant bowel pattern by the end of
ated with primiparity, instrumental birth and severe peri- the puerperal period, they should be advised to have this
neal injury (Thornton and Lubowski 2006; Guise et al reviewed further, whether it is constipation or loss of
2007). Constipation and haemorrhoids can be a problem bowel control.
for some women. It is estimated that about 44% of women
will suffer from constipation and 20–25% of women
will suffer from haemorrhoids following birth. Symptoms
such as flatus incontinence, passive leakage, urge and Iron-deficiency during pregnancy is extremely common
faecal incontinence can be caused by a neurological or even among well-nourished women and this can be a
muscular dysfunction or both (Pollack et al 2004) (see predisposing risk factor for anaemia in the postnatal
Chapter 15). The prevalence of bowel problems maybe period. The main cause of anaemia is iron deficiency and
higher as many women may suffer in silence and be too severe anaemia can have serious health and functional
embarrassed to ask for help (Steen 2013). consequences (Goddard et al 2011). Whilst severe anaemia
Therefore, a midwife will need to be alert to any bowel (haemoglobin <7 g/dl) is rare in resource-rich countries,
problems and to ask a woman sensitively about her bowel it is a serious problem for many women in resource-poor
habits. Being alert to the risks and being able to recognize countries. The impact, however, of the events of the labour
ongoing bowel problems is an essential component of and birth may leave many women looking pale and tired
care. Enquiring about the pattern and frequency of bowel for a day or so afterwards. Where it is evident that a larger
movements and comparing this to the woman’s previous than normal blood loss has occurred, it can be valuable
experience is likely to assist a midwife in identifying to obtain an overall blood profile within which the red
whether or not there is a problem. Factors such as dietary blood cell volume, haemoglobin and ferritin levels can be
intake, a degree of dehydration during labour and concern assessed so as to provide appropriate treatment to reduce
about further pain from any perineal trauma can contrib- the effects of the anaemia; these include blood transfu-
ute to bowel problems. A diet that includes soft fibre, sions and iron supplements (Dodd et al 2004; Bhandal
increased fluids and the use of prophylactic aperients that and Russell 2006). The degree to which the haemoglobin
are non-irritant to the bowel can be prescribed to alleviate level has fallen should determine the appropriate manage-
constipation, the most common and apparently effective ment and this is particularly important in the presence
of these being lactulose (Eogan et al 2007). Women need of preexisting haemoglobinopathies, sickle cell and
advice that any disruption to their normal bowel pattern thalassaemia.
should resolve within days of the birth, taking into con- Where the haemoglobin level is <9 g/dl and women are
sideration the recovery required by the presence of peri- symptomatic, a blood transfusion might be appropriate.
neal trauma. They should also be reassured about the Blood transfusions should be considered if a woman is at
effect of a bowel movement on the area that has been risk of cardiovascular instability because of their degree of
sutured as many women may be unnecessarily anxious anaemia (Goddard et al 2011). Body-store iron deficiency
about the possibility of tearing their perineal stitches. is diagnosed by a low serum ferritin level and this can
Where women have prolonged difficulty with constipa- indicate that the woman has a longstanding problem of
tion, anal fissures can result (Corby et al 1997). These are iron deficiency. A cut-off ferritin level varies between 12
painful and difficult to resolve and therefore advice about and 15 µg/l to confirm iron deficiency (Todd and Caroe
bowel management is important in avoiding this situa- 2007). However, ferritin levels can be raised if infection
tion. Women who have haemorrhoids should also be or inflammation is present, even if iron stores are low
given advice on following a diet high in fibre and fluids, (Goddard et al 2011). Oral iron and appropriate dietary
preferably water and the use of appropriate aperients to advice are advocated where the level is <11 g/dl. Usually,
soften the stools as well as topical applications to reduce ferrous sulphate 200 mg twice daily is recommended;
the oedema and pain. however, a lower dose may be effective and better

Physical health problems and complications in the puerperium Chapter | 24 |

tolerated. Alternatively, ferrous fumarate, ferrous gluco- Once the woman has fully recovered from the operation
nate or iron suspensions may be better tolerated and oral she should be transferred to a ward environment. Mid-
iron should be continued for 3 months after the iron wifery care involves the overall framework of core care (see
deficiency is corrected to replenish the woman’s stores of Chapter 23). Appropriate care is to assess the needs of the
iron. Ascorbic acid (250–500 mg) twice daily may be pre- individual woman and to formalize this within a docu-
scribed to enhance iron absorption but to date there are mented postnatal care plan so that she and caregivers
no data to support its effectiveness (Goddard et al 2011). have a clear framework by which to promote recovery (DH
Women should be advised not to have milk (including hot 2004; NICE 2006a). Women who have undergone an
beverages with milk added) at the time of having iron as operative birth need time to recover from a major physical
it can interfere with its absorption. shock to the systems of the body, for optimal conditions
Where the woman has returned home soon after the to allow tissue repair to take place as well as psychological
birth, the postpartum woman’s haemoglobin values might adjustment to the events of the birth (Mander 2007).
not have been undertaken where there was no history of Women who have undergone an operative birth will
anaemia prior to labour and the blood loss at birth was require assistance with a number of activities they would
not assessed as excessive. If there is no clinical information otherwise have done themselves. During their hospital
to hand, the midwife needs to rely on the woman’s clinical stay, they will need help to maintain their personal
symptoms; if these include lethargy, tachycardia and hygiene, to get out of bed and mobilize and to start to care
breathlessness as well as a clinical picture of pale mucous for their baby. The rate at which each woman will be able
membranes, it would be prudent to arrange for the blood to regain control over these areas of activity is highly indi-
profile to be reviewed. Some researchers have questioned vidual. It is strongly suggested that caregivers should not
blood loss estimation after childbirth as well as the timing expect all women to have reached a certain level of recov-
of blood tests taken to assess the physiological impact of ery in line with their ‘postnatal day’. Using such a frame-
this (Jansen et al 2007). Thus the postnatal day when the work to assess the degree to which a woman is recovering
haemoglobin test is taken might have a clinically signifi- from a major operation leads to a tendency to become
cant bearing on the subsequent management. judgemental and unrealistic (Wray 2011a). Women may
view undergoing a caesarean section or any complication
Breast problems in the birth in different ways depending on their social
and cultural background and this might have associations
Regardless of whether women are breastfeeding, they may to their ongoing psychological health and wellbeing
experience tightening and enlargement of their breasts (Chien et al 2006; McCourt 2006).
towards the 3rd or 4th day as hormonal influences encour- It is now common for women to have a much shorter
age the breasts to produce milk (see Chapter 34). For period in hospital after birth; some women might return
women who are breastfeeding the general advice is to feed home 48–72 hours after a major operation with very
the baby and avoid excessive handling of the breasts. minimal support (Wray and Bick 2012). Practical advice
Simple analgesics may be required to reduce discomfort. about the management of their recovery and self-care at
For women who are not breastfeeding, the advice is to home is also within the remit of midwifery postpartum
ensure that the breasts are well supported but that this is care. For example; the midwife might suggest that the
not too constrictive and, again, that taking regular anal­ woman identifies the ways in which she could reduce the
gesia for 24–48 hours should reduce the discomfort. Heat need to go upstairs. Alongside this, women can be encour-
and cold applied to the breasts via a shower or a soaking aged to go out with their baby when someone is available
in the bath may temporarily relieve acute discomfort as to help with all the baby transportation equipment; this
well as the use of chilled cabbage leaves (Nikodem et al will encourage venous return and cardiac output at a level
1993; Roberts 1995). that is beneficial rather than exhausting. At the same time,
getting ‘out and about’ can provide a sense of feeling good
and improved wellbeing (Wray 2011b: 2).
PRACTICAL SKILLS FOR The benefits of mobility after surgery are well known
and although women may be supplied with thromboem-
bolitic stockings prior to the operation and be prescribed
AFTER AN OPERATIVE BIRTH an anticoagulant regimen such as heparin, women need
to be encouraged to mobilize as soon as practicable after
In the immediate period after an operative birth the the operation to reduce the risk of circulatory problems.
attendant will be closely monitoring recovery from the Women need an explanation that mobility is of benefit
anaesthetic used for CS (see Chapter 21). Regular observa- soon after the birth, but it is also an important part of care
tion of vaginal loss, leakage on to wound dressings and to recognize when the woman has reached her limit with
fluid loss in any ‘redivac’ drain system should also be regard to physical activity and may need to rest (Wray
undertaken. 2011a). Regular use of appropriate analgesia should be

Section | 5 | Puerperium

made available to women where this is required (Mander underlying cause and whether simple interventions could
2007). Good information about self-care and recovery is improve the situation. As a result of this enquiry, women
important to every woman and the midwife has a key role who come into the category where chronic fatigue or
to play in this process. Each woman is an individual and anxiety prevents them from sleeping when the opportu-
unique so her recovery from surgery alongside her adap­ nity arises may benefit from interagency referral and
tation to motherhood needs to be borne in mind and support. Alternatively, where there is a physiological
tailored to meet her own needs (Wray 2011a, 2011b). reason for the tiredness, as a result of anaemia for example,
the situation can be managed clinically (Jansen et al
2007). The midwife is an important member of the
EMOTIONAL WELLBEING: primary health care team and should practise within an
interagency context (see Chapter 25). Enabling women to
plan and set realistic goals as part of their own recovery
NORMAL from childbirth is ongoing and extends beyond 28 days
and 6 weeks (Bick et al 2011; Wray 2012).
Psychological distress and psychiatric illness in relation to
childbirth are covered in depth in Chapter 25. However, it
is relevant to reflect here on the possible importance of
the relationship that develops between the woman and the
midwife during their contact postpartum (Hunter 2004).
Clearly, such relationships are enriched where there has Self-care and managing one’s own health following child-
been antenatal contact or a degree of continuity postpar- birth requires women to take some ownership of their
tum, or both, and women have commented positively own health and wellbeing (Wray 2011a). The pace at
where such continuity has been achieved (Singh and which women recover is highly variable, and notions of a
Newburn 2000; Bhavnani and Newburn 2010). This prior set time period (6 weeks) do not apply to all women
knowledge can mean that the midwife might detect or be (NICE 2006a). Women need guidance and sound infor-
concerned about a change in the woman’s behaviour that mation to enable them to recover so that they are clear
has not been noticed by her family. Any initial concerns about what they can expect and what to do when they are
of the mother or the family should be explored by the concerned. Good rapport and positive feedback from mid-
midwife making use of open questions and listening skills wives are known to help women in their recovery as well
during the postnatal contact either in the home or in the as support from partners, family and friends (Beake et al
hospital setting (NICE 2007; Bick et al 2011). Behavioural 2010; Wray 2011a). Central to self-care is robust informa-
changes may be very subtle, but, however small, they tion from the midwife from the outset, so that women can
might be of importance in the woman’s overall psycho- feel confident in their own assessments of themselves.
logical state; it is the balance between the woman’s physi-
cal condition and her psychological state that might
influence an eventual decision to refer for expert advice.
Although the woman and her partner are likely to have
an expectation of reduced sleep once the baby is born, the CHILDBIRTH
actual experience of this can have very varied effects on
individual women (Wray 2012). The cause of the lack of The essence of the contact between the woman and the
sleep or tiredness is what is important – is the being midwife after the birth event is to strive to maintain a
unable to get to sleep a result of anxiety about the future therapeutic relationship – one of support and advice that
and what is, as yet, unknown? This might include fears builds on the relationship formed ideally antenatally.
about the possibility of a cot death, or a lack of confidence Within the current provision of care, it is not always pos-
in coping as a mother, financial or relationship worries. sible to achieve the objective of continuity of carer post-
The opportunity to sleep might be reduced because the natally, and some women will have postnatal home visits
feeding is not yet established or the baby is not in a settled from several different midwives, possibly previously
environment and so the mother is constantly disturbed unknown to them. Indeed other healthcare workers such
when she tries to sleep. In addition, other people may not as maternity support workers (MSWs) may form part of
be allowing the mother to sleep when the baby does not the postnatal care-giving process under the supervision of
need her attention. Tiredness and fatigue can adversely midwives.
affect women’s health and interfere with their adaptation Once the birth is over and the woman has returned to
to motherhood (Troy and Dalgas-Pelish 2003), however her home environment there may be aspects of the birth
the terms fatigue and tiredness are subjective and difficult that she does not understand or that even distress her to
to define postnatally. Seeking to unravel the issues can think about. Where appropriate, a midwife undertaking
help the midwife and the women to determine what is the postnatal care in the woman’s home might be able to help

Physical health problems and complications in the puerperium Chapter | 24 |

the woman review and reflect on the birth by talking about (Charles and Curtis 1994; Allen 1999; NICE 2006a).
it and listening to her concerns. Where necessary, the Other forms of support, for instance specific counselling
midwife can facilitate referral to the key people involved for those with traumatic emotional experiences, might
in order that the woman can discuss the birth or see the also be appropriate under professional guidance (NICE
records of the birth and clarify any outstanding issues 2007) (see Chapter 25).


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was introduced in July 2013 – see http:// with the aim to educate and train postnatal_care/en/
publications.nice.org.uk/postnatal-care-qs37 approximately 250 000 frontline healthcare
Postnatal Care HEAT module – Lab workers across sub-Saharan Africa by
space, Open University: http:// 2016.

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Chapter 25

Perinatal mental health

Maureen D Raynor, Margaret R Oates

CHAPTER CONTENTS Treatment of perinatal psychiatric

disorders 545
Part A: Pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium: The role of the midwife 545
the psychological context 532 Psychological treatments 545
Stress/anxiety 532
Social support 545
Fear of giving birth (tocophobia) 533
Pharmacological treatment 546
Tocophobia 533
Service provision 548
Transition to parenthood 534
Prevention and prophylaxis 549
Role change/role conflict 534
Prevention 549
Communication 534
Prophylaxis 549
The ideology of motherhood 534
The Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths:
Social support 535
psychiatric causes of maternal death 550
Normative emotional changes during
pregnancy, labour and the puerperium 535 Conclusion 550
Pregnancy 535 References 551
Labour 535 Further reading 553
The puerperium 536 Useful websites 553
Postnatal ‘blues’ 536
Distress or depression? 537 In psychological terms, pregnancy, childbirth and
the puerperium are major life events or life
Emotional distress associated with traumatic crises. Having children is associated with an
birth events 537 immense increase in individual life changes that
Conclusion 537 may lead to anxiety and chronic stressors, for
Part B: Perinatal psychiatric disorder 537 example a new baby may result in a change of
Introduction 537 housing and brings increased financial demands.
Pregnant women in employment will inevitably
Types of psychiatric disorder 538 take maternity leave and may return to work in
Psychiatric disorder in pregnancy 539 a different capacity or even on a part-time basis.
Mild–moderate conditions 539 A new baby may cause disruption to the family
Serious conditions 540 unit. Roles and responsibilities alter with changes
to the dynamics of family relationships. Having a
Psychiatric disorder after birth 541
child may place strains on relationships and there
Puerperal (postpartum) psychosis 541 is a higher rate of relationship discord and
Postnatal depressive illness 542 breakdown around this time. Many women find

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 531

Section | 4 | Labour

coping with the physiological adaptation to

pregnancy, the plethora of antenatal screening Part A: Pregnancy, childbirth,
tests and advice, issues around choice, control puerperium: the psychological
and communication emotionally draining. context
Therefore, while many women and their partners
experience pregnancy and childbirth as a joyous,
exciting and life-affirming event, the transition Maureen D Raynor
to parenthood is an emotionally charged time
bringing common anxieties, a certain degree of
loss and periods of self-doubt. This can culminate STRESS/ANXIETY
in pregnancy and postpartum being a fragile
time of physical, psychological and social
Pregnancy, labour and the puerperium are normal life
upheavals. Like other stressful life events
events, yet they are periods in a woman’s life when her
childbirth can be associated with depression and
anxiety. However, it is also known to be vulnerability exposes her to a significant amount of stress
associated with an increased risk of serious and anxiety. Stress and anxiety are the psychopathology of
psychiatric illness. Pregnancy provides a wealth humans’ existence and a part of normal human emotion.
of opportunities for promoting emotional A degree of stress during pregnancy is both essential and
health while predicting and preventing mental normal for the psychological adjustment of pregnant
illness. It is important for midwives to be able women. The ‘worry work’ that women encounter assists in
to identify normal adjustment reactions to their psychological adaptation to the emotional demands
motherhood and distinguish them from the and changes of pregnancy. Conversely, elevated levels of
early warning signs of emotional distress or stress hormones and unnecessary anxiety will stretch
indeed mental illness. coping reserves, and could prove disabling. Stress is the
body’s psychophysical response to any type of demand or
This chapter is formed of two distinct but
threat, whether good or bad. Anxiety on the other hand is
inter-related parts:
a state of angst, worry or unease, often triggered by an
element of perceived threat or an event where there is an
THE AIM OF PART A IS TO: uncertain outcome, such as a written examination or when
important decisions have to be made. The brain plays a
• explore the psychological context of pregnancy, key role in how an individual responds and processes the
childbirth and the puerperium by examining the full perception of a threat. This is realized via a neurohormo-
range of human emotions that may affect women as nal response by both the neocortex and limbic system. The
they adjust to change and make the transition to ‘fight or flight’ reflex is produced when there is a threat to
motherhood the self. Anxiety and fear causes the individual to become
stressed, releasing stress response hormones namely cate-
• emphasize that awareness of the multiplicity of
cholamines (adrenaline/noradrenaline) and cortisol. A
psychosocial factors and what constitutes normal
host of psycho-physical symptoms can manifest, such as
emotions and behaviours are key components in hyperalertness, tension, sense of unease, restlessness,
enhancing understanding of perinatal mental insomnia, fear and forgetfulness. Gastrointestinal upset
health. and marked changes in the cardiovascular system, e.g.
sweating, palpitations, tachycardia, shortness of breath,
dizziness, dry mouth and nausea, can also feature. Stress
and anxiety therefore have a cognitive, somatic, emo-
• explore the range of perinatal disorders, i.e. tional, physiological and behavioural component.
psychiatric conditions, that pre-exist or co-exist with Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, are a group of
pregnancy as well as those conditions presenting mental illness that cause such marked distress that they
with the puerperium disrupt normal function, overwhelm or impair the indi-
vidual’s ability to lead a normal life. Examples of anxiety
• emphasize, by using a defined nomenclature, their
disorders such as obsessional–compulsive and phobic
recognition and management (including relevant
anxiety states are discussed in more detail in Part B of the
pharmacology and the implications for breastfeeding chapter.
and mother–baby relationship) Although many studies have raised the profile of ele-
• highlight key recommendations from NICE and vated levels of stress hormones during the antenatal period
relevant triennial reports on the Confidential having the potential to lead to deleterious effects on the
Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in the United fetus (Teixeira et al 1999; Evans et al 2001; Miller et al
Kingdom 2005; Glover and O’Connor 2006; Talge et al 2007;

Perinatal mental health Chapter | 25 |

Lack of social

Language barrier / Poverty / poor

non-English socio-economic
speaking status

Asylum / seeker Domestic abuse

or refugee staus

Other major life

events such as
Poor housing
death of a
loved one

and caring

Fig. 25.1 Vulnerability factors and mental health.

O’Donnell et al 2009) or persistent antenatal anxiety children are born play a major role in their health and
acting as a possible precursor to maternal mental illness wellbeing.
postpartum, this is still an emerging field. The mechanism
by which raised levels of stress hormones may affect fetal
development is not yet fully understood. Furthermore, the
research studies have provided very little data to help
guide midwifery practice on how antenatal stress can be (TOCOPHOBIA)
alleviated in pregnant women.
Thus it can be concluded that there are many factors in The fear of childbirth has grown in prominence over
women’s lives that can impact on their happiness (Fig. recent years, as demonstrated by the emergent studies
25.1) and affect their emotional health and wellbeing. mainly from Scandinavian countries. The exact incidence
Understanding the root cause and expression of anxiety, of this psychological condition is unknown but it is esti-
stress and mental distress in women is complex, as the mated that approximately 5–20% of pregnant women
social circumstances in which women live and into which within Western society are fearful of childbirth

Section | 4 | Labour

(Waldenstrom et al 2006; Rouhe et al 2009; Adams et al The relationship with the woman’s parents for example
2012). The picture within developing and more resource- alters as the daughter becomes a mother herself and her
poor countries is unreported. Understanding tocophobia parents develop new roles as grandparents. The competing
is challenging as there is an array of complex social factors demands on time of caring for a new baby may lead to
attributed to the roots of its expression, such as domestic role conflict and confusion for parents. Mothers may find
abuse, communication difficulties, previous traumatic that there is little time for them to pursue other activities,
birth experience, poor socioeconomic status, lack of social which can diminish any opportunity for contact with and
support, nulliparity and pre-existing mental illness (Rouhe support from others (Raynor and England 2010). Partners,
et al 2009, 2011). A study by Adams et al (2012) suggests especially young fathers, can also experience a sense of
that tocophobia might result in longer duration of labour isolation as the dynamic within the couple’s relation
and therefore more risk of obstetric intervention during alters, becoming more baby-centred. Postnatal care is
childbirth. It is postulated that the fear and anxiety gener- therefore essential to women’s emotional wellbeing and
ated in the presence of tocophobia increases catecho- should be a continuation of the care given during preg-
lamine levels, which can affect the frequency, strength and nancy. Its contribution plays a significant part in the
duration of uterine contractions. This can affect women’s positive adjustment to parenthood, as it assists in the
satisfaction with their birth experience and lead to mater- acquisition of confident and well-informed parenting
nal distress. skills (DH [Department of Health] 2004; Barlow et al


Effective communication during pregnancy and the puer-
Postnatally, parents may find coping with the demands of
perium is essential. Yet poor communication is still the
a new baby, e.g. infant feeding, financial constraints, the
single most common factor that is associated with women’s
whole process of lifestyle adjustments and role changes, a
dissatisfaction with their care. A survey by the National
real strain. For new mothers, this will involve diverse emo-
Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (NPEU) reports that com-
tional responses ranging from joy and elation to sadness
munication remains a matter of concern within the mater-
and utter exhaustion. Fatigue, pain and discomfort com-
nity service (Redshaw and Heikkila 2010). Being provided
monly result once the elation that follows the safe arrival
with adequate information will serve to:
of the baby wears off. Disturbed sleep is inevitable with a
new baby. Mothers who are trying to establish breastfeed- • diminish women’s anxiety levels and allay emotional
ing, older women, women who are recovering from a distress
caesarean section or those who have had a long and dif- • facilitate choice
ficult labour/birth, twins or higher multiples, may feel • enable women to maintain control over
wretched and constantly weary for months following decision-making.
childbirth. Soreness and pain being experienced from peri-
neal trauma will affect libido, so too will feelings of
exhaustion, despair and unhappiness that may be associ-
The ideology of motherhood
ated with the round-the-clock demands of caring for a new Motherhood, it is thought, ensures that a woman has
baby. Women may be left feeling bereft and quite miser- fulfilled her biological destiny, confirms a woman’s femi-
able after giving birth. ninity and raises her status in society, but without financial
gain (Crittenden 2001; Winson 2009). Instead of feeling
elated by motherhood some women experience displeas-
Role change/role conflict
ure, harbour feelings of unhappiness and feel dismayed or
Having a baby, and particularly the transition to parent- even disappointed in their role as new mothers (Grabowska
hood that accompanies the first child, leads to a significant 2009). Many may be afraid to speak out about their feel-
shift in a couple’s relationship; social networks are dis- ings in case they are judged a ‘bad’ or not a ‘good enough’
rupted, especially those of the mother, and the quality and mother. Painful emotions may be internalized, magnify-
quantity of social support such networks can and do ing difficulties with coping and sleeping, leading many
provide. There is a strong possibility that old relationships, women to suffer in silence. Distress may then manifest as
particularly with those who are childless or single, may be mothers rage against their impossible situation. Some
weakened, leading to a sense of social isolation. However, women may even grieve for the loss of their former life-
some relationships are strengthened or even replaced style, career or status. Nicholson (1998) contends that
gradually by new contacts established with other parents. healthcare professionals have defined women’s postnatal
The dynamics of relationships with family members are experience through proposing that well-adjusted, ‘normal’
also altered during this process of transition and change. and therefore ‘good’ mothers are those who are happy and

Perinatal mental health Chapter | 25 |

fulfilled, but those who are unfulfilled, anxious or dis-

tressed are ‘ill’ and may be perceived as ‘bad’ mothers. This Box 25.1 Normal emotional changes during
may lead to feelings of isolation, inadequacy and confu- pregnancy
sion. The ideology of motherhood is therefore an assump-
tion and a paradox with inherent dichotomies as the First trimester
woman strives to be ‘super mum, super wife, super every- • pleasure, excitement, elation
thing’ (Choi et al 2005). Midwives have a pivotal role to • dismay, disappointment
play in assisting women and their partners to prepare for • ambivalence emotional lability (e.g. episodes of
the physical, social, emotional and psychological demands weepiness exacerbated by physiological events such
of pregnancy, labour, the puerperium and, perhaps more as nausea, vomiting and tiredness)
importantly, parenthood (Barlow et al 2011; DH 2011). • increased femininity

Second trimester
Social support
• a feeling of wellbeing, especially as physiological
During periods of stress, supportive and holistic care from effects of tiredness, nausea and vomiting start to
midwives will not only assist in promoting emotional abate
wellbeing of women, but will also help to ameliorate • a sense of increased attachment to the fetus; the
threatened psychological morbidity in the postnatal impact of ultrasound scanning generating images for
period (Oakley et al 1996; Webster et al 2000; Wessely the prospective parents may intensify the experience
et al 2000; Hodnett et al 2010). Women who are socially • stress and anxiety about antenatal screening and
isolated or who have poor socioeconomic circumstances diagnostic tests
are particularly vulnerable to mental health problems and • increased demand for knowledge and information as
need additional help and support. This includes women preparations are now on the way for the birth
from minority ethnic groups who do not speak English, • feelings of the need for increasing detachment from
and often have problems accessing health care (CMACE work commitments
2011). Bick et al (2009) provide evidence regarding the
psychosocial benefits of midwifery care well beyond the Third trimester
historical boundaries of the traditionally defined postnatal • loss of or increased libido
period. The restructuring of postnatal care means there is • altered body image
now a social expectation that midwives will respond flex- • psychological effects from physiological discomforts
ibly and responsively to women’s emotional needs on an such as backache and heartburn
individual basis (Brown et al 2002; DH 2004, 2007a, • anxiety about labour (e.g. pain)
2007b; NICE [National Institute for Health and Clinical • anxiety about fetal abnormality, which may disturb
Excellence] 2006). This calls for skilled multidisciplinary sleep or cause nightmares
and multi-agency collaboration as well as effective team- • increased vulnerability to major life events such as
work, taking into account the diversity within teams, for financial status, moving house, or lack of a supportive
example the Department of Health (DH 2003a, 2003b) partner
acknowledges the contribution of the maternity support
worker in maternity care. Social support is further explored
in Part B.
During labour, midwives must facilitate choice to help
women maintain control. Factors that induce stress should
DURING PREGNANCY, LABOUR AND be prevented, or at least minimized, as the woman’s long-
THE PUERPERIUM term emotional health may be severely compromised by
an adverse birth experience (Lyons 1998; Redshaw and
Heikkila 2010). Choice and control are important psycho-
logical concepts to mental health and wellbeing. Evidence
Since many decisions have to be made it is perfectly from Green et al’s (1998) prospective study of women’s
normal for women to have periods of self-doubt and crises expectations and experiences of childbirth suggests that
of confidence. Box 25.1 outlines the many and varied having choice in pregnancy and childbirth, and a sense of
emotions women may experience during the different tri- being in control, lead to a more satisfying birth experience.
mesters of pregnancy. The reality for many women will In England, the publication of ‘Maternity Matters’ (DH
encompass fluctuations between ambivalence to positive 2007a) epitomizes a real philosophical shift in maternity
and negative emotions. care in terms of the guaranteed choices for women.

Section | 4 | Labour

Box 25.2 Emotional changes during labour Box 25.3 Normal emotional changes during
the puerperium
• Ranging from great excitement and anticipation, to
utter dread • Immediately following birth, the woman might
• Fear of the unknown experience relief. The woman might convey a cool
• Fear of technology, intervention and hospitalization detachment from events, especially if labour was
• Tension, fear and anxiety about pain and the ability to protracted, complicated and difficult
exercise control during labour • Contradictory and conflicting feelings ranging
• Concerns about the wellbeing of the baby and ability from satisfaction, joy and elation to exhaustion,
of the partner to cope helplessness, discontentment and disappointment as
the early weeks seem to be dominated by the novelty
• Fear of death: hospitals may be construed as places
and unpredictability of the new baby
of illness, death and dying; the magnitude of such
feelings may intensify if the woman experiences • A feeling of closeness to partner or baby; equally the
life-threatening complications or even an emergency woman may feel disinterested in the baby
caesarean section • Early skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding will help
• The process of birth thrusts a lot of private data into to nurture the early stages of relationship building
the realms of the public, so there could be a fear of between mother and baby
lack of privacy or utter embarrassment • Being very attentive towards the baby; equally the
woman may show disinterest in the baby
• Fear of the unknown and sudden realization of
overwhelming responsibility
Redshaw and Heikkila (2010) identify key factors related • Exhaustion and increased emotionality
to women’s perception of control during labour, these are: • Pain (e.g. perineal, in nipples)
• continuity of care with carer • Increased vulnerability, indecisiveness (e.g. in feeding),
• one-to-one care in labour loss of libido, disturbed sleep and anxiety
• not being left for long periods
• being involved in decision-making.
Ongoing research to determine the relationship between longer, to return. Normal emotional changes in the puer-
women’s perception of control during childbirth and post- perium are summarized in Box 25.3.
natal outcomes is needed in order to measure factors such
as postnatal depression, positive parenting relationships
and self-esteem. Common emotional responses during POSTNATAL ‘BLUES’
labour are detailed in Box 25.2.
Childbirth is an emotionally intense experience. Mood
The puerperium changes in the early days postpartum are particularly
common. The postnatal ‘blues’ is a transitory state, exper­
The puerperium is hailed as the ‘fourth trimester’ – an
ienced by 50–80% of women depending on parity (Harris
emotionally complex transitional phase. By definition, it
et al 1994). It has been identified as an antecedent to
is the period from birth to 6–8 weeks postpartum, when
depression following childbirth (Gregoire 1995; Cooper
the woman is readjusting physiologically, socially and psy-
and Murray 1997). The onset typically occurs between day
chologically to motherhood. Emotional responses may be
3 and 5 postpartum, but may last up to 1 week or more,
just as intense and powerful for experienced as well as for
though rarely persisting longer than 48 hours. The main
new mothers. The major psychological changes are there-
features are mild and may include:
fore emotional. The woman’s mood appears to be a
barometer, reflecting the baby’s needs of feeding, sleeping • a state whereby the woman experiences labile
and crying patterns. New mothers tend to be easily upset emotions (e.g. tearfulness, despair, irritability to
and oversensitive. A sense of proportion is easily lost, as euphoria and laughter)
women may feel overwhelmed and agitated by minor • a state whereby the woman feels overwhelmed by
mishaps. The woman might start to regain a sense of pro- the sudden realization of the relentless responsibility
portion and ‘normality’ between 6 and 12 weeks. Exhaus- of the baby’s 24-hour dependency and vulnerability.
tion is also a major factor of women’s emotional state. The actual aetiology is unclear but hormonal influences
Perhaps the most important factor in regaining any sem- (e.g. changes in oestrogen, progesterone and prolactin
blance of normality is the mother’s ability to sleep levels) seem to be implicated as the period of increased
throughout the night. A woman’s sexual urges, emotional emotionality appears to coincide with the production of
stability and intellectual acuity may take months, if not milk in the breasts. This state of heightened emotionality

Perinatal mental health Chapter | 25 |

is self-limiting and will resolve spontaneously, assisted by

support from loved ones. The midwife should be vigilant Box 25.4 Reported symptoms of obstretric
during this time as persistent features could be indicative PTSD
of depressive illness.
Features of obstetric PTSD – applies where symptoms are
present for more than 1 month (Lyons 1998; Beck 2009)
• Intrusive thoughts or images resulting in nightmares,
panic attacks or ‘flashbacks’ about the birth
• Detachment from loved ones and difficulty with
Repeated contact with women during pregnancy and puer- mother–baby relationship (attachment)
perium afford a wealth of opportunity to explore feelings, • Avoidance especially of issues relating to pregnancy/
experience and emotions, and for midwives to provide birth
clear explanations to women about the differences between • Hypervigilance/increased arousal – having a sense of
distress – a normal reaction to major life events – and imminent disaster
depressive illness. However, midwives should be mindful
• Sleep disturbances
of over-reliance on the medical model to describe women’s
• Irritability or angry outbursts
moods as such an approach may serve to pathologize or
• Anxiety/depression
medicalize normal emotional changes (Nicholson 1998).
Other features are not dissimilar to those previously
Emotional distress associated with discussed in the text relating to stress and anxiety.

traumatic birth events

Understanding the root cause and expression of mental Box 25.5 Summary of key points
distress associated with pregnancy and childbirth is
complex. It is important to recognize the inter-relationship • In the UK pregnancy and the postnatal period are
between traumatic life events and women’s mental health. unparalleled periods when women engage with
Vulnerability factors such as a history of childhood sexual health care and have repeated contact with healthcare
abuse or a morbid fear of childbirth can negate a woman’s professionals
experience of childbirth. What is intended to be one of the • Women during pregnancy, labour and puerperium are
happiest days in a woman’s life can quickly turn into in a state of transition punctuated by heightened
anguish and distress. Furthermore, environmental factors emotions and anxiety. Family life and daily routines
may lead to a sense of loss of control, for example effects become disrupted by the arrival of a new baby
of intense pain, use of technological interventions, insen- • Vulnerability factors such as domestic abuse, poverty
sitive and disrespectful care or an emergency caesarean and social isolation, can impact on the mother–baby
section (CS) may prove very distressing and frightening.Post- relationship with consequences for child development
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a term most commonly • Risk identification of vulnerable groups of women
associated with individuals who have suffered the antenatally presents a unique opportunity for
onslaught of war, has emerged in the literature around multidisciplinary and multi-agency collaboration in
maternity care (Lyons 1998). Obstetric PTSD occurs when promoting mental health and wellbeing
women feared they or their baby were in danger of dying.
Not surprisingly it is commonest after emergency CS or
obstetric emergencies, particularly involving intensive offered ‘single-session formal debriefing focused on the
care. It is estimated 6% of emergency CS are followed by birth’. Instead midwives and other healthcare profession-
obstetric PTSD (Beck 2009). Box 25.4 highlights some of als should support women who wish to talk about their
the reported symptoms of obstretric PTSD. experience and draw on the love and support of family
Unlike mild to moderate depression in the postpartum and friends. Neither should midwives overlook the impact
period, which seems to have its roots in the biophysical of birth on the partner.
and psychosocial domains, obstetric distress after child-
birth appears to be directly linked to the stress, fear and
trauma of birth, yet its prevalence is unrecognized (Lyons CONCLUSION
1998). Psychological interventions such as ‘debriefing’
have been suggested to manage immediate symptomatol- A plethora of significant social and health policies and
ogy but there is no reliable evidence that it is a useful clinical guidelines have resulted in wider consideration
intervention in reducing psychological morbidity (Alexan- being given to the social and psychological context of
dra 1998; Wessely et al 2000; Bick et al 2009). Moreover, pregnancy and the puerperium. Midwives need to have
clinical guidelines from NICE (2007) have stated that fol- knowledge and understanding of how they influence care
lowing a traumatic birth, women should not routinely be provision. Box 25.5 provides a summary of key points.

Section | 4 | Labour

the management of antenatal and postnatal mental health

Part B: Perinatal psychiatric and the Clinical Negligence Standards for Trusts (NHSLA
conditions [National Health Service Litigation Authority] 2011). In
addition, NICE (2007) recommends that midwives should
ask questions (the Whooley questions) on at least two
Margaret R Oates
occasions – antenatally and following birth – about
women’s current mental health. Systems should be in
place locally to ensure that women with mental health
problems and those at risk of developing them receive the
INTRODUCTION appropriate care.
It is therefore essential that all midwives have education
Perinatal psychiatric disorder is now an accepted term and training to be familiar with normal emotional
used both nationally and internationally. It emphasizes changes, commonplace distress and adjustment reactions
the importance of psychiatric disorder in pregnancy as as well as the signs and symptoms of more serious psychi-
well as following childbirth and the variety of psychiatric atric illnesses.
disorders that can occur at this time, not just the ubiqui-
tously known postnatal depression (PND). It also places
emphasis on the significance of psychiatric disorders that
were present before conception as well as those that arise TYPES OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER
during the perinatal period (Box 25.6).
The emotional wellbeing of women is of primary The term ‘mental health problem’ is commonly used to
importance to midwives. Not only can mental illness describe all types of emotional difficulties from transient
affect obstetric outcomes but also the transition to parent- and temporary states of distress, often understandable, to
hood and emotional wellbeing and health problems in severe and uncommon mental illness. It is also used fre-
the infant. Over the last 15 years psychiatric disorder in quently to describe learning difficulties, substance misuse
pregnancy and the postpartum period has been a leading problems and difficulties coping with the stresses and
cause of maternal mortality, as highlighted in the ‘Why strains of life. It is therefore too general and too non-
Mothers Die in the UK’ (Oates 2001, 2004) and ‘Saving specific to be of use to the midwife. The term does not
Mothers’ Lives’ (Oates 2007; Oates and Cantwell 2011) discriminate between severity and need and does not help
reports. These reports of the Confidential Enquiry into the midwife distinguish between those conditions that she
Maternal Deaths recommend that midwives routinely ask can manage and those that require specialist attention. For
at early pregnancy assessment about previous mental this reason, in this chapter, the term ‘psychiatric disorder’
health problems, their severity and care. These recommen- is preferred as it can be further categorized and the differ-
dations have also been made by the Royal College of ent types can be described aiding recognition and the
Psychiatrists (RCPC 2000), the Women’s Mental Health planning of care.
Strategy (part of the Mental Health National Service Psychiatric disorders are conventionally categorized
Framework; DH 1999), Maternity Standard 11 of the Chil- into:
dren, Young Peoples and Maternity National Service
Framework (DH 2004), the NICE Guidelines (2007) on
Serious mental illnesses
These include schizophrenia, other psychotic conditions,
bipolar illness and severe depressive illness. Previously,
Box 25.6 What is perinatal psychiatric disorder? these conditions were called psychotic disorders.

• Psychiatric disorders that complicate pregnancy,

childbirth and the postnatal period Mild to moderate psychiatric disorders
• Includes not only those illnesses that develop at this These were previously known as ‘neurotic disorders’. These
time but also pre-existing disorders such as include non-psychotic mild to moderate depressive illness,
schizophrenia, bipolar illness and depression mixed anxiety and depression, anxiety disorders including
• Care involves consideration of the effects of the illness phobic anxiety states, panic disorder, obsessive–compulsive
itself and of its treatment on the developing fetus and disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
• Care involves multidisciplinary and multi-agency
working, especially close relationships with Maternity
Adjustment reactions
Mental Health and Children’s Services These would include distressing reactions to life events,
including death and adversity.

Perinatal mental health Chapter | 25 |

Substance misuse services) and learning disability. There are also, but not
relevant to this chapter, separate services for psychiatric
This includes those who misuse or who are dependent
disorders in the elderly.
upon alcohol and other drugs of dependency, including
both prescription and legal/illegal drugs.

Personality disorders
This is a term that should be used only to describe people
who have persistent severe problems throughout their In general, psychiatric disorder is not associated with a
adult life in dealing with the stresses and strains of normal decrease in fertility. Therefore all the previously described
life, maintaining satisfactory relationships, controlling psychiatric disorders can and do complicate pregnancy
their behaviour, foreseeing the consequences of their own and the postpartum period. The prevalence of psychiatric
actions and which persistently cause distress to themselves disorder in young women means that at least 20% of
and other people. women will have current or previous psychiatric disorder
in early pregnancy, many of whom will be taking psychi-
atric medication at the time of conception. However, it
Learning disability
can be seen that only a small number will have a past
This is a term used to describe people who have a lifetime history of a serious mental illness and an even smaller
evidence of intellectual and cognitive impairment, devel- number will be currently suffering from such an illness.
opmental delay and consequent learning disabilities. This Pregnancy is not protective against a recurrence or relapse
is usually graded as mild, moderate or severe. of a previous psychiatric disorder, particularly if the medi-
Overall psychiatric disorders are very common in the cation for these disorders is stopped when pregnancy is
general population. The General Household Survey 2000, diagnosed. Women with a previous history of serious
as reported by the Office of National Statistics (ONS illness are at increased risk of a recurrence of that illness
2002), reveals a prevalence of over 20% of these disorders. following birth. It is for these reasons that it is so impor-
Recent figures from ONS (2012) have shown little change tant for midwives to enquire into women’s current and
in this trend in the adult population in the UK, reporting previous mental health at early pregnancy assessment.
that in 2007, approximately 1 : 6 adults had a common Table 25.1 highlights the incidence of perinatal psychi­
mental disorder such as anxiety or depression. atric disorders.
They are commoner in women than in men with the
exception of substance misuse problems. However, the
majority of psychiatric disorders in the community are Mild–moderate conditions
mild to moderate conditions, particularly general anxiety The incidence (new onset) of psychiatric disorder in preg-
and depression. Mild to moderate depressive illness and nancy is mostly accounted for by mild depressive illness,
anxiety disorders are at least twice as common in women mixed anxiety and depression or anxiety states. These dis-
than in men, and are particularly common in young orders present most commonly in the early weeks of preg-
women with children under the age of 5. The majority nancy, becoming less common as the pregnancy progresses.
of these disorders are managed in primary care and do
not require the attention of specialist psychiatric services.
Mild to moderate depressive illness and anxiety states
respond to psychological treatments. Despite this, perhaps Table 25.1 Incidence of perinatal psychiatric
because of shortage of such treatments, prescription of disorders
antidepressants is widespread in the community, particu-
larly among women. Psychiatric disorder (%)
Serious mental illnesses are less common. Both schizo-
phrenia and bipolar illness affect approximately 1% of the ’Depression’ 15–30
population. Bipolar illness affects men and women PND (postnatal depression) 10
equally. However, schizophrenia, particularly the more
Moderate/severe depressive illness 3–5
severe chronic forms, is commoner among men. These
conditions require the attention of specialist psychiatric Referred psychiatry 2
services and require medical treatments as well as psycho-
Admitted to hospital 0.4
logical care.
In the UK psychiatric services are usually organized Admitted psychosis 0.2
separately for adult mental health (serious mental ill-
Births to schizophrenic mothers 0.2
nesses), substance misuse (drug and alcohol treatment

Section | 4 | Labour

They are probably predominantly of psychosocial aetiol- Prevalence

ogy, and for some women they will represent a recurrence
While new onset psychosis in pregnancy is relatively rare,
of a previous episode, of depression, anxiety, panic or
the prevalence of these illnesses (pre-existing) at the begin-
obsessional disorders particularly if they have suddenly
ning of pregnancy will be the same as at other times.
stopped their antidepressant medication. Women may
Women suffering from schizophrenia or bipolar illness are
also be vulnerable at this time because of:
as likely to become pregnant as the rest of the general
• previous fertility problems population. This means that approximately 2% of women
• previous obstetric loss in pregnancy will either have had such an illness in the
• anxieties about the viability of their pregnancy past or be currently suffering from one. It is important to
• social and relationship problems realize that these women may range from women who are
• ambivalence towards the pregnancy well and stable, leading normal lives through to those who
• other reasons for personal unhappiness. are disabled, chronically symptomatic and on medication.
In the past, it was often assumed that hyperemesis The management of these women in pregnancy therefore
gravidarum (severe vomiting) was a psychosomatic mani- has to be individualized and plans made on a case-by-case
festation of personal unhappiness and psychological dis- basis. Nonetheless, there are three broad groups of women.
turbance. This condition is less common than in the past
and usually resolves by 16 weeks of pregnancy. Psychologi- Group 1
cal factors, anxiety and cognitive misattribution remain a The first group includes women who have had a previous
significant factor in some women. episode of bipolar illness or a psychotic episode earlier in
their lives. They are usually well, stable not on medication
and may not be in contact with psychiatric services. These
Prognosis and management women, if their last episode of illness was more than 2
Most of the conditions are likely to improve as the preg- years ago, may not be at an increased risk of a recurrence
nancy progresses. Psychological treatments and psycho­ of their condition during pregnancy but face at least a 50%
social interventions are effective for these conditions and risk of becoming psychotic in the early weeks postpartum.
caution needs to be exercised before pharmacological The most important aspect of their management is there-
interventions are initiated during pregnancy, although fore a proactive management plan for the first few weeks
medication may be necessary for the more severe following birth.
For others, particularly those who develop a psychiatric
Group 2
illness in the later stages of pregnancy, their condition The second broad group of women are those who have
is likely to continue and worsen in the postpartum had a previous and/or recent episode of a serious mental
period. illness, who are relatively well and stable but whose health
is being maintained by taking medication. This may be
antipsychotic medication or in the case of bipolar illness,
Serious conditions a mood stabilizer (lithium or an anticonvulsant). These
women are at risk of a relapse of their condition during
This term refers to schizophrenia, other psychoses, pregnancy. This risk is particularly high if they stop their
bipolar illness (manic depressive illness) and severe medication at the diagnosis of pregnancy. As some of these
depressive illness. medications may have an adverse effect on the develop-
ment of the fetus and yet an acute relapse of the illness
also is hazardous, it is important that these women have
Incidence access to expert advice on the risks and benefits of continu-
Women are at a lower risk of developing a serious mental ing the treatment or changing it as early as possible in
illness for the first time during pregnancy than at other pregnancy.
times in their lives. This is in marked contrast to the ele-
vated risk of suffering from such a condition in the first Group 3
few months following childbirth (Kendell et al 1987). The third broad category includes women who are chroni-
While these conditions are uncommon, they require cally mentally ill with complex social needs, persisting
urgent and expert treatment, particularly as an acute psy- symptoms and on medication. These women will usually
chosis in pregnancy can pose a risk to the mother and be in contact with psychiatric services. Midwifery and
developing fetus, both directly because of the disturbed obstetric care needs to be closely integrated into the case
behaviour and indirectly because of the treatments. There management of these women and there needs to be a close
is a possibility that such an illness can interfere with working relationship between maternity, psychiatric and
proper antenatal care. social services.

Perinatal mental health Chapter | 25 |

Ideally, all women who have a current or previous have a family history of bipolar illness. For others there
history of serious mental illness should have advice and may be marked psychosocial adversity. It is generally
counselling before embarking upon a pregnancy. They accepted that biological factors (neuroendocrine and
should be able to discuss the risk to their mental health genetic) are the most important aetiological factors for this
of becoming pregnant and becoming a parent as well as condition. This implies that puerperal psychosis can and
the risks to the developing fetus of continuing with their does strike without warning, women from all social and
usual medication and perhaps the need to change it. occupational backgrounds – those in stable marriages
However, in the general population, at least 50% of all with much-wanted babies as well as those living in less
pregnancies are unplanned at the point of conception. fortunate circumstances.
Midwives should therefore enquire at early pregnancy
assessment about the women’s previous and current psy-
chiatric history and alert psychiatric services as soon as
Clinical features
possible about the pregnancy so that relapses of the psy- Puerperal psychosis is an acute, early onset condition. The
chiatric illness during pregnancy and recurrences postpar- overwhelming majority of cases present in the first 14 days
tum can be avoided wherever possible. postpartum. They most commonly develop suddenly
between day 3 and day 7, at a time when most women
will be experiencing the ‘blues’. Differential diagnosis
between the earliest phase of a developing psychosis and
PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER the ‘blues’ can be difficult. However, puerperal psychosis
AFTER BIRTH steadily deteriorates over the following 48 hours while the
‘blues’ tends to resolve spontaneously.
During the first 2–3 days of a developing puerperal
The majority of postpartum onset psychiatric disorders are psychosis there is a fluctuating rapidly changing, undif-
affective (mood) disorders. However, symptoms other ferentiated psychotic state. The earliest signs are com-
than those due to a disorder of mood are frequently monly of perplexity, fear – even terror – and restless
present. Conventionally three postpartum disorders are agitation associated with insomnia. Other signs include:
described: purposeless activity, uncharacteristic behaviour, disinhibi-
• the ‘blues’ tion, irritation and fleeting anger, and resistive behaviour
• puerperal (postpartum) psychosis and sometimes incontinence.
• postnatal depression. A woman may have fears for her own and her baby’s
The ‘blues’ is a common dysphoric, self-limiting state, health and safety, or even about its identity. Even at this
occurring in the first week postpartum (see Part A). early stage, there may be, variably throughout the day,
elation and grandiosity, suspiciousness, depression or
unspeakable ideas of horror.
Puerperal (postpartum) psychosis Women suffering from puerperal psychosis are among
the most profoundly disturbed and distressed found in
Globally, puerperal psychosis, the most severe form of psychiatric practice (Dean and Kendell 1981). In addition
postpartum affective (mood) disorder has been recog- to the familiar symptoms and signs of a manic or depres-
nized and described since antiquity. It leads to 2 in 1000 sive psychosis, symptoms of schizophrenia (delusions and
women being admitted to a psychiatric hospital following hallucinations) may occur. Depressive delusions about
childbirth, mostly in the first few weeks postpartum. maternal and infant health are common. The behaviour
Although a relatively rare condition, there is a marked and motives of others are frequently misinterpreted in a
increase in the risk of suffering from a psychotic illness delusional fashion. A mood of perplexity and terror is
following childbirth (Kendell et al 1987; Munk-Olsen often found, as are delusions about the passage of time
et al 2012). It is also remarkably constant across nations and other bizarre delusions. Women can believe that they
and cultures. are still pregnant or that more than one child has been
born or that the baby is older than it is.
Women often seem confused and disorientated. In the
Risk factors very common mixed affective psychosis, along with the
Most women who suffer from this condition will have familiar pressure of speech and flight of ideas, there is
been previously well, without obvious risk factors, and the often a mixture of grandiosity, elation and certain convic-
illness comes as a shock to them and their families. tion alternating with states of fearful tearfulness, guilt and
However, some women will have suffered from a similar a sense of foreboding. The sufferers are usually restless and
illness following the birth of a previous child, some may agitated, resistive, seeking senselessly to escape and diffi-
have suffered from a non-postpartum bipolar affective dis- cult to reassure. However, they are usually calmer in the
order from which they have long recovered or they may presence of familiar relatives.

Section | 4 | Labour

The woman may be unable to attend to her own per- child and some may go on to have bipolar illness at other
sonal hygiene and nutrition and unable to care for her times in their lives (Robertson et al 2005).
baby. Her concentration is usually grossly impaired and
she is distractible and unable to initiate and complete
tasks. Over the next few days her condition deteriorates
Postnatal depressive illness
and the symptoms usually become more clearly those of Approximately 10% of all postnatal women will develop
an acute affective psychosis. Most women will have symp- a depressive illness. The studies, from which this figure is
toms and signs suggestive of a depressive psychosis, a derived, are usually community studies using the Edin-
significant minority a manic psychosis and very com- burgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) either as a diag-
monly a mixture of both – a mixed affective psychosis. nostic tool or as a screen prior to the use of other research
tools. Studies using a cut-off point of 14 usually give an
incidence of 10%; those using lower scores will give a
Relationship with the baby higher incidence. A score on a screening instrument is not
Some women are so disturbed, distractible and their con- the same as a clinical diagnosis. Nonetheless a score of 14
centration so impaired that they do not seem to be aware is said to correlate with a clinical diagnosis of major
of their recently born baby. Others are preoccupied with depression and the lower scores with that of major and
the baby, reluctant to let it out of their sight and forever minor depression (Elliot 1994). The incidence of women
checking on its presence and condition. Although delu- who would meet the diagnostic criteria for moderate to
sional ideas frequently involve the baby and there may be severe depressive illness is lower, probably between 3%
delusional ideas of infant ill health or changed identity, it and 5% (Cox et al 1993). Depression following childbirth
is rare for women with puerperal psychosis to be overtly has the same range of severity and subtypes as depression
hostile to their baby and for their behaviour to be aggres- at other times. According to the symptomatology, duration
sive or punitive. The risk to their baby lies more from an and severity, they may be graded as mild to moderate or
inability to organize and complete tasks, and to inappro- severe, and subtypes may have prominent anxiety and
priate handling and tasks being impaired by their mental obsessional phenomena.
state. These problems, directly attributable to the maternal Postnatal depressive illness of all types and severities is
psychosis, tend to resolve as the mother recovers. therefore relatively common and represents a considerable
burden of disability and distress in these women. Although
postnatal depressive illness is popularly accepted, with the
Management exception of the most severe forms, it is no more common
than during pregnancy or in non-childbearing women of
Most women with psychotic illness following childbirth
the same age (O’Hara and Swain 1996). However, this
will require admission to hospital, which should be to a
does not detract from its importance. Depressive illness of
specialist mother and baby unit, the only setting in which
any severity occurring at a time when the expectation is of
the physical needs of the mother who has recently given
happiness and fulfillment and when major psychological
birth can be met and where specialist psychiatric nursing
and social adjustments are being made together with
is available. This ensures that the physical and emotional
caring for an infant, creates difficulties not found at other
needs of both mother and baby are met and the develop-
times in the human lifespan.
ing relationship with the baby promoted.
The term ‘postnatal depression’ is often used as a generic
term for all forms of psychiatric disorder presenting fol-
lowing birth. While in the past this has undoubtedly been
helpful in raising the profile of postpartum psychiatric
In spite of the severity of puerperal psychoses, they fre- disorders, improving their recognition and reducing
quently resolve relatively quickly over 2–4 weeks. However, stigma, it has also become problematic. Use of the term
initial recovery is often fragile and relapses are common in this way can diminish the perceived seriousness of other
in the first few weeks. As the psychosis resolves, it is illnesses, and has led to a ‘one size fits all’ view of diag­
common for women to pass through a phase of depres- nosis and treatments (Oates 2001). The term postnatal
sion and anxiety and preoccupation with their past experi- depression should only be used for a non-psychotic
ences and the implications of these memories for their depressive illness of mild to moderate severity which arises
future mental health and their role as a mother. Sensitive within 3 months of childbirth.
and expert help is required to assist women through this
phase, to help them understand what has happened and
to acquire a ‘working model’ of their illness. The over-
Severe depressive illness
whelming majority of women will have completely recov- Severe depressive illness affects at least 3% of all women
ered by 3–6 months postpartum. However, they face at who have given birth, with a seven-fold increase in risk in
least a 50% risk of a recurrence should they have another the first 3 months (Cox et al 1993). Again, the majority of

Perinatal mental health Chapter | 25 |

women who suffer from this condition will have been may be misattributed by the woman herself to ‘not loving
previously well. However, women with a previous history the baby’ or ‘not being a proper mother’ and all too easily
of severe postnatal depressive illness or severe depression described as ‘bonding problems’ by professionals. Anhe-
at other times or a family history of severe depressive donia is a particularly painful symptom at a time when
illness or postnatal depression are at increased risk. Psy- most women would expect to feel overwhelmed with joy
chosocial factors are more important in the aetiology of and happiness and in turn contributes to feelings of guilt,
this condition than in puerperal psychosis, although bio- incompetence and unworthiness that are very prominent in
logical factors play an important role in the most severe postnatal depressive illness. These overvalued ideas can
illnesses. Nonetheless, severe postnatal depression can verge on the delusional.
affect women from all backgrounds not just those facing It is also common to find overvalued morbid beliefs and
social adversity. fears for the woman’s own health and mortality and that
Like puerperal psychosis, severe depressive illness is an of her baby. She may misattribute normal infant behav-
early onset condition in which the woman commonly iour to mean that the baby is suffering or does not like
does not regain her normal emotional state following her. A baby that settles in the arms of more experienced
birth. However, unlike puerperal psychosis, the onset people may confirm the mother’s belief that she is
tends not to be abrupt; rather, the illness develops over the incompetent. Commonplace problems with establishing
next 2–4 weeks. The more severe illnesses tend to present breastfeeding may become the subject of morbid
early, by 4–6 weeks postpartum, but the majority present rumination.
later, between 8 and 12 weeks postpartum. These later Some women with severe postnatal depressive illness
presentations may be missed. This is partly because some may be slowed, withdrawn and retreat easily in the face of
of the symptoms may be misattributed to the adjustment offers of help, avoid the tasks of motherhood and their
to a new baby and partly because the mother may ‘put on relationship with the baby. Others may be agitated, restless
a brave face’, concealing how she feels from others. and fiercely protective of their infant, resenting the contri-
bution of others.
Risk factors
A variety of risk factors for postnatal depressive illness
have been identified and include those associated with Anxiety and obsessive–compulsive symptoms
depressive illness at other times. To these can be added Although women with pre-existing anxiety and panic dis-
ambivalence about the pregnancy, high levels of anxiety order or obsessional–compulsive disorder (OCD) fre-
during pregnancy and adverse birth experiences, previous quently experience relapses or recurrences postpartum, it
perinatal death to name but a few. Many of these risk is not known whether there is an increase in incidence
factors, though statistically significant are so common as (new onset) of these conditions following birth. Nonethe-
to have little positive predictive value. However a cluster- less, severe anxiety, panic attacks and obsessional phe-
ing of these risk factors might lead to those caring for the nomena are common following birth. These symptoms
woman to be extra vigilant. Of more use are those risk may dominate the clinical picture or accompany a post­
factors that have a higher positive predictive value. These natal depressive illness. They frequently underpin mental
include a family history of severe affective disorder, a health crises, calls for emergency attention and maternal
family history of severe postnatal depressive illness, devel- fears for the infant. Repetitive intrusive, and often deeply
oping a depressive illness in the last trimester of pregnancy repugnant, thoughts of harm coming to loved ones, par-
and the loss of the previous infant (including stillbirth). ticularly the infant, are commonplace, often leading to
There may also be an increased risk in those women who repetitive doubting and checking. The woman may doubt
have conceived through IVF. that she is safe as a mother and believe that she is capable
of harming her infant. Crescendos of anxiety and panic
Clinical features attacks may result from the baby’s crying or being difficult
The familiar symptoms of severe depressive illness are to settle and may lead the mother to be frightened to be
often modified by the context of early maternity and the alone with her child. This is easily misinterpreted by pro-
relative youth of those suffering from the condition: fessionals who may fear that the child is at risk.
The ‘somatic syndrome’ (biological features) of broken Obsessional, vacillating indecisiveness is also common
sleep and early morning wakening, diurnal variation of and contributes to an overwhelming sense of being unable
mood, loss of appetite and weight, slowing of mental to cope with everyday tasks in marked contrast to premor-
functioning, impaired concentration, extreme tiredness bid levels of competence. While complex obsessive–
and lack of vitality can easily be misattributed to a crying compulsive behavioural rituals are relatively rare, obsessive
baby, understandable tiredness and the adjustment to new cleaning, housework and checking are common. Intrusive
routines. obsessional thoughts and the typical catastrophic cogni-
The all-pervasive anhedonia or loss of pleasure in ordinary tions associated with panic attacks frequently lead to a fear
everyday tasks, the lack of joy and fearfulness for the future of insanity and loss of control.

Section | 4 | Labour

Relationship with the baby Mild postnatal depressive illness

Severe depressive symptomatology, particularly when This is the commonest condition following childbirth,
combined with panic and obsessional phenomena, can affecting up to 10% of all women postpartum. It is in fact
have a profound effect on the relationship with the baby, no commoner after childbirth than among other non-
in many, but by no means all women. Most women who childbearing women of the same age.
suffer from severe postnatal depressive illness maintain
high standards of physical care for their infants. However, Risk factors
many are frightened of their own feelings and thoughts Some women who suffer from this condition will be vul-
and few gain any pleasure or joy from their infant. They nerable by virtue of previous mental health problems or
may find smiling and talking to their babies difficult. Most psychosocial adversity, unsatisfactory marital or other rela-
affected women feel a deep sense of guilt and incompe- tionships or inadequate social support. Others may be
tence and doubt whether they are caring for their infant older, educated and married for a long time, perhaps with
properly. Normal infant behaviour is frequently misinter- problems conceiving, previous obstetric loss or high levels
preted as confirming their poor views of their own abili- of anxiety during pregnancy. Unrealistically high expecta-
ties. While a fear of harming the baby is commonplace, tions of themselves and motherhood and consequent dis-
overt hostility and aggressive behaviour towards the infant appointment are commonplace. Also common are stressful
is extremely uncommon. It should be remembered that life events such as moving house, family bereavement, a
the majority of mothers who harm small babies are not sick baby, experience of special care baby units and other
suffering from a serious mental illness. The speedy resolu- such events that detract from the expected pleasure and
tion of maternal illness usually results in a normal harmony of this stage of life.
mother–infant relationship. However, prolonged chronic
depressive illness can interfere with attachment, social and Clinical features
cognitive development in the longer term, particularly
The condition has an insidious onset in the days and
when combined with social and mental problems (Cooper
weeks following childbirth but usually presents after the
and Murray 1997).
first 3 months postpartum. The symptoms are variable, but
the mother is usually tearful, feels that she has difficulty
Management coping and complains of irritability and a lack of satisfac-
These conditions need to be speedily identified and tion and pleasure with motherhood. Symptoms of anxiety,
treated, preferably by a specialist perinatal mental health a sense of loneliness and isolation as well as dissatisfaction
team. The value of early contact with professionals who with the quality of important relationships are common.
recognize and validate the symptoms and distress, and Affected mothers frequently have good days and bad days
can re-attribute the overvalued ideas of the mother and and are often better in company and anxious when alone.
instill hope for the future cannot be underestimated. The full biological (somatic subtype) syndrome of the
The treatment of the depressive illness is the same as the more severe depressive illness is usually absent. However,
treatment of depressive illness at other times. The use of difficulty getting to sleep and appetite difficulties, both
antidepressants together with good psychological care over-eating and under-eating, are common.
should result in an improvement of symptoms within
Relationship with the baby
2 weeks and the resolution of the illness between 6 and
8 weeks. Dissatisfaction with motherhood and a sense of the baby
being problematic are often central to this condition, par-
ticularly when compounded by difficulty in meeting the
Prognosis needs of older children. Lack of pleasure in the baby,
With treatment, these women should fully recover. combined with anxiety and irritability, can lead to a
Without, spontaneous resolution may take many months vicious circle of a fractious and unsettled baby, misinter-
and up to one-third of women can still be ill when their preted by its mother as critical and resentful of her and
child is 1 year old. thus a deteriorating relationship between them. However,
Women who have had a severe depressive illness face a it should also be remembered that the direction of causal-
1 : 2 to 1 : 3 risk of a recurrence of the illness following the ity is not always mother to infant. Some infants are very
birth of subsequent children (Cooper and Murray 1995). unsettled in the first few months of their life. A baby who
They are also at elevated risk from suffering from a depres- is difficult to feed and cries constantly during the day or
sive illness at other times in their lives. However, the long- is difficult to settle at night can just as often be the cause
term prognosis would appear to be better than when the of a mild postnatal depressive illness as the result of it.
first episode is in non-childbearing women, both in terms Even mild illnesses, particularly when combined with
of the frequency of further episodes and in their overall socioeconomic deprivation and high levels of social adver-
functioning (Robling et al 2000). sity, can lead to longer-term problems with mother–infant

Perinatal mental health Chapter | 25 |

relationships and subsequent social and cognitive devel- currently in contact with psychiatric services. Those women
opment of the child (Cooper and Murray 1997). A very who have a previous episode of serious mental illness
small minority of sufferers from this condition may exper­ (schizophrenia, other psychoses, bipolar illness and severe
ience such marked irritability and even overt hostility depressive illness) should be referred to a psychiatric team
towards their baby that the infant is at risk of being during pregnancy even if they have been well for many
harmed. years. This is because they face at least a 50% risk of
becoming ill following birth. The midwife should also
Management urgently inform the psychiatric team if the woman is cur-
Early detection and treatment is essential for both mother rently in contact with psychiatric services. The psychiatric
and baby. For the milder cases, a combination of psycho- team may not be aware of the pregnant woman who is
logical and social support and active listening from a taking psychiatric medication at the time when the
health visitor will suffice. For others, specific psychological midwife first sees her should be advised not to abruptly
treatments, such as cognitive behavioural psychotherapy stop her medication. The midwife should urgently seek a
and interpersonal psychotherapy, are as effective, if not review of the woman’s medication from the general prac-
more than, antidepressants as outlined in Antenatal and titioner, obstetrician or psychiatrist as appropriate. This
Postnatal Mental Health guidelines (NICE 2007). may result in the woman being advised to reduce, change
or undertake a supervised withdrawal of her medication.
Prognosis There are three components to the management of peri-
natal psychiatric disorder: psychological treatments and
With appropriate management, postnatal depression
social interventions, pharmacological treatments and the
should improve within weeks and recover by the time the
skills, resources and services needed.
infant is 6 months old. However, untreated there may be
Those who are seriously mentally ill will require all
prolonged morbidity. This, particularly in the presence of
three. Those with the mildest illnesses may require only
continuing social adversity, has been demonstrated to
psychological and social interventions, which can be
have an adverse effect not only on the mother–infant rela-
carried out in primary care (NICE 2007).
tionship but also on the later social, emotional and cogni-
tive development of the child.
Psychological treatments
Breastfeeding All illnesses of all severities and indeed those who are not
There is no evidence that breastfeeding increases the risk ill but experiencing commonplace episodes of distress and
of developing significant depressive illness, nor that its adjustment need good psychological care. This can only
cessation improves depressive illness. Continuing breast- be based upon an understanding of the normal emotional
feeding may protect the infant from the effects of maternal and cognitive changes and common concerns of preg-
depression and improve maternal self-esteem. nancy and the puerperium. It also requires a familiarity
with the symptoms and clinical features of postpartum
For most women with mild depressive illness or emo-
tional distress and difficulties adjusting, extra time given
TREATMENT OF PERINATAL by the midwife or health visitor, ‘the listening visit’, will
PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS be effective. For others, particularly those with more per-
sistent states associated with high levels of anxiety, brief
cognitive therapy treatments and brief interpersonal psy-
The role of the midwife
chotherapy are as effective as antidepressants and may
Midwives need knowledge and understanding of the dif- confer additional benefits in terms of improving the
ferent management strategies for perinatal psychiatric dis- mother–infant relationships and satisfaction. Similar
order and of the use of psychiatric drugs in pregnancy and claims have been made for infant massage and other thera-
lactation. This knowledge is required because the women pies that focus the mother’s attention on enjoying her
themselves may wish for advice, because the midwife may baby. It is particularly important during pregnancy to use
have to alert other professionals, for example general prac- psychological treatments wherever possible and avoid the
titioners and psychiatrists, to ask for a review of the unnecessary prescription of antidepressants.
woman’s medication and because in case of serious mental
illness, the midwife will be part of a multiprofessional
Social support
team caring for the women.
Midwives should routinely ask all women at antenatal Lack of social support, particularly when combined with
booking clinic whether they have had an episode of adversity and life events, has long been implicated in the
serious mental illness in the past and whether they are aetiology of mild to moderate depressive illness in young

Section | 4 | Labour

women. Social support not only includes practical assist- to balance the risk of not treating the mother on
ance and advice but also having an emotional confidante, both mother and baby against the risk to the fetus or
female friends and people who improve self-esteem. There infant of treating the mother. The more serious the
is evidence that organizations that are underpinned by illness is, the more likely it is that the risks of not
social support theory, such as Home Start and Sure Start, treating outweigh the risks of treating.
can have a beneficial effect on maternal and infant well­ • The risks to both mother and baby of a serious
being and perhaps on mild postnatal depression (Oakley maternal mental illness are greater than the risks of
et al 1996; Barlow et al 2007). medication.
• The fetus and baby is no less likely to suffer from the
side-effects of psychotropic medication than an
Pharmacological treatment adult. Fetal and infant elimination of psychotropic
medication is slower and less than adults and their
In general, psychiatric illnesses occurring during the peri- central nervous systems more sensitive to the effects
natal period respond to the same treatments as at other of these drugs.
times. There are no specific treatments for perinatal psy- • Adverse consequences of medication on the fetus
chiatric disorder. Moderate to severe depressive illnesses and infant are dose-related. If medication is used it
respond to antidepressants, psychotic illnesses to antipsy- should be used in the lowest effective dose and given
chotics and mood stabilizers may be needed for those with in divided dosage throughout the day.
bipolar illnesses. However, the possibility of adverse con- • The exposure of the baby to psychotropic medication
sequences on the embryo and developing fetus and via in breastmilk will depend on the volume of milk,
breastmilk on the infant makes the choice and dose of the the frequency of feeding, weight and age. A totally
drug important. breastfed baby under 6 weeks old will receive
The evidence base for the safety or adverse consequences relatively more psychotropic medication than an
of psychotropic medication is constantly changing both in older baby who is partially weaned.
the direction of increased concern and of reassurance. Any
text detailing specific advice is in danger of being quickly
out of date and the reader is directed to the regularly
updated information published by the National Teratol-
ogy Information Service (NTIS) – via Toxbase website: Tricyclic antidepressants
www.toxbase.org/ – and to NICE (2007) Guidelines on Pregnancy
Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health or Drugs and
Lactation Database (LactMed). Tricyclic antidepressants (e.g. imipramine, lofepramine,
No matter what the changing evidence is, some general amitriptyline and dosulepin) have been in use for 40
principles apply: years. Tricyclic antidepressants are not associated with an
increased risk of fetal abnormality, early pregnancy loss or
• The absence of evidence of harm is not the same as growth restriction when used in later pregnancy. However
evidence of safety.
clomipramine (Anaframil) has been linked to cardiac
• It may take 20–30 years after the introduction of a abnormalities. Newborn babies of mothers who were
drug for its adverse consequences to be fully realized.
receiving a therapeutic dose of tricyclic antidepressants at
An example of this is sodium valproate in pregnancy.
the point of birth are at risk of suffering from withdrawal
• In general there is more evidence on older than on
effects (jitteriness, poor feeding and on occasion fits).
newer drugs although this does not necessarily mean
Consideration should therefore be given to a gradual
they are safer.
tapering and reduction of the dose prior to birth.
• All psychotropic medication passes across the
placenta and into the breastmilk. Breastfeeding
• Both the architecture and function of the fetal The excretion of tricyclic antidepressants in breastmilk is
central nervous system continues to develop very low. However doxepin should not be used because it
throughout pregnancy and in early infancy. Concern has been reported to cause sedation in babies. Any adverse
should not be confined to the adverse effects in the effects in the fully breastfed newborn baby can be mini-
first 3 months of pregnancy. mized by dividing the dose, e.g. 50 mg of imipramine
• The threshold for initiating medication in pregnancy t.d.s.
and breastfeeding should be high. If there is an
alternative, non-pharmacological treatment, of equal Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
efficacy then that should be the treatment of choice.
• Serious mental illness requires robust treatment. In Pregnancy
all cases of illness, occurring in a pregnant or Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (e.g. fluox-
breastfeeding mother, the clinician must endeavour etine, paroxetine, citalopram) have been in use for

Perinatal mental health Chapter | 25 |

approximately 15 years and are now the antidepressants Antipsychotics

most used in the treatment of depressive illness at
There are two groups of antipsychotic medications, the
other times.
older ‘typical’ antipsychotics (e.g. trifluoperazine, haloperi-
There has been some concern about the possible
dol, chlorpromazine) and the newer atypical antipsychotics
adverse effects of certain SSRIs in early pregnancy. The
(e.g. risperidone, olanzapine, clozapine).
evidence continues to emerge and the risks are therefore
difficult to quantify. There may be an increased risk of
Typical antipsychotics
miscarriage associated with the use of all SSRIs. It is likely
that there is an increased risk of cardiac abnormalities Pregnancy
related to first trimester exposure to SSRIs, particularly Typical antipsychotics have been in use for 40 years. There
ventricular septal defects (VSD) with paroxetine (Seroxat). is no evidence that their use in early pregnancy is associ-
This has led to both the manufacturer and the drug regu- ated with an increased risk of fetal abnormality nor that
lation authorities in the USA and the UK advising against their continuing use in pregnancy is associated with
the use of paroxetine in pregnancy. At the moment, this growth restriction or pre-term birth. However, antipsy-
restriction does not apply to fluoxetine (Prozac) and ser- chotic medication freely passes to the developing fetus and
traline (Lustral) but it remains to be seen whether this its brain and the dose should be reduced to that which is
adverse effect is related to all SSRI medications. The NICE the minimum for clinical effectiveness. Babies born to
(2007) guidelines recommend that either tricyclic antide- mothers receiving relatively high doses of typical antipsy-
pressants or sertraline should be the treatment of choice chotics may experience a withdrawal syndrome and
if antidepressants are required during pregnancy. They extrapyramidal symptoms (muscle stiffness, rigidity, jit-
also recommend that antidepressants should not be used teriness and poor feeding). Consideration therefore
for mild to moderate illness and that psychological treat- should be given to a reduction of the dose before birth
ments should be used wherever possible. However, the and a possibility of induction at term. Withdrawal of
withdrawal of SSRI antidepressants in early pregnancy, medication at any stage in pregnancy may be associated
particularly if the woman has been receiving them for with a risk of a relapse of the maternal condition.
some time, is often associated with a withdrawal syn-
drome or the recurrence of her condition. In such circum- Breastfeeding
stances, consideration should be given to changing the Typical antipsychotics are present in breastmilk, although
woman to a ‘safer’ alternative or reducing the dose and the amount to which the infant is exposed is likely to be
supervised withdrawal. very small. The added benefits of breastfeeding to the
Continued use of SSRI medication during pregnancy infant probably justify the continuation of breastfeeding
has been associated with pre-term birth, reduced crown– providing that the dose required is small and divided.
rump measurement and lower birth weight. Babies born Drugs such as procyclidine, given to prevent extrapyrami-
to mothers receiving SSRI medication at the point of birth dal side-effects, are not recommended.
are likely to experience withdrawal effects, particularly
those babies who are preterm. SSRIs, such as citalopram Atypical antipsychotics
and fluoxetine that have a long half-life, are also associated The manufacturers advise against the use of atypical anti­
with a serotonergic syndrome in the newborn (jitteriness, psychotics in pregnancy and breastfeeding but this reflects
poor feeding, hypoglycaemia and sleeplessness). Consid- lack of data rather than evidence of harm. The use of olan-
eration should therefore be given to reducing and with- zapine in pregnancy has been associated with an increased
drawing this medication before birth. risk of gestational diabetes. Women who become pregnant
while taking these newer antipsychotics should be urgently
Breastfeeding reviewed. In some cases, it may be possible to change their
medication to the older type of antipsychotic. In others,
The excretion of SSRIs in breastmilk is higher than that because of the substantial risk of relapse of their condition,
of tricyclic antidepressants. The fully breastfed newborn it may be necessary to continue with their medication.
may be vulnerable to serotonergic side-effects. Those Again this should be reduced to the lowest possible dose
SSRIs with a long half-life (fluoxetine and citalopram) and consideration given to a further reduction immediately
should be avoided when breastfeeding the newborn. Ven- prior to birth and, if necessary, a managed delivery. Cloza-
lafaxine and paroxetine are not recommended for use in pine should not be used in pregnancy and breastfeeding
breastfeeding mothers. However, in older and larger- because of the risk of blood dyscrasias in the infant.
weight infants, particularly those who are partially
weaned, other SSRIs, particularly sertraline, may be less
Mood stabilizers
Tricyclic antidepressants or sertraline should be the anti- This is a group of drugs used to treat the manic component
depressants of choice in breastfeeding. of bipolar illness and, long term, to prevent relapses of the

Section | 4 | Labour

condition. The drugs used as mood stabilizers are lithium Pregnancy

carbonate (Priadel) and various anti-epileptic drugs, com- All anticonvulsants are associated with a doubling of the
monly sodium valproate and carbamazepine but also on base-line risk of fetal abnormality if used in the first tri-
occasion lamotrigine. mester of pregnancy. A total of 4 in 100 infants exposed
Pregnancy to carbamazepine will have a major congenital malforma-
tion. The risk of cleft lip and palate is further increased
Lithium carbonate in pregnancy is associated with a risk of
with exposure to lamotrigine. The risks are highest with
developing a rare, serious cardiac condition, Ebstein’s
sodium valproate: 8 per 100 exposed pregnancies. The use
anomaly. Although the relative risk is large, the absolute
of folic acid reduces but does not eliminate the risk of
risk is low, being 2 in 1000 exposed pregnancies. However,
neural tube abnormalities. Continued use of anticonvul-
there is also an increased risk of a range of cardiac abnor-
sants throughout pregnancy is associated with an increased
malities, including milder and less serious conditions. The
risk of neurodevelopmental problems in the child. This is
absolute risk of all types of cardiac abnormality is 10 per
particularly high with sodium valproate. For this reason,
100 exposed pregnancies. Lithium in early pregnancy is
NICE (2007) guidelines advise against the use of sodium
not associated with an increased risk of neural tube
valproate in pregnancy. Women receiving these medica-
tions should carefully plan their pregnancies with expert
The continued use of lithium throughout pregnancy is
advice. They should, wherever possible, either have a
associated with an increased risk of fetal hypothyroidism,
supervised withdrawal of their medication or change to
diabetes insipidus, fetal macrosomia and the ‘floppy baby’
a ‘safer’ alternative. They should also take folic acid. If a
syndrome (neonatal cyanosis and hypotonia). These risks
woman becomes pregnant while still taking these medica-
are difficult to quantify. An additional problem is that the
tions, she should be urgently referred for expert advice and
woman will require increasing doses of lithium in later
for an early fetal anomaly scan. As all harm is dose-related,
pregnancy to maintain a therapeutic serum level because
the woman should be advised wherever possible to reduce
of the increased maternal clearance of lithium. However,
her sodium valproate to below 1000 mg daily.
the fetal clearance does not increase. Women receiving
lithium in pregnancy therefore require frequent estima-
tions of their serum lithium and close monitoring of their
condition. During labour and immediately following The advantages of breastfeeding probably outweigh the
birth, physiological diuresis can result in toxic levels of risks of taking carbamazepine or sodium valproate during
maternal lithium. The woman therefore requires frequent breastfeeding. However, the infant should be monitored
estimations of her serum lithium throughout labour and for excessive drowsiness and, in the case of sodium val-
in the early postpartum days. proate, rashes. Lamotrigine should not be used in breast-
Women who are taking lithium carbonate should be feeding because of the increased risk of severe skin
advised to carefully plan their pregnancies and to seek reactions in the infant.
medical advice. Abrupt cessation of lithium is associated
with a substantial risk of a recurrence of their condition.
These women will usually be advised to either slowly with-
Service provision
draw their lithium prior to conception or consider chang- There are a number of national recommendations for the
ing to another medication. However, there will be rare needs of women with perinatal psychiatric disorders Box
occasions when it is necessary to continue lithium 25.7. The distinctive clinical features of the conditions,
throughout pregnancy. Such a pregnancy will need to be their physical needs and the professional liaison with
managed by an obstetrician working closely with psychi- maternity services all require specialist skills and know­
atric services and a fully compliant, well-informed woman. ledge (Oates 1996). The frequency of the serious condi-
tions at locality level makes it difficult for general adult
Breastfeeding psychiatric services to manage the critical mass of patients
Lithium should not be used in breastfeeding as it is present required to develop and maintain their experience and
in substantial quantities in breastmilk and can result in skills. It is difficult for maternity services to relate to
infant lithium toxicity, hypothyroidism and ‘floppy baby’ multiple psychiatric teams. However, at supra-locality
syndrome. (regional) level, the frequency of serious perinatal psychi-
atric disorder is sufficient to justify the joint commission-
Anticonvulsants ing and provision of specialist services. Mothers, who
Anticonvulsants have been used as mood stabilizers for 30 require admission to a psychiatric hospital in the early
years. Carbamazepine was first used in this way, sodium months postpartum should, unless it is positively con-
valproate is now increasingly the mood stabilizer of choice traindicated, be admitted to a mother and baby unit. This
and recently the newer anticonvulsants such as lamotri­ is not only humane but also in the best interests of the
gine and topiramate are being used. infant and cost-effective as it shortens inpatient stay and

Perinatal mental health Chapter | 25 |

There is little point in screening for women at high risk

Box 25.7 Perinatal mental health: national of developing severe postnatal illness if systems for the
documents (regularly updated) pro-active peripartum management of these conditions
are not in place and if appropriate resources are not avail-
Royal College of Psychiatrists CR88 able. It is recommended that all women who are at high
SIGN Guidelines – postnatal and puerperal psychosis risk of developing a severe postpartum illness by virtue of
CNST 2004 a previous history are seen by a specialist psychiatric team
National Screening Committee during the pregnancy and a written management plan
NICE guidelines on antenatal care: routine care for the placed in the maternity records in late pregnancy and
healthy pregnant woman shared with the woman, her partner, her GP, midwife,
NICE guidelines on antenatal and postnatal mental health obstetrician and psychiatrist.
NICE guidelines on postnatal care: routine postnatal care
of women and their babies
Department of Health Reports: Prophylaxis
Children’s, young person and maternity NSF. Maternity If a woman has a previous history of bipolar illness or
Standard 11 puerperal psychosis, consideration should be given to
Women’s mental health into the mainstream starting medication on day one postnatally. For bipolar
Responding to domestic abuse illness the use of lithium carbonate has been shown to
CEMACH/CMACE ‘Why mothers die’ triennial reports reduce the risk of a recurrence. It is plausible that the use
of antipsychotic medication may also reduce the risk of
recurrence. However, lithium is not compatible with
prevents re-admission. There should be specialist perinatal breastfeeding. Some women will not wish to take medica-
community outreach services available to every maternity tion when they perceive there is a 50% chance of them
service, to deal with psychiatric problems that arise post- remaining well. They may also place a priority on con­
partum but also to see women in pregnancy who are at tinuing to breastfeed. Breastfeeding mothers at risk of
high risk of developing a postnatal illness. developing a bipolar or mixed affective illness may take
The majority of women suffering from postnatal mental carbamazepine or sodium valproate. The evidence that
illness will not require to be seen by specialist psychiatric antidepressants taken prophylactically may prevent the
services. However, there is a need for integrated care path- onset of a depressive psychosis is lacking. Antidepressants
ways to ensure that women are effectively identified and should be used with great caution in any woman who has
managed in primary care and, if necessary, referred on to bipolar disorder in her personal or family history because
specialist services. There is a need to enhance the skills and of the propensity of antidepressants to trigger a manic
competencies of health visitors, midwives, obstetricians illness.
and GPs to deal with the less severe illnesses themselves.

PREVENTION AND PROPHYLAXIS There is no evidence that progesterone, natural or syn-
thetic, prevents or treats postnatal depression or puerperal
psychosis. Indeed there is evidence to suggest they may
cause depression. While there is some evidence that
The National Screening Committee (2001) and NICE transdermal oestrogens are effective in treating postnatal
(2007) guidelines do not recommend routine screening depression, the potential adverse physical effects (Dennis
using the EPDS and other ‘paper and pen’ scales in the et al 1999) and the known efficacy of antidepressants
antenatal period for those at risk of postnatal depression. mean this should not be the treatment of choice.
They also find that there is a lack of evidence to support The most important aspect of preventative manage-
antenatal interventions to reduce the risk of non-psychotic ment and one that will promote early identification and
postnatal illness. In contrast, these and other bodies (DH the avoidance of a life-threatening emergency is close sur-
2004; NICE 2008; CMACE 2011) all recommend that veillance, contact and support in the early weeks, the
women should be screened at early pregnancy assessment period of maximum risk. A specialist community peri­
for a previous or family history of serious mental illness, natal psychiatric nurse together with the midwife should
particularly bipolar illness, because they face at least a visit on a daily basis for the first two weeks and remain in
50% risk of recurrence of that condition following birth. close contact for the first six. The local mother and baby
Those who undertake early pregnancy assessment will unit should be aware of the woman’s expected date of
need training to refresh their knowledge of psychiatric birth and systems put in place for direct admission if
disorder. necessary.

Section | 4 | Labour

The Confidential Enquiries into

Box 25.8 The four main categories of
Maternal Deaths: psychiatric causes
psychiatric deaths emerging from ‘Saving
of maternal death Mothers’ Lives’ (Oates 2007; Oates and
Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths (Oates 2001, Cantwell 2011)
2004, 2007, 2011) have found that suicide and other psy-
chiatric causes of death are a leading cause (indirect) of • Suicide
maternal death in the UK, between 1997 and 2008, con- • Overdose of drugs abuse
tributing to over 15% of maternal deaths. • Medical conditions caused by or mistaken for
Maternal suicide is more common than previously psychiatric disorder
thought. Overall, the maternal suicide rate appears to be • Violence and accidents related to psychiatric disorders
equivalent to that of the general rate in the female popula-
Note: New themes are included, concerning child protection and
tion. Suicide in pregnancy is less common. The majority
termination of pregnancy.
of suicides took place in the year following birth, most in
the first 3 months. Not only is the assumption of the
‘protective effect of maternity’ called into question but also
the relative risk of suicide for seriously mentally ill women
following childbirth is elevated. An elevated standardized
categories of psychiatric deaths emerging from ‘Saving
mortality ratio (SMR) of 70 for women with serious
Mothers’ Lives’ (Oates and Cantwell 2011).
mental illness in the postpartum year has previously been
These findings have major implications for psychiatric
reported (Appleby et al 1998) and further confirmed
and obstetric practice. If psychiatrists discussed with
by evidence from the Enquiries with improved case
women plans for parenthood prior to conception; if obste-
tricians and midwives detected those at risk of serious
In contrast to other causes of maternal death, suicide
mental illness; if psychiatric and maternity professionals
was not associated with socioeconomic deprivation. The
communicated freely with each other and worked together;
majority of suicides were older, married and relatively
if specialist perinatal mental health services were available
socially advantaged and seriously ill. A worrying number
for those women who needed them; and if all had a
were health professionals. This underlines the error of
greater understanding of perinatal mental illness, then not
merging issues of maternal mental health with those of
only would a substantial number of maternal deaths be
socioeconomic deprivation.
avoided but also the care and outcome of other mentally
The majority of the suicides occurred violently by
ill women would be greatly improved.
jumping from a height or by hanging. This stands in con-
trast to the commonest method of suicide among women
in general (self-poisoning), and underlines the seriousness
of the illness from which the women died.
Half of the suicides had a previous history of admission CONCLUSION
to a psychiatric hospital. In few cases had this risk been
identified at booking and in even fewer had any proactive The full range of psychiatric disorders can complicate
management been put into place. Had these women’s ill- pregnancy and the postpartum year. The incidence of
nesses been anticipated, a substantial number of these affective disorder, particularly at the most severe end of
deaths might have been avoided. the spectrum, increases following birth. The familiar
Women also died from other consequences of psychiat- signs and symptoms of psychiatric disorder are all
ric disorder. Some of these were due to accidental over- present in postpartum disorders as well, but the early
doses of illicit drugs. However, deaths also occurred from maternity context and the dominance of infant care and
physical illness that would not have occurred in the mother–infant relationships exert a powerful effect on
absence of a psychiatric disorder. Some of these were the the content, if not the form, of the symptomatology.
physical consequences of alcohol or illicit drug misuse, Early maternity is a time when there is an expectation of
others from side-effects of psychotropic medication. joy, pleasure and fulfillment. The presence of psychiatric
However, a worrying number of deaths, some of which disorder at this time, however mild, is disproportionately
took place in a psychiatric unit, were due to physical distressing. No matter how ill the woman feels, there is
illness being missed because of the psychiatric disorder or still a baby and often other children to be cared for.
mistakenly attributed to a psychiatric disorder. These find- She cannot rest and is reminded on a daily basis of
ings underline the importance of remembering that physi- her symptoms and disability. Compassionate care and
cal illness can present as or complicate psychiatric disorder. understanding and skilled care aimed at speedy symptom
Suicide is not the only risk associated with perinatal psy- relief and re-establishing maternal confidence are thus
chiatric disorder. Box 25.8 identifies the four main essential.

Perinatal mental health Chapter | 25 |


Adams S S, Eberhard-Gran M, Eskild A Cooper P J, Murray L 1995 The course Elliot S 1994 Uses and misuses of
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14:7–22 Statistics, London during pregnancy: can it be simple
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8:87–98 Press, Maidenhead (’debriefing’) for treating immediate
Oates M R 2001 Deaths from psychiatric RCPC (Royal College of Psychiatrists trauma related symptoms and
causes. In: Lewis G, Drife J (eds) Council) 2000 Perinatal maternal prevention of post traumatic stress
Why mothers die 1997–1999. The mental health services. Report CR88. disorder. The Cochrane Library of
Fifth Report of the Confidential RCPC, London Systematic Reviews, Issue 3. Update
Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in Redshaw M, Heikkila K (2010) Software, Oxford
the United Kingdom. RCOG Press, Delivered with care: a national Winson N 2009 Transition to
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Oates M R 2004 Deaths from psychiatric maternity care 2010. National social context of birth. Radcliffe,
causes. In: Lewis G, Drife J (eds) Why Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Oxford Oxford, p 145–60

Perinatal mental health Chapter | 25 |


DiPietro J A (2012) Maternal stress in National Institute for Health and Shaw R L, Giles D C 2009 Motherhood
pregnancy: considerations for fetal Clinical Excellence 2010 Pregnancy on ice? A media framing analysis of
development. Journal of Adolescent and complex social factors (CG 110). older mothers in the UK news.
Health 51:S3–S8 NICE, London Psychology and Health
Considers a number of methodological Addressing a variety of social complexities 24(2):221–36
issues in strengthening understanding of the that may affect a woman’s emotional An interesting discourse about how older
effects of stress/anxiety on fetal neuro- wellbeing such as poverty, homelessness, mothers are portrayed in the popular
behaviour and possible consequences for the domestic abuse, communication difficulties, media.
developing nervous system. refugee or asylum status, young teenage
mother, substance misuse etc.


Department of Health: www.dh.gov.uk Enquiries across the UK: become part of Public Health
Fathers Institute: www.mbrrace.ox.ac.uk England and the URL address is
www.fatherhoodinstitute.org/ National Institute for Health and Care likely to change in the near future).
Midwifery 2020: [formerly Clinical] Excellence: Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline
www.midwifery2020.org www.nice.org.uk Network: www.sign.ac.uk
Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk Perinatal Illness UK: www.chimat.org.uk
Through Audits and Confidential (from April 2013 this charity has

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Chapter 26

Bereavement and loss in maternity care

Rosemary Mander

CHAPTER CONTENTS This chapter introduces the reader to issues

relating to bereavement and loss in the
Introduction 555 maternity area. The intention is to facilitate
Grief and loss 556 better coping among staff and, thus, care for
those affected. Throughout the chapter,
Attachment 556 particular attention is paid to the knowledge
Grief 556 on which practice is based, such as research,
Significance 557 evidence or personal experience.
Culture 557
Forms of Loss 557
Perinatal loss 557
Infertility 558 • consider the meaning of bereavement and loss in
maternity and childbearing
Relinquishment for adoption 558
Termination of pregnancy (TOP) 558
• contemplate the significance of bereavement and
loss in maternity and childbearing
The baby with a disability 558
• discuss forms of loss
Loss in healthy childbearing 559
• draw on research evidence and other knowledge to
The ‘inside baby’ 559 review the care of those affected by loss.
The mother’s birth experience 559
The midwife’s experience 559
Care 560
The mother 561
The family 563 In 21st-century Western society, bereavement is closely
linked with loss through death. In this chapter, to increase
The formal carers 563 the relevance of these concepts, the focus is broadened to
Other aspects of care 564 include other sources of grief that are likely to affect mid-
The death of a mother 564 wifery care. In widening the topic, the original meaning of
Conclusion 565 ‘bereavement’ is reflected, which implies plundering,
robbing, snatching or otherwise removing traumatically
References 565
and, crucially, without consent. This meaning may conflict
Further reading 566 with the other part of the title – ‘loss’ – which is also
Useful addresses and websites 567 widely used in this context. But any inconsistency is

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 555

Section | 5 | Puerperium

fallacious because, although bereavement involves ‘taking’ Grief

in various ways, the unspoken hopes and expectations
invested in that which is lost remain irretrievable. Through grieving we adjust to more serious, and lesser,
In many ways, loss in childbearing is unique, which is losses throughout life. Healthy grief means that we can
due to the awful contrast between the sorrow of death move forward, although probably not directly, from the
and the mystical joy of a new life. Additionally, the cruel initial distraught hopelessness. We eventually achieve
paradox of the ‘juxtaposition’ of birth and death aggra- some degree of resolution, or perhaps integration, which
vates responses (Howarth 2001: 435). We tend to assume permits ordinary functioning much of the time. Through
that birth and death are separated by a lifetime; this grief we learn something about both ourselves and our
means that the experience becomes incomprehensible resources (Vera 2003).
when they are unified (Bourne 1968). Although any Grief has been viewed historically as apathetic passivity,
childbearing loss is unique, the uniqueness of both the but it is really a time when the bereaved person actively
individual’s experience and the phenomenon itself must struggles with the emotional tasks facing her; the term
be contrasted with the frequency with which ‘lesser’ ‘grief work’ summarizes this struggle (Engel 1961). The
childbearing losses happen. Such lesser losses include the stages of grief through which the person works have been
reduction of the parents’ independence, the woman’s loss described in various ways, but Kübler-Ross’s (1970)
of her special relationship with her fetus at birth, or the account is memorable. These stages (Box 26.1) are not
family loss of the expected idealized baby when they rec- necessarily negotiated in sequence; individual variations
ognize that the actual baby is all too real (Atkinson cause the person to move back and forth between them
2006). Central to this chapter is the woman losing a before reaching a degree of resolution.
baby and her care by the midwife. The midwife draws on The initial response to loss comprises a defence mecha-
theory which, as in any care, is grounded in firm knowl- nism protecting the individual from the full impact of the
edge, such as research evidence. Such knowledge is util­ news or realization. This reaction comprises shock or
ized in skilled care to facilitate adjustment to these denial, which insulates the bereaved person from the
greater and lesser losses. Thus, as well as loss through unbearably unthinkable reality. Facilitating coping with
death, other forms of childbearing-related loss are also impending realization, this initial response allows some
considered. ‘breathing space’, during which the person marshals their
emotional resources.
Denial soon becomes ineffective and awareness of the
reality of loss dawns. Awareness brings powerful emo-
GRIEF AND LOSS tional reactions, together with physical manifestations.
Sorrowful feelings emerge but, less acceptably, other emo-
Grief, like death and other fundamentally important tions simultaneously overwhelm the bereaved person.
matters, is a fact of life. All human beings invariably face These include guilt and dissatisfaction, as well as compul-
grief in some form, possibly when young. Despite its uni- sive searching and, disconcertingly, anger. Realization
versality, a woman in a higher income country experienc- dawns in waves as the bereaved person tries coping
ing childbearing loss may be too young to have previously strategies to ‘bargain’ with herself to delay accepting the
encountered the grief of death. This is a further reason for grim reality.
the uniqueness of childbearing loss.

Attachment Box 26.1 Stages of grief

Limited understanding of mother–baby attachment, or • Shock and denial

‘bonding’, long prevented our recognition of the signifi- • Increasing awareness
cance of perinatal loss. The strength of the growing rela- – Emotions: sorrow – guilt – anger
tionship between the woman and her fetus emerged in a – Searching
research project involving bereaved mothers (Kennell et al – Bargaining
1970). This relationship develops with feeling movement
• Realization
and experiencing pregnancy, including investigations such
– Depression
as ultrasound scans. Ordinarily, attachment continues
– Apathy
to develop beyond the birth (Bowlby 1997). Attachment
during pregnancy means that, should the relationship not – Bodily changes
continue, it must be ended as with any parting. Thus, the • Resolution
reality of the mother–baby relationship needs to be recog- – Equanimity
nized before the loss can be accepted. These processes are – Anniversary reactions.
crucial for the initiation of healthy grieving.

Bereavement and loss in maternity care Chapter | 26 |

When such fruitless strategies are exhausted, the despair

of full realization materializes, bringing apathy and poor FORMS OF LOSS
concentration, together with bodily changes. At this point,
the bereaved person may show anxiety and physical symp- The terms ‘loss’ and ‘bereavement’ apply to a range of
toms, like depression. experiences, varying hugely in severity and effects
When the loss is eventually accepted, it starts to become (Despelder and Strickland 2001). We must be careful,
integrated into the person’s life (Walter 1999). As men- however, to avoid assumptions about the meaning of loss
tioned already, this is not straightforward and may involve to a particular person. It is difficult, even impossible, for
slow progress and many setbacks, with oscillation and anybody to understand the significance of a pregnancy or
hesitation. Although the person may never ‘get over’ the a baby to someone else. This is because childbearing
loss, it should eventually be integrated. This ultimate carries a vast range of profound feelings, including unspo-
degree of ‘resolution’ is recognizable in the bereaved per- ken hopes and expectations based on personal and cul-
son’s contemplation with equanimity of the strengths, and tural values. We should accept that grief in childbearing,
weaknesses, of the lost person and relationship. like pain, is what the person who is going through it says
it is (McCaffery 1979).
Some situations in which we encounter grief are men-
Significance tioned. Some situations of childbearing grief are not
included here, while some situations listed here may not
Healthy grieving matters because it contributes to balance engender grief.
or homeostasis in the bereaved person’s life. Grief helps
people deal with the wounds inflicted by the greater and
lesser losses of life. The hazards of being unable to grieve Perinatal loss
healthily have long been recognized in emotional terms,
but there may be an association between perinatal loss When loss in childbearing is mentioned, loss in the peri-
and physical illness (Boyce et al 2002). This research sug- natal period comes quickly to mind, which includes the
gested the woman’s need for support regardless of the stillborn baby and the baby dying in the first week.
nature of the loss or the extent to which it is recognized, Attempts have been made to compare the severity of grief
or her grief sanctioned, by society. of loss at different stages, perhaps to demonstrate that
certain women deserve more sympathy. A classic study
investigating severity, however, showed no significant dif-
ferences in the grief response between mothers losing a
Culture baby by miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death (Peppers
A general picture of healthy grieving, and individual vari- and Knapp 1980). This study emphasized the crucial role
ation, common to people of different ethnic back- of the developing mother–baby relationship – the under-
grounds, has been described (Katbamna 2000). The standing of which has facilitated changes in care.
manifestations of grief, and accompanying mourning
rituals, vary hugely. These variations are influenced by
many factors. Cecil (1996) shows the massive differences
between ethnic groups in attitudes towards childbearing A retrospective Swedish study focused on the mother’s
loss. A midwife may encounter difficulty understanding long-term recovery from stillbirth. Rådestad and col-
the different attitudes to loss in cultures other than her leagues (1996a) compared the recovery of 380 women
own (Mander 2006). Whether the midwife is able to who had given birth to a stillborn baby with 379 women
work through such feelings, to support the woman with who birthed a healthy child. The 84% response rate shows
different attitudes, is uncertain. Closely bound up with the mothers’ perception of the importance of this study.
culture, and influencing mourning, are the grieving per- These researchers found that the mother recovered better
son’s religious beliefs, or lack thereof. These aspects, if she could decide how long to keep her baby with her
however, are difficult to separate from social class and after the birth and if she could keep birth mementoes. The
prevalent societal attitudes. mother whose recovery was more difficult was the one
Despite huge variations in its manifestation, mourning where the birth of the baby was delayed after realization
has a universal underlying purpose. It establishes support of fetal demise. Clearly, these findings have important
for those closely affected, by strengthening links between implications for midwifery care (see section on The
the people who remain. In perinatal loss the midwife Mother, below). Additionally, the researchers discuss the
initially provides this support. The midwife’s role is to be ‘known’ stillbirth, when the mother knows before labour
with the woman when she begins to realize the extent of that her baby has died, previously termed ‘intrauterine
her loss and to prevent interference in the woman’s healthy death’ or ‘IUD’. Alternatively, the loss is unexpected. While
initiation of grieving. avoiding comparisons, it is understandable that the

Section | 5 | Puerperium

mother aware of carrying a dead baby bears particular the widespread assumption that conception is easy, which
emotional burdens. These burdens, compounded by the is sufficiently prevalent for the emphasis, in society gener-
baby’s changing appearance, may impede her grieving. ally and healthcare particularly, to be on preventing con-
ception. Complex investigations and prolonged infertility
treatment result in a ‘roller-coaster’ of hope and despair.
Early neonatal death
As with any grief, the couple in an infertile relationship
Grieving a liveborn baby who dies may be facilitated by grieve differently from each other, engendering tensions.
three factors. First, the mother has seen and held her real Being told the diagnosis or cause of their infertility resolves
live baby; giving her genuine memories. Second, United some uncertainty, but raises other difficulties. These
Kingdom (UK) legislation requires the registration of both include one partner being ‘labelled’ infertile and, hence,
the birth and death of a baby dying neonatally, providing ‘blamed’ for the couple’s difficulty. A complex spiral of
written evidence of the baby’s life. Third, staff investment blame and recrimination may escalate to damage an
in the care of this dying baby increases the likelihood of already vulnerable relationship (Allen 2009). Clearly,
effective parental support (Singg 2003). Even for the counselling an infertile couple differs markedly from
mother whose preterm baby survives, though, there may counselling those bereaved through death.
still be elements of grief (Shah et al 2011).

Relinquishment for adoption

Accidental loss in early pregnancy:
Although long accepted that relinquishment is followed
by grief (Sorosky et al 1984), the view persists that,
Early pregnancy loss may be due to various pathological because relinquishment is voluntary, grief is unlikely. Each
processes, such as ectopic pregnancy or spontaneous abor- mother in the study conducted by Mander (1995) was
tion. The word ‘abortion’ is better avoided in this context, clear that her relinquishment was definitely involuntary
because it carries connotations of deliberate interference, and she had no alternative to relinquishment. These
which are unacceptable to a grieving mother. The term mothers really were ‘bereaved’ in the original sense (see
‘miscarriage’ is preferable, to include all accidental losses. Introduction, above).
The grief of miscarriage has long been ignored, because of The grief of relinquishment differs crucially from grief
its frequency. This has been estimated to be about one- following death. First, after relinquishment grief is delayed.
third of pregnancies, although the figure may be higher This is partly because of the woman’s lifestyle and partly
(Oakley et al 1990). because of the secrecy imposed on the woman who does
Understanding the woman’s experience of miscarriage not mother her baby as is usual. Secondly, the grief of
has been sought through qualitative research, which relinquishment is not resolved in the short or medium
shows miscarriage to be far from an insignificant event, term. This is because, ordinarily, acceptance of loss is
with some mothers so ill that they fear for their lives. crucial to resolving grief. After relinquishment, such
Although mothers find reassurance in the conception of acceptance is impossible due to the likelihood that the one
the pregnancy that was lost, some come to doubt their who was relinquished will make contact when legally able.
fertility. As in other forms of loss, the mother finds diffi- Being reunited with the relinquished one was fundamen-
culty in locating support and encounters comments deni- tally important to the mothers interviewed. ‘Rosa’s’ words
grating her loss (Simmons et al 2006). It may be necessary reflect many mothers’ hopes: ‘I’d be delighted if she would
to seek the cause of a woman’s miscarriage, especially if it turn up on the doorstep’ (Mander 1995).
happens repeatedly (Hyer et al 2004). Although miscar-
riage has been linked with stressful life events, Nelson et al
(2003) found no link between psychosocial stress and Termination of pregnancy (TOP)
miscarriage. Limited recognition of miscarriage is now Grief associated with termination of an uncomplicated
being addressed, and women are encouraged to create pregnancy is problematic and for this reason it tends not
their own rituals to assist grieving. Brin (2004) showed the to be included in the literature on grief. The experience of
helpful nature of a religious service, of photographs or of grief following TOP for fetal abnormality and of guilt fol-
communicating sorrow through writing a poem or letter. lowing TOP do, however, tend to be recognized and
accepted. In view of the frequency of TOP and the grief
Infertility engendered, this deserves more attention.

Grief associated with involuntary infertility is less focused

than when grieving for a particular person (Lau 2011). In
TOP for fetal abnormality (TFA)
this situation the couple grieve for the hopes and expecta- The package of investigations known as ‘prenatal diagno-
tions integral to the conception of a baby. Realization of sis’ (see Chapter 11) may ultimately lead to the decision
their infertility, and the associated grief, is aggravated by to undergo TFA. Although it may be assumed that the

Bereavement and loss in maternity care Chapter | 26 |

mother’s reaction is solely one of relief at avoiding giving better off not surviving (Lewis and Bourne 1989). Although
birth to a baby with a disability, Iles (1989) suggests the mother may be reassured that such thoughts are not
reasons for a mother in this situation experiencing con- unique, she may still find it difficult to begin her
flicting emotions that impede grieving: grieving.
• the pregnancy was probably wanted; If a baby is born with an unexpected disability, the
• the TFA is a serious event in both physiological and problem of breaking the news emerges. There are no easy
social terms; answers to how this can be done to reduce the trauma, but
• the reason for TFA may arouse guilty feelings; clear, effective and honest communication is crucial
• the recurrence risk may constitute a future threat; (Farrell et al 2001).
• the woman’s biological clock is ticking away;
• her failure to achieve a ‘normal’ outcome may
engender guilt. The midwife’s experience
Interventions have been introduced to facilitate the The emotional reaction that may sometimes be experi-
grieving of the mother who has undergone TFA, which enced by the midwife may come as a surprise to her.
involve counselling and the creation of memories, as in Considering herself to be a professional person, she may
other forms of child-bearing loss (see section on The Baby, be taken aback by the strength and complexity of her feel-
below). A randomized controlled trial to study the effec- ings when caring for a bereaved mother. This aspect
tiveness of psychotherapeutic counselling in such mothers has now begun to be addressed by research and to be
with no other risk factors was undertaken by Lilford et al opened up to debate (Kenworthy and Kirkham 2011; see
(1994). This study suggested that bereavement counselling Box 26.2).
makes no difference to the difficulty or duration of griev-
ing. Additionally, the researchers concluded that mothers
attending for counselling would probably have resolved
their grief more satisfactorily than the control group LOSS IN HEALTHY CHILDBEARING
It may be hard to understand that, even in uncomplicated,
TOP for other reasons healthy childbearing, grief may still present as a feature.

The non-recognition of grief associated with TOP may be

because the mother whose pregnancy is ended may be The ‘inside baby’
considered ‘undeserving’ of the luxury of grief. Further,
this may be aggravated by her being blamed for her situ- The woman’s grief may be because, despite obstetric tech-
ation. Research on the psychological sequelae of TOP has nology, the mother is unable to view her baby before birth.
focused on the guilt of having decided to end the preg- Inevitably the real baby differs from the one whom she
nancy, as opposed to grief reactions; it may be that this came to love during pregnancy. These differences may be
focus is associated with the acrimonious abortion debate minor, such as the amount of hair or crying behaviour.
that continues in some countries. Thus, the grief and Lewis (1979) coined the term ‘inside baby’ to denote the
depression, presenting as tearfulness, were thought normal one whom she came to love during pregnancy and who
after termination of pregnancy (Wahlberg 2006). Perhaps was perfect. The ‘outside baby’ is the real one, for whom
these reactions could be prevented by counselling before, she will care and who may have some imperfections, such
as well as after, the TOP. as the wrong colour of hair. Clearly the mother may have
moments of regret, during which she grieves the loss of
her fantasy ‘inside’ baby, before being able to begin her
The baby with a disability relationship with her real baby.
For various reasons a baby may be born with a disability,
which may or may not be anticipated. Disabilities vary
hugely in severity and their implications for the baby. The
The mother’s birth experience
mother may have to adjust to the possibility of her baby A further form of loss, over which the mother may need
dying, but many conditions permit the continuation of a to grieve, is her loss of her anticipated birth experience. If
healthy life. she hoped for an uncomplicated birth, even some of the
The mother’s reaction to a baby with a disability will more common interventions may leave her feeling like a
involve some grief. This is particularly true if the condition failure (Green and Baston 2003). Thus, in the same way
was unexpected, as the mother must grieve for her expected as the woman may need to grieve her ‘inside baby’, even
baby before relating to her real baby. The mother may be though all appears satisfactory, this disappointed mother
shocked to find herself thinking that her baby might be has some grief work to complete.

Section | 5 | Puerperium

Box 26.2 That sad day

This is a summary of feelings and thoughts when I having to prepare the parents for this. Without the love
discovered an intrauterine death at 41 weeks’ gestation. and support of my family, friends and colleagues I would
The woman involved had been admitted for induction of not have coped. As healthcare professionals we should be
labour and neither of us was prepared for this. empathic and display understanding towards our
My heart sank when on initial palpation her abdomen colleagues in similar situations.
felt cold and then the electronic fetal monitor did not As Rosemary Mander [2004b] writes in ‘When the
detect the heart beat (I had just used the machine earlier). professional gets personal’:
I knew, although it would be difficult, that I had to try and
for professional staff who provide effective care,
prepare her. I stayed later to try and give some continuity
there is likely to be a personal cost. These are the
of care and support for her and her husband. After the
‘costs of caring’, which may be regarded as the
scan confirmed the death I hugged her and her husband
negative side of engaging with patients and clients
and cried with them. After this happened, I had a day off
and with one’s work.
work with a severe migraine caused by stress. I felt very
nervous and sick about going back to work, this was The whole experience will have a huge effect on my
compounded when I discovered that the woman had been practice in various ways. I will encourage midwives to be
admitted to Intensive Care and was very ill. However, I did honest with the clients. This will ensure that words are
go back to work, visited the woman and sat holding her carefully chosen and also sensitively put, because they will
hand. We talked about her sadness and she said she had be clearly remembered in years to come. I will not try to
been worried about me leaving work late and wondered smooth over colleagues’ feelings when they are involved in
how I had coped getting home and facing my two issues like this.
children. I couldn’t believe that she was concerned about I am also going to liaise with the Local Supervising
me! She remembered every word I had said to her and Authority to look at guidance for other midwives in
praised my honesty. I had told her before the scan that I situations like this. The success of the ‘Birth Afterthoughts
was sure that the baby had not survived. Two weeks later I Service’ within the Trust has led me to identify the need
attended the funeral in order to seek closure and to for a service for midwives dealing with bereavement and
demonstrate my sympathy and sadness for the parents. perhaps morbidity as well. Therefore, as a Supervisor of
I have been a midwife for over 12 years and this has Midwives I aim to promote separate sessions for midwives
NEVER happened to me before. The whole event was very – even if the midwife says she is unaffected. This will not
traumatic and upsetting for me. Some colleagues told me be blame-based but will simply allow the members of staff
not to be upset, cry and/or get involved, but this was to come to terms with their emotions and feelings by
ineffective advice. I was so determined that my experience helping them to move on in a positive way.
should not be in vain that I wrote this reflective piece. In To summarize, writing about this episode has been a
total I have experienced the loss of over nine friends and catharsis for me and hopefully my experience will have a
relatives including my parents when I was fairly young. positive outcome for other staff who find themselves in the
However, nothing can prepare someone (even a same sad and extremely difficult situation, and therefore
professional) for discovering that a baby has died and benefit the parents as well.

Source: Reproduced with the kind permission of The Practising Midwife

The baby
It is particularly hard to separate the care of the baby from
In considering the care that midwives provide in the the care of those who are grieving, because much of our
event of loss, there are difficulties in deciding where to care comprises the creation of memories of the baby,
begin. Thus, I have organized this section by focusing which will facilitate their grieving (Box 26.3). Midwives
first on those who are involved or affected and then on may think of the care of the baby before the birth by con-
other crucial issues. From this material will emerge the sidering the cot in the labour room (Mander 2006).
principles of midwifery care. While recognizing the artifi- Although the cot’s presence may cause the staff some dis-
ciality of distinguishing care for the individuals involved comfort, it reminds everybody of the baby’s reality. If pos-
in this complex situation, this approach helps us to con- sible, that is if the baby’s demise is known in advance, the
sider the different needs among the people affected by midwife discusses with the parents prior to the birth their
the loss. contact with the baby. This contact takes any of a number

Bereavement and loss in maternity care Chapter | 26 |

of hair, a footprint or photographs. If the mother chooses

Box 26.3 Creating memories to have no contact at the birth she may later ask for these
mementoes. Taking photographs of a suitable quality may
• Midwifery activities
present a challenge to the midwife who is not skilled in
– Information-giving using a camera, causing dissatisfaction (Rådestad et al
– Arranging for/taking photographs* 1996b). Figure 26.1 shows the sensitive way in which a
– Cutting a lock of hair* photograph may be used to help create memories of the
– Taking a footprint* birth.
– Giving a cot card and/or name-band In the hope of preventing a future loss, the parents may
• Parental activities be advised that the baby should have a post mortem exam-
– Naming baby ination. This raises difficult issues for parents who con-
– Seeing baby sider that their baby has already suffered enough. In the
– Holding baby UK there are guidelines providing information for the
parents prior to seeking their consent for the post mortem.
– Caring for baby: bathing – dressing
These guidelines aim to prevent certain abuses, which have
– Taking photographs
previously caused anguish to bereaved parents (Dimond
• Other activities 2001; Royal College of Pathologists [RCP] 2000).
Writing in a book of remembrance The funeral serves a multiplicity of purposes, including
Service/funeral/burial/cremation a demonstration of general support as well as establishing
Tree planting the reality of the loss. A young woman with no experience
Writing a letter and/or poem of death may have difficulty imagining how such a ritual
could ever be beneficial. She may be helped, though, by
*Parents’ informed consent will be needed.
being reminded how cemetery and crematorium staff are
sensitive to the need to provide a suitable ceremony and
a congenial environment in which the child may subse-
quently be remembered. In some situations, such as early
miscarriage, a funeral is inappropriate. The mother may
of forms, beginning with just a sight of the wrapped baby. find that an impromptu service is helpful near the time of
Contact with the baby has been said to resolve some of her loss or, later, she may create her own memorial by
the confusion surrounding the birth; but the benefits of writing a letter to her lost baby or planting a tree. The care
such care have also been called into question (Hughes of this mother is particularly important if and when she
et al 1999). decides to embark on another pregnancy (Reid 2007; Arm-
The midwife faces the quandary of whether, and how strong et al 2009).
much, she will encourage the mother to make contact with
her baby, drawing on her understanding of its beneficial
effect on grief (Mander 2006). This quandary is difficult,
The mother
but midwives tend to be overcautious in encouraging the Much of the midwife’s care of the grieving mother com-
mother to have contact. This was an important finding prises helping her to make sense of her mystifying experi-
from a study of 380 mothers who had experienced peri- ence. As mentioned already, the mother needs help to
natal loss (Rådestad et al 1996b). These researchers found recognize that she has given birth, even though she no
that one-third of the mothers would have appreciated longer has her baby. Integral to this is assisting her realiza-
more encouragement to have contact with their babies. tion that she is a mother, through midwifery care.
The mother may choose to have considerable contact The mother may start to make sense of her loss by talking
with her baby, perhaps keeping the baby with her for some about it. Although this sounds simple enough, ‘opening up’
time. During this time, the mother may wish to have her presents the mother with certain challenges. For example,
baby baptized which, as well as its religious significance, she may be inexperienced and uncomfortable in talking
emphasizes the baby’s reality. This simple act, possibly about profound feelings. Further, she may have difficulty
undertaken by the midwife, additionally presents an finding a suitable and willing listener precisely when she
opportunity to name the baby. The mother may also feels ready. The problem of her finding a listener was identi-
during this time have other opportunities to create memo- fied in a research project showing that senior hospital staff
ries of her experience; these include doing some of the appear too busy, and other staff insufficiently experienced,
things a mother ordinarily does for a baby, such as bathing for her to unburden herself. Family members, who might
and dressing him or her. listen, have their own difficulties to face, making them less
Irrespective of whether the mother chooses to have receptive to the mother’s needs (Rajan 1994).
contact with her baby immediately, it is usual to collect In a situation of loss, any of us may feel that our control
certain mementoes at the time of the birth, such as a lock over our lives is slipping away. Such feelings of losing

Section | 5 | Puerperium

Fig. 26.1 Photograph showing a grieving mother cradling her baby, who has been named Baby Shane.

control are exacerbated when the loss involves a physio- The support offered to the woman was the subject of a
logical process such as childbearing, which many people systematic review, which found that there is little evidence
achieve successfully and effortlessly. Midwives should be to indicate the effectiveness of psychological support at
able to help the mother to retain some degree of control. this time (Flenady and Wilson 2008). A randomized con-
They can do this is by giving her accurate information trolled trial by Forrest et al (1982) investigated the effects
about the choices open to her and on which she is able to of support following perinatal loss. The experimental
base decisions. In this way, the midwife may be able to group, comprising 25 bereaved mothers, received ideal
empower the woman and the two may form a partnership supportive midwifery care together with counselling; the
together. control group comprised another 25 bereaved mothers
The reality of the grieving mother’s control over her care who received standard care. Unlike the more psychothera-
was the subject of research by Gohlish (1985). She inter- peutically oriented study by Lilford et al (1994), Forrest
viewed 15 mothers of stillborn babies and asked them to et al (1982) found that the well-supported and counselled
identify the ‘nursing’ behaviours they considered most group recovered from their grief more quickly than the
helpful. This study showed the importance to the grieving control group. Unfortunately, both studies had difficulty
mother of assuming control over her environment. While retaining contact with the grieving mothers.
the midwife may be keen to share many aspects of control The mother may find helpful support in a number of
in the form of decision-making with the grieving mother, people, who provide support on a more or less formal
there are some decisions that midwives consider unsuita- basis (Forrest et al 1982). Although we may assume that
ble for the mother to make (Mander 1993). The suitable identifying support is easy, research by Rådestad et al
decisions include the contact that the mother has with (1996b) has shown that, like finding a suitable listener,
her baby; whereas the unsuitable decisions may include locating support may be problematic for the mother.
the environment in which she is cared for during her These researchers found that for just over one-quarter of
hospital stay. bereaved mothers the support lasted for under 1 month;

Bereavement and loss in maternity care Chapter | 26 |

while for just over another quarter the support was the couple find their relationship strengthened or threat-
non-existent. ened is unpredictable.
Of particular significance to midwives is the contribu-
tion of the lay support and self-help groups. Research by
Other family members
Mander (2006) showed that midwives are happy to rec-
ommend that a mother may find a support group, such as Perhaps because they are less closely involved, grandpar-
the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS), ents may be disproportionately adversely affected by the
helpful. Unfortunately, little is known about their effec- loss, possibly due to their inability to protect their children
tiveness or the experiences of those who attend. (the bereaved parents) from painful loss. Inevitably and
If the loss occurs while the woman is in hospital, her additionally they experience their own sense of loss at the
transfer home is crucially important, due to the likelihood threat to the continuity of their family and what that
of other agencies becoming involved. At this point good means to them.
inter-agency communication ensures that the woman’s The effects of perinatal loss on a sibling may be prob-
healthy grieving is not jeopardized. In her large study, lematic because of uncertainty about the child’s under-
Moulder (1998) identified the quality of the help provided standing of the event (Hayslip and Hansson 2003;
for the grieving mother by community agencies. She found Dyregrov 2008). This difficulty is compounded by the
that women experience very different standards of care parents’ difficulty in articulating their pain in a suitable
from the various professionals, such as health visitors, form. The parents may seek to ‘solve’ these problems by
general practitioners, community midwives and counsel- ‘protecting’ their other child(ren) from the truth. They
ling personnel. Similarly, the 6-week follow-up presents little know that ‘protection’ creates a pattern of unhealthy
an opportunity, not only to check the woman’s physical grieving, leaving a family legacy of dysfunctional relation-
recovery, but also to discuss important outstanding issues. ships (Dyregrov 2008).
These include the couple’s emotional recovery from their Whilst midwives often assume that family are best at
loss, the post mortem results (if relevant), any questions supporting a grieving mother (Mander 1996), family
arising or remaining, as well as plans for the future. The responses may not always be healthy or helpful (Kissane
research by Moulder (1998) found that this follow-up visit and Bloch 1994).
is often handled appropriately sensitively, in a suitable
environment, with appropriate personnel present and
adequate time to address matters of concern. Unfortu-
The formal carers
nately, though, some women’s appointments were delayed The difficulty that staff face in caring for a grieving mother
and staff were condescending. has been linked with their personal reactions to the loss
of a baby (Bourne 1968). This may be the reason for the
historical neglect of such mothers in particular and this
The family topic in general. Furthermore, loss of a baby represents all
The mother is clearly most intimately involved with, and too clearly the failure of the healthcare system, and those
affected by, a perinatal loss. To a greater or lesser extent, who work in it, to ensure a successful outcome to the
those close by will share her grief. In this context, the pregnancy. The fear of failure in turn engenders a cycle of
chapter includes, as well as conventional family members, avoidance, which perpetuates neglect of the mother.
a range of non-blood and non-marital relationships. This vicious cycle has been interrupted so that as the
care of the mother has been changed, it is necessary to
question whether the care of staff has kept pace (Clarke
The father and Mander 2006). The emotional costs of providing care
The effect of the loss on the father may previously have are now being recognized (Kenworthy and Kirkham 2011).
been underestimated (Mander 2004a). This is partly The devaluation of the emotional component of care is
because men tend to show their grief differently from associated with increasing use of the medical model and
women and partly because they are socialized into sup- contributes to the increasing recognition of ‘burnout’. The
porting their womenfolk, possibly at the cost of their own need for extra support is particularly important for less
emotional well-being. Further, men are stereotypically experienced staff when providing care for grieving families
unlikely to avail themselves of the therapeutic effects of (Mander 2000). The education of staff for their counsel-
crying and articulating sorrow. Men’s coping mechanisms ling role is another solution, which is enhanced by super-
also involve less healthy grieving strategies, including vision for the counsellors. The role of the midwife manager
returning early to work and using potentially harmful sub- in creating a supportive environment for staff in stressful
stances such as nicotine or alcohol. situations should not be underestimated. The midwife
Possibly in association with their different patterns of may also be able to locate support in others alongside
grieving (Samuelsson et al 2001), the parental relation- whom she works, such as the hospital minister or chaplain
ship is likely to change following perinatal loss. Whether or her named Supervisor of Midwives. Additionally, there

Section | 5 | Puerperium

are helpful agencies which may be located within or erect a headstone, although the design may be subject to
outwith the healthcare system (see Useful Websites, approval.
below). The statutory documentation is specific to each of the
The involvement of staff in the mother’s grief raises countries of the UK. Details of the registration require-
some difficult questions. First there is the helpfulness or ments in each of the four countries of the UK are provided
otherwise of the midwife sharing the bereaved mother’s on the websites listed at the end of this chapter.
tears. Although some midwives are prepared to cry along-
side the mother, others feel that crying is ‘unprofessional’
The mother’s choices
and would not be comfortable shedding even a few tears.
The midwives in Mander’s (2006, 2009) research said that, If she loses her baby, as well as her grief work, the mother
generally, crying was not a problem; but any loss of control has certain choices. In terms of how the baby’s body
that impeded their ability to provide care must be avoided should be buried or cremated, the mother decides whether
at all costs. Another difficult decision is whether staff to arrange this privately or allow the hospital to organize
should attend the baby’s funeral. Some of the midwives it. The mother also needs to decide the extent to which
interviewed found this helpful and they had not been she would like to be involved in planning the funeral, the
uncomfortable attending. In some circumstances, however, blessing or the memorial ceremony. In some hospitals,
this might not apply. services of remembrance are held on a regular basis, and
bereaved parents choose whether to attend. As mentioned
above, the mother needs appropriate information to
Other aspects of care decide about the funeral and post mortem.
Not least because of their effect on grieving, other aspects
of care assume greater importance.
Record-keeping and documentation
Record-keeping in this context becomes even more signifi- A form of loss that happens even less frequently than the
cant. This is because communication is vital in ensuring death of a baby is when the mother dies; this is usually
consistent care, which will facilitate the mother’s grieving. known as maternal death. In the UK, the rate of maternal
Although not ideal, it may be difficult to avoid this care death is approximately 1 in 10,000 births (Lewis 2011: 48).
being provided by different personnel. Thus, each midwife This means that in a medium-sized maternity unit a
must be able to learn from the mother’s records about mother is likely to die about once every 3 years.
decisions and actions already taken (Horsfall 2001). Although the obstetric and epidemiological aspects of
maternal death have been well addressed (Maclean and
Neilson 2002; Edwards 2004; Lewis 2011), the more per-
The cremation or burial sonal aspects tend to be avoided (Mander 2001a). There
The documents required for the ‘disposal’ of the baby is, however, little understanding of the family’s experience,
differ according to whether the baby was born before or or the life of the motherless child. Palliative care principles
after 24 weeks’ gestation (the current legal limit of viability may be appropriately applied to the care of the childbear-
in the UK), according to whether the baby was born alive ing woman with or dying from an incurable condition
or not, and according to where the baby was born. If the (Mander 2011). The care of this woman and the implica-
baby was pre-viable, there is no legal requirement for the tions for her baby and the other family members are likely
baby to be buried or cremated. It is, however, essential to to become increasingly important as women choose to
ensure that the baby’s remains are removed according to delay child-bearing into their mature years. This childbear-
the mother’s wishes. If she decides not to participate in the ing woman’s care has yet to be subjected to serious research
removal of the baby’s remains, they should still be removed attention.
sensitively (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecolo- However, the experience of the midwife providing care
gists [RCOG] 2006). A book of remembrance in the mater- around the time of the death of a mother has begun to
nity unit is available to parents to record their names, their be addressed (Mander 2001b, 2004b). This research
baby’s details and thoughts about the baby. shows the dire implications for the midwife of attending
For a baby born after 24 weeks, burial or cremation a mother who dies, to the extent that the experience
may be arranged by the hospital, with the parents’ per- assumes the proportions of a disaster. The midwife’s des-
mission, or by the parents. Cemeteries and churchyards perate need for support may be met by midwifery col-
are subject to individual regulation, but the local ceme- leagues who either shared her experience or have been
tery is likely to have a special plot for babies to be buried through a similar one. The midwife’s family also plays a
individually and a religious or other service may be avail- fundamentally important role in supporting her (Mander
able. There is also the possibility that the parents may 1999).

Bereavement and loss in maternity care Chapter | 26 |

which they deserve and need. In this way, the midwife

CONCLUSION facilitates healthy grieving in the mother, having avoided
the impediments that interfere with or complicate her grief
This chapter has shown that, for the midwife’s care of the and prevent its resolution. In this most human of situa-
mother grieving a loss in childbearing to be of a suitably tions, midwives must remember that ‘being nice’ is not
high standard, there needs to be a suitably strong knowl- enough; they need to ensure that midwifery care is based
edge base. Although obtaining such knowledge is not easy, on a firm knowledge base if the woman is to come to terms
it is only by obtaining and using it that midwives are able with her loss. Other, less widely recognized or discussed
to give this mother and family the high standard of care forms of loss in childbearing have also been addressed.


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bereavement from congenital Wiley–Blackwell, London dyadic interactions and attachment
disease. British Journal of Obstetrics McCaffery M 1979 Nursing security. Pediatrics 127:284–92
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morbidity and mortality. RCOG, Moulder C 1998 Understanding in the UK: qualitative findings from
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Mander R 1993 Who chooses the issues in care. Macmillan, London Social Science and Medicine
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p 29–50 managed as a non-event: a Press, Philadelphia, PA


Dickenson D, Johnson M, Samson Katz Field D, Hockey J, Small N 1997 Death, Jones A 1996 Psychotherapy following
J 2000 Death, dying and bereavement, gender and ethnicity. Routledge, childbirth. British Journal of
2nd edn. Sage and The Open University, London Midwifery 4(5):239–43
London The politics of loss. An in-depth exploration of relevant
An easily readable examination of a wide psychoanalytical issues.
range of issues.

Bereavement and loss in maternity care Chapter | 26 |

Kenworthy D, Kirkham M 2011 Schott J, Henley A 1996 Childbearing Walter T 1999 On bereavement: the
Midwives coping with loss and grief. losses. British Journal of Midwifery culture of grief. Open University
Radcliffe, London 4(10):522–6 Press, London
A thought-provoking, yet accessible, analysis The implications of cultural and religious A scientific examination of the social
of the midwife’s experience of caring for a variations in the context of childbearing aspects of bereavement in general.
grieving woman. loss. Wimpenny P, Costello J (eds) 2012
Mander R 2006 Loss and bereavement Thompson N 2002 Loss and grief: a Grief, loss and bereavement:
in childbearing, 2nd edn. Routledge, guide for human services evidence and practice for health and
London practitioners. Palgrave Macmillan, social care practitioners. Routledge,
A wide-ranging exploration of issues Basingstoke London
relating to childbearing loss, using research Very relevant for midwives. Some up-to-date ideas and recent
and other knowledges. developments.


Registration and other statutory CRUSE Bereavement Care: SOFT UK: www.soft.org.uk/
documentation of a stillborn www.crusebereavementcare.org.uk/ Support organization for trisomy 13/18 and
baby BLISS – The Premature Baby Charity: related disorders.
www.bliss.org.uk/ ARC Antenatal Results & Choices:
England & Wales: www.gro.gov.uk/
TCF – The Compassionate Friends (UK): www.arc-uk.org/
www.tcf.org.uk/ Incorporating SATFA (Support Around
Support for bereaved parents and their Termination for Abnormality).
Scotland: www.gro-scotland.gov.uk/
.html Born with Wings: Support for the Midwife
www.bornwithwings.co.uk/ AIMS – Association for Improvements
Northern Ireland: www.belfastcity.gov
.uk/deaths/stillbirths.asp?menuitem Support for parents from parents. in Maternity Services:
=registering-a-stilldeath EPT Ectopic Pregnancy Trust: www.aims.org.uk/
www.ectopic.org.uk/ Midwifery Supervisor and Local
Support groups NORCAP: www.norcap.org.uk/ Supervising Authority
The Miscarriage Association: Support for adults affected by adoption. RCM – Royal College of Midwives:
www.miscarriageassociation.org.uk/ Infertility Network UK: www.rcm.org.uk/
SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death www.infertilitynetworkuk.com/ The Local Steward or Regional Officer can
Society): http://uk-sands.org/ Advice, support and understanding. be contacted via the website.

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Chapter 27
Contraception and sexual health in
a global society
Karen Jackson

CHAPTER CONTENTS Fertility monitoring device 584

Lactational amenorrhoea method (LAM) 584
The role of the midwife 570 Male and female sterilization 585
Hormonal contraceptive methods 570 Female sterilization 585
The combined hormonal contraceptive pill 570 Male sterilization (vasectomy) 586
The combined hormone injectable The future of contraception and sexual
(Lunelle) 574 health services 586
The combined hormone patch 574 Ongoing developments 586
The combined hormone vaginal ring 574 References 587
The progestogen-only pills 574 Further reading 588
Long acting reversible contraception Useful websites/contacts 588
(LARC) 575
Progestogen injections 575 Contraception and sexual health are important
Subdermal contraceptive implants 576 considerations for women of childbearing age.
Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) 577 There are numerous ways in which women
can control their fertility, but the choice of
Progestogen-releasing intrauterine system contraception will depend on a multitude of
(IUS) 578 factors, including: method of infant feeding, age,
Barrier methods of contraception (male culture, religion, access to contraception and
and female methods) 578 previous experience. Women with additional
Male condom 578 challenges such as physical, sensory or cognitive
needs, or those who do not speak or read
Female condom 578
English, may need extra support and information
Diaphragm 578 to enable them to make informed decisions
Cervical and vault caps 581 about postpartum contraception.
Spermicidal products 581
Emergency contraception 581 THE CHAPTER AIMS TO:
Coitus interruptus 582
• provide up-to-date knowledge of all forms of
Fertility awareness (Natural Family contraception
Planning) 582
• emphasize the role of the midwife in providing
Fertility awareness methods 583 contraceptive information and advice for women in
Symptothermal methods 584 their care.

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 569

Section | 5 | Puerperium

In the UK, all contraception is available free of charge

THE ROLE OF THE MIDWIFE from the National Health Service (NHS). This is different
in other parts of the world, with a range of charges for
The midwife has a unique and pivotal role in discussing certain methods of contraception.
contraception and sexual health. The Nursing and Mid-
wifery Council (NMC) in the United Kingdom (UK) states
that one of the activities of a midwife is to provide sound HORMONAL CONTRACEPTIVE
family planning information and advice (NMC 2012).
Midwives are encouraged to take on a wider public health METHODS
role and are in a key position to create and use opportuni-
ties to enable women to express their needs in respect of The combined hormonal
choice of contraception.
contraceptive pill
The most appropriate time to discuss sexual health,
resumption of sexual activity and contraception will, in The combined oral contraceptive pill (COC or ‘the pill’)
some respect, be dependent on the individual woman. (Fig. 27.1) came as a breakthrough, in 1960, in terms of
Some midwives may feel that any encounter with post­ women being in a better position to control their fertility.
natal women, even soon after giving birth, will capitalize This method has subsequently proven to be both effective
on contraceptive and sexual health education opportuni- and safe. The overall use varies greatly between countries
ties. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excel- but it is estimated to be used by approximately 1% of
lence (NICE) (2006) recommends that contraception Japanese women who are married or in a union, 53% in
advice should be imparted within a week of the birth. Germany, 28% in the UK and 50% of women in Western
Issues such as loss of libido, adjustment to motherhood, Europe (Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013). In the UK,
breastfeeding, discomfort of the perineum, vaginal dryness approximately 95% of women under the age of 30 have
and body image may also influence choice and use of a used oral contraceptives at some time. Around 100 million
particular method of contraception (Faculty of Sexual and women rely on the pill worldwide (Guillebaud and
Reproductive Healthcare Clinical Effectiveness Unit MacGregor 2013).
[FSRH] 2009a). The use of a leaflet from the Family Plan- The combined pill contains the synthetic steroid hor-
ning Association (FPA) can be helpful as such leaflets are mones oestrogen and progestogen. All COCs available in the
clear to understand in both text and illustration, and are UK contain ethinyl oestradiol, with the exception of
in a variety of languages. The midwife should be familiar Norinyl-l, which contains mestranol and Qlaira which
with the contraception and sexual health services available contains estradiol valerate. There are a variety of COCs
in the area in which she practises and know the system of available containing different progestogens. This accounts
referral to these specialist services. for subtle differences in their biological effects and pro-
For contraceptive methods discussed in this chapter, vides women with a wide choice. The most commonly
the efficacy rate is given as a percentage. This rate does used pills in the UK are monophasic pills, which deliver a
not reflect the fact that fertility decreases with age and constant dose of steroids throughout the packet. ‘Everyday’
may be suppressed during lactation, or that the success pills contain 28 pills in each packet, 21 of which are active
of a method is partially dependent on motivation, experi­ monophasic pills while the seven remaining pills contain
ence of using the method and the teaching received on no hormones (FPA 2012).
its use. It is recognized that if 100 sexually active women Also available are biphasic and triphasic pills, in which
do not use any contraception, 80–90 of them will the dose of steroids administered varies in two or three
become pregnant within a year (FPA 2012). Sexual inter- phases throughout the packet to mimic the natural fluc-
course following childbirth is a hitherto seldom dis- tuations of the hormones during the menstrual cycle.
cussed issue. McDonald and Brown (2013) found in their These pills are less commonly used in the UK. A relatively
study of 1507 primigravidae that almost 60% of the new pill, called Qlaira, is licensed in the UK; it is a complex
women had not resumed intercourse six weeks following quadraphasic pill designed to give optimal cycle control. It
the birth. Discussions need to take place well before this is taken every day but has two placebo tablets.
time to ensure no unintended pregnancies occur. Some The first generation COC pills contained large doses of
women may even appreciate information on contracep- oestrogen and were associated with a high risk of deep vein
tion in the antenatal period, to give them plenty of time thrombosis. They were replaced in the late 1960s with pills
to decide which contraceptive method would be right for that had lower doses of oestrogen and progestogen. They
them. Partnership working between the new mother and were equally as effective as the earlier pills, being much
midwife is essential and conversations regarding contra- safer and better tolerated. The progestogens in these second
ception should take place in a quiet, relaxed setting, with generation pills were norethisterone and levonorgestrel.
the midwife having up-to-date knowledge on all methods The third generation pills, which came along in the mid-
available. 1980s, contained a variety of new synthetic progestogens,

Contraception and sexual health in a global society Chapter | 27 |

Oestrogen dominance Progesterone dominance


• Ovysmen • Microgynon* = Rigevidon • Eugynon†

OVRAN 50 • Brevinor • Loestrin 20
• Marvelon = Gedarel 30/150 • Mercilon
• Cilest • Loestrin 30
NORINYL • Femodene • Femodette †
• Norimin Now off the UK market
• Katya 30/75 • Sunya 20/75
• Synphase • Triphasics (Trinovum, Logynon,
Progestogenic side-effects
• Biphasics (Binovum)
Oestrogenic side-effects • Dianette
• Yasmin
• Mood swings
(Evra patch)
• Reduced libido
• Menorrhagia (Nuva ring)
• Amenorrhoea
• Cyclical weight gain (Lunelle injection)
• Bloating
• > BP (Cyclofem injection)
• Weight gain
• Headaches / Migraine * Most commonly prescribed for • Poor cycle control
• Nausea / Vomiting the first time (R/O Missed pills
• Chloasma Infection
• Excessive vaginal secretion / Drug interaction
Leucorrhoea (R/O infection) Vegetarian)
• Acne
• Breast tenderness

Fig. 27.1 The combined hormonal contraceptive choices.

that appeared to have better effects on serum lipid profiles. ovarian follicles do not mature and ovulation does not
Among these were desogestrel and norgestimate, which normally take place. Progestogen also causes the cervical
were also less androgenic; gestodene, which was the most mucus to thicken, making penetration by spermatozoa
potent, achieving the best cycle control; and cyproterone difficult. The pill renders the endometrium unreceptive to
acetate, which was anti-androgenic but licensed only as a implantation by the blastocyst. These actions provide
treatment for acne. Drospirenone has been available from additional contraception in the event of breakthrough
the late 1990s, with mild antimineralocorticoid activity to ovulation occurring.
counteract oestrogen-induced water retention. It is also
anti-androgenic. Efficacy
Provided that the pill is taken correctly and consistently,
Mode of action and that it is absorbed normally and interaction with
other medication does not affect its metabolism, its
Combined oral contraceptives work primarily by prevent-
reliability with consistent perfect use is almost 100%
ing ovulation. The first seven active pills in a packet inhibit
(Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013).
ovulation and the remaining pills maintain anovulation
(FSRH 2011a).
Oestrogen and progestogen suppress follicle stimulating
Important considerations
hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) produc- The combined oral contraceptive pill is a reliable contra-
tion causing the ovaries to go into a resting state; the ceptive, which is independent of sexual intercourse and

Section | 5 | Puerperium

has many advantages. Healthcare providers should manage Allan and Koppula (2012) concluded that the risks of
consultations for contraceptive pills with due regard VTE when comparing all COCs appear to be unclear, but
for the woman’s personal context and contraception if there are differences they are likely to be very small and
experience. similar, therefore, any of the COCs may be considered
Additional benefits of taking the COC pill, in the short for prescription if this method has been chosen for
term, are regular, lighter, less painful periods, possible contraception.
reduction in premenstrual symptoms, reduction in acne, Some women may develop a significantly high blood
protection against pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) pressure, which could increase the potential for haemor-
(because of the thickened cervical mucus), decreased inci- rhagic stroke and myocardial infarction. Hypertension
dence of ectopic pregnancy and reduced risk of benign with a blood pressure (BP) between 141/91 mmHg and
breast disease. Taken long term, COC pills offer protection 159/94 mmHg is considered to be at a level of risk that
against ovarian and endometrial cancers and reduction in outweighs the benefits of using the COC. Hypertension
the incidence of ovarian cysts and benign ovarian tumours with BP of 160/95 mmHg or higher poses an unacceptable
(FSRH 2011a). health risk with COC use (FSRH 2011a).
Use of the COC pill may lead to side-effects such as Cigarette smoking is known to potentiate most of the
irregular bleeding, headaches, nausea and breast tender- risks associated with COC pill use such as ischaemic and
ness; there is little evidence to support the association of haemorrhagic stroke and myocardial infarction (FSRH
weight increase, depression and COC use (FSRH 2011a). 2011a).
These effects often diminish with continued use or may The research surrounding the risk of developing breast
improve with a change of pill. A basic knowledge of the cancer for COC users is largely contradictory, but it is
side-effects attributable to the components of the COC pill widely acknowledged that there is a small increase in this
is helpful when making decisions about changing pills. risk (FPA 2012). Any excess risk of breast cancer associated
Oestrogen dominance in a pill may cause water reten- with COC use declines in the first ten years after discon-
tion, resulting in breast tenderness, mild headaches, ele- tinuing the pill.
vated blood pressure and cyclical weight gain. It may also Studies show a small increase in the relative risk of cervi-
be responsible for nausea and vomiting, excessive vaginal cal cancer, which is associated with a long duration of use
secretion (leucorrhoea) and skin pigmentation similar to (Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013). However, the effects of
chloasma. The progestogens may lower mood and libido, confounding factors such as sexually transmitted infec-
provoke acne and seborrhoea and cause mastalgia. tions (STI), non-use of barrier methods and a high number
The vast majority of women experience no adverse of sexual partners may distort an accurate understanding
effects. Every woman is unique in their biological response of the influence of the COC pill.
and also in their perception and tolerance of side-effects. Contraindications to COC pill use are pregnancy, undi-
The metabolic effects of the COC pill can occasionally agnosed abnormal vaginal bleeding, history of arterial or
result in major side-effects. The risks of venous throm- venous thrombosis (or predisposing factors such as immo-
boembolism (VTE) with the COC pill, in absolute terms, bility), hypertension, focal migraines, current liver disease,
show a rarity of VTE in women of reproductive age (see trophoblastic disease (until serum human chorionic gona-
Table 27.1). The risk of VTE is higher in women with a dotrophin [hCG] is no longer detectable), smoking (if the
Body Mass Index (BMI) over 30, heavy smokers, those woman’s age is over 35 years) and a BMI over 39. This is
with a previous history of deep vein thrombosis or a not an exhaustive list. As the pill is not suitable for every-
family history of venous thrombosis and those who are one, women wishing to consider using this form of con-
immobile. traception should have a full history recorded and be fully
informed and counselled regarding possible side-effects.

Table 27.1 Risks of venous thromboembolism

Using the COC pill
Risk of VTE per When initially commencing the pill, the very first pill is
10 000 woman years usually taken on the first day of the menstrual period (for
Not using COC 4–5
postpartum use, see later). Starting on any day up to the fifth
day is just as effective, provided the first seven pills are
COC users (risk depends on 9–10 taken correctly. If a 21-day pill has been prescribed, the
type of COC) contraceptive effect is immediate, provided that the
In pregnancy 29 remainder of pills in the packet are taken correctly. If
the pill is initially commenced on any day beyond the
Immediate postpartum 300–400 fifth day of the cycle, additional contraception (such as a
condom) should be used in conjunction with the pill for
Adapted from FSRH 2011a
the first seven days. It is recommended that Qlaira is taken

Contraception and sexual health in a global society Chapter | 27 |

on the first day of the menstrual cycle, and if taken on any subsequent elimination of oestrogen and progestogen in
other day, additional contraception should be used for the bile. Some newer antiepileptics are not enzyme
nine days. One pill is taken every day for 21 days, then no inducers but the COC pill may reduce seizure control
pills for the next seven days. Vaginal bleeding usually with lamotrigine.
occurs within the seven day break, before the next packet Please note that additional precautions are no longer
of pills is commenced (FPA 2012). required when taking antibiotics (non-enzyme induc-
When commencing the ‘Everyday’ (ED) COC pill, the ing) (FSRH 2011a).
active pills are taken first. One pill is taken daily, with The advice to be given in cases of an illness with severe
care to take the pills in the correct order. Vaginal bleed- vomiting and diarrhoea is to follow the missed pill rules.
ing will usually occur when the inactive pills are taken, It is important that women are made aware of possible
which are usually denoted by a different coloured section drug interactions and inform their medical practitioner/
on the pill packet. If two or more pills have been missed, GP that the COC pill is being taken whenever other medi-
or the next pack of pills is two or more days late, the cations are prescribed.
advice given in Fig. 27.2 should be followed. If a pill is
forgotten from the beginning or end of a packet, the pill-
free interval is lengthened and ovulation may be more Preconception considerations
likely to occur (FSRH 2011a). If a woman is concerned It is useful to wait for one natural period after discontinu-
about a missed or late pill, she can contact the local con- ing the pill before trying to conceive as dating the preg-
traception clinic or General Practitioner (GP) for reassur- nancy can be more accurate and pre-pregnancy care can
ance or advice, as emergency contraception may be begin.
indicated (see later).
Other factors that may render the pill less effective
include interaction with other medication, vomiting Postpartum considerations
within 2 hours of taking a pill and severe diarrhoea. The combined oral contraceptive pill reduces milk supply,
Medications that may hinder the effectiveness of the pill particularly if lactation is not well established, and is there-
include liver-enzyme-inducing drugs such as rifampicin, fore not recommended for use in the early months in
some anticonvulsants and some herbal remedies, for lactating women. If the mother is bottle-feeding her baby,
example St John’s wort. After absorption, synthetic oes- the COC pill may be commenced 21 days postpartum. This
trogen and progestogen are transported to the liver via allows the high oestrogen levels of pregnancy to decrease
the portal vein. Liver-enzyme-inducing drugs reduce the before introducing the pill (Guillebaud and MacGregor
efficacy of the pill by increasing the metabolism, and 2013), thus reducing the risk of thromboembolism, but

If one pill has been missed If two or more pills have been missed

Take the missed pill as soon as possible. Take the most recent missed pill as soon as possible.

Continue taking the pills as normal. Continue taking the pills as normal.

No need for emergency contraception. Condoms should be used or sexual intercourse avoided until seven active
pills have been taken.
If other pills have been missed in the packet or missed at the end of the
previous package, emergency contraception may be required.

Emergency contraception may be required depending on where in the

packet pills have been missed and if unprotected intercourse has occurred.

Woman should seek advice from GP, contraception clinic etc.

Fig. 27.2 Missed pill rule (FSRH 2011b).

Section | 5 | Puerperium

allowing the contraceptive effect to be initiated before The combined hormone

ovulation resumes. Women who have experienced
vaginal ring
pregnancy-induced hypertension should be assessed on an
individual basis with regard to recommencing COC use The combined hormone vaginal ring (NuvaRing) is
(Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013). inserted into the vagina on the first day of the menstrual
The COC pill can be commenced immediately follow- cycle. If inserted at any other time additional contracep-
ing spontaneous miscarriage or therapeutic termination of tion such as condoms should be used for seven days. It is
pregnancy. Due to the risk of thromboembolism, the COC then used continuously for three weeks followed by one
pill should be discontinued 4 weeks before major surgery week free of its use. It releases 15 mg of ethinyl oestradiol
and a progestogen-only method of contraception used. If and 120 µg of etonogestrel per 24 hours. The NuvaRing
this is not possible, then thromboprophylaxis and com- appears to be acceptable to many women and well toler-
pression hosiery are advised. Women who have minor ated, with studies finding that compliance and cycle
surgery do not need to discontinue taking the pill. control are also remarkably good (Roumen et al 2006;
Further postpartum considerations for discussion with Brucker et al 2008). The efficacy of the NuvaRing is com-
the mother may include whether remembering to take the parable with the COC pill.
pill will fit into her current lifestyle and if she can easily
access a clinic or doctor’s surgery. Appropriate follow-up,
including blood pressure assessments, should be con-
The progestogen-only pills
ducted. Following the first prescription, follow-up is Progestogen-only pills (POP) were introduced partly to
usually at 3 months postpartum and thereafter it may be avoid the side-effects of oestrogen in the combined pill, as
annually. discussed earlier. They also offer increased choice for
women. Currently available in the UK are the older prepa-
The combined hormone rations, which contain norethisterone (Noriday, Micro-
nor), etynodiol diacetate (Femulen) and levonorgestrel
injectable (Lunelle) (Norgeston) and the new anovulant progestogen-only
Lunelle contains 25 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate and pills containing desogestrel (Cerazette). All have lower
5 mg estradiol cypionate. It is not yet licensed in the UK doses of progestogen compared with the COC pill.
due to its poor uptake and subsequent withdrawal from
the market in the United States of America (USA), but it
Mode of action
is popular in South America and Asia (Guillebaud and
MacGregor 2013). Lunelle is commenced on the first day The POP exerts its contraceptive effects at different levels.
or within five days of a menstrual period, and given every The cervical mucus is viscid, making it impenetrable to
28–33 days. It is both effective and reversible. Side-effects spermatozoa and the endometrium is modified to prevent
include breakthrough bleeding and weight gain. The effi- implantation. The older POPs have been shown to sup-
cacy is comparable with perfect use of the COC pill. press ovulation in up to 60% of women. The new POP
Cyclofem and Mesigyna are similar monthly injections Cerazette is anovulant and also suppresses FSH and LH
also available to women in many countries outside of the consistently such that it is effective in about 97% of
USA, mainly in South America and Asia. women (FSRH 2008a).
Limitations to POP use include menstrual disturbances,
encompassing unpredictable and quite often prolonged
The combined hormone patch
bleeding, oligomenorrhoea or amenorrhoea. Little is
The combined hormone patch (EVRA) was licensed in the understood about the mechanism of erratic uterine bleed-
UK in 2003. One patch is used weekly for three weeks ing, which most women experience to some degree. The
followed by one week patch-free. It is particularly suitable menstrual disruption is the most common reason for dis-
for women who are unable to tolerate oral medications continuation of progestogen-only methods. This indicates
and those with malabsorption syndrome. It releases 20 mg the need for careful explanation of the limitations to
of ethinyl oestradiol and 150 mg of norelgestromin every potential users.
24 hours. Compliance and cycle control may be improved. An increased prevalence of functional ovarian cysts has
The efficacy of the combined hormone patch is compara- been demonstrated in women using progestogen-only
ble with the COC pill. The patch may be worn on most pills. These may settle with continuation of use and will
places on the body except the breasts. It is extremely sticky resolve if the POP is discontinued.
and should stay on during showering or swimming. Contraindications to the use of progestogen-only-pills
The FPA (2011a) suggest it may be used from day 21 in are pregnancy, undiagnosed abnormal vaginal bleeding,
the postnatal period. However, if the mother is breastfeed- severe arterial disease and hydatidiform mole (until serum
ing her baby, the patch should not be recommended as it hCG is no longer detectable). The rate of ectopic preg-
will reduce breast milk production. nancy in women using the progestogen-only pill is no

Contraception and sexual health in a global society Chapter | 27 |

higher than in women using no contraception; however,

the POP prevents uterine pregnancy more effectively than LONG ACTING REVERSIBLE
tubal pregnancy. This is not a problem with the anovulant CONTRACEPTION (LARC)
POP Cerazette.
Antibiotics do not adversely affect progestogen-only
Contraceptives that are used daily or weekly sometimes
methods of contraception but women should be advised
fail because of non-adherence or incorrect use. A LARC is
to consult the doctor/GP regarding possible interactions if
defined by NICE (2005) as contraceptive methods that
any other medications (especially enzyme inducers such
require administration less than once per menstrual cycle
as rifampicin) are prescribed.
or month. These guidelines recommend giving women
wider access to long acting reversible contraceptive (LARC)
Preconception considerations methods, as a feasible way to reduce unintended preg-
There is no evidence of a teratogenic effect with nancy (NICE 2005). Long acting reversible contraceptive
the POP. methods are considered to be more reliable and cost-
effective than other methods.
Long acting reversible contraceptive methods include
Postpartum considerations injectable progestogen contraceptives, intrauterine contra-
ceptive devices (IUCD), intrauterine hormonal systems
Progestogen-only-pills may be commenced 21 days post-
and subdermal contraceptive implants. These are all avail-
partum for contraception. These pills have no adverse
able in the UK but usage remains low due to inadequate
effect on lactation. Secretion of the hormone in breast
awareness of their availability and access as most GPs and
milk and absorption by the neonate is minimal and does
practice nurses do not fit implants and intrauterine
not affect the short-term growth and development
methods of contraception.
of infants. The POP can be used immediately following
For a long acting method to be initiated, informed
spontaneous miscarriage or therapeutic termination of
choice is crucial because only women who have realistic
expectations may tolerate protracted side-effects. The
implants and intrauterine systems are expensive, therefore
Using the POP a reasonable continuation rate is pertinent.
The POP is taken every day as there are no pill-free days
and thus tablets are taken throughout the menstrual Progestogen injections
period. If the first tablet is taken on the first to fifth day of The two contraceptive progestogen injections currently
the menstrual cycle, the contraceptive effect is immediate. available in the UK are Depo-Provera, or depot medroxy-
If the POP is started on any other day of the cycle then progesterone acetate (DMPA), and Noristerat (norethister-
additional contraception, such as a condom, should be one enanthate). Both methods are given by deep
used for the first two days (FSRH 2008a). intramuscular injection.
If a pill is forgotten, the woman has only 3 hours in DMPA is the method of choice for many women, not
which to remember to take it. If the woman is over 3 hours simply those for whom other methods are contraindi-
late in taking a pill, she should continue taking her pills cated. Over 6 million women use this method in 130
and use additional contraception for the next two days. countries worldwide, and in some countries, for example
However, with the anovulant POP Cerazette, the woman South Africa, it is the most commonly used reversible
has up to 12 hours in which to remember to take the method. In the UK, less than 2% of women attending
forgotten pill. contraception clinics use injectables. The progestogen
Following vomiting or severe diarrhoea, additional con- injections prevent ovulation, thicken cervical mucus and
traception should be used until two days after the illness cause atrophy of the endometrium.
ceases. Women concerned about missed or late pills
should be advised to contact their contraception and
sexual health clinic or GP, as emergency contraception
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
may be indicated (see later). The effects of broad-spectrum This is the most commonly used injectable and is given in
antibiotics on the gut flora do not affect the action of the a 150 mg dose at 12 week intervals. It is released slowly
POP. from the injection site into the circulation. DMPA is more
than 99% effective. Prolonged spotting, however, is a
common side-effect in the first year but amenorrhoea
Efficacy often prevails in long-term use. Some DMPA users experi-
The effectiveness of the older POP is dependent upon ence other side-effects such as breast discomfort, nausea,
meticulous compliance. With perfect use, the POP is more vomiting, weight gain, seborrhoea, acne and mood swings.
than 99% effective (FSRH 2008a). It is now recognized that amenorrhoea for more than two

Section | 5 | Puerperium

years with DMPA is associated with chronic low serum ensure lactation is well established and reduce bleeding
oestrogen and reduced bone density. All women choosing problems.
DMPA should be aware of this information. Teenagers,
who will not have attained peak bone mass, should be
advised to use other methods. The peak bone mass is Subdermal contraceptive implants
attained around the age of 30 years. Women who have Contraceptive implants have been used internationally for
been amenorrhoeic for more than three years receiving several years. Norplant was used in the UK from 1993 and
DMPA should have their bone density assessed with dual replaced by Implanon from 1999. Nexplanon, however,
X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan. It may be reassuring replaced Implanon in 2010. The differences in the more
to learn that reduced bone mineral density (BMD) when recent implant are that the rod is radio-opaque, containing
using DMPA does not progress indefinitely but usually barium in order to locate it on X-ray if necessary, and it
stabilizes after about five years. The BMD returns to normal has a pre-loaded applicator which has been designed to
after discontinuation (Scholes et al 2005). reduce insertion errors.
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate can offer addi-
tional health benefits for women with homozygous sickle
cell haemoglobinopathy by reducing haemolytic and bone Using implants
pain crises (Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013). Implants are capsules containing progestogen, which are
After discontinuation of DMPA, there may be a delay in inserted under local anaesthetic into the inner aspect of
the return of fertility for up to 18 months. the non-dominant upper arm (Fig. 27.3). The steroid is
released into the circulation, producing a change in the
cervical mucus which prevents spermatozoa penetration,
Norethisterone enanthate (NET-EN)
disturbance of the maturation of the endometrium and
Marketed as Noristerat, this injectable contraceptive is suppression of ovulation.
given intramuscularly in a 200 mg dose at 8 week inter- Norplant, which had six capsules containing levonor­
vals. It is used more commonly in Germany and many gestrel, has been replaced by Norplant 2 (also marketed
developing countries. Noristerat is more than 99% effec- as Jadelle), which has two capsules. Jadelle is effective for
tive and its side-effects are similar to DMPA. 5 years and still available in many developing countries.
Nexplanon and Implanon are single contraceptive rods
Using injectable progestogens containing 68 mg of etonogestrel. These single contracep-
tive rod devices should be inserted during the first five days
If the initial injection is given within the first five days of of the menstrual cycle and no additional contraceptive
the menstrual period (preferably days 1 to 3), the contra- cover is required. Ovulation is suppressed within 24
ceptive effect is immediate. If given at any other time, the hours. They are effective for 3 years but can be removed at
practitioner must ensure that there is no likelihood of any time if the woman wishes. After removal, the serum
pregnancy already and advise that additional contracep-
tive cover is required for the next seven days (Guillebaud
and MacGregor 2013).

Specific considerations
This method is irreversible from the time of action, there-
fore any side-effects may be present until the injection
wears off. The efficacy of DMPA and NET-EN is not affected Actual size
by concurrent use of liver enzyme-inducing medications.

Preconception considerations
Injectable progestogen is not recommended as contracep-
tion for women who plan to conceive soon.

Postpartum considerations
Injectable progestogen contraceptives can be given prior
to the 21st day postpartum, thus preventing the earliest
ovulation; however, the woman must be warned about
the increased risk of bleeding. It can be used by women
who are breastfeeding their baby but delaying com-
mencement until 6 weeks postpartum is often advised to Fig. 27.3 Subdermal implant.

Contraception and sexual health in a global society Chapter | 27 |

is cleared of etonogestrel within 1 week and fertility is Postpartum considerations

promptly regained. If the implant is inserted up to or at 21 days postpartum
it is effective immediately; however, if it is inserted after
the 21st day postpartum, additional contraception, such
Efficacy as a condom, should be used. The implant is safe for
Norplant is more than 99% effective. Nexplanon and women who are breastfeeding their babies. The implant
Implanon have practically zero failure rates if instructions can also be inserted immediately after miscarriages or
are carefully followed (Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013). induced terminations of pregnancy. No extra contraceptive
Reported implant failures are often due to interaction with precautions need to be taken.
enzyme-inducing medications used concurrently, failing
to recognize that the implant has been incorrectly inserted
and failing to recognize the woman is pregnant before the Intrauterine contraceptive
fitting. device (IUCD)
These devices are inserted into the uterus, as illustrated in
Specific considerations Fig. 27.4. They contain copper, which increases contracep-
tive efficacy. There seems to be an aversion for the use of
Irregular bleeding is the most common problem for IUCDs and progestogen-releasing intrauterine systems
women using subdermal contraceptive implants. Only (IUS) in the UK, where only 6% of women use them
20–30% of users become amenorrhoeic, however head- (Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013). The IUCD is the most
ache, seborrhoea, acne and mood swings have also been popular method in some countries and 150 million
reported as side-effects. Insertion and removal require a women worldwide use IUCDs, of which 60 million are in
minor surgical procedure, with accompanying risks of China.
bleeding and infection. These aspects should be discussed
prior to the woman making her decision. Counselling
before fitting and during use appears to be the only Mode of action
way to reduce premature discontinuation due to the
The IUCD creates an inflammatory response in the
endometrium. Leucocytes are capable of destroying sper-
matozoa and ova. Gamete viability is also impaired by
Preconception considerations alteration of uterine and tubal fluids. Copper affects
The action of the implant is quickly reversible and ovula- endometrial enzymes, glycogen metabolism and oestro-
tion can return within 21 days of removal in 94% of gen uptake, thus rendering the endometrium hostile to
women (FSRH 2008b). This makes it suitable also for implantation, consequently IUCDs are more than 99%
women wishing to ‘space’ pregnancies. effective (see Fig. 27.4A).


Fig. 27.4 Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUDs). After insertion through the cervix, the framed devices assume the
shape shown; the threads attached to it protrude into the vagina. (A) Copper-carrying device. (B) Frameless copper device.
(C) Levonorgestrel-releasing system.

Section | 5 | Puerperium

This device is associated with lower expulsion rates and

Using the IUCD less dysmenorrhoea.
A copper IUCD can be inserted any time during the men-
strual cycle if it is certain that the woman is not pregnant,
or up to 5 days following the earliest estimated date of
Progestogen-releasing intrauterine
ovulation: that is, day 19 in a 28-day cycle, when it will system (IUS)
be effective immediately. The woman may experience The intrauterine system was developed to overcome some
some discomfort during the procedure, which should be of the problems associated with conventional IUCDs and
performed using aseptic techniques. Depending upon the heavy menstrual bleeding. The progestogen-releasing
type of IUCD used, it may be left in place from 5–10 years intrauterine system in current use consists of a small
and longer in some instances; e.g. if a woman aged 40 plastic T-shaped frame carrying a Silastic sleeve loaded
years or over has an IUCD fitted, it may remain in place with 52 mg of levonorgestrel (see Fig. 27.4C). It is inserted
until one year after the menopause, if this occurs after the into the uterus and the steroid hormone is released stead-
age of 50. Once in situ, the device requires no action of ily at 20 µg/day. The hormone prevents endometrial pro-
the user and it does not interfere with sexual intercourse. liferation, thickens the cervical mucus and may suppress
Women are usually taught to feel the threads attached to ovulation in some cycles. The frame, by inducing a sterile
the IUCD on a regular basis as reassurance that it remains inflammatory reaction, may also contribute to the contra-
in place. A follow-up appointment in 3–6 weeks following ceptive effect. The system is fitted within the first seven
insertion is recommended to assess for any infection, days of the menstrual period, when the contraceptive
translocation or expulsion. Subsequently the woman effect is immediate. It is licensed for 5 years of use and is
requires further follow-up appointments only if she has more than 99% effective. A new frameless device contain-
any concerns. The traditional routine annual review is no ing progestogen has already been developed (Fibroplant-
longer recommended (NICE 2005). LNG) and has been trialled in several countries, including
Side-effects of using the IUCD include menorrhagia, Belgium. In addition, a lower dose T-frame IUS called
dysmenorrhoea, bacterial vaginosis and colonization by Femilis (Femilis Slim for nulliparae) have been developed
Actinomycetes-like organisms. When the latter is reported in with trials also being undertaken in Belgium regarding
a routine cervical smear, the woman should be counselled its use and efficacy. It is not known, however, if these
about the options of either changing the IUCD or retaining products will be introduced into the UK market in the
it and being reviewed periodically to ensure there is no near future.
pelvic infection. Removal of the IUCD whenever desired is
easy and painless, and fertility is promptly restored.
The suggestion that IUCDs promote pelvic inflam­ Specific considerations
matory disease (PID) has been refuted. Clinical risk Irregular vaginal bleeding is common initially with the
assessment for sexually transmitted infection (STI) is rec- IUS, and then it gradually ceases. The uterine bleeding
ommended (Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013). Routine associated with the IUS is lighter than the menstrual
or selective screening for chlamydia and gonorrhoea may period experienced when using a copper IUCD, with pos-
be appropriate in some cases, where prompt treatment sible amenorrhoea in the long term. The failure rates of
and contact tracing will be offered. Intrauterine contracep- both intrauterine methods compare favourably with
tive devices are associated with a decreased risk of ectopic female sterilization.
pregnancies because of their effectiveness. However, in the
unlikely event that a pregnancy should occur, the ratio Postpartum considerations
of ectopic to intrauterine pregnancies is greater among
The IUS and copper IUCD have no adverse effect on lacta-
women using IUCDs, as in general the device prevents
tion. They can be inserted 4 weeks after vaginal birth or
more intrauterine pregnancies than ectopic pregnancies.
Caesarean section (FSRH 2009b). Following miscarriage
Thus a woman who has an IUCD fitted should be advised
or induced termination of pregnancy, immediate insertion
to seek early medical advice, should she suspect that she
is safe.
is pregnant.
If uterine pregnancy occurs, there is an increased risk of
spontaneous miscarriage, therefore gentle removal of the
device is preferred, to prevent infection and premature BARRIER METHODS OF
labour. If removal is not possible, it is reassuring to know
there is no evidence of teratogenicity in the fetus.
A newer frameless device, GyneFix, as shown in Fig. FEMALE METHODS)
27.4(B), comprising six copper sleeves crimped onto a
polypropylene monofilament thread, is fitted with one Barrier methods of contraception prevent the sperm
end embedded into the fundal myometrium of the uterus. coming into contact with the oocyte. These methods

Contraception and sexual health in a global society Chapter | 27 |

include male and female condoms, caps and diaphragms problem of HIV, the use of this method of contraception
which can be used in conjunction with spermicidal prepa- remains remarkably low in Africa, the Middle East and
rations to further increase their efficacy. Latin America (Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013).
Some of the advantages of using condoms are that they Guillebaud and MacGregor (2013) state that recent
are easily available at many outlets in the UK and using studies show approximately 25% of all couples in the UK
them does not require medical intervention. They offer use condoms but this may be occasional use or in addition
some protection against STIs (FPA 2011b) and cervical to other methods. There are many varieties of condoms on
cancer and can be used with another method of contracep- the market, including latex, hypoallergenic and poly-
tion. This is often called ‘double Dutch method’. One of the urethane. Polyurethane condoms are less sensitive to heat
main disadvantages of using barrier methods of contracep- and humidity and not affected by oil-based lubricants
tion is the possible interruption to sexual intercourse, (FPA 2011b).
which may be off-putting for some couples. Correct use of condoms is essential. Only condoms
It is good practice to ensure that anyone choosing a with a CE (European standard) mark should be used and
barrier method is also aware of emergency contraception the expiry date should be checked on the condom’s
and how to access it, should it be required. package. Condoms should be stored away from extremes
of heat, light and damp and care should be taken when
handling the condom to prevent it from tearing. The
Male condom condom is rolled on to the erect penis before any genital
Some 4.4 billion couples worldwide use the male condom contact is made, as it is possible for some sperm to be
(Fig. 27.5) for contraception, with 6 billion couples using present in the pre-ejaculate (Guillebaud and MacGregor
it for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevention. 2013). About 1 cm of air-free space must be left at the tip
However, there are striking geographical differences. Japan of the condom for the ejaculate, otherwise the condom
accounts for more than one-quarter of all condom users may burst. Some condoms are designed with a teat end
in the world, being used by 75% of the contraception- for this purpose. The penis should be withdrawn very
using population. By contrast, and despite the substantial soon after ejaculation before it reduces in size and the
condom becomes loose. The condom should be held in
place during withdrawal of the erect penis so that it does
not slip off. The condom should only be used once, and
then disposed of in a waste bin: it should not be flushed
down the toilet.
Oil-based lubricants can damage rubber condoms but
not polyurethane types. Water-based lubricants are not
known to cause damage and are therefore recommended.
The efficacy of the condom if used correctly is 98% but
is dependent on experience and age of the user.

Female condom
The female condom consists of a polyurethane sheath that
is inserted into the vagina (Fig. 27.6). The closed inner end
is anchored in place by a polyurethane ring, while the
outer edge lies flat against the vulva. It is available free
from contraception clinics and may be purchased from
selected chemists. Great care has to be taken to ensure that
the penis is inserted inside the polyurethane sheath and
not incorrectly positioned between the condom and the
vaginal wall.
The efficacy depends on age and experience of the user,
as with the male condom; however, the FPA (2011b) states
that if it is used correctly it is 95% effective.

A diaphragm consists of a thin rubber dome with a metal
Fig. 27.5 Male condom. circumference to help maintain its shape (Fig. 27.7). A
Photograph K Jackson. range of types and sizes are available and, in the UK,

Section | 5 | Puerperium

Fig. 27.8 The diaphragm in place.

diaphragms are individually fitted at contraception clinics

and some GP practices. Less than 1% of women use this
method of contraception in the UK (Guillebaud and Mac-
Gregor 2013). It is not used widely in developing countries
Fig. 27.6 Female condom. and Guillebaud and MacGregor (2013) believe this may
Image reproduced courtesy of Sciencephoto, with permission. be due to the fact that the device requires medical fitting.
When in place, the rim of the diaphragm should lie
closely against the vaginal walls and rest between the pos-
terior fornix and the symphysis pubis. Before insertion, a
spermicide should be applied. After insertion, the woman
has to check that her cervix is covered by the diaphragm
(see Fig. 27.8). In order to preserve spontaneity during
sexual intercourse, the diaphragm can be inserted every
evening as a matter of routine.
If sexual intercourse occurs more than 3 hours after
insertion of the diaphragm, then additional spermicide is
required. The diaphragm must be left in place for at least
6 hours after the last intercourse, to ensure any sperm
cannot reach the cervix. Once removed, the diaphragm
should be washed with a mild soap, dried and inspected
for any damage. A new diaphragm should be fitted
annually or following a loss or gain in weight of more
than 3 kg.
Efficacy depends on the age and experience of the user
and the FPA (2010a) quote that it is between 92% and
96% effective if used according to their guidance.
Cultural beliefs may affect use of this method, for
example in Judaism, where it is viewed as unacceptable to
use any method of contraception that prevents the sperm
from reaching its intended goal (Jogee 2004).

Postnatal considerations
The size of diaphragm should be reassessed at the
Fig. 27.7 The diaphragm. 6th week postpartum, when the vagina and pelvic
Image reproduced courtesy of Sciencephoto, with permission. floor muscles will have regained some of their tone and

Contraception and sexual health in a global society Chapter | 27 |

General teaching in the UK is that spermicidal products
are not effective when used alone.


Emergency contraception is required when contraception

has not been used before, or during sexual intercourse,
used incorrectly or when there is perceived to have been a
failure in the contraception used, e.g. a condom mishap
such as breaking, tearing or coming off. There are three
types of emergency contraception:
• emergency hormonal contraception (EHC)
• selective progesterone receptor modulator (SPRM)
• copper intra-uterine contraceptive device (IUCD).

Emergency hormonal
contraception (EHC)
EHC is a progestogen preparation with the brand name
Levonelle which consists of one pill containing 1.5 mg of
levonorgestrel and is available in many countries through-
Fig. 27.9 The cervical/vault cap.
out the world. In the UK it is free from sexual health
Image reproduced courtesy of Sciencephoto, with permission.
clinics, walk-in centres, some accident and emergency
departments and GP practices. Many health centres and
any tissue injury sustained from the birth will have clinics provide EHC free of charge through selected phar-
healed. macies in an effort to reduce unwanted pregnancies. It can
also be purchased over the counter from pharmacies.
Cervical and vault caps This method works by delaying ovulation or preventing
implantation of the fertilized oocyte, depending on the
Cervical and vault caps cover only the cervix, adhering to stage of ovulation. This method may be contraindicated if
it by suction. They are made of rubber and look smaller there has been more than one episode of unprotected
in diameter than the diaphragm (Fig. 27.9). They require sexual intercourse (UPSI) during the cycle, as the earlier
fitting at a contraception clinic. Only one cervical cap, the sexual intercourse may already have resulted in a preg-
FemCap, is now available in the UK (Guillebaud and nancy. Very careful questioning by the practitioner needs
MacGregor 2013). to take place prior to supplying EHC to prevent an unfa-
vourable outcome.
Nausea is uncommon with the progestogen-based pill
Spermicidal products
but an additional pill may be required if the woman
Spermicidal agents have not been shown to increase effi- vomits within 2 hours of taking the medication. The next
cacy of condoms and because they can cause irritation to menstrual period may begin earlier or later than expected
genitalia, may in fact increase the risk of HIV transmission. and it should be stressed that contraception must be used
Use of Nonoxinol-9 lubricated condoms is no longer gener- until the next period commences. If the woman receives
ally recommended. However, current advice is still to use the EHC in a contraception clinic in the UK, she is always
this spermicide with the female barrier methods – dia- given an appointment to return to the clinic if menstrua-
phragms and caps – as this has been shown to be beneficial tion does not commence on time, or is shorter or lighter
(Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013). Up until recently, a than usual. If menstruation is more than 7 days late, a
range of spermicidal products were available for use in the pregnancy test will be offered. Any unusual lower abdomi-
UK. However, the only product now available is Gygel, a nal pain must be investigated as this could be a sign of an
clear gel containing Nonoxinol-9. Spermicidal pessaries are ectopic pregnancy.
no longer available in the UK. Foams and aerosols are yet The efficacy of EHC depends on how quickly the emer-
to be introduced into the UK market, but may well be avail- gency contraception is commenced. If taken within 24
able in other countries (Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013). hours of unprotected sexual intercourse, it will prevent

Section | 5 | Puerperium

95% of pregnancies. This gradually decreases to 58% by example, in a regular 28-day cycle, the IUCD can be fitted
72 hours (FPA 2011c). There are very few contraindications up to day 19 of the cycle. It can then be left in place for
to using this method but those health professionals use as a regular method of contraception, or removed
administering Levonelle need to know about any other during the next menstrual period.
medication being used by the woman. Emergency hormo-
nal contraception can be used more than once in each
menstrual cycle, but it may disrupt the menstrual period

Technically coitus interruptus should not be considered a

Selective progesterone receptor form of contraception as it potentially has a high failure
modulator (SPRM) rate. It involves withdrawal of the penis from the vagina
prior to ejaculation, and couples should be made aware
Ulipristal acetate with the brand name ellaOne is an emer-
of emergency contraception. Many euphemisms are used
gency contraception that has been in use since 2009. In
when referring to this, such as ‘being careful’ or the ‘with-
the UK ellaOne is free from sexual health clinics, walk-in
drawal method’. Andrews (2005) gives a rate of 90% effec-
centres, some accident and emergency departments and
tiveness as a contraceptive. Failure is due to the small
GP practices. It is given as a 30 mg oral dose which should
amount of semen that may leak from the penis prior to
be taken as soon as possible after UPSI or failed contra­
ejaculation with the potential of penetrating the ovum.
ception. The action of SPRM is thought to be due to
The success of this method depends on the man exercising
inhibition or delay in ovulation and alteration of the
a great amount of self-control and is based on trust and
endometrium (Brache et al 2010). EllaOne is licensed for
honesty. This method is used widely throughout the world
up to 120 hours following an exposure of risk to preg-
by different cultures and is the oldest form of contracep-
nancy. Only one dose of ellaOne can be taken per men-
tion, being referred to in the Old Testament of the Bible.
strual cycle. As with EHC, careful questioning within a
consultation is required to ensure that there has been no
previous risk of pregnancy either within a previous or the
current menstrual cycle. FERTILITY AWARENESS (NATURAL
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have shown that FAMILY PLANNING)
ellaOne is at least as effective at preventing pregnancy as
Levonelle, and pooled data demonstrate that ellaOne is
The study of fertility awareness, previously (and some-
more effective than EHC up to 120 hours following UPSI
times still) referred to as natural family planning, is a
or failed contraception (FSRH 2011b).
fascinating observation of the way in which the female
Side-effects include abdominal pain, menstrual disor-
body works to produce the optimum conditions for
ders such as irregular vaginal bleeding, disruption to the
menstrual cycle with most women reporting lengthening
According to UK Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contra-
of their cycle by 3 days; however, some women report a
ceptive Use (FSRH 2009b), Natural Family Planning
shortening of their cycle. Drug interactions can occur with
includes all the methods of contraception based on the
liver enzyme-inducers such as carbemazepine and drugs
identification of the fertile time in the menstrual cycle. The
that increase gastric pH, such as antacids. Ulipristal binds
effectiveness of these methods depends on accurately
to progesterone receptors and therefore may reduce the
identifying the fertile time and modifying sexual behav-
efficacy of progesterone-containing contraceptives (FSRH
iour. To avoid pregnancy, the couple can either abstain
from sexual intercourse or use a barrier method of contra-
Women may be asked to return to the clinic in 3-4 weeks
ception during the fertile time. Natural methods are attrac-
to have a pregnancy test, or if menstruation is more that
tive to couples who do not wish to use hormonal or
7 days late.
mechanical methods of contraception. The midwife can
provide the appropriate FPA leaflet, signpost the couple to
The copper intrauterine the local contraception clinic or find local information on
fertility awareness teachers and available education from
device (IUCD)
the website: www.fertilityuk.com.
The IUCD is the most effective method of emergency con- The method can also be used as a guide to women
traception, with a failure rate of less than 1%. Implanta- wishing to become pregnant, by concentrating sexual
tion of the fertilized oocyte is avoided if the IUCD is intercourse on the days they are most fertile. The fertile
inserted within 5 days of UPSI or earliest estimated date time lasts around 8–9 days of each menstrual cycle. The
of ovulation. This provides the clinician a much longer oocyte survives for up to 24 hours, however the FPA
time range in which to offer emergency contraception. For (2010b) suggest that a second oocyte could, occasionally,

Contraception and sexual health in a global society Chapter | 27 |

be released within 24 hours of the first. In addition, the 3 hours rest before recording her temperature. After ovula-
FPA (2010b) state that as a sperm can live inside a female tion, the hormone progesterone produced by the corpus
body for up to 7 days, this means that should sexual inter- luteum causes the temperature to rise by about 0.2 °C. The
course occur 7 days before ovulation, a pregnancy could temperature remains at this higher level until the next
result. menstrual period. The infertile phase of the menstrual
cycle will begin on the third day after the temperature rise
has been observed. Andrews (2005) points out that the
Fertility awareness methods temperature can be affected by infection, therefore care
Physiological signs of fertility are: needs to be taken when interpreting temperature charts.
• cervical secretions (Billings or ovulation method)
• basal body (waking) temperature
Postpartum considerations
• cervical palpation A mother with the demands of a new baby may find dif-
• calendar calculation. ficulty in recording her temperature at the same time every
day. Consequently many women prefer to rely on examin-
ing cervical secretions, or combine noting secretions with
Cervical secretions cervical changes at this time.
Following menstruation the vagina will become dry. As
oestrogen levels rise, the fluid and nutrient content of the Cervical palpation
secretions increases to facilitate sperm motility, conse-
Changes in the cervix throughout the menstrual cycle can
quently a sticky white, creamy or opaque secretion is
be detected by daily palpation of the cervix by the woman
noticed. As ovulation approaches the secretions become
or her partner. After menstruation the cervix is low, easy
wetter, more transparent and slippery with the appearance
to reach, feels firm and dry and the os is closed. As ovula-
of raw egg white that are capable of considerable stretch-
tion approaches, the cervix shortens, softens, sits higher in
ing between the finger and thumb. The last day of the
the vagina and the os dilates slightly under the influence
transparent slippery secretions is called the peak day, which
of oestrogen.
coincides closely with ovulation. Following ovulation, the
hormone progesterone causes the secretions to thicken
Postpartum considerations
forming a plug of mucus in the cervical canal, acting as a
barrier to sperm. The secretions will then appear sticky and Hormonal changes in pregnancy take around 12 weeks to
dry until the next menstrual period. settle postpartum. The cervix will not revert completely to
When practising this method of contraception, the cer- its pre-pregnant state as the os will remain slightly dilated
vical secretions are observed daily. The fertile time starts even in the infertile time.
when secretions are first noticed following menstruation
and ends on the third morning after the peak day. If the Calendar calculation
secretions are used as a single indicator of fertility, the
presence of seminal fluid can make observation difficult. The calendar method (see Fig. 27.10) is based on observa-
Changes in secretions will be affected by seminal fluid, tion of the woman’s past menstrual cycles. When com-
menstrual blood, spermicidal products, vaginal infections mencing to use this method, the specialist practitioner and
and some medications (Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013). the woman should examine the previous six menstrual
cycles (Andrews 2005). The shortest and longest cycles
Postpartum considerations
In the first 6 months following childbirth, the majority of
women who are fully breastfeeding will be able to rely on 1 10 14 18 28
the lactational amenorrhoea method (LAM) for contracep-
tion. Women who wish to continue using natural methods
of contraception should begin observing cervical secre-
tions for the last two weeks before the LAM criteria will
no longer apply (i.e. 5 months and 2 weeks postpartum),
in order to establish their basic infertile pattern. ‘Safe period’ ‘Fertile period’ as expected ‘Safer period’
follicular phase day of ovulation (day 14) luteal phase
+/- 4 days
Basal body temperature
A woman can calculate her ovulation by recording her Fig. 27.10 Natural family planning: The fertility awareness
temperature immediately on waking each day. Should the (rhythm) method. Diagram to illustrate rhythm method of
woman have arisen during the night, she must take at least contraception in a 28-day menstrual cycle.

Section | 5 | Puerperium

over the previous six months are used to identify the likely menstruations with cycle lengths from 23 to 35 days
fertile time. The first fertile day is calculated by subtracting before using the monitor at the beginning of the third
21 days from the end of the shortest menstrual cycle. In a period (Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013).
28-day cycle, this would be day 7. The last fertile day is
calculated by subtracting 11 days from the end of the
longest menstrual cycle. In a 28-day cycle, this would be
Lactational amenorrhoea
day 17. Cycle length is constantly reassessed and appropri- method (LAM)
ate calculations made. Guillebaud and MacGregor (2013) It is thought that the action of the infant suckling at the
indicate that the calendar method is not sufficiently reli- breast causes neural inputs to the hypothalamus. This
able to be recommended as a single indicator of fertility, results in the inhibition of gonadotrophin release from the
but is useful when combined with other indicators of anterior pituitary gland, leading to suppression of ovarian
fertility. Ovulation usually takes place 14 days before the activity. The delay in return of postnatal fertility in lactat-
first day of the next menstrual period. Therefore a woman ing mothers varies greatly as it depends on patterns of
who has a 28-day cycle would ovulate on approximately breastfeeding, which are influenced by local culture
day 14 of her cycle and a woman who has a 30-day cycle and socioeconomic status. The time taken for the return
would ovulate on approximately day 16 of her cycle. of ovulation is directly related to sucking frequency and
duration. The maintenance of night-feeds and the intro-
Postpartum considerations duction of supplementary feeds also affects the return of
Calendar calculations must be recalculated once normal ovulation.
menstruation has recommenced. The lactational amenorrhoea method (LAM) is a very
effective method of contraception when used according to
the Bellagio consensus statement (Guillebaud and Mac-
Symptothermal method
Gregor 2013). Research data concludes that there is over
This is a combination of temperature charting, observing 98% protection against pregnancy during the first 6
cervical secretions and calendar calculation, with the months following birth if a woman is still amenorrhoeic
option of observing cervical palpation in order to identify and fully or almost fully breastfeeding her baby (FPA
the most fertile time. Andrews (2005) also includes in this 2010b). In order to confirm that LAM remains effective
method the observation of ovulation pain or ‘mittelschmerz’ as a contraceptive method, the woman should be asked
and cyclic changes such as breast tenderness. Use of more if three questions (as indicated in Fig. 27.11) still
than one indicator increases the accuracy in identification apply. Mothers who work outside the home can still be
of the fertile time. When combining indicators, a couple considered to be nearly fully breastfeeding, provided they
should avoid sexual intercourse from the first fertile day stimulate their breasts by expressing breastmilk several
by calculation, or the first change in the cervix until the times a day.
third day of elevated temperature, provided all elevated The LAM is not recommended for use after 6 months
temperatures occur after the peak day. following birth, because of the increased likelihood of
ovulation. Studies throughout the world have been con-
ducted on the effectiveness of LAM as a contraceptive,
Fertility monitoring device
These hand-held computerized devices monitor luteiniz-
ing hormone (LH) and oestrone-3-gluronide (a metabo-
lite of oestradiol) through testing the urine. The most well Since your last delivery,
known in the UK is the ‘Persona’ monitoring device which are you still
is about 94% effective and will detect from the urine test amenorrhoeic?
when a woman is fertile, indicating this through a series
of lights. A green light indicates the infertile phase and a If the answers to all are
red light indicates the fertile phase, therefore barrier positive, then
Are you fully you have a reliable
methods must be used should sexual intercourse be con-
breast-feeding? natural contraception
templated. A yellow light indicates that the database
requires more information and a further urine test is
Is baby less than
Postnatal considerations 6 months old?
The fertility monitor is not recommended as a method of
contraception during lactation. The manufacturers of the Fig. 27.11 Natural contraception: lactational amenorrhoea
Persona recommend that a woman has had two normal method (LAM).

Contraception and sexual health in a global society Chapter | 27 |

confirming a rate of over 98% protection against preg-

nancy (Labbok 2012), suggesting it is a viable option for
some postnatal breastfeeding women.


This is the choice of contraception for many couples once

they have decided their family is complete. Sterilization
should be viewed as permanent, although in a few cases
reversal of the operation is requested. Couples requesting
sterilization need thorough counselling to ensure that
they have considered all eventualities, including possible A
changes in family circumstances. Although consent of a
partner is not necessary, joint counselling of both partners
is desirable. The procedure is available on the NHS for
both sexes but waiting times can vary. There are no altera-
tions to hormone production following sterilization in
males or females and some couples find the freedom from
fear of pregnancy very liberating.

Female sterilization
An estimated 600 million women worldwide have under-
gone female sterilization (Guillebaud and MacGregor
2013). During the procedure (Fig. 27.12), the uterine tube
is occluded using division and ligation, application of B
clips or rings, diathermy or laser treatment.
The operation is performed under local or general
anaesthetic. The procedure can be performed via a laparot-
omy, minilaparotomy or laparoscopy. It can also be
performed vaginally using a hysteroscope. The procedure
usually requires a day in hospital.
Women are advised to continue to use contraception for
four weeks following the procedure, or in the case of hys-
teroscopic sterilization (Essure) contraception should con-
tinue for 3 months, after which successful tubal blockage
is confirmed by hysterosalpingography (FPA 2010c). The
couple should be advised to seek medical help urgently if
they suspect pregnancy following sterilization because of
the increased risk of ectopic pregnancy if the procedure is

Postpartum considerations
Fig. 27.12 Female sterilization.
Should sterilization occur around the time of birth, it is
vital that the woman receives thorough counselling prior
to the procedure to avoid any regret later on. Women are Guillebaud and MacGregor (2013) suggest that a waiting
often advised to wait 6 weeks after the birth before under- period of 12 weeks is desirable to ensure that the couple
going the procedure. The FRSH (2009a) suggest that if will have no regrets over the sterilization.
sterilization is going to be undertaken at the same time as The failure rate for female sterilization is 1 in 200 (FPA
an elective caesarean operation, then one week or more 2010c). Reversal of the sterilization is not usually available
should be provided for counselling and decision-making though the NHS in the UK and can be difficult and expen-
before the procedure finally takes place. sive to obtain privately. Women considering sterilization

Section | 5 | Puerperium



In the UK the government remains committed to develop-

ing confidential, non-judgemental, integrated sexual
health services, including STI screening and treatment,
contraception, termination of pregnancy, health promo-
tion and prevention (HM Government 2010). A recent
Department of Health (DH) publication, ‘A framework for
sexual health improvement in England’ (DH 2013), sets
out a clear strategy for tackling sexual health issues such
as STIs and teenage pregnancy. However, current financial
challenges mean that the FSRH (2012) are concerned that
budget cuts and changes to commissioning processes may
compromise access to and quality of contraceptive and
sexual health services for the forseeable future.
In response to the Social Exclusion Unit Report (DH
Fig. 27.13 Male sterilization (vasectomy). 1999), many NHS Trusts now provide clinics and projects
for young people, and improved access to contraceptive
and sexual health services has led to a decrease in the
conception rate of the under-18s. One of the specific
should be made aware of the availability of LARC methods, targets of this report was to reduce the teenage pregnancy
which are highly effective but reversible. rate by 50% by 2010. The actual statistics showed a 13.3%
decline in conceptions to the under-18s and 25% reduc-
tion in births in this same age group. Plans to decrease
Male sterilization (vasectomy) teenage conceptions further continue (DH 2010). With
strict adherence to the Fraser guidelines (Guillebaud and
The procedure of male sterilization involves excision or
MacGregor 2013), teenagers under the age of 16 can
removal of part of the vas deferens, which is the tube that
receive advice and treatment from a contraceptive and
carries sperm from the testes to the penis (Fig. 27.13). A
sexual health practitioner.
small cut or puncture to the skin of the scrotum is made to
The NICE guidelines (2005) have emphasized the need
gain easier access to the vas deferens. The tubes are cut and
to promote long acting reversible contraception (LARC).
the ends closed by tying them or sealing them with dia-
This recommendation will encourage more women to use
thermy. The wound on the scrotum will be very small and
a form of contraception that does not have to be remem-
stitches are not usually required. In the UK the operation
bered on a daily basis.
is carried out in an outpatients department or clinic setting.
There is a trend in the UK for many women to have their
It is usually completed under local anaesthetic and takes
children later in life and to have much smaller families.
around 10–15 minutes. Men are advised to refrain from
Throughout the world, couples will seek to find new ways
excessive physical activity for about one week and to avoid
to limit their family size as the need to reduce population
heavy lifting following the procedure (Andrews 2005).
growth continues (Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013).
It may take some time for sperm to be cleared from the
vas deferens; it can take approximately 12 weeks after the
operation for this to occur. Consequently, the semen must
be tested to confirm that it no longer contains sperm and ONGOING DEVELOPMENTS
sometimes further tests are necessary to confirm the
absence of sperm. Sexual intercourse can take place during An extended regimen of combined contraceptive pills for
this period but contraception must be used until a nega- 84 days, e.g. Seasonale, has been confirmed to be safe.
tive sperm result is confirmed. Seasonale is a COC pill that has the equivalent of Micro­
The failure rate of male sterilization is 1 in 2000 (FPA gynon 30 but is packaged in four packets to be taken
2010c). Careful counselling needs to take place before the consecutively followed by a pre-determined pill-free inter-
procedure is carried out. Reversal of vasectomy is not val (Guillebaud and MacGregor 2013). It is currently
usually available through the NHS and Andrews (2005) licensed in many countries, including the USA, and may
quotes around a 50% success rate in achieving a pregnancy be available in the UK soon. Other similar products include
following successful reversal within 10 years of the proce- Seasonique. Alternative delivery systems reducing the need
dure being undertaken. for daily pill-taking are being explored. Subcutaneous

Contraception and sexual health in a global society Chapter | 27 |

injections (depo-subQ) and chewable tablets are being methods for men are still problematic and the long-
developed for progestogens. Research into biodegradable awaited male pill is still not imminent (Guillebaud and
implants (which would be particularly useful in low MacGregor 2013). Gene blockers (reducing sperm mobil-
income countries) and the use of transdermal spray for the ity), the male patch and heat-based methods are amongst
delivery of a potent progestogen is ongoing. The Popula- those being developed. Long acting testosterone injections
tion Council is considering research into proteomics and with implanted progestogens or semen blocking methods
an immunological approach to contraception. Effective may be available in the future (Dorman and Bishai 2012).


Allan M, Koppula S 2012 Risk of venous FPA (Family Planning Association) Guillebaud J, MacGregor A 2013
thromboembolism with various 2011b Leaflet: Your guide to Contraception: your questions
hormonal contraceptives. Canadian male and female condoms. FPA, answered, 6th edn. Churchill
Family Physician 58(10):1097 London Livingstone, Edinburgh
Andrews G (ed) 2005 Women’s sexual FPA (Family Planning Association) HM Government 2010 Healthy lives
health, 3rd edn. Elsevier, Edinburgh 2011c Leaflet: Your guide to healthy people: our strategy for public
Brache V, Cochon L, Jesam C et al emergency contraception. FPA, health in England. TSO, London
2010 Immediate pre-ovulatory London Jogee, M 2004 Religions and cultures, 6th
administration of 30 mg ulipristal FPA (Family Planning Association) 2012 edn. R & C Publications, Edinburgh
acetate significantly delays follicular Leaflet: Your guide to the combined Labbok M 2012 The lactational
rupture. Human Reproduction pill. FPA, London amenorrhoea method (LAM) for
25:2256–63 FSRH (Faculty of Sexual and postnatal contraception. Australian
Brucker C, Karck U, Merkle E 2008 Reproductive Healthcare) Clinical Breastfeeding Association, Malvern
Cycle control, tolerability, efficacy Effectiveness Unit 2008a (updated East, VIC
and acceptability of the vaginal 2009) Progestogen-only pills. RCOG, McDonald E, Brown S 2013 Does
contraceptive ring, NuvaRing: results London method of birth make a difference to
of clinical experience in Germany. FSRH (Faculty of Sexual and when women resume sex after
European Journal of Contraception Reproductive Healthcare) Clinical childbirth? BJOG: An International
and Reproductive Health Care Effectiveness Unit 2008b (updated Journal of Obstetrics and
13(1):31–8 2009) Progestogen-only implants. Gynaecology 120(7):823–30
DH (Department of Health) 1999 RCOG, London NICE (National Institute for Health and
Teenage pregnancy. Report by the FSRH (Faculty of Sexual and Clinical Excellence) 2005 (modified
Social Exclusion Unit. TSO, London Reproductive Healthcare) Clinical 2013) Long acting reversible
DH (Department of Health) 2010 Effectiveness Unit 2009a Postnatal contraception. Department of
Teenage pregnancy strategy beyond sexual and reproductive health. Health, London
2010. DH, London RCOG, London NICE (National Institute for Health and
DH (Department of Health) 2013 A FSRH (Faculty of Sexual and Clinical Excellence) 2006 Routine
framework for sexual health Reproductive Healthcare) Clinical postnatal care for women and their
improvement in England. DH, Effectiveness Unit 2009b UK medical babies. Department of Health,
London eligibility criteria for contraceptive London
use. RCOG, London NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council)
Dorman E, Bishai D 2012 Demand for
FSRH (Faculty of Sexual and 2012 Midwives rules and standards.
male contraception. Expert Reviews
Reproductive Healthcare) Clinical NMC, London
in Pharmacoeconomics and
Effectiveness Unit 2011a (updated Roumen F, op ten Berg M, Hoomans E
Outcomes Research 12(5):605–13
2012) Combined hormonal 2006 The combined contraceptive
FPA (Family Planning Association) contraception. RCOG, London vaginal ring (NuvaRing): first
2010a Leaflet: Your guide to
FSRH (Faculty of Sexual and experience in daily clinical practice
diaphragms and caps. FPA, London
Reproductive Healthcare) Clinical in The Netherlands. European
FPA (Family Planning Association) Effectiveness Unit 2011b (updated Journal of Contraception and
2010b Leaflet: Your guide to natural 2012) Emergency contraception. Reproductive Health Care 11:14–22
family planning. FPA, London RCOG, London Scholes D, LaCroix A Z, Ichikawa L E
FPA (Family Planning Association) FSRH (Faculty of Sexual and et al 2005 Change in bone mineral
2010c Leaflet: Your guide to male and Reproductive Healthcare) 2012 FSRH density among adolescent women
female sterilization. FPA, London response to the APPG SRH inquiry using and discontinuing depot
FPA (Family Planning Association) into restrictions in access to medroxyprogesterone acetate
2011a Leaflet: Your guide to the contraceptive services. RCOG, contraception. Archives of Paediatric
contraceptive patch. FPA, London London and Adolescent Medicine 159:139–44

Section | 5 | Puerperium


Gebbie A, O’Connell White K 2009 Fast all available contraceptive methods not This document has been recently modified
facts contraception. Health Press, just available in the UK but worldwide. to reflect the replacement of Implanon
Abingdon It is in a question and answer style with Nexplanon, and also includes
This textbook covers the wide spectrum of regarding each particular contraceptive guidance on the management of
contraception, in an easy to read and method and provides the best available unscheduled bleeding in women with
accessible format. evidence to guide and support clinical implants in situ. It is therefore still
Guillebaud J, MacGregor A 2013 practice. applicable to current contraceptive
Contraception: your questions National Institute for Health and services, as it recognizes the value of
answered, 6th edn. Churchill Clinical Excellence 2005 (modified encouraging the use of long acting
Livingstone, Edinburgh 2013) Long acting reversible reversible contraception in reducing
The latest edition of this book is extremely contraception. Department of unwanted pregnancies.
comprehensive and up-to-date, covering Health, London


Brook: www.brook.org.uk. UK tel: 0808 Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive tel: 0845 122 8687. England tel:
802 1234 Healthcare: www.fsrh.org.uk 0845 122 8690
Free and confidential information for Family Planning Association UK: Fertility UK: www.fertilityuk.org
under 25s www.fpa.org.uk. Northern Ireland:

Section 6
The neonate

28 Recognizing the healthy baby at term 31 Trauma during birth, haemorrhages and
through examination of the newborn convulsions 629
screening 591 32 Congenital malformations 645
29 Resuscitation of the healthy baby at birth: 33 Significant problems in the newborn
the importance of drying, airway baby 667
management and establishment of
34 Infant feeding 703
breathing 611
30 The healthy low birth weight baby 617

This page intentionally left blank

Chapter 28
Recognizing the healthy baby at term through
examination of the newborn screening
Carole England

CHAPTER CONTENTS Examination of the genitalia 607

Neurological examination 607
The first examination after birth 592 References 608
Assessment of the neonatal skin 592 Further reading 609
The head 593 Useful websites 609
The face 594
This chapter will focus upon the characteristics of
The neck 595
the healthy term baby. The midwife performs a
The chest and abdomen 596 systematic screening assessment of a baby’s
The anus 596 health and wellbeing on a regular basis. These
The genitalia 596 include the first examination after birth, the
ongoing daily examination and for those who
Limbs, hands and feet 597 have received specialist education and training,
The spine 598 the Newborn and Infant Physical Examination
Communication and documentation 598 (NIPE), performed within three days (72 hours) of
birth. Each examination assesses the whole baby
The daily examination screen 598
and builds on previous findings related to the
Breathing 598 pregnancy, birth and neonatal assessments. The
Thermoregulation-the importance midwife’s role is not to diagnose but to examine
of keeping warm 598 and distinguish the healthy baby from the one
Skin care 599 that requires referral to a medical practitioner.
To do this effectively the midwife must have a
Cardiovascular system and blood sound knowledge of abnormality to be able to
physiology 600 make appropriate and timely referral, especially
Renal system 600 if the condition is immediately life-threatening.
Gastrointestinal system 600
Reproductive system: genitalia and breasts 601
• highlight the features of a healthy baby and know
Skeleto-muscular system 601 which baby needs referral to a medical practitioner
The Neonatal and Infant Physical • emphasize the importance of reading the woman’s
Examination (NIPE) 601 records before any physical assessment of her baby is
Examination of the heart 602 attempted
Examination of the eye 605 • recognize the vital importance of appropriate
Examination of the hips 606 communication with the parents, especially when

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 591

Section | 6 | The Neonate

obtaining consent, listening to the mother on her

opinion of her baby’s health and in reporting the Box 28.1 The principles of screening
findings of the examination
The midwife should:
• provide the details of a top-to-toe examination of
• inform the mother exactly why the examination is
the newborn performed in the first 24 hours of life being conducted
• explore the assessment provided in the daily • obtain informed consent from the mother to perform
examination of the baby the examination on her baby
• critically discuss the NIPE assessment • ensure the baby is wearing identification bracelets
• discuss how each screening examination is an that correspond with the mother’s identity and
opportunity for health education/promotion and documentation
psychological empowerment of both parents in how • perform a thorough examination of the baby
to recognize health and wellbeing in their baby • provide full details of the findings of the
• stress the importance of writing (and drawing if
• offer an action plan of care as required
indicated) a clear detailed record of findings and
communications that have taken place. • document detailed findings and evidence of
communication that arose between the midwife and
mother/parents before, during and after the
THE FIRST EXAMINATION Source: UK National Screening Committee (2008)

The aim of the first examination performed within 24

hours of birth is to detect any observable congenital mal-
groups who have a pigmented skin. The baby’s oral mucus
formations and to assess initial adaptation to extrauterine
membranes and tongue are not pigmented and will
life that could compromise health and wellbeing (Resus-
provide the midwife with reliable evidence of central cya-
citation Council 2011). The examination should be per-
nosis. A dull blue skin may indicate poor perfusion and
formed in the presence of the mother and partner (as
can be assessed by measuring capillary refill time (CRT)
appropriate). The ideal time is after the baby has had skin-
by blanching the baby’s chest skin with a finger and, on
to-skin contact and had its first feed, during which it main-
release, seeing how long it takes for the capillaries to refill.
tained a body temperature within normal parameters. The
Any time over 2 seconds indicates poor peripheral per-
midwife present at the birth often performs this examina-
fusion. Pallor of the skin is a result of peripheral shutdown
tion and should ensure that the environment is warm and
and is always a serious sign as this could also indicate
draught-free, with equipment ready for use. Diligent hand-
acute blood loss, anaemia, the processes involved in
washing is essential. The baby should be at rest on a flat
cooling or/and the presence of infection. Jaundice that
surface. The skills of observation, palpation and ausculta-
develops from birth in the first 24 hours is considered
tion should be utilized. See Box 28.1 for screening princi-
pathological, is usually as a result of haemolysis (excessive
ples that should be communicated when screening is
breakdown of red blood cells) and should also be reported
immediately (England 2010b) (see Chapter 33).

Assessment of the neonatal skin A blue skin as a result of other factors

According to Baston and Durward (2010), the colour of Most babies will have peripheral shutdown (acrocyanosis)
the skin is generally considered a reflection of good health, in hands and feet as blood is diverted to major organs.
but is most difficult to assess accurately in the first few Occasionally babies will present with a blue face as a result
hours of extrauterine life and the midwife needs to distin- of petechiae, which are pinpoint haemorrhagic spots on
guish between different types and degrees of blue skin to the skin, usually as a result of a tightening cord around
know if the baby is well or whether to refer to the neonatal the neck which constricts the jugular veins during fetal
registrar. descent in the second stage of labour. The venous blood
is trapped in the sinuses of the brain and will find an exit
point into the skin, thus the facial tissues become bruised.
A blue skin as a result of central cyanosis The use of a pulse oximeter will indicate the amount of
To assess blueness due to accumulation of carbon dioxide haemoglobin saturated with oxygen in the baby’s blood
and deprivation of oxygen is a difficult task in white ethnic and should be about 95% or above in the first 24 hours
groups and even more so in babies from black ethnic of life.

Recognizing the healthy baby at term through examination of the newborn screening Chapter | 28 |

Common skin lesions found at birth

Skin lesions, as they are discovered either by the parents
or midwife, need addressing immediately. There is no
room for guesswork and the prudent midwife will ask for
a second opinion should there be any doubt.

Cuts, abrasions and bruises

These are carefully assessed as they may serve as portals of
entry for infection. Create a line drawing in documenta-
tion to illustrate size and complexity to avoid disputes
regarding origin (iatrogenic lesions caused by treatment,
e.g. use of forceps or ventouse; see Chapter 31, Figs 31.1,
31.2) or as a result of non-accidental injury. Extensive
bruising may lead to clinical jaundice. Fig. 28.1 Large pigmented naevus.
With thanks to Carl Kuschel 2007.

Vascular birth marks found at birth

Vascular proliferations (increase in growth) in the skin will
resolve and involute in time:
• Salmon patch haemangioma or ‘stork marks’: occur
in 50% of babies, are superficial capillaries that
blanche on pressure, resolve spontaneously,
commonly found on the nape of the neck, eyelids
and glabella.
• Strawberry haemangioma: not always present at
birth; occurs in 10% of babies by the age of one
year; bright red in colour. Benign but can develop
over orifices, e.g. anus, to cause obstruction and can
leave scar tissue. Laser treatment is available but
natural resolution offers a better cosmetic outcome.
• Cavernous haemangioma: similar to the strawberry
haemangioma but invades deeper into the vascular
tissues; leaves a blue discoloration to the skin and Fig. 28.2 Milia.
grows with the child.
Vasculature malformations that do not involute are perma-
nent and always present at birth: useful to distinguish from future non-accidental
injury (Griffith 2009).
• Port wine stain: red, purple markings present in 0.3
• Pigmented naevi affect 3% of babies, present at birth
% of neonates (Gordon and Lomax 2011) can be an
as a dark brown patch on the lower back or buttocks
isolated mark or associated with syndromes. Some
with speckles around the edge of the lesion, usually
lesions (Sturge–Weber syndrome) follow the
as a solitary patch (Fig. 28.1). Major concern is the
trigeminal nerve (fifth cranial nerve); have a midline
development of malignancy over time and must be
cut off and can infiltrate into the meninges and
monitored closely for changes in size and shape
cerebral cortex on the affected side resulting in
(Gordon and Lomax 2011).
seizures and eye abnormalities. This condition can
• Milia are small white follicular cysts commonly
devastate parents and the midwife needs to provide
known as milk spots (Fig. 28.2). They normally
empathic informed support.
appear on the cheeks forehead and nose and are
Pigmented birthmarks thought to be retention of keratin and sebaceous
• Mongolian blue spots are produced by clusters of secretions. They clear within 4 weeks of birth.
melanocytes in the dermis, are benign and have no
clinical significance. Present in 90% African, 81%
The head
Asian and 9.6% white caucasian babies, they have a
slate-grey to blue-black discoloration usually found According to Noonan et al (2011), the shape, size and
over the buttocks, back and legs and fade by 7 years symmetry of the head in relation to the face and rest of
of age. They resemble bruising so a line drawing is the body should be assessed. The head circumference

Section | 6 | The Neonate

measurement of the occipitofrontal diameter should be in

the range of 32–36 cm for a term baby. Lumsden (2010)
asserts that macrocephaly (greater than the 97th centile) or
microcephaly (below the 2nd centile) can be plotted on a
head circumference growth chart in the Child Health
Record. A head that is disproportionate to body size
may indicate asymmetrical intrauterine growth restriction
where the head has been spared disruption to its growth
(see Chapter 30). Be aware that a stand-alone head meas-
urement may appear perfectly normal but its relationship
with the body may render it large. A large head is also
associated with hydrocephaly and congenital syndromes.
A small head is associated with poor brain development.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and transplacen-
tal infections will deleteriously affect fetal brain growth. Fig. 28.3 Right-sided facial palsy. Note that the eye is open
Observation and palpation of the scalp will indicate the on the paralysed side and the mouth is drawn over to the
presence and degree of caput succedaneum which will non-paralysed side.
resolve in 2–3 days. The direction and degree of moulding Reproduced from Thomas R, Harvey D 1997 Colour guide: neonatology,
can indicate the engaging diameter of the fetal skull 2nd edn, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, with permission of Elsevier.
involved in the process of labour. The bones, sutures and
fontanelles can then be examined. The anterior fontanelle the eyes. However, a finding of low set ears alone may be
(bregma) closes at 18 months of age and if tense or a normal variation. Malformed and/or low set ears are
bulging can indicate congenital hydrocephaly, intercranial associated with chromosomal abnormalities or urogenital
haemorrhage or meningitis. A sunken bregma is associ- malformations and warrant referral. Roth et al (2008)
ated with dehydration because as an extracellular fluid, argue that peri-auricular skin tags can indicate hearing
cerebrospinal fluid is derived from venous blood. The pos- impairment. The incidence of significant permanent con-
terior fontanelle (lambda) closes around 6 weeks. More genital hearing impairment (PCHI) is 1 : 1000 births in
than one lambda along the lamboidal suture lines often developed countries. The NHS Newborn Hearing Screen-
alongside a flat occiput can indicate trisomy 21, as can ing Programme (UK National Screening Committee 2012)
abnormal patterns of hair growth (low hair line, extra offers hearing screening in the first week of life and aims
crowns) which are featured in a variety of syndromes (see to provide high-quality detection care and support for
Chapter 32). babies and their families. A pre-auricular sinus may be
blind-ending or connected to the inner ear. The latter
condition will need referral to the Ear Nose and Throat
The face
(ENT) surgeon.
The midwife should endeavour to see both parents before The nose shape will vary, but the two nares should be
expressing concern on an unusual-looking face, however centrally placed and be patent. Most babies are obligatory
an assumption should not be made that the male partner nose-breathers and patency can be observed when the
is the biological father of the baby. The face should be baby is breathing normally at rest. Nasal flaring may be
analysed as a whole. Individual features in isolation do indicative of respiratory distress. Choanal atresia is a con-
not necessarily indicate a syndrome but in combination dition in which one or both posterior nasal passages are
with other features they make a syndrome more likely. The blocked by either bone or soft tissue. In the bilateral con-
baby’s facial expression could indicate an underlying con- dition the baby will be centrally cyanosed at rest but will
dition, e.g. pain, irritability, distress and is worthy of note. become better perfused when crying. Urgent referral to an
The symmetry of the face should be observed as this could ENT surgeon will be required.
indicate birth trauma in the form of facial paralysis where When a cleft lip is detected by antenatal screening,
one side of the face appears to droop, especially around automatic referral is made to the local cleft lip and palate
the eye and mouth on one side, when the baby is crying team (plastic surgeon, ENT surgeon, audiologist, ortho-
(Fig. 28.3). This is a result of damage to the seventh cranial dontic surgeon and speech therapist) before the baby is
nerve (facial), known as Bell’s palsy, during the application born. For those babies who have their condition detected
of forceps or from head compression against the sacral after birth, the midwife should refer to the registrar who
promontory during birth. Any degree of recovery will will make referral to the cleft lip and palate team. Cleft lip
depend upon the amount of damage to the myelin sheath can be either unilateral or bilateral and can extend into
that covers and feeds the nerve. the hard and soft palate. A cleft palate is not always
The ear position should be similar on both sides. The obvious and requires thorough assessment in order to
upper margin of the ear pinna should be on the level of confirm its presence. A gloved finger should be inserted

Recognizing the healthy baby at term through examination of the newborn screening Chapter | 28 |

The orbit of the eye. Interpupillary distance Fig. 28.4 Features of the baby’s eyes in relation to
The intraorbital distance is between each pupil the face.
(hypertelorism in very wide
set eyes or hypotelorism
in very close set eyes)
Outer canthal

Epicanthic fold

Normal ear

Palpebral fissure length Inner canthal distance

(the width of an eye) (large enough to fit in
the width of an eye)

into the mouth, eliciting a suck reflex. By palpating the The eyes should be symmetrically positioned on the face
hard palate it should be possible to feel if a cleft is present. in relation to the other facial features such as eyelids,
Detection of clefts in the soft palate should involve visual eyebrows and the slant of the palpebral fissures (see Fig.
inspection using a pen torch and tongue depressor. The 28.4). The outer canthal distance can be divided equally
palate should be high arched, intact with a central uvula. into thirds, with one eye width fitting into the inner
Cleft lip and/or palate may be familial or may be as a canthal space. Extremely wide (hypertelorism) or narrowly
result of maternal medication (e.g. phenytoin) or chro- spaced eyes are abnormal and may indicate a syndrome,
mosomal abnormality (e.g. Down and Patau’s syndrome). as may epicanthic folds, however the latter finding is a
Lumsden (2010) reports that clefting of the lip and palate normal feature in some ethnic groups, so some caution is
affects 1 : 700 babies in the United Kingdom (UK), with warranted. The sclera is normally white in colour; a yellow
50% lip and palate together, 25% lip alone and 25% discoloration occurs with jaundice. Conjunctival haemor-
palate alone, so is a relatively common condition. A small rhages may occur as a result of the birth, are insignificant
jaw (micrognathia) may be familial or part of a syndrome and will take a few days to resolve but are, according to
like Pierre Robin, which comprises a midline cleft palate Griffith (2009), associated with non-accidental injury, so
and protruding tongue (glossoptosis). The midwife must documentation of their appearance and size is vital. The
be aware that the main problem is of the tongue falling iris of a baby is navy blue with fibres radiating from the
back and obstructing the oropharynx. The baby may also centre. It should be perfectly circular with a round pupil
experience problems with feeding. Referral to the ENT and in the centre. White specks on the iris called Bushfield
orthodontic surgeons will be made alongside the speech spots are associated with Down syndrome. Opacity of the
therapist. lens could indicate congenital cataract. Clouding of the
Epstein’s pearls are a cluster of several white spots in the cornea could be a sign of congenital glaucoma. Small eyes
mouth at the junction of the soft and hard palate in the occur as a result of transplacental infection, e.g. rubella,
midline. They are the same as milia, are of no significance cytomegalovirus. Any profuse or purulent discharge from
and disappear spontaneously. Natal teeth are lower inci- the eyes (Fig. 28.5) should be swabbed and sent for culture
sors that have small crowns with no roots and pose the and sensitivity. Eye drops/ointments to treat gonococcal
risk of tongue ulceration and, if they become loose, inha- infection, staphylococci and chlamydial conjunctivitis
lation into the trachea. Referral to the orthodontic team should be started while awaiting the results. Absence of
for elective removal is required. The tongue should also be one or both eyes may have an environmental or chromo-
examined for cysts and dimples. A tight frenulum that is somal cause and such a finding requires referral to the
attached too far forward to the floor of the mouth restricts ophthalmologist.
mobility of the tongue to different degrees and will give
the appearance of tongue-tie (ankyloglossia). Treatment
The neck
for severe tongue-tie is frenulotomy (surgical division of
the frenulum), especially when breastfeeding is being This may be shortened or webbed with extra skin and
adversely affected. is a sign of Turner’s syndrome. The clavicles should be

Section | 6 | The Neonate

alone. Exomphalos is where the bowel, covered by a trans-

parent sac composed of amnion and peritoneum, pro-
trudes through the umbilical cord and is associated with
Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome (exomphalos, large for
gestational age, abnormal glucose metabolism, character-
istic skin creases to the ears). By comparison, gastroschisis
is caused by a defect in the abdominal wall, which allows
bowel to protrude through it. No sack covers the loops of
bowel, so before birth the bowel has been in contact with
the irritant properties of amniotic fluid, but there are no
associations with other congenital abnormalities. Both
conditions may be found on antenatal screening and at
birth the protruding bowel is covered with film wrap to
prevent fluid and heat loss in readiness for surgical repair.

The anus
Fig. 28.5 Ophthalmia neonatorum. Inspection for the presence and appearance of the anus is
Reproduced from Mitchell H 2004 Sexually transmitted infections in vital. The presence of meconium does not always exclude imper-
pregnancy. In: Adler M W, Cowen F, French P et al (eds) ABC of forate anus (anal atresia). In a perforate anus, the rectum
sexually transmitted infections, 5th edn, p 35, with permission from and anal sphincter connect so that substantial amounts of
Blackwell Publishing. meconium can be passed at any one time. If there is an
underlying defect referred to as a high imperforate obstruc-
examined for fractures, especially if there is any history of tion, there could be a rectal–vaginal fistula or a rectal–
shoulder dystocia or any suggestions of Erb’s palsy (see urethral fistula that may allow passage of small amounts
Chapter 31 and Fig. 31.5). of meconuim. A ‘low’ anomaly may merely consist of a
membrane covering the anal sphincter, which, while in
place, will impede the passage of all meconium. England
The chest and abdomen (2010a) contends that anal abnormalities can indicate that
Bedford and Lomax (2011) assert that the heart rate will other gastrointestinal malformations may be present, so
vary in range from 100 to 160 beats per minute (bpm). caution with feeding is recommended. The passage of a
The respiratory rate will be 30–40 breaths per minute nasogastric tube and withdrawal of hydrochloric acid can
(bpm), but not exceed 60 bpm and will vary in rhythm exclude oesophageal atresia but does not necessarily rule
with small periods of apnoea (absence of breathing for 20 out tracheo-oesophageal fistula.
seconds or more). There should be no sternal or costal
recession. The nipples should be lateral to the mid-
clavicular line and should be normal in shape and form. The genitalia
The presence of abnormal or supernumerary (extra)
nipples should be recorded as a line drawing on a body Male genitalia
map with referral to the registrar. The penis should be about 3 cm in length, straight, with
Observation of respiratory movement should reveal that no chordee (a bend in the shaft). According to Fox et al
chest and abdominal movements are synchronous as the (2010), an apparently short penis is more common,
diaphragm is the major muscle of respiration. Asymmetri- usually buried in supra-pubic fat, but remains a finding
cal chest movement may be caused by either unilateral that can cause real consternation to parents. True micro-
pneumothorax or phrenic nerve damage on the side that penis is rare and associated with hypopituitarism and
isn’t moving. Also consider the presence of a diaphragm­ referral to the paediatric endocrinologist may occasionally
atic hernia noted when the chest looks relatively big in be warranted. The midwife should never attempt to with-
comparison to a scaphoid (sunken) abdomen. Ausculta- draw the foreskin.
tion of ectopic bowel sounds in the chest may support this Observing the baby pass urine may help to detect a
supposition (see Chapter 33). hypospadius where the urethral meatus opens on the
The abdomen should look and feel soft and rounded. ventral (under) side of the penis and an epispadius where
The cord should be checked for bleeding. The cord vessels the urethral meatus opens on the dorsal (upper) side.
should have two arteries and one vein. A single umbilical Parents should be advised not to have their baby circum-
artery increases the chances of congenital abnormalities cised for religious or cultural reasons, as the foreskin will
but further investigations are not justified on this finding be used to surgically repair the defect.

Recognizing the healthy baby at term through examination of the newborn screening Chapter | 28 |

According to Gordon (2011), the scrotum should be only testosterone is produced, which results in masculi-
examined to ensure symmetry on both sides as asymmetry nized genitalia and life-threatening imbalances in sodium
may indicate a persistent connection between the abdomi- and cortisol levels. Referral to an endocrinologist and a
nal cavity and scrotum, so that fluid (hydrocele) or loops paediatric surgeon will follow (see Chapters 32 and 33).
of bowel (inguinal hernia) can escape and occupy the The genitalia of male XY babies look within normal limits
scrotal sac on the affected side. A dark discoloration of the but these babies may present later with failure to thrive,
scrotum, with or without swelling, is abnormal and may vomiting and dehydration related to abnormal aldoster-
indicate testicular torsion. The testicle twists on itself, one and steroid physiology. The midwife should warn the
limits its own blood supply and the testicle dies from parents of the likelihood that their baby may be trans-
ischaemia. Torsion can occur at any age and requires ferred to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for extra
immediate surgical review. The testicles should descend monitoring.
into the scrotal sac by term. Each testicle is 1–1.5 cm in
size, palpable along the route from the posterior abdomen
to the scrotal sac, often found in the groin. Undescended Limbs, hands and feet
testicles (cryptorchidism) occurs in 2–4% of term babies.
The term baby will lie in a flexed position with the head
If not descended by one year, orchidopexy is performed to
in the midline or turned slightly to one side. The hands
surgically place the testicle in the scrotal sac to prevent
are flexed, with the thumb lying beneath the fingers in a
infertility and malignancy in later life.
fist. In addition to noting length and movement of the
limbs and joints, it is essential that the digits are counted
Female genitalia and separated to ensure that webbing (syndactyly) is not
present on hands and feet. The hands should be opened
The examination will confirm that the general anatomy
fully as any extra digits (polydactyly) may be concealed in
appears appropriate, with the labia majora covering the
the clenched fist. X-ray assessment will determine whether
labia minora.
the defect needs referral to either the plastic surgeon (skin
only) or orthopaedic surgeon (bone and skin). A single
Disorders of sex development palmar (Simian) crease is associated with Down syn-
(ambiguous genitalia) drome, however 10% of the normal population have a
single palmar crease on one hand and 5% have one on
The midwife’s communication skills will be of utmost both hands.
importance as the parents ask ‘What have we got and is it Davis (2011) uses the word structural clubfoot to refer
alright?’ The stark but not recommended answer to these to the most common foot deformity (1 : 1000 births in the
questions is, ‘I don’t know and no’. Honesty is the only UK), known as congenital talipes equinovarus. The word
way to effectively manage this situation, however, and the talipes means ankle and foot. In this condition the foot is
midwife’s choice of words should be tactful but truthful, plantar-flexed (turned downwards like a horse’s foot and
with an immediate response to the parents’ queries. Recent inwards towards the midline of the baby). The ratio of
practice of placing the newborn onto the mother’s boys to girls is 3 : 1 and in 50 % of cases, both feet are
abdomen has enabled the parents to examine their baby affected. The cause is unknown but is associated with
and make their own discoveries, often before the midwife Down syndrome and spina bifida. Referral to an orthopae-
has had chance to see for her/himself. It is helpful to dic surgeon is required. First line treatment is the Porseti
suggest to the parents that they initially give their baby a method of gentle manipulation and serial casting in
cross-gender name like Sam or Jo so that pronouns like he plaster of Paris at weekly intervals, which allows the foot
and she are avoided. This may also help as a temporary to be gradually corrected over a period of 6 weeks.
measure when informing family members of the birth and Positional conditions of the foot are caused by intra­
the baby’s name. uterine overcrowding. These are:
According to Wassner and Spack (2012), there are many
different causes of ambiguous genitalia: the most common • positional clubfoot/talipes equinovarus, which
is congenital adrenal hyperplasia, with an incidence of when gently manipulated will easily correct.
1 : 15 000 babies. An XX female baby has an enlarged clit­ Davis (2011) argues that a normal baby’s foot can
oris that appears like a penis and labia that may look more be turned outwards by 50–70° and upwards by
like a scrotum. This is an autosomal recessive condition 20°. If this can be achieved, a physiotherapist can
where lack of an enzyme called 21 hydroxylase interferes advise the parents on gentle massage. Davis further
with the cholesterol pathway in the production of proges- argues that it is not uncommon for a child to have
terone (from which cortisol and aldosterone are formed), a structural clubfoot on one side and a positional one
testosterone and oestradiol. In the absence of serum cor- on the other, with no clear view if they are of the
tisol and aldosterone, the anterior pituitary hormone same entity. This notion does call for the midwife
adrencorticotrophin (ACTH) stimulates the pathway but to check each foot individually and not

Section | 6 | The Neonate

automatically assume that both feet are affected in

• talipes calcaneo-valgus, which is characterized by
dorsiflexion where the foot is turned upwards and This examination is usually performed daily while the
outwards and associated with the breech position baby remains in hospital and continues on a more inter-
and developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). mittent basis once the baby is in community until dis-
Referral to an orthopaedic surgeon is required. Often charge to the care of the health visitor. Health education
gentle manipulation conducted by parents will bring stems from how the baby is behaving and its general
about correct alignment, with occasional need for a appearance. A healthy term baby weighs approximately
plaster cast. 3.5 kg, has a clear skin, good muscle tone, cries lustily,
feeds well, keeps warm and sleeps. The midwife will con-
tinue the health screening process by always asking the
The spine mother how her baby is. Carefully listening to her answer
The best way to examine the spine is by holding the baby is a crucial part of the examination and her response will
per chest/abdomen on one hand, and running the fingers often dictate in what order the midwife performs the
of the other hand down the spinal processes. Any curva- examination, starting with any areas of concern. Recording
ture of the spine can be noted. Spina bifida occulta (char- what the mother has said (and how she said it) is helpful
acterized by a missing vertebral process) may lie beneath for other health care practitioners who will see the baby
a fat pad, swelling, dimple, tuft of hair or birthmark. For at a future time (England 2010c).
spina bifida cystica (mylomeningocele and meningocele),
see Chapter 32. A sacral dimple should be carefully exam-
ined to make sure it is skin-lined with no sinus to the CSF Breathing
pathway. If CSF is leaking it represents a portal for infec- The midwife should observe the baby’s respiratory rate
tion, so referral to both the plastic surgeon and neurosur- that involves the diaphragm, chest and abdomen rising
gical teams will be made. In the interim, X-ray of the and falling synchronously. It should be explained to the
lumbosacral spine and an ultrasound scan of the lower parents that babies have a periodic breathing pattern that
spinal cord, kidneys and bladder will be arranged. is erratic, with respirations being shallow and irregular,
interspersed with brief 10–15 second periods of apnoea.
Given that babies are either obligatory (required) or pref-
Communication and documentation erential nose-breathers, it is important to check that their
As soon as the examination is completed, the baby should nostrils are clear of dried secretions. Tickling the edge of
be handed back to the mother and skin-to-skin contact the nostrils with cotton wool can induce sneezing, which
re-established. This first examination after birth is extremely aids some clearance. An irritable baby with excessive snuf-
important and needs to be done thoroughly. According to fles and sneezing could indicate opiate withdrawal. In an
England and Morgan (2012), parents are often taken aback assessment of health, the midwife must consider that res-
by the course of events that unfolds if a malformation or piratory difficulties can occur because of neurological,
problem is identified. This is often because they are not metabolic, circulatory or thermoregulatory dysfunction as
correctly prepared for the screening intervention. The well as infection, airway obstruction or abnormalities of
words used to obtain consent from the mother set the respiratory tract itself.
the scene on how she will perceive the importance of the
examination. For example, if the midwife says ‘I need to Thermoregulation – the importance
take a quick look over your baby to see if everything is
of keeping warm
alright’, this could imply that the examination is being
done quickly because it is not really necessary but is One of the midwife’s priorities is to make sure the baby is
routine and has to be done. If the midwife says ‘Will you maintaining a body temperature within normal param­
please allow me to examine your baby in detail, so that if eters. According to Brown and Landers (2011), a neutral
I find anything that I think will affect your baby’s health, thermal environment is one that is neither too hot nor too
I can tell you about it and then, with your permission, ask cold and enables the baby to use the minimal amount of
for a second opinion?’, this question offers a detailed energy to stay warm. Babies are individuals, with each
explanation of the midwife’s intention in gaining consent. one having their own metabolic rate, so the clinical accept-
What the midwife says should be documented alongside able temperature range of 36.5–37.5 °C is wide. In the
details of examination findings, parental reaction, referral first week of life core temperature can be unstable as
details and support provided. The midwife should not be the heat-regulating centre in the hypothalamus and
influenced by the limited space provided in the record medulla oblongata is attempting to adapt from a hot water
being completed (England and Morgan 2012). intrauterine environment to an cooler extrauterine air

Recognizing the healthy baby at term through examination of the newborn screening Chapter | 28 |

Air current convection

Conduction to cold surface

Evaporation from wet skin

Radiation to cold
in vicinity

Fig. 28.6 Modes of heat loss in the neonate.

environment with concurrent threats of heat loss via radia- should be initiated immediately. The baby’s temperature
tion, conduction, evaporation and convection (Fig. 28.6). and general condition should be reviewed after 30 minutes.
Cooling babies are unable to shiver and instead attempt Blackburn (2007) argues that pyrexia (37.7 °C and
to maintain body heat by a means of non-shivering thermo- above) in a term baby may indicate infection; however,
genesis whereby they utilize brown fat and simultaneously hyperthermia can occur if the baby is exposed to an inap-
increase their metabolic rate by increasing glucose and propriate heat source (placed in a sunny window) or
oxygen consumption to make more energy, carbon dioxide dressed inappropriately for the ambient temperature. Feet-
and heat. For this process of aerobic glycolysis to function to-foot placing of the baby in the cot in the supine posi-
effectively, the baby needs available oxygen and glucose. tion has contributed to the reduction in overheating and
As oxygen is consumed, energy can be made in the absence associated sudden infant death syndrome (Foundation for
of, or with minimal amounts of oxygen, which is referred Sudden Infant Death 2013). Over-heating increases meta-
to as anaerobic glycolysis, however the amounts of glucose bolic rate and can draw upon supplies of glucose and
to maintain this form of energy production is more than oxygen to maintain the required energy level. Respiratory
20 times greater to make the same amount of energy as in distress may follow unless the baby is allowed to cool
aerobic glycolysis. Hence the baby becomes hypoxic and slowly.
may begin to show signs of respiratory distress. England
(2010a) argues that a transient expiratory grunt may be one
Skin care
of the first respiratory signs of cooling. Nasal flaring, tachy­
pnoea, sternal or subcostal recession, are all signs of res- Although sterile at birth, the skin, when exposed to air is
piratory distress that may follow. Hence the importance of quickly colonized by microorganisms, which produce a
listening to how the mother or father describes the baby. The pH of 4.9, creating an acid mantle that protects the skin
baby will not grunt like a pig; one father described how from infection. Vernix caseosa should be allowed to absorb
his son made ‘a strange noise on each breathe’. Subtle into the skin because it is a highly sophisticated mixture
colour changes may accompany these fleeting episodes. of proteins and fatty acids that produce an antibacterial
The first step is to observe the baby overall and feel the and antifungal skin barrier. Gordon and Lomax (2011)
head and chest to gather a general sense of how warm the assert that the midwife should not be tempted to apply
baby is. Follow this by the use of a thermometer via the anything to a post-term skin that is dry and cracked,
axilla, tympanic membrane (ear), or in the groin. A because within a few days of peeling, perfect skin will
clothed term baby should maintain its body temperature be revealed beneath. Skin-to-skin contact just after birth
satisfactorily provided the environmental temperature is and during subsequent feeding (to include formula-fed
draught-free, sustained between 18 °C and 21 °C, nutri- babies too) is an excellent way to colonize the baby’s skin
tion is adequate and movements are not restricted by tight with friendly bacteria. Great care must be provided to
swaddling. Inadequate clothing or/and being inadvert- maintain the integrity of the lipids (fats) that seal each
ently left exposed is a common cause of heat loss. If the skin cell. Chemicals used in manufactured baby skin prod-
baby is cooling, skin-to-skin contact with the mother ucts can irrevocably damage epidermal lipids and lead to

Section | 6 | The Neonate

trans-epidermal water loss. It is recommended by Trotter amount in breast milk the incidence of classic haemor-
(2010) that for the first month of life it is safer to bath rhagic disease of the newborn (HDN) occurring within the
all babies in plain water once or twice a week only. Cotton first week of life is enhanced in babies who are exclusively
wool balls should be used for baby cleansing (top breastfed, until the bowel becomes colonized by E. coli
and tail). and the Vitamin K-dependent clotting factors II (pro-
According to Gordon and Lomax (2011), the midwife thrombin), VII, IX and X can be synthesized in the pres-
should inspect the skin for rashes, septic spots, excoriation ence of bile salts. Vitamin K (intramuscular or oral
or abrasions. Seborrhoeic dermatitis (cradle cap) is com- suspension) is available to all babies in the UK as a pro-
monly seen on the scalp of the newborn, but can occur in phylactic precaution against HDN. Early onset HDN
the axillae, groins and nappy area. It presents with scaly (within first 24 hours) is exclusively caused by transplacen-
lesions that are greasy to the touch and thought to be as tal passage of anticoagulant medicines that inhibit Vitamin
a response to irritants. Skin rashes such as erythema K activity. In this situation the baby will be prescribed a
toxicum that occur within 72 hours of birth as a red therapeutic dose of Vitamin K via intramuscular injection
blotchy rash, usually over the face and trunk, may be a (Lwaleed and Kazmi 2009).
sign of over-heating. Removing some of the baby’s
clothing/bedding will usually resolve it. This is in com- Renal system
parison to septic spots that will need swabbing for culture
and sensitivity followed by topical or systemic antibiotic About 20% of babies will pass urine in the birthing room
therapy as necessary. Similarly, paronychia, which is infec- and this should be noted. Ninety per cent will void by 24
tion of the nail cuticle caused by ragged nails, will be hours of age and 99% by 48 hours. The rate of urine
treated in the same way. Parents should be advised to file formation varies from 0.05 to 5.0 ml/kg/hour at all gesta-
their baby’s nails and not use scissors or bite them off to keep tional ages with a range of 25–300 ml/kg/day. The com-
them short. The umbilical stump is rapidly colonized, monest cause of initial delay or decreased urine production
necroses and separates by a process of dry gangrene, which is inadequate perfusion of the kidney. Added to this, the
usually takes between 7 and 15 days. The cord represents kidneys are immature and the glomerular filtration rate is
a portal of entry for infection (especially Escherichia coli as low, but mature within the first month of life. Tubular
a result of contamination from stools) and must be reabsorption capabilities are also limited, which renders
observed for any signs of redness in the surrounding the baby unable neither to concentrate or dilute urine
abdominal skin, referred to as an umbilical flare. If the adequately, nor to compensate for high or low levels of
flare begins to spread and extend up the abdomen, this sodium, potassium and chloride in the blood. This results
must be reported immediately as antibiotic therapy will in a narrow margin between under- and over-hydration
be required. and, as Blackburn (2007) argues, the ability to excrete
medicines is also restricted. The urine is dilute, straw-
coloured and odourless. Urate crystals may cause red brick
Cardiovascular system and staining in the nappy, which is usually a sign of under-
hydration but is largely insignificant. It is the midwife’s
blood physiology responsibility to assess whether the urine output falls
The Resuscitation Council (2011) recommends that the within acceptable parameters by asking the mother about
umbilical cord is not clamped for at least the first minute the character of the baby’s wet nappies given that delay in
after birth, to allow oxygenated blood to be transferred urine production/passage may be due to physiological
from the placenta to the baby. As a result, the total circulat- stress, intrinsic renal abnormalities or obstruction of the
ing blood volume at birth may exceed 80–90 ml/kg and urinary tract. The midwife should check the records for
ward off neonatal iron-deficiency anaemia. The haemo- antenatal scan findings that may identify abnormality
globin level may also be in excess of 18–22 g/l. The red such as the presence of oligohydramnios, which may indi-
cell count (5–7 ×1012/l) may contribute to the develop- cate problems with passing urine as a fetus. Many syn-
ment of physiological jaundice (see Chapter 33). Black- dromes involve kidney function, especially those babies
burn (2007) believes that conversion from fetal to adult with low set ears, abnormal genitalia, anal atresia and
haemoglobin, which commences at 36 weeks gestation, is lower spine anomalies. Fox et al (2010) argue that the baby
completed in the first 1–2 years of life. The white cell count should be assessed for signs of dehydration, infection and
is high initially (18.0 ×109/l) but decreases rapidly. a palpable abdominal bladder with referral to the registrar
According to Lwaleed and Kazmi (2009), the blood clot- for further investigations as necessary.
ting system is immature because there is no transplacental
passage of coagulation proteins from the mother, so all
levels of blood clotting reflect fetal synthesis which is com-
Gastrointestinal system
pleted before the 30th gestational week. Vitamin K is The gastrointestinal (GI) tract of the neonate is structurally
poorly transferred across the placenta, and due to the low complete, although functionally immature in comparison

Recognizing the healthy baby at term through examination of the newborn screening Chapter | 28 |

with that of the adult (Blackburn 2007). The mucous with minor infections having the potential to become gen-
membrane of the mouth is pink and moist. The teeth are eralized very easily. The baby has some immunoglobulins
buried in the gums and ptyalin secretion is low. Sucking at birth but the sheltered intrauterine existence limits the
and swallowing reflexes are coordinated. The tongue may need for learned immune responses to specific antigens.
be coated with milk plaques, which should be distin- There are three main immunoglobulins: IgG, IgA and IgM.
guished from the fungus Candida albicans, which will need Immunoglobulin G is small enough to cross the placen-
treatment. The stomach has a small capacity (15–30 ml), tal barrier. It affords immunity to specific viral infections
which increases rapidly in the first weeks of life. The and at birth the baby’s level of IgG is equal to or slightly
cardiac sphincter is weak, predisposing to regurgitation of higher than those of the mother. This provides passive
milk or posseting. Gastric acidity, equal to that of the adult immunity during the first few months of life and by
within a few hours after birth, diminishes rapidly within 2 months the baby is able to produce a good response
the first few days and by the 10th day the baby is virtually to protein vaccines hence the timing for the commence-
achlorhydric (without acid), which increases the risk of ment of routine childhood immunization programmes
infection from the mouth. Gastric emptying time is nor- (Paterson 2010).
mally 2–3 hours. Enzymes are present, although there is Immunoglobulin M (IgM) and A (IgA) can be manufac-
a deficiency of amylase and lipase, which diminishes the tured by the fetus and raised blood levels of IgM at birth
baby’s ability to digest compound carbohydrates and fat, are suggestive of intrauterine infection. This relatively low
therefore no sandwiches are allowed! When milk enters level of IgM is thought to render the baby more susceptible
the stomach, a gastrocolic reflex results in the opening to gastroenteritis. Levels of IgA are also low and increase
of the ileocaecal valve. The contents of the ileum pass into slowly. Secretory salivary levels attain adult values within 2
the large intestine and rapid peristalsis means that feeding months and protect against infection of the respiratory tract,
is often accompanied by reflex emptying of the bowel. gastrointestinal tract and eyes. Colostrum and breastmilk
Bowel sounds can be heard on auscultation within one provide the baby with passive immunity in the form of
hour of birth. Sterile meconium present in the large intes- Lactobacillus bifidus, lactoferrin, lysozyme and secretory IgA.
tine from 16 weeks’ gestation, is passed within the first 24
hours of life and should be totally excreted within 48–72
hours. As a result of air entering the gastrointestinal (GI)
Reproductive system: genitalia
tract, E. coli colonizes the bowel and the stools become and breasts
brownish-yellow in colour and odorous. Once feeding is In both sexes, withdrawal of maternal oestrogens results
established the faeces become yellow. The consistency and in transient breast engorgement, sometimes accompanied
frequency of stools reflect the type of feeding. Digested by a milky secretion around the 5th day. Girls may develop
breast milk produces loose, bright yellow and inoffensive pseudo-menstruation, a blood-stained discharge in the
acid stools. The baby may pass 8–10 stools a day. The nappy, for the same reason. Both findings are insignificant
stools of the formula-fed baby are paler in colour, semi- but can be concerning for parents and an appropriate
formed, less acidic and have a more offensive odour. A explanation should dispel any anxieties.
melaena stool contains digested blood from high in the
GI tract, has a tar-like appearance and may be caused by
blood swallowed at birth, bleeding maternal nipples or Skeleto-muscular system
damage to the baby’s GI tract itself. Low GI bleeding may
The muscles are complete, subsequent growth occurring
result in frank blood, which is blood that can be seen in
by hypertrophy rather than by hyperplasia. Palpation
the stools with the naked eye and may be related to HDN
around the sternomastoid muscle can identify a develop-
(Lwaleed and Kazmi 2009).
ing haematoma that feels hard to the touch and is referred
Glycogen stores are rapidly depleted so early feeding is
to as a tumour (congenital torticollis). The head may be
required to maintain normal blood glucose levels (2.6–
held to one side and is the result of traction and tearing
4.4 mmol/l). Weight loss is normal in the first few days
of the muscle. Physiotherapy referral will be made once
but more than 10% body weight loss is abnormal and
diagnosed. The long bones are incompletely ossified to
requires investigation. Most babies regain their birth
facilitate growth at the epiphyses.
weight in 7–10 days, thereafter gaining weight at a rate of
150–200 g per week.


According to Paterson (2010), neonates demonstrate a PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (NIPE)
marked susceptibility to infections, particularly those
gaining entry through the mucosa of the respiratory and Performed within the first 72 hours of birth, this examina-
gastrointestinal systems. Localization of infection is poor, tion specifically screens for congenital heart disease

Section | 6 | The Neonate

(CHD), congenital cataract, developmental dysplasia of state, especially how her baby responds physically to
the hip (DDH) and undescended testes, usually in that taking a feed.
order. This is not a top-to-toe examination but more of an
opportunistic approach when the baby is quiet enough to
support auscultation of the chest and awake sufficiently to Inspection
open its eyes. England (2010c) believes that inspection is the most
important skill because it yields more information about
the baby’s cardiovascular behaviour and therefore should
Examination of the heart not be rushed. The examiner should look at the sleeping/
The incidence of CHD is 8/1000 live births and is the most resting baby’s general appearance and compare gestational
common group of structural anomalies, accounting for age with weight and size, as smallness could indicate
30% of all congenital malformations (Horrox 2002). growth disruption at the time when major organs were
Sinha et al (2012) argue that the best time for the heart evolving. The examiner should question whether the baby
examination to be conducted is when the baby’s major has any dysmorphic features indicative of chromosomal
physiological adaptations are complete, so 48 hours post abnormalities that are associated with heart defects. Once
birth is ideal. Half of the known cases of congenital heart the baby’s chest is undressed, breathing can be assessed.
disease are detected by antenatal ultrasound scan so the The rate should be counted for over a minute as breathing
postnatal physical examination is the only other means of tends to be irregular. Central cyanosis needs urgent man-
early detection. Less than 50% of heart defects are actually agement. Pallor may precede respiratory distress, but again
detected because many heart conditions are asymptomatic is difficult to assess, and as Bedford (2011) argues, an
and trivial. Blake (2008) recommends that reading the oxygen saturation of haemoglobin <95% is abnormal and
case notes for details of the present pregnancy, perinatal merits cardiologist assessment. It is wise to always check
events and neonatal examinations already performed, is a saturation levels pre and post ductal so if the baby has a
necessary prerequisite. PDA, proximal (hand) saturations may be within normal
Park (2008) reports that maternal congenital heart limits and post-ductal levels (foot) will be much lower.
disease offers 15% prevalence to the woman’s children England (2010a) believes that respiratory distress may be
compared to 1% in the general population. When one a sign of cardiac compensation so it is important to inspect
child is affected the sibling recurrence risk is 3%, especially for asymmetrical chest wall movements, a tachypnoea > 60
for a high prevalence condition like Ventricular Septal breaths per minute, nasal flaring, sternal or costal reces-
Defect (VSD), which is the most common variety of CHD sion, the use of respiratory accessory muscles, head
and accounts for one-third of all cases. Fox et al (2010) bobbing and the presence of an expiratory grunt. Capillary
assert that maternal rubella infection in the first trimester refill greater than 2 seconds is abnormal but oxygen
commonly results in patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and therapy should always be considered cautiously as it may
pulmonary artery stenosis. Other viral infections in late close a PDA, which could be is acting as a life-saving
pregnancy may cause myocarditis. Maternal medications conduit in certain heart conditions (Horrox 2002; Bedford
such as anticonvulsants (phenytoin) and amphetamines 2011).
are highly suspected teratogens. Excessive maternal alcohol
intake may cause fetal alcohol syndrome in which VSD,
PDA and the tetralogy of Fallot are commonly seen. Mater-
nal diabetes increases the prevalence of transposition of Palpation of the peripheral pulses for rhythm, strength,
the great arteries (TGA), VSD, PDA and cardiomyopathy. volume and character then follows. The easiest pulse to
Sinha et al (2012) report that heart defects are common feel is the brachial at the antecubital fossa. The rate should
in chromosomal disorders, to include trisomy 13,18, 21 be counted over a period of 10 seconds. Palpation of the
and Turner’s syndrome (XO). femoral pulses is a difficult task. Many examiners apply
too much pressure to the artery and in effect they eradicate
the pulse wave. Strong arm pulses and weak leg pulses
The cardiovascular examination suggests coarctation of the aorta (COA). If the right bra-
Gill and O’Brien (2007) recommend that the heart chial artery pulse is stronger than the left brachial artery
itself should technically be left until last with ausculta- pulse, this could suggest a COA where the constriction is
tion as the final step, however auscultation is ineffectual proximal to the left subclavian artery. Equal but bounding
if the baby starts to cry, so many examiners listen to the brachial pulses are found in PDA with a wide but dimin-
heart earlier in the examination. The mother’s view is ishing pulse pressure in the lower limbs. A weak thready
invaluable and is treated as significant unless proven oth- pulse is found in congestive heart failure (CHF) and in
erwise. Using words to describe her baby as happy, circulatory shock.
cranky, responsive, sleepy, floppy can provide useful Rhythms originating in the sino-atrial node are called
information on the baby’s neurological and homeostatic sinus rhythms. In a regular sinus rhythm, the rhythm and

Recognizing the healthy baby at term through examination of the newborn screening Chapter | 28 |

rate of the heartbeat are normal for the age of the baby. In for turbulence of blood in the newly developed collateral
sinus tachycardia, with beats above 160 per minute, first circulation caused by COA.
consider pyrexia. Gill and O’Brien (2007) contend that the Each cardiac cycle has two heart sounds that can be
pulse rate will accelerate approximately 10 beats per heard through a stethoscope when applied to the chest
minute for every 1°C rise in temperature. Hypoxia, circula- wall. The first heart sound (S1) is known as ‘lub’ and is
tory shock, CHF and thyrotoxicosis are other possible described as long and booming and occurs when the atriv-
causes. Sinus bradycardia is defined as beats below 80 per entricular (AV) valves, the tricuspid and bicuspid (mitral)
minute. Hypothermia, hypoxia, increased intercranial valves are closing at the beginning of ventricular contrac-
pressure and hypothyroidism may be causative factors. tion (systole). The second heart sound is ‘dub’; it is short
The midwife can place their open hand onto the precor- and sharp, and reflects closure of the semi lunar valves of
dium, which is the area over the sternum and ribs to the the aorta and pulmonary artery, at the beginning of ven-
left side of the chest. A palpable precordium murmur is tricular relaxation (diastole). The best place to hear the
referred to as a thrill, which can sometimes be seen with first heart sound (S1) is at the apex or the LLSB. Splitting
the naked eye, is characteristic of heart disease with a high of the heart sound where the tricuspid and mitral valves
volume overload such as a left-to-right shunt through the close slightly out of synchrony, is not usually heard in a
ductus arteriosus and is always of diagnostic value. Right normal baby.
ventricular enlargement is best sought with one’s fingertips The second heart sound (S2) is heard in the ULSB. Split-
placed between the 2nd, 3rd and 4th ribs along the left ting of closure of the aortic and pulmonary artery valves
sternal edge. The apex beat is found in the 4th intercostal is easily heard with the stethoscope and the degree of
space along the mid-clavicular or nipple line. A diffuse, splitting normally varies with respiration, increasing on
forceful and displaced apex beat, usually caused by hyper- inspiration and decreasing or becoming a single sound on
trophied heart muscle is relatively rare and described as a expiration. The third and fourth heart sounds are not nor-
heave. Palpation of the upper abdomen that reveals an mally heard but can be best auscultated at the apex or
enlarged liver (greater than 1 cm below the costal margin) LLSB. The third heart sound (S3) represents ventricular
may indicate heart failure as the liver acts as a reservoir of filling that starts as soon as the mitral and tricuspid valves
blood because the heart cannot cope with the required open, and the fourth heart sound represents ventricular
workload. An enlarged spleen, palpable in the left upper filling that occurs in response to contraction of the atria.
quadrant of the abdomen, complements this clinical The fourth heart sound (S4) if heard at the apex is patho-
picture. logical and is seen in conditions with decreased ventricular
compliance (flexibility) or CHF. Where there is a combina-
tion of a loud S3 or S4 with a tachycardia, common in
Auscultation CHF, this is referred to as a gallop rhythm. This informa-
By the time inspection and palpation have been per- tion can only complement a clinical picture of a deterior­
formed much of the information the baby can supply ating neonate that has a respiratory distress and is not
has been obtained and auscultation is the last step. It is feeding.
recommended that a paediatric stethoscope should be A heart murmur is an additional noise heard during the
used and its diaphragm (the flat side) utilized at all aus- cardiac cycle. Absence of a murmur does not exclude congenital
cultation sites to hear the high-pitched sounds of a sys­ heart disease. The location, timing in the cycle, grade, dura-
tolic murmur. tion or rhythm, quality and radiation of the murmur
The sternum, clavicles and ribs, to include the costal and should be assessed. It is usual to listen to the chest wall in
intercostal spaces, are important landmarks as well as the four specific areas. A systolic murmur occurs between S1
heart structures. There are two upper landmarks each side and S2 and is classified as one of two types, either an ejec-
of the upper sternum. The right sternal, 2nd intercostal tion or regurgitant murmur. The examiner should pay par-
space is the aortic area. This is referred to as the upper right ticular attention to the timing of the onset of the murmur
sternal border (URSB). The left sternal 2nd intercostal because the onset in relation to S1 is far more important
space is the pulmonary area and is known as the upper than the duration of the murmur. In ejection systolic
left sternal border (ULSB). A further two landmarks are murmurs there is always an interval between S1 and the
both located to the left of the lower sternum. The left onset of the murmur. They are referred to as crescendo–
sternal 5th intercostal space is the tricuspid area and may decrescendo murmurs as the murmur is at its maximum,
be called the lower left sternal border (LLSB) and the apex half-way between S1 and S2. A murmur may be short or
is found below the nipple on the mid-clavicular line, long in duration and can be caused either by a large
in the 4th or 5th intercostal spaces. This is the mitral volume of blood passing through the semi-lunar valves or
area. The baby should then be turned onto its right side a normal flow of blood passing through stenosed or
and the heart should be examined for murmurs along the deformed semi-lunar valves.
route of the aorta on the left side of the spine from the By comparison, regurgitant systolic murmurs begin
scapular area to below the ribs. The examiner is listening with S1 and usually last through systole (and even into

Section | 6 | The Neonate

diastole) and are referred to as pansystolic, meaning high-pitched quality often described as blowing whereas
from start to finish. Park (2008) argues that these an ejection systolic murmur where stenosis is featured, has
murmurs are always pathological and are associated with a harsh grating quality. If a murmur radiates from one area
VSD and feature regurgitation of the mitral and tricuspid to another it is usually pathological (Park 2008). The things
valves. Bedford (2011) believes that examiners should that matter most are the presence of central cyanosis, poor
only be concerned with systolic murmurs in the neonate perfusion, tachycardia, an abnormal precordium, a heart
as the heart is beating too fast to pick up a diastolic murmur with a gallop rhythm and hepatosplenomegaly.
murmur, which occurs when the heart is at rest between Thorough documentation should reflect inspection, pal-
S2 and S1. pation and auscultation findings. A cardiac murmur if
The intensity of the murmur is customarily graded from present should include details of location, timing in the
1 to 6. Innocent murmurs are no louder than 2. Grade 3 cycle, grade, character and be illustrated. If the baby looks
murmurs are moderately loud. Palpable murmurs (thrill) and feels healthy but the midwife can hear extra heart
are graded as 4, are loud and regarded as pathological. sounds that warrant a second opinion, referral should be
Grades 5 murmurs are very loud and audible with the made to the registrar, with the parent’s informed consent.
stethoscope barely on the chest wall, whilst grade 6 is As a result of the registrar’s opinion, the parents should be
audible when standing at the end of the baby’s cot. informed that at this moment in time their baby’s heart
Quality refers to how the examiner describes the sounds appears healthy or, alternatively, needs further investiga-
heard, e.g. systolic murmurs of VSD have a uniform tion (see Box 28.2).

Box 28.2 Case vignette: Baby Joe

This vignette is to illustrate that significant cardiovascular be given. Short explanations that answer parents’ direct
disease may not be clinically apparent at the time of the questions are required. Line drawings that are created
NIPE and that consent information should highlight this alongside the verbal explanations may be helpful:
fact to the parents.
Consider the case of baby Joe, born at term in good ‘Joe has a rare condition called transposition of the
condition with no history of scan anomalies. His 36-hour great arteries. This is where the aorta which
NIPE reports him as a healthy baby in all aspects. At 52 transports blood to the body and the pulmonary
hours of age he deteriorates quickly and presents with artery which takes it to the lungs are in the wrong
central cyanosis, poor perfusion and respiratory distress. His position. On a 20-week anomaly scan the four
tone is poor. The precordium and pulses are normal. On chambers of the heart can be seen but it is not always
auscultation there are no heart murmurs or extra sounds. possible to see which major blood vessel arises from
Joe is extremely sick. which ventricle. In Joe’s case his pulmonary artery was
coming from his left ventricle, blood was going to his
The care provided: lungs and then returning to the left side of his heart
• emergency referral and admission to the NICU creating a mini circulation. On the right side, blood
• prostaglandin E prescribed to open the ductus arteriosus was returning to his heart but instead of going to his
lungs, the blood was directed into the misplaced
• transposition of the great arteries diagnosed on
aorta, which took the blood back to his body. From
birth, Joe appeared well because an extra vessel
• transfer to cardiac surgical unit arranged. called the ductus arteriosus was open and able to
The care provided to Joe’s parents: shunt oxygen to Joe’s body tissues, but as this vessel
started to close (which is a normal occurrence), Joe
A NIPE midwife may be called upon to provide/contribute
started to deteriorate. This is why the midwife
to information given to the parents about their sick baby.
examiner emphasized to you at the end of Joe’s
The parents will usually be upset, fearful, possibly angry
examination “at this point in time … on this occasion,
and, as a result, not able to listen effectively (England and
Joe appears well”, because at that time, he did
Morgan 2012). In this situation the most asked questions
appear well.’
• why didn’t the anomaly scan and NIPE examination England (2010c) believes there is an accepted given that
reveal the condition? thorough examiners will send home a baby that will be
• what is the condition? readmitted with a serious heart defect. This emphasizes the
• what is happening to Joe now? importance of ensuring that parents really understand that
• will Joe die … when can we see him? the assessment can only reflect the status of the baby at
the time of the examination.
Using language that will have to be personalized for
both parents to understand, the following information may

Recognizing the healthy baby at term through examination of the newborn screening Chapter | 28 |

Examination of the eye examined separately. Thus the examiner should shine a
white light from the ophthalmoscope at the baby’s eye
The neonatal eye is 75% of the adult size but the visual from a distance of 5–10 cm and focus on the pupil margin.
system is immature and neural connections from eye to A red glow from the pupil will be silhouetted against the
brain are incomplete. Babies have no depth perception edge of the iris. To examine both eyes together, the exam-
because this relies on both eyes working together and iner now holds the ophthalmoscope at a distance of 20 cm
neonatal eyes resemble those of chameleons where one from the baby’s eyes to simultaneously elicit the red reflex
eye appears to be functioning independently from the from each eye. If there is any asymmetry (inequality) of
other. During the first three months of life there is a need the colour and intensity of the red reflex, or a white papil-
for both eyes to function well because reduced light stimu- lary reflex (leucocuria) is seen, the possibility of a media
lation to the eye causes the condition amblyopia where the opacity in one or both eyes should be considered and
brain fails to pay enough attention to the messages coming documented. A congenital cataract (2–3 per 10 000 births)
from each eye and as a result, the neural connections for is, according to Noonan et al (2011), the commonest cause
each eye are not created. By 6 months of age, the eyes and of blindness and should be uppermost in the examiner’s
brain become ‘locked on’ to each other and this then sets differential diagnosis, but retinoblastoma, a malignant
the stage for the baby’s future visual acuity. Amblyopia can tumour (44 per million births in Europe), represents the
occur in one or both eyes and is usually caused by disrup- most common intraocular tumour of childhood. Con-
tion of the light pathways to the retina when there is corneal genital infection from toxoplasmosis and retinopathy of
clouding or scarring, congenital cataract or clouding of the vitre- prematurity are less common causes.
ous humour. It is vital to screen for these media opacities The ophthalmoscope should then be set to +9 dioptres
within 72 hours of birth and later at 6 weeks of age. to conduct a detailed examination of the front of the eye
The skills of examination start with inspection. Oedema to detect any abnormalities that are not available to the
of the eyelids is common and bruising may be present. naked eye. The conjunctiva and sclera should be white.
The examiner should confirm that any trauma and bruis- Sub-conjunctival haemorrhages are of no clinical signifi-
ing is commensurate with the birth history and ensure the cance (but their presence and size should be documented,
bruising is not a birth mark. The ocular landmarks are the as non-accidental injury cannot be ruled out). A blue
structures that surround the eye and how they appear as sclera is worthy of note as it is indicative of collagen
part of the face as a whole. With the ophthalmoscope disease. The sclera looks blue because it is thin and not
ready for use, the examiner should be prepared to inspect supported by collagen and is associated with the collagen
the eyes should the baby open them. Prising eyelids open disease osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease),
may add to any oedema and a ptosis (drooping of the which warrants referral.
eyelid) may go unnoticed. Reducing the room lighting, The cornea should be clear and any lacerations or scar-
sitting the baby up or asking the mother to hold the baby ring should be noted. Clouding and/or bulging of the
over her shoulder with the examiner approaching from cornea could indicate congenital glaucoma, which needs
behind the mother, works well for some. urgent referral. Both pupils should equally respond to
The red reflex should be elicited first. The retina is the light. A coloboma is where the iris does not form a com-
nervous tissue of the eye, which is stimulated by light. plete circle and may be associated with abnormalities that
Anteriorly, it is in contact with the vitreous humour and extend to include the ciliary body and choroid. Complete
is avascular. Posteriorly it is supported by a vascular and absence of the iris known as aniridia will also need refer-
lymphatic supply from the underlying choroid. When a ral. Different-coloured irises at this stage in life is also
light is shone into the eyes, the vascular retina shines back suspicious (Gill and O’Brien 2007).
and is known on photographs as ‘red eye’. If the red reflex Assessing whether the eye is infected should be no casual
can be seen, this should indicate to the examiner that there are task and the examiner should always consider the gravity
no media opacities present. However the redness of the red of ophthalmia neonatorum. According to Noonan et al
reflex may be affected by the pigmentation of the baby’s (2011), a sticky eye demands microbiological investigation
skin, and particularly in Asian, Afro-Caribbean, Chinese to rule out gonococcal and/or chlamydial infection, which
and Japanese babies they offer different hues of redness if untreated can rapidly lead to corneal ulceration and
from brown to grey to purple, which is a reflection of their blindness. Gonococcal conjunctivitis can present from 1 to
pigmented choroid and is a normal finding. 3 days with a profuse purulent discharge with swelling of
The ophthalmoscope dial should be turned to 0 and the conjunctiva and lids. A swab must be taken for micro-
with the right hand the scope should be held to the exam- scopy and culture followed by saline irrigation, topical and
iner’s right eye (or vice versa if left handed). Holding the systemic antibiotics, usually penicillin. The mother and
scope close to the examiner’s eye is important if one uses sexual contact(s) need referral to the genitourinary clinic.
the analogy of a hole in a fence. To look through a hole Likewise chlamydial conjunctivitis presents later, at 5–14
in a fence, one needs to get up close to the hole to see days, but is associated with neonatal pneumonia if the
through to the other side. Each eye of the baby is initially initial systemic antibiotic treatment has been inadequate.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Fox et al (2010) assert that specific chlamydial swabs

should be used with erythromycin the choice of antibiotic. Box 28.3 Predisposing factors to developmental
Noonan et al (2011) further contend that herpes virus type dysplasia of the hip (DDH)
II and bacterial infections such as Staphylococcus aureus,
Streptococci and E. coli need immediate treatment. Full 1. Squashed hips in utero. The emphasis is breech birth
to include vaginal and caesarean section and to
documentation of what has been found should be detailed
include those babies when external cephalic version
for each eye and the parents informed that on this occasion,
has been performed near to and at term for breech
the eyes appear healthy (or otherwise).
presentation. When oligohydramnios is featured, look
for structural or positional talipes (equino-varus/
Examination of the hips calcaneo-valgus) or a combination of these two
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) represents a 2. Genetic predisposition. There is a higher proportion
spectrum of defects where the femoral head is not totally of identical twins with DDH compared to non-
in the acetabulum, but possibly on its border and can only identical twins
be diagnosed on ultrasound scan (Kasser 2012). Disloca- 3. Family history of dislocation of the hip/DDH
tion is when the femoral head is outside of the acetabulum. 4. Ligament hyperlaxity can lead to full abduction in the
The femoral head continues to grow but if the femoral presence of a dislocated hip
head is not in the acetabulum, the acetabulum fails to grow. 5. Geographical variation where abduction of the child’s
Secondary adaptive changes occur so that ligaments and hips is a strong cultural feature, with an incidence of
muscles shorten and tighten and the acetabulum fills with 0.25 per 1000 live births; however, where swaddling
scar-like tissue. The incidence is 1 in 400 live births and the legs together (usually for warmth) is the cultural
there are two factors that relate to the natural history of norm, the incidence rises to 10/1000.
DDH which makes screening difficult. Jones (1998) asserts
Source: Dove et al 2011
that as many as 20 babies in every 1000 births have unsta-
ble hips but 90% of these will stabilize spontaneously. It
is not possible to predict which 10% of these hips will
remain unstable. Stable hips at birth may later develop DDH. knee height. On the affected side, the knee is lower because
The hip is at its most unstable at the time of term birth. In the head of the femur has dropped into the soft tissues
early gestation there is nearly total spherical enclosure of because it is not being held by the bony acetabulum.
the femoral head by the acetabulum, but by term when the However, equal knee height could indicate either normal-
tightness of the uterus and the lack of leg and hip freedom ity of both hips or bilateral dislocation of both hips.
is at its peak the femur is shallow, then deepens again in Pulling the legs straight to measure leg length, should be
the postnatal period. The low incidence of DDH in preterm done after the hip examination as this manoeuvre stimu-
babies supports this notion. Paton (2011) argues that pre- lates flexor tone resistance, which is enough to upset a
dominantly it is a disease of girls, with a 6 : 1 ratio with settled baby and render the examination less valid.
boys, and is more common on the left side (2 : 1). The ideal The modified Ortolani and Barlow manoeuvres are
time for screening the newborn hip is 7 days. The NIPE referred to as the combined stress test and are performed to
screen is technically too early, is a compromise but should diagnose the subluxatable (dislocatable) or dislocated hip
be followed by an examination at 4–8 weeks by the general and make it possible to notice the presence or absence of
practitioner or the health visitor. knee and hip clicks. The range of abduction in flexion is
The baby must be warm and comfortable, be on a firm also a useful sign to indicate the degree (if any) of
flat surface and one of the parents must be present. The abnormality.
midwife must have enough room to gain access to the baby The Ortolani manoeuvre is described for examination
and be physically able and comfortable to perform the of the left hip, using the examiner’s right hand. The exam-
manoeuvres (Jones 1998). A general inspection followed iner steadies the pelvis between the thumb of the left hand
by a detailed skeletal examination of the baby may reveal on the baby’s symphasis pubis and fingers under the
additional risk factors (see Box 28.3) that the history has sacrum. With the baby’s left leg flexed in the palm of
not elicited. Oligohydramnios, postural foot deformities, the right hand, the head of the femur is held between the
plagiocephaly, scoliosis and a prominent sacral dimple are examiner’s right thumb on the inner side of the thigh
all associated with hip abnormalities. Babies that show the opposite the lesser trochanter and the middle longest
effects of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and those finger over the greater trochanter. In an attempt to relocate
with dysmorphic features are particularly at risk. a posteriorly displaced head of the femur forwards into
With the baby lying on its back and legs bent at the knee the acetabulum, the middle finger applies gentle pressure
with feet on the surface, an initial inspection should look upon the greater trochanter. The baby’s thighs are flexed
for any asymmetry in the appearance of the legs and groin forward (to the head of the baby) onto the abdomen and
skin folds. Examination of the knees may show uneven rotated and abducted through an angle of 70–90° towards

Recognizing the healthy baby at term through examination of the newborn screening Chapter | 28 |

the examining surface. If the hip is dislocated, a clunk inspection. It should be clear that both hips are stable and
will be felt (and sometimes heard) as the head of the the combined stress test comprising the Ortolani and
femur slips into the acetabulum. A high-pitched click is Barlow manoeuvres is negative for both hips. The parents
probably a product of soft tissue structures moving should be told that on this examination/occasion, their
over bony prominences. Remember Ortolani – Out to In baby’s hips appear healthy.
(Baston and Durward 2010).
The Barlow manoeuvre is described for examination of Examination of the genitalia
the left hip and the examiner’s right hand. From a position
of abduction, the hip is adducted to 70° and gentle pres- This examination will repeat the previous examinations
sure is exerted by the examiner’s right thumb on the lesser reported in this chapter and review any new
trochanter in a backward and lateral direction. If the developments.
thumb is felt to move backwards over the labrum (the
fibro-cartilaginous rim of the acetabulum) onto the pos-
terior aspect of the joint capsule, a clunk may be heard as
Neurological examination
the head of the femur dislocates out of the acetabulum. The neurological examination will be performed continu-
England (2010c) describes the noise as a deeper clunk with ously throughout the examination, noting how the baby
significant movement. The dislocatable hip can feel handles and behaviourly tolerates the examination. The
strangely soft with little or no resistance. The Ortolani healthy term baby will make eye-to-eye contact, fix and
manoeuvre will then be performed to return the head of follow a face when held 30 centimetres from the examiner.
femur to the acetabulum. To examine the right hip the role There should be natural facial movements with blinking
of the examiner’s hands is reversed. Dove et al (2011) of the eyes. When lying supine the baby will be flexed at
support the view that it is acceptable for the experienced the knees with hips abducted; the head turned to one side.
examiner to undertake the Ortolani and Barlow manoeu- Movements are smooth, symmetric and varied. The baby
vres sequentially on both hips simultaneously. should be able to demonstrate a rooting reflex. Coordi-
The Barlow and Ortolani tests involve gentle manoeu- nated movements of lip, tongue, palate and pharynx are
vres. The softer the touch, the more information is secured; required to suck and swallow successfully. Failure to suck
indeed very little pressure is needed to dislocate the head when the stomach is empty is indicative of abnormal func-
of femur because the acetabulum is so shallow. A heavy- tion and an important sign of brain stem damage.
handed approach will often make the baby stiffen and Primary (primitive) reflexes (see Box 28.4) are best per-
resist being touched. In this circumstance the examiner formed at the end of the NIPE screen as they will usually
needs to abandon the examination, talk to the baby (and unsettle, even distress the baby. They provide information
parents) in an attempt to relax him (and them) and then about lower motor neuron activity and muscle tone. Per-
attempt a further examination. A useful analogy is a gear sistence beyond the normal age suggests that higher cortical
stick in a car. Gentle manipulation of the baby’s legs in a centres are not gaining control of tone and movement as
circular rotation helps to reduce muscle and nerve tension. expected and can be an early sign of cerebral palsy. Extremes
Likewise, the lightest of touch can help guide that gear of tone (rag doll floppiness) or persistent extension of the
stick home. back (opisthotonus) are both abnormal. Flexed arms and
Documentation of findings in the Personal Child Health extended legs is also an abnormal posture. Jitteriness is a
record should offer details and be explained to the parents. feature of the healthy baby and can be stopped by touching
Dove et al (2011) assert that it is not enough to place a the affected area. Irritability in the form of repetitive move-
tick against the word hips. When an abnormality is found ments, for example an eyelid or finger, could represent a
an example of the record may be written thus: ‘The right convulsion in a baby and warrants referral.
hip abducted fully in flexion; is stable and the combined At present NIPE training is largely regarded as an
stress test Ortolani/Barlow manoeuvre was negative with expanded role of the registered midwife. However the Mid-
no shortening on knee height inspection. The left hip wifery 2020 report (Department of Health 2010) recom-
shows shortening on knee height inspection with resist- mends that overall care of the neonate needs to be
ance to abduction, which resulted in an Ortolani clunk as improved, and according to Lumsden (2012), NIPE train-
the head of femur returned to the acetabulum. The find- ing is now becoming part of pre-registration midwifery
ings were confirmed by Dr Smith (neonatal registrar). education. There is a requirement for all midwives to
Double nappies were applied. Referral arranged for a 2 further develop their neonatal knowledge in recognizing
week follow-up for ultrasound scan and appointment with health, by knowing and understanding the abnormal. This
orthopaedic consultant. Both parents were present at the will involve enhancing their communication and examin-
examinations and have been informed of the clinical find- ing skills in being able to conduct all three screening
ings and referral arrangements.’ An entry that communi- examinations discussed in this chapter, in order to provide
cates health must reflect that both hips abduct fully in truly holistic, individualized care that will place the
flexion and there is no apparent shortening on knee height midwife as the lead practitioner for the healthy baby.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Box 28.4 Neurological reflexes in the newborn

• Placing reflex. Whilst the baby is being held upright, flexion and adduction of the arms, with
the top of the foot is touched by the edge of a accompanying cry. Present at 37 weeks’ gestation and
surface and the baby will lift and place its foot on the disappears around 4 months of age. Absent in heavy
surface. Presents from 36 weeks’ gestation and sedation or hypoxic, ischaemic encephalopathy.
disappears at 3 months of age. Unilateral presentation implies fractured clavicle,
• Palmar and plantar grasps. Flexion of fingers/toes hemiplegia, brachial plexus palsy.
when an object is placed in the palm of the hand/on • Rooting reflex. Stroking the baby’s cheek with a
the ball of the foot. Presents at 28 weeks’ gestation finger causes the head to turn towards the
and disappears by 2–3 months. stimulation and the mouth will open. Established at
• Asymmetric tonic neck reflex (the fencing sign). 34 weeks’ gestation and disappears at 4 months of
When the head is turned to one side, the arm and leg age, when visual cues take over.
on that side extend, while the arm and leg on the • Sucking reflex. Elicited to assess the strength and
other side remain flexed. Established from 36 weeks’ coordination of the sucking reflex by placing a clean
gestation and disappears at 6 months. finger in the mouth. Disappears by age of 12 months.
• Moro (startle) reflex. On sudden head extension, For visual display of reflexes go to www.youtube.com/
symmetrical abduction and extension followed by watch?v=Sv5SsLH70mY


Baston H, Durward H 2010 Examination Dove R, Hunter J, Wardle S 2011 Gordon M 2011 Examination of the
of the newborn. A practical guide. Nottingham neonatal service clinical newborn abdomen and genitalia. In:
Routledge, London guidelines. Screening for Lomax A (ed) Examination of the
Bedford C D 2011 Cardiovascular and developmental dysplasia of the hip. newborn. Wiley–Blackwell, Oxford
respiratory assessment of the baby. Nottingham University Hospital Gordon M, Lomax A 2011 The neonatal
In: Lomax A (ed) Examination of the NHS Trust skin: examination of the jaundiced
newborn. An evidence-based guide. England C 2010a Neonatal respiratory newborn and gestational age
Wiley–Blackwell, Chichester problems. In: Lumsden H, assessment. In: Lomax A (ed)
Bedford C D, Lomax A 2011 Holmes D (eds) Care of the Examination of the newborn.
Development of the heart and lungs newborn by ten teachers. Hodder Wiley–Blackwell, Oxford
and transition to extrauterine life. In: Arnold, London Griffith R (2009) Safeguarding children
Lomax A (ed) Examination of the England C 2010b Care of the jaundiced from significant harm. British
newborn. An evidence-based guide. baby. In: Lumsden H, Holmes D Journal of Midwifery 17(1):58–9
Wiley–Blackwell, Chichester (eds) Care of the newborn by ten
Horrox F 2002 Manual of neonatal and
Blackburn S T 2007 Maternal fetal and teachers. Hodder Arnold, London
paediatric heart disease. Whurr
neonatal physiology. Saunders England C 2010c Physical examination Publishers, London
Elsevier, Philadelphia of the neonate. In: Marshall J E,
Jones, A J 1998 Hip screening in the
Blake D 2008 Assessment of the Raynor M D (eds) Advancing skills
newborn. A practical guide.
neonate: involving the mother. in midwifery practice. Churchill
Butterworth–Heinemann, Oxford
British Journal of Midwifery Livingstone, London
16(4):224–6 England C, Morgan R 2012 Kasser J R 2012 Orthopaedic problems
Communication skills for midwives. In: Cloherty J P, Eichenwald E C,
Brown V D, Landers S 2011 Heat
Challenges in everyday practice. Hansen A R et al (eds) Manual of
balance. In: Gardner S L, Carter B S,
Open University Press/McGraw-Hill neonatal care. Lippincott, Williams
Enzman-Hines M et al (eds)
Education, Maidenhead and Wilkins, Philadelphia
Neonatal intensive care. Mosby, St
Louis Foundation for Sudden Infant Death Lumsden H 2010 Examination of the
Davies N 2011 Abnormalities of the 2013 http://fsid.org.uk (accessed 2 newborn. In: Lumsden H, Holmes D
foot. In: Lomax A (ed) Examination April 2013) (eds) Care of the newborn by ten
of the newborn. An evidence-based Fox G, Hoque N, Watts T 2010 Oxford teachers. Hodder Arnold, London
guide. Wiley–Blackwell, Chichester handbook of neonatology. Oxford Lumsden H 2012 Embedding NIPE into
Department of Health 2010 Midwifery University Press, Oxford the pre-registration midwifery
2020: delivering expectations. Gill D, O’Brien N 2007 Paediatric programme. Midwives (1):42–3
www.midwifery2020.org.uk clinical examination made easy. Lwaleed B A, Kazmi R 2009 An overview
(accessed 4 March 2013) Churchill Livingstone, London of haemostasis. In: Hall M, Noble A,

Recognizing the healthy baby at term through examination of the newborn screening Chapter | 28 |

Smith S (eds) A foundation for (ed) Examination of the newborn. UK National Screening Committee 2008
neonatal care. A multidisciplinary Wiley–Blackwell, Oxford Newborn and infant physical
guide. Radcliffe, Oxford Resuscitation Council UK 2011 examination: standards and
Noonan C, Rowe F J, Lomax A 2011 Newborn life support, 3rd edn. competencies NHS. http://
Examination of the head, neck and London newbornphysical.screening.nhs.uk
eyes. In: Lomax A (ed) Examination Roth D A, Hildesheimer M, Bardenstein (accessed 3 February 2013)
of the newborn. Wiley–Blackwell, S et al 2008 Periauricular skin tags UK National Screening Committee 2012
Oxford and ear pits are associated with NSC policy database. Hearing
Park M K 2008 Pediatric cardiology for permanent hearing impairment in (newborn). www.screening.nhs.uk/
practitioners. Mosby, Philadelphia newborns. Paediatrics 122:884–90 hearing-newborn (accessed 28
Paterson L 2010 Infections in the Sinha S, Miall L, Jardine L 2012 October 2012)
newborn period. In: Lumsden H, Essential neonatal medicine. Wassner A J, Spack N P 2012 Disorders
Holmes D (eds) Care of the Wiley–Blackwell, Chichester/Oxford of sex development. In: Cloherty J P,
newborn by ten teachers. Hodder Trotter S 2010 Neonatal skincare. In: Eichenwald E C, Hansen A R (eds)
Arnold, London Lumsden H, Holmes D (eds) Care of Manual of neonatal care. Lippincott,
Paton R W 2011 Developmental the newborn by ten teachers. Hodder Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia,
dysplasia of the hip. In: Lomax A Arnold, London p 791–807


Bedford C D, Lomax A 2011 McCallum L 2010 www.slideshare.net/ This chapter asserts that the midwife is
Development of the heart and lungs Prezi22/physical-examination-of the baby’s advocate and safeguarding
and transition to extrauterine life. In: -the-newborndoc considerations should be integral to the
Lomax A (ed) Examination of the This text offers useful information on examination of the newborn by ensuring
newborn. An evidence-based guide. examination of the newborn and could be that the baby remains the focus of the
Wiley–Blackwell, Chichester used as a revision script. examination. Does the evidence
This chapter provides a detailed exploration Quarrell C 2011 Examining the observed fit with the parent’s account?
of the fetal circulation and the adaptations neonate in the hospital and Who is the midwife’s designated referral
that occur with the first breath at birth. It community: child protection professional in safeguarding situations?
also integrates the impact of hypoglycaemia, issues. In: Lomax A (ed) These questions are well addressed.
hypoxia and hypothermia on these Examination of the newborn:
transitional events and offers a useful an evidence-based guide. Wiley–
discussion on the energy triangle. Blackwell, Chichester


Resuscitation Council (UK): techniques and information about neonatal A good site to listen to and differentiate the
www.resus.org.uk resuscitation. different heart sounds and murmurs.
The Resuscitation Council in the definitive The Auscultation Assistant:
resource for keeping up to date on www.wilkes.med.uncla.edu/inex.htm

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Chapter 29

Resuscitation of the healthy baby at birth:

the importance of drying, airway management
and establishment of breathing
Carole England


Drying the baby 611 • emphasize the importance of thoroughly drying the
Airway management and breathing 612 baby to prevent heat loss
Difficulties in establishing an open airway 613 • support the principle of enabling the baby to
Parental support through effective resuscitate itself by placing its head in the neutral
communication 614 position
References 614 • detail how to open the airway by giving inflation
breaths in order to clear the lung fluid
Further reading 615
• reiterate the importance of starting and
maintaining a record of the events of the
resuscitation process
Midwives are the lead practitioners in normal
birth and attend most births in the hospital and • highlight the need to ask for help from the
home setting. It is therefore important that multiprofessional team at any stage of the process.
they have applicable knowledge and skills of
resuscitation to enable them to care for the
newborn baby (and parents) in a competent
supportive manner. The aim of this chapter is to DRYING THE BABY
uphold the principles of care offered by the
Resuscitation Council United Kingdom [RCUK]
Thoroughly drying of the baby is always the first step to
(2011) and explore the specific role of the
midwife in drying the baby and airway management of resuscitation at birth. Taking the time to
management. Noting the time of birth and dry the baby’s head, to include the face alongside the arm
starting the clock on the resuscitaire (if and leg creases, is sometimes not performed as thoroughly
applicable) is always the starting point for care as it should be. According to Connolly (2010), heat loss
and documentation requirements. Requesting and cooling of the baby is inevitable but failure to spend
assistance from the multiprofessional team at time doing this task meticulously can result in the baby
any stage of the process is recognized as an using oxygen and glucose to maintain or raise its meta-
essential component. bolic rate. Also, in order to place a baby in skin-to-skin

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 611

Section | 6 | The Neonate

contact with its mother, the baby needs to be thoroughly dry; time of assessment, the umbilical cord can remain uncut
furthermore, the mother needs to be dry so that the baby so that extra red blood cells can be transported to the baby
can benefit from conductive heat gains. and enhance the baby’s oxygen-carrying capacity. Even if
During this time of drying, which can take up to a the heart rate is really slow, opening the airway must be
minute, the midwife should assess the baby for its colour the first task to achieve. Without an open airway, the baby
and muscle tone. The Apgar score is used as a communica- has no way of being oxygenated, as this is the only means
tion tool to inform other team members should it be of assisting the heart to function. Hence the midwife
necessary. A score at 1, 5 and 10 minutes is entered into should note the Airway, Breathing and Circulation of
the record (Nursing and Midwifery Council [NMC] 2009). resuscitation when C must follow B and B must follow A:
Most babies will be blue at birth, which indicates that there there is no room for any short cuts.
is accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood and
tissues. It is important to remember that CO2 is a stimu-
lant to the respiratory centre in the medulla oblongata, so
blue skin is a normal physiological sign and most babies will
not require resuscitating. However, too much CO2 will AND BREATHING
depress respiration and this may account for why the baby
may be showing little or no respiratory effort. White or If the baby is not breathing, opening the airway is always the
mottled grey skin is an indication of peripheral shut down first step. A flat surface is needed so the umbilical cord can
as the baby is responding to low oxygen levels and is be cut and secured. In the home setting, the floor is a
conserving the available oxygen for the heart and brain by tempting location to place the baby, especially if the room
diverting blood away from the skin and other non-essential is cluttered. However, the floor is not ideal, as even in the
organs (Leone and Finer 2012). This is the baby that needs summer it is often cold and draughty and therefore likely
to be thoroughly dried as their reserves of oxygen cannot to cool the baby. Furthermore, in any resuscitation situation,
be wasted on attempting to keep warm. So, the rule of the first consideration is practitioner safety. The midwife must
thumb must be the poorer the colour, the more thorough the always make sure the environment is safe for her to func-
drying process should be. The midwife should not let their tion, and bad posture in particular can contribute to poor
own anxiety or that of others hurry them in this drying performance and awkward communications. It is therefore
process. All wet towels should be discarded and the baby better to clear a table or use the seat of a firm chair to place
covered in warmed dry ones. Identification name bands the baby on.
should also be placed on the baby in the hospital setting, The prominence of the neonatal occipital protuberance
should there be need to separate the baby from the mother can affect the natural position of the baby’s head, when
at any time. lying on its back, with the result of either the chin falling
According to Rennie and Kendall (2013), the assessment down to the chest in flexion or extending into the chin-up
of muscle tone indicates to what degree the nerves are position. Both postures consequently close the airway. The
stimulating the skeletal muscles. When a baby is well head should be placed in the neutral position (Fig. 29.1)
toned for its gestational age, this signals that the baby is with the nose uppermost, the ideal situation being when
generally in good condition even though they may not be another person can hold the baby’s head for the midwife
breathing. A baby that is both white and floppy reflects the (Tracy et al 2011).
possibility of long-term hypoxia as a result of the labour
process or some other co-existing factor, for example,
infection. The midwife should simultaneously assess
whether the baby is breathing by assessing the presence or
absence of chest movement and any other signs, such as
gasping. If the baby is crying, the baby has an open airway.
This assessment is followed by auscultation of the chest to
assess the heart rate. Dawson et al (2010) argue that the
midwife needs to establish whether there is a heart rate
and, if so, if it is above or below 60 beats per minute
(bpm). In the first minute, the average heart rate of a
healthy term baby is below 100 bpm, however by the
second minute it has usually risen to around 140 bpm and
by 5 minutes to 160 bpm. Dawson et al (2010) consider
that the heart rate is the most important indicator of
health in newborn babies and this is why it is so important
to make a regular assessment, hence the 1 and 5 minutes
time-frame of the Apgar score (Apgar 1952). During this Fig. 29.1 Neutral position.

Resuscitation of the healthy baby at birth Chapter | 29 |

Box 29.1 Reflective question

‘If a baby is not breathing, is it acceptable

to blow oxygen onto the baby’s face
instead of using IPPV with a bag and
This is totally inappropriate for two reasons:
1. You must first establish that the airway is open. The
only way to do this is by giving five inflation breaths
Fig. 29.2 Small towel under the neck (sniffing position). and seeing the chest rise by the fifth inflation breath.
The time you spend not giving IPPV is wasted and the
baby is not receiving any benefit from you.
2. Resuscitation gas now consists of air as standard
not oxygen. Air is a cold gas and if you blow this
onto the face of the baby, you will quickly cool the

another, i.e. lung fluid with air, there is no accumulation

of air to lift the chest until the 4th or 5th inflation breath.
This can be a nervous time for the midwife because it is
natural to think that the chest will rise on the first inflation
and it is easy for midwives to blame their own technique.
Once chest movement has been seen, the facemask should
be removed to assess if the baby is spontaneously breath-
Fig. 29.3 Bagging demonstration. ing. The heart rate can also be assessed at this time to
establish whether the rate has increased.
Babies that are blue with good muscle tone and a heart
Alternatively, a small sheet/towel or equivalent can be rate above 60 bpm often do not need any further assist-
placed under the neck of the baby to secure the neutral ance. As soon as normal respiratory effort is established
position (sniffing position) (Fig. 29.2). and their heart rate is over 100 bpm, they can be given to
Intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) will their mother for skin-to-skin contact. However, some
then be commenced using a bag and mask if available or babies in this category may not be breathing spontan­
a T-piece, mask and resuscitaire in the hospital. The mask eously because there remains too much CO2 in their blood
must be the correct size for the baby to prevent any leaks and tissues (hypercapnoea) that is depressing their respira-
of air to occur on inflation of the bag. The mask should tory effort. Ventilatory breaths are then commenced to
be rolled onto the face from the chin, using the stem of provide oxygen (21% in air) and blow off the excess CO2.
the mask (like a champagne glass) to hold it in position. Given at a rate of 30 breaths per minute, these breaths are
The soft part of the mask should not be touched as this therefore 2 seconds in duration. It is important to assess
may distort its shape and lead to leakage of air (Fig. 29.3). the baby every 30 seconds to see if they are making spon-
The bag when manually compressed will deliver posi- taneous efforts to breathe. It is vital that the midwife does
tive pressure of air at 30 cmH2O. Given that the alveoli are not over-ventilate the baby and reduce their CO2 too much
filled with lung fluid, this pressure should be applied for and cause apnoea. Babies should be allowed to resuscitate
3 seconds, which is the time it takes to steadily count themselves, noting the time when the baby is breathing
‘1–2–3’, to begin the process of forcing the lung fluid into spontaneously. (See Box 29.1.)
the lymphatic channels of the lungs. The bag should be
allowed to refill before giving the second breath, ‘2–2–3’,
the third breath, ‘3–2–3’, ‘4–2–3, and finally ‘5–2–3’. Five
inflation breaths should be sufficient to clear the lung fluid to
make room for the air. While these inflation breaths are AN OPEN AIRWAY
being given, the baby should be covered but with the chest
exposed so that any chest movement (which is the sign of If there is no chest movement after five inflation breaths,
an open airway) can be seen and noted. It must be appreci- this indicates that the airway is not open, so the alveoli
ated that while there is an exchange of one substance with will remain filled with lung fluid. This is a good time to

Section | 6 | The Neonate

consider calling for medical assistance because failure of at the level of the middle of the lips, the end of the airway
the following interventions may result in the need for should reach the angle of the jaw. The airway is slipped
tracheal intubation (RCUK 2011). In the home, paramedic over the tongue in the same attitude that it will finally lie.
support will take longer to arrive so early anticipation of The midwife should make sure that the tongue is not
problems is considered good practice. If the baby has a pushed back into the back of the mouth. Once in situ the
poor colour and muscle tone, this may indicate that the mask can be placed over the airway (both the mouth and
position of their head has not been maintained in the nose) and a further five inflation breaths should be given.
neutral position and there is a definite need for a second If the chest fails to rise after these interventions, intubation
person’s help both to hold the head and apply jaw thrust. of the trachea will be required and an experienced neo­
The jaw of a floppy baby can fall backwards and as the natal registrar will be needed to assist.
tongue is attached to the jaw, the tongue falls back into
the airway, blocking the airway. A second person, with
their fingers on each side of the jaw, can push the jaw
forwards and hold it in that position. This is an easily
performed manoeuvre because the baby does not offer any EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION
muscle tone resistance. Five inflation breaths should then
be given. If there is still no chest movement, suction to the According to England and Morgan (2012) resuscitation of
oropharynx under direct vision using the light of a laryn- the baby occurs in the presence of the parents, so a clear,
goscope may be considered should there be an obstruc- simple explanation in a calm tone should be given to
tion. Occasionally if there is maternal bleeding at the inform and support them during the process. Parental
birth, some blood may have entered the baby’s mouth, stress and anxiety will affect how the couple are able to
initially as fluid but then over time may have clotted. receive information and respond to it. Non-verbal com-
(Please note: The management of meconium is not considered munication is more influential in informing the parents
in this context, as the resuscitation would be approached in a of the midwife’s state of mind. Documentation should
different way: Chapters 32 and 33). After this intervention always reflect obtained consent and specific aspects of the
five inflation breaths are given. If not successful, an resuscitation, including any interactions between the
oropharyngeal (Guedel) airway can be inserted to open parents and multiprofessional team that have occurred
the airway mechanically, especially in babies who may (NMC 2008, 2009, 2012). It is important to recognize that
have congenital abnormalities such as choanal atresia and/ records should always be sequentially detailed enough,
or micrognathia. The correct sizing of the airway is vital. should they be required to support the midwife’s actions
When held along the line of the lower jaw with the flange at a later date and read out in court or at the NMC.


Apgar V 1952 Proposal for a new McGraw–Hill/Open University Press, NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council)
method of evaluation of newborn Maidenhead 2012 Midwives rules and standards.
infants. Anaesthesia and Analgesia Leone T A, Finer N N (2012) NMC, London
32: 260–7 Resuscitation in the delivery room. RCUK (Resuscitation Council UK) 2011
Connolly G 2010 Resuscitation of the In: Gleason C A, Devaskar S U Newborn life support. RCUK,
newborn. In: Boxwell G (ed) (eds) Avery’s diseases of the London
Neonatal intensive care nursing. newborn. Elsevier, Philadelphia, Rennie J M, Kendall G S 2013 A manual
Routledge, London, p 65–86 p 328–40 of neonatal intensive care. Taylor
Dawson J A, Kamlin C O F, Wong C NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) and Francis, London
et al 2010 Changes in heart rate in 2008 The Code: standards of Tracy M B, Klimek J, Coughtrey H et al
the first minutes after birth. Archives conduct, performance and ethics 2011 Mask leak in one-person mask
of Disease in Childhood Fetal and for nurses and midwives. NMC, ventilation compared to two-person
Neonatal Edition 95(3): F177–81 London in a newborn infant manikin study.
England C, Morgan R 2012 NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) Archives of Disease in Childhood
Communication skills for midwives: 2009 Record keeping. Guidance for Fetal and Neonatal Edition
challenges in everyday practice. nurses and midwives. NMC, London 96(3):F195–200

Resuscitation of the healthy baby at birth Chapter | 29 |


England C, Morgan R 2012 Mosley C M J, Shaw B N J 2013 A especially if they are not exposed to clinical
Communication skills for midwives: longitudinal cohort study to resuscitation situations on a regular basis.
challenges in everyday practice. investigate the retention of Practitioners failed on simple but essential
McGraw–Hill/Open University Press, knowledge and skills following interventions such as not removing the wet
Maidenhead attendance on the Newborn Life towel from the baby and not assessing the
Chapter 7 provides details regarding Support course. Archives of Disease baby’s heart beat. It is suggested that
personal interactions in acute clinical in Childhood 98(8):582–6 practitioners should attend resuscitation
situations and explores in depth how the This article reports that practitioners updates on a regular basis to maintain and
midwife should communicate with parents following specialist training, over time hone their skills, which should improve
and members of the multiprofessional team experience deterioration in neonatal confidence.
in the neonatal resuscitation situation. resuscitation ability and technique,

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Chapter 30

The healthy low birth weight baby

Carole England

CHAPTER CONTENTS It is now common practice for healthy LBW

babies from 32 weeks’ gestation with a birth
Classification of babies by gestation weight of 1.7–2.5 kg to be cared for on a
and weight 617 postnatal ward with their mother. The majority
Gestational age 618 of these babies remain well, will have minimal or
no illness in the neonatal period and can be
Birth weight 618 cared for by midwives as the lead practitioner
Small for gestational age (SGA) 618 (Department of Health [DH] 2010). This chapter
Types of intrauterine growth restriction will examine the role of the midwife in
rate (IUGR) 619 supporting parents to care for their healthy LBW
baby and the specific knowledge and skills the
The preterm baby 621 midwife requires to fulfil this effectively.
Characteristics of the preterm baby 621
Care of the healthy LBW baby 622
Management at birth 622 THE CHAPTER AIMS TO:
Assessment of gestational age 622 • examine the terminology and classifications of
Thermoregulation 623 babies in relation to gestational age and birth
Hypoglycaemia 623 weight
Feeding 624 • critically discuss the importance of skin-to-skin
Optimizing the care environment for the contact and early feeding in the prevention of cold
healthy LBW baby 625 stress and hypoglycaemia
Handling and touch 625 • discuss the provision of an accommodating
Noise and light hazards 626 environment that supports the developing needs of
the LBW baby on the postnatal ward.
Sleeping position 626
References 626
Further reading 628
Useful websites 628
Between 6% and 7% of all babies born in
the United Kingdom (UK) weigh <2500 g at
birth. Preterm babies make up two-thirds of low Definitions of gestational age disregard any considerations
birth weight (LBW) babies, with the other of birth weight and likewise definitions of LBW are based
one-third being small for their gestational age upon weight alone and do not consider the gestational age
(SGA), some of which will be born at term. of the baby.

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 617

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Gestational age derived from studies of local populations, because geneti-

cally derived growth differences exist between countries,
According to Smith (2012), babies should preferably be cultures and lifestyles.
classified by gestational age, as this is a better physiological Various presentations of LBW babies can be described
measure compared to birth weight. A preterm baby is born as follows:
before completion of the 37th gestational week (259
1. Babies whose rate of intrauterine growth is normal at
days), which is calculated from the first day of the mother’s
the moment of birth. They are small because labour
last menstrual period (LMP) and has no relevance to the
began before the end of the 37th gestational week.
baby’s weight, length, head circumference, or indeed any
These preterm babies are appropriately grown for their
other measurement of fetal or neonatal size. Smith (2012)
gestational age (AGA). Their weight is between the
further asserts that gestational age estimates by first-
90th and 10th centiles for their gestation age.
trimester ultrasonography are accurate within 4 days, so
2. Babies whose rate of intrauterine growth has slowed
that the combination of fetal crown–rump length and
down and who are born at, or later than, term.
menstrual history are now considered more accurate
These term or post-term babies are under-grown for
indices for estimating gestational age.
gestational age and are consequently small for their
gestational age (SGA). Their weight is below the 10th
Birth weight centile for their gestational age.
3. Babies whose rate of intrauterine growth has slowed
The World Health Organization (WHO 1997a) recom- down and who are also born before term. These
mend that babies who weigh <2500 g should be called preterm babies are small by virtue of both their early
low birth weight (LBW). As neonatal care has become birth and impaired intrauterine growth. They are
more effective and babies are surviving at earlier gesta- both pre-term and SGA babies because their weight
tions, new LBW categories are now recognized: will be below the 10th centile for their reduced
• very low birth weight (VLBW) babies are those gestational age.
weighing below 1500 g at birth Babies are considered large for their gestational age
• extremely low birth weight (ELBW) babies are those (LGA) when their weight exceeds the 90th centile. Conse-
who weigh below 1000 g at birth. quently, it should be recognized that both term and
It is the relationship between weight (for assessment of preterm babies can fall into the category of AGA, SGA, or
growth) and gestational age (for assessment of maturity) LGA (Fig. 30.2).
that is of great importance. This relationship can be seen
plotted on centile charts (Fig. 30.1) to visually demon-
strate that growth is appropriate, excessive or diminished
for gestational age and that the baby is either preterm, SMALL FOR GESTATIONAL
term or post-term. Growth charts, however, should be AGE (SGA)

Babies that are small for their gestational age are of a size
that is smaller when compared to other babies. If a baby
90th is under-grown and below the 10th centile for weight,
3500 tion
sta historically there has been for some an automatic assump-
3250 ge n
or tatio 50th tion that as a fetus the baby has experienced intrauterine
3000 ef ges
arg or growth restriction (IUGR). Wilkins-Haug and Heffner
L f
2750 te
Birth weight (g)

ria (2012) define IUGR as a rate of fetal growth that is less

2500 op 10th
pr than the normal growth potential for a specific baby.
Ap ion
tat However, this does not mean that all SGA babies are small
2000 ges as a result of IUGR. Some small babies are genetically
all small because they have small parents or grandparents and
1500 this familial factor determines their smallness. They are
well, healthy babies who need to be treated accordingly.
1000 Centile charts can act only as guides. Trotter (2009)
states that maternal characteristics, obstetric history and
birth details in addition to the appearance and behaviour
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 of the baby should determine what care is required.
Should a baby be born at 36 weeks’ gestation with a birth-
Gestation (weeks)
weight of 2100 g, which according to weight, is well below
Fig. 30.1 A centile chart, showing weight and gestation. the 50th centile, this baby would not fall below the 10th

The healthy low birth weight baby Chapter | 30 |

Low birth weight (LBW) Preterm gestation

90th 90th

50th 50th

10th 10th
Weight (g)

Weight (g)

A Gestational weeks B 37 completed weeks

The coexistence of preterm gestation

Small for gestational age (SGA) and small for gestational age (SGA)
90th (LGA) 90th

50th (AGA) 50th

10th (SGA) 10th

Weight (g)

Weight (g)

C Gestational weeks D 37 completed weeks

Fig. 30.2 Centile charts that illustrate how low birth weight babies are categorized by weight and gestation. (A) Low birth
weight. (B) Preterm gestation. (C) Small for gestational age. (D) Co-existence of preterm gestation and small for gestational age.

centile line for weight, so should not be identified as SGA To show hyperplastic and hypertrophic
but may be under-grown. Similarly it should not be cellular growth from conception to 2 years
assumed that all infants of diabetic mothers (IDM) are
macrosomic and only fall into the LGA category. Diabetes Interruption to first trimester growth IUGR - Intrauterine
and obesity are conditions that deleteriously affect mater- is more damaging than second growth restriction
and third trimester growth
nal circulation and perfusion, so some babies will suffer
from IUGR and could be small for their gestational age.
Rate of growth related to
number of cells

Types of intrauterine growth (the size of cell)
restriction (IUGR)
There are two recognized types of IUGR. The causes and Hyperplasia
predisposing factors are seen as multi-factorial (Box 30.1). (the no. of cells)

IUGR that begins early in the first trimester Conception Birth time 2 years
caused by a combination of intrinsic and postnatal age
extrinsic factors, results in symmetrical Fig. 30.3 Graph to show hyperplastic and hypertrophic
fetal growth cellular growth from conception to 2 years.
In this scenario, the fetus suffers significant interruption
to hyperplastic cell division (Fig. 30.3). As a result, the

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Box 30.1 Causes of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)

Fetal growth is regulated by maternal, placental and fetal • Extremes in young and elderly mothers
factors and represents a mix of genetic mechanisms and • Poor obstetric history that includes preterm labour
environmental influences through which growth potential • Respiratory disorders, to include asthma
is expressed. The mechanisms that appear to limit fetal
• Maternal work and ability to rest
growth are multifactorial.
Maternal factors Fetal factors
• Multiple gestation
• Pregnancy-induced hypertension, pre-eclampsia, to
include HELLP syndrome • Chromosomal/genetic abnormality (particularly trisomy
conditions), including inborn errors of metabolism,
• Congenital and acquired heart disease, to include
dwarf syndromes
chronic hypertension
• Intrauterine infection: toxoplasmosis, rubella,
• Diabetes mellitus
cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex (ToRCH) and syphilis
• Undernutrition, to include obesity. Underweight
mother/small stature. Eating disorders Placental factors
• Smoking, alcohol misuse • Abruptio placenta
• Drugs: therapeutic (anticancer, thyroid medication), • Placenta praevia
recreational (narcotic, prescription)
• Chorioamnionitis
• Renal disease, collagen disorders, anaemia, thyroid
• Abnormal cord insertion
disorders and epilepsy
• Oligohydramnios
• Genetic diseases such as maternal phenylketonuria
and cystic fibrosis

Sources: Nodine et al 2011; Smith 2012

head circumference, length and weight are all propor- perfusion of oxygen and nutrients. When serial ultra-
tionately reduced for gestational age. The main causes are sound scans of head and abdominal circumference in
referred to as intrinsic factors that operate from within the addition to Doppler measurements indicate poor and
fetus and cause symmetrical growth restriction, often as a disproportionate growth, the birth of many affected
result of transplacental infections or chromosomal/ fetuses are expedited early, usually by elective caesarean
genetic defects. In addition, the deleterious effects of section. For those women where an early birth is not
maternal lifestyle where a poor quality diet may be in possible (the smaller twin or triplet; a concealed preg-
combination with smoking, drug and/or alcohol misuse, nancy or through failing to access antenatal care), their
can impact on fetal growth and development. These baby will to varying degrees have a characteristic brain-
examples are referred to as extrinsic factors that can act sparing appearance. The baby’s head appears relatively
upon the fetal environment and contribute to congenital large compared to the body (see Fig. 30.4); however, the
malformations that culminate in conditions such as fetal head circumference is usually within normal parameters
alcohol syndrome (FAS) or chronic hypoxia associated and brain growth is usually spared. The skull bones are
with maternal smoking. Affected babies suffer interrup- within gestational norms for length and density but the
tion to hyperplastic (new cell) division, therefore look anterior fontanelle may be larger than expected, owing
small and do not have the potential for normal growth. to diminished bone formation. The abdomen appears
Remember a small head equates to a small brain. These sunken owing to shrinkage of the liver and spleen,
babies make up 10–30% of all SGA babies in Western which surrender their stores of glycogen and red blood
societies (Sinha et al 2012). cell mass respectively as the fetus adapts to the adverse
conditions of the uterus. As subcutaneous fat is used as
IUGR that begins in the last trimester, a source of glucose and ketones, the skin becomes
loose, giving the baby a wizened, old appearance. Vernix
caused by extrinsic factors, results in
caseosa is frequently reduced or absent as a result of
asymmetrical fetal growth diminished skin perfusion. In the absence of this protec-
This type of fetus has been growing normally then starts tive covering, the skin is continuously exposed to amni-
to experience interruption to hypertrophic cell growth otic fluid and its cells will begin to desquamate (shed)
(Fig. 30.3). This is influenced by extrinsic factors in its so that the skin appears pale, dry and coarse. If the baby
intrauterine environment that cause disruption to placental is of a mature gestation and has passed meconium in

The healthy low birth weight baby Chapter | 30 |

Box 30.2 Causes of preterm labour

Spontaneous causes
• 40% unknown
• Multiple gestation – the higher the multiple the
greater the chance
• Hyperpyrexia as a result of viral or bacterial infection,
often urinary tract infections
• Premature rupture of the membranes caused by
maternal infection, especially chorioamnionitis. Also
• Maternal short stature, age (<18 or > 35years) and
• Maternal uterine malformation; often bicornuate or
significant fibroids
• Poor obstetric history; history of preterm labour
• Cervical incompetence, history of cone biopsy
• Maternal substance abuse, particularly alcohol and
cigarette smoking

Elective causes
• Pregnancy-induced hypertension, pre-eclampsia,
chronic hypertension
• Maternal disease: renal, heart
• Placenta praevia, abruptio placenta
• Rhesus incompatibility
• Congenital abnormality of the baby

Sources: Sinha et al 2012; Smith 2012

Fig. 30.4 Baby with asymmetrical growth restriction. Note
the apparently large head compared with the undergrown

utero, the skin may be stained with meconium. Fetal dis- Characteristics of the preterm baby
tress in labour and hypoglycaemia are more likely to be
seen in this group of babies. Unless severely affected, The appearance of the preterm baby at birth will depend
these babies appear hyperactive and hungry, with a upon the gestational age. The following description will
lusty cry. focus upon the baby born from 32 weeks’ gestation. Preterm
babies rarely grow large enough in utero to develop mus-
cular flexion and fully adopt the fetal position. As a result
their posture appears flattened, with hips abducted, knees
THE PRETERM BABY and ankles flexed. Lissauer and Faranoff (2011) describe a
generally hypotonic baby with a weak and feeble cry. The
The preterm baby is born before the end of the 37th ges- head is in proportion to the body, the skull bones are soft
tational week, regardless of birth weight. Most of these with large fontanelles and wide sutures. The chest is small
babies are appropriately grown, some are SGA and a small and narrow and appears underdeveloped. The abdomen
number are LGA. The factors that play a role in the initia- is prominent because the liver and spleen are large and
tion of preterm labour are largely unknown and mainly abdominal muscle tone is poor (Fig. 30.5). The liver is
overlay with factors that impair fetal growth. They are large because it receives a good supply of oxygenated
divided into those labours that commence spontaneously blood and is active in the production of red blood cells.
and those where a decision is made to terminate a viable The umbilicus appears low in the abdomen because linear
pregnancy before term: referred to as elective causes growth is cephalo-caudal, being more apparent nearer
(Box 30.2). to the head than rump, by virtue of fetal circulation

Section | 6 | The Neonate


Many of the care issues relevant to the LBW baby apply to

both the preterm and the SGA infant. Where differences
do exist, these will receive further consideration.

Management at birth
Given the unpredictability of the birth process on growth
and maturity, the role of the midwife in the birthing room
is to prepare the environment, staff and parents for certain
eventualities. This takes the form of informing members
of the multiprofessional team such as a second midwife,
neonatal practitioner and neonatal nurse, to be on standby
for the birth. The incidence of perinatal asphyxia and con-
genital malformation is greater in SGA babies and the
baby with a scaphoid abdomen could be physically
normal, albeit thin, but could also deteriorate quickly if
presenting with a diaphragmatic hernia. The midwife
should be fully aware of the availability of cots in the
neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), transitional care unit
or postnatal ward according to the condition of the baby
and their potential care demands following birth. The
labour room ambient temperature should ideally be
between 23 and 26 °C and the neonatal resuscitaire and
accompanying equipment should be ready for use.
It is particularly important that the midwife attaches the
correct labels to the baby at birth in case separation from
the mother should occur at any time if the baby’s condi-
tion becomes unstable. The midwife should cut the cord
and leave an extra length to allow for easy access to the
umbilical vessels in case they are needed at a later time. At
Fig. 30.5 Healthy preterm baby born at 32 weeks’ gestation. birth, the midwife should ensure that the baby is thor-
Note the presence of a nasogastric tube. The thermocouple oughly dried before skin-to-skin contact is attempted, in
of the servo-mode is taped to the skin of the baby’s upper order to prevent evaporative heat losses. Skin-to-skin
abdomen. contact for a period of up to 50 minutes is recommended
to secure the baby’s conductive heat transfer gains and
help the baby to become physically stabilized to feed. If
the mother chooses not to engage in skin-to-skin contact,
the father may wish to do so (Chin et al 2011) but if not,
oxygenation. Subcutaneous fat is laid down from 28
the baby can be dressed, wrapped and held by the parents.
weeks’ gestation, therefore its presence and amount will
The baby’s axilla temperature should be maintained
affect the redness and transparency of the skin. Vernix
between 36.5 °C and 37.5 °C. Early attempts at breastfeed-
caseosa is abundant in the last trimester and tends to
ing should be encouraged (Pollard 2012).
accumulate at sites of dense lanugo growth, such as the
face, ears, shoulders and sacral region, protecting the skin
from amniotic fluid maceration. The ear pinna is flat with
Assessment of gestational age
little curve, the eyes bulge and the orbital ridges are promi-
nent. The nipple areola is poorly developed and barely With developments of more accurate dating by antenatal
visible. The cord is white, fleshy and glistening. The plantar ultrasound techniques, it is argued by Smith (2012) that
creases are absent before 36 weeks’ gestation but soon there is less justification for a full assessment of gestational
begin to appear, as fluid loss occurs through the skin. In age in healthy LBW babies. The exception is applied when
girls the labia majora fail to cover the labia minora and in the mother deliberately conceals her pregnancy or has
boys the testes descend into the scrotal sac at about the difficulty/is unable to communicate. The neonatal practi-
37th gestational week. tioner, with the view that no harm is caused as a result of

The healthy low birth weight baby Chapter | 30 |

the process, should carefully conduct any assessments that All preterm babies are prone to heat loss because their
are carried out. Sasidharan et al (2009) considers that the ability to produce heat is compromised by their immatu-
Ballard Score (Ballard et al 1991) can give an accurate rity, so factors such as their large ratio of surface area to
assessment of gestational age until at least 7 days of life weight, their varying amounts of subcutaneous fat and
and continues to be the most widely used tool. their ability to mobilize brown fat stores will be affected
The Department of Health (DH 2009) states that WHO by their gestational age (Blackburn 2007). During cooling,
has introduced growth charts based on exclusively breast- immaturity of the heat-regulating centres in the hypotha-
fed babies. A chart specifically for preterm babies 32–36 lamus and medulla oblongata causes failure to recognize the
weeks has also been devised that has no centile lines need to act. In addition, preterm babies are unable to
between birth and the first two weeks of neonatal life and increase their oxygen consumption effectively through
the 50th centile has been de-emphasized to better reflect normal respiratory function and their calorific intake is
the natural weight losses and gains of this category of often inadequate to meet increasing metabolic require-
baby. It is important that midwives are educated to use ments. Furthermore, their open resting postures increase
these specialized charts efficiently so that the baby’s sub- their surface area and, along with insensible water losses,
sequent growth and development can be monitored effec- these factors render the preterm baby more susceptible to
tively (DH 2009). evaporative heat losses. Fellows (2010) argues that when
the baby is not receiving skin-to-skin contact with either
parent and the baby is under 2 kg, the warm conditions
in an incubator can be achieved either by heating the air
Thermoregulation is the balance between heat production to 30–32 °C (air mode) or by servo-mode: controlling the
and heat loss. The prevention of cold stress, which may baby’s body temperature at a desired set point (36 °C). In
lead to hypothermia – which is a body temperature below servo-mode, a thermocouple is taped to the upper abdomen
35 °C – is critical for the intact survival of the LBW baby. and the incubator heater maintains the skin at that site at
Newborn babies are unable to shiver, move very much or a preset constant temperature (Fig. 30.4). Within the incu-
seek extra warmth for themselves and therefore rely upon bator, the baby is clothed with bedding, in a room tem-
physical adaptations that generate heat by raising basal perature of 26 °C. Most preterm babies between 2.0 kg
metabolic rate and utilize brown fat deposits. Thus, expo- and 2.5 kg will be cared for in a cot, in a room temperature
sure to cool environments can result in multisystem of 24 °C.
changes. As body temperature falls, tissue oxygen con-
sumption rises as the baby attempts to burn brown fat to
generate energy and heat. Diversion of blood away from
the gastrointestinal tract reduces all forms of digestion. The term hypoglycaemia refers to a low blood glucose con-
Attempting to warm a cold baby by feeding is ineffectual and centration and is usually a feature of failure to adapt from
carries the danger of milk inhalation. Care measures should the fetal state of continuous transplacental glucose con-
aim to provide an environment that supports the neutral sumption to the extrauterine pattern of intermittent milk
thermal environment. This environment constitutes a range supply (WHO 1997b). Within the first hour of life the
of ambient temperatures within which the metabolic rate blood glucose levels fall, which triggers the pancreas to
is minimal, the baby is neither gaining nor losing heat, stimulate the alpha cells of the Islets of Langerhans to
oxygen consumption is negligible and the core-to-skin produce glucagon, with the consequential effect of releas-
temperature gradient is small (Blackburn 2007). ing glucose from glycogen stores in the liver to maintain
In the baby, the head accounts for at least one-fifth of the blood glucose levels within safe limits. However, it is
the total body surface area and brain heat production is generally questioned whether LBW babies are as effective
thought to be 55% of total metabolic heat production. in this metabolism compared to appropriately grown term
Rapid heat loss due to the large head-to-body ratio and babies and some caution is recommended (WHO 1997b).
large surface area is exaggerated. Wide sutures and large Asymmetrical SGA babies may have greater brain-to-body
fontanelles add to the heat-losing tendency. Once the baby mass with a tendency towards polycythaemia, which
is thoroughly dried, which includes the face, a pre-warmed increases their energy demands, and since both the brain
hat will minimize heat loss from the head. Asymmetric and the red blood cells are obligatory glucose users, these
SGA babies have increased skin maturity but often depleted factors can increase glucose requirements. Glycogen
stores of subcutaneous fat, which are used for insulation. storage is initiated at the beginning of the third trimester
Their raised basal metabolic rate helps them to produce of pregnancy but may be incomplete as a result of preterm
heat but their high energy demands in the presence of birth or, in the asymmetrical SGA baby, may have been
poor glycogen stores and minimal fat deposition can soon drawn upon before birth.
lead to hypoglycaemia (<2.6 mmol/l) followed by physio- Hypoglycaemia in healthy LBW babies is more likely to
logical cooling (<36 °C) to reach a state of hypothermia occur in conditions where they become cold or where the
(<35 °C) (Bedford and Lomax 2011). initiation of early feeding (within the first hour) is delayed.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

However, hypoglycaemia is associated with mild to mod- which are thought to be essential for the myelination of
erate perinatal asphyxia and maternal history of beta- neural membranes and for retinal development. Preterm
blocker use (e.g. labetolol) as it causes hyperinsulinism and breast milk has a higher concentration of lipids, protein,
interferes with glycogenolysis. The midwife should con- sodium, calcium and immunoglobulins, alongside lipases
sider that there may be some underlying medical condi- and enzymes that improve digestion and absorption.
tion that may call for more thorough investigation The uniqueness of the mother’s milk for her own baby
(Chapter 33). cannot be overstated but she needs to understand what
The signs of hypoglycaemia are varied and Wilker her baby may be able to achieve related to the stage of
(2012) acknowledges that hypoglycaemia can present with their development, which is based upon the combined
no or few clinical signs. The clinical picture of tremor and influences of their gestational age at birth and their neo-
irritability may occasionally lead to convulsion and natal age.
decreased consciousness. A high-pitched cry, hypotonia, For a baby to feed for nutritive purposes, the coordina-
unexplained apnoea and bradycardia with central cyanosis tion of breathing with suck and swallow reflexes reflects
are also recognized as serious signs of deterioration in the neurobehavioural maturation and organization, which is
baby’s health and need referral to a medical practitioner. thought to occur between 32 and 36 weeks’ gestation.
Jitteriness is not a sign of hypoglycaemia (United Nations Blackburn (2007) argues that preterm babies are limited
Childrens Fund [UNICEF] 2010). The aim of management in their ability to suck because they lack cheek pads, which
is to maintain the true blood glucose level above leads to a weaker suck, coupled with weak musculature
2.6 mmol/l, which is considered to be the lowest level of and flexor control, which are important for firm lip and
normal in the first few days of life (WHO 1997b; Lissauer jaw closure.
and Fanaroff 2011). Als and Butler (2006) believe that parents should
Healthy LBW babies who show no clinical signs of provide physical support for head, trunk and shoulders as
hypoglycaemia, are demanding and taking nutritive feeds sucking is part of the flexor pattern of development and
on a regular basis and maintaining their body tempera- may be enhanced by giving the baby something to grasp.
ture, do not need screening for hypoglycaemia. The The preterm baby’s head is very heavy for the weak mus-
emphasis of care is placed upon the concept of adequate culature of the neck and would, if not supported, result in
feeding and the cornerstone of success is the midwife’s considerable head lag, so correct positioning and attach-
ability to assess whether the baby is feeding sufficiently ment to the breast can be made much more difficult to
well to meet energy requirements. The preterm baby may achieve. Poor head alignment can result in airway collapse,
be sleepy and attempts to take the first feed may reflect its which may lead to apnoea and bradycardia, therefore
gestational age. Midwives should be guided by the local support from the midwife is essential when initiating
policies within their employing organization regarding breastfeeding.
use of reagent strips to assess for hypoglycaemia, but prior If the baby requires feeding via a nasogastric tube, it is
to the baby’s second feed is the best time to ascertain now common practice for parents to feed their own baby.
whether the first feed was effective in maintaining the Tube feeding has the advantage that the tube can be left
capillary blood glucose level above 2 mmol/l. If a baby, in situ during a cup or breastfeed and has been shown to
despite being fed, presents with clinical signs of hypogly­ eliminate the need to introduce bottles into a breastfeed-
caemia, a venous sample should be taken by the medical ing regimen. However, babies are preferential nose breath-
practitioner to assess the true blood glucose level which ers and the presence of a nasogastric tube will inevitably
should be dispatched to the laboratory. A true blood take up part of their available airway. Flint et al (2007)
glucose level that remains <2.6 mmol/dl, despite the argue that the prolonged use of nasogastric tubes has been
baby’s further attempts to feed by breast or take colostrum associated with delay in the development of a baby’s
by cup, may warrant transfer to the NICU, because glucose sucking and swallowing reflexes simply because the mouth
by intravenous bolus may be necessary to correct the meta- is bypassed. For these reasons, cup feeding has been used
bolic disturbance. Healthy mature SGA babies with an in addition or as an alternative to tube feeding, in order
asymmetrical growth pattern will usually breastfeed within to provide the baby with a positive oral experience, to
the first 30–60 minutes of birth and will demand feeds stimulate saliva and lingual lipases to aid digestion and to
every 2–3 hours thereafter. For the majority of LBW babies, accelerate the transition from naso/oro-gastric feeding to
hypoglycaemia is relatively short-lived and limited to the breastfeeding. Oral gastric tubes have been associated with
first 48 hours following birth. vagal stimulation and have resulted in bradycardia and
Pollard (2012) reports that certain behaviours, such as
Feeding licking and lapping, are well established before sucking
According to Jones and Spencer (2008) both preterm and swallowing, and when babies are given the opportu-
and SGA babies benefit from human milk because it con- nity it is not unusual to see them as early as 28 and 29
tains long chain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, weeks licking milk that has been expressed onto the

The healthy low birth weight baby Chapter | 30 |

nipple by their mother. Thus, babies between 30 and 32 of care is for them to listen and learn from their baby, to
weeks’ gestation can be given expressed breastmilk (EBM) come to know and see them as an individual, competent
by cup. Pollard (2012) makes a further point that tongue for their stage of development and not merely a baby born
movement is vital in the efficient stripping of the milk too early, or a dysfunctional term baby. They should be
ducts, so cup-feeding can be seen as developmental prep- encouraged (but not cajoled) into taking a major role in
aration for breastfeeding. Between 32 and 34 weeks’ ges- their baby’s emerging developmental agenda, enabling
tation, cup-feeding can act as the main method of them to understand the situation in which they find
feeding, with the baby taking occasional complete breast- themselves, so they are further able to reset their expecta-
feeds. The baby uses less energy to take its feed by cup tions and thus provide more baby-led support (Teti et al
compared to bottle, which supports their general well­ 2005; Reid and Freer 2010).
being and homeostasis. According to McGrath (2004), the emerging task of the
A preterm baby of <35 weeks’ gestation can be gently term newborn baby is increasing alertness, with growing
wrapped/swaddled prior to a feed and this is thought to responsiveness to the outside world. By comparison, a
provide reassurance and comfort, not unlike the unique preterm baby is at a stage of development that is more
close-fitting tactile stimulation of the uterus. McGrath concerned with their internal world. Term babies have
(2004) argues that this approach supports development of stable function of the autonomic and motor systems.
flexion as well as decreasing disorganized behaviours that Preterm babies will be at different stages of this develop-
could detract from feeding success. A preterm baby may ment, depending on their gestational age and health
easily tire and the mother can be taught to start the flow status. They will spend more time in rapid eye movement
of milk by hand expressing, before attempting to attach (REM) sleep or drowsy states and have difficulty in achiev-
her baby to the breast. Long pauses between sucks are to ing deep sleep. They are unable to shut out stimulation
be expected. This burst–pause pattern is a signal of normal that prevents them from sleeping and resting, and sudden
development and seems to occur earlier with breastfeed- noise hazards provoke stress reactions, which can adversely
ing. The baby may appear to be asleep and a change in affect respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive stability.
position may remind them of the task in hand, but it is The term baby is able to shut out such stimuli for rest and
thought to be a mistake to force a reluctant baby to feed. sleep purposes. The degree to which SGA term babies have
If it is obvious that the baby is more interested in sleeping, been affected by their unique intrauterine experience is
the mother can complete the feed by nasogastric tube. difficult to assess in the short term, but hyperactivity is
Feeding frequency can vary between 8 and 10 feeds per seen as a feature of an adaptive stress reaction. These
day. The baby should be left to establish their own volume babies, like their preterm counterparts, need an environ-
requirements and feeding pattern. If necessary, the mother ment that supports their level of robustness. Environmen-
should use a breast pump to maintain her lactation to tal disturbances, excessive or prolonged handling and even
reflect her baby’s feeding style. activities like feeding may add extra physiological burden
to an already compromised state. Social contact is consid-
ered a vital element for the development of parent–baby
interaction, yet stereotypical notions of social contact that
OPTIMIZING THE CARE revolve around practical caregiving and feeding may not
be suitable for some babies and when these activities are
ENVIRONMENT FOR THE HEALTHY pooled together, may draw too heavily on the baby’s phys-
LBW BABY ical resources. When the baby is overstimulated and wishes
to terminate the interaction, certain cues are known as
The normal sensory requirements of the developing neo- coping signals and are recognized as fist clenching, furrowing
natal brain depend upon subtle influences, first from the of the brow, gaze aversion, splayed fingers and yawning.
uterus and then from the breast (Reid and Freer 2010). Should the baby wish to initiate or continue an interac-
Any disruption to this natural arrangement renders the tion, they tend to demonstrate approach signals such as
LBW baby vulnerable to influences in the care environ- raised eyebrows, head raising and engagement in different
ment that can result in poor coordination as a result of degrees of eye contact with their social partners. The midwife
delays in the development of different subsystems (auto- can reassure parents that by paying attention to their
nomic, motor, sensory, etc.). Reid and Freer (2010) baby’s behaviour they can work with their baby’s capabili-
believe maternal role development depends upon the ties, which is crucial for maintaining the baby’s healthy
mother’s self-esteem and her perception of mothering. By status (Als and Butler 2006).
attempting to adapt the care environment to be more
like the intrauterine environment, the midwife can help
Handling and touch
parents to become aware of their baby’s behavioural and
autonomic cues and utilize them in organizing care Kangaroo care (KC) is used to promote closeness between
according to their baby’s individual tolerance. The ethos a baby and mother and involves placing the nappy-clad

Section | 6 | The Neonate

rhythms and diurnal cycles. Light levels can be adjusted

during the day with curtains or blinds to shade windows
and protect the room from direct sunlight. Screens to
shield adjacent babies from phototherapy lights are also

Sleeping position
Hunter (2004) reports that preterm babies have reduced
muscle power and bulk, with flaccid muscle tone, there-
fore their movements are erratic, weak or flailing. They
exert energy to maintain their body position against the
pull of gravity. Nesting preterm babies into soft bedding,
in addition to the use of close flexible boundaries, helps
to keep their limbs in midline flexion, however it is vital
that they are nursed in a supine position to prevent
asphyxia. The supine position is also thought to be effec-
tive in promoting engagement in self-regulatory behav-
Fig. 30.6 Kangaroo care.
iours such as exploration of the face and mouth, hand and
foot clasping, boundary searching, flexion and extension
baby upright between the maternal breasts for skin-to-skin of the limbs. Pressure on the occiput should, over time,
contact (Fig. 30.6). The LBW baby can remain beneath the ensure a more rounded head.
mother’s clothing for varying periods of time that suit the Placing healthy LBW babies to sleep in the prone posi-
mother. Some mothers may have repeated contacts tion has been theoretically eradicated from neonatal prac-
throughout the day, others may prefer specific periods tice and Warwood (2010) reiterates that all babies should
around which they plan their daily activities. There are no be placed in the supine position, and it is incumbent upon
rules or time limitations applied, but contact should be midwives to accustom the baby and educate the parents
reviewed if there are any clinical signs of neonatal distress. in adopting this approach. Teaching resuscitation to
Hake-Brooks and Anderson (2008) found that preterm parents is part of routine preparation for transfer home,
babies of 32–36 weeks’ gestation who had unlimited skin- although according to Younger et al (2007) this degree of
to-skin contact, breast fed for longer compared to those preparedness can empower some parents but frighten
who had traditional nursery care. Conde-Agudelo and others. The decision to receive training should be the
Belizan (2009) support this view and also consider that parent’s choice (Resuscitation Council United Kingdom
the baby remained more physiologically stable, with less 2011).
reported incidence of infection. The importance of providing an appropriate environ-
ment for the healthy LBW baby cannot be overstressed and
the ideal environment should resemble home, which pro-
Noise and light hazards vides a cycle of day and night, regular nourishment, rest,
The time spent in a postnatal ward should be a time of stimulation and loving attention. The midwife’s role is to
rest and recuperation for both the mother and her LBW create such an environment, primarily for the physical
baby. All extraneous noises should be eliminated from development of the baby but at the same time to provide
clinical areas, such as musical toys and mobiles, harsh psychological support for the mother and her family.
clattering footwear, telephones, radios, intercom systems According to Fleury et al (2010) the mother should be
and raised voices. Clinicians should be aware of noise encouraged to rely upon her own instincts and common
hazards, such as the closing of incubator portholes, use of sense so that the rhythm of total care she adopts in
peddle bins, ward doors and general equipment. Ward hospital will thoroughly prepare her for when she goes
areas may be carpeted and quiet signs can be posted to home. Gambini et al (2011) make the point that often the
remind visitors not to disrupt the peace. In dimmed light- difference between early and late transfer home is more
ing conditions preterm babies are more able to improve dependent upon the mother’s positive attitude and skill
their quality of sleep and alert status. Reduced light levels development than the baby’s maturity and inherent
at night will help to promote the development of circadian abilities.

The healthy low birth weight baby Chapter | 30 |


Als H, Butler S 2006 Neurobehavioural Flint A, New K, Davies M 2007 Cup Sasidharan K, Dutta S, Narang A 2009
development of the pre-term infant feeding versus other forms of Validity of New Ballard Score until
In: Martin R J, Fanaroff A A, Walsh supplemental enteral feeding for 7th day of postnatal life in
M C (eds) Faranoff and Martin’s newborn infants unable to fully moderately preterm infants.
neonatal–perinatal medicine. breastfeed. Cochrane Database of Archives of Diseases in Childhood
Diseases of the fetus and infant, Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 2. Fetal and Neonatal Edition 94:
vol 2. Elsevier Mosby, London, Art. No. CD005092. doi: 10. 39–44
p 1051–68 1002/14651858. CD005092.pub2 Sinha S, Miall L, Jardine L 2012
Ballard J L, Khoury C, Wedig K et al Gambini I, Soldera G, Benevento B Essential neonatal medicine, 5th
1991 New Ballard Score expanded et al 2011 Postpartum psychosocial edn. Wiley–Blackwell, Chichester
to include extremely premature distress and late preterm birth. Smith V C 2012 The high-risk newborn:
infants. Journal of Paediatrics Journal of Reproductive and Infant anticipation, evaluation,
119:417–23 Psychology 29(5):472–9 management and outcome. In:
Bedford C D, Lomax A 2011 Cloherty J P, Eichenwald E C,
Hake-Brooks S, Anderson G 2008
Development of the heart and lungs Hansen A R et al (eds) Manual of
Kangaroo care and breastfeeding
and transition to extrauterine life. In: neonatal care. Wolters Kluwer
of mother–preterm infant dyads
Lomax A (ed) Examination of the Lippincott Williams and Wilkins,
0–18 months: a randomised
newborn: an evidence-based guide. London, p 74–90
controlled trial. Neonatal Network
Wiley–Blackwell, Chichester, p 47–58
27:151–9 Teti D M, Hess C R, O’Connell M
Blackburn S T 2007 Maternal, fetal and 2005 Parental perceptions of
Hunter J (2004) Positioning. In:
neonatal physiology: a clinical infant vulnerability in a preterm
Kenner C, McGrath J M (eds)
perspective. Mosby Saunders, sample: prediction from maternal
Developmental care of newborns
St Louis adaptation to parenthood during
and infants: a guide for health care
Chin R, Hall P, Daiches A 2011 Father’s professionals. Mosby, St Louis, the neonatal period. Journal of
experience of their transition to p 299–320 Development and Behavioral
fatherhood: a metasynthesis. Journal Paediatrics 26:283–92
Jones E, Spencer A 2008 Optimising the
of Reproductive and Infant Trotter C W 2009 Gestational age. In:
provision of human milk in preterm
Psychology 29(1):4–18 Tappero E P, Honeyfield M E (eds)
infants. MIDIRS Midwifery Digest
Conde-Agudelo A, Belizan J 18(1):118–21 Physical assessment of the newborn.
2009 Kangaroo mother care to NICU INK California, p 21–40
reduce morbidity and mortality Lissauer T, Fanaroff A A 2011
Neonatology at a glance. UNICEF (United Nations Children’s
in low birthweight infants. Fund) 2010 Guidance on the
Cochrane Database of Systematic Wiley–Blackwell, Chichester
development of policies and
Reviews 2009, Issue 2. Art No. McGrath J M 2004 Feeding. In: Kenner
guidelines for the prevention and
CD002771. doi:10:1002/14651858. C, McGrath J M (eds)
management of hypoglycaemia
CD002771 Developmental care of newborns
of the newborn. Available at
DH (Department of Health) 2009 and infants: a guide for health care
www.babyfriendly.org.uk (accessed
Using the new UK–World Health professionals. Mosby, St Louis,
12 April 2013).
Organization 0–4 years growth p 321–42
Warwood G 2010 Teaching resuscitation
charts. DH, London. Available at Nodine P M, Arrruda J, Hastings-Tolsma to parents. In: Lumsden H and
www.dh.gov.uk/publications M 2011 Prenatal environment: effect Holmes D (eds) Care of the
(accessed 11 April 2013) on neonatal outcome. In: Gardner S newborn by ten teachers. Hodder
DH (Department of Health) 2010 L, Carter B S, Enzman-Hines M et al Arnold, London, p 168–77
Midwifery 2020: delivering (eds) Merenstein and Gardner’s
Wilker R E 2012 Hypoglycaemia
expectations. London, DH. Available handbook of neonatal intensive
and hyperglycaemia. In:
from www.midwifery2020.org.uk care. Mosby Elsevier, London,
Cloherty J P, Eichenwald E C,
(accessed 3 April 2013) p 13–38
Hansen A R et al (eds) Manual of
Fellows P 2010 Management of thermal Pollard M 2012 Evidence-based care for neonatal care. Wolters Kluwer
stability. In: Boxwell G (ed) breastfeeding mothers. Routledge, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins,
Neonatal intensive care nursing. London London, p 284–96
Routledge, London Reid T, Freer Y 2010 Developmentally Wilkins-Haug L E, Heffner L J 2012
Fleury C, Parpinelly M, Makuch M Y focused nursing care. In: Boxwell G Fetal assessment and prenatal
2010 Development of the mother– (ed) Neonatal intensive care nursing. diagnosis. In: Cloherty J P,
child relationship following Routledge, London, p 16–39 Eichenwald E C, Hansen A R et al
pre-eclampsia. Journal of Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) 2011 (eds) Manual of neonatal care.
Reproductive and Infant Psychology Newborn life support, 3rd edn. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams
28(3):297–306 RCUK, London and Wilkins, London, p 1–10

Section | 6 | The Neonate

WHO (World Health Organization) WHO (World Health Organization) Younger J B, Kendell M J, Pickler R H
1997a Manual of international 1997b Hypoglycaemia of the 2007 Mastery of stress in mothers of
statistical classification of diseases, newborn: review of the literature. preterm infants. Journal of Specialist
injuries and causes of death, vol 11. WHO, Geneva Paediatric Nursing 2:29–35
WHO, Geneva


McInnes R, Chambers J 2008 These authors focus upon practices that the mothers’ perspectives and can inform
Supporting breastfeeding mothers: support breastfeeding in neonatal and the midwife on whether the women felt
qualitative synthesis. Journal of transitional care units. This article reflects supported.
Advanced Nursing 62(4):407–27


Ballard Score: www.ballardscore.com Growth charts:

The New Ballard Score assesses physical www.growthcharts.rcph.ac.uk
and neuromuscular maturity to assess Materials for training on how to use the
gestational age. charts can be downloaded on this website.

Chapter 31
Trauma during birth, haemorrhages
and convulsions
Claire Greig


Trauma during birth 629 • trauma during birth to skin and superficial tissues,
Trauma to skin and superficial tissues 629 muscle, nerves and bones
Muscle trauma 631 • major types of neonatal haemorrhage due to
Nerve trauma 631 trauma, disruptions in blood flow, coagulopathies
and other causes
Fractures 633
• neonatal convulsions
Haemorrhages 633
• specific interventions with parents.
Haemorrhages due to trauma 633
Haemorrhages due to disruptions in
blood flow 635
Haemorrhages related to coagulopathies 637 TRAUMA DURING BIRTH
Haemorrhages related to other causes 639
Convulsions 639 Despite skilled midwifery and obstetric care in developed,
Western societies and a reduction in the incidence, birth
Support of parents 641 trauma still occurs. Efforts continue to reduce the inci-
References 641 dence even further.
Further reading 643 Trauma during birth includes:
Useful websites 643 • trauma to skin and superficial tissues
• muscle trauma
• nerve trauma
This chapter focuses on complications occurring in • fractures.
specifically vulnerable babies; the midwife’s
awareness of this vulnerability may prevent such
complications. If a complication does occur, the Trauma to skin and
midwife must report it to the baby’s doctor and
may work with that doctor and/or a wider
superficial tissues
multiprofessional team to diagnose it and Skin
implement effective treatment. Parents may be
distressed when their baby suffers a complication Skin damage is often iatrogenic, resulting from forceps
and the midwife helps them to understand the blades (Fig. 31.1), vacuum extractor cups, scalp electrodes
complication, facilitating their discussions with and scalpels. Poorly applied forceps blades or vacuum
the multiprofessional team members, and extractor cup may result in scalp abrasions (Fig. 31.2),
assisting them to care for their baby. although less so with softer vacuum extractor cups. Forceps

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 629

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Fig. 31.1 Forceps abrasion on cheek. Fig. 31.2 Scalp abrasion during vacuum-assisted birth. Note
Reproduced from Thomas and Harvey 1997, with permission of Elsevier. the chignon.
Reproduced from Thomas and Harvey 1997, with permission of Elsevier.

blades may cause bruising, scalp electrodes cause puncture

wounds, as do fetal blood sampling techniques. Occasion-
ally laceration of the baby’s skin may occur during uterine Periosteum Scalp Blood and serum
incision at caesarean section. While rare, subcutaneous fat
necrosis may result from the pressure of forceps blades as
well as following severe asphyxia/hypoxaemia, meconium
aspiration syndrome and hypothermia (Pride 2012).
While superficial fat necrosis usually presents between Skull
days 1 and 28 with well-defined areas of induration (Pride
2012), all other skin injuries should be detected during
the midwife’s detailed examination of the baby immedi-
ately after birth (see Chapter 28). All trauma should be
indicated to parents and reported to the paediatrician and
General Practitioner (GP).
Abrasions and lacerations should be kept clean and dry. Fig. 31.3 Caput succedaneum.
If there are signs of infection, further medical consultation
should be sought by the midwife or parents. Antibiotics
may be required. Deeper lacerations may require closure may be subjected to pressure, a ‘girdle of contact’, with
with butterfly strips or sutures. Healing is usually rapid reduced venous return and resultant congestion and
with no residual scarring (Sorantin et al 2006). If related oedema.
causes are successfully treated, fat necrosis should sponta-
neously resolve (Pride 2012).
Caput succedaneum
With cephalic presentation, there may be a diffuse oede-
Superficial tissues matous swelling under the scalp but above the perios-
This trauma involves oedematous swellings and/or bruis- teum, called a caput succedaneum (Fig. 31.3). With an
ing. During labour the fetal part overlying the cervical os occipitoanterior position, one caput succedaneum may

Trauma during birth, haemorrhages and convulsions Chapter | 31 |

present. With an occipitoposterior position, a caput suc- Torticollis

cedaneum may form, but if the occiput rotates anteriorly
Torticollis is the result of tightness and shortening of one
a second caput succedaneum may develop. If, during the
sternomastoid (sternocleidomastoid) muscle. The right
second stage of labour, the birth of the head is delayed,
and left sternomastoid muscles run from the respective
the perineum may act as another ‘girdle of contact’ with a
side of the top of the sternum, along the right or left side
second caput succedaneum forming. A ‘false’ caput suc-
of the neck and are inserted into the mastoid process of
cedaneum can also occur if a vacuum extractor cup is used;
the right or left temporal bone. When contracted simulta-
because of its distinctive shape, the swelling is known as
neously, these muscles allow the head to flex. When con-
a ‘chignon’ (see Fig. 31.2).
tracted separately, each turns the head to the opposite side.
A caput succedaneum is present at birth, thereafter
The aetiology of torticollis is not fully understood. One
decreasing in size. This swelling can ‘pit’ on pressure, can
type may result when the muscle is torn due to excessive
cross a suture line, may be discoloured or bruised, may be
traction or twisting during the birth of the anterior shoul-
associated with increased moulding and the oedema may
der of a fetus with a cephalic presentation, or during rota-
move to the dependent area of the scalp (Lee 2011). The
tion of the shoulders when the fetus is being born by
baby may appear to experience discomfort and, although
vaginal breech or caesarean section.
care continues as normal, gentle handling is appropriate.
A 1–3 cm, apparently painless, hard lump of blood and
Abrasion of a chignon is possible.
fibrous tissue is felt on the affected sternomastoid muscle.
The swelling is usually self-limiting, resolving within 36
The muscle length is shortened, therefore the neck is
hours, with no longer-term consequences (Sorantin et al
twisted to the affected side: a torticollis or wry neck. If the
2006; Lee 2011). An abraded chignon usually heals rapidly
techniques for assisting at the above stages of birth are
if the area is kept clean, dry and is not irritated.
correctly applied, torticollis may be preventable (Saxena
Other injuries Torticollis management involves carers and parents per-
The cervical os may also restrict venous return when the forming passive muscle-stretching exercises initially under
fetal presentation is not cephalic. When the face presents, the guidance of a physiotherapist, actively encouraging the
it becomes congested, bruised and the eyes and lips baby to move the neck. The swelling usually resolves over
become oedematous. In a breech presentation bruised and several weeks to months with minimal sequelae. Surgical
oedematous genitalia and buttocks may develop. In both intervention is required if there is no resolution by one
instances there may be discomfort and pain, therefore year. Follow-up to ensure achievement of normal move-
gentle handling is essential and mild analgesia may be ment is recommended (Saxena 2010).
For babies with bruised or oedematous buttocks, main-
Nerve trauma
taining nappy area hygiene is important and must be
accomplished without inflicting further skin trauma. The nerves most commonly traumatized are the facial and
Barrier ointment or cream applications may be required if brachial plexus nerves. Spinal cord injury is very rare and
disposable nappies designed to limit the contact of urine is not discussed here; an excellent explanation is given in
and faecal fluid with the skin are not available. If skin Brand (2006).
excoriation does occur, the infection risk increases and
consultation with a wound care specialist nurse may be
required to ensure best skin care practice. Facial nerve
Uncomplicated oedema and bruising usually resolve The facial or seventh (VII) cranial nerve runs close to the
within days. However, if the baby suffers significant trauma skin surface and is vulnerable to compression resulting in
during a vaginal breech birth, resulting serious complica- unilateral facial palsy. Compression may occur in the
tions require specific treatment and take longer to resolve. uterus but is more likely during birth by the maternal
These complications may include excessive haemolysis sacral promontory or by a misapplied forceps blade, espe-
resulting in hyperbilirubinaemia; excessive blood loss cially when the baby is macrosomic. On the affected side,
resulting in hypovolaemia, shock, anaemia and dissemi- the baby appears to have no nasolabial fold, the eyelid
nated intravascular coagulation (DIC); and damage to remains open and the mouth is drawn over to the unaf-
muscles resulting in difficulties with micturition and fected side (Fig. 31.4). The baby will drool excessively, may
defecation. be unable to form an effective seal on the breast or teat,
resulting in initial feeding difficulties, and may also have
difficulty swallowing (Bruns 2012).
Muscle trauma
There is no specific treatment. If the eyelid remains
Injuries to muscle result from tearing or when the blood open, regular instillation of eye drops lubricate the eyeball.
supply is disrupted. Feeding difficulties are usually overcome by the baby’s

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Fig. 31.4 Right-sided facial palsy. Note that the eye is open
on the paralysed side and the mouth is drawn over to the
non-paralysed side.
Reproduced from Thomas and Harvey 1997, with permission of Elsevier.

own adaptation, although alternative feeding positions

may help. Spontaneous resolution is usual within weeks;
this may extend to months or years if the damage is severe.
Cosmetic surgical interventions for the most severely
affected babies may be required (Bruns 2012).
Fig. 31.5 Erb’s palsy.
Brachial plexus Reproduced from Thomas and Harvey 1997, with permission of Elsevier.

Nerve roots exiting from the spine at the fifth to eighth

cervical (C5–C8) and the first thoracic (T1) vertebrae form
a matrix of nerves in the neck and shoulder: the brachial the lower arm, wrist and hand are paralysed, resulting in
plexus. Brachial plexus trauma was thought to result from wrist drop, no grasp reflex and a claw-like appearance of
excessive lateral flexion, rotation or traction of the head the hand. If there is associated trauma to the cervical sym-
and neck during vaginal breech birth or when shoulder pathetic nerves, Horner’s syndrome may present with no
dystocia occurred. However, the incidence of brachial sensation on the affected side, pupil constriction and
plexus injury is relatively stable despite interventions such eyelid ptosis.
as elective caesarean section, less traction force and If there is trauma to C5–T1, the result is total brachial
increased skill in the manoeuvers used to manage shoul- plexus palsy (Erb–Klumpke) where there is complete
der dystocia. Therefore it may be that brachial plexus paralysis of the shoulder, arm and hand, lack of sensation
trauma is related more to the force exerted by the uterus and circulatory problems. Horner’s syndrome may also
(Benjamin 2005; Sandmire and DeMott 2009). occur. If there is bilateral paralysis, spinal injury should be
The possible trauma to the brachial plexus ranges from suspected (Benjamin 2005; Foad et al 2009; Semel-
oedema to haemorrhage to tearing of the nerves and Concepcion 2012).
occurs most commonly in babies born at term (Blackburn All types of brachial plexus trauma require further inves-
and Ditzenberger 2007). Foad et al (2009) explain four tigations, including X-ray and ultrasound scanning (USS)
types of trauma using the Narakas classification. Trauma of the clavicle, arm, chest and cervical spine, and assess-
to C5–C6 results in Erb’s (Erb–Duchenne/Duchenne–Erb) ment of the joints. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
palsy where there is paralysis of the shoulder muscles, electromyography may assist in definitive diagnosis.
biceps, elbow flexor and forearm supinator muscles. The Unnecessary and extremes of movement of the affected
baby’s affected arm is limp, inwardly rotated, the elbow arm should be avoided and care taken when holding or
extended and the wrist pronated. When C7 is also trauma- moving the baby to avoid the arm dangling. The baby
tized, an extended Erb’s palsy presents in which the wrist should not be lifted by the arms or axilla and the affected
and finger extensor muscles are affected, resulting in wrist arm should be dressed first and undressed last. After
and finger flexion – the ‘waiter’s tip position’ (Fig. 31.5). approximately 2 weeks, when any inflammation should
When there is trauma to C8–T1, Klumpke’s palsy have subsided, passive range of movement exercises are
presents. The shoulder and upper arm are unaffected but initiated under the direction of a physiotherapist.

Trauma during birth, haemorrhages and convulsions Chapter | 31 |

Regular functional follow-up assessments are essential Skull

to gauge recovery. Most babies with brachial plexus trauma
Although rare, these fractures, linear or depressed, may
recover completely within 3 weeks. Babies with no recov-
occur during prolonged or difficult instrumental births.
ery of biceps’ function by 3 months and those with total
There may be no signs but an overlying swelling, cephal-
brachial plexus injury with Horner’s syndrome and no
haematoma, or signs of associated complications such as
recovery by 1 month may be referred for surgical explora-
intracranial haemorrhage or neurological disturbances,
tion and/or require microsurgical nerve repair. These
may suggest the presence of a fracture.
babies are more likely to have ongoing functional deficits
X-ray examination may confirm the fracture. An ultra-
and may require further surgery (Benjamin 2005; Foad
sound scan (USS) may help diagnose associated haem­
et al 2009; British Medical Journal [BMJ] Evidence Centre
orrhage. A simple linear fracture usually requires no
treatment and heals quickly with no sequelae. Treatment
of a depressed fracture depends on the depth of the
Fractures concavity. Shallow depressions in asymptomatic babies
usually resolve spontaneously. With a deeper depression
Fractures are rare but the most commonly affected bones or where there are signs of complications, the fracture
are the clavicle, humerus, femur and those of the skull. requires surgical repair. Contamination or evidence of cer-
With all such fractures, a ‘crack’ may be heard during the ebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage via the ear or nose require
birth. antibiotic therapy. Treatment of associated complications
is necessary. Babies who have a depressed skull fracture
Clavicle have an optimistic outcome except if complications occur,
when permanent neurological damage is likely (Qureshi
Clavicular fractures, the most common fractures, may 2012).
occur with shoulder dystocia, vaginal breech birth, or if
the baby is macrosomic. The affected clavicle is usually the
one that was nearest the maternal symphysis pubis. Bra-
chial plexus and phrenic nerve injuries should be excluded HAEMORRHAGES
in the affected baby (Laroia 2010; Mavrogenis et al 2011;
Vorvick and Kaneshiro 2011). Blood volume in the term baby is approximately
80–100 ml/kg and in the preterm baby 90–105 ml/kg,
Humerus therefore even a small haemorrhage may be potentially
fatal. In this section, haemorrhages are discussed accord-
Midshaft humeral fractures can occur with shoulder dys-
ing to their principal cause, or in relation to other factors.
tocia or during a vaginal breech birth if the extended arm
Haemorrhages may be due to:
is forced down and born (Laroia 2010).
• trauma
• disruptions in blood flow
or can be related to:
Midshaft femoral fractures can occur during vaginal breech • coagulopathies
birth if the extended legs are forced down and born (Laroia • other causes.
With most fractures, distortion, deformity, swelling or
bruising are usually evident on examination; crepitus may Haemorrhages due to trauma
be felt; the baby appears to be in pain and is reluctant to
move the affected area. An X-ray examination may confirm Cephalhaematoma
the diagnosis. A cephalhaematoma (cephalohaematoma) is an effusion
The baby requires gentle handling to avoid further pain of blood under the periosteum that covers the skull bones
and a mild analgesic may be necessary. Fractures of the (Fig. 31.6). During a vaginal birth if there is friction
clavicle require no specific treatment. To immobilize a between the fetal skull and maternal pelvic bones, such as
fractured humerus, place a pad in the axilla and firmly in cephalopelvic disproportion or precipitate labour, the
splint the arm with the elbow bent across the chest with periosteum may be torn from the bone, causing bleeding
a bandage, ensuring respirations are not embarrassed. underneath. Cephalhaematomas may also occur during
Immobilize a fractured femur using a splint and bandage. vacuum-assisted births. Because the fetal or newborn skull
Traction and plaster casting may be required. Stable bones are not fused, and as the periosteum is adherent to
union of a fractured clavicle usually occurs in 7–10 days, the edges of the skull bones, a cephalhaematoma is con-
while the humerus and femur take 2–4 weeks (Laroia fined to one bone. However, more than one bone may
2010). be affected; therefore multiple cephalhaematomas may

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Periosteum Scalp Blood Subaponeurotic

or subgaleal

Bone Periosteum

Fig. 31.8 Subaponeurotic haemorrhage.

Fig. 31.6 Cephalhaematoma. Subaponeurotic haemorrhage

Subaponeurotic (subgaleal) haemorrhage is rare. Under
the scalp, the epicranial aponeurosis, a sheet of fibrous
tissue that covers the cranial vault allowing for muscles to
attach to the bone, provides a potential space above the
periosteum through which veins travel. Excessive traction
on these veins results in haemorrhage, the epicranial
aponeurosis is pulled away from the periosteum of the
skull bones and swelling is evident (Fig. 31.8). Subapo­
neurotic haemorrhage may occur spontaneously with
any type of birth but is more often associated with forceps
and vacuum-assisted births, and severe dystocia (Reid
The swelling is present at birth, increases in size and is
a firm, fluctuant mass. The scalp is movable rather than
fixed. The swelling can cross sutures and extend into the
subcutaneous tissue of neck and eyelids. The baby may
appear pale, be hypotonic, tachycardic and tachypnoeic
and demonstrate discomfort or pain with head movement
or handling of the swelling. A caput succedaneum and/or
a cephalhaematoma may co-exist with a subaponeurotic
If the subaponeurotic haemorrhage is excessive, there is
Fig. 31.7 Bilateral cephalhaematoma. the potential for severe shock, disseminated intravascular
coagulation (DIC) and death. This emergency situation
requires immediate medical assistance, resuscitation, sta-
bilization and full supportive care, including blood trans-
develop. A double cephalhaematoma is usually bilateral fusion (Blackburn and Ditzenberger 2007).
(Fig. 31.7). A caput succedaneum can co-exist with a With a smaller haemorrhage and in the babies who
cephalhaematoma. survive a larger haemorrhage, the blood is reabsorbed and
Unlike caput succedaneum, a cephalhaematoma is not the swelling and bruising resolve over 2–3 weeks. Hyper-
present at birth; the swelling appears after 12 hours, grows bilirubinaemia complicates recovery (Reid 2007; Schi-
larger over subsequent days and can persist for weeks. erholz and Walker 2010).
The swelling is firm, does not pit on pressure, does not
cross a suture and is fixed (Blackburn and Ditzenberger
2007). Subdural haemorrhage
No treatment is necessary and the swelling subsides A sickle-shaped, double fold of dura mater, the falx cerebri,
when the blood is reabsorbed. Hyperbilirubinaemia may dips into the fissure between the cerebral hemispheres.
complicate recovery due to haemolysis of the extravasated Attached at right angles to the falx cerebri, between the
blood. More rarely complications such as sepsis, osteomy- cerebrum and the cerebellum, is a horseshoe-shaped fold
elitis and meningitis may occur. As skull fractures may be of dura mater – the tentorium cerebelli. In these folds of
associated with a cephalhaematoma, they should be dura run large venous sinuses draining blood from the
excluded (Paul et al 2009; Laroia 2010). brain.

Trauma during birth, haemorrhages and convulsions Chapter | 31 |

Normally, moulding of the skull bones and stretching Depending on extent of the haemorrhage, the affected
of the underlying structures during birth are well tolerated. baby may demonstrate no signs while others may have
Trauma to the fetal head, such as excessive compression generalized convulsions from the second day of life and
or abnormal stretching, may tear the dura, particularly have apnoeic episodes. Although rare, a massive subarach-
the tentorium cerebelli, rupturing venous sinuses and noid haemorrhage may occur and is usually fatal despite
resulting in a subdural haemorrhage. Predisposing factors emergency resuscitation and stabilization efforts.
include rapid, abnormal or excessive moulding, such as in Blood in a non-traumatic lumbar puncture may assist
precipitate labour or rapid birth, malpositions, malpresen- in diagnosis, as may cranial USS, CT or MRI. Supportive
tations, cephalopelvic disproportion, or undue compres- treatment focuses on replacing blood volume and control-
sion during forceps manoeuvres (Barker 2007). ling the consequences of asphyxia and raised intracranial
If the haemorrhage is excessive, there is the potential for pressure. Surgery to relieve pressure or subdural taps or
severe shock, DIC and death. This emergency situation shunt placement to drain large collections of blood may
requires immediate medical assistance – resuscitation, sta- be required (Barker 2007).
bilization and full supportive care, including blood trans- The condition is usually self-limiting. If post-
fusion (Blackburn and Ditzenberger 2007). haemorrhagic hydrocephalus occurs, drainage via a shunt
A baby with a small haemorrhage may demonstrate no may be required. The prognosis is usually very good for
signs and resolution is spontaneous. Alternatively, the all affected babies except those with related damage due
haemorrhage may initially be small but if blood continues to hypoxia (Barker 2007).
to leak, signs develop over several days. As blood accumu-
lates, there is cerebral irritation, cerebral oedema and Germinal matrix haemorrhage,
raised intracranial pressure. The baby is likely to vomit, be intraventricular haemorrhage and
unresponsive and have a bulging anterior fontanelle,
periventricular haemorrhagic infarction
hypotonia, hyperthermia, apnoea, bradycardia and
(intraparenchymal lesion)
Blood in a non-traumatic lumbar puncture may assist Germinal matrix haemorrhage (GMH), intraventricular
in diagnosis as may cranial USS, computerized tomogra- haemorrhage (IVH) and periventricular haemorrhagic in­
phy (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Support- farction (PHI), also known as intraparenchymal lesions
ive treatment focuses on replacing blood volume and (IPL), primarily affect babies born at less than 32 weeks’
controlling the consequences of asphyxia and raised gestation and those weighing less than 1500 g at birth,
intracranial pressure. Surgery to relieve pressure or sub- although term babies may be affected. The incidence and
dural taps or shunt placement to drain large collections of severity of these haemorrhages/lesions are inversely cor-
blood may be required. A shunt is a drainage tube related with gestational age.
surgically inserted and connected to a one-way valve There are three grades of GMH and IVH. A grade 1
placed subcutaneously behind the ear. The valve’s outflow haemorrhage into the germinal matrix is a germinal
tube is attached to a catheter allowing drainage into a matrix, periventricular or subependymal haemorrhage.
large vein in the neck, or into the peritoneum, allowing Extension of the haemorrhage into the lateral ventricle(s),
reabsorption and elimination (Blackburn and Ditzen- results in an IVH or grade 2 haemorrhage. The choroid
berger 2007). The prognosis for all affected babies except plexus of the lateral ventricles normally produces CSF. If a
those with massive haemorrhage is usually good (Barker grade 2 haemorrhage is complicated by blockage to the
2007). outflow of CSF, post-haemorrhagic hydrocephalus devel-
ops and the ventricles dilate; a grade 3 haemorrhage
(Annibale 2012).
Haemorrhages due to disruptions Initially it was understood that a grade 3 haemorrhage
in blood flow may extend into the cerebral tissue, resulting in a paren-
chymal haemorrhage, known as a grade 4 haemorrhage
Subarachnoid haemorrhage (Papile et al 1978). Volpe (1997) proposed that the intra-
A primary subarachnoid haemorrhage involves bleeding ventricular clot in a grade 3 haemorrhage disrupts venous
directly into the subarachnoid space. Preterm babies who drainage, causing stasis and infarction. Reperfusion of the
suffer perinatal hypoxia resulting in disruption of cerebral area causes haemorrhage into the infarcted area and
blood flow are most often affected. A secondary haemor- necrotic damage of the white matter. Therefore a grade
rhage involves leakage of blood into the subarachnoid 4 haemorrhage was reclassified as a complication of a
space from an intraventricular haemorrhage. Although grade 3 IVH, referred to as a PHI with IPL used
classified here as a haemorrhage due to a disruption in interchangeably.
blood flow, a subarachnoid haemorrhage may also occur The stage of brain development is a crucial factor in the
due to birth trauma similar to that which results in sub- aetiology of GMH, IVH and PHI/IPL. The two lateral ven-
dural haemorrhage. tricles are lined with ependymal tissue. Tissue lying

Section | 6 | The Neonate

immediately next to the ependyma is the germinal matrix, replacement therapy should be administered. Postnatally,
also known as the subependymal layer. From 8 to 32 haemodynamic stability is essential, as is prevention of
weeks’ gestation, neuroblasts and glioblasts are produced complications. Prevention of hypoxic events and blood
in the germinal matrix and migrate to the cerebral cortex. flow and pressure fluctuations is essential. Care is focused
Neuronal migration is complete by 20 weeks’ gestation but on maintaining normothermia, normoglycaemia, oxy-
glial cell development and migration continues until genation and comfort. Sophisticated monitoring equip-
approximately 32 weeks’ gestation. During this period, a ment and the judicious use of analgesic, sedative and
rich blood supply is provided to the germinal matrix inotropic drugs may assist achieving and maintaining sta-
through fragile immature capillaries that lack supporting bility. The baby’s developmental needs should be met,
muscle or collagen fibres. These vessels are particularly particularly in relation to supportive flexed positioning,
vulnerable to fluctuations in cerebral blood flow and pres- reduction in bright lighting, a quiet, undisturbed environ-
sure, rupturing easily causing haemorrhage. The ability of ment and appropriate interaction with parents and others
preterm babies to autoregulate cerebral blood flow and (Blackburn and Ditzenberger 2007).
pressure is immature, resulting in an increased vulnerabil- Despite preventative measures, babies do develop GMH,
ity to haemorrhage. After 32 weeks’ gestation the germinal IVH and PHI/IPL. The outcome depends on the nature of
matrix becomes less active and by term has almost com- the haemorrhage/lesion and associated conditions/
pletely involuted; the capillaries become more stable and complications. The neurological prognosis for babies with
autoregulation becomes established; therefore GMH, IVH a GMH or a small IVH is usually good. An IVH associated
and PHI/IPL in more mature babies are less common than with ventricular dilatation may resolve spontaneously
in those babies born at less than 32 weeks’ gestation with no long-term consequences. However, with a large
(Annibale 2012). IVH and ventricular dilatation, the accumulating CSF may
The venous drainage from white matter and the deep require temporary drainage using ventricular taps or exter-
areas of the brain, including the lateral ventricles, involves nal ventricular drainage. Some babies may require perma-
a peculiar U-turn route in the area of the germinal matrix. nent CSF drainage via a shunt. Approximately 30–40% of
Disruptions to venous flow lead to congestion, with a risk these babies will have cognitive or motor disabilities.
of venous infarctions and ischaemia. With reperfusion of Approximately 50–80% of babies who have a large IVH
these ischaemic areas, there may be haemorrhage demon- with either PHI/IPL or periventricular leukomalacia will
strated as PHI (Volpe 2008). die; survival is usually complicated in the majority by
Multiple factors may compromise cerebral haemody- significant cognitive and motor disabilities. Long-term
namics resulting in GMH, IVH and PHI/IPL. Early factors follow-up is essential and parents need much support
include obstetric haemorrhage, lack of antenatal steroids, (Blackburn and Ditzenberger 2007; Annibale 2012).
low one minute Apgar score and low umbilical artery pH.
Later risk factors include acidosis, hypotension, hyperten-
sion, mechanical ventilation, apnoea, rapid volume Periventricular leucomalacia
expansion, rapid administration of hyperosmolar solu- Although not a haemorrhage, periventricular leucomalacia
tions, pneumothorax and tracheal suctioning. Also impli- (PVL) is included here because of its association with
cated are excessive handling, exposure to light and noise, GMH, IVH and PHI/IPL. Between 27 and 30 weeks’ gesta-
lateral flexion of the baby’s head and crying (Annibale tion, the area of white matter around the lateral ventricles
2012; Blackburn 2013). and within the watershed area of the deep cerebral arteries
Most affected babies show no signs or signs that are is undergoing considerable development. It is sensitive to
non-specific therefore the haemorrhage/infaction/lesion is any insult that results in reduced cerebral perfusion, such
detectable only on USS. If the haemorrhage is larger or as those associated with GMH, IVH, PHI/IPL and chorio-
extends, the clinical features may gradually appear and amnionitis. The cerebral blood flow autoregulation ability
worsen, including apnoeic episodes that become more in preterm babies is limited, increasing their risk of devel-
frequent and severe, bradycardia, pallor, falling packed cell oping PVL. Reduced perfusion results in areas of ischaemia
volume, tense anterior fontanelle, metabolic acidosis and and degeneration of the nerve fibre tracts, disrupting nerve
convulsions. The baby may be limp or unresponsive. If the pathways between areas of the brain and between the
haemorrhage is large and sudden in onset, apnoea and brain and spinal cord. This softening and necrosis of the
circulatory collapse may present (Annibale 2012). At-risk white matter is PVL; it may be a classic focal necrotic cystic
babies should be screened by 7 days of life for GMH, IVH type or a diffuse non-cystic type. Only the former is seen
or PHI/IPL using cranial USS. Serial scanning may deter- on USS but MRI may detect both types (Blackburn and
mine any increase, extension or complication. Ditzenberger 2007; Volpe 2008; Zach 2012).
Care of at-risk babies is focused on prevention (Black- Similar pathogenesis is seen in the older preterm and
burn and Ditzenberger 2007). The birth should be in a term baby, but the lesion occurs in the subcortical region
regional obstetric unit with neonatal intensive care facili- rather than the periventricular region. This is because the
ties. Prenatal maternal steroids and postnatal surfactant watershed moves away from the ventricles to the cortex

Trauma during birth, haemorrhages and convulsions Chapter | 31 |

once the germinal matrix involutes. These lesions are vitamin K1 supplements during the last two weeks of preg-
known as subcortical leucomalacia (Volpe 1997). nancy may prevent early VKDB (Nimavat 2012).
Care instituted to reduce the incidence of GMH, IVH The babies most susceptible to developing classic VKDB
and PHI/IPL may reduce the incidence of PVL or the sever- are those with birth trauma, asphyxia, postnatal hypoxia
ity of the related ischaemic damage. The prognosis is vari- and those who are preterm, or of low birth weight. They
able; some babies have little resulting impairment, others are more likely to spontaneously bleed or have invasive
develop cognitive and neurodevelopmental impairment interventions resulting in bleeding that cannot be control-
while the most severely affected babies may develop led. Disruptions to the colonization of the bowel due to
spastic diplegic cerebral palsy (Blackburn and Ditzen- antibiotic therapy, or lack of or poor enteral feeding, may
berger 2007; Zach 2012). also result in classic VKDB.
The bowel of a breastfed baby colonizes with lacto­
bacilli that do not synthesize menaquinone. The amount
Haemorrhages related to of vitamin K1 in breastmilk is naturally low, although
colostrum and hindmilk do contain higher levels than
foremilk. The vitamin K1 in breastmilk is considered
These haemorrhages occur due to disruption of the baby’s insufficient for the exclusively breastfed baby’s needs.
blood-clotting abilities. Artificial infant formulae are fortified with vitamin K1,
offering some prophylaxis against VKDB (Blackburn
2013). Therefore late VKDB occurs almost exclusively in
Vitamin K deficiency bleeding breastfed babies. However, babies who have liver disease
or a condition that disrupts vitamin K1’s absorption from
Vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB) may occur up to 6
the bowel, for example cystic fibrosis, may develop late
months of age, although it more commonly occurs
VKDB (Blackburn 2013).
between birth and 8 weeks of life. It was previously known
The baby who has VKDB may have bruising; or bleeding
as haemorrhagic disease of the newborn (HDN). Several
from the umbilicus, puncture sites, the nose or the scalp;
proteins, factor II (prothrombin), factor VII (proconver-
or severe jaundice for more than one week and/or persist-
tin), factor IX (plasma thromboplastin component), factor
ent jaundice for more than 2 weeks. Gastrointestinal
X (thrombokinase) and proteins C and S, require vitamin
bleeding manifests as melaena and haematemesis. In early
K for their conversion to active clotting factors. A defi-
and late VKDB, there may be extracranial and intracranial
ciency of vitamin K, as in VKDB, leads to a deficiency of
bleeding. With severe haemorrhage, circulatory collapse
these clotting factors and resultant bleeding.
occurs. Late VKDB is associated with higher mortality and
Vitamin K1 (phytomenadione/phytonadione/phyllo-
morbidity. Blood tests reveal prolonged prothrombin time
quinone) is poorly transferred across the placenta and
(PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT), with a normal
fetal liver stores are low. Any stores are quickly depleted
platelet count (Nimavat 2012).
after birth and for normal clotting to occur, the baby must
Babies diagnosed with VKDB require investigation and
receive dietary vitamin K1, the absorption of which requires
monitoring to assess their need for treatment. With all
fat and bile salts. Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) is synthe-
forms of VKDB, the baby will require administration of
sized by bowel flora and may assist in the conversion of
vitamin K1, 1–2 mg intramuscularly. In severe cases, when
proteins to active clotting factors. Because the neonate’s
coagulation is grossly abnormal and there is severe bleed-
bowel is sterile, vitamin K2 production is restricted until
ing, replacement of deficient clotting factors is essential. If
colonization has occurred. Therefore all newborns are
circulatory collapse and severe anaemia occur, blood
deficient in vitamin K and vulnerable to VKDB.
transfusion or exchange transfusion may be required.
There are three forms of VKDB that were first described
Affected babies usually require other supportive therapy
by Lane and Hathaway (1985):
to assist in their recovery.
• ‘early’ (0–24 hours) As VKDB is a potentially fatal condition, prophylactic
• ‘classical’ (1–7 days) administration of vitamin K is recommended for all babies
• ‘late’ (1–6 months, although the peak onset is before and is administered to all preterm and sick babies as part
8 weeks). of their treatment regime (Nimavat 2012; Blackburn
Early VKDB is rare, principally affecting babies born to 2013). For otherwise healthy term babies the National
women who during pregnancy have taken anticonvul- Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2006)
sants, e.g. phenytoin, barbiturates or carbamazepine; recommends that vitamin K1 1 mg given intramuscularly
antitubercular drugs, e.g. rifampin, isoniazid; or vitamin after birth is the most effective prophylaxis for prevention
K antagonists, e.g. warfarin (contraindicated during preg- of early onset VKDB. Some vitamin K1 remains within
nancy) for treatment of their medical conditions. As these the muscle and acts as a slow release depot, providing
drugs interfere with vitamin K metabolism, avoidance prophylaxis for classic and probably also for late VKDB
during pregnancy reduces the risk of early VKDB. Taking (Hey 2003).

Section | 6 | The Neonate

While there are arguments against routine prophylaxis elective birth at 32–34 weeks’ gestation (Roberts and
(Midwives Information and Resource Service [MIDIRS] Murray 2008). If diagnosed with NAIT postnatally, babies
Essence 2009), for healthy term babies whose parents usually require platelet transfusions to achieve and main-
decline a single intramuscular injection of vitamin K1, an tain a platelet count within normal limits.
oral prophylaxis regimen is recommended (NICE 2006), Neonatal autoimmune thrombocytopenia may occur
although consensus on the most effective oral regime in babies whose mothers have autoimmune conditions
appears elusive. It is suggested that whatever oral regime such as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura or systemic
is used, multiple doses are required in the first week of life lupus erythematosis. The antibodies produced by the
and if the baby is breastfed, a further dosing regime is mother against her own platelets may cross the placenta,
required until at least 12 weeks of age, if not longer. Such destroying the baby’s platelets. The resultant thrombocy-
prophylaxis should reduce the risk of all forms of VKDB, topenia is usually mild, but in severe cases, immunoglob-
however this is dependent on the involvement, motivation ulin administration is effective (Roberts and Murray
and compliance of healthcare professionals and parents. 2008).
Medical advice should be sought if the baby vomits within Thrombocytopenia may appear as a petechial rash, pre-
one hour of oral administration or is too unwell to take senting in a mild case with a few localized petechiae. In a
the preparation orally. severe case there is widespread and serious haemorrhage
All parents should be given the opportunity to discuss from multiple sites. Intracranial haemorrhage may be
vitamin K1 prophylaxis during pregnancy, understand the fatal. Diagnosis is based on history, clinical examination
specific management of preterm, sick and ‘at-risk’ babies, and a reduced platelet count. It is differentiated from other
and agree on their choice of prophylaxis. They should also haemorrhagic disorders because coagulation times, fibrin
understand the signs and treatment of VKDB, especially if degradation products and red blood cell morphology are
their baby has one or more of the risk factors (NICE 2006; normal. Mild or moderate thrombocytopenia is usually
MIDIRS Essence 2009). self-limiting and requires no treatment. In severe cases,
the treatment usually includes platelet concentrate
transfusion/s, although the optimum regime is yet to be
Thrombocytopenia determined (Roberts and Murray 2008).
Thrombocytopenia results from a decreased rate of forma-
tion of platelets or an increased rate of consumption and
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
is defined as a platelet count of less than 150 ×109/l, and
severe thrombocytopenia is a platelet count of less than
(consumptive coagulopathy)
50 ×109/l (Bagwell 2007; Roberts and Murray 2008). Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), also known
Thrombocytopenia may be classified according to fetal, as consumptive coagulopathy, is an acquired coagulation
neonatal and late onset causes. Fetal causes include allo­ disorder associated with the release of thromboplastin
immunity, congenital infection and trisomies. Early onset from damaged tissue, stimulating abnormal coagulation
(less than 72 hours) neonatal causes include placental in the microcirculation as well as excess fibrinolysis. There
insufficiency, perinatal asphyxia, perinatal infection, DIC is excessive consumption of clotting factors and platelets,
and alloimmunity. Late onset (after 72 hours) neonatal predisposing the baby to haemorrhage. DIC is secondary
causes include late onset sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis, to primary conditions. Maternal causes of neonatal DIC
congenital infection and autoimmunity. include pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and placental abruption.
The most at-risk babies are those with an older sibling Fetal causes include severe fetal compromise, the presence
who was diagnosed with thrombocytopenia, babies born of a dead twin in the uterus and traumatic birth. Neonatal
preterm who have had chronic intrauterine hypoxia such causes include conditions resulting in hypoxia and acido-
as with pregnancy induced hypertension or diabetes and sis, severe infections, hypothermia, hypotension and
associated intrauterine growth restriction (Roberts and thrombocytopenia (Bagwell 2007; Levi 2012).
Murray 2008). As clotting factors and platelets are depleted and fibrin­
Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) occurs olysis is stimulated, the baby will develop a generalized
when there is incompatibility between maternal and fetal purpuric rash and bleed from multiple sites. With stimula-
platelets. Maternal antibodies cross the placenta destroy- tion of the clotting cascade, multiple microthrombi may
ing the fetal platelets – a mechanism similar to that of occlude vessels, with organ and tissue ischaemia, particu-
haemolytic disease of the newborn. If the fetus is severely larly affecting the kidneys, resulting in haematuria and
affected, an intracranial haemorrhage may result in fetal reduced urine output. As the cycle of consumptive coagu-
death. If a previous sibling has developed NAIT, in subse- lopathy continues, multiorgan failure results (Bagwell
quent pregnancies the fetus will be monitored using fetal 2007; Levi 2012). The diagnosis is made from clinical signs
blood sampling and/or USS to determine the need for and laboratory findings that show a low platelet count,
maternal immunoglobulin administration and/or steroids low fibrinogen level, distorted and fragmented red blood
and/or intrauterine platelet transfusions, and possibly cells, low haemoglobin and raised fibrin degradation

Trauma during birth, haemorrhages and convulsions Chapter | 31 |

products (FDPs) with a prolonged PT and PTT (Bagwell Haematuria

Haematuria may be associated with coagulopathies,
Treatment must focus on correction of the underlying
urinary tract infections and structural abnormalities of
cause if possible and full supportive care will be required.
the urinary tract. Birth trauma may cause renal contusion
Control of DIC requires transfusions of fresh frozen
and haematuria. Occasionally, after suprapubic aspiration
plasma, concentrated clotting factors and platelets. Cryo-
of urine, transient mild haematuria may be observed.
precipitate is an excellent source of fibrinogen. If anaemia
Treatment of the primary cause should resolve the
is diagnosed, transfusions of whole blood or red cell con-
centrate are required. Occasionally an exchange transfu-
sion of fresh heparinized blood may be performed, to
remove FDPs while replacing the clotting factors. If treat- Bleeding associated with
ment of the primary disorder and/or replacement of clot-
intravascular access
ting factors is ineffective, the administration of heparin
may reduce fibrin deposition (Levi 2012). Some sick or preterm babies require the insertion of cath-
The prognosis depends on the severity of the primary eters, lines or cannulae into central or peripheral arteries
condition, as well as of the DIC, and the baby’s response or veins, or both, to provide routes for blood sampling,
to treatment. blood pressure monitoring or the infusion of fluids and
drugs. However, there is a risk of severe external haemor-
rhage if there is dislodgement of these from the vessel or
Haemorrhages related accidental disconnection from the sampling or infusion
to other causes equipment, and of severe haemorrhage if a central vessel
is punctured internally.
Umbilical haemorrhage Skilled technique, close observation and careful hand­
This usually occurs as a result of a poorly applied cord ling of babies with intravascular access are imperative
ligature. The use of plastic cord clamps has almost elimi- to prevent potentially fatal haemorrhage. If an external
nated this type of haemorrhage, although it is essential to haemorrhage does occur, continuous pressure should be
avoid catching or pulling the clamp. Tampering with par- applied to the site until natural haemostasis occurs or until
tially separated cords before they are ready to separate is haemostatic sutures are inserted. If there is external bleed-
discouraged. Umbilical haemorrhage is a potential cause ing from an umbilical vessel, the cord stump should be
of death. A purse-string suture should be inserted if bleed- squeezed between the fingers until haemostasis occurs. A
ing continues after 15 or 20 minutes of manual pressure. replacement transfusion of whole blood or packed red
cells may be required. Internal haemorrhage may require
surgical intervention.
Vaginal bleeding
A small temporary vaginal discharge of bloodstained
mucus occurring in the first days of life, pseudomenstrua-
tion, is due to the withdrawal of maternal oestrogen. This CONVULSIONS
is a normal expectation but is included here for complete-
ness. Parents need to know that this is a possibility and is A convulsion (seizure/fit) is a sign of neurological distur-
self-limiting. Continued or excessive vaginal bleeding war- bance, not a disease, and the occurrence of a convulsion
rants further investigation to exclude pathological causes. is a medical emergency. Because the newborn brain is still
developing, its function is immature and there is an imbal-
ance between stimulation and inhibition of neural net-
Haematemesis and melaena works. Convulsions present quite differently in the
These signs may present when the baby has swallowed neonate and may be more difficult to recognize than those
maternal blood during birth, or from cracked nipples of later infancy, childhood or adulthood (Volpe 2008).
during breastfeeding. The diagnosis must be differentiated Convulsive movements can be differentiated from jit-
from VKDB, from other causes of haematemesis that teriness or tremors in that, with the latter two, the move-
include oesophageal, gastric or duodenal ulceration, and ments are rapid, rhythmic, equal, are often stimulated
from other causes of melaena, that include necrotizing or made worse by disturbance and can be stopped by
enterocolitis and anal fissures. These causes need specific touching or flexing the affected limb. They are normal in
and usually urgent treatment. an active, hungry baby and are of no consequence,
If the cause is swallowed blood, the condition is self- although their occurrence should be documented. Con-
limiting and requires no specific treatment. If the cause is vulsive movements tend to be slower, less equal, are
cracked nipples, appropriate treatment for the mother not necessarily stimulated by disturbance, cannot be
must be implemented. stopped by restraint, may be accompanied by abnormal

Section | 6 | The Neonate

eye movements and cardiorespiratory changes and are

Table 31.1 Selected causes of neonatal convulsions
always pathological. Convulsive movements should also
be differentiated from the benign bilateral or localized
Category Selected causes
jerking that occurs normally in neonatal sleep, particularly
rapid eye movement sleep (Prasad 2012). Central nervous Intracranial haemorrhage
Abnormal, sudden or repetitive movements of any part system Intracerebral haemorrhage
of the body that are not controlled by repositioning or Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy
containment holds require investigation. Volpe (2008) Kernicterus
suggests that the type of movement can help classify the Congenital abnormalities
convulsion as subtle, tonic, clonic or myoclonic: Metabolic Acquired disorders of metabolism
• Subtle convulsions include movements such as Hypo- and hyperglycaemia
blinking or fluttering of the eyelids, chewing and Hypo- and hypercalcaemia
Hypo- and hypernatraemia
cycling movements of the legs, and apnoea. There
Inborn errors of metabolism
may or may not be associated abnormal
electroencephalogram (EEG) activity. Other Hypoxia
• Focal tonic convulsions affect one extremity and Congenital infections
abnormal brain electrical activity can be detected on Severe postnatally acquired
EEG. With generalized tonic convulsions, that are infections
more common than focal tonic convulsions, the Neonatal abstinence syndrome
baby sustains a rigid extended posture, similar to Hyperthermia
decerebrate posturing, that is not usually detected Idiopathic Unknown
on EEG.
• Focal clonic convulsions are unilateral, affecting the
face, neck or trunk or upper or lower extremity
whereas multifocal clonic convulsions affect several
areas of the body that jerk asynchronously and
and nasal suction may be required to remove any milk or
migrate. The movements are slow (one to three jerks
mucus. If the baby is breathing spontaneously but is
per second), rhythmic and are most likely to be
cyanosed, facial oxygen is given. Active resuscitation may
associated with EEG activity.
be required. The need for intravenous access should be
• Myoclonic convulsions differ from clonic convulsions
assessed. Any necessary handling must be gentle and the
in that they are faster and are not associated with
baby is usually nursed in an incubator to allow for obser-
EEG activity. Focal myoclonic convulsions affect the
vation and temperature regulation.
upper body flexor muscles. Multifocal myoclonic
It is important that the nature of the convulsion is docu-
convulsions affect several parts of the body with
mented, noting the type of movements, the areas affected,
asynchronous jerks. Generalized myoclonic
its length, the baby’s state of consciousness, colour change,
convulsions affect the upper and sometimes lower
alteration in heart rate, respiratory rate or blood pressure
extremities with jerking flexion movements.
and immediate sequelae (Blackburn and Ditzenberger
During a convulsion the baby may have tachycardia, hyper- 2007).
tension, raised cerebral blood flow and raised intracranial The aims of care are to treat the primary cause/s (details
pressure, which predispose to serious complications. of which are not discussed in this chapter), and the phar-
As convulsions may be difficult to recognize, all at-risk macologic control of the convulsions. The latter is contro-
babies must be continuously assessed. The underlying versial due to the potential for damage from the drugs
conditions that may result in a convulsion are classified as versus the potential damage from the convulsion on the
central nervous system, metabolic, other and idiopathic developing brain (Rennie and Boylan 2007; Volpe 2008).
conditions (Table 31.1). Convulsions may be acute, recur- While there is little robust research evidence for the use of
rent or chronic (Blackburn and Ditzenberger 2007). any anticonvulsants in neonates, there is consensus for the
If a convulsion is suspected, a complete history and use of such drugs, particularly when the baby experiences
physical and laboratory investigations related to the pos- prolonged or frequent convulsions (Volpe 2008; Jensen
sible cause would be undertaken. An EEG may help detect 2009).
abnormal electrical brain activity and guide treatment. If pharmacological treatment is prescribed, the drugs
Immediate treatment necessitates obtaining assistance most commonly used are phenobarbital and phenytoin;
from a doctor while ensuring that the baby has a clear less frequently benzodiazepines may be used. Newer anti-
airway and adequate ventilation, either spontaneously or convulsants such as topiramate and levetiracetam are
mechanically. The baby can be turned to the semi-prone still being evaluated (Rennie and Boylan 2007; Volpe
position, with the head in a neutral position. Gentle oral 2008; Jensen 2009). Anticonvulsant therapy may be

Trauma during birth, haemorrhages and convulsions Chapter | 31 |

discontinued when convulsions cease, preferably before

the baby is transferred home. Box 31.1 Summary of key principles related to
The outcome for babies who have convulsions is likely the baby, parents and family
to depend on the cause, onset, type of convulsion and
frequency, whether it was demonstrated on EEG and The baby must be valued as a baby by:
whether the tracing became normal following treatment, • using the baby’s name
what type of treatment was used and how long it was • not predicting the future
before any treatment was successful. A good prognosis is • when sharing information, keeping the baby with the
usual if convulsions were due to hypocalcaemia, hyponat- parents if possible.
raemia or an uncomplicated subarachnoid haemorrhage. The parents and family must be respected by:
Much poorer prognoses are associated with severe hypoxic • facilitating parental support and empowerment
ischaemia, severe IVH, severe infections and central • acknowledging cultural and religious differences
nervous system congenital abnormalities (Blackburn and • listening to their views and taking their concerns
Ditzenberger 2007). Complications of neonatal seizures seriously
may include cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, epilepsy and • giving information honestly and sensitively using
spasticity (Sheth 2011). uncomplicated language
• ensuring understanding and giving opportunities for
SUPPORT OF PARENTS • facilitating follow-up and providing further
information when required.

The care of parents is more comprehensively discussed Source: Scope 2003

elsewhere therefore in this section only specific aspects will
be summarized. Trauma during birth, haemorrhages and
convulsions are unexpected complications and parents
may be shocked and anxious, and perhaps find themselves best practice. The ‘Right from the Start template’ (Scope
in a crisis situation. However, not all parents experience 2003) provides an excellent guide, and the principles
such feelings and some can adapt quickly to their baby’s related to the baby, parents and family are summarized
condition (Fowlie and McHaffie 2004; Carter et al 2005; in Box 31.1.
McGrath 2007). Parental involvement in their baby’s care is essential
The extent of the midwife’s and other professionals’ and the family-centered care/partnership with parents
contact with parents will depend on circumstances but the approach should now pervade all midwifery and neonatal
experiences parents have at this time have longer-term settings. Midwives and neonatal nurses have an important
implications for them, their response to the situation, role in promoting adaptive coping mechanisms and
their relationships with the multiprofessional teams guiding parents to appropriate resources and support serv-
involved in their care as well as their interaction with and ices (POPPY Steering Group 2009). The baby charity BLISS
care of their baby (McGrath 2007). offers helpful information for parents and its website
One of the most important aspects of caring for the includes a parent message board. Additional support and
parents is in relation to communication. All parents are information is available from specialized outside agencies
entitled to be given information about their baby’s condi- and the charity Contact a Family is a useful resource in the
tion, treatment and care in ways that are considered longer term. (See Useful Websites, below.)


Annibale D J 2012 Periventricular Saunders/Elsevier, Philadelphia, ch injuries. Advances in Neonatal Care

hemorrhage–intraventricular 10, p 245–51 5(5):240–51
hemorrhage. http://emedicine Barker S 2007 Subdural and primary Blackburn S T 2013 Maternal, fetal and
.medscape.com/article/976654 subarachnoid haemorrhages: a case neonatal physiology: a clinical
(accessed June 2013) study. Neonatal Network perspective, 4th edn. Elsevier,
Bagwell G A 2007 Haematological 26(3):143–51 Philadelphia, ch 8, p 239–40, ch 15,
system. In: Kenner C, Lott J W (eds) Benjamin K 2005 Part 2: Distinguishing p 546–51
Comprehensive neonatal care: an physical characteristics and Blackburn S T, Ditzenberger G R 2007
interdisciplinary approach, 4th edn. management of brachial plexus Neurologic system. In: Kenner C,

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Lott J W (eds) Comprehensive fractures of the clavicle. Advances in Disease in Childhood, Fetal
neonatal care: an interdisciplinary Neonatal Care 11(5):328–31 and Neonatal edition
approach, 4th edn. Saunders/ McGrath J M 2007 Family: essential 92(2):F148–F150
Elsevier, Philadelphia, ch 12, p partner in care. In: Kenner C, Lott J Roberts I, Murray N A 2008 Neonatal
277–94 W (eds) Comprehensive neonatal thrombocytopenia. Seminars in Fetal
BMJ (British Medical Journal) Evidence care: an interdisciplinary approach, and Neonatal Medicine
Centre (2012) Erb’s palsy. http:// 4th edn, Saunders/Elsevier, 13(4):256–64
bestpractice.bmj.com/best-practice/ Philadelphia, ch 25, p 491–506 Sandmire H F, DeMott R K 2009
monograph/746 (accessed January MIDIRS (Midwives Information and Controversies surrounding the causes
2013) Resource Service) Essence 2009 of brachial plexus injury.
Brand M C 2006 Part 1: Recognizing Vitamin K – the debate and the International Journal of Gynecology
neonatal spinal cord injury. evidence. www.midirs.org/ and Obstetrics 104(1):9–13
Advances in Neonatal Care development/MIDIRSEssence.nsf/arti Saxena A K 2010 Paediatric torticollis
6(1):15–24 cles/336837BED2143BE5802575D60 surgery. http://emedicine.medscape
Bruns A D 2012 Congenital facial 044F8E9 (accessed June 2013) .com/article/939858 (accessed June
paralysis. http://emedicine.medscape NICE (National Institute for Health and 2013)
.com/article/878464 (accessed June Clinical Excellence) 2006 Routine Schierholz E, Walker S R 2010
2013) postnatal care of women and their Responding to traumatic birth.
Carter J D, Mulder R T, Bartram A F babies. NICE, London. Available at Advances in Neonatal Care
et al 2005 Infants in a neonatal www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/ 10(6):311–15
intensive care unit: parental CG37NICEguideline.pdf (accessed Scope (2003) Right from the start
response. Archives of Disease in June 2013) template. www.scope.org.uk/
Childhood, Fetal and Neonatal Nimavat E J 2012 Hemorrhagic disease help-and-information/publications/
edition 90(2): F109–F113 of the newborn. http://emedicine right-start-template (accessed June
Foad S L, Mehiman C T, Foad M B et al .medscape.com/article/974489 2013)
2009 Prognosis following neonatal (accessed June 2013) Semel-Concepcion J 2012 Neonatal
brachial plexus palsy: an evidence- Papile L A, Burnstein J, Burnstein R et al brachial plexus palsies. http://
based review. Journal of Children’s 1978 Incidence and evolution of emedicine.medscape.com/
Orthopedics 3(6):459–63 subependymal and intraventricular article/317057 (accessed June
Fowlie P W, McHaffie H 2004 hemorrhage: a study of infants with 2013)
Supporting parents in the neonatal birth weights less than 1500 g. Sheth R D 2011 Neonatal seizures.
unit. British Medical Journal Journal of Pediatrics 92(4):529–34 http://emedicine.medscape.com/
329:1336–8 Paul S P, Edate S, Taylor T M 2009 article/1177069 (accessed June
Hey E 2003 Vitamin K – what, why and Cephalhaematoma – a benign 2013)
when. Archives of Disease in condition with serious Sorantin E, Brader P, Thimary F
Childhood Fetal and Neonatal complications: case report and 2006 Neonatal trauma. European
edition 88(2):F80–F83 literature review. Infant 5(5):146–8 Journal of Radiology 60(2):
Jensen F E 2009 Neonatal seizures: an POPPY Steering Group 2009 Family- 199–207
update on mechanisms and centred care in neonatal units. A Thomas R, Harvey D 1997 Colour
management. Clinics in Perinatology summary of research results and guide: neonatology, 2nd edn,
36(4):881. recommendations from the POPPY Churchill Livingstone,
Lane P A, Hathaway W E 1985 Vitamin project. National Childbirth Trust, Edinburgh
K in infancy. Journal of Pediatrics London Volpe J J 1997 Brain injury in the
106:351–9 Prasad M 2012 Neonatal seizure: what premature infant. Clinics in
Laroia N 2010 Pediatric cardiac birth is the cause? www.bmj.com/ Perinatology 24(3):567–87
trauma. http://emedicine.medscape content/345/bmj.e6003 (accessed Volpe J J 2008 Neurology of the
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2013) Pride H 2012 Superficial fat necrosis of Sciences, Philadelphia, ch 5,
Lee K G 2011 Caput succedaneum. the newborn. http://emedicine p 203–44 and ch 11,
www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/ .medscape.com/article/1081910 p 517–88
article/001587.htm (accessed June (accessed June 2013) Vorvick L J, Kaneshiro N K 2011
2013) Qureshi N H 2012 Skull fracture. http:// Fractured clavicle in the newborn.
Levi M M 2012 Disseminated emedicine.medscape.com/ www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/
intravascular coagulation. http:// article/248108 (accessed June 2013) article/001588.htm (accessed June
emedicine.medscape.com/ Reid J 2007 Neonatal subgaleal 2013)
article/199627 (accessed June haemorrhage. Neonatal Network Zach T 2012 Pediatric periventricular
2013) 26(4):219–27 leukomalacia. http://emedicine
Mavrogenis A F, Mitsiokapa E A, Rennie J M, Boylan G 2007 Treatment .medscape.com/article/975728
Kanellopoulos A D et al 2011 Birth of neonatal seizures. Archives of (accessed June 2013)

Trauma during birth, haemorrhages and convulsions Chapter | 31 |


Boxwell G (ed) 2010 Neonatal intensive Meeks M, Hallsworth M, Yeo H (eds) Rennie J M 2012 Rennie and Roberton’s
care nursing, 2nd edn. Routledge, (2010) Nursing the neonate, 2nd Textbook of neonatology, 5th edn.
London edn. Wiley–Blackwell, Malaysia Elsevier, London
This book is primarily written for neonatal Written primarily for neonatal nurses and A classic textbook that gives excellent
nurses and teachers. Student midwives and midwives, it provides a resource for other explanations of physiology and discusses the
midwives would benefit from the additional professionals working in neonatal care. management of neonatal complications,
more detailed information about many of Chapters 4, 14 and 17 are recommended. albeit from a mainly medical perspective.
the conditions addressed in this present
chapter. Chapters 3, 8, 9 and 18 are


Advances in Neonatal Care (journal): BLISS: (premature and sick baby Infant (journal for neonatal nursing and
http://journals.lww.com/ charity): www.bliss.org.uk paediatric healthcare professionals):
advancesinneonatalcare Contact a Family: www.infantgrapevine.co.uk
Archives of Disease in Childhood www.cafamily.org.uk Medscape:
(journal): http://adc.bmj.com http://emedicine.medscape.com

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Chapter 32

Congenital malformations
Judith Simpson, Kathleen O’Reilly

CHAPTER CONTENTS Cardiac defects presenting with cyanosis 656

‘Acyanotic’ cardiac defects 658
Communicating the news 646 Central nervous system malformations 658
Palliative care 646 Anencephaly 659
Definition and causes 647 Spina bifida 659
Chromosomal abnormalities 649 Spina bifida occulta 659
Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) 649 Hydrocephalus 660
Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) 650 Microcephaly 660
Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) 650 Musculoskeletal deformities 660
Turner syndrome (XO) 650 Polydactyly/syndactyly 660
Gastrointestinal malformations 650 Limb reduction deficiencies 660
Gastroschisis and exomphalos 650 Talipes 661
Atresias 650 Developmental dysplasia of the hip 661
Anorectal malformations 652 Achondroplasia 662
Malrotation/volvulus 652 Osteogenesis imperfecta 662
Abnormalities of the skin 662
Meconium ileus (cystic fibrosis) 653
Vascular naevi 662
Hirschsprung’s disease 653
Capillary malformations 662
Cleft lip and cleft palate 653
Capillary haemangiomata
Pierre Robin sequence 654 (‘strawberry marks’) 662
Malformations relating to respiration 654 Pigmented (melanocytic) naevi 663
Diaphragmatic hernia 654 Genitourinary system 663
Congenital pulmonary airway Potter syndrome 663
malformation (CPAM) 655 Posterior urethral valves 663
Choanal atresia 655 Cystic kidneys 663
Laryngeal stridor 656 Hypospadias 664
Congenital cardiac defects 656 Cryptorchidism 664
Causes 656 Disorders of sexual development (DSD) 664
Prenatal detection 656 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 664
Postnatal recognition 656 Androgen insensitivity syndrome 664

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 645

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Teratogenic causes 664 midwife–mother relationship is, or ought to be, one of

Fetal alcohol syndrome/spectrum 664 mutual trust and respect. Honesty is an implicit tenet
of such a relationship. It is well recognized that one
Support for the midwife 665
of the first questions a mother will ask the midwife
References 665 after the birth is ‘is the baby all right?’ For the midwife
Further reading 666 to be non-committal or economical with the truth is to
Useful websites 666 betray that trust. It is preferable that the midwife tells
both parents sensitively but honestly that she has
concerns, and shows them any obvious anomaly in the
The incidence of major congenital malformations
is 2–3% of all births, although this figure is
Where there is doubt in the midwife’s mind, for example
subject to familial, cultural and geographic
variations. It is therefore likely that every in cases of suspected chromosomal disorders, it could be
practising midwife will at some time in their argued that the issue is less clear cut. Discretion could
career be confronted with the challenge of therefore be exercised in the precise form of words used,
providing appropriate care and support for such but the intention of inviting a second opinion should be
babies and their families. made clear to the parents. It is advisable that both the
parents and the midwife are present when an experienced
paediatrician examines the baby and that the midwife is
THE CHAPTER AIMS TO: present during any dialogue between the parents and
medical staff so that she is aware of exactly what has been
• address issues such as who should tell the parents said. She is then in a position to clarify or repeat any
and how and when they should be told points that were not fully understood. Opportunities for
• describe and explain specific congenital anomalies follow-up consultation with the paediatrician should be
offered as and when the parents desire. Patience, tact and
• consider the psychological impact on staff and the
understanding are prerequisites for midwives caring for
strategies that could be put in place to minimize the
these families.
accompanying stress.
Some malformations may appear minor to staff;
however, it is important to appreciate that parental percep-
tions may be quite different and that the degree of distress
can be unrelated to the apparent severity of the anomaly.
COMMUNICATING THE NEWS The psychological impact on parents of being told or
shown, or both, that their baby has a congenital malfor-
Improved prenatal screening and diagnostic techniques mation has been likened to the grieving process discussed
(see Chapter 11) have led to the increased recognition of in Chapter 26. Great sensitivity is therefore required on
malformations, particularly in early pregnancy. As a result the part of the midwife when communicating with the
some women may make the decision to have their preg- parents for the first time.
nancy terminated, whilst for others it provides time to Whatever the anomaly, it is essential that families
adjust to and begin to come to terms with the news that receive accurate, consistent and appropriate information
their baby will be born with a particular problem. One about their baby’s condition. Since a comprehensive dis-
advantage of prenatal diagnosis is that, if necessary, cussion of every malformation is clearly not possible,
arrangements can be made for the mother to give birth in selection has therefore been made of those the midwife is
a unit where appropriate specialist neonatal services are most likely to encounter.
available. The disadvantage of such a transfer is that the
mother may then be separated from family, friends and
the support of the midwives she knows best. This makes
it all the more imperative that the staff in these units are PALLIATIVE CARE
sensitive to the needs of such women.
However, even with universal fetal screening not all mal- There are a number of severe congenital malformations
formations will be identified prenatally and in this situa- which are incompatible with sustained life, such as anen-
tion it is often the midwife who first notices an anomaly cephaly. Many of these conditions are diagnosed ante­
either at birth or on routine newborn examination. Whilst natally and, whereas some parents opt for termination of
all anomalies should be notified to medical staff there is the pregnancy, others choose palliative care after birth. It
sometimes uncertainty as to who should communicate the is important that parents feel supported in the choices
news to the parents. they make. When parents opt to continue with the preg-
There is a very strong argument for suggesting that this nancy, where possible, a plan should be made antenatally
should be done by the midwife present at the birth. The with the parents for care of the baby when he or she is

Congenital malformations Chapter | 32 |

born. Discussion with the parents should explore any that the life of the baby is precious to the parents no
anxieties they may have, e.g. pain relief for the baby. It matter how short that life is.
should also include factual information about the likely Providing end of life care for infants with severe con-
clinical course including how long the baby may survive genital malformations can be difficult and emotionally
and a gentle explanation of the process of death. It is draining for staff. It is essential that staff caring for the
important to be honest in cases where there is uncertainty. baby feel comfortable with clinical decisions and able to
It may also be appropriate at this time to explore any discuss any concerns they have. A formal debrief within
specific wishes the parents may have, regarding religious the multi-professional team may be useful.
ceremonies for example.
After birth priority should be given to ensuring the
comfort of the baby whilst at the same time supporting
the parents. In cases where the baby survives for longer DEFINITION AND CAUSES
than expected the specific aspects of the care plan may
need to be reviewed and discussed with parents (e.g. By definition, a congenital malformation is any defect in
feeding). It is important to treat the parents and the baby form, structure or function. Identifiable defects can be
with kindness and dignity at all times and to remember categorized as follows (Fig. 32.1):


Chromosomal Single gene Multifactoral
DNA Teratogens
abnormalities defect diseases

Numerical Structural Mendelian

abnormalities abnormalities inheritance Diabetes mellitus
Spina bifida


Deletion Autosomal Autosomal X-linked

dominant recessive



Down Congenital Duchenne

Turner Congenital Cystic
syndrome abnormalities muscular
syndrome spherocytosis fibrosis
(if unbalanced) dystrophy

Fig. 32.1 Causes of congenital abnormalities.

Adapted from Beattie J, Carachi R (eds) 2005 Practical paediatric problems: a textbook for MRCPCH. Hodder Education, London.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

• chromosomal abnormalities X-linked condition, there is a 50% chance of each of her

• single gene defects sons being affected and an equal chance that each of her
• mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) daughters will be carriers.
disorders Work on the human genome continues to identify gene
• teratogenic causes defects; for example, polycystic kidney disease (see p. 663)
• multifactorial causes arises from a mutation on chromosome 6 and cystic fibro-
• unknown causes. sis is due to a defect on chromosome 7. Recent advance-
ments in our understanding of inherited conditions
have focused on epigenetics. This is the study of factors
Chromosomal abnormalities other than DNA structure which can alter gene expression.
Definitions of terms used in this and subsequent sections Epigenetics is involved in genomic imprinting and
are provided in the Glossary at the end of the book. X-chromosome inactivation in humans. Epigenetic factors
Every human cell carries a blueprint for reproduction in influencing early development may be responsible for spe-
the form of 44 chromosomes (autosomes) and two sex cific congenital syndromes. Continuing research may offer
chromosomes. Each chromosome comprises a number of further diagnostic and treatment options in the future.
genes, which are specific sequences of DNA coding for
particular proteins. The zygote should have 22 autosomes
Mitochondrial inheritance
and one sex chromosome from each parent. Should a fault
occur in either the formation of the gametes or following Mitochondria are cellular structures responsible for energy
fertilization (see Chapter 5), abnormalities in chromo- production. Mitochondria are always inherited from the
some number (aneuploidies) or structure (deletions, mother. Symptoms and signs of mitochondrial disorders
duplications, inversions, translocations) may occur. Each can be diverse but tend to occur in tissues that have high
abnormal chromosomal pattern has a characteristic clini- energy requirements such as the brain and muscles. Exam-
cal presentation, the most common of which will be dis- ples are very rare but include, mitochondrial encephalo-
cussed further. myopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes
(MELAS) and myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibres
myopathy (MERRF) (Chinnery et al 1998).
Gene defects (Mendelian inheritance)
Genes are composed of DNA and each is concerned
with the transmission of one specific hereditary factor.
Teratogenic causes
Genetically inherited factors may be dominant or A teratogen is any agent that raises the incidence of con-
recessive. genital malformation. The list of known and suspected
A dominant gene will produce its effect even if present teratogens is continually growing but includes: prescribed
in only one chromosome of a pair. An autosomal domi- drugs (e.g. anticonvulsants, anticoagulants and prepara-
nant condition can usually be traced through several gen- tions containing large concentrations of vitamin A such as
erations although the severity of clinical expression may those prescribed for the treatment of acne), drugs used in
vary from generation to generation. Congenital spherocy- substance abuse (e.g. heroin, alcohol and nicotine), envi-
tosis, achondroplasia, osteogenesis imperfecta, adult poly- ronmental factors such as radiation and chemicals (e.g.
cystic kidney disease and Huntington’s chorea are examples dioxins, pesticides), infective agents (e.g. rubella, cytomeg­
of dominant conditions. alovirus) and maternal disease (e.g. diabetes). It should be
A recessive gene needs to be present in both chromo- borne in mind that several factors influence the effect(s)
somes before producing its effect. An individual who is produced by any one teratogen, such as gestational age of
carrying only one abnormal copy of the gene (a heterozy- the embryo or fetus at the time of exposure, length of
gote) is unaffected. Examples of autosomal recessive con- exposure and toxicity of the teratogen. Direct cause and
ditions are cystic fibrosis or phenylketonuria. effect is sometimes difficult to establish. Accurate record-
Some congenital malformations are a consequence of ing of all congenital malformations on central registers,
single gene defects. In a dominantly inherited disorder such as those included in the British Isles Network
the risk of an affected fetus is 1 : 2 (50%) for each and of Congenital Anomaly Registers (BINOCAR; www
every pregnancy. In a recessive disorder, the risk is 1 : 4 .binocar.org), facilitates the early recognition of new
(25%) for each and every pregnancy. In an X-linked reces- teratogens.
sive inheritance the condition affects almost exclusively
males, although females can be carriers. X-linked reces-
sive inheritance is responsible for conditions such as hae-
Multifactorial causes
mophilia A and B and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. These are due to interactions between specific genes
Spontaneous mutations commonly arise in X-linked (genetic susceptibility) and environmental influences
recessive disorders. When a woman is a carrier of an (teratogens).

Congenital malformations Chapter | 32 |

Unknown causes Not all of these manifestations need be present and any
of them can occur alone without implying chromosomal
In spite of a growing body of knowledge, the specific cause
aberration. Babies born with Down syndrome also have a
of many congenital anomalies remains unspecified and
higher incidence of cardiac anomalies, cataracts, hearing
they occur sporadically in families.
loss, leukaemia and hypothyroidism. Intelligence quotient
is below average, at 40–80.
Down syndrome arising sporadically as a result of a
CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITIES non-disjunction process occurs in 95% of cases. Unbal-
anced translocation occurs in 2.5% of cases, usually
between chromosomes 14 and 21. Mosaic forms also
Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
occur. There is no difference between the types in clinical
The classic features of what is now known as Down (ubiq- appearance. Parents who have a baby with Down syn-
uitously referred to as Down’s) syndrome were first drome, therefore, should be offered genetic counselling to
described in 1866 by physician John Langdon Down establish the risk of recurrence. The overall incidence of
(Fig. 32.2). He recognized a commonly occurring com­ Down syndrome is 1 in 700.
bination of facial features among individuals with low Although there may be little doubt in the midwife’s
intelligence. Characteristic features of Down syndrome mind that a baby has Down syndrome, she should be
include: upslanting palpebral fissures, a small head with careful not to make any definitive statements. Family
flat occiput, small nose, small mouth with relatively large likeness alone may explain some babies’ appearance.
tongue, short broad hands with an incurving little finger Parents themselves may voice their suspicions. If they do
(clinodactyly), a single palmar (simian) crease, a wide not, a sensitive but honest approach should be made by
space between the great toe and second toe (sandal gap), either the midwife or paediatrician to alert them to the
Brushfield spots in the eyes and generalized hypotonia. possibility and to request permission to conduct further


Fig. 32.2 (A) Baby with Down syndrome: note slant of eyes and incurving little finger. (B) With good parental involvement
and stimulus these infants can reach maximum potential.
Photographs courtesy of Scottish Down’s Syndrome Association.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

investigations. It is inappropriate to transfer the baby to

the special care baby unit in order to carry out these inves- GASTROINTESTINAL
tigations under the guise of the baby being cold or sleepy. MALFORMATIONS
Investigations indicated include chromosome analysis
and echocardiography, because of the increased risk of
Most of the malformations affecting this system call for
congenital heart disease. Some centers offer rapid genetic
prompt surgical involvement, for example atresias, gastro-
diagnosis (see Chapter 11).
schisis and exomphalos. With increasing access to fetal
An individual baby’s needs will vary depending on
anomaly ultrasound screening at 18–20 weeks’ gestation,
whether there are any co-existing anomalies. Although
many are likely to be diagnosed prenatally (Haddock et al
initial feeding problems are common owing to general-
1996). If prenatal diagnosis has been made, the parents
ized hypotonia, breastfeeding should be encouraged
will be at least partially prepared. They should have had
if that is what the mother had planned. The parents are
the opportunity to meet with the paediatric surgeon who
likely to require a great deal of emotional support in
will explain the probable sequence of events. They should
the first few days following diagnosis. Providing audio-
also have had the opportunity to visit the specialist neo-
visual or reading material about Down syndrome for
natal unit in which their baby will be cared for. Once the
the parents may be helpful, or the address of the local
baby is born, prior to obtaining their consent for surgery,
branch of the Down Syndrome Association (see Useful
the paediatric surgeon will have a further discussion with
the parents. If the baby’s condition allows, the parents
should be encouraged to hold the baby and take
Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)
This condition is found in about 1 in 5000 births. An extra Gastroschisis and exomphalos
18th chromosome is responsible for the characteristic fea-
Gastroschisis (Fig. 32.3) is a paramedian defect of the
tures. Facial features include a small head with a flattened
abdominal wall with extrusion of bowel that is not covered
forehead, a receding chin and frequently a cleft palate. The
by peritoneum. Closure of the defect is usually possible;
ears are low set and maldeveloped. The sternum tends to
the size of the defect will determine whether early primary
be short, the fingers often overlap each other and the feet
closure is possible or whether a temporary silo made from
have a characteristic rocker-bottom appearance. Malfor-
synthetic materials (e.g. Silastic) is necessary until the
mations of the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems
abdominal cavity is able to contain all the abdominal
are common. The lifespan for these children is short and
organs (Schlatter et al 2003).
the majority die during their first year.
Exomphalos or omphalocele (Fig. 32.4) is a defect in
which the bowel or other viscera protrude through the
umbilicus. Very often these babies have other anomalies,
Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) for example heart defects, which require evaluation prior
to surgery. The timing of surgical closure is again deter-
An extra copy of the 13th chromosome leads to multiple
mined by the size of the defect; small defects (exomphalos
abnormalities. These children have a short life. Only 5%
minor) undergo early primary closure whilst a large defect
live beyond 3 years. Affected infants are small and are
(exomphalos major) is encouraged to granulate over, prior
microcephalic. Midline facial abnormalities such as cleft
to delayed closure at 6–12 months (Lee et al 2006).
lip and palate are common and limb abnormalities are
The immediate management of both the above condi-
frequently seen. Brain, cardiac and renal abnormalities
tions is to cover the herniated abdominal contents with
may co-exist with this trisomy.
clean cellophane wrap (e.g. Clingfilm) or warm sterile
saline swabs to reduce fluid and heat losses and to give a
degree of protection. An orogastric or nasogastric tube
Turner syndrome (XO) should be passed and stomach contents aspirated. Transfer
of the baby to a surgical unit is then expedited.
In this monosomal condition, only one sex chromosome
exists: an X. The absent chromosome is indicated by ‘O’.
The child is a girl with a short, webbed neck, widely Atresias
spaced nipples and oedematous feet. The genitalia tend
to be underdeveloped and the internal reproductive Oesophageal atresia
organs do not mature. The condition may not be diag- Oesophageal atresia occurs when there is incomplete
nosed until puberty fails to occur. Congenital cardiac canalization of the oesophagus in early intrauterine devel-
defects may also be found. Mental development is usually opment. It is commonly combined with a tracheo-
normal. oesophageal fistula, which connects the trachea to the

Congenital malformations Chapter | 32 |

Fig. 32.4 Omphalocele defect with bowel visible through sac

in the lower part and abnormally lobulated liver in the sac in
the upper part.
From Rennie J M, Roberton N R C (eds) 1999 Textbook of
neonatology, 3rd edn, with permission of Churchill Livingstone.

Fig. 32.3 Gastroschisis showing prolapsed intestine to the

right of umbilical cord.
From Rennie J M, Roberton N R C (eds) 1999 Textbook of
neonatology, 3rd edn, with permission of Churchill Livingstone.

upper or lower oesophagus, or both. The commonest type

of malformation is where the upper oesophagus termi-
nates in a blind upper pouch and the lower oesophagus
connects to the trachea. Around 50% of cases are associ-
ated with other malformations either as part of a chromo-
somal disorder or a syndrome such as the VACTERL
spectrum (vertebral anomalies, anal anomalies, cardiac,
tracheoesophageal, radial aplasia, renal and limb anoma-
lies). Further evaluation, particularly of the heart, is
required prior to surgery (Pedersen et al 2012).
Oesophageal atresia should be suspected in the pres-
ence of maternal polyhydramnios and should be screened
for after birth in all such affected pregnancies. At birth the
baby may be described as ‘mucousy’ or may have ‘colour
changes’ associated with copious secretions. The midwife
should attempt to pass a wide bore orogastric tube but it Fig. 32.5 Oesophageal atresia. Coiled feeding tube in
may travel less than 10–12 cm. Radiography will confirm proximal pouch. Note vertebral and rib abnormalities. Distal
the diagnosis (Fig. 32.5). The baby must be given no oral gas confirms a tracheo-oesophageal fistula.
fluid but a wide bore oesophageal tube should be passed From Rennie J M, Roberton N R C (eds) 1999 Textbook of
into the upper pouch and connected to gentle continuous neonatology, 3rd edn, with permission of Churchill Livingstone.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

suction apparatus. Ideally a double lumen (Replogle) tube

is used. The baby should be transferred promptly to a
surgical unit, ensuring that continuous suction is available
throughout the transfer. It is usually possible to anasto-
mose the blind ends of the oesophagus. If the gap in the
oesophagus is too large a series of bouginages can be
carried out in an attempt to stretch the ends of the
oesophagus, stimulate growth and thereby eventually
facilitate repair by end-to-end anastomosis. Very rarely, if
the repair is delayed, cervical oesophagostomy may be
performed to allow drainage of secretions. Meanwhile the
baby will need to be fed via a gastrostomy tube. This
method of feeding obviously deprives the baby of oral
stimuli. Such a baby may be given ‘sham’ feeds to allow
him/her to taste the milk and to promote sucking, swal-
lowing and normal development of the mandible.

Duodenal atresia
Atresia can occur at any level of the bowel but the duode-
num is the most common site. If this has not already been
diagnosed in the prenatal period, persistent vomiting
within 24–36 hours of birth will be the first feature
encountered. The vomit may contain bile unless the
obstruction is proximal to the entrance of the common
bile duct, in which case it will be non-bilious. Abdominal
distension is not necessarily present and the baby may
pass meconium. A characteristic double bubble of gas is
seen on radiological examination (Fig. 32.6). Treatment is
by surgical repair. This anomaly is commonly associated
with chromosomal disorders, in particular trisomy 21, Fig. 32.6 Double bubble of duodenal atresia. The stomach is
which accounts for 30% of cases of duodenal atresia. overlapping the duodenum with the second bubble being
seen through the stomach.
Anorectal malformations From Rennie J M, Roberton N R C (eds) 1999 Textbook of
neonatology, 3rd edn, with permission of Churchill Livingstone.
Careful examination of the perineum is an important
aspect of any newborn examination. An imperforate anus
should be obvious on examination at birth, but a rectal
atresia might not become apparent until it is noted that the
baby has not passed meconium. However, it is important to
remember that a history of passing meconium does not
exclude a diagnosis of an anorectal malformation. Occa-
sionally meconium is passed through a fistulous connec-
tion to the vagina, bladder or urethra and this may mask an
imperforate anus (Figs 32.7–32.9). Whatever the anatomi-
cal arrangement, all babies should be referred for surgery.

This is a developmental abnormality where incomplete
rotation (malrotation) of the small bowel has taken place.
This predisposes the bowel to intermittent episodes of
twisting (volvulus) and obstruction. A baby with a malro-
tation may be entirely asymptomatic in the neonatal
period, however episodes of obstruction can lead to
bilious vomiting and abdominal distension. Due to the Fig. 32.7 Imperforate anus with recto-vesical fistula (1).
risks of severe, irreversible bowel damage secondary to Reproduced with permission of Donna Bain.

Congenital malformations Chapter | 32 |

because the meconium is particularly viscous and causes

intestinal obstruction. There is accompanying abdominal
distension and bile-stained vomiting. Intravenous fluids
and a Gastrografin enema may relieve the obstruction but
sometimes surgery is required. Histology of any resected
bowel may indicate the likelihood of cystic fibrosis, but
genetic mutation analysis is required to confirm the diag-
nosis. Subsequent treatment of cystic fibrosis is supportive
rather than curative and involves optimized nutrition,
administration of pancreatic enzymes and a rigorous pro-
gramme of chest physiotherapy and antibiotics.

Hirschsprung’s disease
In this disease, which has an incidence of 1 in 5000 live
births, an aganglionic section of the bowel is present. This
means that peristalsis does not occur and the bowel there-
fore becomes obstructed. The baby will present with any
combination of delayed (>24 hours) passage of meco-
nium, abdominal distension and bile-stained vomiting.
Hirschsprung’s disease is often suspected from radiogra-
phy and contrast enema, however a rectal biopsy is
required to confirm the diagnosis. Surgical resection of the
aganglionic segment of bowel is indicated.

Fig. 32.8 Imperforate anus with recto-vesical fistula (2). Cleft lip and cleft palate
Reproduced with permission of Donna Bain.
The incidence of cleft lip occurring as a single malforma-
tion is 1.3 per 1000 live births. This anomaly may be
unilateral or bilateral. Since it is very often accompanied
by cleft palate, both will be considered together.
Clefts in the palate may affect the hard palate, soft
palate, or both. Some defects will include alveolar margins
and some the uvula. The greatest problem for these babies
initially is feeding. If the defect is limited to unilateral cleft
lip, mothers who had intended to breastfeed should be
encouraged to do so. Where there is the additional
problem of cleft palate, arranging for the baby to be fitted
with an orthodontic plate may facilitate breastfeeding but
this obviously does not afford the same stimulus as
nipple-to-palate contact. Expressed breast milk via a cup
is an alternative method but for those who wish to bottle-
feed there is a wide variety of specially shaped teats avail-
Fig. 32.9 Imperforate anus with recto-vesical fistula and able to accommodate the different sizes and positions of
napkin containing meconium stained urine. palate defects. Above all else, an unending supply of
Reproduced with permission of Donna Bain.
patience and reassurance is required. The midwife should
encourage the mother and father to find the most success-
the obstruction of blood flow in the mesentery in unrec- ful technique rather than ‘taking over’ since this may com-
ognized volvulus, any newborn infant with bile-stained pound any feelings of guilt or inadequacy the parents feel.
vomiting requires urgent assessment. Surgical correction is Early referral to the cleft palate team of paediatric or plastic
necessary if a malrotation is confirmed. surgeon and orthodontists should be arranged. These
teams will also include specialist nursing staff, speech and
language therapists and audiologists.
Meconium ileus (cystic fibrosis)
Corrective surgery will be carried out at some stage,
Some 15% of children with cystic fibrosis present with however agreement regarding optimal timing remains
meconium ileus in the neonatal period. This occurs elusive (Manna et al 2009). To some extent a compromise

Section | 6 | The Neonate


Fig. 32.10 (A) Cleft lip and palate. (B) The repaired cleft.
From Raine P 1994 Cleft lip and palate, in Freeman N V et al, Surgery of the newborn, ch 34, p 375, with permission of Churchill Livingstone.

must always be made regarding the balance of risk from

surgery, the psychological impact of the malformation, the MALFORMATIONS RELATING
effect on speech and language acquisition and future facial TO RESPIRATION
growth. In general, lips are repaired between 10 and 12
weeks and palates between 6 and 18 months. It can be
Making a successful transition from fetus to neonate
helpful for the midwife to show families ‘before and after’
includes being able to establish regular respiration. Any
photographs of babies for whom surgery has been a
malformation of the respiratory tract or accessory respira-
success (Fig. 32.10).
tory muscles is likely to hamper this process.
Clearly, although the midwife may offer valuable
support in these early days, she is limited in the length of
time she has available to help these families. Giving the
parents the address of a support group such as the Cleft
Diaphragmatic hernia
Lip and Palate Association (CLAPA) is useful (see Useful This malformation occurs in 1 in 2000 live births and
Websites). consists of a defect in the diaphragm that allows hernia-
tion of abdominal contents into the thoracic cavity (Fig.
32.11). The extent to which lung development is compro-
Pierre Robin sequence
mised as a result depends on the size of the defect and the
Pierre Robin sequence is characterized by micrognathia gestational age at which herniation first occurred. The con-
(hypoplasia of the lower jaw), posterior displacement of dition is increasingly diagnosed antenatally by ultrasound;
the tongue, which allows it to fall backward and occlude where there is prenatal diagnosis, birth in a specialist unit
the airway, and a central cleft palate. This triad of anoma- is advisable. At birth, the condition may be suspected if
lies presents challenges for nursing care, notably airway the baby is cyanosed and unexpected difficulty is experi-
obstruction and feeding difficulties. Airway obstruction enced in resuscitation. In addition, since the majority of
can often be managed with fairly straightforward interven- such defects are left-sided, heart sounds will be displaced
tions, such as prone positioning or the use of a nasopha- to the right. The abdomen may have a flat or scaphoid
ryngeal airway. In a minority of situations the anatomical appearance. Chest X-ray will confirm the diagnosis. Babies
anomaly is so severe that surgery, for example jaw distrac- with this condition usually have significant respiratory
tion or tracheostomy is required (Bacher et al 2010). distress and require intubation and mechanical ventila-
Feeding can be problematic with a high risk of aspiration tion. A large bore nasogastric tube on free drainage should
occurring. Some of these babies may be fitted with an be used to minimize gaseous distension of the displaced
orthodontic plate to facilitate feeding. The action of abdominal viscera. Surgical repair of the defect is neces-
sucking will encourage development of the mandible. sary, but this is not urgent. It is more important to stabilize
Parents will need considerable support during what the baby’s general condition before surgery. It is especially
may for some babies be a protracted period of critical to deal with the problem of persistent pulmonary
hospitalization. hypertension and right-to-left shunting of blood within

Congenital malformations Chapter | 32 |

Nasal cavity Hard palate Bony atresia plate

Oral Tongue


Fig. 32.12 Choanal atresia. A bony plate blocks the nose.

From Rennie J M, Roberton N R C (eds) 1999 Textbook of
neonatology, 3rd edn, with permission of Churchill Livingstone.

Fig. 32.11 Chest radiograph of infant at 1 hour of life,

showing left diaphragmatic hernia, displacement of air-filled
viscera into the hemithorax and a marked shift of prenatally to have a CPAM should be monitored closely
mediastinum and heart. after birth for signs of respiratory distress.
From Rennie J M, Roberton N R C (eds) 1999 Textbook of Some CPAM have been reported to be associated with
neonatology, 3rd edn, with permission of Churchill Livingstone. lung infection and malignant change in later life. The true
incidence of such complications is unknown but is likely
to be low. However, even in asymptomatic patients, surgi-
the heart. This may necessitate the use of newer ventilation cal removal may be undertaken in infancy in order to
techniques and pharmacological agents such as nitric prevent long-term complications.
oxide. Prognosis relates to the degree of pulmonary hypo-
plasia and reversibility of the pulmonary hypertension.
There is also the possibility of co-existent problems such Choanal atresia
as cardiac defects or skeletal anomalies. Choanal atresia describes a unilateral or bilateral narrow-
ing of the nasal passage(s) with a web of tissue or bone
Congenital pulmonary airway occluding the nasopharynx (Fig. 32.12). The incidence is
1 in 8000 live births. Tachypnoea and dyspnoea are cardi-
malformations (CPAM)
nal features, particularly when a bilateral lesion is present.
These include lesions formally known as congenital aden­ The diagnosis is made relatively easily by noting that the
omatous malformation (CCAM), bronchopulmonary baby mouth-breathes and finds feeding impossible
sequestration (BPS) and congenital lobar emphysema. The without cyanosis. In addition, nasal catheters cannot be
incidence is thought to be around 1 in 2000 live births passed into the pharynx and if a mirror or cold metal
although an increasing number are being detected pre­ spoon is held under the nose no vapour will collect. A
natally by ultrasound scanning. Antenatal complications helpful diagnostic aid is that the baby’s colour will improve
may include mediastinal shift and the development of with crying. A unilateral defect may not be noticed until
hydrops, although many lesions seem to regress during the the baby feeds for the first time. The midwife should there-
third trimester. Although most lesions are asymptomatic fore bear in mind the possibility of this problem if respira-
in the neonatal period, some lesions may expand rapidly tory difficulty and cyanosis occur at this time. Maintaining
after birth leading to air trapping, over-inflation and res- a clear airway is obviously essential and an oral airway
piratory compromise. In such cases urgent surgical removal may have to be used to affect this. Surgery will be required
of the abnormal lung tissue is necessary. Babies known to remove the obstructing tissue.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Occasionally choanal atresia is associated with other Postnatal recognition

anomalies such as CHARGE syndrome, a condition in
which there are defects found in the eye (coloboma), the Babies with congenital heart disease can present in a
heart, occasionally oesophageal atresia, usually growth number of ways: heart murmur, cyanosis, tachypnoea,
restriction, plus genital and ear abnormality. weak or absent femoral pulses. Those babies in whom the
pulmonary or systemic blood flow is dependent upon the
arterial duct may present with severe cyanosis or shock
Laryngeal stridor when the duct closes.
It is obviously important to try to identify those infants
This is a noise made by the baby, usually on inspiration
with life-threatening cardiac malformations prior to trans-
and exacerbated by crying. Most commonly the cause is
fer home. Additionally, early identification and referral of
laryngomalacia. This is due to laxity of the laryngeal
babies with significant cardiac malformations is desirable.
cartilage which collapses inwards during inspiration.
Whilst it must be remembered that not all babies with
Although it sounds distressing, the baby generally is
heart murmurs have an underlying cardiac malformation,
not at all upset. Laryngomalacia usually resolves over
it should also be noted that some babies with significant
time and intervention is only required in the most
congenital heart disease may have no abnormal findings
severe cases.
at the time of their routine newborn examination. As an
There are a number of other causes of stridor in the
adjunct to routine newborn examination some units
neonate which should be considered, particularly if the
therefore also measure oxygen saturations. This has been
stridor is accompanied by signs of respiratory distress or
shown to improve the detection of some duct dependent
feeding problems. Other causes include subglottic steno-
heart lesions (Ewer et al 2011).
sis, laryngeal web, laryngeal cleft, vocal cord paralysis and
Ideally, every baby should be examined by a competent
extrinsic compression by a vascular ring. Investigations
practitioner before going home. Although changing pat-
including laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy and barium
terns of postnatal care often mean early transfer home, a
swallow may be necessary in order to establish the diag-
baby with suspected congenital heart disease should not
nosis in cases not typical of mild larynogomalacia.
be sent home until he/she has been reviewed by an expe-
rienced paediatrician or a definitive diagnosis has been
made. As some babies with significant congenital heart
CONGENITAL CARDIAC DEFECTS disease may have no clinical signs prior to transfer, there
is a need for community midwives to be observant and to
communicate effectively with parents. Parents who report
Babies born with congenital heart defects comprise the any changes in the baby’s behaviour such as breathlessness
second largest group of babies born with malformations. or cyanosis should never be ignored, but rather encour-
Approximately 8 per 1000 live births have some degree of aged to seek medical advice promptly.
congenital heart disease and about one-third of these Traditionally, babies with cardiac anomalies have been
babies will be symptomatic in early infancy. divided into two groups: those with central cyanosis and
those without, i.e. cyanotic and acyanotic congenital heart
Approximately 90% of cardiac defects cannot be attributed Cardiac defects presenting
to a single cause. Chromosomal and genetic factors with cyanosis
account for 8%, and a further 2% are thought to be caused
by teratogens. The critical period of exposure to teratogens Defects included in this group are:
in respect of embryological development of cardiac tissue • transposition of the great arteries
is from the 3rd to the 6th week of gestation. • pulmonary atresia
• tetralogy of Fallot
• tricuspid atresia
Prenatal detection • total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
An increasing number of cardiac problems are being iden- • univentricular/complex heart.
tified by means of detailed prenatal ultrasound scanning Although cyanosis can be a presenting feature of a number
(see Chapter 11). For babies with complex congenital heart of non-cardiac conditions (e.g. respiratory disease, persist-
disease this enables a multidisciplinary plan for birth and ent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn, sepsis), con-
immediate neonatal care, to be made well in advance of genital heart disease should always be considered as a
delivery. However, the detection of many defects is still possible explanation. Administration of oxygen to babies
dependent upon accurate observations and examination with cyanotic heart disease may have little effect on their
during the neonatal period. oxygen saturation levels. This observation, along with other

Congenital malformations Chapter | 32 |

routine investigations excluding other causes of cyanosis,

may suggest a diagnosis of cyanotic heart disease. The Aorta
definitive diagnostic investigation is echocardiography. Pulmonary
Cyanosis occurs when there is more than 5 g/dl of cir- artery
culating deoxygenated haemoglobin. In congenital cyan-
otic heart disease, abnormal anatomy leads to mixing of
oxygenated and deoxygenated blood ± inadequate pulmo-
nary blood flow or, in the case of transposition of the great Left
arteries, complete separation of the pulmonary and sys- atrium
temic circulations. In cases where there is severe obstruc- Right
tion to pulmonary blood flow, e.g. pulmonary atresia, atrium
there is often early presentation with marked cyanosis. Left
The most common cyanotic heart conditions are trans- ventricle
position of the great arteries and tetralogy of Fallot. Trans-
position of the great arteries is the most common cyanotic ventricle
heart condition presenting in the neonatal period. This is
a condition wherein the aorta arises from the right ventri-
cle and the pulmonary artery from the left ventricle (Fig.
32.13). Consequently, oxygenated blood is circulated back A
through the lungs and deoxygenated blood back into the
systemic circulation. It is apparent therefore that, unless
there is an opportunity for oxygenated blood to access the
systemic circulation, either by means of a patent arterial Aorta
duct or through an accompanying septal defect, such a
baby will die. In congenital cardiac defects such as this Pulmonary
where the patency of the arterial duct is essential for sur-
vival (‘duct-dependent’ lesions), a prostaglandin infusion
should be commenced in order to maintain ductal patency
pending more definitive management. For babies with
transposition of the great arteries a balloon septostomy is
often performed to enlarge the foramen ovale and allow
mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood at atrial
level. Corrective surgery (arterial switch operation) is then
carried out, usually within a few weeks of birth.
Tetralogy of Fallot has four anatomical components;
pulmonary outflow tract obstruction, a ventricular septal
defect, right ventricular hypertrophy and an overriding
aorta (Fig. 32.14). It seldom presents with cyanosis in the
immediate newborn period, but this may become appar- B
ent within a few weeks of birth. Increasingly, the diagnosis
is made prenatally. Most babies with this condition remain Fig. 32.13 Transposition of the great arteries. (A) Normal.
well in the neonatal period. Surgical treatment options (B) Transposition.
include a Blalock Taussig shunt for cases where it is neces-
sary to increase pulmonary blood flow, and corrective
repair, usually within the first year of life.
Although prostaglandin infusion is life-saving for duct- Left-to-right shunts
dependent heart conditions it should be noted that it may
lead to apnoea, particularly when higher doses are • Persistent arterial duct (also known as persistent
required. It is essential that there are facilities to provide ductus arteriosus)
respiratory support available for any baby on an infusion • Ventricular or atrial septal defects.
of prostaglandin. These lesions may present with a murmur or, if the shunt
is large, with symptoms and signs of heart failure: tachy­
pnea, poor feeding, sweating, precordial heave, gallop
‘Acyanotic’ cardiac defects
rhythm or hepatomegaly.
These congenital cardiac conditions include left-to-right A persistent arterial duct is more common in preterm
shunt lesions and obstructive lesions. infants and surgical closure is sometimes necessary if

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Aorta Aorta

Pulmonary Pulmonary
artery artery

stenosis VSD VSD


Fig. 32.14 Tetralogy of Fallot (VSD = ventricular septal Fig. 32.15 Ventricular septal defect (VSD).

medical treatment with ibuprofen or indomethacin is inef- number of surgical procedures in childhood, with a poor
fective. Term infants with a persistent arterial duct more long-term outcome. Because of this, some parents opt for
usually undergo cardiac catheterization with device closure a palliative approach with no surgical intervention. Death
in childhood. usually occurs within a few days, although it may take
Ventricular septal defects are a common cause of substantially longer in some cases, particularly if the baby
murmurs in the term infant. Many of these defects are is preterm. If palliation is the chosen care path, then the
small, of no haemodynamic consequence and close spon- priorities are to ensure the comfort of the baby and to
taneously. Larger defects may lead to heart failure and support the family. Whatever treatment decisions they
surgical closure may be necessary although not usually in make, following confirmation of such a diagnosis there is
the neonatal period. (See Fig. 32.15.) a substantial psychological impact on the parents, which
calls for particularly supportive management.
Obstructive lesions
• Coarctation of the aorta
• Pulmonary stenosis CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM
• Aortic stenosis MALFORMATIONS
• Hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
Some of these lesions may be difficult to pick up clinically Neural tube defects are the commonest malformations of
and a proportion of serious left heart obstructive lesions the central nervous system. They arise from abnormalities
are not diagnosed before transfer home. Such lesions during formation and closure of the neural tube, the
should always be considered in the baby with poor volume embryonic precursor of the central nervous system. Inges-
femoral pulses or unexplained tachypnoea, remembering tion of folic acid supplements prior to conception and
that even severe lesions may have no associated murmur. during the early stages of pregnancy has helped to reduce
If the obstruction is severe, e.g. critical aortic stenosis, then the incidence of such anomalies (Medical Research
the systemic blood flow is often dependent upon the arte- Council [MRC] Vitamin Study Research Group 1991),
rial duct and the baby will become very unwell when this however they have not provided the hoped-for panacea.
closes. As in the duct-dependent cyanotic heart conditions, Prenatal screening is very effective at identifying these mal-
a prostaglandin infusion may be required whilst further formations (see Chapter 11) and some parents choose
investigations and discussions regarding the possibility of selective termination of pregnancies where severe neural
surgical correction take place. tube defects are found. Many parents elect to continue
Coarctation of the aorta and aortic stenosis are usually with their pregnancy and data from Wales suggest a rise in
amenable to surgical correction. Hypoplastic left heart live births with spina bifida over the last decade (Czapran
syndrome remains a major surgical challenge, requiring a et al 2011).

Congenital malformations Chapter | 32 |

Anencephaly cerebrospinal fluid, but it does not contain neural tissue.

A meningomyelocele, on the other hand, does involve the
This major anomaly describes the absence of the forebrain spinal cord (Fig. 32.17). This lesion may be enclosed, or
and vault of the skull. It is a condition that is incompatible the meningocele may rupture and expose the neural tissue.
with sustained life but occasionally such a baby is born A meningomyelocele usually gives rise to neurological
alive. The midwife should wrap the baby carefully before damage, producing paralysis distal to the defect, and
showing him/her to the parents. It is recognized that impaired bladder and bowel function. The lumbosacral
seeing and holding the baby will facilitate the grieving area is the most common site for these to present, but they
process (Chapter 26). It may be beneficial for the parents may appear at any point in the vertebral column. When
then to see the full extent of the malformation, unpleasant the defect is at base of skull level it is known as an enceph-
though it is. Seeing the whole baby will help them to alocele. The added complication here is that the sac may
accept the reality of the situation and prevent imagination contain varying amounts of brain tissue. Normal progres-
of an even more gruesome picture. sion of labour may be impeded by a large lesion of this
Spina bifida Immediate management involves covering open lesions
with a non-adherent dressing. Babies with enclosed lesions
Spina bifida results from failure of fusion of the vertebral should be handled with the utmost care in an attempt to
column. If there is no skin covering the defect, there is preserve the integrity of the sac. This will limit the risk of
protrusion of the meninges, hence the term meningocele meningitis occurring. A paediatric surgeon or neurosur-
(Fig. 32.16). The meningeal membrane may be flat geon should be contacted. Surgical intervention for myelo­
or appear as a membranous sac, with or without meningocele carries a high rate of success of skin closure,
but has no impact on any damage already present in the
cord or more distally. There is associated hydrocephalus
Skin Vertebral arch Dura (see below) in up to 90% of cases, with the majority
requiring surgical shunting to prevent a rapid increase in
the intracranial pressure. It is seldom necessary to close
the back within 24 hours of birth and priority should be
given to stabilization of the baby and assessment of the
defect (Jensen 2012). Following examination of the baby,
Nerve Spinal discussion with the parents will allow them to make an
cord informed choice about whether or not they wish their
baby to have surgery.
Normal Occulta Recent advances in the management of myelomenin-
gocele include prenatal surgery performed at around 26
weeks’ gestation (Adzick et al 2011). Clearly this option is
not without risk to both mother and fetus and evidence
of long-term benefit is yet to be established.

Spina bifida occulta

Spina bifida occulta (see Fig. 32.16) is the most minor
Skin-covered Dura-covered type of defect where the vertebra is bifid. There is usually
Meningocele no spinal cord involvement. A tuft of hair or sinus at the

Flat meningomyelocele

Fig. 32.16 Various forms of spina bifida.

After Wallis S, Harvey D 1979 Disorders in the newborn, Nursing Fig. 32.17 Baby with meningomyelocele.
Times 75: 1315–27, with permission of Nursing Times. Reproduced with permission from Professor Robert Carachi.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

base of the spine may be noted on first examination of the Polydactyly and syndactyly
baby. Ultrasound investigation will confirm the diagnosis
and rule out any associated spinal cord involvement. Careful examination, including separation and counting
Parents who have a baby with a neural tube defect of the baby’s fingers and toes during the initial examina-
should be offered genetic counselling since there is a tion, is important otherwise anomalies such as syndactyly
50-fold increased risk of recurrence in future pregnancies (webbing) and polydactyly (extra digits) may go
(Saleem et al 2009). unnoticed.
Syndactyly more commonly affects the hands. It can
appear as an independent anomaly or as a feature of a
Hydrocephalus syndrome such as Apert’s syndrome; this is a genetically
This condition arises from a blockage in the circulation inherited condition in which there is premature fusion of
and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid, which is produced the sutures of the vault of the skull, cleft palate and com-
from the choroid plexuses within the lateral ventricles of plete syndactyly of both hands and feet. Whether or not
the brain. The large lateral ventricles increase in size and any surgical division needs to be carried out depends on
eventually compress the surrounding brain tissue. It is a the degree of webbing or fusion.
common accompaniment to the more severe spina bifida In polydactyly the extra digit(s) may be fully formed or
lesions because of a structural defect around the area of simply extra tissue attached by a pedicle. Even where there
the foramen magnum known as the Arnold–Chiari mal- is only a rudimentary digit without bone involvement,
formation. Consequently, hydrocephalus may either be better cosmetic results are obtained if the digit is surgically
present at birth or develop following surgical closure of a excised rather than ‘tied off’. Surgical excision is mandatory
myelomeningocele. In the absence of a myelomenin- in more complex cases.
gocele, congenital aqueduct stenosis is the commonest A family history of either of these defects is common,
cause of hydrocephalus. The risk of cerebral damage may and in this situation the mother is often anxious to
be minimized by the insertion of a ventriculoperitoneal examine the baby for herself.
shunt. As the baby grows, this will need to be replaced.
Attendant risks with these devices are that the line blocks
Limb reduction deficiencies
and that the shunt is a source for infection leading to
meningitis. The midwife must be alert for the signs of Limb reduction deficiencies describe the congenital
increased intracranial pressure: absence or hypoplasia of a long bone and/or digits. The
• large tense anterior fontanelle prevalence is around 0.7 per 1000 live births and the most
• splayed skull sutures common identifiable cause, present in a third of cases, is
• inappropriate increase in occipitofrontal a vascular disruption defect (Gold et al 2011). An example
circumference of this is an amniotic band-elated deficiency where the
• sun-setting appearance to the eyes amnion is believed to wrap itself around a developing
• irritability or abnormal movements. limb causing strangulation and necrosis. Other identifia-
ble causes include teratogens (such as thalidomide),
genetic mutations, chromosomal disorders or as part of a
Microcephaly syndrome such as the VACTERL spectrum described earlier
This is where the occipitofrontal circumference is more in the chapter (see page 651) (McGuirk et al 2001).
than two standard deviations below normal for gestational Limb reduction deficiencies may also be classified by
age. The disproportionately small head may reflect a famil- site (upper versus lower limb), or by type (transverse
ial pattern of head growth, however it may also be a mani- versus longitudinal). In a transverse defect the limb has
festation of abnormal brain development. Underlying developed normally to a particular level beyond which no
aetiologies include conditions that adversely affect the skeletal elements exist (Fig. 32.18), whilst in a longitudi-
early fetal brain, e.g. intrauterine infection, fetal alcohol nal defect there is a reduction or absence of an element(s)
exposure, or chromosomal disorders. The longer-term within the long axis of the limb (Gold et al 2011).
neurodevelopmental sequelae are determined by the Specific management plans are often reached only after
underlying cause but may include learning difficulties, detailed assessment by an orthopaedic surgeon with a
cerebral palsy and seizures. special interest in limb malformations. For those who
require them, different types of prostheses are available
and can be fitted as early as 3 months of age. Innovative
surgical techniques such as limb lengthening or the trans-
MUSCULOSKELETAL DEFORMITIES ferring of toe(s) to hand to serve as substitute finger(s) are
proving successful for some children. Once again one of
These range from relatively minor anomalies, for example the most helpful things the midwife can do in these early
an extra digit, to major deficits such as absence of a limb. days of parental adjustment is to offer the address of a

Congenital malformations Chapter | 32 |

Fig. 32.19 Congenital talipes equinovarus.

Fig. 32.18 A baby with a limb reduction defect quickly
learns to adapt.
Photograph courtesy of Reach. correct position. The midwife should encourage the
mother to exercise the baby’s foot in this way several times
a day. More severe forms will require one or more of
support group such as Reach (see Useful Websites). This manipulation, splinting, or surgical correction. The advice
appropriately named support group for parents of chil- of an orthopaedic surgeon should be sought as soon as
dren with upper limb deformities has branches through- possible after birth as early treatment with manipulation
out the United Kingdom (UK). or splinting may enhance results and minimize the need
for surgery. Care should be taken to ensure that, for babies
who have splints applied, the strapping is not too tight
Talipes and that the baby’s toes are well perfused.
Talipes equinovarus (TEV, club foot) (Fig. 32.19) is the
descriptive term for a deformity of the foot where the Developmental dysplasia
ankle is bent downwards (plantar flexed) and the front
of the hip
part of the foot is turned inwards (inverted). Talipes cal-
caneovalgus describes the opposite position where the Congenital hip dysplasia is an abnormality more com-
foot is dorsiflexed and everted. TEV is a relatively common monly found where there has been a breech presentation
malformation, occurring in 1 in every 1000 live births. It at term, oligohydramnios, a foot deformity or a family
is bilateral in 50% of cases and occurs in males more com- history in a first-degree relative. It most often occurs in
monly than females, with a ratio of 2 : 1. Historically it was primigravida pregnancies and is commoner in girls than
thought that these deformities were more likely to occur boys. The left hip is more often affected than the right. The
when intrauterine space was restricted, for example in dysplastic hip may present in one of three ways: dislo-
multiple pregnancy or oligohydramnios. It is now recog- cated, dislocatable or with subluxation of the joint. Prena-
nized that there is an important genetic element involved tal diagnosis by ultrasound is possible; most, however, are
in their causation and parents who have had a baby with diagnosed incidentally during the routine newborn exami-
TEV have a 1 in 30 risk of recurrence in future pregnancies. nation. Any abnormal findings should be reported and the
TEV is also more likely to occur in conjunction with neu- baby referred for an orthopaedic opinion, ultrasound scan
romuscular disorders such as spina bifida. In the mildest of the hips, or both. Where the diagnosis is confirmed it
form, postural TEV, the foot may be easily returned to the is usual for the baby to have a splint or harness such as

Section | 6 | The Neonate

severity of symptoms varies between types. Inheritance

was originally believed to be autosomal dominant;
however it is now recognized that autosomal recessive
forms exist as well as new mutations arising in a third
of cases (Basel and Steiner 2009). Recognition and
genetic counselling are therefore important for future


Vascular naevi
These anomalies in the development of the skin can
be divided into two main types, which commonly

Capillary malformations
These are due to defects in the dermal capillaries. The most
commonly observed are ‘stork marks’. These are usually
found on the nape of the neck. They are generally small
and will fade. No treatment is necessary.

Fig. 32.20 Pavlik harness for congenital dislocation of hip.

From Barr D G D et al 1998 Disorders of bone, joints and connective Port wine stain
tissue, in Campbell A G M, McIntosh N (eds) Forfar and Arneil’s This is a purple–blue capillary malformation affecting the
textbook of pediatrics, ch 23, p 1628, with permission of Churchill face. It occurs in approximately 1 in 3000 live births. It is
Livingstone. generally fully formed at birth and does not regress with
time. However, laser treatment and the skilful use of
cosmetics will help to disguise the problem. The parents,
the Pavlik harness (Fig. 32.20) applied, which will keep and later the child, may need substantial psychological
the hips in a flexed and abducted position of about support.
60%. The splint should not be removed for napkin chang- Should the malformation mimic the distribution of the
ing or bathing. Parents will require additional support in ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve, further mal-
learning how to handle and care for their baby. Particular formations in the eyes (glaucoma), meninges or brain
attention should be paid to skin care and checking for (epilepsy) may be suspected. This is known as the Sturge–
signs of rubbing or excoriation. Weber syndrome.

Achondroplasia Capillary haemangiomata

Achondroplasia is an autosomal dominant condition
(‘strawberry marks’)
where the baby is generally small with a disproportion- Capillary haemangiomata are not usually noticeable at
ately large head and short limbs. Some 80% of cases are birth but appear as red, raised lesions in the first few weeks
due to new mutations of fibroblast growth factor receptor of life (Fig. 32.21). These common lesions affect up to 10%
genes and hence these families may have no anticipation of the population by the age of 1 year. They are five times
of the disorder unless an antenatal diagnosis has been more common in girls than boys and are also commoner
made. in preterm infants. They can appear anywhere in the body
but cause particular distress to the parents when they
appear on the face. However, parents may be reassured
Osteogenesis imperfecta
that, although the lesion will grow bigger for the first few
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is sometimes referred to as months it will then regress with associated central pallor
brittle bone disease. It is due to a disorder of collagen (Fig. 32.22) and usually disappears completely by the age
production that can result in multiple fractures either in of 5–6 years. No treatment is normally required unless the
utero or at birth. There are eight different types and the haemangioma is situated in an awkward area where it is

Congenital malformations Chapter | 32 |


Improved prenatal screening and diagnostic techniques

(see Chapter 11) mean that information regarding urinary
tract architecture is often available at birth. In addition,
knowledge of liquor volume provides reassurance that
fetal renal function is adequate. If an anomaly has been
prenatally identified a plan regarding the timing of
postnatal investigation(s) and subsequent management
should be available at birth. Occasionally renal tract mal-
formations may be undiagnosed at birth, in which case
the absence of urine for 24 hours or a poor urinary stream
may indicate underlying problems.

Fig. 32.21 Evolving capillary haemangioma.

Reproduced with permission of Sharon Murphy.
Potter syndrome
The impact of fetal renal agenesis or severe hypoplasia was
first described in a series of stillborn infants by Edith
Potter, a perinatal pathologist, in 1946. A characteristic
facial appearance due to the compressive effects of long-
standing oligohydramnios is seen in association with limb
contractures. The presence of adequate liquor volume is
critical to the development of normal lungs and babies
with renal agenesis will all die at or shortly after birth as
a consequence of lung hypoplasia.

Posterior urethral valve(s)

This is a malformation affecting boys where the presence
of valves in the posterior urethra obstructs the normal
outflow of urine. As a result, the bladder distends, causing
back pressure on the ureters and kidneys. This will ulti-
mately cause bilateral hydronephrosis and renal parenchy-
Fig. 32.22 Regressing capillary haemangioma with typical mal damage. Prenatal diagnosis is common and in utero
intervention with the insertion of a shunt from the bladder
Reproduced with permission of Sharon Murphy.
to the amniotic fluid is possible. Improved long-term renal
function following prenatal treatment is not guaranteed
and postnatal valve ablation remains the mainstay of treat-
likely to be subject to abrasion, such as on the lip or ment (Salam 2006). Unfortunately even with early iden-
around the eye where it may interfere with vision. Treat- tification and management many of these boys will have
ment with propranolol, steroids or pulsed laser therapy is life-long renal impairment.
Cystic kidneys
Pigmented (melanocytic) naevi
Cystic changes within the kidney(s) are often identified
These are brown, sometimes hairy, marks on the skin that prenatally. Extensive bilateral changes are likely to be asso-
vary in size and may be flat or raised. A minority of this ciated with impaired renal function and oligohydramnios.
type of birthmark can become malignant. Surgical exci- Unfortunately the prognosis in this situation is poor, with
sion may be recommended to pre-empt this. some babies dying at birth and others developing renal
It is unlikely that treatment for any of these birthmarks failure. The severest forms of polycystic kidney disease are
will be carried out in the immediate neonatal period usually linked to an autosomal recessive inheritance, but
except in the case of larger pigmented naevi. The midwife’s an autosomal dominant variety also occurs with a less
responsibilities are therefore to notify appropriate medical gloomy prognosis. Unilateral cystic changes, e.g. multi-
staff and offer parents general emotional support. cystic dysplastic kidney, have a good prognosis assuming

Section | 6 | The Neonate

that the contralateral kidney is normal. Postnatal renal Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
imaging and follow-up is required but the baby is usually
well at birth. This is the commonest cause of female masculinization
(i.e. genetically female with male-looking genitalia). In
this inherited condition the adrenal gland is stimulated to
Hypospadias overproduce androgens because of a deficiency of an
enzyme called 21-hydroxylase, which is necessary for
Examination of a baby boy may reveal that the urethral
normal production of steroid from cholesterol. If aldos-
meatus opens on to the undersurface of the penis. The
terone production is also reduced then these babies will
meatus can be placed at any point along the length of the
rapidly lose salt and may present collapsed and dehy-
penis and in some cases will open onto the perineum. This
drated. Urea and electrolyte levels, blood glucose and
abnormality often co-exists with chordee, in which the
17-hydroxy progesterone concentrations should be meas-
penis is short and bent and the foreskin is present only on
ured and appropriate fluid replacement given. Prenatal
the dorsal side of the penis. It is important that the parents
diagnosis by genetic mutation analysis is possible and
are made aware that circumcision should be deferred until
facilitates prenatal steroid treatment to minimize viriliza-
consultation with the paediatric surgeon is completed.
tion in affected females (Forest 2004).

Cryptorchidism Androgen insensitivity syndrome

Undescended testes may be unilateral or bilateral and occur
This is one of several causes of male under-virilization
in 1–2% of male infants. If on examination of the baby after
(genetically male with female-looking genitalia). In this
birth the scrotum is empty, the undescended testes may be
condition cells are unresponsive to the effects of andro-
found in the inguinal pouch. Sometimes the testis in this
genic hormones. In the fetus this prevents normal mascu-
position can be manipulated into the scrotal pouch. If
linization of the external genitalia despite the presence of
neither testis is palpable further investigation to exclude
a Y chromosome.
endocrine or chromosomal causes is required. In unilateral
undescended testis parents should be encouraged to have
the baby examined at regular intervals. If descent of the
testis has not occurred by the time the child is one year old, TERATOGENIC CAUSES
arrangements for orchidopexy may be made.

Fetal alcohol syndrome/spectrum

Fetal alcohol exposure remains a leading cause of intel-
lectual impairment despite Department of Health recom-
DEVELOPMENT (DSD) mendations to drink no alcohol at all during pregnancy.
This reflects the difficulties of translating health promo-
DSD are a group of conditions in which the external geni- tion objectives into successful outcomes, particularly in an
talia and the reproductive organs do not develop normally. environment where the alcohol consumption of young
They may present at birth when the baby’s external appear- women is constantly increasing.
ance is neither definitely male nor female. In this very The teratogenic effects of alcohol include growth
challenging situation it is vital that the midwife is positive, restriction, distortion of craniofacial features and brain
honest and does not assign a gender to the baby. Examina- damage (De Sanctis et al 2011). The midwife may be
tion of the baby may reveal any of the following: a small alerted to the possibility of a baby being born with this
hypoplastic penis, chordee, bifid scrotum, undescended syndrome if there have been concerns about in utero
testes (careful examination should be made to detect unde- growth, particularly in the context of excess alcohol con-
scended testes in the inguinal canal) or enlarged clitoris sumption. Postnatally the following characteristics may
and incompletely separated or poorly differentiated labia. be recognizable: a small for gestational age infant with
It can be impossible to differentiate by clinical examination microcephaly, small palpebral fissures, a smooth philtrum
alone between female masculinization, male under- and a thin upper lip. These facial features may become
virilization or mixed gender and expert clarification is less pronounced as the child grows, however microceph-
always needed. The decision of gender attribution is made aly, small stature and behavioural problems remain. The
following chromosomal studies to determine genetic midwife will need to exercise excellent counselling skills
make-up, hormone assays and consideration of the poten- to provide much-needed support for the mother. Collab-
tial surgical options. In the longer term specialist multi- oration with social services is usually called for to ensure
disciplinary support, including clinical psychologists, is that the care options decided are in the best interests of
essential for these children and their families. the infant and family.

Congenital malformations Chapter | 32 |

Establishing such a direct link between a teratogen and a It is important that support is available for midwives in
complex clinical pattern remains the exception rather than these situations and an opportunity to debrief with a
the rule although as mentioned earlier accurate recording senior colleague(s) or named supervisor of midwives can
of all congenital malformations on a central register can aid be helpful. Preparatory courses on grief and bereavement
early recognition of potential new teratogens. counselling are also of some benefit as many parents with
affected babies will experience many of these emotions
(Chapter 26). Midwives who have acquired experience in
this realm should not, however, automatically be targeted
SUPPORT FOR THE MIDWIFE as the experts and always be called upon to fulfil this role.
Conversely, student midwives ought not to be deliberately
Caring for a mother whose baby has some major congeni- shielded from being involved in caring for such families.
tal malformation places extra demands on the midwife. The provision of quality care for parents who have a child
This stress is compounded if the anomaly was not antici- with a congenital malformation is contingent upon
pated prior to birth or if the midwife has not previously meeting the needs of the carers.
encountered the particular problem. The exercising of Midwives may also find information available via the
effective counselling and communication skills is invalu- Internet, however, they should be aware of the dubious
able in helping the family to adjust and in facilitating quality of some of this information. They should therefore
appropriate lines of support. The extra effort expended can exercise caution in how they utilize it. It might also be wise
be costly in terms not only of time but of the emotional to caution parents, who often search the Internet for
stress the midwife may experience. further information, of this potential risk.


Adzick N S, Thom E, Spong C et al Ewer A K, Middleton L J, Furmston A T McGuirk C K, Westgate M N, Holmes L

2011 A randomized trial of prenatal et al 2011 Pulse oximetry screening B 2001 Limb deficiencies in
versus postnatal repair of for congenital heart defects in newborn infants. Pediatrics
myelomeningocele. New England newborn infants (Pulse Ox): a test 108(4):E64
Journal of Medicine accuracy study. Lancet 378:785–94 Medical Research Council Vitamin
364(11):993–1004 Forest M G 2004 Recent advances in the Study Research Group 1991
Bacher M, Linz A, Buchenau W et al diagnosis and management of Prevention of neural tube defects:
2010 Treatment of infants with Pierre congenital adrenal hyperplasia due results of the Medical Research
Robin sequence. to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Human Council Vitamin Study. Lancet
Laryngorhinootologie 89(10): Reproduction Update 10(6):469–85 338:131–7
621–9 Gold N B, Westgate M N, Holmes L B Pedersen R N, Calzolari E, Husby S et
Basel D, Steiner R D 2009 Osteogenesis 2011 Anatomic and etiological al. EUROCAT Working Group 2012
imperfecta: recent findings shed new classification of congenital limb Oesophageal atresia: prevalence,
light on this once well understood deficiencias. American Journal of prenatal diagnosis and associated
condition. Genetic Medicine Medical Genetics 155A(6):1225–35 anomalies in 23 European regions.
11(6):375–85 Haddock G, Davis C F, Raine P A M Archives of Disease in Childhood
Chinnery P F, Howell N, Lightowlers R 1996 Gastroschisis in the decade of 97(3):227–32
N et al 1998 MELAS and MERRF: prenatal diagnosis. European Journal Salam M A 2006 Posterior urethral
The relationship between maternal of Paediatric Surgery 6:18–24 valves: outcome of antenatal
mutation load and the frequency of Jensen A 2012 Nursing care and surgical intervention. International Journal of
clinically affected offspring. Brain correction of neonatal Urology 13(10):1317–22
121:1889–94 myelomeningocele. Infant Saleem S N, Said A H, Abdel-Raouf M
Czapran P, Gibbon F, Beattie B et al 8(5):142–6 et al 2009 MRI in the evaluation of
2011 Neural tube defects in Wales: Lee S L, Beter T D, Kim S S et al 2006 fetuses referred for sonographically
changing demographics from 1998 Initial nonoperative management suspected neural tube defects: impact
to 2009. British Journal of and delayed closure for the on diagnosis and management
Neurosurgery 26:456–9 treatment of giant omphaloceles. decisions. Neuroradiology
De Sanctis L, Memo L, Pichini S et al Journal of Pediatric Surgery 51(11):761–72
2011 Fetal alcohol syndrome: 41(11):1846–9 Schlatter M, Norris K, Uitvlugt N et al
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and underestimated problem. 2009 Cleft lip and palate: current treatment of gastroschisis using a
Journal of Maternal Fetal and status from the literature and our preformed silo and delayed repair
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Section | 6 | The Neonate


Jones K L (ed) 2006 Smith’s This book provides a comprehensive and

recognizable patterns of human systematic approach to dysmorphic
malformation, 6th edn. Saunders/ syndromes.
Elsevier, Philadelphia


Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC): Cystic Fibrosis Trust (CF): Reach: The Association for Children
www.arc-uk.org www.cftrust.org.uk with Upper Limb Deficiencies:
This website provides non-directive support Down’s Syndrome Association: www.reach.org.uk
and advice to parents throughout the www.downs-syndrome.org.uk Scottish Down’s Syndrome Association
antenatal testing process and when a Genetic Alliance UK: (SDSA): www.dsscotland.org.uk
malformation has been diagnosed www.geneticalliance.org.uk SOFT (Support Organization for
Association for Spina Bifida and This is a national alliance of organizations Trisomy 13/18): www.soft.org.uk
Hydrocephalus (ASBAH): which support children and families STEPS (National Association
www.asbah.org affected by genetic disorders. for Children with Lower
Children’s Heart Federation: On-line Mendelian Inheritance Limb Deficiencies):
www.chfed.org.uk in Man (OMIM): www.steps-charity.org.uk
Cleft Lip and Palate Association www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim
(CLAPA): www.clapa.com Detailed information about clinical features
Contact a Family: www.cafamily.org.uk and genetics of inherited diseases
This website provides information and
support for families with disabled children.

Chapter 33

Significant problems in the newborn baby

Stephen P Wardle, Carole England

CHAPTER CONTENTS Management of a baby with an

antenatal diagnosis of CHD 681
Introduction 668 Care of a baby with a murmur 681
Initial examination and recognition Jaundice 681
of problems 668 Bilirubin physiology 682
The skin 668 Physiological jaundice 682
The respiratory system 670 Pathological jaundice 685
Central nervous system 671 Late neonatal jaundice 687
The renal and genitourinary system 671 Haematological problems 688
The gastrointestinal tract 672 Bleeding 688
Recognition of problems at the time of Possible causes of bleeding abnormalities 688
resuscitation, including neonatal Metabolic problems 689
encephalopathy 672
Glucose homeostasis 689
Neonatal encephalopathy 672
Hypoglycaemia 689
Babies with less severe problems 674 Hyperglycaemia 690
Seizures and abnormal movements 674 Electrolyte imbalances in the newborn 691
Infection in the newborn 674 Sodium 691
Umbilical cord 675 Potassium 692
Bacterial infection in the newborn 675 Calcium 692
Viral infections acquired before or Inborn errors of metabolism in
during birth 676 the newborn 692
Toxoplasmosis 677 Phenylketonuria 693
Candida 678 Galactosaemia 694
Significant eye infections. 678 Endocrine problems 694
Respiratory problems 678 Thyroid disorders 694
Initial management of babies Adrenal disorders 695
presenting with respiratory distress 679 Pituitary disorders 695
Possible causes of respiratory distress Parathyroid disorders 695
in the newborn 679 Effects on the newborn of maternal
Congenital heart disease (CHD) 681 drug abuse/use during pregnancy 696

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 667

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Signs of withdrawal 696 distinguish the ill from the well baby and to decide when
Treatment 696 intervention is required and what that initial action should
be. The aim is not to give detailed management about
Cocaine 697
conditions that will clearly need the involvement of the
Discharge and long-term effects 697 neonatal specialists, but to summarize those conditions
References 697 that may first be recognized or come to the attention of
Further reading 701 midwives and require their involvement.
Websites 701

A wide variety of conditions may present in the

newborn baby that warrant early referral to the INITIAL EXAMINATION AND
neonatal multiprofessional team. The midwife RECOGNITION OF PROBLEMS
needs to be able to recognize and assess
problems that distinguish healthy babies from
Most of the information the midwife requires for the
those that are ill/sick. Some problems will be
assessment of a baby’s wellbeing comes from observation.
life-threatening and will require urgent
The normal term baby will lie with their limbs partially
assistance; others will be more subtle in their
presentation, but nevertheless remain important. flexed and active, the skin colour should be centrally per-
Knowledge of the signs, characteristics and fused, indicating adequate oxygenation, and there should
features of the conditions presented will enable be no rashes or skin lesions. After the initial observation
the midwife to make well-informed and there should follow a more systematic examination to
appropriate referrals, while also providing ensure the newborn baby is well (Chapter 28). The follow-
valuable support for the parents before, during ing areas should be examined carefully.
and after the neonatologist has examined their
The skin
THE CHAPTER AIMS TO: The skin of a neonate varies in its appearance and can
often be the cause of unnecessary anxiety in the mother,
• assist the midwife in the assessment and midwife and medical staff. It is, however, often the first
identification of the sick newborn baby sign that there may be an underlying problem in the baby.
• summarize possible problems that may be identified The presence of meconium on the skin, which is usually
in a newborn baby and offer an approach to dealing seen in the nail beds and around the umbilicus, in a baby
with them. with respiratory problems may indicate meconium aspira-
tion as a factor. More generally, the skin of all babies
should be examined for pallor, plethora, cyanosis, jaun-
dice and skin rashes.
The majority of newborn babies are born in good condi-
tion and require no intervention after birth except to be A pale, mottled baby may be an indication of poor periph-
dried with a warm towel and then to have skin-to-skin eral perfusion, however the hands and feet are often blue
contact with their mother (Chapter 29). Labour and birth soon after birth (acrocyanosis) and this does not indicate
may have been straightforward but the baby may still need an underlying problem. Always examine the baby’s face
to be observed at this time to ensure a healthy transition and chest when assessing colour. The anaemic baby’s
from uterine to postnatal life. Approximately 5–10% of appearance is usually pale pink, white or, in severe cases
babies will require admission to a neonatal unit. Many of where there is vascular collapse, grey. Other presenting
these are preterm babies or those with antenatally detected signs are tachycardia, tachypnoea and poor capillary refill
problems; however 6–9% of term babies will also require (CR) (press the skin briefly on the forehead or chest and
some type of neonatal care (Tracy et al 2007). The length observe how long it takes for the colour to return; this
of time a mother spends in hospital with her newborn should be less than 2 seconds). The most likely causes of
baby has decreased significantly in recent years and many anaemia immediately after birth are:
babies may be born outside the hospital setting, at home • a history in the baby of haemolytic disease of the
or in a midwifery-led unit. Context may impact on early newborn (HDN)
recognition and management of problems in the early • twin-to-twin transfusions in utero (which can cause
newborn period. The focus of this chapter is to aid the one baby to be anaemic and the other
early detection of problems to enable the midwife to polycythaemic)

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

• feto-maternal haemorrhage Other factors that affect the appearance

• fetal haemorrhage from vasa praevia or bleeding of the skin
from the umbilical cord.
Preterm babies have thinner skin that is redder in appear-
Pallor can also be observed in babies who are hypother- ance than that of term infants. In post-term babies, the
mic or hypoglycaemic. Significant pallor can be associated skin is often dry and cracked. The skin is a good indicator
with: of the nutritional status of the baby. The SGA baby may
• anaemia and shock look malnourished and have folds of loose skin over the
• respiratory disorders joints, owing to the lack or loss of subcutaneous fat. This
• cardiac anomalies can predispose the baby to hypoglycaemia due to poor
• sepsis. glycogen stores in the liver and can also cause problems
with hypothermia. If the baby is dehydrated, the skin
looks dry and pale and is often cool to the touch. If gently
Plethora pinched, the skin will be slow to retract. Other signs of
dehydration are tachycardia, pallor or mottled skin,
Babies who are very red in colour may be described as
sunken eyes and anterior fontanelle. The best clinical indi-
plethoric. Their colour may indicate a high level of circu-
cator of dehydration is the baby’s reduced weight.
lating red blood cells (polycythaemia). Newborn babies
can become polycythaemic if they are recipients of:
• twin-to-twin transfusion in utero Skin rashes
• a large placental transfusion. Skin rashes are quite common in newborn babies but
Contributing factors may include deferred clamping of the most are benign and self-limiting. There are some rashes,
umbilical cord or holding the baby below the level of the however, which may indicate significant illness and should
placenta, thereby allowing blood to flow into the baby and not be ignored:
giving a greater circulating blood volume (can occur in • Petechiae or purpura rash over the upper part of the
unassisted births). Other babies at risk are: body, particularly the face and chest, may occur due
• those that are small for their gestational age (SGA) to venous obstruction after normal or prolonged
as a means to increase oxygen carrying capacity in birth. Petechiae can occur when there is a low
the hypoxic situation (Chapter 30) platelet count (thrombocytopenia as discussed later
• infants of diabetic mothers (IDM) as a result of in the chapter) and this may present with a petechial
increased levels of growth hormone and an rash over the whole body with prolonged bleeding
overactive metabolism. from puncture sites and/or the umbilicus and
The diagnosis of polycythaemia is based upon levels bleeding into the intestinal system.
of haemoglobin and haematocrit (the relationship • Bruising can occur following breech extractions,
between red blood cells and plasma in the blood) and forceps and ventouse-assisted births. A sub-
how they compare with normal values, based on gesta- aponeurotic haemorrhage (Chapter 31) can cause a
tional age. Some poor outcomes have been associated decrease in circulating blood volume, which can
with polycythaemia, however according to (Özek et al result in anaemia and, if severe, hypotension.
2010) there is no evidence that a particular level of hae- • Vesicular rash is where small fluid-filled raised lumps
matocrit requires treatment nor that treatment is of any occur on the skin associated with some congenital
benefit. viral infections, in particular herpes simplex or
congenital chicken pox (Varicella). These can be very
serious infections in the newborn and should always be
carefully assessed. The midwife should enquire about
Cyanosis a history of maternal genital herpes infection
Peripheral cyanosis of the hands and feet is common although it can occur without any known history of
during the first 24 hours of life and is of no significance. infection. Referral for neonatal medical assessment is
Central cyanosis should always be taken seriously. The essential and a diagnosis should be confirmed before
tongue and mucous membranes are the most reliable indi- commencing treatment.
cators of central colour in all babies and if they appear • Blistering rash is where areas of skin are raised and
blue this indicates low oxygen saturation levels in the are fluid-filled. The surface of the skin may also
blood, usually of respiratory or cardiac origin. Episodic slough off, leaving red raw areas. This can occur in
central cyanosis may be an indication that the baby is bacterial infections, in particular Staphylococcus
having convulsions. Central cyanosis always demands aureus, and in some rare but important skin diseases,
urgent attention (see later sections on respiratory prob- e.g. epidermolysis bullosa (EB), part of a group of
lems and assessment of the cyanosed baby). inherited skin conditions some of which are very

Section | 6 | The Neonate

serious and associated with significant morbidity and internal lung pressure and prevent the airways from
mortality. There may be a family history. It presents collapsing completely at the end of the breath.
as widespread tender erythema, followed by blisters, • Intercostal recession uses the intercostal muscles
which break leaving raw areas of skin or sometimes more effectively, but as a result the spaces between
yellow-filled bullae. This is particularly noticeable the ribs and the sternum are sucked in during each
around the napkin area but can also cause umbilical breath.
sepsis, breast abscesses, conjunctivitis and, in • Tachypnoea is an increased respiratory rate that
systemic infections, there may also be involvement occurs as the baby attempts to compensate for an
of the bones and joints. Babies with this condition increased carbon dioxide concentration in the blood
are likely to be very unwell and require admission to and extracellular fluids. A normal respiratory rate in
a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). A blistering the newborn is 40–60 breaths per minute.
skin rash should always be treated with broad • Nasal flaring is an attempt to minimize the effect of
spectrum intravenous (IV) antibiotics that the airways resistance by maximizing the diameter of
particularly cover S. aureus. the upper airways. The nares are seen to flare open
with each breath.
• Apnoea is an absence of breathing for more than 20
The respiratory system seconds and may occur as a result of increasing
Healthy babies should establish normal regular respira- respiratory fatigue in the term baby. The preterm
tion within minutes of birth. Many babies may display a baby may also experience apnoea of prematurity due
slightly irregular breathing pattern for a few minutes after to immaturity of the respiratory centre and/or
birth but should have regular respiration with a respiratory obstructive apnoea from occluded airways.
rate of 40–60 by approximately 2 minutes. The baby’s A baby with significant signs of respiratory distress
breathing pattern will alter depending on his/her level of should be reviewed by the neonatal team and should be
activity but a respiratory rate consistently above 60 breaths admitted to the NICU for further investigation and obser-
per minute is considered as tachypnoea. vation. Occasionally in the first few minutes after birth,
particularly following a caesarean section, a baby may
have mild respiratory abnormalities that settle quickly, but
Cardiorespiratory adaptations at birth babies with abnormal signs should always remain under
• Before birth the lungs are fluid-filled. At birth the observation as deterioration can occur rapidly in some
newborn must clear this fluid in order to breathe cases. On initial assessment it may not be easy to distin-
successfully. Some fluid is removed by physical guish the cause of the respiratory distress and further
means during normal labour (Stephens et al 1998) evaluation, including a chest X-ray, may be required (the
but most is absorbed into the pulmonary lymphatics initial assessment and treatment is described later in the
and capillaries. chapter).
• The lungs inflate and remain inflated as a result of
the presence of surfactant. In some preterm babies, The importance of body
IDM and sick term babies, surfactant production temperature control
may be decreased, resulting in respiratory distress.
A neutral thermal environment is defined as the ambient
• Newborn babies are obligate nasal breathers.
air temperature at which oxygen consumption or heat
Obstruction to the nares (nostrils) can therefore
production is minimal, with body temperature in the
result in serious respiratory distress.
normal range (Lissauer and Faranoff 2006). The normal
• The shape of the newborn thorax and the rib
body temperature range for term babies is 36.5–37.3 °C.
orientation tend to mean that the expansion
Merenstein and Gardner (2011) assert the importance of
potential of the thorax is limited. The baby’s soft and
the neutral thermal environment and how everyone caring
flexible ribs also make the chest wall subject to
for babies should understand the need for maintenance of
collapse during increased respiratory efforts. To
normal body temperature. Mothers are often hot during
compensate for this the baby tends to elevate lung
labour and measures may be taken to produce a cooler
volume at end expiration by a rapid respiratory rate,
environment for the mother’s comfort. It is important to
intercostal activity and grunting.
always consider this effect and maintain a suitable envi-
Because of the factors described above the clinical signs ronmental temperature for the newborn baby. In addition
of respiratory distress in the newborn are different from to skin-to-skin contact, this may require extra measures
other patient groups. The following features may be seen: like use of a radiant heater or cot warmer, in some circum-
• Expiratory grunting is a characteristic noise and stances. Environments that are outside the neutral thermal
occurs due to partial closure of the glottis during environment may result in babies who are too cold or
expiration. The baby is attempting to preserve some too warm, who will attempt to regulate their temperature,

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

and this can destabilize more vulnerable babies such as contractures may also be seen. Preterm babies below 30
those of low birth weight (preterm and SGA). An abnor- weeks’ gestation have a resting position that is usually
mal temperature, either high or low, can be an early sign characterized as hypotonic. By 34 weeks their thighs and
of an underlying problem such as an infection, a respira- hips are flexed and they lie in a frog-like position, usually
tory or cardiac problem, a metabolic abnormality or with their arms extended. At 36–38 weeks’ gestation the
encephalopathy. resting position of a healthy newborn baby is one of total
Hypothermia is defined as a core body temperature flexion with immediate recoil. Hypotonia in a term baby
below 36 °C (Jain 2012). When the body temperature is is not normal and requires investigation. It is also impor-
below this level the baby is at risk from cold stress. This tant to determine whether the hypotonia is associated
can cause complications such as increased oxygen con- with weakness or normal power in the limbs, i.e. are there
sumption, lactic acid production, apnoea and hypoglycae- spontaneous movements? Can the baby make normal
mia. In preterm babies cold stress may also cause a movements against gravity? There are several causes of
decrease in surfactant production, which is associated with hypotonia in the newborn.
increased mortality (Costeloe et al 2000; Confidential
Enquiries into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy [CESDI] Systemic causes
2003). The hypothermic baby often looks pale or mottled • maternal sedation or drugs (in particular some
and may be uninterested in feeding. antidepressants)
Hyperthermia is defined as a core temperature above • prematurity
38.0 °C (Jain 2012). The usual cause of hyperthermia is • infection
overheating of the environment, but it can also be an • Down syndrome
important clinical sign of sepsis as the baby will attempt • endocrine (e.g. hypothyroidism)
to regulate its temperature by increasing his/her respira- • metabolic problems (e.g. hypoglycaemia,
tory rate leading to an increased fluid loss by evaporation hyponatraemia, inborn errors of metabolism)
through the airways. Other problems caused by hyperther-
mia are hypernatraemia, jaundice and apnoea. Central (brain) causes
• perinatal hypoxia-ischaemia or neonatal
Central nervous system encephalopathy (see p 672 below)
• traumatic brain injury
Assessment of a baby’s neurological status is usually • structural brain abnormality, e.g. holoprosencephaly
carried out on a baby who is awake but not crying. Impor-
tant signs are the tone and quality of a baby’s movements, Peripheral nervous system causes
level of activity, posture and presence of normal newborn
reflexes. An abnormal posture such as neck retraction,
• neurological problems (e.g. spinal cord injuries
sustained by difficult breech or forceps assisted
frog-like posture, hyperextension or hyperflexion of the
limbs, jittery or abnormal involuntary movements and a
high-pitched or weak cry, could be indicative of neurologi-
• neuromuscular disorders (e.g. spinal muscular
atrophy, myasthenia gravis related to maternal
cal impairment and a need for investigation (Lawn and
disease, myotonic dystrophy etc.)
Alton 2012).
Terminology that describes abnormal movement in
babies is very variable and includes fits, convulsions, seiz­ The renal and genitourinary system
ures, twitching, jumpy and jittery. In contrast, a baby with
poor muscle tone is described as hypotonic or floppy. It is Documentation of the passage of urine after birth is
often very difficult to distinguish a seizure from jitteriness important as it provides a record that may help if later
or irritability. The jittery baby has tremors, rapid move- concerns arise. The genitourinary tract has the highest per-
ment of the extremities or fingers that are stopped when centage of anomalies, congenital or genetic, of all the
the limb is held or flexed. Jitteriness can be normal but is organ systems. Prenatal diagnosis is possible with ultra-
sometimes seen in babies who are affected by drug with- sound and aids the early assessment and intervention that
drawal or in babies with hypoglycaemia (see section on is essential if kidney damage is to be prevented. Urine that
seizures, p 674). only dribbles out, rather than being passed with a good
stream, may be an indication of a problem with posterior
urethral valves. Other renal problems may present as a
Hypotonia failure to pass urine. The healthy baby usually passes urine
Hypotonia describes the loss of muscle tension and tone. within 4–10 hours after birth. Urinalysis using reagent
As a result, the baby adopts an abnormal posture that is strips will give information that may be helpful in diag-
noticeable on handling. If hypotonia and a lack of move- nosis. Urinary infections in the newborn period are
ment have been significant features before birth then limb uncommon. The signs of urinary tract infection are often

Section | 6 | The Neonate

vague and can be mistaken for other problems. The baby Passage of meconium
typically presents with lethargy, poor feeding, increasing
According to Metaj et al (2003), 97% of babies will pass
jaundice and vomiting. Urine infections when present are
meconium by 24 hours of age, an event that should be
important, however, because renal scarring can result.
documented. If a baby has not passed meconium then
Reduced urine output is usually due to low fluid intake,
examine the abdomen to look for signs of distension or
often in breast-fed babies, but also consider:
tenderness. Check that the anus is patent. Possible causes
• increased fluid loss due to hyperthermia, use of of delayed passage of meconium include bowel atresia,
radiant heaters and phototherapy units meconium ileus and imperforate anus. Hirschsprung’s
• perinatal hypoxia-ischaemia disease should be suspected in term babies with failure to
• congenital abnormalities pass meconium in the first 48 hours after birth. Passage of
• infection. first meconium occurs later with earlier gestational age
(Kumar and Dhanireddy 1995).
The normal term baby usually passes about eight stools
The gastrointestinal tract a day. Breastfed babies’ stools are looser and more fre-
Assess the baby’s abdomen, looking for signs of disten- quent than those of bottle-fed babies, and the colour
sion, discoloration or tenderness. Most babies should feed varies more and sometimes appears greenish. The baby
early and pass meconium within the first 8–12 hours of who has a systemic infection can often display signs of
birth. Healthy babies should be able to feed within 30 gastrointestinal problems, usually poor feeding and vom-
minutes of birth. Vomiting can be a sign of a problem but iting. Diarrhoea may be a feature of this or may indicate
the midwife should distinguish between possetting, which a more serious gastrointestinal disorder such as NEC. Diar-
occurs with winding and over-handling after feeding, and rhoea caused by gastroenteritis is unusual in the newborn
vomiting due to overfeeding, infection or intestinal abnor- although it may be seen after the first week. Outbreaks of
malities. Whilst possetting small amounts of milk is viral diarrhoea due to Rotavirus have been reported. Babies
common, babies with large vomits should be evaluated, with this condition must be isolated and scrupulous hand-
as should babies with blood in their vomit. Vomit contain- washing must be adhered to (Isaacs and Moxon 1999).
ing green material can occasionally be due to swallowed Loose stools can also be a feature of babies receiving
meconium but green bile is usually unmistakable. phototherapy.

Bile-stained vomiting
There should never be green bile in the vomit of a newborn AT THE TIME OF RESUSCITATION,
baby and this always requires prompt investigation. It may
indicate bowel obstruction and in the newborn one of the
possible causes is malrotation and volvulus, which could ENCEPHALOPATHY
lead to bowel damage and bowel loss if not promptly
investigated. If bile-stained vomiting is seen or reported, Aspects of resuscitation of the newborn are covered in
check the baby carefully looking for abdominal distension Chapter 29, but problems that might be encountered, or
or tenderness. Check that the anus is patent. An X-ray and may present during or immediately after resuscitation, will
contrast study is usually required to rule out bowel be covered here. It is important to recognize promptly
obstruction and malrotation. Other possible causes those babies who have adapted poorly to extrauterine life
include infection, bowel atresias, meconium ileus, anorec- and are in poor condition at birth because of hypoxia-
tal malformations or necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). ischaemia, or have tolerated the birth process poorly as a
NEC is generally a problem in premature babies but may result of pre-existing problems.
also occur in term babies, particularly those who have risk
factors such as perinatal hypoxia, polycythaemia and hypo-
thermia. It is an acquired disease of the small and large Neonatal encephalopathy
intestine caused by ischaemia of the intestinal mucosa. Neonatal encephalopathy is a clinical syndrome of abnor-
NEC may present with vomiting and this may be bile- mal levels of consciousness, tone, primitive reflexes, auto-
stained. The abdomen becomes distended, stools may be nomic function and sometimes seizures in newborn
loose and may have blood in them or the baby may not babies.
open its bowels. In the early stages of NEC, the baby can
display non-specific signs of temperature instability, unsta-
ble glucose levels, lethargy and poor peripheral circulation.
Which babies get encephalopathy?
As the illness progresses, the baby may become apnoeic The commonest cause is hypoxia-ischaemia, termed
and bradycardic and may need respiratory support. hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE), but it is

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

important to remember that not all encephalopathy is due • the Apgar score is <5 at 5 minutes
to hypoxia-ischaemia. • gasping respiration is seen
Encephalopathy can be due to: • cord pH <7.0.
• cord obstruction (prolapse or compression) In these babies whole body cooling may be considered.
• placental abruption This treatment requires 72 hours of cooling of core body
• breech temperature to 33–34 oC. Several studies have shown that
• shoulder dystocia etc. this treatment reduces the risk of cerebral palsy and
In addition, other causes such as metabolic, infective, mal- increases the likelihood of survival without significant dis-
formation or trauma should also be considered. The term ability by 50% (Shankaran et al 2005; Azzopardi et al
neonatal HIE should be used only when there is clear 2009; Jacobs et al 2013). If cooling is being considered,
evidence of hypoxia and ischaemia. Globally, neonatal the neonatal team may commence ‘passive’ cooling before
HIE is a very large problem, with a high morbidity and
mortality in developing countries (Vannucci 1990). In the
United Kingdom (UK) and other developed countries the Box 33.1 Features suggestive of
incidence varies depending on the definition used but is hypoxia-ischaemia
approximately 0.5/1000 live births (Levene et al 1986).
No specific treatment, other than general supportive treat- (A) Before birth:
ment, has been available for these babies but the advent – evidence of antenatal compromise
of whole body cooling following the publication of rand- – decreased fetal movements
omized controlled trials of this intervention in 2005–9, – abnormal fetal heart rate patterns
has improved the outcome for some babies and has
– low fetal pH
increased the need for prompt early identification and
– meconium-stained amniotic fluid
treatment (Shankaran et al 2005; Azzopardi et al 2009;
(B) Poor condition at birth:
Jacobs et al 2013). Midwives play a vital role in this new
approach. – low heart rate
Features suggestive of hypoxia-ischaemia are detailed in – failure to establish normal respiration soon after
Box 33.1. birth (apnoea or gasping respiration)
Neonatal encephalopathy is often classified according – acidotic cord pH
to a grading system (modified by Sarnat and Sarnat 1976; – cyanosis or pallor
see Table 33.1). In general, a neonatologist should be (C) Abnormal neonatal neurology:
asked to review any baby when: – decreased consciousness
• the heart rate remains <100 for more than 1 minute – decreased tone
• normal respiration is not established by 5 minutes – poor suck and other primitive reflexes
of age

Table 33.1 Grading criteria for neonatal encephalopathy

Grade 1 (mild) Grade 2 (moderate) Grade 3 (severe)

Clinical Hyper-alert, staring Lethargy, hypotonia Decreased consciousness
features Mild decreased tone/activity Seizures Hypotonia
Poor feeding for up to 24 Poor suck/feeding for >24 Frequent prolonged seizures
hours hours Multi-organ involvement – breathing,
kidneys, blood pressure affected
Absent gag/sucking reflexes
Management May be able to stay with Will need neonatal admission. Intensive care, cooling
mother on postnatal ward May require cooling
but needs observation/
feeding support
Outcome Complete recovery, normal Most recover well but up to Generally poor
(Jacobs et al outcome 25% may have long-term Death or significant neurodisability
2013) neurological problems. likely, but with cooling approximately
Cooling has significant 70% die or have major disability

Section | 6 | The Neonate

potentially serious problems and their recognition is

therefore important. The most common cause is neonatal
encephalopathy, most commonly HIE, but readily treata-
ble causes such as hypoglycaemia must not be missed.
Seizures in newborns differ from those in later life. They
are often subtle and difficult to differentiate from other
normal behaviour. Different types of seizures may be seen
Fig. 33.1 Cooling jacket. and include tonic seizures (sustained posturing of the
limbs or trunk or deviation of the head), clonic (usually
involves one limb or one side of the body jerking rhyth-
mically at 1–4 times per second) or myoclonic (rapid
a firm decision is made. This means active warming of the isolated jerking of muscles). Subtle seizures may include
baby is stopped and the baby’s body temperature is behaviours such as repetitive lip smacking, staring, blink-
allowed to fall passively towards the levels required. This ing or repetitive movements of the limbs such as cycling
is only a temporary measure though while a decision movements.
is being made, equipment is being prepared or transfer is
being organized. Active cooling requires the use of a
cooling jacket or mattress (see Fig. 33.1) to cool the whole Causes of seizures
body, or sometimes a cap to cool the head. The treatment
Seizures in the newborn almost always have an identifia-
is started as soon as possible after diagnosis (maximum
ble cause, e.g.
within 6 hours) and then continued for 72 hours, after
which the baby is gradually warmed. A systematic review • HIE (49%)
of 10 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) (1320 babies in • cerebral infarction (neonatal stroke) (12%)
total) by Jacobs et al (2013) reported a lower risk of death • cerebral trauma (7%)
in cooled babies (whole body or head) in the first 18 • infections (meningitis or encephalitis) (5%)
months of life than in babies treated by standard care. In • metabolic abnormalities, including hypoglycaemia
three of these studies with 18-month follow-up (767 (3%)
babies in total) the combined risk of death and severe • narcotic drug withdrawal (4%).
disability was significantly lower in cooled babies com- It is important to distinguish seizures from jitteriness and
pared with those treated by standard care, and cooling neonatal sleep myoclonus, both of which are benign. Jit-
increased survival with normal neurological function teriness is symmetrical rapid movements of the hands and
compared with standard care at 18-month follow-up. In feet. It is often stimulus-sensitive and may be initiated by
summary therefore, using cooling decreases the risks of sudden movement or noise and there are no associated
death by more than 20% and increases the chance of eye movements. Benign sleep myoclonus involves bilateral
survival without disability by 50%. or unilateral jerking during sleep. It occurs during active
sleep, is not stimulus-sensitive and tends to be seen in
upper limbs more than lower limbs. It is important to
Babies with less severe problems ensure that the newborn is not at risk from the seizure, so
Some babies with neonatal encephalopathy may not have ensure that the airway is clear and the baby is breathing.
clinically obvious signs immediately and repeated assess- Ensure that readily treatable causes are identified and
ment is necessary in babies who have risk factors such as treated. In particular check the blood sugar to exclude
those listed above. In some of these babies there will be hypoglycaemia, and electrolytes to include calcium and
poor feeding and low tone for the first 24 hours after birth. sodium; also consider infection. Hypocalcaemia can be a
These babies need careful observation and may need addi- readily treatable cause of seizures in women with vitamin
tional feeding support but they are often well enough to D deficiency.
remain with their mother rather than being admitted to
the NICU. Babies with this pattern of encephalopathy
should improve after 24 hours and should not have any
long-term consequences of their encephalopathy. Babies INFECTION IN THE NEWBORN
with a mild encephalopathy like this have not been shown
to benefit from whole body cooling. Infection in the newborn contributes significantly to mor-
bidity and mortality and possible infection is one of the
commonest reasons for newborn babies becoming unwell
Seizures and abnormal movements
and requiring admission to a neonatal unit. Newborn
Seizures in the newborn period can be difficult to recog- babies may acquire infections antenatally (transplacental
nize; however, they are an important indicator of infection), during birth, or after birth.

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

Umbilical cord Treatment of infection and management

Until its separation, the umbilical cord can be a focus for
of babies with risk of infection
infection by bacteria that colonize the skin of the newborn. The overall aim is to reduce the risk of septicaemia and
The umbilical stump should be dry. If peri-umbilical life-threatening septic shock in this vulnerable group. Bac-
redness occurs or a discharge is noted, infection should be terial infections are an important cause of neonatal mor-
considered and it may be necessary to commence antibi- bidity and mortality. The two commonest organisms in
otic therapy in order to prevent an ascending infection. the newborn are group B streptococcus (GBS) and
Babies are protected from infection by the passive transfer Escherichia (E.) coli, which are both organisms the baby
of antibodies from their mother. The major advantage of may come into contact with via the maternal birth canal.
this is that they receive passive immunity for those infec- Risk factors for early onset neonatal infection include the
tions they are most likely to come into contact with. The following (Oddie and Embleton 2002; Ungerer et al 2004;
immune system is functional at birth and newborn babies Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists [RCOG]
can also mount their own humeral (antibody) response 2012):
to new infections; however, preterm babies are particularly • maternal intrapartum fever
vulnerable to infection as placental transfer of IgG mainly • prolonged rupture of membranes greater than
occurs after 32 weeks’ gestation and their own antibody 18 hours
response is immature. • prematurity less than 37 weeks
• maternal genital tract colonization with GBS
• previous baby with GBS disease.
Bacterial infection in the newborn
These factors are therefore used in the UK to decide which
Early signs of infection may be subtle and difficult to babies should receive antibiotics based on a risk-based
distinguish from other problems. The mother or midwife approach. In high-risk pregnancies, early onset neonatal
may simply feel the baby is ‘off colour’ or not right. The GBS infection can be reduced with antibiotics during
physical signs that may be apparent are: labour (Law et al 2005). Similarly, antibiotic use for
• Temperature instability. This may be a low preterm rupture of membranes is associated with reduced
temperature just as much as an increased neonatal morbidity (Kenyon et al 2010). Generally there-
temperature. Always take seriously and carefully fore risk factors should be identified before labour so that,
assess any normally grown baby who is unable to if possible, intrapartum antibiotics should be given at least
maintain a temperature of 37 oC with a normal room 4 hours prior to birth to obtain maximal antibiotic con-
temperature and normal wrapping/clothing. centration in the amniotic fluid (Pylipow et al 1994).
• Lethargy or poor feeding. In general, babies, There is, however, also some evidence that suggests
particularly those who are breastfeeding, will not get 2 hours may be adequate (de Cueto et al 1998). In babies
very large volumes of colostrum in the first 24 hours with more than one risk factor, observation or treatment
after birth, however they should show an interest in with antibiotics after birth can be considered.
feeding, be able to attach to the breast and have a The age of presentation of early onset GBS varies
sucking reflex. between studies. In a prospective UK study, when intrapar-
• Unexplained bradycardia (heart rate <100/min) or tum antibiotics were not given, 50% of babies with early
tachycardia (heart rate >180/bpm) and any apnoea onset GBS presented by 1 hour of age, 72% by 24 hours
or episodes of cyanosis. and 92% by 48 hours (Oddie and Embleton 2002). Brom­
• Increased respiratory rate or signs of respiratory berger et al (2000), in a retrospective study, found that
distress. 95% of term babies with early onset GBS presented within
• Irritability, abnormal movements. the first 24 hours of life. Additionally, intrapartum antibi-
• Skin mottling, rashes, prolonged capillary refill time. otics did not alter the constellation and timing of onset of
clinical signs of early onset GBS. Therefore if babies are
If bacterial infection is suspected then antibiotics should
well by 12 hours of age they are unlikely to develop early
be commenced and investigations performed (often
onset disease.
referred to by neonatologists as a ‘septic screen’). Antibiot-
ics are generally given until blood and cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) cultures have confirmed no growth of pathogenic Group B streptococcus (GBS) infection
organisms (usually 36–48 hours). The investigations per- It is estimated that about one in 2000 babies born in the
formed are usually: UK and Ireland develop early onset GBS infection. This
• blood culture means that every year in the UK (with 680 000 births a
• full blood cell count and blood film year) around 340 babies will develop early onset GBS
• C-reactive protein measurement infection. GBS is recognized as the most frequent cause of
• lumbar puncture for examination and culture of CSF. sepsis in the newborn (Oddie and Embleton 2002; Heath

Section | 6 | The Neonate

et al 2004). A survey by the Public Health Laboratory intravenous fluids and antibiotic therapy. Although acute
Service (PHLS) GBS Working Group during a 13-month phase mortality has declined in recent years, long-term
period in 2000 and 2001 identified a total of 568 cases of neurological complications still occur in many surviving
invasive GBS disease (early and late onset) in the UK and babies. De Louvois et al (2005) report that in one group
Republic of Ireland (Heath et al 2004). This is equivalent aged 5 years, 23% had a serious disability, with isolation
to a total incidence of 0.72 per 1000 live births; the inci- of bacteria from CSF the best single predictor. For such
dence for early onset disease (n = 377) was 0.48 per 1000 babies, long-term comprehensive developmental assess-
live births and for late onset disease (n = 191) was 0.24 per ment is essential, including audiometry and vision testing.
1000 live births. Overall mortality of the disease was 9.7%
(n = 53): 10.6% (n = 38) early onset and 8% (n = 15) late
onset. Viral infections acquired before
One-third of the population carry GBS in the gut and or during birth
over 20% of women have vaginal colonization (Barcaite
Rubella and varicella (chickenpox) can be major causes
et al 2008). In the United States of America (USA),
of fetal morbidity and mortality, as can the protozoa
Australia and several European countries, screening of
toxoplasmosis. Infections may be acquired through the
pregnant women is used with treatment with antibiotics
placenta, from amniotic fluid, or the birth canal. For man-
during labour, which is effective at reducing the incidence
agement of sexually transmissible and reproductive tract
of early onset GBS. This approach, however, has not been
infections see Chapter 13. The acronym TORCH is often
shown in trials to reduce the risk of death or long-term
used for congenital infections:
harm from GBS; its introduction in the UK has been hotly
debated but the introduction of screening has not been • Toxoplasmosis
recommended (United Kingdom National Screening • Other (includes syphilis)
Committee [UKNSC], 2012). The current UK recommen- • Rubella
dations (RCOG 2012; UKNSC 2012) are therefore based • Cytomegalovirus
on a risk factor approach described above, whereby intra- • Hepatitis/HIV
partum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) is offered to all All of these may cause significant illness in the newborn.
women with recognized risk factors for early onset GBS
disease. Mathematical modelling in the USA suggests that
this approach will result in approximately 25% of women
being offered IAP with a decrease in the incidence of early For most immunocompetent children and adults (includ-
onset GBS disease of 50.0–68.8% (RCOG 2012). UK data ing pregnant women), the rubella virus causes a mild,
suggest that approximately 16% of pregnancies will have insignificant illness spread by droplet infection. Congeni-
one or more risk factors for early onset GBS disease and tal rubella syndrome (CRS) in the newborn however
approximately 60% of early onset GBS cases will have a remains a major cause of developmental anomalies that
risk factor (Oddie and Embleton 2002; RCOG 2012). include blindness and deafness (Banatvala and Brown
2004). Maternal rubella is now rare in many countries as
a result of successful rubella vaccination programmes
Meningitis (Robinson et al 2006). In most industrialized countries
Neonatal meningitis is an inflammation of the mem- the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine has sig-
branes covering the brain and spinal column caused by nificantly reduced the incidence of rubella (Wright and
such organisms as GBS, E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes and, Polack 2006), although in recent years in the UK and some
less often, Candida and herpes. In the UK, neonatal men- other countries, vaccination rates have declined due to
ingitis is most often caused by GBS (Law et al 2005). In press scare stories that have resulted in a lower uptake of
Australia and New Zealand, the incidence of GBS early the vaccine. It is feared this may result in a rise in the in-
onset neonatal bacterial meningitis decreased significantly cidence. Countries without routine MMR programmes
between 1993 and 2002, while the incidence of E. coli report rates similar to those of industrialized countries
meningitis remained the same (May et al 2005). before vaccination became available (Banatvala and
Very early signs are often non-specific, followed by those Brown 2004). Midwives need to emphasize the impor-
of meningeal irritation and raised intracranial pressure tance of avoiding contact with rubella during pregnancy,
such as crying, irritability, bulging anterior fontanelle, as reinfection has been reported despite previous vaccina-
increasing lethargy, tremors, twitching, severe vomiting, tion. As part of their extended public health role, midwives
diminished muscle tone and alterations in consciousness. can encourage vaccination for seronegative women before
Babies may also present with abnormal neurological signs. and after – but not during – pregnancy, and also discuss
Early diagnosis and treatment are critical to prevent col- the importance of vaccinating their child. Generally indi-
lapse and death. Diagnosis may be confirmed by examina- viduals will only be infected with rubella once during their
tion of CSF. Very ill babies require intensive care, lifetime as they then develop an antibody response.

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

Primary rubella infection is most likely to cause problems lesions die in the first months of life. From 20 weeks’ gesta-
if it is acquired in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and in tion up to almost the time of birth, infection can result in
this situation maternal–fetal transmission rates are as high milder forms of neonatal varicella that do not result in
as 85%. Intrauterine infection is unlikely when the mo­ negative sequelae for the neonate. The child may have
ther’s rash appears before, or within 11 days after the last shingles during the first few years of life. Maternal infec-
menstrual period, and with proven infection later than the tion after 36 weeks, and particularly in the week before the
16th week, the risk of severe fetal sequelae is much lower birth (when cord blood VZV IgG is low) to 2 days after,
(Enders et al 1988). First trimester infection can result in can result in infection rates of up to 50%. About 25% of
spontaneous abortion and in surviving babies, a number those infected will develop neonatal clinical varicella.
of serious and permanent consequences. These include Most affected babies will develop a vesicular rash and
cataracts, sensorineural deafness, congenital heart defects, about 30% will die. Other complications of neonatal vari-
microcephaly, meningoencephalitis, dermal erythropoi­ cella include pneumonia, pyoderma and hepatitis.
esis, thrombocytopenia and significant developmental
delay (Banatvala and Brown 2004; Bedford and Tookey Diagnosis and treatment
2006). Diagnosis can be made if there has been a recent history
of maternal chickenpox, and polymerase chain reaction
Diagnosis and treatment (PCR) to identify VZV in amniotic fluid. Antenatal ultra-
Congenital rubella can be recognized when there has been sound may confirm the effects of fetal varicella syndrome,
a maternal history of infection during pregnancy, or as a e.g. limb contractures and deformities, cerebral anomalies,
result of anomalies detected in the fetus or the newborn. borderline ventriculomegaly, intracerebral, intrahepatic
All women have screening for rubella titres at booking and myocardial calcifications, articular effusions and intra-
in the UK. Those with negative titres cannot be offered uterine growth restriction (IUGR) (Degani 2006; Meyberg-
immunization during pregnancy but can be offered it after Solomayer et al 2006).
pregnancy. They should also avoid contact with anyone Most pregnant women with chickenpox will need a
known to have the illness during pregnancy. If there is any great deal of information and support. Women infected
contact then rubella titres should be measured with during the first 20 weeks may request termination of preg-
increased surveillance of the fetus. Most women with first nancy. Although mother and baby should be isolated from
trimester infection may request termination of pregnancy. others, they should always be kept together. Varicella
Babies with CRS are highly infectious and should be iso- zoster immune globulin (VZIG) can be offered to sero­
lated from other babies and pregnant women (but not negative pregnant women who are exposed to chickenpox,
their own mothers). Long-term follow-up is essential, as within 72 hours of contact, and always within 10 days.
some problems may not become apparent until the baby VZIG should also be offered to a baby whose mother
is older. develops chickenpox between 7 days before and 28 days
after the birth, or whose siblings at home have chickenpox
(if the mother is seronegative). Although no clinical trials
Varicella zoster
have shown that antiviral chemotherapy prevents fetal
Varicella zoster virus (VZV) is a highly contagious virus of infection, the antiviral drug acyclovir may reduce the mor-
the herpes family that causes varicella (chickenpox). tality and risk of severe disease in some groups, particu-
Transmitted by respiratory droplets and contact with larly if VZIG is not available. These include pregnant
vesicle fluid, it has an incubation period of 10–20 days and women with severe complications, and newborns if they
is infectious for 48 hours before the rash appears until are unwell or have added risk factors such as prematurity
vesicles crust over. After primary infection the virus remains or corticosteroid therapy (Sauerbrei & Wutzler 2000;
dormant in the sensory nerve root ganglia and with any Hayakawa et al 2003).
recurrent infection can result in herpes zoster (shingles).
Primary infection during pregnancy can result in serious
adverse outcomes (Meyberg-Solomayer et al 2006).
Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), a
Incidence and effects during pregnancy protozoan parasite infecting up to a third of the world’s
Fetal effects vary with gestation at the time of maternal population. It is found in uncooked meat, cat and dog
infection. During the first 20 weeks of pregnancy the baby faeces. Primary infection can be asymptomatic, or charac-
has about a 2% risk of fetal varicella syndrome (FVS). terized by malaise, lymphadenopathy and ocular disease.
Signs can include skin lesions and scarring, eye problems, Primary infection during pregnancy can cause severe
such as chorioretinitis and cataracts. Skeletal anomalies damage to the fetus (Montoya and Liesenfeld 2004).
include limb hypoplasia. Severe neurological problems Childhood-acquired infection also causes half of toxo-
may include encephalitis, microcephaly and significant plasma ocular disease in UK and Irish children (Gilbert
developmental delay. About 30% of babies born with skin et al 2006).

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Incidence and effects during pregnancy include bottle use during the first 2 weeks, the presence
of siblings (Morrill et al 2005) and antibiotic exposure
Risks for the infected fetus can include intrauterine death,
(Dinsmoor et al 2005). Breastfeeding women may also
low birth weight, enlarged liver and spleen, jaundice,
have infected breasts, with flaky or shiny skin of the
anaemia, intracranial calcifications, hydrocephalus, retino-
nipple/areola, sore, red nipples and persistent burning,
choroidal and macular lesions. Infected neonates may be
itching or stabbing pain in the breasts (Chapter 34). Risk
asymptomatic at birth, but can develop retinal and neuro-
factors for maternal thrush include bottle use in the first
logical disease. Those with subclinical disease at birth can
2 weeks after the birth, pregnancy duration of >40 weeks
develop seizures, cognitive and motor problems and
(Morrill et al 2005), and intrapartum antibiotic use (Dins­
reduced cognitive function over time (Gilbert et al 2006;
moor et al 2005).
Schmidt et al 2006; Systematic Review on Congenital Toxo-
Accurate diagnosis and treatment of thrush is important
plasmosis [SYROCOT] Group 2007). In one group of 38
for continued breastfeeding. Morrill et al (2005) found
children with confirmed toxoplasma infection, 58% had
only 43% of women with thrush 2 weeks after the birth
congenital infection. Of these, 9% were stillborn while 32%
were breastfeeding at 9 weeks, compared with 69% of
of the live births had intracranial abnormalities and/or
women without.
developmental delay, and 45% had retinochoroiditis with
Cutaneous candidiasis often co-exists with oral thrush
no other abnormalities. Of the 42% of children infected
and presents as a moist papular or vesicular skin rash,
after birth, all had retinochoroiditis (Gilbert et al 2006).
usually in the region of the axillae, neck, perineum or
The effectiveness of antenatal treatment in reducing the
umbilicus. Although it is usually benign, recognition and
congenital transmission of T. gondii is not proven. A meta-
treatment is important in preventing problems (Smolinski
analysis of 1438 treated mothers (26 cohorts) also
et al 2005). Management includes keeping the area dry
found no evidence that antenatal treatment significantly
and applying topical nystatin. In preterm babies the thin
reduced the risk of clinical signs (SYROCOT 2007).
cutaneous barrier, invasive procedures and immune
Babies with congenital toxoplasmosis are usually treated
system immaturity may contribute to the early onset of
with pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine and folinic acid for an
systemic Candida infection. Antifungal prophylaxis may be
extended period (Montoya and Liesenfeld 2004; Schmidt
used to prevent systemic Candida colonization. Systemic
et al 2006).
candidiasis in a preterm baby is a serious problem and
requires a prolonged course of treatment with intravenous
Prevention antifungal medication. It is associated with significant
morbidity and mortality.
Midwives have an essential role in prevention as health
education can result in a 92% reduction in pregnancy
seroconversion. Breugelmans et al (2004) found the most Significant eye infections
effective strategy was a leaflet explaining toxoplasmosis
Eye infection caused by Chlamydia or Gonococcus will
and how to avoid the condition during pregnancy, with
present with a red sore eye with a large amount of purulent
this information reinforced in antenatal classes. In the UK,
discharge, usually after the first week after birth. Ophthal-
NHS Choices (2013) website provides useful information,
mia neonatorum is defined in England as any purulent eye
as well as the Toxoplasmosis Trust for women, their fami-
discharge within 21 days of birth, and in Scotland as eye
lies and healthcare professionals. Appropriate information
inflammation within 21 days of birth accompanied by a
includes advising women about washing kitchen surfaces
discharge. A swab must be taken for culture and sensitivity
following contact with uncooked meats, stringent hand-
testing, with immediate medical referral. Identification of
washing and avoiding cat and dog faeces.
the organism responsible is essential as chlamydial and
gonococcal infections can cause conjunctival scarring,
Candida corneal infiltration, blindness and systemic spread. Treat-
ment includes local cleaning and care of the eyes with
Candida is a Gram-positive yeast fungus with a number of normal saline, and appropriate drug therapy for the baby
strains (see Chapter 13). Candida (C.) albicans is responsi- and mother if required.
ble for most fungal infections, including thrush in babies.
Infection can affect the mouth (oral candidiasis), skin
(cutaneous candidiasis) particularly the nappy area and
internal organs (systemic candidiasis). Oral candidiasis is RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS
a common mild illness that may present as white patches
on the baby’s gums, palate or tongue. It can be acquired There are several important causes of respiratory distress
during birth or from caregivers’ hands or feeding equip- in the newborn, which are not always easy to distinguish.
ment. Raw areas (removed by sucking) on the edge of the The commonest are infection, transient tachypnoea of the
baby’s tongue can assist diagnosis. Risk factors for thrush newborn (TTN) and surfactant-deficient lung disease of

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

prematurity. The latter (also named hyaline membrane and it can be very difficult to distinguish from other causes
disease in the past) is confusingly called respiratory dis- of respiratory distress. A number of infectious disease
tress syndrome (RDS), but this is just one possible cause processes present with signs of respiratory distress in the
of respiratory distress in newborn babies. newborn. All babies presenting with respiratory distress
need to be treated for infection until there is proof to the
Initial management of babies contrary.
presenting with respiratory distress
Babies who are unwell should be assessed in a good light,
Meconium aspiration syndrome
ideally on a resuscitaire if available so that oxygen and Meconium in the amniotic fluid is common and usually
airway support can be given if necessary. If a baby shows does not require treatment or intervention if the baby is
any of the signs of respiratory distress after birth he/she in good condition at birth and shows no signs of respira-
should be closely observed. In general any baby who has tory distress. Meconium aspiration occurs because
a respiratory rate >80/min and central cyanosis should be hypoxia-ischaemia causes the fetus to pass meconium into
reviewed urgently. In distinguishing the cause and impor- the amniotic fluid. This meconium is generally unprob-
tance of clinical signs, the history of the pregnancy and lematic unless the baby gasps or breathes in the meco-
birth are clearly important. Relevant factors are: nium. Gasping respiration may also occur as a result of
• gestation hypoxia-ischaemia. Consequently, it is the baby showing signs
• meconium in amniotic fluid of fetal hypoxia which develops meconium aspiration syndrome.
• mode of birth (caesarean section vs vaginal) Greenough and Milner (2012) report the incidence for
• high vaginal swabs during pregnancy meconium aspiration syndrome in one UK hospital as
• antenatal scans. 0.2/1000 live births; however, this incidence is low and
other countries, such as the USA, have higher disease rates
Observe for:
of 2–5/1000 (Greenough and Milner 2012). The initial
• the respiratory rate, heart rate, work of breathing, respiratory distress may be mild, moderate or severe with
colour a gradual deterioration over the first 12–24 hours in mod-
• the colour for cyanosis and skin perfusion, pallor, erate or severe cases. The baby may present with cyanosis,
mottled or white increased work of breathing and a barrel-shaped chest.
• the baby’s level of activity and tone This chest appearance occurs as a result of air trapping,
• whether the baby has been able to feed – babies leading to hyperexpansion of the lungs. The meconium
with significant respiratory distress will not feed and can become trapped in the airways and cause a ball-valve
should not be allowed to feed effect: air can enter the lung during inhalation, the meco-
• apnoea, and listen for heart rate. Proceed as for nium then blocks the airway during expiration so that air
resuscitation at birth (see Chapter 29). accumulates behind the blockage. This accumulation can
If the baby is breathing: then lead to the rupture of the alveoli and cause the baby
• position the airway with the head in a neutral to develop a pneumothorax. Where the meconium has
position and if necessary use a jaw thrust to help contact with the lung tissue a chemical pneumonitis
keep the airway patent occurs and there is a risk of super-added infection. Endo­
• avoid suction unless the baby clearly has fluid genous surfactant is also broken down in the presence of
(blood/vomit) obstructing the upper airway meconium.
• give air/oxygen via a face mask if the baby is initially These babies may need intensive care and ventilation to
cyanosed prevent further deterioration. Modalities such as nitric
• liaise with the neonatal medical team with regard to oxide (Finer and Barrington 2006) are of benefit in reduc-
further intervention ing death or the need for extracorporeal membrane oxy-
• consider admission to a NICU for further genation (ECMO) in some babies. ECMO has been shown
investigations and intervention if a significant to increase survival by 50% (UK Collaborative ECMO Trial
respiratory distress persists. Group 1996). A number of the most severely affected
babies will have signs of respiratory distress for some
months, with ongoing residual respiratory problems
Possible causes of respiratory during early childhood.
distress in the newborn
Infection (particularly GBS) Transient tachypnoea of the newborn (TTN)
All newborn babies presenting with features of respiratory The recorded incidence of TTN varies widely, partly as a
distress should be treated with IV antibiotics until infec- result of the variety of recording methods, differences in
tion is excluded as this may be the only presenting feature radiological interpretation and clear diagnostic features. It

Section | 6 | The Neonate

is frequently seen as a diagnosis of exclusion of other pos- labour suite at birth, although alternative approaches
sible respiratory causes. Nevertheless, babies present with using continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP) can
mild to moderate signs of respiratory distress and usually also be used (Morley et al 2008; SUPPORT 2010). Exogen­
require admission to the NICU for further observation. ous surfactant can be given as ‘rescue treatment’ if the baby
Supplemental oxygen may be required, however the con- develops significant early signs.
dition gradually resolves during the 24 hours following
birth. The chest X-ray may show a streaky appearance with
fluid in the horizontal fissure of the right lung that con-
firms the diagnosis, but sometimes it is only the clinical Pneumothoraces may occur spontaneously in 1% of the
course that distinguishes between this, respiratory distress newborn population either during or after birth; however,
syndrome (RDS) and infection. The lungs are completely only one-tenth will be seen (Steele et al 1971). A pneu-
fluid-filled before birth and most of this is squeezed out mothorax at birth may be caused by the large pressures
through chest compression, the rest is absorbed via the generated by the baby’s first breaths, which may be in the
lymphatic system. Babies born by elective caesarean range of 40–80 cmH2O. This can lead to alveoli distension
section are at increased risk because the thorax has not and rupture that allows air to leak to a number of sites,
been squeezed while the baby descends into the vagina. most notably the potential space between the lung pleura.
Being born this way appears to increase the risk of respira- Babies receiving any assisted ventilation have an increased
tory morbidity by approximately six times. In addition, susceptibility to a pneumothorax. This could be due to
birth at each week below 39 weeks approximately doubles either maldistribution of the ventilated gas in the lungs,
the risk (Morrison et al 1995). Although these babies tend high ventilation settings or baby-ventilator breathing
to require initial care on a NICU, their stay is usually of interactions. Spontaneous pneumothorax can occur in
a short duration with the provision of oxygen and otherwise healthy term babies. They may present with
observation. signs of respiratory distress on the postnatal ward.
Although it is difficult to diagnose a pneumothorax in the
absence of a chest X-ray, there may be reduced breath
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) sounds on the affected side, displaced heart sounds and a
RDS is generally a condition that affects preterm babies, distorted chest/diaphragm movement. A baby with a sus-
however it can also occur in those born at term as other pected pneumothorax will need closer observation and
disorders like maternal diabetes can also inhibit surfactant may need intervention with a chest drain, although many
production. Approximately 50% of babies born before 30 spontaneously breathing term babies can be managed
weeks’ gestation develop RDS while 1% of all newborn without a chest drain as long as they are closely observed.
babies may develop the condition (Greenough and Milner Most pneumothoraces will resolve spontaneously.
2012). Surfactant is made up of phospholipids and pro-
teins and is produced by the type II pneumocytes to reduce
the surface tension within the alveoli, preventing their
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH)
collapse at the end of exhalation. Collapsed alveoli require CDH has an incidence of 3.5/1000 live births. It is an
much greater pressures and exertion to re-inflate them important condition because despite improvements in
compared to partially collapsed alveoli. The introduction neonatal care reported, mortality rates remain high
of surfactant therapy into neonatal care during the 1980s (Wright et al 2010). Most babies with a diaphragmatic
and 1990s, combined with much wider use of antenatal hernia have a prenatal diagnosis, usually made at the 20th
steroids in the 1990s, significantly decreased the mortality week anomaly scan; in some babies, however, the diagno-
and morbidity previously seen in RDS. sis is not made until after birth. In babies where there is
In preterm babies with RDS the clinical picture is of a a prenatal diagnosis most neonatologists manage these
baby with progressive respiratory distress developing over babies with immediate intubation, insertion of a large
the first hours. The X-ray typically has a homogenous bore nasogastric (NG) tube to decompress the stomach
ground-glass appearance (indicating poorly aerated and bowel and early sedation/muscle relaxation. This
alveoli) with air bronchograms (black air-filled bronchi allows optimal ventilation as early as possible to try to
seen against white airless alveoli), although this may be allow the underdeveloped lungs to expand and to try to
less obvious if the baby has already received exogenous prevent significant problems with persistent pulmonary
surfactant. Babies with RDS experience increasing respira- hypertension and continual right-to-left shunting of blood
tory distress and work of breathing. It may take 48–72 through the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus. Inten-
hours to reach the peak of the disease without the admin- sive care is difficult in these babies and the priorities are
istration of exogenous surfactant. Resolution of the associ- to maintain good ventilation and perfusion to avoid
ated inflammation and the hyaline membrane formation hypoxia. A surgical repair of the diaphragm will usually be
may take up to 7 days in the unsupported baby. In performed at 2–7 days after birth. In all babies presenting
extremely preterm babies surfactant is often given on the with respiratory distress a chest X-ray is important to look

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

for the cause, and one of the possibilities that can be rec- care will have been made and should be available to those
ognized is a CDH. Babies with this condition typically providing postnatal care. For some types of serious con-
have unilateral chest movement, heart sounds and an apex genital malformations (transposition of the great arteries,
beat on the right side (in the case of left-sided CDH, which pulmonary atresia [with or without VSD], Fallot’s tetral-
is more common) and a scaphoid abdomen. Babies with ogy, coarctation of the aorta, hypoplastic left heart syn-
a postnatal diagnosis of CDH have a much better progno- drome) these will involve giving a prostaglandin infusion
sis, with greater expected survival rates (van den Hout et al to maintain patency of the ductus arteriosus. Wherever the
2010). baby is born, immediate stabilization and transfer to a
cardiology centre will be required. Some types of CHD do
not need intervention, but the baby will need follow-up
Upper airway obstruction and stridor with a cardiologist.
Upper airway obstruction in the newborn is uncommon
but is characterized by noisy breathing on inspiration,
different to grunting, which is an expiratory noise. The Care of a baby with a murmur
importance is that obstruction to the upper airway signifi-
Babies who are detected to have an asymptomatic heart
cantly increases the work of breathing for a newborn, and
murmur on their newborn check (see Chapter 28) should
in the short term, in the most severe cases, this could lead
be carefully evaluated by having a careful examination to
to respiratory arrest. Babies with stridor therefore always
look for other signs of cardiac disease. Oxygen saturation
need neonatal medical assessment. It is important to
measurement using a pulse oximeter shows normal values
assess the degree of respiratory distress and assess whether
>96%. Be aware that babies with a saturation of 85% often
the baby is managing to breathe comfortably despite the
do not look cyanosed on visual inspection, so measuring the
stridor. There are many possible causes, the commonest
saturation of oxygen on haemoglobin is an effective way
being laryngomalacia, which tends not to cause significant
of assessing the baby’s respiratory and cardiac status and
respiratory distress but the work of breathing may increase
represents good practice. Measuring pre- and post-ductal
when the baby is placed on his/her back. External com-
saturations can be useful alongside measuring the blood
pression of the trachea is a serious condition, so any baby
pressure in all four limbs to look for signs of coarctation
with stridor must always be carefully assessed by a
of the aorta (lower pressures in lower limbs). All babies
with a cardiac murmur should be evaluated by a neona-
tologist and local guidelines are usually in place for appro-
priate cardiac referral.

CHD (moderate or severe) occurs in 6/1000 live births but

only 25% show signs in the neonatal period (Fyler 1980).
Early diagnosis is extremely important for some condi-
tions and it is vital that newborn babies are examined Jaundice is one of the most common conditions needing
carefully to look for signs of CHD (see Chapter 28). There medical attention in newborn babies. Jaundice refers to
are a number of ways that CHD may present in the the yellow coloration of the skin and the sclera caused by
newborn period and these give some clues as to the under- a raised level of bilirubin in the circulation (hyperbilirubi-
lying anatomical diagnosis: naemia). Approximately 60% of term and 80% of preterm
babies develop jaundice in the first week after birth, and
• prenatal diagnosis on antenatal scan
about 10% of exclusively breastfed babies are still jaun-
• associated with a syndrome or other congenital
diced at one month of age. In most babies early jaundice
problems, e.g. Down syndrome
is harmless. However, a few babies will develop very high
• asymptomatic murmur
levels of bilirubin, which can be harmful if not treated.
• cyanosis
Clinical recognition and assessment of jaundice can be
• sudden collapse
difficult, particularly in babies with dark skin tones. Once
• heart failure.
jaundice is recognized, there is uncertainty about when to
treat, and there is widespread variation in the use of pho-
Management of a baby with an totherapy and exchange transfusion. In the UK a national
guideline produced by the National Institute for Health
antenatal diagnosis of CHD
and Clinical Excellence (NICE 2010) has tried to standard-
In a baby where an antenatal diagnosis of CHD has been ize monitoring and treatment and similar guidelines exist
made, early intervention may be required depending on in other countries (American Academy of Paediatrics
the type of lesion. Usually an antenatal plan of postnatal [AAP] 2004).

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Bilirubin physiology broken down in the reticuloendothelial system (liver,

spleen and macrophages). Haemoglobin from these cells
In order to understand when jaundice is important and is broken down into the byproducts of haem, globin and
why the fat soluble, unconjugated bilirubin concentration iron. Haem is converted to biliverdin and then to uncon-
might be raised, it is important to understand its metabo- jugated bilirubin. Globin is broken down into amino
lism. Bilirubin is produced as one of the breakdown prod- acids, which are used by the body to make proteins. Iron
ucts of haemoglobin (Fig. 33.2A,B). Ageing, immature or is stored in the body or used for new red blood cells. The
malformed red cells are removed from the circulation and unconjugated bilirubin is then transported to the liver.
Once in the liver, unconjugated bilirubin is detached from
albumin, combined with glucose and glucuronic acid
Physiological change in bilirubin concentration after birth
and conjugation occurs using the enzyme uridine diphos-
300 phoglucuronyl transferase (UDP-GT). The conjugated
Bilirubin cencentration (µmol/l)

bilirubin is now water-soluble and available for excretion.

Conjugated bilirubin is excreted via the biliary system into
200 the small intestine where normal bacteria change the con-
jugated bilirubin into urobilinogen. This is then oxidized
150 into orange-coloured urobilin. Most is excreted in the
100 faeces, with a small amount excreted in urine (Ahlfors and
Wennberg 2004; Kaplan et al 2005).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Physiological jaundice
A Days after birth All newborn babies have a rise in unconjugated bilirubin
during the first few days after birth. This occurs for several
Red blood cells
Broken reasons:
down to • The turnover of haemoglobin is high in the fetus
Haem + globin
and newborn but before birth the bilirubin from the
fetus is removed via the placenta.
• At birth, as the more efficient lungs increase oxygen
levels, there is haemolysis of excessive RBCs that are
Excessive production
now not needed.
of haem leads to high
bilirubin levels • At birth the newborn liver enzymes systems may be
immature and not as effective.
As a result of these factors there is a rise in serum uncon-
jugated bilirubin in healthy babies during the first few
Liver days after birth and this physiological jaundice follows a
characteristic pattern (see Fig. 33.3). Typically, babies on
Conjugated to glucuronic Conjugated the first day after birth will not appear jaundiced but most
acid in hepatocytes bilirubin babies will look yellow by day 3–4. As unconjugated
bilirubin levels rise, the serum albumin becomes saturated
and then any excesses spills over into the blood plasma.
95% of bile salts reabsorbed
10% of urobilirubin Unconjugated bilirubin is fat-soluble and will deposit in

Total serum bilirubin (µmol/l)

bilirubin 500 Exchange transfusion

Portal vein 400 Phototherapy
Small bowel
5% of bile salts excreted
Urobilirubin 200
90% of urobilirubin
B 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Fig. 33.2 Bilirubin pathway. (A) Physiological change in Days after birth
bilirubin concentration after birth. (B) Production and
circulation of bilirubin. Fig. 33.3 Bilirubin chart.

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

subcutaneous fat, which makes the skin look yellow. Once Assessment and diagnosis
these sites are saturated, the brain is the next target, par- of physiological jaundice
ticularly the basal ganglia. High levels of unconjugated
bilirubin can potentially be a serious problem because it Two initial important questions are:
can cross the blood–brain barrier and be deposited in the • Is the jaundice physiological due to the normal
basal ganglia in the brain. This can cause a bilirubin process of breakdown of bilirubin or the presence of
encephalopathy and in the longer term can result in cere­ another pathological process?
bral palsy and learning difficulties. The cerebral palsy is • Is the baby at risk of bilirubin encephalopathy?
typically an athetoid type due to the site of the damage in
the brain. Kernicterus is the pathological (post mortem) Individual risk factors
finding of bilirubin encephalopathy. Whilst bilirubin
The initial assessment of a baby should include identifying
encepalopathy is a serious complication it is rare because
risk factors for jaundice. These include any disease or dis-
of the decrease in incidence of Rhesus haemolytic disease
order that increases bilirubin production, or alters the
since the introduction of anti-D prophylaxis (Chapter 11)
transport or excretion of bilirubin. For example:
and the use of other interventions to control high uncon-
jugated bilirubin levels in babies. In recent years, however, • birth trauma or evident bruising (increased
there have been concerns that the incidence is increasing production of unconjugated bilirubin)
again (Manning et al 2007) and midwives can play a • family history of significant haemolytic disease or
pivotal role in trying to prevent this devastating jaundiced siblings
complication. • maternal antibodies at booking
• evidence of infection
• prematurity
Causes of concern in physiological jaundice • timing of jaundice, for example, within the first 24
hours (suggesting haemolysis). Jaundice at 3–6 days
There are several situations where a midwife should be of age could be related to dehydration, particularly
concerned about jaundice in the newborn: in a breast-fed baby. Always take a feeding history
• Jaundice in the first 24 hours after birth. and check the baby’s weight when presenting at this
• History of antibodies (which may cause RBC age to check hydration status. Even with significant
haemolysis) identified on the maternal antibody weight loss, exclude other causes too.
screen. Physical assessment includes observation of the extent
• Any baby who is visibly jaundiced. The serum of changes in skin and scleral colour, skin bruising or
bilirubin (SBR) level should be checked as the visual cephalhaematoma (Chapter 31) and other clinical signs
assessment of jaundice is not sufficiently accurate such as lethargy and decreased eagerness to feed with
(NICE 2010). accompanying dehydration. Consider signs of infection
• Any baby who remains jaundiced beyond 14 days (temperature, vomiting, irritability or high-pitched cry).
of age. Also observe for dark urine and light stools, which could
indicate intrahepatic or extrahepatic obstructive disease.
Laboratory investigations will always include SBR. If the
Early physiological jaundice bilirubin level is high then the following investigations
(within first 5 days after birth) should also be carried out:
Possible causes include: • direct Coomb’s test (DCT) to detect presence of
maternal antibodies on baby’s red blood cells
• physiological jaundice
• haemolysis (Rhesus isoimmunization, ABO • blood groups (baby and mother) and Rh type for
possible incompatibility
incompatibility, other blood group antigen
• haemoglobin concentration to assess anaemia/
• infection
• bruising
• conjugated bilirubin if there are any factors to
suggest conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia.
• polycythaemia
• dehydration (unlikely in the first 48 hours but must
be considered in babies presenting between 2–7 days Management of physiological jaundice
after birth, particularly those who are breast fed). If maternal antibodies were present on the booking screen,
This is not an exhaustive list but these are the causes that the neonatal team should be informed and regular SBR
midwives will encounter on a daily basis. As a general rule, concentrations should be checked. These babies may need
haemolysis must always be considered when a baby is early phototherapy. In the case of Rh-D antibodies and
jaundiced in the first 24 hours after birth. some other blood group antigens with a high likelihood

Section | 6 | The Neonate

of causing haemolysis, other interventions such as the use using Posey eye shields. If eye shields are used, these
of immunoglobulin or exchange transfusion are likely to should not be applied too tightly to avoid constriction to
be needed, so many of these babies may need admission the scalp and excessive pressure over eyes and they should
to a NICU. Plotting the SBR concentration on a chart is be removed regularly and the baby’s eyes inspected for
always useful to see how the level compares with photo- signs of infection. Application of topical creams or lotions
therapy intervention and/or exchange transfusion inter- should be avoided as there is a risk of burns and blistering.
ventions. An example of a bilirubin chart is shown in Fig. Particular attention should be paid to careful cleaning and
33.3. The trend or change in bilirubin can also be assessed drying of the skin, especially if the stools are loose. The
from the chart as a guide to whether the level is rising too baby should be assessed regularly for signs of dehydration
quickly or is following a normal physiological pattern. using as a measure urine output or frequency of wet
Treatment strategies for physiological jaundice include nappies. Consider not nursing babies on a white sheet
phototherapy, immunoglobulin therapy and occasionally because of reflective glare. Parents should be informed of
exchange transfusion. the need for phototherapy and normal parental consent
obtained and contact encouraged for routine care. The
Phototherapy baby may not always have to receive continuous photo-
The use of light therapy was first discovered by the observa- therapy and the phototherapy unit can be removed/
tion in the 1950s at Rochford Hospital, Essex, that babies switched off during cares and feeds (for up to 30 minutes
cared for in sunlight became less jaundiced, as was in every 3 hour period is acceptable while on single
described by Dobbs and Cremer (1975). It works because phototherapy). However, if the baby is requiring multiple
ultraviolent blue light (wavelength 420–448 nm) catalyses phototherapy this should not be interrupted.
the conversion of transbilirubin into the water-soluble
cis-bilirubin isomer. This can then be excreted via the Stopping phototherapy
kidneys. Its use is based on SBR levels and the individual The SBR should be measured at least every 6–12 hours
condition of each baby and standardized charts are used whilst phototherapy continues. It should be monitored
to guide treatment (NICE 2010). Commercially available more frequently when the rate of rise is rapid. Photo-
phototherapy systems include those delivering light via therapy may be safely discontinued when the bilirubin is
fluorescent bulbs, halogen quartz lamps, light-emitting 50 µmol/l below the threshold. Repeat SBR measurement
diodes and fibreoptic mattresses (Stokowski 2006). Con- is necessary 12–18 hours after ceasing phototherapy to
ventional phototherapy systems use high intensity light check for rebound hyperbilirubinaemia.
from conventional white and/or blue, blue–green and tur-
quoise fluorescent phototherapy lamps. Fibreoptic light
systems use a woven fibreoptic pad that delivers high
intensity light with no ultraviolet or infrared irradiation. Infusion of a set volume of pooled human immunoglobu-
They can be used as bilibeds in especially adapted cots or lin is an effective treatment which may help to prevent the
fitted around the chest and abdomen of the baby. These need for an exchange transfusion (Gottstein and Cooke
systems may be more comfortable for babies and allow 2003). It is used with isoimmune haemolysis and may
easier accessibility and handling for parents. help to mop up excessive antibodies, preventing a rapid
Phototherapy is a very safe and effective treatment. Side- rise in bilirubin. It may help to prevent exchange transfu-
effects are mild but can include hyperthermia because of sions but may slightly increase the risk of needing a later
increased fluid loss and dehydration, damage to the retina top-up transfusion but these are safer and less invasive.
from the high intensity light, lethargy or irritability,
decreased eagerness to feed, loose stools, skin rashes and Exchange transfusion
skin burns and alterations in a baby’s state and neurobe- If the bilirubin level cannot be controlled with photo-
havioural organization. Phototherapy may be intermittent therapy and good hydration and the level exceeds recom-
or continuous (Lau and Fung 1984) with mild/moderate mended limits (NICE 2010) an exchange transfusion is
jaundice and has been described as being delivered at performed to prevent the bilirubin level reaching levels
home (Walls et al 2004), although babies need to be care- known to be linked to bilirubin encephalopathy. Exchange
fully selected for this approach and it is not suitable for transfusion carries significant risks and should always be
all. Babies receiving phototherapy should be nursed naked carried out in a neonatal intensive care unit (refer to indi-
in an incubator or cot with lid, a minimum of 40 cm from vidual hospital guideline) with experienced operators.
the light. In addition phototherapy equipment should be Complications can result from the procedure and from
routinely checked for safety. The baby’s temperature blood products. Babies with other medical problems are
should be measured and recorded at least 4-hourly, more more likely to have severe complications, such as hypo­
frequently if unstable, and the baby should be turned calcaemia and thrombocytopenia. It involves transfusing
regularly to maximize exposed areas of skin. For overhead a large volume of blood to the baby (double the baby’s
fluorescent therapy the baby’s eyes should be shielded blood volume or 160 ml/kg) whilst removing blood from

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

the baby, usually via an umbilical venous catheter. This Rhesus-positive baby enter a Rhesus-negative mother’s
process removes excess bilirubin and, if the cause is isoim- bloodstream. Her blood treats the D antigen on positive
munization, antibodies that may be causing the RBC blood cells as a foreign substance and produces antibod-
haemolysis. With haemolytic disease of the newborn sen- ies. These antibodies can then cross the placenta and
sitized erythrocytes are replaced with blood that is com- destroy fetal red blood cells (see Figs 33.4–33.9).
patible with both the mother’s and the baby’s serum. While other causes of increased haemolysis are impor-
tant, this condition is emphasized because of the mid-
wife’s critical role in the injection of anti-D immunoglobulin
Pathological jaundice (anti-D Ig). Without this anti-D prophylaxis, Rh-D isoim-
munization can cause severe haemolytic disease of the
Haemolytic jaundice newborn (HDN) with significant mortality and morbidity
As described above, jaundice within the first 24 hours after (NICE 2010). With the effectiveness of anti-D prophylaxis,
birth is assumed to be due to haemolysis until proven antibodies against other blood groups are now more
otherwise. Haemolysis is increased haemoglobin destruc- common than anti-D (e.g. anti-A, anti-B and anti-Kell).
tion in the fetus or newborn and has several causes, the Although few antibodies to blood group antigens other
most important being blood group incompatibility. This than those in the Rh system cause such severe haemolytic
can occur due to various antibodies, but the most impor- disease of the newborn, some report mortality and mor-
tant is caused by Rhesus (Rh-D) isoimmunization/ bidity with antibodies other than anti-D. These include
incompatibility. This occurs if blood cells from a anti-E haemolytic disease of the fetus or newborn (Joy

Rhesus-negative Rhesus-negative
mother Rhesus-positive mother Rhesus-positive
fetus fetus

Fig. 33.4 Normal placenta with no communication between Fig. 33.5 Fetal cells enter maternal circulation through
maternal and fetal blood. ‘break’ in ‘placental barrier’, e.g. at placental separation.

Rhesus-negative Rhesus-negative
mother Rhesus-positive mother Rhesus-positive
baby Isoimmunized fetus

Fig. 33.6 Maternal production of Rhesus antibodies Fig. 33.7 In a subsequent pregnancy maternal Rhesus
following introduction of Rhesus-positive blood. antibodies cross the placenta, resulting in haemolytic disease
of the newborn.

Rhesus-negative Anti-Dlobin Rhesus-negative

nog Rhesus-negative red blood cells
mother im u
red blood cells
Rhesus antibodies
Haemolysed Rhesus-positive
red blood cells
Fig. 33.8 Anti-D immunoglobulin administered within Fig. 33.9 Anti-D immunoglobulin has destroyed fetal
72 hours of birth or other sensitizing event. Rhesus-positive red cells and prevented isoimmunization.
Figs 33.4–33.9 Isoimmunization and its prevention.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

et al 2005), and anti-Kell (van Dongen et al 2005). ABO (NICE 2008). With postnatal anti-D Ig prophylaxis, about
incompatibility can also occur and is the most frequent 1.5% of Rh-negative women still develop anti-D antibod-
cause of mild to moderate haemolysis in neonates. ies following a first Rh-positive pregnancy. A meta-analysis
(Allaby et al 1999) and Cochrane Review (Crowther et al
Rh-D isoimmunization 2013) suggest the antenatal sensitization rate is further
reduced by routine antenatal prophylaxis. Antenatal
Rh-D isoimmunization is commonest among Caucasians, prophylaxis should always be given following possible
about 15% of whom are Rh-negative, compared with sensitization events such as spontaneous miscarriage
3–5% of African and about 1% of Asian populations before 12 weeks, any threatened, complete, incomplete or
(Bianchi et al 2005). Before the introduction of anti-D Ig missed abortion after 12 weeks of pregnancy, termination
in 1969, Rh-D isoimmunization was a major cause of of pregnancy by surgical or medical methods regardless of
perinatal mortality and morbidity. In England and Wales, gestational age, fetal death in utero or stillbirth, ectopic
about 500 cases of Rh-D haemolytic disease of the fetus pregnancy or amniocentesis, cordocentesis, chorionic
and newborn still occur each year, resulting in 25–30 villus sampling, fetal blood sampling or other invasive
deaths and 15 children with major permanent develop- intrauterine procedure such as shunt insertion. In addi-
mental problems (NICE 2010). tion, postnatal prophylaxis should be given. A systematic
review of six eligible trials of more than 10 000 women
Causes of Rh-D isoimmunization found when given within 72 hours of birth (and other
The placenta usually acts as a barrier to fetal blood enter- antenatal sensitizing events), anti-D Ig lowered the inci-
ing the maternal circulation (Fig. 33.4). However, during dence of Rh isoimmunization 6 months after birth and in
pregnancy or birth, fetomaternal haemorrhage (FMH) can a subsequent pregnancy, regardless of the ABO status of
occur, when small amounts of fetal Rh-positive blood can the mother and baby (Crowther and Middleton 1997).
cross the placenta and enter the Rh-negative mother’s
blood (Fig. 33.5). The woman’s immune system produces Management of Rh-D isoimmunization
anti-D antibodies (Fig. 33.6). In subsequent pregnancies Destruction of fetal RBCs results in fetal anaemia and less
these maternal antibodies can cross the placenta and oxygen reaches fetal tissue, and oedema and congestive
destroy the red cells of any Rh-positive fetus (Fig. 33.7). cardiac failure can develop. Lesser degrees of red cell
Rh-D isoimmunization can result from any procedure or destruction may result in fetal anaemia only, while exten-
incident where positive blood leaks across the placenta, or sive haemolysis can cause hydrops fetalis and fetal death.
from any other transfusion of Rh-positive blood (e.g. Mortality rates are higher for those with hydrops fetalis
blood or platelet transfusion or drug use). Haemolytic (van Kamp et al 2005). Early referral to specialist care for
disease of the fetus and newborn caused by Rh-D isoim- women with Rh-D antibodies detected at booking is essen-
munization can occur during the first pregnancy. However, tial. While early specialist care influences fetal outcome
in most cases sensitization during the first pregnancy (Ghi et al 2004; Craparo et al 2005; van Kamp et al 2005),
or birth leads to extensive destruction of fetal red blood ongoing midwifery information and support are also
cells during subsequent pregnancies (Finning et al 2004; important. Treatment aims to reduce the effects of haemo-
Bianchi et al 2005; Geifman-Holtzman et al 2006; lysis. Intensive fetal monitoring is usually required, and
NICE 2010). often a high level of intervention throughout the preg-
nancy. Monitoring and treatment can include the princi-
Prevention of Rh-D isoimmunization ples outlined in Box 33.2.
Most cases of Rh-D isoimmunization can be prevented by
injecting anti-D Ig within 72 hours of birth or any other Postnatal treatment of isoimmunization
sensitizing event (Fig. 33.8). Anti-D Ig is a human plasma-
based product that is used to prevent women producing Management aims to monitor the SBR level so that early
anti-D antibodies. Anti-D Ig is of value to women with intervention can be made if the level is high or increasing
non-sensitized Rh-negative blood who have a baby with rapidly to try to prevent levels reaching those that might
Rh-positive blood type (Fig. 33.9). It is not used when be harmful. The following factors are worthy of
anti-D antibodies are already present in maternal blood. As consideration:
well, anti-D Ig does not protect against the development • Using phototherapy from birth helps to prevent a
of other antibodies that cause haemolytic disease of the rapid rise in some babies.
newborn. • Regular SBR measurements from birth every 4 hours.
• A low haemoglobin concentration at birth may
Routine prophylaxis indicate the need for early intervention with an
In the UK since 2002 (and some other countries), routine exchange transfusion.
antenatal anti-D prophylaxis at 28 and 34 weeks’ gestation • If the SBR level is increasing too rapidly or is too
is recommended for all non-sensitized Rh-negative women high then intervention is required.

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

often required, and later packed cell transfusion may be

Box 33.2 Key principles in the management needed to increase haemoglobin levels as babies are at risk
and treatment of isoimmunization of ongoing haemolytic anaemia and this may occur up to
6–8 weeks of age. Treatment with IVIG can be effective at
• In early pregnancy maternal blood is grouped for Rh blocking ongoing haemolysis, with shorter duration of
type, and women who are Rh-negative are screened phototherapy and fewer exchange transfusions although
for antibodies (indirect Coombs’ test). A positive test
this may also increase the likelihood of a later ‘top-up’
indicates the presence of antibodies, or sensitization.
blood transfusion (Gottstein and Cooke 2003).
• Maternal blood is re-tested frequently to monitor any
increase in antibody titres. Even with low anti-D levels,
sudden and unexpected rises in serum anti-D levels ABO isoimmunization
can result in hydrops fetalis.
ABO isoimmunization usually occurs when the mother is
• Red blood cells obtained by chorionic villus sampling blood group O and the baby is group A, or sometimes
can be Rh-phenotyped as early as 9–11 weeks’
group B. Individuals with type O blood develop antibod-
ies throughout life from exposure to antigens in food,
• If antibody titres remain stable, ongoing monitoring is Gram-negative bacteria or blood transfusion and by the
first pregnancy may already have high serum anti-A and
• If antibody titres increase, Doppler ultrasonography of anti-B antibody titres. Some women produce IgG antibod-
the middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity is used ies that can cross the placenta and attack to fetal red cells
for non-invasive diagnosis of fetal anaemia. This
and destroy them (see effects of isoimmunization in the
procedure is as sensitive as amniocentesis in predicting
discussion below referring to Rhesus disease). ABO incom-
anaemia and bilirubin breakdown products, has less
patibility is also thought to protect the fetus from Rh
associated risk and can safely replace invasive testing
incompatibility as the mother’s anti-A and anti-B antibod-
in the management of isoimmunized pregnancies (Joy
et al 2005; Mari et al 2005; van Dongen et al 2005; ies destroy any fetal cells that leak into the maternal cir-
Oepkes et al 2006). culation. Although first and subsequent babies are at risk,
• Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) blocks fetal red cell
destruction is usually much less severe than with Rh
destruction, reducing maternal antibody levels, and incompatibility. In most cases haemolysis is fairly mild
may be used to maintain the fetus until intrauterine but can be more severe. ABO isoimmunization can, rarely,
fetal transfusion can be performed (see below). cause severe fetal anaemia and hydrops fetalis.
• Intrauterine intravascular transfusion can be used to Antibodies are not often detected in pregnancy and it is
treat fetal anaemia until the fetus is capable of usually a diagnosis made in a baby with an unexpectedly
survival outside the uterus (Craparo et al 2005; van high SBR level. Postnatal management depends on the
Kamp et al 2005). severity of haemolysis and, as with isoimmunization, aims
• Detailed fetal neuroimaging using multiplanar to prevent bilirubin levels that may be harmful. The diag-
sonography and/or magnetic resonance imaging may nosis is usually made after birth in an unexpectedly jaun-
be used to assess brain anatomy in fetuses with diced baby. The direct Coombs’ test is positive and the
severe anaemia (Ghi et al 2004). maternal and baby’s blood groups are consistent with
• The ongoing severity of the haemolysis and the ABO incompatibility (i.e. maternal group O and baby A
condition of the fetus will influence the duration of or B or AB). As with other causes of haemolysis, if babies
the pregnancy. In general, a gestational age greater require phototherapy it is usually commenced at a lower
than 34 weeks is aimed for to minimize the serum bilirubin level (140–165 µmol/l or 8–10 mg/dl). In
complications of prematurity. rare cases, babies with high SBR levels require exchange
transfusion. IVIG administration to newborns with signifi-
cant hyperbilirubinaemia due to ABO haemolytic disease
(with a positive direct Coombs’ test) has reduced the need
for exchange transfusion (Miqdad et al 2004).

Treatment depends upon the baby’s condition. Careful

Late neonatal jaundice
monitoring but less aggressive management may be ade-
quate, with mild to moderate haemolytic anaemia and This is generally defined as a bilirubin concentration that
hyperbilirubinaemia. Severely affected babies often require remains raised beyond 14 days of age. There are a number
early admission to the NICU. Babies with hydrops fetalis of causes and investigation is important because, whilst
are pale, have oedema and ascites. In some cases photo- uncommon, some of the causes are conditions that have
therapy alone can be effective and is very useful to help to significant long-term implications if not treated and treat-
prevent the need for exchange transfusion, which carries ments are available which are effective if used early
many more risks. Despite this, exchange transfusion is enough.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Causes of late neonatal jaundice bloodstained amniotic fluid. The baby should be carefully
evaluated and the possibility of bleeding from the gas-
Any disease or disorder that increases bilirubin production
trointestinal tract considered. This could occur if there was
or alters transport or metabolism of bilirubin is superim-
a clotting or platelet abnormality, or occasionally with
posed upon normal physiological jaundice. It is best to
some serious gastrointestinal disorders such as NEC.
divide the causes into those conditions that cause a raised
unconjugated bilirubin (fat soluble) and those that cause
a raised conjugated bilirubin (water soluble). Possible causes of bleeding
Late neonatal (>14 days) unconjugated
hyperbilirubinaemia Vitamin K-deficient bleeding (VKDB)
Increased red cell destruction or haemolysis causes raised Early VKDB, occurring in the first 48 hours, is rare and
SBR levels and blood type/group incompatibility, includ- usually occurs to babies born to mothers who have
ing Rhesus (Rh-D) and ABO incompatibility, anti-E and received medications that interfere with vitamin K metab-
anti-Kell. Other factors include sepsis, particularly urinary olism. These include the anticonvulsants phenytoin,
tract infection, hypothyroidism and galactosaemia. Non- barbiturates or carbamazepine, the antitubercular drugs
immune haemolysis features spherocytosis (fragile red cell rifampicin or isoniazid and the vitamin K antagonists war-
membranes) and enzyme deficiencies. Glucose-6-phos- farin and phenprocoumarin. It is prevented by giving
phate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is an enzyme that maintains vitamin K to the mother (except those that require ongoing
the integrity of the cell membrane of RBCs and deficiency anticoagulation) in the last weeks of pregnancy and ensur-
results in increased haemolysis. G6PD deficiency is an ing a dose of intramuscular (IM) vitamin K is given to the
X-linked genetic disorder carried by females that can affect baby. Vitamin K is given to all newborn babies by virtue
male babies of African, Asian and Mediterranean descent. of their mother’s consent, usually as an IM injection to
prevent VKDB. If there is unexplained bruising or bleeding
Late neonatal (>14 days) conjugated it is important to check that vitamin K has been given as
hyperbilirubinaemia some mothers will decline from giving consent. Classic
Always consider this when there are pale stools and dark VKDB occurs in the first week of life, often in sick babies
urine. Important causes can include: or those slow to establish feeds. Gastrointestinal bleeding
is common and may be severe, epistaxis or unexplained
• biliary atresia bruising or oozing from the umbilical cord are common
• dehydration, starvation, hypoxia and sepsis (oxygen features. Bleeding into the brain is uncommon. It is pre-
and glucose are required for conjugation) vented by ensuring that an early first dose of vitamin K is
• TORCH infections (toxoplasmosis, others, rubella, given by any route.
cytomegalovirus, herpes) Late VKDB occurs from the first week up to 6 months,
• other viral infections (e.g. neonatal viral hepatitis) usually between 4 and 12 weeks. This form is more com-
• other bacterial infections, particularly those caused monly associated with intracranial bleeds (30–50%) than
by E. coli classic VKDB, and this can be fatal or leave permanent
• metabolic and endocrine disorders that alter uridine disability. It is almost completely confined to fully breast-
diphosphoglucuronyl transferase (UDPGT) enzyme fed babies. About half will have an underlying liver disease
activity (e.g. Crigler–Najjar disease and Gilbert’s or other malabsorptive state. Late VKDB can be optimally
syndrome) prevented by 1 mg vitamin K IM at birth or significantly
• other metabolic disorders such as hypothyroidism reduced by repeated doses of oral vitamin K.
and galactosaemia.

HAEMATOLOGICAL PROBLEMS A low platelet count may present with bleeding or a
petechial rash. It may be due to:

Bleeding • maternal idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

(ITP), where autoimmune maternal antibodies
Bleeding is generally rare in the newborn, however there destroy maternal and fetal platelets
are a small number of significant conditions that can result • isoimmune thrombocytopenia, where maternal
in bleeding of which the midwife should be aware. Blood antiplatelet antibodies destroy fetal platelets of a
from the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting or passed per different group
rectum as malaena) is sometimes seen and the common- • congenital infections, both viral and bacterial
est cause is swallowed maternal blood. This is supported • drugs, administered to mother or baby
if there is a clear history of maternal bleeding and • severe Rhesus haemolytic disease.

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

Haemophilia and other inherited problems the newborn of 2.6 mmol/l although the evidence for the
use of this level is not strong. This figure comes mainly
Haemophilia A is an X-linked recessive disorder, which
from two studies (Koh et al 1988a; Lucas et al 1988). Koh
therefore affects only boys. Females may be carriers. The
et al (1988a) demonstrated abnormal sensory-evoked
diagnosis is often known or suspected antenatally because
brain stem potentials in a small number of term babies.
of a family history. In these cases investigation should
This did not occur in any infants where the blood glucose
occur after birth and IM injections and invasive procedures
was above 2.6 mmol/l, whether or not signs were present
should be avoided. The diagnosis can be made by checking
(Koh et al 1988a). In addition, and perhaps more impor-
a clotting profile and should always be considered in a
tantly, in a retrospective study of preterm infants the neu-
male baby who has unexpected bleeding.
rological outcome was less favourable if the blood glucose
concentration had been <2.6 mmol/l on ≥5 days during
the neonatal period (Lucas et al 1988). These studies
suggest that levels of blood glucose concentration above
2.6 mmol/l are likely to be safe but they do not take into
account the baby’s ability to compensate for low glucose
Many metabolic abnormalities can occur in the newborn, concentrations. Lower values may be safe in some babies.
particularly in preterm or IUGR babies. By far the most
common problem is hypoglycaemia.
Signs of hypoglycaemia
Glucose homeostasis A baby who has signs of hypoglycaemia has a glucose concentra-
tion that is too low and this should be treated whatever the exact
The fetus has a constant supply of glucose via the placenta. glucose level. The signs of hypoglycaemia are lethargy, poor
Following birth, this supply of nutrients ceases and there feeding, seizures and decreased consciousness level. Jitteri-
is a fall in glucose concentration (Srinivasan et al 1986). ness is commonly ascribed to hypoglycaemia but is a
At the same time, however, endocrine changes (decrease common feature in the newborn and alone should not be used
in insulin and a surge of catecholamines and release of as an indication for measuring blood glucose concentration.
glucagon) result in an increase in glycogenolysis (break-
down of glycogen stores to provide glucose), gluconeogen-
esis (glucose production from the liver), ketogenesis Healthy term babies
(producing ketones, an alternative fuel) and lipolysis It is likely that healthy term babies are able to tolerate low
(release of fatty acids from adipose) bringing about an blood glucose concentrations using compensatory mecha-
increase in glucose and other metabolic fuel. Problems nisms and use alternative fuels such as ketone bodies,
arise in the newborn when there is either a lack of glyco- lactate or fatty acids (Hawdon et al 1992). These babies
gen stores to mobilize (preterm and IUGR babies) or may have blood glucose concentrations as low as
excessive insulin production (infants of diabetic mothers) 2.0 mmol/l without any ill-effects because, if responding
or when the babies are sick and have a poor supply of normally, they are likely to have increased ketone body
energy and increased requirements. concentrations so that fuel is available for the brain
Low glucose concentrations are a potential problem in (Hawdon et al 1992). Term babies who are breastfed are
the newborn because if there is a lack of fuel or nutrients particularly likely to have low blood glucose concentra-
available for the brain, cerebral dysfunction and poten- tions, probably because of the low energy content of
tially brain injury may occur. The problem for those caring breastmilk in the first few postnatal days. However, these
for newborn babies is not only to identify those who are babies have higher ketone body concentrations to com-
at risk and treat them appropriately, but also to avoid pensate (Hawdon et al 1992) and they are unlikely, there-
excessive treatment and investigation in babies where fore, to suffer any ill-effects. Unfortunately, however,
intervention is not required. routine measurements of ketone body concentrations are
not readily available and when glucose measurements are
made in these babies it becomes difficult for practitioners
to resist giving treatment that may involve supplementary
The definition of hypoglycaemia is controversial and many formula feeding or even IV dextrose at the expense of
different definitions can be found in the literature (Koh breastfeeding. This should obviously be avoided unless
et al 1988b). The problem is that defining a specific level there are other clinical indications for intervention.
of blood glucose is unhelpful because a baby’s ability to Because of their ability to counter-regulate, clinically well,
compensate and use alternative fuels may be as important appropriately grown, full-term babies who are feeding do
as the specific glucose concentration. Pragmatically, not require monitoring of their glucose concentration.
however, a specific level is helpful for management pur- Doing so would result in many babies being inappropri-
poses. The consensus appears to favour a cut-off value in ately treated.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Babies at risk of neurological sequelae unless they are symptomatic. In particular, breastfeeding
of hypoglycaemia information and intervention should not be based on
blood glucose concentrations. Prevention is important in
Babies where monitoring and treatment should be consid- at-risk babies and they should therefore have:
ered are those in whom counter-regulation may be
impaired. Preterm babies (<37 completed weeks) and
• adequate temperature control – keep warm
IUGR babies (<3rd centile for gestation) have lower glyco-
• early breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth (100 ml/kg
per day if formula feeding)
gen stores and cannot therefore mobilize glucose as
rapidly during the immediate postnatal period. In addi-
• frequent feeding (≤3 hourly)
tion they also have immature hormone and enzyme
• a blood glucose check immediately before the
second feed and then 4–6 hourly thereafter.
responses and are less likely to be enterally fed at an early
stage. Infants of diabetic mothers (IDM) frequently have There is no advantage in checking the blood glucose con-
low blood glucose concentrations because of an excess of centration earlier than this providing there are no clinical
insulin production. This is produced by the fetal pancre- signs as it is likely to be low and the appropriate treatment
atic gland as a result of stimulation by increased maternal at this stage is to feed the baby. If there are signs of
glucose concentrations. This excess of insulin also acts as hypoglycaemia, the glucose should be checked and treat-
a growth factor and brings about excessive fat and glyco- ment given immediately. Breastfed babies are particularly
gen deposition. This is why these infants have a character- difficult to manage in this situation as it is important
istic appearance and are relatively macrosomic (Fig. 33.10; to avoid supplemental feeding with formula to promote
note macrosomic appearance with increased adiposity). A successful breastfeeding but the risks associated with
study by the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child significant hypoglycaemia in at risk-babies outweigh
Health (CEMACH 2005) demonstrated that practice across this advantage. If the blood glucose concentration is
the UK varies with regard to the management of IDM and <2.6 mmol/l then a feed should be given at an increased
many babies appear to be inappropriately admitted to volume and decreased frequency (2 hourly or even
NICU. This should be avoided where possible but it hourly). This may require supplementary feeding with
requires the ability to monitor these babies on routine colostrum or formula milk for those who are being breast-
postnatal wards. In sick babies following perinatal fed and the use of a nasogastric tube should always be
hypoxia-ischaemia or sepsis there may also be low sub- considered.
strate stores compounded by feeding difficulties that add If the blood glucose concentration remains low despite
to the problem. Also consider babies with inborn errors these measures and there is an adequate feed volume
of metabolism (discussed later in this chapter). intake, then IV treatment with dextrose is required. It is
important in this situation that enteral feeding is contin-
ued as colostrum/milk contains much more energy than
Diagnosis, prevention and management 10% dextrose and promotes ketone body production and
of hypoglycaemia metabolic adaptation. If the blood glucose concentration
Term babies who are admitted to the postnatal ward and is >2.6 mmol/l before the second and third feed then
are feeding should not have blood glucose measured glucose monitoring can be discontinued but feeding
should continue at 3-hourly intervals. In babies where
enteral feeding is contraindicated for some reason, IV
10% dextrose at least 60 ml/kg on the first day should

Hyperglycaemia is much less of a clinical problem than
hypoglycaemia and occurs predominantly in preterm and
severely affected IUGR babies. It is also seen in term babies
in response to stress, especially following perinatal
hypoxia-ischaemia, surgery or drugs (especially corticos-
teroids). In general no treatment is required. In preterm
babies it is usually a transient phenomenon related to the
immature autoregulation or inability to deal with exces-
sive glucose intakes. In general, treatment is not required
unless there is significant loss of glucose in the urine that
may cause an osmotic diuresis. If treatment is required the
Fig. 33.10 Macrosomic infant. rate of glucose infusion can be decreased, but there may

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

be some advantages in this situation of giving an IV insulin intake whilst maintaining normal sodium intake with
infusion. This allows glucose input to continue and suf- appropriate intravenous fluids.
ficient calories to continue to be given and may result in
better weight gain (Collins et al 1991). Sodium depletion
The causes include renal loss in preterm babies, which is
treated by increasing sodium intake to compensate for the
ELECTROLYTE IMBALANCES IN losses. Some preterm babies may require a very large daily
intake of IV sodium with their IV fluids when losses are
THE NEWBORN high. Also consider loss of sodium into the bowel due to
ileus (intestinal obstruction, sepsis or prematurity) or
In the first few days after birth all babies lose weight due severe vomiting. Diuretics can affect the loss and occasion-
to a loss of extracellular fluid. This diuresis and loss of ally adrenocortical failure. This is rare but may be due to
weight is associated with cardiopulmonary adaptation; it congenital adrenal hyperplasia or hypoplasia, or adrenal
occurs rapidly in healthy babies but may be delayed in haemorrhage in a sick baby.
those with RDS. As extracellular fluid is lost there is a net
loss of both water and sodium over these first few days
after birth, although the baby’s serum sodium should Hypernatraemia
remain within the normal range. The healthy baby should Increased sodium concentration is almost always due to
lose up to 10% of its birth weight. This weight loss is physi- water depletion and loss of extracellular fluid but can also
ological and should be expected. rarely be due to an excessive sodium intake. These causes
can again be easily differentiated, by weighing the baby to
Sodium assess the change since birth.

Sodium is normally excreted via the kidney, controlled by Water depletion

the renin–angiotensin system. This control mechanism is This is rare in term babies but does occur occasionally in
functional in the preterm baby but loss of sodium may babies with an inadequate intake of breastmilk. It is more
occur in these babies because of renal tubule unrespon- common in preterm babies. The causes include:
siveness. Term breastmilk has relatively little sodium
(<1 mmol/kg per day), showing that the healthy newborn • transepidermal water loss in preterm babies – this
can preserve sodium via the kidney in order to maintain occurs particularly in babies <28 weeks’ gestation
growth. Normal sodium requirements are 1–2 mmol/kg and can be prevented by adequate environmental
per day in term babies and 3–4 mmol/kg per day in humidity and regular weighing to gauge fluid loss to
preterm babies. Changes in serum sodium reflect changes predict fluid requirements
in sodium and water balance. In order to assess changes • excessive urine output in preterm babies during
in sodium concentration it is important to know a baby’s recovery from RDS
weight as hypernatraemia in the presence of a loss of • high rates of fluid loss during vomiting, diarrhoea or
weight suggests dehydration whereas when there is weight bowel obstruction
gain it is due to fluid and sodium overload. Hyponatrae- • inadequate lactation.
mia in the presence of weight gain represents fluid over- Water depletion is perhaps the most important cause of
load whereas a reduced sodium with inappropriate weight hypernatraemia. The incidence has been estimated as
loss represents sodium depletion. The normal serum 2.5/10 000 live births and it typically occurs in term babies
sodium concentration is 133–146 mmol/l (Ayling and of breastfeeding primiparous mothers (Oddie et al 2001).
Bowron 2012). It can be associated with significant morbidity and even
mortality (Edmondson et al 1997), however, it can be
prevented with sufficient assistance and supervision of
feeding. Babies typically present at 5–9 days of age with
Hyponatraemia is due either to fluid overload or sodium lethargy and poor feeding. They have lost >15% of their
depletion. The latter may be due to inadequate intake or birthweight and are usually significantly jaundiced. The
excessive losses. serum sodium concentration can be between 150 and
200 mmol/l.
Fluid overload In general, many babies are not weighed during this
In the first few days after birth this is the commonest cause period. Mothers who are breastfeeding can be discouraged
of a low sodium concentration. It is commonly seen in by the fact that their baby has lost weight despite a
babies receiving IV fluids or in babies with oliguric renal good technique and this can serve to undermine breast-
failure or those on medication, e.g. indomethacin given to feeding no matter how carefully the physiology of the
preterm babies. Appropriate treatment is to limit the fluid phenomenon is explained. Additionally (particularly in

Section | 6 | The Neonate

primiparous mothers) lactogenesis is only just starting at • diuretic therapy

between 48 and 72 hours. Thus the volume of milk trans- • hyperaldosteronism.
ferred to the baby is still rising sharply between 72 and 96 Hypokalaemia is treated by adding potassium to IV infu-
hours of age. However, weighing babies during this period sion fluids or orally. The normal daily requirement of
can be very useful when a baby is unwell or if there are potassium is 2 mmol/kg per day.
concerns about intake and fluid and electrolyte balance. It
has been suggested that routine weighing of babies may
be useful to prevent dehydration and hypernatraemia in Calcium
breastfed babies with referral to hospital if weight loss
Calcium metabolism is closely linked to phosphate
exceeds 10% (van Dommelen et al 2007). The baby’s fluid
metabolism and these are very important minerals in rela-
deficit can be calculated from the loss in weight and this
tion to bone development. This is of particular importance
is then replaced by gradual rehydration over 24–48 hours.
in preterm infants as they need much higher concentra-
Feeding can continue but IV treatment is often required
tions of phosphate and calcium. These are given as IV
with normal saline and dextrose. Assistance with lactation
supplements, by supplementing breastmilk with fortifier
can then be given to continue to promote breastfeeding.
(Lucas et al 1996) or by giving specific preterm milk
Excessive sodium intake formula rather than term formula. High serum calcium
concentrations are unusual but there are rare but impor-
In general this is rare in term babies, although it may be tant causes of low serum calcium. The normal serum con-
seen in sick preterm babies due to excessive bicarbonate centration is 2.2–2.7 mmol/l but this must be interpreted
and other sodium-containing fluids. Causes are: with the serum albumin concentration as serum calcium
• incorrect fluid prescription is bound to albumin therefore a low albumin concentra-
• excessive administration of sodium bicarbonate tion will lead to a falsely low serum value. Calcium con-
• incorrectly formulated powdered feeds centrations fall within 18–24 hours of birth as the baby’s
• Münchausen’s syndrome by proxy – intentional supply of placental calcium ceases but accretion into bone
administration of salt to a baby. continues. In the past, hypocalcaemia during the first week
after birth used to be caused by giving unmodified cow’s
Potassium milk. This has a high phosphate concentration and a rela-
tively low calcium concentration that depressed the serum
Potassium is the major intracellular cation. A low serum calcium concentration and caused seizures. This is now
concentration therefore implies significant potassium rare with modern formula feeds.
depletion. Abnormalities in serum potassium concentra- Hypocalcaemia can cause seizures, tremors, jitteriness,
tion are important because they can cause significant lethargy, poor feeding and vomiting. Severe signs can be
arrhythmias. Potassium concentrations can be severely treated by IV replacement of calcium. Longer-term man-
affected by measurement technique, and any haemolysis agement depends on the cause. Hypocalcaemia can be
of the blood sample, especially from capillary sampling, caused by:
is likely to lead to a falsely high value.
• prematurity
• significant hypoxia-ischaemia
Hyperkalaemia • renal failure
Causes include: • hypoparathyroidism including DiGeorge syndrome
• acidosis (see later)
• acute renal failure • maternal diabetes mellitus.
• congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
Treatment is to remove all potassium supplements from
IV fluids, and to consider giving calcium resonium rectally, INBORN ERRORS OF METABOLISM
calcium gluconate IV, sodium bicarbonate to increase pH
and IV glucose and insulin. In general these measures will
be required only where there is a serum potassium that is
very high (>8 mmol/l) and/or evidence of an abnormal Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) are rare inherited dis-
electrocardiogram (ECG) or arrhythmia. orders occurring in approximately 1 in 5000 births. They
result mainly from enzyme deficiencies in metabolic path-
Hypokalaemia ways leading to an accumulation of substrate, leading to
toxicity. In utero, the placenta provides an effective dialysis
Causes include: system for most disorders, removing toxic metabolites.
• inadequate intake of potassium Most affected babies are therefore initially born in good
• bowel losses (vomiting or diarrhoea) condition with normal birth weight. A high index of

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

• plasma ammonia concentration

Box 33.3 Clinical features associated with many • coagulation tests.
diagnoses – a combination of these features
Many other investigations may be necessary and useful,
could be indicative of an IEM
but in general, investigations need to be discussed with a
• Septicaemia
consultant biochemist or paediatrician with an interest in
metabolic disorders. Principles of emergency management
• Hypoglycaemia
are to reduce any abnormal load on affected pathways by
• Metabolic acidosis
removing toxic metabolites and stimulating residual
• Convulsions enzyme activity. Hypoglycaemia is corrected, adequate
• Coma ventilatory support and hydration are maintained, convul-
• Cataracts sions are treated and significant metabolic acidosis is
• Cardiomegaly treated with IV sodium bicarbonate, and electrolyte abnor-
• Jaundice/liver disease malities are corrected. In general, antibiotics are frequently
• Severe hypotonia given as infection may have precipitated metabolic decom-
• Unusual body odour pensation and occasionally dialysis may also be required
• Dysmorphic features (Wraith and Walker 1996).
• Abnormal hair
• Hydrops fetalis Phenylketonuria
• Diarrhoea Phenylketonuria (PKU) is important, first because it is a
treatable cause of brain injury and second because it is
possible to successfully screen for it during the first week
of life in order to identify affected individuals and treat
them appropriately to produce a favourable outcome.
suspicion is needed when evaluating an acutely sick PKU is an autosomal recessive disorder of protein
neonate, as many disorders are treatable and early diagno- metabolism that has an incidence of approximately 1 in
sis and treatment can reduce morbidity. It has been 10 000 in the UK. Babies with PKU are born in good condi-
estimated that 20% of babies presenting with sepsis in tion but begin to be affected by their condition during the
the absence of risk factors have an inborn error of first few weeks/months after birth. Untreated it leads to
metabolism. severe learning difficulties/disability (IQ <30). However, if
The mode of inheritance is usually autosomal recessive, it is identified early (within the first 3 weeks), it can be
therefore family history is crucial and the following infor- treated by a diet specifically restricted in phenylalanine.
mation should be sought: The common type is caused by the absence of or reduction
in an enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase which, in
• any affected siblings
the liver, converts the essential amino acid phenylalanine
• previous stillbirth/neonatal death
to another essential amino acid, tyrosine. The toxic accu-
• parental consanguinity
mulation of phenylalanine and the deprivation of tyrosine
• features associated with feeding, fasting or a surgical
leads to brain damage.
PKU is particularly suitable for mass screening because
• improvement when feeds are stopped and relapse on
there is a simple widely available diagnostic test and
because treatment is effective. Midwives collect the blood
A clinical examination often reveals little specific evidence sample for PKU screening in the UK between days 5 and
and the baby can appear healthy. The features in Box 33.3 8 after birth with the knowledge that the baby has been
may be seen in isolation with many diagnoses, however taking milk feeds. The level of phenylalanine is analysed
multiple features indicate that an underlying IEM should and babies with increased levels need to be prescribed a
be seriously considered low phenylalanine diet and have further assessment to
The following laboratory tests are a basic first step in the determine whether they are affected by the ‘classic’ type of
investigation process: the disease or other variants. If it is treated early, the prog-
• full blood count nosis for PKU is good and normal intelligence can result.
• septic screen Affected people will have to stay on a low phenylalanine
• creatinine, urea and electrolytes (including chloride) diet for life and women who wish to conceive need to
• liver enzymes pre-conceptionally have their diet reviewed to prevent
• blood gas congenital abnormalities like microcephaly in their devel-
• blood glucose and lactate concentration oping fetus. This is because fetal brain injury may result
• urine reducing substances (sugar) from exposure to high concentrations of phenylalanine
• urine ketones (dipstick) and its metabolites in the mother.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Galactosaemia essential for normal neurological development. Thyroid

stimulating hormone (TSH) is produced by the anterior
Galactosaemia is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism pituitary gland and this stimulates production of T3 and
that is autosomal recessive in inheritance and has an inci- T4 by the thyroid gland with a feedback mechanism to the
dence of 1 in 60 000. It is caused by an absence or severe anterior pituitary.
deficiency of the enzyme galactose-1-phosphate uridyl-
transferase (often referred to as Gal-I-P UT). This enzyme
is important for converting galactose to glucose and since Hypothyroidism
milk’s main sugar lactose is a disaccharide containing
glucose and galactose, babies with this condition rapidly The incidence of hypothyroidism in the newborn is 1 in
become affected when fed either human breastmilk or 3500. There are several possible causes for hypothyroidism
cow’s milk formulae. The metabolite that builds up and is in the newborn, including abnormalities in gland forma-
harmful is galactose-1-phosphate. tion (thyroid dysgenesis), defects in hormone synthesis
The clinical signs of the disorder are those of liver failure (dyshormonogenesis) and rarely secondary pituitary
and renal impairment. Affected babies tend to present causes. The latter causes a decrease or lack of TSH, whereas
with vomiting, hypoglycaemia, jaundice, bleeding, acido- primary (thyroid) causes result in very high TSH values.
sis, failure to gain weight and hypotonia during the first The presentation is, however, the same, although this has
few days after birth. Another important clinical feature is implications for screening. Babies with hypothyroidism
congenital cataract. Affected babies may also present with tend to be large, post term and have a large posterior
septicaemia (particularly E. coli) due to damage to intesti- fontanelle. They have coarse features and often have an
nal mucosa by high levels of galactose in the bowel. Galac- umbilical hernia. These features are often missed, which
tosaemia is an important differential diagnosis to consider is why screening for this disorder is so important. Untreated
when dealing with a baby with unresponsive hypoglycae- babies develop impaired motor development with growth
mia and prolonged or severe jaundice. Babies with galac- failure, a low IQ, impaired hearing and language prob-
tosaemia will have galactose but not glucose in their urine. lems. With treatment the physical signs of hypothyroidism
The diagnosis therefore can be made by looking for urine- do not appear but the intellectual and neurological prog-
reducing substances (galactose) using a Clinitest, whereas nosis is poor unless treatment is started within the first few
a urine test for glucose will be negative. Confirmation of weeks of life and this should always occur when affected
the diagnosis is by assay of the enzyme level (Gal-I-P UT) babies are detected by screening. Screening for hypothy-
within red blood cells. roidism involves measuring thyroid stimulating hormone
Treatment is with a lactose-free milk formula, com- (TSH) on a blood spot taken at 5–8 days of age. This
menced as soon as the diagnosis is suspected. This results method detects almost all cases, however it cannot detect
in a rapid correction of the abnormalities. However, cata- cases caused by secondary (pituitary) hypothyroidism that
racts and mild brain injury have occurred even when galac- will have a low TSH. This condition is, however, much less
tosaemic babies have been fed lactose-free milk from birth. common, with an incidence of 1 in 60 000 to 1 in 100 000
Screening for this disorder is possible but many babies will (Fisher et al 1979).
have presented before the screening test is available and
there is little evidence to suggest that diagnosis at or soon
after birth gives a better long-term outlook than diagnosis Hyperthyroidism
by rapid screening of the deteriorating sick baby. Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes
hyperthyroidism. Neonatal hyperthyroidism occurs rela-
tively rarely but is possible when the mother has or has
had Graves’ disease. It occurs not because of neonatal
ENDOCRINE PROBLEMS autoantibodies but as a result of the transfer of maternal
thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins. These are auto­
Endocrine problems in the newborn are relatively rare but antibodies that are produced and act in the same way as
may be serious, even life-threatening, but are nearly always TSH. This can occur when a mother has active, inactive or
treatable so identification and diagnosis is important. Dis- treated Graves’ disease (Teng et al 1980). Thyrotoxicosis in
orders of blood glucose homeostasis have already been the fetus can lead to preterm labour, low birth weight,
described so this section will concentrate on other endo- stillbirth and fetal death, but only a small percentage of
crine abnormalities that may present in the newborn. babies of mothers with Graves’ disease show signs of thy-
rotoxicosis. In the baby the signs are irritability, jitteriness,
tachycardia, prominent eyes, sweating, excessive appetite
Thyroid disorders
and weight loss. These may be present immediately after
The thyroid gland produces hormones that have an effect birth or presentation may be delayed for as long as 4–6
on the metabolic rate in most tissues. They are also weeks (Skuza et al 1996). The baby therefore needs to be

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

observed for this period and treatment will be required

with anti-thyroid medication if any signs appear.

Adrenal disorders
The adrenal glands are vital for the normal function of
many systems within the body. They are divided into a
medulla and a cortex. The medulla produces catecho-
lamines, which help to maintain blood pressure and are
produced at times of stress. Abnormalities of function of
the adrenal medulla are not described in the newborn. The
adrenal cortex produces three groups of hormones – glu-
cocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and sex hormones – that
have distinct functions. Glucocorticoids regulate the
general metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats on
a long-term basis. They have a particular role in modifying
the metabolism in times of stress. Mineralocorticoids regu-
late sodium, potassium and water balance. The sex hor-
mones are responsible for normal development of the
genitalia and reproductive organs. Abnormalities in func-
tion of the glands represent the functions of these different
groups of hormones.

Fig. 33.11 Female infant with ambiguous genitalia due to

Adrenocortical insufficiency congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
This is caused by congenital hypoplasia, adrenal haemor-
rhage, enzyme defects or can be secondary to pituitary
established (see Chapter 28). The biochemical diagnosis
problems. It generally presents with the signs of hypogly-
is made by analysing urine and plasma for steroid hormone
caemia, vomiting, poor feeding and weight gain with pro-
metabolites. Treatment is as for adrenocortical insuffi-
longed jaundice. The baby may have hyponatraemia,
ciency by replacement of glucocorticoid and mineralocor­
hypoglycaemia, hyperkalaemia and acidosis. Treatment is
ticoid hormones. Virilized girls may also require surgical
by IV therapy with glucose and electrolytes followed
intervention to correct the genital abnormalities.
by replacement of corticosteroid and mineralocorticoid

Pituitary disorders
Adrenocortical hyperfunction
Pituitary insufficiency is rare in the newborn. It may occur
This may occur in the form of congenital adrenal hyper- in association with other abnormalities, particularly
plasia (CAH). This is the name given to a group of inher- midline developmental defects. Presentation is with signs
ited disorders that are due to deficiency of enzymes of glucocorticoid deficiency (hypoglycaemia), prolonged
responsible for hormone production within the adrenal jaundice or signs of hypothyroidism. Growth hormone
gland. The most common enzyme deficiency results in an deficiency generally causes hypoglycaemia but no other
excess of androgenic hormones but a deficiency of gluco- signs in the newborn. When it is recognized, treatment is
corticoid and mineralocorticoids often also occurs. These with replacement of the missing hormones.
disorders can cause abnormalities in the formation of the
genitalia leading to ambiguous genitalia (virilization of
females or inadequate virilization of males) (see Fig.
Parathyroid disorders
33.11) and features of adrenal insufficiency (vomiting,
diarrhoea, vascular collapse, hypoglycaemia, hyponatrae- The parathyroid glands are responsible for control of
mia, hyperkalaemia). The classification of disorders of calcium metabolism but abnormalities of the parathyroid
sexual differentiation has been revised in recent years. glands are rare causes of hypocalcaemia and hypercalcae-
For more information see the consensus statement by mia in the newborn. When hypoparathyroidism does
Hughes et al (2006). occur it may be familial or may occur in association with
It is important to make a prompt diagnosis. The genetic deletions of chromosome 22 (22q11 deletion or DiGeorge
sex must be determined (chromosome analysis) and it is syndrome). The signs associated with hypocalcaemia are
important not to assign a sex until the diagnosis has been detailed above.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

The signs most frequently seen are jitteriness, irritability

EFFECTS ON THE NEWBORN OF and constant high-pitched crying. Babies often fail to settle
MATERNAL DRUG ABUSE/USE between feeds and are hyperactive. When feeds are offered
DURING PREGNANCY they often feed voraciously although some have a poor
suck. Vomiting is common. Diarrhoea and an irritant
nappy rash are also often seen. Sneezing and yawning are
The incidence of drug use within the UK population has also seen alongside episodes of high temperature in the
a large geographical variation. As a result the incidence of absence of infection. In rare circumstances babies may also
drug withdrawal amongst babies also has a markedly have seizures.
varying incidence. Inner city areas are more likely to be Several scoring systems have been developed to help to
affected but even within cities large variation is seen in the guide when to give pharmacological treatment (Finnegan
incidence of problems. et al 1975). These scoring systems aim to make the assess-
Opiates and other drugs cross the placenta and the fetus ment more objective, however most of the features and
during pregnancy is likely to be exposed to the same peaks their severity are difficult to quantify. Babies assessed for
and troughs of drug exposure as the mother. Withdrawal signs of drug withdrawal by a scoring system are less likely
may be manifested before birth. The increased incidence to be inappropriately treated and may have a shorter hos-
of fetal distress may be related in part to drug withdrawal pital stay. It is important not to over-treat them with drugs
during labour but the effects of drugs and withdrawal on as the long-term effects are not clear and the treatment
the fetus and newborn are related to the timing of drug may then be difficult to withdraw. Also treatment in many
doses. Babies born to mothers who have used illicit drugs maternity hospitals means admitting the baby to the
during pregnancy are at risk of withdrawal effects. Other NICU therefore possibly separating mother and baby. On
problems that are more common in these pregnancies are: the other hand babies who are withdrawing appear to be
• obstetric complications of pregnancy including in discomfort, which arguably warrants management, but
placental abruption, IUGR, signs of fetal the long-term effects of withdrawal are also unclear. From
compromise during labour, stillbirth experience the most useful feature is whether the baby
• poor attendance for antenatal care settles and sleeps between feeding. If the baby does, then
• non-disclosure of information regarding drugs taken pharmacological treatment may be unnecessary.
during pregnancy
• risk of infectious disease (hepatitis B and C, and
HIV) Treatment
• social problems such as poor housing, chaotic Treatment can be divided into general care given to these
lifestyle, care of other children babies and pharmacological treatment. It is important, if
• poor attendance for neonatal follow-up. at all possible, to keep mother and baby together. Bonding
Attendance for antenatal care and supervision during with and care of these babies by their mother should be
pregnancy may be improved by midwifery support and positively encouraged. The mother is likely to be feeling
community liaison. It is important to identify these upset and guilty because of the baby’s appearance/
women during pregnancy in order to try to prevent some behaviour and the co-existing social problems involved
of the above problems and offer appropriate support. with these families makes for a challenging time for all
Identification during pregnancy also allows screening for involved. Breastfeeding can be encouraged as long as there
infectious diseases and this is particularly important for is no evidence of HIV or ongoing drug use (heroin and
hepatitis B and HIV where treatments are available to cocaine) that precludes this. Some recommend limiting
decrease the chance of the newborn being affected. this to mothers who are taking methadone on a dose that
is less than 20 mg/day (Committee on Drugs, American
Signs of withdrawal Academy of Pediatrics 1989). A quiet environment with
reduced light and noise is helpful in keeping stimuli
Many drugs have been reported to cause problems of with- to a minimum. Swaddling is useful and feeds may need
drawal in the newborn. The most common seen in the UK to be given frequently. These babies will often take large
are opiates in the form of heroin and methadone but volumes of milk, which is acceptable as long as vomiting
barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine and ampheta- is not a problem. Rocking or cradling are also useful
mines are also frequently seen. Multidrug use is common interventions.
and usually leads to prolonged difficult withdrawal. Each
drug has a different half-life and this leads to different
patterns of withdrawal behaviour. In general methadone Pharmacological treatment
produces effects for longer periods than heroin (Herzlin- Several different treatments have been recommended in
ger et al 1977) but benzodiazepines may also contribute the past. Previously, the four drugs recommended for
to this (Sutton and Hinderliter 1990). use were paregoric (a mixture of alcohol and opiate),

Significant problems in the newborn baby Chapter | 33 |

phenobarbitone, diazepam and chlorpromazine (Com- haemorrhage or infarction (Hadeed and Siegel 1989),
mittee on Drugs, American Academy of Pediatrics 1998). abnormalities of brain development, limb reduction
A number of randomized trials have been performed defects and atresias of the gastrointestinal system. Correla-
attempting to assess the use of various drugs in the treat- tion between cocaine exposure, small head size and devel-
ment of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) (Theis et al opmental scores has been reported (Chasnoff et al 1992).
1997). It seems logical to treat opiate withdrawal with
opiates and now the two most commonly used treatments
are oral methadone and oral morphine. These appear to Discharge and long-term effects
control withdrawal seizures much more effectively (Lawn
Discharge must be planned with the involvement of other
and Alton 2012). They can be given in increasing doses if
support agencies. This may include a planning meeting
necessary until the features are controlled and then the
involving all agencies concerned with the care of the
dose gradually reduced. A possible dosing regimen for oral
mother and baby. Although it seems intuitive that expo-
morphine is shown below:
sure to drugs in utero would cause neurodevelopmental
• initially 0.04 mg/kg morphine sulphate oral 4-hourly impairment, this is not borne out by carefully controlled
• then 0.03 mg/kg morphine sulphate oral 4-hourly studies (Lifschitz et al 1985). This implies that impair-
• then 0.02 mg/kg morphine sulphate oral 4-hourly ment in intellectual outcome in these children relates to
• then 0.01 mg/kg morphine sulphate oral 4-hourly. other adverse prenatal and postnatal factors. Babies born
The dose is reduced every 24 hours if the baby is feeding to these mothers are smaller and have smaller head cir-
well and settling better between feeds. If the feeding and cumferences (Kandall et al 1976). However, it is difficult
settling does not improve or profuse watery stools and to be certain about the exact causes of any long-term
excessive vomiting continue, other treatment needs to be harmful effects because so many factors are involved, all
considered. Other medication may sometimes be useful, of which are interlinked. These include:
e.g. clonazepam for benzodiazepine use or chloral hydrate • the effects of the drugs themselves on the developing
as a general sedative. fetus
• the use of other harmful substances by mothers who
use drugs (e.g. cigarettes and alcohol)
• the effect of pregnancy complications
Cocaine deserves special mention because its effects on the • the effect of the withdrawal syndrome on the
newborn are different. It is a larger problem in the USA than developing neonate
in the UK but the incidence of its use during pregnancy is • the effect of treatment to prevent withdrawal
unknown. It is only present in maternal urine for 24 hours behaviours
after exposure therefore detection is difficult (Zuckerman • the effect of the home environment of the chaotic
et al 1989). It can produce significant withdrawal signs drug-user for the developing child
although these are often less severe and less troublesome • genetic effects
than with other drugs, but it is associated with many other • reporting bias means that negative associations with
harmful effects on the fetus (Fulroth et al 1989). These drug-taking are more likely to be reported (Koren
include significant fetal IUGR, brain injury due to et al 1989).


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Wylie L 2010 Newborn screening and This chapter provides further information acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
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National Society for Phenylketonuria:

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Chapter 34

Infant feeding
Sally Inch

CHAPTER CONTENTS Cessation of lactation 723

Complementary and supplementary feeds 724
Introduction 704 Human milk banking 725
The breast and breastmilk 704 Choosing breast or formula milk 725
Anatomy and physiology of the breast 704 Feeding with formula milk 726
Lactogenesis 705 Types of formula milk 726
Milk production and the mother 706 Choosing a breastmilk substitute 727
Properties and components of breastmilk 707 Preparation of an artificial feed 727
Management of breastfeeding 710 Feeding the baby with the bottle 728
Exclusive breastfeeding for the first Healthy Start (and the Welfare
6 months of life 710 Food Scheme) 729
Antenatal preparation 711 Midwives and the International Code of
The first feed 711 Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes 729
The next feed 711 The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative 729
Effective positioning for the mother 711 References 730
Effective positioning for the baby 712 Further reading 736
Attaching the baby to the breast 712 Useful websites and contact details 736
The role of the midwife 715
Feeding behaviour 716
Midwives have a key role in supporting mothers
Expressing breastmilk 718 to breastfeed successfully. It is strongly in the
Care of the breasts 719 interest of both individual mothers and the
Breast problems 719 community as a whole that those who chose to
breastfeed are enabled to do so for as long as
Difficulties with breastfeeding 720 they want. The reasons women give for
Feeding difficulties due to the baby 721 discontinuation are consistent over time and
Contraindications to breastfeeding 723 internationally: they think they do not have
enough milk, breastfeeding is painful and they
have problems getting the baby to feed.
Preventing these distressing problems requires a
Author’s note: In this chapter, where the masculine pronoun has been
multifaceted approach that has to start with
used to refer to a baby this is simply to avoid the cumbersome ‘he or effective, practical and evidence-based training
she’ and to more clearly distinguish the baby from the mother. of all those who offer help and support to

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd 703

Section | 6 | The Neonate

breastfeeding mothers, especially in the first

week of their baby’s life. THE BREAST AND BREASTMILK
For those mothers who cannot, or choose not
to breastfeed, the midwife has an equally Anatomy and physiology
important role in ensuring that the baby is fed
safely and appropriately. of the breast (Fig. 34.1)
The breasts are compound secreting glands, composed of
varying proportions of fat, glandular and connective
tissue, and arranged in lobes. Each lobe is divided into
lobules consisting of alveoli and ducts.
• explain the structure and function of the female Because of the intimate and congruous connection
breast between fat and glandular tissue within the breast (Nickell
• describe the properties and components of
• emphasize the role of the midwife in ensuring Rib
breastfeeding success for both mother and baby Skin
• discuss the role of breastmilk expression and human muscle
milk banking Pectoral Subcutaneous fat
• describe the different causes of difficulty with muscle
breastfeeding Cooper’s Intraglandular fat
• discuss the use of formula feeding and the various ligament
products available Nipple
• outline the requirements and recommendations Lobes Nipple duct
of the International Code of Marketing of
Breastmilk Substitutes and the Baby Friendly Hospital Areola
Lobules Lactiferous


Breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life is the ideal start

for babies. Breastfeeding improves infant and maternal
health and cognitive development in both developed and Breast cells
developing countries, and it is the single most important filled with milk
preventive approach for saving children’s lives (Renfrew
and Hall 2008). Low breastfeeding rates in the United
Kingdom (UK) have led to a progressive increase in the
incidence of illness that has a significant cost to the
National Health Service (NHS). Recent calculations from
a mere handful of illnesses (where breastfeeding is thought
Nipple containing
to have a protective effect and enough data existed to
narrow ducts
determine total cost of care expected for each episode of
a particular disease) revealed potential annual savings to
the NHS from a moderate increase in breastfeeding rates
of about £40 million per year (Renfrew et al 2012). The
true cost savings are likely to be much higher (UNICEF– Milk droplets
UK 2012a). Bunches of milk cells
The problems that deter women from breastfeeding can
mostly be prevented (Renfrew and Hall 2008). This B
requires a multi-faceted approach, with implementation
of the UNICEF–UK Baby Friendly Initiative at its core Fig. 34.1 (A) Anatomy of the breast (reproduced with
(NICE 2008). permission of Liz Ellis). (B) Cross-section of the breast.

Infant feeding Chapter | 34 |

and Skelton 2005), the relative proportion of fat to glan-

dular tissue is difficult to calculate non-invasively. However,
analysis of 21 non-lactating breasts (surgically removed for
carcinoma in situ) (Vandeweyer and Hertens 2002)
revealed that the percentage weight of fat per breast varied
from 3.6 to 37.6. Mammographic studies of non-lactating
breasts have reported breast glandularity decreasing with
age (Jamal et al 2004).
Investigations carried out on 25 sections of central
breast tissue removed during breast reduction operations
performed on women with an average body mass index
(BMI) of 28, found a mean of 61% fat (Cruz-Korchin et al
2002). On average, the women’s central breast area con-
tained only 7% glandular tissue and 29% connective
tissue. This finding, that larger breasts contain relatively
more fat, is supported by an observational study of 136
patients with an average BMI of 32, undergoing breast
reduction surgery (Nickell and Skelton 2005). Fig. 34.2 Alveoli surrounded by myoepithelial cells, which
propel the milk out of the lobule.
Research on the volumes of 20 complete duct systems
(lobes) in an autopsied breast, found considerable varia-
tion in the proportion of breast tissue serviced by each maintained in a state of contraction by circulating oxy-
duct. The largest lobe drained 23% of breast volume, 50% tocin for about 2–3 minutes. The fuller the breast when
of the breast was drained by three ducts and 75% by the let-down occurs, the greater the degree of ductal distension
largest six. Conversely, eight small duct systems together (Ramsay et al 2004).
accounted for only 1.6% of breast volume (Going and The human nipple, in common with other mammalian
Moffat 2004). nipples, is covered with epithelium and contains cylindri-
Ultrasound investigations of the lactating breasts of 21 cally arranged smooth muscle and elastic fibres. When this
subjects (Ramsay et al 2005) identified nine or so milk contracts and the nipple becomes erect, a tight sphincter
ducts per breast (range being 4–18), fewer than previously is formed at the end of the teat (Cross 1977) to prevent
believed but commensurate with the investigations con- unwanted loss of milk from the mammary gland when it
ducted by Love and Barsky (2004). Taneri et al (2006) is not being suckled.
examined 226 mastectomy specimens and found the mean Surrounding the nipple is an area of pigmented skin
number of ducts in the nipple duct bundle was 17.5. This called the areola, which contains Montgomery’s glands.
is significantly higher than the number reported to open These produce a sebum-like substance, which acts as a
on the nipple surface. They reflected that this discrepancy lubricant during pregnancy and throughout breastfeeding.
could be due to duct branching within the nipple or the Breasts, nipples and areolae vary considerably in size from
presence of some ducts that do not reach the nipple surface. one woman to another.
Taken together, the intimate and inseparable relation- The breast is supplied with blood from the internal and
ship between fat and glandular tissue, the uneven distribu- external mammary arteries and branches from the inter-
tion of milk glands and the high variability in the number costal arteries. The veins are arranged in a circular fashion
of milk ducts, have implications for those women who around the nipple. Lymph drains freely from the two
require breast surgery. This is especially the case with breasts into lymph nodes in the axillae and the
women who have breast reduction surgery, as the loss of mediastinum.
only a few ducts may inadvertently compromise a woman’s During pregnancy, oestrogens and progesterone induce
future ability to breastfeed (see below). alveolar and ductal growth, and stimulate the secretion of
The alveoli contain milk-producing acini cells, sur- colostrum. Other hormones (such as growth hormone,
rounded by myoepithelial cells, which contract and propel prolactin, epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth
the milk out (Fig. 34.2). Small lactiferous ducts, carrying factor, human placental lactogen, parathyroid hormone-
milk from the alveoli, unite to form larger ducts. Several related protein and insulin-like growth factor) are involved,
large ducts (lactiferous tubules) conveying milk from one governing a complex sequence of events that prepares the
or more lobes emerge on the surface of the nipple. Myoepi­ breast for lactation (Neville et al 2002).
thelial cells are oriented longitudinally along the ducts
and, under the influence of oxytocin, these smooth muscle
cells contract and the tubule becomes shorter and wider
(Woolridge 1986; Ramsay et al 2004). The tubule distends Once the alveolar epithelial cells have developed into lac-
during active milk flow, while the myoepithelial cells are tocytes, around mid pregnancy (Lactogenesis I), they are

Section | 6 | The Neonate

able to produce small quantities of secretion: colostrum. myoepithelial cells contract, is milk made available to the
Although some women may produce as much as 30 ml suckling baby. Milk release is under neuroendocrine
per day in late pregnancy (Cox et al 1999), the production control. Tactile stimulation of the breast also stimulates
of milk is held in abeyance until after 30–40 hours follow- the oxytocin, causing contraction of the myoepithelial
ing the birth, when levels of placental hormones have cells. This process is known as the let-down or milk-ejection
fallen sufficiently to allow the already high levels of prol- reflex and makes the milk available to the baby. This
actin to initiate milk production (Lactogenesis II). Contin- occurs in discrete pulses throughout the feed and may
ued production of prolactin is caused by touch, as the trigger bursts of active feeding.
baby feeds at the breast, with concentrations highest In the early days of lactation, this reflex is uncondi-
during night feeds. Prolactin is involved in the suppression tioned. Later, as it becomes a conditioned reflex, the
of ovulation, and some women may remain anovular until mother may find her breasts responding to the baby’s cry
lactation ceases, although for others the effect is not so or other circumstances associated with the baby or feeding.
prolonged (Kennedy et al 1989; Ramos et al 1996) (see In one small study, psychological stress (mental arithmetic
Chapter 27). or noise) was found to reduce the frequency of the oxy-
Maternal nutritional intake and nutritional status are tocin pulses without affecting the amplitude of the pulse.
known to affect birth outcome, and the fetus in utero. The Neither was there any effect on either prolactin levels or
mother’s diet during pregnancy may also programme the the amount of milk the baby received (Ueda et al 1994).
fetus, affecting health in adult life (Hall Moran 2012), but
the effects of maternal nutrition on the development of
Milk production and the mother
the mammary gland in pregnancy are less well known.
Evidence from rats (Kim and Parks 2004) suggests that The human mother manages the process of lactation in an
undernutrition may actually enhance cell growth and milk entirely different way from her non-primate counterpart.
production. Torgersen et al (2010) found no differences in Much of the mis-information to which women are sub-
the risk of cessation of exclusive breastfeeding in mothers jected derives from extrapolation from veterinary and
with and without eating disorders. Overnutrition (obesity), dairy science (Woolridge 1995). Adequate milk produc-
however, has been shown to adversely affect lactogenesis tion is largely independent of the mother’s nutritional
II (Rasmussen 2007). status and BMI (Prentice et al 1994).
If breastfeeding (or expressing) is delayed for a few days, Dietary surveys in developed countries have consistently
lactation can still be initiated because prolactin levels found calorie intake to be less than the recommended
remain high, even in the absence of breast use, for at least amount (Whitehead et al 1981; Butte et al 1984). Control-
the first week (Kochenour 1980). However, the establish- led trials conducted in developing countries have demon-
ment of lactation is more secure if breastfeeding or strated that giving extra food to mothers, even those who
expressing begins as soon after birth as possible. were poorly nourished, did not increase the rate of growth
Prolactin seems to be much more important to the ini- of their babies (Prentice et al 1980, 1983). It has been
tiation of lactation than to its continuation. As lactation suggested that metabolic efficiency is enhanced in lactat-
progresses, the prolactin response to suckling diminishes ing women, thus enabling them to conserve energy and
and milk removal becomes the driving force behind milk subsidize the cost of their milk production (Illingworth
production. This is known to be due to the presence in et al 1986).
secreted milk of a whey protein that is able to inhibit the The lactational performance of the human female is
synthesis of milk constituents (Prentice et al 1989; Daly compromised when undernutrition is sufficiently severe,
1993; Wilde et al 1995). but it appears that this occurs only in famine or near-
The protein collects in the breast as the milk accumu- famine conditions. As milk production appears to drive
lates, exerting negative feedback control on the continued appetite, rather than the reverse, hunger effectively regu-
production of milk. Removal of this autocrine inhibitory lates the calorie intake of a breastfeeding woman, and the
factor (sometimes referred to as Feedback Inhibitor of Lacta- practice of encouraging breastfeeding mothers to eat exces-
tion: FIL) by extracting the milk, allows milk production sively should be abandoned. Similarly, if healthy breast-
to accelerate. feeding women wish to undertake strenuous exercise from
Because this mechanism acts locally within the breast, 6–8 weeks after birth, or to lose weight (500–1000 g/
each breast can function independently of the other. It is week), they can be assured that neither the quality nor the
also the reason that milk production slows as the baby is quantity of their milk will be affected (Dewey et al 1994;
gradually weaned from the breast. If necessary, it can be Dusdieker et al 1994). Exclusive breastfeeding combined
increased again if the baby is put back to the breast more with low fat diet and exercise will result in more effective
often, perhaps because of illness. weight loss than diet and exercise alone (Hammer et al
Milk is synthesized continuously into the alveolar 1996; Dewey 1998).
lumen, where it is stored until milk removal from the Milk production is similarly unaffected by fluctuations
breast is initiated. Only when oxytocin is released, and the in the woman’s fluid intake. It has been repeatedly

Infant feeding Chapter | 34 |

demonstrated that neither a significant decrease (Dearlove 90

and Dearlove 1981) nor a significant increase (Morse et al 2
80 4
1992) in maternal fluid intake has any effect on milk
production or the baby’s weight. 70 x=68.7 n=20

Milk intake (g)

Properties and components 50 * 5
of breastmilk 40
Human milk varies in its composition: *
• with the time of day (e.g. fat content is lowest in the
morning and highest in the afternoon)
• with the stage of lactation (e.g. the fat and protein 10
content of colostrum is higher than in mature milk) * Indicates change of breast
• in response to maternal nutrition (e.g. although the 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
total amount of fat is not influenced by diet, the type
Minutes of feed
of fat that appears in the milk will be influenced by
what the mother eats) Fig. 34.3 Pattern of milk intake at a feed for 20 6-day-old
• because of individual variations. babies.
The most dramatic change in the composition of milk From Woolridge et al 1982, with permission.
occurs during the course of a feed (Hall 1979). At the
beginning of the feed the baby receives a high volume of polyunsaturated variety (LC-PUFAs), because of their role
relatively low fat milk (the foremilk). As the feed in brain growth and myelination (Fernstrom 1999). Two
progresses, the volume of milk decreases but the propor- of them, arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexanoic acid
tion of fat in the milk increases, sometimes to as much as (DHA) appear to play an important role in the develop-
five times the initial value (the hindmilk) (Jackson et al ment of the retina and visual cortex of the newborn. Fat
1987). The baby’s ability to obtain this fat-rich milk is not also provides babies with >50% of their calorific require-
determined by the length of time he spent sucking at the ments (Picciano 2001). Fat is utilized very rapidly because
breast, but by the quality of the attachment to the breast. the milk itself contains the enzyme bile-salt-stimulated
The baby needs to be well attached so that the tongue can lipase, needed for fat digestion, but in a form that becomes
be used to maximum effect, stripping the milk from the active only when it reaches the baby’s intestine. Pancreatic
breast, rather than relying solely on the mother’s milk lipase is not plentiful in the newborn, so a baby who is
ejection reflex. A poorly attached baby may have difficulty not fed human milk is less able to digest fat.
in obtaining enough fat to meet their needs, resorting to Cholesterol, a risk factor for coronary heart disease
very frequent feeds to obtain sufficient calories from (CHD) in adults, occurs in human milk at higher levels
low-fat feeds. A well-attached baby may, however, obtain than are currently present in infant formulae (Kamelska
all he requires in a very short time. et al 2012). However, these high levels not only play an
The length of the feed, provided that the baby is well important role in brain growth and development (Scholtz
attached, is thus determined by the rate of milk transfer et al 2013), but also paradoxically lower the cholesterol
from mother to baby. If milk transfer occurs at a high rate, concentration in blood in later life (Owen et al 2008).
feeds will be relatively short; if it occurs slowly, feeds will
be longer (Woolridge et al 1982) (Fig. 34.3). Milk transfer Carbohydrate
seems to be more efficient (and thus feeds are shorter) in The carbohydrate component of human milk is provided
a second lactation than in a first (Ingram et al 2001). chiefly by lactose, providing the baby with about 40% of
calorific requirements. Lactose is converted into galactose
Fats and fatty acids and glucose by the action of the enzyme lactase in order
to be more readily metabolized and absorbed. These
For the human baby, with its unique and rapidly growing
sugars provide energy to the rapidly growing brain. Lactose
brain, fat, not proteín, in human milk has particular sig-
enhances the absorption of calcium, promoting the growth
nificance. Some 98% of the lipid in human milk is in the
of lactobacilli, which increase intestinal acidity thus reduc-
form of triglycerides: three fatty acids linked to a single
ing the growth of pathogenic organisms in the baby.
molecule of glycerol. More than 100 fatty acids have so
far been identified, about 46% being saturated fat and
54% unsaturated fat. Over the past decade, there has been
an explosion of interest in the unsaturated fatty acid Human milk contains less protein than any other mam-
content of human milk, particularly in the long chain malian milk (Akre 1989a). This accounts in part for its

Section | 6 | The Neonate

more transparent appearance. Human milk is whey- For light-skinned babies, exposure to sunlight for 30
dominant, which is mainly α-lactalbumin, and forms soft, minutes per week wearing only a nappy, or 2 hours per
flocculent curds when acidified in the stomach. week fully clothed but without a hat, keeps vitamin D
Allergies occur less frequently in breastfed babies than requirements within the lower limits of the normal range
in those fed with formula milk. This may be because the (Specker et al 1985). However, latitude and strength of the
infant’s intestinal mucosa is permeable to proteins before sunlight is important. In Scandinavia, photo-conversion
the age of 6–9 months and proteins in cow’s milk can act of 7-dehydrocholesterol has been found to occur only
as allergens. In particular, bovine β-lactoglobulin, which between March and October, with a maximum in June and
has no human milk protein counterpart, is capable of July (Moan et al 2008). In the UK, reseachers in Aberdeen
producing antigenic responses in atopic infants (Bahna found that sunlight exposure in summer and spring pro-
1987; Adler and Warner 1991). vided 80% of the baby’s total annual intake of vitamin D
Occasionally a baby may react adversely to substances (Macdonald et al 2011). Those living in regions where
in their mother’s milk that come from her diet. However, exposure to the sun is low have always been at risk for
this is rare and can usually be resolved by the mother vitamin D deficiency (Garza and Rasmussen 2000).
identifying and avoiding the foods that cause the adverse In order to ensure adequate stores in the baby’s liver at
reaction so that she may continue to breastfeed. Another birth, pregnant women would need to maintain own their
bovine whey protein, bovine serum albumin, has been vitamin D levels at a high enough level to supply sufficient
implicated as the trigger for the development of insulin- amounts via the placenta, as the concentration of vitamin
dependent diabetes mellitus (Vaarala et al 1999; Paronen D in human milk is low. However, social mobility, cultural
et al 2000). considerations and concerns over skin cancer from sun-
light have increased the risk of vitamin D deficiency by
Vitamins reducing the skin’s exposure to sunlight. In the UK this is
of particular concern in women and infants of Asian and
All the vitamins required for good nutrition and health are Afro-Caribbean ethnic origin (Gregory et al 2000; Leaf
supplied in breastmilk, and although the actual amounts 2007).
vary from mother to mother, none of the normal varia- Maternal vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy has
tions poses any risk to the infant (Hopkinson 2007). been implicated as a risk factor for diabetes, ischaemic
heart disease and tuberculosis. In addition to the previ-
Fat-soluble vitamins
ously known paediatric problems of hypocalcaemic con-
Vitamin A vulsions, dental enamel hypoplasia, infantile rickets and
Vitamin A is present in human milk as retinol, retinyl congenital cataracts in early life, vitamin D deficiency has
esters and beta carotene. Colostrum contains twice the been shown to affect neonatal head and linear growth and
amount present in mature human milk, giving colostrum may adversely affect the developing fetal brain (Shaw and
its yellow colour. Bile-salt-stimulated lipase (present in Pal 2002).
human milk: see Fatty acids, above) assists the hydrolysa- The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
tion of the retinyl esters and may account for the rarity of (NICE) (2008) published specific recommendations to
vitamin A deficiency in breastfed babies in affluent socie- guide health professionals in advising women about the
ties (Fredrikzon et al 1978; Leaf 2007). benefits of taking a vitamin D supplement of 10 µg per day
during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Such advice is
Vitamin D also supported by the Department of Health (DH) (2009).
Vitamin D plays an essential role in the metabolism of In addition, healthy breastfed babies should receive a
calcium and phosphorus in the body, preventing osteoma- vitamin D supplement from 6 months of age as part of a
lacia in adults and rickets in children. It is not strictly a multivitamin supplement. Unless a baby who is being fed
vitamin, but a hormone triggered by ultraviolet light. The on formula milk is considered to be at risk, they would not
principal unfortified dietary source of vitamin D is fish routinely require any vitamin D supplementation as this
liver oils, with butter, eggs and cheese contributing much will already be contained within the formula milk.
smaller amounts. In the UK, only margarine fortification
with 2800–3520 IU/kg of vitamin D is compulsory. In Vitamin E
other countries, vitamin D fortification of various other Although vitamin E is present in human milk, its role is
foods is either compulsory or permitted. uncertain. It appears to prevent the oxidization of poly­
Vitamin D is the name given to two fat-soluble com- unsaturated fatty acids and may prevent certain types of
pounds: calciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin anaemia to which preterm infants are susceptible.
D3). A plentiful supply of 7-dehydrocholesterol, the precur-
sor of vitamin D3, exists in human skin, and needs only Vitamin K
to be activated by sufficient ultraviolet light (<30 min of Vitamin K is the generic name for a group of structurally
summer sunlight a day) to become fully potent. similar, fat-soluble vitamins. The two naturally occurring

Infant feeding Chapter | 34 |

forms of this vitamin are vitamin K1 (phytonadione) prophylaxis. The remaining three developed VKDB despite
found in green leafy vegetables, and K2 (menaquinone), intramuscular prophylaxis.
which is synthesized by gut flora. It has been suggested
that, by 2 weeks of age, the breastfed baby’s gut flora Water-soluble vitamins
should be synthesizing adequate amounts of vitamin K2 Unless the mother’s diet is seriously deficient, breastmilk
(Akre 1989b). will contain adequate levels of the water-soluble vitamins,
Vitamin K is essential for the synthesis of blood-clotting B and C. Since they are fairly widely distributed in foods
factors II, VII, IX and X. It is present in human milk and (vitamin C in most fruit and vegetables), a diet signifi-
absorbed efficiently. Because it is fat-soluble, it is present cantly deficient in one vitamin will be deficient in others
in greater concentrations in colostrum and in the high-fat as well. Thus, an improved diet will be more beneficial
hindmilk (Kries et al 1987). The increased volume of milk than artificial supplements. Water-soluble vitamins are
as lactation progresses means that the baby obtains twice actively transported across the placenta throughout
as much vitamin K from mature milk than from colostrum pregancy.
(Canfield et al 1991). Greer (1997) found that marked
increases in breastmilk concentrations of vitamin K, with Vitamin B complex
corresponding increases in babies’ blood levels, can be Vitamin B complex consists of eight water-soluble vita-
obtained by giving mothers oral vitamin K, although this mins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantho-
subsequently received little attention. tenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folic acid
Vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB), formerly called (B9) and cyanocobalamin (B12). All play an important
haemorrhagic disease of the newborn, is a coagulation role in metabolism in the body.
disturbance in newborns due to vitamin K deficiency. The
incidence of classic VKDB, occurring between 1 and 7 days Vitamin C
of life, ranges from 0.25 to 1.7 cases per 100 births (Willacy Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is an antioxidant that helps
2010). However, those instances where VKDB occurs in the protect cells from free radical damage. It is necessary to
first 24 hours of life are largely confined to the babies of form collagen, and thus plays a role in growth and repair
mothers who were taking medications such as isoniazid, of bone, skin and connective tissue. It also assists the body
rifampicin, anticoagulants and anticonvulsant agents in to absorb iron. With some vitamins, e.g. vitamin C and
pregnancy. Late VKDB occurs between 2 weeks and 12 thiamine, a plateau may be reached where increased
weeks of life and occurs predominantly in exclusively maternal intake has no further impact on breastmilk
breastfed babies as vitamin K is added to infant formula
milks, but may also occur in any baby who is unable to
absorb the fat-soluble vitamin K (see Chapter 31). Minerals and trace elements
There has been much debate over which babies are at
risk of VKDB, and if supplements should be given after
birth and how these should be given. Puckett and Offringa Healthy term babies are usually born with a high haemo-
(2000) found that a single intramuscular (IM) dose (1 mg) globin level (16–22 g/dl), which decreases rapidly after
was more effective than a single oral dose at achieving birth. The iron recovered from haemoglobin breakdown
appropriate plasma vitamin K levels at 2 weeks and 1 is re-utilized. Babies also have ample iron stores, sufficient
month, but achieved lower plasma vitamin K levels than for at least 4–6 months. Although the amounts of iron are
a 3-dose oral schedule at 2 weeks and at 2 months. It was less than those found in formula milks, the bioavailability
recommended by NICE (2006a) that all babies should be of iron in breastmilk is very much higher: 70% of the iron
offered intramuscular vitamin K within the first 24 hours in breastmilk is absorbed, against 10% from formula milk
of birth. However, where parents declined to give consent (Saarinen and Siimes 1979). The difference is due to a
to the injection, they should be offered an oral form of complex series of interactions taking place within the gut.
the vitamin, with the further explanation that this would Babies receiving fresh cow’s milk or formula may become
need to be given several times in the first few weeks to be anaemic because the cow’s milk protein, especially if
effective. unmodified, can irritate the lining of the stomach and
In the two years following the issuing of this guidance, intestine, leading to loss of blood into the stools (Ziegler
Busfield et al (2013) found that all (236) of the consultant 2011).
maternity units they surveyed were offering vitamin K rou-
tinely at birth. In 72% of units it was offered intramuscu- Zinc
larly, 20% offered parents a choice and the remaining 8% A deficiency of this essential trace mineral may result in
offered an oral, multidose regime. They identified 11 the baby’s failure to thrive and development of typical skin
babies as suffering from VKDB after birth, of these, six lesions. Although there is more zinc present in formula
had received no prophylaxis (five because the parents milk than in human milk, the bioavailability is greater in
withheld consent) and two had received incomplete oral human milk. Breastfed babies maintain high plasma zinc

Section | 6 | The Neonate

values compared with formula-fed babies, even when the plasma cells that start secreting large quantities of the
concentration of zinc is three times that of human milk appropriate neutralizing antibody into the milk.
(Sandstrom et al 1983; Khaghani et al 2010) as zinc is
actively transported from the maternal circulation to the Lysozyme
mammary gland (Krebs 1999). Preterm babies may need Lysozyme kills bacteria by disrupting their cell walls. The
zinc supplements. concentration of lysosyme increases with prolonged lacta-
tion (Hamosh 1998; Montagne et al 2001).
Calcium is more efficiently absorbed from human milk Lactoferrin
than from breastmilk substitutes because of the higher Lactoferrin binds to enteric iron, thus preventing poten-
calcium : phosphorus ratio of human milk. Formula milks tially pathogenic E. coli from obtaining the iron they need
based on cow’s milk inevitably have higher phosphorus for survival. It also has antiviral activity against human
content than human milk. immunodeficeincy virus (HIV), cytomegalovirus (CMV)
and herpes simplex virus (HSV), by interfering with virus
Other minerals absorption or penetration (Liu and Newberg 2013).
Human milk has significantly lower levels of calcium,
phosphorus, sodium and potassium than formula milk. Bifidus factor
Copper, cobalt and selenium, however, are present at Bifidus factor in human milk promotes the growth of
higher levels. The higher bioavailability of these minerals Gram-positive bacilli in the gut flora, particularly Lactoba-
and trace elements ensures that the baby’s needs are met cillus bifidus, which discourages the multiplication of
while also imposing a lower solute load on the neonatal pathogens. Babies fed on cow’s-milk-based formulae,
kidney than do breastmilk substitutes. however, have more potentially pathogenic bacilli present
in the flora of their gut.

Anti-infective factors Hormones and growth factors

Leucocytes Epidermal growth factor and insulin-like growth factor
stimulate the baby’s digestive tract to mature more quickly
During the first 10 days following birth, there are more and strengthen the barrier properties of the gastrointesti-
white cells/ml in breastmilk than there are in blood. nal epithelium. Once the initially leaky membrane lining
Macrophages and neutrophils are among the most com- the gut matures, it is less likely to allow the passage of
mon leucocytes in human milk and they surround and large molecules, and becomes less vulnerable to micro-
destroy harmful bacteria by their phagocytic activity. organisms. The timing of the first feed has a significant
effect on gut permeability, which decreases markedly if the
Immunoglobulins first feed takes place soon after birth.
Five types of immunoglobulin have been identified in
human milk: IgA, IgG, IgE, IgM and IgD. Of these the most
important is IgA, which appears to be synthesized and
stored in the breast. Although some IgA is absorbed by the MANAGEMENT OF BREASTFEEDING
baby, the majority is not. Instead, it coats the intestinal
epithelium and protects the mucosal surfaces against entry Exclusive breastfeeding for the first
of pathogenic bacteria and enteroviruses. It affords protec-
6 months of life
tion against Escherichia coli, salmonellae, shigellae, strep-
tococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, poliovirus and the Human milk is species-specific. In 2003, the Global Strat-
rotaviruses. egy for Infant and Young Child Feeding called for all
The mother’s body is also able to monitor and respond mothers to have access to skilled support to initiate and
to potential pathogens in her infant’s environment from sustain exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and ensure
moment to moment via an elegant system known as GALT the timely introduction of adequate and safe complemen-
and BALT (gut-associated lymphoid tissue and bronchus- tary foods with continued breastfeeding up to 2 years or
associated lymphoid tissue) or the broncho-mammary and beyond (World Health Organization [WHO]/UNICEF
entero-mammary circulation. Pathogens that enter the 2003). This was echoed in the same year by the Depart-
mother’s respiratory or gastrointestinal tract stimulate pre- ment of Health and is still current policy (DH 2011).
committed lymphocytes in the bronchial submucosa or in It has been known for some time that exclusively breast-
the Peyer’s patches of the small intestine. The activated fed babies who consume enough breastmilk to satisfy
Beta cells migrate via the blood to the mammary (and their energy needs will easily meet their fluid require-
salivary) glands where they become transformed into ments, even in hot dry climates (Sachdev et al 1991; Ashraf

Infant feeding Chapter | 34 |

et al 1993). Extra water does nothing to speed the resolu- Midwives [RCM] 2002). Mothers who receive the right
tion of physiological jaundice, should it occur (Carvahlo help and education at the start will require less support
et al 1981; Nicoll et al 1982). The only consistent effect of and remedial intervention later.
giving additional fluids to breastfed infants is to reduce
the time for which they are breastfed (Fenstein et al 1986;
White et al 1992).
Effective positioning for the mother
A comfortable position is a prerequisite of comfortable
Antenatal preparation breastfeeding. A woman who has recently given birth,
especially one new to breastfeeding, may need some help
Breasts and nipples are altered by pregnancy (Chapter 9). with this.
Increased sebum secretion obviates the need for cream to After a caesarean section, or where the perineum is very
lubricate the nipple. Women who have inverted and non- painful, lying on her side may be the only position a woman
protractile (flat) nipples often find that they improve can tolerate in the first few days after birth, as shown in
spontaneously during pregnancy (Hytten and Baird 1958). Fig. 34.4. It is likely that she will need assistance in placing
If not, help given with attaching the baby to the breast the baby at the breast in this position, because she has
after birth often results in successful breastfeeding. Neither only one free hand. When feeding from the lower breast
the wearing of Woolwich shells nor Hoffmann’s exercises it may be helpful to raise her body slightly by tucking the
are of any value (Main Trial Collaborative Group 1994) end of a pillow under her ribs. Once the woman can do
and should not be recommended, nor should any other this unaided, she may find this a comfortable and conven-
unevaluated commercially available device. Education of ient position for night feeds, enabling her to get more
the mother is likely to be more effective than any physical sleep.
exercises. If the woman shares her bed with her baby in hospital,
the hospital’s guidelines on bed-sharing should be fol-
The first feed lowed. All mothers, whether they intend to bed-share at
home or not, should receive guidance on the subject from
The mother should have her baby with her immediately the midwife (NICE 2013). Guidance on this complex and
after birth. Early and extended skin contact ensures the sometimes emotive issue is available for both parents and
cues that indicate that the baby is ready to feed will not health professionals (UNICEF 2011a; UNICEF 2011b).
be missed. Early feeding contributes to the success of Alternatively, the mother may prefer to sit up to feed her
breastfeeding, but the time of the first feed should, to a baby, as in Fig. 34.5. In the early days following the birth,
large extent, depend on the needs of the baby. Some may
demonstrate a desire to feed almost as soon as they are
born; others show no interest until they are an hour or so
old (Widström et al 1987; Righard and Alade 1990).
Babies of mothers who have received narcotics in labour
may be sleepy and thus require additional support to
breastfeed so they do not lose an excess of weight in the
first week (Dewey et al 2003).
The first feed should be supervised by the midwife. If it
proceeds without pain and the baby is allowed to end the
feed spontaneously, both mother and baby will have been
helped to begin the learning process necessary for effective
breastfeeding in a happy and positive way.

The next feed

All mothers should be offered help with the next feed,
within approximately 6 hours of birth or earlier if desired.
Once the baby is feeding satisfactorily the mother should
be told about the cause and prevention of sore nipples,
being advised to seek help if any problems arise. She
should also be informed about the changes that will take
place in her breasts during the following few days. Helping
mothers to understand that breastfeeding is a learned, not Fig. 34.4 Mother lying on her side.
an instinctive, skill enables them to be patient with them- Reproduced with kind permission from the Health Education Board
selves and their babies during this time (Royal College of for Scotland.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Fig. 34.5 Mother feeding sitting up.

Reproduced with kind permission from the Health Education Board
for Scotland.

it is particularly important that the mother’s back is

upright at a right-angle to her lap. This is not possible if
she is sitting in bed with her legs stretched out in front of
her, or sitting in a chair with a deep backward-sloping seat
and a sloping back. Both lying on her side and sitting cor-
Fig. 34.6 Baby turned towards the mother’s body.
rectly in a chair with her back and feet supported enhance
From an original drawing by Hilary English.
the shape of the breast and allow ample room in which
to manoeuvre the baby.
baby’s head may be supported by the extended fingers of
Effective positioning for the baby the mother’s supporting hand (Fig. 34.9) or on the moth-
er’s forearm (Fig. 34.10). It may be helpful to wrap the
The baby’s body should be turned towards the mother’s baby in a small sheet (Vancouver wrap), as shown in Fig.
body (Fig. 34.6) so that the baby is coming up to her 34.11, so that his hands are by his side.
breast at the same angle as her breast is coming down to Healthy term babies are equipped with a number of
the baby. primitive reflexes that enable them to obtain the nourish-
The more the mother’s breast points down, the more ment they require. At birth, all reflexes are of brainstem
the baby needs to be on his back (Fig. 34.7). The advice origin, with minimal cortical control. As the baby matures,
to have the baby tummy to tummy may be mistakenly taken higher, cortical pathways develop and the reflexes disap-
to imply that the baby should always be lying on his side. pear sequentially: rooting at about 4 months of age and
However, taking account of the angle of the dangle might tongue protrusion by about 6 months of age (Bagnall
be more useful. 2005).
If the baby’s nose is opposite his mother’s nipple, being If the newborn baby’s mouth is moved gently against
brought to the breast with the neck slightly extended, the the mother’s nipple, the baby will open his mouth wide,
baby’s mouth will be in the correct relationship to the as shown in Fig. 34.12. As the baby drops his lower jaw
nipple (Fig. 34.8). and darts his tongue down and forward, he should be
moved quickly to the breast. The intention of the mother
should be to aim the baby’s bottom lip as far away from
Attaching the baby to the breast
the base of the nipple as is possible. This allows the baby
The baby should be supported across the shoulders, so to draw breast tissue as well as the nipple into his mouth
that slight extension of the neck can be maintained. The with his tongue. If correctly attached, the baby will have

Infant feeding Chapter | 34 |

Fig. 34.8 The baby’s mouth opposite the nipple, the neck
slightly extended.
From an original drawing by Jenny Inch.

Fig. 34.7 Baby’s body in relation to the mother’s body,

depending on the angle of the breast.
From an original drawing by Hilary English.

formed a teat from the breast and the nipple (Fig. 34.13)
(Woolridge 1986, 2011).
The nipple should extend almost as far as the junction
of the hard and soft palate. Contact with the hard palate
triggers the sucking reflex. The baby’s lower jaw moves up
and down, following the action of the tongue. Although
the mother may be startled by the physical sensation, she
should not experience pain. If the baby is well attached,
minimal suction is required to hold the teat within the
oral cavity. The tongue can then apply rhythmical cycles
of compression and relaxation so that milk is removed
from the ducts. This view of the main mechanism a baby Fig. 34.9 Mother supporting the baby’s head with her
uses to remove milk from the breast has been recently fingers.
challenged (Geddes et al 2008), but even more recently Reproduced with kind permission from the Health Education Board
confirmed by further ultrasound studies (Monaci and for Scotland.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Fig. 34.12 A wide gape.

Photo courtesy of the Health Education Board for Scotland and
Mark-it TV www.markittelevision.com.

Fig. 34.10 The baby’s head is supported by the mother’s

Reproduced with kind permission from the Health Education Board
for Scotland.

Fig. 34.13 The baby has formed a ‘teat’ from the breast and
the nipple, which causes the nipple to extend back as far as
the junction of the hard and soft palates. The lactiferous
ducts are within the baby’s mouth. A generous portion of
Fig. 34.11 The Vancouver wrap to keep the baby’s hands by areola is covered by the bottom lip.
his side. Reproduced from Woolridge 1986, with permission.

Infant feeding Chapter | 34 |

Woolridge 2011). Although the tongue is used from time Many mothers who have had babies before require as
to time to generate increased suction pressure aiding milk much support with breastfeeding as those who have given
removal, this is superimposed on the peristaltic action and birth to their first baby. Reasons for this include:
does not occur in isolation (Woolridge 2011). • Previous unsuccessful breastfeeding.
The baby feeds from the breast rather than from the • Breastfeeding may have gone well last time by
nipple, and the mother should guide her baby towards her chance rather than knowledge.
breast without distorting its shape. The baby’s neck should • The new baby may behave very differently, or have
be slightly extended and the chin in contact with the different needs, from the mother’s previous baby/
breast. If the baby approaches the breast as illustrated in babies.
Fig. 34.8, a generous portion of areola will be taken in by • The mother may have recently fed (or still
the lower jaw, but it is positively unhelpful to urge the be feeding) a toddler and has forgotten
mother to try to get the whole of the areola in the baby’s quite how much help a new baby requires to
mouth (see Fig. 34.14). breastfeed.
• Their previous baby may have been born at a time
The role of the midwife when underpinning information now known to be
outdated was thought to be correct.
The midwife’s role during the first few feeds is twofold.
First, she must ensure that the baby is adequately fed at
the breast. Secondly her role is to support the mother in Hands-on help from the midwife
developing the necessary practical positioning and attach-
Where possible, breastfeeding support from the midwife
ment skills so that she is able to feed her baby independ-
should always be hands off, but pragmatically, it may be
ently. Whilst the baby is reflexly equipped for breastfeeding,
necessary for the midwife to help the mother attach the
mothers are not. For all primate mothers breastfeeding is
baby to the breast for the first few feeds. In this case, the
a learned/socially acquired skill. A common pitfall is the
midwife should think of her own comfort, as well as that
assumption that breastfeeding is instinctive for the mother.
of the mother and the baby. The midwife will put less
All new mothers, but particularly those who have never
strain on her own back if she kneels on a foam mat
experienced breastfeeding before, require encouragement
beside the mother, rather than bending over her (see
and reassurance (emotional support), advice and guid-
Fig. 34.15).
ance on the fundamentals of effective attachment so that
feeding is pain free (practical support), and factual infor-
mation about breastfeeding (informational support) in
small, manageable quantities. Some mothers will need
more help and support than others.

Fig. 34.14 The baby’s lower jaw takes in a generous amount

of the areola. Fig. 34.15 The midwife is kneeling by the mother to assist
Photo courtesy of the Health Education Board for Scotland and her with attaching the baby to the breast.
Mark-it TV www.markittelevision.com. Reproduced with kind permission of Nancy Durrel-McKenna.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

The midwife should also consider which hand guides Finishing the first breast and finishing
the baby most skilfully. For example, a right-handed a feed
midwife helping a mother who is lying on her left side
will attach the baby to the left breast with her right hand. The baby will release the breast when he has had sufficient
Instead of asking the mother to turn on her right side so milk from it. His ability to know this may be controlled
that she can feed from the right breast, the midwife could either by the calories he has received or by the change in
raise the baby on a pillow and attach him to the right the volume available. He should be offered the second
breast, again using her right hand. Alternatively, if the breast after he has had the opportunity to expel any wind,
mother is sitting up, she could consider placing the baby which he may take according to appetite.
under the mother’s arm on the right side, so that she can The baby should not be deliberately removed from the
again use her right hand. breast before he releases it spontaneously, unless the
Once a baby has fed efficiently he is more likely to do mother is experiencing pain, in which case the baby
so again and from this point the mother can begin to learn should be reattached, if still willing to feed. Taking the
how to feed her baby independently. If the midwife needs baby off the first breast before he has finished may cause
to give hands-on help to the mother, she should also two problems. First, the baby is deprived of the high
explain what she is doing, and the reason, so that the calorie hindmilk; second, if adequate milk removal has
mother learns from the encounter. The importance of not taken place, milk stasis may occur ultimately leading
observing babies as they go to the breast and feed cannot to the mother developing mastitis or experiencing reduced
be overemphasized. The midwife cannot be confident the milk production, or both. Provided that the baby starts
baby has attached correctly and feeds effectively if she does each feed on alternate sides, both breasts should be used
not see it happen. equally. If a baby does not release the breast or will not
settle after a feed, the most likely reason is that he has not
been correctly attached to the breast and was therefore
Feeding behaviour unable to remove the milk efficiently.
Other reasons for babies withdrawing from the breast
A breastfeeding baby typically performs one of three activi- are:
ties (Monaci and Woolridge 2011):
• incorrect attachment
1. Doing nothing. • the milk flow is very fast and the baby needs to let
2. Stimulating the mother’s nipple, without swallowing go and pause
milk (non-nutritive sucking/simply sucking). • the baby has swallowed air with the generous flow of
3. Sucking and swallowing milk (nutritive sucking/ milk that occurs at the beginning of a feed and
swallowing). requires an opportunity to expel wind.
After an initial burst of nipple stimulation that is short There is no justification for imposing either one breast per
frequent sucking, two sucks per second, the baby begins feed or alternatively both breasts per feed as a feeding
swallowing – slow, deep, one suck per second (nutritive) regimen.
sucking – and feeds vigorously with few pauses (Bosma
et al 1990). As the feed progresses, pausing occurs more
frequently and lasts longer. Pausing is an integral part of Timing and frequency of feeds
the baby’s feeding rhythm and should not be interrupted. A healthy term baby knows better than anyone else how
The midwife should simply encourage the mother to often and for how long he needs to be fed. This is now
allow the baby to pace the feed. The change in the pattern being described as responsive feeding, superseding the
generally relates to milk flow. terms baby-led feeding and demand feeding (UNICEF–UK
The foremilk is more generous in quantity but lower in 2012b). The baby who remains close to his mother can
fat than the hindmilk delivered at the end, which is thus signal his need to feed so that the feed can begin while he
higher in calories (Woolridge and Fisher 1988). If the baby is still calm. When the baby wakes up he will start to move
receives an excessive quantity of foremilk as a result of about, beginning with movement of the head and mouth,
either poor attachment or premature breast switching (see including licking his lips. Finally the baby finds something
below), it may result in increased gut fermentation causing to suck, which is usually his fingers. If the mother misses
colic, flatus and explosive stools (Woolridge and Fisher these feeding cues the baby may then start to cry. Crying
1988; Evans et al 1995). This is the commonest cause of is a sign of distress, which is a late sign of hunger, and as
colic in breastfed babies (see Fig. 34.16) and is resolved in a result, the baby will need to be calmed before he can
this case by improving attachment. Neither simeticone feed effectively.
preparations, which are often prescribed for this condi- It is not unusual in the first day or so for the baby to
tion, nor commonly used complementary medicines, have feed infrequently, and have 6–8 hour gaps between effec-
been shown to be of value (Metcalf et al 1994; Perry et al tive feeds, each of which may be quite long (Inch and
2011; Cohen and Albertini 2012). Garforth 1989; Waldenström and Swensen 1991). This is

Infant feeding Chapter | 34 |

Poor attachment Food allergens GIT infections

Feed mismanagement (e.g. limiting feed Frequent, high volume (and thus high Compromised lactase activity at the brush
duration, insisting on two breasts per feed) lactose), low fat feeds border of the small intestine

Fast gastric clearance Lactose overload in

(low fat) infant’s small intestine

Osmotic gradient 'pulls' water Excess lactose fermented by

into infant’s large intestine bacteria in infant’s large intestine

Frequent, watery, Gas production, mainly methane and Acid production

explosive, green stools carbon dioxide

Perianal acid burns

Infant flatulence, pain, screaming, unsettled behaviour ……….'colic'

Lactose overload – or – colic in the breastfed baby

• Baby poorly attached – reduced fat intake
• Baby soon hungry again - gastric emptying time more rapid – (low fat feed)
• More frequent feeds - more lactose - (lactose concentration constant)
• Amount of lactose in the gut may transitorily exceed lactase production – resulting in signs of lactose intolerance/lactase deficiency
• Accumulated undigested lactose creates an osmotic gradient that draws water into the bowel
• Bacteria in the baby’s gut are provided with more substrate than usual, which they eagerly attack as an energy source, producing
large quantities of gas in the process (mostly carbon dioxide and methane)
• Dissention of the gut by both fluid and gas produces pain (cramping) and looser, green stools

Fig. 34.16 Causes of colic.

normal, providing the mother with the opportunity to Babies who feed infrequently may be consuming less milk
sleep if she needs to. As milk volume increases, the feeds than they need, or they may be unwell, or both, whereas
tend to become more frequent and a little shorter. It is babies who feed frequently (10–12 feeds in 24 hours after
unusual for a baby to feed less often than six times in 24 they are a week old) may be poorly attached to the breast.
hours from the 3rd day and most babies are taking at least The feeding technique and the baby’s weight should
six feeds every 24 hours by the time they are one week old. be monitored. However, individual mother–baby pairs

Section | 6 | The Neonate

develop their own unique pattern of feeding and, provid- the first week, to reduce the risk of babies losing an unac-
ing the baby is thriving and the mother is happy, there is ceptable amount of weight. An assessment tool, suitable
no need to change it. for use by face-to-face or telephone contact, has been
developed by UNICEF–UK for this purpose (UNICEF–UK
Volume of the feed Difficulty with attachment is the commonest reason for
Well-grown term babies are born with good glycogen babies failing to obtain enough milk. If the baby is diffi-
reserves and high levels of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). cult to attach, because he is sleepy or because the breast
Consequently babies do not need large volumes of milk tissue is inelastic, the same principles should apply in this
or colostrum before they become available physiologi- situation as when the baby and mother are separated by
cally. In the first 24 hours, the baby takes an average of illness or prematurity: namely, to support the mother in
7 ml per feed and by the second 24 hours, this has hand expression to encourage the establishment of lacta-
increased to 14 ml per feed (RCM 2002; Santoro et al tion. If this is not accomplished, the mother’s lactation
2010). No precise information is available on the actual will be in arrears of her baby’s requirements by the time
volume of breastmilk an individual baby requires in order he is in need of larger volumes around the 3rd/4th day.
to grow satisfactorily. Previous recommendations (150 ml/ If the mother is still not able to feed effectively by the
kg) were based on the requirements of formula fed babies, end of the first week, it is important that she expresses her
and these can therefore be used only as a guideline (Davies milk, using either her hands or an effective breast pump,
et al 1972). so that her lactation is maintained and her baby is fed.
Ongoing help from the midwife to improve breastfeeding
is essential.
Weight loss and weight gain
Most newborn babies lose some weight during their first
Expressing breastmilk
week of life. There is a general expectation that the baby
will regain their birthweight by 10–14 days. There is less Although all women who choose to breastfeed their babies
agreement about how great a weight loss is normal or should know how to hand express milk, routine expression
acceptable. Although the figure of 10% is often cited as the of the breasts should not be part of the normal manage-
upper limit of normal, there is little evidence to support a ment of lactation, even for mothers who have given birth
figure as high as this. Data from nine studies conducted by caesarean section (Chapman et al 2001). Provided no
between 1986 and 1999 suggest a normal range of 3–7%; limitation is placed on either feed frequency or duration,
and normative data on 435 breastfed babies born in a and the baby is attached effectively, the volume of milk
Scottish Baby Friendly Hospital, reported median maximum produced will be in accordance with the requirements of
weight loss of 6.6% (Macdonald et al 2003). the baby. This should prevent the occurrence of problems
such as breast engorgement requiring removal of milk by
Monitoring milk transfer Expression is appropriate in the following situations, if:
A noticeable change in the baby’s sucking/swallowing • there is concern about the interval between feeds in
pattern is the most consistent sign of milk transfer. Soft the early perinatal period (expressed colostrum
but audible swallows may also be heard at the beginning should always be given in preference to formula milk
of the feed. Most mothers are aware that their breast feels to healthy term babies)
softer after the baby has fed well. A well-fed baby will • there are difficulties in attaching the baby to the
release the breast spontaneously, appear satisfied and breast
remain content. • the baby is separated from the mother, due to
Over the first four days of life, the baby’s stools change prematurity or illness
from black meconium to the characteristic yellow stool, • there is concern about the baby’s rate of growth, or
typical of a baby fed on breastmilk. A stool that is still the mother’s milk supply (expressing to top up with
changing at 96 hours of life could indicate that further the mother’s own milk may be necessary in the short
attention needs to be paid to the way the mother is feeding term while the cause of the problem is resolved)
her baby. Similarly, urine output should increase from one • the mother needs to be separated from her baby for
or more wet nappies per day in the first two days of life, periods (occasionally or regularly), as the baby gets
to three or more over the next two days. From the end of older.
the first week onwards, the baby’s urine output should
have increased such that there are around six or more wet
nappies evident. Manual expression of milk
An assessment of milk transfer should be made at each Manual expression has several advantages over mechanical
postnatal contact. This should ideally be done daily for pumping and should be taught to all mothers. It is usually

Infant feeding Chapter | 34 |

the most efficient method of obtaining colostrum. Some quent expressing sessions are more likely to have the
mothers will find hand expressing superior to any breast desired effect than lengthy, infrequent sessions.
pump. Inadequate milk volume, followed by declining produc-
tion, is a common problem for mothers who are express-
ing their milk for their preterm baby. In order to prevent
Expressing with a breast pump this from happening, the midwife should discuss with
If it is possible and practical, the mother should be able the mother the value of early initiation of expressing, the
to experiment with a variety of breast pumps to discover appropriate use and correct size of equipment and the
what will suit her best (Auerbach and Walker 1994) as not importance of the frequency of expression, rather than
all pumps work well for every woman. trying to rescue failing lactation pharmacologically. It
may also be helpful to show the mother how to express
hands free, using an expressing brassiere to hold the
Manually operated pumps breast shields securely in place. For examples of hands-
Most manually operated pumps are not efficient enough free expressing please go to http://www.phdinparenting
to allow initiation of full lactation but they can be useful .com/blog/2010/9/13/hands-free-pumping-options-for
when expressing is required once lactation is established. -breastfeeding-moms.html.
It is helpful for midwives to explain to mothers that these
pumps function most efficiently if the vacuum phase is
Storage of breastmilk
considerably longer than the release phase.
NICE (2008) advises that expressed milk can be stored for
up to:
Electrically controlled pumps
• 5 days in the main part of a fridge, at 4 °C or lower
Some electrically controlled pumps provide a regular • 2 weeks in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator
vacuum and release cycle, with variability in the strength • 6 months in a domestic freezer, at −18 °C or lower.
of the suction and others also vary the frequency of the
cycle. Double pumping is possible with most models, and
this has repeatedly been shown to be of benefit, either Care of the breasts
reducing the time for which the mother needs to use the Daily washing is all that is necessary for breast hygiene.
pump at each session to obtain the available milk (Groh- Brassieres may be worn in order to provide comfortable
Wargo et al 1995; Hill et al 1999), or increasing the support and are useful if the breasts leak and breast pads
volume of milk obtained for term babies (Auerbach 1990) (or breast shells) are used.
and preterm babies (Jones et al 2001).

Breast problems
How much and how often?
Mothers of preterm babies who begin expressing milk by
Sore and damaged nipples
a pump as soon as possible after birth and use the pump The cause is almost always trauma from the baby’s mouth
a minimum of six times per 24 hours, are more likely to and tongue, which results from incorrect attachment of
sustain lactation at adequate levels than those who delay the baby to the breast. Correcting this will provide imme-
expressing or express less frequently. In a Baby Friendly diate relief from pain and allow rapid healing to take
hospital the mother will be advised to express her milk at place. Epithelial growth factor, contained in fresh human
least 8 times in 24 hours, including once at night. The milk and saliva, may aid this process.
earlier the mother is able to express good volumes of milk Resting the nipple enables healing to take place but
in a 24 hours period, the better the outlook for sustaining makes the continuation of lactation much more compli-
adequate milk production for her baby. Breast massage cated because it is necessary to express the milk and to use
(Jones et al 2001) and kangaroo care (see Fig. 30.6, p 626): some other means of feeding it to the baby. Nipple shields
holding the baby in skin to skin contact between the should be used with caution, and never before the mother
mother’s breasts (Hill et al 1999) have also been positively has begun to lactate, as the baby is unlikely to extract
associated with enhanced milk production. colostrum via a shield. They may make feeding less
No time limit should be set for the length of each painful, but often they do not. Their use does not enable
expressing session. The mother should be guided by the the mother to learn how to feed her baby correctly, and
milk flow, not the clock. Expressing should continue until their longer-term use may result in reduced milk transfer
milk flow slows, followed by a short break, and each breast from mother to baby. This in turn may result in mastitis
should be expressed twice, either separately (sequential in the mother (reduced milk removal), slow weight gain
pumping) or together (double pumping). When milk flow or prolonged feeds in the baby (reduced milk transfer), or
slows for the second time, the session should end. Fre- both. If mothers choose to use them, they should be

Section | 6 | The Neonate

advised to seek help with learning to attach the baby

comfortably without a nipple shield as soon as practicable Box 34.1 Babies who are difficult to attach
(McKechnie and Eglash 2010).
Inelastic breast tissue, overfull or engorged breasts or
deeply inverted nipples may present the baby with more
Other causes of soreness of a challenge.
Infection with Candida albicans (thrush) can occur, • If the breast is engorged, pushing away the oedema
by gently manipulating the tissue that lies under the
although it is not common during the first week following
areola may be all that is required.
the baby’s birth. Sudden development of pain after a
period of trouble-free feeding is suggestive of thrush. The • Hand expression, or the use of a breast pump, may
relieve fullness to the point where the baby can draw
nipple and areola are inflamed and shiny, and pain typi-
in the inner tissue to create the necessary teat from
cally persists throughout the feed. The baby may show
the breast.
signs of oral or anal thrush. Both mother and baby should
• If attachment is still difficult, try asking the mother
receive concurrent fungicidal treatment, such as micona-
to lie on her side with the short edge of a pillow
zole, and it may take several days for the pain in the nipple
under her ribs to raise the breast off the bed.
to disappear.
The midwife may need to assist the baby in
Dermatitis • If the midwife is unable to attach the baby to
the breast, the mother should be shown how
Sensitivity may develop to topical applications such as to hand express and how to give her colostrum
creams, ointments or sprays, including those used to treat to her baby.
• It may also be necessary to show the mother how to
use a breast pump (hand or electric). However, in the
Anatomical variations first 24–48 hours colostrum is usually best expressed
by hand.
Short nipples When attachment is difficult, the priorities should be
Short nipples should not cause problems as the baby is to ensure that the baby is adequately fed on his mother’s
able to form a teat from both the breast and nipple. milk, and to work on making the breast tissue more
elastic (both of which can be facilitated by hand or
Long nipples electrical expressing). Attaching the baby to the breast
directly can come later.
Long nipples can lead to poor feeding because although
the baby is able to latch on to the nipple, he is unable to
draw any breast tissue into his mouth, due to the length
of the nipple.
tous, painful and sometimes appear flushed. The mother
Abnormally large nipples
may be pyrexial. Engorgement is usually an indication that
If the baby is small, his mouth may not be able to get the baby is not keeping pace with the stage of lactation.
beyond the nipple and onto the breast. Lactation can be Engorgement may occur if feeds are delayed or restricted
initiated by expressing, by hand or by pump, provided the or if the baby is unable to feed efficiently because he is
nipple fits into the breastshield. As the baby grows and the not correctly attached to the breast.
breast and nipple become more protractile, breastfeeding Management should be aimed at enabling the baby to
may become possible. feed well (Box 34.1). In severe cases the only solution will
be the gentle use of a pump. This will reduce the tension
Inverted and flat nipples in the breast and will not cause excessive milk production.
If the nipple is deeply inverted it may be necessary to initi- The mother’s fluid intake should not be restricted, as this
ate lactation by expressing and delay attempting to attach has no effect on milk production.
the baby to the breast until lactation is established and the
breasts have become soft and the breast tissue more elastic.
Deep breast pain
In most cases, deep breast pain responds to improvement
Difficulties with breastfeeding in breastfeeding technique and is likely to be due to raised
intraductal pressure caused by inefficient milk removal.
Engorgement Although it may occur during the feed, it typically occurs
This condition occurs around the 3rd or 4th day following afterwards. This distinguishes it from the sensation of
the baby’s birth. The breasts become hard, often oedema- the let-down reflex, which some mothers experience as a

Infant feeding Chapter | 34 |

fleeting pain. Very rarely, deep breast pain may be the Breast abscess
result of ductal thrush infection.
A fluctuant swelling develops in a previously inflamed
area: namely a breast abscess. Pus may be discharged from
Mastitis the nipple. Simple needle aspiration may be effective, or
In the majority of cases, mastitis, an inflammation of the incision and drainage may be necessary (Dixon 1988). It
breast, is the result of milk stasis, not infection, although may not be possible for the baby to feed from the affected
infection may supervene (Thomsen et al 1984). Typically, breast for a few days, however milk removal should con-
one or more adjacent segments of breast tissue are tinue by expression with breastfeeding recommencing as
inflamed through milk being forced into the connective soon as practicable as this would reduce the chances of
tissue of the breast, and appear as wedge-shaped areas of further abscess formation (WHO 2000). A sinus that
redness and swelling. If milk is forced back into the blood- drains milk may form, but it is likely to heal in time.
stream, the woman’s pulse and temperature may rise and
in some cases flu-like symptoms, including shivering Blocked ducts
attacks or rigors, may occur. The presence or absence of
systemic symptoms does not help to distinguish infectious Lumpy areas in the breast are not uncommon, due to
from non-infectious mastitis (WHO 2000). distended glandular tissue. If such lumps become very firm
and tender and sometimes flushed, they are often described
Non-infective (acute intramammary) mastitis as blocked ducts. This description carries with it the image
of a physical obstruction within the lumen of the duct.
Non-infective (acute intramammary) mastitis results from
However, this is very rarely the cause of the symptoms. It
milk stasis and may occur during the early days of breast-
is much more likely that milk drainage has been somewhat
feeding as the result of unresolved engorgement or at any
uneven due to less than optimal attachment and that
time due to poor feeding technique when milk from one
secreted milk is trying to occupy more space than is actu-
or more segments of the breast is not being efficiently
ally available, causing the alveoli to distend. Milk may
drained by the baby. It occurs much more frequently in
subsequently be forced out into the connective tissue of
the breast that is opposite the mother’s dominant side for
the breast where it causes inflammation. The inflammatory
holding her baby (Inch and Fisher 1995). Pressure from
process narrows the lumen of the duct by exerting pressure
fingers or clothing has been blamed for causing the condi-
on it from the outside as the tissue swells, resulting in
tion, without any supporting evidence. It is extremely
mastitis or incipient mastitis. Consequently, the solution is
important that breastfeeding from the affected breast con-
to improve milk drainage by improved attachment, with
tinues, otherwise milk stasis will increase further, provid-
possibly milk expression, and to treat the accomp­anying
ing ideal conditions for pathogenic bacteria to replicate.
pain and inflammation. Massage, often advocated to clear
An infective condition could then arise, leading to abscess
the imagined blockage, may make matters worse, as all it
formation if left untreated.
does is force more milk into the surrounding tissue.
Where supervision is available from the midwife, 12–24
hours could elapse to ascertain whether the mastitis can
be resolved by helping the mother to improve her feeding White spots/epithelial overgrowth
technique and encouraging her to allow the baby to com-
Very occasionally, a ductal opening in the tip of the nipple
plete the first breast initially. If supervision is not available
may become obstructed by epithelial overgrowth. A white
or if there is no improvement during the 24 hours period,
blister is evident on the surface of the nipple, effectively
antibiotics such as cephalexin, flucloxacillin or erythromy-
causing a physical obstruction closing off the exit points
cin, should be given prophylactically (WHO 2000; RCM
from one or more milk-producing sections of the breast.
This may sometimes be resolved by the baby feeding. Alter-
Infective mastitis natively, after the baby has fed and the skin is softened, the
blister may be removed with a clean fingernail, a rough
The main cause of superficial breast infection is damage flannel, or a sterile needle. True blockages of this sort tend
to the epithelium, allowing bacteria to enter the underly- to recur, but once the woman understands how to deal
ing tissues. The damage usually results from incorrect with them, the progression to mastitis can be avoided.
attachment of the baby to the breast, which has caused
trauma to the nipple. The mother therefore requires urgent
assistance to improve her feeding technique, as well as Feeding difficulties due to the baby
appropriate antibiotics. Multiplication of bacteria may be
enhanced by the use of breast pads or shells. In spite of Colic in the breastfed baby
antibiotic therapy, abscess formation may occur. Infection Figure 34.16 represents diagrammatically the causes and
may also enter the breast via the milk ducts if milk stasis effects of secondary lactose intolerance – or ‘colic’ – in the
remains unresolved (WHO 2000). breastfed baby.

Section | 6 | The Neonate

Although not all abdominal discomfort is due to poor vacuum that is necessary to enable the baby to attach to
attachment, symptoms of ‘colic’ in a breastfed baby, such the breast is created between the tongue and the hard
as abdominal discomfort, excessive flatus/wind, explosive palate, not the breast and the lips.
stools, light green stools, may often be explained in terms
of the foremilk/hindmilk mixture that the baby receives
during the course of the feed/day. Cleft palate
If the baby is not well attached, he may not be able to Because of the cleft, the baby is unable to create a vacuum
access the fat-rich milk as the feed volume diminishes. and form a teat out of the breast and nipple. There is no
Since it is the fat that provides most of the calories, as well reason why the mother should be discouraged from
as slowing gastric emptying time, the poorly attached baby putting the baby to the breast, for comfort, pleasure or
will be hungry again sooner than he would be if he had food, provided that she is aware of the above and appreci-
been well attached. Once again (unless the mother makes ates that it is likely that she will need to give her baby her
changes to the attachment) the baby will receive another expressed milk as well. A variety of measures are available
‘low fat’ feed. to support feeding in infants thus affected until surgery
Over 24 hours the baby will have consumed a much can take place (around 6 months of age) but little to
greater volume of milk than he would have done if he had suggest that many of these babies will successfully breast-
been better attached. Since the concentration of lactose in feed (Reid 2004; Garcez and Guigliani 2005).
milk is fairly constant, he will have also received much more
lactose than otherwise. This excess lactose in the gut may
transitorily exceed the amount of the enzyme lactase Tongue tie (Ankyloglossia)
which the baby’s intestinal brush border is able to gener-
ate. The baby thus exhibits the signs of lactose intolerance/ If the baby cannot extend his tongue over his lower gum
lactase deficiency. The accumulated undigested lactose he is unlikely to be able to draw the breast deeply into
creates an osmotic gradient that draws water into the his mouth to feed effectively (Johnson 2006). This
bowel. Added to which the bacteria in the baby’s gut are may be due to the tongue being short or because the
provided with more substrate than usual, which they frenulum, which is the whitish strip of tissue attaching the
eagerly attack as an energy source, producing large quanti- tongue to the floor of the mouth, is too tight or not
ties of gas in the process (mostly carbon dioxide and stretchy enough. As the baby tries to lifts his tongue, the
methane). Distension of the gut by both fluid and gas tip may sometimes become heart-shaped as the frenulum
produces pain (cramping) and looser stools. These are pulls on it.
often green in colour due to the presence of bile that has Increasingly it is argued that more emphasis should be
not been re-absorbed. Depending on the extent of the placed on tongue function rather than simply its appear-
lactase deficiency and the quantity of lactose ingested, ance as tongue movement is more complex than simply
symptoms can range from mild abdominal discomfort to the ability to protrude it beyond the gum ridge. Many
severe dehydrating diarrhoea. practitioners maintain that when attention to attachment
(Among the pharmaceutical industry’s responses has does not resolve a breastfeeding problem, a full assess-
been the production of ‘over the counter’ simethicone and ment should be carried out, observing any impairment of
lactase, which distraught mothers can buy. Not only are activities that require a functional tongue (Hazelbaker
there no good quality trials demonstrating their effective- 2010).
ness in breastfed babies, there is a much simpler solution The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excel-
than trying to fix the symptoms – which is to address the lence recommended that the surgical release of the frenu-
cause – and improve attachment.) lum (frenotomy) was safe, only taking a few seconds to
If the baby who is not well attached can consume suf- perform in a young baby (NICE 2005). The procedure is
ficient milk in each 24-hour period to get the calories he usually bloodless and painless and its practice is further
needs, he will grow. But he may have to feed very fre- supported by evidence from clinical trials (Dollberg et al
quently to achieve this. Frequent feeds may in turn increase 2006; Hogan et al 2005) and ultrasound studies (Ramsay
his mother’s milk supply, giving rise to the frustrating 2005; Geddes et al 2008).
scenario of a mother with an abundant supply, yet a baby
who is feeding ‘round the clock’. If the baby simply cannot
hold enough milk, the situation above will be com- Blocked nose
pounded by a baby who is also failing to grow well. Babies normally breathe through their noses. Obstruction
causes great difficulty with feeding because they have to
interrupt the process in order to breathe. Blockages caused
Cleft lip by mucus may be relieved with a twist of damp cotton
Provided that the palate is intact, the presence of a cleft in wool, or by instilling drops of normal saline before a feed
the lip should not interfere with breastfeeding because the (Bollag et al 1984).

Infant feeding Chapter | 34 |

Down syndrome sought from the surgeon. If the nipple has been displaced,
the duct system may not be patent. Nickell and Skelton
Babies who have Down syndrome can be successfully
(2005) recommend that if surgery is proposed for a
breastfed, although extra help and encouragement may be
woman who wishes to breastfeed in the future, it may be
necessary initially (Chapter 32).
possible to alter the surgery to preserve the ductal system.
Ultimately, the only way to determine if the breast will
Prematurity function effectively is to test it by encouraging the baby to
go to the breast.
Preterm infants who have developed sucking and swallow-
ing reflexes may successfully breastfeed, which is consid-
ered to be less tiring than taking a feed by bottle (Meier Breast injury
and Cranston-Anderson 1987). However, if the reflexes are Injuries caused by scalding to the chest in childhood
not strongly developed, the baby may tire before the feed may cause such severe scarring that breastfeeding is impos-
is complete and complementary feeding by nasogastric sible. Burns or other accidents may also cause serious
tube may be necessary. damage.
Babies who are too immature to breastfeed may be able
to cup-feed, as an alternative to being tube-fed (Lang et al
1994). Less mature babies who are unable to suck or One breast only
swallow will be dependent on receiving nutrition via arti- It is perfectly possible to feed a baby effectively using just
ficial methods such as tube-feeding and intravenous one breast. If the mother has only one functioning breast,
alimentation. she should be reassured that each breast works independ-
ently of the other. If the baby is offered only one breast,
Illness or surgery that breast will make enough milk to feed that individual
baby. There are documented cases of women feeding two
In general, babies recover quickly following illness or babies with just one breast (Nicolls 1997).
surgery, but if they have never been to the breast, or if
feeding has been interrupted for a long period, the mother
will require skilled help from the midwife to initiate or Human immunodeficiency virus
re-establish feeding. (HIV) infection
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may be transmit-
ted in breastmilk. In developed countries, where formula
Contraindications to breastfeeding milk feeding is relatively safe, the mother may be advised
Breastfeeding may have to be suspended temporarily fol- not to breastfeed if she is HIV-positive (Chapter 13). In
lowing the administration of certain drugs, e.g. chloram- countries where formula feeding is a significant cause of
phenicol, or following diagnostic techniques using infant mortality, exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6
radiopharmaceuticals. Most regions have drug centres/ months may be the safer option (Coutsoudis et al 1999;
hospital pharmacy information services where advice may Coovadia et al 2007; WHO et al 2010).
be sought about the safety of drugs for lactating women.

Cessation of lactation
Suppression of lactation
If the mother has carcinoma, the cytotoxic treatment she
receives will make it impossible to breastfeed without If a mother chooses not to breastfeed, or if she has a late
causing harm to the baby. However, if she wishes to, she miscarriage or stillbirth, lactation will still commence. The
could express and discard her milk for the duration of the woman may experience discomfort for a day or two, but
treatment and resume breastfeeding later. If she has had a if unstimulated the breasts will naturally cease to produce
mastectomy, she may feed successfully from the other milk. Very rarely, severe discomfort with engorgement
breast. The woman may also be able to breastfeed follow- occurs. Expressing small amounts of milk once or twice
ing a lumpectomy for carcinoma, but it is advisable to seek can afford great relief without interfering with the rapid
advice from her surgeon. regression of the condition. The mother will be more com-
fortable if her breasts are supported, but it is doubtful if
binding the breasts contributes anything towards suppres-
Breast surgery sion (Swift and Janke 2003).
Neither breast reduction nor augmentation is an inevita- There is no basis on which to advise the mother
ble contraindication to breastfeeding, but much depends to restrict her fluid intake or to seek a prescription for a
on the techniques used. Where possible, advice should be diuretic, which will be equally ineffective (Hodge 1967).

Section | 6 | The Neonate

These measures merely add to the woman’s discomfort by as an alternative to helping the mother with breastfeeding
making her thirsty. Pharmacological suppression of lacta- or expressing milk. Exposure to non-human milk proteins
tion with dopamine receptor agonists such as bromocrip- has been implicated in the development of type 1 diabe-
tine and cabergoline is effective but is not recommended tes, eczema and wheeze/asthma (Renfrew et al 2012).
for routine use. Bromocriptine and cabergoline are cur- Even a single exposure can sensitize susceptible infants
rently licensed in the UK, although bromocriptine had its (Host 1991).
licence withdrawn in the United States of America (USA) The 2010 Infant Feeding Survey (McAndrew et al 2012)
some time ago. found that 31% of babies born in UK hospitals received
breastmilk substitutes while in hospital. The mothers of
Discontinuation of breastfeeding these babies were three times more likely to have given up
breastfeeding by the time their baby was a week old, in
Discontinuing lactation abruptly once breastfeeding has
comparison with mothers whose babies received only
become established may cause serious problems for the
woman, leading to engorgement, mastitis or even a breast
About 10% of newborns are at risk of hypoglycaemia
abscess. The woman should be encouraged to mimic
(Chapter 33), and may thus need a higher calorific intake
normal weaning by expressing her breasts, reducing the
straight from birth than their mothers can provide. Where
frequency over several days or possibly weeks. The gradual
possible this should be the mother’s expressed colostrum
reduction in the volume of milk removed from the breasts
or human milk obtained from a human milk bank.
results in a corresponding diminution in the production
Babies who are well but sleepy (Box 34.2), jaundiced
of milk. Eventually the woman should be encouraged to
(Chapter 33), unsettled (Box 34.3), or difficult to attach
express only if she feels uncomfortable. Pharmacological
(see Box 34.1 above), should be given their mother’s own
suppression using cabergoline might be appropriate fol-
expressed milk if necessary, in addition to being offered
lowing the death of a baby.
the breast.
If complementary feeds are clinically indicated and the
Returning to work mother cannot express sufficiently, donor milk from a
If the breastfeeding mother returns to work, her baby will human milk bank could be used. Donors are serologically
require feeding in her absence. If the woman wishes her tested for HIV and other conditions.
baby to continue taking breastmilk, she will need to If the baby is very young, additional feeds should be
express her milk in advance. However, if the woman finds given by oral syringe or cup, rather than by bottle. An oral
it difficult to express her milk at work, her baby could syringe (or dropper) will reduce wastage and the use of a
receive a formula feed (or solid food, if over 6 months), cup would allow the baby to remain more in control of
while she is away, but continue breastfeeding at all other their intake. If the difficulty persists, for example with
times. Returning to work does not mean that breastfeeding attachment, the mother may find it quicker and more
has to be terminated.

Weaning from the breast Box 34.2 ‘Sleepy’ babies

When the mother or the baby decides to stop breastfeed- Provided that the baby is otherwise well, which will be
ing, feeds should be tailed off gradually. Breastfeeds may determined by examining the baby from time to time,
be omitted, one at a time, and spaced further apart. Adding there is no evidence that long intervals between feeds
supplementary foods should not begin until about 6 have any adverse affect. As few as three feeds in the first
months of age. If the mother uses solid food to give the 24 hours of life is within the normal range.
baby tasters and the experience of different textures before • The baby should remain close to the mother, in
weaning, these should be given after the breastfeed. Solid accordance with UNICEF–UK (2012b guidelines). The
foods given to the baby before the breastfeed (weaning) mother will thus be able to respond immediately to
will result in them taking less milk from the breast and her baby’s feeding cues.
less milk being produced. Allowing the baby to lead the • The baby could be roused at intervals, possibly by
process of weaning (Rapley 2012) may make the transition changing the nappy, and being offered the breast.
much easier. • The baby could be undressed down to the nappy and
placed in skin contact with the mother and offered
Complementary and the breast.
• The mother could be shown how to hand express
supplementary feeds some colostrum, and how to give this to the baby.
Complementary feeds or top-ups are feeds given to the baby • It is unnecessary to measure the baby’s blood glucose
after a breastfeed. Complementary feeds of breastmilk sub- levels (see Chapter 33).
stitutes (formula milk) should be given as a last resort, not

Infant feeding Chapter | 34 |

Box 34.3 If the baby is unsettled Box 34.4 Donated breastmilk

An unsettled baby of any age that is crying again soon If you are offering a mother donated human milk for her
after he has been fed may not have been well attached. baby for any reason, she might find the information
• Observe what the mother is doing and, if necessary, below helpful in deciding whether to accept it.
guide her or help her directly. • All human milk donors meet the same criteria as
• If the attachment is good, then the baby may be blood donors; they are in a low risk group to start
reacting to being removed from the closeness of the with and give consent to an HIV blood test
mother’s body. If the mother needs to sleep, suggest • All human milk donors sign a form to that effect and
that she feeds lying down and help her if necessary. all have their blood tested.
However, it is imperative that the baby’s safety is • Almost all donors are currently feeding their own
maintained should the feed take place in the bed. baby while donating.
• The mother might try to express some colostrum/milk • No donated milk is used for any baby until the results
to give to the baby if she is concerned that the baby of the donor’s blood test have been received.
has not received all that he can from the breast • All donated milk is collected in sterilized bottles, kept
• Some babies will appear unsettled even if they have in the fridge and frozen within 24 hours of
fed well at the breast. The baby may be expression.
uncomfortable. The act of changing the nappy may • When it arrives, still frozen, at the milk bank, it is
help; so may wrapping the baby comfortably but thawed, a small sample taken for bacteriological
securely and providing rhythmic motion, such as screening and the rest is pasteurized.
walking or holding the baby over the shoulder or over
• After pasteurization another small sample is taken (for
the forearm, both of which apply gentle pressure to
post-pasteurization bacteriological screening) and the
the baby’s abdomen to help settle him down
rest refrozen in a holding freezer.
• Show the mother what you are doing, so that she
• Only when the results of both samples have been
learns appropriate coping strategies from you.
received is the milk transferred to the freezer from
• If you give the baby formula or a dummy to settle which it can be used for preterm and term babies.
him, that is what the mother will do when she goes
• Donors are not paid for the milk they donate: it is
freely given! Quite often, mothers choose to donate
• Do not offer to remove the baby. Separating mother milk because their own babies were themselves
and baby, particularly removing the baby at night in helped in this way by the generosity of other mothers.
the mistaken belief that the mother will benefit if she
does not wake to breastfeed her baby at night, is
strongly correlated with reduced breastfeeding success
(WHO, 1998).
• If the mother asks you to, and you agree to take the HIV (Eglin and Wilkinson 1987) and the importance of
baby away to settle, return the baby to her when he human milk in preventing necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)
wakes again to be fed. (Quigley et al 2008). This resulted in the formation of the
UK Association for Milk Banking (UKAMB) in 1998 and
re-establishing human milk banks.
Banked human milk is used predominantly for preterm
efficient to give her expressed milk to the baby by bottle. and sick babies. Occasionally, if there is sufficient, it is
There is no evidence that the baby will subsequently refuse used for term babies whose mothers are temporarily
the breast in these circumstances (Brown et al 1999; unable to meet their babies’ needs with their own expressed
Howard et al 2003; Flint et al 2007). milk. Mothers who are offered donated milk for their
Supplementary feeds are feeds given in place of a breastfeed. babies must have sufficient information about the collec-
There is no justification for their use except in exceptional tion and screening of human milk to enable them to make
circumstances, such as severe illness or unconsciousness. an informed choice whether or not to accept it (see
This is because each breastfeed that is missed by the baby Box 34.4).
interferes with the establishment of lactation and affects
the mother’s confidence in being able to successfully breast-
feed her baby.
Human milk banking
Research over the past couple of decades has demonstrated Although the majority of women who choose to breast-
the effectiveness of pasteurization as a means of destroying feed have made this decision very early on, some may not

Section | 6 | The Neonate

make a final decision until after giving birth. The subject

of infant feeding should be part of an ongoing conversa- FEEDING WITH FORMULA MILK
tion that the woman has with her midwife as her pregancy
progresses. During these conversations the midwife should Most breastmilk substitutes (infant formulae) are modi-
share the value of skin contact for all mothers and babies, fied cow’s milk. The minimum and maximum permitted
explore what parents already know about breastfeeding levels of named ingredients, and named prohibited ingre-
and help them to appreciate the value of breastfeeding as dients in all cow’s milk-based (and soya infant) formulae
protection, comfort and food so they can make an have to meet strict criteria (Infant Formula and Follow-on
informed choice (UNICEF–UK 2012b). Formula Regulations 2007). However, considerable varia-
Observing a baby being breastfed can strongly influence tions in composition exist within the legally permitted
the decision to breastfeed either positively or negatively, ranges.
depending on the context (Hoddinott and Pill 1999). This The two main components are skimmed milk, which is a
is of particular relevance for women for whom theoretical by-product of butter manufacture, and whey, which is a
knowledge may have less power than embodied knowl- by-product of cheese manufacture. Breastmilk substitutes
edge. Peer group support can influence both initiation and may contain fats from any source, animal or vegetable,
continuation of breastfeeding (Fairbank et al 2000) and except from sesame and cotton, provided that they do not
introducing pregnant women to other mothers who are contain >8% trans isomers of fatty acids. The fat source
breastfeeding young babies may also be helpful. This is may not always be apparent from reading the label: for
now done in many ‘Baby Cafés’ throughout the UK. example oleo is beef fat and would be unacceptable to
Time should be taken during the antenatal period Hindus and vegetarians, and oils of vegetable origin may
to talk briefly about the day-to-day progress and manage- have come from marine algae. Formula milks may also
ment of early breastfeeding. The woman should be contain soya protein, maltodextrin, dried glucose syrup
aware that: and gelatinized and pre-cooked starch.
• Breastfeeding is a learned skill.
• It should not hurt.
• She does not need to be taught the major details of Types of formula milk
management until after the baby is born. There are two main types of formula milk: whey-dominant
The midwife’s responsibility to the woman is to ensure and casein-dominant. Both can be used from birth. There
that her choice is fully informed, rather than to persuade is a comprehensive and quarterly updated report for
her to breastfeed. This cannot be achieved if the midwife health professionals called Infant Milks in the UK (Crawley
withholds information from her. The nutritional and and Westland 2013) produced by an independent charity,
immunological consequences of not breastfeeding are First Steps Nutrition Trust.
seen in population studies, and are to do with relative
risks. It is not possible to narrow the risk down to the Whey-dominant formulae
individual. Nevertheless, all pregnant women should be
made aware that, compared with a fully breastfed baby, a In these, a small amount of skimmed milk is combined
baby fed on formula milk from birth is: with demineralized whey. The ratio of proteins in the
formulae approximates to the ratio of whey to casein
• five times more likely to be hospitalized with found in human milk (60 : 40). These feeds are more easily
gastroenteritis (within the first 3 months of life) digested than the casein-dominant formulae, which have
• five times more likely to suffer from urine infections an effect on gastric emptying times, with feeding patterns
(within the first 6 months of life) that more closely resemble those of breastfed babies.
• twice as likely to suffer from chest infections (within
the first 7 years of life) Casein-dominant formulae
• twice as likely to suffer from ear infections (within
the 1st year of life) Although these formulae are also promoted as suitable for
• twice as likely to develop atopic disease where there use from birth and are aimed at mothers whose babies are
is a family history hungrier, their use is not recommended for young babies.
• up to 20 times more likely to develop necrotizing Whilst the macronutrient proportions (fat, carbohydrate,
enterocolitis if born prematurely. protein, etc.) are the same as in whey-dominant formulae,
more of the protein is in the form of casein (20 : 80). The
Additionally, the pregnant woman should know that she higher casein content causes large, relatively indigestible
may increase her own risk of postnatal depression, pre- curds to form in the baby’s stomach, intending to make
menopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporo- them feel full for longer. There is no evidence that babies
sis if she does not breastfeed (UNICEF and Department of settle better or sleep longer if given these milks (Taitz and
Health 2012). Scholey 1989; Thorkelsson et al 1994).

Infant feeding Chapter | 34 |

Milks for babies intolerant of of inducing soya protein intolerance in the child and soya
standard formulae protein is much harder to avoid in the weaning diet than
dairy products.
Predicting which babies will be prone to allergies is an
inexact science. It is estimated that the likelihood of a baby
Goat’s milk formula
being predisposed to allergy is about 20–35% if one
parent is affected, 40–60% if both parents are affected and The European Food Standards Agency (EFSA) (2006) con-
50–70% if both parents have the same allergy (Brostoff cluded that there were insufficient data to establish the suit-
and Gamlin 1998). ability of goat’s milk protein as a protein source in infant
formula, and since March 2007 infant milks based on goat’s
Hydrolysate formula milk were no longer sold in the UK. However, in 2012, EFSA
revised their conclusion on the suitability of goat’s milk as
Hydrolysate formula is made of cow’s milk, cornstarch and a protein source for infant and follow-on formula milks
other foods, treated with digestive enzymes so that the and the expectation was that the Infant Formula and
milk proteins are partially broken down. It has been Follow-on Formula (England) Regulations (2007) would
thought in the past that these alternatives carry less risk of be changed sometime in 2013 to allow goat’s milk-based
allergy than standard formulae. infant milks (Crawley and Westland 2013). However, at the
Some of these (prescription-only) hydrolysates are time of going to press these changes have yet to be made.
intended to treat an existing allergy, and others are designed
for preventative use in babies who are at high risk of devel-
oping cow’s milk protein allergy and who are not breast- Choosing a breastmilk substitute
feeding (Brostoff and Gamlin 1998). Not only are these
substances considerably more expensive than either stand- Although not always enforced, it is an offence under UK
ard or soya-based formula, NICE (2008) guidance now law to sell any infant formula as being suitable from birth
maintains that there is insufficient evidence that infant unless it meets the criteria set out in the Infant Formula
formula based on partially or extensively hydrolysed cow’s and Follow-on Formula Regulations (2007). Despite
milk protein helps prevent allergies. claims made by formula manufacturers, there is no
obvious scientific basis on which to recommend one
Whey hydrolysates brand over another.
It is not necessary for the mother to stick to one brand,
These formulae are made from the whey of cow’s milk and if she finds that one formula milk does not suit her
(rather than from whole milk) and have been thought to baby she could try an alternative brand. This has been
be potentially more useful for highly allergenic babies. made easier by the availability of ready-to-feed sachets or
cartons, with which mothers can experiment without
Amino-acid-based formula, having to buy large quantities of formula milk. Babies
or elemental formula with underlying metabolic disorders, such as galactosae-
Amino-acid-based formula, or elemental formula has a mia or phenylketonuria, however, require the appropriate,
completely synthetic protein base, providing essential and prescribable breastmilk substitute.
non-essential amino acids, together with fat, maltodextrin, As formula milks are highly processed, factory-produced
vitamins, minerals and trace elements. This type of formula products, there inevitably can arise inadvertent errors,
milk is very expensive. such as too much or too little of an ingredient, accidental
contamination, incorrect labelling and foreign bodies. It
Soya-based formula is therefore imperative that mothers are advised to inspect
Soya-based formula was developed as a response to the the contents of the tin or packet before use and if it looks
emergence of cow’s milk protein intolerance in babies fed or smells strange, return it to the seller.
on formula milk. However, there has been mounting evi-
dence that soya-based formula’s high phytoestrogen
Preparation of an artificial feed
content could pose a risk to the long-term reproductive
health of infants (Martyn 1999; Minchin 2001). Conse- The introduction of ready-to-feed formula in hospital may
quently soya-based formula milk should be used only in save staff time, but it reduces the likelihood that the
exceptional circumstances to ensure adequate nutrition, mother who chooses to feed her baby with formula milk
for example with babies of vegan parents who are not will have been shown how to prepare a bottle feed
breastfeeding or babies who are unable to tolerate alterna- safely before she goes home (Kaufmann 1999). It is now
tives, such as amino-acid formulae (Crawley and Westland required, in Baby Friendly-accredited hospitals that all
2013). mothers intending to formula-feed their baby are given the
Many babies who are intolerant of cow’s milk are also information they need to do so in a way that reduces the
intolerant of soya. Early soya formula feeding runs the risk risk to the baby (UNICEF–UK 2012b).

Section | 6 | The Neonate

All powdered formula feed available in the UK is now any advantage over any other. The mother should feel free
reconstituted using one scoopful (the scoop being pro- to experiment, and use the type of teat that seems to suit
vided with the powder) to 30 ml of cooled boiled water. her baby. It may be easier for the baby to use a simple soft
Clear instructions about the volumes of powder and water long teat than industry-labelled orthodontic teats (Kassing
are also printed on the container. Many of the major UK 2002).
manufacturers of formula milk now produce ready-to-feed Feeding bottles must also meet the UK standard. This
cartons, reducing the risk of over- or under-concentration, means they will be made of food-grade plastic and have
but precluding universal use through higher cost. Another relatively smooth interiors. Crevices and grooves in a
advantage of ready-to-feed formula is that the contents are bottle make cleaning difficult. Patterned or decorated
sterile whereas powdered milk, in tins or packets, is not. bottles make it less easy to see whether the bottle is clean.
In response to growing concerns about bacterial con-
taminants in these powders, the WHO produced guidelines
on the safe preparation, storage and handling of powdered Sterilization of feeding equipment
infant formula (WHO 2007), and the Food Standards Effective cleaning of all utensils used should be demon-
Agency (FSA) and Department of Health subsequently strated to the mother and methods of sterilization dis-
changed their recommendations in relation to reconstitu- cussed. The most important prerequisite is that all
tion. Anyone making up feeds from powder is advised to equipment is thoroughly washed in hot, soapy water and
make each feed just before it is needed, using water that well rinsed before proceeding further. If boiling is to be
has boiled and cooled to 70 °C, adding the powder, allow- used, full immersion is essential and the contents must be
ing the milk to cool and giving the feed straight away. Any boiled for 10 minutes. If cold sterilization using a
remaining milk should be discarded (DH 2012). hypochlorite solution is the method of choice, the utensils
must be fully immersed in the solution for the recom-
The water supply mended time. The manufacturer’s advice must be followed
when rinsing items removed from the solution. If the item
It is essential that the water used is free from bacterial is to be rinsed, previously boiled water should be used and
contamination and any harmful chemicals. It is generally not water directly from the tap. Steam and microwave
assumed in the UK that boiled tap water will meet sterilization are also possible, but the mother should
these criteria, but from time to time this is shown not check that her equipment can withstand such methods.
to be the case. If bottled water is used, a still, non-
mineralized variety suitable for babies must be chosen and
it should be boiled as usual. Softened water is usually Bottle teats
The size of the hole in the teat causes much anxiety to
mothers. It is probably a good idea to have several teats
Feeding equipment with holes of different sizes so that the mother can experi-
ment as necessary. To test the hole size, turn the bottle upside
Concern over the nitrosamine content of rubber teats and
down and the milk should drip at a rate of about one drop per
dummies was addressed in the EU in 1993, and since
1995, teats and dummies that do not comply with the
1993 directive (EFSA 1993) have been prohibited. However
teats that are frequently boiled can quickly become spongy
Feeding the baby with the bottle
and swollen. The alternative, silicone teats, have been
known to split with repeated use. Mothers should be The baby must never be left unattended while feeding
advised to check teats regularly for signs of damage and from a bottle and mothers should be warned about the
discard them if in doubt. dangers of bottle propping. The mother should try to simu-
No bottle teat is like a breast. Real-time ultrasound late breastfeeding conditions for the baby by holding the
measurements of infants during sucking using different baby close, maintaining eye-to-eye contact and allowing
types of teats were made by researchers (Nowak et al the baby to determine his intake. The baby should be held
1994) to determine the percentage of lengthening, lateral fairly upright, with his head supported in a comfortable,
compression and flattening of the teats. Comparison with neutral position.
data obtained from studies using breastfed infants showed The innate skills a baby has for breastfeeding should also
none of the teats lengthened like the human nipple. Scheel be used when feeding from a bottle. The baby’s lips should
et al (2005) investigated the relative merits of three differ- be touched to elicit the mouth to open wide and the teat
ent types of teats. The rate of milk transfer for the preterm should follow the line of the baby’s tongue, so that the baby
babies studied was the primary outcome measure. Suction uses the teat effectively. The bottle should be held horizon-
amplitude and duration of the generated negative intraoral tal to the ground, tilted just enough to ensure the baby is
suction pressure were also measured. No type of teat had taking milk, not air, through the teat (UNICEF–UK 2010b).

Infant feeding Chapter | 34 |

When correctly prepared, modern formula milks do not • No financial or material gifts to health workers for
cause hypernatraemia as did the older types. There is there- the purpose of promoting products, nor free or
fore no need to give the baby extra water. subsidized supplies to hospitals or maternity wards.
The stools and vomit of a baby fed on formula milk • Information provided by manufacturers to health
have an unpleasant sour smell. The stools tend to be more workers should include only scientific and factual
formed than those of a breastfed baby and, unlike a breast- material, and not create or imply a belief that
fed baby, there is a real risk that the artificially fed baby bottle-feeding is equivalent or superior to
may become constipated. breastfeeding.
• Health workers should encourage and protect
Healthy Start (and the Welfare
The code does not prevent mothers from feeding their
Food Scheme) babies with infant formula, but rather seeks to contribute
In 1940 the Welfare Food Scheme was established in the to safe, adequate nutrition for babies and to promote and
UK, providing tokens to families on low incomes to be protect breastfeeding.
exchanged for liquid milk or breastmilk substitutes. This
scheme was replaced, in November 2006, by the Healthy
Start Initiative. This scheme broadened the nutritional base
of the Welfare Food Scheme to allow fruit and vegetables
as well as liquid milk or breastmilk substitutes to be INITIATIVE
obtained through the exchange of fixed value vouchers at
a range of food and supermarket outlets. Those eligible to The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFI) was an initia-
receive the vouchers include: tive launched worldwide in 1991 (and in the UK in 1994)
• Pregnant women and families with children under by WHO and UNICEF to encourage hospitals to promote
the age of 4 years who receive: practices supportive of breastfeeding. It was focused
■ Income Support
around the 10 steps to successful breastfeeding (Box 34.5),
■ Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or
with which all hospitals who wish to achieve Baby Friendly
■ Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax Credit),
status must comply (WHO/UNICEF 1989). Evidence for
with an annual family income of ≤£16 190 a year
• All pregnant women under the age of 18, whether or Box 34.5 The 10 steps to successful
not they are receiving benefits or tax credits. breastfeeding
Those eligible for vouchers are also entitled to free vitamin
supplements for themselves, and for their children from 1. Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely
6 months until their 4th birthday. communicated to all healthcare staff.
2. Train all healthcare staff in skills necessary to
implement this policy.
Midwives and the International 3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and
Code of Marketing of Breastmilk management of breastfeeding.
Substitutes 4. Help mothers initiate breastfeeding soon after birth.
5. Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to
In 1981, the combined forces of WHO and UNICEF pro- maintain lactation even if they should be separated
duced a marketing code (WHO 1981), which was adopted from their infants.
at the 34th World Health Assembly. The code has major
6. Give newborn infants no food or drink other than
implications for the work of midwives. Although it is at breastmilk, unless medically indicated.
present a voluntary code in most countries, some coun-
7. Practice rooming-in: allow mothers and infants to
tries now have the code enshrined in law. Recommenda-
remain together 24 hours a day.
tions include:
8. Encourage breastfeeding on demand.
• No advertising or promotion in hospitals, shops or 9. Give no artificial teats or dummies to breastfeeding
to the general public (this includes posters and infants.
advertisements in mother-and-baby books). 10. Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support
• Not giving free samples of breastmilk substitutes to groups and refer mothers to them on discharge from
mothers. hospital or clinic.
• No free gifts relating to products within the scope of
the code to be given to mothers (including discount WHO/UNICEF 1989
coupons or special offers).

Section | 6 | The Neonate

the 10 steps is contained in the WHO/UNICEF document • To be given accurate and consistent advice about
of the same name (Vallenas and Savage 1998). This has how to breastfeed and to make enough milk for the
subsequently been extended to community-based facili- baby
ties, neonatal units and university training programmes • To be shown how to express milk by hand
for midwifery and health visiting, all of which can be BFI- • To receive information about how to get more
accredited in their own right. In addition, all accredited support for breastfeeding, should they need it, once
Baby Friendly facilities must fully implement the Interna- they leave hospital
tional Code on the Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. • That the baby will not be given water or artificial
Mothers should expect a certain standard of care from baby milk, unless this is needed for a medical
a Baby Friendly hospital (UNICEF–UK 2011c): reason.
When pregnant: A mother can expect that staff will support her if she
• To have a full discussion about caring for and decides that she wants to care for her baby differently or
feeding their baby, including the benefits of she does not want the information offered. If she decides
breastfeeding, so that they have all the facts to make to feed her baby with formula milk, she can expect to be
an informed choice. asked if she wants to be shown how to make up a bottle
feed safely and correctly.
When the baby is born:
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excel-
• To be given their baby to hold against their
lence (NICE 2006a) recommended that all maternity care
skin straight after they are born, for as long as
providers should implement an externally evaluated,
they want
structured programme encouraging breastfeeding, using
• To have a midwife offer them help to start
the BFI as a minimum standard. Thus all such healthcare
breastfeeding as soon as possible after the baby is
providers should either implement NICE guidance or
perform a risk assessment if they reject it (that is, placed
• To have their baby stay with them at all times.
on a risk register). Rejection on the grounds of cost, which
If they decide to breastfeed: has often been cited as a reason for not implementing BFI
• To be shown how to hold the baby and how to help in the past, is unlikely to be acceptable, as NICE econo-
him latch on – making sure the baby gets enough mists have documented the fact that implementation
milk and feeding is not painful would be cost-effective (NICE 2006b; UNICEF–UK 2012a).


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assessment tool. Available at: www and Development, WHO, Geneva UNICEF/UNAIDS 2010 Guidelines
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5 August 2013) determination. Annals of Anatomy 9789241599535_eng.pdf (accessed
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formula for parents who are bottle Waldenström U, Swensen Å 1991 Widström A M, Ransjo-Arvidson A B,
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.org.uk/BabyFriendly/Resources/ postpartum ward. Midwifery 7: suction in healthy newborn infants.
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infant-formula-for-parents-who-are- White A, Freith S, O’Brien M 1992 76:566–78
bottle-feeding/ (accessed 5 August Infant feeding 1990. Survey carried Wilde C J, Addey C V P, Boddy L M
2013) out for the Department of Health by et al 1995 Autocrine regulation
UNICEF–UK 2011a Caring for your the Office of Population Censuses of milk secretion by a protein in
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Available at: www.unicef.org.uk/ preparation, storage and handling of intake during breast-feeding.
Documents/Baby_Friendly/Research/ powdered infant formula. WHO Early Human Development 7:
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August 2013) pif2007/en/ (accessed 5 August Overfeeding and symptoms of
UNICEF–UK 2012b Guide to the Baby 2013) malabsorption in the breast-fed
Friendly Initiative standards. WHO (World Health Organization)/ baby: a possible artefact of feed
Available at: www.unicef.org.uk/ UNICEF 1989 Joint statement management? Lancet ii:382–4
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New-Baby-Friendly-Standards/ supporting breastfeeding. WHO, cow’s milk as a cause of iron
(accessed 5 August 2013) Geneva deficiency in infants and toddlers.
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Section | 6 | The Neonate


Hale T, Hartmann P 2007 Hale and Infant Formula and Follow-on Formula blend wisdom, experience, idealism and
Hartmann’s textbook of human Regulations 1995; updated 2007 learning to produce a clear, basic
lactation. Hale Publishing, Amarillo Stationery Office, London. Online. breastfeeding guide that is focused primarily
TX Available at: www.legislation.gov.uk/ at mothers.
A multi-author textbook, in six sections: uksi/2007/3521/contents/made World Health Organization (WHO)/
anatomy and biochemistry, immunobiology, This is the UK government’s response to the UNICEF 1981 International Code of
management of the infant, management of European Directive 1991 (91/321/EEC OJ Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes.
the mother, maternal and infant nutrition No. L175, 4.7.91), which sought to Online. Available at: www
and medications. persuade all EU countries to adopt the .babymilkaction.org/regs/thecode
Hall Moran V (ed) 2012 Maternal and International Code of Marketing of .html
infant nutrition and nurture: Breastmilk Substitutes. It still falls short of This was adopted by a resolution
controversies and challenges, 2nd the code in several important respects, (WHA34.22) of the World Health
edn. Quay Books, London notably in relation to advertising. Assembly in 1981. A copy of the code can
This multi-author book uses a Palmer G 2009 The politics of breast- also be obtained from Baby Milk Action
sociobiological perspective to examine the feeding, 3rd edn. Pinter and Martin, (see Useful Websites and Contact Details,
complex interaction between political, London below).
sociocultural and biological factors in food This book links biology and politics (sexual, World Health Organization (WHO)
and health in relation to maternal and economic and environmental) in an 1989 Protecting, promoting and
infant nutrition. exploration of the consequences of women’s supporting breast-feeding: the special
Inch S, Fisher C 1999 Breast-feeding: changing role in society and the role of maternity services. A Joint
into the 21st century. NT clinical acceleration of the Industrial Revolution, WHO/UNICEF Statement. WHO,
monographs, No. 32. Emap which created the demand for ‘artificial Geneva
Healthcare, London. Available at milks’. This is the document that first set out the
www.amazon.ca/dp/190249976X Renfrew M J, Fisher C, Arms S 2004 10 steps for successful breastfeeding, which
A concise but wide-ranging review of the Breastfeeding: how to breastfeed formed the basis of the global Baby Friendly
importance of breastfeeding, the difficulties your baby, 3rd edn. Celestial Arts, Hospital Initiative, and makes
facing midwives who want to help Berkeley, CA recommendations concerning the structure
breastfeeding women and the ways in Taking up where texts addressed primarily and function of (maternity) healthcare
which these might be overcome. to health workers leave off, the authors services.


Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: Breastfeeding Network: National Childbirth Trust:

www.abm.me.uk www.breastfeedingnetwork www.nct.org.uk
Helpline: tel 0300 330 5453 .org.uk Tel: 0870 444 8708; enquiry line:
Baby Milk Action: BfN Supporterline: tel 0300 100 0210 0870 444 8707
www.babymilkaction.org CLAPA (Cleft Lip And Palate UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative:
34 Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 Association): www.babyfriendly.org.uk
1QY. Tel 01223 464420 www.clapa.com Africa House, 64–78 Kingsway, London
Baby Feeding Law Group: 235–237 Finchley Road, London NW3 WC2B 6NB. Tel: 0300 330 0700
www.babyfeedinglawgroup.org.uk/ 6LS. Tel 020 7431 0033 A short video How to hand express is
The Baby Feeding Law Group is made up Healthy Start Initiative: available at: www.unicef.org.uk/
of leading UK health professional and www.healthystart.nhs.uk BabyFriendly/Resources/AudioVideo/
mother support organizations working to La Leche League: Hand-expression/
strengthen UK baby feeding laws in line www.laleche.org.uk
with UN recommendations. Helpline: tel 0845 120 2918

Glossary of terms and acronyms
Abruptio placenta: Premature Augmentation of labour: Caput succedaneum: A diffuse
separation of a normally situated Intervention to correct slow oedematous swelling under the
placenta. This term is commonly progress in labour. scalp but above the periosteum.
used from viability (24 weeks). Bandl’s ring: An exaggerated Cardiotocogram/graphy
Acridine orange: A stain used in retraction ring seen as an oblique (CTG): Measurement of the fetal
fluorescence microscopy; it that ridge above the symphysis pubis heart rate and uterine contractions
causes bacteria to fluoresce green between the upper and lower on a machine that is able to
to red. uterine segments, which is a sign provide a paper printout of the
Aetiology: The science of the cause of obstructed labour. information it records.
of disease. Basal body temperature: The Care of the Next Infant (CONI): A
Affective awareness: An awareness temperature of the body when at programme of support facilitated
of feelings and ability to express rest. In natural family planning, by The Lullaby Trust (previously
them. it is taken as soon as the woman known as the Foundation for the
Affective neutrality: Known as wakes from sleep and before any Study of Infant Deaths [FSID]).
professional detachment. activity occurs or after a period of Caseload practice: A personal
Alveoli: Terminal sacs at the end of at least 1 hour’s rest. caseload where named midwives
the bronchial tree where gaseous Basal plate: The maternal side of care for individual women.
exchange takes place. the placenta. Central venous pressure (CVP)
Anhedonia: The loss of pleasure. Beneficence: To do good. line: An intravenous (IV) tube
Amenorrhoea: Absence of Bicornuate uterus: A structural that measures the pressure in the
menstrual periods. congenital malformation of the right atrium or superior vena cava,
Amniotic fluid embolism uterus that results in two horns; indicating the volume of blood
(AFE): The escape of amniotic commonly referred to as a returning to the heart and by
fluid through the wall of the ‘heart-shaped’ uterus. implication, hypovolaemia.
uterus or placental site into the Bioavailability: The degree to which Cephalhaematoma
maternal circulation, triggering or rate at which a drug or other (cephalohaematoma): An
life-threatening anaphylactic substance becomes available to effusion of blood under the
shock in the mother. (The word the target tissue after periosteum that covers the skull
‘embolism’, denoting a clot, is a administration. bones.
misnomer.) Bioequivalent: Acting on the body Cephalopelvic disproportion
Amniotomy: Artificial rupture of the with the same strength and similar (CPD): Disparity between the size
amniotic sac. bioavailability as the same dosage of the woman’s pelvis and the
Anteflexion: The uterus bends of a sample of a given substance. fetal head.
forwards upon itself. Bipolar disorder: A mental illness or Cerclage: Non-absorbable suture
Anterior obliquity of the mood disorder where the inserted to keep cervix closed.
uterus: Altered uterine axis. The individual experiences periods of Cervical eversion: Physiological
uterus leans forward due to poor depression and elevated mood response by cervical cells to
maternal abdominal muscles and (mania). (Previously known as hormonal changes in pregnancy.
a pendulous abdomen. manic depression.) Cells proliferate and cause the
Anteversion: The uterus leans Birth centres: These may be cervix to appear eroded.
forward. freestanding (away from hospital) Cervical intra-epithelial neoplasm
Antigen: A substance that stimulates or in hospital grounds or in the (CIN): Progressive and abnormal
the production of an antibody. hospital. The emphasis is on growth of cervical cells.
Anuria: Lack of urine production. providing a less medical Cervical ripening: Process by which
Apnoea: An absence of breathing for environment and supporting the cervix changes and becomes
more than 20 seconds. normal birth. more susceptible to the effect of
Asynclitism: The presentation of the Bishop’s Score: Rating system to uterine contractions. Can be
fetal head at an oblique angle assess suitability of cervix for physiological or artificially
between the axis of the presenting induction of labour. produced.
part of the fetus and the pelvic Bregma: Anterior fontanelle. Cervicitis: Inflammation of the
planes during labour/childbirth Burns–Marshall manoeuvre: A cervix.
(also known as obliquity). method of breech birth involving Choanal atresia: (Bilateral)
Atresia: Closure or absence of an traction to prevent the fetal neck membranous or bony obstruction
usual opening or canal. from bending backwards. of the nares; the baby appears

Glossary of terms and acronyms

blue when sleeping and pink De-infibulation: Being opened. which covers the lacrimal caruncle.
when crying. Delusion: A false fixed belief that is They may be common in Asian
Chorionic plate: The fetal side of impenetrable to reason. babies, but may indicate Down
the placenta. Deontology: Duty-based theory. syndrome in other ethnic groups.
Choroid plexus cyst: Collection of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): The Episiotomy: A surgical incision
cerebrospinal fluid within the substance containing genes. DNA made to enlarge the vaginal orifice
choroid plexi, from where can store and transmit during childbirth.
cerebrospinal fluid is derived. information, can copy itself Erb’s palsy: Paralysis of the arm due
Chromosome: An organized accurately and can occasionally to the damage to cervical nerve
structure of DNA and organized mutate. roots 5 and 6 of the brachial
proteins that carries genes. Diastasis symphysis pubis: A plexus.
Coloboma: A malformation painful condition in which there Erythematous: Reddening of the
characterized by the absence of or is an abnormal relaxation of the skin.
a defect in the tissue of the eye; ligaments supporting the pubic Erythropoiesis: The process by
the pupil can appear keyhole- joint; also referred to as pelvic which erythrocytes (red blood
shaped. It may be associated with girdle pain. cells) are formed. After the 10th
other anomalies. Dichorionic twins: Two individuals week of gestation, erythropoiesis
Colposcopy: Visualization of the who have developed in their own production rises and seems to be
cervix using a colposcope. separate chorionic sacs. involved in red cell production in
Commensal: Micro-organisms Diploid: Containing two sets of the bone marrow during the third
adapted to grow on the skin or chromosomes. trimester.
mucous surfaces of the host, Disseminated intravascular Exomphalos (omphalocele): A
forming part of the normal flora. coagulation/coagulopathy defect in which the bowel or other
Conjoined twins: Identical twins (DIC): A condition secondary to a viscera protrude through the
where separation is incomplete so primary complication where there umbilicus.
their bodies are partly joined is inappropriate blood clotting in External cephalic version (ECV):
together and vital organs may be the blood vessels, followed by an The use of external manipulation
shared. inability of the blood to clot on the pregnant woman’s
Coronal suture: Membranous tissue appropriately when all the clotting abdomen to convert a breech to a
separating the frontal bones from factors have been used up. cephalic presentation.
the parietal bones. Dizygotic (binovular): Formed from False-negative rate: The proportion
Couvelaire uterus (uterine two separate zygotes. of affected pregnancies that would
apoplexy): Bruising and oedema not be identified as high risk. Tests
Ductus arteriosus: A temporary
of uterine tissue seen in placental with a high false-negative rate
fetal structure which leads from
abruption when leaking blood is have low sensitivity.
the bifurcation of the pulmonary
forced between muscle fibres artery to the descending aorta. False-positive rate: The proportion
because the margins of the of unaffected pregnancies with a
Ductus venosus: A temporary fetal
placenta are still attached to the high-risk classification. Tests with
structure which connects the
uterus. a high false-positive rate have low
umbilical vein to the inferior
Cricoid pressure: A technique specificity.
vena cava.
whereby pressure is exerted on the Female genital mutilation
Dyspareunia: Painful or difficult
cartilaginous ring below the larynx (FGM): Also known as female
intercourse experienced by the
(the cricoid) to occlude the circumcision. Any procedure that
oesophagus and prevent reflux. intentionally alter or cause injury
Cricoid pressure is employed Ectoderm: The outermost layer of to the external female genital
during the induction of a general three primary germ cell layers organs for non-medical reasons.
anaesthetic to prevent acid present in the early embryo. Four main types are reported.
aspiration syndrome. Ectopic pregnancy: An abnormally Ferguson reflex: Surge of oxytocin,
Cryotherapy: Use of cold or freezing situated pregnancy, most resulting in increased contractions,
to destroy or remove tissue. commonly in a uterine tube. due to stimulation of the
Cryptorchidism: Undescended Endocervical: Relating to the cervix, and upper portion of
testes, which may be unilateral or internal canal of the cervix. the vagina.
bilateral. Endoderm: The innermost layer of Fetal reduction: The reduction in
Decidualization: The structural three primary germ cell layers the number of viable fetuses/
changes that occur in the present in the early embryo. embryos in a multiple (usually
endometrium in preparation for Epicanthic folds: A vertical fold of higher multiple) pregnancy by
implantation. skin on either side of the nose medical intervention.

Glossary of terms and acronyms

Feto-fetal transfusion syndrome: interdependence of people and become the umbilical arteries
Also known as twin-to-twin countries. when they enter the umbilical
transfusion syndrome (TTTS). Grande multipara: A woman who cord.
Condition in which blood from has given birth five times or more. Hypospadias: A condition where the
one monozygotic twin fetus Greater vestibular glands urethral meatus opens on to the
transfuses into the other fetus via (Bartholin’s glands): Two small undersurface of the penis.
blood vessels in the placenta. glands that open on either side of Hypothermia: A core body
Fetus-in-fetu: Parts of a fetus may the vaginal orifice, located in the temperature below 36 °C.
be lodged within another fetus. posterior part of the labia majora. Hypotonia: The loss of muscle
This can only happen in Group practice: A small group of tension and tone.
monozygotic twins. midwives who provide care for a Hypovolaemia: Reduced circulating
Fibroid (fibromyoma): Firm, benign group of women. blood volume due to external loss
tumour of muscular and fibrous Haematuria: Blood in the urine. of body fluids or to loss of fluid
tissue. into the tissues.
Haemostasis: The arrest of bleeding.
Foramen magnum: A large opening Hypoxia: Lack of oxygen.
Hallucinations: A sensory perception
in the occipital bone of the skull
in the absence of any stimulus. Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy
through which the spinal cord
Any of the five sensory modality (HIE): Condition where there is
can be affected. evidence of hypoxia and
Foramen ovale: A temporary
Haploid: Containing only one set of ischaemia.
structure of the fetal circulation
chromosomes. Hysteroscope: An instrument
allowing blood to be shunted
from the right to left atrium in HELLP syndrome: A condition of used to access the uterus via
utero. pregnancy characterized by the vagina.
haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes Immunoglobulins: Antibodies.
Fossa ovalis: Oval shaped
and low platelets. Induction of labour: Intervention to
depression in the intra-atrial
septum. Formed following the Herpes gestationis: An stimulate uterine contractions
closure of the foramen ovale at autoimmune disease precipitated before the onset of spontaneous
birth. by pregnancy and characterized by labour.
Framing effect: A means of an erythematous rash and blisters. Intermittent positive pressure
cognitive bias insofar that Homan’s sign: Pain is felt in the calf ventilation (IPPV): Inflation
individuals react differently to a when the foot is pulled upwards breaths are given to clear lung
particular choice such as antenatal (dorsiflexion). This is indicative of fluid and ventilatory breaths are
screening tests, based on the a venous thrombosis and further given to remove excess CO2 and
manner in which the information investigations should be provide oxygen.
is presented, i.e. whether they undertaken to exclude or confirm Internationalization: Has no agreed
perceive the risk of screening as a this. definition but best describes the
loss or a gain. Homeostasis: The condition in process of harmonizing
Fraternal twins: Dizygotic which the body’s internal relationships from a cross-cultural
(non-identical). environment remains relatively or international perspective.
Fundal height: The distance constant within physiological Intervillous spaces: The spaces
between the upper part of the limits. between the chorionic villi that fill
uterus (the fundus) and the upper Hydatidiform mole: A gross with maternal blood.
part of the symphysis pubis (the malformation of the trophoblast Intraepithelial: Within the
junction between the pubic bones). in which the chorionic villi epithelium, or among epithelial
This assessment is undertaken to proliferate and become avascular. cells.
assess the increasing size of the Hydropic vesicles: Fluid-filled sacs, Intrahepatic cholestasis of
uterus antenatally and decreasing or blisters. pregnancy (ICP): An idiopathic
size postnatally. Hypercapnia: An abnormal increase condition of abnormal liver
Funis: The umbilical cord. in the amount of carbon dioxide function.
Gastroschisis: A paramedian defect in the blood. Jaundice: Yellow coloration of the
of the abdominal wall with Hyperemesis gravidarum: skin and the sclera caused by a
extrusion of bowel that is not Protracted or excessive vomiting in raised level of bilirubin in the
covered by peritoneum. pregnancy. circulation (hyperbilirubinaemia).
Glabella: The area between the Hypertrophy: Overgrowth of tissue. Kleihauer test: A standard blood
eyebrows. Hypogastric arteries: Temporary test used to quantitatively assess
Globalization: The increased fetal structures that branch off or measure the degree of feto-
interconnectedness and from the internal iliac arteries and maternal haemorrhage.

Glossary of terms and acronyms

LAM: A method of contraception McRoberts manoeuvre: A Natural family planning (NFP):

based upon an algorithm of manoeuvre to rotate the angle of Methods of contraception based
lactation and amenorrhoea over a the symphysis pubis superiorly on observations of naturally
6-month time period. and release the impaction of the occurring signs and symptoms of
Lamda: Posterior fontanelle. anterior shoulder of the fetus the fertile and infertile phases of
Lamdoidal suture: Membranous when there is shoulder dystocia. the menstrual cycle.
tissue separating the occipital The woman brings her knees up Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC): An
bone from the two parietal bones to her chest. acquired disease of the small and
of the fetal skull. Mendelson’s syndrome: A chemical large intestine caused by
pneumonitis caused by the reflux ischaemia of the intestinal
Lanugo: Soft downy hair that covers
of gastric contents into the mucosa.
the fetus in utero and occasionally
maternal lungs during a general Neonatal encephalopathy: A
the neonate. It appears at around
anaesthetic. clinical syndrome of abnormal
20 weeks’ gestation and covers the
face and most of the body. It Meningitis: Inflammation of the levels of consciousness, tone,
disappears by 40 weeks’ gestation. membranes covering the brain primitive reflexes, autonomic
and spinal column. function and sometimes seizures
Layer of Nitabusch: A collaginous
Mentum: Chin. in newborn babies.
layer between the endometrium
and myometrium. Mesenchyme: A mesh of embryonic Neoplasia: Growth of new tissue.
connective tissue. Neurulation: The formation of the
Ligamentum arteriosum:
Permanent ligament formed from Mesoderm: The middle layer of neural plate and its transformation
the ductus arteriosus following three primary germ cell layers in to the neural tube.
birth. present in the early embryo. Nerve innervation: Nerve supply.
Microchimerism: The presence of a Neutral thermal environment
Ligamentum teres: Permanent
small number of cells in one (NTE): The range of
ligament formed from the
individual that originated in a environmental temperature over
umbilical vein following birth.
different individual. which heat production, oxygen
Ligamentum venosum: Permanenet
Midwife-led care: Midwives or a consumption and nutritional
ligament formed from the ductus
midwife take the lead role in care requirements for growth are
venosus following birth.
of a woman or group of women. minimal, provided the body
Linea nigra: A common dark line of Miscarriage: Spontaneous loss of temperature is normal.
pigmentation running pregnancy before viability. Non-maleficence: Do no harm.
longitudinally in the centre of the
Modified Early Obstetric Warning Oedema: The effusion of body fluid
abdomen below and sometimes
Score (MEOWS): A chart or track into the tissues.
above the umbilicus.
and trigger system used to record Oligohydramnios: Abnormally
Lochia: A Latin word traditionally maternal observations or small amount of amniotic fluid in
used to describe the vaginal loss a physiological vital signs pregnancy.
woman experiences following the antenatally and postnatally for all
birth of a baby. Oliguria: The production of an
mothers who are hospitalized in abnormally small amount of
Løvset manoeuvre: A manoeuvre the maternity service. urine.
for the birth of the fetal shoulders Monoamniotic twins: Two
and extended arms in a breech One-to-one midwifery: One
individuals who have developed
presentation. midwife takes responsibility for
in the same amniotic sac.
individual women with a partner
Macrosomia: Large baby weighing Monochorionic twins: Two identical backing up the named midwife.
4–4.5 kg or greater. individuals who have developed in Such a system integrates a high
Malposition: A cephalic presentation the same chorionic sac. level of continuity of caregiver and
other than normal well-flexed Monozygotic (monozygous): midwifery-led care. It is
anterior position of the fetal head, Formed from one zygote (identical geographically based and includes
e.g. occipitoposterior. twins). women who are both ‘high risk’
Malpresentation: A presentation Moulding: The change in shape of and ‘low risk’.
other than the vertex, i.e. face, the fetal head that takes place PaCO2: Carbon dioxide partial
brow, compound or shoulder. during its passage through the pressure. Measures the partial
Mauriceau–Smellie–Veit birth canal. pressure of dissolved carbon
manoeuvre: A manoeuvre to Multifetal reduction: see Fetal dioxide. This dissolved CO2 has
assist the birth of the fetal head reduction. moved out of the cell and into the
in a breech presentation that Naegele’s rule: A method of bloodstream. The measure of a
involves jaw flexion and shoulder calculating the expected date of PaCO2 accurately reflects the
traction. birth. alveolar ventilation.

Glossary of terms and acronyms

PaO2: Arterial oxygen partial pressure. Placenta accreta: Abnormally ripen the cervix and cause the
Measures the partial pressure of adherent placenta into the muscle uterus to contract.
oxygen in the arterial blood. It layer of the uterus. Proteinuria: Protein in the urine.
reflects how the lung is Placenta increta: Abnormally Proteolytic enzymes: Enzymes that
functioning but does not measure adherent placenta into the break down proteins.
tissue oxygenation. perimetrium of the uterus.
Pruritus: Itching.
Paronychia: An inflamed swelling of Placenta percreta: Abnormally
the nail folds; acute paronychia is Psychosis: A disorder of the mental
adherent placenta through the
usually caused by infection with state that affects mood and
muscle layer of the uterus.
Staphylococcus aureus. cognitive processes which may
Placenta praevia: A condition in cause the individual to lose touch
Partnership: A relationship of trust which some or all of the placenta with reality (i.e. hallucinations
and equity through which both is attached in the lower segment and delusional thoughts are
partners are strengthened and of the uterus. usually present).
power is diffused. Placental abruption: see Abruptio Ptyalism: Excessive salivation.
Peak mucus day: A retrospective placenta.
assessment of the last day of Pudendal block: This is the
Placentation: The forming of the procedure where local anaesthetic
highly fertile mucus which is placenta.
observed vaginally or felt around is infiltrated into the tissue around
Polyhydramnios: An excessive the pudendal nerve within the
amount of amniotic fluid in pelvis; employed for some
Pedunculated: Stem or stalk. pregnancy. Also referred to as operative procedures during
Pemphigoid gestationis: see Herpes hydramnios. vaginal births.
gestationis. Polyp: Small growth. Puerperal psychosis: Describes
Perinatal: Events surrounding labour Porphyria: An inherited condition a rare but serious psychiatric
and the first 7 days of life. of abnormal red blood cell emergency and the most severe
Perinatal mental illness: A term formation. form of postpartum affective
used both nationally and Postnatal blues: A transitory (mood) disorder.
internationally to emphasize emotional or mood state, Puerperal sepsis: Infection of the
the importance of psychiatric experienced by 50–80% of women genital tract following childbirth;
disorder in pregnancy as well as depending on parity. still a major cause of maternal
following childbirth and the
Postnatal period: The period after death where it is undetected and/
variety of psychiatric disorders
the end of labour during which or untreated.
that can occur at this time,
the attendance of a midwife Puerperium: A period after
in addition to postnatal
upon the woman and baby is childbirth where the uterus and
required, being not less than 10 other organs and structures that
pH: A solution’s acidity or alkalinity days and for such longer period as have been affected by the
is expressed on the pH scale, the midwife considers necessary. pregnancy are physiologically
which runs from 0 to 14.
Postpartum: After labour. returning to their non-gravid state,
This scale is based on the
Precipitate labour: The expulsion lactation is establishing and the
concentration of hydronium (H+)
of the fetus within 3 hours of woman is adjusting socially and
ions in a solution expressed in
commencement of contractions. psychologically to motherhood.
chemical units called moles per
Pre-eclampsia: A condition peculiar Usually described as a period of
litre (mol/l). Solutions with a pH
to pregnancy, which is up to 6–8 weeks.
less than 7 are said to be acidic
and solutions with a pH greater characterized by hypertension, Quickening: The first point at which
than 7 are basic or alkaline. Pure proteinuria and systemic the woman recognizes fetal
water has a pH very close to 7. dysfunction. movements in early pregnancy.
When the fetus is hypoxic the Primary postpartum haemorrhage Reciprocity: A mutual relationship
increased acid produced raises the (PPH): A blood loss in excess between two individuals where
acidity of the blood and the pH of 500 ml or any amount that there is an exchange of positive
falls. adversely affects the condition of regard for each other.
Phenylketonuria (PKU): An the mother within the first 24 Regional anaesthesia: More
autosomal recessive disorder of hours of birth. commonly are epidural and
protein metabolism. Progestogen: Synthetic progesterone intrathecal (spinal) anaesthetic.
Pill-free interval: The 7 days when used in hormonal contraception. Retraction: The process by which
no pills are taken during Prostaglandins: Locally acting the uterine muscle fibres shorten
combined oral contraceptive chemical compounds derived after a contraction. This is unique
regimen. from fatty acids within cells. They to uterine muscle.

Glossary of terms and acronyms

Rubin’s manoeuvre: A rotational concentration in the blood and management of the third stage of
manoeuvre to relieve shoulder extracellular fluids. labour to stimulate the smooth
dystocia. Pressure is exerted over Talipes: A complex foot deformity, muscle of the uterus to contract.
the fetal back to adduct and rotate affecting 1/1000 live births and Utilitarianism: Providing the greatest
the shoulders. more common in males. The good for greatest number.
Sandal gap: Exaggerated gap affected foot is held in a fixed Vanishing twin syndrome: The
between the first and second toes. flexion (equinus) and in-turned reabsorption of one twin fetus
Secondary postpartum (varus) position. It can be early in pregnancy (usually before
haemorrhage: Any abnormal or differentiated from positional 12 weeks).
excessive bleeding from the genital talipes because the deformity in Vasa praevia: A rare occurrence in
tract occurring between 24 hours true talipes cannot be passively which umbilical cord vessels pass
and 12 weeks postnatally. corrected. through the placental membranes
Selective fetocide: The medical Team midwifery: Midwives are and lie across the cervical os.
destruction of a malformed twin team-based rather than on a ward Vasculogenesis: The formation of
fetus in a continuing pregnancy. or within a community base. The new blood vessels.
Sinciput: The forehead. team takes responsibility for a
Vernix caseosa: White creamy
Sheehan’s syndrome: A condition number of women. Teams may be
substance protecting the fetus
where sudden or prolonged shock restricted to hospital or
from dessication and present from
leads to irreversible pituitary community, or cover both.
18 weeks gestation.
necrosis characterized by Tentorium cerebelli: An arched fold
Wharton’s jelly: Gelatinous
amenorrhoea, genital atrophy and of the dura mater, covering the
substance surrounding the
premature senility. upper surface of the cerebellum.
umbilical cord.
Short femur: Shorter than the Teratogen: An agent believed to
Withdrawal bleed: Vaginal bleeding
average thigh bone, when cause congenital malformations,
due to withdrawal of hormones.
compared with other fetal e.g. thalidomide.
Wood’s manoeuvre: A rotational
measurements. Tocophobia: A fear of childbirth.
or screw manoeuvre to relieve
Shoulder dystocia: Failure of the Torsion: Twisting.
shoulder dystocia. Pressure is
shoulders to spontaneously Torticollis: The result of tightness exerted on the fetal chest to rotate
traverse the pelvis after birth of and shortening of one and abduct the shoulders.
the fetal head. sternomastoid muscle.
Zavanelli manoeuvre: Last choice of
Speculum (vaginal): An instrument Tregs: Adapted T regulator cells that manoeuvre for shoulder dystocia.
used to open the vagina. play a part in immunity. The head is returned to its
Subinvolution: The uterine size Trizygotic: Formed from three pre-restitution position, then the
appears larger than anticipated for separate zygotes. head is flexed back into the vagina.
the number of days postpartum, Trophoblasts: Peripheral cells Birth is by caesarean section.
and may feel not well contracted. surrounding the blastocyst. Zygosity: Describing the genetic
Uterine tenderness may be Twin-to-twin transfusion make-up of children in a multiple
present. syndrome: see Feto-fetal birth.
Succenturiate lobe: A small extra transfusion syndrome.
lobe of placenta separate from the Uniovular: Monozygotic. Acronyms
main placenta. Unstable lie: After 36 weeks’
Surfactant: Complex mixture of gestation, a lie that varies between ABPM: ambulatory blood pressure
phospholipids and lipoproteins longitudinal and oblique or monitoring
produced by type 2 alveolar cells transverse is said to be unstable. ACE: angiotensin converting enzyme
in the lungs that decreases surface Uterine involution: The ACTH: adrenocorticotrophic
tension and prevents alveolar physiological process that starts hormone
collapse at end expiration. from the end of labour and results ADH: anti-diuretic hormone
Symphysiotomy: A surgical incision in a gradual reduction in the size AED: antiepileptic drug
to separate the symphysis pubis of the uterus until it returns to its AFLD: acute fatty liver disease
and enlarge the pelvis to aid birth non-pregnant size and location in AGA: appropriate for gestational age
of the baby. the pelvis.
AIDS: acquired immunodeficiency
Symphysis pubis dysfunction: see Uterotonics: Also known as
Diastasis symphysis pubis. oxytocics or ecbolics.
ALT: Alanine Transaminase
Tachypnoea: Increased respiratory Pharmacological agents/drugs (e.g.
rate that occurs as the baby syntometrine, syntocinon, ANP: atrial natriuretic peptide
attempts to compensate for an ergometrine and prostaglandins) Anti HBe: hepatitis B e-antibodies
increased carbon dioxide that are used in the active APEC: Action on Pre-Eclampsia

Glossary of terms and acronyms

APH: Antepartum Haemorrhage DCSF: Department for Children, GTI: genital tract infection
APS: antiphospholipid syndrome Schools and Families (until 2010; GTN: gestational trophoblastic
ARB: angiotensin receptor blocker now DfE) neoplasia
ARM: artificial rupture of the DDH: developmental dysplasia of the GTT: glucose tolerance test
membranes/Association of Radical hip HAART: highly active antiretroviral
Midwives DfE: Department for Education therapy
ART: antiretroviral therapy DH/DoH: Department of Health Hb: haemoglobin
ASD: atrial septal defect DHA: docosahexanoic acid HbA: adult haemoglobin
ATP: adenosine triphosphate DMPA: depot medroxyprogesterone HbAS: sickle cell trait (heterozygous)
BALT: bronchus-associated lymphoid acetate HbA1c: glucated/glycosylated
tissue DVT: deep vein thrombosis haemoglobin
BFI: Baby Friendly Initiative EBM: expressed breast milk HBeAg: hepatitis B e-antigen
BMI: body mass index ECG: electrocardiogram/graphy HbF: fetal haemoglobin
BMR: basal metabolic rate E. Coli: Escherichia coli HbH: haemoglobin H disease
BNF: British National Formulary ECM: extracellular matrix HbSS: sickle cell anaemia/disease
BNP: brain natriuretic peptide EFM: electronic fetal monitoring (homozygous)
BOC: British Oxygen Company EFSA: European Food Standards HBV: hepatitis B virus
BP: blood pressure Agency HCAI: healthcare-acquired infection
BTS: British Thoracic Society eGFR: epidermal growth factor hCG: human chorionic
CCG: Clinical Commissioning Group receptor gonadotrophin
C. Diff: Clostridium difficile EHC: emergency hormonal hCG-H: hyperglycosylated human
contraception chorionic gonadotrophin
CHD: congenital heart disease
ELBW: extremely low birth weight hCS: human chorionic
CHRE: Council for Healthcare
(below 1000 g) somatomammotropin hormone
Regulatory Excellence (now PSA
Professional Standards Authority) ENB: English National Board for HDCU: high dependency care unit
Nursing, Midwifery and Health HDL: high-density lipoprotein
CIN: cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
Visiting HDN: haemorrhagic disease of the
CINORIS: Clinical Negligence and
ENT: ear,nose and throat newborn
Other Risks Indemnity Scheme
ERPC: evacuation of retained HEI: Higher Education Institution
CMACE: Centre for Maternal and
products of conception HIV: Human Immunodeficiency
Child Enquiries
ESC: Essential Skills Clusters Virus
CMB: Central Midwives Board
EU: European Union hPGL: human placental growth
CEMACH: Confidential Enquiry into
Maternal and Child Health. FASD: fetal alcohol spectrum hormone
CESDI: Confidential Enquiries into disorders hPL: human placental lactogen
Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy FBC: full blood count HPT: home pregnancy test
CMV: cytomegalovirus FIL: feedback inhibitor of lactation HPV: human papilloma virus
CNS: central nervous system FPA: Family Planning Association HSCIC: Health and Social Care
CNST: Clinical Negligence Scheme FSA: Food Standards Agency Information Centre
for Trusts FSH: follicle stimulating hormone HSE: Health Survey for England
COC: combined oral contraceptive FSRH: Faculty of Sexual and HSV: herpes simplex virus
COMET: The Comparative Obstetric Reproductive Health HVS: high vaginal swab
Mobile Epidural Trial GALT: gut-associated lymphoid tissue ICM: International Confederation of
CQC: Care Quality Commission GAS: Group A streptococcus Midwives
CRH: corticotrophin-releasing GBS: Group B streptococcus ICU: intensive care unit
hormone GDM: gestational diabetes mellitus IFCC: International Federation of
CRT: capillary refill time GF: glomerular filtrate Clinical Chemistry
CSF: cerebral spinal fluid GFR: glomerular filtration rate IHD: ischaemic heart disease
CSII: continuous subcutaneous GNC: General Nursing Council IOM: Institute of Medicine
insulin infusion GnRH: gonadotrophic-releasing IM: intramuscular
CT: computerized tomography hormone IQ: intelligence quotient
CTG: cardiotograph/cardiotocogram GP: General Practitioner ITP: Intention to Practice
CVA: cerebral vascular accident GTD: gestational trophoblastic IUCD: intrauterine contraceptive
CVS: chorionic villus sampling disease device

Glossary of terms and acronyms

IUFD: intrauterine fetal death NICU/NNICU: neonatal intensive care RPF: renal plasma flow
IUGR: intrauterine growth restriction unit SACN: Scientific Advisory Committee
IUS: intrauterine system NIPE: neonatal and infant physical on Nutrition
IV/IVI: intravenous/intravenous examination SANDS: Stillbirth and Neonatal
infusion NMC: Nursing and Midwifery Death Society
IVF: in vitro fertilization Council SBAR: situation, background,
JEC: Joint Epilepsy Council NOP: Notification of Practice assessment and recommendation
L3: third lumbar vertebra NPEU: National Perinatal SFH: symphysis fundal height
Epidemiology Unit SGA: small for gestational age
LA: Local Authority
NPSA: National Patient Safety SHA: Strategic Health Authority
LARC: long-acting reversible
Agency SI: Statutory Instrument
NTD: neural tube defect SIGN: Scottish Intercollegiate
LBW: low birth weight (below 2500 g)
OA: occipitoanterior Guidelines Network
LC-PUFA: long chain poyunsaturated
fatty acids OC: obstetric cholestasis SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus
LFT: liver function test OF: cccipitofrontal SPRM: selective progesterone
LGA: large for gestational age OP: occipitoposterior receptor modulator
LH: luteinizing hormone PAP: pulmonary artery pressure STI: sexually transmitted infection
LMP: last menstrual period PCA: patient-controlled analgesia SUDEP: sudden unexpected death in
PCT: Primary Care Trust epilepsy
LMWH: low molecular weight
heparin PDA: patent ductus arteriosus SUI: stress urinary incontinence
LSA: Local Supervising Authority PE: pulmonary embolism/embolus T11: eleventh thoracic vertebra
LSAMO: Local Supervising Authority PET: pre-eclampsia toxaemia TBG: thyroxine-binding globulin
Midwifery Officer PGP: pelvic girdle pain TBV: total blood volume
MA: mentoanterior PID: pelvic inflammatory disease TED: thromboembolism deterrent
MCH: mean cell/corpuscular PIH: pregnancy-induced hypertension TENS: transcutaneous electrical nerve
haemoglobin PND: postnatal depression stimulation
MCV: mean cell/corpuscular volume POC: point of care TRH: thyrotropin-releasing hormone
MH(P)RA: Medicines and Healthcare POP: progesterone-only pill TSH: thyroid-stimulating hormone
Products Regulatory Agency PPI: proton pump inhibitor UK: United Kingdom
MI: myocardial infarction PPROM: preterm prelabour rupture UKAMB: United Kingdom
MIDIRS: Midwives Information of the membranes Association for Milk Banking
Resource Service PREP: Post-Registration Education UKCC: United Kingdom Central
MODY: mature onset diabetes of the and Practice Council for Nursing, Midwifery
young PROM: prelabour rupture of and Health Visiting
MOH: Medical Officer of Health membranes UKOSS: United Kingdom Obstetric
MPV: mean platelet volume PSA: Professional Standards Surveillance System
Authority UNAIDS: United Nations Programme
MRI: magnetic resonance imaging
PTH: parathyroid hormone on HIV/AIDS
MRSA: methicillin-resistant
RAAS: renin–angiotensin– UNICEF: United Nations
Staphylococcus aureus
aldosterone system International Children’ Fund
MSU/MSSU: mid-stream specimen
RCoA: Royal College of Anaesthetists UPSI: unprotected sexual intercourse
of urine
RCM: Royal College of Midwives USA: United States of America
MSW: Maternity Support Worker
RCOG: Royal College of US(S): ultrasound (scan)
NCT: National Childbirth Trust
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists UTI: urinary tract uifection
NET-EN: norethisterone enanthate
RCPCH: Royal College of Paediatrics VE: vaginal examination
NHS: National Health Service
and Child Health VKDB: vitamin K deficiency bleeding
NHSLA: National Health Service
Litigation Authority RCT: randomizd controlled trial VLBW: very low birth weight (below
RCUK: Resuscitation Council of the 1500 g)
NICE: National Institute for Health
and Clinical Excellence/National United Kingdom VSD: ventricular septal defect
Institute for Health and Care RHA: Regional Health Authority VTE: venous thromboembolism
Excellence (from 2013) RNA: ribonucleic acid WHO: World Health Organization


Illustrations are comprehensively ABO blood groups fetal, 115

referred to from the text. Therefore, isoimmunization, 687 maternal, 170–171
significant items in illustrations typing, 216 tumour, 248
(figures and tables) have only been booking visit, 188 neonatal disorders, 695
given a page reference in the absence abortion (induced ending of adrenaline (epinephrine)
of their concomitant mention in the pregnancy), 227–228, 558–559 blood pressure and, 244
text referring to that illustration. combined oral contraceptive pill labour pain and, 352
following, 574 stress and, 532
for fetal abnormality, 558–559 adrenocorticotrophic hormone
for other reasons, 559 (ACTH), maternal, 169–171
ABC mnemonic for postpartum abrasions, neonatal, 593, 630 adult respiratory distress syndrome,
haemorrhage treatment, 409 abscess, breast, 721 490
ABC(DE) protocol absence seizures, 278t adverse incidents, serious, 48–49
maternal, 488 accelerations, 346 advocacy, 17
eclamptic seizure, 252 accountability (and the NMC), 31–32 aerobic glycolysis, neonatal, 598–599
neonatal, 612 acetabulum in developmental affective awareness, 12
abdomen (baby) dysplasia of hips, 606–607 affective neutrality, 11–12
in breech birth, 384–385 achondroplasia, 662 afferent (sensory) pathways and labour
neonatal, examination, 596 aciclovir (acyclovir), varicella zoster, pain, 350–351
abdomen (maternal) 677 afterpains, 506
caesarean section incision, 464–465 acid–base status and labour pain, 352 aganglionosis, congenital
distension, 163 acini cells, milk-producing, 705 (Hirschsprung’s disease), 653,
examination in labour and birth Aconite, labour pain, 352 672
breech presentation, 357–358 acrocyanosis (peripheral cyanosis/at AIDS see human immunodeficiency
brow presentation, 449 extremities), 592, 668–669 virus
initial, 337 acrosome reaction, 95 airway (neonatal)
examination in pregnancy, 190–196 act utilitarianism, 38–39 congenital pulmonary airway
hydramnios, 238 active management of 3rd stage of malformation, 655
multiple pregnancy, 293–294 labour, 400–404 upper, obstruction, 681, 722
occipitoanterior position, acupuncture for hyperemesis airway management (in resuscitation)
436–437 gravidarum, 228–229 maternal, 488
oligohydramnios, 238–239 acyanotic cardiac defects, 657–658 eclamptic seizure, 252
palpation see palpation acyclovir, varicella zoster, 677 hypovolaemic shock, 490
shoulder presentation, 450 adenoma, pituitary, 245 neonatal, 612–613
examination in puerperium, 505 adipokines, 254 difficulties in establishing open
muscles, laxity as cause of shoulder adjustment reactions, 538 airway, 613–614
presentation, 450 administration see organization and albumin in pregnancy, 154
pain, 222 administration alcohol, 187
ovulation (=mittelschmerz), 94, adoption, relinquishment for, 558 fetal exposure, 664–665
569, 584 adrenal glands aldosterone, 86, 170–171, 244
pressure (in labour) in upper region, congenital hyperplasia, 597, 664, excess production (Conn’s
epidural analgesia, 369 695 syndrome), 248


all fours position, 371–372, 378–379 anal sphincters, 57–60 impact of reduced visits, 180
breech birth, 382 external, 60 initial assessment see booking visit
Mauriceau–Smellie–Veit internal, 60 key principles, 180b
manoeuvre, 383 obstetric injury (OASIS), 319–320 models, 182
occipitoposterior position, 439 examination, 314 obese women, 255–256
shoulder dystocia, 481 follow-up, 312 occipitoanterior position, 437–438
All Wales Clinical Pathway for Normal postoperative care after repair, ongoing, 196–199
Labour, 388 320 patterns/schedules, 180–181
allantois, 98–99 repair, 318–320 referral for additional support see
allergy anal triangle, 55 referral
breast vs bottle-feeding, 708 analgesia (pain relief) twin pregnancy, 293
to formula milk components, 727 in caesarean section, 468–471 unstable lie, 452
alloimmune thrombocytopenia, postoperative, 466 antenatal diagnosis (prenatal
neonatal, 638 in labour/vaginal birth, 352–356, diagnosis)
alveoli (breast), 705 374–375 brow presentation, 449
alveoli (fetal lung), 114–115 anal sphincter repair, cardiac defects see heart disease
ambiguous genitalia, 597, 664, 695 postoperative, 320 (baby)
amenorrhoea, 94 in cardiac disease, 267 congenital malformations see
lactational, 583–585 forceps extraction, 461 malformations
amino acids multiple pregnancy, 296 face presentation, 445
in formulae milk, 727 non-pharmacological, 352–353 occipitoanterior position, 436–437,
in pregnancy, 165 pharmacological, 353–356 442
amniocentesis, twin pregnancy, 292 ventouse extraction, 458 shoulder presentation, 450
amnion, 106 postnatal termination following, 558–559
in twin pregnancy, 291, 298 afterpains, 506 antenatal education (for birth and
see also membranes perineal pain, 508 parenting), 127–142
amniotic cavity, 98 anaphylactic shock, 489 aims, 130b
amniotic fluid, 107 anatomical variations, placenta and attendance, maximising, 137–140
embolism, 485–486 cord, 108–109 content, 133–136
in labour, 332 androgen insensitivity syndrome, 664 defining learning outcomes,
meconium in (meconium staining), android pelvis, 68–69, 68t 136–137
376, 620–621 occipitoanterior position with, 436 evidence, 129
volume, 107 anencephaly, 659 leading group sessions, 129–133
abnormalities see face presentation with, 444–445 multiple pregnancy, 293
oligohydramnios; angiomas, 168 research and policy background,
polyhydramnios angiotensin, 84, 150–151, 170–171 127–129
calculation, 236 blood pressure and, 244 antenatal haemorrhage see
amniotomy (artificial rupture of the angiotensinogen, 84 haemorrhage (maternal),
membranes), 267, 296, 333, anhedonia, 543 antenatal
424 ankyloglossia, 722 antenatal screening, 203–219
anaemia anorectum at booking visit, 187–189
fetal, surveillance for, 217 maternal, 57–60 congenital malformations see
maternal, 273–274 examination in perineal trauma, malformations
iron-deficiency see iron 314 discussing options, 206
physiological anaemia, 273 neonatal fetal, 189, 208–214
postpartum haemorrhage in, 408 examination, 596 limitations, 204–205
screening for, 215–216 malformations, 652 maternal, 214–217
twin pregnancy and, 294 see also anal sphincters; anal triangle mental illness, 549
anaerobic glycolysis, neonatal, antacids in caesarean section, multiple pregnancy, 292
598–599 Mendelson’s syndrome principles, 204–205
anaesthesia see general anaesthesia; prevention, 470 roles and responsibilities of
regional analgesia/anaesthesia antenatal care/management (incl. midwives, 205–208, 212
anal… see anorectum and entries below visits), 179–202 set up, 205–208
anal atresia (imperforate anus), 596, access, 182 antepartum… see entries under
652 aim, 180–182 antenatal
anal cleft (purple) line, 338–340, 369 breastfeeding preparations, 189, 711, anteroposterior diameter of pelvic
anal dilatation and gaping, 369 730 inlet, 66–67
anal incontinence (faecal cardiac disease, 266 anthropoid pelvis, 68t, 69
incontinence), 320, 507, 524 diabetic women, 260–261 occipitoanterior position with, 436


antibiotics neonatal auscultation, fetal heart, 194

in caesarean section, prophylactic, coarctation, 658 labour
464 stenosis, 658 breech presentation, 358
combined oral contraceptive pill Apert’s syndrome, 660 initial, 337
and, 573 Apgar score, 612 intermittent, 344–345
neonatal infection apnoea, neonatal, 670 multiple pregnancy, 294
eye, 605–606 appendix in pregnancy, 163 occipitoanterior position, 437
group B streptococcus, 675–676 appetite changes, 162 auscultation, neonatal heart, 603–604
progestogen-only pill and, 575 areola, 705 authority rules, 38
antibodies (immunoglobulins) arms autoimmune thrombocytopenia,
neonatal, 601 in breech births, 382 neonatal, 638
breastmilk and, 601, 710 extended, 384–385 autonomy, respect for, 38
red cell (maternal), 686 in shoulder dystocia, birth of awareness
screening for, 216–217 posterior arm, 481–482 emotional (midwives’), 8, 12–13
therapeutic administration (incl. see also limbs fertility, 582–585
passive immunization) aromatherapy, 352 of loss (=realization), 556
anti-D Ig see anti-D prophylaxis arterial duct see ductus arteriosus
physiological administration, 684 arteries
varicella zoster, 677 fetal development, 112
anticonvulsants/antiepileptics maternal baby see fetus; infants; neonates;
maternal blood gases, 159 preterm babies
eclampsia, 252 supply see blood supply ‘baby brain’, 159
epilepsy, 278–279 artifical feeds see formula feeding Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative,
folate deficiency caused by, artificial pancreas, 259 718–719, 727, 729–730
274–275 artificial rupture of the membranes backache
as mood stabilizers, 548 (chorioamnion), 267, 296, 333, with epidural anaesthesia, 356b
neonatal, 640–641 424 in occipitoposterior position, 438
anti-D prophylaxis, 190, 226, ascorbic acid, breastmilk, 709 postnatal, 523
685–686 asepsis in 3rd stage of labour, 404 bacterial infection, neonatal, 675–676
pregnancy loss, 227–228 asphyxia (fetal) bacterial vaginosis (BV), 279
antidepressants, 544–547 in breech birth, 387b bacteriuria, asymptomatic, 160b, 282
in bipolar illness, 549 in shoulder dystocia, 483 booking visit assessment for, 188
antidiuretic hormone (ADH; aspirin, pre-eclampsia, 250t bag and mask ventilation, neonatal,
vasopressin), 85–86, 151, 169 assessment strategies in Global 613
blood pressure and, 244 Standards for Midwifery BALT (bronchus-associated lymphoid
anti-emetics with opiates in labour, Education (2010), 7 tissue), 710
354 assisted conception, pregnancy Bandl’s ring, 331–332, 429, 484
anti-epileptics see anticonvulsants problems, 228 Barlow manoeuvre, 606–607
antihypertensive drugs, 247b asthma, 269–270 baroreceptors and blood pressure,
in labour, 248 asylum-seekers, 16 244
in pre-eclampsia, 250–251 asynclitism, pelvic brim in, 69b barrier contraceptives, 578–581
postnatal, 251 atherogenic dyslipidaemia, 254 spermicide use, 581
anti-infective factors in breastmilk, atonic seizures, 278t Bartholin’s glands, 56
710 atonic uterus, 406, 409 basal body temperature in natural
antipsychotics, 547 atosiban acetate, 240 family planning, 583
antiretroviral drugs, 280–281 atresias basal metabolic rate in pregnancy, 164,
antithrombotic therapy, 266 choanal, 613–614, 655–656 255
antiviral drugs gastrointestinal, 650–652 baseline rate on CTG, 345
HIV, 280–281 anal (imperforate anus), 596, 652 variability, 346
varicella zoster, 677 atrial natriuretic peptide, 151–152, 244 basic life support, 487–489
anus see anorectum and entries under atrial septal defect (ASD), maternal, 268 bathing
anal attachment in labour, 343
anxiety, 532–533 to breast, 712–715 postnatal perineal pain, 508
antenatal screening, 204, 207 difficulties, 718–719, 720b, 722 battledore insertion of cord, 109
postnatal, 543 reattachment after removal, 716 bed-sharing and breastfeeding, 711
see also fear parent–baby, 556 beneficence, 38
anxiety disorders, 532, 539 attitude (head), 121, 194 benign sleep myoclonus, 674
aorta audit, 46 bereavement, 555–567
maternal, dissection, 268 Audit Committee, 29 twin, 304


best practice birthing room breast, 705

Down syndrome screening, 209 environmental considerations, 336 kidney, 83
in postnatal care, 509 equipment, 343 levator ani, 62
with twins, 720 low birth weight babies and, 622 ovaries, 77
beta-blockers, 247 music therapy provision, 353 testes/scrotum, 78
bicornuate uterus, 75 transfer from, 406 ureters, 87
bifidus factor, 710 bisacromial diameter, 121 urethra, 89
bikini line incision for caesarean bitemporal diameter, 121 uterine tube, 76
section, 464–465 bitrochanteric diameter, 121 uterus, 74
bile-stained vomiting, 672 black and ethnic minority women, vagina, 72
biliary disease, 235–236 15–16 vulva, 56
bilirubin bladder, 87–88 see also haematology
conjugated, 682 full (immediately after birth), blood cells
physiology, 682 problems caused by, 405, 407 full count at booking visit, 188
raised levels see hyperbilirubinaemia in labour, care, 344 red see red blood cells
serum measurements in treatment of in 2nd stage, 377 white, in pregnancy, 156–157
isoimmunization, 687–688 in pregnancy and childbirth, 156, blood group assessment, 216–217
unconjugated, 682 160 booking visit, 188
Billings (cervical secretions) method, voiding see micturition see also isoimmunization
583 blastocele, 96–97 blood pressure in pregnancy, 152–153,
bimanual compression/pressure blastocyst, 96–97 244–245
in postpartum haemorrhage implantation see implantation abnormalities see hypertension;
treatment, 409–411 blastomeres, 96–97 supine hypotensive syndrome
in reversal of face presentation, 447 blastulation, 96–97 adaptations (in pregnancy),
binovular twins see dizygotic bleeding/blood loss (vaginal) 152–153, 245
biochemistry, pregnant vs non- antenatal, early, 222–226 at booking visit, 188
pregnant, 155t discussed at antenatal visit, 190 measurement/monitoring, 245
see also laboratory tests antenatal, later see haemorrhage in diabetics, 261
biparietal diameter, 121 (maternal), antenatal in eclampsia, 253
bipartite placenta, 109 in caesarean section, postoperative, in labour, 341
biphasic combined oral contraceptive 467 postnatal, 505
pill, 570 menstrual see menstruation in pre-eclampsia, 250t
bipolar illness, 539–540 neonatal, 639, 688 regulation, 244
postpartum, 541 in vitamin K deficiency, 637–638, see also central venous pressure
in pregnancy, 540 688, 709 blood tap in spinal anaesthesia, 469
prevention, 549 postpartum, 506–507 blood tests
treatment, 546–548 after operative birth, 519–520 booking visit, 188
birth (birthing; delivery) after vaginal birth, 518–519 pre-eclampsia, 250t
adaptation to extrauterine life, stopping see haemostasis blood vessels (vasculature)
117–118, 670 see also haemorrhage fetal development, 112–114
in breech presentation, mode, blistering rash, 669–670 in pregnancy, changes, 149–153
359–360 blood in resistance, 144–148
giving see childbirth circulation/flow see circulation blue skin, neonatal, 592, 612,
head see head clot and clotting see clot; clotting 668–669
multiple, 296–297 cord, sampling, 404 with good muscle tone, 613
delay with second twin, 299 fetal (in labour), sampling, 347–348 ‘blues’, postnatal, 536–537, 541
delayed interval birth of second gases (maternal), 159 differentiation from psychosis, 541
twin, 299 loss, 3rd stage of labour, estimation, body mass index (BMI), 165–166,
operative see operative births 404 254–255
trauma, claims arising from, 36 see also bleeding; haemorrhage at booking visit, 187–188, 255
use/definition of term (in place of neonatal size classification using, 254
delivery), 334 intracranial haemorrhages due to Bolam standard, 35
weight see weight disrupted flow of, 635–637 bonding/attachment, 556
see also childbirth physiology, 600 bone
birth marks, vascular, 593, 662–663 volume increases (hypervolaemia), brittle, 662
birth plans, 15, 199, 334–335 maternal, 150–153, 272 fractures, neonatal, 633
birth pool/water birth, 378 blood (vascular) supply mineral density and depot
breech birth and, 381 anorectum, 60 medroxyprogesterone acetate,
birthing ball, 371–372 bladder, 88 575–576


booking (for antenatal visit), late, 182 behaviour, 716–718 injury, 631
booking visit (initial assessment), cardiac disease and, 268 positions, 357, 381
183–187 contraindications, 723 professional responsibilities, 387
body mass index at, 187–188, 255 depressive illness and, 545 sacrum (as denominator) with, 196
bottle feeding see formula feeding drug intake considerations types, 357, 381
bowel (intestine) anticonvulsants, 548 undiagnosed, 381
maternal, postnatal problems, 507, antipsychotics, 547 vaginal birth see vaginal birth
524 lithium, 548–549 bregma, 120
neonatal SSRIs, 547 brittle bone disease, 662
malrotation/volvulus, 652–653 tricyclic antidepressants, 546 broad ligaments, 73
protrusion through umbilicus exclusive (up to 6 months), 710–711 in pregnancy, 144
(omphalocele), 650 management, 710–725 bromocriptine
see also specific parts obesity and, 256 lactation suppression, 723–724
Bowman’s capsule, 83, 85 problems and difficulties, 718, prolactinoma, 264
bra (brassiere), milk-expressing, 719 720–721 bronchoconstriction in asthma, 270
brachial plexus trauma, 632–633 promotion initiative (worldwide) bronchodilators, asthma, 270
brain from 1991, 729–730 bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue
fetal, 115 soon after birth, benefits, 405–406 (BALT), 710
maternal/in pregnancy, 159 twins, 299–301 brow presentation, 121, 448–449
cardiovascular centre, 244 preparation for, 293 occipitoposterior position converted
shock effects, 490 separate vs simultaneous, 301 to, 442
neonatal, intracranial haemorrhage uterine contraction with, 398 bruises, neonatal, 593, 669
and stage of development, vitamin K deficiency and, 637, 709 buttocks, 631
635–636 see also lactation; rooting reflex; face (with face presentation), 448
see also central nervous system; sucking reflex bulbospongiosus muscle, 57
encephalopathy; neurological breastmilk, 704–710 bulbourethral glands, 79
disorders banking for donation, 725 bullous (blistering) rash, 669–670
brain natriuretic peptide, 151–152 components, 707–710 burden of proof of negligence, 36
Braxton Hicks contractions, 145–146, antibodies, 601, 710 burial, 224, 564
148, 333–334 ejection (let-down) reflex, 705–706, Burns Marshall manoeuvre, 382–383
breast, 704–710 720–721 buttocks
anatomy and physiology, 704–705 expressing, 718–719 bruising/oedema, 631
cancer (incl. carcinoma) production see lactation internal rotation, 380
breastfeeding contraindicated, 723 properties, 707–710 restitution, 380
combined oral contraceptive pill storage, 719 button-hole tear of rectal mucosa,
and, 572 substitutes see formula feeding 312t, 314, 442
first, finishing feeding, 716 transfer
massage/stimulation monitoring/assessment, 718
for expressing milk, 719 rate determining length of feed,
inducing labour, 426 707 cabergoline, lactation suppression,
one-breast-only breastfeeding, 723 breathing 723–724
postnatal maternal, eclamptic seizure, 252 caesarean section, 463–472
care, 505, 719 neonatal, 598, 612–613 breastfeeding and, 711
deviation from normal physiology LBW babies, 624 indications and their classification,
and potential morbidity, 518f management in respiratory 463–464
engorgement, 720 distress, 679 induction of labour and scar from,
factors affecting breastfeeding, see also rescue breaths; ventilatory 424
723 breaths malpresentations
problems, 525, 719–720 breathlessness, 158b breech, 359
weight in pregnancy, 166 breech presentation, 193, 356–360 shoulder, 451
breast pumps, 719 1st stage of labour, 356–360 multiple pregnancy, 294
with attachment difficulties, 720 assessment, 341b operative procedure, 464–465
with engorgement, 720 2nd stage of labour, 380–387 postnatal ward care after, 467–468
breastfeeding, 704, 710–725 complications, 387 postoperative care, 466–468
1st feed, 711 causes, 357 postpartum haemorrhage with, 408
2nd (next) feed, 711 cord prolapse, 477 post-traumatic stress disorder, 537
amenorrhoea, 583–585 diagnosis, 357–359 psychological support and role of
antenatal help and preparation, 189, engagement with, 193 midwife, 465
711, 730 incidence, 356–357 requested by women, 465


research and incidence of, 471–472 cardiopulmonary resuscitation see cephal(o)haematoma, 633–634
tackling high/rising rates, 470 resuscitation and caput succedaneum, 633–634
vaginal birth after, 466 cardiotocography (CTG; electronic fetal cerebral haemorrhage with face
wounds and their healing, 521–522 monitoring) presentation, 448
calcium labour, 333 cerebral palsy arising from negligence,
maternal intake, 165 continuous, 345–347 36
neonatal/infant, 692 normal, 346, 347b cerebrospinal fluid leak, neonatal, 598
breastfeeding and, 710 pathological, 347, 347b, 348f cervical ligaments, transverse, 72
imbalances, 692 suspicious, 347, 347b, 348f, 376 cervix (uterine neck), 73
calcium channel blockers in multiple pregnancy, 295–296 canal, 73
pregnancy, 247 cardiovascular centre of medulla cancer
calendar method of contraception, oblongata, 244 combined oral contraceptive pill,
583–584 cardiovascular system 572
cancer (malignancy) amniotic fluid embolism signs and in pregnancy, 223–224
breast see breast symptoms, 485 diaphragm covering, 580
cervical, 223–224 fetal, 112–114 dilatation (in labour), 329–330
cervical see cervix neonatal, 600 charting (cervicograph), 338
combined oral contraceptive pill NIPE (Newborn and Infant checking before encouraging
and, 572 Physical Examination), 602 pushing, 385
Candida albicans (incl. thrush), 678 pregnancy-related changes, examination/assessment
maternal, 279 149–157 for labour induction, 422
postnatal, and feeding, 720 see also circulation in labour, 341b
neonatal, 678 care (maternity - general aspects) mucus plug see mucus plug
cannulas see catheters and cannulas antenatal see antenatal care os (in pregnancy)
capacity/competency (mental) and duty of see duty of care multips, 330
consent, 35, 207 NHS outcomes framework relating in placenta praevia, 231, 232f
labour and, 337 to, 46b palpation, as natural family
capillary haemangiomata (strawberry organization, 11 planning method, 583
marks), 662–663 postnatal see postnatal period in pregnancy, 148–149
capillary malformations, 662 women-centred, 13 carcinoma, 223–224
caput succedaneum, 369–370, 372, Care of the Next Infant (CONI), 185 cerclage, 226
376, 630–631 carers in loss, formal, 563–564 ectropion, 223
cephalhaematoma and, 633–634 caries, dental, 161–162 effacement/taking up, 149,
carbamazepine, 548 Caring for Our Baby (theme in 329–330
carbetocin, 401 antenatal education inelastic/incompetent, 226
carbohydrates programme), 136 os see subheading above
breastmilk, 707 casein-dominant formulae, 726 polyps, 223
metabolism, 164 casuistry, 39 ripening and other changes (in
wound healing and, 521t catheters and cannulas pregnancy), 148, 422
carbon dioxide (blood) intravascular, bleeding associated drugs inducing, 267, 423–424
maternal, arterial partial pressure, with, 639 secretions (natural family planning
159 subarachnoid space misplacement, method), 583
neonatal, accumulation/excess, 469–470 sweep (of membranes - CMS),
612–613 urinary, caesarean section, 464 419–420, 422–423
carbon monoxide screening at first causation in negligence claims, 36 vault caps covering, 581
antenatal visit, 187 caution order, 30 Chadwick’s sign, 149, 171
carboprost, postpartum haemorrhage, cavernous haemangioma, 593 Changes for Me and Us (theme in
409 Central Midwives Boards, 27, 39–40 antenatal education
carcinoma episiotomies and, 321 programme), 133–134
breast see breast central nervous system chemoreceptors and blood pressure,
cervical, 223–224 neonatal 244
chorionic (choriocarcinoma), assessment, 671 chest
226–227 malformations, 658–660 maternal, compressions, 488–489
cardiac… see heart and entries under in pregnancy, 159 neonatal, examination, 596
cardio… see also neurological disorders chickenpox (varicella), 677
cardinal ligaments, 72 central venous pressure monitoring in fetal/congenital/neonatal, 669, 677
cardinal veins, 112 shock, 491 maternal, 677
cardiogenic shock, 489 cephalic presentation see head childbirth (giving birth; intrapartum
cardiomyopathy, peripartum, 269 cephalic version, external, 357, 450 period)


antenatal education for see antenatal villus/villi, 103 clotting (coagulation), maternal, 156
education villus/villi, sampling (CVS) disorders/failure, 234–235
brow presentation diagnosed in, 449 dichorionic placenta, 292 with amniotic fluid embolism,
caesarean section indicators in, 464 Down syndrome, 209–210 486
cardiac disease and, 267 women with cardiac defects/disease, postpartum haemorrhage in, 412
diabetes management, 261–262 266 hypercoagulable state, 156, 266, 272
eclampsia and, 252 chorionicity of twins normal (in pregnancy), 230, 234
expected date, determination, determination, 288–292 clotting (coagulation), neonatal, 600
184–185 importance, 291–292 disorders, haemorrhage with,
face presentation diagnosed in, 445 relationship between zygosity and, 637–639
fear, 533–534 291t clozapine, 547
language, 334 chromosomes, 95b clubfoot
midwife–woman relationships and, abnormalities causing positional, 597–598
10–11 malformations, 648–650 structural (congenital talipes
mother’s experience of, 559 sex see sex chromosomes equinovarus), 597, 661
loss of anticipated experience, circulation (blood flow) CMV see cytomegalovirus
559 at birth, adaptations, 117–118 coagulation see clotting
making it a positive one, 430–431 failure see shock cocaine, 697
multiple pregnancy, 296–297 fetal, 116–117 coccyx, 64
delay of birth of second twin, 299 postnatal, 522 Code, The, 32–34, 501b
delayed interval birth of second deviation from normal physiology record-keeping, 509b
twin, 299 and potential morbidity, 518f coitus interruptus, 582
obesity risks, 256 disorders, 522 colic in breastfed baby, 721–722
occipitoposterior position in, 442 observation, 505 collapse, postnatal, 517
diagnosis of, 438 in pregnancy, regional, 153 collective responsibility, 31
operative methods see operative eclamptic seizure, management, collegial relationships, 11
births 252 colloids, hypovolaemic shock, 490
pelvis in, 65 placental, 106, 146 coloboma, 605
personal account, 388b uterine, 146 colon in pregnancy, 163
place for see place see also cardiovascular system colostrum, 601, 707–708
plans, 15, 199, 334–335 circumcision expressed, 718, 720, 724–725
previous history see obstetric history female see female genital mutilation hypoglycaemia and, 730
prolactinoma, 265 male, hypospadias and, 596 vitamins in, 708–709
shoulder presentation, diagnosis, circumvallate placental, 109 colour, neonatal skin, 612
450–451 citalopram, 547 assessment, 592, 668–669
social context, 13–18 clavicular fracture, 633 coma, myxoedema, 263
unstable lie in, management, 452 cleanliness in labour, 343 combined hormonal contraceptives
urinary tract changes in, 89–90 environmental, 336 injectable, 574
uterine rupture in, signs, 484 cleft lip and/or palate, 594–595, oral (COC), 570–574
see also birth; labour 653–654, 722 future developments, 586–587
children see infants; minors; neonates; Clinical Commissioning Groups, 44 hypertension and, 279, 572
teenage mothers clinical effectiveness, 44 missed, 573
Children’s Centres, 138, 501–502, 510 clinical governance, 44–49 patch, 574
Chlamydia trachomatis, 279–280 Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts, vaginal ring, 574
neonatal, 279–280, 595, 605–606, 47 comfort in labour
678 clinical preceptor/teacher in Global in 1st stage, 343
screening, 189 Standards for Midwifery in 2nd stage, 377
chloasma, 167–168 Education (2010), 6 communication (with mothers/
choanal atresia, 613–614, 655–656 clitoris, 56 parents), 534
cholestasis, obstetric, 235–236, 257 partial or total removal/excision, at booking visit, 183–184
cholesterol 315, 316f, 317 of congenital malformations,
in breastmilk, 707 clonic convulsions, neonatal, 640 650–652
pregnancy and, 165 Clostridium difficile, 46 difficulties, 16–17
chorioamnion see membranes clot(s) (blood), placental, assessment, emergency, 476
chorioamnionitis, 239 405 in labour, 334
choriocarcinoma, 226–227 puerperal, 507 neonatal examination, 598
chorion, 104, 106 clothing in labour in resuscitation with parents present,
chorion frondosum, 103 maternal, 343 614
chorion laeve, 103 midwife’s, 337 see also information; talking


community setting see home consequentialism (utilitarianism), cord see umbilical cord
(or community setting) 38–39 cornea (neonatal), examination, 595
compaction with fetal descent, 380 constipation, 164b coronal suture, 118
companion (birthing), 335 with analgesia in postoperative anal coronary angioplasty, 269
support in 2nd stage of labour for, sphincter repair, 320 corpora cavernosa, 79
375–376 consumptive coagulopathy see corpus luteum, 94, 143
see also partner disseminated intravascular corpus spongiosum, 79
compensated shock, 489 coagulation cortical nephrons, 83
competency (mental) see capacity contact (mother–baby), 625–626 cortical reaction (at fertilization), 95
complementary feeds (to lost baby, 560–561 corticosteroids (steroids), asthma
breastfeeding), 724–725 skin-to-skin, 296, 299, 398, 465, inhaled, 270
compound presentation, 452, 477 499–500, 599–600, 622, 711 tablets, 270
compression support stockings social, 625 cortisol, maternal, 169, 171
thromboembolism prevention, continence, postnatal, 507 cotyledon, 104
266–268, 271, 277, 467, 522, see also anal incontinence; urinary broken fragments, 405
525–526 incontinence retained, 407
varicosities, 190 continuing professional development counselling
conception standard, 35 antenatal screening, 207
assisted, pregnancy problems, 228 continuous care and support in labour, Down syndrome, 209
evacuation of retained products of, 336 haemoglobinopathies, 211
225 prolonged labour, 428 contraception
see also pre-conception period continuous electronic fetal monitoring, sterilization, 585–586
condition see health and well-being 345–347 subdermal contraceptive implants,
conditions of practice order, 30 continuous subcutaneous insulin 577
interim, 30 infusion pumps, 258–259 grief and bereavement, 665
condom contraception, 569–588 multifetal pregnancy reduction,
female, 579 barrier methods see barrier 305
male, 579 contraceptives neural tube defect, 660
spermicide-lubricated, 581 counselling see counselling preconception, 266, 276, 278
conduct, standards of, 34 emergency, 581–582 termination of pregnancy for fetal
Conduct and Competence Committee, future of, 586 abnormality, 559
30 hormonal methods see hormones Couvelaire uterus, 233
Confidential Enquiries into Maternal hypertensive women, 279 cow’s milk protein intolerance, 727
Deaths, psychiatric causes, 538, long-acting reversible, 575–578, 586 creatinine measurements in pregnancy,
550 natural methods, 582–585 155t, 161
Congenital Disabilities (Civil Liability) role of midwife, 570 cremation, 224, 564
Act (1976), 36 contractions (uterine), 331 cretinism, 170
congenital infections in 2nd stage of labour, 368–369, cricoid pressure in caesarean section in
chickenpox/varicella, 669, 677 376 Mendelson’s syndrome
rubella, 676–677 expulsive, 369 prevention, 470
syphilis, 281 in 3rd stage of labour, 397 crowning, 377
congenital malformations see rub up, 409 right occipitoposterior position,
malformations Braxton Hicks, 145–146, 148, 440
conjoined twins, 298 333–334 crown–rump length and Down
conjoint longitudinal coat of anal intensity, 331 syndrome, 209
sphincters, 60 at onset of labour, 329 crying (midwife) with bereaved
conjugate (anteroposterior) diameter sustaining (with uterotonics) in parents, 564
of pelvic inlet, 66–67 treatment of postpartum cryptorchidism, 664
conjunctival haemorrhage, 595 haemorrhage, 409 crystalloids, hypovolaemic shock, 490
conjunctivitis, neonatal (ophthalmia contractual accountability, 31–32 culture
neonatorum), 595, 596f, convoluted tubules, 83 diaphragm (contraceptive) and,
605–606, 678 convulsions see seizures 580
Conn’s syndrome, 248 cooling emotion and, 12
consensual panel determination neonate loss and, 557
(NMC), 30–31 induced, in encephalopathy, curriculum in Global Standards for
consent (inc. informed consent), 35–36 673–674 Midwifery Education (2010), 7
antenatal screening, 206–207 unwanted, 598–599 Cushing’s syndrome, 248
labour and, 337 postnatal perineal pain, 508 cuts and lacerations, neonatal, 593,
mental capacity and, 35, 207 copper IUCD see intrauterine systems 629–630


cyanocobalamin supplements, 275 deformations diamorphine (heroin)

cyanosis, neonatal, 592, 669 developmental see malformations abuse, 696
cardiac defects causing, 656–657 pelvic, 69 caesarean section, postoperative,
peripheral/at extremities deinfibulation, 317–318 466
(acrocyanosis), 592, 668–669 personal account, 323 labour, 354
cyproterone in combined oral delivery (birthing) diaphragm (contraceptive), 579–581
contraceptive pill, 570–571 baby see birth diaphragmatic hernia, congenital,
cystic fibrosis, meconium ileus, placenta, cardiac disease and, 654–655, 680–681
653 267 diarrhoea, neonatal, 672
cystic kidney, 663–664 see also birth; caesarean section; diastolic murmur, 603–604
cytomegalovirus (CMV), 280 vaginal birth dichorionic twins, 288–294, 297
screening, 189 delusions, psychotic, 541 chorionic villus sampling, 292
cytotrophoblast, 97, 102–103, 168 denial (of loss), 556 premature expulsion of placenta,
denominators (with presentations), 299
196 ultrasound examination, 292
dental health, 161–162 diclofenac (incl. Voltarol)
dating of pregnancy, ultrasonography, deontology, 39 anal sphincter repair, postoperative,
418 depot medroxyprogesterone acetate, 320
deaths/mortalities 575–576 perineal pain (postnatal), 508
fetal depression (and depressive illness), diet
induction of labour, 421 537 deficiency, pelvic anomalies, 70
vasa praevia, 477 postnatal, 136 at first antenatal visit, 186
infants (incl. neonates) see also antidepressants; bipolar in labour, 343–344
early, 558 illness see also nutrition
multiple, 304 deprivation (poverty), 15 digestive system see gastrointestinal
sudden infant death syndrome, dermatitis, breast, 720 system
previous occurrence (woman or dermatology see skin digit(s)
in family), 185 descent anomalies, 597–598
maternal, 564 fetal head see head blood pressure-measuring devices,
in epilepsy, 278 placenta see placenta 245
in genital tract infection, 279 desogestrel in combined oral dinoprostone inducing labour, 267,
in psychiatric illness, 550 contraceptive pill, 570–571 423–424
in septic shock, 492 development disability
in shoulder dystocia, 483 fetal see fetus baby born with, 559
perinatal (in general), 557–558 neonatal/postnatal twin, 304
see also abortion; bereavement; intracranial haemorrhage and women with, 14–15
feticide; life-threatening stage of brain development, disadvantaged groups/women,
conditions; loss; miscarriage; 635–636 13–17
stillbirths LBW/preterm baby, 625 booking visit, 184
decelerations, 346 twins, 302 midwives meeting needs of, 17–18
atypical variable, 346 sex, disorders, 597, 664, 695 discharge home in drug abuse, 697
late, 346 structural abnormalities see discussion in antenatal education
typical variable, 346 malformations sessions, promoting, 131–132
decidua, 101, 146 developmental dysplasia of hips, disseminated intravascular coagulation
decidua basalis, 101, 103 606–607, 661–662 (consumptive coagulopathy)
decidua capsularis, 101, 103 diabetes mellitus, 165, 257–262 maternal, 273
decidua vera/parietalis, 101 family history of, 186, 258 in amniotic fluid embolism, 486
reaction (decidualization), 101, gestational see gestational diabetes neonatal, 638–639
104–105, 143, 168 mellitus distress, psychological, 537
decubitus ulcer prevention in labour, induction of labour, 421 headache as precursor of, 523
343 infant hypoglycaemia in, 690 diuretics in hypertension, 247
deep transverse arrest, 442 macrosomia and, 618–619 dizygotic (binovular/DZ) twins, 288,
deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 190, maturity onset diabetes of the young 292
229, 271–273, 522 (MODY), 259 monozygotic vs, 95–96, 288
defence mechanisms in loss and grief, secondary, 259 DNA, free fetal, 214
556 shoulder dystocia and, 479 documentation see records and
deflexion of head in occipitoanterior type 1, 257–262 documentation
position, 437f–438f, 442–443, type 2, 254, 257, 259–262 domestic abuse, 184, 509–510
451 diamniotic twins, 291 dominant gene disorders, 648


dopamine agonists in pregnancy

lactation suppression, 723–724 antenatal screening impact on,
prolactinoma, 264–265 ears 204–205
Doppler assessment of fetal heart rate fetal, 115–116 normal changes, 535–536
labour, 344–345 neonatal, examination, 594 see also distress
multiple pregnancy, 295–296 eating see diet; nutrition emotion work, 9
double pumping, 719 Ebstein’s anomaly and lithium, 548 sources, 9–11
double uterus, 75 ecbolics see uterotonics emotional intelligence, 12
doula, 336, 503–504 eclampsia, 251–253 encephalopathy, neonatal, 672–674
Down syndrome (trisomy 21), fulminant, 251 end-of-life care with congenital
208–210, 649–650 ectoderm (embryo), 97 malformations, 646–647
breastfeeding, 723 neural tube development from, 115 endocrine system (and activity)
screening, 207–210, 213 ectopic (mainly tubal) pregnancy, adult female/maternal, 168–171
drospirenone in combined oral 148–149, 225–226 disorders, 257–265
contraceptive pill, 570–571 education kidney, 84
drug(s) (medical) maternal placenta, 104–105, 168–169
breastfeeding see breastfeeding antenatal see antenatal education fetal, 115
lactation-suppressing, 723–724 diabetes, 261 neonatal, disorders, 694–695
placental transfer and risk to fetus, midwife, ICM global standards, 4–8 see also hormones
105 see also information endoderm (embryo), 97
anticonvulsants, 548 Edwards’ levels of ethics, 38b endometrial cycle (menstrual cycle),
antipsychotics, 547 Edwards’ syndrome, 650 92f, 94–95
lithium, 548 egg see oocyte endometrium, 73, 144
SSRIs, 546–547 ejaculatory ducts, 79 combined oral contraceptive pill
tricyclic antidepressants, 546 ejection murmur, 603 and cancer of, 572
records in labour, 344 electrically-controlled breast pump, implantation into see implantation
standards for management of, 35 719–720 in menstrual/endometrial cycle,
toxicity, 492 electrolyte imbalances in newborns, 94–95
treatment with see medical 691–692 in pregnancy see decidua
management and specific (types electronic fetal monitoring see endorphins, 351
of) drugs cardiotocography transcutaneous electrical nerve
drug abuse see substance abuse elemental formulae, 727 stimulation and, 353
drying the baby, 611–612 ellaOne, 582 endotracheal intubation in caesarean
Duchenne–Erb (Erb’s) palsy, 632 embolism section, difficult/failed, 470–471
ducts, lactiferous/milk, 705 amniotic fluid, 485–486 enemas, 343
blocked, 721 pulmonary see pulmonary engagement (fetal head descent into
ductus arteriosus (arterial duct), embolism pelvic brim) see head
116–117 embryo development, 97, 111 enkephalins, 351
at birth, 117–118 stem cells in see stem cells enoxaparin, 266
patent persistent (PDA), maternal, timescale, 111, 113 enterocolitis, necrotizing (NEC), 672
uncorrected, 268 embryoblast, 97–99 Entonox see nitrous oxide + oxygen
patent persistent (PDA), neonatal, emergency environment (physical)
602, 645, 657–658 contraception, 581–582 in labour, 336
lesions dependent (for threat to health, 475–495 cleanliness, 336
haemodynamic stability) on, antepartum haemorrhage, 232, position and, 372
657–658 234 LBW babies and optimization of,
ductus venosus, 112, 116–117 breech presentation classed as, 625–626
at birth, 117 356–357 environmental and genetic factors,
duodenal atresia, 652 communication in, 476 disorders due to combination
duplications, uterine, 75 inborn errors of metabolism, of, 648
dural puncture-related headache, 356b, 693 epiblast, 97–98
357 emesis see vomiting epidermolysis bullosa, 669–670
duty of care, 32, 36, 39, 47 emotion(s) epididymis, 78
breach, 36–37 in labour, 335, 535–536 epidural (regional) analgesia/
dyslipidaemia, atherogenic, 254 midwives’, 8–13 anaesthesia, 354–356, 371b
dysmenorrhoea, 94 developing awareness of, 8, caesarean section, 467–469
dyspnoea (breathlessness), 158b 12–13 postoperative care after, 467
dystocia, 427 managing, 11–12 postoperative use, 466
shoulder see shoulder postnatal, 526, 536 technique, 469


cardiac disease patients, 267 midwife’s, 189–196 extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

complications, 356 recognition of problems, 668–672 in meconium aspiration
multiple pregnancy, 296 in labour in 1st stage, 327, 340 syndrome, 679
spontaneous vaginal birth and, 371b breech presentation, 358–359 eyes
upper abdominal pressure initial, 337 fetal, 115–116
(in labour) and, 369 membranes see membranes neonatal
epilepsy, 277–279 occipitoanterior position first examination, 595
epinephrine see adrenaline antenatal, 436–437 infections, 595, 605–606, 678
episiotomy, 313 intrapartum, 438 NIPE (Newborn and Infant
postpartum haemorrhage relating to, placenta, 404–405 Physical Examination),
407 post-mortem (baby), 561 605–606
repair, 318 shoulder presentation
in shoulder dystocia, 481 antenatal, 450
training (in performance and intrapartum, 450–451
repair), 321 see also observation; palpation face, fetal, 120
epithelial overgrowth (nipple), 721 examination, neonatal bruising with face presentation, 448
Epstein’s pearls, 595 daily, 598–601 presentation, 121, 193–194,
epulis, pregnancy, 161 first, 592–598 444–448
ERASMUS programme, 8 NIPE (Newborn and Infant Physical causes, 444
Erb–Duchenne (Erb’s) palsy, 632 Examination), 601–607 complications, 448
Erb–Klumpke palsy, 632 exchange transfusion in physiological labour management, 447–448
ergometrine, 400 jaundice, 684–685 mentum as denominator with,
cardiac disease and, 267 excretion, fetal, 105 196
combined oxytocin and, 400 exercise occipitoposterior position
in postpartum haemorrhage first antenatal visit and, 186–187 converted to, 442
treatment, 409 postnatal, 508–509 primary vs secondary, 444
erythema, palmar, 168 women’s views at postnatal reversal, 447
erythrocytes see red blood cells classes, 502 trauma, 448, 631
erythropoietin, 84 exomphalos, 650 face, neonatal
Essure, 585 expectant management examination, 594–595
ethics, 37–39 3rd stage of labour, 398–400, instrumental delivery-related
frameworks and theories, 37–39 403–404 trauma, 462–463
standards of, 34 prolonged pregnancy, 419 palsy (facial nerve damage),
ethnic minority women, 15–16 expected date of birth, determination, 462–463, 594f, 631–632
ethnocentrism, 16 184–185 face to pubis presentation,
eumenorrhoea, 94 experiences undiagnosed, 442
European Action Scheme for the midwife, of loss, 559 facilities in Global Standards for
Mobility of University Students mother Midwifery Education (2010), 7
(ERASMUS) programme, 8 in antenatal education groups, faculty in Global Standards for
European Convention for the sharing, 130b Midwifery Education (2010), 6
Protection of Human Rights of childbirth see childbirth faeces (stools)
and Fundamental Freedoms, 32 in fetal ultrasonography, 211–212 maternal, incontinence (anal
European Union Standards for Expert Reference Group on antenatal incontinence), 320, 507, 524
Nursing and Midwifery, 4 education neonatal/infant, 601
evacuation of retained products of Preparation for Birth and Beyond, bottle-fed baby, 729
conception, 225 133–136, 138 breast-fed baby, 718
evidence-based research and practice, systematic review, 129 fallopian tubes (oviducts; salpinges;
3, 12 on wants and needs of stakeholders, uterine tubes), 75–76
postnatal care, 509 138 occlusion (for sterilization),
EVRA (combined hormone patch), 574 expiratory grunting, 670 585–586
examination, maternal (incl. physical) extension of fetal head, 374 in pregnancy, 144
abdominal see abdomen left mentoanterior position, 445 ectopic pregnancy in tubes,
breech presentation, 357–358 right occipitoposterior position, 440 148–149, 225–226
in labour, 358–359 external cephalic version, 357, 450 Fallot’s tetralogy, 657
brow presentation, antenatal, 449 external rotation of head, 371–372, family
face presentation, intrapartum, 445 374, 375f, 378 loss impacting on, 563
at initial assessment, 187–196 breech presentation, 381 parenthood and relationship with
as indicator for referral for left mentoanterior position, 446 other members of, 556
additional support, 183 right occipitoposterior position, 441 postpartum care centering on, 516


family history, 186 ferrous salts spontaneous/accidental loss see

diabetes mellitus, 186, 258 antenatal, 274 miscarriage
Family–Nurse Partnership (FNP) postnatal, 524–525 teratogens see teratogens
programme, 138 fertilisation, 95–96 in unstable lie causation, 452
postnatal care and, 502 fertility well-being see health and well-being
fascia (pelvic), vagina, 72 awareness (natural family planning), fetus-in-fetus, 298
fat(s) 582–585 fever (pyrexia), neonatal, 599
body (in general), distribution future (after childbirth), 509 fibrin, 234
related to disease, 254 problems, 558 breakdown (fibrinolysis), 234
breast, 704–705 fetal haemoglobin, 114, 275 deposits, HELPP syndrome, 253
in breastmilk, 707 fetal membranes, 106 fibroids (leiomyomas; fibromyomata)
wound healing and, 521t fetal surface of placenta, 104 degeneration, 227
fat-soluble vitamins, 708–709 feticide, 228 postpartum haemorrhage relating to,
fathers selective, 305 408
in antenatal education fetus, 111–123 fits see seizures
inclusion, 138–139 adaptation to extrauterine life, Five Rhythms method, 343
numbers, 139 117–118, 670 flexion (of fetus in labour), 373, 376
in antenatal screening, unknown/ amniotic fluid embolism effects, lateral, 374, 380
unavailable/declining tests, 486 in occipitoposterior position, 440
211 antepartum haemorrhage and the failure, 441–442
impact of loss, 563 appraisal of fetus, 230 in mentoanterior position (right),
see also parenthood; partner effects of haemorrhage, 230 446
fatigue/tiredness, postnatal, 508, 526 asphyxia see asphyxia ventouse extraction and point of, 459
fatness, measures of, 254 axis pressure, 333 floppy (hypotonic) baby, 612–614, 671
fatty acids in breastmilk, 707 blood sampling in labour, 347–348 fluid balance
fatty liver, 253 death see death maternal, 166
fear development and maturation, labour, 341
of giving birth, 533–534 112–116 neonatal overload, 691
in psychosis, 541 timescales, 111, 113 fluid management
see also anxiety diabetes and risk to, 260 hypovolaemic shock, 490
feeding, infant, 703–736 diagnosis of abnormality see septic shock, 492
complementary/supplementary to antenatal diagnosis fluoxetine, 547
breastfeeding, 724–725 distress or compromise, 296, 345, focal (partial) neonatal convulsions/
discussed at antenatal visit, 189 456 seizures, 640
LBW babies, 624–625 excretion, 105 folic acid
poor, indicating bacterial infection, growth see intrauterine growth deficiency, 274–275
675 head see head twin pregnancy and, 294
twins, 299–301 heart see heart diabetic women, 261
see also breastfeeding; formula in instrumental delivery supplements, 275
feeding as contraindicator, 457 antiepileptic drugs and, 278–279
feet as indicator, 456 follicle(s), ovarian, 93–94
in breech presentation, 357 intrauterine growth restriction see also Graafian follicles
in labour, 359 related to factors in, 620 follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
neonatal, examination, 597–598 lie, 194 females, 91–92
female baby genitalia malformations see malformations in ovarian cycle, 93–94
examination, 597 movements see movements in pregnancy, 169
male-looking, 664, 695 nutrition, 105 males, 80
female genital mutilation (FGM/ obesity and risk to, 255 follicular phase of ovarian cycle, 93–94
genital cutting/female position, 196 fontanelles, 116, 118–120
circumcision), 314–317 presentation see presentation anterior, 120
personal account, 322b–323b prevention of rejection, 102 posterior, 120
repair, 318 prolonged pregnancy and its impact food cravings, 162
see also women on, 418–419 see also diet; feeding; nutrition
FemCap, 581 respiration, 105 foot see feet
Femilis (and Femilis Slim), 578 rights, 36 footling breech, 357
feminization (under-virilization), screening, 189, 208–214 foramen magnum, 118
male, 664 in shoulder dystocia, morbidity, 483 foramen ovale, 112, 116, 118
femoral fracture, 633 in shoulder presentation causation, at birth, 118
Ferguson reflex, 330, 368–369, 428 450 closure, 117


forceps, 456, 460–463 gastrointestinal (digestive) system glomerulus, 83

breech presentation, 384, 456 fetal, 115 filtration, 85
characteristics, 460 maternal in pregnancy, 161
classification, 460 changes, 161–164 selective reabsorption in, 85–86
complications, 462–463 shock affecting, 490 glucagon, 257
neonatal trauma, 629–630 neonatal, 600–601 fetal, 115
contraindications, 457 examination for problems, 672 glucocorticoids, adrenal, 695
indications, 456 malformations, 650–654 glucose, maternal blood (glycaemia)
procedure, 460–461 gastro-oesophageal junction in abnormal values see hyperglycaemia;
types, 460 pregnancy, 162–163 hypoglycaemia
see also instrumental vaginal birth gastroschisis, 650 assessment and management, 253,
forebrain, fetal, 115 gastrulation, 97 261
foregut, 115 gate-control theory of pain, 351–352 intrapartum, 261
forehead region (fetal skull), 120 general anaesthesia normal values, 165
foremilk, 707, 716 caesarean section, 470–471 glucose, neonatal blood (glycaemia),
forewaters, 332 care following, 467 689
rupture see rupture of the postpartum haemorrhage relating to, abnormal levels, 689–691
membranes 407 homeostasis, 689
formal carers in loss, 563–564 general fluid pressure (in labour), 332 tests, 262, 690
formula (bottle) feeding, 726–729 generalized neonatal seizures, 640 glucose tolerance test (GTT),
allergy and, 708 genetic disorders 256–257
breastfeeding compared with, congenital malformations due to, glycaemia see glucose
morbidity problems, 708, 726 648 glycolysis, neonatal, 598–599
choosing a feed, 727 cardiac, 266 glyc(osyl)ated haemoglobin, 259–260
as complementary or supplementary family history of, 186 goat’s milk formulae, 727
feeds to breastfeeding, 724–725 of metabolism, 692–694 gonadotrophins
equipment, 728 genitalia see female genital mutilation; human chorionic see human
sterilization, 728 reproductive system chorionic gonadotrophin
intolerance to standard formulae, genitourinary system (neonatal) pituitary see follicle-stimulating
727 examination for disorders, 671–672 hormone; luteinizing hormone
preparation of feed, 727–728 malformations, 81, 663–664 gonorrhoea (N. gonorrhoeae infection)
technique, 728–729 germ cells see oocyte; spermatozoon maternal, 280
twins, 299–300 germinal matrix haemorrhage (GMH), neonatal eye infection, 595,
preparation for, 293 635–637 605–606, 678
types of milk, 726–727 gestational age, 618 Goodell’s sign, 148, 171
‘framing’ effect, 207–208 appropriate growth for, 618 governance, clinical, 44–49
frank breech, 357 assessment (at birth), 622–623 Graafian follicles, 93–94
Fraser competence, 35–36 large for, 618 rupture, 94
frenotomy in tongue tie, 722 small for see small for gestational grandparents, impact of loss, 563
frontal bones, 118 age granular cells, 83
frontal suture, 120 gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), granuloma, pyogenic, 161
full blood count at booking visit, 188 165, 260–262 Graves’ disease
functional vital capacity, 158 shoulder dystocia and, 479 maternal, 264
funeral, 561, 564 gestational hypertension, 246–247 neonatal, 694–695
midwives at, 564 gestational trophoblastic disease, gravidity and attendance at antenatal
see also burial; cremation 226–227, 249 sessions, 137–140
funic souffle, 146 gestodene in combined oral great arteries, transposition, 604b,
contraceptive pill, 570–571 657
Getting to Know Our Unborn Baby grief (in loss), 556–557
(theme in antenatal education in multiple pregnancy/birth of one
galactosaemia, 694 programme), 134b baby, 304
gall bladder in pregnancy, 163 Gillick competence, 35–36, 337 stages, 556–557
disease, 236 Giving Birth and Meeting Our Baby in termination of pregnancy,
GALT (gut-associated lymphoid tissue), (theme in antenatal education 558–559
710 programme), 134 group A streptococcus, 281
gametes see oocyte; spermatozoon glandular tissue, breast, 704–705 group B streptococcus (GBS), 281,
gases, blood, in pregnancy, 159 Glasgow Coma Score, hypovolaemic 675–676
Gaskin manoeuvre, 481 shock, 491 respiratory distress, 679
gastric… see stomach globalization, 4–8 screening, 189, 215


growth arrest, 490 high, cord prolapse or presentation

appropriate (for gestational age), 618 see also bleeding with, 477
charts, LBW and preterm babies, 623 haemorrhage (maternal), postpartum, moulding see moulding
fetal see intrauterine growth 406 presentations (cephalic
undergrown see small for gestational care after, 414 presentation), 121, 193–194,
age multiple pregnancy, 299, 407 373–374
weight in assessment of, 618 primary, 406–412 assessment in 1st stage of labour,
growth factors in breastmilk, 710 causes, 406–408, 412, 487 341b
growth hormone maternal observation following, engagement with, 193
human placental, 105 412–413 mechanism of labour in, 373–374
pituitary, deficiency, 695 prophylaxis, 408 varieties, 195f
grunting, expiratory, 670 signs, 408 rotation see external rotation;
guidelines (in clinical governance), treatment, 409–412 internal rotation
44–45 secondary, 413 stations in relation to pelvic canal,
gut-associated lymphoid tissue, 710 timing of components of active 342f
Gygel, 581 management in relation to head (neonatal)
gynaecoid pelvis, 68, 68t incidence of, 403 examination, 593–594
GyneFix, 578 haemorrhoids, 164b feeding and support for, 624, 712
haemostasis (stopping bleeding) heat loss, 623
endogenous headache
with placental separation and dural puncture-related, 356b, 357
haem in pregnancy, 154, 275 descent, 397–398 postnatal, 523
haemangioma(ta), 593 in wound healing, 520f Health Act (1999), 28
capillary/strawberry, 662–663 in postpartum haemorrhage, 409 Health and Social Care Act (2012), 27,
haematemesis, 639 hair growth, maternal, 167b 501–502
haematology hand(s), neonatal health and well-being/condition
maternal/in pregnancy examination, 597–598 fetal
disorders, 247 malformations, 660 in 1st stage of labour, 344–348
normal changes, 153–157 see also manual techniques in 2nd stage of labour, 376
tests (compared with non- handling the baby, 625–626 in diabetes, tests for, 261
pregnant woman), 155t hands-free milk expression, 719 indicators of, 196–198
neonatal, disorders, 688–689 hands-off technique, 377 multiple pregnancy, compromise,
haematoma, postpartum, 413 breech birth, 381, 385 296
haematuria, 639 hands-on-help from midwife in maternal antenatal
haemoglobin breastfeeding, 715–716 in 1st stage of labour, assessment,
fetal, 114, 275 haploidy oocyte, 94 340–341
glyc(osyl)ated (HbA1c), 259–260 at fertilization (and haploid sperm), in 2nd stage of labour, 374–379
postnatal levels and assessment, 524 95 as indicator for referral for
in pregnancy, 154 Hashimoto’s disease, 263 additional support, 183
see also anaemia head (fetal) indicators of, 196
haemoglobin H disease, 275 attitude, 121, 194 maternal postnatal, 515–529
haemoglobin S, 276–277 birth of expectations, 508–509
haemoglobinopathy, 275–277 in breech presentation, 381–384 future, 509
screening for, 189, 210–211, 215–216 in breech presentation, delay, 385 identifying deviation from
haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and in face presentation, 447–448 normal, 517–525
low platelets (HELLP) normal, 377–378 immediate untoward events for
syndrome, 253 in shoulder dystocia, reinsertion mother, 516–517
haemolytic disease of the newborn of head after, 482–483 life-threatening conditions and
(HDN), 188, 216, 684–686 circumference (HD) measurement morbidity, 516
haemolytic jaundice, 685–686 at birth, 593–594 problems, 515–529
haemophilia, 689 ultrasound, 213 partner and other companions, in
haemorrhage (baby), 633–639 deflexion in occipitoanterior 2nd stage of labour, 375–376
cerebral (fetal), with face position, 437f–438f, 442–443, see also medical conditions/
presentation, 448 451 disorders; Our Health and
conjunctival (neonatal), 595 descent into pelvic brim and Wellbeing; sexual health
support of parents, 641 engagement, 148, 193, 342f, Health Care and Associated
haemorrhage (maternal), antenatal 373, 376 Professions (Indemnity
(and unspecified or in general), breech birth, 382 Arrangements) Order (2013),
229–235 extension see extension 37


Health Committee, 30 HELPERR acronym, 480 hormones

Healthy Start Initiative, 729 HELPP (haemolysis, elevated liver adrenal, 695
heart (fetal) enzymes and low platelets) disorders relating to, 695
growth and development, 112 syndrome, 253 breast/lactation and, 705
rate see heart rate Henle’s loop, 83 in breastmilk, 710
heart (maternal) heparins (low molecular weight), 266 contraception using, 570–575
anatomical changes, 149–153 after caesarean section, 467 emergency, 581–582
failure, shock (=cardiogenic shock), hepatic disorders, 235–236, 253 injectable, 574
489 hepatitis, viral, 236 long-acting reversible, 575–578,
output, 152 hepatitis A, 237, 280 586
in hypovolaemic shock, 489 hepatitis B, 237, 280 oral see oral contraceptive pill
output in labour diagnosis/screening, 189, 214, skin patch, 574
pain affecting, 352 237 vaginal ring, 574
positioning affecting, 267 hepatitis C, 237, 280 kidney, 84
heart (neonatal) diagnosis/screening, 189, 237 male, 80
murmur see murmur hepcidin, 154 maternal, 168–171
NIPE (Newborn and Infant Physical hernia, congenital diaphragmatic, blood pressure and, 244
Examination), 602 654–655, 680–681 placental, 104–105, 168–169
sounds, 603 heroin see diamorphine in mental illness prophylaxis, 549
heart disease (baby), congenital, 602, herpes simplex, neonatal, 669 reproduction (in females) and,
656–658, 681 herpes zoster, 677 91–100
causes/risk factors, 656 high assimilation pelvis, 69 HPV (human papilloma virus), 281
lithium, 548 hindbrain, fetal, 115 human chorionic gonadotrophin
SSRIs, 547 hindgut, 115 (hCG), 101, 105, 168–169
postnatal detection (incl. hindmilk, 707, 716 pregnancy loss, 224
examination), 602, 656 hindwaters, 332 pregnancy testing, 171
prenatal diagnosis/detection, 656 rupture see rupture of the human chorionic
management with, 681 membranes somatomammotrophin
heart disease (maternal), 265–269 hips (and hip bones), 62–63 hormone, 105
acquired, 268–269 developmental dysplasia, 606–607, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
congenital, 265, 268 661–662 and AIDS, 280–281
care, 266–268 Hirschsprung’s disease, 653, 672 breastfeeding and, 723
hypertension associated with, 248 histamine and blood pressure, 244 postpartum haemorrhage and, 408
preconception care and, 266 history (woman’s), and its recording tests, 214
diagnosis, 265 at booking visit, 184–186 booking visit, 189
heart rate (fetal) indicating referral for additional human papilloma virus, 281
auscultation see auscultation antenatal support, 183 human placental growth hormone,
Doppler assessment see Doppler in labour at onset, 337 105
assessment HIV see human immunodeficiency human placental lactogen, 105, 169
electronic monitoring see virus Human Rights Act (1999), 32
cardiotocography home (or community setting) see also rights
in labour, 344–345 antenatal visit, 199 humeral fracture, 633
1st stage, 344–345 birth at, 199, 335 humoral immunity in pregnancy, 157
2nd stage, 376, 385 breech, 360 hyaline membrane disease (neonatal
intermittent assessment, 344–345 option of, 182 respiratory distress syndrome),
normal, 346, 347b cord prolapse management, 479 680
overall classification of features, multiple births and their care at, hydatidiform mole, 226–227
346–347 302 hydralazine, 247
pathological, 347, 347b, 348f placental retention at, 412 hydramnios see polyhydramnios
suspicious, 347, 347b, 348f, 376 postnatal haemorrhage, secondary, hydrocephalus, 660
multiple pregnancy, 294–296 413 hydrolysate formulae, 727
heart rate (neonatal), 596 postnatal visit, 503–504, 526–527 hydrostatic pressure in replacement of
heartburn, 162–163 home-from-home, birthing rooms as, inverted uterus, 487
heat (baby) 336 hydrotherapy, labour pain, 352–353
loss, 598–599, 611–612 Home Start, 305, 545–546 21-hydroxylase deficiency, 597, 664
preterms, 623 homeopathy and labour pain, 352 hyperbilirubinaemia (neonatal), 681
overheating (hyperthermia), 599 homosexual women, 17 late conjugated, 688
Hegar’s sign, 148, 171 HOOP (Hands-Off Hands-Poised) late unconjugated, 688
help see support and help trial, 377–378 hypercoagulable state, 156, 266, 272


hyperemesis gravidarum, 228–229 hypothyroidism postpartum haemorrhage associated

hyperglycaemia maternal, 263–264 with, 407
maternal, 257–258 neonatal, 694 ritual, 420
neonatal, 690–691 hypotonic (floppy) baby, 612–614, infants
hyperinsulinaemia 671 feeding see feeding
maternal, 164–165 hypovolaemic shock, 489–491 micturition, 89
neonatal, 623–624 hypoxia mother’s relationship with see
hyperkalaemia, neonatal, 692 fetal, 457 relationships
hyperlipidaemia (dyslipidaemia), healthy baby, 376 preterm see preterm babies
atherogenic, 254 maternal response to, 244 sleeping, safety advice, 199, 626
hypernatraemia, neonatal, 691–692 hypoxic–ischaemia encephalopathy see also neonates; sudden infant
hypertension (and hypertensive (HIE), neonatal, 672–673 death syndrome
disorders), 244–253, 522–523 infections (maternal), 279–282
chronic (benign/essential), 244–248, antibiotic prophylaxis for caesarean
523 section, 464
superimposed pre-eclampsia, 248 identity, twins, 303 healthcare-associated, 46
combined oral contraceptive pill ileus, meconium, 653 placenta as barrier to fetal infection,
and, 279, 572 iliococcygeus, 61 105
definitions, 246b iliopectineal eminence, 65 in labour, 336–337
non-pregnant population, 246b iliopectineal line, 65 postnatal
in pregnancy, 246b ilium, 62 breast, 721
gestational, 246–247 imaging, fetal, new technologies, caesarean section wound, 522
history of, 185–186 214 vulnerability to/potential causes/
induction of labour, 248, 421 immune system prevention, 519
in labour, 341 neonate and, 105, 601, 675 testing/screening for, 214–215
postnatal, 522–523 breastmilk factors and, 710 at booking visit, 188–189
in pregnancy, 244–253 in pregnancy, 156–157 see also immune system; sepsis
complications, 247 preventing of fetal rejection, 102 infections (neonatal), 674–678
management, 247b immunization see antibodies; breastfed vs formula-fed babies, 726
secondary, 248–249 vaccination breastmilk factors in protection
hyperthermia (overheating), 599, 671 immunoglobulins see antibodies from, 710
hyperthyroidism imperforate anus (anal atresia), 596, congenital see congenital infections
maternal, 263, 263t 652 eye, 595, 605–606, 678
neonatal, 694–695 implant, subdermal contraceptive, hyperbilirubinaemia in, 688
hyperventilation in pregnancy, 159 576–577 respiratory distress due to, 679–681
hypervolaemia (increased blood implantation (trophoblast into urinary tract, 671–672
volume) in pregnancy, endometrium), 97, 101–102 infertility, 558
150–153, 272 bleed, 222–226 infibulation, 316f
hypoblast, 97–99 incapacity see capacity see also deinfibulation
hypocalcaemia, neonatal, 692 incontinence inflammatory phase of wound healing,
in hypoparathyroidism, 695 faecal/anal, 320, 507, 524 520f
hypogastric arteries, 116 urinary see urinary incontinence information (for women and parents),
at birth, 118 indemnity insurance, professional, 37, 17
hypoglycaemia, 258 182 in antenatal education groups,
maternal (risk with insulin), Indemnity Order (2013), 37 139–140
257–259, 261 indicative sanctions, 30 sharing, 129–131
severe, 258 individuality with twins, 303 in antenatal screening, 207
neonatal, 262, 623–624, 689–691, induction of labour, 420–426 amount needed, 207
695 alternative (non-surgical or on blood groups and red cell
hypokalaemia, neonatal, 692 pharmacological) approaches antibodies, 216
hyponatraemia, neonatal, 691 to, 426 for haemoglobinopathies, pre-test,
hypoparathyroidism, neonatal, 695 contraindications, 422b 211
hypospadias, 596, 664 indications, 421 at booking visit, 184
hypotension cardiac disease, 267 see also communication; education;
in labour, 341 hydramnios, 238 knowledge
epidural analgesia-related, 356b hypertensive women, 248, 421 informed consent see consent
in supine position in pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, 294 infundibulum, fallopian, 76
152b pre-eclampsia, 251, 421 inhalation anaesthesia in caesarean
hypothermia, neonatal, 671 methods, 422–425 section, 470


inhalation analgesia see nitrous oxide intention to practice documentation, Investigating Committee, 30
+ oxygen 39–40 iodine
inhaler, asthma, 270 intercostal recession, 670 deficiency, 170, 263
inherited disorders see genetic interim conditions of practice order, 30 requirements, 170
disorders interim suspension order, 30 Ireland, Midwives (Ireland) Act (1918),
inhibin, 93–94 intermittent positive pressure 27, 39–40
injectable contraceptive, combined, ventilation, neonatal, 613 iris (neonatal), examination, 595
574 internal rotation of buttocks, 380 iron (in pregnancy)
injury (trauma) internal rotation of head, 373, 376 deficiency causing anaemia,
maternal in left mentoanterior positions, 445 273–274
breast, affecting breastfeeding, in occipitoposterior position, postnatal, 524–525
723 440–441 twin pregnancy, 294
in epileptic seizure, 278 long, 441 metabolism, 154
with face presentation, 448, 631 short, 441–442 tablets/supplements
in instrumental delivery, 462 in right sacro-anterior position, 381 antenatal, 274
levator ani, 62 internal rotation of shoulders, 374, postnatal, 524–525
with occipitoposterior position, 380–381 iron (infant breastfeeding), 709
443 in left mentoanterior position, 446 ischaemic heart disease, 269
pelvic deformation (following in right occipitoposterior position, ischioanal fossa, 61
fracture), 70 441 ischiocavernosus muscle, 57
pelvic floor, 523 International Code of Marketing of ischium, 62–63
perineal see perineum Breastmilk Substitutes, 729 islet cell transplants, 259
postpartum haemorrhage caused International Confederation of isoimmune thrombocytopenia,
by, 412 Midwives, Global Midwifery 667
neonatal, 593, 629–643 Standards, 4–8 isoimmunization
with face presentation, 448 internationalization, 4–8 ABO, 687
haemorrhage due to, 633–635 Internet, parental information, 137 Rhesus see Rhesus status
in instrumental delivery, 462–463, interpretation services, 334 itching see pruritus
629–630 inter-pubic ligaments, 65
with occipitoposterior position, intestine see bowel
443 intracranial haemorrhage, 634–637
skin, 593, 629–631 with face presentation, 448 jaundice
support of parents, 641 intraepithelial neoplasia, cervical, 223 maternal, 235–236
innervation see nerve supply intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy neonatal, 681–688
innominate bones, 62–63 (obstetric cholestasis), 235–236, late, 687–688
‘inside baby’, 559 257 pathological, 685–687
inspection see observation intraparenchymal lesions physiological, 682–685
instrumental vaginal birth, 456–457 (periventricular haemorrhagic jaw
complications, 462–463 infarction; IPL; PHI), 635–637 breastfeeding and, 712–715
neonatal trauma, 462–463, intrapartum period see childbirth small/hypoplastic, 594–595, 654
629–630 intrathecal anaesthesia see spinal thrust, 613–614
contraindications, 457 anaesthesia joints, pelvic, 64
failure, 463 intrauterine growth (fetal growth), judgements (in ethics), 38
indications, 456 112–116 justice, 38
insulin (fetal), 115 restriction (IUGR), 618–621 juvenile-onset (type 1) diabetes
insulin (maternal), 164–165, 257, 261 asymmetrical growth in, 620–621 mellitus, 257–262
administration, 258–259 causes, 620b juxtamedullary cells, 83
hypoglycaemia risk see symmetrical growth in, 619–620 juxtamedullary nephrons, 83
hypoglycaemia timescales, 111, 113
postnatal, 262 intrauterine systems/devices
insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes copper (non-medicated), 577–578
mellitus, 257–262 emergency use, 582 Kali Carbonate, labour pain, 352
insulin growth factor (IGF), 105 levonorgestrel-impregnated, 578 kangaroo care, 625–626, 719
insurance, professional indemnity, 37, intravascular bleeding, bleeding ketones and ketoacidosis in diabetes,
182 associated with, 639 257–258
integumentary system, fetal, 116 intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH), ketosis and postpartum haemorrhage,
intelligence 635–637 408
emotional, 12 intubation in caesarean section, key performance indicators (KPI) of
kindness with, 10–11 difficult/failed, 470–471 antenatal screening, 205


kidney (maternal), 81–84 recognition, 333–334 postpartum haemorrhage relating

disease subsequent care, 338–344 to, 407
in diabetes, 260 2nd stage, 367–393 pre-eclampsia, 251, 341
hypertension in, 248 cardiac disease patients, 267 preparation (of mother) for,
failure controversial areas, 368b 198–199
with amniotic fluid embolism, cord prolapse diagnosis in, 479 preterm, causes, 621b
486 delay in, 429 progress, assessment, 338–340, 428
in shock, 490 maternal response, 370–373 partogram, 329, 338, 425
filtration, 85 mechanism, 373–374 progress, failure, 426–429
in pregnancy, 160 midwifery care, 374–379 prolonged, 426–429
selective reabsorption, 85–86 nature, 368–369 left mentoanterior position, 446
kidney (neonatal), 600 occipitoposterior position in, 439, postpartum haemorrhage relating
examination for disorders, 671–672 442 to, 407
malformations, 81, 663–664 phases and duration, 370 twin pregnancy, 288–292
Kielland’s forceps, 460 recognition, 369–370 psychological context see
kindness, intelligent, 10–11 3rd stage, 395–416 psychological dimensions
Kiwi Omnicup™, 457–458 active management, 400–404 rhythms, 328
Klumpke’s palsy, 632 cardiac disease patients, 267 sickle cell disease, 277
knee–chest position, 478–479 care of women in, 398–404 thalassaemia and, 276
breech birth, 382 completion, 404–406 thromboembolic disease risk,
knee presentation, 357 complications, 406–414 271–272
kneeling position, 371–372 expectant management, 398–400, transition/transitional phase,
in antenatal preparation, 437–438 403–404 328–330
vaginal breech birth, 382–385 mismanagement as cause of controversial areas, 368b
knowledge postpartum haemorrhage, maternal response to, 370–373
in antenatal education groups, 407 midwifery care, 374–379
sharing, 130b physiology, 396–398 nature, 368–369
on antenatal screening, 207 active phase, 328–329, 370 urinary tract infection in, 282
in The Code, 501b delay in, 427 lacerations and cuts, neonatal, 593,
see also information asthma and, 270 629–630
cardiac disease and, 267 lactase
as continuous process, 328 deficiency, 722
defining, 328 simethicone and (‘over-the-
labetalol, 247 emotions, 335, 535–536 counter’), 722
pre-eclampsia, 250–251, 250t epilepsy, 279 lactation, 705–707
labia genital mutilation and, 317 amenorrhoea (method), 583–585
labia majora, 56 hydramnios, 238 cessation, 723–724
labia minora, 56 hypertensive women, 248 combined oral contraceptive pill
lacerations, 318 hyperthyroidism and, 264 and, 573–574
laboratory tests induction see induction mother and, 706–707
cardiac disease, 265 iron-deficiency anaemia, 274 onset (lactogenesis), 705–706
disseminated intravascular latent phase, 328–329, 370 twins, 300
coagulation, 638–639 delay in, 426–427 see also breastfeeding
inborn errors of metabolism, 693 malpositions/malpresentations and lactiferous ducts, 705
physiological jaundice, 683 course and outcome of lactoferrin, 710
see also biochemistry; blood tests; face presentation, 446–447 lactogen, human placental, 105, 169
haematology occipitoanterior positions, lactose (in breastmilk), 707, 722
labour, 311–325, 327–393, 395–433, 441–442 intolerance, 721–722
435–453, 455–473 multiple pregnancy see multiple lacunar stage of implantation, 102
1st stage, 327–366 pregnancy lambda (fontanelle), 120
cardiac disease patients, 267 myometrial preparation for, 144 lambdoidal suture, 118
duration/length, 330 obesity and, 256 lamotrigine, 548
face presentation, 447 obstructed (mechanically) see language
initial meeting with midwife, obstructed labour of childbirth, 334
334–338 onset (spontaneous physiological twins, development, 302
mechanical factors, 332–333 labour), 328–330 woman
occipitoposterior position in, 439, recognition, 329 difficulties, 16–17
442 pain see pain interpretation services, 334
physiology, 330–333 precipitate, 430 lanugo, 107, 116


large for gestational age, 618 ligaments environmental optimization,

laryngeal stridor, 656, 681 bladder, 88 625–626
last menstrual period (LMP), 185, 418, pelvic, 64–65 instrumental delivery, 456
618 uterine, 72–73 management, 622–625
lateral flexion (of fetus), 374, 380 in pregnancy, 144 maternal obesity and, 256
in left mentoanterior position, 446 light hazards (for baby), 626 presentations, 618
lateral position in 2nd stage of labour, lightening (feeling of baby dropping), see also preterm babies
left, 371 148 lower limb see leg
law (legal issues), 32–37 lignocaine (lidocaine), postnatal, Lullaby Trust, 185
abortion, 227–228, 227b perineal pain, 508 Lunelle, 574
accountability under the law, 31–32 limbs, neonatal lungs
historical context, 27–28 examination, 597–598 at birth, 670
see also medicolegal considerations; reduction deficiencies, fetal, 114–115
statutory regulation 660–661 maternal/in pregnancy
learning disabilities/difficulties, 15 see also arms; legs function, 158
booking visit, 184 linea alba, 167–168 gastric content aspiration into, in
learning disability, 539 linea nigra, 167–168, 190 caesarean section, 470
left lateral position in 2nd stage of lip, cleft palate and/or, 594–595, shock effects, 490
labour, 371 653–654, 722 meconium aspiration into, 679
left-to-right shunts, 657–658 lipid metabolism, 165 see also respiratory system
leg(s) listening after childbirth, 526–527 luteal phase of ovarian cycle, 94
fetal, in breech presentation, lithium, 548 luteinizing hormone (LH)
extended, 357, 359, 384 prophylactic, 549 females, 91–92
maternal lithotomy, supported, in assessment of computer monitoring
cramps, 167 perineal trauma, 313–314 (contraceptive method), 584
oedema see oedema litigation, 35 in ovarian cycle, 93–94
see also limbs NHS Litigation Authority (NHSLA), in pregnancy, 169
legal issues see law; medicolegal 35, 47, 321 males, 80
considerations liver lying positions
legislation, 32 fetal, 115 mother lying on side for
see also specific Acts maternal, 163–164 breastfeeding, 711
leiomyoma see fibroids disorders, 235–236, 253, 257 sleeping infant, 626
Leopold’s manoeuvres, 438 shock effects, 490 lymphatic drainage
lesbians, 17 see also HELPP syndrome anorectum, 60
let-down reflex, 705–706, 720–721 local action plan with supervisor bladder, 88
leucocytes (following LSA investigation), kidney, 83
in breastmilk, 710 48b ovaries, 77
in pregnancy, 156–157 Local Supervising Authorities (LSA), testes/scrotum, 78
leucomalacia, periventricular, 40–41, 49 ureters, 87
636–637 Midwifery Officer, 41–42, 48–49 urethra, 89
leucorrhoea, 149, 189–190 outcomes an investigation by, 48 uterine tube, 76
levator ani muscle, 61, 89 location of birth see place uterus, 74
Levonelle, 581–582 lochia, 507 vagina, 72
levonorgestrel-impregnated IUS, 578 locked twins, 298 vulva, 56
liability, vicarious, 37 longitudinal layer of anal sphincters, lysozyme in breastmilk, 710
lidocaine, postnatal, perineal pain, 508 60
lie, fetal, 194 longitudinal lie, 194, 197f
transverse see transverse lie loop of Henle, 83
unstable, 451–452 loss, 555–567 macerated fetus, shoulder presentation,
life support, basic, 487–489 accidental see miscarriage 450
life-threatening conditions care, 560–564 Mackenrodt’s ligaments, 72
infant with cardiac malformations, forms, 557–559 McRoberts manoeuvre, 480
656 grief in see grief macrosomia
maternal, 45 in healthy childbearing, 559 diabetes and, 618–619
antenatal bleeding, 232 meaning, 555–556 maternal obesity and, 256
postnatal, 516 see also bereavement; death; grief postpartum haemorrhage incidence
see also death Løvset manoeuvre, 382, 384–385 related to, 407
lifestyle at first antenatal visit, low birth weight (LBW) babies, shoulder dystocia, 479
186–187 617–628 magnetic resonance imaging, fetal, 214


males rotation mediolateral episiotomy, 313

contraception from malpositions, 439–440 continuous suturing, 319f
condoms, 579 in shoulder dystocia, 481–483 training, 321
pill, 586–587 Marfan syndrome, 268 medroxyprogesterone acetate, depot,
sterilization, 586 Marmot Review, 14, 181–182 575–576
genitalia/reproductive system, masculinization (virilization), female, medulla oblongata, cardiovascular
77–80 664, 695 centre, 244
female-looking, 664 mask of pregnancy, 167–168 megaloblastic anaemia, 274–275
neonatal, examination, massage meiosis, 93, 95
596–597 aromatherapy (in labour), 352 melaena, 601, 639
malformations, congenital fetal/ breast see breast melanocytic (pigmented) naevi, 593,
neonatal (structural fundal, 409 663
abnormalities/anomalies), 189, perineal, 198 melasma, 167–168
211–214, 645–666 mastitis, 721 membranes (chorioamnion), 106
antenatal screening and diagnosis, maternal surface of placenta, 104 cervical sweeping (CMS), 419–420,
646 see also women 422–423
detailed anomaly scan, 211–214 maternity care see care delivery, 399, 402–403
detection rates, 212b maternity services, obesity and, examination
cardiac see heart disease 255–256 after delivery, 404–405
CNS, 658–660 maturity-onset (type 2) diabetes, 254, in labour, 341b
communicating the news, 646 257, 259–262 infection (chorioamnionitis), 239
definition and causes, 647–649 maturity-onset (type 2) diabetes of the retained, 407
drugs causing see teratogens young, 259 rupture of see rupture of the
face presentation with, 444 Mauriceau–Smellie–Veit manoeuvre, membranes
gastrointestinal, 650–654 383–384 stretching and sweeping, 199
genitourinary, 81, 663–664 mean cell volume (MCV), 154, 156 men see males
multiple pregnancy, 297 at booking visit, 188 menarche, 25
musculoskeletal, 660–662 in thalassemia, 275 Mendelian inheritance, malformations
palliative care, 646–647 meconium, 115, 596, 601, 613–614 associated with, 648
respiratory system/tract, 654–656 in amniotic fluid (meconium Mendelson’s syndrome in caesarean
skin, 645, 662–663 staining), 376, 620–621 section, 470
support for midwife, 665 aspiration syndrome, 679 meningitis, neonatal, 676
vascular, 593, 662 ileus, 653 meningocele, 659
malformations, congenital maternal passage, assessment, 672 meningomyelocele
(structural abnormalities/ medical conditions/disorders, (myelomeningocele), 659
anomalies) 243–286 menopause, 91–92
kidney, 81 hepatic, 235–236, 253, 257 menorrhagia, 94
heart see heart history-taking, 185–186 menstrual cycle, 92f, 94–95
pelvis, 70 instrumental birth, 456 in natural family planning, 583–584
uterus, 74–75 twin pregnancy and exacerbation of, menstrual history at booking visit,
malignancy see cancer 294 184–185
malpositions, 435–443 see also health menstruation (menstrual phase;
as instrumental delivery indicator, medical management (incl. drugs/ period), 94
456 pharmacotherapy) disorders, 94
malpresentations, 444–452 abortion, 228 last (LMP), 185, 418, 618
breech considered as, 360 diabetes, 259, 261 onset in life (menarche), 91–92
cord prolapse or presentation, 448, drug abuse, 696–697 mental capacity see capacity
451, 477 eclamptic seizure, 252 mental health, 531–553
definition, 435 ectopic pregnancy, 226 problems see distress; psychiatric/
multiple pregnancy, 298 hyperthyroidism, 264 mental disorders
malrotation of bowel, 652–653 labour induction, 267 service provision, 548–549
manic component of bipolar illness, miscarriage, 225 vulnerability factors, 533f
547–548 psychiatric disorders, 546–548 mentoanterior positions, 446
manual techniques see also drugs and specific (types of) of left, 444f, 445–446
expression of breast milk drugs right, 444f
manual expression, 718–720 Medical Officer of Health, 40 mentolateral positions, 444f
manually-operated pump, medicines see drugs mentoposterior positions, 444f,
719–720 medicolegal considerations, perineal 446–448
removal of placenta, 411 injury, 321 persistent, 447–448


mentovertical (MV) diameter, 120 roles and responsibilities in practice mitochondrial disorders, 648
mentum as denominator with face see roles (midwives) and mittelschmerz, 94, 569, 584
presentation, 196 responsibilities mobility see movements and motions
MEOWS (Modified Early Obstetric as ventouse practitioner, 460 Modified Early Obstetric Warning
Warning Scoring) system, 47, midwife-led continuity of care, 336 Scoring system see MEOWS
267, 487–488 midwifery molar pregnancy, 226–227, 249
hypovolaemic shock, 491 contemporary practice, 3–23 Mongolian blue spots, 593
meptazinol in labour, 354 emotional context see emotion monoamniotic twins, 288, 291
mesoderm (embryo), 97 professional issues, 25–52 monochorionic twins, 288–293, 297
metabolic syndrome, 254 Midwifery Committee, 29 labour onset, 294
metabolism (maternal) Midwifery Officer (of LSA), 41–42, malformations, 297
changes, 164–165 48–49 premature expulsion of placenta,
disorders, 253–257 Midwives Act (1902), 27, 39–40 299
metabolism (neonatal), disorders, Midwives Act (1936), 40 twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome,
689–691 Midwives Act (1951), 27, 40 297
causing convulsions, 640t MIDwives Information Resource ultrasound examination, 292
genetic causes (inborn errors of Service (MIDIRS), 131 monophasic combined oral
metabolism), 692–694 Midwives (Ireland) Act (1918), 27, contraceptive pill, 570
metal ventouse cups, 457 39–40 monozygotic (uniovular/identical/MZ)
metformin, 259, 261 Midwives Rules and Standards, 32–35, twins, 288, 292
methadone, 696 387–388 dizygotic vs, 95–96, 288
treatment using, 696–697 Midwives (Scotland) Act (1915), 27, mons pubis, 56
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus 39–40 mood stabilizers, 547–548
aureus, 46 Midwives (Scotland) Act (1951), 27, morning sickness, 162
methotrexate, ectopic pregnancy, 40 Moro reflex, 608
226 milia, 593 mortalities see deaths
methyldopa, 247 milk see breastmilk; formula feeding morula, 96–97
Michaelis’ rhombus, 338–340, 369 Millennium Development Goals, 8 mother see women
microcephaly, 593–594, 660 mineral(s) motherhood see parenthood
microchimerism, 102 infant breastfeeding and, 709–710 motions see movements
micrognathia (small/hypoplastic jaw), maternal moulding, 122
594–595, 654 deficiency, pelvic anomalies, 70 brow presentation, 449f
micropenis, 596 renal reabsorption, 86 face presentation, 448, 448f
micturition (urination/voiding), 89 wound healing and, 521t movements and motions (mobility)
immediately after birth, mineralocorticoids, adrenal, 695 fetal, 116
encouraging, 405 minor(s) (under-16s), consent issues as indicators of well-being,
in labour, 344 for, 35–36 196–198
mid-stream urine testing, 215 labour and, 337 in normal labour, 373–374
midbrain, fetal, 115 minority groups, ethnic, 15–16 quickening, 116, 171
midgut, 115 minute volume, 158 see also specific movements
MIDIRS (MIDwives Information miscarriage (spontaneous pregnancy maternal
Resource Service), 131 loss), 224–225, 558 in labour, 343
midline episiotomy, 313 combined oral contraceptive pill postnatal, 525–526
midwife following, 574 neonatal, abnormal, 671, 674
in congenital malformations, complete, 224–225 MRSA (methicillin-resistant
support for, 665 incomplete, 224 Staphylococcus aureus), 46
in contemporary practice, 3–23 inevitable, 224 mucosa (and mucous membrane)
definition and scope, 4 IUCD and, 578 bladder, 88
first meeting of woman with, 183 lactation and, 723–724 rectal, button-hole tear, 312t, 314,
internationalization/globalization, missed/silent, 224 442
4–8 repeated/recurrent, 225 uterine endometrium, 73
loss (incl. death) and the, 563–564 history of, 185 vagina, 72
maternal, 564 threatened, 224–225 mucus plug
midwife care, 560–564 misoprostol (prostaglandin E1 in ovulation, 583
midwife experiences, 559 analogue) in pregnancy (=show), 327,
professional issues, 25–52 induction of labour, 267 332–333, 369
public health role, 181–182 prolonged pregnancy, 424 multidisciplinary team care
relationships see partnership; postpartum haemorrhage, 409 cardiac disease, 265–267
relationships third stage of labour, 401 diabetes, 260–261


twin pregnancy, 293 myoclonus and myoclonic seizures/ adaptation to extrauterine life,
ultrasound scans and, 212 convulsions 117–118, 670
multifactorial disorders, 648 maternal, 278t breastfeeding difficulties related to,
multigravid women, attendance at neonatal, 640 721–723
antenatal sessions, 137–140 benign sleep myoclonus, 674 contact with parent see contact
multiparity as risk factor for cord myometrium, 73–74, 144 deaths see deaths
prolapse or presentation, 477 in pregnancy, 144–146 in diabetes
Multiple Births Foundation (MBF), 305 myxoedema coma, 263 care, 262
multiple pregnancy (incl. twins), risk to, 260
287–307 drug misuse and see substance abuse
complications, 297–299 examination see examination
cord prolapse, 298, 477 Naegele’s pelvis, 70 feeding see feeding
postpartum haemorrhage, 299, Naegele’s rule, 185 haemolytic disease (HDN), 188,
407 naevi (vascular), 662 216, 684–686
diagnosis, 292 pigmented, 593, 663 healthy term baby
missed, 299 nasal… see nose low birth weight see low birth
incidence, 288 nasogastric tube feeding of baby, 624 weight
labour, 294–297 National Amniotic Fluid Embolism recognition through screening
management, 295–296 Register, 486 assessment, 591–609
onset, 294 National Health Service (NHS) resuscitation, 611–615
postnatal period, 299–303 Clinical Negligence Scheme for immediate care, 405–406
reduction, 305 Trusts, 47 immunity see immune system
selective feticide, 305 Litigation Authority (NHSLA), 35, infections see infections
shoulder presentation, 450 47, 321 injury see injury
sources of help, 305 outcomes framework relating to instrumentally-delivered,
types (of twin pregnancy), 288–292 maternity care, 46b complications, 462–463
UK statistics (1985–2011), 289t National Institute for Health and Care mother’s relationship with see
multipotent stem cells, 99 Excellence (NICE) guidelines attachment; relationships
multips os, 330 antenatal visiting patterns, 180–181 obesity (maternal) risks to, 256
murmur, 603–604, 681 breastfeeding, 730 preterm see preterm babies
precordial, 603 caesarean section prolonged pregnancy and its impact
muscle(s) (maternal) indications, 463–464 on, 418–419
abdominal, laxity as cause of reducing rates, 471–472 safety and protection concerns,
shoulder presentation, 450 vaginal birth following, 466 510
perineal, 57 for clinical practice (in general), 45 significant problems causing illness,
uterus see uterus diabetes, 260 recognition, 667–701
muscle(s) (neonatal) vitamin D supplementation, 708 zygosity determination, 292
assessment, 601, 612 National Screening Committee of the neoplasms see tumours
tone, 612 United Kingdom, 204–206, 208 nephron, 82–83
blue skin and good tone, 613 on Down syndrome, 209 nephropathy, diabetic, 260
see also hypotonic baby on haemoglobinopathies, 210–211 nerve supply (innervation)
trauma, 631 on infectious diseases, 214–215 maternal
muscle layers/coats on mental illness, 549 anal sphincters, 60
bladder, 88 on ultrasound scans, 211 bladder, 88
perineal, in suturing (after trauma), natural family planning, 582–585 kidney, 83–84
319 nausea, 162, 228–229 labour pain and its transmission
ureters, 87 neck and, 349–350
uterine tube, 76 examination in neonate, 595–596 levator ani, 62
vagina, 72 umbilical cord around (at birth), ovaries, 77
musculoskeletal system 378 perineum, 57
fetal, 153 neck reflex, asymmetric tonic, 608 testes/scrotum/spermatic cord,
maternal, 167 necrotizing enterocolitis, 672 78
neonatal, 601 negligence, 36 ureters, 87
deformities, 660–662 voluntary risk-pooling scheme for urethra, 89
music therapy, labour pain, 353 claims, 47 uterine tube, 76
myelomeningocele, 659 Neisseria gonorrhoeae see gonorrhoea uterus, 74
myocardium neonates (newborns; baby early after vagina, 72
enlargement (cardiomegaly), 269 birth), 591–609, 611–615, vulva, 56
infarction, 269 617–643, 645–701, 703–736 neonatal, trauma, 631–633


nervous system norgestimate in combined oral pain control and, 355–356

central see central nervous system contraceptive pill, 570–571 prolonged labour, 428
fetal, 115–116 nose, neonatal placenta and membranes, 404–405
peripheral (neonatal), hypotonia blocked, 722 postpartum, 504–509
relating to, 671 examination, 594 haemorrhage, 412–413
neural tube development, 115 flaring of nostrils, 670 observation and inspection (neonatal)
defects in, 115, 658, 660 see also nasogastric tube feeding cardiovascular function, 602
neurocranium, 116 notochord, 98 eye, 605
neurogenic shock, 489 nuchal fold thickness, 213 obsessive–compulsive symptoms,
neurological assessment (baby), 671 nuchal translucency, 209 postnatal, 543
neurological disorders increased, dealing with, 212–213 obstetric history, previous, 185
maternal, 279–282 Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors as indicator
neonatal Act (1979), 27 for caesarean section, 464
convulsions due to, 640t repeal, 28 for referral for additional
examination for, 607 review, 27 antenatal support, 183
hypoglycaemia causing, 690 Nursing and Midwifery Council obstructed labour, 331–332, 429–430
see also central nervous system; (NMC), 29–32 face presentation, 448
peripheral nervous system committees, 29–30 occipitoposterior position, 443
neuromuscular disorders, hypotonia, consensual panel determination obstruction (blockage)
671 (NMC), 30–31 cardiac defect causing, 658
neutral position, baby in, 612 functions, 29 lactiferous ducts, 721
neutrality, affective, 11–12 membership, 29 neonatal upper airway, 681, 722
Neville–Barnes forceps, 460 referral to (following an LSA occipital bone, 118
Newborn and Infant Physical investigation), 48b protuberance, 118, 120
Examination (NIPE), 601–607 Register see Register occipitoanterior positions
see also neonates responsibility and accountability direct, 198b
NHS see National Health Service and the, 26–27 left and right, 198b, 198f, 373
NICE see National Institute for Health Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001: SI positions other than, 435–443
and Care Excellence 2002 No: 253, 29–32, 40–41 occipitofrontal (OF) diameter, 120,
nicotine replacement therapy, 187 nutrition (baby) 440
nifedipine, 247 fetal, 105 occipitolateral positions
nipple, 705 infant see feeding instrumental delivery, 456
in breastfeeding nutrition (woman/mother) left and right, 198b, 198f
anatomical variations affecting breastfeeding and, 706 occipitoposterior positions, 436–443
feeding, 720 breastmilk composition and, 707 antenatal diagnosis, 436–437
attachment to see attachment in labour, 343–344 antenatal preparation, 437–438
ducts in nipple, 705 pelvic anomalies due to dietary birth in see childbirth
sore or damaged, 719–720 deficiency, 70 causes, 436
white spots/epithelial overgrowth in pregnancy, needs, 254–255 complications, 442–443
(nipple), 721 in puerperium, 505 direct, 198b
stimulation inducing labour, 426 wound healing and, 521t instrumental delivery, 456
nitrous oxide + oxygen (Entonox), see also diet left, 198b, 198f, 437f
353–354 NuvaRing, 574 midwifery care, 439
cardiac disease patients, 267 persistent, 441, 443, 443f
nociceptors, 350–352 right, 198b, 198f, 437f, 439f
noise hazards (for baby), 626 mechanisms, 440–441
non-insulin-dependent (type 2) obesity, maternal, 253–257 occipitotransverse position, manual
diabetes mellitus, 254, 257, oblique diameter of pelvic inlet, 66–67 rotation from, 439
259–262 oblique lie, 194, 197f occiput denominator with vertex
non-maleficence, 38 observation and inspection (maternal) presentation, 196
nonoxinol-9, 581 abdominal (in pregnancy), 190 occiput region (fetal skull), 120
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs hydramnios, 238 malpositions, 435–443
(NSAIDs) multiple pregnancy, 293–294 posterior rotation, 385
afterpains, 506 occipitoanterior position, 436 oedema (maternal), 190
caesarean section, postoperative, 466 oligohydramnios, 238–239 lower leg, 166
norepinephrine and blood pressure, hypovolaemic shock, 491 postnatal, 522–523
244 in labour in pre-eclampsia, 249
norethisterone enathenate, injectable, in 1st stage, 340–341 oedema (neonatal), buttocks, 631
576 in 2nd stage, 376 oesophageal atresia, 650–652


oesophagogastric (gastro-oesophageal) orogastric tube feeding of baby, 624 labour-related, 349–356

junction in pregnancy, 162–163 Ortolani manoeuvres, 606–607 physiology, 349–351
oestradiol, 104, 169 Osiander’s sign, 171 relief see analgesia
oestriol, 104, 169 ossification of skull, 118 stimulus and sensation, 349
oestrogens osteogenesis imperfecta, 662 transmission, 349–350
in combined oral contraceptive pill, osteomalacic pelvis, 70 pelvic girdle, 229
570 Our Health and Wellbeing (theme in perineal, postpartum, 507–508,
dominance, 571f, 572 antenatal education 520–521
mode of action, 571 programme), 134–136 theories, 351–352
in labour, 328–329 outcomes see also afterpains; backache; colic;
in ovarian and menstrual cycle, from Local Supervisory Authority headache
93–95 investigation, 48 palate, cleft lip and/or, 594–595,
placental, 104, 169 NHS outcomes framework relating 653–654, 722
oestrone, 104, 169 to maternity care, 46b palliative care with congenital
oestrone-3-gluronide females, ovarian artery, 74 malformations, 646–647
computer monitoring ovarian cycle, 92–94 pallor, neonatal, 592, 668–669
(contraceptive method), 584 ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, palmar erythema, 168
olanzapine, 547 228 palmar reflex, 608
oligohydramnios, 81, 238–239 ovarian ligaments, 73 palpation (cervical) as natural family
omphalocele, 650 ovaries, 76–77 planning method, 583
oocyte (egg; female gamete; ovum), 91 cancer, combined oral contraceptive palpation (maternal abdominal)
fertilisation, 95–96 pill and, 572 breech presentation, 357–358
formation, 93 cysts, progestogen-only pill and, in labour, 358–359
release see ovulation 574 in labour and childbirth, 340
oogonia formation (oogenesis), 93 overheating (hyperthermia), 599, 671 breech presentation, 358–359
operative births, 455–473 oviducts see fallopian tubes brow presentation, 449
prerequisites, 457 ovulation, 94 face presentation, 445
puerperium after in natural family planning methods, postnatal, 505, 518
practical skills for care, 525–526 583–584 in pregnancy, 191–193
uterus and vaginal loss, 519–520 pain (mittelschmerz), 94, 569, 584 hydramnios, 238
techniques for lowering rate of, 456b oxygen multiple pregnancy, 294
see also caesarean section; forceps; maternal, arterial partial pressure, occipitoanterior position,
ventouse 159 436–437
ophthalmia neonatorum (neonatal neonatal, blown onto face, 613 oligohydramnios, 239
conjunctivitis), 596f, 605–606, see also extracorporeal membrane in placenta praevia, 231
678 oxygenation; nitrous oxide + uterus, 190–191
ophthalmoscopy, neonatal, 605 oxygen palpation (neonatal), cardiovascular
opiates/opioids oxytocin, 128, 169 function, 602–603
abuse, 696 in childbirth, administration (incl. pancreas, artificial, 259
pharmacological treatment, Syntocinon) for induction or Papanicolaou (Pap) smear, 148,
696–697 augmentation of labour, 251, 223
caesarean section, postoperative, 466 267, 296, 299, 424–425 parathyroid gland disorders, neonatal,
labour, 354 cardiac disease patients, 267 695
continuous epidural infusion, 355 with ergometrine see ergometrine paraurethral glands, 89
oral changes in pregnancy, 161–162 postpartum haemorrhage and, parent(s)
oral contraceptive pill 403, 407 antenatal education see antenatal
combined see combined hormonal postnatal release causing uterine education
contraceptives contractions, 505 communication to see
male, 586–587 in breastfeeding, 398, 405–406 communication
missed/forgotten, 573, 575 oxytoxics see uterotonics contact (physical) with see contact
progestogen-only, 574–575 information for see information
Order, the (Nursing and Midwifery at labour, care of, 374–376
Order 2001): SI 2002 No: 253, of mother, relationship changes,
29–32, 40–41 pain, 349–356 539
organ see systems and organs abdominal see abdomen of newborn
organization and administration acute vs chronic, 350 resuscitation and communication
Global Standards for Midwifery back, 167 with, 614
Education (2010), 6b–7b breast, deep (breastfeeding mother), in trauma/haemorrhages/
maternity care, 11 720–721 convulsions, support for, 641


parenthood and parenting (and pelvic canal postpartum haemorrhage and,

motherhood) axis, 67 407
antenatal education for see antenatal measurements, 66f training, 321
education stations of fetal heard in relation period see menstruation
ideology, 534–535 to, 342f peripheral nervous system disorders,
social context, 13–18 pelvic cavity, 65 hypotonia, 671
transition to, 509–510, 534–535 diameters, 67 periventricular haemorrhagic infarction
parietal bones, 118 pelvic floor, 61–62 (PHI), 635–637
parity and risk of cord prolapse or damage, urinary continence periventricular leucomalacia, 636–637
presentation, 477 problems, 523 pernicious anaemia, 274–275
paroxetine, 547 pelvic girdle (bony pelvis), 61–62 Persona, 584
partial (focal) neonatal convulsions/ pain, 229 personal information at booking visit,
seizures, 640 pelvic inlet diameter, 66–67 184
partner pelvic outlet, 65–66 personal liability, 37
multiple births and mother’s diameters, 67 personal protective equipment, 337
relationship with, 302 planes, 67 personal responsibility, 31
red cell antibody testing, 217 in pregnancy (and childbirth), 65, personality disorders, 539
sleep disturbances after birth of 451 petechiae, 669
baby, 526 palpation, 192–193 pethidine (in labour), 354
support from, 134–136 soft tissue, displacement in 2nd cardiac disease patients, 267
support in 2nd stage of labour for, stage of labour, 369 phaeochromocytoma, 248
375–376 true pelvis, 65–66 pharmacological agents see drugs;
see also companion; father; lesbians; types (size and shapes) incl. medical management
parenthood contracted pelvis and unusual phenylketonuria, 693
partnership or abnormal types/shapes, phobia of giving birth, 533–534
supervisors and midwives 68–69 photographs of lost/dead baby, 561
(supervisees) in, 43 face presentation and, 444 phototherapy, physiological jaundice,
women and midwives in, 10, 12, 18 occipitoanterior position and, 684
postnatal care, 500 436 phylloquinone see vitamin K
see also Family–Nurse Partnership shoulder presentation, 450 physical examination see examination
programme penis, 79 physiological care in 3rd stage of
partogram/partograph, 329, 338, 427 neonatal labour, 398–400
passages (in the 3 ‘Ps’), 427–428 examination, 596 phytomenadione/phytonadione see
passenger (in the 3 ‘Ps’), 427 urethra opening on undersurface vitamin K
Patau syndrome, 650 (hypospadias), 596, 664 pica, 162
patch contraceptive, 574 performance, standards of, 34 Pierre Robin sequence, 594–595, 654
patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) perimetrium, 74, 144 pigmented birth marks, 593, 663
caesarean section, 469 in pregnancy, 144 Pinard stethoscope, fetal heart, 194
postoperative, 466 perinatal loss, 557–558 labour
labour, 354 perineum, 56–61 1st stage, 337, 344–345
patient focus, 44 central point (perineal body), 61 2nd stage, 376
Pavlik harness, 661–662 infiltration anaesthesia caesarean pituitary gland (and its hormones)
Pawlik’s manoeuvre, 193 section, 468 fetal, 115
peak expiratory flow, asthma, 270 massage, 198 maternal, 169
PEGASUS (Professional Education for postpartum pain and discomfort, tumours, 264–265
Genetic Assessment and 507–508, 520–521 neonatal, disorders, 695
Screening), 211 shaving, 343 place (location) of birth, options, 182
pelvic inflammatory disease, copper trauma, 312, 520–521 breech presentation and, 360
IUCD and, 578 1st degree, 312t, 318 forceps and, 461
pelvis (pelvic region), 62–69 2nd degree, 312t, 318 placenta, 101–110, 166, 168–169
diameters, 66–67 3rd degree, 312t, 315f abruption, 109, 230, 231t, 233–234
false pelvis, 66 4th degree, 312t, 315f postpartum haemorrhage, 407
joints, 64 button-hole tear, 312t, 314, 442 adherent
ligaments, 64–65 definition, 312 morbidly (placenta accreta), 102,
orientation, 67 medicolegal considerations, 321 232, 412
pelvic brim, 65 minimization factors and partially, 411
in asynclitism, 69b strategies, 312 wholly, 411
diverging dimensions, 68 postpartum care, 507 anatomical variations, 108–109
fetal head descent into see head trauma, repair, 318–319, 507 circulation/blood flow, 106, 146


delivery/birthing, 400–403 polyhydramnios (hydramnios), 238 combined oral contraceptive pill,

cardiac disease and, 267 cord prolapse, 477 573–574
postpartum haemorrhage face presentation, 444 diaphragm, 580–581
treatment before/without, multiple pregnancy, 294, 297 fertility monitoring device, 584
411 postpartum haemorrhage relating to, progestogen-impregnated IUS,
postpartum haemorrhage 407 578
treatment following, 409–411 shoulder presentation, 450 progestogen injections, 576
descent, 396–398 polyps, cervical neck, 223 progestogen-only pill, 575
signs, 399 popliteal fossa pressure in breech progestogen subdermal implants,
drug passage across see drugs birth, 384 577
early development, 101–103 port wine stain, 593, 662 rhythm (calendar) method,
examination, 404–405 position/posture 584
hormones/endocrine activity, fetal, 196 defining, 499–500
104–105, 168–169 breech presentation and, 357, 381 diabetes management, 262
intrauterine growth restriction other than occipitoanterior eclampsia management, 252–253
related to, 620 (=malpositions), 435–443 epilepsy, 279
manual removal, 411 infant haemorrhage see haemorrhage
retained (of whole or part), 407 breastfeeding, 712 (maternal), postpartum
at home, 412 sleeping, 626 health and health problems after see
previous history of, as cause of maternal in breastfeeding, 711–712 health
postpartum haemorrhage, maternal in labour historical background, 500
407–408 in 1st stage (with normal hypertension management, 248
treatment of postpartum presentation), 343 hyperthyroidism, 264
haemorrhage with, 411–412 in 2nd stage (with normal hypothyroidism, 263–264
separation, 396–398 presentation), 371–373 iron-deficiency anaemia, 274
incomplete, 407 in breech presentation, 360 multiple birth and, 299–303
signs, 399 cardiac output influenced by, 267 obesity, 256b
at term, 103–109 in multiple pregnancy, 296 observations see observation
twin/multiple pregnancy in occipitoposterior position, 439 operative birth and see operative
examination (after delivery), in perineal trauma minimization, birth
297 312b physiological changes, 504–509
premature expulsion, 299 in prolapsed cord management, pre-eclampsia management, 251
types, 288–292 478–479 prolactinoma, 265
placenta accreta (morbidly adherent), in shoulder dystocia, 480 psychological context, 532–537
102, 232, 412 positive pressure ventilation, neonatal disorders see psychiatric/mental
placenta praevia, 230–233 intermittent, 613 disorders
degrees, 230–231 Post Registration Education and emotions, 526, 536
incidence, 231 Practice (PREP) Standards, sickle cell disease, 277
management, 231–232 34–35, 43 talking and listening, 526–527
postpartum haemorrhage, 407 posterior rotation of occiput, 385 thalassaemia, 276
shoulder presentation, 450 post-mortem examination of baby, 561 thromboembolic disease prevention,
placental souffle, 146 postnatal period (postpartum period; 271–273, 522
placing reflex, 608 puerperium), 499–529, women-focused, 516
plantar reflex, 608 531–553, 555–567, 569–588 postnatal ward after caesarean section,
plasma protein in pregnancy, 154 breech birth and examination of care in, 467–468
platelets, low see HELPP syndrome; mother in, 385 postoperative care
thrombocytopenia cardiac disease and, 267–268 anal sphincter repair, 319–320
platypelloid pelvis, 68t, 69 care during caesarean section, 466–468
plethora, 669 family-centred, 516 postpartum period see postnatal
pluripotent stem cells, 99 framework and regulation for, 501 period
pneumothorax, neonatal, 680 midwives in, 501–504 post-traumatic stress disorder, 537
polarity (uterus in 1st stage of labour), provision and need for, 502–503 posture see position
330 self-care and recovery, 526 potassium (and its imbalances), 692
policies contraception, 570 Potter sequence/syndrome, 81, 238,
in antenatal education, 127–129 basal body temperature 663
in clinical governance, 44–45 measurement, 583 poverty, 15
polycystic kidney disease, 663–664 cervical palpation method, 583 powers (in the 3 ‘Ps’), 427
polycythaemia, neonatal, 623, 669 cervical secretions method, 583 practical skills work in antenatal
polydactyly, 597, 660 combined hormone patch, 574 education sessions, 132–133


practice with IUCD, miscarriage risk, 578 fundal, gentle, 411

best see best practice later (after 24th week), common hydrostatic, in replacement of
conditions of see conditions of problems, 229–235 inverted uterus, 487
practice medical condition see medical suprapubic, in shoulder dystocia,
intention to practice documentation, conditions 480–481
39–40 midwife–woman relationships and, upper abdominal (in labour),
LSA practice programme (following 10–11 epidural analgesia and, 369
an LSA investigation), 48b molar, 226–227, 249 vacuum, for ventouse extraction,
obligations of, 33b multiple see multiple pregnancy 459
requirements for, 33b prolonged see prolonged pregnancy pressure symptoms, multiple
scope of, 33–34, 33b psychological context, 532–537 pregnancy, 294
standard, 35 disorders, 539–541 pressure ulcer prevention in labour,
Practice Committees, 29–30 emotions, 535 343
pre-conception period risk factors arising in, 199b preterm babies (premature babies),
antiepileptic drugs, 278 social context, 13–18 621–622
cardiac disease, 266 ‘tentative’, 204 breastfeeding, 723
diabetes, 260 termination (induced or characteristics, 621–622
epilepsy and antiepileptic drugs, 278 spontaneous) see abortion; cord prolapse or presentation, 477
hormonal contraception miscarriage delayed cord clamping, 402
combined oral contraceptive pill, prelabour (premature) rupture of the infection, vulnerability, 675
573 membranes (PROM), 333, shoulder presentation, 450
injectable progestogens, 576 360–361 small for gestational age, 618
progestogen-only pill, 575 induction of labour, 421 see also low birth weight babies
subdermal progestogen implant, preterm see preterm prelabour preterm labour, causes, 621b
577 rupture of the membranes preterm prelabour (preterm
sickle cell disease, 277 prelacunar stage of implantation, 102 premature) rupture of the
thalassaemia, 276 premature babies see preterm babies membranes (PPROM),
precordial murmur, 603 premature expulsion of placenta, twin 239–240, 361
pre-eclampsia, 246, 249–251 pregnancy, 299 multiple pregnancy, 298
labour, 251, 341 premature labour, causes, 621b primitive reflexes (neonatal), 607
induction, 251, 421 premature rupture of the membranes, breastfeeding-related, 608, 712
management, 249–251 preterm see preterm prelabour primitive streak, 97
severe, 246, 251 (preterm premature) rupture of principles (in ethics), 38
superimposed (in chronic the membranes procedural rules, 38
hypertension), 248 prenatal… see entries under antenatal Professional Education for Genetic
pre-embryonic period, 96–99 Preparation for Birth and Beyond Assessment and Screening
pregnancy, 127–177, 179–219, (Expert Reference Group’s), (PEGASUS), 211
221–307 133–136, 138 professional issues (for midwives),
breastfeeding preparation and presentations (fetal), 121, 193–194 25–52
promotion in, 189, 711, 730 abnormal see malpresentations professional accountability, 31–32
changes/adaptations (anatomical appearance of presenting part, professional detachment (affective
and physiological) in, 143–177 369–370 neutrality), 11–12
common disorders arising from, assessment in 1st stage of labour, professional indemnity insurance,
171–173 341b 37, 182
discussed at antenatal visit, 189 compound, 452, 477 Professional Standards Authority, 27
pelvis, 65, 167 denominators, 196 progesterone
urinary tract, 89–90, 159–161 engagement and, 193 blood pressure and, 244
dating by ultrasonography, 418 multiple pregnancy, 295f in labour, 328–329
diagnosis/tests, 171 malpresentations, 298 in ovarian and menstrual cycle,
drugs in see drugs; substance abuse normal see vertex presentation 94–95
early (before 24th week), 92f pressure placental, 104–105, 169
common problems, 222–226 bimanual see bimanual selective receptor modulators,
placenta in, 101–103 compression/pressure 582
thalassaemia and diagnostic tests blood see blood pressure progestogen (contraceptive use)
in, 276 cord, release (with prolapsed cord), alone
ectopic, 148–149, 225–226 478–479 emergency use, 581–582
education in see antenatal education cricoid, in caesarean section in injectable, 575–576
history (previous) see obstetric Mendelson’s syndrome IUCD impregnated with, 578
history prevention, 470 oral, 574–575


combined oral contraceptive pill, prevention/prophylaxis, 549–550 pudendal nerve block

570 serious/severe, 532, 538, 540–541 caesarean section, 468
in 1st/2nd/3rd generation pills, treatment, 545–549 ventouse extraction, 458
570–571 types, 532–533 puerperium see postnatal period
dominance, 571f see also bereavement; grief pulmonary embolism, 272–273
mode of action, 571 psychological dimensions, 531–553 amniotic fluid, 485
prolactin, maternal, 169 caesarean section, midwife’s role in postnatal, 522
lactation and, 706 psychological support, 465 see also lung
pituitary tumour secreting female genital mutilation, 323 pulse monitoring
(prolactinoma), 264–265 labour and birth, 335, 532–537 maternal, intrapartum, 340–341,
proliferation, vascular, 593 fear, 533–534 345
proliferative phase impact on partner, 375–376 maternal postnatal, 504, 517
menstrual cycle, 94–95 pain, 349 neonatal, 602–603
myometrial development in personal account of psychological purple (anal cleft) line, 338–340, 369
pregnancy, 144 trauma, 388 purpura
wound healing, 520f prolonged labour, 428 maternal idiopathic
prolonged labour see labour multiple births thrombocytopenic, 667
prolonged pregnancy, 418 identity and individuality, 303 neonatal, 669
incidence, 418–419 isolation at home of new mother, pushing (active), 370–371
induction of labour, 421 302 avoiding, 370–371
prone sleeping position, warning, 626 mother–baby, 301 in breech birth, 382
prostaglandin(s) (in general) mother–partner, 301 checking cervical dilatation before
3rd stage of labour, 401 siblings of multiples, 303 encouragement of, 385
postpartum haemorrhage triplets (and higher order births), pyogenic granuloma, 161
treatment, 409 303 pyrexia, neonatal, 599
in duct-dependent disease, infusion, pregnancy (in general) see
657 pregnancy
endogenous, cervical ripening and, see also bereavement; distress;
424 emotions; grief; loss; Qlaira, 570, 572–573
prostaglandin E1 analogue see psychiatric/mental disorders; quadruple pregnancy, UK statistics
misoprostol stress; support (1985–2011), 289t
prostaglandin E2 inducing labour, psychological treatments, 545 quadruple testing, 209
267, 418–419 psychosis quality standards, antenatal, 181
prostate gland, 79 in pregnancy, 540 quickening, 116, 171
protective role of placenta, 105 prevention, 549 quins, UK statistics (1985–2011), 289t
protein puerperal, 541–542
breastmilk, 707–708 see also antipsychotics
cow’s milk, intolerance, 727 psychosocial impact of antenatal
plasma, in pregnancy, 154 screening, 204–205 rachitic pelvis, 70
wound healing and, 521t ptyalism, 162b radiology (imaging), fetal, new
protein hormones, placental, 105 pubis (pubic bones), 63 technologies, 214
proteinuria (in pre-eclampsia), 249 face to (presentation), undiagnosed, randomized controlled trials, 18–19
labour and, 341 442 rashes, 669–670
tests/determination, 250b, 250t symphysis see symphysis pubis Raynaud’s phenomenon, 264
prothrombin, 156, 234 public realization (awareness) of loss, 556
prothrombotic state in metabolic involvement, 44 recessive gene disorders, 648
syndrome, 254 self-regulation and the, 26–27 records and documentation
protocols (in clinical governance), trust, 34 antenatal screening, 205–206
44–45 public health care intention to practice, 39–40
pruritus, 168, 236 postpartum period and, 501–502 labour and birth, 338, 387–388,
in cholestasis, 257 role of midwife, 181–182 406
psoas major muscle, 86 pubocervical ligaments, 73 breech, 385
psychiatric/mental disorders, 538–550 pubococcygeus, 61 medicines, 344
definition, 538b puborectal muscle, 61 loss (incl. death), 564
mild to moderate, 538–540, pubovesical ligament, 88 neonatal examination, 598
544–545 pudendal nerve, 62 developmental dysplasia of hip,
postnatal, 136, 526, 541–545 anal triangle, 57, 60 607
headache as precursor of, 523 perineum, 57 in Rules and Standards, 34,
in pregnancy, 539–541 vulva, 56 387–388


rectum, 57 renal pelvis, 82 in pregnancy, 157–159

trauma (in childbirth), 312t renal system see kidney; urinary tract disorders, 269–270
button-hole tear of mucosa, 312t, renin, 83–84, 170–171 responsibilities see roles (midwives)
314, 442 renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system and responsibilities
examination for, 314 (RAAS), 150–151, 166 rest, postnatal, 508–509
see also anorectum reporting (in Rules and Standards), 33b restitution (fetal movement in labour),
red blood cells (erythrocytes) reproductive capacity see fertility 374, 378
fetal, formation, 114 reproductive cycle, 91–100 buttocks, 380
maternal reproductive system (genitalia) in left mentoanterior position,
antibodies see antibodies females 446
mass/size/shape changes, baby, examination, 597 in right occipitoanterior position,
153–154 changes in pregnancy, 144–149 441
see also mean cell volume external, 55–56 resuscitation (cardiopulmonary)
red reflex, 605 infections in pregnancy, 279 baby, 611–615
referral for additional antenatal internal, 70–77 recognition of problems at time
support, 183b fetal, 115 of, 672–674
pre-eclampsia, 249–250 males see males mother, 488, 592–598
red cell antibodies, 217 neonatal, 601 postpartum haemorrhage, 409
reflexes (neonatal) ambiguous genitalia, 597, 664, see also ABC(DE) protocol
primitive/primary see primitive 695 retained products of conception,
reflexes first examination, 596–597 evacuation, 225
red, 605 NIPE (Newborn and Infant retraction ring, 331–332
refugees, 16 Physical Examination), 607 return to practice programme, 35
regional analgesia/anaesthesia see also genitourinary system return to work and lactation cessation,
in caesarean section, 468–470 rescue breaths, 488–489 724
care following, 467 research, 18 Rhesus status (and isoimmunization
epidural see epidural analgesia antenatal education, 127–129 and subsequent disease), 105,
Register, 26, 28 evidence-based see evidence-based 685–686
removal from, 30 research and practice assessment, 216
striking off order see striking off resolution (in grief for loss), 556–557 booking visit, 188
order resources in Global Standards for partner testing, 217
voluntary, 31 Midwifery Education (2010), 7 causes, 105, 686
restoration (following striking off respiration management of isoimmunization,
order), 31 fetal, 105 686
regulation, statutory see statutory neonatal, malformations relating to, prevention of isoimmunization with
regulation 654–656 anti-D prophylaxis see anti-D
regurgitant murmur, 603 respiratory distress, neonatal, prophylaxis
relationships 598–599, 678–681 rheumatic heart disease, 268–269
midwife–colleague, 11 causes, 678–681 rhombus of Michaelis, 338–340, 369
midwife–mother/woman, 10–11 initial management, 679 rhythm (calendar) method, 583–584
postnatal, 526 signs, 598–599, 670 ribs (and rib cage)
see also partnership respiratory distress syndrome neonatal, 670
mother–baby/neonate/infant adult (ARDS), 490 in pregnancy, 158
in depressive illness, 544–545 neonatal, 680 rickets, pelvic deformation, 70
in multiple births, 301 respiratory rate rights (human), 32
in psychosis, 542 labour pain and, 352 fetus and, 36
see also attachment neonatal, observation, 596 risk (in general)
mother–parents of mother, changes, respiratory status assessment in antenatal screening
534 in hypovolaemic shock, 491 biases in interpreting information
mother–partner (couples’) postnatal, 504, 517 on, 207
in antenatal education, 134–136 respiratory system explaining, 207–208
lesbians, 17 amniotic fluid embolism signs and assessment at booking visit, 187
in multiple births, 302 symptoms, 485 management, 44, 47–49
relaxation, postnatal, 508–509 fetal, 114–115 Robert’s pelvis, 70
relaxin, 94, 158, 167–168 neonatal, 670–671 roles (midwives) and responsibilities
REM sleep, fetal, 116 disorders/problems, 678–681 antenatal screening, 205–208, 212
remodelling phase of wound healing, initial examination and recognition with associated problems in
520f of problems, 670–671 pregnancy, 222
Remuneration Committee, 29 malformations, 654–656 breastfeeding, 715–716, 726


in caesarean section, psychological sacrococcygeal ligaments, 65 sense organs, fetal, 115–116

support, 465 sacrocotyloid dimension (pelvic inlet), sensory (afferent) pathways and labour
contraception, 570 67 pain, 350–351
disseminated intravascular sacroiliac joints, 64 sepsis
coagulation, 235 sacroiliac ligaments, 64 postnatal, 516
female genital mutilation, 317 sacrospinous ligaments, 64 shock due to, 489–492
in labour and childbirth, 361, sacrotuberous ligaments, 64 serious adverse incidents, 48–49
374–379 sacrum, 63 sertraline, 547
breech, 387 as denominator with breech services
confidence concerning birthing presentation, 196 in Global Standards for Midwifery
position, 372 safety Education (2010), 7
in induction of labour, 425–426 fetal ultrasonography, 211 maternity, obesity and, 255–256
initial examination of woman, infant sleeping, advice, 199, 626 mental health, 548–549
337 sagittal suture, 118 sexual health, future, 586
initial meeting with, 334–338 saliva in pregnancy, 161–162 sex chromosomes, 95, 115
pain control and, 355–356 excess (ptyalism), 162b conditions linked to gene defects
in prolonged labour, 428–429 salmon patch haemangioma, 593 on, 648
NMC and, 31–32 salpinges see fallopian tubes sex determination, 95, 115
occipitoposterior position, 439 sanctions (by NMC), 30 sex development, disorders, 597, 664,
postnatal care, 501–504 sarcomeres of respiratory muscle in 695
prolonged pregnancy, 420 pregnancy, 158 sex hormones, adrenal, 695
psychiatric disorders, 545 Saving Mothers’ Lives, 538, 550b sextuplets, UK statistics (1985–2011),
sexual health, 570 SBAR tool, 476 289t
roles (parenting), change and conflict, schizophrenia, 539 sexual development, indifferent state
534 postnatal symptoms of, 541 of, 115
rooting reflex, 608, 712 sclera (neonatal) sexual health
rotation first examination, 595 role of midwife, 570
external see external rotation NIPE (Newborn and Infant Physical services, future, 586
internal see internal rotation Examination), 605 shingles, 677
manual therapeutic manoeuvres see scope of practice (=Rule 5), 33–34, shivering (baby), inability, 598–599,
manual techniques 33b 623
posterior, of occiput, 385 Scotland see Midwives (Scotland) Act shock (circulatory failure), 489–492
round ligaments, 73 screening classification, 489
in pregnancy, 144 antenatal see antenatal screening shock (psychological) with loss, 556
rub up a contraction, 409 neonatal, 591–609 shoulders
rubella principles, 592b birth, 378–379
congenital, 676–677 scrotum, 78 dystocia, 479–483
immune status assessment, 215 neonatal, examination, 597 incidence, 479
booking visit, 189 Seasonale and Seasonique, 586–587 management and manoeuvres,
Rubin manoeuvre, 481 secretory phase of menstrual cycle, 95 480–483
rule(s), ethics and, 38 seizures/convulsions/fits outcomes, 483
rule utilitarianism, 38–39 maternal risk factors, 479–480
Rules and Standards, Midwives, 32–35, eclamptic, 251–252 warning signs and diagnosis, 480
387–388 epileptic, 277–279 internal rotation see internal
rupture of the membranes/waters neonatal, 639–641, 674 rotation
breaking (forewaters and/or causes, 674 presentation, 193–194, 449–451,
hindwaters), 369 support of parents, 641 477
artificial, 267, 296, 333, 424 selective progesterone receptor show (mucus plug), 327, 332–333,
failure (in labour), 333 modulators, 582 369
prelabour and preterm see prelabour selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, shower in labour, 343
rupture of the membranes; 546–547 shunts, left-to-right, 657–658
preterm prelabour rupture of self-care, postnatal, 526 siblings
the membranes self-regulation, 26–27 impact of loss, 563
seminal vesicles, 79 of multiples, 303
seminiferous tubules, 78, 80 sickle cell disease, 276–277
semi-recumbent positions (for labour depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
sacral dimple, 598 and birth), 360, 371 and, 576
sacro-anterior position, right, 380–381 breech birth, 381–384 screening for, 189, 210
sacrococcygeal joint, 64 and delayed birth of head, 385 signposting parents, 136


silicone (soft/silicone) ventouse cups, small for gestational age, 618–621 standards
457, 463 hypoglycaemia, 623 antenatal quality, 181
simethicone and lactase, 722 preterm and, 618 Global Standards for Midwifery
Simpson’s forceps, 460 small intestine in pregnancy, 163 Education (2010), 6
Sims’ position, exaggerated smoking for medicines management, 35
1st stage of labour, 439 combined oral contraceptive pill Midwives Rules and Standards, 32–35,
prolapsed cord, 478–479 and, 572 387–388
sinciput region (fetal skull), 118, 120 first antenatal visit and, 187 for preparation and practice of
sinus rhythm,, neonatal, 602–603 sniffing position, 613 supervisors of midwives, 42
sitting positions social circumstances established at Staphylococcus
for breastfeeding, 711–712 booking visit, 184 postnatal infection, 519
for labour and birth, 371 social contact with baby, 625 s. aureus, methicillin-resistant, 37
supported, 371–372, 374 social context of pregnancy/childbirth/ startle reflex, 608
skeleto-muscular system see motherhood, 13–18 status asthmaticus, 270
musculoskeletal system social impact of antenatal screening, status epilepticus, 278
Skene’s ducts, 89 204–205 statutory regulation, 26
skimmed milk in formula feeds, 726 social mode of (postnatal) care, 503 abortion, 227–228, 227b
skin (fetal), 116 social support see support postnatal care, 501
skin (maternal) socioeconomic disadvantage (incl. statutory instruments, 28
disorders, 236 poverty), 15 statutory supervision, 39–43,
perineal, suturing (after trauma), sodium, neonatal, 691–692 47–48
319 depletion, 691 stem cells (in embryonic
postnatal, 505 excess intake, 692 development), 99
pregnancy-related changes, imbalances, 691–692 harvesting, 99
167–168 sodium valproate, 548 sterilization (microbial), feeding
inspecting for, 190 soft tissue displacement in 2nd stage equipment, 728
preparation for caesarean section, of labour, 369 sterilization (reproductive), 585–586
464 soft ventouse cups (silicone/silastic feeding equipment, 728
pressure ulcer prevention in labour, cups), 457, 463 female, 585–586
343 somatic syndrome in depressive male, 586
skin (neonatal), 592–593 illness, 543 steroid hormones, placental, 104–105
care, 599–600 somatosensory function and pain, see also corticosteroids;
colour see colour 350–351 glucocorticoids;
examination (for problems), somersault manoeuvre, 378 mineralocorticoids
592–593, 668–670 soya-based formulae, 727 stethoscope, fetal heart, 194
lesions, 593, 600, 668–670 spermatic cord, 78 labour
traumatic, 593, 629–631 spermatozoon, 91 1st stage, 337, 344–345
vascular malformations/birth formation (spermatogenesis), 80 2nd stage, 376
marks, 593, 662–663 oocyte fertilisation by, 95–96 stillbirths, 557–558
rashes, 669–670 spermicides, 581 lactation and, 723–724
skin patch contraceptive, 574 sphygmomanometer, 245 multiple vs singleton, 304f
skin-to-skin contact (woman–baby), spina bifida, 659 stomach
296, 299, 398, 465, 499–500, occult, 598, 659–660 maternal, 163
599–600, 622, 711 spinal (intrathecal) anaesthesia for content aspiration into lungs, in
skull, fetal, 116, 118–122 caesarean section, 469 caesarean section, 470
in breech birth, vault born slowly, postoperative care, 467 neonatal, 600–601
385 spine tube feeding, 624
diameters, 120–121 maternal, deformation with stools see faeces
divisions, 118–120 concurrent pelvic deformation, strawberry haemangioma, 593,
fracture at birth, 633 70 662–663
moulding, 122 neonatal, examination, 598 streptococcus
sleep spiral arteries, 106, 146 group A, 281
fetal, 116 remodelling/modification, 106, group B see group B streptococcus
infant 146 postnatal infection, 519
benign sleep myoclonus, 674 failure, 145 stress (psychological), 532–533
safety advice, 199, 626 spirometry, asthma, 270 see also distress
maternal, disturbances, 159 squatting position, 371–372 stretch marks (stretch marks),
postnatal (and partner), 526 SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake 167–168, 190
‘sleepy’ babies, feeding, 724b inhibitors), 546–547 stretching the membranes, 199


preconception care and, 260, thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism), 263, tricyclic antidepressants, 546
277–278 263t tri-iodothyronine (T3), maternal, 170,
SSRIs, 547 thyroxine (T4), maternal, 170, 262 262
warfarin, 266 administration in hypothyroidism, excess, 262–263
terminal care with congenital 263–264 tripartite placenta, 109
malformations, 646–647 excess, 262–263 triphasic combined oral contraceptive
termination of pregnancy (induced or tiredness, postnatal, 508, 526 pill, 570
spontaneous) see abortion; tocolytics in preterm prelabour rupture triplets (and higher orders
miscarriage of the membranes, 240 pregnancies/births), 303
testes/testicles, 78 tocophobia, 533–534 UK statistics, 289t, 303f
neonatal tongue tie, 722 trisomy 13, 650
examination, 597 tonic-clonic seizures, maternal, 278t trisomy 18, 650
undescended, 664 tonic neck reflex, asymmetric, 608 trisomy 21 see Down syndrome
testosterone, 80 tonic seizures/convulsions trophoblast, 97, 146
tetralogy of Fallot, 657 maternal, 278t implantation see implantation
thalassaemia, 275–276 neonatal, 640 trophoblastic disease, gestational,
screening for, 189, 210–211 top-up (complementary) feeds, 226–227, 249
α-thalassaemia, 275 724–725 trunk diameters, 121
β-thalassaemia, 275–276 TORCH, 676, 688 trust, public, 34
sickle cell and, 243 torticollis, 631 tube feeding of baby, 624
thermoregulation (temperature totipotent stem cells, 99 tubules (renal), secretion by, 86
control), neonatal, 598–599, touch, mother–baby, 625–626 tumours (neoplasms)
670–671 toxic chemicals, placenta transfer, 105 adrenal gland, 248
LBW babies, 623 toxic (septic) shock, 489–492 malignant see cancer
twin babies, 299 toxicity, drug, 492 pituitary, 264–265
three-dimensional ultrasonography, toxoplasmosis, 677–678 tunica albuginea, 78
214 screening, 189 tunica vaginalis, 78
thrombin, 234 tracheal intubation in caesarean tunica vasculosa, 78
thrombocytopenia (low platelets) section, difficult/failed, 470–471 Turner syndrome, 650
maternal, 638 traction twin pregnancy see multiple pregnancy
see also HELPP syndrome controlled (on umbilical cord) see twin reversed arterial perfusion, 298
neonatal, 638, 688 umbilical cord twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome,
thrombocytopenic purpura, maternal in forceps birth, 461 297
idiopathic, 667 in ventouse birth, 457, 459 Twins and Multiple Births Association
thromboembolic disease (venous adverse effects, 462–463 (TAMBA), 305
thromboembolism), 270–273 training
combined oral contraceptive pill NIPE (Newborn and Infant Physical
and risk of, 572 Examination), 607
prevention (thromboprophylaxis), perineal repair, 321 ulipristal acetate, 582
270–271 transcutaneous electrical nerve ultrasonography (abdominal/fetal)
in caesarean section, 465 stimulation (TENS), 353 dating of pregnancy, 418
postnatal, 271–273, 522 transitional epithelium diabetic women, 261
thromboembolic-deterrent (TED) bladder, 88 hydramnios, 238
compression support stockings, ureter, 87 in hypertensive disorders, 248
266–268, 271, 277, 467, 522, urethra, 88 oligohydramnios, 239
525–526 transport mechanisms, placental, 106 for screening, 211–214
thromboplastin, 234 transposition of the great arteries, 1st trimester, 212–213
thrombosis, 266 604b, 657 2nd trimester (incl. 18+0 to 20+6
deep vein, 190, 229, 271–273, 522 transverse cervical ligaments, 72 weeks), 213
disposition in metabolic syndrome, transverse diameter of pelvic inlet, safety, 211
254 66–67 three-dimensional, 214
history of, 185 transverse lie, 194, 197f, 477 twin pregnancy, 292
management, 266 shoulder presentation, 451 women’s experiences, 211–212
thrush see Candida albicans trauma see injury see also Doppler assessment
thyroid travelling families, 17 umbilical arteries, 112
disease Trendelenburg posture, prolapsed cord umbilical cord, 107
maternal, 262–264 management, 478–479 anatomical variations, 108–109
neonatal, 694–695 Treponema pallidum see syphilis around neck (at birth), 378
function, maternal, 169–170 trials, randomized controlled, 18–19 blood sampling, 404


breaking, 411 urinary incontinence (and other inversion, 486–487

clamping and cutting, 379, 399, urinary problems) acute, 486–487
401–402 antenatal, 161b classification by severity, 486
with cord around neck, 378 postnatal, 507, 523–524 subacute and chronic, 486
early, 401 urinary tract (baby) involution, 505–507, 518
late/delayed, 402 fetal, 115 in labour
timing in relation to postpartum infection, 671–672 in 1st stage, actions, 330–332
haemorrhage incidence, 403 malformations, 663–664 in 2nd stage, actions, 368–369
controlled traction, 399, 402–403 see also genitourinary system contractions see subheading above
and counter-traction, 403 urinary tract (female), 81–90 at onset of labour, 329
timing in relation to postpartum catheterization in caesarean section, malformations, 74–75
haemorrhage incidence, 403 464 muscles
loosening gently (in breech), 385 in pregnancy and childbirth, 89–90, contractions see contractions
presentation, 478 159–161 laxity causing shoulder
definition, 477 infection, 281–282 presentation, 441–442
predisposing factors, 477 urination see micturition retraction, see subheading below
prolapse, 385, 477–479 urine, 84–86 neck see cervix
definition, 477 characteristics, 84 postnatal
diagnosis, 478 production/output, breastfed baby, changes, 505
in malpresentations, 448, 451, 477 718 deviation from normal physiology
management, 478–479 production/output, maternal, 85–86 and potential morbidity, 518f
in multiple pregnancy, 298, 477 in pregnancy and childbirth, 90 morbidity after operative birth,
in occipitoposterior position, 438 tests (incl. urinalysis from mid- 519–520
occult, 477 stream specimens), 215, 282 morbidity after vaginal birth,
predisposing factors, 477 at booking visit, 188 518–519
stump see umbilicus in labour, 341 in pregnancy, 144–148
umbilical veins, 112 in proteinuria, 250 apoplexy, 233
at birth, 117 urogenital system see genitourinary divisions, 148
umbilicus (and umbilical stump) system; reproductive system; fibroids see fibroids
bleeding from, 639 urinary tract glands, 102
bowel protruding through urogenital triangle, 56–57 palpation see palpation
(omphalocele), 650 uterine souffle, 146 shape and size change, 147–148
examination, 637 uterine tubes see fallopian tubes resting tone (in labour), 331
infections, 675 uterosacral ligaments, 73 retraction (in labour), 331
UNICEF uterotonics (oxytoxics; ecbolics) in 3rd in 3rd stage of labour, 397
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative stage of labour, 399 retraction ring, 331–332
(with WHO), 718–719, 727, breech birth and, 382 rupture, 484–485
729–730 caesarean section, 465 segments (upper and lower in
International Code of Marketing of postpartum haemorrhage (PH) and labour)
Breastmilk Substitutes and, 729 timing of administration in formation, 331
uniovular twins see monozygotic twins relation to incidence of PH, 403 lower uterine segment technique
unsettled babies, feeding, 725b in treatment of PH, 409 for caesarean section, 465
upper limb see arm uterus, 72–74 utilitarianism, 38–39
upright birth positions, 343, 371–372 anterior obliquity, 444
breech birth, 360, 381–385 atonic, 406, 409
urachus, 88 bimanual compression in
urea measurements in pregnancy, 155t, postpartum haemorrhage vaccination
161 treatment, 409–411 HPV, 281
ureters, 82, 86–87 emptying, in postpartum rubella, 189, 676–677
in pregnancy and childbirth, 156, haemorrhage treatment, 409 VACTERL spectrum, 650–651, 660
160 fundus, 73 vacuum extraction see ventouse
urethra dominance (first stage of labour), vagina (maternal), 70–72
females, 88–89 330 blood loss from see bleeding;
males eclamptic seizure and, 252 haemorrhage
opening on penis undersurface massage, 409 in labour and childbirth,
(hypospadias), 596, 664 measuring height (in pregnancy ), examination, 340
orifice, 56 191 brow presentation, 449
posterior, valves, 663 palpation (in pregnancy), 191 face presentation, 445
urinalysis see urine pressure (gentle), 411 indications, 340


initial, 337 Venereal disease research laboratory vitamin K (phytomenadione/

occipitoposterior position, 438 (VDRL) test, 188 phytonadione/phylloquinone),
shoulder presentation, 450–451 venlafaxine, 547 708–709
misoprostol, for induction of labour, venous sinuses, 122 neonatal/infant
424 ventilation, neonatal intermittent administration and
orifice/introitus, 56 positive pressure, 613 supplementation, 600,
in perineal injury, suturing, 318–319 ventilatory breaths for babies, 613 637–638, 688, 709
in pregnancy, 149 ventouse (vacuum extractor), 457–460 breastmilk source, 709
leucorrhoea (white discharge), complications, 462 deficiency (and associated
149, 189–190 contraindications, 462–463 bleeding), 637–638, 688, 709
vagina (neonatal), bleeding, 639 neonatal trauma, 629–630, 639 in obstetric cholestasis, supplements,
vaginal birth/delivery failure, 463 236
assisted see instrumental vaginal indications, 456 vitelline arteries, 112
birth procedure, 458–459 vitelline duct, 98–99
breech presentation, 356–360, types, 457–458 vitelline veins, 112
380–387 use, 458 Voltarol see diclofenac
1st stage of labour, 356–360 precautions, 459 voluntary removal from Register, 31
2nd stage of labour, 380–387 see also instrumental vaginal birth voluntary risk-pooling scheme for
assisting manoeuvres, 384–385 ventricles (brain), haemorrhage from negligence claims, 47
checklist, 385b (IVH), 635–637 volvulus, 652–653
facilitation, 382–385 ventricles (heart) vomiting (emesis)
instrument-assisted, 384, 456 ejection murmur, 603 maternal, 162, 228–229
brow presentation, unlikeliness, 449 septal defect (VSD) neonatal
epidural analgesia and, 371b maternal, 268 bile-stained, 672
multiple pregnancy, 294 neonatal, 602, 658 blood-stained (haematemesis),
previous caesarean section and, 466 verbal consent, 36 639
uterus and vaginal loss after, vernix caseosa, 107, 116 vulnerable women, 13, 184
518–519 vertex presentation, 121, 193–194 vulva, 55–56
vaginal ring, combined hormonal, occiput as denominator with, 196
574 positions in, 198b, 198f
valproate (sodium), 548 see also specific types of vertex
Valsalva manoeuvre in 2nd stage of presentation Wales, All Wales Clinical Pathway for
labour, 371 vertex region of fetal skull, 120 Normal Labour, 388
cardiac disease and, 267 vesicular rash, 669 warfarin, 266
valvular rheumatic heart disease, vestibular glands, greater, 56 warming in hypovolaemic shock, 490
268–269 vestibule, vulval, 56 warts, genital, 281
Vancouver wrap, 712 bulbs, 56 water, body
varicella see chickenpox vicarious liability, 37 maternal, 166
varicella zoster virus, 677 viral infections, neonatal, 676–677 neonatal depletion, 691–692
varicose veins in pregnancy, 153, 190 Virchow’s triad, 271–272 water birth see birth pool
vasa praevia, 109, 476–477 virilization (masculinization), female, water-soluble vitamins, 709
vascular birth marks, 593, 662–663 664, 695 water supply for infant feed
vascular endothelial growth factor visceral pain, 351 preparation, 728
(VEGF), 105 visits see antenatal care; booking visit; waters breaking see rupture of the
vasculature see blood supply; blood home membranes
vessels vital capacity, 158 weaning from breast, 724
vasectomy, 579 vital signs, postnatal, 504–505, 517 weight, maternal, 165–166
vasodilation in pregnancy, 150–151 vitamin(s) (in general) at booking visit, 187–188
vasopressin see antidiuretic hormone breastmilk, 708–709 gain in pregnancy, 254–255
veins deficiency, pelvic anomalies, 70 postnatal difficulties in losing
central venous pressure monitoring wound healing and, 521t weight after, 256–257
in shock, 491 vitamin A, breastmilk, 708 see also obesity
fetal development, 112–114 vitamin B complex, breastmilk, 709 weight, neonatal, 617–618
supply to female reproductive vitamin C, breastmilk, 709 classification, 617–618
organs see blood supply vitamin D, 708 loss followed by gain, 601, 718
thrombosis see thromboembolic breastmilk, 708 see also low birth weight
disease; thrombosis deficiency, 674, 708 Welfare Food Scheme, 729
varicose, in pregnancy, 153, 190 supplementation, 165, 708 well-being see health and well-being
velamentous insertion of cord, 109 vitamin E, breastmilk, 708 Wharton’s jelly, 107


whey injury see injury workshops, postnatal, women’s views,

in breastmilk, whey-dominance, 708 in instrumental delivery 502
in formula feeds, 726 complications, 462 World Health Organization (WH)
hydrolysates, 727 as forceps delivery indicator, 456 Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
whey-dominant formulae, 726 intrauterine growth restriction (with UNICEF), 718–719, 727,
white blood cells in pregnancy, related to, 620 729–730
156–157 in loss breastfeeding promotion initiative,
white spots (nipple surface), 721 care of, 561–563 729–730
WHO see World Health Organization contact with baby, 560–561 formula feeding, 728–729
Who Is There for Us? People and milk production and, 706–707 labour defined by, 328
Resources (theme in antenatal numbers in antenatal education wound, postnatal, 520–522
education programme), 136 group, 139 care after caesarean section, 467
Why Mothers Die in the UK, 538 obesity risks to, 255 deviation from normal physiology
Winterton Report (1992), 500 postnatal, 256 and potential morbidity, 518f
withdrawal (in drug abuse), babies, in partnership with midwives see healing, phases, 520f
696 partnership problems, 520–522
pharmacological treatment, in postnatal period Wrigley’s forceps, 460
696–697 care focused on, 516 written consent, 36
signs, 696 contact with/visits by midwife,
withdrawal method (coitus 503–504
interruptus), 582 immediate untoward events,
women (as users/clients/mothers) 516–517 X chromosomes, 95, 115
amniotic fluid embolism morbidity, potentially life-threatening conditions linked to defects on,
486 conditions, 516 648
in antepartum haemorrhage views of, 502b XO (Turner) syndrome, 650
effects on woman, 230 in postpartum haemorrhage
initial appraisal of woman, 230 observation, 412–413
attachment to baby, 556 resuscitation, 409
caesarean section requested by, 465 prolonged pregnancy and its impact Y chromosome, 95, 115
care of or centred on, 13 on, 418–419 young mothers see minors; teenage
immediate care after birthing, psychosocial impact of antenatal mothers
405–406 screening, 204–205
in induction of labour, 425–426 puerperium see postnatal period
in loss, 561–563 relationships with others see
in multiple births, 302 relationships Zavanelli manoeuvre, 482–483
postnatal, 516 screening for disorders, 214–217 zinc, infant breastfeeding, 709–710
in second stage of labour, in shoulder dystocia, morbidity, zona pellucida
398–404 483 penetration by sperm, 95
communication with see in shoulder presentation causation, in pre-embryonic period, 96–97
communication 449–450 zygosity of twins, 95–96, 288
contact with baby see contact in transition and third stage of determination, 288–292
counselling see counselling labour, response, 370–373 after birth, 292
death see death in unstable lie causation, 451 relationship between chorionicity
disadvantaged see disadvantaged see also female baby genitalia; female and, 291t
groups genital mutilation zygote
examination see examination Woods manoeuvre, 481 development, 96–99
experiences see experiences work, lactation cessation with return formation (by fertilisation),
information for see information to, 724 95–96


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